Category: Medical MARIJUANA

35 of the Most Dangerous Viruses and Bacteria’s in the World Today

The Black Plague, Marburg, Ebola, Influenza, Enterovirus virus may all sound terrifying, but it’s not the most dangerous virus in the world. It isn’t HIV either. Here is a list of the most dangerous viruses and Bacteria’s on the Planet Earth.

High security laboratory

1. Marburg Virus The most dangerous virus is the Marburg virus. It is named after a small and idyllic town on the river Lahn – but that has nothing to do with the disease itself. The Marburg virus is a hemorrhagic fever virus. As with Ebola, the Marburg virus causes convulsions and bleeding of mucous membranes, skin and organs. It has a fatality rate of 90 percent.  The Marburg virus causes a rare, but severe hemorrhagic fever that has a fatality rate of 88%. It was first identified in 1967 when outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever cropped up simultaneously in Marburg, where the disease got its name, Frankfurt in Germany and Belgrade, Serbia.


Marburg and Ebola came from the Filoviridae family of viruses. They both have the capacity to cause dramatic outbreaks with the greatest fatality rates. It is transmitted to humans from fruit bats and spreads to humans through direct contact with the blood, secretions and other bodily fluids of infected humans. No anti-viral treatment or vaccine exists against the Marburg virus. In 1967, a group of lab workers in Germany (Marburg and Frankfurt) and Serbia (then Yugoslavia) contracted a new type of hemorrhagic fever from some virus-carrying African green monkeys that had been imported for research and development of polio vaccines. The Marburg virus is also BSL-4, and Marburg hemorrhagic fever has a 23 to 90 percent fatality rate. Spread through close human-to-human contact, symptoms start with a headache, fever, and a rash on the trunk, and progress to multiple organ failure and massive internal bleeding.

There is no cure, and the latest cases were reported out of Uganda at the end of 2012. An American tourist who had explored a Ugandan cave full of fruit bats known to be reservoirs of the virus contracted it and survived in 2008. (But not before bringing his sick self back to the U.S.)

2. Ebola Virus  There are five strains of the Ebola virus, each named after countries and regions in Africa: Zaire, Sudan, Tai Forest, Bundibugyo and Reston. The Zaire Ebola virus is the deadliest, with a mortality rate of 90 percent. It is the strain currently spreading through Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, and beyond. Scientists say flying foxes probably brought the Zaire Ebola virus into cities.

Typically less than 100 lives a year. UPDATE: A severe Ebola outbreak was detected in West Africa in March 2014. The number of deaths in this latest outbreak has outnumbered all other known cases from previous outbreaks combined. The World Health Organization is reporting nearly 2,000 deaths in this latest outbreak.
Once a person is infected with the virus, the disease has an incubation period of 2-21 days; however, some infected persons are asymptomatic. Initial symptoms are sudden malaise, headache, and muscle pain, progressing to high fever, vomiting, severe hemorrhaging (internally and out of the eyes and mouth) and in 50%-90% of patients, death, usually within days. The likelihood of death is governed by the virulence of the particular Ebola strain involved. Ebola virus is transmitted in body fluids and secretions; there is no evidence of transmission by casual contact. There is no vaccine and no cure.

Its melodic moniker may roll off the tongue, but if you contract the virus (above), that’s not the only thing that will roll off one of your body parts (a disturbing amount of blood coming out of your eyes, for instance). Four of the five known Ebola viral strains cause Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF), which has killed thousands of people in sub-Saharan African nations since its discovery in 1976.

The deadly virus is named after the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where it was first reported, and is classified as a CDC Biosafety Level 4, a.k.a. BSL-4, making it one of the most dangerous pathogens on the planet. It is thought to spread through close contact with bodily secretions. EHF has a 50 to 90 percent mortality rate, with a rapid onset of symptoms that start with a headache and sore throat and progress to major internal and external bleeding and multiple organ failure. There’s no known cure, and the most recent cases were reported at the end of 2012 in Uganda.

3. The Hantavirus describes several types of viruses. It is named after a river where American soldiers were first thought to have been infected with the Hantavirus, during the Korean War in 1950. Symptoms include lung disease, fever and kidney failure.

70,000 Deaths a Year
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a deadly disease transmitted by infected rodents through urine, droppings, or saliva. Humans can contract the disease when they breathe in aerosolized virus. HPS was first recognized in 1993 and has since been identified throughout the United States. Although rare, HPS is potentially deadly. Rodent control in and around the home remains the primary strategy for preventing hantavirus infection. Also known as House Mouse Flu. The symptoms, which are very similar to HFRS, include tachycardia and tachypnea. Such conditions can lead to a cardiopulmonary phase, where cardiovascular shock can occur, and hospitalization of the patient is required.

There are many strains of hantavirus floating around (yep, it’s airborne) in the wake of rodents that carry the virus. Different strains, carried by different rodent species, are known to cause different types of illnesses in humans, most notably hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS)—first discovered during the Korean War—and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), which reared its ugly head with a 1993 outbreak in the Southwestern United States. Severe HFRS causes acute kidney failure, while HPS gets you by filling your lungs with fluid (edema). HFRS has a mortality rate of 1 to 15 percent, while HPS is 38 percent. The U.S. saw its most recent outbreak of hantavirus—of the HPS variety—at Yosemite National Park in late 2012.

4. Avian Influenza Bird Flu The various strains of bird flu regularly cause panic – which is perhaps justified because the mortality rate is 70 percent. But in fact the risk of contracting the H5N1 strain – one of the best known – is quite low. You can only be infected through direct contact with poultry. It is said this explains why most cases appear in Asia, where people often live close to chickens.


This form of the flu is common among birds (usually poultry) and infects humans through contact with secretions of an infected bird.

Although rare, those infected have a high incidence of death. Symptoms are like those of the more common human form of influenza.

Bird flu (H5N1) has receded from international headlines for the moment, as few human cases of the deadly virus have been reported this year. But when Dutch researchers recently created an even more transmissible strain of the virus in a laboratory for research purposes, they stirred grave concerns about what would happen if it escaped into the outside world. “Part of what makes H5N1 so deadly is that most people lack an immunity to it,” explains Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) who studies the spread of infectious diseases. “If you make a strain that’s highly transmissible between humans, as the Dutch team did, it could be disastrous if it ever escaped the lab.”


H5N1 first made global news in early 1997 after claiming two dozen victims in Hong Kong. The virus normally occurs only in wild birds and farm-raised fowl, but in those isolated early cases, it made the leap from birds to humans. It then swept unimpeded through the bodies of its initial human victims, causing massive hemorrhages in the lungs and death in a matter of days. Fortunately, during the past 15 years, the virus has claimed only 400 victims worldwide—although the strain can jump species, it hasn’t had the ability to move easily from human to human, a critical limit to its spread.


That’s no longer the case, however. In late 2011, the Dutch researchers announced the creation of an H5N1 virus transmissible through the air between ferrets (the best animal model for studying the impact of disease on humans). The news caused a storm of controversy in the popular press and heated debate among scientists over the ethics of the work. For Lipsitch and many others, the creation of the new strain was cause for alarm. “H5N1 influenza is already one of the most deadly viruses in existence,” he says. “If you make [the virus] transmissible [between humans], you have to be very concerned about what the resulting strain could do.”


To put this danger in context, the 1918 “Spanish” flu—one of the most deadly influenza epidemics on record—killed between 50 million and 100 million people worldwide, or roughly 3 to 6 percent of those infected. The more lethal SARS virus (see “The SARS Scare,” March-April 2007, page 47) killed almost 10 percent of infected patients during a 2003 outbreak that reached 25 countries worldwide. H5N1 is much more dangerous, killing almost 60 percent of those who contract the illness.


If a transmissible strain of H5N1 escapes the lab, says Lipsitch, it could spark a global health catastrophe. “It could infect millions of people in the United States, and very likely more than a billion people globally, like most successful flu strains do,” he says. “This might be one of the worst viruses—perhaps the worst virus—in existence right now because it has both transmissibility and high virulence.”

Influenza A Pandemics

Ironically, this is why Ron Fouchier, the Dutch virologist whose lab created the new H5N1 strain, argues that studying it in more depth is crucial. If the virus can be made transmissible in the lab, he reasons, it can also occur in nature—and researchers should have an opportunity to understand as much as possible about the strain before that happens.


Lipsitch, who directs the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at HSPH, thinks the risks far outweigh the rewards. Even in labs with the most stringent safety requirements, such as enclosed rubber “space suits” to isolate researchers, accidents do happen. A single unprotected breath could infect a researcher, who might unknowingly spread the virus beyond the confines of the lab.


In an effort to avoid this scenario, Lipsitch has been pushing for changes in research policy in the United States and abroad. (A yearlong, voluntary global ban on H5N1 research was lifted in many countries in January, and new rules governing such research in the United States were expected in February.) Lipsitch says that none of the current research proposals he has seen “would significantly improve our preparational response to a national pandemic of H5N1. The small risk of a very large public health disaster…is not worth taking [for] scientific knowledge without an immediate public health application.” His recent op-eds in scientific journals and the popular press have stressed the importance of regulating the transmissible strain and limiting work with the virus to only a handful of qualified labs. In addition, he argues, only technicians who have the right training and experience—and have been inoculated against the virus—should be allowed to handle it.

Figure 5_MACKAY

These are simple limitations that could drastically reduce the danger of the virus spreading, he asserts, yet they’re still not popular with some researchers. He acknowledges that limiting research is an unusual practice scientifically but argues, “These are unusual circumstances.”


Lipsitch thinks a great deal of useful research can still be done on the non-transmissible strain of the virus, which would provide valuable data without the risk of accidental release. In the meantime, he hopes to make more stringent H5N1 policies a priority for U.S. and foreign laboratories. Although it’s not a perfect solution, he says, it’s far better than a nightmare scenario.

5. Lassa Virus  A nurse in Nigeria was the first person to be infected with the Lassa virus. The virus is transmitted by rodents. Cases can be endemic – which means the virus occurs in a specific region, such as in western Africa, and can reoccur there at any time. Scientists assume that 15 percent of rodents in western Africa carry the virus.

Marburg virus

The Marburg virus under a microscope

This BSL-4 virus gives us yet another reason to avoid rodents. Lassa is carried by a species of rat in West Africa called Mastomys. It’s airborne…at least when you’re hanging around the rat’s fecal matter. Humans, however, can only spread it through direct contact with bodily secretions. Lassa fever, which has a 15 to 20 percent mortality rate, causes about 5000 deaths a year in West Africa, particularly in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

It starts with a fever and some retrosternal pain (behind the chest) and can progress to facial swelling, encephalitis, mucosal bleeding and deafness. Fortunately, researchers and medical professionals have found some success in treating Lassa fever with an antiviral drug in the early stages of the disease.

6. The Junin Virus is associated with Argentine hemorrhagic fever. People infected with the virus suffer from tissue inflammation, sepsis and skin bleeding. The problem is that the symptoms can appear to be so common that the disease is rarely detected or identified in the first instance.


A member of the genus Arenavirus, Junin virus characteristically causes Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF). AHF leads to major alterations within the vascular, neurological and immune systems and has a mortality rate of between 20 and 30%.  Symptoms of the disease are conjunctivitis, purpura, petechia and occasional sepsis. The symptoms of the disease are relatively indistinct and may therefore be mistaken for a different condition.


Since the discovery of the Junin virus in 1958, the geographical distribution of the pathogen, although still confined to Argentina, has risen. At the time of discovery, Junin virus was confined to an area of around 15,000 km². At the beginning of 2000, the distribution had risen to around 150,000 km². The natural hosts of Junin virus are rodents, particularly Mus musculus, Calomys spp. and Akodon azarae.


Direct rodent to human transmission only transpires when contact is made with excrement of an infected rodent. This commonly occurs via ingestion of contaminated food or water, inhalation of particles within urine or via direct contact of broken skin with rodent excrement.

7. The Crimea-Congo Fever Virus is transmitted by ticks. It is similar to the Ebola and Marburg viruses in the way it progresses. During the first days of infection, sufferers present with pin-sized bleedings in the face, mouth and the pharynx.

Transmitted through tick bites this disease is endemic (consistently present)  in most countries of West Africa and the Middle East. Although rare, CCHF has a 30% mortality rate. The most recent outbreak of the disease was in 2005 in Turkey. The Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is a common disease transmitted by a tick-Bourne virus. The virus causes major hemorrhagic fever outbreaks with a fatality rate of up to 30%. It is chiefly transmitted to people through tick and livestock. Person-to-person transmission occurs through direct contact with the blood, secretions and other bodily fluids of an infected person. No vaccination exists for both humans and animals against CCHF.

8. The Machupo Virus is associated with Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, also known as black typhus. The infection causes high fever, accompanied by heavy bleedings. It progresses similar to the Junin virus. The virus can be transmitted from human to human, and rodents often the carry it.


Bolivian hemorrhagic fever (BHF), also known as black typhus or Ordog Fever, is a hemorrhagic fever and zoonotic infectious disease originating in Bolivia after infection by Machupo virus.BHF was first identified in 1963 as an ambisense RNA virus of the Arenaviridae family,by a research group led by Karl Johnson. The mortality rate is estimated at 5 to 30 percent.


Due to its pathogenicity, Machupo virus requires Biosafety Level Four conditions, the highest level.In February and March 2007, some 20 suspected BHF cases (3 fatal) were reported to the El Servicio Departmental de Salud (SEDES) in Beni Department, Bolivia, and in February 2008, at least 200 suspected new cases (12 fatal) were reported to SEDES.In November 2011, a SEDES expert involved in a serosurvey to determine the extent of Machupo virus infections in the Department after the discovery of a second confirmed case near the departmental capital of Trinidad in November, 2011, expressed concern about expansion of the virus’ distribution outside the endemic zone in Mamoré and Iténez provinces.

NAmerican viruses

Bolivian hemorrhagic fever was one of three hemorrhagic fevers and one of more than a dozen agents that the United States researched as potential biological weapons before the nation suspended its biological weapons program. It was also under research by the Soviet Union, under the Biopreparat bureau.

9. Kyasanur Forest Virus  Scientists discovered the Kyasanur Forest Virus (KFD) virus in woodlands on the southwestern coast of India in 1955. It is transmitted by ticks, but scientists say it is difficult to determine any carriers. It is assumed that rats, birds and boars could be hosts. People infected with the virus suffer from high fever, strong headaches and muscle pain which can cause bleedings.


The disease has a morbidity rate of 2-10%, and affects 100-500 people annually.The symptoms of the disease include a high fever with frontal headaches, followed by hemorrhagic symptoms, such as bleeding from the nasal cavity, throat, and gums, as well as gastrointestinal bleeding.An affected person may recover in two weeks time, but the convalescent period is typically very long, lasting for several months. There will be muscle aches and weakness during this period and the affected person is unable to engage in physical activities.


There are a variety of animals thought to be reservoir hosts for the disease, including porcupines, rats, squirrels, mice and shrews. The vector for disease transmission is Haemaphysalis spinigera, a forest tick. Humans contract infection from the bite of nymphs of the tick.

Kyasanur Forest Disease Host

The disease was first reported from Kyasanur Forest of Karnataka in India in March 1957. The disease first manifested as an epizootic outbreak among monkeys killing several of them in the year 1957. Hence the disease is also locally known as Monkey Disease or Monkey Fever. The similarity with Russian Spring-summer encephalitis was noted and the possibility of migratory birds carrying the disease was raised. Studies began to look for the possible species that acted as reservoirs for the virus and the agents responsible for transmission. Subsequent studies failed to find any involvement of migratory birds although the possibility of their role in initial establishment was not ruled out. The virus was found to be quite distinctive and not closely related to the Russian virus strains.


Antigenic relatedness is however close to many other strains including the Omsk hemorrhagic fever (OHF) and birds from Siberia have been found to show an antigenic response to KFD virus. Sequence based studies however note the distinctiveness of OHF.Early studies in India were conducted in collaboration with the US Army Medical Research Unit and this led to controversy and conspiracy theories.


Subsequent studies based on sequencing found that the Alkhurma virus, found in Saudi Arabia is closely related. In 1989 a patient in Nanjianin, China was found with fever symptoms and in 2009 its viral gene sequence was found to exactly match with that of the KFD reference virus of 1957. This has however been questioned since the Indian virus shows variations in sequence over time and the exact match with the virus sequence of 1957 and the Chinese virus of 1989 is not expected.


This study also found using immune response tests that birds and humans in the region appeared to have been exposed to the virus.Another study has suggested that the virus is recent in origin dating the nearest common ancestor of it and related viruses to around 1942, based on the estimated rate of sequence substitutions. The study also raises the possibility of bird involvement in long-distance transfer. It appears that these viruses diverged 700 years ago.

10. Dengue Fever is a constant threat. If you’re planning a holiday in the tropics, get informed about dengue. Transmitted by mosquitoes, dengue affects between 50 and 100 million people a year in popular holiday destinations such as Thailand and India. But it’s more of a problem for the 2 billion people who live in areas that are threatened by dengue fever.

25,000 Deaths a year Also known as ‘breakbone fever’ due to the extreme pain felt during fever, is an relatively new disease caused by one of four closely-related viruses. WHO estimates that a whopping 2.5 billion people (two fifths of the World’s population) are at risk from dengue. It puts the total number of infections at around 50 million per year, and is now epidemic in more than 100 countries.

Dengue viruses are transferred to humans through the bites of infective female Aedes mosquitoes. The dengue virus circulates in the blood of a human for two to seven days, during the same time they have the fever. It usually appears first on the lower limbs and the chest; in some patients, it spreads to cover most of the body. There may also be severe retro-orbital pain, (a pain from behind the eyes that is distinctive to Dengue infections), and gastritis with some combination of associated abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting coffee-grounds-like congealed blood, or severe diarrhea.

The leading cause of death in the tropics and subtropics is the infection brought on by the dengue virus, which causes a high fever, severe headache, and, in the worst cases, hemorrhaging. The good news is that it’s treatable and not contagious. The bad news is there’s no vaccine, and you can get it easily from the bite of an infected mosquito—which puts at least a third of the world’s human population at risk. The CDC estimates that there are over 100 million cases of dengue fever each year. It’s a great marketing tool for bug spray.

11. HIV 3.1 Million Lives a Year Human Immunodeficiency Virus has claimed the lives of more than 25 million people since 1981. HIV gets to the immune system by infecting important cells, including helper cells called CD4+ T cells, plus macrophanges and dendritic cells. Once the virus has taken hold, it systematically kills these cells, damaging the infected person’s immunity and leaving them more at risk from infections.

The majority of people infected with HIV go on to develop AIDS. Once a patient has AIDS common infections and tumours normally controlled by the CD4+ T cells start to affect the person.  
In the latter stages of the disease, pneumonia and various types of herpes can infect the patient and cause death.


Human immunodeficiency virus infection / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The term HIV/AIDS represents the entire range of disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus from early infection to late stage symptoms. During the initial infection, a person may experience a brief period of influenza-like illness. This is typically followed by a prolonged period without symptoms. As the illness progresses, it interferes more and more with the immune system, making the person much more likely to get infections, including opportunistic infections and tumors that do not usually affect people who have working immune systems.


HIV is transmitted primarily via unprotected sexual intercourse (including anal and oral sex), contaminated blood transfusions, hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. Some bodily fluids, such as saliva and tears, do not transmit HIV. Prevention of HIV infection, primarily through safe sex and needle-exchange programs, is a key strategy to control the spread of the disease. There is no cure or vaccine; however, antiretroviral treatment can slow the course of the disease and may lead to a near-normal life expectancy. While antiretroviral treatment reduces the risk of death and complications from the disease, these medications are expensive and have side effects. Without treatment, the average survival time after infection with HIV is estimated to be 9 to 11 years, depending on the HIV subtype.


Genetic research indicates that HIV originated in west-central Africa during the late nineteenth or early twentieth century. AIDS was first recognized by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1981 and its cause—HIV infection—was identified in the early part of the decade. Since its discovery, AIDS has caused an estimated 36 million deaths worldwide (as of 2012). As of 2012, approximately 35.3 million people are living with HIV globally. HIV/AIDS is considered a pandemic—a disease outbreak which is present over a large area and is actively spreading.


HIV/AIDS has had a great impact on society, both as an illness and as a source of discrimination. The disease also has significant economic impacts. There are many misconceptions about HIV/AIDS such as the belief that it can be transmitted by casual non-sexual contact. The disease has also become subject to many controversies involving religion. It has attracted international medical and political attention as well as large-scale funding since it was identified in the 1980s


12. Rotavirus 61,000 Lives a Year  According to the WHO, this merciless virus causes the deaths of more than half a million children every year. In fact, by the age of five, virtually every child on the planet has been infected with the virus at least once. Immunity builds up with each infection, so subsequent infections are milder. However, in areas where adequate healthcare is limited the disease is often fatal. Rotavirus infection usually occurs through ingestion of contaminated stool.

Because the virus is able to live a long time outside of the host, transmission can occur through ingestion of contaminated food or water, or by coming into direct contact with contaminated surfaces, then putting hands in the mouth.
Once it’s made its way in, the rotavirus infects the cells that line the small intestine and multiplies. It emits an enterotoxin, which gives rise to gastroenteritis.

13. Smallpox   Officially eradicated – Due to it’s long history, it impossible to estimate the carnage over the millennia Smallpox localizes in small blood vessels of the skin and in the mouth and throat. In the skin, this results in a characteristic maculopapular rash, and later, raised fluid-filled blisters. It has an overall mortality rate of 30–35%. Smallpox is believed to have emerged in human populations about 10,000 BC. The disease killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans per year during the closing years of the 18th century (including five reigning monarchs), and was responsible for a third of all blindness. Of all those infected, 20–60%—and over 80% of infected children—died from the disease.
Smallpox was responsible for an estimated 300–500 million deaths during the 20th century alone. In the early 1950s an estimated 50 million cases of smallpox occurred in the world each year.

As recently as 1967, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 15 million people contracted the disease and that two million died in that year. After successful vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the WHO certified the eradication of smallpox in December 1979.
Smallpox is one of only two infectious diseases to have been eradicated by humans, the other being Rinderpest, which was unofficially declared eradicated in October 2010.

The virus that causes smallpox wiped out hundreds of millions of people worldwide over thousands of years. We can’t even blame it on animals either, as the virus is only carried by and contagious for humans. There are several different types of smallpox disease that result from an infection ranging from mild to fatal, but it is generally marked by a fever, rash, and blistering, oozing pustules that develop on the skin. Fortunately, smallpox was declared eradicated in 1979, as the result of successful worldwide implementation of the vaccine.

14. Hepatitis B  521,000 Deaths a Year A third of the World’s population (over 2 billion people) has come in contact with this virus, including 350 million chronic carriers. In China and other parts of Asia, up to 10% of the adult population is chronically infected. The symptoms of acute hepatitis B include yellowing of the skin of eyes, dark urine, vomiting, nausea, extreme fatigue, and abdominal pain.

Luckily, more than 95% of people who contract the virus as adults or older children will make a full recovery and develop immunity to the disease. In other people, however, hepatitis B can bring on chronic liver failure due to cirrhosis or cancer.

Hepatitis B is an infectious illness of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) that affects hominoidea, including humans. It was originally known as "serum hepatitis". Many people have no symptoms during the initial infected. Some develop an acute illness with vomiting, yellow skin, dark urine and abdominal pain. Often these symptoms last a few weeks and rarely result in death. It may take 30 to 180 days for symptoms to begin. Less than 10% of those infected develop chronic hepatitis B. In those with chronic disease cirrhosis and liver cancer may eventually develop.


The virus is transmitted by exposure to infectious blood or body fluidsInfection around the time of birth is the most common way the disease is acquired in areas of the world where is common. In areas where the disease is uncommon intravenous drug use and sex are the most common routes of infection. Other risk factors include working in a healthcare setting, blood transfusions, dialysis, sharing razors or toothbrushes with an infected person, travel in countries where it is common, and living in an institution.

Tattooing and acupuncture led to a significant number of cases in the 1980s; however, this has become less common with improved sterility. The hepatitis B viruses cannot be spread by holding hands, sharing eating utensils or drinking glasses, kissing, hugging, coughing, sneezing, or breastfeeding.  The hepatitis B virus is a hepadnavirushepa from hepatotropic (attracted to the liver) and dna because it is a DNA virus. The viruses replicate through an RNA intermediate form by reverse transcription, which in practice relates them to retroviruses.It is 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV.


The infection has been preventable by vaccination since 1982. During the initial infected care is based on the symptoms present. In those who developed chronic disease antiviral medication such as tenofovir or interferon maybe useful, however are expensive.

About a third of the world population has been infected at one point in their lives, including 350 million who are chronic carriers. Over 750,000 people die of hepatitis B a year. The disease has caused outbreaks in parts of Asia and Africa, and it is now only common in China. Between 5 and 10% of adults in sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia have chronic disease. Research is in progress to create edible HBV vaccines in foods such as potatoes, carrots, and bananas.In 2004, an estimated 350 million individuals were infected worldwide. National and regional prevalence ranges from over 10% in Asia to under 0.5% in the United States and northern Europe. Routes of infection include vertical transmission (such as through childbirth), early life horizontal transmission (bites, lesions, and sanitary habits), and adult horizontal transmission (sexual contact, intravenous drug use).


The primary method of transmission reflects the prevalence of chronic HBV infection in a given area. In low prevalence areas such as the continental United States and Western Europe, injection drug abuse and unprotected sex are the primary methods, although other factors may also be important. In moderate prevalence areas, which include Eastern Europe, Russia, and Japan, where 2–7% of the population is chronically infected, the disease is predominantly spread among children. In high-prevalence areas such as China and South East Asia, transmission during childbirth is most common, although in other areas of high endemicity such as Africa, transmission during childhood is a significant factor. The prevalence of chronic HBV infection in areas of high endemicity is at least 8% with 10-15% prevalence in Africa/Far East. As of 2010, China has 120 million infected people, followed by India and Indonesia with 40 million and 12 million, respectively. According to World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 600,000 people die every year related to the infection. In the United States about 19,000 new cases occurred in 2011 down nearly 90% from 1990.


Acute infection with hepatitis B virus is associated with acute viral hepatitis – an illness that begins with general ill-health, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, body aches, mild fever, and dark urine, and then progresses to development of jaundice. It has been noted that itchy skin has been an indication as a possible symptom of all hepatitis virus types. The illness lasts for a few weeks and then gradually improves in most affected people. A few people may have more severe liver disease (fulminant hepatic failure), and may die as a result. The infection may be entirely asymptomatic and may go unrecognized.


Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus either may be asymptomatic or may be associated with a chronic inflammation of the liver (chronic hepatitis), leading to cirrhosis over a period of several years. This type of infection dramatically increases the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer). Across Europe hepatitis B and C cause approximately 50% of hepatocellular carcinomas. Chronic carriers are encouraged to avoid consuming alcohol as it increases their risk for cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis B virus has been linked to the development of membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN).


Symptoms outside of the liver are present in 1–10% of HBV-infected people and include serum-sickness–like syndrome, acute necrotizing vasculitis (polyarteritis nodosa), membranous glomerulonephritis, and papular acrodermatitis of childhood (Gianotti–Crosti syndrome). The serum-sickness–like syndrome occurs in the setting of acute hepatitis B, often preceding the onset of jaundice. The clinical features are fever, skin rash, and polyarteritis. The symptoms often subside shortly after the onset of jaundice, but can persist throughout the duration of acute hepatitis B.  About 30–50% of people with acute necrotizing vasculitis (polyarteritis nodosa) are HBV carriers. HBV-associated nephropathy has been described in adults but is more common in children.Membranous glomerulonephritis is the most common form. Other immune-mediated hematological disorders, such as essential mixed cryoglobulinemia and aplastic anemia.

15. Influenza 500,000 Deaths a Year Influenza has been a prolific killer for centuries. The symptoms of influenza were first described more than 2,400 years ago by Hippocrates. Pandemics generally occur three times a century, and can cause millions of deaths. The most fatal pandemic on record was the Spanish flu outbreak in 1918, which caused between 20 million and 100 million deaths. In order to invade a host, the virus shell includes proteins that bind themselves to receptors on the outside of cells in the lungs and air passages of the victim. Once the virus has latched itself onto the cell it takes over so much of its machinery that the cell dies. Dead cells in the airways cause a runny nose and sore throat. Too many dead cells in the lungs causes death.

Vaccinations against the flu are common in developed countries. However, a vaccination that is effective one year may not necessarily work the next year, due to the way the rate at which a flu virus evolves and the fact that new strains will soon replace older ones. No virus can claim credit for more worldwide pandemics and scares than influenza.

The outbreak of the Spanish flu in 1918 is generally considered to be one of the worst pandemics in human history, infecting 20 to 40 percent of the world’s population and killing 50 million in the span of just two years. (A reconstruction of that virus is above.) The swine flu was its most recent newsmaker, when a 2009 pandemic may have seen as many as 89 million people infected worldwide.

Effective influenza vaccines exist, and most people easily survive infections. But the highly infectious respiratory illness is cunning—the virus is constantly mutating and creating new strains. Thousands of strains exist at any given time, many of them harmless, and vaccines available in the U.S. cover only about 40 percent of the strains at large each year.

16. Hepatitis C  56,000 Deaths a Year An estimated 200-300 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C.


Most people infected with hepatitis C don’t have any symptoms and feel fine for years. However, liver damage invariably rears its ugly head over time, often decades after first infection. In fact, 70% of those infected develop chronic liver disease, 15% are struck with cirrhosis and 5% can die from liver cancer or cirrhosis. In the USA, hepatitis C is the primary reason for liver transplants.


Hepatitis C is an infectious disease affecting primarily the liver, caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The infection is often asymptomatic, but chronic infection can lead to scarring of the liver and ultimately to cirrhosis, which is generally apparent after many years. In some cases, those with cirrhosis will go on to develop liver failure, liver cancer, or life-threatening esophageal and gastric varices.


HCV is spread primarily by blood-to-blood contact associated with intravenous drug use, poorly sterilized medical equipment, and transfusions. An estimated 150–200 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C. The existence of hepatitis C (originally identifiable only as a type of non-A non-B hepatitis) was suggested in the 1970s and proven in 1989. Hepatitis C infects only humans and chimpanzees.


The virus persists in the liver in about 85% of those infected. This chronic infection can be treated with medication: the standard therapy is a combination of peginterferon and ribavirin, with either boceprevir or telaprevir added in some cases. Overall, 50–80% of people treated are cured. Those who develop cirrhosis or liver cancer may require a liver transplant. Hepatitis C is the leading reason for liver transplantation, though the virus usually recurs after transplantation. No vaccine against hepatitis C is available.


Hepatitis C infection causes acute symptoms in 15% of cases. Symptoms are generally mild and vague, including a decreased appetite, fatigue, nausea, muscle or joint pains, and weight loss and rarely does acute liver failure result. Most cases of acute infection are not associated with jaundice. The infection resolves spontaneously in 10–50% of cases, which occurs more frequently in individuals who are young and female.

hepatitis-clivers fucked

About 80% of those exposed to the virus develop a chronic infection.  This is defined as the presence of detectable viral replication for at least six months. Most experience minimal or no symptoms during the initial few decades of the infection.Chronic hepatitis C can be associated with fatigue and mild cognitive problems. Chronic infection after several years may cause cirrhosis or liver cancer. The liver enzymes are normal in 7–53%.  Late relapses after apparent cure have been reported, but these can be difficult to distinguish from reinfection.


Fatty changes to the liver occur in about half of those infected and are usually present before cirrhosis develops.  Usually (80% of the time) this change affects less than a third of the liver. Worldwide hepatitis C is the cause of 27% of cirrhosis cases and 25% of hepatocellular carcinoma.  About 10–30% of those infected develop cirrhosis over 30 years. Cirrhosis is more common in those also infected with hepatitis B, schistosoma, or HIV, in alcoholics and in those of male gender. In those with hepatitis C, excess alcohol increases the risk of developing cirrhosis 100-fold.Those who develop cirrhosis have a 20-fold greater risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. This transformation occurs at a rate of 1–3% per year.  Being infected with hepatitis B in additional to hepatitis C increases this risk further.


Liver cirrhosis may lead to portal hypertension, ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen), easy bruising or bleeding, varices (enlarged veins, especially in the stomach and esophagus), jaundice, and a syndrome of cognitive impairment known as hepatic encephalopathy. Ascites occurs at some stage in more than half of those who have a chronic infection.


The most common problem due to hepatitis C but not involving the liver is mixed cryoglobulinemia (usually the type II form) — an inflammation of small and medium-sized blood vessels. Hepatitis C is also associated with Sjögren’s syndrome (an autoimmune disorder); thrombocytopenia; lichen planus; porphyria cutanea tarda; necrolytic acral erythema; insulin resistance; diabetes mellitus; diabetic nephropathy; autoimmune thyroiditis and B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders.  Thrombocytopenia is estimated to occur in 0.16% to 45.4% of people with chronic hepatitis C. 20–30% of people infected have rheumatoid factor — a type of antibody. Possible associations include Hyde’s prurigo nodularis and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. Cardiomyopathy with associated arrhythmias has also been reported. A variety of central nervous system disorders have been reported.  Chronic infection seems to be associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.


Persons who have been infected with hepatitis C may appear to clear the virus but remain infected. The virus is not detectable with conventional testing but can be found with ultra-sensitive tests.The original method of detection was by demonstrating the viral genome within liver biopsies, but newer methods include an antibody test for the virus’ core protein and the detection of the viral genome after first concentrating the viral particles by ultracentrifugation. A form of infection with persistently moderately elevated serum liver enzymes but without antibodies to hepatitis C has also been reported. This form is known as cryptogenic occult infection.

Causes of hep C(4)

Several clinical pictures have been associated with this type of infection. It may be found in people with anti-hepatitis-C antibodies but with normal serum levels of liver enzymes; in antibody-negative people with ongoing elevated liver enzymes of unknown cause; in healthy populations without evidence of liver disease; and in groups at risk for HCV infection including those on haemodialysis or family members of people with occult HCV. The clinical relevance of this form of infection is under investigation. The consequences of occult infection appear to be less severe than with chronic infection but can vary from minimal to hepatocellular carcinoma.


The rate of occult infection in those apparently cured is controversial but appears to be low 40% of those with hepatitis but with both negative hepatitis C serology and the absence of detectable viral genome in the serum have hepatitis C virus in the liver on biopsy.How commonly this occurs in children is unknown.
There is no cure, no vaccine.

17. Measle  197,000 Deaths a Year Measles, also known as Rubeola, has done a pretty good job of killing people throughout the ages. Over the last 150 years, the virus has been responsible for the deaths of around 200 million people. The fatality rate from measles for otherwise healthy people in developed countries is 3 deaths per thousand cases, or 0.3%. In underdeveloped nations with high rates of malnutrition and poor healthcare, fatality rates have been as high as 28%. In immunocompromised patients (e.g. people with AIDS) the fatality rate is approximately 30%.

During the 1850s, measles killed a fifth of Hawaii’s people. In 1875, measles killed over 40,000 Fijians, approximately one-third of the population. In the 19th century, the disease decimated the Andamanese population. In 1954, the virus causing the disease was isolated from an 11-year old boy from the United States, David Edmonston, and adapted and propagated on chick embryo tissue culture.

To date, 21 strains of the measles virus have been identified.

18. Yellow Fever  30,000 Deaths a Year. Yellow fever is an acute viral hemorrhagic disease transmitted by the bite of female mosquitoes and is found in tropical and subtropical areas in South America and Africa. The only known hosts of the virus are primates and several species of mosquito. The origin of the disease is most likely to be Africa, from where it was introduced to South America through the slave trade in the 16th century. Since the 17th century, several major epidemics of the disease have been recorded in the Americas, Africa and Europe. In the 19th century, yellow fever was deemed one of the most dangerous infectious diseases.

Yellow fever presents in most cases with fever, nausea, and pain and it generally subsides after several days. In some patients, a toxic phase follows, in which liver damage with jaundice (giving the name of the disease) can occur and lead to death. Because of the increased bleeding tendency (bleeding diathesis), yellow fever belongs to the group of hemorrhagic fevers.


Since the 1980s, the number of cases of yellow fever has been increasing, making it a reemerging disease Transmitted through infected mosquitoes, Yellow Fever is still a serious problem in countries all over the world and a serious health risk for travelers to Africa, South America and some areas in the Caribbean.  Fatality rates range from 15 to over 50%. Symptoms include high fever, headache, abdominal pain, fatigue, vomiting and nausea.

Yellow fever is a hemorrhagic fever transmitted by infected mosquitoes. The yellow is in reference to the yellow color (jaundice) that affects some patients. The virus is endemic in tropical areas in Africa and South America.

The disease typically occurs in two phases. The first phase typically causes fever, headache, muscle pain and back pain, chills and nausea. Most patients recover from these symptoms while 15% progresses to the toxic second phase. High fever returns, jaundice becomes apparent, patient complains of abdominal pain with vomiting, and bleeding in the mouth, eyes, nose or stomach occurs. Blood appears in the stool or vomit and kidney function deteriorates. 50% of the patients that enter the toxic phase die within 10 to 14 days.

There is no treatment for yellow fever. Patients are only given supportive care for fever, dehydration and respiratory failure. Yellow fever is preventable through vaccination.

19. Rabies  55,000 Deaths a Year Rabies is almost invariably fatal if post-exposure prophylaxis is not administered prior to the onset of severe symptoms. If there wasn’t a vaccine, this would be the most deadly virus on the list.

It is a zoonotic virus transmitted through the bite of an animal. The virus worms its way into the brain along the peripheral nerves. The incubation phase of the rabies disease can take up to several months, depending on how far it has to go to reach the central nervous system. It provokes acute pain, violent movements, depression, uncontrollable excitement, and inability to swallow water (rabies is often known as ‘hydrophobia’). After these symptoms subside the fun really starts as the infected person experiences periods of mania followed by coma then death, usually caused by respiratory insufficiency.

Rabies has a long and storied history dating back to 2300 B.C., with records of Babylonians who went mad and died after being bitten by dogs. While this virus itself is a beast, the sickness it causes is now is wholly preventable if treated immediately with a series of vaccinations (sometimes delivered with a terrifyingly huge needle in the abdomen). We have vaccine inventor Louis Pasteur to thank for that.

Exposure to rabies these days, while rare in the U.S., still occurs as it did thousands of years ago—through bites from infected animals. If left untreated after exposure, the virus attacks the central nervous system and death usually results. The symptoms of an advanced infection include delirium, hallucinations and raging, violent behavior in some cases, which some have argued makes rabies eerily similar to zombification. If rabies ever became airborne, we might actually have to prepare for that zombie apocalypse after all.

21. Common Cold  No known cure The common cold is the most frequent infectious disease in humans with on average two to four infections a year in adults and up to 6–12 in children. Collectively, colds, influenza, and other infections with similar symptoms are included in the diagnosis of influenza-like illness.

They may also be termed upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). Influenza involves the lungs while the common cold does not.
It’s annoying as hell, but there’s nothing to do but wave the white flag on this one.
Virus: Infinity. People: 0

22. Anthrax  Anthrax is a diseased caused by a bacterium called Bacillus Anthracis. There are three types of anthrax, skin, lung, and digestive. Anthrax has lately become a major world issue for its ability to become an epidemic and spread quickly and easily among people through contact with spores.


It is important to know that  Anthrax is not spread from person to person, but is through contact/handling of products containing spores. Flu like symptoms, nausea, and blisters are common symptoms of exposure. Inhalational anthrax and gastrointestinal anthrax are serious issue because of their high mortality rates ranging from 50 to 100%.

Anthrax is a severe infectious disease caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis. This type of bacteria produces spores that can live for years in the soil. Anthrax is more common in farm animals, though humans can get infected as well. Anthrax is not contagious. A person can get infected only when the bacteria gets into the skin, lungs or  digestive tract.

There are three types of anthrax: skin anthrax, inhalation anthrax and gastrointestinal anthrax. Skin anthrax symptoms include fever, muscle aches, headache, nausea and vomiting. Inhalation anthrax begins with flu-like symptoms, which progresses  with severe respiratory distress. Shock, coma and then death follows. Most patients do not recover even if given appropriate antibiotics due to the toxins released by the anthrax bacteria. Gastrointestinal anthrax symptoms include fever, nausea, abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea.

Anthrax is treated with antibiotics.

23. Malaria  Malaria is a mosquito-borne illness caused by parasite. Although malaria can be prevented and treated, it is often fatal.


Each year about 1 million people die from Malaria.  Common symptoms include fever, chills, headache. Sweats, and fatigue. Malaria is a serious disease caused by Plasmodium parasites that infects Anopheles mosquitoes which feeds on humans. Initial symptoms include high fever, shaking chills, headache and vomiting – symptoms that may be too  mild to be identified as malaria. If not treated within 24 hours, it can progress to severe illnesses that could lead to death.

The WHO estimates that malaria caused 207,000,000 clinical episodes and 627,000 deaths, mostly among African children,  in 2012. About 3.5 billion people from 167 countries live in areas at risk of malaria transmission.

24. Cholera  Due to the severe dehydration it causes, if left untreated Cholera can cause death within hours. In 1991 a major outbreak occurred in South America though currently few cases are known outside of Sub-Saharan Africa.


Symptoms include severe diarrhea, vomiting and leg cramping. Cholera is usually contracted through ingestion of contaminated water or food. Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by a bacterium called Vibrio cholera. It has an incubation period of less than a day to five days and causes painless, watery diarrhea that quickly leads to severe dehydration and death if treatment is not promptly given.

Cholera remains a global problem and continues to be a challenge for countries where access to safe drinking water and sanitation is a problem.

25.  Typhoid Fever  Patients with typhoid fever sometimes demonstrate a rash of flat, rose-colored spots and a sustained fever of 103 to 104.


Typhoid is contracted through contact with the S. Typhi bacteria, which is carried by humans in both their blood stream and stool. Over 400 cases occur in the US, 20% of those who contract it die. Typhoid fever is a serious and potentially fatal disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. This type of bacteria lives only in humans. People sick with typhoid fever carry the bacteria in their bloodstream and intestinal tract and transmit the bacteria through their stool.

A person can get typhoid fever by drinking or eating food contaminated with Salmonella Typhi or if contaminated sewage gets into the water used for drinking or washing dishes.

Typhoid fever symptoms include high fever, weakness, headache, stomach pains or loss of appetite. Typhoid fever is determined by testing the presence of Salmonella Typhi in the stool or blood of an infected person. Typhoid fever is treated with antibiotics.

26. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and the MERS VIRUS A new Pneumonia disease that emerged in China in 2003. After news of the outbreak of SARS China tried to silence news about it both internal and international news , SARS spread rapidly, reaching neighboring countries Hong Kong and Vietnam in late February 2003, and then to other countries via international travelers.Canada Had a outbreak that was fairly well covered and cost Canada quite a bit financially


The last case of this epidemic occurred in June 2003. In that outbreak, 8069 cases arise that killed 775 people. There is speculation that this disease is Man-Made SARS, SARS has symptoms of flu and may include: fever, cough, sore throat and other non-specific symptoms.


The only symptom that is common to all patients was fever above 38 degrees Celsius. Shortness of breath may occur later. There is currently no vaccine for the disease so that countermeasures can only assist the breathing apparatus. The virus was said to be the Virus of the End Times

27.  MERS(Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), also termed EMC/2012 (HCoV-EMC/2012), is positive-sense, single-stranded RNA novel species of the genus Betacoronavirus.


First called novel coronavirus 2012 or simply novel coronavirus, it was first reported in 2012 after genome sequencing of a virus isolated from sputum samples from patients who fell ill in a 2012 outbreak of a new flu.


As of June 2014, MERS-CoV cases have been reported in 22 countries, including Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Jordan, Qatar, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Algeria, Bangladesh, the Philippines (still MERS-free), Indonesia (none was confirmed), the United Kingdom, and the United States. Almost all cases are somehow linked to Saudi Arabia. In the same article it was reported that Saudi authorities’ errors in response to MERS-CoV were a contributing factor to the spread of this deadly virus.

27. Enterovirus (Brain Inflammation) Entero virus is a disease of the hands, feet and mouth, and we can not ignored occasional Brain Inflammation. Enterovirus attack symptoms are very similar to regular flu symptoms so its difficult to detect it, such as fever, sometimes accompanied by dizziness and weakness and pain.

Next will come the little red watery bumps on the palms and feet following oral thrush. In severe conditions, Enterovirus can attack the nerves and brain tissue to result in death.

The virus is easily spread through direct contact with patients. Children are the main victims of the spread of enterovirus in China. Since the first victim was found but reporting was delayed until several weeks later.

24 thousand people have contracted the enterovirus. More than 30 of them died mostly children. The virus is reported to have entered Indonesia and infecting three people in Sumatra.  2014Enterovirus 68 is presently spreading across North America mainly and started in the USA has probably spread to Canada and Mexico by now. Enterovirus 68’s spread is unprecedented up till now

28.  The Black Plague  The 1918 flu virus and HIV are the biggest killers of modern times. But back in the 14th century, the bacterium that causes bubonic plague, or the Black Death as it was also known, was the baddest bug of all. In just a few years, from 1347 to 1351, the plague killed off about 75,000,000 people worldwide, including one-third of the entire population of Europe at that time.

Carrying away the victims of plague

It spread through Asia, Italy, North Africa, Spain, Normandy, Switzerland, and eastward into Hungary. After a brief break, it crossed into England, Scotland, and then to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Greenland.

the plague bacterium

Yersinia pestis, the plague bacteria
Courtesy of Neal Chamberlain

The plague bacterium is called Yersinia <yer-sin-ee-uh> pestis. There are two main forms of the disease. In the bubonic <boo-bah-nick> form, the bacteria cause painful swellings as large as an orange to form in the armpits, neck and groin. These swellings, or buboes, often burst open, oozing blood and pus. Blood vessels leak blood that puddles under the skin, giving the skin a blackened look. That’s why the disease became known as the Black Death. At least half of its victims die within a week.

The pneumonic <new-mon-ick> form of plague causes victims to sweat heavily and cough up blood that starts filling their lungs. Almost no one survived it during the plague years. Yersinia pestis is the deadliest microbe we’ve ever known, although HIV might catch up to it. Yersinia pestis is still around in the world. Fortunately, with bacteria-killing antibiotics and measures to control the pests—rats and mice—that spread the bacteria, we’ve managed to conquer this killer.

29. Human Papillomavirus  Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a DNA virus from the papillomavirus family that is capable of infecting humans. Like all papillomaviruses, HPVs establish productive infections only in keratinocytes of the skin or mucous membranes.


Most HPV infections are subclinical and will cause no physical symptoms; however, in some people subclinical infections will become clinical and may cause benign papillomas (such as warts [verrucae] or squamous cell papilloma), or cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, oropharynx and anus.HPV has been linked with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, HPV 16 and 18 infections are a cause of a unique type of oropharyngeal (throat) cancer and are believed to cause 70% of cervical cancer, which have available vaccines, see HPV vaccine.


More than 30 to 40 types of HPV are typically transmitted through sexual contact and infect the anogenital region. Some sexually transmitted HPV types may cause genital warts. Persistent infection with "high-risk" HPV types—different from the ones that cause skin warts—may progress to precancerous lesions and invasive cancer. High-risk HPV infection is a cause of nearly all cases of cervical cancer.However, most infections do not cause disease.


Seventy percent of clinical HPV infections, in young men and women, may regress to subclinical in one year and ninety percent in two years. However, when the subclinical infection persists—in 5% to 10% of infected women—there is high risk of developing precancerous lesions of the vulva and cervix, which can progress to invasive cancer. Progression from subclinical to clinical infection may take years; providing opportunities for detection and treatment of pre-cancerous lesions.


In more developed countries, cervical screening using a Papanicolaou (Pap) test or liquid-based cytology is used to detect abnormal cells that may develop into cancer. If abnormal cells are found, women are invited to have a colposcopy. During a colposcopic inspection, biopsies can be taken and abnormal areas can be removed with a simple procedure, typically with a cauterizing loop or, more commonly in the developing world—by freezing (cryotherapy).


Treating abnormal cells in this way can prevent them from developing into cervical cancer. Pap smears have reduced the incidence and fatalities of cervical cancer in the developed world, but even so there were 11,000 cases and 3,900 deaths in the U.S. in 2008. Cervical cancer has substantial mortality worldwide, there are an estimated 490,000 cases and 270,000 deaths each year.


It is true that infections caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) are not fatal, but chronic infection may result in cervical cancer. Apparently, HPV is responsible for almost all cervical cancers (approx. 99%). HPV results in 275,000 deaths per year.

30. Henipaviruses The genus Henipavirus comprises of 3 members which are Hendra virus (HeV), Nipah virus (NiV), and Cedar virus (CedPV). The second one was introduced in the middle of 2012, although affected no human, and is therefore considered harmless. The rest of the two viruses, however, are lethal with mortality rate up to 50-100%.


Hendra virus (originally Equine morbillivirus) was discovered in September 1994 when it caused the deaths of thirteen horses, and a trainer at a training complex in Hendra, a suburb of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia.

The index case, a mare, was housed with 19 other horses after falling ill, and died two days later. Subsequently, all of the horses became ill, with 13 dying. The remaining 6 animals were subsequently euthanized as a way of preventing relapsing infection and possible further transmission.The trainer, Victory (‘Vic’) Rail, and a stable hand were involved in nursing the index case, and both fell ill with an influenza-like illness within one week of the first horse’s death. The stable hand recovered while Mr Rail died of respiratory and renal failure. The source of the virus was most likely frothy nasal discharge from the index case.


A second outbreak occurred in August 1994 (chronologically preceding the first outbreak) in Mackay 1,000 km north of Brisbane resulting in the deaths of two horses and their owner. The owner, Mark Preston, assisted in necropsies of the horses and within three weeks was admitted to hospital suffering from meningitis. Mr Preston recovered, but 14 months later developed neurologic signs and died. This outbreak was diagnosed retrospectively by the presence of Hendra virus in the brain of the patient.pathogens-02-00264-g002-1024

A survey of wildlife in the outbreak areas was conducted, and identified pteropid fruit bats as the most likely source of Hendra virus, with a seroprevalence of 47%. All of the other 46 species sampled were negative. Virus isolations from the reproductive tract and urine of wild bats indicated that transmission to horses may have occurred via exposure to bat urine or birthing fluids.  However, the only attempt at experimental infection reported in the literature, conducted at CSIRO Geelong, did not result in infection of a horse from infected flying foxes. This study looked at potential infection between bats, horses and cats, in various combinations. The only species that was able to infect horses was the cat (Felix spp.)


Nipah virus was identified in April 1999, when it caused an outbreak of neurological and respiratory disease on pig farms in peninsular Malaysia, resulting in 257 human cases, including 105 human deaths and the culling of one million pigs.  In Singapore, 11 cases, including one death, occurred in abattoir workers exposed to pigs imported from the affected Malaysian farms. The Nipah virus has been classified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a Category C agent. The name "Nipah" refers to the place, Kampung Baru Sungai Nipah in Negeri Sembilan State, Malaysia, the source of the human case from which Nipah virus was first isolated.


The outbreak was originally mistaken for Japanese encephalitis (JE), however, physicians in the area noted that persons who had been vaccinated against JE were not protected, and the number of cases among adults was unusual Despite the fact that these observations were recorded in the first month of the outbreak, the Ministry of Health failed to react accordingly, and instead launched a nationwide campaign to educate people on the dangers of JE and its vector, Culex mosquitoes.


Symptoms of infection from the Malaysian outbreak were primarily encephalitic in humans and respiratory in pigs. Later outbreaks have caused respiratory illness in humans, increasing the likelihood of human-to-human transmission and indicating the existence of more dangerous strains of the virus. Based on seroprevalence data and virus isolations, the primary reservoir for Nipah virus was identified as Pteropid fruit bats, including Pteropus vampyrus (Large Flying Fox), and Pteropus hypomelanus (Small flying fox), both of which occur in Malaysia.


The transmission of Nipah virus from flying foxes to pigs is thought to be due to an increasing overlap between bat habitats and piggeries in peninsular Malaysia. At the index farm, fruit orchards were in close proximity to the piggery, allowing the spillage of urine, feces and partially eaten fruit onto the pigs. Retrospective studies demonstrate that viral spillover into pigs may have been occurring in Malaysia since 1996 without detection. During 1998, viral spread was aided by the transfer of infected pigs to other farms, where new outbreaks occurred.


Cedar Virus (CedPV) was first identified in pteropid urine during work on Hendra virus undertaken in Queensland in 2009. Although the virus is reported to be very similar to both Hendra and Nipah, it does not cause illness in laboratory animals usually susceptible to paramyxoviruses. Animals were able to mount an effective response and create effective antibodies.3273481_pone.0027918.g003

The scientists who identified the virus report:

Hendra and Nipah viruses are 2 highly pathogenic paramyxoviruses that have emerged from bats within the last two decades. Both are capable of causing fatal disease in both humans and many mammal species. Serological and molecular evidence for henipa-like viruses have been reported from numerous locations including Asia and Africa, however, until now no successful isolation of these viruses have been reported. This paper reports the isolation of a novel paramyxovirus, named Cedar virus, from fruit bats in Australia. Full genome sequencing of this virus suggests a close relationship with the henipaviruses.
Antibodies to Cedar virus were shown to cross react with, but not cross neutralize Hendra or Nipah virus. Despite this close relationship, when Cedar virus was tested in experimental challenge models in ferrets and guinea pigs, we identified virus replication and generation of neutralizing antibodies, but no clinical disease was observed. As such, this virus provides a useful reference for future reverse genetics experiments to determine the molecular basis of the pathogenicity of the henipaviruses.

30. Lyssaviruses  This genus comprises of not only rabies virus (causing death of almost everyone who is infected) but certain other viruses such as Duvenhage virus, Mokola virus, and Australian bat lyssavirus. Although small number of cases are reported, but the ones reported have always been fatal. Bats are vectors for all of these types except for Mokola virus.


Lyssavirus (from Lyssa, the Greek goddess of madness, rage, and frenzy) is a genus of viruses belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae, in the order Mononegavirales. This group of RNA viruses includes the rabies virus traditionally associated with the disease. Viruses typically have either helical or cubic symmetry. Lyssaviruses have helical symmetry, so their infectious particles are approximately cylindrical in shape. This is typical of plant-infecting viruses. Human-infecting viruses more commonly have cubic symmetry and take shapes approximating regular polyhedra. The structure consists of a spiked outer envelope, a middle region consisting of matrix protein M, and an inner ribonucleocapsid complex region, consisting of the genome associated with other proteins.


Lyssavirus genome consists of a negative-sense, single-stranded RNA molecule that encodes five viral proteins: polymerase L, matrix protein M, phosphoprotein P, nucleoprotein N, and glycoprotein G.


Based on recent phylogenetic evidence, lyssa viruses are categorized into seven major species. In addition, five species recently have been discovered: West Caucasian bat virus, Aravan virus, Khuj and virus, Irkut virus and Shimoni bat virus. The major species include rabies virus (species 1), Lagos bat virus (species 2), Mokola virus (species 3), Duvenhage virus (species 4), European Bat lyssaviruses type 1 and 2 (species 5 and 6), and Australian bat lyssavirus (species 7).83980497

Based on biological properties of the viruses, these species are further subdivided into phylogroups 1 and 2. Phylogroup 1 includes genotypes 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7, while phylogroup 2 includes genotypes 2 and 3. The nucleocapsid region of lyssavirus is fairly highly conserved from genotype to genotype across both phylogroups; however, experimental data have shown the lyssavirus strains used in vaccinations are only from the first species(i.e. classic rabies).

31. Tuberculosis  Mucous, fever, fatigue, excessive sweating and weight loss. What do they all have in common?


They are symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis, or TB. TB is a contagious bacterial infection that involves the lungs, but it may spread to other organs. The symptoms of this disease can remain stagnant for years or affect the person right away. People at higher risk for contracting TB include the elderly, infants and those with weakened immune systems due to other diseases, such as AIDS or diabetes, or even individuals who have undergone chemotherapy.

Being around others who may have TB, maintaining a poor diet or living in unsanitary conditions are all risk factors for contracting TB. In the United States, there are approximately 10 cases of TB per 100,000 people. Tuberculosis, MTB, or TB (short for tubercle bacillus), in the past also called phthisis, phthisis pulmonalis, or consumption, is a widespread, and in many cases fatal, infectious disease caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis.


Tuberculosis typically attacks the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body. It is spread through the air when people who have an active TB infection cough, sneeze, or otherwise transmit respiratory fluids through the air. Most infections do not have symptoms, known as latent tuberculosis. About one in ten latent infections eventually progresses to active disease which, if left untreated, kills more than 50% of those so infected.


The classic symptoms of active TB infection are a chronic cough with blood-tinged sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss (the latter giving rise to the formerly common term for the disease, "consumption"). Infection of other organs causes a wide range of symptoms. Diagnosis of active TB relies on radiology (commonly chest X-rays), as well as microscopic examination and microbiological culture of body fluids.


Diagnosis of latent TB relies on the tuberculin skin test (TST) and/or blood tests. Treatment is difficult and requires administration of multiple antibiotics over a long period of time. Social contacts are also screened and treated if necessary. Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem in multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) infections. Prevention relies on screening programs and vaccination with the bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine.


One-third of the world’s population is thought to have been infected with M. tuberculosis, with new infections occurring in about 1% of the population each year.In 2007, an estimated 13.7 million chronic cases were active globally, while in 2010, an estimated 8.8 million new cases and 1.5 million associated deaths occurred, mostly in developing countries. The absolute number of tuberculosis cases has been decreasing since 2006, and new cases have decreased since 2002.


The rate of tuberculosis in different areas varies across the globe; about 80% of the population in many Asian and African countries tests positive in tuberculin tests, while only 5–10% of the United States population tests positive. More people in the developing world contract tuberculosis because of a poor immune system, largely due to high rates of HIV infection and the corresponding development of AIDS.

32. Encephalitis Virus Encephalitis is an acute inflammation of the brain, commonly caused by a viral infection. Victims are usually exposed to viruses resulting in encephalitis by insect bites or food and drink. The most frequently encountered agents are arboviruses (carried by mosquitoes or ticks) and enteroviruses ( coxsackievirus, poliovirus and echovirus ). Some of the less frequent agents are measles, rabies, mumps, varicella and herpes simplex viruses.

Patients with encephalitis suffer from fever, headache, vomiting, confusion, drowsiness and photophobia. The symptoms of encephalitis are caused by brain’s defense mechanisms being activated to get rid of infection (brain swelling, small bleedings and cell death). Neurologic examination usually reveals a stiff neck due to the irritation of the meninges covering the brain. Examination of the cerebrospinal fluidCerebrospinal fluid CSF in short, is the clear fluid that occupies the subarachnoid space (the space between the skull and cortex of the brain). It acts as a "cushion" or buffer for the cortex.


Also, CSF occupies the ventricular system of the brain and the obtained by a lumbar puncture In medicine, a lumbar puncture (colloquially known as a spinal tap is a diagnostic procedure that is done to collect a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for biochemical, microbiological and cytological analysis. Indications The most common indication for procedure reveals increased amounts of proteins and white blood cells with normal glucose. A CT scan examination is performed to reveal possible complications of brain swelling, brain abscess Brain abscess (or cerebral abscess) is an abscess caused by inflammation and collection of infected material coming from local (ear infection, infection of paranasal sinuses, infection of the mastoid air cells of the temporal bone, epidural abscess) or re or bleeding. Lumbar puncture procedure is performed only after the possibility of a prominent brain swelling is excluded by a CT scan examination.


What are the main Symptoms?
Some patients may have symptoms of a cold or stomach infection before encephalitis symptoms begin.
When a case of encephalitis is not very severe, the symptoms may be similar to those of other illnesses, including:
• Fever that is not very high
• Mild headache
• Low energy and a poor appetite

Other symptoms include:
• Clumsiness, unsteady gait
• Confusion, disorientation
• Drowsiness
• Irritability or poor temper control
• Light sensitivity
• Stiff neck and back (occasionally)
• Vomiting

Symptoms in newborns and younger infants may not be as easy to recognize:
• Body stiffness
• Irritability and crying more often (these symptoms may get worse when the baby is picked up)
• Poor feeding
• Soft spot on the top of the head may bulge out more
• Vomiting

• Loss of consciousness, poor responsiveness, stupor, coma
• Muscle weakness or paralysis
• Seizures
• Severe headache
• Sudden change in mental functions:
• "Flat" mood, lack of mood, or mood that is inappropriate for the situation
• Impaired judgment
• Inflexibility, extreme self-centeredness, inability to make a decision, or withdrawal from social interaction
• Less interest in daily activities
• Memory loss (amnesia), impaired short-term or long-term memory


Children and adults should avoid contact with anyone who has encephalitis.
Controlling mosquitoes (a mosquito bite can transmit some viruses) may reduce the chance of some infections that can lead to encephalitis.
• Apply an insect repellant containing the chemical, DEET when you go outside (but never use DEET products on infants younger than 2 months).
• Remove any sources of standing water (such as old tires, cans, gutters, and wading pools).
• Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants when outside, particularly at dusk.
Vaccinate animals to prevent encephalitis caused by the rabies virus.


33. Chicken Pox Virus Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease caused by primary infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV).It usually starts with a vesicular skin rash mainly on the body and head rather than on the limbs. The rash develops into itchy, raw pockmarks, which mostly heal without scarring. On examination, the observer typically finds skin lesions at various stages of healing and also ulcers in the oral cavity and tonsil areas. The disease is most commonly observed in children.


Chickenpox is an airborne disease which spreads easily through coughing or sneezing by ill individuals or through direct contact with secretions from the rash. A person with chickenpox is infectious one to two days before the rash appears. They remain contagious until all lesions have crusted over (this takes approximately six days). Immunocompromised patients are contagious during the entire period as new lesions keep appearing. Crusted lesions are not contagious.Chickenpox has been observed in other primates, including chimpanzees and gorillas.


The origin of the term chicken pox, which is recorded as being used since 1684,is not reliably known. It has been said to be a derived from chickpeas, based on resemblance of the vesicles to chickpeas, or to come from the rash resembling chicken pecks. Other suggestions include the designation chicken for a child (i.e., literally ‘child pox’), a corruption of itching-pox, or the idea that the disease may have originated in chickens. Samuel Johnson explained the designation as "from its being of no very great danger."


The early (prodromal) symptoms in adolescents and adults are nausea, loss of appetite, aching muscles, and headache. This is followed by the characteristic rash or oral sores, malaise, and a low-grade fever that signal the presence of the disease. Oral manifestations of the disease (enanthem) not uncommonly may precede the external rash (exanthem). In children the illness is not usually preceded by prodromal symptoms, and the first sign is the rash or the spots in the oral cavity. The rash begins as small red dots on the face, scalp, torso, upper arms and legs; progressing over 10–12 hours to small bumps, blisters and pustules; followed by umbilication and the formation of scabs.


At the blister stage, intense itching is usually present. Blisters may also occur on the palms, soles, and genital area. Commonly, visible evidence of the disease develops in the oral cavity & tonsil areas in the form of small ulcers which can be painful or itchy or both; this enanthem (internal rash) can precede the exanthem (external rash) by 1 to 3 days or can be concurrent. These symptoms of chickenpox appear 10 to 21 days after exposure to a contagious person. Adults may have a more widespread rash and longer fever, and they are more likely to experience complications, such as varicella pneumonia.Because watery nasal discharge containing live virus usually precedes both exanthem (external rash) and enanthem (oral ulcers) by 1 to 2 days, the infected person actually becomes contagious one to two days prior to recognition of the disease. Contagiousness persists until all vesicular lesions have become dry crusts (scabs), which usually entails four or five days, by which time nasal shedding of live virus also ceases.


Chickenpox is rarely fatal, although it is generally more severe in adult men than in women or children. Non-immune pregnant women and those with a suppressed immune system are at highest risk of serious complications. Arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) associated with chickenpox in the previous year accounts for nearly one third of childhood AIS. The most common late complication of chickenpox is shingles (herpes zoster), caused by reactivation of the varicella zoster virus decades after the initial, often childhood, chickenpox infection.


Shingles  Herpes zoster After a chickenpox infection, the virus remains dormant in the body’s nerve tissues. The immune system keeps the virus at bay, but later in life, usually as an adult, it can be reactivated and cause a different form of the viral infection called shingles (scientifically known as herpes zoster). The United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) suggests that any adult over the age of 60 years gets the herpes zoster vaccine as a part of their normal medical check ups.


Many adults who have had chickenpox as children are susceptible to shingles as adults, often with the accompanying condition postherpetic neuralgia, a painful condition that makes it difficult to sleep. Even after the shingles rash has gone away, there can be night pain in the area affected by the rash.Shingles affects one in five adults infected with chickenpox as children, especially those who are immune suppressed, particularly from cancer, HIV, or other conditions.


However, stress can bring on shingles as well, although scientists are still researching the connection.Shingles are most commonly found in adults over the age of 60 who were diagnosed with chickenpox when they were under the age of 1.A shingles vaccine is available for adults over 50 who have had childhood chickenpox or who have previously had shingles.

34. POXVIRUS  Poxviruses (members of the family Poxviridae) are viruses that can, as a family, infect both vertebrate and invertebrate animals.


Four genera of poxviruses may infect humans: orthopox, parapox, yatapox, molluscipox. Orthopox: smallpox virus (variola), vaccinia virus, cowpox virus, monkeypox virus; Parapox: orf virus, pseudocowpox, bovine papular stomatitis virus; Yatapox: tanapox virus, yaba monkey tumor virus; Molluscipox: molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV).The most common are vaccinia (seen on Indian subcontinent) and molluscum contagiousum, but monkeypox infections are rising (seen in west and central African rainforest countries). Camelpox is a disease of camels caused by a virus of the family Poxviridae, subfamily Chordopoxvirinae, and the genus Orthopoxvirus. It causes skin lesions and a generalized infection. Approximately 25% of young camels that become infected will die from the disease, while infection in older camels is generally more mild.

Poxvirus model in section (Pov_Ray)

The ancestor of the poxviruses is not known but structural studies suggest it may have been an adenovirus or a species related to both the poxviruses and the adenoviruses. Based on the genome organization and DNA replication mechanism it seems that phylogenetic relationships may exist between the rudiviruses (Rudiviridae) and the large eukaryal DNA viruses: the African swine fever virus (Asfarviridae), Chlorella viruses (Phycodnaviridae) and poxviruses (Poxviridae).The mutation rate in these genomes has been estimated to be 0.9-1.2 x 10−6 substitutions per site per year.A second estimate puts this rate at 0.5-7 × 10−6 nucleotide substitutions per site per year.  A third estimate places the rate at 4-6 × 10−6.


The last common ancestor of the extant poxviruses that infect vertebrates existed 0.5 million years ago. The genus Avipoxvirus diverged from the ancestor 249 ± 69 thousand years ago. The ancestor of the genus Orthopoxvirus was next to diverge from the other clades at 0.3 million years ago. A second estimate of this divergence time places this event at 166,000 ± 43,000 years ago. The division of the Orthopox into the extant genera occurred ~14,000 years ago. The genus Leporipoxvirus diverged ~137,000 ± 35,000 years ago. This was followed by the ancestor of the genus Yatapoxvirus. The last common ancestor of the Capripoxvirus and Suipoxvirus diverged 111,000 ± 29,000 years ago.

Poxvirus Pov-Ray model 2

A model of a poxvirus cut-away in
cross-section to show the internal
structures. Poxviruses are shaped like
flattened capsules/barrels or are lens or

Poxvirus Pov-Ray model 3

Their structure is complex,
neither icosahedral nor helical. This
model is based on Vaccinia, the smallpox
virus. The structures are also highly
variable and often incompletely studied.


35. West Nile Virus  West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne zoonotic arbovirus belonging to the genus Flavivirus in the family Flaviviridae.


This flavivirus is found in temperate and tropical regions of the world. It was first identified in the West Nile subregion in the East African nation of Uganda in 1937. Prior to the mid-1990s, WNV disease occurred only sporadically and was considered a minor risk for humans, until an outbreak in Algeria in 1994, with cases of WNV-caused encephalitis, and the first large outbreak in Romania in 1996, with a high number of cases with neuroinvasive disease. WNV has now spread globally, with the first case in the Western Hemisphere being identified in New York City in 1999; over the next five years, the virus spread across the continental United States, north into Canada, and southward into the Caribbean islands and Latin America. WNV also spread to Europe, beyond the Mediterranean Basin, and a new strain of the virus was identified in Italy in 2012. WNV is now considered to be an endemic pathogen in Africa, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, Europe and in the United States, which in 2012 has experienced one of its worst epidemics. In 2012, WNV killed 286 people in the United States, with the state of Texas being hard hit by this virus, making the year the deadliest on record for the United States.


The main mode of WNV transmission is via various species of mosquitoes, which are the prime vector, with birds being the most commonly infected animal and serving as the prime reservoir host—especially passerines, which are of the largest order of birds, Passeriformes. WNV has been found in various species of ticks, but current research suggests they are not important vectors of the virus. WNV also infects various mammal species, including humans, and has been identified in reptilian species, including alligators and crocodiles, and also in amphibians. Not all animal species that are susceptible to WNV infection, including humans, and not all bird species develop sufficient viral levels to transmit the disease to uninfected mosquitoes, and are thus not considered major factors in WNV transmission.


Approximately 80% of West Nile virus infections in humans are subclinical, which cause no symptoms. In the cases where symptoms do occur—termed West Nile fever in cases without neurological disease—the time from infection to the appearance of symptoms (incubation period) is typically between 2 and 15 days. Symptoms may include fever, headaches, fatigue, muscle pain or aches, malaise, nausea, anorexia, vomiting, myalgias and rash. Less than 1% of the cases are severe and result in neurological disease when the central nervous system is affected. People of advanced age, the very young, or those with immunosuppression, either medically induced, such as those taking immunosupressive drugs, or due to a pre-existing medical condition such as HIV infection, are most susceptible. The specific neurological diseases that may occur are West Nile encephalitis, which causes inflammation of the brain, West Nile meningitis, which causes inflammation of the meninges, which are the protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, West Nile meningoencephalitis, which causes inflammation of the brain and also the meninges surrounding it, and West Nile poliomyelitis—spinal cord inflammation, which results in a syndrome similar to polio, which may cause acute flaccid paralysis.


Currently, no vaccine against WNV infection is available. The best method to reduce the rates of WNV infection is mosquito control on the part of municipalities, businesses and individual citizens to reduce breeding populations of mosquitoes in public, commercial and private areas via various means including eliminating standing pools of water where mosquitoes breed, such as in old tires, buckets, unused swimming pools, etc. On an individual basis, the use of personal protective measures to avoid being bitten by an infected mosquito, via the use of mosquito repellent, window screens, avoiding areas where mosquitoes are more prone to congregate, such as near marshes, areas with heavy vegetation etc., and being more vigilant from dusk to dawn when mosquitoes are most active offers the best defense. In the event of being bitten by an infected mosquito, familiarity of the symptoms of WNV on the part of laypersons, physicians and allied health professions affords the best chance of receiving timely medical treatment, which may aid in reducing associated possible complications and also appropriate palliative care.


The incubation period for WNV—the amount of time from infection to symptom onset—is typically from between 2 and 15 days. Headache can be a prominent symptom of WNV fever, meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, and it may or may not be present in poliomyelytis-like syndrome. Thus, headache is not a useful indicator of neuroinvasive disease.(CDC)

west-nile-virus 2

  • West Nile virus encephalitis (WNE) is the most common neuroinvasive manifestation of WNND. WNE presents with similar symptoms to other viral encephalitis with fever, headaches, and altered mental status. A prominent finding in WNE is muscular weakness (30 to 50 percent of patients with encephalitis), often with lower motor neuron symptoms, flaccid paralysis, and hyporeflexia with no sensory abnormalities.
  • West Nile meningitis (WNM) usually involves fever, headache, and stiff neck. Pleocytosis, an increase of white blood cells in cerebrospinal fluid, is also present. Changes in consciousness are not usually seen and are mild when present.
  • West Nile meningoencephalitis is inflammation of both the brain (encephalitis) and meninges (meningitis).
  • West Nile poliomyelitis (WNP), an acute flaccid paralysis syndrome associated with WNV infection, is less common than WNM or WNE. This syndrome is generally characterized by the acute onset of asymmetric limb weakness or paralysis in the absence of sensory loss. Pain sometimes precedes the paralysis. The paralysis can occur in the absence of fever, headache, or other common symptoms associated with WNV infection. Involvement of respiratory muscles, leading to acute respiratory failure, can sometimes occur.
  • West-Nile reversible paralysis,. Like WNP, the weakness or paralysis is asymmetric. Reported cases have been noted to have an initial preservation of deep tendon reflexes, which is not expected for a pure anterior horn involvement.Disconnect of upper motor neuron influences on the anterior horn cells possibly by myelitis or glutamate excitotoxicity have been suggested as mechanisms.The prognosis for recovery is excellent.
  • Cutaneous manifestations specifically rashes, are not uncommon in WNV-infected patients; however, there is a paucity of detailed descriptions in case reports and there are few clinical images widely available. Punctate erythematous (?), macular, and papular eruptions, most pronounced on the extremities have been observed in WNV cases and in some cases histopathologic findings have shown a sparse superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate, a manifestation commonly seen in viral exanthems (?). A literature review provides support that this punctate rash is a common cutaneous presentation of WNV infection. (Anderson RC et al.)


West Nile virus life cycle. After binding and uptake, the virion envelope fuses with cellular membranes, followed by uncoating of the nucleocapsid and release of the RNA genome into the cytoplasm. The viral genome serves as messenger RNA (mRNA) for translation of all viral proteins and as template during RNA replication. Copies are subsequently packaged within new virus particles that are transported in vesicles to the cell membrane.


WNV is one of the Japanese encephalitis antigenic serocomplex of viruses. Image reconstructions and cryoelectron microscopy reveal a 45–50 nm virion covered with a relatively smooth protein surface. This structure is similar to the dengue fever virus; both belong to the genus Flavivirus within the family Flaviviridae.

Em wnvirus j7908i.jpg

The genetic material of WNV is a positive-sense, single strand of RNA, which is between 11,000 and 12,000 nucleotides long; these genes encode seven nonstructural proteins and three structural proteins. The RNA strand is held within a nucleocapsid formed from 12-kDa protein blocks; the capsid is contained within a host-derived membrane altered by two viral glycoproteins. Phylogenetic tree of West Nile viruses based on sequencing of the envelope gene during complete genome sequencing of the virus


Studies of phylogenetic lineages determined WNV emerged as a distinct virus around 1000 years ago. This initial virus developed into two distinct lineages, lineage 1 and its multiple profiles is the source of the epidemic transmission in Africa and throughout the world. Lineage 2 was considered an Africa zoonosis. However, in 2008, lineage 2, previously only seen in horses in sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar, began to appear in horses in Europe, where the first known outbreak affected 18 animals in Hungary in 2008. Lineage 1 West Nile virus was detected in South Africa in 2010 in a mare and her aborted fetus; previously, only lineage 2 West Nile virus had been detected in horses and humans in South Africa. A 2007 fatal case in a killer whale in Texas broadened the known host range of West Nile virus to include cetaceans.


The United States virus was very closely related to a lineage 1 strain found in Israel in 1998. Since the first North American cases in 1999, the virus has been reported throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America. There have been human cases and equine cases, and many birds are infected. The Barbary macaque, Macaca sylvanus, was the first nonhuman primate to contract WNV.  Both the United States and Israeli strains are marked by high mortality rates in infected avian populations; the presence of dead birds—especially Corvidae—can be an early indicator of the arrival of the virus.


The West Nile virus maintains itself in nature by cycling between mosquitoes and certain species of birds. A mosquito (the vector) bites an uninfected bird (the host), the virus amplifies within the bird, an uninfected mosquito bites the bird and is in turn infected. Other species such as humans and horses are incidental infections, as they are not the mosquitoes’ preferred blood meal source. The virus does not amplify within these species and they are known as dead-end hosts.


The West Nile virus (WNV) is transmitted through female mosquitoes, which are the prime vectors of the virus. Only females feed on blood, and different species have evolved to take a blood meal on preferred types of vertebrate hosts. The infected mosquito species vary according to geographical area; in the United States, Culex pipiens (Eastern United States), Culex tarsalis (Midwest and West), and Culex quinquefasciatus (Southeast) are the main sources.The various species that transmit the WNV prefer birds of the Passeriformes order, the largest order of birds. Within that order there is further selectivity with various mosquito species exhibiting preference for different species. In the United States WNV mosquito vectors have shown definitive preference for members of the Corvidae and Thrush family of birds. Amongst the preferred species within these families are the American crow, a corvid, and the American robin (Turdus migratorius), a thrush.

The proboscis of a female mosquito—here a Southern House Mosquito (Culex quinquefasciatus)—pierces the epidermis and dermis to allow it to feed on human blood from a capillary: this one is almost fully tumescent. The mosquito injects saliva, which contains an anesthetic, and an anticoagulant into the puncture wound; and in infected mosquitoes, the West Nile virus.


The birds develop sufficient viral levels after being infected, to transmit the infection to other biting mosquitoes that in turn go on to infect other birds. In crows and robins, the infection is fatal in 4–5 days. This epizootic viral amplification cycle has been shown to peak 15–16 days before humans become ill. This may be due to the high mortality, and thus depletion of the preferred hosts, i.e., the specific bird species. The mosquitoes become less selective and begin feeding more readily on other animal types such as humans and horses which are considered incidental hosts.


In mammals, the virus does not multiply as readily (i.e., does not develop high viremia during infection), and mosquitoes biting infected mammals are not believed to ingest sufficient virus to become infected,making mammals so-called dead-end hosts.


Direct human-to-human transmission initially was believed to be caused only by occupational exposure, or conjunctive exposure to infected blood. The US outbreak identified additional transmission methods through blood transfusion,organ transplant intrauterine exposure, and breast feeding. Since 2003, blood banks in the United States routinely screen for the virus among their donors. As a precautionary measure, the UK’s National Blood Service initially ran a test for this disease in donors who donate within 28 days of a visit to the United States, Canada or the northeastern provinces of Italy and the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service asks prospective donors to wait 28 days after returning from North America or the northeastern provinces of Italy before donating.

West Nile Virus Replication

Recently, the potential for mosquito saliva to impact the course of WNV disease was demonstrated. Mosquitoes inoculate their saliva into the skin while obtaining blood. Mosquito saliva is a pharmacological cocktail of secreted molecules, principally proteins, that can affect vascular constriction, blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, inflammation, and immunity. It clearly alters the immune response in a manner that may be advantageous to a virus. Studies have shown it can specifically modulate the immune response during early virus infection, and mosquito feeding can exacerbate WNV infection, leading to higher viremia and more severe forms of disease.


Vertical transmission, the transmission of a viral or bacterial disease from the female of the species to her offspring, has been observed in various West Nile virus studies, amongst different species of mosquitoes in both the laboratory and in nature.Mosquito progeny infected vertically in autumn, may potentially serve as a mechanism for WNV to overwinter and initiate enzootic horizontal transmission the following spring.

35 of the Most Dangerous Viruses and Bacteria’s in the World Today

The Black Plague, Marburg, Ebola, Influenza, Enterovirus virus may all sound terrifying, but it’s not the most dangerous virus in the world. It isn’t HIV either. Here is a list of the most dangerous viruses and Bacteria’s on the Planet Earth.

High security laboratory

1. Marburg Virus The most dangerous virus is the Marburg virus. It is named after a small and idyllic town on the river Lahn – but that has nothing to do with the disease itself. The Marburg virus is a hemorrhagic fever virus. As with Ebola, the Marburg virus causes convulsions and bleeding of mucous membranes, skin and organs. It has a fatality rate of 90 percent.  The Marburg virus causes a rare, but severe hemorrhagic fever that has a fatality rate of 88%. It was first identified in 1967 when outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever cropped up simultaneously in Marburg, where the disease got its name, Frankfurt in Germany and Belgrade, Serbia.


Marburg and Ebola came from the Filoviridae family of viruses. They both have the capacity to cause dramatic outbreaks with the greatest fatality rates. It is transmitted to humans from fruit bats and spreads to humans through direct contact with the blood, secretions and other bodily fluids of infected humans. No anti-viral treatment or vaccine exists against the Marburg virus. In 1967, a group of lab workers in Germany (Marburg and Frankfurt) and Serbia (then Yugoslavia) contracted a new type of hemorrhagic fever from some virus-carrying African green monkeys that had been imported for research and development of polio vaccines. The Marburg virus is also BSL-4, and Marburg hemorrhagic fever has a 23 to 90 percent fatality rate. Spread through close human-to-human contact, symptoms start with a headache, fever, and a rash on the trunk, and progress to multiple organ failure and massive internal bleeding.

There is no cure, and the latest cases were reported out of Uganda at the end of 2012. An American tourist who had explored a Ugandan cave full of fruit bats known to be reservoirs of the virus contracted it and survived in 2008. (But not before bringing his sick self back to the U.S.)

2. Ebola Virus  There are five strains of the Ebola virus, each named after countries and regions in Africa: Zaire, Sudan, Tai Forest, Bundibugyo and Reston. The Zaire Ebola virus is the deadliest, with a mortality rate of 90 percent. It is the strain currently spreading through Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, and beyond. Scientists say flying foxes probably brought the Zaire Ebola virus into cities.

Typically less than 100 lives a year. UPDATE: A severe Ebola outbreak was detected in West Africa in March 2014. The number of deaths in this latest outbreak has outnumbered all other known cases from previous outbreaks combined. The World Health Organization is reporting nearly 2,000 deaths in this latest outbreak.
Once a person is infected with the virus, the disease has an incubation period of 2-21 days; however, some infected persons are asymptomatic. Initial symptoms are sudden malaise, headache, and muscle pain, progressing to high fever, vomiting, severe hemorrhaging (internally and out of the eyes and mouth) and in 50%-90% of patients, death, usually within days. The likelihood of death is governed by the virulence of the particular Ebola strain involved. Ebola virus is transmitted in body fluids and secretions; there is no evidence of transmission by casual contact. There is no vaccine and no cure.

Its melodic moniker may roll off the tongue, but if you contract the virus (above), that’s not the only thing that will roll off one of your body parts (a disturbing amount of blood coming out of your eyes, for instance). Four of the five known Ebola viral strains cause Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF), which has killed thousands of people in sub-Saharan African nations since its discovery in 1976.

The deadly virus is named after the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where it was first reported, and is classified as a CDC Biosafety Level 4, a.k.a. BSL-4, making it one of the most dangerous pathogens on the planet. It is thought to spread through close contact with bodily secretions. EHF has a 50 to 90 percent mortality rate, with a rapid onset of symptoms that start with a headache and sore throat and progress to major internal and external bleeding and multiple organ failure. There’s no known cure, and the most recent cases were reported at the end of 2012 in Uganda.

3. The Hantavirus describes several types of viruses. It is named after a river where American soldiers were first thought to have been infected with the Hantavirus, during the Korean War in 1950. Symptoms include lung disease, fever and kidney failure.

70,000 Deaths a Year
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a deadly disease transmitted by infected rodents through urine, droppings, or saliva. Humans can contract the disease when they breathe in aerosolized virus. HPS was first recognized in 1993 and has since been identified throughout the United States. Although rare, HPS is potentially deadly. Rodent control in and around the home remains the primary strategy for preventing hantavirus infection. Also known as House Mouse Flu. The symptoms, which are very similar to HFRS, include tachycardia and tachypnea. Such conditions can lead to a cardiopulmonary phase, where cardiovascular shock can occur, and hospitalization of the patient is required.

There are many strains of hantavirus floating around (yep, it’s airborne) in the wake of rodents that carry the virus. Different strains, carried by different rodent species, are known to cause different types of illnesses in humans, most notably hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS)—first discovered during the Korean War—and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), which reared its ugly head with a 1993 outbreak in the Southwestern United States. Severe HFRS causes acute kidney failure, while HPS gets you by filling your lungs with fluid (edema). HFRS has a mortality rate of 1 to 15 percent, while HPS is 38 percent. The U.S. saw its most recent outbreak of hantavirus—of the HPS variety—at Yosemite National Park in late 2012.

4. Avian Influenza Bird Flu The various strains of bird flu regularly cause panic – which is perhaps justified because the mortality rate is 70 percent. But in fact the risk of contracting the H5N1 strain – one of the best known – is quite low. You can only be infected through direct contact with poultry. It is said this explains why most cases appear in Asia, where people often live close to chickens.


This form of the flu is common among birds (usually poultry) and infects humans through contact with secretions of an infected bird.

Although rare, those infected have a high incidence of death. Symptoms are like those of the more common human form of influenza.

Bird flu (H5N1) has receded from international headlines for the moment, as few human cases of the deadly virus have been reported this year. But when Dutch researchers recently created an even more transmissible strain of the virus in a laboratory for research purposes, they stirred grave concerns about what would happen if it escaped into the outside world. “Part of what makes H5N1 so deadly is that most people lack an immunity to it,” explains Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) who studies the spread of infectious diseases. “If you make a strain that’s highly transmissible between humans, as the Dutch team did, it could be disastrous if it ever escaped the lab.”


H5N1 first made global news in early 1997 after claiming two dozen victims in Hong Kong. The virus normally occurs only in wild birds and farm-raised fowl, but in those isolated early cases, it made the leap from birds to humans. It then swept unimpeded through the bodies of its initial human victims, causing massive hemorrhages in the lungs and death in a matter of days. Fortunately, during the past 15 years, the virus has claimed only 400 victims worldwide—although the strain can jump species, it hasn’t had the ability to move easily from human to human, a critical limit to its spread.


That’s no longer the case, however. In late 2011, the Dutch researchers announced the creation of an H5N1 virus transmissible through the air between ferrets (the best animal model for studying the impact of disease on humans). The news caused a storm of controversy in the popular press and heated debate among scientists over the ethics of the work. For Lipsitch and many others, the creation of the new strain was cause for alarm. “H5N1 influenza is already one of the most deadly viruses in existence,” he says. “If you make [the virus] transmissible [between humans], you have to be very concerned about what the resulting strain could do.”


To put this danger in context, the 1918 “Spanish” flu—one of the most deadly influenza epidemics on record—killed between 50 million and 100 million people worldwide, or roughly 3 to 6 percent of those infected. The more lethal SARS virus (see “The SARS Scare,” March-April 2007, page 47) killed almost 10 percent of infected patients during a 2003 outbreak that reached 25 countries worldwide. H5N1 is much more dangerous, killing almost 60 percent of those who contract the illness.


If a transmissible strain of H5N1 escapes the lab, says Lipsitch, it could spark a global health catastrophe. “It could infect millions of people in the United States, and very likely more than a billion people globally, like most successful flu strains do,” he says. “This might be one of the worst viruses—perhaps the worst virus—in existence right now because it has both transmissibility and high virulence.”

Influenza A Pandemics

Ironically, this is why Ron Fouchier, the Dutch virologist whose lab created the new H5N1 strain, argues that studying it in more depth is crucial. If the virus can be made transmissible in the lab, he reasons, it can also occur in nature—and researchers should have an opportunity to understand as much as possible about the strain before that happens.


Lipsitch, who directs the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at HSPH, thinks the risks far outweigh the rewards. Even in labs with the most stringent safety requirements, such as enclosed rubber “space suits” to isolate researchers, accidents do happen. A single unprotected breath could infect a researcher, who might unknowingly spread the virus beyond the confines of the lab.


In an effort to avoid this scenario, Lipsitch has been pushing for changes in research policy in the United States and abroad. (A yearlong, voluntary global ban on H5N1 research was lifted in many countries in January, and new rules governing such research in the United States were expected in February.) Lipsitch says that none of the current research proposals he has seen “would significantly improve our preparational response to a national pandemic of H5N1. The small risk of a very large public health disaster…is not worth taking [for] scientific knowledge without an immediate public health application.” His recent op-eds in scientific journals and the popular press have stressed the importance of regulating the transmissible strain and limiting work with the virus to only a handful of qualified labs. In addition, he argues, only technicians who have the right training and experience—and have been inoculated against the virus—should be allowed to handle it.

Figure 5_MACKAY

These are simple limitations that could drastically reduce the danger of the virus spreading, he asserts, yet they’re still not popular with some researchers. He acknowledges that limiting research is an unusual practice scientifically but argues, “These are unusual circumstances.”


Lipsitch thinks a great deal of useful research can still be done on the non-transmissible strain of the virus, which would provide valuable data without the risk of accidental release. In the meantime, he hopes to make more stringent H5N1 policies a priority for U.S. and foreign laboratories. Although it’s not a perfect solution, he says, it’s far better than a nightmare scenario.

5. Lassa Virus  A nurse in Nigeria was the first person to be infected with the Lassa virus. The virus is transmitted by rodents. Cases can be endemic – which means the virus occurs in a specific region, such as in western Africa, and can reoccur there at any time. Scientists assume that 15 percent of rodents in western Africa carry the virus.

Marburg virus

The Marburg virus under a microscope

This BSL-4 virus gives us yet another reason to avoid rodents. Lassa is carried by a species of rat in West Africa called Mastomys. It’s airborne…at least when you’re hanging around the rat’s fecal matter. Humans, however, can only spread it through direct contact with bodily secretions. Lassa fever, which has a 15 to 20 percent mortality rate, causes about 5000 deaths a year in West Africa, particularly in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

It starts with a fever and some retrosternal pain (behind the chest) and can progress to facial swelling, encephalitis, mucosal bleeding and deafness. Fortunately, researchers and medical professionals have found some success in treating Lassa fever with an antiviral drug in the early stages of the disease.

6. The Junin Virus is associated with Argentine hemorrhagic fever. People infected with the virus suffer from tissue inflammation, sepsis and skin bleeding. The problem is that the symptoms can appear to be so common that the disease is rarely detected or identified in the first instance.


A member of the genus Arenavirus, Junin virus characteristically causes Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF). AHF leads to major alterations within the vascular, neurological and immune systems and has a mortality rate of between 20 and 30%.  Symptoms of the disease are conjunctivitis, purpura, petechia and occasional sepsis. The symptoms of the disease are relatively indistinct and may therefore be mistaken for a different condition.


Since the discovery of the Junin virus in 1958, the geographical distribution of the pathogen, although still confined to Argentina, has risen. At the time of discovery, Junin virus was confined to an area of around 15,000 km². At the beginning of 2000, the distribution had risen to around 150,000 km². The natural hosts of Junin virus are rodents, particularly Mus musculus, Calomys spp. and Akodon azarae.


Direct rodent to human transmission only transpires when contact is made with excrement of an infected rodent. This commonly occurs via ingestion of contaminated food or water, inhalation of particles within urine or via direct contact of broken skin with rodent excrement.

7. The Crimea-Congo Fever Virus is transmitted by ticks. It is similar to the Ebola and Marburg viruses in the way it progresses. During the first days of infection, sufferers present with pin-sized bleedings in the face, mouth and the pharynx.

Transmitted through tick bites this disease is endemic (consistently present)  in most countries of West Africa and the Middle East. Although rare, CCHF has a 30% mortality rate. The most recent outbreak of the disease was in 2005 in Turkey. The Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is a common disease transmitted by a tick-Bourne virus. The virus causes major hemorrhagic fever outbreaks with a fatality rate of up to 30%. It is chiefly transmitted to people through tick and livestock. Person-to-person transmission occurs through direct contact with the blood, secretions and other bodily fluids of an infected person. No vaccination exists for both humans and animals against CCHF.

8. The Machupo Virus is associated with Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, also known as black typhus. The infection causes high fever, accompanied by heavy bleedings. It progresses similar to the Junin virus. The virus can be transmitted from human to human, and rodents often the carry it.


Bolivian hemorrhagic fever (BHF), also known as black typhus or Ordog Fever, is a hemorrhagic fever and zoonotic infectious disease originating in Bolivia after infection by Machupo virus.BHF was first identified in 1963 as an ambisense RNA virus of the Arenaviridae family,by a research group led by Karl Johnson. The mortality rate is estimated at 5 to 30 percent.


Due to its pathogenicity, Machupo virus requires Biosafety Level Four conditions, the highest level.In February and March 2007, some 20 suspected BHF cases (3 fatal) were reported to the El Servicio Departmental de Salud (SEDES) in Beni Department, Bolivia, and in February 2008, at least 200 suspected new cases (12 fatal) were reported to SEDES.In November 2011, a SEDES expert involved in a serosurvey to determine the extent of Machupo virus infections in the Department after the discovery of a second confirmed case near the departmental capital of Trinidad in November, 2011, expressed concern about expansion of the virus’ distribution outside the endemic zone in Mamoré and Iténez provinces.

NAmerican viruses

Bolivian hemorrhagic fever was one of three hemorrhagic fevers and one of more than a dozen agents that the United States researched as potential biological weapons before the nation suspended its biological weapons program. It was also under research by the Soviet Union, under the Biopreparat bureau.

9. Kyasanur Forest Virus  Scientists discovered the Kyasanur Forest Virus (KFD) virus in woodlands on the southwestern coast of India in 1955. It is transmitted by ticks, but scientists say it is difficult to determine any carriers. It is assumed that rats, birds and boars could be hosts. People infected with the virus suffer from high fever, strong headaches and muscle pain which can cause bleedings.


The disease has a morbidity rate of 2-10%, and affects 100-500 people annually.The symptoms of the disease include a high fever with frontal headaches, followed by hemorrhagic symptoms, such as bleeding from the nasal cavity, throat, and gums, as well as gastrointestinal bleeding.An affected person may recover in two weeks time, but the convalescent period is typically very long, lasting for several months. There will be muscle aches and weakness during this period and the affected person is unable to engage in physical activities.


There are a variety of animals thought to be reservoir hosts for the disease, including porcupines, rats, squirrels, mice and shrews. The vector for disease transmission is Haemaphysalis spinigera, a forest tick. Humans contract infection from the bite of nymphs of the tick.

Kyasanur Forest Disease Host

The disease was first reported from Kyasanur Forest of Karnataka in India in March 1957. The disease first manifested as an epizootic outbreak among monkeys killing several of them in the year 1957. Hence the disease is also locally known as Monkey Disease or Monkey Fever. The similarity with Russian Spring-summer encephalitis was noted and the possibility of migratory birds carrying the disease was raised. Studies began to look for the possible species that acted as reservoirs for the virus and the agents responsible for transmission. Subsequent studies failed to find any involvement of migratory birds although the possibility of their role in initial establishment was not ruled out. The virus was found to be quite distinctive and not closely related to the Russian virus strains.


Antigenic relatedness is however close to many other strains including the Omsk hemorrhagic fever (OHF) and birds from Siberia have been found to show an antigenic response to KFD virus. Sequence based studies however note the distinctiveness of OHF.Early studies in India were conducted in collaboration with the US Army Medical Research Unit and this led to controversy and conspiracy theories.


Subsequent studies based on sequencing found that the Alkhurma virus, found in Saudi Arabia is closely related. In 1989 a patient in Nanjianin, China was found with fever symptoms and in 2009 its viral gene sequence was found to exactly match with that of the KFD reference virus of 1957. This has however been questioned since the Indian virus shows variations in sequence over time and the exact match with the virus sequence of 1957 and the Chinese virus of 1989 is not expected.


This study also found using immune response tests that birds and humans in the region appeared to have been exposed to the virus.Another study has suggested that the virus is recent in origin dating the nearest common ancestor of it and related viruses to around 1942, based on the estimated rate of sequence substitutions. The study also raises the possibility of bird involvement in long-distance transfer. It appears that these viruses diverged 700 years ago.

10. Dengue Fever is a constant threat. If you’re planning a holiday in the tropics, get informed about dengue. Transmitted by mosquitoes, dengue affects between 50 and 100 million people a year in popular holiday destinations such as Thailand and India. But it’s more of a problem for the 2 billion people who live in areas that are threatened by dengue fever.

25,000 Deaths a year Also known as ‘breakbone fever’ due to the extreme pain felt during fever, is an relatively new disease caused by one of four closely-related viruses. WHO estimates that a whopping 2.5 billion people (two fifths of the World’s population) are at risk from dengue. It puts the total number of infections at around 50 million per year, and is now epidemic in more than 100 countries.

Dengue viruses are transferred to humans through the bites of infective female Aedes mosquitoes. The dengue virus circulates in the blood of a human for two to seven days, during the same time they have the fever. It usually appears first on the lower limbs and the chest; in some patients, it spreads to cover most of the body. There may also be severe retro-orbital pain, (a pain from behind the eyes that is distinctive to Dengue infections), and gastritis with some combination of associated abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting coffee-grounds-like congealed blood, or severe diarrhea.

The leading cause of death in the tropics and subtropics is the infection brought on by the dengue virus, which causes a high fever, severe headache, and, in the worst cases, hemorrhaging. The good news is that it’s treatable and not contagious. The bad news is there’s no vaccine, and you can get it easily from the bite of an infected mosquito—which puts at least a third of the world’s human population at risk. The CDC estimates that there are over 100 million cases of dengue fever each year. It’s a great marketing tool for bug spray.

11. HIV 3.1 Million Lives a Year Human Immunodeficiency Virus has claimed the lives of more than 25 million people since 1981. HIV gets to the immune system by infecting important cells, including helper cells called CD4+ T cells, plus macrophanges and dendritic cells. Once the virus has taken hold, it systematically kills these cells, damaging the infected person’s immunity and leaving them more at risk from infections.

The majority of people infected with HIV go on to develop AIDS. Once a patient has AIDS common infections and tumours normally controlled by the CD4+ T cells start to affect the person.  
In the latter stages of the disease, pneumonia and various types of herpes can infect the patient and cause death.


Human immunodeficiency virus infection / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The term HIV/AIDS represents the entire range of disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus from early infection to late stage symptoms. During the initial infection, a person may experience a brief period of influenza-like illness. This is typically followed by a prolonged period without symptoms. As the illness progresses, it interferes more and more with the immune system, making the person much more likely to get infections, including opportunistic infections and tumors that do not usually affect people who have working immune systems.


HIV is transmitted primarily via unprotected sexual intercourse (including anal and oral sex), contaminated blood transfusions, hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. Some bodily fluids, such as saliva and tears, do not transmit HIV. Prevention of HIV infection, primarily through safe sex and needle-exchange programs, is a key strategy to control the spread of the disease. There is no cure or vaccine; however, antiretroviral treatment can slow the course of the disease and may lead to a near-normal life expectancy. While antiretroviral treatment reduces the risk of death and complications from the disease, these medications are expensive and have side effects. Without treatment, the average survival time after infection with HIV is estimated to be 9 to 11 years, depending on the HIV subtype.


Genetic research indicates that HIV originated in west-central Africa during the late nineteenth or early twentieth century. AIDS was first recognized by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1981 and its cause—HIV infection—was identified in the early part of the decade. Since its discovery, AIDS has caused an estimated 36 million deaths worldwide (as of 2012). As of 2012, approximately 35.3 million people are living with HIV globally. HIV/AIDS is considered a pandemic—a disease outbreak which is present over a large area and is actively spreading.


HIV/AIDS has had a great impact on society, both as an illness and as a source of discrimination. The disease also has significant economic impacts. There are many misconceptions about HIV/AIDS such as the belief that it can be transmitted by casual non-sexual contact. The disease has also become subject to many controversies involving religion. It has attracted international medical and political attention as well as large-scale funding since it was identified in the 1980s


12. Rotavirus 61,000 Lives a Year  According to the WHO, this merciless virus causes the deaths of more than half a million children every year. In fact, by the age of five, virtually every child on the planet has been infected with the virus at least once. Immunity builds up with each infection, so subsequent infections are milder. However, in areas where adequate healthcare is limited the disease is often fatal. Rotavirus infection usually occurs through ingestion of contaminated stool.

Because the virus is able to live a long time outside of the host, transmission can occur through ingestion of contaminated food or water, or by coming into direct contact with contaminated surfaces, then putting hands in the mouth.
Once it’s made its way in, the rotavirus infects the cells that line the small intestine and multiplies. It emits an enterotoxin, which gives rise to gastroenteritis.

13. Smallpox   Officially eradicated – Due to it’s long history, it impossible to estimate the carnage over the millennia Smallpox localizes in small blood vessels of the skin and in the mouth and throat. In the skin, this results in a characteristic maculopapular rash, and later, raised fluid-filled blisters. It has an overall mortality rate of 30–35%. Smallpox is believed to have emerged in human populations about 10,000 BC. The disease killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans per year during the closing years of the 18th century (including five reigning monarchs), and was responsible for a third of all blindness. Of all those infected, 20–60%—and over 80% of infected children—died from the disease.
Smallpox was responsible for an estimated 300–500 million deaths during the 20th century alone. In the early 1950s an estimated 50 million cases of smallpox occurred in the world each year.

As recently as 1967, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 15 million people contracted the disease and that two million died in that year. After successful vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the WHO certified the eradication of smallpox in December 1979.
Smallpox is one of only two infectious diseases to have been eradicated by humans, the other being Rinderpest, which was unofficially declared eradicated in October 2010.

The virus that causes smallpox wiped out hundreds of millions of people worldwide over thousands of years. We can’t even blame it on animals either, as the virus is only carried by and contagious for humans. There are several different types of smallpox disease that result from an infection ranging from mild to fatal, but it is generally marked by a fever, rash, and blistering, oozing pustules that develop on the skin. Fortunately, smallpox was declared eradicated in 1979, as the result of successful worldwide implementation of the vaccine.

14. Hepatitis B  521,000 Deaths a Year A third of the World’s population (over 2 billion people) has come in contact with this virus, including 350 million chronic carriers. In China and other parts of Asia, up to 10% of the adult population is chronically infected. The symptoms of acute hepatitis B include yellowing of the skin of eyes, dark urine, vomiting, nausea, extreme fatigue, and abdominal pain.

Luckily, more than 95% of people who contract the virus as adults or older children will make a full recovery and develop immunity to the disease. In other people, however, hepatitis B can bring on chronic liver failure due to cirrhosis or cancer.

Hepatitis B is an infectious illness of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) that affects hominoidea, including humans. It was originally known as "serum hepatitis". Many people have no symptoms during the initial infected. Some develop an acute illness with vomiting, yellow skin, dark urine and abdominal pain. Often these symptoms last a few weeks and rarely result in death. It may take 30 to 180 days for symptoms to begin. Less than 10% of those infected develop chronic hepatitis B. In those with chronic disease cirrhosis and liver cancer may eventually develop.


The virus is transmitted by exposure to infectious blood or body fluidsInfection around the time of birth is the most common way the disease is acquired in areas of the world where is common. In areas where the disease is uncommon intravenous drug use and sex are the most common routes of infection. Other risk factors include working in a healthcare setting, blood transfusions, dialysis, sharing razors or toothbrushes with an infected person, travel in countries where it is common, and living in an institution.

Tattooing and acupuncture led to a significant number of cases in the 1980s; however, this has become less common with improved sterility. The hepatitis B viruses cannot be spread by holding hands, sharing eating utensils or drinking glasses, kissing, hugging, coughing, sneezing, or breastfeeding.  The hepatitis B virus is a hepadnavirushepa from hepatotropic (attracted to the liver) and dna because it is a DNA virus. The viruses replicate through an RNA intermediate form by reverse transcription, which in practice relates them to retroviruses.It is 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV.


The infection has been preventable by vaccination since 1982. During the initial infected care is based on the symptoms present. In those who developed chronic disease antiviral medication such as tenofovir or interferon maybe useful, however are expensive.

About a third of the world population has been infected at one point in their lives, including 350 million who are chronic carriers. Over 750,000 people die of hepatitis B a year. The disease has caused outbreaks in parts of Asia and Africa, and it is now only common in China. Between 5 and 10% of adults in sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia have chronic disease. Research is in progress to create edible HBV vaccines in foods such as potatoes, carrots, and bananas.In 2004, an estimated 350 million individuals were infected worldwide. National and regional prevalence ranges from over 10% in Asia to under 0.5% in the United States and northern Europe. Routes of infection include vertical transmission (such as through childbirth), early life horizontal transmission (bites, lesions, and sanitary habits), and adult horizontal transmission (sexual contact, intravenous drug use).


The primary method of transmission reflects the prevalence of chronic HBV infection in a given area. In low prevalence areas such as the continental United States and Western Europe, injection drug abuse and unprotected sex are the primary methods, although other factors may also be important. In moderate prevalence areas, which include Eastern Europe, Russia, and Japan, where 2–7% of the population is chronically infected, the disease is predominantly spread among children. In high-prevalence areas such as China and South East Asia, transmission during childbirth is most common, although in other areas of high endemicity such as Africa, transmission during childhood is a significant factor. The prevalence of chronic HBV infection in areas of high endemicity is at least 8% with 10-15% prevalence in Africa/Far East. As of 2010, China has 120 million infected people, followed by India and Indonesia with 40 million and 12 million, respectively. According to World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 600,000 people die every year related to the infection. In the United States about 19,000 new cases occurred in 2011 down nearly 90% from 1990.


Acute infection with hepatitis B virus is associated with acute viral hepatitis – an illness that begins with general ill-health, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, body aches, mild fever, and dark urine, and then progresses to development of jaundice. It has been noted that itchy skin has been an indication as a possible symptom of all hepatitis virus types. The illness lasts for a few weeks and then gradually improves in most affected people. A few people may have more severe liver disease (fulminant hepatic failure), and may die as a result. The infection may be entirely asymptomatic and may go unrecognized.


Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus either may be asymptomatic or may be associated with a chronic inflammation of the liver (chronic hepatitis), leading to cirrhosis over a period of several years. This type of infection dramatically increases the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer). Across Europe hepatitis B and C cause approximately 50% of hepatocellular carcinomas. Chronic carriers are encouraged to avoid consuming alcohol as it increases their risk for cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis B virus has been linked to the development of membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN).


Symptoms outside of the liver are present in 1–10% of HBV-infected people and include serum-sickness–like syndrome, acute necrotizing vasculitis (polyarteritis nodosa), membranous glomerulonephritis, and papular acrodermatitis of childhood (Gianotti–Crosti syndrome). The serum-sickness–like syndrome occurs in the setting of acute hepatitis B, often preceding the onset of jaundice. The clinical features are fever, skin rash, and polyarteritis. The symptoms often subside shortly after the onset of jaundice, but can persist throughout the duration of acute hepatitis B.  About 30–50% of people with acute necrotizing vasculitis (polyarteritis nodosa) are HBV carriers. HBV-associated nephropathy has been described in adults but is more common in children.Membranous glomerulonephritis is the most common form. Other immune-mediated hematological disorders, such as essential mixed cryoglobulinemia and aplastic anemia.

15. Influenza 500,000 Deaths a Year Influenza has been a prolific killer for centuries. The symptoms of influenza were first described more than 2,400 years ago by Hippocrates. Pandemics generally occur three times a century, and can cause millions of deaths. The most fatal pandemic on record was the Spanish flu outbreak in 1918, which caused between 20 million and 100 million deaths. In order to invade a host, the virus shell includes proteins that bind themselves to receptors on the outside of cells in the lungs and air passages of the victim. Once the virus has latched itself onto the cell it takes over so much of its machinery that the cell dies. Dead cells in the airways cause a runny nose and sore throat. Too many dead cells in the lungs causes death.

Vaccinations against the flu are common in developed countries. However, a vaccination that is effective one year may not necessarily work the next year, due to the way the rate at which a flu virus evolves and the fact that new strains will soon replace older ones. No virus can claim credit for more worldwide pandemics and scares than influenza.

The outbreak of the Spanish flu in 1918 is generally considered to be one of the worst pandemics in human history, infecting 20 to 40 percent of the world’s population and killing 50 million in the span of just two years. (A reconstruction of that virus is above.) The swine flu was its most recent newsmaker, when a 2009 pandemic may have seen as many as 89 million people infected worldwide.

Effective influenza vaccines exist, and most people easily survive infections. But the highly infectious respiratory illness is cunning—the virus is constantly mutating and creating new strains. Thousands of strains exist at any given time, many of them harmless, and vaccines available in the U.S. cover only about 40 percent of the strains at large each year.

16. Hepatitis C  56,000 Deaths a Year An estimated 200-300 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C.


Most people infected with hepatitis C don’t have any symptoms and feel fine for years. However, liver damage invariably rears its ugly head over time, often decades after first infection. In fact, 70% of those infected develop chronic liver disease, 15% are struck with cirrhosis and 5% can die from liver cancer or cirrhosis. In the USA, hepatitis C is the primary reason for liver transplants.


Hepatitis C is an infectious disease affecting primarily the liver, caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The infection is often asymptomatic, but chronic infection can lead to scarring of the liver and ultimately to cirrhosis, which is generally apparent after many years. In some cases, those with cirrhosis will go on to develop liver failure, liver cancer, or life-threatening esophageal and gastric varices.


HCV is spread primarily by blood-to-blood contact associated with intravenous drug use, poorly sterilized medical equipment, and transfusions. An estimated 150–200 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C. The existence of hepatitis C (originally identifiable only as a type of non-A non-B hepatitis) was suggested in the 1970s and proven in 1989. Hepatitis C infects only humans and chimpanzees.


The virus persists in the liver in about 85% of those infected. This chronic infection can be treated with medication: the standard therapy is a combination of peginterferon and ribavirin, with either boceprevir or telaprevir added in some cases. Overall, 50–80% of people treated are cured. Those who develop cirrhosis or liver cancer may require a liver transplant. Hepatitis C is the leading reason for liver transplantation, though the virus usually recurs after transplantation. No vaccine against hepatitis C is available.


Hepatitis C infection causes acute symptoms in 15% of cases. Symptoms are generally mild and vague, including a decreased appetite, fatigue, nausea, muscle or joint pains, and weight loss and rarely does acute liver failure result. Most cases of acute infection are not associated with jaundice. The infection resolves spontaneously in 10–50% of cases, which occurs more frequently in individuals who are young and female.

hepatitis-clivers fucked

About 80% of those exposed to the virus develop a chronic infection.  This is defined as the presence of detectable viral replication for at least six months. Most experience minimal or no symptoms during the initial few decades of the infection.Chronic hepatitis C can be associated with fatigue and mild cognitive problems. Chronic infection after several years may cause cirrhosis or liver cancer. The liver enzymes are normal in 7–53%.  Late relapses after apparent cure have been reported, but these can be difficult to distinguish from reinfection.


Fatty changes to the liver occur in about half of those infected and are usually present before cirrhosis develops.  Usually (80% of the time) this change affects less than a third of the liver. Worldwide hepatitis C is the cause of 27% of cirrhosis cases and 25% of hepatocellular carcinoma.  About 10–30% of those infected develop cirrhosis over 30 years. Cirrhosis is more common in those also infected with hepatitis B, schistosoma, or HIV, in alcoholics and in those of male gender. In those with hepatitis C, excess alcohol increases the risk of developing cirrhosis 100-fold.Those who develop cirrhosis have a 20-fold greater risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. This transformation occurs at a rate of 1–3% per year.  Being infected with hepatitis B in additional to hepatitis C increases this risk further.


Liver cirrhosis may lead to portal hypertension, ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen), easy bruising or bleeding, varices (enlarged veins, especially in the stomach and esophagus), jaundice, and a syndrome of cognitive impairment known as hepatic encephalopathy. Ascites occurs at some stage in more than half of those who have a chronic infection.


The most common problem due to hepatitis C but not involving the liver is mixed cryoglobulinemia (usually the type II form) — an inflammation of small and medium-sized blood vessels. Hepatitis C is also associated with Sjögren’s syndrome (an autoimmune disorder); thrombocytopenia; lichen planus; porphyria cutanea tarda; necrolytic acral erythema; insulin resistance; diabetes mellitus; diabetic nephropathy; autoimmune thyroiditis and B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders.  Thrombocytopenia is estimated to occur in 0.16% to 45.4% of people with chronic hepatitis C. 20–30% of people infected have rheumatoid factor — a type of antibody. Possible associations include Hyde’s prurigo nodularis and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. Cardiomyopathy with associated arrhythmias has also been reported. A variety of central nervous system disorders have been reported.  Chronic infection seems to be associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.


Persons who have been infected with hepatitis C may appear to clear the virus but remain infected. The virus is not detectable with conventional testing but can be found with ultra-sensitive tests.The original method of detection was by demonstrating the viral genome within liver biopsies, but newer methods include an antibody test for the virus’ core protein and the detection of the viral genome after first concentrating the viral particles by ultracentrifugation. A form of infection with persistently moderately elevated serum liver enzymes but without antibodies to hepatitis C has also been reported. This form is known as cryptogenic occult infection.

Causes of hep C(4)

Several clinical pictures have been associated with this type of infection. It may be found in people with anti-hepatitis-C antibodies but with normal serum levels of liver enzymes; in antibody-negative people with ongoing elevated liver enzymes of unknown cause; in healthy populations without evidence of liver disease; and in groups at risk for HCV infection including those on haemodialysis or family members of people with occult HCV. The clinical relevance of this form of infection is under investigation. The consequences of occult infection appear to be less severe than with chronic infection but can vary from minimal to hepatocellular carcinoma.


The rate of occult infection in those apparently cured is controversial but appears to be low 40% of those with hepatitis but with both negative hepatitis C serology and the absence of detectable viral genome in the serum have hepatitis C virus in the liver on biopsy.How commonly this occurs in children is unknown.
There is no cure, no vaccine.

17. Measle  197,000 Deaths a Year Measles, also known as Rubeola, has done a pretty good job of killing people throughout the ages. Over the last 150 years, the virus has been responsible for the deaths of around 200 million people. The fatality rate from measles for otherwise healthy people in developed countries is 3 deaths per thousand cases, or 0.3%. In underdeveloped nations with high rates of malnutrition and poor healthcare, fatality rates have been as high as 28%. In immunocompromised patients (e.g. people with AIDS) the fatality rate is approximately 30%.

During the 1850s, measles killed a fifth of Hawaii’s people. In 1875, measles killed over 40,000 Fijians, approximately one-third of the population. In the 19th century, the disease decimated the Andamanese population. In 1954, the virus causing the disease was isolated from an 11-year old boy from the United States, David Edmonston, and adapted and propagated on chick embryo tissue culture.

To date, 21 strains of the measles virus have been identified.

18. Yellow Fever  30,000 Deaths a Year. Yellow fever is an acute viral hemorrhagic disease transmitted by the bite of female mosquitoes and is found in tropical and subtropical areas in South America and Africa. The only known hosts of the virus are primates and several species of mosquito. The origin of the disease is most likely to be Africa, from where it was introduced to South America through the slave trade in the 16th century. Since the 17th century, several major epidemics of the disease have been recorded in the Americas, Africa and Europe. In the 19th century, yellow fever was deemed one of the most dangerous infectious diseases.

Yellow fever presents in most cases with fever, nausea, and pain and it generally subsides after several days. In some patients, a toxic phase follows, in which liver damage with jaundice (giving the name of the disease) can occur and lead to death. Because of the increased bleeding tendency (bleeding diathesis), yellow fever belongs to the group of hemorrhagic fevers.


Since the 1980s, the number of cases of yellow fever has been increasing, making it a reemerging disease Transmitted through infected mosquitoes, Yellow Fever is still a serious problem in countries all over the world and a serious health risk for travelers to Africa, South America and some areas in the Caribbean.  Fatality rates range from 15 to over 50%. Symptoms include high fever, headache, abdominal pain, fatigue, vomiting and nausea.

Yellow fever is a hemorrhagic fever transmitted by infected mosquitoes. The yellow is in reference to the yellow color (jaundice) that affects some patients. The virus is endemic in tropical areas in Africa and South America.

The disease typically occurs in two phases. The first phase typically causes fever, headache, muscle pain and back pain, chills and nausea. Most patients recover from these symptoms while 15% progresses to the toxic second phase. High fever returns, jaundice becomes apparent, patient complains of abdominal pain with vomiting, and bleeding in the mouth, eyes, nose or stomach occurs. Blood appears in the stool or vomit and kidney function deteriorates. 50% of the patients that enter the toxic phase die within 10 to 14 days.

There is no treatment for yellow fever. Patients are only given supportive care for fever, dehydration and respiratory failure. Yellow fever is preventable through vaccination.

19. Rabies  55,000 Deaths a Year Rabies is almost invariably fatal if post-exposure prophylaxis is not administered prior to the onset of severe symptoms. If there wasn’t a vaccine, this would be the most deadly virus on the list.

It is a zoonotic virus transmitted through the bite of an animal. The virus worms its way into the brain along the peripheral nerves. The incubation phase of the rabies disease can take up to several months, depending on how far it has to go to reach the central nervous system. It provokes acute pain, violent movements, depression, uncontrollable excitement, and inability to swallow water (rabies is often known as ‘hydrophobia’). After these symptoms subside the fun really starts as the infected person experiences periods of mania followed by coma then death, usually caused by respiratory insufficiency.

Rabies has a long and storied history dating back to 2300 B.C., with records of Babylonians who went mad and died after being bitten by dogs. While this virus itself is a beast, the sickness it causes is now is wholly preventable if treated immediately with a series of vaccinations (sometimes delivered with a terrifyingly huge needle in the abdomen). We have vaccine inventor Louis Pasteur to thank for that.

Exposure to rabies these days, while rare in the U.S., still occurs as it did thousands of years ago—through bites from infected animals. If left untreated after exposure, the virus attacks the central nervous system and death usually results. The symptoms of an advanced infection include delirium, hallucinations and raging, violent behavior in some cases, which some have argued makes rabies eerily similar to zombification. If rabies ever became airborne, we might actually have to prepare for that zombie apocalypse after all.

21. Common Cold  No known cure The common cold is the most frequent infectious disease in humans with on average two to four infections a year in adults and up to 6–12 in children. Collectively, colds, influenza, and other infections with similar symptoms are included in the diagnosis of influenza-like illness.

They may also be termed upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). Influenza involves the lungs while the common cold does not.
It’s annoying as hell, but there’s nothing to do but wave the white flag on this one.
Virus: Infinity. People: 0

22. Anthrax  Anthrax is a diseased caused by a bacterium called Bacillus Anthracis. There are three types of anthrax, skin, lung, and digestive. Anthrax has lately become a major world issue for its ability to become an epidemic and spread quickly and easily among people through contact with spores.


It is important to know that  Anthrax is not spread from person to person, but is through contact/handling of products containing spores. Flu like symptoms, nausea, and blisters are common symptoms of exposure. Inhalational anthrax and gastrointestinal anthrax are serious issue because of their high mortality rates ranging from 50 to 100%.

Anthrax is a severe infectious disease caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis. This type of bacteria produces spores that can live for years in the soil. Anthrax is more common in farm animals, though humans can get infected as well. Anthrax is not contagious. A person can get infected only when the bacteria gets into the skin, lungs or  digestive tract.

There are three types of anthrax: skin anthrax, inhalation anthrax and gastrointestinal anthrax. Skin anthrax symptoms include fever, muscle aches, headache, nausea and vomiting. Inhalation anthrax begins with flu-like symptoms, which progresses  with severe respiratory distress. Shock, coma and then death follows. Most patients do not recover even if given appropriate antibiotics due to the toxins released by the anthrax bacteria. Gastrointestinal anthrax symptoms include fever, nausea, abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea.

Anthrax is treated with antibiotics.

23. Malaria  Malaria is a mosquito-borne illness caused by parasite. Although malaria can be prevented and treated, it is often fatal.


Each year about 1 million people die from Malaria.  Common symptoms include fever, chills, headache. Sweats, and fatigue. Malaria is a serious disease caused by Plasmodium parasites that infects Anopheles mosquitoes which feeds on humans. Initial symptoms include high fever, shaking chills, headache and vomiting – symptoms that may be too  mild to be identified as malaria. If not treated within 24 hours, it can progress to severe illnesses that could lead to death.

The WHO estimates that malaria caused 207,000,000 clinical episodes and 627,000 deaths, mostly among African children,  in 2012. About 3.5 billion people from 167 countries live in areas at risk of malaria transmission.

24. Cholera  Due to the severe dehydration it causes, if left untreated Cholera can cause death within hours. In 1991 a major outbreak occurred in South America though currently few cases are known outside of Sub-Saharan Africa.


Symptoms include severe diarrhea, vomiting and leg cramping. Cholera is usually contracted through ingestion of contaminated water or food. Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by a bacterium called Vibrio cholera. It has an incubation period of less than a day to five days and causes painless, watery diarrhea that quickly leads to severe dehydration and death if treatment is not promptly given.

Cholera remains a global problem and continues to be a challenge for countries where access to safe drinking water and sanitation is a problem.

25.  Typhoid Fever  Patients with typhoid fever sometimes demonstrate a rash of flat, rose-colored spots and a sustained fever of 103 to 104.


Typhoid is contracted through contact with the S. Typhi bacteria, which is carried by humans in both their blood stream and stool. Over 400 cases occur in the US, 20% of those who contract it die. Typhoid fever is a serious and potentially fatal disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. This type of bacteria lives only in humans. People sick with typhoid fever carry the bacteria in their bloodstream and intestinal tract and transmit the bacteria through their stool.

A person can get typhoid fever by drinking or eating food contaminated with Salmonella Typhi or if contaminated sewage gets into the water used for drinking or washing dishes.

Typhoid fever symptoms include high fever, weakness, headache, stomach pains or loss of appetite. Typhoid fever is determined by testing the presence of Salmonella Typhi in the stool or blood of an infected person. Typhoid fever is treated with antibiotics.

26. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and the MERS VIRUS A new Pneumonia disease that emerged in China in 2003. After news of the outbreak of SARS China tried to silence news about it both internal and international news , SARS spread rapidly, reaching neighboring countries Hong Kong and Vietnam in late February 2003, and then to other countries via international travelers.Canada Had a outbreak that was fairly well covered and cost Canada quite a bit financially


The last case of this epidemic occurred in June 2003. In that outbreak, 8069 cases arise that killed 775 people. There is speculation that this disease is Man-Made SARS, SARS has symptoms of flu and may include: fever, cough, sore throat and other non-specific symptoms.


The only symptom that is common to all patients was fever above 38 degrees Celsius. Shortness of breath may occur later. There is currently no vaccine for the disease so that countermeasures can only assist the breathing apparatus. The virus was said to be the Virus of the End Times

27.  MERS(Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), also termed EMC/2012 (HCoV-EMC/2012), is positive-sense, single-stranded RNA novel species of the genus Betacoronavirus.


First called novel coronavirus 2012 or simply novel coronavirus, it was first reported in 2012 after genome sequencing of a virus isolated from sputum samples from patients who fell ill in a 2012 outbreak of a new flu.


As of June 2014, MERS-CoV cases have been reported in 22 countries, including Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Jordan, Qatar, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Algeria, Bangladesh, the Philippines (still MERS-free), Indonesia (none was confirmed), the United Kingdom, and the United States. Almost all cases are somehow linked to Saudi Arabia. In the same article it was reported that Saudi authorities’ errors in response to MERS-CoV were a contributing factor to the spread of this deadly virus.

27. Enterovirus (Brain Inflammation) Entero virus is a disease of the hands, feet and mouth, and we can not ignored occasional Brain Inflammation. Enterovirus attack symptoms are very similar to regular flu symptoms so its difficult to detect it, such as fever, sometimes accompanied by dizziness and weakness and pain.

Next will come the little red watery bumps on the palms and feet following oral thrush. In severe conditions, Enterovirus can attack the nerves and brain tissue to result in death.

The virus is easily spread through direct contact with patients. Children are the main victims of the spread of enterovirus in China. Since the first victim was found but reporting was delayed until several weeks later.

24 thousand people have contracted the enterovirus. More than 30 of them died mostly children. The virus is reported to have entered Indonesia and infecting three people in Sumatra.  2014Enterovirus 68 is presently spreading across North America mainly and started in the USA has probably spread to Canada and Mexico by now. Enterovirus 68’s spread is unprecedented up till now

28.  The Black Plague  The 1918 flu virus and HIV are the biggest killers of modern times. But back in the 14th century, the bacterium that causes bubonic plague, or the Black Death as it was also known, was the baddest bug of all. In just a few years, from 1347 to 1351, the plague killed off about 75,000,000 people worldwide, including one-third of the entire population of Europe at that time.

Carrying away the victims of plague

It spread through Asia, Italy, North Africa, Spain, Normandy, Switzerland, and eastward into Hungary. After a brief break, it crossed into England, Scotland, and then to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Greenland.

the plague bacterium

Yersinia pestis, the plague bacteria
Courtesy of Neal Chamberlain

The plague bacterium is called Yersinia <yer-sin-ee-uh> pestis. There are two main forms of the disease. In the bubonic <boo-bah-nick> form, the bacteria cause painful swellings as large as an orange to form in the armpits, neck and groin. These swellings, or buboes, often burst open, oozing blood and pus. Blood vessels leak blood that puddles under the skin, giving the skin a blackened look. That’s why the disease became known as the Black Death. At least half of its victims die within a week.

The pneumonic <new-mon-ick> form of plague causes victims to sweat heavily and cough up blood that starts filling their lungs. Almost no one survived it during the plague years. Yersinia pestis is the deadliest microbe we’ve ever known, although HIV might catch up to it. Yersinia pestis is still around in the world. Fortunately, with bacteria-killing antibiotics and measures to control the pests—rats and mice—that spread the bacteria, we’ve managed to conquer this killer.

29. Human Papillomavirus  Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a DNA virus from the papillomavirus family that is capable of infecting humans. Like all papillomaviruses, HPVs establish productive infections only in keratinocytes of the skin or mucous membranes.


Most HPV infections are subclinical and will cause no physical symptoms; however, in some people subclinical infections will become clinical and may cause benign papillomas (such as warts [verrucae] or squamous cell papilloma), or cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, oropharynx and anus.HPV has been linked with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, HPV 16 and 18 infections are a cause of a unique type of oropharyngeal (throat) cancer and are believed to cause 70% of cervical cancer, which have available vaccines, see HPV vaccine.


More than 30 to 40 types of HPV are typically transmitted through sexual contact and infect the anogenital region. Some sexually transmitted HPV types may cause genital warts. Persistent infection with "high-risk" HPV types—different from the ones that cause skin warts—may progress to precancerous lesions and invasive cancer. High-risk HPV infection is a cause of nearly all cases of cervical cancer.However, most infections do not cause disease.


Seventy percent of clinical HPV infections, in young men and women, may regress to subclinical in one year and ninety percent in two years. However, when the subclinical infection persists—in 5% to 10% of infected women—there is high risk of developing precancerous lesions of the vulva and cervix, which can progress to invasive cancer. Progression from subclinical to clinical infection may take years; providing opportunities for detection and treatment of pre-cancerous lesions.


In more developed countries, cervical screening using a Papanicolaou (Pap) test or liquid-based cytology is used to detect abnormal cells that may develop into cancer. If abnormal cells are found, women are invited to have a colposcopy. During a colposcopic inspection, biopsies can be taken and abnormal areas can be removed with a simple procedure, typically with a cauterizing loop or, more commonly in the developing world—by freezing (cryotherapy).


Treating abnormal cells in this way can prevent them from developing into cervical cancer. Pap smears have reduced the incidence and fatalities of cervical cancer in the developed world, but even so there were 11,000 cases and 3,900 deaths in the U.S. in 2008. Cervical cancer has substantial mortality worldwide, there are an estimated 490,000 cases and 270,000 deaths each year.


It is true that infections caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) are not fatal, but chronic infection may result in cervical cancer. Apparently, HPV is responsible for almost all cervical cancers (approx. 99%). HPV results in 275,000 deaths per year.

30. Henipaviruses The genus Henipavirus comprises of 3 members which are Hendra virus (HeV), Nipah virus (NiV), and Cedar virus (CedPV). The second one was introduced in the middle of 2012, although affected no human, and is therefore considered harmless. The rest of the two viruses, however, are lethal with mortality rate up to 50-100%.


Hendra virus (originally Equine morbillivirus) was discovered in September 1994 when it caused the deaths of thirteen horses, and a trainer at a training complex in Hendra, a suburb of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia.

The index case, a mare, was housed with 19 other horses after falling ill, and died two days later. Subsequently, all of the horses became ill, with 13 dying. The remaining 6 animals were subsequently euthanized as a way of preventing relapsing infection and possible further transmission.The trainer, Victory (‘Vic’) Rail, and a stable hand were involved in nursing the index case, and both fell ill with an influenza-like illness within one week of the first horse’s death. The stable hand recovered while Mr Rail died of respiratory and renal failure. The source of the virus was most likely frothy nasal discharge from the index case.


A second outbreak occurred in August 1994 (chronologically preceding the first outbreak) in Mackay 1,000 km north of Brisbane resulting in the deaths of two horses and their owner. The owner, Mark Preston, assisted in necropsies of the horses and within three weeks was admitted to hospital suffering from meningitis. Mr Preston recovered, but 14 months later developed neurologic signs and died. This outbreak was diagnosed retrospectively by the presence of Hendra virus in the brain of the patient.pathogens-02-00264-g002-1024

A survey of wildlife in the outbreak areas was conducted, and identified pteropid fruit bats as the most likely source of Hendra virus, with a seroprevalence of 47%. All of the other 46 species sampled were negative. Virus isolations from the reproductive tract and urine of wild bats indicated that transmission to horses may have occurred via exposure to bat urine or birthing fluids.  However, the only attempt at experimental infection reported in the literature, conducted at CSIRO Geelong, did not result in infection of a horse from infected flying foxes. This study looked at potential infection between bats, horses and cats, in various combinations. The only species that was able to infect horses was the cat (Felix spp.)


Nipah virus was identified in April 1999, when it caused an outbreak of neurological and respiratory disease on pig farms in peninsular Malaysia, resulting in 257 human cases, including 105 human deaths and the culling of one million pigs.  In Singapore, 11 cases, including one death, occurred in abattoir workers exposed to pigs imported from the affected Malaysian farms. The Nipah virus has been classified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a Category C agent. The name "Nipah" refers to the place, Kampung Baru Sungai Nipah in Negeri Sembilan State, Malaysia, the source of the human case from which Nipah virus was first isolated.


The outbreak was originally mistaken for Japanese encephalitis (JE), however, physicians in the area noted that persons who had been vaccinated against JE were not protected, and the number of cases among adults was unusual Despite the fact that these observations were recorded in the first month of the outbreak, the Ministry of Health failed to react accordingly, and instead launched a nationwide campaign to educate people on the dangers of JE and its vector, Culex mosquitoes.


Symptoms of infection from the Malaysian outbreak were primarily encephalitic in humans and respiratory in pigs. Later outbreaks have caused respiratory illness in humans, increasing the likelihood of human-to-human transmission and indicating the existence of more dangerous strains of the virus. Based on seroprevalence data and virus isolations, the primary reservoir for Nipah virus was identified as Pteropid fruit bats, including Pteropus vampyrus (Large Flying Fox), and Pteropus hypomelanus (Small flying fox), both of which occur in Malaysia.


The transmission of Nipah virus from flying foxes to pigs is thought to be due to an increasing overlap between bat habitats and piggeries in peninsular Malaysia. At the index farm, fruit orchards were in close proximity to the piggery, allowing the spillage of urine, feces and partially eaten fruit onto the pigs. Retrospective studies demonstrate that viral spillover into pigs may have been occurring in Malaysia since 1996 without detection. During 1998, viral spread was aided by the transfer of infected pigs to other farms, where new outbreaks occurred.


Cedar Virus (CedPV) was first identified in pteropid urine during work on Hendra virus undertaken in Queensland in 2009. Although the virus is reported to be very similar to both Hendra and Nipah, it does not cause illness in laboratory animals usually susceptible to paramyxoviruses. Animals were able to mount an effective response and create effective antibodies.3273481_pone.0027918.g003

The scientists who identified the virus report:

Hendra and Nipah viruses are 2 highly pathogenic paramyxoviruses that have emerged from bats within the last two decades. Both are capable of causing fatal disease in both humans and many mammal species. Serological and molecular evidence for henipa-like viruses have been reported from numerous locations including Asia and Africa, however, until now no successful isolation of these viruses have been reported. This paper reports the isolation of a novel paramyxovirus, named Cedar virus, from fruit bats in Australia. Full genome sequencing of this virus suggests a close relationship with the henipaviruses.
Antibodies to Cedar virus were shown to cross react with, but not cross neutralize Hendra or Nipah virus. Despite this close relationship, when Cedar virus was tested in experimental challenge models in ferrets and guinea pigs, we identified virus replication and generation of neutralizing antibodies, but no clinical disease was observed. As such, this virus provides a useful reference for future reverse genetics experiments to determine the molecular basis of the pathogenicity of the henipaviruses.

30. Lyssaviruses  This genus comprises of not only rabies virus (causing death of almost everyone who is infected) but certain other viruses such as Duvenhage virus, Mokola virus, and Australian bat lyssavirus. Although small number of cases are reported, but the ones reported have always been fatal. Bats are vectors for all of these types except for Mokola virus.


Lyssavirus (from Lyssa, the Greek goddess of madness, rage, and frenzy) is a genus of viruses belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae, in the order Mononegavirales. This group of RNA viruses includes the rabies virus traditionally associated with the disease. Viruses typically have either helical or cubic symmetry. Lyssaviruses have helical symmetry, so their infectious particles are approximately cylindrical in shape. This is typical of plant-infecting viruses. Human-infecting viruses more commonly have cubic symmetry and take shapes approximating regular polyhedra. The structure consists of a spiked outer envelope, a middle region consisting of matrix protein M, and an inner ribonucleocapsid complex region, consisting of the genome associated with other proteins.


Lyssavirus genome consists of a negative-sense, single-stranded RNA molecule that encodes five viral proteins: polymerase L, matrix protein M, phosphoprotein P, nucleoprotein N, and glycoprotein G.


Based on recent phylogenetic evidence, lyssa viruses are categorized into seven major species. In addition, five species recently have been discovered: West Caucasian bat virus, Aravan virus, Khuj and virus, Irkut virus and Shimoni bat virus. The major species include rabies virus (species 1), Lagos bat virus (species 2), Mokola virus (species 3), Duvenhage virus (species 4), European Bat lyssaviruses type 1 and 2 (species 5 and 6), and Australian bat lyssavirus (species 7).83980497

Based on biological properties of the viruses, these species are further subdivided into phylogroups 1 and 2. Phylogroup 1 includes genotypes 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7, while phylogroup 2 includes genotypes 2 and 3. The nucleocapsid region of lyssavirus is fairly highly conserved from genotype to genotype across both phylogroups; however, experimental data have shown the lyssavirus strains used in vaccinations are only from the first species(i.e. classic rabies).

31. Tuberculosis  Mucous, fever, fatigue, excessive sweating and weight loss. What do they all have in common?


They are symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis, or TB. TB is a contagious bacterial infection that involves the lungs, but it may spread to other organs. The symptoms of this disease can remain stagnant for years or affect the person right away. People at higher risk for contracting TB include the elderly, infants and those with weakened immune systems due to other diseases, such as AIDS or diabetes, or even individuals who have undergone chemotherapy.

Being around others who may have TB, maintaining a poor diet or living in unsanitary conditions are all risk factors for contracting TB. In the United States, there are approximately 10 cases of TB per 100,000 people. Tuberculosis, MTB, or TB (short for tubercle bacillus), in the past also called phthisis, phthisis pulmonalis, or consumption, is a widespread, and in many cases fatal, infectious disease caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis.


Tuberculosis typically attacks the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body. It is spread through the air when people who have an active TB infection cough, sneeze, or otherwise transmit respiratory fluids through the air. Most infections do not have symptoms, known as latent tuberculosis. About one in ten latent infections eventually progresses to active disease which, if left untreated, kills more than 50% of those so infected.


The classic symptoms of active TB infection are a chronic cough with blood-tinged sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss (the latter giving rise to the formerly common term for the disease, "consumption"). Infection of other organs causes a wide range of symptoms. Diagnosis of active TB relies on radiology (commonly chest X-rays), as well as microscopic examination and microbiological culture of body fluids.


Diagnosis of latent TB relies on the tuberculin skin test (TST) and/or blood tests. Treatment is difficult and requires administration of multiple antibiotics over a long period of time. Social contacts are also screened and treated if necessary. Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem in multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) infections. Prevention relies on screening programs and vaccination with the bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine.


One-third of the world’s population is thought to have been infected with M. tuberculosis, with new infections occurring in about 1% of the population each year.In 2007, an estimated 13.7 million chronic cases were active globally, while in 2010, an estimated 8.8 million new cases and 1.5 million associated deaths occurred, mostly in developing countries. The absolute number of tuberculosis cases has been decreasing since 2006, and new cases have decreased since 2002.


The rate of tuberculosis in different areas varies across the globe; about 80% of the population in many Asian and African countries tests positive in tuberculin tests, while only 5–10% of the United States population tests positive. More people in the developing world contract tuberculosis because of a poor immune system, largely due to high rates of HIV infection and the corresponding development of AIDS.

32. Encephalitis Virus Encephalitis is an acute inflammation of the brain, commonly caused by a viral infection. Victims are usually exposed to viruses resulting in encephalitis by insect bites or food and drink. The most frequently encountered agents are arboviruses (carried by mosquitoes or ticks) and enteroviruses ( coxsackievirus, poliovirus and echovirus ). Some of the less frequent agents are measles, rabies, mumps, varicella and herpes simplex viruses.

Patients with encephalitis suffer from fever, headache, vomiting, confusion, drowsiness and photophobia. The symptoms of encephalitis are caused by brain’s defense mechanisms being activated to get rid of infection (brain swelling, small bleedings and cell death). Neurologic examination usually reveals a stiff neck due to the irritation of the meninges covering the brain. Examination of the cerebrospinal fluidCerebrospinal fluid CSF in short, is the clear fluid that occupies the subarachnoid space (the space between the skull and cortex of the brain). It acts as a "cushion" or buffer for the cortex.


Also, CSF occupies the ventricular system of the brain and the obtained by a lumbar puncture In medicine, a lumbar puncture (colloquially known as a spinal tap is a diagnostic procedure that is done to collect a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for biochemical, microbiological and cytological analysis. Indications The most common indication for procedure reveals increased amounts of proteins and white blood cells with normal glucose. A CT scan examination is performed to reveal possible complications of brain swelling, brain abscess Brain abscess (or cerebral abscess) is an abscess caused by inflammation and collection of infected material coming from local (ear infection, infection of paranasal sinuses, infection of the mastoid air cells of the temporal bone, epidural abscess) or re or bleeding. Lumbar puncture procedure is performed only after the possibility of a prominent brain swelling is excluded by a CT scan examination.


What are the main Symptoms?
Some patients may have symptoms of a cold or stomach infection before encephalitis symptoms begin.
When a case of encephalitis is not very severe, the symptoms may be similar to those of other illnesses, including:
• Fever that is not very high
• Mild headache
• Low energy and a poor appetite

Other symptoms include:
• Clumsiness, unsteady gait
• Confusion, disorientation
• Drowsiness
• Irritability or poor temper control
• Light sensitivity
• Stiff neck and back (occasionally)
• Vomiting

Symptoms in newborns and younger infants may not be as easy to recognize:
• Body stiffness
• Irritability and crying more often (these symptoms may get worse when the baby is picked up)
• Poor feeding
• Soft spot on the top of the head may bulge out more
• Vomiting

• Loss of consciousness, poor responsiveness, stupor, coma
• Muscle weakness or paralysis
• Seizures
• Severe headache
• Sudden change in mental functions:
• "Flat" mood, lack of mood, or mood that is inappropriate for the situation
• Impaired judgment
• Inflexibility, extreme self-centeredness, inability to make a decision, or withdrawal from social interaction
• Less interest in daily activities
• Memory loss (amnesia), impaired short-term or long-term memory


Children and adults should avoid contact with anyone who has encephalitis.
Controlling mosquitoes (a mosquito bite can transmit some viruses) may reduce the chance of some infections that can lead to encephalitis.
• Apply an insect repellant containing the chemical, DEET when you go outside (but never use DEET products on infants younger than 2 months).
• Remove any sources of standing water (such as old tires, cans, gutters, and wading pools).
• Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants when outside, particularly at dusk.
Vaccinate animals to prevent encephalitis caused by the rabies virus.


33. Chicken Pox Virus Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease caused by primary infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV).It usually starts with a vesicular skin rash mainly on the body and head rather than on the limbs. The rash develops into itchy, raw pockmarks, which mostly heal without scarring. On examination, the observer typically finds skin lesions at various stages of healing and also ulcers in the oral cavity and tonsil areas. The disease is most commonly observed in children.


Chickenpox is an airborne disease which spreads easily through coughing or sneezing by ill individuals or through direct contact with secretions from the rash. A person with chickenpox is infectious one to two days before the rash appears. They remain contagious until all lesions have crusted over (this takes approximately six days). Immunocompromised patients are contagious during the entire period as new lesions keep appearing. Crusted lesions are not contagious.Chickenpox has been observed in other primates, including chimpanzees and gorillas.


The origin of the term chicken pox, which is recorded as being used since 1684,is not reliably known. It has been said to be a derived from chickpeas, based on resemblance of the vesicles to chickpeas, or to come from the rash resembling chicken pecks. Other suggestions include the designation chicken for a child (i.e., literally ‘child pox’), a corruption of itching-pox, or the idea that the disease may have originated in chickens. Samuel Johnson explained the designation as "from its being of no very great danger."


The early (prodromal) symptoms in adolescents and adults are nausea, loss of appetite, aching muscles, and headache. This is followed by the characteristic rash or oral sores, malaise, and a low-grade fever that signal the presence of the disease. Oral manifestations of the disease (enanthem) not uncommonly may precede the external rash (exanthem). In children the illness is not usually preceded by prodromal symptoms, and the first sign is the rash or the spots in the oral cavity. The rash begins as small red dots on the face, scalp, torso, upper arms and legs; progressing over 10–12 hours to small bumps, blisters and pustules; followed by umbilication and the formation of scabs.


At the blister stage, intense itching is usually present. Blisters may also occur on the palms, soles, and genital area. Commonly, visible evidence of the disease develops in the oral cavity & tonsil areas in the form of small ulcers which can be painful or itchy or both; this enanthem (internal rash) can precede the exanthem (external rash) by 1 to 3 days or can be concurrent. These symptoms of chickenpox appear 10 to 21 days after exposure to a contagious person. Adults may have a more widespread rash and longer fever, and they are more likely to experience complications, such as varicella pneumonia.Because watery nasal discharge containing live virus usually precedes both exanthem (external rash) and enanthem (oral ulcers) by 1 to 2 days, the infected person actually becomes contagious one to two days prior to recognition of the disease. Contagiousness persists until all vesicular lesions have become dry crusts (scabs), which usually entails four or five days, by which time nasal shedding of live virus also ceases.


Chickenpox is rarely fatal, although it is generally more severe in adult men than in women or children. Non-immune pregnant women and those with a suppressed immune system are at highest risk of serious complications. Arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) associated with chickenpox in the previous year accounts for nearly one third of childhood AIS. The most common late complication of chickenpox is shingles (herpes zoster), caused by reactivation of the varicella zoster virus decades after the initial, often childhood, chickenpox infection.


Shingles  Herpes zoster After a chickenpox infection, the virus remains dormant in the body’s nerve tissues. The immune system keeps the virus at bay, but later in life, usually as an adult, it can be reactivated and cause a different form of the viral infection called shingles (scientifically known as herpes zoster). The United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) suggests that any adult over the age of 60 years gets the herpes zoster vaccine as a part of their normal medical check ups.


Many adults who have had chickenpox as children are susceptible to shingles as adults, often with the accompanying condition postherpetic neuralgia, a painful condition that makes it difficult to sleep. Even after the shingles rash has gone away, there can be night pain in the area affected by the rash.Shingles affects one in five adults infected with chickenpox as children, especially those who are immune suppressed, particularly from cancer, HIV, or other conditions.


However, stress can bring on shingles as well, although scientists are still researching the connection.Shingles are most commonly found in adults over the age of 60 who were diagnosed with chickenpox when they were under the age of 1.A shingles vaccine is available for adults over 50 who have had childhood chickenpox or who have previously had shingles.

34. POXVIRUS  Poxviruses (members of the family Poxviridae) are viruses that can, as a family, infect both vertebrate and invertebrate animals.


Four genera of poxviruses may infect humans: orthopox, parapox, yatapox, molluscipox. Orthopox: smallpox virus (variola), vaccinia virus, cowpox virus, monkeypox virus; Parapox: orf virus, pseudocowpox, bovine papular stomatitis virus; Yatapox: tanapox virus, yaba monkey tumor virus; Molluscipox: molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV).The most common are vaccinia (seen on Indian subcontinent) and molluscum contagiousum, but monkeypox infections are rising (seen in west and central African rainforest countries). Camelpox is a disease of camels caused by a virus of the family Poxviridae, subfamily Chordopoxvirinae, and the genus Orthopoxvirus. It causes skin lesions and a generalized infection. Approximately 25% of young camels that become infected will die from the disease, while infection in older camels is generally more mild.

Poxvirus model in section (Pov_Ray)

The ancestor of the poxviruses is not known but structural studies suggest it may have been an adenovirus or a species related to both the poxviruses and the adenoviruses. Based on the genome organization and DNA replication mechanism it seems that phylogenetic relationships may exist between the rudiviruses (Rudiviridae) and the large eukaryal DNA viruses: the African swine fever virus (Asfarviridae), Chlorella viruses (Phycodnaviridae) and poxviruses (Poxviridae).The mutation rate in these genomes has been estimated to be 0.9-1.2 x 10−6 substitutions per site per year.A second estimate puts this rate at 0.5-7 × 10−6 nucleotide substitutions per site per year.  A third estimate places the rate at 4-6 × 10−6.


The last common ancestor of the extant poxviruses that infect vertebrates existed 0.5 million years ago. The genus Avipoxvirus diverged from the ancestor 249 ± 69 thousand years ago. The ancestor of the genus Orthopoxvirus was next to diverge from the other clades at 0.3 million years ago. A second estimate of this divergence time places this event at 166,000 ± 43,000 years ago. The division of the Orthopox into the extant genera occurred ~14,000 years ago. The genus Leporipoxvirus diverged ~137,000 ± 35,000 years ago. This was followed by the ancestor of the genus Yatapoxvirus. The last common ancestor of the Capripoxvirus and Suipoxvirus diverged 111,000 ± 29,000 years ago.

Poxvirus Pov-Ray model 2

A model of a poxvirus cut-away in
cross-section to show the internal
structures. Poxviruses are shaped like
flattened capsules/barrels or are lens or

Poxvirus Pov-Ray model 3

Their structure is complex,
neither icosahedral nor helical. This
model is based on Vaccinia, the smallpox
virus. The structures are also highly
variable and often incompletely studied.


35. West Nile Virus  West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne zoonotic arbovirus belonging to the genus Flavivirus in the family Flaviviridae.


This flavivirus is found in temperate and tropical regions of the world. It was first identified in the West Nile subregion in the East African nation of Uganda in 1937. Prior to the mid-1990s, WNV disease occurred only sporadically and was considered a minor risk for humans, until an outbreak in Algeria in 1994, with cases of WNV-caused encephalitis, and the first large outbreak in Romania in 1996, with a high number of cases with neuroinvasive disease. WNV has now spread globally, with the first case in the Western Hemisphere being identified in New York City in 1999; over the next five years, the virus spread across the continental United States, north into Canada, and southward into the Caribbean islands and Latin America. WNV also spread to Europe, beyond the Mediterranean Basin, and a new strain of the virus was identified in Italy in 2012. WNV is now considered to be an endemic pathogen in Africa, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, Europe and in the United States, which in 2012 has experienced one of its worst epidemics. In 2012, WNV killed 286 people in the United States, with the state of Texas being hard hit by this virus, making the year the deadliest on record for the United States.


The main mode of WNV transmission is via various species of mosquitoes, which are the prime vector, with birds being the most commonly infected animal and serving as the prime reservoir host—especially passerines, which are of the largest order of birds, Passeriformes. WNV has been found in various species of ticks, but current research suggests they are not important vectors of the virus. WNV also infects various mammal species, including humans, and has been identified in reptilian species, including alligators and crocodiles, and also in amphibians. Not all animal species that are susceptible to WNV infection, including humans, and not all bird species develop sufficient viral levels to transmit the disease to uninfected mosquitoes, and are thus not considered major factors in WNV transmission.


Approximately 80% of West Nile virus infections in humans are subclinical, which cause no symptoms. In the cases where symptoms do occur—termed West Nile fever in cases without neurological disease—the time from infection to the appearance of symptoms (incubation period) is typically between 2 and 15 days. Symptoms may include fever, headaches, fatigue, muscle pain or aches, malaise, nausea, anorexia, vomiting, myalgias and rash. Less than 1% of the cases are severe and result in neurological disease when the central nervous system is affected. People of advanced age, the very young, or those with immunosuppression, either medically induced, such as those taking immunosupressive drugs, or due to a pre-existing medical condition such as HIV infection, are most susceptible. The specific neurological diseases that may occur are West Nile encephalitis, which causes inflammation of the brain, West Nile meningitis, which causes inflammation of the meninges, which are the protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, West Nile meningoencephalitis, which causes inflammation of the brain and also the meninges surrounding it, and West Nile poliomyelitis—spinal cord inflammation, which results in a syndrome similar to polio, which may cause acute flaccid paralysis.


Currently, no vaccine against WNV infection is available. The best method to reduce the rates of WNV infection is mosquito control on the part of municipalities, businesses and individual citizens to reduce breeding populations of mosquitoes in public, commercial and private areas via various means including eliminating standing pools of water where mosquitoes breed, such as in old tires, buckets, unused swimming pools, etc. On an individual basis, the use of personal protective measures to avoid being bitten by an infected mosquito, via the use of mosquito repellent, window screens, avoiding areas where mosquitoes are more prone to congregate, such as near marshes, areas with heavy vegetation etc., and being more vigilant from dusk to dawn when mosquitoes are most active offers the best defense. In the event of being bitten by an infected mosquito, familiarity of the symptoms of WNV on the part of laypersons, physicians and allied health professions affords the best chance of receiving timely medical treatment, which may aid in reducing associated possible complications and also appropriate palliative care.


The incubation period for WNV—the amount of time from infection to symptom onset—is typically from between 2 and 15 days. Headache can be a prominent symptom of WNV fever, meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, and it may or may not be present in poliomyelytis-like syndrome. Thus, headache is not a useful indicator of neuroinvasive disease.(CDC)

west-nile-virus 2

  • West Nile virus encephalitis (WNE) is the most common neuroinvasive manifestation of WNND. WNE presents with similar symptoms to other viral encephalitis with fever, headaches, and altered mental status. A prominent finding in WNE is muscular weakness (30 to 50 percent of patients with encephalitis), often with lower motor neuron symptoms, flaccid paralysis, and hyporeflexia with no sensory abnormalities.
  • West Nile meningitis (WNM) usually involves fever, headache, and stiff neck. Pleocytosis, an increase of white blood cells in cerebrospinal fluid, is also present. Changes in consciousness are not usually seen and are mild when present.
  • West Nile meningoencephalitis is inflammation of both the brain (encephalitis) and meninges (meningitis).
  • West Nile poliomyelitis (WNP), an acute flaccid paralysis syndrome associated with WNV infection, is less common than WNM or WNE. This syndrome is generally characterized by the acute onset of asymmetric limb weakness or paralysis in the absence of sensory loss. Pain sometimes precedes the paralysis. The paralysis can occur in the absence of fever, headache, or other common symptoms associated with WNV infection. Involvement of respiratory muscles, leading to acute respiratory failure, can sometimes occur.
  • West-Nile reversible paralysis,. Like WNP, the weakness or paralysis is asymmetric. Reported cases have been noted to have an initial preservation of deep tendon reflexes, which is not expected for a pure anterior horn involvement.Disconnect of upper motor neuron influences on the anterior horn cells possibly by myelitis or glutamate excitotoxicity have been suggested as mechanisms.The prognosis for recovery is excellent.
  • Cutaneous manifestations specifically rashes, are not uncommon in WNV-infected patients; however, there is a paucity of detailed descriptions in case reports and there are few clinical images widely available. Punctate erythematous (?), macular, and papular eruptions, most pronounced on the extremities have been observed in WNV cases and in some cases histopathologic findings have shown a sparse superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate, a manifestation commonly seen in viral exanthems (?). A literature review provides support that this punctate rash is a common cutaneous presentation of WNV infection. (Anderson RC et al.)


West Nile virus life cycle. After binding and uptake, the virion envelope fuses with cellular membranes, followed by uncoating of the nucleocapsid and release of the RNA genome into the cytoplasm. The viral genome serves as messenger RNA (mRNA) for translation of all viral proteins and as template during RNA replication. Copies are subsequently packaged within new virus particles that are transported in vesicles to the cell membrane.


WNV is one of the Japanese encephalitis antigenic serocomplex of viruses. Image reconstructions and cryoelectron microscopy reveal a 45–50 nm virion covered with a relatively smooth protein surface. This structure is similar to the dengue fever virus; both belong to the genus Flavivirus within the family Flaviviridae.

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The genetic material of WNV is a positive-sense, single strand of RNA, which is between 11,000 and 12,000 nucleotides long; these genes encode seven nonstructural proteins and three structural proteins. The RNA strand is held within a nucleocapsid formed from 12-kDa protein blocks; the capsid is contained within a host-derived membrane altered by two viral glycoproteins. Phylogenetic tree of West Nile viruses based on sequencing of the envelope gene during complete genome sequencing of the virus


Studies of phylogenetic lineages determined WNV emerged as a distinct virus around 1000 years ago. This initial virus developed into two distinct lineages, lineage 1 and its multiple profiles is the source of the epidemic transmission in Africa and throughout the world. Lineage 2 was considered an Africa zoonosis. However, in 2008, lineage 2, previously only seen in horses in sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar, began to appear in horses in Europe, where the first known outbreak affected 18 animals in Hungary in 2008. Lineage 1 West Nile virus was detected in South Africa in 2010 in a mare and her aborted fetus; previously, only lineage 2 West Nile virus had been detected in horses and humans in South Africa. A 2007 fatal case in a killer whale in Texas broadened the known host range of West Nile virus to include cetaceans.


The United States virus was very closely related to a lineage 1 strain found in Israel in 1998. Since the first North American cases in 1999, the virus has been reported throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America. There have been human cases and equine cases, and many birds are infected. The Barbary macaque, Macaca sylvanus, was the first nonhuman primate to contract WNV.  Both the United States and Israeli strains are marked by high mortality rates in infected avian populations; the presence of dead birds—especially Corvidae—can be an early indicator of the arrival of the virus.


The West Nile virus maintains itself in nature by cycling between mosquitoes and certain species of birds. A mosquito (the vector) bites an uninfected bird (the host), the virus amplifies within the bird, an uninfected mosquito bites the bird and is in turn infected. Other species such as humans and horses are incidental infections, as they are not the mosquitoes’ preferred blood meal source. The virus does not amplify within these species and they are known as dead-end hosts.


The West Nile virus (WNV) is transmitted through female mosquitoes, which are the prime vectors of the virus. Only females feed on blood, and different species have evolved to take a blood meal on preferred types of vertebrate hosts. The infected mosquito species vary according to geographical area; in the United States, Culex pipiens (Eastern United States), Culex tarsalis (Midwest and West), and Culex quinquefasciatus (Southeast) are the main sources.The various species that transmit the WNV prefer birds of the Passeriformes order, the largest order of birds. Within that order there is further selectivity with various mosquito species exhibiting preference for different species. In the United States WNV mosquito vectors have shown definitive preference for members of the Corvidae and Thrush family of birds. Amongst the preferred species within these families are the American crow, a corvid, and the American robin (Turdus migratorius), a thrush.

The proboscis of a female mosquito—here a Southern House Mosquito (Culex quinquefasciatus)—pierces the epidermis and dermis to allow it to feed on human blood from a capillary: this one is almost fully tumescent. The mosquito injects saliva, which contains an anesthetic, and an anticoagulant into the puncture wound; and in infected mosquitoes, the West Nile virus.


The birds develop sufficient viral levels after being infected, to transmit the infection to other biting mosquitoes that in turn go on to infect other birds. In crows and robins, the infection is fatal in 4–5 days. This epizootic viral amplification cycle has been shown to peak 15–16 days before humans become ill. This may be due to the high mortality, and thus depletion of the preferred hosts, i.e., the specific bird species. The mosquitoes become less selective and begin feeding more readily on other animal types such as humans and horses which are considered incidental hosts.


In mammals, the virus does not multiply as readily (i.e., does not develop high viremia during infection), and mosquitoes biting infected mammals are not believed to ingest sufficient virus to become infected,making mammals so-called dead-end hosts.


Direct human-to-human transmission initially was believed to be caused only by occupational exposure, or conjunctive exposure to infected blood. The US outbreak identified additional transmission methods through blood transfusion,organ transplant intrauterine exposure, and breast feeding. Since 2003, blood banks in the United States routinely screen for the virus among their donors. As a precautionary measure, the UK’s National Blood Service initially ran a test for this disease in donors who donate within 28 days of a visit to the United States, Canada or the northeastern provinces of Italy and the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service asks prospective donors to wait 28 days after returning from North America or the northeastern provinces of Italy before donating.

West Nile Virus Replication

Recently, the potential for mosquito saliva to impact the course of WNV disease was demonstrated. Mosquitoes inoculate their saliva into the skin while obtaining blood. Mosquito saliva is a pharmacological cocktail of secreted molecules, principally proteins, that can affect vascular constriction, blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, inflammation, and immunity. It clearly alters the immune response in a manner that may be advantageous to a virus. Studies have shown it can specifically modulate the immune response during early virus infection, and mosquito feeding can exacerbate WNV infection, leading to higher viremia and more severe forms of disease.


Vertical transmission, the transmission of a viral or bacterial disease from the female of the species to her offspring, has been observed in various West Nile virus studies, amongst different species of mosquitoes in both the laboratory and in nature.Mosquito progeny infected vertically in autumn, may potentially serve as a mechanism for WNV to overwinter and initiate enzootic horizontal transmission the following spring.

35 of the Most Dangerous Viruses and Bacteria’s in the World Today

The Black Plague, Marburg, Ebola, Influenza, Enterovirus virus may all sound terrifying, but it’s not the most dangerous virus in the world. It isn’t HIV either. Here is a list of the most dangerous viruses and Bacteria’s on the Planet Earth.

High security laboratory

1. Marburg Virus The most dangerous virus is the Marburg virus. It is named after a small and idyllic town on the river Lahn – but that has nothing to do with the disease itself. The Marburg virus is a hemorrhagic fever virus. As with Ebola, the Marburg virus causes convulsions and bleeding of mucous membranes, skin and organs. It has a fatality rate of 90 percent.  The Marburg virus causes a rare, but severe hemorrhagic fever that has a fatality rate of 88%. It was first identified in 1967 when outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever cropped up simultaneously in Marburg, where the disease got its name, Frankfurt in Germany and Belgrade, Serbia.


Marburg and Ebola came from the Filoviridae family of viruses. They both have the capacity to cause dramatic outbreaks with the greatest fatality rates. It is transmitted to humans from fruit bats and spreads to humans through direct contact with the blood, secretions and other bodily fluids of infected humans. No anti-viral treatment or vaccine exists against the Marburg virus. In 1967, a group of lab workers in Germany (Marburg and Frankfurt) and Serbia (then Yugoslavia) contracted a new type of hemorrhagic fever from some virus-carrying African green monkeys that had been imported for research and development of polio vaccines. The Marburg virus is also BSL-4, and Marburg hemorrhagic fever has a 23 to 90 percent fatality rate. Spread through close human-to-human contact, symptoms start with a headache, fever, and a rash on the trunk, and progress to multiple organ failure and massive internal bleeding.

There is no cure, and the latest cases were reported out of Uganda at the end of 2012. An American tourist who had explored a Ugandan cave full of fruit bats known to be reservoirs of the virus contracted it and survived in 2008. (But not before bringing his sick self back to the U.S.)

2. Ebola Virus  There are five strains of the Ebola virus, each named after countries and regions in Africa: Zaire, Sudan, Tai Forest, Bundibugyo and Reston. The Zaire Ebola virus is the deadliest, with a mortality rate of 90 percent. It is the strain currently spreading through Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, and beyond. Scientists say flying foxes probably brought the Zaire Ebola virus into cities.

Typically less than 100 lives a year. UPDATE: A severe Ebola outbreak was detected in West Africa in March 2014. The number of deaths in this latest outbreak has outnumbered all other known cases from previous outbreaks combined. The World Health Organization is reporting nearly 2,000 deaths in this latest outbreak.
Once a person is infected with the virus, the disease has an incubation period of 2-21 days; however, some infected persons are asymptomatic. Initial symptoms are sudden malaise, headache, and muscle pain, progressing to high fever, vomiting, severe hemorrhaging (internally and out of the eyes and mouth) and in 50%-90% of patients, death, usually within days. The likelihood of death is governed by the virulence of the particular Ebola strain involved. Ebola virus is transmitted in body fluids and secretions; there is no evidence of transmission by casual contact. There is no vaccine and no cure.

Its melodic moniker may roll off the tongue, but if you contract the virus (above), that’s not the only thing that will roll off one of your body parts (a disturbing amount of blood coming out of your eyes, for instance). Four of the five known Ebola viral strains cause Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF), which has killed thousands of people in sub-Saharan African nations since its discovery in 1976.

The deadly virus is named after the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where it was first reported, and is classified as a CDC Biosafety Level 4, a.k.a. BSL-4, making it one of the most dangerous pathogens on the planet. It is thought to spread through close contact with bodily secretions. EHF has a 50 to 90 percent mortality rate, with a rapid onset of symptoms that start with a headache and sore throat and progress to major internal and external bleeding and multiple organ failure. There’s no known cure, and the most recent cases were reported at the end of 2012 in Uganda.

3. The Hantavirus describes several types of viruses. It is named after a river where American soldiers were first thought to have been infected with the Hantavirus, during the Korean War in 1950. Symptoms include lung disease, fever and kidney failure.

70,000 Deaths a Year
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a deadly disease transmitted by infected rodents through urine, droppings, or saliva. Humans can contract the disease when they breathe in aerosolized virus. HPS was first recognized in 1993 and has since been identified throughout the United States. Although rare, HPS is potentially deadly. Rodent control in and around the home remains the primary strategy for preventing hantavirus infection. Also known as House Mouse Flu. The symptoms, which are very similar to HFRS, include tachycardia and tachypnea. Such conditions can lead to a cardiopulmonary phase, where cardiovascular shock can occur, and hospitalization of the patient is required.

There are many strains of hantavirus floating around (yep, it’s airborne) in the wake of rodents that carry the virus. Different strains, carried by different rodent species, are known to cause different types of illnesses in humans, most notably hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS)—first discovered during the Korean War—and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), which reared its ugly head with a 1993 outbreak in the Southwestern United States. Severe HFRS causes acute kidney failure, while HPS gets you by filling your lungs with fluid (edema). HFRS has a mortality rate of 1 to 15 percent, while HPS is 38 percent. The U.S. saw its most recent outbreak of hantavirus—of the HPS variety—at Yosemite National Park in late 2012.

4. Avian Influenza Bird Flu The various strains of bird flu regularly cause panic – which is perhaps justified because the mortality rate is 70 percent. But in fact the risk of contracting the H5N1 strain – one of the best known – is quite low. You can only be infected through direct contact with poultry. It is said this explains why most cases appear in Asia, where people often live close to chickens.


This form of the flu is common among birds (usually poultry) and infects humans through contact with secretions of an infected bird.

Although rare, those infected have a high incidence of death. Symptoms are like those of the more common human form of influenza.

Bird flu (H5N1) has receded from international headlines for the moment, as few human cases of the deadly virus have been reported this year. But when Dutch researchers recently created an even more transmissible strain of the virus in a laboratory for research purposes, they stirred grave concerns about what would happen if it escaped into the outside world. “Part of what makes H5N1 so deadly is that most people lack an immunity to it,” explains Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) who studies the spread of infectious diseases. “If you make a strain that’s highly transmissible between humans, as the Dutch team did, it could be disastrous if it ever escaped the lab.”


H5N1 first made global news in early 1997 after claiming two dozen victims in Hong Kong. The virus normally occurs only in wild birds and farm-raised fowl, but in those isolated early cases, it made the leap from birds to humans. It then swept unimpeded through the bodies of its initial human victims, causing massive hemorrhages in the lungs and death in a matter of days. Fortunately, during the past 15 years, the virus has claimed only 400 victims worldwide—although the strain can jump species, it hasn’t had the ability to move easily from human to human, a critical limit to its spread.


That’s no longer the case, however. In late 2011, the Dutch researchers announced the creation of an H5N1 virus transmissible through the air between ferrets (the best animal model for studying the impact of disease on humans). The news caused a storm of controversy in the popular press and heated debate among scientists over the ethics of the work. For Lipsitch and many others, the creation of the new strain was cause for alarm. “H5N1 influenza is already one of the most deadly viruses in existence,” he says. “If you make [the virus] transmissible [between humans], you have to be very concerned about what the resulting strain could do.”


To put this danger in context, the 1918 “Spanish” flu—one of the most deadly influenza epidemics on record—killed between 50 million and 100 million people worldwide, or roughly 3 to 6 percent of those infected. The more lethal SARS virus (see “The SARS Scare,” March-April 2007, page 47) killed almost 10 percent of infected patients during a 2003 outbreak that reached 25 countries worldwide. H5N1 is much more dangerous, killing almost 60 percent of those who contract the illness.


If a transmissible strain of H5N1 escapes the lab, says Lipsitch, it could spark a global health catastrophe. “It could infect millions of people in the United States, and very likely more than a billion people globally, like most successful flu strains do,” he says. “This might be one of the worst viruses—perhaps the worst virus—in existence right now because it has both transmissibility and high virulence.”

Influenza A Pandemics

Ironically, this is why Ron Fouchier, the Dutch virologist whose lab created the new H5N1 strain, argues that studying it in more depth is crucial. If the virus can be made transmissible in the lab, he reasons, it can also occur in nature—and researchers should have an opportunity to understand as much as possible about the strain before that happens.


Lipsitch, who directs the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at HSPH, thinks the risks far outweigh the rewards. Even in labs with the most stringent safety requirements, such as enclosed rubber “space suits” to isolate researchers, accidents do happen. A single unprotected breath could infect a researcher, who might unknowingly spread the virus beyond the confines of the lab.


In an effort to avoid this scenario, Lipsitch has been pushing for changes in research policy in the United States and abroad. (A yearlong, voluntary global ban on H5N1 research was lifted in many countries in January, and new rules governing such research in the United States were expected in February.) Lipsitch says that none of the current research proposals he has seen “would significantly improve our preparational response to a national pandemic of H5N1. The small risk of a very large public health disaster…is not worth taking [for] scientific knowledge without an immediate public health application.” His recent op-eds in scientific journals and the popular press have stressed the importance of regulating the transmissible strain and limiting work with the virus to only a handful of qualified labs. In addition, he argues, only technicians who have the right training and experience—and have been inoculated against the virus—should be allowed to handle it.

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These are simple limitations that could drastically reduce the danger of the virus spreading, he asserts, yet they’re still not popular with some researchers. He acknowledges that limiting research is an unusual practice scientifically but argues, “These are unusual circumstances.”


Lipsitch thinks a great deal of useful research can still be done on the non-transmissible strain of the virus, which would provide valuable data without the risk of accidental release. In the meantime, he hopes to make more stringent H5N1 policies a priority for U.S. and foreign laboratories. Although it’s not a perfect solution, he says, it’s far better than a nightmare scenario.

5. Lassa Virus  A nurse in Nigeria was the first person to be infected with the Lassa virus. The virus is transmitted by rodents. Cases can be endemic – which means the virus occurs in a specific region, such as in western Africa, and can reoccur there at any time. Scientists assume that 15 percent of rodents in western Africa carry the virus.

Marburg virus

The Marburg virus under a microscope

This BSL-4 virus gives us yet another reason to avoid rodents. Lassa is carried by a species of rat in West Africa called Mastomys. It’s airborne…at least when you’re hanging around the rat’s fecal matter. Humans, however, can only spread it through direct contact with bodily secretions. Lassa fever, which has a 15 to 20 percent mortality rate, causes about 5000 deaths a year in West Africa, particularly in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

It starts with a fever and some retrosternal pain (behind the chest) and can progress to facial swelling, encephalitis, mucosal bleeding and deafness. Fortunately, researchers and medical professionals have found some success in treating Lassa fever with an antiviral drug in the early stages of the disease.

6. The Junin Virus is associated with Argentine hemorrhagic fever. People infected with the virus suffer from tissue inflammation, sepsis and skin bleeding. The problem is that the symptoms can appear to be so common that the disease is rarely detected or identified in the first instance.


A member of the genus Arenavirus, Junin virus characteristically causes Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF). AHF leads to major alterations within the vascular, neurological and immune systems and has a mortality rate of between 20 and 30%.  Symptoms of the disease are conjunctivitis, purpura, petechia and occasional sepsis. The symptoms of the disease are relatively indistinct and may therefore be mistaken for a different condition.


Since the discovery of the Junin virus in 1958, the geographical distribution of the pathogen, although still confined to Argentina, has risen. At the time of discovery, Junin virus was confined to an area of around 15,000 km². At the beginning of 2000, the distribution had risen to around 150,000 km². The natural hosts of Junin virus are rodents, particularly Mus musculus, Calomys spp. and Akodon azarae.


Direct rodent to human transmission only transpires when contact is made with excrement of an infected rodent. This commonly occurs via ingestion of contaminated food or water, inhalation of particles within urine or via direct contact of broken skin with rodent excrement.

7. The Crimea-Congo Fever Virus is transmitted by ticks. It is similar to the Ebola and Marburg viruses in the way it progresses. During the first days of infection, sufferers present with pin-sized bleedings in the face, mouth and the pharynx.

Transmitted through tick bites this disease is endemic (consistently present)  in most countries of West Africa and the Middle East. Although rare, CCHF has a 30% mortality rate. The most recent outbreak of the disease was in 2005 in Turkey. The Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is a common disease transmitted by a tick-Bourne virus. The virus causes major hemorrhagic fever outbreaks with a fatality rate of up to 30%. It is chiefly transmitted to people through tick and livestock. Person-to-person transmission occurs through direct contact with the blood, secretions and other bodily fluids of an infected person. No vaccination exists for both humans and animals against CCHF.

8. The Machupo Virus is associated with Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, also known as black typhus. The infection causes high fever, accompanied by heavy bleedings. It progresses similar to the Junin virus. The virus can be transmitted from human to human, and rodents often the carry it.


Bolivian hemorrhagic fever (BHF), also known as black typhus or Ordog Fever, is a hemorrhagic fever and zoonotic infectious disease originating in Bolivia after infection by Machupo virus.BHF was first identified in 1963 as an ambisense RNA virus of the Arenaviridae family,by a research group led by Karl Johnson. The mortality rate is estimated at 5 to 30 percent.


Due to its pathogenicity, Machupo virus requires Biosafety Level Four conditions, the highest level.In February and March 2007, some 20 suspected BHF cases (3 fatal) were reported to the El Servicio Departmental de Salud (SEDES) in Beni Department, Bolivia, and in February 2008, at least 200 suspected new cases (12 fatal) were reported to SEDES.In November 2011, a SEDES expert involved in a serosurvey to determine the extent of Machupo virus infections in the Department after the discovery of a second confirmed case near the departmental capital of Trinidad in November, 2011, expressed concern about expansion of the virus’ distribution outside the endemic zone in Mamoré and Iténez provinces.

NAmerican viruses

Bolivian hemorrhagic fever was one of three hemorrhagic fevers and one of more than a dozen agents that the United States researched as potential biological weapons before the nation suspended its biological weapons program. It was also under research by the Soviet Union, under the Biopreparat bureau.

9. Kyasanur Forest Virus  Scientists discovered the Kyasanur Forest Virus (KFD) virus in woodlands on the southwestern coast of India in 1955. It is transmitted by ticks, but scientists say it is difficult to determine any carriers. It is assumed that rats, birds and boars could be hosts. People infected with the virus suffer from high fever, strong headaches and muscle pain which can cause bleedings.


The disease has a morbidity rate of 2-10%, and affects 100-500 people annually.The symptoms of the disease include a high fever with frontal headaches, followed by hemorrhagic symptoms, such as bleeding from the nasal cavity, throat, and gums, as well as gastrointestinal bleeding.An affected person may recover in two weeks time, but the convalescent period is typically very long, lasting for several months. There will be muscle aches and weakness during this period and the affected person is unable to engage in physical activities.


There are a variety of animals thought to be reservoir hosts for the disease, including porcupines, rats, squirrels, mice and shrews. The vector for disease transmission is Haemaphysalis spinigera, a forest tick. Humans contract infection from the bite of nymphs of the tick.

Kyasanur Forest Disease Host

The disease was first reported from Kyasanur Forest of Karnataka in India in March 1957. The disease first manifested as an epizootic outbreak among monkeys killing several of them in the year 1957. Hence the disease is also locally known as Monkey Disease or Monkey Fever. The similarity with Russian Spring-summer encephalitis was noted and the possibility of migratory birds carrying the disease was raised. Studies began to look for the possible species that acted as reservoirs for the virus and the agents responsible for transmission. Subsequent studies failed to find any involvement of migratory birds although the possibility of their role in initial establishment was not ruled out. The virus was found to be quite distinctive and not closely related to the Russian virus strains.


Antigenic relatedness is however close to many other strains including the Omsk hemorrhagic fever (OHF) and birds from Siberia have been found to show an antigenic response to KFD virus. Sequence based studies however note the distinctiveness of OHF.Early studies in India were conducted in collaboration with the US Army Medical Research Unit and this led to controversy and conspiracy theories.


Subsequent studies based on sequencing found that the Alkhurma virus, found in Saudi Arabia is closely related. In 1989 a patient in Nanjianin, China was found with fever symptoms and in 2009 its viral gene sequence was found to exactly match with that of the KFD reference virus of 1957. This has however been questioned since the Indian virus shows variations in sequence over time and the exact match with the virus sequence of 1957 and the Chinese virus of 1989 is not expected.


This study also found using immune response tests that birds and humans in the region appeared to have been exposed to the virus.Another study has suggested that the virus is recent in origin dating the nearest common ancestor of it and related viruses to around 1942, based on the estimated rate of sequence substitutions. The study also raises the possibility of bird involvement in long-distance transfer. It appears that these viruses diverged 700 years ago.

10. Dengue Fever is a constant threat. If you’re planning a holiday in the tropics, get informed about dengue. Transmitted by mosquitoes, dengue affects between 50 and 100 million people a year in popular holiday destinations such as Thailand and India. But it’s more of a problem for the 2 billion people who live in areas that are threatened by dengue fever.

25,000 Deaths a year Also known as ‘breakbone fever’ due to the extreme pain felt during fever, is an relatively new disease caused by one of four closely-related viruses. WHO estimates that a whopping 2.5 billion people (two fifths of the World’s population) are at risk from dengue. It puts the total number of infections at around 50 million per year, and is now epidemic in more than 100 countries.

Dengue viruses are transferred to humans through the bites of infective female Aedes mosquitoes. The dengue virus circulates in the blood of a human for two to seven days, during the same time they have the fever. It usually appears first on the lower limbs and the chest; in some patients, it spreads to cover most of the body. There may also be severe retro-orbital pain, (a pain from behind the eyes that is distinctive to Dengue infections), and gastritis with some combination of associated abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting coffee-grounds-like congealed blood, or severe diarrhea.

The leading cause of death in the tropics and subtropics is the infection brought on by the dengue virus, which causes a high fever, severe headache, and, in the worst cases, hemorrhaging. The good news is that it’s treatable and not contagious. The bad news is there’s no vaccine, and you can get it easily from the bite of an infected mosquito—which puts at least a third of the world’s human population at risk. The CDC estimates that there are over 100 million cases of dengue fever each year. It’s a great marketing tool for bug spray.

11. HIV 3.1 Million Lives a Year Human Immunodeficiency Virus has claimed the lives of more than 25 million people since 1981. HIV gets to the immune system by infecting important cells, including helper cells called CD4+ T cells, plus macrophanges and dendritic cells. Once the virus has taken hold, it systematically kills these cells, damaging the infected person’s immunity and leaving them more at risk from infections.

The majority of people infected with HIV go on to develop AIDS. Once a patient has AIDS common infections and tumours normally controlled by the CD4+ T cells start to affect the person.  
In the latter stages of the disease, pneumonia and various types of herpes can infect the patient and cause death.


Human immunodeficiency virus infection / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The term HIV/AIDS represents the entire range of disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus from early infection to late stage symptoms. During the initial infection, a person may experience a brief period of influenza-like illness. This is typically followed by a prolonged period without symptoms. As the illness progresses, it interferes more and more with the immune system, making the person much more likely to get infections, including opportunistic infections and tumors that do not usually affect people who have working immune systems.


HIV is transmitted primarily via unprotected sexual intercourse (including anal and oral sex), contaminated blood transfusions, hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. Some bodily fluids, such as saliva and tears, do not transmit HIV. Prevention of HIV infection, primarily through safe sex and needle-exchange programs, is a key strategy to control the spread of the disease. There is no cure or vaccine; however, antiretroviral treatment can slow the course of the disease and may lead to a near-normal life expectancy. While antiretroviral treatment reduces the risk of death and complications from the disease, these medications are expensive and have side effects. Without treatment, the average survival time after infection with HIV is estimated to be 9 to 11 years, depending on the HIV subtype.


Genetic research indicates that HIV originated in west-central Africa during the late nineteenth or early twentieth century. AIDS was first recognized by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1981 and its cause—HIV infection—was identified in the early part of the decade. Since its discovery, AIDS has caused an estimated 36 million deaths worldwide (as of 2012). As of 2012, approximately 35.3 million people are living with HIV globally. HIV/AIDS is considered a pandemic—a disease outbreak which is present over a large area and is actively spreading.


HIV/AIDS has had a great impact on society, both as an illness and as a source of discrimination. The disease also has significant economic impacts. There are many misconceptions about HIV/AIDS such as the belief that it can be transmitted by casual non-sexual contact. The disease has also become subject to many controversies involving religion. It has attracted international medical and political attention as well as large-scale funding since it was identified in the 1980s


12. Rotavirus 61,000 Lives a Year  According to the WHO, this merciless virus causes the deaths of more than half a million children every year. In fact, by the age of five, virtually every child on the planet has been infected with the virus at least once. Immunity builds up with each infection, so subsequent infections are milder. However, in areas where adequate healthcare is limited the disease is often fatal. Rotavirus infection usually occurs through ingestion of contaminated stool.

Because the virus is able to live a long time outside of the host, transmission can occur through ingestion of contaminated food or water, or by coming into direct contact with contaminated surfaces, then putting hands in the mouth.
Once it’s made its way in, the rotavirus infects the cells that line the small intestine and multiplies. It emits an enterotoxin, which gives rise to gastroenteritis.

13. Smallpox   Officially eradicated – Due to it’s long history, it impossible to estimate the carnage over the millennia Smallpox localizes in small blood vessels of the skin and in the mouth and throat. In the skin, this results in a characteristic maculopapular rash, and later, raised fluid-filled blisters. It has an overall mortality rate of 30–35%. Smallpox is believed to have emerged in human populations about 10,000 BC. The disease killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans per year during the closing years of the 18th century (including five reigning monarchs), and was responsible for a third of all blindness. Of all those infected, 20–60%—and over 80% of infected children—died from the disease.
Smallpox was responsible for an estimated 300–500 million deaths during the 20th century alone. In the early 1950s an estimated 50 million cases of smallpox occurred in the world each year.

As recently as 1967, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 15 million people contracted the disease and that two million died in that year. After successful vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the WHO certified the eradication of smallpox in December 1979.
Smallpox is one of only two infectious diseases to have been eradicated by humans, the other being Rinderpest, which was unofficially declared eradicated in October 2010.

The virus that causes smallpox wiped out hundreds of millions of people worldwide over thousands of years. We can’t even blame it on animals either, as the virus is only carried by and contagious for humans. There are several different types of smallpox disease that result from an infection ranging from mild to fatal, but it is generally marked by a fever, rash, and blistering, oozing pustules that develop on the skin. Fortunately, smallpox was declared eradicated in 1979, as the result of successful worldwide implementation of the vaccine.

14. Hepatitis B  521,000 Deaths a Year A third of the World’s population (over 2 billion people) has come in contact with this virus, including 350 million chronic carriers. In China and other parts of Asia, up to 10% of the adult population is chronically infected. The symptoms of acute hepatitis B include yellowing of the skin of eyes, dark urine, vomiting, nausea, extreme fatigue, and abdominal pain.

Luckily, more than 95% of people who contract the virus as adults or older children will make a full recovery and develop immunity to the disease. In other people, however, hepatitis B can bring on chronic liver failure due to cirrhosis or cancer.

Hepatitis B is an infectious illness of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) that affects hominoidea, including humans. It was originally known as "serum hepatitis". Many people have no symptoms during the initial infected. Some develop an acute illness with vomiting, yellow skin, dark urine and abdominal pain. Often these symptoms last a few weeks and rarely result in death. It may take 30 to 180 days for symptoms to begin. Less than 10% of those infected develop chronic hepatitis B. In those with chronic disease cirrhosis and liver cancer may eventually develop.


The virus is transmitted by exposure to infectious blood or body fluidsInfection around the time of birth is the most common way the disease is acquired in areas of the world where is common. In areas where the disease is uncommon intravenous drug use and sex are the most common routes of infection. Other risk factors include working in a healthcare setting, blood transfusions, dialysis, sharing razors or toothbrushes with an infected person, travel in countries where it is common, and living in an institution.

Tattooing and acupuncture led to a significant number of cases in the 1980s; however, this has become less common with improved sterility. The hepatitis B viruses cannot be spread by holding hands, sharing eating utensils or drinking glasses, kissing, hugging, coughing, sneezing, or breastfeeding.  The hepatitis B virus is a hepadnavirushepa from hepatotropic (attracted to the liver) and dna because it is a DNA virus. The viruses replicate through an RNA intermediate form by reverse transcription, which in practice relates them to retroviruses.It is 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV.


The infection has been preventable by vaccination since 1982. During the initial infected care is based on the symptoms present. In those who developed chronic disease antiviral medication such as tenofovir or interferon maybe useful, however are expensive.

About a third of the world population has been infected at one point in their lives, including 350 million who are chronic carriers. Over 750,000 people die of hepatitis B a year. The disease has caused outbreaks in parts of Asia and Africa, and it is now only common in China. Between 5 and 10% of adults in sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia have chronic disease. Research is in progress to create edible HBV vaccines in foods such as potatoes, carrots, and bananas.In 2004, an estimated 350 million individuals were infected worldwide. National and regional prevalence ranges from over 10% in Asia to under 0.5% in the United States and northern Europe. Routes of infection include vertical transmission (such as through childbirth), early life horizontal transmission (bites, lesions, and sanitary habits), and adult horizontal transmission (sexual contact, intravenous drug use).


The primary method of transmission reflects the prevalence of chronic HBV infection in a given area. In low prevalence areas such as the continental United States and Western Europe, injection drug abuse and unprotected sex are the primary methods, although other factors may also be important. In moderate prevalence areas, which include Eastern Europe, Russia, and Japan, where 2–7% of the population is chronically infected, the disease is predominantly spread among children. In high-prevalence areas such as China and South East Asia, transmission during childbirth is most common, although in other areas of high endemicity such as Africa, transmission during childhood is a significant factor. The prevalence of chronic HBV infection in areas of high endemicity is at least 8% with 10-15% prevalence in Africa/Far East. As of 2010, China has 120 million infected people, followed by India and Indonesia with 40 million and 12 million, respectively. According to World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 600,000 people die every year related to the infection. In the United States about 19,000 new cases occurred in 2011 down nearly 90% from 1990.


Acute infection with hepatitis B virus is associated with acute viral hepatitis – an illness that begins with general ill-health, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, body aches, mild fever, and dark urine, and then progresses to development of jaundice. It has been noted that itchy skin has been an indication as a possible symptom of all hepatitis virus types. The illness lasts for a few weeks and then gradually improves in most affected people. A few people may have more severe liver disease (fulminant hepatic failure), and may die as a result. The infection may be entirely asymptomatic and may go unrecognized.


Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus either may be asymptomatic or may be associated with a chronic inflammation of the liver (chronic hepatitis), leading to cirrhosis over a period of several years. This type of infection dramatically increases the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer). Across Europe hepatitis B and C cause approximately 50% of hepatocellular carcinomas. Chronic carriers are encouraged to avoid consuming alcohol as it increases their risk for cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis B virus has been linked to the development of membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN).


Symptoms outside of the liver are present in 1–10% of HBV-infected people and include serum-sickness–like syndrome, acute necrotizing vasculitis (polyarteritis nodosa), membranous glomerulonephritis, and papular acrodermatitis of childhood (Gianotti–Crosti syndrome). The serum-sickness–like syndrome occurs in the setting of acute hepatitis B, often preceding the onset of jaundice. The clinical features are fever, skin rash, and polyarteritis. The symptoms often subside shortly after the onset of jaundice, but can persist throughout the duration of acute hepatitis B.  About 30–50% of people with acute necrotizing vasculitis (polyarteritis nodosa) are HBV carriers. HBV-associated nephropathy has been described in adults but is more common in children.Membranous glomerulonephritis is the most common form. Other immune-mediated hematological disorders, such as essential mixed cryoglobulinemia and aplastic anemia.

15. Influenza 500,000 Deaths a Year Influenza has been a prolific killer for centuries. The symptoms of influenza were first described more than 2,400 years ago by Hippocrates. Pandemics generally occur three times a century, and can cause millions of deaths. The most fatal pandemic on record was the Spanish flu outbreak in 1918, which caused between 20 million and 100 million deaths. In order to invade a host, the virus shell includes proteins that bind themselves to receptors on the outside of cells in the lungs and air passages of the victim. Once the virus has latched itself onto the cell it takes over so much of its machinery that the cell dies. Dead cells in the airways cause a runny nose and sore throat. Too many dead cells in the lungs causes death.

Vaccinations against the flu are common in developed countries. However, a vaccination that is effective one year may not necessarily work the next year, due to the way the rate at which a flu virus evolves and the fact that new strains will soon replace older ones. No virus can claim credit for more worldwide pandemics and scares than influenza.

The outbreak of the Spanish flu in 1918 is generally considered to be one of the worst pandemics in human history, infecting 20 to 40 percent of the world’s population and killing 50 million in the span of just two years. (A reconstruction of that virus is above.) The swine flu was its most recent newsmaker, when a 2009 pandemic may have seen as many as 89 million people infected worldwide.

Effective influenza vaccines exist, and most people easily survive infections. But the highly infectious respiratory illness is cunning—the virus is constantly mutating and creating new strains. Thousands of strains exist at any given time, many of them harmless, and vaccines available in the U.S. cover only about 40 percent of the strains at large each year.

16. Hepatitis C  56,000 Deaths a Year An estimated 200-300 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C.


Most people infected with hepatitis C don’t have any symptoms and feel fine for years. However, liver damage invariably rears its ugly head over time, often decades after first infection. In fact, 70% of those infected develop chronic liver disease, 15% are struck with cirrhosis and 5% can die from liver cancer or cirrhosis. In the USA, hepatitis C is the primary reason for liver transplants.


Hepatitis C is an infectious disease affecting primarily the liver, caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The infection is often asymptomatic, but chronic infection can lead to scarring of the liver and ultimately to cirrhosis, which is generally apparent after many years. In some cases, those with cirrhosis will go on to develop liver failure, liver cancer, or life-threatening esophageal and gastric varices.


HCV is spread primarily by blood-to-blood contact associated with intravenous drug use, poorly sterilized medical equipment, and transfusions. An estimated 150–200 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C. The existence of hepatitis C (originally identifiable only as a type of non-A non-B hepatitis) was suggested in the 1970s and proven in 1989. Hepatitis C infects only humans and chimpanzees.


The virus persists in the liver in about 85% of those infected. This chronic infection can be treated with medication: the standard therapy is a combination of peginterferon and ribavirin, with either boceprevir or telaprevir added in some cases. Overall, 50–80% of people treated are cured. Those who develop cirrhosis or liver cancer may require a liver transplant. Hepatitis C is the leading reason for liver transplantation, though the virus usually recurs after transplantation. No vaccine against hepatitis C is available.


Hepatitis C infection causes acute symptoms in 15% of cases. Symptoms are generally mild and vague, including a decreased appetite, fatigue, nausea, muscle or joint pains, and weight loss and rarely does acute liver failure result. Most cases of acute infection are not associated with jaundice. The infection resolves spontaneously in 10–50% of cases, which occurs more frequently in individuals who are young and female.

hepatitis-clivers fucked

About 80% of those exposed to the virus develop a chronic infection.  This is defined as the presence of detectable viral replication for at least six months. Most experience minimal or no symptoms during the initial few decades of the infection.Chronic hepatitis C can be associated with fatigue and mild cognitive problems. Chronic infection after several years may cause cirrhosis or liver cancer. The liver enzymes are normal in 7–53%.  Late relapses after apparent cure have been reported, but these can be difficult to distinguish from reinfection.


Fatty changes to the liver occur in about half of those infected and are usually present before cirrhosis develops.  Usually (80% of the time) this change affects less than a third of the liver. Worldwide hepatitis C is the cause of 27% of cirrhosis cases and 25% of hepatocellular carcinoma.  About 10–30% of those infected develop cirrhosis over 30 years. Cirrhosis is more common in those also infected with hepatitis B, schistosoma, or HIV, in alcoholics and in those of male gender. In those with hepatitis C, excess alcohol increases the risk of developing cirrhosis 100-fold.Those who develop cirrhosis have a 20-fold greater risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. This transformation occurs at a rate of 1–3% per year.  Being infected with hepatitis B in additional to hepatitis C increases this risk further.


Liver cirrhosis may lead to portal hypertension, ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen), easy bruising or bleeding, varices (enlarged veins, especially in the stomach and esophagus), jaundice, and a syndrome of cognitive impairment known as hepatic encephalopathy. Ascites occurs at some stage in more than half of those who have a chronic infection.


The most common problem due to hepatitis C but not involving the liver is mixed cryoglobulinemia (usually the type II form) — an inflammation of small and medium-sized blood vessels. Hepatitis C is also associated with Sjögren’s syndrome (an autoimmune disorder); thrombocytopenia; lichen planus; porphyria cutanea tarda; necrolytic acral erythema; insulin resistance; diabetes mellitus; diabetic nephropathy; autoimmune thyroiditis and B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders.  Thrombocytopenia is estimated to occur in 0.16% to 45.4% of people with chronic hepatitis C. 20–30% of people infected have rheumatoid factor — a type of antibody. Possible associations include Hyde’s prurigo nodularis and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. Cardiomyopathy with associated arrhythmias has also been reported. A variety of central nervous system disorders have been reported.  Chronic infection seems to be associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer.


Persons who have been infected with hepatitis C may appear to clear the virus but remain infected. The virus is not detectable with conventional testing but can be found with ultra-sensitive tests.The original method of detection was by demonstrating the viral genome within liver biopsies, but newer methods include an antibody test for the virus’ core protein and the detection of the viral genome after first concentrating the viral particles by ultracentrifugation. A form of infection with persistently moderately elevated serum liver enzymes but without antibodies to hepatitis C has also been reported. This form is known as cryptogenic occult infection.

Causes of hep C(4)

Several clinical pictures have been associated with this type of infection. It may be found in people with anti-hepatitis-C antibodies but with normal serum levels of liver enzymes; in antibody-negative people with ongoing elevated liver enzymes of unknown cause; in healthy populations without evidence of liver disease; and in groups at risk for HCV infection including those on haemodialysis or family members of people with occult HCV. The clinical relevance of this form of infection is under investigation. The consequences of occult infection appear to be less severe than with chronic infection but can vary from minimal to hepatocellular carcinoma.


The rate of occult infection in those apparently cured is controversial but appears to be low 40% of those with hepatitis but with both negative hepatitis C serology and the absence of detectable viral genome in the serum have hepatitis C virus in the liver on biopsy.How commonly this occurs in children is unknown.
There is no cure, no vaccine.

17. Measle  197,000 Deaths a Year Measles, also known as Rubeola, has done a pretty good job of killing people throughout the ages. Over the last 150 years, the virus has been responsible for the deaths of around 200 million people. The fatality rate from measles for otherwise healthy people in developed countries is 3 deaths per thousand cases, or 0.3%. In underdeveloped nations with high rates of malnutrition and poor healthcare, fatality rates have been as high as 28%. In immunocompromised patients (e.g. people with AIDS) the fatality rate is approximately 30%.

During the 1850s, measles killed a fifth of Hawaii’s people. In 1875, measles killed over 40,000 Fijians, approximately one-third of the population. In the 19th century, the disease decimated the Andamanese population. In 1954, the virus causing the disease was isolated from an 11-year old boy from the United States, David Edmonston, and adapted and propagated on chick embryo tissue culture.

To date, 21 strains of the measles virus have been identified.

18. Yellow Fever  30,000 Deaths a Year. Yellow fever is an acute viral hemorrhagic disease transmitted by the bite of female mosquitoes and is found in tropical and subtropical areas in South America and Africa. The only known hosts of the virus are primates and several species of mosquito. The origin of the disease is most likely to be Africa, from where it was introduced to South America through the slave trade in the 16th century. Since the 17th century, several major epidemics of the disease have been recorded in the Americas, Africa and Europe. In the 19th century, yellow fever was deemed one of the most dangerous infectious diseases.

Yellow fever presents in most cases with fever, nausea, and pain and it generally subsides after several days. In some patients, a toxic phase follows, in which liver damage with jaundice (giving the name of the disease) can occur and lead to death. Because of the increased bleeding tendency (bleeding diathesis), yellow fever belongs to the group of hemorrhagic fevers.


Since the 1980s, the number of cases of yellow fever has been increasing, making it a reemerging disease Transmitted through infected mosquitoes, Yellow Fever is still a serious problem in countries all over the world and a serious health risk for travelers to Africa, South America and some areas in the Caribbean.  Fatality rates range from 15 to over 50%. Symptoms include high fever, headache, abdominal pain, fatigue, vomiting and nausea.

Yellow fever is a hemorrhagic fever transmitted by infected mosquitoes. The yellow is in reference to the yellow color (jaundice) that affects some patients. The virus is endemic in tropical areas in Africa and South America.

The disease typically occurs in two phases. The first phase typically causes fever, headache, muscle pain and back pain, chills and nausea. Most patients recover from these symptoms while 15% progresses to the toxic second phase. High fever returns, jaundice becomes apparent, patient complains of abdominal pain with vomiting, and bleeding in the mouth, eyes, nose or stomach occurs. Blood appears in the stool or vomit and kidney function deteriorates. 50% of the patients that enter the toxic phase die within 10 to 14 days.

There is no treatment for yellow fever. Patients are only given supportive care for fever, dehydration and respiratory failure. Yellow fever is preventable through vaccination.

19. Rabies  55,000 Deaths a Year Rabies is almost invariably fatal if post-exposure prophylaxis is not administered prior to the onset of severe symptoms. If there wasn’t a vaccine, this would be the most deadly virus on the list.

It is a zoonotic virus transmitted through the bite of an animal. The virus worms its way into the brain along the peripheral nerves. The incubation phase of the rabies disease can take up to several months, depending on how far it has to go to reach the central nervous system. It provokes acute pain, violent movements, depression, uncontrollable excitement, and inability to swallow water (rabies is often known as ‘hydrophobia’). After these symptoms subside the fun really starts as the infected person experiences periods of mania followed by coma then death, usually caused by respiratory insufficiency.

Rabies has a long and storied history dating back to 2300 B.C., with records of Babylonians who went mad and died after being bitten by dogs. While this virus itself is a beast, the sickness it causes is now is wholly preventable if treated immediately with a series of vaccinations (sometimes delivered with a terrifyingly huge needle in the abdomen). We have vaccine inventor Louis Pasteur to thank for that.

Exposure to rabies these days, while rare in the U.S., still occurs as it did thousands of years ago—through bites from infected animals. If left untreated after exposure, the virus attacks the central nervous system and death usually results. The symptoms of an advanced infection include delirium, hallucinations and raging, violent behavior in some cases, which some have argued makes rabies eerily similar to zombification. If rabies ever became airborne, we might actually have to prepare for that zombie apocalypse after all.

21. Common Cold  No known cure The common cold is the most frequent infectious disease in humans with on average two to four infections a year in adults and up to 6–12 in children. Collectively, colds, influenza, and other infections with similar symptoms are included in the diagnosis of influenza-like illness.

They may also be termed upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). Influenza involves the lungs while the common cold does not.
It’s annoying as hell, but there’s nothing to do but wave the white flag on this one.
Virus: Infinity. People: 0

22. Anthrax  Anthrax is a diseased caused by a bacterium called Bacillus Anthracis. There are three types of anthrax, skin, lung, and digestive. Anthrax has lately become a major world issue for its ability to become an epidemic and spread quickly and easily among people through contact with spores.


It is important to know that  Anthrax is not spread from person to person, but is through contact/handling of products containing spores. Flu like symptoms, nausea, and blisters are common symptoms of exposure. Inhalational anthrax and gastrointestinal anthrax are serious issue because of their high mortality rates ranging from 50 to 100%.

Anthrax is a severe infectious disease caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis. This type of bacteria produces spores that can live for years in the soil. Anthrax is more common in farm animals, though humans can get infected as well. Anthrax is not contagious. A person can get infected only when the bacteria gets into the skin, lungs or  digestive tract.

There are three types of anthrax: skin anthrax, inhalation anthrax and gastrointestinal anthrax. Skin anthrax symptoms include fever, muscle aches, headache, nausea and vomiting. Inhalation anthrax begins with flu-like symptoms, which progresses  with severe respiratory distress. Shock, coma and then death follows. Most patients do not recover even if given appropriate antibiotics due to the toxins released by the anthrax bacteria. Gastrointestinal anthrax symptoms include fever, nausea, abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea.

Anthrax is treated with antibiotics.

23. Malaria  Malaria is a mosquito-borne illness caused by parasite. Although malaria can be prevented and treated, it is often fatal.


Each year about 1 million people die from Malaria.  Common symptoms include fever, chills, headache. Sweats, and fatigue. Malaria is a serious disease caused by Plasmodium parasites that infects Anopheles mosquitoes which feeds on humans. Initial symptoms include high fever, shaking chills, headache and vomiting – symptoms that may be too  mild to be identified as malaria. If not treated within 24 hours, it can progress to severe illnesses that could lead to death.

The WHO estimates that malaria caused 207,000,000 clinical episodes and 627,000 deaths, mostly among African children,  in 2012. About 3.5 billion people from 167 countries live in areas at risk of malaria transmission.

24. Cholera  Due to the severe dehydration it causes, if left untreated Cholera can cause death within hours. In 1991 a major outbreak occurred in South America though currently few cases are known outside of Sub-Saharan Africa.


Symptoms include severe diarrhea, vomiting and leg cramping. Cholera is usually contracted through ingestion of contaminated water or food. Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by a bacterium called Vibrio cholera. It has an incubation period of less than a day to five days and causes painless, watery diarrhea that quickly leads to severe dehydration and death if treatment is not promptly given.

Cholera remains a global problem and continues to be a challenge for countries where access to safe drinking water and sanitation is a problem.

25.  Typhoid Fever  Patients with typhoid fever sometimes demonstrate a rash of flat, rose-colored spots and a sustained fever of 103 to 104.


Typhoid is contracted through contact with the S. Typhi bacteria, which is carried by humans in both their blood stream and stool. Over 400 cases occur in the US, 20% of those who contract it die. Typhoid fever is a serious and potentially fatal disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. This type of bacteria lives only in humans. People sick with typhoid fever carry the bacteria in their bloodstream and intestinal tract and transmit the bacteria through their stool.

A person can get typhoid fever by drinking or eating food contaminated with Salmonella Typhi or if contaminated sewage gets into the water used for drinking or washing dishes.

Typhoid fever symptoms include high fever, weakness, headache, stomach pains or loss of appetite. Typhoid fever is determined by testing the presence of Salmonella Typhi in the stool or blood of an infected person. Typhoid fever is treated with antibiotics.

26. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and the MERS VIRUS A new Pneumonia disease that emerged in China in 2003. After news of the outbreak of SARS China tried to silence news about it both internal and international news , SARS spread rapidly, reaching neighboring countries Hong Kong and Vietnam in late February 2003, and then to other countries via international travelers.Canada Had a outbreak that was fairly well covered and cost Canada quite a bit financially


The last case of this epidemic occurred in June 2003. In that outbreak, 8069 cases arise that killed 775 people. There is speculation that this disease is Man-Made SARS, SARS has symptoms of flu and may include: fever, cough, sore throat and other non-specific symptoms.


The only symptom that is common to all patients was fever above 38 degrees Celsius. Shortness of breath may occur later. There is currently no vaccine for the disease so that countermeasures can only assist the breathing apparatus. The virus was said to be the Virus of the End Times

27.  MERS(Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), also termed EMC/2012 (HCoV-EMC/2012), is positive-sense, single-stranded RNA novel species of the genus Betacoronavirus.


First called novel coronavirus 2012 or simply novel coronavirus, it was first reported in 2012 after genome sequencing of a virus isolated from sputum samples from patients who fell ill in a 2012 outbreak of a new flu.


As of June 2014, MERS-CoV cases have been reported in 22 countries, including Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Jordan, Qatar, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Algeria, Bangladesh, the Philippines (still MERS-free), Indonesia (none was confirmed), the United Kingdom, and the United States. Almost all cases are somehow linked to Saudi Arabia. In the same article it was reported that Saudi authorities’ errors in response to MERS-CoV were a contributing factor to the spread of this deadly virus.

27. Enterovirus (Brain Inflammation) Entero virus is a disease of the hands, feet and mouth, and we can not ignored occasional Brain Inflammation. Enterovirus attack symptoms are very similar to regular flu symptoms so its difficult to detect it, such as fever, sometimes accompanied by dizziness and weakness and pain.

Next will come the little red watery bumps on the palms and feet following oral thrush. In severe conditions, Enterovirus can attack the nerves and brain tissue to result in death.

The virus is easily spread through direct contact with patients. Children are the main victims of the spread of enterovirus in China. Since the first victim was found but reporting was delayed until several weeks later.

24 thousand people have contracted the enterovirus. More than 30 of them died mostly children. The virus is reported to have entered Indonesia and infecting three people in Sumatra.  2014Enterovirus 68 is presently spreading across North America mainly and started in the USA has probably spread to Canada and Mexico by now. Enterovirus 68’s spread is unprecedented up till now

28.  The Black Plague  The 1918 flu virus and HIV are the biggest killers of modern times. But back in the 14th century, the bacterium that causes bubonic plague, or the Black Death as it was also known, was the baddest bug of all. In just a few years, from 1347 to 1351, the plague killed off about 75,000,000 people worldwide, including one-third of the entire population of Europe at that time.

Carrying away the victims of plague

It spread through Asia, Italy, North Africa, Spain, Normandy, Switzerland, and eastward into Hungary. After a brief break, it crossed into England, Scotland, and then to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Greenland.

the plague bacterium

Yersinia pestis, the plague bacteria
Courtesy of Neal Chamberlain

The plague bacterium is called Yersinia <yer-sin-ee-uh> pestis. There are two main forms of the disease. In the bubonic <boo-bah-nick> form, the bacteria cause painful swellings as large as an orange to form in the armpits, neck and groin. These swellings, or buboes, often burst open, oozing blood and pus. Blood vessels leak blood that puddles under the skin, giving the skin a blackened look. That’s why the disease became known as the Black Death. At least half of its victims die within a week.

The pneumonic <new-mon-ick> form of plague causes victims to sweat heavily and cough up blood that starts filling their lungs. Almost no one survived it during the plague years. Yersinia pestis is the deadliest microbe we’ve ever known, although HIV might catch up to it. Yersinia pestis is still around in the world. Fortunately, with bacteria-killing antibiotics and measures to control the pests—rats and mice—that spread the bacteria, we’ve managed to conquer this killer.

29. Human Papillomavirus  Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a DNA virus from the papillomavirus family that is capable of infecting humans. Like all papillomaviruses, HPVs establish productive infections only in keratinocytes of the skin or mucous membranes.


Most HPV infections are subclinical and will cause no physical symptoms; however, in some people subclinical infections will become clinical and may cause benign papillomas (such as warts [verrucae] or squamous cell papilloma), or cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, oropharynx and anus.HPV has been linked with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, HPV 16 and 18 infections are a cause of a unique type of oropharyngeal (throat) cancer and are believed to cause 70% of cervical cancer, which have available vaccines, see HPV vaccine.


More than 30 to 40 types of HPV are typically transmitted through sexual contact and infect the anogenital region. Some sexually transmitted HPV types may cause genital warts. Persistent infection with "high-risk" HPV types—different from the ones that cause skin warts—may progress to precancerous lesions and invasive cancer. High-risk HPV infection is a cause of nearly all cases of cervical cancer.However, most infections do not cause disease.


Seventy percent of clinical HPV infections, in young men and women, may regress to subclinical in one year and ninety percent in two years. However, when the subclinical infection persists—in 5% to 10% of infected women—there is high risk of developing precancerous lesions of the vulva and cervix, which can progress to invasive cancer. Progression from subclinical to clinical infection may take years; providing opportunities for detection and treatment of pre-cancerous lesions.


In more developed countries, cervical screening using a Papanicolaou (Pap) test or liquid-based cytology is used to detect abnormal cells that may develop into cancer. If abnormal cells are found, women are invited to have a colposcopy. During a colposcopic inspection, biopsies can be taken and abnormal areas can be removed with a simple procedure, typically with a cauterizing loop or, more commonly in the developing world—by freezing (cryotherapy).


Treating abnormal cells in this way can prevent them from developing into cervical cancer. Pap smears have reduced the incidence and fatalities of cervical cancer in the developed world, but even so there were 11,000 cases and 3,900 deaths in the U.S. in 2008. Cervical cancer has substantial mortality worldwide, there are an estimated 490,000 cases and 270,000 deaths each year.


It is true that infections caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) are not fatal, but chronic infection may result in cervical cancer. Apparently, HPV is responsible for almost all cervical cancers (approx. 99%). HPV results in 275,000 deaths per year.

30. Henipaviruses The genus Henipavirus comprises of 3 members which are Hendra virus (HeV), Nipah virus (NiV), and Cedar virus (CedPV). The second one was introduced in the middle of 2012, although affected no human, and is therefore considered harmless. The rest of the two viruses, however, are lethal with mortality rate up to 50-100%.


Hendra virus (originally Equine morbillivirus) was discovered in September 1994 when it caused the deaths of thirteen horses, and a trainer at a training complex in Hendra, a suburb of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia.

The index case, a mare, was housed with 19 other horses after falling ill, and died two days later. Subsequently, all of the horses became ill, with 13 dying. The remaining 6 animals were subsequently euthanized as a way of preventing relapsing infection and possible further transmission.The trainer, Victory (‘Vic’) Rail, and a stable hand were involved in nursing the index case, and both fell ill with an influenza-like illness within one week of the first horse’s death. The stable hand recovered while Mr Rail died of respiratory and renal failure. The source of the virus was most likely frothy nasal discharge from the index case.


A second outbreak occurred in August 1994 (chronologically preceding the first outbreak) in Mackay 1,000 km north of Brisbane resulting in the deaths of two horses and their owner. The owner, Mark Preston, assisted in necropsies of the horses and within three weeks was admitted to hospital suffering from meningitis. Mr Preston recovered, but 14 months later developed neurologic signs and died. This outbreak was diagnosed retrospectively by the presence of Hendra virus in the brain of the patient.pathogens-02-00264-g002-1024

A survey of wildlife in the outbreak areas was conducted, and identified pteropid fruit bats as the most likely source of Hendra virus, with a seroprevalence of 47%. All of the other 46 species sampled were negative. Virus isolations from the reproductive tract and urine of wild bats indicated that transmission to horses may have occurred via exposure to bat urine or birthing fluids.  However, the only attempt at experimental infection reported in the literature, conducted at CSIRO Geelong, did not result in infection of a horse from infected flying foxes. This study looked at potential infection between bats, horses and cats, in various combinations. The only species that was able to infect horses was the cat (Felix spp.)


Nipah virus was identified in April 1999, when it caused an outbreak of neurological and respiratory disease on pig farms in peninsular Malaysia, resulting in 257 human cases, including 105 human deaths and the culling of one million pigs.  In Singapore, 11 cases, including one death, occurred in abattoir workers exposed to pigs imported from the affected Malaysian farms. The Nipah virus has been classified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a Category C agent. The name "Nipah" refers to the place, Kampung Baru Sungai Nipah in Negeri Sembilan State, Malaysia, the source of the human case from which Nipah virus was first isolated.


The outbreak was originally mistaken for Japanese encephalitis (JE), however, physicians in the area noted that persons who had been vaccinated against JE were not protected, and the number of cases among adults was unusual Despite the fact that these observations were recorded in the first month of the outbreak, the Ministry of Health failed to react accordingly, and instead launched a nationwide campaign to educate people on the dangers of JE and its vector, Culex mosquitoes.


Symptoms of infection from the Malaysian outbreak were primarily encephalitic in humans and respiratory in pigs. Later outbreaks have caused respiratory illness in humans, increasing the likelihood of human-to-human transmission and indicating the existence of more dangerous strains of the virus. Based on seroprevalence data and virus isolations, the primary reservoir for Nipah virus was identified as Pteropid fruit bats, including Pteropus vampyrus (Large Flying Fox), and Pteropus hypomelanus (Small flying fox), both of which occur in Malaysia.


The transmission of Nipah virus from flying foxes to pigs is thought to be due to an increasing overlap between bat habitats and piggeries in peninsular Malaysia. At the index farm, fruit orchards were in close proximity to the piggery, allowing the spillage of urine, feces and partially eaten fruit onto the pigs. Retrospective studies demonstrate that viral spillover into pigs may have been occurring in Malaysia since 1996 without detection. During 1998, viral spread was aided by the transfer of infected pigs to other farms, where new outbreaks occurred.


Cedar Virus (CedPV) was first identified in pteropid urine during work on Hendra virus undertaken in Queensland in 2009. Although the virus is reported to be very similar to both Hendra and Nipah, it does not cause illness in laboratory animals usually susceptible to paramyxoviruses. Animals were able to mount an effective response and create effective antibodies.3273481_pone.0027918.g003

The scientists who identified the virus report:

Hendra and Nipah viruses are 2 highly pathogenic paramyxoviruses that have emerged from bats within the last two decades. Both are capable of causing fatal disease in both humans and many mammal species. Serological and molecular evidence for henipa-like viruses have been reported from numerous locations including Asia and Africa, however, until now no successful isolation of these viruses have been reported. This paper reports the isolation of a novel paramyxovirus, named Cedar virus, from fruit bats in Australia. Full genome sequencing of this virus suggests a close relationship with the henipaviruses.
Antibodies to Cedar virus were shown to cross react with, but not cross neutralize Hendra or Nipah virus. Despite this close relationship, when Cedar virus was tested in experimental challenge models in ferrets and guinea pigs, we identified virus replication and generation of neutralizing antibodies, but no clinical disease was observed. As such, this virus provides a useful reference for future reverse genetics experiments to determine the molecular basis of the pathogenicity of the henipaviruses.

30. Lyssaviruses  This genus comprises of not only rabies virus (causing death of almost everyone who is infected) but certain other viruses such as Duvenhage virus, Mokola virus, and Australian bat lyssavirus. Although small number of cases are reported, but the ones reported have always been fatal. Bats are vectors for all of these types except for Mokola virus.


Lyssavirus (from Lyssa, the Greek goddess of madness, rage, and frenzy) is a genus of viruses belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae, in the order Mononegavirales. This group of RNA viruses includes the rabies virus traditionally associated with the disease. Viruses typically have either helical or cubic symmetry. Lyssaviruses have helical symmetry, so their infectious particles are approximately cylindrical in shape. This is typical of plant-infecting viruses. Human-infecting viruses more commonly have cubic symmetry and take shapes approximating regular polyhedra. The structure consists of a spiked outer envelope, a middle region consisting of matrix protein M, and an inner ribonucleocapsid complex region, consisting of the genome associated with other proteins.


Lyssavirus genome consists of a negative-sense, single-stranded RNA molecule that encodes five viral proteins: polymerase L, matrix protein M, phosphoprotein P, nucleoprotein N, and glycoprotein G.


Based on recent phylogenetic evidence, lyssa viruses are categorized into seven major species. In addition, five species recently have been discovered: West Caucasian bat virus, Aravan virus, Khuj and virus, Irkut virus and Shimoni bat virus. The major species include rabies virus (species 1), Lagos bat virus (species 2), Mokola virus (species 3), Duvenhage virus (species 4), European Bat lyssaviruses type 1 and 2 (species 5 and 6), and Australian bat lyssavirus (species 7).83980497

Based on biological properties of the viruses, these species are further subdivided into phylogroups 1 and 2. Phylogroup 1 includes genotypes 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7, while phylogroup 2 includes genotypes 2 and 3. The nucleocapsid region of lyssavirus is fairly highly conserved from genotype to genotype across both phylogroups; however, experimental data have shown the lyssavirus strains used in vaccinations are only from the first species(i.e. classic rabies).

31. Tuberculosis  Mucous, fever, fatigue, excessive sweating and weight loss. What do they all have in common?


They are symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis, or TB. TB is a contagious bacterial infection that involves the lungs, but it may spread to other organs. The symptoms of this disease can remain stagnant for years or affect the person right away. People at higher risk for contracting TB include the elderly, infants and those with weakened immune systems due to other diseases, such as AIDS or diabetes, or even individuals who have undergone chemotherapy.

Being around others who may have TB, maintaining a poor diet or living in unsanitary conditions are all risk factors for contracting TB. In the United States, there are approximately 10 cases of TB per 100,000 people. Tuberculosis, MTB, or TB (short for tubercle bacillus), in the past also called phthisis, phthisis pulmonalis, or consumption, is a widespread, and in many cases fatal, infectious disease caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis.


Tuberculosis typically attacks the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body. It is spread through the air when people who have an active TB infection cough, sneeze, or otherwise transmit respiratory fluids through the air. Most infections do not have symptoms, known as latent tuberculosis. About one in ten latent infections eventually progresses to active disease which, if left untreated, kills more than 50% of those so infected.


The classic symptoms of active TB infection are a chronic cough with blood-tinged sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss (the latter giving rise to the formerly common term for the disease, "consumption"). Infection of other organs causes a wide range of symptoms. Diagnosis of active TB relies on radiology (commonly chest X-rays), as well as microscopic examination and microbiological culture of body fluids.


Diagnosis of latent TB relies on the tuberculin skin test (TST) and/or blood tests. Treatment is difficult and requires administration of multiple antibiotics over a long period of time. Social contacts are also screened and treated if necessary. Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem in multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) infections. Prevention relies on screening programs and vaccination with the bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine.


One-third of the world’s population is thought to have been infected with M. tuberculosis, with new infections occurring in about 1% of the population each year.In 2007, an estimated 13.7 million chronic cases were active globally, while in 2010, an estimated 8.8 million new cases and 1.5 million associated deaths occurred, mostly in developing countries. The absolute number of tuberculosis cases has been decreasing since 2006, and new cases have decreased since 2002.


The rate of tuberculosis in different areas varies across the globe; about 80% of the population in many Asian and African countries tests positive in tuberculin tests, while only 5–10% of the United States population tests positive. More people in the developing world contract tuberculosis because of a poor immune system, largely due to high rates of HIV infection and the corresponding development of AIDS.

32. Encephalitis Virus Encephalitis is an acute inflammation of the brain, commonly caused by a viral infection. Victims are usually exposed to viruses resulting in encephalitis by insect bites or food and drink. The most frequently encountered agents are arboviruses (carried by mosquitoes or ticks) and enteroviruses ( coxsackievirus, poliovirus and echovirus ). Some of the less frequent agents are measles, rabies, mumps, varicella and herpes simplex viruses.

Patients with encephalitis suffer from fever, headache, vomiting, confusion, drowsiness and photophobia. The symptoms of encephalitis are caused by brain’s defense mechanisms being activated to get rid of infection (brain swelling, small bleedings and cell death). Neurologic examination usually reveals a stiff neck due to the irritation of the meninges covering the brain. Examination of the cerebrospinal fluidCerebrospinal fluid CSF in short, is the clear fluid that occupies the subarachnoid space (the space between the skull and cortex of the brain). It acts as a "cushion" or buffer for the cortex.


Also, CSF occupies the ventricular system of the brain and the obtained by a lumbar puncture In medicine, a lumbar puncture (colloquially known as a spinal tap is a diagnostic procedure that is done to collect a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for biochemical, microbiological and cytological analysis. Indications The most common indication for procedure reveals increased amounts of proteins and white blood cells with normal glucose. A CT scan examination is performed to reveal possible complications of brain swelling, brain abscess Brain abscess (or cerebral abscess) is an abscess caused by inflammation and collection of infected material coming from local (ear infection, infection of paranasal sinuses, infection of the mastoid air cells of the temporal bone, epidural abscess) or re or bleeding. Lumbar puncture procedure is performed only after the possibility of a prominent brain swelling is excluded by a CT scan examination.


What are the main Symptoms?
Some patients may have symptoms of a cold or stomach infection before encephalitis symptoms begin.
When a case of encephalitis is not very severe, the symptoms may be similar to those of other illnesses, including:
• Fever that is not very high
• Mild headache
• Low energy and a poor appetite

Other symptoms include:
• Clumsiness, unsteady gait
• Confusion, disorientation
• Drowsiness
• Irritability or poor temper control
• Light sensitivity
• Stiff neck and back (occasionally)
• Vomiting

Symptoms in newborns and younger infants may not be as easy to recognize:
• Body stiffness
• Irritability and crying more often (these symptoms may get worse when the baby is picked up)
• Poor feeding
• Soft spot on the top of the head may bulge out more
• Vomiting

• Loss of consciousness, poor responsiveness, stupor, coma
• Muscle weakness or paralysis
• Seizures
• Severe headache
• Sudden change in mental functions:
• "Flat" mood, lack of mood, or mood that is inappropriate for the situation
• Impaired judgment
• Inflexibility, extreme self-centeredness, inability to make a decision, or withdrawal from social interaction
• Less interest in daily activities
• Memory loss (amnesia), impaired short-term or long-term memory


Children and adults should avoid contact with anyone who has encephalitis.
Controlling mosquitoes (a mosquito bite can transmit some viruses) may reduce the chance of some infections that can lead to encephalitis.
• Apply an insect repellant containing the chemical, DEET when you go outside (but never use DEET products on infants younger than 2 months).
• Remove any sources of standing water (such as old tires, cans, gutters, and wading pools).
• Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants when outside, particularly at dusk.
Vaccinate animals to prevent encephalitis caused by the rabies virus.


33. Chicken Pox Virus Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease caused by primary infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV).It usually starts with a vesicular skin rash mainly on the body and head rather than on the limbs. The rash develops into itchy, raw pockmarks, which mostly heal without scarring. On examination, the observer typically finds skin lesions at various stages of healing and also ulcers in the oral cavity and tonsil areas. The disease is most commonly observed in children.


Chickenpox is an airborne disease which spreads easily through coughing or sneezing by ill individuals or through direct contact with secretions from the rash. A person with chickenpox is infectious one to two days before the rash appears. They remain contagious until all lesions have crusted over (this takes approximately six days). Immunocompromised patients are contagious during the entire period as new lesions keep appearing. Crusted lesions are not contagious.Chickenpox has been observed in other primates, including chimpanzees and gorillas.


The origin of the term chicken pox, which is recorded as being used since 1684,is not reliably known. It has been said to be a derived from chickpeas, based on resemblance of the vesicles to chickpeas, or to come from the rash resembling chicken pecks. Other suggestions include the designation chicken for a child (i.e., literally ‘child pox’), a corruption of itching-pox, or the idea that the disease may have originated in chickens. Samuel Johnson explained the designation as "from its being of no very great danger."


The early (prodromal) symptoms in adolescents and adults are nausea, loss of appetite, aching muscles, and headache. This is followed by the characteristic rash or oral sores, malaise, and a low-grade fever that signal the presence of the disease. Oral manifestations of the disease (enanthem) not uncommonly may precede the external rash (exanthem). In children the illness is not usually preceded by prodromal symptoms, and the first sign is the rash or the spots in the oral cavity. The rash begins as small red dots on the face, scalp, torso, upper arms and legs; progressing over 10–12 hours to small bumps, blisters and pustules; followed by umbilication and the formation of scabs.


At the blister stage, intense itching is usually present. Blisters may also occur on the palms, soles, and genital area. Commonly, visible evidence of the disease develops in the oral cavity & tonsil areas in the form of small ulcers which can be painful or itchy or both; this enanthem (internal rash) can precede the exanthem (external rash) by 1 to 3 days or can be concurrent. These symptoms of chickenpox appear 10 to 21 days after exposure to a contagious person. Adults may have a more widespread rash and longer fever, and they are more likely to experience complications, such as varicella pneumonia.Because watery nasal discharge containing live virus usually precedes both exanthem (external rash) and enanthem (oral ulcers) by 1 to 2 days, the infected person actually becomes contagious one to two days prior to recognition of the disease. Contagiousness persists until all vesicular lesions have become dry crusts (scabs), which usually entails four or five days, by which time nasal shedding of live virus also ceases.


Chickenpox is rarely fatal, although it is generally more severe in adult men than in women or children. Non-immune pregnant women and those with a suppressed immune system are at highest risk of serious complications. Arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) associated with chickenpox in the previous year accounts for nearly one third of childhood AIS. The most common late complication of chickenpox is shingles (herpes zoster), caused by reactivation of the varicella zoster virus decades after the initial, often childhood, chickenpox infection.


Shingles  Herpes zoster After a chickenpox infection, the virus remains dormant in the body’s nerve tissues. The immune system keeps the virus at bay, but later in life, usually as an adult, it can be reactivated and cause a different form of the viral infection called shingles (scientifically known as herpes zoster). The United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) suggests that any adult over the age of 60 years gets the herpes zoster vaccine as a part of their normal medical check ups.


Many adults who have had chickenpox as children are susceptible to shingles as adults, often with the accompanying condition postherpetic neuralgia, a painful condition that makes it difficult to sleep. Even after the shingles rash has gone away, there can be night pain in the area affected by the rash.Shingles affects one in five adults infected with chickenpox as children, especially those who are immune suppressed, particularly from cancer, HIV, or other conditions.


However, stress can bring on shingles as well, although scientists are still researching the connection.Shingles are most commonly found in adults over the age of 60 who were diagnosed with chickenpox when they were under the age of 1.A shingles vaccine is available for adults over 50 who have had childhood chickenpox or who have previously had shingles.

34. POXVIRUS  Poxviruses (members of the family Poxviridae) are viruses that can, as a family, infect both vertebrate and invertebrate animals.


Four genera of poxviruses may infect humans: orthopox, parapox, yatapox, molluscipox. Orthopox: smallpox virus (variola), vaccinia virus, cowpox virus, monkeypox virus; Parapox: orf virus, pseudocowpox, bovine papular stomatitis virus; Yatapox: tanapox virus, yaba monkey tumor virus; Molluscipox: molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV).The most common are vaccinia (seen on Indian subcontinent) and molluscum contagiousum, but monkeypox infections are rising (seen in west and central African rainforest countries). Camelpox is a disease of camels caused by a virus of the family Poxviridae, subfamily Chordopoxvirinae, and the genus Orthopoxvirus. It causes skin lesions and a generalized infection. Approximately 25% of young camels that become infected will die from the disease, while infection in older camels is generally more mild.

Poxvirus model in section (Pov_Ray)

The ancestor of the poxviruses is not known but structural studies suggest it may have been an adenovirus or a species related to both the poxviruses and the adenoviruses. Based on the genome organization and DNA replication mechanism it seems that phylogenetic relationships may exist between the rudiviruses (Rudiviridae) and the large eukaryal DNA viruses: the African swine fever virus (Asfarviridae), Chlorella viruses (Phycodnaviridae) and poxviruses (Poxviridae).The mutation rate in these genomes has been estimated to be 0.9-1.2 x 10−6 substitutions per site per year.A second estimate puts this rate at 0.5-7 × 10−6 nucleotide substitutions per site per year.  A third estimate places the rate at 4-6 × 10−6.


The last common ancestor of the extant poxviruses that infect vertebrates existed 0.5 million years ago. The genus Avipoxvirus diverged from the ancestor 249 ± 69 thousand years ago. The ancestor of the genus Orthopoxvirus was next to diverge from the other clades at 0.3 million years ago. A second estimate of this divergence time places this event at 166,000 ± 43,000 years ago. The division of the Orthopox into the extant genera occurred ~14,000 years ago. The genus Leporipoxvirus diverged ~137,000 ± 35,000 years ago. This was followed by the ancestor of the genus Yatapoxvirus. The last common ancestor of the Capripoxvirus and Suipoxvirus diverged 111,000 ± 29,000 years ago.

Poxvirus Pov-Ray model 2

A model of a poxvirus cut-away in
cross-section to show the internal
structures. Poxviruses are shaped like
flattened capsules/barrels or are lens or

Poxvirus Pov-Ray model 3

Their structure is complex,
neither icosahedral nor helical. This
model is based on Vaccinia, the smallpox
virus. The structures are also highly
variable and often incompletely studied.


35. West Nile Virus  West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne zoonotic arbovirus belonging to the genus Flavivirus in the family Flaviviridae.


This flavivirus is found in temperate and tropical regions of the world. It was first identified in the West Nile subregion in the East African nation of Uganda in 1937. Prior to the mid-1990s, WNV disease occurred only sporadically and was considered a minor risk for humans, until an outbreak in Algeria in 1994, with cases of WNV-caused encephalitis, and the first large outbreak in Romania in 1996, with a high number of cases with neuroinvasive disease. WNV has now spread globally, with the first case in the Western Hemisphere being identified in New York City in 1999; over the next five years, the virus spread across the continental United States, north into Canada, and southward into the Caribbean islands and Latin America. WNV also spread to Europe, beyond the Mediterranean Basin, and a new strain of the virus was identified in Italy in 2012. WNV is now considered to be an endemic pathogen in Africa, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, Europe and in the United States, which in 2012 has experienced one of its worst epidemics. In 2012, WNV killed 286 people in the United States, with the state of Texas being hard hit by this virus, making the year the deadliest on record for the United States.


The main mode of WNV transmission is via various species of mosquitoes, which are the prime vector, with birds being the most commonly infected animal and serving as the prime reservoir host—especially passerines, which are of the largest order of birds, Passeriformes. WNV has been found in various species of ticks, but current research suggests they are not important vectors of the virus. WNV also infects various mammal species, including humans, and has been identified in reptilian species, including alligators and crocodiles, and also in amphibians. Not all animal species that are susceptible to WNV infection, including humans, and not all bird species develop sufficient viral levels to transmit the disease to uninfected mosquitoes, and are thus not considered major factors in WNV transmission.


Approximately 80% of West Nile virus infections in humans are subclinical, which cause no symptoms. In the cases where symptoms do occur—termed West Nile fever in cases without neurological disease—the time from infection to the appearance of symptoms (incubation period) is typically between 2 and 15 days. Symptoms may include fever, headaches, fatigue, muscle pain or aches, malaise, nausea, anorexia, vomiting, myalgias and rash. Less than 1% of the cases are severe and result in neurological disease when the central nervous system is affected. People of advanced age, the very young, or those with immunosuppression, either medically induced, such as those taking immunosupressive drugs, or due to a pre-existing medical condition such as HIV infection, are most susceptible. The specific neurological diseases that may occur are West Nile encephalitis, which causes inflammation of the brain, West Nile meningitis, which causes inflammation of the meninges, which are the protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, West Nile meningoencephalitis, which causes inflammation of the brain and also the meninges surrounding it, and West Nile poliomyelitis—spinal cord inflammation, which results in a syndrome similar to polio, which may cause acute flaccid paralysis.


Currently, no vaccine against WNV infection is available. The best method to reduce the rates of WNV infection is mosquito control on the part of municipalities, businesses and individual citizens to reduce breeding populations of mosquitoes in public, commercial and private areas via various means including eliminating standing pools of water where mosquitoes breed, such as in old tires, buckets, unused swimming pools, etc. On an individual basis, the use of personal protective measures to avoid being bitten by an infected mosquito, via the use of mosquito repellent, window screens, avoiding areas where mosquitoes are more prone to congregate, such as near marshes, areas with heavy vegetation etc., and being more vigilant from dusk to dawn when mosquitoes are most active offers the best defense. In the event of being bitten by an infected mosquito, familiarity of the symptoms of WNV on the part of laypersons, physicians and allied health professions affords the best chance of receiving timely medical treatment, which may aid in reducing associated possible complications and also appropriate palliative care.


The incubation period for WNV—the amount of time from infection to symptom onset—is typically from between 2 and 15 days. Headache can be a prominent symptom of WNV fever, meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, and it may or may not be present in poliomyelytis-like syndrome. Thus, headache is not a useful indicator of neuroinvasive disease.(CDC)

west-nile-virus 2

  • West Nile virus encephalitis (WNE) is the most common neuroinvasive manifestation of WNND. WNE presents with similar symptoms to other viral encephalitis with fever, headaches, and altered mental status. A prominent finding in WNE is muscular weakness (30 to 50 percent of patients with encephalitis), often with lower motor neuron symptoms, flaccid paralysis, and hyporeflexia with no sensory abnormalities.
  • West Nile meningitis (WNM) usually involves fever, headache, and stiff neck. Pleocytosis, an increase of white blood cells in cerebrospinal fluid, is also present. Changes in consciousness are not usually seen and are mild when present.
  • West Nile meningoencephalitis is inflammation of both the brain (encephalitis) and meninges (meningitis).
  • West Nile poliomyelitis (WNP), an acute flaccid paralysis syndrome associated with WNV infection, is less common than WNM or WNE. This syndrome is generally characterized by the acute onset of asymmetric limb weakness or paralysis in the absence of sensory loss. Pain sometimes precedes the paralysis. The paralysis can occur in the absence of fever, headache, or other common symptoms associated with WNV infection. Involvement of respiratory muscles, leading to acute respiratory failure, can sometimes occur.
  • West-Nile reversible paralysis,. Like WNP, the weakness or paralysis is asymmetric. Reported cases have been noted to have an initial preservation of deep tendon reflexes, which is not expected for a pure anterior horn involvement.Disconnect of upper motor neuron influences on the anterior horn cells possibly by myelitis or glutamate excitotoxicity have been suggested as mechanisms.The prognosis for recovery is excellent.
  • Cutaneous manifestations specifically rashes, are not uncommon in WNV-infected patients; however, there is a paucity of detailed descriptions in case reports and there are few clinical images widely available. Punctate erythematous (?), macular, and papular eruptions, most pronounced on the extremities have been observed in WNV cases and in some cases histopathologic findings have shown a sparse superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate, a manifestation commonly seen in viral exanthems (?). A literature review provides support that this punctate rash is a common cutaneous presentation of WNV infection. (Anderson RC et al.)


West Nile virus life cycle. After binding and uptake, the virion envelope fuses with cellular membranes, followed by uncoating of the nucleocapsid and release of the RNA genome into the cytoplasm. The viral genome serves as messenger RNA (mRNA) for translation of all viral proteins and as template during RNA replication. Copies are subsequently packaged within new virus particles that are transported in vesicles to the cell membrane.


WNV is one of the Japanese encephalitis antigenic serocomplex of viruses. Image reconstructions and cryoelectron microscopy reveal a 45–50 nm virion covered with a relatively smooth protein surface. This structure is similar to the dengue fever virus; both belong to the genus Flavivirus within the family Flaviviridae.

Em wnvirus j7908i.jpg

The genetic material of WNV is a positive-sense, single strand of RNA, which is between 11,000 and 12,000 nucleotides long; these genes encode seven nonstructural proteins and three structural proteins. The RNA strand is held within a nucleocapsid formed from 12-kDa protein blocks; the capsid is contained within a host-derived membrane altered by two viral glycoproteins. Phylogenetic tree of West Nile viruses based on sequencing of the envelope gene during complete genome sequencing of the virus


Studies of phylogenetic lineages determined WNV emerged as a distinct virus around 1000 years ago. This initial virus developed into two distinct lineages, lineage 1 and its multiple profiles is the source of the epidemic transmission in Africa and throughout the world. Lineage 2 was considered an Africa zoonosis. However, in 2008, lineage 2, previously only seen in horses in sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar, began to appear in horses in Europe, where the first known outbreak affected 18 animals in Hungary in 2008. Lineage 1 West Nile virus was detected in South Africa in 2010 in a mare and her aborted fetus; previously, only lineage 2 West Nile virus had been detected in horses and humans in South Africa. A 2007 fatal case in a killer whale in Texas broadened the known host range of West Nile virus to include cetaceans.


The United States virus was very closely related to a lineage 1 strain found in Israel in 1998. Since the first North American cases in 1999, the virus has been reported throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America. There have been human cases and equine cases, and many birds are infected. The Barbary macaque, Macaca sylvanus, was the first nonhuman primate to contract WNV.  Both the United States and Israeli strains are marked by high mortality rates in infected avian populations; the presence of dead birds—especially Corvidae—can be an early indicator of the arrival of the virus.


The West Nile virus maintains itself in nature by cycling between mosquitoes and certain species of birds. A mosquito (the vector) bites an uninfected bird (the host), the virus amplifies within the bird, an uninfected mosquito bites the bird and is in turn infected. Other species such as humans and horses are incidental infections, as they are not the mosquitoes’ preferred blood meal source. The virus does not amplify within these species and they are known as dead-end hosts.


The West Nile virus (WNV) is transmitted through female mosquitoes, which are the prime vectors of the virus. Only females feed on blood, and different species have evolved to take a blood meal on preferred types of vertebrate hosts. The infected mosquito species vary according to geographical area; in the United States, Culex pipiens (Eastern United States), Culex tarsalis (Midwest and West), and Culex quinquefasciatus (Southeast) are the main sources.The various species that transmit the WNV prefer birds of the Passeriformes order, the largest order of birds. Within that order there is further selectivity with various mosquito species exhibiting preference for different species. In the United States WNV mosquito vectors have shown definitive preference for members of the Corvidae and Thrush family of birds. Amongst the preferred species within these families are the American crow, a corvid, and the American robin (Turdus migratorius), a thrush.

The proboscis of a female mosquito—here a Southern House Mosquito (Culex quinquefasciatus)—pierces the epidermis and dermis to allow it to feed on human blood from a capillary: this one is almost fully tumescent. The mosquito injects saliva, which contains an anesthetic, and an anticoagulant into the puncture wound; and in infected mosquitoes, the West Nile virus.


The birds develop sufficient viral levels after being infected, to transmit the infection to other biting mosquitoes that in turn go on to infect other birds. In crows and robins, the infection is fatal in 4–5 days. This epizootic viral amplification cycle has been shown to peak 15–16 days before humans become ill. This may be due to the high mortality, and thus depletion of the preferred hosts, i.e., the specific bird species. The mosquitoes become less selective and begin feeding more readily on other animal types such as humans and horses which are considered incidental hosts.


In mammals, the virus does not multiply as readily (i.e., does not develop high viremia during infection), and mosquitoes biting infected mammals are not believed to ingest sufficient virus to become infected,making mammals so-called dead-end hosts.


Direct human-to-human transmission initially was believed to be caused only by occupational exposure, or conjunctive exposure to infected blood. The US outbreak identified additional transmission methods through blood transfusion,organ transplant intrauterine exposure, and breast feeding. Since 2003, blood banks in the United States routinely screen for the virus among their donors. As a precautionary measure, the UK’s National Blood Service initially ran a test for this disease in donors who donate within 28 days of a visit to the United States, Canada or the northeastern provinces of Italy and the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service asks prospective donors to wait 28 days after returning from North America or the northeastern provinces of Italy before donating.

West Nile Virus Replication

Recently, the potential for mosquito saliva to impact the course of WNV disease was demonstrated. Mosquitoes inoculate their saliva into the skin while obtaining blood. Mosquito saliva is a pharmacological cocktail of secreted molecules, principally proteins, that can affect vascular constriction, blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, inflammation, and immunity. It clearly alters the immune response in a manner that may be advantageous to a virus. Studies have shown it can specifically modulate the immune response during early virus infection, and mosquito feeding can exacerbate WNV infection, leading to higher viremia and more severe forms of disease.


Vertical transmission, the transmission of a viral or bacterial disease from the female of the species to her offspring, has been observed in various West Nile virus studies, amongst different species of mosquitoes in both the laboratory and in nature.Mosquito progeny infected vertically in autumn, may potentially serve as a mechanism for WNV to overwinter and initiate enzootic horizontal transmission the following spring.


Posted by Michael Lotfi

  • August 30, 2013


As states continue to nullify federal laws against marijuana and hemp, the federal government has been faced with an important question. It’s been more than 75 years, and marijuana and hemp  still remain illegal. Never mind the total lack of reasoning  behind the federal government’s ban. Is it time to end the law?

Less than 24 hours ago, it all came crashing down. According to the Associated Press, the justice department said that states can allow citizens to use the drug, license people to grow it and allow them to purchase it in stores. As long as the drug is kept away from the black market, children and federal property– It’s a go!

According to Mike Maharrey, national communications director for the Tenth Amendment Center:

The genie is out of the bottle and she won’t ever go back in. The feds have lost and they know it. No matter how Holder and the DEA couch their words in an attempt to maintain an illusion of control, state actions continue to effectively nullify these unconstitutional marijuana laws.

When asked if the federal government just essentially legalized marijuana Maharrey responded:

The announcement makes it clear the feds have no will to fight the states on weed. They can call it an “illegal drug” all they want, but if they can’t, or won’t, stop people from using marijuana, their “law” means nothing.

The recent surge in nullification has sent states fighting against the federal government on pot use. It would seem that the federal government just gave up. A major victory for the states- no doubt.

Thousands Of Companies Have Been Handing Over Your Personal Data To The NSA

Thousands Of Companies Have Been Handing Over Your Personal Data To The NSA


Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse
June 15, 2013

It isn’t just Internet and phone companies that are giving your personal information to the U.S. government.  According to an astounding reportby Bloomberg, “four people familiar with the process” say that “makers of hardware and software, banks, Internet security providers, satellite telecommunications companies” and a whole host of other sources are handing over your personal data to federal agencies.  The truth is that there is so much more to this NSA snooping scandal than the American people know so far.  When U.S. Representative Loretta Sanchez said that what Edward Snowden had revealed was “just the tip of the iceberg“, she wasn’t kidding.  The U.S. government is trying to collect as much information about everyone on the planet as it possibly can.  And this incredibly powerful intelligence machine is not going to go away just because a few activists get upset about it.  The United States government spendsmore than 80 billion dollars a year on intelligence programs.  Those that have spent their careersconstructing this monolithic intelligence apparatus are doing to defend it to the bitter end, as will the corporate partners in the private sector that rake in enormous profits thanks to big fat government contracts.  But if the American people don’t stand up and demand change now, it is going to be a signal to those doing the snooping that they can push the envelope even more because nobody is going to stop them.

So why are thousands of companies handing over your personal data to the NSA?  Well, according to Bloomberg they are getting things in return…

Thousands of technology, finance and manufacturing companies are working closely with U.S. national security agencies, providing sensitive information and in return receiving benefits that include access to classified intelligence, four people familiar with the process said.

These programs, whose participants are known as trusted partners, extend far beyond what was revealed by Edward Snowden, a computer technician who did work for the National Security Agency. The role of private companies has come under intense scrutiny since his disclosure this month that the NSA is collecting millions of U.S. residents’ telephone records and the computer communications of foreigners from Google Inc (GOOG). and other Internet companies under court order.

Thanks to the recent revelations by Edward Snowden, much of the focus so far has been on the information that the NSA gets from Internet and telecommunications companies, but apparently government agencies collect information about all of us from a vast array of sources…

Makers of hardware and software, banks, Internet security providers, satellite telecommunications companies and many other companies also participate in the government programs. In some cases, the information gathered may be used not just to defend the nation but to help infiltrate computersof its adversaries.

Along with the NSA, the Central Intelligence Agency (0112917D), the Federal Bureau of Investigation and branches of the U.S. military have agreements with such companies to gather data that might seem innocuous but could be highly useful in the hands of U.S. intelligence or cyber warfare units, according to the people, who have either worked for the government or are in companies that have these accords.

We have become a “surveillance society”, and this is exactly the sort of thing that the Fourth Amendment was supposed to protect us against.  The government is only supposed to invade our privacy and investigate us when there is probable cause to do so.

But now the government is trying to collect as much information about all of us as it possibly can even though the vast majority of us will never be charged with any crime.

There seems to be no limit when it comes to how much personal data the government wants to gather on all of us.  As I have written about previously, the chief technology officer at the CIA says that they “fundamentally try to collect everything and hang onto it forever.”

And this does not just apply to American citizens.  The U.S. government is compiling data on everyone on the planet.  And since such a high percentage of Internet traffic flows through U.S. networks and U.S. companies, that gives the U.S. intelligence community a tremendous “home-field advantage”.  The following is from a recent piece authored by Ronald Deibert, a professor of political science at the University of Toronto…

While cyberspace may be global, its infrastructure most definitely is not.

For example, a huge proportion of global Internet traffic flows through networks controlled by the United States, simply because eight of 15 global tier 1 telecommunications companies are American — companies like AT&T, CenturyLink, XO Communications and, significantly, Verizon.

The social media services that many of us take for granted are also mostly provided by giants headquartered in the United States, like Google, Facebook, Yahoo! and Twitter. All of these companies are subject to U.S. law, including the provisions of the U.S. Patriot Act, no matter where their services are offered or their servers located. Having the world’s Internet traffic routed through the U.S. and having those companies under its jurisdiction give U.S. national security agencies an enormous home-field advantage that few other countries enjoy.

But what is really the point of all of this intelligence gathering?

Is it to make us a little bit safer?

If so, we are making a massive mistake.

Benjamin Franklin once wrote the following: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Are you willing to give up your Fourth Amendment rights in order to feel a little more safe?

I hope not.

The U.S. Constitution never guaranteed us safety.  But it is supposed to guarantee our privacy.

Fortunately, it appears that at this point public opinion is very much against all of the snooping that the government has been doing.  According to the Guardian, most of the recent surveys that have been done are coming up with very consistent results…

Thursday, the Guardian released a poll conducted on Monday and Tuesday nights by Public Policy Polling looking at America’s reaction to the National Security Agency (NSA) controversy. The public appears to be reacting negatively to the revelations – and it seems to be hurting President Obama.

We found 50% of American voters believe the NSA should not be collecting telephone or internet records, compared to the 44% who think they should. The results hold even when respondents were told that the data the government is collecting is “metadata” (and not necessarily actual content of communications).

These results are consistent with a CBS News poll,Fox News poll, and YouGov survey that showed only 38%, 32%, and 35% of Americans respectively approved of phone record collection in order to reduce the chance of a terrorist attack. A Gallup poll was consistent with these, showing only 37% approved monitoring of Americans’ phone and internet use.

And Americans also seem to be very suspicious about what the government will do with our personal data once they have it.

In fact, according to a new Rasmussen survey, 57 percent of Americans believe that the government will use the information that it collects “to harass political opponents”.

And of course many of the recent scandals that have erupted this year involve the government harassing political opponents.  We have seen this with the IRS scandal, and we have seen this with the spying on reporters scandal.

Just this week it was reported that CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson has had her computers hacked repeatedly.  If you are not familiar with Attkisson, she is the one reporter in the mainstream media that has been relentless when it has come to pursuing the Operation Fast and Furious and Benghazi stories.  Now we are learning that a “sophisticated” intruder hacked into her computer “on multiple occasions” in late 2012

CBS News announced Friday that correspondent Sharyl Attkisson’s computer was hacked by “an unauthorized, external, unknown party on multiple occasions,” confirming Attkisson’s previous revelation of the hacking.

CBS News spokeswoman Sonya McNair said that a cybersecurity firm hired by CBS News “has determined through forensic analysis” that “Attkisson’s computer was accessed by an unauthorized, external, unknown party on multiple occasions in late 2012.”

“Evidence suggests this party performed all access remotely using Attkisson’s accounts. While no malicious code was found, forensic analysis revealed an intruder had executed commands that appeared to involve search and exfiltration of data. This party also used sophisticated methods to remove all possible indications of unauthorized activity, and alter system times to cause further confusion. CBS News is taking steps to identify the responsible party and their method of access.”

Meanwhile, in a desperate attempt to deflect attention away from all of these scandals, Barack Obama is starting a war with Syria.

In this war, we are actually going to be helping al-Qaeda rebels that arebeheading Christians to take over Syria.

If you aren’t aware of the deep connection between al-Qaeda and the Syrian rebels, just read the recent USA Today article entitled “Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda” or any of the dozens of other articles that you can find on the Internet that document this very clearly.

And the sick thing is that a large number of Republicans are actually applauding Barack Obama for teaming up with al-Qaeda.

Has it suddenly become “conservative” to help al-Qaeda?

What in the world is going on?

And you know what?

The truth was that our troops were in position long before Barack Obama made his “stunning announcement” on Thursday.  In fact, it hasbeen confirmed that U.S. troops are already in Jordan along the Syrian border.

And could this conflict with Syria actually set the stage for a much larger conflict?

The Russians have been providing “mortars, light artillery, antiaircraft guns, antitank weapons and ammunition” to the Syrian government and they have loudly denounced the latest moves by the Obama administration.

Yes, the Assad government is horrible, but what Obama is doing in Syria is a terrible, terrible mistake.

If the U.S. takes down the Assad government, forces loyal to al-Qaeda and other radical jihadists are going to take over and we will have made Russia and China very angry.  If the U.S. is unsuccessful in removing the Assad government, it will be considered a crushing defeat for the United States.

Either way, we lose.


Democrats and Republicans Agree: America’s Stasi Surveillance State is a Good Thing

Kurt Nimmo
June 15, 2013

On Friday Rasmussen Reports released a poll finding that nearly 60 percent of Americans think the government will use data illegally collected by the NSA to go after political opponents. It also found that there “is little public support for the sweeping and unaccountable nature of the National Security Agency surveillance program along with concerns about how the data will be used.”

If we accept the validity of this latest poll – or any establishment poll – it would be fair to say most Americans understand that surveillance is not used to protect us from foreign enemies in the fake war on terrorism.

Earlier in the week this is exactly what Rep. Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican, and the Republican senator from Georgia Saxby Chambliss, told us. Rogers said that converting the United States into a high-tech version of Stasi Germany has resulted in “changes we can already see being made by the folks who wish to do us harm, and our allies harm.” Rogers added that recent revelations by Booz Allen Hamilton analyst Edward Snowden “make it harder to track bad guys trying to harm U.S. citizens in the United States.”

The American people might be opposed to the NSA surveillance program, but there is overwhelming consensus in favor of it in Washington. The Democrat intelligentsia in the Mockingbird media, especially the Obama partisans, have lined up in favor of trampling on the rights of American citizens.

“I’ve been amazed and disappointed for a long time at how the most slavishly partisan media Democrats who pretended to care so much about these issues when doing so helped undermine George Bush are now the loudest apologists and cheerleaders for these very same policies,” Glenn Greenwald, who broke the NSA story, said on Tuesday. “If they started a club called Liberal Pundits to Defend the National Security State, no auditorium in the country would be large enough to accommodate them.”

This was underscored on Monday when another poll showed that Democrats love the Stasi state. Support for tyranny depends on what side of the establishment party is in the White House. “With President Obama in the White House, Democrats stand in support of the NSA’s methods, 49% to 40% in the Gallupsurvey. Republicans were opposed 63% to 32%. When President George W. Bush was in office, Republicans were supportive of government surveillance efforts and Democrats opposed,” the Los Angeles Times reports.

This is not surprising, writes Justin Raimondo. “Now it is the liberals’ turn to justify the demolition of the Constitution, and especially to give the final push to take down that once-mighty and now greatly eroded bulwark against tyranny, the Bill of Rights. Anyone who is surprised by the alacrity with which they have taken up this task is unfamiliar with the history of American liberalism and the left in general.”

This takes us back to the Rasmussen Reports poll cited above. Most Americans know the surveillance state is used against political enemies, not phantasmal terrorists in caves. They understand that whatever side of the party is in power, it will use surveillance and dirty tricks to undermine the competition. In regard to enemies beyond the walls and out in the political hinterland, it will use the surveillance apparatus like a cudgel to destroy them. History is replete with examples of this from the FBI’s COINTELPRO and the CIA’s Operation CHAOS back to the dawning days of the nation when Federalist John Adams attempted to sabotage the Bill of Rights by signing the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 into law. (See Timeline of US Govt. Surveillance and Spying for more information on how the surveillance state has been used to harass and persecute political opponents.)

Rush Limbaugh may say the real danger is Obama, but that is a diversion. In early 2006, Limbaugh characterized illegal surveillance under Bush as “intercepts of the enemy” and said opponents were supporting an “al-Qaeda bill of rights.” Democrats and Republicans will continue to play political football in a larger game shaped by the establishment’s false left-right paradigm. Both support what the NSA is doing and the Stasi state will grow and flourish so long as Democrats and Republicans share power.

We are now very close to witnessing the final extinction of the Bill of Rights. This has been the goal of one-world totalitarians for some time. Over the last few years, we have documented the effort by the globalist intelligentsia – led by globalist operative Fareed Zakaria – to destroy the Constitution.

The NSA spy grid is designed to monitor and undermine the political activity of those of us who want to preserve the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It has absolutely nothing to do with al-Qaeda, a largely imaginary terrorist group that only surfaces in the United States due to a concerted patsy and public propaganda program led by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.


The Next NSA Spying Shoe to Drop: “Pre-Crime” Artificial Intelligence

Washington’s Blog
June 17, 2013

NSA spying whistleblower Edward Snowden’s statements have been verified.    Reporter Glenn Greenwald has promised numerous additional disclosures from Snowden.

What other revelations are coming?

We reported in 2008:

A new article by investigative reporter Christopher Ketcham reveals, a governmental unit operating in secret and with no oversight whatsoever is gathering massive amounts of data on every American and running artificial intelligence software to predict each American’s behavior, including “what the target will do, where the target will go, who it will turn to for help”.

The same governmental unit is responsible for suspending the Constitution and implementing martial law in the event that anything is deemed by the White House in its sole discretion to constitute a threat to the United States. (this is formally known as implementing “Continuity of Government” plans). [Background here.]

As Ketcham’s article makes clear, these same folks and their predecessors have been been busy dreaming up plans to imprison countless “trouble-making” Americans without trial in case of any real or imagined emergency.  What kind of Americans? Ketcham describes it this way:

“Dissidents and activists of various stripes, political and tax protestors, lawyers and professors, publishers and journalists, gun owners, illegal aliens, foreign nationals, and a great many other harmless, average people.”

Do we want the same small group of folks who have the power to suspend the Constitution, implement martial law, and imprison normal citizens to also be gathering information on all Americans and running AI programs to be able to predict where American citizens will go for help and what they will do in case of an emergency? Don’t we want the government to — um, I don’t know — help us in case of an emergency?

Bear in mind that the Pentagon is also running an AI program to see how people will react to propaganda and to government-inflicted terror. The program is called Sentient World Simulation:

“U.S defense, intel and homeland security officials are constructing a parallel world, on a computer, which the agencies will use to test propaganda messages and military strategies.Called the Sentient World Simulation, the program uses AI routines based upon the psychological theories of Marty Seligman, among others. (Seligman introduced the theory of ‘learned helplessness’ in the 1960s, after shocking beagles until they cowered, urinating, on the bottom of their cages.)

Yank a country’s water supply. Stage a military coup. SWS will tell you what happens next.

The sim will feature an AR avatar for each person in the real world, based upon data collected about us from government records and the internet.”

The continuity of government folks’ AI program and the Pentagon’s AI program may or may not be linked, but they both indicate massive spying and artificial intelligence in order to manipulate the American public, to concentrate power, to take away the liberties and freedoms of average Americans, and — worst of all — to induce chaos in order to achieve these ends.

PBS Nova reported in 2009:

The National Security Agency (NSA) is developing a tool that George Orwell’s Thought Police might have found useful: an artificial intelligence system designed to gain insight into what people are thinking.

With the entire Internet and thousands of databases for a brain, the device will be able to respond almost instantaneously to complex questions posed by intelligence analysts. As more and more data is collected—through phone calls, credit card receipts, social networks like Facebook and MySpace, GPS tracks, cell phone geolocation, Internet searches, Amazon book purchases, even E-Z Pass toll records—it may one day be possible to know not just where people are and what they are doing, but what and how they think.

The system is so potentially intrusive that at least one researcher has quit, citing concerns over the dangers in placing such a powerful weapon in the hands of a top-secret agency with little accountability.

Known as Aquaint, which stands for “Advanced QUestion Answering for INTelligence” [which is run by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA)], part of the new M Square Research Park in College Park, Maryland. A mammoth two million-square-foot, 128-acre complex, it is operated in collaboration with the University of Maryland. “Their budget is classified, but I understand it’s very well funded,” said Brian Darmody, the University of Maryland’s assistant vice president of research and economic development, referring to IARPA. “They’ll be in their own building here, and they’re going to grow. Their mission is expanding.”


In a 2004 pilot project, a mass of data was gathered from news stories taken from theNew York Times, the AP news wire, and the English portion of the Chinese Xinhua news wire covering 1998 to 2000. Then, 13 U.S. military intelligence analysts searched the data and came up with a number of scenarios based on the material. Finally, using those scenarios, an NSA analyst developed 50 topics, and in each of those topics created a series of questions for Aquaint’s computerized brain to answer. “Will the Japanese use force to defend the Senkakus?” was one. “What types of disputes or conflict between the PLA [People’s Liberation Army] and Hong Kong residents have been reported?” was another. And “Who were the participants in this spy ring, and how are they related to each other?” was a third. Since then, the NSA has attempted to build both on the complexity of the system—more essay-like answers rather than yes or no—and on attacking greater volumes of data.

“The technology behaves like a robot, understanding and answering complex questions,” said a former Aquaint researcher. “Think of 2001: A Space Odyssey and the most memorable character, HAL 9000, having a conversation with David. We are essentially building this system. We are building HAL.” A naturalized U.S. citizen who received her Ph.D. from Columbia, the researcher worked on the program for several years but eventually left due to moral concerns. “The system can answer the question, ‘What does X think about Y?’” she said. “Working for the government is great, but I don’t like looking into other people’s secrets.

A supersmart search engine, capable of answering complex questions such as “What were the major issues in the last 10 presidential elections?” would be very useful for the public. But that same capability in the hands of an agency like the NSA—absolutely secret, often above the law, resistant to oversight, and with access to petabytes of private information about Americans—could be a privacy and civil liberties nightmare. “We must not forget that the ultimate goal is to transfer research results into operational use,” said Aquaint project leader John Prange, in charge of information exploitation for IARPA.

Once up and running, the database of old newspapers could quickly be expanded to include an inland sea of personal information scooped up by the agency’s warrantless data suction hoses. Unregulated, they could ask it to determine which Americans might likely pose a security risk—or have sympathies toward a particular cause, such as the antiwar movement, as was done during the 1960s and 1970s. The Aquaint robospy might then base its decision on the type of books a person purchased online, or chat room talk, or websites visited—or a similar combination of data. Such a system would have an enormous chilling effect on everyone’s everyday activities—what will the Aquaint computer think if I buy this book, or go to that website, or make this comment? Will I be suspected of being a terrorist or a spy or a subversive?

World Net Daily’s Aaron Klein reported earlier this month:

In February, the Sydney Morning Herald reported the Massachusetts-based multinational corporation, Raytheon – the world’s fifth largest defense contractor – had developed a “Google for Spies” operation.

Herald reporter Ryan Gallagher wrote that Raytheon had “secretly developed software capable of tracking people’s movements and predicting future behavior by mining data from social networking websites” like Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare.

The software is called RIOT, or Rapid Information Overlay Technology.

Raytheon told the Herald it has not sold RIOT to any clients but admitted that, in 2010, it had shared the program’s software technology with the U.S. government as part of a “joint research and development effort … to help build a national security system capable of analyzing ‘trillions of entities’ from cyberspace.”

In April, RIOT was reportedly showcased at a U.S. government and industry national security conference for secretive, classified innovations, where it was listed under the category “big data – analytics, algorithms.”

Jay Stanley, senior policy analyst for the ACLU Speech, Privacy and Technology Project,argued …  that among the many problems with government large-scale analytics of social network information “is the prospect that government agencies will blunderingly use these techniques to tag, target and watchlist people coughed up by programs such as RIOT, or to target them for further invasions of privacy based on incorrect inferences.”

“The chilling effects of such activities,” he concluded, “while perhaps gradual, would be tremendous.”

Ginger McCall, attorney and director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center’s Open Government program, told NBC in February, “This sort of software allows the government to surveil everyone.

“It scoops up a bunch of information about totally innocent people. There seems to be no legitimate reason to get this, other than that they can.”

As for RIOT’s ability to help catch terrorists, McCall called it “a lot of white noise.”  [True … Big data doesn’t work to keep us safe.]

The London Guardian further obtained a four-minute video that shows how the RIOT software uses photographs on social networks. The images, sometimes containing latitude and longitude details, are “automatically embedded by smartphones within so-called ‘exif header data.’

RIOT pulls out this information, analyzing not only the photographs posted by individuals, but also the location where these images were taken,” the Guardian reported.
Such sweeping data collection and analysis to predict future activity may further explain some of what the government is doing with the phone records of millions of Verizon customers. [Background here.]


“In the increasingly popular language of network theory, individuals are “nodes,” and relationships and interactions form the “links” binding them together; by mapping those connections, network scientists try to expose patterns that might not otherwise be apparent,” reported the Times.[Background here.]

In February 2006, more than a year after Obama was sworn as a U.S. senator, it was revealed the “supposedly defunct” Total Information Awareness data-mining and profiling program had been acquired by the NSA.

The Total Information Awareness program was first announced in 2002 as an early effort to mine large volumes of data for hidden connections.

Aaron Klein reported last week that Snowden might have worked at the NSA’s artificial intelligence unit at the University of Maryland:

Edward Snowden, the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations, told the London Guardian newspaper that he previously worked as a security guard for what the publication carefully described as “one of the agency’s covert facilities at the University of Maryland.”


Brian Ullmann, the university’s assistant vice president for marketing and communications, was asked for comment. He would not address the query, posed twice to his department by KleinOnline, about whether the NSA operates covert facilities in conjunction with the university.

Ullmann’s only comment was to affirm that Snowden was employed as a security guard at the university’s Center for the Advanced Study of Languages in 2005.

This is especially concerning given that the people who created the NSA spying program in the first place say that information gained through spying will be used to frame Americans that the government takes a dislike to.

Winston Churchill: War Hero or War Criminal?

Winston Churchill: War Hero or War Criminal?

Debate continues to rage about iconic leader

Paul Joseph Watson
June 15, 2013

Winston Churchill led Britain to victory against the Nazi war machine, but debate continues to rage about whether he was responsible for overseeing atrocities that rival those ordered by Adolf Hitler.

History is written by the winners. Although there is lots to admire about Churchill’s bulldog spirit – and Brits are eternally grateful for his tenacious fight against the Nazis – much of Churchill’s dark past has been airbrushed out of history.


Rethinking Churchill

To gain any understanding of Churchill, we must go beyond the heroic images propagated for over half a century.

Churchill in ‘war crimes’ row

British bombing raids killed a thousand German civilians a day when World War II was already won, says the historian sparking debate on whether Churchill was a war criminal.

Germans call Churchill a war criminal

Winston Churchill was effectively a war criminal who sanctioned the extermination of Germany’s civilian population through indiscriminate bombing of towns and cities, an article in the country’s biggest-circulation newspaper claimed yesterday.

The bombing of Dresden

The morality of the Allied bombing campaign during the Second World War is still hotly debated. What should we feel about the decision to attack Dresden?

Why did the British start bombing civilians?

The RAF began the war with the policy of targeting enemy military or industrial targets. But then, early in 1942, that policy suddenly changed to embrace the deliberate destruction of civilians. Why?


(During first World War): “Perhaps the next time round the way to do it will be to kill women, children and the civilian population.”

Churchill on defending the morality of bombing from the air: “Now everyone’s at it. It’s simply a question of fashion – similar to that of whether short or long dresses are in.”

“I do not understand the squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using poisonous gas against uncivilised tribes.”
Writing as president of the Air Council, 1919.

“It is alarming and nauseating to see Mr Gandhi, a seditious Middle Temple lawyer, now posing as a fakir of a type well known in the east, striding half naked up the steps of the viceregal palace, while he is still organising and conducting a campaign of civil disobedience, to parlay on equal terms with the representative of the Emperor-King.”
Commenting on Gandhi’s meeting with the Viceroy of India, 1931.

“I do not admit… that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the black people of Australia… by the fact that a stronger race, a higher grade race… has come in and taken its place.”
Churchill to Palestine Royal Commission, 1937.

“The choice was clearly open: crush them with vain and unstinted force, or try to give them what they want. These were the only alternatives and most people were unprepared for either. Here indeed was the Irish spectre – horrid and inexorcisable.”
Writing in The World Crisis and the Aftermath, 1923-31.

“The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the feeble-minded and insane classes, coupled as it is with a steady restriction among all the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks, constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to exaggerate… I feel that the source from which the stream of madness is fed should be cut off and sealed up before another year has passed.”
Churchill to Asquith, 1910.

“One may dislike Hitler’s system and yet admire his patriotic achievement. If our country were defeated, I hope we should find a champion as admirable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations.”
From his Great Contemporaries, 1937.

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”


“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”

“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”

“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

“Never, never, never give up.”

“We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”


Arrest Obama Under NDAA For Supporting Terrorists in Syria

Arrest Obama Under NDAA For Supporting Terrorists in Syria

President has violated section 1021 of act he signed into law

Paul Joseph Watson
June 14, 2013

Under the terms of the National Defense Authorization Act that he personally signed into law, President Barack Obama should immediately be arrested and indefinitely detained for providing support to Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria.

President Barack Obama

Section 1021(b)(2) of the NDAA law allows for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens on “suspicion of providing substantial support” to groups engaged in hostilities against the U.S. such as al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

The indefinite detention provision also applies to Americans who have given “substantial support” to terrorists or other “associated groups”.

Although the administration has attempted to differentiate between FSA militants and Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria, the two groups have become one and the same. Even if you make a distinction between the FSA and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Syria, the FSA is still clearly an “associated group” under the terms of the NDAA.

By announcing that his administration will arm the Syrian rebels in anticipation of a no fly zone being imposed over areas of the country, President Barack Obama is giving direct support, aid and comfort to terrorists. Obama and his top administration officials clearly represent a national security threat to the interests of the United States and should immediately be arrested and detained under the NDAA.

The evidence that FSA militants in Syria are being led by Al-Qaeda terrorists and are carrying out terrorist atrocities is overwhelming.

– Jabhat al-Nusra is now the leading front line fighting force in Syria and is commanding the other rebel groups.

– In April, the head of Jabhat al-Nusra pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri.

– FSA rebels are defecting to Jabhat al-Nusra in droves.

– Jabhat al-Nusra killed U.S. troops in Iraq.

– Immediately after the State Department declared Jabhat al-Nusra a terrorist organization, 29 different FSA rebel outfits pledged allegiance to the Al-Qaeda group.

– FSA rebels have vowed to “fight the U.S.” once they finish with Bashar Al-Assad.

– FSA rebels have been filmed burning US and Israeli flags on more than one occasion.

– FSA rebels have been filmed singing songs that glorify Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 attacks.

– One FSA group even calls its fighting unit the “Osama Bin Laden” brigade.

– Another video shows FSA rebels chanting, “We are all with Osama bin Laden!”

– FSA rebels have voiced their desire to see the Al-Qaeda flag fly over the White House once the rebels are victorious across the region.

– FSA rebels have been filmed cutting out people’s hearts on camera and eating them while chanting “Allahu Akbar”.

– FSA rebels have been responsible for innumerable beheadings over the course of the conflict, chanting “Allahu Akbar” as they decapitate their victims.

– FSA rebels have committed innumerable sectarian murders, including beheading a man for being a Christian and feeding him to the dogs.

– FSA rebels have also forced children to behead people and carry out other atrocities.

– FSA rebels have ransacked Christian churches.

– FSA rebels have massacred entire villages of Christians.

– Earlier this week, FSA rebels slaughtered a 14-year-old boy for supposedly insulting Mohammed.

– FSA rebels have murdered numerous journalists in targeted killings, including Maya Nasser and most recently Yara Abbas.

– FSA rebels have been pictured numerous times flying the black flag of Al-Qaeda and wearing uniforms with Al-Qaeda insignia.

– FSA rebels have been caught on camera preparing chemical weapons attacks.

– In March, UN human rights investigator Carla del Ponte said FSA rebels had used chemical weapons.

– FSA rebels have forced prisoners to become suicide bombers.

– According to eyewitnesses on the ground, at least half of the so-called “Syrian rebels” aren’t even Syrian and are foreign jihadists sent by the likes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

In announcing that his administration will provide arms to Al-Qaeda terrorists and associated groups like the FSA, Obama has violated his oath to protect and defend America against its enemies and should at the very least be subject to immediate impeachment proceedings, if not detained under the NDAA which clearly outlines the illegality of providing support to terrorist organizations.


Ontario Agent Orange probe finally arrives


Ontario Agent Orange probe finally arrives

Now-notorious chemical mix used by forestry and hydro workers in decades past.


NDP MPP Gilles Bisson says the government is trying to avoid public scrutiny of the report.


NDP MPP Gilles Bisson says the government is trying to avoid public scrutiny of the report.

By: Diana Zlomislic News reporter, Published on Thu Jun 13 2013


On Thursday morning, the provincial government will release the long-awaited results of an investigation into Ontario’s widespread use of a notorious herbicide that has been linked to birth defects, various forms of cancer and skin disorders.

The probe was commissioned in March, 2011 after aToronto Star investigation revealed that forestry and hydro workers were ordered to use a chemical mix now commonly known as Agent Orange to clear large plots of land across the province from the 1950s to the 1980s.

The Star tracked down hundreds of government-archived documents that illustrated the province’s historic use of the powerful herbicide.

RELATED: Star Exclusive – Agent Orange ‘soaked’ Ontario teens

In Kapuskasing, Ont., teenage “balloon boys” employed by logging companies guided low-flying spray planes with helium-inflated red rubber sacs. The boys’ job was to point out the areas where less-profitable “weed trees” like birch, maple and poplar grew so the areas could be defoliated to make room for more lucrative spruce. They got soaked in the process. The Star spoke with dozens of former hydro and forestry workers who, decades after handling the potent chemicals, found themselves sterile, suffering from hard-to-treat skin conditions or cancers.

Don Romanowich lead some of those timber crews in the 1960s and 1970s.

He’s 66 now and has spent the past few years of retirement tracking down ex-colleagues to alert them to what they may have been exposed to.

“They just quietly stopped using it,” said Romanowich, who is now living with stage-four follicular cancer, a type of lymphoma his oncologist linked to herbicide exposure. “What disturbs me the most is . . . there were people in serious positions of responsibility who understood what we were using and they said nothing.”

Hydro’s own records, obtained by the Star, boast that in one 12-year period, the power company dropped enough chemicals in Ontario to cut a 30-metre-wide swath travelling “four-fifths the distance around the world.”

Romanowich said he gave up hope the report would surface until Natural Resources Minister David Orazietti called him yesterday morning to assure it would be made public on Thursday at 11 a.m.

“I had tears over it,” Romanowich said, noting the report was supposed to be released last summer before being put off after the chair of the fact-finding panel reported his research yielded “thousands of records spanning more than four decades.”

Orazietti had received a “high-level briefing” on the contents of the report a few weeks ago, a spokesperson told the Star.

NDP MPP Gilles Bisson, whose Timmins office has fielded calls from workers concerned about potential exposure, criticized Orazietti’s timing — just several days after legislature has broken for the summer. It’s an attempt to “avoid public scrutiny,” Bisson said.

The independent committee was mandated to examine where, when and how much 2,4,5-T — the primary herbicide in Agent Orange — was used in the province by government ministries and agencies. It looked at the use of the herbicide alone and mixed with other chemicals and their health impact.

Agent Orange gained notoriety during the 1960s for its use by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War, when it was used to clear jungles to expose enemy territory. The colourless mixture got its name from a stripe painted on the containers it came in. Its use was discontinued in 1971 after scientists found it contained dioxin, which causes severe health problems.

“There was no categorical brand called Agent Orange,” explained Dr. Wayne Dwernychuk, noting it was nothing more than a mix of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D. For more than 15 years, he conducted extensive research on the impact of the chemical mix in Vietnam.

Dwernychuk is looking forward to hearing the results of the Ontario probe. He described committee member Jeanne Stellman, a public health expert from New York’s Columbia University, as a “pillar in the Agent Orange fight for justice.”

The committee was chaired by Dr. Len Ritter, a leading Canadian toxicology expert who assisted the federal government’s 2006-2007 investigation into the use of 2,4,5-T at CFB Gagetown in New Brunswick, where U.S. military conducted Canada-approved spraying exercises. The Gagetown inquiry resulted in the federal government paying roughly 5,000 Canadians more than $100 million in total compensation.

Read more about: Agent Orange


Star Exclusive: Agent Orange “soaked” Ontario teens

Cancer-causing toxins used to strip the jungles of Vietnam were also employed to clear massive plots of Crown land in Northern Ontario.

Don Romanowich has been diagnosed with a type of cancer common in people exposed to harmful herbicides.


Don Romanowich has been diagnosed with a type of cancer common in people exposed to harmful herbicides.

By: Diana Zlomislic Staff Reporter, Published on Thu Feb 17 2011

Cancer-causing toxins used to strip the jungles of Vietnam were also employed to clear massive plots of Crown land in Northern Ontario, government documents obtained by theToronto Star reveal.

Records from the 1950s, 60s and 70s show forestry workers, often students and junior rangers, spent weeks at a time as human markers holding red, helium-filled balloons on fishing lines while low-flying planes sprayed toxic herbicides including an infamous chemical mixture known as Agent Orange on the brush and the boys below.

“We were saturated in chemicals,” said Don Romanowich, 63, a former supervisor of an aerial spraying program in Kapuskasing, Ont., who was recently diagnosed with a slow-growing cancer that can be caused by herbicide exposure. “We were told not to drink the stuff but we had no idea.”

A Star investigation examined hundreds of boxes of forestry documents and found the provincial government began experimenting with a powerful hormone-based chemical called 2,4,5-T — the dioxin-laced component of Agent Orange — in Hearst, Ont., in 1957.

The documents, filed at the Archives of Ontario, describe how WWII-era Stearman biplanes were kitted with 140-gallon tanks containing the chemicals, which were usually diluted in a mix of fuel oil and water.

Less than 10 years later, the Department of Lands and Forests (now the Ministry of Natural Resources) authorized the use of a more potent mixture of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T for aerial spraying. The combination of those two herbicides in equal parts comprised Agent Orange — the most widely used chemical in the Vietnam War.

Over the years, spraying was done by both the province and timber companies. Hundreds of forestry workers were involved, but the documents do not give an exact number.

After the Star presented its findings to the natural resources ministry — including copies of the government’s own records and research based on interviews with ailing forestry workers now scattered across Canada — a spokesperson said the government is investigating and has notified Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health.

“We can acknowledge that a mixture of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T under various brand names were used in Ontario,” ministry spokesman Greg MacNeil wrote the Star in an email. Though he confirmed the use of a mixture known commonly as Agent Orange, MacNeil said the government never used a “product” called “Agent Orange.”

Dr. Wayne Dwernychuk, a world-renowned expert on Agent Orange, said the government is “throwing up a smokescreen.”

“There was no categorical brand called Agent Orange,” said Dwernychuk, who for more than 15 years conducted extensive research on the impact of toxic defoliants in Vietnam. “There was nothing coming out of any of the chemical companies in a barrel that had Agent Orange written on it. That’s laughable.

“If it’s got 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D as a mixture, it’s Agent Orange and it has dioxin — I guarantee it,” said Dwernychuk, who recently retired as chief scientist from Vancouver-based Hatfield Consultants.

Medical studies have determined the type of dioxin found in Agent Orange latches on to fat cells and can remain in the body for decades. Exposure may lead to skin disorders, liver problems, certain types of cancers and impaired immune, endocrine and reproductive functions.

Agent Orange may have been employed earlier than 1964 in Northern Ontario but theStar was told access to additional records is guarded by privacy legislation. The ministry said it does not have centralized spraying records prior to 1977 and suggested the newspaper “follow the procedures set up in the freedom of information act” to get a “complete picture of the data.”

The Star’s investigation exposes the first widespread use of these chemicals in Canada outside of a military spraying operation.

The Ministry of Natural Resources said it is working with the ministries of Health, Labour and Environment “to ensure this matter is thoroughly investigated and that worker health and safety is protected.”

The only other case on record of Agent Orange and other toxic defoliants being used en masse in Canada occurred in New Brunswick.

The U.S. military tested defoliants including Agent Orange at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in 1966 and 1967, according to a federal government inquiry that occurred 40 years later.

As of Dec. 22, 2010, the Canadian government has issued 3,137, $20,000 tax-free, compensation payments to people who lived or worked at CFB Gagetown during the years when spraying occurred and were diagnosed with of one of 12 medical conditionsassociated with exposure as identified by the Institute of Medicine. The federal government expects to approve thousands of additional applications for compensation before the June 30 deadline.

The U.S. military began spraying “hormone herbicides” like Agent Orange in South Vietnam in 1961.

Agent Orange was one of a rainbow of poisonous warfare chemicals that got its name from a band of colour painted on the barrels it was shipped in. The mixture itself was colourless.

“The U.S. military called it orange herbicide,” Dwernychuk said. “It was the American press that labelled it ‘Agent Orange’ because it was more sexy.”

The mixture ate through vast swaths of jungle, exposing Viet Cong strongholds.

Nearly 20,000 kilometres away in Northern Ontario, toxic herbicides were employed to disable a different kind of enemy.

The chemicals targeted what forestry reports described as “weed trees” — including birch, maple, poplar and shrubs — which stole sunlight and soil nutrients from young, profitable spruce species. The hormones in the defoliants caused the broad leaves on these weed trees to grow so quickly they starved to death.

In 1956, with the government’s blessing, Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company in Kapuskasing pioneered the aerial spraying of herbicides in Northern Ontario. The New York Times, which co-owned Spruce Falls with Kimberly-Clark and the Washington Star, printed its Sunday edition on black spruce, renowned for its tough fibres. (Tembec, a company that purchased Spruce Falls in 1991, did not respond to interview requests).

Aerial spraying programs were considered a cheap, fast and effective way to alter the landscape of Ontario’s forests for maximum profit. Timber companies and the government worked together to increase the output of money-making trees like white and black spruce while culling nearly everything else that got in their way.

In the mid-1960s, Spruce Falls held about 4 million acres of forest land under lease from the Ontario government and owned an additional 180,000 acres. The incomplete documents don’t provide a total number of acres sprayed.

After a bone marrow test confirmed he had non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Romanowich, who worked for Spruce Falls during the 1960s and 1970s, said his first thought was to track down former colleagues.

“My oncologist asked me about heavy exposure to herbicides before I mentioned my work at Spruce Falls,” said the retired maintenance manager who lives in the Niagara region. “There is no absolute confirmation of this type of exposure being the cause but a very strong correlation that should be taken seriously. I am fortunate in that I will now be monitored on a regular basis with CAT scans and blood tests to watch for the inevitable flare-ups that can be treated with chemotherapy.”

He wants others who worked on these spraying programs to have the same chance to receive thorough medical exams based on their exposure.

He contacted the Ministry of Natural Resources in October with no response until late last month, nearly four weeks after the Star began its own investigation.

The government records list the names of five supervisors who worked on spraying programs in Northern Ontario during the 1950s and 1960s. Four of the five have either been diagnosed with or died of cancer. Their job included mixing chemicals and standing in the fields supervising spray campaigns. Teenaged workers are also listed in the records and the Star is working to track them down.

One of them on the list, David Buchanan always wondered what was inside the 45-gallon oil drums he worked with as a 15-year-old at Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company in 1964.

“Even then, it didn’t seem right,” said Buchanan, now a 61-year-old dentist in Sackville, N.S., who has suffered from a series of illnesses doctors couldn’t diagnose. Body-covering hives. Persistent bouts of dizziness. A sperm count so low he couldn’t have children.

“I have had every test known to mankind,” he said.

“I often wondered if some of my symptoms were related to something that happened in my childhood.”

His job as a summer student was to hand-pump vats of brush-and-tree-killing chemicals into the airplane sprayer.

“We got soaked,” Buchanan said. “I can’t remember what we did with our clothes but we stayed in the bush camp during spraying for weeks on end.” He does recall wearing a black rubber apron, brown rubber gloves and rubber boots while mixing and pumping the chemicals.

One document from 1962 recommended keeping an extra supply of rubber balloons handy because “the balloons do deteriorate from the spray mixture.”

As a college student, Paul Fawcett, now 62, also worked on Spruce Falls’ aerial spraying program. He was a 21-year-old “balloon man” during the summer of 1969. His father Don worked for the ministry as a district forester in Kapuskasing.

There was no uniform, Fawcett said, just jeans and a shirt — usually long-sleeves because of mosquitoes and flies. He recalls being covered in a fine mist or droplets from the spray plane.

“It was a lot of fun,” he said. “We would walk from station to station with red helium-filled balloons on fishing lines and the planes would swoop down.”

He recalled researchers from University of Toronto dropping in on his camp to survey how much spray was getting to the ground.

“They had us lay down ridged, filter papers on the ground or brush while the plane sprayed. We laid them down in a row covering four or five feet.”

Fawcett, now a welder in Hamilton, said he never heard about the results of that study.

Government forestry documents refer to extensive studies that were being conducted on spraying programs at a research facility in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., but these reports are either missing or misfiled.

Fawcett, whose doctor recently ordered an ultrasound to look into bladder problems, said he had no idea he was working with anything toxic. Aside from the bladder issues, Fawcett said he feels fine.

“It did a good job — what we wanted it to do,” said Clifford Emblin, a former government forestry manager who oversaw chemical spraying programs. “They were using those chemicals in Vietnam, too, for defoliation. Yeah, it was the same stuff. I don’t think anybody knew about the long-term effects.”

The U.S. military stopped using Agent Orange in 1970 after a study for the National Institutes of Health showed that the dioxin-tainted 2,4,5-T caused birth defects in laboratory animals. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs now recognizes more than 50 diseases and medical conditions

associated with exposure.

Emblin, a former district manager for the Hearst and Hornepayne areas during the 1960s, recalled one of his forestry employees throwing a fit after his truck got caught directly beneath a spray plane’s flight line.

“The truck got sprayed and the paint came off the truck,” Emblin said, chuckling.

Emblin said his ministry didn’t know it was using Agent Orange until “four or five years after we quit using it, I guess, in the 70s.

“We had five sawmills that were depending on the growth of the (spruce) forest in Hearst to make a living,” he said. “That’s why we were doing it. We managed the land and they paid.”

Diana Zlomislic can be reached by email at or by phone at 416-869-4472

The Government Criminals involved in this and all others – corporate criminals  should all be brought to swift severe Justice for this Despicable Crime against all Citizens of Ontario and Canada

Agent Orange hotline set up


The province has set up a new Agent Orange hotline to field concerns and questions from people who may have been exposed to the toxic herbicides.

By: Diana Zlomislic Staff Reporter, Published on Tue Feb 22 2011


The province has set up a new Agent Orange hotline to field concerns and questions from people who may have been exposed to toxic herbicides in Ontario during the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s.

Minister of Natural Resources Linda Jeffrey said Tuesday she will also create an “independent fact-finding panel” to probe the government’s use of Agent Orange and other toxic herbicides on Crown land.

The initiatives come less than a week after a Toronto Star investigation revealed that the same cancer-causing toxins used to strip jungles and expose Viet Cong troops during the Vietnam War were also employed by the Ontario government and timber companies to clear massive plots of Crown land.

Spraying reports obtained by the Star revealed that high school students and junior rangers acted as human markers for the ministry and timber companies in Northern Ontario. They would hold red, helium-filled balloons on fishing lines while low-flying airplanes sprayed thousands of gallons of the chemical cocktail.

The chemicals were designed to kill what forestry reports called “weed trees” — including birch and poplar. Timber companies and the ministry wanted to promote the growth of the commercially viable spruce tree in Northern Ontario, which meant killing most everything else that competed for soil nutrients and sunlight.

Government records filed at the Archives of Ontario showed the province began experimenting with a powerful herbicide called 2,4,5-T — the dioxin-laced component of Agent Orange — as early as 1957 in Hearst, Ont. Less than 10 years later, the ministry authorized the use of a more potent mix of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T for use in aerial spraying. The combination of those two herbicides in equal parts comprised Agent Orange — the most widely used toxin in the Vietnam War.

Exposure to this chemical cocktail has been associated with more than 50 diseases and medical conditions by the United States Department of Veteran Affairs.

The Star has received hundreds of calls and emails from former forestry workers and residents of towns affected by toxic aerial spraying.

Many wonder if the chemicals they were exposed to decades ago are responsible for their low-sperm count, multiple miscarriages, cancers or curious growths covering their bodies.

Minister Jeffrey said she has notified Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health.

The ministry is creating an internal “herbicide spray program project team” that will lead the cross-government investigation, Jeffrey said Tuesday. The ministries of Environment and Labour have also been asked to co-operate with the probe.

At the moment, Jeffrey said she has no idea how many people may have been affected by the spraying.

“I couldn’t hazard a guess,” she said. “I think the trouble is there were a lot of summer students hired and it is hard to know . . . and there a lot of old paper records. We are still trying to collect that information.”

With files from Tanya Talaga

For More Information

A toll-free number will be available starting Tuesday afternoon for anyone who has concerns about potential exposure to herbicides during the 1950s, 60s and 70s. The toll-free number is 1-888-338-3364.

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board has provided an updated contact number for employee questions about potential work-related illnesses due to herbicide exposure. The new number is 1-800-387-0750. Press 1 for English or 2 for French; 1 to enter the direct line and then the extension 4163444440.

Callers into this number may have to leave a message for their call to be returned if the line is busy. Calls will be returned within one business day.

Information about these numbers and the Ministry of Natural Resource’s progress on this issue will continue to be posted on the ministry’s website at

Agent Orange Logo

Exposure to Herbicides May Cause the Following Affliction
(Agent Orange)

Cancer of the bronchus
Cancer of the larynx
Lung Cancer
Prostate cancer
Cancer of the trachea
Hodgkin’s disease
Multiple myeloma
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Adult Fibrosarcoma
Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma
Clear Cell Sarcoma of Aponeuroses
Clear Cell Sarcoma of Tendons and
Congenital Fibrosarcoma
Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans
Epithelioid Malignant Leiomyosarcoma
Epithelioid and Glandular Malignant
Epithelioid Sarcoma
Extraskeletal Ewing’s Sarcoma
Infantile Fibrosarcoma
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma
Malignant Giant Cell Tumor of the
Tendon Sheath
Malignant Glandular Schwannoma
Malignant Glomus Tumor
Malignant Hemangiopericytoma
Malignant Mesenchymoma
Malignant Ganglioneuroma
Malignant Granular Cell Tumor
Malignant Leiomyoblastoma
Malignant Synovioma
Malignant Schwannoma with Rhabdomyoblastic Differentiation
Proliferating (systemic)
Synovial Sarcoma
Periperal neuropathy (acute or subacute)
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda


Type 2 Diabetes (Also known as Diabetes Mellitus)
Spina Bifida,Certain Birth Defects in Children of VN Veterans

Reading You’re Probably on the Main Core List

Reading You’re Probably on the Main Core List

Kurt Nimmo
June 12, 2013

Michael Snyder has provided details on Main Core, a list of some 8 million or more names compiled by the CIA and U.S. intelligence. The individuals on the Main Core list, he writes, will be rounded up after the Constitution is suspended and and martial law imposed.

Main Core is not a secret. Snyder points to a Wikipedia entry describing the database:

Main Core is the code name of a database maintained since the 1980s by the federal government of the United States. Main Core contains personal and financial data of millions of U.S. citizens believed to be threats to national security. The data, which comes from the NSA, FBI, CIA, and other sources, is collected and stored without warrants or court orders. The database’s name derives from the fact that it contains “copies of the ‘main core’ or essence of each item of intelligence information on Americans produced by the FBI and the other agencies of the U.S. intelligence community.”

Senator Feinstein, Rep. Mike Rogers and the apologists for high-tech tyranny insist the NSA’s Prism and and Boundless Informant are about protecting us from terrorists. If you are a student of history, however, you will realize this is nonsense. If you know anything about Continuity of Government measures implemented following September 11, 2001 and earlier programs like Rex 84 and Operation Garden Plot, you already have a sneaking suspicion the NSA’s massive surveillance operation has nothing to do with al-Qaeda. It’s about collecting data on American citizens, specifically the eight or so million compiled in the Main Core database.

Following Edward Snowden’s revelations on the NSA, Washington’s Blog posted a quote from investigative journalist Christopher Ketcham, who wrote five years ago that our private information

…seems to be fair game for collection without a warrant: the e-mail addresses you send to and receive from, and the subject lines of those messages; the phone numbers you dial, the numbers that dial in to your line, and the durations of the calls; the Internet sites you visit and the keywords in your Web searches; the destinations of the airline tickets you buy; the amounts and locations of your ATM withdrawals; and the goods and services you purchase on credit cards. All of this information is archived on government supercomputers and, according to sources, also fed into the Main Core database.

Ketcham of Radar Magazine arrived at the following conclusion, well before the New York Times and the rest of the corporate media reported the latest revelation about the NSA and peddled the lame excuse that it is all about saving us from stereotypical Muslim terrorists who hate us for our freedom:

There exists a database of Americans, who, often for the slightest and most trivial reason, are considered unfriendly, and who, in a time of panic, might be incarcerated. The database can identify and locate perceived “enemies of the state” almost instantaneously. He and other sources tell Radar that the database is sometimes referred to by the code name Main Core. One knowledgeable source claims that 8 million Americans are now listed in Main Core as potentially suspect. In the event of a national emergency, these people could be subject to everything from heightened surveillance and tracking to direct questioning and possibly even detention.

The NSA’s Prism and Boundless Informant represent only the latest details of a story stretching back decades. The national security state has spent years and expended billions of dollars in a coordinated effort to categorize and monitor enemies of the state.

“Investigations this past winter by groups such as the ACLU and some media outlets have revealed numerous occasions of FBI, Defense Department, and local police infiltration and monitoring of domestic peace groups,” Andy Dunn wrote in March, 2006. “Further, some of the details surrounding the NSA program and other surveillance operations point to a new paradigm in intelligence operations, which involve massive ‘datamining’ reminiscent of the government’s supposedly shelved Total Information Awareness program.”

Dunn notes that the state, beginning with the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, has consistently spied upon and regularly persecuted a large number of official political enemies, an effort that realized its nadir with the FBI’s COINTELPRO beginning in the 1960s, a counter intelligence program consisting of illegal, violent and unethical tactics designed to stifle legitimate political activism in the United States. Evidence reveals that COINTELPRO was not dismantled, as the FBI and the government maintained, but was continued.

“Additionally, the now huge ‘national security state’ of dozens of federal and military intelligence agencies conducted similar acts, sometimes coordinated with and sometimes competing against COINTELPRO,” Dunn writes. “The names of these operations sound like something from a 1960s spy show, like ‘The Man From Uncle’: Operation CHAOS, Projects RESISTANCE, MERRIMAC, MINARET, and SHAMROCK.”

Of course, the establishment media fails to draw the correct conclusion when it purports to cover the NSA surveillance program. Instead of national security state bureaucrats gone wild in a zealous drive to ferret out al-Qaeda and other bad guys, the massive NSA surveillance program is about discovering domestic enemies of the state that will be dealt with after martial law is declared under the ruse of a false flag attack or a catastrophic natural emergency.


Spy vs Spy 1

Main Core

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article’s listed sources may not meet Wikipedia’s guidelines for reliable sources. (July 2012)

Main Core is the code name of a database maintained since the 1980s by the federal government of the United States. Main Core contains personal and financial data of millions of U.S. citizens believed to be threats to national security.[1] The data, which comes from the NSA, FBI, CIA, and other sources,[1] is collected and stored without warrants or court orders.[1] The database’s name derives from the fact that it contains "copies of the ‘main core’ or essence of each item of intelligence information on Americans produced by the FBI and the other agencies of the U.S. intelligence community."[1]

The Main Core database is believed to have originated with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 1982, following Ronald Reagan‘s Continuity of Operations plan outlined in the National Security Directive (NSD) 69 / National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 55, entitled "Enduring National Leadership," implemented on September 14, 1982.[1][2]

As of 2008 there were reportedly eight million Americans listed in the database as possible threats, often for trivial reasons, whom the government may choose to track, question, or detain in a time of crisis.[3]

The existence of the database was first reported on in May 2008 by Christopher Ketcham and in July 2008 by Tim Shorrock.[2]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ a b c d e Shorrock, Tim (July 23, 2008). "Exposing Bush’s historic abuse of power". Retrieved 2010-12-19.
  2. ^ a b Goodman, Amy (July 25, 2008). "Main Core: New Evidence Reveals Top Secret". Democracy Now. Retrieved 2010-12-19.

External links[edit]

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Obama’s Birth Certificate Created in Adobe Illustrator Obama Guilty of Committing the Biggest Crime in American Presidential History

The Face of Crime & Terrorism in the United States today

The Face of Crime & Terrorism in the United States today

By Nigel J. Covington III


<National Report> Sheriff Joe and his Cold Case Posse who investigated the Obama birth certificate scandal have proven the document is computer generated by using Adobe Illustrator. Even Obama-bot Josh Darville, who insisted Obama is the legitimate president walked away disgusted after he videotaped his effort to prove the document was not Photoshopped. After 7 minutes of video Darville was convinced its a fake. Darville downloaded the questionable document from the White House website in an effort to show it as legitimate, only to find Obama’s fraudulent birth certificate is nothing more than a cut & paste job created using about a dozen layers.

The case is now before the Alabama Supreme Court and is being heard by Chief Justice Roy Moore, a strict constitutionalist. Sheriff Joe Arpaio stated after the evidence is reviewed by the court he will present the case before Congress.

“Cold Case Posse lead investigator, Mike Zullo, revealed for the first time that Reed Hayes of Hawaii is the Certified Document Examiner (CDE) who produced the 40 page opinion referenced in an Alabama court affidavit. Hayes’ report concluded that Obama’s White House .pdf birth certificate image was a complete fabrication and a 100% forgery.”

The rabid mad dog followers of Obama, known as “Obots,” or “Obama-bots” have rushed to denounce Reed Hayes as a “quack.” The fact is anyone who dare question the president on any issue is immediately set upon by these Obots and called racists, haters and liars. In their twisted liberal-democrat minds Obama can do no wrong and questioning the man will only bring a firestorm of hate and more lies from these Democratic liberals.

“What’s new and different about Obama’s Cold Case Posse’s challenge to Obama’s documents is that, unlike previous attacks, the Cold Case Posse cannot be dismissed as the ravings of an individual “crackpot” who doesn’t like Obama. The Cold Case Posse is made up of experienced law enforcement investigators who have willingly and openly detailed every step in their research and analysis,” according to the Mr. Conservative website.

For more on this breaking story:

Mr. Conservative’s website is:

You can laugh your ass off watching this Obot video, as the poster Josh Darville, records his computer screen as he goes to the White House website and downloads Obama’s birth certificate to prove it is legitimate. Seven minutes later after discovering the document contained multiple layers, Darville had to admit it’s a complete fraud. That link is:

Watch CBS news coverage here:!

Obama Threatens Media With Federal Investigation If They Pursue Birth Certificate!!



DOJ & FBI Raid News Media Offices After Releasing an Alarming Story on President Obama!


DOJ And FBI Raid News Organization After Releasing Alarming Story On Obama’s Birth Certificate

Saturday, June 8, 2013 8:14

(Before It’s News)

FBI Agents Load Seized Documents From the National Report's Offices

Within hours of publishing a scathing story on President Obama ( the DOJ raided the offices of the National Report claiming the raid was lawful under the USA Patriot Act but refusing to say why the government was taking the action.

At about 12:50 this afternoon the National Report released a damning story on the Obama birth certificate scandal providing new evidence which clearly shows the document to be fraudulent. According to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, his Cold Case Posse has the evidence to prove the presidents birth certificate was computer generated using Adobe Illustrator.

Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo, revealed for the first time that his findings have been confirmed in a 40 page report by Reed Hayes, a Certified Documents Examiner (CDE) from Hawaii. The birth certificate posted to the White House website clearly shows it was forged using cut & paste methods in several layers.

Instead of suffocating this story, DOJ has now poured kerosine on this fire.  This is tantamount to admission as far as I’m concerned.  Why raid these offices at all if that birth certificate is real?  Why bother at all to address it period if his birth certificate is real?  Giving it attention, especially this kind of attention is basically saying, “damnit you got me!”.   I like to think I am a rational man so what reason could Obama have to fake something like that other than the nerfarious reasons usually given?  Privacy? No that can’t be it, Obama hates privacy.

This is an escalation.  The DOJ agents entered the building clad in black clothes and face masks toting machine guns.  POLICE STATE MUCH!  Whywould you need that kind of fiepower to raid a media organization?  You don’t.  National report Editor-in-Chief Nigel Covington said, “This is a gross violation of our Constitutional rights as American citizens and as journalists. All our files relating to President Obama were seized with others including all employee personnel files.”

Take this into context, look at what is happening right now.  NSA spying scandal, DOJ/AP scandal, etc.  This is the new trend and sadly one we have seen coming for a long time. –Mort




The following Info – evidence is from the

Obama Ineligibility Evidence Database

If this is a printed document, type in this web address: to access the live links!




Although many believe Obama was born in Kenya, that is not the real issue with “Birthers”

as the media tries to portray. The REAL issue is whether or not Obama is a natural born citizen, as is required by Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution, EVEN IF HE WAS BORN IN HAWAII. Regardless of where Obama was born, he is still not and never can be a natural born citizen, because his father was never a US citizen. (explained below)

We’ve done the research, now millions of Americans know the truth, which is why this issue never seems to go away. More and more people are waking up, because they’ve finally taken the time to LOOK at the EVIDENCE, which proves we’ve been right all along! A US Natural Born Citizen is a “citizen by nature” or a citizen according to Natural Law aka “the Laws of Nature”, which is defined as one born on American soil to TWO US Citizen parents (natural born or naturalized), and is confirmed in the Supreme Court case of Minor v. Happersett which I address below in the timeline.


The earliest mention that I have been able to find on “Natural Born Citizen” is in the Constitutional Drafts of 1787, given by John Jay, in a letter he wrote to George Washington. The timeline of this letter and Washington’s reply is below:

Natural Born Citizen in the Constitutional drafts:

June 18th, 1787 – The Original Draft of the Constitution suggests in Article IX, Section 1 that: "No person shall be eligible to the office of President of the United States unless he be now a Citizen of one of the States, or hereafter be born a Citizen of the United States."

(Works of Alexander Hamilton: Miscellanies, 1774-1789, page 407).

July 25, 1787 (~5 weeks later) – John Jay writes a letter to General Washington (president of the Constitutional Convention): "Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen." [the word born is underlined in Jay’s letter which signifies the importance of allegiance from birth.]

(Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 [Farrand’s Records, Volume 3] LXVIII, page 61. John Jay to George Washington)

September 2nd, 1787 George Washington pens a letter to John Jay. The last line reads:

"I thank you for the hints contained in your letter"

(Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 [Farrand’s Records, Volume 3] page 76.)

September 4th, 1787 (~6 weeks after Jay’s letter and just 2 days after Washington wrote back to Jay) – The "Natural Born Citizen" requirement is now found in their drafts. The proposal passed unanimously without debate.

(Madison’s notes of the Convention – September 4th, 1787)

The next instance of “natural born citizen” is from the Congressional Records in 1862 and is given by Representative John Bingham (author of the future 14th amendment) in which he states:

“All from other lands, who by the terms of [congressional] laws and a compliance with their provisions become naturalized, are adopted citizens of the United States; all other persons born within the Republic, of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty, are natural born citizens. Gentleman can find no exception to this statement touching natural-born citizens except what is said in the Constitution relating to Indians.”

(Congressional Globe, House of Representatives 37th Congress, 2nd Session, pg 1639)

Section 1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 clearly defines who are citizens:

”all persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States”

Because the Civil Rights Act was not amended to the Constitution, Congress worried that future lawmakers or the courts would change or appeal it, so they found a way to incorporate it into the Constitution by way of the 14th amendment (also ratified in 1868).

Many think that the 14th amendment replaced the definition of the Civil Rights Act definition of a citizen, however the Revised Statutes of 1877, enacted 9 years after the 14th amendment was enacted, uses the Civil Rights Act definition and not the 14th amendment’s definition of a citizen:

Revised statutes of the United States of 1877 defines “Who are Citizens”:

The Annotated Statutes of Wisconsin (1889) (AFTER the 14th amendment) clearly states “Who are Citizens” and uses the same exact phrase from the Civil Rights Act too!

The Declaration of Independence tells us that the Founders adopted the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” as stated in the first sentence:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them,”.

Vattel’s Law of Nations was written on Natural Law (described below how it came to the Colonies). He took many of the great Natural Law Scholars’ works (Grotius, Pufendorf, Burlamaqui) and modernized them by combining them into 4 separate books, this is why the Founders found him so refreshing and labeled him the authority on Natural Law.

The Index of the Congressional Records of the the 29th Congress, 2nd Session clearly states under the term “ALLEGIANCE” to look to Vattel:

The West Virginia Supreme Court tells us to “Look to Vattel on Citizenship” (pg 191)

Test of Citizenship. 1 Kent, 82, 83, 86. Vattell, 101, 212, 213, 214

The cite for Vattel, is page 101, section 212 of his “Law of Nations, Or, Principles of the Law of Nature, Applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns” and clearly states:

§212. Citizens and natives:

“The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”


Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1874)

"The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first.”

Elk v. Wilkins 112 U.S. 94 (1884)

“The distinction between citizenship by birth and citizenship by naturalization is clearly marked in the provisions of the constitution, by which ‘no person, except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president;’ and ‘the congress shall have power to establish an uniform rule of naturalization.’ Const. art. 2, 1; art. 1, 8. By the thirteenth amendment of the constitution slavery was prohibited. The main object of the opening sentence of the fourteenth amendment was to settle the question, upon which there had been a difference of opinion throughout the country and in this court, as to the citizenship of free negroes, (Scott v. Sandford, 19 How. 393;) and to put it beyond doubt that all persons, white or black, and whether formerly slaves or not, born or naturalized in the United States, and owing no allegiance to any alien power, should be citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside. Slaughter-House Cases, 16 Wall. 36, 73; Strauder v. West Virginia, 100 U.S. 303 , 306.

This section contemplates two sources of citizenship, and two sources only: birth and naturalization. The persons declared to be citizens are ‘all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.’ The evident meaning of these last words is, not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction, and owing them direct and immediate allegiance. And the words relate to the time of birth in the one case, as they do to the time of naturalization in the other. Persons not thus subject to the jurisdiction of the United States at the time of birth cannot become so afterwards, except by being naturalized, either individually, as by proceedings under the naturalization acts;”

The Venus, 12 U.S. 8 Cranch 253 (1814)

Chief Justice Marshall (partial concur partial dissent)

The whole system of decisions applicable to this subject rests on the law of nations as its base. It is therefore of some importance to inquire how far the writers on that law consider the subjects of one power residing within the territory of another, as retaining their original character or partaking of the character of the nation in which they reside.

Vattel, who, though not very full to this point, is more explicit and more satisfactory on it than any other whose work has fallen into my hands, says:

"The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives or indigenes are those born in the country of parents who are citizens. Society not being able to subsist and to perpetuate itself but by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights."

Banco Nacional de Cuba v. Sabbatino 376 U.S. 398 (1964)

As early as 1793, Chief Justice Jay stated in Chisholm v. Georgia that, "Prior . . . to that period [the date of the Constitution], the United States had, by taking a place among the nations of the earth, become amenable to the law of nations." 2 U. S. 2 Dall. 419 at 2 U. S. 474. And, in 1796, Justice Wilson stated in Ware v. Hylton:

"When the United States declared their independence, they were bound to receive the law of nations, in its modern state of purity and refinement." 3 U. S. 3 Dall. 199 at 3 U. S. 281.

Chief Justice Marshall was even more explicit in The Nereide when he said:

"If it be the will of the Government to apply to Spain any rule respecting captures which Spain is supposed to apply to us, the Government will manifest that will by passing an act for the purpose. Till such an act be passed, the Court is bound by the law of nations, which is a part of the law of the land." 13 U. S. 9 Cranch 388 at 13 U. S. 423.

As to the effect such an Act of Congress would have on international law, the Court has ruled that an Act of Congress ought never to be construed to violate the law of nations if any other possible construction remains. MacLeod v. United States, 229 U. S. 416, 229 U. S. 434 (1913).

As you can see, the judge is citing Vattel, author of the “LAW OF NATIONS, OR PRINCIPLES OF THE LAW OF NATURE” , for his definition of natural born citizen, which is exactly where our Founder’s got their definition. Vattel’s full definition of natural born citizen, AGAIN, reads as follows…

§ 212. Citizens and natives.

“The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”

Many on the left try to say that the Founders did not follow Vattel and that the definition did not come from his writings. However we have proven that Vattel was held to the highest authority, by many of the Founders and cited over 91 times from 1789 to 1845, more than any other authority! Including: Cases citing Vattel

Also, remember hearing the story about George Washington and the overdue library book that he failed to return, which racked up $300,000 in fines? Wanna try and guess the name of the book? VATTEL’S “LAW OF NATIONS!”, COINCIDENCE?    

CLICK HERE FOR THE STORY Click here for Direct Proof from the Library

Then In 1775, you have letters from Benjamin Franklin himself, thanking Charles Dumas for the 3 copies of Vattel that he sent and the letter states:

“I am much obliged by the kind present you have made us of your edition of Vattel. It came to us in good season, when the circumstances of a rising state make it necessary frequently to consult the Law of Nations.” Click here for Actual Letter

This letter PROVES beyond doubt that the Founders consulted Vattel’s Law of Nations, while writing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (a rising state)!

Then you have Congressional records proving that they again, in 1794 ordered more copies of Vattel’s Law of Nations as shown here: “Ordered, That the Secretary purchase Blackstone’s Commentaries, and Vattel’s Law of Nature and Nations, for the use of the Senate.”

Plus, in 1772, the rector of William & Mary College asked Thomas Jefferson to add an addition, which was halted by the Revolutionary War.  Later, as the Governor of Virginia and a member of the William & Mary Board of Visitors, Jefferson drafted reforms of the curriculum and governance of the College and chairs of Medicine, Law and Modern Languages were introduced. The law book that was used for the law course was Vattel’s Law of Nations. SOURCE FROM WILLIAM & MARY

Supreme Court Precedent (below) that proves that the Law of Nations, is the Law of the Land, along with the Constitution, because it is a Treaty!

The Nereide – 13 U.S. 388 (1815)

“It is not for us to depart from the beaten track prescribed for us, and to tread the devious and intricate path of politics. Even in the case of salvage, a case peculiarly within the discretion of courts because no fixed rule is prescribed by the law of nations, Congress has not left it to this department to say whether the rule of foreign nations shall be applied to them, but has by law applied that rule. If it be the will of the government to apply to Spain any rule respecting captures which Spain is supposed to apply to us, the government will manifest that will by passing an act for the purpose. Till such an act be passed, the Court is bound by the law of nations which is a part of the law of the land.”

Banco Nacional de Cuba v. Sabbatino 376 U.S. 398 (1964)

As early as 1793, Chief Justice Jay stated in Chisholm v. Georgia that, "Prior . . . to that period [the date of the Constitution], the United States had, by taking a place among the nations of the earth, become amenable to the law of nations." 2 U. S. 2 Dall. 419 at 2 U. S. 474. And, in 1796, Justice Wilson stated in Ware v. Hylton:

"When the United States declared their independence, they were bound to receive the law of nations, in its modern state of purity and refinement." 3 U. S. 3 Dall. 199 at 3 U. S. 281.

Chief Justice Marshall was even more explicit in The Nereide when he said:

"If it be the will of the Government to apply to Spain any rule respecting captures which Spain is supposed to apply to us, the Government will manifest that will by passing an act for the purpose. Till such an act be passed, the Court is bound by the law of nations, which is a part of the law of the land." 13 U. S. 9 Cranch 388 at 13 U. S. 423.

As to the effect such an Act of Congress would have on international law, the Court has ruled that an Act of Congress ought never to be construed to violate the law of nations if any other possible construction remains. MacLeod v. United States, 229 U. S. 416, 229 U. S. 434 (1913).

Natural Born Citizen in the Congressional Debates

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was an act to end slavery in the U.S. and make the freed slaves, citizens. The discussion of these debates actually having been quoted by Justice Gray in United States v. Wong Kim Ark 169 U.S. 649:

"During the debates in the senate in January and February, 1866, upon the civil rights bill, Mr. Trumbull, the chairman of the committee which reported the bill, moved to amend the first sentence thereof so as to read: ‘All persons born in the United States, and not subject to any foreign power, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States, without distinction of color.’ Mr. Cowan, of  Pennsylvania, asked ‘whether it will not have the effect of naturalizing the children of Chinese and Gypsies, born in this country?’ Mr. Trumbull answered, ‘Undoubtedly;’ (Congressional Globe, 39th Congress, 1st Session p. 498, 573, 57)

When the Civil Rights Act went over to the House, Representative John Bingham of Ohio, father of the future 14th amendment, confirms the understanding and construction the framers used in regards to birthright and jurisdiction while speaking on civil rights of citizens in the House on March 9, 1866 and addressing Trumbull’s amendment to the bill (Civil Rights Act):

"I find no fault with the introductory clause [S 61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen" (1866 Congressional Globe, House of Representatives, 39th Congress, 1st Session, pg 1291)

The 14th amendment was introduced to render the Civil Rights act constitutional and amend it to the Constitution. It passed in the House, but failed in the Senate until Senator Jacob Howard’s amendment to the bill (the citizenship clause) was introduced. In 1866 while introducing bill H.R. 127 (14th Amendment) Jacob M. Howard (Author of the Citizenship clause) states:

"This amendment which I have offered is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States." (Congressional Globe, Senate, 39th Congress, 1st Session, pg 2890)

The law he was referring to, was the Civil Rights Act of 1866 which had just recently passed and states:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States;" Civil Rights Act of 1866, 14 Stat. 27.

After the Civil Rights Act of 1866 had been enacted into law over President Andrew Johnson’s veto, some members of Congress voted for the 14th amendment in order to eliminate doubts about the constitutionality of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, or to ensure that no subsequent Congress could later repeal or alter the main provisions of that Act. Thus, the Citizenship Clause in the 14th Amendment parallels citizenship language in the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and likewise the Equal Protection Clause parallels non discrimination language in the 1866 Act.

When Obama was born his father was subject to a foreign power and was a British subject. He was governed under the British Nationality Act of 1948 when Obama was born, which made Obama a British Subject at birth and it is impossible to become a natural born citizen, after the fact: British Nationality Act of 1948

Part II ~ Citizenship by birth or descent:

5.(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, a person born after the commencement of this Act shall be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by descent if his father is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies at the time of the birth.

Everyone seems to forget the phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof", in the 14th amendment, which is why the law/amendment went astray. The Congressional records of the 14th amendment debates, give us Trumbull’s exact definition of the intent of his Citizenship Clause amendment to the bill. Who would know the intent of the Citizenship Clause better than anyone, than the person who wrote the clause himself? Senator Lyman Trumbull, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, author of the Thirteenth Amendment, and the one who inserted the citizenship clause into the 14th amendment along with it’s author Jacob Howard, states on the record:

"The provision is, that ‘all persons born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens.’ That means ‘subject to the complete jurisdiction thereof.’ What do we mean by ‘complete jurisdiction thereof?’ Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means." (Congressional Globe, Senate, 39th Congress, 1st Session, pg 2893)

We must listen to our Founder, John Adams, when he stated in his diary on Dec. 27, 1765:

"In unforeseen Cases, i.e. when the State of things is found such as the Author of the Disposition has not foreseen, and could not have thought of, we should rather follow his Intention than his Words, and interpret the Act as he himself would have interpreted it, had he been present, or conformably to what he would have done if he had foreseen the Things that happened. This Rule is of great Use to Judges. Vattell. Page 230. B. 2. C. 17. §. 297. If a Case be presented, in which one cannot absolutely apply the well known Reason of a Law or a Promise, this Case ought to be excepted. B. 2. C. 17. §. 292. Every Interpretation that leads to an Absurdity, ought to be rejected. Page 222 B. 2. C. 17. §. 282. Every Impossibility, physical and moral is an Absurdity."

Trumbull’s words prove without a doubt that "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" means the exact same thing as “not owing allegiance to any foreign power. Further supporting my claims is the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America which states:

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic;” 8 USC § 1448 – Oath of renunciation and allegiance.

Now why would immigrants not born here and becoming citizens, be required to renounce all allegiance to any foreign sovereignty, but people born here to immigrants are not held to that same allegiance requirement? That just makes no sense. Full allegiance is required for citizenship and the Naturalization Oath and Civil Rights Act prove that the Founders did not recognize dual citizenship and required full allegiance in return for citizenship. (pg 112 114)

“Mr Brown is stated to be a citizen or resident of Louisiana: residence is not citizenship. The allegation is in the alternative, which admits the difference; and there is not, therefore, a distinct allegation of citizenship.“

Page 696 (citing Vattel on Citizenship & Patents), 695 (citing Vattel on Patents)

780 (for who, it may be asked, is a citizen?)


Obama literary agent claims Obama was Kenyan-born ~ Now DOZENS more articles confirm the same!

2012 Vetting Obama: 100% proof Obama is a USURPER ~ 100% sourced w/govt documents

2012 Vetting Obama ~ Kenyan Parliament ADMITS Obama is NOT a Native American

2012 Vetting Obama NEW EVIDENCE on Obama’s Birth Place ~ Is this the REAL Certificate?


Pollard’s Lessee v. Hagan (44 U.S. 212 1845)

Page 44 U.S. 225:

“It cannot be admitted that the King of Spain could, by treaty or otherwise, impart to the United States any of his royal prerogatives; and much less can it be admitted that they have capacity to receive or power to exercise them. Every nation acquiring territory, by treaty or otherwise, must hold it subject to the constitution and laws of its own government, and not according to those of the government ceding it. Vat. Law of Nations, b. 1, c. 19, s. 210, 244, 245, and b. 2, c. 7, s. 80.”

Page 44 U. S. 229:

In the case of Foster and Elam v. Neilson, 2 Pet. 253, the right of the United States to this country underwent a very able and thorough investigation. And Chief Justice Marshall, in delivering the opinion of the Court, said:

"After these acts of sovereign power over the territory in dispute, asserting the American construction of the treaty, by which the government claims it, to maintain the opposite construction in its own courts would certainly be an anomaly in the history and practice of nations. If those departments, which are intrusted with the foreign intercourse of the nation, which assert and maintain its interests against foreign powers, have unequivocally asserted its rights of dominion over a country of which it is in possession, and which it claims under a treaty; if the legislature has acted on the construction thus asserted, it is not in its own courts that this construction is to be denied."

In the case of Foster and Elam v. Neilson, 2 Pet. 253, the right of the United States to this country underwent a very able and thorough investigation. And Chief Justice Marshall, in delivering the opinion of the Court, said:

The Chief Justice then discusses the validity of the grant made by the Spanish government, after the ratification of the treaty between the United States and France, and it is finally rejected on the ground that the country belonged to the United States, and not to Spain, when the grant was made. The same doctrine was maintained by this Court in the case of Garcia v. Lee, 12 Pet. 511. These cases establish beyond controversy the right of the United States to the whole of this territory, under the treaty with France.

Alabama is therefore entitled to the sovereignty and jurisdiction over all the territory within her limits, subject to the common law, to the same extent that Georgia possessed it before she ceded it to the United States. To maintain any other doctrine is to deny that Alabama has been admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original States, the Constitution, laws, and compact to the contrary notwithstanding. But her rights of sovereignty and jurisdiction are not governed by the common law of England as it prevailed in the colonies before the Revolution, but as modified by our own institutions.

In the case of Martin and others v. Waddell, 16 Pet. 410, the present CHIEF JUSTICE, in delivering the opinion of the Court, said:

"When the Revolution took place, the people of each State became themselves sovereign, and, in that character, hold the absolute right to all their navigable waters, and the soils under them for their own common use, subject only to the rights since surrendered by the Constitution."

Strader v. Graham Page 51 U. S. 96

The Constitution was, in the language of the Ordinance, "adopted by common consent," and the people of the territories must necessarily be regarded as parties to it, and bound by it, and entitled to its benefits, as well as the people of the then existing states. It became the supreme law throughout the United States. And so far as any obligations of good faith had been previously incurred by the Ordinance, they were faithfully carried into execution by the power and authority of the new government.

In fact, when the Constitution was adopted, the settlement of that vast territory was hardly begun, and the people who filled it and formed the great and populous states that now cover it became inhabitants of the territory after the Constitution was adopted, and migrated upon the faith that its protection and benefits would be extended to them and that they would in due time, according to its provisions and spirit, be admitted into the Union upon an equal footing with the old states. For the new government secured to them all the public rights of navigation and commerce which the Ordinance did or could provide for, and moreover extended to them when they should become states much greater power over their municipal regulations and domestic concerns than the Confederation had agreed to concede. The six articles, said to be perpetual as a compact, are not made a part of the new Constitution. They certainly are not superior and paramount to the Constitution, and cannot confer power and jurisdiction upon this Court. The whole judicial authority of the courts of the United States is derived from the Constitution itself and the laws made under it.

Letter from James Madison to Robert Walsh, November 27th, 1819, on the subject of the Missouri Compromise.

“In conclusion, my opinion is, that the decision of the Circuit Court, upon the law arising upon the several pleas in bar, is correct, but that it is erroneous in having sustained the demurrer to the plea in abatement of the jurisdiction; that for this error the decision of the Circuit Court should be reversed, and the cause remanded to that court, with instructions to abate the action, for the reason set forth and pleaded in the plea in abatement.

In the aforegoing examination of this cause, the circumstance that the questions involved therein had been previously adjudged between these parties by the court of the State of Missouri, has not been adverted to; for although it has been ruled by this court, that in instances of concurrent jurisdiction, the court first obtaining possession or cognizance of the controversy should retain and decide it, yet, as in this case there had been no plea, either of a former judgment or of autre action pendent, it was thought that the fact of a prior decision, however conclusive it might have been if regularly pleaded, could not be incidentally taken into view” (page 179, 272) (page 5)

Moreover, no scholar of the Insular Cases has evaluated the doctrine in terms of the

Court’s adherence to the interpretive principles enshrined in the citizenship clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, such as the common law doctrine of jus soli. This long-standing doctrine provides that all persons born within the territorial domains of the state and who do not owe exclusive allegiance to another sovereign are natural born citizens, regardless of race or ethnicity. (page 19)

Similarly, the Supreme Court of Massachusetts held in Kilham v. Ward, that “[t]he doctrine of the common law is that every man born within its jurisdiction is a subject of the sovereign of the country where he is born; and allegiance is not personal to the sovereign…it is due to him in his political capacity of sovereign of the territory where the person owing the allegiance was born. Thus, the interpretation of “birth within the allegiance” that predominated in U.S. courts was the same as under the common law:

that if a person is born in a territory subject to the actual control of the United States and is not subject to the allegiance of any other sovereign, that person is a native born citizen.

Tenth Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the


In my Obama Eligibility Case decision, Lord Coke didn’t take into account the FUTURE law of the British Nationality Act of 1948, which changes everything!

Marbury v Madison makes this clear.

“It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is. Those who apply the rule to particular cases, must of necessity expound and interpret that rule. If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide on the operation of each.”

“If then the courts are to regard the constitution; and the constitution is superior to any ordinary act of the legislature; the constitution, and not such ordinary act, must govern the case to which they both apply.”

“The judicial power of the United States is extended to all cases arising under the constitution. Could it be the intention of those who gave this power, to say that, in using it, the constitution should not be looked into? That a case arising under the constitution should be decided without examining the instrument under which it arises?  This is too extravagant to be maintained.”

“Why does a judge swear to discharge his duties agreeably to the constitution of the United States, if that constitution forms no rule for his government? if it is closed upon him, and cannot be inspected by him?

Assistant Attorney General (In my case) Jeffrey Darsie makes the argument that Secretary of State James Condos has no power or duty to vet a candidate.

Oh really? The states are responsible for the primaries, general election and events leading up to the Electoral College vote.

US Constitution Article II Section 1

“Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector.”

Manner of voting

§ 8. The electors shall vote for President and Vice President, respectively, in the manner directed by the Constitution. All state election officials swear an oath to uphold or defend the US Constitution.

Article VI of the US Constitution.

“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislators, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution;”




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The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!

June 20, 2011 by weroinnm

The following eye-opening article and/or blog post that was published by The Post & Email reveals overwhelming evidence that we in fact have a fraud and a usurper that resides in the people’s White House, despite the overt lack of journalistic investigating on the part of the American press. The new evidence indicates that the conspiracy to carry out that fraud was much broader than originally thought, which includes a forty-year story that requires a book, not a column, to tell because the evidence suggests that our President was being groomed from a very young age for the moment in history that would end American supremacy in the world, and usher in a new era of Global Marxist Governance-You Decide:

The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!Posted on The Post & Email-By JB Williams-On June 7, 2011:

These are pertinent excerpts from the above article and blog post:

“(Jun. 7, 2011) — Evidence that we have a fraud and a usurper currently residing in the people’s White House is overwhelming, despite the overt lack of journalistic investigating on the part of the American press. But now new evidence indicates that the conspiracy to carry out that fraud was much broader than originally thought.

The story of whom and what Barack Hussein Obama II really is – is a forty-year story that requires a book, not a column, to tell.

Strong evidence suggests that he was being groomed from a very young age for the moment in history that would end American supremacy in the world, and usher in a new era of Global Marxist Governance.

But there was a major hurdle that had to be overcome – the U.S. Constitution, in this case, Article II – Section I – Clause V specifically, which requires that “no person except a natural-born citizen of the United States” can hold the office of President. – Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States…and may not even be a legal citizen of the United States. So, how can he be President?

This column focuses upon the period 2003-2008 and the political maneuvers that took place in order to make way for America’s first unconstitutional resident of the White House.

Efforts to Eliminate the Natural Born Requirement (2003-2005):

Proving that the players involved knew the correct definition of natural born citizen borrowed from the Law of Nations by our founders – 1) those born in the country, of parents who are citizens; 2) those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights; 3) The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; 4) in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen. – that they knew Barack Hussein Obama II did not meet that definition as a foreign or dual citizen via his father’s British citizenship and that they worked feverishly to find a way around this constitutional requirement for office, as Obama was about to become president…

The effort to remove the natural-born citizen requirement from the U.S. Constitution actually began in 1975 – when Democrat House Rep. Jonathon B. Bingham, [NY-22] introduced a constitutional amendment under H.J.R. 33 which called for the outright removal of the natural-born requirement for president found in Article II of the U.S. Constitution – “Provides that a citizen of the United States otherwise eligible to hold the Office of President shall not be ineligible because such citizen is not a natural born citizen.”

Bingham’s first attempt failed and he resurrectedH.J.R. 33 in 1977 underH.J.R. 38, again failing to gain support from members of congress.

Bingham was a Yale Law grad and member of the secret society Skull and Bones, later a lecturer at Columbia Law and thick as thieves with the United Nations via his membership in the Council on Foreign Relations.

Bingham’s work lay dormant for twenty-six years when it was resurrected again in 2003 as Democrat members of Congress made no less than eight (8) attempts in twenty-two (22) months, to either eliminate the natural-born requirement, or redefine natural-born to accommodate Barack Hussein Obama II in advance of his rise to power. The evidence is right in the congressional record…

1. On June 11, 2003 Democrat House member Vic Snyder [AR-2] introduced H.J.R 59 in the 108th Congress – “Constitutional Amendment – Makes a person who has been a citizen of the United States for at least 35 years and who has been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years eligible to hold the office of President or Vice President.” – Co-Sponsors: Rep Conyers, John, Jr. [MI-14]; Rep Delahunt, William D. [MA-10]; Rep Frank, Barney [MA-4]; Rep Issa, Darrell E. [CA-49]; Rep LaHood, Ray [IL-18]; Rep Shays, Christopher [CT-4].

2. On September 3, 2003, Rep. John Conyers [MI] introduced H.J.R. 67 – “Constitutional Amendment – Makes a person who has been a citizen of the United States for at least 20 years eligible to hold the office of President.” – Co-Sponsor Rep Sherman, Brad [CA-27]

3. On February 25, 2004, Republican Senator Don Nickles [OK] attempted to counter the growing Democrat onslaught aimed at removing the natural-born citizen requirement for president in S.2128 -  “Natural Born Citizen Act – Defines the constitutional term “natural born citizen,” to establish eligibility for the Office of President” – also getting the definition of natural born citizen wrong. – Co-sponsors Sen Inhofe, James M. [OK]; Sen Landrieu, Mary L. [LA]

4. On September 15, 2004 – as Barack Obama was about to be introduced as the new messiah of the Democrat Party at the DNC convention, Rep Dana Rohrabacher [CA-46] introduced H.J.R. 104 – “Constitutional Amendment – Makes eligible for the Office of the President non-native born persons who have held U.S. citizenship for at least 20 years and who are otherwise eligible to hold such Office.” – No co-sponsors.

5. Again on January 4, 2005, Rep John Conyers [MI] introduced H.J.R. 2 to the 109th Congress – “Constitutional Amendment – Makes a person who has been a citizen of the United States for at least 20 years eligible to hold the Office of President.” – Co-Sponsor Rep Sherman, Brad [CA-27]

6. Rep Dana Rohrabacher [CA-46] tries again on February 1, 2005 inH.J.R. 15 “Constitutional Amendment – Makes eligible for the Office of the President non-native born persons who have held U.S. citizenship for at least 20 years and who are otherwise eligible to hold such Office.” – No Co-Sponsor

7. On April 14, 2005, Rep Vic Snyder [AR-2] tries yet again with H.J.R. 42– “Constitutional Amendment – Makes a person who has been a citizen of the United States for at least 35 years and who has been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years eligible to hold the office of President or Vice President.” – Co-Sponsor Rep Shays, Christopher [CT-4]

8. All of these efforts failing in committee and the 2008 presidential election looming with an unconstitutional candidate leading the DNC ticket, Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill, [MO] tries to attach the alteration to a military bill in S.2678 on February 28, 2008 – “Children of Military Families Natural Born Citizen Act – Declares that the term “natural born Citizen” in article II, section 1, clause 5 of the Constitution, dealing with the criteria for election to President of the United States, includes any person born to any U.S. citizen while serving in the active or reserve components of the U.S. armed forces.” – Co-Sponsors DNC Presidential candidate Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY]; DNC Presidential candidate Sen Obama, Barack [IL]; Sen Menendez, Robert [NJ]; Sen Coburn, Tom [OK] – (This was the first effort to also assure that GOP Presidential candidate Sen. John McCain [AZ] would be cleared to run against the DNC primary victor.)

From June 11, 2003 to February 28, 2008, there had been eight (8) different congressional attempts to alter Article II – Section I – Clause V – natural born citizen requirements for president in the U.S. Constitution, all of them failing in committee — All of it taking placing during Barack Obama’s rise to political power and preceding the November 2008 presidential election.

In politics, there are no coincidences… not of this magnitude.

Finally on April 10, 2008, unable to alter or remove the natural born citizen requirement to clear the way for Barack Obama, the U.S. Senate acts to shift focus before the election, introducing and passing S.R.511 – declaring Sen. John McCain a “natural born citizen” eligible to run for and hold the office of president. There was never any honest doubt about McCain, the son of a U.S. Navy Commander.

The Sponsor of the resolution is Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill, [MO] S.R.511 States that John Sidney McCain, III, is a “natural born Citizen” under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States. S.R511 passed by a 99-0 unanimous consent of the Senate, with only John McCain not voting. The basis was – “Whereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American citizens;” – a condition not met by Barack Hussein Obama II. – Co-Sponsors DNC Presidential candidate Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY]; DNC Presidential candidate Sen Obama, Barack [IL]; Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT]; Sen Webb, Jim [VA]; Sen Coburn, Tom [OK] (They had made certain that John McCain would run against Barack Obama)

However, in the McCain resolution is also this language – “Whereas the Constitution of the United States requires that, to be eligible for the Office of the President, a person must be a ‘natural born Citizen’ of the United States; – Whereas the term ‘natural born Citizen’, as that term appears in Article II, Section 1, is not defined in the Constitution of the United States;”

The U.S. Constitution is not a dictionary. The definition of “is” is not in the constitution either. Yet this is the text that would later be issued inCongressional Research Service talking points memos distributed to members of congress, to protect an individual that all members of congress know and understand to be an “unconstitutional” resident of the people’s White House – Barack Hussein Obama II.

Once again, as the political left was unable to alter the U.S. Constitution by way of legitimate constitutional process, they resorted to altering the constitution via precedent setting, in short, knowingly electing and getting away with seating an unconstitutional president in order to alter Article II requirements for the office via breaking those constitutional requirements.

The press would not ask any questions and the American people were already too ill-informed of their constitution to know or too distracted by daily life to care. The press would provide the cover, swearing to the lies of an unconstitutional administration put in power by criminal actors focused only on their lofty political agenda of forever altering the American form of government.

The people would be caught up in a steady diet of daily assaults on their individual freedom and liberty and overlook the most obvious constitutional crisis in American history, the seating of an unconstitutional and anti-American president.

Evidence of What?

  • Barack Obama is an unconstitutional resident of the people’s White House
  • He did not become America’s first unconstitutional president alone, he had help
  • While most of the criminal cabal are Democrats, some are Republicans
  • Every member of congress knew Obama was ineligible for the office of president
  • Every member of the U.S. Supreme Court knows that Obama is unconstitutional
  • Every intelligent member of the press knows the truth, but won’t dare tell this story
  • Numerous people tried to remove natural born citizen from the constitution
  • They all know the correct definition of natural born citizen and applied it to John McCain
  • None of these people wants to apply the same definition to Barack Obama
  • Nobody in the Federal Government is going to do anything about the greatest constitutional crisis in American history, because all of them are complicit on one level or another

As a result, the DNC was forced to remove the “constitutionally eligible”language from the 2008 DNC certification of the Obama-Biden ticket, omitting from the certification the following language –

“and that the following candidates for President and Vice President of the United States are legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution.”

Instead, the DNC only certified that the Obama-Biden ticket was duly nominated for the offices of President and Vice President, using the following language –

“THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at the National Convention of the Democrat Party of the United States of America, held in Denver, Colorado on August 25 though 28, 2008, the following were duly nominated as candidates of said Party for President and Vice President of the United States respectively:” (Note that the word “through” is misspelled in both DNC versions, indicating that it is an alteration from the same document.)

Later, adding insult to injury, responding to endless public demands for documentation that would prove Obama eligible for the office he currently holds, the Obama White House issued not one but at least two (2) blatant forgeries, the first in the form of a Hawaiian COLB (Certification of Live Birth – not to be confused with a common birth certificate), and then a forged (so-called long form) Birth Certificate, otherwise known as an actual birth certificate.

Meanwhile, the entire U.S. Press has been blatantly complicit or terminally derelict in their total lack of interest in investigating or reporting these facts. The fourth estate had become a fifth column.

The Greatest Fraud Ever Perpetrated:

The Obama conspiracy to seat an unconstitutional president is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people and it has drastically altered the American system of self-governance from a constitutional republic to a corrupt democracy of frauds elected by fools.

Obama did not do this alone – he had a lot of help, including from an ignorant electorate.

But these wheels were set in motion in the late ‘90s and placed in overdrive in 2003.Numerous government officials were involved in the conspiracy to defraud the American people out of their government, including key Republicans like Darrell Issa and Tom Coburn. Every member of congress, the courts and the press, have been given the cover-up talking points by theCongressional Research Service and so far, not one individual has the honor or decency to break from those talking points and tell the American people the truth. Their government had been stolen…

Where was Obama while the Path was being cleared?


  • Barack Obama begins working at the firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Gallard as a junior lawyer, hoping to work on civil rights cases.
  • Barack Obama is teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School.
  • 1992 is an election year. Barack Obama becomes the director of Illinois Project Vote, an organization focused on registering minority voters. Obama registers approximately 100,000 new voters, primarily in the African-American community.


  • Before achieving a single significant accomplishment in life, Barack Obama releases his first memoire, Dreams from My Father. The creation of the Barack Hussein Obama II story begins.
  • November 7, 1995 – Barack Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, dies of ovarian cancer.


  • Barack Obama wins the Democratic nomination for the seat, and is elected to the Illinois State Senate.


  • After failing to accomplish anything in the Illinois Senate for two years, Barack is re-elected to the Illinois Senate.


  • Barack Obama runs for U.S. Congress and loses due to his record of not showing up for key votes in Illinois.


  • Barack Obama is re-elected to the Illinois Senate. Politically, his stock is rising, not due to a record of accomplishments, but rather due to his increasing circle of influential friends including Rev. Wright and William Ayers.


  • Despite the title of Illinois most absent Senator, Barack Obama becomes chairman of the Illinois Senate’s Health and Human Services Committee.
  • In January 2003, Barack Obama formally enters the race for the United States Senate. Team Obama destroys Democratic rival, Blair Hull, by exposing his domestic abuse allegations.


  • Barack Obama wins the Illinois primaries with 53 percent of the vote. In the general election, Barack Obama faces Republican candidate Jack Ryan.
  • Team Obama pushes Jack Ryan out of the race with reports of a sex scandal.
  • July 7, 2004 – Boston, Massachusetts: The Democratic National Convention introduced the new messiah of the Democrat Party to the world when 42 year old Barack Obama, who had yet to accomplish anything, becomes the hit of the John Kerry convention by the handy work of Sen. Ted Kennedy. [MA]
  • November 2, 2004 – Barack Obama, 43, is elected for the U.S. Senate.


  • January 4, 2005 – Barack Obama is sworn in as a U.S. senator.
  • Barack’s first law is passed with Republican Tom Coburn.


  • February 10, 2007 – Barack Obama announces his candidacy for President of the United States in the 2008 U.S. presidential election.


  • June 3, 2008 – After defeating Senator Hillary Clinton in the primaries, Barack Obama becomes the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party for the 2008 presidential election.
  • November 3, 2008 – Barack Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, age 86, dies of cancer, just one day before the Presidential Election.
  • November 5, 2008 – Barack Obama wins the US Presidential Election and becomes the first UNCONSTITUTIONAL President of the United States

In short, as Obama was rising through the ranks of Democrat Party power and being systematically groomed as the new messiah of the party, friends of the movement were busy making way by trying repeatedly to remove Article II – Section I – Clause V from the U.S. Constitution. When they failed to do it legitimately, they did it via setting precedent.

Despite a total lack of significant accomplishment, Obama was clearly fast-tracked by Democrat Party powers and even the massive Clinton War Machine was no match for the people behind Obama’s unparalleled rise to power.

Now you know how this nobody from nowhere came to power in almost no time at all with a completely blank résumé, and if you follow the names attached to the flood of initiatives to eliminate natural born citizenship as a requirement for the office, you can see some of the folks behind that effort.

Since many of the key figures in the three branches of the Federal government were involved in this conspiracy,we know that we cannot rely on anyone at the Federal level to address this crisis, and since we have watched the U.S. press run cover for it, we know not to expect any help from them in returning America to her people.

Note:  The following video and article and/or blog post relate to this disturbing issue:

Illegal Obama “Propped Up” By Congress!

If Obama Has No Natural Born Citizenship Problem Why Did Congress Try To Fix It?-Posted on Western Journalism-By SUZANNE EOVALDI-On February 6, 2012:

Only the People Can End this Crisis:

From 2003 through 2008, members of Congress worked to eliminate Article II – Section I – Clause V of the U.S. Constitution, requiring that all presidential candidates be natural born citizens of the United States.

In 2008, fifty state Secretaries allowed the name Barrack Hussein Obama to appear on their state ballot for the president, despite the known fact that Barrack Hussein Obama did not meet the constitutional conditions for the office sought, and that the Democrat Party had intentionally failed to certify Barrack Obama as constitutionally eligible for office.

On January 20, 2009, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Roberts administered the presidential oath of office to an individual and every member of the Supreme Court had knowledge that Barrack Hussein Obama failed to meet constitutional requirements for the office he was about to take.

The Chief Law enforcement officer in our country is head of the Department of Justice, Eric Holder. A long-time leftist comrade of Barrack Obama who uses the power of the office to silence the voice of American dissenters, while protecting all who intend America harm.

The voting fraud is so prevalent in America today that it is almost impossible to rely upon the election system as a means of correcting anything and even if you could rely on the system, decent honest qualified leaders do not run for political office in this cesspool we call a country today.

Only 25% of the nation strongly supports this White House resident, which means 75% have great doubts, with more than 35% strongly opposed.

Only the people can put this nation back on track to freedom and liberty, the rule of law and our beloved constitutional republic and they cannot do it in the election booth.

The people must rise up, stand together and hold these criminal actors accountable for the theft of our government which has become the greatest threat to the American way of life in history.

The people must wake up, stand up, come together and put this evil down and they must do it while they still have the power to do so. TAKE ACTION TODAY!

The name Barrack Hussein Obama II cannot appear on the 2012 President ballot and neither can the name of any co-conspirator. Every citizen who wants to live in freedom tomorrow must contact the appropriate officials today!

1) CLICK HERE to demand that your State Officials take immediate action to investigate the crimes of the 2008 Election, and make certain that this can never happen again by holding those responsible fully accountable. Barrack Obama should not have been on the ballot in 2008 and he cannot be allowed to appear on the ballot again in 2012.

2) CLICK HERE to send a letter to editor notifying the press of the most serious constitutional crisis in American history!

3) A list of co-conspirators will be served for their direct involvement in the effort to subvert and remove Article II of the U.S. Constitution. (More information on this effort will be forthcoming)

  • Government Communication software is made available to the general public at no charge, by The United States Patriots Union of Sheridan Wyoming. It’s up to the American people to demand proper solutions, take this action and follow-up until elected servants begin to act in the best interest of the people.”

Note:  What follows is a “must read” recently updated Obama Presidential Eligibility Introductory Primer, by Stephen Tonchen, which is different from and should not be confused with, theWorldNetDaily Obama Eligibility Primer. The Tonchen Primer initially appeared on the Internet in June 2009, more than a year prior to the WND Primer-You Decide:

Obama Presidential Eligibility – An Introductory Primer!-Posted on Stephen Tonchen-Revised on December 1, 2011:

These are pertinent excerpts from this primer:

“UPDATE (4/27/2011): Now that President Obama has released his long-form birth certificate, questions 31 through 34 in this Primer have become moot [91]. They are retained here for posterity purposes only. The other 33 questions and corresponding answers remain entirely unaffected. Those questions have acquired even greater importance and relevance, now that Obama’s newly-released long-form birth certificate has further substantiated his dual nationality at birth.Introduction

The Philadelphia Convention adopted the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787 [01]. Anyone born after that date must be a natural born citizen in order to be eligible to serve as President of the United States [02].

What is a natural born citizen? Even if President Barack Obama is a U.S. citizenby birth, is he a U.S. natural born citizen?

According to an article which appeared in the Michigan Law Review in 2008, we know two things for sure about the meaning of “natural born citizen”:

  • Anyone who is born in the United States, of parents who are U.S. citizens, is definitely, without doubt, a natural born citizen.
  • Anyone who acquires U.S. citizenship through naturalization, after his or her birth, is definitely not a natural born citizen [03].

But what about a child born overseas to U.S.-citizen parents? And what about a U.S.-born child of an alien parent? These children are U.S. citizens by modern-day law. But are they natural born citizens? So far, Federal law, the Constitution and the courts have not answered these questions.

In 2004, Senator Don Nickles predicted that, if these questions remain unanswered, they will someday become “a real issue”:

The definition of this term [”natural born citizen”] is an issue that has been debated in legal circles for years and has never been ruled on by the courts. Clarification is needed before this becomes a real issue. (Nickles)

Senator Nickles’ prediction has come true.

Barack Obama—regardless of where he was born—acquired British/Kenyan citizenship (in addition to U.S. citizenship) at birth. His citizenship status, at birth, was “governed” by the British Nationality Act of 1948 (see Barack Obama’s “fight the smears” website). In light of these facts, an increasing number of Americans are concerned that President Obama might not be a “natural born citizen” and therefore might not be eligible, under the Constitution, to serve as president [04].

Members of the mainstream news media generally believe that all persons born in the United States are “natural born citizens”, regardless of their parents’ citizenship. Although this belief is widely held, the Supreme Court has never accepted it. On the contrary, our nation’s highest court has consistently used the term “natural born citizen” only in reference to persons born on U.S. soil, to U.S.-citizen parents.

In Scott v. Sandford (1856), the Supreme Court characterized, asunexceptionable (incapable of being criticized), the viewpoint that:

  • “natural-born citizens are those born in the country of parents who are citizens” (Vattel, as quoted in the majority opinion in Scott v. Sandford, 1856)

In Minor v. Happersett (1874), the Supreme Court defined two classes of persons. One class consisted of U.S.-born children of U.S.-citizen parents. The second class consisted of all other U.S.-born children. Members of the first class were “natural born citizens”. Regarding members of the second class, the Court doubted whether they were even citizens, let alone natural born citizens. The Court distinguished “natural born citizens” from “aliens or foreigners”, suggesting that a “natural born citizen” is one who is not a “foreigner” (foreign citizen) at birth [05].

The United States has had 44 presidents (including Barack Obama). Of these 44 presidents, 34 were born after 1787 (the year the Constitution was adopted) and were therefore subject to the “natural born citizen” requirement. With only two exceptions, every one of these 34 presidents was born in the United States, of parents who were both U.S. citizens (Natural Born Presidency). The two exceptions were Chester Arthur and Barack Obama. While running for office in 1880, Chester Arthur lied to newspaper reporters about his family history (and later burned most of his family records), thereby concealing the fact that, when he was born, his father (William Arthur) was British subject, not a U.S. citizen (Historical Breakthrough – Chester Arthur).

President Obama’s “fight the smears” website, his published long-form birth certificate, and his autobiography identify his father as Barack Hussein Obama Sr., a Kenyan native who never became a U.S. citizen. President Obama is no longer a Kenyan citizen today, but when he was born, he received British/Kenyan citizenship by descent from his father ( Does Barack Obama have Kenyan citizenship?). The year 2008 was the first time in history that the United States knowingly elected a post-1787-born president whose parents were not both U.S. citizens. Moreover, 2008 was the first time that the U.S. knowingly elected a post-1787-born president who was a foreign citizen (as well as a U.S. citizen) at the time of his birth [06].

Since President Obama acquired foreign nationality (in addition to U.S. citizenship) at birth, his “natural born citizen” status is in doubt [07]. This doubt is not based on the imaginings of tin-foil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorists on the lunatic fringe of society. This doubt comes from what the Supreme Court has said, as well as a variety of other historical and legal sources, which are presented and discussed here.

In the following pages, we introduce the Obama eligibility controversy, in question-and-answer format, for a non-technical general audience. We’ve double-checked the facts presented here, cited their sources, and believe them to be correct. Please contact us if you find any material in this Primer that you believe to be inaccurate.

Continue Reading:

Note: What follows are two videos that contain: (1) an eye-opening documentary exposé on the ongoing Constitutional crisis of the usurpation of the office of the President of the United States, which reveals previous ineligible candidates as well as a candidate that has already filed with the Federal Election Commission for the 2012 election, knowing he is not eligible but admits the Supreme Court will do nothing to stop him; and, (2) an interview at the Georgia State Capitol with Georgia Representative Sean Jerguson discussing House Bill 401 -Presidential Eligibility Assurance Act-You Decide:

Natural Born Citizen Crisis – Presidential Usurpation!Posted by pixelpatriot-On April 2011:

Presidential Eligibility Assurance!-Posted by pixelpatriot-On March 2011:

Note: The following following article and/or blog post and recently released video reveals an interview of Attorney, Dr. Herbert Titus with, where he states that Obama is not a “natural born Citizen” of the United States. Also included is an article and/or blog post and website that provides you with some facts regarding Article II of our Constitution, along with a video that reveals that the American people are now starting to pay attention after the Library of Congress proved President Obama NOT to be a United States Citizen-You Decide:

Constitutional expert: Here’s what ‘natural born citizen’ means.  ‘Those who wonder about Obama need to read and/or watch this explanation.’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On December 11, 2011:

Video: Atty., Dr. Herb Titus: Obama Not A Natural Born Citizen!-Posted on Constitutional George Miller-On October 15, 2011:

Undisputed PROOF that Obama is ineligible for the Presidency!-Posted on Obama Challenge Ballot-By GeorgeM-On January 7, 2012:

Constitution Article II Facts!-Posted on Article II Political Action Committee:

Video:  The American People WAKE UP after the Library of Congress proves Obama NOT to be a US Citizen!Posted on lmmortalDyad-On December 9, 2011:

Note: What follows is my correspondence with our NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich and Senator Tom Udall, listed in chronological order, regarding “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History.”  My initial email to Congressman Heinrich was also forwarded to President Obama and other NM State Officials, to include Governor Susana Martinez.  To-date I have only received a response from Congressman Heinrich and Senator Udall:

I.  Email forwarded to Congressman Heinrich on June 12, 2011.  (Ref: “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!”)

June 12, 2011

The Honorable Martin T. Heinrich

U.S. House of Representatives

336 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515-3101

Dear Congressman Heinrich:

The story of whom and what Barack Hussein Obama II really is – is a forty-year story that requires a book, not a column, to tell. Strong evidence suggests that he was being groomed from a very young age for the moment in history that would end American supremacy in the world, and usher in a new era of Global Marxist Governance.

But there was a major hurdle that had to be overcome – the U.S. Constitution, in this case, Article II – Section I – Clause V specifically, which requires that “no person except a natural-born citizen of the United States” can hold the office of President. – Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States…and may not even be a legal citizen of the United States. So, how can he be President?

This column focuses upon the period 2003-2008 and the political maneuvers that took place in order to make way for America’s first unconstitutional resident of the White House.



II.  Email received from Congressman Martin Heinrich on June 15, 2011, in response to my letter of June 12, 2011.  (Ref: “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!”)

“Responding to your message

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 3:40 PM

From:  “Congressman Martin Heinrich”

June 15, 2011

Dear Mr. xxxxxxxx,

This short note is to let you know that I received your email about the citizenship status of United States President Barack Obama, and the legitimacy of his presidency.

President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.  For your reference, a pdf copy of his long-form birth certificate can be found here:

Again, thank you for contacting me.  For more information and additional details about legislation, please visit my website,  While you are there, you can also sign up to receive periodic updates on my work in Congress.

As always, I value your input and hope you will continue to keep me informed of the issues important to you.


Martin Heinrich

Member of Congress

Web Site:

Subscribe to my e-newsletter.

Look for me on Facebook and YouTube”

III.  Email forwarded to Congressman Martin Heinrich on June 16, 2011, in response to his letter of June 15, 2011. (Ref: “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!”)

“June 16, 2011

Congressman Martin Heinrich

Capitol Office

336 Cannon HOB

Washington, D.C. 20515

Phone: (202) 225-6316

Fax: (202) 225-4975

Dear Congressman Heinrich:

Thank you for your speedy response to my recent correspondence regarding the “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!” and for providing me with the White House’s pdf copy of President Obama’s long-form birth certificate, which is included below:

By now you are probably aware that President Obama’s recently released “Certificate of Live Birth”, which you provided to me above has been found to be fraudulent by an international expert on scanners and document-imaging software and he has recently filed a 22-page criminal complaint with the FBI to that effect.

For your information, I have included some information regarding subject criminal complaint below:

On or about May 31, 2011, Mr. Doug Vogt, an international expert on scanners and document-imaging software filed a 22-page criminal complaint with the FBI charging that the long-form birth certificate released by the White House, on or about April 27, 2011, is criminally fraudulent.

Background on Mr. Doug Vogt:

Since 1993, Vogt has owned Archive Index Systems Inc., in Bellevue, Wash., a company that sells a wide variety of document scanners worldwide and develops document-imaging software.

Before that, Vogt owned Nova Typesetting for 11 years.

Mr. Vogt stated the following in the Criminal Complaint:

“What the Obama administration released is a PDF image that they are trying to pass off as a Certificate of Live Birth Long Form printed on green security paper by the Hawaiian Health Department,” Doug Vogt writes, “but this form is a created forgery.”

Mr. Vogt’s criminal complaint asserted:

“I have irrefutably proven that the Certificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to the world on April 27, 2011, is a fraudulently created document put together using the Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator programs, and the creation of this forgery of a public document constitutes a class B felony in Hawaii and multiple violations under U.S. Code section Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47, Sec.1028, and therefore an impeachable offense.”

“It is a logical conclusion,” he says, “that since President Barack Obama felt it necessary to have a Certificate of Live Birth forged for himself then we must conclude that there is in fact no birth certificate in Hawaii and therefore he was not born inside the United States, as the Constitution requires, and he knew it and others also knew it but wanted him in office for whatever reason.”

When the Obama birth certificate “forgery” comes to the public’s attention, Vogt continues, “It will surpass all previous scandals including the Watergate scandal of the Nixon administration.”


Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record ‘forged’! (Part 1)-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 31, 2011:

Criminal complaint details birth-certificate ‘forgery’! (Part 2)-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On June 5, 2011:

Why did Obama release electronic birth certificate? (Part 3)-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On June 7, 2011:

On or about June 2010, Mr. Tim Adams, a college instructor, who worked as a senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu from May 2008 through September 2008, made a stunning claim that President Obama was definitely not born in Hawaii as the White House maintains, and that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for him did not even exist in the Aloha State.


Hawaii Elections Clerk: Obama birth not here – Official who oversaw ballots in 2008 race says long-form birth certificate non-existent!Posted on Joe Kovacs-On June 10, 2010:

On or about January 20, 2011, Mr. Adams, a former Hawaii elections clerk signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.


Hawaii official now swears: No Obama birth certificate!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On January 24, 2011:

On or about June 13, 2011, Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, stated that the “Certificate of Live Birth” released, on or about April 27, 2011, by the White House as “proof positive” of President Obama’s Hawaiian birth is a forgery, but the FBI is covering the fraud and no one in Congress is willing to tackle the situation because of fears of a “black backlash” if the failings of the nation’s first black president are revealed. He revealed this during an interview that was aired on the Terry Lakin Action Fund Radio Show on June 13, 2011.


Ex-CIA: ‘Forged document’ released as birth certificate!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On June 15, 2011:

On June 12, 2011:  The following eye-opening article and/or blog post revealed overwhelming evidence that we in fact have a fraud and a usurper that resides in the people’s White House, despite the overt lack of journalistic investigating on the part of the American press. The new evidence indicates that the conspiracy to carry out that fraud was much broader than originally thought, which includes a forty-year story that requires a book, not a column, to tell because the evidence suggests that our President was being groomed from a very young age for the moment in history that would end American supremacy in the world, and usher in a new era of Global Marxist Governance.

The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!-Posted on The Post & Email-By JB Williams-On June 12, 2011:

I will be looking forward to hearing from you on this disturbing and time sensitive issue.

Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.

God Bless You and God Bless America.




Automatic Electronic Response Received From Congressman Heinrich’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

“Thank You

Thank you for starting the conversation. I am honored to represent you in Congress and am here to help in any way possible.

I will send a reply via email and want to make sure you receive it. Therefore, please add the following email address to your address book or your spam filter’s list of approved email addresses:

I hope that you have also visited the Briefing Room, and Agenda sections of my website where you will find an abundance of information to answer any question you may have regarding my work in the United States House of Representatives.

In light of the critical legislative debates we’ll be facing this year over health care, climate change, clean energy, and the economy, please consider signing up for my e-newsletter, The Heinrich Headliner, delivered right to your inbox.

Thank you for visiting my Congressional Web site.



IV.  Email Received From Senator Tom Udall on June 23, 2011, in response to my letter of June 12, 2011. (Ref: “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!’)

June 23, 2011

Dear Mr. xxxxxxxxx,

Thank you for contacting me regarding President Barack Obama’s eligibility for the Office of President of the United States.  I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

As I am sure you are well aware, there have been allegations surrounding the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate, and an ongoing question by some as to whether or not he is eligible for the presidency.  Under Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, any candidate for President of the United States must be 35 years of age, a resident of the United States for 14 years, and must be a natural-born citizen of the country.

Proponents of the theory that President Obama is not eligible for the Nation’s highest office argue that the he has been involved in one of the most in-depth conspiracies in the history of America by forging several important documents required in proving citizenship.  Others believe that President Obama has provided sufficient evidence in supporting the fact that he is a natural-born citizen of the United States, and that he would not be president if there truly was a discrepancy regarding his birth.

Recently, the controversy surrounding the authenticity of President Obama’s birth certificate has been widely covered by media outlets, causing an unnecessary distraction from the important issues of governance that face this nation. In an effort to refocus attention to these critical issues, on April 27, 2011, President Obama released the long-form version of his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. As the President declared in his statement to the press upon the release of his birth certificate, “We live in a serious time right now and we have the potential to deal with the issues that we confront in a way that will make our kids and our grandkids and our great grandkids proud.”

I too, hope that this unnecessary distraction will finally be put to rest, and look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate on the important issues that face our country.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me.  Please feel free to contact me with your concerns regarding any federal issue by visiting my website  For more information, you may also visit my Facebook page at and receive up to the minute updates through my Twitter page at

Very truly yours,

Tom Udall

United States Senator”

V.  Email forwarded to Senator Tom Udall on June 23, 2011, in response to his letter of June 23, 2011. (Ref: “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!’)

“June 23, 2011

Senator Tom Udall

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510

Phone: (202) 224-6621

Fax: (202) 228-3251

Dear Senator Udall:

Thank you for your speedy response to my recent correspondence regarding the “The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!” of June 12, 2011.

By now you are probably aware that President Obama’s recently released “Certificate of Live Birth” has been found to be fraudulent by an international expert on scanners and document-imaging software and he has recently filed a 22-page criminal complaint with the FBI to that effect.

For your information, I have included some information regarding subject criminal complaint below:

On or about May 31, 2011, Mr. Doug Vogt, an international expert on scanners and document-imaging software filed a 22-page criminal complaint with the FBI charging that the long-form birth certificate released by the White House, on or about April 27, 2011, is criminally fraudulent.

Background on Mr. Doug Vogt:

Since 1993, Vogt has owned Archive Index Systems Inc., in Bellevue, Wash., a company that sells a wide variety of document scanners worldwide and develops document-imaging software.

Before that, Vogt owned Nova Typesetting for 11 years.

Mr. Vogt stated the following in the Criminal Complaint:

“What the Obama administration released is a PDF image that they are trying to pass off as a Certificate of Live Birth Long Form printed on green security paper by the Hawaiian Health Department,” Doug Vogt writes, “but this form is a created forgery.”

Mr. Vogt’s criminal complaint asserted:

“I have irrefutably proven that the Certificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to the world on April 27, 2011, is a fraudulently created document put together using the Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator programs, and the creation of this forgery of a public document constitutes a class B felony in Hawaii and multiple violations under U.S. Code section Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47, Sec.1028, and therefore an impeachable offense.”

“It is a logical conclusion,” he says, “that since President Barack Obama felt it necessary to have a Certificate of Live Birth forged for himself then we must conclude that there is in fact no birth certificate in Hawaii and therefore he was not born inside the United States, as the Constitution requires, and he knew it and others also knew it but wanted him in office for whatever reason.”

When the Obama birth certificate “forgery” comes to the public’s attention, Vogt continues, “It will surpass all previous scandals including the Watergate scandal of the Nixon administration.”


Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record ‘forged’! (Part 1)-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 31, 2011:

Criminal complaint details birth-certificate ‘forgery’! (Part 2)-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On June 5, 2011:

Why did Obama release electronic birth certificate? (Part 3)-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On June 7, 2011:

On or about June 2010, Mr. Tim Adams, a college instructor, who worked as a senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu from May 2008 through September 2008, made a stunning claim that President Obama was definitely not born in Hawaii as the White House maintains, and that a long-form,hospital-generated birth certificate for him did not even exist in the Aloha State.


Hawaii Elections Clerk: Obama birth not here – Official who oversaw ballots in 2008 race says long-form birth certificate non-existent!-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On June 10, 2010:

On or about January 20, 2011, Mr. Adams, a former Hawaii elections clerk signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.


Hawaii official now swears: No Obama birth certificate!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On January 24, 2011:

On or about June 13, 2011, Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, stated that the “Certificate of Live Birth” released, on or about April 27, 2011, by the White House as “proof positive” of President Obama’s Hawaiian birth is a forgery, but the FBI is covering the fraud and no one in Congress is willing to tackle the situation because of fears of a “black backlash” if the failings of the nation’s first black president are revealed. He revealed this during an interview that was aired on the Terry Lakin Action Fund Radio Show on June 13, 2011.


Ex-CIA: ‘Forged document’ released as birth certificate!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On June 15, 2011:

On June 12, 2011:  The following eye-opening article and/or blog post revealed overwhelming evidence that we in fact have a fraud and a usurper that resides in the people’s White House, despite the overt lack of journalistic investigating on the part of the American press. The new evidence indicates that the conspiracy to carry out that fraud was much broader than originally thought, which includes a forty-year story that requires a book, not a column, to tell because the evidence suggests that our President was being groomed from a very young age for the moment in history that would end American supremacy in the world, and usher in a new era of Global Marxist Governance.

The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!Posted on The Post & Email-By JB Williams-On June 12, 2011:…

I will be looking forward to hearing from you on this disturbing and time sensitive issue.

Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.

God Bless You and God Bless America.




Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Udall’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

Thank you for your message!

I look forward to reviewing your comments and questions.

Before you leave, I hope you’ll explore my website. On this page, you can learn more about the work that I’ve been doing on important issues and legislation as your U.S. Senator.”

Note: What follows is a letter that I recently sent to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall regarding a request that I recently forwarded to our NM Secretary of State requesting that President Obama be removed from the NM 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballot:

“January 5, 2012

The Honorable Tom Udall

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Udall:

On or about December 12, 2011, I wrote to you and informed you that there was an issue that I had previously presented to you in the recent past that was currently heating up around our country, which I believed was even more important in size and scope than any other issue that I had previously presented to you because it dealt with the question of whether or not our President was eligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief of our Armed Forces and graciously asked that you give me your take regarding this extremely disturbing and time sensitive issue.

In my letter to you of December 12, 2011 I also provided you with what I considered to be a preponderance of undisputable evidence that I believed collectively proved that our President is in fact ineligible to hold the office of President of the United States and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces since ‘he did not meet the minimum qualifications as set forth in Article II, Section I, Clause V concerning the natural born citizen status’ because when he was born in 1961 his father was not a U.S. citizen and therefore he can never be a ‘natural-born citizen,’ as that term was defined by a  ‘1875 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Minor v. Happersett’ in which the court defined ‘natural-born citizens’ as ‘all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens.’

To date I have not received a response to my letter from your office and therefore, as a matter of courtesy, I now would like to inform you that I recently forwarded the following letter to our NM Governor informing her that I had recently forwarded a letter to our NM Secretary of State requesting that President Obama be removed from the New Mexico 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballot:

Letter to Governor Martinez follows:

“January 5, 2012

Dear Governor Martinez:

I wanted to take the liberty of sharing the following email that I recently forwarded to Mrs. Dianna Duran, New Mexico Secretary of State for your information.

This disturbing issue literally keeps me up at night because, after conducting my own extensive investigation and/or research into this issue, I now believe that there is a preponderance of undisputable evidence, which I have shared with Mrs. Duran, that collectively prove that President Obama is in fact ineligible to hold the office of President of the United States and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.

Please feel free to contact me at my home address listed below, if you should have any questions and/or need any additional information from me regarding this extremely disturbing and time sensitive issue.

Thank you for the excellent and professional job that you are doing as our Governor.

May you and your loved ones have a “Happy and Prosperous New Year.”

Respectfully yours,


Email to NM Secretary of State Follows:

January 5, 2012

Mrs. Dianna J. Duran

New Mexico Secretary of State

325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300

Santa Fe, NM 87503

Phone: (505) 827-3600

Fax: (505) 827-8081

Dear Mrs. Duran:

On or about December 13, 2011, I wrote to you requesting that your office provide me with some direction and/or guidance that would assist me in getting President Obama removed from the New Mexico 2012 presidential primary election ballot over allegations of fraud because I now believe that there is a preponderance of undisputable evidence, which I also shared with you in my letter, that collectively prove that he in fact is ineligible to hold the office of President of the United States and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces.

To date I have not received a response to my letter from your office and therefore, as an American citizen of the United States and a registered Democrat voting native New Mexican, I am now writing to request that President Obama be removed from the New Mexico 2012 presidential primary election ballot, since “he does not meet the minimum qualifications as set forth in Article II, Section I, Clause V concerning the natural born citizen status” because when he was born in 1961 his father was not a U.S. citizen and therefore he can never be a ‘natural-born citizen,’ as that term was defined by a  ‘1875 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Minor v. Happersett’ in which the court defined “natural-born citizens” as ‘all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens.’

This was in fact substantiated when the White House released his ‘Certificate of Live Birth’ on or about April 27, 2011.  A copy of which is provided again for your information:

As you are aware, the natural born citizen minimum qualifications are set forth in Article II, Section I, Clause V of our U.S. Constitution, along with the ‘Specific Eligibility Requirements and Duties (Section 1-8-18(A) and 1-4-16(B) NMSA 1978),’ which includes the office of the President of the United States, as outlined in the following ‘New Mexico 2010 Candidate Guide’:

For your information, I would also like to take the liberty of sharing the following information that has transpired since my letter to you of December 13, 2011, which I believe further substantiates and/or supports my above request:

On or about January 3, 2012, Judge Michael W. Malihi of the Georgia state Office of State Administrative Hearings refused to dismiss a series of complaints that were brought against President Obama’s inclusion on the 2012 election primary ballot, an action that had been sought by President Obama. He also granted a motion to sever the cases and scheduled a hearing for January 26, 2012.


Judge denies president’s motion to dismiss challenge to 2012 candidacy!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On January 3, 2012:

Additionally, on this same date an open letter was forwarded to Judge Malihi by an editor of an electronic newspaper, The Post & Email (, who covers constitutional issues and government corruption to express her sincerest appreciation for his ruling to refuse to dismiss the complaints that were brought against President Obama’s inclusion on the 2012 election primary ballot.


Open Letter to Judge Michael Malihi of Georgia: ‘The Rule Of Law Must Be Upheld!’-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On January 3, 2012:

Please feel free to contact me at my home address listed below, if you should have any questions and/or need any additional information from me regarding my request.

I look forward to hearing from your office regarding this disturbing matter, which I believe is extremely time sensitive due to the fact the 2012 Primary Election Proclamation will be issued by our Governor on or about January 30, 2012, as noted on the ‘2012 Candidate Guide.’

Thank you again for the excellent and professional job that you are doing as our Secretary of State.

May you and your staff have a “Happy and Prosperous New Year.”

Respectfully yours,


Automatic Electronic Response Received From Governor Martinez’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

Thank you for taking the time to share your comments and concerns with my office. A constituent service representative will be in contact with you regarding your issue.

Sincerely, Susana Martinez

Please feel free to contact me at my home address listed below, if you should have any questions regarding any of this information.

Thank you again for all you continue to do for our Veterans, our state and our country.

May you and your loved ones have a  “Happy and Prosperous New Year.”

God Bless You and God Bless America.




Automatic Electronic Response Received From Senator Udall’s Office Regarding My Email Above:

Thank you for your message!

I look forward to reviewing your comments and questions.

Before you leave, I hope you’ll explore my website. On this page, you can learn more about the work that I’ve been doing on important issues and legislation as your U.S. Senator.”

Note: What follows are my recent letters and/or emails to Senator Udall, Congressman Heinrich and Governor Martinez, along with Senator Jeff Bingaman regarding this extremely disturbing issue:

Letter to NM Governor Martinez (RE: Request status of my request to remove President Obama from the New Mexico 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballot)!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On January 19, 2012:

Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting A Full-Scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On March 7, 2012:

Letter to NM Governor Martinez Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On March 16, 2012:

Letter to NM U.S. Senator Bingaman Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse llegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On March 17, 2012:

Letter to NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On March 19, 2012:

Response Received From NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Regarding Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-by Jake Martinez-On March 20, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 4, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on April 5, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Bingaman Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 6, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 11, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Regarding The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on April 12, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Bingaman Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 13, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 13, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 24, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Bingaman Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Regarding The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on April 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 30, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 1, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Bingaman Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 1, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Regarding The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on May 1, 2012:

Response Received From Our NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted byJake Martinez-On May 8, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Regarding The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on May 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to Our NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On May 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on Jake Martinez-On June 10, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on June 10, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted by Jake Martinez-On June 10, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Heinrich Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On June 10, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 21, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on July 21, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted by Jake Martinez-On July 22, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted byJake Martinez-On July 22, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 25, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on July 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On July 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arapio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 25, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on August 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On August 26, 2012:

Response To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On September 3, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 22, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on September 22, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On September 23, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 23, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 4, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on October 4, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 5, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 5, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 18, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On October 18, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on October 18, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 18, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on October 26, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On October 27, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 28, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 28, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on October 28, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On October 29, 2012:

Note:  Americans continue to wake up!

Thanks again to WND, The Post & Email, Obama Ballot Challenge Staff, Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse, Attorney Van Iron (founder of Liberty Legal Foundation), Attorney Larry Klayman, CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret), Western Journalism, The Washington Times 24/7 and many others for their unwavering commitment and fortitude to continue the fight.

As a result thousands of Americans across the country are continuing to wake up to the fact that President Obama is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, as substantiated by his newly released long-form Certificate of Live Birth, which shows that his father was in fact born in Kenya in 1936. At the time, Kenya was a British colony. Therefore Obama Senior was a British subject by birth (due to the fact that he was born within British-controlled territory). When President Obama was born in 1961, he acquired British nationality by descent, because his father was a British subject by birth. When Kenya gained its independence from Great Britain in 1963, President Obama became a citizen of the newly-formed nation.


Additionally, Several new organizations, to include active websites, were established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint. Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include my own.


Word of Caution:  Although it’s great that thousands of Americans continue to wake up and are actively taking some action to have President Obama taken off the 2012 Presidential Election Ballots we need to keep in mind that those individuals with unlimited sources and/or resources, to include the deep pockets of anti-American George Soros, our own local and national elected officials and others, with the help of the MSM, who have spent years planning and successively perpetrating what I now believe could be the greatest fraud in American history are not going to go down without a fight and thus, as a result, I also believe that now more than ever we need to stick together as Americans (it’s no longer Democrat or Republican) at this crucial time when our country and/or Republic needs us more than ever to see this thru. A Republic for which so many Americans have and continue to give their all to uphold and defend.

So the question is: Are you going to be part of the problem by continuing to keep your head in the sand hoping this issue goes away by itself or are you going to be part of the solution by stepping up to the plate and doing what ever it takes to uphold and defend our Republic before its too late?-You Decide:

YOUR TURN: TELL CONGRESS TO PROBE ELIGIBILITY: ‘Not to resolve this monumental, unprecedented constitutional issue intolerable’!-Posted on April 10, 2012:

Thousands sign petition demanding Congress investigate Obama’s eligibility!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 17, 2012:

Note: The following video and article and/or blog post relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Video: Foreign and Domestic: Exposing America’s True Enemies!-Posted on TheJoshTolleyChannel-On July 7, 2012:

II. SCALIA FLUMMOXED ABOUT NATURAL BORN CITIZENSHIP: ‘Exclusive: Larry Klayman asks justice for definition of term used in Constitution!’-Posted on LARRY KLAYMAN-On August 31, 2012:…

Note:  What follows is an eye opening article and/or blog post and videos that reveal that Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, the chief of Stand Up America, a national security expert and Fox News contributor, recently stated that the “Certificate of Live Birth” released in April 2011 by the White House as “proof positive” of President Obama’s Hawaiian birth is a forgery, but that the FBI is covering the fraud and no one in Congress is willing to tackle the situation because of fears of a “black backlash” if the failings of the nation’s first black president are revealed-You Decide:

Ex-CIA: ‘Forged document’ released as birth certificate!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On June 15, 2011:

These are pertinent excerpts from the above article and/or blog post:

“Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, the chief of Stand Up America, a national security expert and Fox News contributor, says the “Certificate of Live Birth” released in April by the White House as “proof positive” of President Obama’s Hawaiian birth is a forgery, but the FBI is covering the fraud and no one in Congress is willing to tackle the situation because of fears of a “black backlash” if the failings of the nation’s first black president are revealed.

In an interview today with Greg Corombos for WND, Vallely, who previously has expressed concerns about whether the Obama administration is in violation of the U.S. Constitution, said, “His actual birth certificate has never been found in Hawaii nor released from Hawaii hospital there, Kapiolani hospital there, if it in fact did exist.”

“We’ve had three CIA agents, retired, and some of their analytical associates look at it, and all came to the same conclusion, that even the long-form was a forged document,” Vallely said.

“No members of Congress will take this on. The word I get out of Washington is that they don’t want to challenge this because it would be in fact a felony offense and in some cases may be even treasonous and [they are] afraid of a black backlash from some of the urban areas,” Vallely said.

“But that’s a very poor excuse for not taking necessary steps to make sure this president in fact is a legitimate president under Article 2 and he is a born U.S. citizen.”

The departments of government designed to uncover wrongdoing, in this case, are on the wrong side, he said.

“I think they’re (the FBI) covering for this administration. I think the corruption within this administration is so proliferated through the agencies of government now, we’re just in a bad situation here. I think the lack of confidence in our government is growing and many feel that not only all the members of Congress but even our courts are corrupted at this time,” he said.

The questions over Obama’s eligibility to occupy the Oval Office under the requirements in the Constitution that call for a “natural born citizen” have been raised since before he was elected.

Numerous lawsuits have been filed and challenges organized but none have uncovered Obama’s documentation. For most of the past few years, his supporters relied on an online image of a Hawaiian short-form “Certification of Live Birth” as proof of his Hawaiian birth, claiming it was the only documentation available from the state.

However, just as the New York Times best-seller, “Where’s the Birth Certificate: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President,” by Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., was about to be released, Obama dispatched a private attorney to Hawaii to fetch the supposed long-form “Certificate of Live Birth” and explained that the record now would include  the full documentation available from Hawaii.

The original hard-copy birth document, whatever it actually is, has never been seen by the public.

Corsi told WND, “The list is growing of those openly acknowledging the Obama long-form birth certificate released by the White House on April 27 is a forgery.

“That former CIA agents are beginning to weigh in on the White House forgery is important. Too many experts remain afraid to speak out about what is an obvious forgery, fearful that openly speaking out against Obama will hurt their income. That Gen. Vallely has now spoken out shows the cracks are widening around the White House façade that the Obama birth certificate is a legitimate document.”

He said, “Vallely is right in saying that millions of Americans are still trying to find out who Barack Obama is.

“The cover-up in Hawaii is still continuing. Every professional forensic document examiner knows the best evidence of the Obama long-form birth certificate is not the electronic Adobe file released on the White House website, but the original document the Hawaii DOH is still hiding in its vault, unwilling to let the public see it with their own eyes. Why won’t the White House allow a team of independent professional forensic document examiners inspect and authenticate the original birth certificate document? It makes no sense — unless of course there is no long-form birth certificate in the Hawaii DOH vault.”

When Obama released the purported long-form certificate, officials in the Hawaii Department of Health and governor’s office refused to simply confirm to WND that the image being presented by Obama was an accurate representation of the records maintained by the state.

Vallely said the document should “thoroughly be analyzed by resident FBI officials and analysts to determine if in fact and validate whether it’s forged or real.”

“One of the apparent flaws in that document was they listed Kenya as the place of birth of Obama’s father, but Kenya was not an established country at that time,” he noted.

“There’s still a lot of controversy about it, and some of us would just like to have this thing clearly authenticated.”

He also cited one of the many issues raised by document experts who have challenged the birth certificate’s authenticity – the layering in the Adobe computer file.

And Vallely said he knows some would not be satisfied with anything the Obama administration would release, which is a problem, in itself, for the White House.

“That’s true, because they don’t believe he is eligible. You have a fairly growing contingent out there.”

Vallely also made similar statements in an online radio programin which he supported Lakin, the Army doctor who refused orders because neither the military nor the White House would document Obama’s eligibility. He spent five months in Fort Leavenworth and only recently was released. His comments start at about 3:30 of the YouTube video:

There, Vallely said, “Obama’s birth certificate – I’ve had retired CIA agents and otherinvestigators go over the birth certificate that was produced and by far, 10 out of 10 have said it’s a forgery. So we still have that corruptness going on in the White House. There’s a great number of organizations and people still trying to find outwho Barack Obama is, where he was born, what his legitimacy is as president of the United States. We know for sure that the Constitution has been violated in Article 2, particularly when you look at the natural-born status.”

Only one day earlier, officials in the state of Hawaii claimed that the original of the Obama ‘birth certificate’ document – the document posted online by the White House – remains “confidential” and cannot be produced in response to a subpoena in a lawsuit over Obama’s legitimacy.

The image released by Obama has been challenged by a number of document imaging analysts as a fraud, and it doesn’t align with descriptions of it by Obama supporters.

For instance, two weeks before Obama finally released his “long-form birth certificate,” Hawaii’s former Health Department chief Chiyome Fukino – the one official who claimed to have examined the original birth document under lock and key in Hawaii – was interviewed by NBC News’ national investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff, who reported that Fukino told him she had seen the original birth certificate and that it was “half typed and half handwritten.”

However, the document released by the White House was entirely typed. Only the signatures and two dates at the very bottom were “handwritten.”What Fukino described apparently is a different document from what Obama released to the public.”

Note: The following videos contain Philip J. Berg, who was a guest speaker at a We The People Foundation’s Obama citizenship Press Conference held at the National Press Club on December 8, 2008, who claimed back then that Obama was a phony and as a result the largest hoax contemplated against the United States in over two hundred years.  Other speakers included at the conference were WTP Chairman Bob Schulz and attorneys w/ cases pending at the U.S. Supreme Court challenging Barack Obama’s citizenship status as a “natural born citizen” as is required by Article II of the Constitution-You Decide:

Obama Is The Largest Hoax Contemplated Against The U.S. In Two Hundred Years! (Part 1):

Obama Is The Largest Hoax Contemplated Against The U.S. In Two Hundred Years! (Part 2):

Note:  On September 26-27, 2009, the following eye-opening articles and/or blog posts were published by The Post & Email that revealed a recently released declassified FBI report that exposed then Senator Obama’s ties to the Weather Underground, which was a radical marxist terrorist organization founded by Bill Ayers. These articles also revealed the objectives of the Students for Democratic Society (SDS) as stated by Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayer’s wife, during a National Council meeting of SDS in December, 1968: “We are building a working class revolutionary movement to overthrow the capitalists, and the imperialist structure of the United States and the world.”  She stressed the importance of an international alliance with the “third word” in order to “smash American imperialism”, and advocated the creation of an international revolutionary consciousness.  Suspiciously this information was also kept from the American public in the run up to the 2008 Presidential Election by main stream media outlets that are funded by anti-American George Soros as a means of helping then Senator Obama get elected-You Decide:

Declassified FBI report exposes Communist seedbed for Obama Associates — Part I-Posted on The Post & Email-By John Charlton-On September 26, 2009:

Declassified FBI report exposes Communist seedbed for Obama Associates — Part II-Posted on The Post & Email-By John Charlton-On September 27, 2009:—-part-ii/print/

Note:  My following blog post contains a December 12, 2009 article and/or blog post published by The Post & Email that revealed the foreign influences of George Soros on the Obama 2008 campaign in detail, to include who ran cover regarding Obama’s Islamic background, along with the connections and players in the campaign of misinformation waged by Obama supporters during the 2008 Election-You Decide:

Who ran cover for Obama’s Islamic background? ‘Tracing The Politics And The Money Behind Obama’s 2008 Campaign’!-Posted on Jake Martinez-On July 30, 2012:

Note:  On or about March 2, 2010, the following article and/or blog post revealed that Sarah P. Herlihy, an associate attorney specializing in litigation at the Chicago law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP, which is a law firm with ties to Obama, published an essay in the Chicago-Kent Law review on February 22, 2006 entitled “Amending the Natural Born Citizen Requirement:  Globalization as the Impetus and the Obstacle” that floated the idea of a “takeover” of our government by a foreign power.  Herlihy’s essay was widely disseminated on the internet during the 2008 presidential campaign as rumors surfaced that Obama and possibly McCain did not meet the “natural born Citizen” requirement laid out in Article II, Section 1, paragraph 5 of the U.S. Constitution-You Decide:

Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On March 2, 2010:

Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts revealed that there were 25 U.S. Supreme Court Opinions that defined “Natural  Born Citizen” were sabotaged in the run up to the 2008 Presidential Election as a means of deliberately aiding Barack Obama to get elected by helping to hide the one legal case that might prevent him from legally qualifying for the presidency.  Also included are recent articles and/or blog posts by Leo Donofrio, Esq. that reveals that the only time the US Supreme Court has ever defined the class of persons who were POTUS eligible under Article 2 Section 1 was in Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1874), which is proof that President Obama is ineligible to hold the Office of President-You Decide:

25 U.S. Supreme Court Opinions That Defined “Natural Born Citizen” Were Sabotaged In The Run Up To The ’08 Presidential Election!-Posted on Natural Born Citizen-By Leo Donofrio, Esq.-On October 20, 2011:

JustiaGate!Posted on Examiner-By Dianna Cotter, Portland Civil Rights Examiner-On October 20, 2011:

Eligibility rulings vanish from Net!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On October 23, 2011:

JustiaGate: ‘Natural Born’ Supreme Court Citations Disappear!-Posted on American Thinker-By Dianna C. Cotter with L. Donofrio Esq.-On December 14, 2011:

Minor v. Happersett Revisited!-Posted on Natural Born Citizen-By Leo Donofrio, Esq.-On January 9, 2012:

Minor v. Happersett – Proof Obama is Unlawful President!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM:

The McCreery v. Somerville Funeral – Maskell And Gray To Attend – Minor v. Happersett To Preside!-Posted on Natural Born Citizen-By Leo Donofrio, Esq.-On January 7, 2012:

Note: The following video contains an eye-opening interview with attorney Stephen Pidgeon, who claims that he found a record for a name change from “Barak Mounir Ubayd” to “Barack Hussein Obama” on October 14th, 1982 in Skookumchuck, British Columbia. The interview aired 6/3/2011 on TruNews Radio. Attorney Pidgeon also discusses his new book titled “The Obama Error.”-You Decide:

Video: Attorney’s Explosive Claim, Obama Changed Name in 1982!Posted on June 4, 2011:

Note: The following videos contain: 1) an eye-opening interview with author Jack Cashill, who convincingly demonstrates that the claimed authorship of Obama’s book “Dreams From My Father” is a fraud, the most politically significant literary fraud in history. The interview aired on TruNews radio 6/16/2011 (Begins @ 17:55); 2) author Jack Cashill studies the origins of “Dreams From My Father” and Barack Obama’s improbable literary ascendancy and why it matters; and 3) Google now links Bill Ayers to “Dreams From My Father”-You Decide:

Is Dreams From My Father a Fraud?

Jack Cashill: Deconstructing Obama!

Video: Who Wrote “Dreams” and Why It Matters? (Part 1 of 2):

Video: Who Wrote “Dreams” and Why It Matters? (Part 2 of 2):

Video: Obama’s Hidden Past Unraveled!-Posted on Western Journalism-On January 16, 2012:

GOOGLE LINKS ‘DREAMS’ TO UNREPENTANT TERRORIST: ‘Obama ‘never showed any sign of an ability to write this way before or after’!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On April 23, 2012:

AUTHORSHIP OF OBAMA’S OWN LOVE LETTERS DISPUTED: ‘Author Jack Cashill on how ‘clunkers’ become ‘sophisticated’!-Posted on May 14, 2012:

CNN, Snopes, Maraniss Busted: Jack Cashill Takes On David Maraniss’ New Obama Book!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On June 19, 2012:

What Maraniss Obviously Missed!-Posted on American Thinker-By Jack Cashill-On June 19, 2012:

One More Dubious Story in the Obama Family Saga!-Posted on American Thinker-By Jack Cashill-On June 14, 2012:

Note: The following blog posts relate to and/or support the above articles and/or blog posts, videos and letters-You Decide:

Obama’s Ultimate Cover-up!Posted on TeaPartyorg-By Jake Martinez-On August 5, 2012:

The Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1)-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 24, 2012:

Note:  The following articles and/or blog posts reveal that: (1)White House officials have been busy re-writing our nation’s Constitution since the inauguration of President Obama; (2)George Soros’s money is being used to by-off the Secretaries of State before the next Presidential election as a means of tipping the elections in all 50 states; and (3) George Soros is meddling with the courts in attempts of buying Leftwing judges-You Decide:

George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution: ‘White House officials involved in rewriting nation’s founding document’!Posted on Aaron Klein-On March 27, 2011:

George Soros’ Money Could Tip Elections in All 50 States!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Michael Oberndorf-On July 1, 2011:

Soros meddles in courts, attempts to buy Leftwing judges!-Posted on National Examiner-By Anthony Martin-On June 27, 2011:

Note: The following website and articles and/or blog posts reveal the connection between George Soros and President Obama-You Decide:

The Shared Agendas of George Soros and Barack Obama!

The Obama-Soros Connection!Posted on Human Events-By LtCol Buzz Patterson-On September 9, 2010:

Question:  Did a Pennsylvania District Court rule that President Obama was ineligible for Presidency in 2008 and ordered the DNC to withdraw him or is it just another distraction?

The following article and/or blog post seems to make that case-You Decide:

Pennsylvania District Court Ruled Obama ineligible for Presidency in 2008 and ordered DNC to withdraw him!-Posted on Press-By PC-On October 2, 2011:

Note:  What follows is a culmination of more than 100 years of negligence and disregard of the global Marxist infection contaminating the world, to include how the the destiny of America follows the steps of Russian Empire in its demise by Alexander Gofen-You Decide:

Comparative analysis of demise of the Russian Empire in 1917 and of the United States of America now!-By Alexander Gofen-On December 28, 2011:

Note: Great News-Several new organizations, to include active websites, were recently founded and/or established to educate and mobilize the American public on the significance of “natural born Citizen” and the 2012 Election, along with an initiative to assist ordinary registered voting citizens wishing to challenge President Obama’s constitutional eligibility and name placement on their state’s 2012 primary presidential election ballot. The team that established and maintains this website is currently compiling election laws from all 50 states and in the near future will be providing forms, along with sample letters that registered voters can use to file a complaint.  Also included is pertinent information regarding those lawsuits and/or complaints that have been filed by state, to include their current status-You Decide:


What follows are lawsuits and/or complaints that continue to be filed around the country in attempts of keeping President Obama off the state 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballots due to being ineligible to hold the office of President and Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces:

Update on Mississippi Eligibility Challenge!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 29, 2012:

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Violates State Law!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 26, 2012:

The Tennessee Gulag!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 26, 2012:

Breaking: Indiana Judge Allows Testimony and Evidence of “Forgery”!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 22, 2012:

First Two Obama State Ballot Challenges with Undeniable Standing Set for Supreme Court Conference On September 24, 2012!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On September 24, 2012:

Exclusive: Breaking: Orly Taitz’s Motion Disappears Just Before Scheduled Hearing on Wednesday!Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On August 7, 2012:

OBAMA’S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER CHALLENGED: ‘Exclusive: Jack Cashill reports on woman’s court filing based on myriad anomalies!’-Posted on JACK CASH-On July 5, 2012:

Video: ForgeryGate: Detective Probes Obama SSN Mystery – Files Suit In Ohio!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 5, 2012:

Susan Daniels v Obama – Ballot Access Challenge Filed in OH!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On July 4, 2012:

Susan Daniels Files Ballot Challenge Over “Obama’s” Social Security Fraud!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On July 5, 2012:

Outrageous: Judge Decides Law Doesn’t Apply To Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On July 5, 2012:

OBAMA ATTORNEYS ARGUE HE’S NOT DEM NOMINEE: ‘Urge Florida judge to ignore evidence challenging eligibility!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On June 18, 2012:

Obama’s Attorneys Argue He’s Not Democrat Nominee!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On June 18, 2012:

Video of June 18 FL Obama Ballot Challenge Hearing- Voeltz v Obama!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On June 18, 2012:

Anatomy of a Florida Ballot Challenge!-Posted CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On June 18, 2012:

Anatomy of a Florida Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On June 16, 2012:

Monday Florida Ballot Challenge Hearing to be Live-Stream Covered!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On June 13, 2012:

Flash: June 18 FL Ballot Challenge Hearing to be First Ever to Have Arpaio Posse Affidavit Submitted!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On June 12, 2012:

Capt. Pamela Barnett to Argue at Noonan v Obama Demurrer Hearing May 25!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 25, 2012:

Voeltz v Obama Florida Ballot Challenge Case Progressing!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 25, 2012:

Breaking News: Per Atty Apuzzo Oral Arguments in NJ Ballot Access Challenge to Obama Appeal Have Been Changed from Telephonic to In-Person!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 25, 2012:

Attorney Apuzzo has filed his Brief and Appendix in the Purpura & Moran v Obama Ballot Access Challenge Appeal in NJ!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 22, 2012:

Taitz Files to Decertify IN Primary– Hearing June 12!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 25, 2012:

CA Supreme Court: Should we vet candidates or not?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 24, 2012:

Video: Hugh McInnish of AL v Obama Interview – 05/24/2012 TPTN Show – President Obama’s Ineligibility; The Proof is Here!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 24, 2012:

Iowa GOP Platform Takes “a Shot” At Obama’s Citizenship!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 22, 2012:

Hawaii’s “non-verification” ambiguous verification to AZ of Obama’s birth record | by Butterdezillion!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 24, 2012:

Letters to AZ SOS Ken Bennett, on Illegally Placing AKA Obama on the Ballot!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On May 24, 2012:

ARIZONA FLOODED BY EMAILS ON OBAMA ELIGIBILITY: ‘It should be an honor to show their proof’!-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On May 22, 2012:

Video: HAWAII RESPONDS TO AZ SEC. OF STATE’S OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE THREAT!-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On May 21, 2012:

Video: Arizona Secretary Of State Ken Bennett May Not Allow Obama On Ballot?-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On May 21, 2012:

NBC, USA Today Talk About AZ SOS Birth Certificate Demands of Hawaii!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 20, 2012:

S. Dakota Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On May 20, 2012:

The State That Is Leading The Fight Against Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On May 17, 2012:

Letter from Denise Reilly, Surprise AZ Tea Party to AZ SOS Bennett!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 19, 2012:

Phoenix, we have a problem!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On May 19, 2012:

Arizona Secretary Of State Threatens To Remove Obama From Ballot!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 18, 2012:

Arizona official to Hawaii: Show birth verification for Obama – Eligibility dispute elevated to formal inquiry from state elections office!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDr Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 16, 2012:

ARIZONA OFFICIAL TO HAWAII: SHOW BIRTH VERIFICATION Eligibility dispute elevated to formal inquiry from state elections office!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 17, 2012:

Election Chief Wants Obama’s Birth Certificate [a real one] | @ Yahoo News & Reuters!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 18, 2012:

DNC Asks Judge Bolton to Sanction Van Irion Over “Obama” Eligibility Case!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 18, 2012:

DNC Asks Judge Bolton to Sanction Atty Van Irion!-Posted on Liberty Legal Foundation-By Van Irion, Founder LIBERTY LEGAL FOUNDATION-On May 17, 2012:

Strunk to be sanctioned in NY, while White House usurper gets away with the crime of the century?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 17, 2012:

DEMOCRAT MIKE VOELTZ ARGUES NOW IS TIME TO RESOLVE ELIGIBILITY!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 17, 2012:

Purpura-Moran v Obama New Jersey Ballot Access Challenge Appeal Filed!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 14, 2012:

Purpura-Moran v Obama New Jersey Ballot Access Challenge Appeal Filed!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 15, 2012:

Video:FL Ballot Challenge Manager Sam Sewell Interviewed by Rev. James Manning, on Natural Born Citizen and “Obama”!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 10, 2012:

Missouri HB 1046 NBC Status ( URGENT CALL TO ACTION)!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 9, 2012:

The Bare Essence of the Florida Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 9, 2012:

NC Birther Congressional Candidate Now in Runoff!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 9, 2012:

“Born in the USA” Bill Takes Another Step Forward, but running out of time!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 7, 2012:

The New York State Court Should Not Sanction Pro Se Plaintiff, Christopher Earl Strunk, for His “Natural Born Citizen” Litigation!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 7, 2012:

Ballot Challenge Hijinks!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On May 6, 2012:

Battleground Florida: Voeltz v Obama — You have a stake in the outcome!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 4, 2012:

“Circle of Exclusion,” by Mike Voeltz, Voeltz v Obama Florida Plaintiff!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 3, 2012:

Obama regime is in default in the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on a case of Obama’s use of a stolen CT SSN!- Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 30, 2012:

ForgeryGate: Corrupt Arizona Judge Shields Obama From The Constitution!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On April 27, 2012:

JUDGE WANTS DEFINITION OF ‘NATURAL BORN CITIZEN’: ‘Resolution of this federal issue will resolve the case’!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On April 26, 2012:

Federal Judge wants definition of ‘natural born citizen’ – Resolution of this federal issue will resolve the case!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 26, 2012:

ForgeryGate: Attorney Says “Discovery Is Underway” In Florida Obama Ballot Access Challenge!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On April 24, 2012:

Letter from John Dummett, GOP Presidential Hopeful, on 2008 Election and a Current Case!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 24, 2012:

First-Ever Florida Ballot Challenge Constitutional Eligibility Conference Report!-Posted on Obama Balllot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On April 21, 2012:

Second Judge Recuses Self in MS Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Balllot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 21, 2012:

Fed Court: Eligibility Question “Important and Not Trivial”!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On April 19, 2012:

Help Mario Apuzzo Stop the White House Usurper!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 19, 2012:

The Plot Thickens for NJ Obama Ballot Challenge Case-Threats to Media, Attorneys?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 19, 2012:

Flash! Obama Lawyers want NJ ballot challenge hearing videos suppressed!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 18, 2012:

Obama Lawyers Want the Video of the NJ Obama Ballot Access Challenge Public Hearing Pulled and Suppressed!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 18, 2012:

OBAMA ATTORNEY: ‘MICKEY MOUSE’ COULD BE ON BALLOT: ‘Argues in court that N.J. law does not require proof of eligibility!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On April 20, 2012:

Obama lawyer Angelo Genova tries to suppress and intimidate NJ conservative press and citizen journalists — Original Obama attorney Alexandra Hill, the Mickey Mouse attributer, removed from Obama NJ eligibility case. Head of Obama’s NJ law firm!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 18, 2012:

Obama Attorney Alexandra Hill argues even Mickey Mouse could be on New Jersey Presidential ballot!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 18, 2012:

Yee-Hah! Texas Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 17, 2012:

Mississippi 1st Revised Ballot Challenge Complaint!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 17, 2012:

ForgeryGate: An Open Letter To NJ Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno (And Guadagno’s “Response”)!-Posted on Western Journalism-GEORGE MILLER-On April 13, 2012:

Letter to George Miller from NJ SOS Office!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 13, 2012:

Update on NY Strunk vs NYS Board of Elections Case!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 13, 2012:

Chris Strunk’s Blue State NY Ballot Challenge Status!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 13, 2012:

(Updated) ForgeryGate: New Jersey Judge Admits Obama Hasn’t Provided Proof Of Birthplace, Then Rules Obama Born In Hawaii!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 12, 2012:

Final Decision – Purpura & Moran v Obama NJ Ballot Access Challenge!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 13, 2012:

Re: Purpura & Moran V Obama Complaint- NJ!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 12, 2012:

NJ Ballot Challenge Ruling!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On April 12, 2012:

NJ Admin Law Judge Masin issues “The Emperor Has No Clothing On” Decision Regarding Obama’s Need to Prove His True Legal Identity and Constitutional Eligibility!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 12, 2012:

The ‘Baer Haggerty Offensive’ Radio Show with special guest CDR Kerchner (Ret) — 3:30 p.m. Wed 11 Apr 2012 – WNJC 1360 AM – Philadelphia PA.  The discussion will about the NJ Obama Ballot Access Challenge!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 12, 2012:

AZ Eligibility Action Item– Your Help Needed!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 12, 2012:

Ed Noonan Takes County Level Ballot Challenge Action in Yuba, CA!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 10, 2012:

Florida Obama Ballot Challenge Announces Legal Action!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 10, 2012:

Obama Wins Again!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 11, 2012:

‘Conservative News and Views’ Reports NJ Judge Masin Rules Against Objectors and for Obama.  Attorney Mario Apuzzo to file an Appeal!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 11, 2012:

New Jersey Hearing: Obama Lawyer Says Obama Does Not Have to Prove Eligibility – 4/10/2012!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 11, 2012:

Update on the Purpura and Moran New Jersey Obama Ballot Access Objection!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 10, 2012:

NJ OAL Obama eligibility hearing time RESCHEDULED from 10 a.m. to 9 a.m. tomorrow!-Posted on CDR Kerncher’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On April 9, 2012:

New Jersey Obama Ballot Hearing April 10, 10 am, Mercerville!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On April 9, 2012:

Texas Ballot Challege Solicitation!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 8, 2012:

Schneller Pennsylvania Obama/Meehan Challenges Update!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 7, 2012:

Two Obama Eligibility Cases Filed By Two Presidential Candidates at U.S. Supreme Court: One Set for Conference on April 20th!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 7, 2012:

Maryland Ballot Challenge Petition to remove Obama from the ballot!-Posted on Kenyan Born ObamAcorn:

Presidential Candidate Take Obama Ballot Challenge to Supreme Court!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On April 6, 2012:

New Jersey Legislator Anthony Bucco Doubts Authenticity of Obama’s Birth Certificate!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On April 6, 2012:

New Jersey Files Ballot Challenge Against Obama, Mario Apuzzo Esq. Representing!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On April 6, 2012:

New Jersey Ballot Challenge by Veteran Eligibility Attorney Apuzzo!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 6, 2012:

Attorney Mario Apuzzo of Jamesburg NJ Files on Behalf of Objectors in NJ a Ballot Access Challenge/Objection Against Obama Today in NJ!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 5, 2012:

CA Atty General Counterrattacks “California 7,” Noonan and Dummett Litigants’ Ballot Challenges!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 6, 2012:

Statement from Carl Swensson re: GA Supreme Court Ruling and More!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 4, 2012:

Swensson v Obama Denied by GA Supreme Court!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 4, 2012:

PA Attorney Karen Kiefer who brought the Kerchner & Laudenslager v Obama Ballot Access Challenge in PA writes Letter to PA Attorney General Linda Kelly – Investigate Obama Forgery, Fraud, and Election Law Crimes!-Posted on CDR Kerchern’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 4, 2012:

TEA PARTY TO ARIZONA: CHECK OBAMA’S ELIGIBILITY: ‘Little-known provision may force hand of secretary of state!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On April 2, 2012:

Indiana Democratic Party Members Charged with Election Fraud for Forging Obama Ballot Petitions!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 2, 2012:

Arizona Birther Bill Faces Obstacles!-Posted on The New American-By RAVEN CLABOUGH-On March 30, 2012:

Missouri House Moving Along Presidential Eligibility Requirements Bill!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 29, 2012:

Missouri House Passes Requirement for Presidential Candidates to Provide Birth Records!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 29, 2012:

Alabama Supreme Court Justice Says Barack Obama Birth Certificate Would Not Stand Up In Court!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 2, 2012:

Alabama Supreme Court: Serious Questions About Authenticity of Obama’s Birth Certificates!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 29, 2012:

Alabama Supreme Court Bombshell: Serious Questions About Authenticity of Obama’s Birth Certificates!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 29, 2012:’s-birth-certificates


Louisiana state official seeks legal opinion on rejecting candidates [Obama] | @ | by Jack Minor!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 29, 2012:

Presidential Candidates Noonan, Dummett & Attorney Kreep hold CA Press Conference!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 28, 2012:

STATE LAWMAKERS REVIVE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT: ‘Arizona considering plan to have candidates affirm qualifications!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On March 28, 2012:

Arizona GOP Lawmakers Looking To Revive Pro-Eligibility Measure!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 28, 2012:

Arizona State Legislators Revive Eligibility Law!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 28, 2012:

Updated Florida Ballot Challenge INSIDER’S REPORT March 28, 2012!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 28, 2012:’s-report-march-28-20

MS Challenge Hearing Coming up 4/16!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 27, 2012:

Obama Not Qualified to be on CA Ballot, say 2 Presidential Candidates and others!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 26, 2012:

Maryland Ballot Challenge Amended!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 26, 2012:

Tampa Bay Times Discovers Obama Ballot Challenge Suit-Right Here in Florida!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 25, 2012:

Maine Citizen Files Obama Ballot Challenge!-Posted Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On March 24, 2012:

Friday Noonan v Bowen California Hearing Postponed!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 23, 2012:

Another FL Ballot Challenge Submitted!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 22, 2012:

Special Request for Georgia Action- Carl Swensson!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 22, 2012:

Dummett et al v Bowen & Dem’s Filed in CA!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 22, 2012:

DEMOCRAT SUES TO BOOT OBAMA FROM BALLOT: ‘Alleges he ‘has not established being a natural-born citizen, or even a citizen’!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On March 20, 2012:

FL Democrat Sues to Kick Obama off the Ballot!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 21, 2012:

Iconic public interest attorney Larry E. Klayman is jumping into the long simmering Obama eligibility battle and will represent clients in Florida and other states to challenge Obama’s inclusion on the ballot!-Posted Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 20, 2012:’s-inclus

Berg PA ballot challenge rejected without a hearing!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 19, 2012:

“California 7″ Hearing for Friday, 3/23!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 18, 2012:

Georgia Law Not Enforced Against the Powerful!-Posted on Liberty Legal Foundation-On March 16, 2012:

GEORGIA SUPREMES ACCUSED OF BEING ‘SHAM’: ‘State laws are ‘to deceive the people into thinking justice is possible!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On March 16, 2012:

Swensson GA Case Going to Supreme Court!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 16, 2012:

Powell v Obama Appealed!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On March 14, 2012:

PA Attorney Philip J. Berg Continues Fight On Obama Eligibility!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On March 12, 2012:

Ballot fraud and criminal cover-up!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 11, 2012:

Criminal Complaint of Treason!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On March 10, 2012:

Notice of Objection and Exception filed with Alaska Division of Elections on Epperly Complaint!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 10, 2012:

Georgia’s SOS Synagogue Of Satan Brian Kemp!-Posted on English Pravada-By Mark S. McGrew-On February 9, 2012:

Emergency Injunction Filed with Georgia Supreme Court!-Posted on Liberty Legal Foundation-On March 7, 2012:

Emergency Injunction Filed with Georgia Supreme Court!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 9, 2012:

GEORGIA SUPREMES ASKED TO HALT PRIMARY CERTIFICATION: ‘Filing says ‘right to live in constitutional republic’ at stake!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On March 7, 2012:

NY Garvery Complaint Dismissed!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On March 7, 2012:

GA Appeals Dismissed!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On March 6, 2012:

Corrupt Georgia Superior Court Dismisses Legal Appeal Of Obama Eligibility Ruling!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On March 6, 2012:

MT legislator questioning Obama’s eligibility to be President!-Posted on KXLH Montana News-By Marnee Banks (KXLH-Helena)-On March 2, 2012:

Response to Motion to Dismiss Georgia Case- Farrar-Judy v. Obama-Kemp!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 2, 2012:

What We Reap When Honor Fails!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On March 2, 2012:

New Mexico attempts to ignore citizen complaint!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 1, 2012:

Video: Remove Obama from PA ballot! PA Commonwealth Court Says It Doesn’t Have Jurisdiction!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 2, 2012:

Kerchner challenge dismissed!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 1, 2012:

Kerchner & Laudenslager v Obama PA Ballot Challenge Dismissed on Jurisdictional Grounds!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On March 1, 2012:

Pennsylvania Obama Ballot Challenge Hearing Tomorrow March 1, 10 am (Harrisburg)!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 29, 2012:

NY Van Allen complaint denied on Standing, Service!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 29, 2012:

USJF and Philip Berg File Obama Eligibility Case in Pennsylvania!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-on February 29, 2012:

Let not Pennsylvania be any part of the death of our U.S. Constitution and Republic!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 28, 2012:

How to Stop Him!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 28, 2012:

Tough Sledding For A Democrat Ballot Challenger in Georgia!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 28, 2012:

Constitutional Article II Expert Atty Mario Apuzzo of Jamesburg NJ to Join PA Ballot Access Challenge Team!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 27, 2012:

Constitutional Article II Expert Atty Mario Apuzzo of Jamesburg NJ to Join PA Obama Ballot Access Challenge/Objection Team!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 27, 2012:

Kerchner/Laudenslager v Obama Ballot Challenge Hearing in PA is Set for March 1st in Harrisburg PA!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 27, 2012:

Brent Batten: Born in the U.S.A.? Naples man says it doesn’t matter!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 27, 2012:

Obama Syndicate Plans Imminent Takeover of USA by Islam and Globalists!-Posted on Oabma Ballot Challenge-ByPamela Barnett-On February 27, 2012:

#OBAMA’S TROUBLING TROUBLES: Why No One Dares To See!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 27, 2012:

Of Presidential Eligibility, Doubling Down and Linguistic Torts | by Joseph DeMaio | @!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 26, 2012:

Of Presidential Eligibility, Doubling Down and Linguistic Torts (Part 1)-Posted on Post & Email-By Joseph DeMaio-On February 20, 2012:

Ballot Challenges in CA, FL, PA & GA!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 26, 2012:

Democrats as Agents of Fraud!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On February 25, 2012:

Democrats as Agents of Fraud!-Posted on drkatesview-By drkate-On February 25, 2012:

Georgia greases Obama onto ballot for $8.3 Billion Loan Guarantee for Nuke Plants!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 25, 2012:

Obama Biased Indiana Elections Officials Vote to Put Obama on Ballot, Ignore Law and Fraud Evidence, Audio, First Hand Account!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 25, 2012:

Indiana Election Commission Rules Obama’s Mom’s Passport Records Showing Obama’s Indonesian Surname Soebarkah Irrelevant!-Posted on ObamaReleaseYourRecords-On February 24, 2012:

Video: Indiana Ballot Challenge Hearing Against Obama on February 24, 2012!-Posted on naturalborncitizennc-On February 24, 2012:

Arizona judge grants leave to amend Obama ballot challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 24, 2012:

Ballot Challenge Status Conference in AZ tomorrow, Thursday, Feb 23!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 22, 2012:

Arizona Obama Ballot Challenge Hearing Tomorrow in Tucson!-Posted on Obama Bllot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 22, 2012:

Democrat Presidential Candidate Will Proceed with Eligibility Challenge Against Obama!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On February 22, 2012:

Alaska Obama Ballot Challenge Filed!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 22, 2012:

Attorney Mark Hatfield Files Motion to Suspend the Georgia Primary Election!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 22, 2012:

Video of PA Ballot Challenge News Conference Held on Friday 17 Feb 2012 in Harrisburg PA!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 22, 2012:

CDR Kerchner Obama Ballot Challenge Hearing in PA Set for March 1st!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 22, 2012:

Obama Ballot Challenge Hearing in PA Set for March 1st!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 22, 2012:

Exclusive: Larry Klayman vows legal action to declare Obama ineligible for presidency!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 20, 2012:

State of PA warned Obama fails ballot requirements!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 21, 2012:

STATE WARNED OBAMA FAILS BALLOT REQUIREMENTS: ‘Both of candidates’ parents must be U.S. citizens at time of candidate’s birth’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On February 19, 2012:

Supreme Court Conferred On Obamacare, Obama Eligibility Challenge yesterday!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByPamela Barnett-On February 19, 2012:

Mississippi Supreme Court Assigns Special Judge For Obama Ballot Challenge!-Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 19, 2012:

INDIANA NEXT STATE FOR OBAMA ELIGIBILITY PROTEST: ‘Secretary of state already has been removed over qualifications!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On February 19, 2012:

INDIANA NEXT STATE FOR OBAMA ELIGIBILITY PROTEST!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 20, 2012:

Pennsylvania Obama Ballot Challenge Filed Today By Eligibility Activist Retired Navy Commander Kerchner!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 18, 2012:

Pennsylvania Obama Ballot Challenge Complaint On Court System, See complaint here!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 19, 2012:

Obama Ballot Challenge Filed in PA – A Nomination Petition Objection Was Filed in Commonwealth Court of PA Against Obama!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 17, 2012:

New Arizona Obama Ballot Challenge Filed Today!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 17, 2012:

Van Irion’s Appeal on Georgia Ruling!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On February 17, 2012:

Appeal of Georgia Eligibility Ruling!-Posted on Liberty Legal Foundation-By Van Irion, Founder, LIBERTY LEGAL FOUNDATION-On February 16, 2012:

SUPERIOR COURT ASKED TO BOOT OBAMA FROM BALLOT: ‘At issue is nothing less than the enforcement or loss of constitutional rule of law!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On February 16, 2012:

For Immediate Release – News Conference Scheduled for 3 pm Friday the 17th of February in the Capitol Building Rotunda in Harrisburg PA!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 16, 2012:

For Immediate Release – News Conference Scheduled for 3 pm Friday the 17th in the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg PA!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 16, 2012:–-news-conference-scheduled-for-3-pm-friday-the-17th-in-the-capitol-rotunda-in-harrisburg-pa

Missouri State Rep. Explains 2012 Proof-Of-Eligibility Legislation!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 16, 2012:

Obama’s Eligibility Diversion!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 15, 2012:

CA Complaint Status!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On February 15, 2012:

Democrat Ballot Challenger called as he was walking out of the court house in Tallahassee!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 15, 2012:

NY Discriminates Against Disabled Veteran Ballot Challenger!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 15, 2012:

Obama ballot battle continues!-Posted on The Examiner-ByLinda Bentley, Maricopa County Crime Examiner-On February 14, 2012:

Obama ballot battle continues!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 15, 2012:

MO Rep. Lyle Rowland Explains 2012 Proof-of-Eligibility Legislation in the Missouri House!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 14, 2012:

Susan Daniels PI Discloses New Evidence Orly Taitz Refused To Allow Presented At Georgia Hearing!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 14, 2012:

Video: Dr. Manning Interviews Private Investigator Susan Daniels! (Part 1)-Posted on ATLAHWorldwide-On February 13, 2012:

Video: Dr. Manning Interviews Private Investigator Susan Daniels! (Part 2)-Posted on ATLAHWorldwide-On February 13, 2012:

Did Judge Malihi Base Eligibility Decision On Sharia Law?-Posted on Western Jounalism-By SUZANNE EOVALDI-On February 13, 2012:

Response to Motion to Dismiss Alabama Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On  February 13, 2012:

Obama Ballot Challenge Filed in Missouri!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 13, 2012:

Now Missouri – Obama eligibility hearing – Hector Maldonado speaks!-Posted on Stand Up America-By SUAadmin-On Febraury 13, 2012:

A Ballot Access Challenge/Objection to Candidate Obama to Be Filed in PA This Week!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-February 12, 2012:

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) and a Group of Citizens in Pennsylvania will File a Ballot Access Challenge/Objection to Candidate Obama Later This Week!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 12, 2012:

MALEVOLENT FORCES HAVE STOLEN THE SANCTITY OF THE BALLOT!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 12, 2012:

Existing US Law on INS .gov Website Says Obama is Ineligible!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 12, 2012:

Distribute to patriots if you will ….!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On February 11, 2012:

Georgia’s Obama Decision: Legally Incorrect and Ethically Indefensible!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 11, 2012:

Was Georgia Nuke Plant the price for Obama’s Ballot Access??Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 11, 2012:

Objections to the ballot access filing of Barack Obama in New York!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 11, 2012:

The Obama Defense Team has Finally Met Its Match!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 10, 2012:

Why Wasn’t Obama in Contempt of Court?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 10, 2012:

The Obama Ballot Challenges: A Crisis of Confidence!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 9, 2012:

Illinois Board of Elections Illegally Excludes Ballot Challengers Evidence That Proves Obama Not NATURAL Born, Asks For New Hearing!-Posted on Oabma Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 10, 2012:

Georgia’s Obama Eligibility Decision: Legally Incorrect And Ethically Indefensible!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On February 9, 2012:

So, who says we’re partisan?-Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 9, 2012:

Alabama Wants You!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 9, 2012:

Orly Taitz Esq.’s Appeal to Geogia Secretary of State Before He Ruled to Keep Constitutionally Ineligible Obama on Ballot!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 7, 2012:

Kemp Upholds Deeply Flawed Georgia Ballot Challenge Ruling!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 7, 2012:

A Blast from the Past Regarding GA Judge Malihi and a former Sec of State of GA!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 7, 2012:

A Blast from the Past Regarding Administrative Judge Malihi and a former Sec of State of GA!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On February 7, 2012:

MSM Finally Covers REAL Atlanta Hearing Story!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 6, 2012:

Georgia Judge Michael Malihi is a cowardly traitor!-Posted on English Pravada-By Mark S. McGrew-On February 6, 2012:

Obama Wins Georgia Ballot Challenge!-Posted on American Thinker-By Cindy Simpson-On February 4, 2012:

A Rat Called Tandem!-Posted on Natural Born Citizen-By Leo Donofrio, Esq.-On February 4, 2012:

New Yorker Files Obama Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballto Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 6, 2012:

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) Leading a Group in Pennsylvania to File Ballot Access Challenge/Objection to Obama!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On February 5, 2012:

Were FBI Agents Carrying Out Orders When They Said That Enforcing the Constitution Regarding Obama Would Cause a Civil War?Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 5, 2012:

Open Letter to GA Secretary of State Brian Kemp!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 5, 2012:

Georgia Court Ignored Basic Rules of Interpretation in Obama Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 5, 2012:

Video: Why We Were Defeated!-Posted on February 4, 2012:

Media Reports on The Georgia Decision for Obama!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge- By GeorgeM-On February 5, 2012:

Thanks A Lot Georgia, For Shredding Our Constitution!-Posted on Western Journalism-By MIKI BOOTH-On February 4, 2012:

What the Heck is Going on in Indiana?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 4, 2012:

A Week of Injustice (Four Years, Actually)!-Posted on Obama Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 4, 2012:

JUDGE SAYS OBAMA CAN BE ON GEORGIA BALLOT!Posted on Bob Unruh-On February 3, 2012:

All That Is Wrong with Georgia State Judge Michael M. Malihi’s Decision that Putative President Obama Is a “Natural Born Citizen!”-Posted on Natural Born Citizen-By Mario Apuzzo, Esq.-On February 3, 2012:

DNC Refuses to Remove Obama From Presidential Ballot!-Posted on The Patriot Update-By Daniel Greystone-On February 3, 2012:

Video: Georgia Judge Malihi Under Siege!-Posted on February 3, 2012:

Obama shows contempt for judicial process!-Posted on The Sonoran News-By Linda Bentley-On February 1, 2012:

Atlanta Obama Eligibility Hearing Transcripts!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 3, 2012:

Illinois State Board of Elections erroneously rules Obama Natural Born because of Birth Certificate!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 2, 2012:

Illinois State Board of Elections says “Birther” complaints have been settled before, you have no right to speak!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 2, 2012:

Hatfield Files Three Briefs in Swenssen/Powell GA Obama Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 2, 2012:

Another Objection Against Obama’a placement on Illinois!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 2, 2012:

Obama Got Served–GA Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On February 2, 2012:

More Arrows in the Quiver–Legal Weapons!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 2, 2012:

Another New Route to Attack the Usurper!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 2, 2012:

Obama Got Served!-Posted on American Thinker-By Cindy Simpson-On February 1, 2012:

Cite Obama with Contempt Lawyers Urge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 2, 2012:

CITE OBAMA WITH CONTEMPT, LAWYERS URGE: ‘Refusal to follow subpoena ‘no less than declaration of total dictatorial authority!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On February 1, 2012:

Georgia Ruling Coming Soon!-Posted on Liberty Legal Foundation-By John, Co-Founder LIBERTY LEGAL FOUNDATION-On February 1, 2012:

Obama’s Contempt For the Rule of Law!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 1, 2012:

Interviews with Van Irion and Mark Hatfield after Obama Eligibility Trial!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 1, 2012:

Illinois Board of Elections to hear Obama Eligibility Cases Feb. 2!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On February 1, 2012:

Florida primary opens door to Obama eligibilty challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 1, 2012:

Stunning Numbers Want Congress To Probe Obama’s Eligibility!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 1, 2012:’s-eligibility

Yes, There Were Other Attorneys at The Atlanta Obama Ballot Challenge Hearings!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 31, 2012:

How Obama’s Eligibility Fiasco Poses Trouble For Dems!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KEVIN “COACH” COLLINS-On January 31, 2012:

Sooners are Later?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On January 31, 2012:

OBAMA ELIGIBILITY CHALLENGES SPREAD TO 6 STATES: ‘Decision in Georgia case expected soon, but ballot concerns going viral!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On January 30, 2012:

Rachel Maddow: Too Ridiculous for Words?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 31, 2012:

Atlanta Obama Ballot Challenge Hearing, 1-26-12– Sound-Enhanced Video!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 1, 2012:

First Georgia Ballot Challenge Transcript from 1-26-12 Released!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 31, 2012:

Obama Attorney Knows Eligibility Hearing Was Disaster For The President!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On January 30, 2012:

Pravda Writes about Obama Ballot Challenge Director Pamela Barnett!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 30, 2012:

Obama the Chicken is Being Plucked!-Posted on English Pravada-By Mark McGrew-On January 30, 2012:

What Witnesses Testified To At Obama’s Georgia Citizenship Hearing!-Posted on Western Journalism-By SUZANNE EOVALDI-On January 30, 2012:

Obama’s Main Opponents Might be Removed from Illinois Ballot?Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 30, 2012:

Another Atlanta Hearing Video!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 30, 2012:

Will court allow Obama to be above the law?: Message from Van Irion- A Georgia Ballot Challenge Hearing Attorney!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 29, 2012:

Judge Malihi About To Lower The Boom On Barack?Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 28, 2012:

Media’s Coverage Of Eligibility Hearings!-Posted on Western Journalism-ByDANIEL NOE-On January 28, 2012: Under Attack?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 28, 2012:

You Know You’ve Arrived When Your Videos Are Pirated–Atlanta Videos Surface- on Internet-Rebranded!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On January 28, 2012:

Shouldn’t president honor a subpoena? ‘Maybe rule of law means different things for different people!’Posted on Daily Inter Lake-By FRANK MIELE/Daily Inter Lake-On January 28, 2012:

Judge Determining if Obama Will Be on Georgia Ballot!-Posted on WSAV TV-By ANDREW DAVIS | WSAV-TV-On January 28, 2012:

The Dirty “little” Secret Of The Natural Born Citizen Clause Revealed by Leo Donofrio, Esq.!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 27, 2012:“little”-secret-of-the-natural-born-citizen-clause-revealed-by-leo-donofrio-esq

Finally, an actual hearing on eligibility!-Posted on Joseph Farah, Editor and Chief Executive Officer, January 27, 2012:

Media To Americans: ‘Nothing To See Here’: ‘Reports ignore first time Obama ineligibility evidence entered into court record!’-Posted on Jack Minor-On January 27, 2012:

Georgia Judge Considered ‘Default’ Against Obama: ‘Ruling could have brought immediate recommendation to remove name from ballot!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On January 27, 2012:

Results Of Obama’s Eligibility Hearing In Georgia!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On January 27, 2012:

Post-Eligibility Proceedings, Obama Accused Of Disrespecting Court, State, Americans!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DAVE TOMBERS-On January 27, 2012:

What Really Happened In A Georgia Courtroom On January 26, 2012?-Posted on Western Journalism-By MIKI BOOTH-on January 27, 2012:

Exclusive Video Of Entire Georgia Obama Eligibility Hearing!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On January 27, 2012:

Video: The Birther’s Victory In Atlanta Court!-Posted on ATLAH Media Network-On January 27, 2012:

Dr. James Manning Interviews Carl Swensson on Victory in Atlanta Court!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 27, 2012:

Eligibility attorney: Obama needs impeaching!-Posted on ATLAH Media Network-On January 26, 2012:

ELIGIBILITY ATTORNEY: OBAMA NEEDS IMPEACHING: ‘We don’t have a constitutional republic any longer!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On January 26, 2012:

Video: Obama Skips Case, Could be Kicked Off Georgia Ballot!-Posted on ufohunter16903On January 26, 2012:

Media Reports on Atlanta Eligibility Hearings!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 26, 2012:

New Jersey Citizen Weighs in on Obama Ineligibility!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 26, 2012:

Earthquake in Atlanta!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 26, 2012:

GEORGIA COURT TOLD OBAMA SLAM-DUNK DISQUALIFIED: ‘Sworn testimony reveals fake Social Security number, other gaps!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On January 26, 2012:

Historic Atlanta Obama Eligibility Hearing Over!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 26, 2012:

An “Empty Chair” Defense in Atlanta!-Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 26, 2012:

Obama Put in His Place- Eligibility Hearing is ON for Thursday in Atlanta!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 26, 2012:

OBAMA ELIGIBILITY HEARING TO BE BROADCAST LIVE ‘Complicit media ignoring all calls for honest reporting on the issue!’-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 26, 2012:

Judge to Rule AGAINST Obama Eligibility in Georgia? Developing!-Posted On Ulsterman Report-By Ulsterman-On January 26, 2012:

Dr. James David Manning Interviews Carl Swensson On Obama Being Ordered To Court!-Posted on ATLAH Media Network-On January 25, 2012:

OBAMA ADMITS HE IS NOT CONSTITUTIONALLY ELIGIBLE BY DEFAULT!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By unlawful-On January 25, 2012:

Breaking: Jablonski Doing a Desperation Play on Atlanta Obama Eligibility Hearings!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 25, 2012:

Obama Ballot Challenge Plaintiff Speaks Out on Radio and TV!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 25, 2012:

Citizen Voters of New York Petion for NYS Court of Appeals to Rule on Natural Born!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-Byunlawful-On January 25, 2012:

Obama Enters Motion to Strike and Dismiss Illinois Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By unlawful-On January 25, 2012:

Video: Judge Orders Obama to Court, Media Conspiracy!-Posted on ATLAHWorldwide-On January 24, 2012:

Georgia Democrat Party Says Republicans Carrying Out “Political Tricks” Against Obama!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 24, 2012:“political-tricks”-against-obama

Playing Musical Courtrooms in Atlanta!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On January 24, 2012:

Obama’s Lawyers Outline Subpoena Defense for Court Appearance This Week!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 24, 2012:’s-lawyers-outline-supoena-defense-for-court-appearance-this-week

WILL OBAMA SHOW UP AT ELIGIBILITY HEARING? ‘Judge wants president in Atlanta courtroom Thursday!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On January 23, 2012:

Obama’s Lawyers Outline Supoena Defense for Court Appearance This Week!-Posted on Minuteman PAC-On January 23, 2012:

MSM Treating Ballot/Eligibility Challengers Differently Now?-Posted on Obama Ballto Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 23, 2012:

Ga. Lawsuit Attempting to Keep Obama Off Ballot: ‘Complaint: Obama Not a Natural-Born U.S. Citizen!’Posted on PAUL YATES/myfoxatlanta-On January 23, 2012:

Hearings on keeping Obama off the ballot in Illinois are tomorrow, January 24, 2012!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By unlawful-On January 23, 2012:

Natural Born Amicus Brief By Attorney Leo Donofrio!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 23, 2012:

Atlanta Weldon Obama Ballot Challenge Status- One Week to Go!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 23, 2012:

Obama Summoned to Appear in Georgia Eligibility Hearing!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 23, 2012:

Attorney Apuzzo on Obama Obligation to Testify; Rondeau on Identity Fraud and More!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 23, 2012:

Is Obama Guilty of Identity Fraud Rather than Ineligibility?-Posted on The Post & Email-By by Sharon Rondeau-On January 22, 2012:

Judge Rules Obama Must Prove Presidential Eligibility In Georgia Courtroom On Thursday, January 26, 2012!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On January 23, 2012:

Will Jan. 26th Be “The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia” For Obama And His 27 Social Security Numbers?-Posted on Western Journalism-BySUZANNE EOVALDI-On January 23, 2012:

Georgia Judge Orders Obama To Attend Ballot Access Hearing!-Posted on BirtherReportDotCom -On January 21, 2012:

NEW CHALLENGES TO OBAMA’S ELIGIBILITY ARISE!-Posted on The Dirty Lowdown-By John Dilligent-On January 21, 2012:

Sunshine State Shenanigans!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 22, 2012:

Video: Calling All Georgia Patriots & Tea Partiers – Your Country Needs You On January 26, 2012!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 22, 2012:

Article II Super Pac Will Provide Gavel To Gavel Live Video Coverage For 3 Obama Challenge Hearings In Georgia On January 26, 2012!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 22, 2012:

Video: Obama’s Georgia attorney argues that states don’t control elections!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By unlawful-On January 22, 2012:

Obama Ballot Challenge in Arizona!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 21, 2012:

JUDGE WHACKS OBAMA IN ELIGIBILITY CASE: ‘Defendant has failed to enlighten the court with legal authority’!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On January 20, 2012:

Ga. judge orders president to appear at hearing!-Posted on The Sacramento Bee-By The Associated Press-On January 20, 2012:

Obama’s Motion To Quash My Subpoena Is Denied and He Has To Appear At Trial and Present All The Documents That I Demanded To Produce In My Subpoena!Posted on Dr. Orly Taitz, Ezquire-On January 20, 2012:

Obama has to appear in a Georgia Court next week to show his birth document and other records!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By unlawful-On January 20, 2012:

New activity in the Swensson-Powell v Obama primary ballot access challenge in Georgia!-Posted on Article II Super PAC-On January 19, 2012:

Breaking: CA Voters, including Presidential Candidate, Challenge Obama on California Ballot!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 19, 2012:

Dr. Orly Taitz Files Opposition to Obama’s Motion to Quash Subpoena!-Posted on Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire-On January 19, 2012:

Dr. Orly Taitz Issues Subpoena to Sheriff Arpaio for Obama Georgia Eligibility Case!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By unlawful-On January 19, 2012:

OBAMA ARGUES AGAINST APPEARING AT ELIGIBILITY HEARING: ‘Electors, Congress, not Georgia, hold responsibility for qualifications of candidates!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On January 18, 2012:

Exclusive: Deadline challenge to keep Obama off primary ballot?-Posted on WLS Radio-By Mary Frances Bragiel-Updated on January 16, 2012:

Five Obama Ballot Challenges in Illinois Now!-Posted on Illinois State Board of Elections-On January 13, 2012:

Barack Obama Filed A Motion Asking Judge Malihi In Georgia To Quash Subpoenas By Dr. Orly Taitz!-Posted on Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire-On January 18, 2012:

OBAMA HAS GEORGIA ON HIS MIND: COURT WILL HEAR ELIGIBILITY CASE!-Posted on Amercan Free Press-By Pat Shannan-On January 13, 2012:

Atlanta Court date set for Obama eligibility hearing. Public invited!-Posted on The Examiner-By Patricia Walston, Atlanta News-On January 11, 2012:

Injunction filed against head of Alabama Democratic Party to stay Obama off ballot until eligibility can be proven!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge–By unlawful-ON January 11, 2012:

Judge Denies Georgia Citizen’s Request for Special Grand Jury to Investigate Secretary of State!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On January 11, 2012:

Ballot Challenge in the Land of Lincoln!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On January 10, 2012:

Las Cruces Sons of Liberty FiledComplaint to Remove Barack Obama from 2012 NM Ballot!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 9, 2012:

New Hampshire lawmakers question Obama’s citizenship!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Dave Boyer, The Washington Times-On January 9, 2012:

Complaint Filed With NH Sheriff’s Offices Demanding That Barack Hussein Obama Be Taken Off The Election Ballot In New Hampshire Because He is Not An Article II, Section I, Clause 5 Eligible Candidate!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On January 9, 2012:

Virginia Voter Asks GOP Leader to Vet GOP Presidential Candidates to Determine If They Are Constitutionally Eligible POTUS Candidates!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By unlawful-On January 9, 2012:

Atty. Van Irion Discusses Georgia Ballot Challenge and the Constitution!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On January 7, 2012:

Candidate Files Writ of Quo Warranto to Oust Obama And/Or Prevent Obama Ballot Access In United States District Court For The District Of Columbia!-Posted on Birther Report-On January 7, 2012:

Video: Fox News: Georgia Ballot Access Challenge Against Obama Gets Hearing!-Posted on BirtherReportDotCom-On January 6, 2012:

Barack Obama Unable To Register For State Primary As Alabama Reviews His Eligibility To Be A Candidate For The Presidency!-Posted on Americans United for Freedom-On January 7, 2012:

Obama Eligibility Challenges Go Forward!-Posted on Conservative News and Views-By TERRY A. HURLBUT-On January 5, 2012:

Lawmakers: Obama ballot challenge unfairly denied!-Posted on Concord Monitor-By Maddie Hanna / Monitor staff-On January 4, 2012:

Video: Press Conference with New Hampshire Representatives Regarding Obama Ballot Access Challenge and Fraud!-Posted on January 3, 2012:

Video: President Obama removed from Georgia ballot in 2012?-Posted on GAJournalist-On January 6, 2012:

Video: OBAMA DENIED Motion to DISMISS – Must Stand Trial in Georgia on Eligibility!-Posted on LedaOhio5-On January 5, 2012:

Video: Georgia Obama Ballot Challenge!-Posted on pixelpatriot-On January 5, 2012:

COURT: OBAMA MUST BE ‘CONSTITUTIONALLY’ ELIGIBLE: ‘Judge denies president’s motion to dismiss challenge to 2012 candidacy!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On January 3, 2012:

Open Letter to Judge Michael Malihi of Georgia: ‘The Rule Of Law Must Be Upheld!’-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On January 3, 2012:

Georgia Court Ruled Against Obama!-Posted on Liberty Legal Foundation-On January 3, 2012:

Office Of State Administrative Hearings State Of Georgia: ‘Farrar Case Motion to Dismiss by Defendant (Barack Obama): DENIED!’-Posted on January 3, 2012:

BREAKING!!! Georgia Court to Hear Natural Born Citizen Case vs Obama!-Posted on The National Patriot-By Craig Andresen-On January 3, 2012:

NH lawmakers question Obama ballot status!-Posted on Boston Globe-By The Associated Press-On January 3, 2012:

Video: NH House of Representatives Members to Hold Press Conference on Obama’s Eligibility on January 3, 2012!Posted on Jan uary 2, 2012:

Constitutional Justice Rally outside of the NH Statehouse at 10 AM On January 3, 2011!

New Hampshire House of Representatives Members to Hold Press Conference on Obama’s Eligibility on January 3, 2012!Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On January 1, 2012::

Video: NH Ballot Law Commission Committed Election Fraud!-Posted on lmmortalDyad -On December 31, 2011:

One effort in Virginia to learn the truth!-Posted on ObamaBallotChallenge.ocm-By GeorgeM-On December 30, 2011:

Video: Orly Taitz vs NH Ballot Law Commission Obama Birth!Posted on TJCTVOn November 19, 2011:

Georgia Registered Voter Files Petition for Special Grand Jury to Investigate Secretary of State!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On December 29, 2011:

Comprehensive Look At New Hampshire’s Supreme Court Eligibility Compaint!Posted on The Post & Email-By Lori Grider, Western Regional Campaign Director, The Cody Robert Judy for President U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign-On December 19, 2011:

Alabama Man Files Lawsuit to Keep Obama Off Ballot For Eligibility Issues!-Posted on Wesern Journalism-On December 16, 2011:

Retired Marine Captain Files Obama Ballot Challenge in New Mexico!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On December 13, 2011:

Request that President Obama be removed from the New Mexico 2012 Presidential Primary Election Ballot!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On January 5, 2012:

Georgia Law Makes Secretary of State Responsible for Vetting Candidates!-Posted on Post & Email-On December 9, 2011:

Liberty Legal Foundation keeps argument simple on eligibility!-Posted on Sonoran News-By Linda Bentley, December 7, 2011:

Liberty Legal Foundation serves DNC with Obama eligibility complaint!-Posted on Examiner-By Linda Bentley, Maricopa County Crime Examiner-On December 7, 2011:

3rd state facing challenge over Obama eligibility: ‘Alabama complaint alleges, ‘We’re now talking of fraud!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On December 1, 2011:

Ballots with Obama’s name facing more legal challenges!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 29, 2011:

Video: Crowd Reacts to NH Obama Eligibility Hearing, “Traitors!”-Posted on admin-On November 23, 2011:

Two Lawsuits Filed Seeking to Stop Democrats From Certifying Obama For 2012 Ballot!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On October 27, 2011:

No Certification Without Verification!-Posted on Liberty Legal Foundation-On October 25, 2011:

Class Action Complaint For Declaratory and Injunctive Relief!-Posted on October 25, 2011:

Note:  What follows are numerous articles and/or blog posts, websites and videos that relate to and/or support the above articles and/or blog posts and videos-You Decide:

I.  Democratic Party of Hawaii would not certify in 2008 that Obama was constitutionally and legally eligible for the Office of President. Details here.

II.  Notre Dame Professor Charles Rice: Obama’s eligibility could be biggest political fraud in the history of the world; time for a new approach. Details here.

III.  Attorney Mario Apuzzo: All presidents born after 1787, except for Chester Arthur and Barack Obama, met the “natural born Citizen” criteria. Details here.

IV.  Commander Charles Kerchner: List of U.S. Presidents – Eligibility under Article II Grandfather Clause (GFC) or Natural Born Citizen (NBC) Clause or Seated due to Election Fraud. Details here.

V.  Jack Cashill Discusses Obama’s Fraudulent Social Security Number That Is Reserved for Connecticut Applicants. Video here.

VI.  Detailed reports on Obama’s SS# can be found: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

VII.  Visit the Birther Vault for the long list of evidence against Hawaii officials and all of the people questioning Obama’s eligibility:

VIII. Obama’s CIA Connections! (Part I & II)-Posted on Veterans Today-By Wayne Madsen-On August 18, 2010:

IX. CIA drug traffic TI whistleblowers’ death threats and psych confinement for ‘delusion’!-Posted on National Examiner-By Deborah Dupre, Human Rights Examiner-On February 15, 2010:

Note: The following recent articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to and/or support the above articles and/or blog posts and videos-You Decide:

NWO-BREAKING! Stunning Revelation In Obama Fraud Case

BREAKING! Stunning Revelation In Obama Fraud Case!-Posted on PP Simmons-By Seizethecarp-On June 5, 2013:

NWO-Law men and elected officials SHOCKED by new evidence

Law men and elected officials “SHOCKED” by new evidence. Obama Birth credentials fraudulently and criminally fabricated! Biggest FRAUD in US History!-Posted on PPSimmons News-On June 1, 2013:

NWO-Inside Edition Helps Prove Obama Indonesian Citizen Named Barry Soetoro

“Inside Edition” Helps Prove Obama Indonesian Citizen Named Barry Soetoro?-Posted on Western Journalism-ByNEWSEDITOR-On May 2, 2013:

NWO-Sheriff Joe Obama Document Fraud Investigator Believes Case Will Lead To Prosecution

Sheriff Joe Obama Document Fraud Investigator Believes Case Will Lead To Prosecution!-Posted on Before It’s News-By (Reporter)-On May 1, 2013:

NWO-The Obama Fraud Is Nearing A Complete Exposure

The Obama Fraud Is Nearing A Complete Exposure!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 24, 2013:

Obama-Carl Gallups Big Plan A On Target and Scheduled to Happen to Exposing Obama Birth Certificate Fraud

Carl Gallups: “Big ‘Plan A’ On Target and Scheduled to Happen” to Exposing Obama Birth Certificate Fraud!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On April 13, 2013:

Obama-Who mailed live explosive to Sheriff Joe

WHO MAILED LIVE EXPLOSIVE TO SHERIFF JOE? Investigators now looking at lawman’s enemies!-Posted on April 12, 2013:

Obama-Expert Predicts Prison Time For Those Who've Helped Obama

Expert Predicts Prison Time For Those Who’ve Helped Obama!-Posted on Mark Gillar Blog Talk Radio-By Mark Gillar-On March 16, 2013:

Obama-Citizens Grand Jury Indictment

Startling Revelation: Will the Court End Obama’s Presidency Like this?-Posted on Before It’s News-On January 31, 2013:

Bombshell! Obama Guilty: Default In Court!-Posted on Before It’s News-On January 31, 2013:

Obama-Supreme Court Opens Door To Another Challenge To Obama Eligibility On February 15th

Supreme Court Opens Door To Another Challenge To Obama Eligibility On February 15Th!-Posted on January 14, 2013:

Atty Mario Apuzzo

Is Putative President Barack Hussein Obama II Really Bari Shabazz, Fugitive from Justice For 21 Years Following An Auto Accident in Honolulu County, Hawaii on March 12, 1982?-Posted on Natural Born Citizen-By Atty. Mario Apuzzo-On November 7, 2011:

Atty Mario Apuzzo

Logic and Defining the “Natural Born Citizen” Clause!-Posted on Natural Born Citizen-By Mario Apuzzo, Esq.-On November 28, 2012:

Stopping an Illegal “President”!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On November 21, 2012:


OBAMA SNUB PROVES FOREIGN BIRTH:  ‘This may go down as the greatest con in the history of American politics’!-Posted on BOB UNRUH-On November 1, 2012:

Obama WILL Do Anything to Win!-Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On October 30, 2012:

Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 28, 2012:

WEBSITE AND EMAIL ACCOUNTS HACKED?-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 29, 2012:

Barack Obama is Ineligible to be President, for He is Neither a “Natural Born Citizen” nor a “Citizen of the United States, at the Time of the Adoption of This Constitution”!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 29, 2012:

The Question of Obama’s Legitimacy Will NOT Go Away With a Change of Office!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on October 25, 2012:

Still Don’t Know Who to Vote For? Then Read This!

Report: Donald Trump to Release “Something Very, Very Big” About Obama!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On October 22, 2012:

Video: Donald Trump claims Barack Obama bombshell!-Posted on Politico-On October 22, 2012:

Video: Do We Really Know Who Barack Hussein Obama II Is?

Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 18, 2012:

WILL WE THE PEOPLE ALLOW A CRIMINAL SYNDICATE TO STAY IN POWER?-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 8, 2012:

Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On October 5, 2012:

The Birthers Aren’t Going Anywhere!-Posted on YouGov-ByAdam Berinsky-On October 1, 2012:

LIFE AFTER ROMNEY AND THE REPUBLICANS: ‘Exclusive: Larry Klayman tells of citizens grand jury set to hear evidence against Obama!’-Posted on LARRY KLAYMAN-On September 28, 2012:

OBAMA ELIGIBILITY ODDS: 1 IN 62.5 QUINTILLION: ‘Lord Monckton crunches numbers on ‘mistakes’ in White House birth certificate’!-Posted on September 25, 2012:

Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On September 22, 2012:


Strategy Update for Florida Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On September 18, 2012:

ForgeryGate: From Bennett To Bauer…and Back Again!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TOM BALLANTYNE JR-On September 11, 2012:

Video: Karl Rove Defends Obama’s Eligibility To Be President!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On September 11, 2012:

Letter to Elections Officials Informs Them of “Legally Qualified” Wording!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On September 6, 2012:

9th Circuit Court of Appeals Refuses To Block DNC Certification of Ineligible Obama!-Posted on Pamela Barnett-On September 7, 2012:

Bill Clinton Going Birther?-Posted on ObamaBalloot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On September 6, 2012:

WHY DID OBAMA ANNOUNCE OSAMA TAKEDOWN? ‘Exclusive: Jack Cashill puts ‘birth certificate’ release into chronology of bin Laden kill”!-Posted on JACK CASHILL-On September 5, 2012:

OBAMA LAWYER WARNED AGAINST CERTIFYING ELIGIBILITY: ‘’For any party official to do so would be to perjure him or herself’!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On September 3, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE WON’T ABANDON OBAMA PROBE: ‘Hunt for truth continues, even if media ignore evidence!’-Posted on DREW ZAHN-On September 2, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio to Speak to Delegates at 5:00 EDT; Trump Mum on “Surprise”!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On August 30, 2012:

GRANDMA SARAH’S POSTER CELEBRATES ‘KENYAN WONDER-BOY’: ‘Film documents calendar in village home of Obama’s relative!’-Posted on JEROME R. CORSI-On August 29, 2012:

Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 26, 2012:…

Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 1)-Posted on TeaPartyorg-By Jake Martinez-On August 24, 2012:

Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 2)-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 31, 2012:

Anti-Obama Navy SEAL leader: I’m A Birther; Barack Obama’s A Born Red-Diaper Baby!-Posted on Obama Release Your Records-On August 18, 2012:

How do you like the egg on your face? Scrambled? Omelet?-Posted on Scanned Retina Blog-By Arnie-On August 18, 2012:

Report: “Obama is Preparing to Leave the Presidency”!-Posted on TeaPartyorg-By Jake Martinez-On August 17, 2012:

Citizens Contact Rep. Steve King for Redress of the Crime of Treason!-Posted on The Post & EmailBy Sharon Rondeau-On August 15, 2012:

Obama pals team up to stick it to Sheriff Joe: ‘Free speech’ group ridicules attempt to hold president accountable!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On August 7, 2012:

OBAMA’S COLLEGE CLASSMATE: ‘THE OBAMA SCANDAL IS AT COLUMBIA’!-Posted on The Blaze-On August 6, 2012:’s-college-classmate-the-obama-scandal-is-at-columbia/

Video: Team Obama Hypocrites Demand Romney Records: Obama’s Bogus Social Security Number Unanswered!-Posted on Obama Release Your Records-On August 7, 2012:

Video: Arpaio Investigation Closes in on Obama Birth Certificate Fraud!-Posted on DrJeromeCorsi-On August 4, 2012:

Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On July 28, 2012:

ForgeryGate: What Will It Take For Congress To Wake Up?-Posted on Western Journalism-By GABOR ZOLNA-On July 25, 2012:

Video: The Evidence Is In: America Is Under Foreign Control!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 22, 2012:

Video:Arpaio Cold Case Posse Chief Investigator Mike Zullo Interviewed by ABC Channel 15 Reporter Connie Colla!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On July 22, 2012:


ARPAIO PROBE COULD DWARF WATERGATE!-Posted on The Washington Times 24/7-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner-On July 19, 2012:

The Big Lie – Obama is the Living Example and Personification of The Big Lie Propaganda Technique. Obama is The Big Lie!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On July 19, 2012:

THE CONSTITUTION, VATTEL, AND “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN”!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On July 18, 2012:

Obama Eligibility Lawsuit Reaches Supreme Court!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On July 18, 2012:

Arpaio’s Obama Probe Finds “National Security Threat”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On July 18, 2012:

Video: Obama Certificate FORGED! National Security In Jeopardy!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 18, 2012:

Video: Arpaio Posse Exposes Obama’s Fraud!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On July 18, 2012:

Video: Watch Joe Arpaio’s Press Conference!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 18, 2012:

Video: Local Coverage Of Sheriff Joe’s Latest ForgeryGate Revelations!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 18, 2012:

Media Coverage of Sheriff Arpaio Cold Case Posse Press Conference 7-17-12!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On July 18, 2012:

MEDIA IGNORE SHERIFF JOE’S EVIDENCE, SHOOT MESSENGER: ‘’Information we are bringing forth is becoming very difficult for them to refute’!-Posted on ART MOORE-On July 17, 2012:

ARPAIO OBAMA PROBE FINDS ‘NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT’: ‘Hawaii found to be bogus birth-certificate factory!’-Posted on July 17, 2012:

Who’s The Real Felon, Mr. Obama?-Posted on Western Journalism-ByDERRICK HOLLENBECK-On July 17, 2012:

Sheriff Arpaio’s Second Obama Invesitgation Update Tomorrow July 17!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On July 16, 2012:

Video: Sheriff Joe’s New Hard Hitting TV Ad “Outrage”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 13, 2012:

Video: White House Sneers At Reporter’s Request For Obama’s College Records!Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 13, 2012:

Video: BUSTED! Arpaio Team FINDS THE MAN Who Forged Obama BC!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On July 8, 2012:

Dreams from My Real Father!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On July 8, 2012:

Birthers Declare Victory!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On July 5, 2012:

Spineless Congress Won’t Save Our Republic!-Posted on Western Journalism!-By TIM POWERS-On June 16, 2012:

Secrets Revealed!-Posted on American Thinker-By Nick Chase-On June 15, 2012:

Lord of the Skeptics!-Posted on American Thinker-By Cindy Simpson-On June 13, 2012:

Piercing the Cone of Silence!-Posted on American Thinker-By Nick Chase-On June 12, 2012:

What Did Savannah Guthrie Really See?-Posted on American Thinker-By Nick Chase-On June 11, 2012:

Sheriff Joe’s Cold Case Posse Commander Responds to The CNN Hit Piece On Donald Trump!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On June 14, 2012:

Video: News Update from Sheriff Joe’s Cold Case Posse Commander – Interview by Mark Gellar!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On June 14, 2012:

WHO IS THE WHITE HOUSE MOLE?-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On June 16, 2012:

Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on Jake Martinez-On June 12, 2012:

Video: IS OBAMA – An ILLEGAL President?-Posted on ppsimmons-On April 21, 2012:

ForgeryGate: An Excerpt From Obama Expose‘!-Posted on Western Journalism-By MIKI BOOTH-On June 9, 2012:

Video: Lord Monckton Investigates Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On June 9, 2012:

OBAMA JUST CAUGHT IN BIG LIE? ‘Documents confirm he was member of socialist party!’-Posted on Jake Martinez-On June 7, 2012:

UNMASKING THE MEDIA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE HYPOCRISY!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Jeffrey T. Kuhner-On June 7, 2012:

CNN ‘BIRTHER BUSTER’ REPORT ‘PERPETRATES FRAUD’! ‘Network misrepresents microfilm birth record as Obama’s!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On June 6, 2012:

Narcissism and Tyranny—The Consequence of Executive Egocentrism: ‘Self Service Masquerading as Public Service!’-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 31, 2012:

Video: Birthers: Most Powerful Group In America!-Posted on ATLAHWorldwide-On May 31, 2012:

The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on May 24, 2012:

Why The Word “Tyrant” Accurately Describes Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On May 27, 2012:

Video: Lord Monckton of UK Discusses Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate and Why It Is An Important Issue! (Part 1 of 4)-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On June 4, 2012:

Video: Lord Monckton on Obama’s Birth Certificate – May 30, 2012! (Part 2 of 4)-Posted on Article2SuperPAC-On June 4, 2012:

Video: Lord Monckton on Obama’s Birth Certificate – May 30, 2012! (Part 3 of 4)-Posted on Article2SuperPAC-On June 4, 2012:

Video: Lord Monckton on Obama’s Birth Certificate – May 30, 2012! (Part 4 of 4)-Posted on Article2SuperPAC-On June 4, 2012:

CORSI VS. GOV. PATERSON ON ELIGIBILITY!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 31, 2012:

A Summary Of Recent Developments In ForgeryGate!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On May 31, 2012:

Memorial Day 2012: Time To Remember The Price Of Freedom!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on May 26, 2012:

Pro-Obama Judges A Disgrace On Memorial Day!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On May 29, 2012:

Cowardly Pro-Obama Judges a Disgrace on Memorial Day!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 29, 2012:

Why Most “Conservative” Commentators Are Fools Or Cowards!-Posted Western Journalism-By KEVIN “COACH” COLLINS-On May 29, 2012:

Video: Floyd Brown: It Is Unbelievable Obama Unaware Of “Born In Kenya” Bio!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 29, 2012:

Video: Sheriff Joe To Hawaii: Show Us The Proof!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 29, 2012:

Hawaii Senior Elections Clerk: “Barack Obama Was Not Born In Hawaii”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On May 29, 2012:

Videos from Constitutional Elections Summit at Fair Park Bible Fellowship Church!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 29, 2012:

CNBC Goes Birther: Donald Trump Unloads Birther Rant After Romney Reaffirms Support!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 29, 2012:

Video: ForgeryGate: Lord Monckton Defends Sheriff Joe In Interview!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 29, 2012:

WHERE’S THE LAWMAN TO RUN OBAMA OUT OF TOWN? ‘Lord Monckton tells Americans: It’s time to get behind thisapproach!’-Posted on Drew Zahn-On May 28, 2012:

Lord Monckton and Author Tom Ballantyne to speak in Ventura County, CA, Wednesday on Obama (In)Eligibility!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 28, 2012:

“ONE NATION UNDER FRAUD” radio show premiering this Memorial Day, May 28, 2012 at 4 pm EST!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 28, 2012:

Video: Detective Mike Zullo – AZ Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Commander – Updates Us From Hawaii!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 28, 2012:

Report from Mike Zullo in Hawaii Investigating Obama Natural Born Citizenship!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 30, 2012:

WILL TRUMP ATTABOY TURN INTO CASH FOR ARPAIO PROBE? ‘Sheriff Joe reveals The Donald still interested in Obama eligibility!’-Posted on May 26, 2012:

Video: ForgeryGate: Sheriff Joe And Trump Teaming Up?-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 26, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Donald Trump [possibly] Teaming Up To Take On Obama’s Felony Document Fraud?-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 26, 2012:

Sheriff Joe’s Posse: ‘Hawaii Duped Arizona’!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 26, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE’S POSSE: ‘HAWAII DUPED ARIZONA’: ‘Letter on Obama eligibility ‘doesn’t verify anything of significance’!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 25, 2012:

Sheriff Joe’s posse: ‘Hawaii duped Arizona’ on Obama Birth Info!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 26, 2012:

Scrubbed Geraldo Rivera Interview with Lord Monckton on Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate!-Posted on OBAMARELEASE YOURRECORDS-On May 25, 2012:

GERALDO TO MONCKTON: YOU’RE SMOKING CRACK: ‘Thatcher adviser claims 17 red flags on Obama’s birth certificate!’-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On May 27, 2012:

Video: ForgeryGate: Geraldo Rivera Thinks You Are A Racist!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 26, 2012:

Mainstream Media Gobbles Up Latest Hawaiian Propaganda of Obama’s Alleged Birth Origin!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On May 25, 2012:

Public Notice of Demand!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 24, 2012:

Final Proof Obama Was Born in Africa | Front Page | Globe Magazine!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 24, 2012:

Video: NBC Unintentionally Proves Obama Birth Certificate Tampered With!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On May 24, 2012:

Obama: Falsifier In Chief!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Ben Shapiro-On May 23, 2012:

U.S. Government Questioned Obama’s Citizenship When He Was 5!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 23, 2012:

MARGARET THATCHER ADVISER TALKS OBAMA ELIGIBILITY: ‘Lord Monckton to appear at Arizona tea-party event!’-Posted on May 23, 2012:

Adviser to Margaret Thatcher talks about Obama eligibility – Lord Monckton to appear at Arizona tea-party event!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 22, 2012:

Video: Was Obama Born In Kenya?-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 23, 2012:

An Open Letter To The “Senior Staff” At!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TOM BALLANTYNE JR.-On May 23, 2012:

Contact AZ SOS!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 23, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE: ‘I’M NOT GOING TO CALL IT QUITS’: ‘Arizona lawman responds to decision to put Obama on state ballot!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 23, 2012:

“In my meetings with Mr. Bennett on behalf of Sheriff Arpaio, he was uninterested in reviewing the evidence the Cold Case Posse has accumulated,” Zullo said!-Posted on Obama Ballot-ByGeorgeM-On May 23, 2012:

IS AZ SOS Bennett Throwing in the Towel Before the Fight Starts?Posted on Obama Ballot-By GeorgeM-On May 23, 2012:

Obama’s Rather Impressive List Of “Accomplishments”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TIM POWERS-On May 22, 2012:

Levin: Obama’s College Transcripts More ‘Secret’ Than Details Of Bin Laden Raid!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 22, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Sends Detectives To Honolulu!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 22, 2012:

HAWAII FIVE-O: SHERIFF JOE SENDS DETECTIVES TO HONOLULU: ‘Cold Case Posse seeks to crack mystery of Obama’s birth 50 years ago!’-Posted on May 21, 2012:

AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio Sends Detectives to Honolulu Hawaii to Investigate Obama Birth Records Authenticity – Seeks to Crack Mystery of Obama’s Birth Records There of 50 Years Ago!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 21, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Sends Detectives to Honolulu for “Obama” Birth Certificate Issue!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 22, 2012:

The Potemkin President Disintegrates!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Bruce Thornton-On May 21, 2012:

Obama Is The Big Lie!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On May 21, 2012:

Why Eligibility Is So Important To America!-Posted on Western Journalism-By MICHAEL J. NELLETT-On May 21, 2012:

LOU DOBBS MYSTIFIED BY OBAMA-BIRTH ‘TABOO’: ‘I don’t know where the national media was in 2008 – or now’!-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On May 20, 2012:

Lou Dobbs of Fox Business News mystified by Obama-birth location discussion ‘taboo’ by Major Media and the Republican Party!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 20, 2012:

Video: Lou Dobbs Mystified By Obama-birth ‘Taboo’!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On May 21, 2012:

Democrat Plaintiff Demands Original Jurisdiction for U.S. Supreme Court in Obama Eligibility Case!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 21, 2012:

Obama literary agent claims Obama was Kenyan-born ~ Now DOZENS more articles confirm the same!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 21, 2012:

Video: Dozens Of Articles Now Confirming Obama Born In Kenya!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 22, 2012:

Video:  Michael Savage: FBI Should Be Investigating Obama’s Eligibility to Be President!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On May 18, 2012:


Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No ‘Fact Checking Error’!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On May 19, 2012:

Video: How Much Do Americans Really Know About Obama?-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 19, 2012:

Romney Is Wrong On Wright!-Posted on Western Journalism-ByBREAKING NEWS-On May 19, 2012:

Democrats Cut Your Losses!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 18, 2012:

LOOK WHO ELSE CONFUSED ABOUT OBAMA BIRTHPLACE: ‘U.S. government questioned citizenship when president was 5!’-Posted on Aaron Klein-On May 18, 2012:

Obama’s literary agent says he was ‘born in Kenya’. How did the mainstream media miss this?-Posted on The Telegraph-By Tim Stanle-On May 18, 2012:

Breakthrough On Eligibility Story!-Posted on Western Journalism-ByBREAKING NEWS-On May 18, 2012:

Video: Literary Agent: Obama Born In Kenya!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On May 18, 2012:

MEDIA CHUCKLE AT BIO ON OBAMA’S KENYA BIRTH: ‘Fox, CNN, NBC, CBS, N.Y. Times missing in action!’-Posted on May 18, 2012:

How The “Mainstream” Media Responded To “Obama Born In Keyna” Booklet!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 18, 2012:


SHOCKER! OBAMA WAS STILL ‘KENYAN-BORN’ IN 2007: ‘Literary references show description in promotion of ‘Dreams’ book!’–Posted on Drew Zahn-On May 18, 2012:



Bio info for 1991 brochure submitted by author/Obama himself!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 18, 2012:

OBAMA’S LIT AGENCY USED ‘BORN IN KENYA’ BIO UNTIL 2007!-Posted on Big Government-By BEN SHAPIRO-On May 17, 2012:

The Mystery of the Kenyan Birth!-Posted on PJ Media-By Roger L Simon-On May 18, 2012:

ARPAIO REACTS TO LATEST OBAMA-KENYA CONNECTION: ‘Sheriff Joe says literary brochure ‘another little element’ of investigation!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On May 17, 2012:


Proof Obama Born In Kenya? Obama Literary Agent Says Yes!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On May 17, 2012:

Breaking News: Obama’s Literary Agent writes in 1991 Booklet: ‘Obama Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’ | @!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDr Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 17, 2012:


Video: Literary Bio Claims Obama Born in Kenya!-Posted on PJTV-On May 17, 2012:

ARPAIO: LOOKS LIKE HAWAII ‘HIDING’ OBAMA BIRTH RECORD: ‘Arizona secretary of state threatens to remove president from ballot!’-Posted on ART MOORE-On May 17, 2012:

Arpaio: Appears Hawaii ‘Hiding’ Obama Birth Record!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 19, 2012:

ARPAIO: APPEARS HAWAII ‘HIDING’ OBAMA BIRTH RECORD; Arizona Secretary of State threatens to remove “President” from ballot!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 19, 2012:

FEDS STONEWALL ON OBAMA DRAFT REGISTRATION RECORD: ‘Agency contends microfilm available only to authorized federal investigation!’-Posted on ART MOORE-On May 17, 2012:

Video: 2004 Kenyan Newspaper Article Calls Obama ‘Kenyan Born,’ Exposes Corruption In Senate Campaign!-Posted Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On May 15, 2012:

6 IN 10 WANT TO KNOW CANDIDATES’ ELIGIBILITY: ‘Interest in issue surges as Obama campaigns!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On May 15, 2012:

Obama’s Arm in Disability of U.S. Supreme Court Clerks Office Reported!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 14, 2012:

When I first read this I thought it was another Obama relative being arrested for ID fraud and document theft!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 14, 2012:

OBAMA-ELIGIBILITY DOUBTS COST PAPER’S ENDORSEMENT: ‘We have lost faith in him, and urge voters to consider’ others!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On May 12, 2012:

Video: CNN Anchor Harasses Congressional Candidate About ForgeryGate!-Posted on Western Jounralism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 12, 2012:

5 Ways Obama Is A Dictator!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On May 10, 2012:

Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann Renounces Her Swiss Dual Citizenship!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 10, 2012:

Only a “natural-born citizen”! Why is that?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 10, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Demands Obama Draft Registration!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 11, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE DEMANDS OBAMA DRAFT REGISTRATION: ‘Selective Service regulation changed days after probe announced!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 10, 2012:

Video: Sheriff Joe Arpaio of AZ Cold Case Posse Demands Obama Draft Registration Records be Preserved!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 10, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE TO HOLDER: ‘CLEAN YOUR OWN HOUSE FIRST!’ Arizona lawman remains steadfast despite lawsuit threat!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 10, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE RESPONDS TO FEDERAL LAWSUIT: ‘DOJ announces plans to file complaint over alleged racial profiling!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On May 9, 2012:

Elections Override the Constitution?-Posted on Liberty Legal Foundation-By Van Irion, Founder-On May 9, 2012:

Video: Rush Questions Obama’s Social Security Number!-Posted on Western Jounralism-By DANIEL NOE-On May 9, 2012:

Second Defendant Default in Taitz v Astrue Obama Fraudulent Social Security Case!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 8, 2012:

FEDS DESTROYED EVIDENCE ON OBAMA’S DRAFT REGISTRATION? ‘Rules changed 4 days after Sheriff Joe announced probe!’-Posted on May 8, 2012:

The question of President Obama’s draft card: Has evidence been destroyed?-Posted on Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 8, 2012:

The question of President Obama’s draft card: Has evidence been destroyed?Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On  May 8, 2012:

OBAMA’S CONN. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER HITS RUSH: ‘Caller on talk show warns of president’s mysterious red flags!’-Posted on Joe Kovacks-On May 7, 2012:

Obama’s Connecticut Social Security Number Discussion hits Rush Limbaugh Show!-Posted on Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 7, 2012:

MSM, Fox News, Bret Baier, O’Reilly Credibility on Natural Born Citizenship Continues to Erode!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On  May 7, 2012:

Video: Still another Natural Born Citizen Video!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 7, 2012:

JPMorgan Employees Join Goldman Sachs Among Top Obama Donors!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 11, 2012:

AL SHARPTON’S ANTI-ARPAIO SEGMENT SHOWS WHITE HOUSE ‘SCARED’: ‘WND author says ‘legitimacy of Obama’s presidency is about to come unglued’!-Posted on May 3, 2012:

Obama’s composite girlfriend lie ignored by MSM!-Posted on Glenn Beck-On May 3, 2012:’s-composite-girlfriend-lie-ignored-by-msm/

Shocker: Obama caught lying in his own autobiography: ‘The dangers of dating composite girls!’Posted on Human Events-By John Hayward-On May 2, 2012:

‘Spread the Wealth’: Blogger Offers $10,000 Bounty for Obama’s College Transcripts!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 2, 2012:‘spread-the-wealth’-blogger-offers-10000-bounty-for-obama’s-college-transcripts

Bret Baier Wars Continue on Natural Born Citizenship!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 4, 2012:

An open letter to Mr. Bret Baier of Fox News from CDR Kerchner (Ret)!-Posted on CDR Kercher’s Blog-On May 3, 2012:

LAW PROF: FOX ANCHOR WRONG ON ELIGIBILITY: ‘Network host makes ‘common error’ about ‘natural born citizenship’!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On May 2, 2012:

Bret Baier’s Invitation to Debate Natural Born Citizenship Accepted!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 2, 2012:

WND Weighs in on imprudent Baier/Fox News Obama/Presidential Eligibility, Natural Born Citizen Statements!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 2, 2012:

Fox News Is Spreading False Information on the Meaning of a “Natural Born Citizen”!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On May 2, 2012:“natural-born-citizen

To Bret Baier @ Fox News — You need to study up on set theory and basic logic!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 1, 2012:

FOX NEWS ANCHOR DECLARES OBAMA IS ELIGIBLE: ‘Natural-born citizen … few people know what it means’!-Posted on May 1, 2012:

Should the Military Act on Obama Ineligibility and Other Treason?– Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On May 2, 2012:

Video: ForgeryGate: Why Was This Anti-Obama Eligibility Youtube Channel Terminated?-Posted on Western Journalism-ByDANIEL NOE-On May 1, 2012:

Guatemalan Supreme Court Enforces Their Constitution for Presidential Candidates While U.S. Supreme Court Does Not Enforce U.S. Constitution for Obama!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On May 1, 2012:

Video: Obama Mocks Constitutional Eligibility To Be President At White House Correspondents’ Dinner!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On April 30, 2012:

Video: Obama: “I Was Born In Hawaii,” Wink, Wink!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 30, 2012:

If for Trayvon Case, Why Not Also Obama Eligibility?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 30, 2012:

GOP LAWMAKER: ELIGIBILITY TOO SCARY TO TAKE ON: ‘Fears investigation would be ‘biggest constitutional crisis since Civil War’!-Posted on Drew Zahn-On April 29, 2012:

Nominate a Constitutionally Eligible Vice-President!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 29, 2012:

AZ Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Detective Mike Zullo Interviewed by Freedom Friday Radio Show Host Carl Gallup – 20 Apr 2012!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 28, 2012:

President James Monroe and the “Natural Born Citizen” Clause | by Mario Apuzzo, Esq.!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 28, 2012:

Happy Birthday!  Obama Forged Birth Certificate One Year Old Today.  And Congress continues to ignore Obama’s criminal identity theft crimes in progress on and in government property, servers, and agencies!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 27, 2012:

Video: ForgeryGate: Taking A Closer Look At The Signature On Obama’s Selective Service Form!-Posted on Western Journalism-ByKRIS ZANE-On April 27, 2012:

TONY PERKINS: ELIGIBILITY ‘LEGITIMATE ISSUE’: ‘Says Constitution has requirements for president!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On April 25, 2012:

FILM: PRESIDENT’S FATHER NOT BARACK OBAMA: ’2 years of research, rare photos support compelling case!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On April 25, 2012:

If Even Some Of This Is True, Obama Is So Much More Dangerous Than We Thought!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On April 24, 2012:

HERE’S HOW TO ENSURE OBAMA DEFEAT: ‘There is a way, even despite his weak opposition!’-Posted on April 23, 2012:

Romney Marco Rubio VP Pick Consideration Is The Ultimate Slap In The Face To Conservatives!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On April 24, 2012:

The coming chaos from the Obama-Soertoro playbook!’-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez on April 24, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of AZ releasing more on Obama soon, attacks begin on Arpaio and his team!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 23, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE RELEASING MORE ON OBAMA: ‘I have no intention of resigning’!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On April 23, 2012:

Grand Juries: Retro Next Step Along With Ballot Challenges?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 22, 2012:

Video: Michael Savage: Why All The Mystery Surrounding Barack Obama?-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On April 21, 2012:

GOP, WHERE ARE YOU ON ELIGIBILITY? ‘Man with camera confronts officials to demand congressional investigation!’-Posted on Drew Zahn-On April 20, 2012:

This is your final reminder – PRESS CONFERENCE- Public invited- Saturday, April 21!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On April 19, 2012:

The Sea Change: Obama’s Confirmed Forgeries Are Not Going Away!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 19, 2012:

Why Obama’s Confirmed Forgeries Are Not Going Away!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 19, 2012:

Revealed: US And British Officials Feared President Obama’s ‘Anti-American’ And ‘Anti-White’ Father!-Posted on Western Journalism-ByBREAKING NEWS-On April 18, 2012:

Obama Sr Mentioned in Secret British Colonial Files Being Released Starting Today!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 19, 2012:

Constitutional Elections Summit!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 18, 2012:

Statement by Larry Klayman, Esq. on Florida Ballot Challenge: Voeltz v Obama, FL, Dems.!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On April 18, 2012:

FORGERYGATE: DEMAND A SPECIAL COUNSEL APPOINTMENT!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 17, 2012:

Bypass Mainstream Media to Expose Obama for the Fraud He Is!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 17, 2012:

Ann Barnhardt: All the “Rat Bastards” in DC Know Obama is Not Eligible!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 17, 2012:

Video: Larry Elder On Obama’s Identity And Felony Document Fraud!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On April 17, 2012:

OBAMA LAWYER: BIRTH CERTIFICATE IRRELEVANT TO ELIGBILITY: ‘You won’t believe judge’s opinion of disputed document!’Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On April 16, 2012:

This is What Natural Born Citizen Means!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 20, 2012:

Video: 30-Year Constitutional Scholar: Natural Born Citizen Is One Born On Soil To Two Citizen Parents!-Posted on BirtherReportDotCom-On April 15, 2012:

GOP ‘SUPERSTAR’ FOR VP FACES ELIGIBILITY QUESTIONS: ‘National Archives document casts doubt on ‘natural-born’ status!’-Posted on April 15, 2012:

STUDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY (SDS)-FOUNDED 1959!-Posted We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 14, 2012:


More Evidence of Corruption of Judiciary!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 13, 2012:

Obama’s Legal Humiliation!-Posted on Western Journalism-ByDIANNA COTTER-On April 12, 2012:

Mission Accomplished, Obama; Operation Sideshow Is A Success (Part 1)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN_P_HALBERT-On April 12, 2012:

Obama Operation Sideshow Is A Mission Accomplished (Part 2)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On April 16, 2012:

Obama’s Operation Sideshow Is A Mission Accomplished (Part 3)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On April 17, 2012:

ForgeryGate: Obama’s Operation Sideshow Is A Mission Accomplished (Part 4)!-Posted Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On April 18, 2012:

ForgeryGate: Obama’s Operation Sideshow Is A Mission Accomplished (Part 5)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On April 19, 2012:

How Hawaiian Officials Helped Cover Up The Obama Forgery: Operation Sideshow (Part 6)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On April 23, 2012:

How Hawaiian Officials Helped Cover Up The Obama Forgery: Operation Sideshow (Part 7)!-Posted on Western Journalism-ByALAN P. HALBERT-On April 25, 2012:

How Hawaiian Officials Helped Cover Up The Obama Forgery: Operation Sideshow (Part 8)!-Posted on Western Journalism-ByALAN P. HALBERT-On April 26, 2012:

Today Is The One Year Anniversary Of The Release Of Obama’s Forged Long-Form Birth Certificate (Part 9)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT-On April 27, 2012:

ForgeryGate: A Simple Guide To Obama’s Fraud (Part 10)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By ALAN P. HALBERT AND NICK CHASE-On April 28, 2012:

Forgerygate, Or How The US Was Tricked: The Conclusion Of Operation Sideshow (Part 11)!-Posted on Western Journalism-ByALAN P. HALBERT-On April 30, 2012:

Forgerygate: How the U.S. was Tricked (by Obama)!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On May 1, 2012:

A Simple Do-It-Yourself Proof of the Obama Birth Certificate Fraud Done by Nick Chase| reported by Giuseppe Gori | @!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 12, 2012:

GOP Softball, ELECTION FRAUD and ACORN Have You Scared Obama Will Be in the White House Another 4 Years?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-On April 11, 2012:

Can Obama be stopped in the courts?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-On April 11, 2012:

Surprise, AZ Tea Party Arpaio Posse Liaison Requests Your Help!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-On April 10, 2012:

Fraud? Decide for yourself and ACT!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-On April 10, 2012:

“Obama”: Who’s Your Daddy?Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-On April 10, 2012:

Results of Tea Party Survey on Obama Eligibility- 85% Definitely not, 100% at least some doubt!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 10, 2012:

Do Politicians In Washington DC Fear to Hear?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 10, 2012:

DOJ Attempts to Install Their Own ‘Embedded Monitor’ in Sheriff Joe’s Office!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 10, 2012:‘embedded-monitor’-in-sheriff-joe’s-office

Dr. Jerome Corsi’s Video Presentation On President Obama’s Eligibility – Video!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 10, 2012:

Dial ‘O’ For Murder: Voter Fraud, Intimidation, And Murder In The Obama 2008 Campaign!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On April 9, 2012:

Natural Born Citizenship Shenanigans!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By By GeorgeM-On April 9, 2012:

Video: Sheriff Joe: Republican Candidates Hiding From Obama’s Felony Document Fraud!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On April 9, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Republican Candidates Hiding from Obama’s Felony Document Fraud!-Posted on CDR Kerncher’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On April 9, 2012:

ARPAIO: GOP CANDIDATES ‘HIDING’ FROM ELIGIBILITY: ‘’I’ve talked to every one of them; I don’t see anybody talking about this’!-Posted on Drew Zahn-On April 8, 2012:

Libertarian Republican reports: Egypt disqualifies a candidate for not being ‘natural born Citizen‘ of Egypt!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 8, 2012:

OBAMA NOW HAUNTED BY HIS EX-POLITICAL MENTOR: ‘Activist claims ‘thug tactics’ used to launch career also employed in 2008!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On April 8, 2012:

Air Force Lt. Col. David Earl-Graef Pummels Sen. McCain Over Obama’s Constitutional Eligibility | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 8, 2012:

Air Force Lt. Col. David Earl-Graef Pummels Sen. John McCain  Over Obama’s Constitutional Eligibility!-Posted on April 7, 2012:

Tea Party To Expose ‘America’s Fraud President’ To 1 Million Households!-Posted on April 7, 2012:

ForgeryGate: Blackmailed By Putin, Obama Betrays United States And Her Allies!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 7, 2012:

Investigation Reveals Numerous Bogus Claims On Obama Resume!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 7, 2012:

Video: GOP Member Of Congress Runs From Forgerygate Facts!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On April 7, 2012:

Presidential Candidate Ed Noonan also weighs in on Romney ineligibility!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 7, 2012:

Federal Court on tap for Marine targeted for dismissal | by Bob Unruh | @!-Posted on CDR Kercner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 7, 2012:

The Emperor Has No Clothes!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 6, 2012:

The Rebirth of Birthers?-Posted on American Thinker-By William Sullivan-On April 6, 2012:

More Obama Censorship At Conservative!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On April 6, 2012:

Past the Birther Issue – Does Nationality at Birth Really Matter?Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On April 6, 2012:–-does-nationality-at-birth-really-matter

Horace Binney Directly Refutes the Mario Apuzzo/ Leo Donofrio Lie that it Takes Two Citizen Parents to Make a Natural Born Citizen!-Posted on Investigating The Obama Birth Certificate Mystery-ByJohn Woodman-On April 1, 2012:

NEW SHERIFF CALLS FOR ROUNDUP OF OBAMA RECORDS!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 6, 2012:

NEW SHERIFF CALLS FOR ROUNDUP OF OBAMA RECORDS: ‘Corsi wins over officials in New Jersey on eligibility!’-Posted on CHELSEA SCHILLING-On April 5, 2012:

FOX NEWS SMACKS ANCHOR FOR TWEETING WND VIDEO: ‘Network reacted to criticism from left-wing Media Matters!’-Posted on April 5, 2012:

Rep Jeff Flake Town Hall Meeting- Question on Obama!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 6, 2012:

Exclusive Video: Republican Congressman “Supports Obama” Regarding His Eligibility!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On April 5, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Refuses To Bow To Fed’s Overreach!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On April 5, 2012:

OBAMA PREPARES TO SUE SHERIFF JOE: ‘Claims violation of civil-rights laws targeting Latinos!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On April 3, 2012:

Video: Obama Administration Plans To Sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On April 7, 2012:

Is Allen West Forgetting His Oath To Support And Defend The Constitution?-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On April 5, 2012:

Nationality Problem Posed by Romney!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On April 5, 2012:

ForgeryGate: An Open Letter To My Republican Senator, Jon Kyl (AZ)!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TOM BALLANTYNE JR.-On April 4, 2012:

Dr. Jerome Corsi at Americans for Liberty – Lecture Regarding Obama’s Eligibility – Morristown NJ – 4/3/12!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 5, 2012:–-lecture-regarding-obama’s-eligibility-–-morristown-nj-–-4312

Dr. Jerome Corsi at Americans for Liberty – Lecture Regarding Obama’s Eligibility – Morristown NJ – 4/3/12!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 4, 2012:

Video: Obama 2008 Presidential Primary Election Fraud!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On April 5, 2012:

HILLARY SUPPORTER’S UNTOLD OBAMA HORROR STORIES: ‘Allegations of intimidation, manipulation, sudden death!’-Posted on WND-By Jerome R. Corsi-On April 4, 2012:

Obama’s tyrannical face of Marxism – murder, threats, election fraud justified for his illegal election!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On April 5, 2012:

Hillary Clinton supporter’s detail untold Obama 2008 election fraud horror stories – Allegations of intimidation, manipulation, death threats, sudden death!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 4, 2012:

Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates?Posted on POLITIJIM-On March 18, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE EXPANDS OBAMA PROBE TO HILLARY SUPPORTERS: ‘Obama campaign, DNC accused of voter fraud in 2008!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On April 3, 2012:

Clinton Insider: Bill Clinton Is A Birther!-Posted on Western Journalism-By PATRICK BROWN-On April 2, 2012:

HOLLYWOOD PRODUCER HEARD BILL CLINTON SAY OBAMA INELIGIBLE: Insider in Hillary’s 2008 campaign points to ‘original birthers’!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On April 1, 2012:

Hollywood producer Bettina Viviano heard Bill Clinton say Obama ineligible!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 2, 2012:

Alert: Hollywood Producer Speaks Out Against Massive Obama and DNC Corruption!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Sher Zieve-On November 20, 2011:

We Will Not Be Silenced: ‘A Documentary of Voter Fraud In The Democratic Presidential Primary 2008:

Did Governor Abercrombie Fake Obama’s Birth Certificate?-Posted on Atomic Monkey-By AtomicMonkey-On April 1, 2012:

The Faux Claims of John Woodman Regarding the “Natural Born Citizen” Clause!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 3, 2012:“natural-born-citizen”-clause

ForgeryGate: If You Know Something, Say Something – Sheriff Arpaio And Mike Zullo, You Know Something!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TONY DOLZ-On April 3, 2012:

If You Know Something, Say Something – Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo, You Know Something!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 2, 2012:

Exclusive Interview: Atty Mario Apuzzo Files Amicus Brief with 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Eligibility Case | by Sharon Rondeau | @!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 2, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Presentation Inside Report and Unseen Video Footage!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 3, 2012:

Eye Witness Report from Sheriff Arpaio’s  AZ Presser on 31 Mar 2012 | by Gary Wilmott of Article II Super PAC!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 2, 2012:

Highlights Of Sheriff Joe’s March 31 Press Conference!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On April 1, 2012:

ARPAIO TAKES OBAMA’S ‘FORGERY’ TO PUBLIC: ‘Even if media won’t cover it, sheriff plans to spread word of eligibility scandal!’-Posted on Drew Zahn-On April 1, 2012:

Eye Witness Report from AZ:  Americans v. Usurper by Dr. Kate!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 1, 2012:

Obama birth certificate alleged fake Highlights Of Sheriff Joe’s March 31 Press Conference!-Posted on World News-By Daniel Noe-On April 1, 2012:

More News on 3-31-12 Arpaio Investigation Press Conference on Obama (In) Eligibility!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On April 1, 2012:

“Irony Strikes”- A Writer’s Impressions of the 3-31-12 Arpaio Press Conference on Obama Eligibility Investigation!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challeng-By GeorgeM-On April 1, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio March 31 Press Conference – Full Video!-Posted on Western Journalism-By PATRICK BROWN-On March 31, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio March 31 Press Conference – Full Video | @!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On April 1, 2012:

Highlights Of Sheriff Joe’s March 31 Press Conference!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 31, 2012:

Photos From Arpaio Arizona Obama Forgery News Conference!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS -On March 31, 2012:

INN chats with Mike Zullo the Lead Investigator of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse – Obama docs forged!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 31, 2012:

Obama’s Records Are Missing: Full Length Report!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 31, 2012:

Is America Today Apathetic Or Just Plain Scared?-Posted on Western Journalism-By TIM POWERS-On March 30, 2012:

Obama Can’t Hide Anymore!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On March 30, 2012:

Barack Obama Foreign Student – American Media Threatened into Silence!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 30, 2012:

EX-COMMUNIST NATIONS EXPOSE OBAMA ‘FRAUD’: ‘Amid U.S. media blackout, foreign press sounds alarm on ‘largest scandal in American history!’-Posted on CHELSEA SCHILLING-On March 29, 2012:

Russian Newspaper Pravda Reports on What U.S. Newspapers Won’t – Barack Obama Went to College Registered as a Foreign Student – American Media Threatened into Silence | by Dianne Cotter | @ Pravda!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 29, 2012:

Obama’s Lost Years 1985-1988, Is He KGB Agent? Sure acts like one!-Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On March 29, 2012:

Video: Sheriff Joe On Obama’s Forged Identity Records!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On March 29, 2012:

More news out of Arizona from Sheriff Arpaio about Obama Forged Docs Investigation!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 29, 2012:

ROCK STAR: OBAMA NOT BORN IN U.S.!’-Posted on March 29, 2012:

ForgeryGate: Feds Refuse To Release Obama Draft Docs To Sherrif Joe!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 29, 2012:

FEDS REFUSE TO RELEASE OBAMA DRAFT DOCS TO SHERIFF JOE!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 29, 2012:

FEDS REFUSE TO RELEASE OBAMA DRAFT DOCS TO SHERIFF JOE: ‘Arizona lawman’s team believes registration fraudulent!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On March 28, 2012:

LORD MONCKTON: SHERIFF JOE, POSSE ‘RIGHT TO BE WORRIED’: ‘Former Thatcher adviser examined birth certificate evidence in Phoenix!’-Posted on March 28, 2012:

ELIGIBILITY INVADES U.S. TOWN-HALL MEETINGS: ‘When will there be a congressional investigation?’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On March 27, 2012:

Tuesday AZ Legislators and Arpaio Press Conference on Eligibility Bill!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 28, 2012:

Video of Today’s Sheriff Joe and Arizona Rep. Seel Press Conference at Arizona Capitol!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 27, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference At Arizona Capitol!-Posted on Western Journalism-On March 27, 2012:

Attorney Larry Klayman Speaking in SoCal Wednesday Night (3/28)!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 28, 2012:

Still more anomalies in the Long Form Birth Certificate!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On March 28, 2012:

Russian Media Exposing Obama Eligibility Fraud!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 28, 2012:

Video: Russian Radio Interviews Sheriff Joe On Obama Forgery!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On March 28, 2012:

Russian Media Interviews Sheriff Joe About Obama’s Identity Document Fraud: American Main Stream Media Still MIA!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On March 27, 2012:

Lord Christopher Monckton Interviewed by Article II Super PAC — Lord Monckton: Obama birth certificate ‘plainly a forgery’.  This is a very serious matter!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On March 27, 2012:

ForgeryGate: Congress Knows Obama Is A Fake!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On March 27, 2012:

Another Arpaio Press Conference in an hour? 3/27 1:30 PM MT!-Posted on Obama Ballot Chalenge-By GeorgeM-On March 27, 2012:

Video Of Today’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference Coming Soon!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 27, 2012:

Saturday 3/31 Arpaio Press Conference Will NOT be Broadcast Live!-Posted on Bama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 27, 2012:

BANNED from Forbes: You Decide Why!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 27, 2012:

Cowardly Congress Won’t Investigate Manchurian Candidate Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On March 26, 2012:

More Sheriff Joe: Won’t Back Down on Obama Investigation!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 26, 2012:

Natural Born means BOTH parents must be US citizens!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 26, 2012:

U.S. Military Purging “Birthers?”-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 28, 2012:

Oath Keepers Assisting in Legal Defense of Marine Sgt. Gary Stein, Founder of Armed Forces Tea Party!Posted on Oath Keepers-On March 27, 2012:

U.S. MILITARY PURGING ‘BIRTHERS’? ‘Lakin speaks out after Marines push to discharge man who questioned Obama!’Posted on Jack Minor-On March 25, 2012:

Arpaio Investigation Brings Up Compelling Questions About Obama’s Birth Certificate and Eligibility!-Posted on Hawaii Reporter-By MICHAEL P. RETHMAN-On March 26, 2012:

MEDIA BLACKOUT ON OBAMA ELIGIBILITY NEAR-TOTAL: ‘Despite vast public interest, ‘mainstream’ and ‘conservative’ press AWOL!’-Posted on March 25, 2012:

MAILMAN DISCOURAGED FROM TELLING OBAMA STORY: ‘Told family and friends: They ‘did not want to hear this’!-Posted on March 25, 2012:

Demand Investigation into Obama Eligibility Requirements for President and Second Term Run!-Posted on March 23, 2012:

U.S. INS DOCUMENT FOUND: U.S. CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO ONE EAST AFRICAN-BORN CHILD OF U.S. CITIZEN IN 1961!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 24, 2012:

Birthermania!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 24, 2012:

ForgeryGate Is Provoking Us To Outrage!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD AND MARY BETH BROWN-On March 24, 2012:

Why Sheriff Arpaio’s Obama probe could be biggest scandal in U.S. history | Washington Times 24/7!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 24, 2012:

Washington Times: Obama Identity Document Fraud Biggest Scandal in American History!-Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez on March 23, 2012:

Washington Times: Obama Identity Document Fraud Biggest Scandal in American History!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 23, 2012:

WHY THE SILENCE ABOUT OBAMA’S HISTORIC SCAM? ‘Diana West whacks MSM for ‘political blackout’ of Sheriff Joe’s eligibility probe!’-Posted on DIANA WEST-On March 22, 2012:

The Only Problem With The Evidence Of Birth Cirtificate Fraud…Is That It Might Be True!-Posted on Gaspee Gazette-On March 24, 2012:

Lord Monckton: ‘I’m no birther,’ but Obama birth certificate ‘plainly a forgery’!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 23, 2012:‘i’m-no-birther’-but-obama-birth-certificate-‘plainly-a-forgery

Lord Monckton: Obama birth certificate ‘plainly a forgery’!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 22, 2012:

IMMIGRATION RECORDS MISSING FOR WEEK OF OBAMA’S BIRTH: ‘Arpaio’s team probing possibility president born abroad!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On March 22, 2012:

Immigration records missing for week of Obama’s alleged birth!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 22, 2012:

Video: Jerome Corsi: People Of Interest In Obama’s Forged Selective Service Card!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On March 22, 2012:

Second Arpaio News Conference Planned- 3/31!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 22, 2012:

The REAL Etch-A-Sketch Candidate — Barack Obama!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 22, 2012:

Video: Hollywood Producer: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not Eligible!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 21, 2012:

Video: Hollywood Producer: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not Eligible!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 21, 2012:

Alert: Hollywood Producer Speaks Out Against Massive Obama and DNC Corruption!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Sher Zieve-On November 20, 2011:

We Will Not Be Silenced: ‘A Documentary of Voter Fraud In The Democratic Presidential Primary 2008:

Video: Naked Obama vs Sheriff Joe: Obama Jokes About His Forged Birth Certificate!-Posted on BirtherReportDotCom-On Mar 21, 2012:

The Joker and Fraud in the White House Makes Jokes About it Again — He Now Owns the Forgery Totally!Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Cjarles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 21, 2012:

Forgerygate: An Open Letter To The Staff Of Andrew Breitbart!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 22, 2012:

Forgerygate: An Open Letter To The Staff Of Andrew Breitbart!-Posted on Western Journalism-By TOM BALLANTYNE JR-On March 21, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE: ‘TONS’ MORE SHOCKING OBAMA INFO: Rips ‘biggest censorship blackout in the history of the United States’!-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On March 21, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE WANTS OBAMA’S ORIGINAL DRAFT CARD: Asks feds: What steps will be taken to investigate possible forgery?-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On March 21, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of AZ Gives Selective Service System Director 30 Days to Release Obama’s Original SSS Form for Forensic Analysis!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Cjarles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 21, 2012:

President Obama will be forced by circumstances to apologise: Genuine Birth Certificate surfaces – Americans have been led to believe otherwise, revelation to change the political landscape!-Posted on African Press International-On March 9, 2012:

Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2012:

Congressman Cliff Stearns Awaiting Results From Second Obama Investigation by Sheriff Joe!-Posted on OBAMARELEASE YOURRECORDS-On March 20, 2012:

FULL-BLOWN MEDIA COVER-UP OF HOTTEST U.S. STORY: ‘Family of former terrorist allegedly put ‘foreign-born’ Obama through school!’-Posted on March 20, 2012:

Video: Bill Ayers’ Family Put Foreign Student Obama Through School per Their Mailman!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On March 20, 2012:

Media Threatened With Federal Investigations If Obama Birth Certificate Story Reported!Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On March 20, 2012:

Pietro Santorum, Rick’s Grandfather, Became a Naturalized U.S. Citizen on 14 May 1930!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 20, 2012:

Video: Sheriff Joe: Obama Investigation Could Lead To Ballot Denial For Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By PATRICK BROWN-On March 19, 2012:

Video: Gallups: Sheriff Joe Is %100 Dead-On With Investigation!-Posted on Western Journalism-On March 19, 2012:

Forgerygate: Obama Documents – UFOs, Bigfoot And The Link That Is Not Missing!-Posted on Western Journalism-By AMPRO-On March 19, 2012:

Breitbart Editor: According to our research, it’s not a legitimate thing!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 17, 2012:

BREITBART EDITOR: WE WON’T PURSUE ELIGIBILITY: ‘’To my knowledge, there’s no evidence. I just don’t believe it!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On March 19, 2012:

Always be Careful What You Tell the Mailman!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 19, 2012:

Be Careful What You Tell the Mailman — What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 19, 2012:

What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama!-Posted on American Thinker-By Jack Cashill-On March 19, 2012:

Rush Limbaugh Takes on Media Hypocrisy in Sheriff Joe Death Threat by Obama Fanatic!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 19, 2012:

Congressman Questions “Obama” Eligibility?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 19, 2012:

POLL: U.S. FACES CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS ON OBAMA: ‘Americans finally getting message about possibly ineligible president!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On March 18, 2012:

STUNNING PERCENTAGE AGREES WITH SHERIFF JOE: ‘Poll: Americans unconvinced Obama birth certificate is authentic!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On March 18, 2012:

O’Bama on St Patrick’s Day!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On March 17, 2012:


Letter to NM U.S. Senator Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse llegations!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On March 17, 2012:

Letter to NM Governor Martinez!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On March 16, 2012:

“A Scandal That Will Shake This Country To Its Foundations”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By JEFFREY T. KUHNER-On March 16, 2012:

Washington Times: Forgerygate Scandal Will Shake America To Its’ Core!-Posted on Gaspee Gazette-On March 17, 2012:

Sheriff Joe on Obama Investigation: We Have Standing and Tons of Information but Major Media is Silent!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On March 16, 2012:

Video: Sheriff Joe: We Have Tons Of Information; Media Silent!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 17, 2012:

ForgeryGate: Ignoring Arpaio’s Report is a Scandal in Itself!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 16, 2012:

MEDIA IGNORING SHERIFF JOE DEATH THREAT: ‘Rush Limbaugh blames 1 outrageous reason for intentional silence!’-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On March 16, 2012:

Arizona Senate Joins Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Combat Ineligibility Of Presidents!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 15, 2012:

Another MSM eruption- LA Times attacks Arpaio, AZ Senate action!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 15, 2012:

Farah ( rips press for attacking lead investigator of Obama birth fraud!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 15, 2012:

Forgerygate: Ignoring Arpaio’s report is a scandal in itself | by Jeffrey Kuhner | @ Washington Times!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 15, 2012:

MCSO: ‘Obama Fanatic’ Who Threatened To Kill Arpaio And Family Is Found Guilty!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 15, 2012:

Ariz. officials revisit Obama’s birth certificate!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 15, 2012:

The Birth Certificate was forged! So says Sheriff Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse”!-Posted on Gaspee Gazette-On March 15, 2012:

Trump Praises Arpaio!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 15, 2012:

Why Obama’s Birth Certificate Matters, Especially Now!-Posted on Western Journalism-By SELWYN DUKE-On March 14, 2012:

Why Obama’s Birth Certificate Matters, Especially Now!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Selwyn Duke-On March 14, 2012:

OBAMA ‘FANATIC’ GUILTY IN ARPAIO DEATH THREAT: ‘He will be filled with 1,000 bullet holes before the year is out’!-Posted on March 14, 2012:


NPR Flubs Natural Born Citizenship!-Posted on Western Jounralism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 14, 2012:

Leo Donofrio Leaving Practice of Law!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 14, 2012:

More Layers of Evidence of Obama Identity Fraud Unpeeled!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 14, 2012:

Don’t Abandon Your Party!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On March 14, 2012:

STUNNER! BALANCED CBS REPORT ON ARPAIO PROBE: ‘Network affiliate documents evidence in Obama eligibility dispute!’-Posted on March 13, 2012:

CONGRESSMAN QUESTIONS OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE: ‘Tells townhall crowd, ‘The question is, is it legitimate?’-Posted on CHELSEA SCHILLING-On March 13, 2012:

O’REILLY: MY PROBE BETTER THAN SHERIFF JOE’S: ‘Here’s why Bill says he won’t report Arpaio’s findings!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On March 13, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama Birth Certificate Fraud Is 10 Times Worse Than Watergate!-Posted on Western Journalism-By PATRICK BROWN-On March 12, 2012:

The Mainstream Media Blackout Of The Arpaio News Conference!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On March 12, 2012:

Wash Times Natl Wkly –AZ Sheriff Arpaio – Obama Birth Certificate and Draft Registration Card Are Forged!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 12, 2012:

Russian Newspaper Reports on What U.S. Newspapers Won’t – Obama is a Fraud – Sheriff Arpaio’s Investigation Report that Obama Identity Documents are Forged!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 11, 2012:

An Open Letter To Glenn Beck, Et Al.!-Posted on Western Journalism-By T.M. BALLANTYNE JR.-On March 10, 2012:

NM Former Marine Writes Senator to Demand Arpaio Cold Case Posse Findings Investigation!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On March 10, 2012:

Obama Impeachment Resolution Submitted!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 10, 2012:

Fox Reporter Attempts to Undermine Arpaio!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-GeorgeM-On March 10, 2012:

Illegal Obama Presidency Hits the Tabloids, Again!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 10, 2012:

PRAVDA ASKS: WHAT HAPPENED TO AMERICAN MEDIA? ‘Accuses U.S. press of ‘deliberately hiding evidence’ of Obama’s ‘fraud’!-Posted on CHELSEA SCHILLING-On March 9, 2012:

Obama’s Past Revealed!-Posted on Western Journalism-By MATT VESPA-On March 9, 2012:

Obama Eligibility Controversy Receives International Attention!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On March 9, 2012:

Globe Magazine Reports on Obama Forged Birth Certificate and Sheriff Arpaio Investigation!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 9, 2012:

Sarah Palin: McCain Campaign Managers Wouldn’t Let Us Investigate Obama’s Past!-Posted on Obama Ballot Chalenge-ByGeorgeM-On March 9, 2012:

Video: Palin: McCain Campaign Managers Wouldn’t Let Us Investigate Obama’s Past!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On March 9, 2012:

Obama’s Past Revealed!-Posted on Western Journalism-By MATT VESPA-On March 9, 2012:

Arizona sheriff finds Obama presidential qualifications forged!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 9, 2012:

Obama Eligibility Controversy Receives International Attention!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On March 9, 2012:

Obama might be Kenyan born reports Sheriff Arpaio investigation: ‘Records that could document Obama exact status once again mysteriously missing!’Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 9, 2012:

ARPAIO INVESTIGATION: OBAMA MIGHT BE KENYAN: ‘Records that could document status mysteriously missing!’-Posted on March 8, 2012:

Vetting Obama: An Epic Failure!-Posted on Northeast Intelligence Network-By Douglas J. Hagmann, Investigator, Director-On March 8, 2012:

Obama’s Lies And Denials About Where He Was Born Go On And On!-Posted on Western Journalism-By GEORGE SPELVIN-On March 7, 2012:

New Mexico Town Elects Mayor Who Called Obama “Evil”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 7, 2012:

DID THREATS SILENCE MEDIA ON OBAMA PROBE?Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 8, 2012:

DID THREATS SILENCE MEDIA ON OBAMA PROBE? ‘Stunner! Sources say warnings were to not report on Sheriff Joe’s results!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On March 7, 2012:

Cold Case Posse reveals Obama’s documents are forgeries: ‘After seeing the evidence presented, I firmly believe we have an illegal alien in the White House!’-Posted on Sonoran News-By Linda Bentley-On March 7, 2012:

Obama and the Matter of Trust!-Posted on American Thinker-By Cindy Simpson-On March 6, 2012:

What Are The Odds Obama Is Ineligible To Run Again For President?-Posted on Western Journalism-By JIM CAMPBELL-On March 6, 2012:

Video: Sheriff Joe- Obama’s Connecticut Social Security Number Being Investigated!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On March 6, 2012:

Rick Santorum Still Refusing to Provide Copies of Naturalization Papers Proving His Father was a U.S. Citizen When Rick was Born!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On March 6, 2012:

Washington Times National Weekly – Front Page – 5 March 2012 Issue – Obama Long-Form Birth Certificate a Forgery!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 6, 2012:

Washington Times Birth Certificate Story!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 7, 2012:

Hearing tomorrow afternoon Tucson, Arizona regarding Obama Ballot Challenge!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On March 6, 2012:

Latest New York Ballot Challenge Against Obama, Romeny, Santorum, and NY State Board of Elections!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On March 6, 2012:

Can Arpaio Issue An Arrest Warrant For Obama?-Posted on Western Journalism-By JIM CAMPBELL-On March 5, 2012:

America’s Biggest Political Crisis: Certifigate!-Posted on Western Journalism-By SUZANNE EOVALDI-On March 5, 2012:

Joe Arpaio: Biased Media Belittled Obama Inquiry!-Posted on Western Journalism-By JOE ARPAIO-On March 5, 2012:

TOWNHALL YANKS COLUMN ON ARPAIO’S FINDINGS: ‘See the high-ranked report that got spiked!’-Posted on Drew Zahn-On March 5, 2012:

MAJORITY IN 3 KEY STATES DOUBT OBAMA ELIGIBILITY: ‘More than 1/3 say Democrat not born in USA!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On March 5, 2012:

A Suggested Narrative – How Obama is physically Born in Kenya but still Obtains Hawaiian Birth Registration Record!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 4, 2012:

INVESTIGATORS NOW IN HUNT FOR FORGER: ‘Cold Case Posse briefs county law enforcement on birth certificate case!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On March 2, 2012:

Investigators Now In Hunt For Obama Forger!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On March 3, 2012:

CBS News: Sheriff Joe’s Investigation Into Obama’s Forged Records!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On March 3, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Exposes Forgery Of Obama’s Selective Service Registration!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD AND MARY BETH BROWN-On March 3, 2012:

Why Glenn Beck Isn’t On Television Anymore!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KEVIN “COACH” COLLINS-On March 3, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Obama Press Conference Transcript!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 3, 2012:

Arpaio Forged Birth Certificate Report!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-On March 3, 2012:

Phoenix TV Station Report on Arpaio Cold Case Posse on Obama!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 3, 2012:

WorldNet Daily Summary of Sheriff Arpaio Press Conference on Obama Eligibility!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 2, 2012:

Sheriff Joe discusses his cold case posse report and the press conference he gave in AZ!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 2, 2012:

Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Uncovers “Systematic Effort To Obscure The Truth!”-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On March 2, 2012:

Obama Birth Certificate and Draft Registration Form Is Forged per Arizona Cold Case Posse Report!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner-On March 2, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Obama Eligibility Investigation Results!-Posted on Western Journlism-On March 2, 2012:

PDF: Obama Eligibility Investigation Report Released By Sheriff Joe Arpaio And Cold Case Posse Here!-Posted on Western Journalism-On March 1, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio On Why He Felt Compelled To Investigate Obama’s Birth Certificate!-Posted on The Blaze-By Tiffany Gabbay-On March 1, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Cold Case Posse Videos!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 1, 2012:

Video of Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Investigation!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On March 1, 2012:

Media Releases on Obama Birth Fraud!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 1, 2012:

Breaking News: Game-Changer in Arizona Today!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 1, 2012:

AZ Sheriff Joe: ‘Probable cause’ Obama certificate a fraud -  Asking Arpaio to elevate to criminal probe, person of interest ID’d!-Posted on CDR Kerchner’s Blog-By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)-On March 1, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE’S POSSE: ‘PROBABLE CAUSE’ OBAMA CERTIFICATE A FRAUD: ‘Asking Arpaio to elevate to criminal probe, person of interest ID’d!’-Posted on 1, 2012:

Sheriff Arpaio: Obama birth certificate a ‘forgery!’-Posted on The Washington Times-By Stephen Dinan, The Washington Times-On March 1, 2012:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama Birth Certificate Is A Forgery!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DANIEL NOE-On March 1, 2012:

VITAL RECORDS INDICATE OBAMA NOT BORN IN HAWAII HOSPITAL!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On March 1, 2012:

VITAL RECORDS INDICATE OBAMA NOT BORN IN HAWAII HOSPITAL! (Part 1)-Posted on The Daily Pen-By by Penbrook Johannson of THE DAILY PEN-On February 9, 2012:

VITAL RECORDS INDICATE OBAMA NOT BORN IN HAWAII HOSPITAL! (Part 2)-Posted on The Daily Pen-By Penbrook Johannson and Dan Crosby of THE DAILY PEN-On February 29, 2012:

Showdown at High Noon (PT) Tomorrow- Thursday- Sheriff Joe Press Conference on Obama!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 29, 2012:

Your Private Invitation To Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Report News Conference!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On February 29, 2012:

MEDIA FINALLY PAYING ATTENTION TO ELIGIBILITY? ‘See which major networks plan on covering Cold Case Posse results!’-Posted on February 29, 2012:

Is He or Is He Not?-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 29, 2012:

Obama Not A Citizen Thanks To His Own Mother!-Posted on Western Journalism-By SUZANNE EOVALDI-On February 29, 2012:

Watch Press Conference live as results of months-long Cold Case Posse investigation revealed!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On February 28, 2012:

AMERICA’S TOUGHEST SHERIFF” TO GIVE PRELIMINARY REPORT ON FIVE-MONTH INVESTIGATION!-Posted Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 27, 2012:’s-toughest-sheriff”-to-give-preliminary-report-on-five-month-investigation

How March 1st Could Crumble Obama’s Presidency?-Posted on I.M. Citizen-By I.M. Citizen-On February 24, 2012:

Arpaio to Santorum: No endorsement until my probe of Obama complete!-Posted on The Examiner-By Jim Kouri, Law Enforcement Examiner-On February 23, 2012:


Explosive NEW EVIDENCE on Obama’s Birth Place ~ Could this be Obama’s REAL Birth Certificate?-Posted on The Usurper Must Go-By KenyanBornObamAcorn:

Oath Keepers: We Can Legally File Charges Against Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By JIM CAMPBELL-On February 24, 2012:

Oath Keepers: We Can Legally File Charges Against Obama!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 24, 2012:

More Challenges to Obama Eligibility!-Posted on Godfather Politics-ByGIACOMO-On February 23, 2012:

ALINSKY-STYLE LEFTIST RAMPS UP EFFORT TO OUST SHERIFF JOE: ‘Launches 1-2 punch before lawman’s press conference on Obama’s eligibility!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On February 23, 2012:

WND TV TO LIVE-STREAM ARPAIO ELIGIBILITY REPORT: ‘March 1 news conference to announce findings of 1st official probe!’-Posted on February 22, 2012:

Arpaio: I briefed Santorum on birth certificate investigation!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 22, 2012:

Ariz. Sheriff Arpaio to Release Probe of Obama Birth Certificate!-Posted on John Bachman-On February 21, 2012:

1 JUDGE WHO CAN SAVE AMERICA!-Posted on Larry Klayman-On February 19, 2012:

Obama Still Has A Lot Of Explaining To Do!-Posted on Western Journalism-By HIGHEST BRANCH-On February 18, 2012:

Breaking: U.S. Supreme Court Meeting on Feb. 17 to Discuss Health Care/Eligibility Challenge!Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On February 17, 2012:

The Clock is Ticking on Obama’s Eligibility!-Posted on NewAmerican-By BOB ADELMANN-On February 17, 2012:

ALABAMA BILLBOARD QUESTIONS OBAMA: ‘’Where’s the REAL birth certificate?’ appears!’-Posted on February 17, 2012:

Obama’s Eligibility Diversion!-Posted on American Thinker-ByCindy Simpson-On February 14, 2012:

Obama versus Sheriff Joe…What does Arpaio have on the President?-Posted on The Examiner-By Rebekah Worsham, Crime & Justice Examiner-On February 13, 2012:

Attorney Mario Appuzzo’s Response to Obot!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 11, 2012:

Terry Lakin Denied Medical License in Kansas!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 10, 2012:

Joe Arpaio backed by ‘tea party’ group!-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-ByGeorgeM-On February 9, 2012:

Video: Sheriff Joe Receives Petitions of Support!–sI&feature=player_embedded

SHERIFF JOE SETS D-DAY ON OBAMA’S ELIGIBILITY-March 1!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 7, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE SETS D-DAY ON OBAMA’S ELIGIBILITY: ‘Arpaio won’t release any of Cold-Case Posse’s conclusions in advance!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On February 6, 2012:

OUR FRAUDULENT PRESIDENT CANNOT PASS AN E-VERIFY CHECK!-Posted on News With Views-By Frosty Wooldridge-On February 6, 2012:

DEMOCRATS SHOUT: ‘HE’S NOT LEGITIMATE CANDIDATE’: ‘DNC warning television stations against airing commercials’-Posted on By Jack Minor-On February 1, 2012:

Green Light to See the “Birth Certificate?”-Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By GeorgeM-On February 1, 2012:

Are Obama operatives trying to get to Arpaio’s evidence regarding his alleged fraud crimes and ineligibility?Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge-By Pamela Barnett-On January 31, 2012:

Suspect in Ariz. sheriff death threat in custody!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Jerry Seper, The Washington Times-On January 27, 2012:

Natural Law And Natural Born Facts!Posted on News With Views-By Lex Greene-On January 24, 2012:

Justice Department Blinks In Battle Against Sheriff Joe: ‘Agency offers to talk before going to court!’-Posted on Bob Jerome R. Corsi-On January 19, 2012:

Video: Joe Arpaio Discusses Obama’s Legal Persecution!-Posted on January 17, 2012:

Dr. James David Manning explains the upcoming bloody Civil War!-Posted by ATLAHWorldwide-On January 11, 2012:

Breaking: Atty. Orly Taitz Reports on January 13 Hearing in Hawaii!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On January 13, 2012:

Red Flags in HawaiiPosted on The Obama File-On January 11, 2012:

How Obama’s Enablers Mislead the Public on the Meaning of an Article II “Natural Born” Citizen!-Posted on Natural Born Citizen-By Mario Apuzzo, Esq.-Originally posted on October 10, 2011 and Reposted on January 9, 2012:

Romney Is A Natural-Born Citizen IAW Article 2, Section 1!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On January 16, 2012:

There Is No Value To Allegations Against Romney Because He Is A Natural Born Citizen and Eligible For The U.S. Presidency!-Posted on Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire-On January 11, 2012:

A Ballot Challenge Filed By A Democrat In Texas Regarding Mitt Romney!-Posted on Devvy Kidd-On January 12, 2012:

NBC: Romney’s Father a ‘Poster Boy’ for Dream Act, Given Family’s Mexican Roots!-Posted on The Media Research Center-By Kyle Drennen-On January 10, 2012:

Will there be a ballot challenge regarding Willard Mitt Romney?-Posted on Devvy Kidd-On January 7, 2012:

OBAMA’S CITIZENSHIP AND THE PRESIDENCY: Academia shrugs: ‘Scholars conveniently abandoning Constitution, their own writings!’-Posted on American Thinker-By Cindy Simpson-On January 6, 2012:

A Matter of Eligibility!-Posted on American for Constitutional Government Reform-By Lynn M Stuter-On January 7, 2012:

ELIGIBILITY APPEAL SEEKS LEVEL ELECTION PLAYING FIELD: ‘Current standard ‘denies redress’ when unqualified candidate on ballot!’Posted on Bob Unruh-On January 6, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE TO ERIC HOLDER: ‘PROVE IT!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On January 6, 2012:

Video: ALERT! As Sheriff Arpaio’s Investigation of Obama’s Citizenship nears completion – D.O.J. SUES!-Posted on January 6, 2012:

‘RESIGN NOW’ PROTEST AGAINST SHERIFF JOE FIZZLES: ‘Arpaio targeted as he prepares to release Obama eligibility report!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On January 4, 2012:

SHERIFF JOE TARGETED FOR OUSTER: ‘Faces ‘resign now’ campaign as Cold Case Posse prepares Obama eligibility report!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On January 3, 2012:

Video: Arpaio Slaps Down Critics Who Tell Him to Step Down!-Posted on abc15com-On December 29, 2011:

Sheriff Joe ‘suspicious’ of motive behind Obama attacks: Is lawman’s probe of president creating panic at White House?-Posted on Bob Unruh-On December 25, 2011:

Sheriff Joe to Obama: I’ll keep doing my job: ‘Immigration enforcement, eligibility probe will continue despite federal investigation’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On December 15, 2011:

Sheriff Arpaio Fires Back at Obama Rights Charges!-Posted on Gary Cohen-On December 17, 2011:

Possible DOJ Perjurer Says Sheriff Joe Arpaio Racially Profiles Mexican Illegals?-Posted on Ben Johnson, The White House Watch-On December 17, 2011:

Feds Go After Arpaio For Civil Rights Violations!-Posted on December 15, 2011:

U.S. Finds Pervasive Bias Against Latinos by Arizona Sheriff Arpaio!-Posted on The New York Times-By MARC LACEY-On December 15, 2011:

Cmdr. Kerchner, (USN, Ret.) Runs Full Page Eligibility Ad in Washington Times!Posted on Obama Ballot Challenge Campaign-ByGeorgeM-On December 20, 2011:

Understanding ‘The Jack Maskell Memorandum’ (Update)!-Posted on Bob MaCarty Wrties-By Paul Hollrah, Guest Blogger-On November 25, 2010:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Gets More Death Threats Over Obama Investigation: ‘Warned he ‘will be filled with thousand bullet holes!’Posted on Aaron Klein-On December 8, 2011:

Soetoro INS file challenges Obama narrative!-Posted on Jack Cashill-On December 7, 2011:

Indiana 2008 Presidential Primary Election Fraud Probe Heats Up!-Posted on Eric Shawn-On December 7, 2011:

Washington Post misleads on meaning of NATURAL Born Citizen!-Posted on Mario Apuzzo, Esq.-On December 6, 2011:

Congressional ‘scholar’ shilling for Obama!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On November 30, 2011:

Congressional staff gives Constitution new meaning: ‘Researchers target ‘eligibility,’ say ‘native born’ really is ‘natural born!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 30, 2011:

A storm is brewing on the Obama eligibility horizon!-Posted on Sonoran News-By Linda Bentley-On November 16, 2011:

Is Putative President Barack Obama’s Mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, Really Jo Ann Newman?-Posted on Obama Release Your Records-By Mario Apuzzo, Esq.-On November 15, 2011:

Stan The Sham, And True Love!-Posted on Terrible Truth-By Martha Trowbridge-On November 15, 2011:

Another Cold Case File, Closed: “Malcolm X’s Missing Eyeglasses”!-Posted on Terrible Truth-By Martha Trowbridge-On October 25, 2011:

Saps, Stool Pigeons And Stanley Ann’s Hair!-Posted on Terrible Truth-By Martha Trowbridge-On September 29, 2011:

New Hampshire wakes up to Obama’s alleged Social Security fraud …!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 16, 2011:

Sheriff Joe: Why I’m investigating Obama’s Birth Certificate!-Posted on Western Journalism-On November 15, 2011:

Sheriff Joe on Obama eligibility probe: ‘Where there’s smoke … ‘-Posted on Art Moore-On November 13, 2011:

Sheriff Joe Threatened For Probing Eligibility!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On November 9, 2011:

Sheriff Joe: ‘Show me the microfilm!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On November 1, 2011:

Sheriff Joe’s posse delivers promised Obama surprise: ‘Panel probing eligibility for 2012 ballot wants to see original birth certificate!’-Posted on October 31, 2011:

Sheriff Joe Predicts Obama Investigation To Be A ‘Shock’!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On October 26, 2011:

Citizenship Jeopardy!Posted on American Thinker-By Cindy Simpson-On October 18, 2011:

Video: How The Internet Archive Changed Computer Source Code of NYS Board Of Elections!-Posted on pixelpatriot-On October 21, 2011:

U.S. Presidents & Eligibility: Grandfather Clause, Natural Born Citizen Clause, or Seated by Fraud!-Posted on Scribd-By protectourliberty-On March 21, 2011:

Video: Congressional Spokesman Says GOP Won’t Investigate Obama’s SS Number Because of Media Ridicule!-Posted on The Patriot Update-On October 14, 2011:

Vets Call For Resignations, Impeachments in Washington: ‘’Call to Action’ Says Purge of Corruption Required to Restore Constitutional Republic!’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On October 4, 2011:

Demand resignations and impeachment!-Posted on Gen. Paul E. Valley-On September 13, 2011:

Warning: The threat of suspended elections is real!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Judi McLeod-On September 30, 2011:

Video: Rush: ‘Barry Soetoro’ elected with ‘no identity documents’: ‘Warns of president’s strategy to avoid defeat at polls by suspending election’-Posted on September 30, 2011:

Sheriff’s Notified – Crimes Against Citizens in Your Jurisdiction!-Posted on The Steady Drip-By Rev. Samuel Sewell-On September 27, 2011:

Dispute over Obama’s background moving well into 2012 campaign!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On September 26, 2011:

Washington Times Advertisement: Obama’s SSN Fails-E-Verify System!-Posted on Sribd-On September 26, 2011:

American Citizens’ Demand for Justice Against the Overthrow of the U.S. Constitution!Posted on Post & Email-By Kathleen Gotto-On May 31, 2011:

Sheriff’s eligibility ‘posse’ sparks media whirlwind!Posted on Drew Zahn-On September 20, 2011:

Sheriff Joe picks ‘Cold Case Posse’ to investigate president’s eligibility!-Posted on Jarome R. Corsi-On September 18, 2011:

Sheriff Arpaio’s posse to review Obama BC!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On September 16, 2011:

Video: Pat Boone: Obama Born in Kenya; His Long-Form Birth Certificate is a Total Fraud!-Posted on September 17, 2011:

Attack Watch still obsessing over Obama’s birth certificate!-Posted on The Examiner-By Joe Newby, Spokane Conservative Examiner-On September 16, 2011:

Birthers: $10,000 for Obama Birth News Clip!-Posted on Honolulu Civil Beat-By Chad Blair-Updated on September 15, 2011:

Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. files motion for reconsideration in SSA challenge!-Posted on Sonoran News-By Linda Bentley-On September 14, 2011:

Nebraska veteran discharged over Obama eligibility issue wants to conduct church revivals!-Posted on Greely Gazette-By Jack Minor-On September 14, 2011:

Video: Wayne Madsen on Obama’s Indonesian Citizenship and Connecticut SS Number!Posted on September 16, 2011:

Obama’s ineligibility: Muslim-leftist radical in the White House!-Posted on U.S. Justice Foundation-On September 14, 2011:’s-ineligibility-muslim-leftist-radical-in-the-white-house/

E-Verify ‘flags’ Obama’s Social Security Number: ‘System crunches prez’s data, determines ‘likely fraudulent’’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On September 12, 2011:

Obama: The Affirmative Action President!-Posted on American Thinker-ByMatt Patterson-August 18, 2011:

The Era of Confronting Obama at Public Events!-Posted on American Thinker-By J.R. Dunn-On August 18, 2011:

White House Links to Deliberate Forgery From, Thinking it Was Real!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On August 9, 2011:

Alias Barack Obama: The Greatest Identity Fraud In History!-By Dr. Ronald J. Polland, PhD.:

Video: Is Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate a Fraud?-Posted  On new horizon press-On August 2, 2011:

Court tells Hawaii officials to explain Obama’s birth records!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On August 8, 2011:

Obama’s Birth Certificate Subpoena To Be Delivered!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On July 28, 2011:

Our President Does Not Understand Us, Because He Is Not One of Us!-Posted on Human Events-By  Major Gen. Jerry Curry-On July 26, 2011:

Top Anti-’Birther’ Confirmed To Be Ex-Fannie Mae Chief!-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On July 31, 2011:

White House operative heading ‘birther’ smear campaign?Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On July 19, 2011:

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – A Congress of criminals!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Lawrence Sellin-On July 19, 2011:

Leaders, media ‘hiding what they know’ about Obama eligibility!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On July 16, 2011:

McClintock: Obama passed eligibility requirements!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On July 16, 2011:

When will Congress act on the Obama fraud trifecta?-Posted on Sonoran News-By Linda Bentley-On July 13, 2011:

Deception evidence reaches Oval Office?-Posted on Bob Unruh-On July 11, 2011:

Obama Cannot Be A “Natural Born Citizen” Under Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875)!-Posted on Natural Born Citizen-By Mario Apuzzo, Esq.-Originally posted on January 2, 2009 and Reposted on July 10, 2011:

Video: Adobe Expert & Jerome Corsi: Derek Forged Obama’s Birth Certificate?-Posted on YouTube-By BirtherReportDotCom-On Jun 30, 2011:

Video: National Press Club: Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate!-Posted on June 29, 2011:


Senator: Constitution doesn’t define presidential eligibility!-Posted on July 4, 2011:

What did Congress know about ‘natural-born citizen’?Posted on Bob Unruh-On July 1, 2011:

Video: Illegal Obama “Propped Up” By Congress!

Bogus Obama document ‘bigger than Watergate’!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On June 30, 2011:

Stunning numbers want Congress to probe Obama’s eligibility!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On June 26, 2011:

Eligibility returns to Supremes’ conference agenda!Posted on Bob Unruh-On June 25, 2011:

Stunning precedent would let al-Qaida chief be president!-Posted on Bob Unruh-On June 20, 2011:

Will States Actually Block Obama From Ballot Access?Posted on Drew Zahn-On June 20, 2011:

Video: Allen West Wants Obama’s Passport Records!-Posted on June 26, 2011:

Obama “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.”-Posted on The Steady Drip-By Aristotle the Hun-Special update on April 11, 2011:

Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?Posted on American Thinker-By Nancy Morgan-On March 5, 2011:

STATE DEPT. CONFIRMS OBAMA DUAL CITIZEN: ‘Counter-misinformation’ website aims to debunk birth controversy!’-Posted on Jerome R. Corsi-On August 24, 2010:

Google Hides Obama’s Social Security Number Story!-Posted on Western Journalism-By BREAKING NEWS-On May 14, 2010:

Video: General Jones: “Dr. Taitz is Right about Obama”!

Video: The most dangerous Barack Obama video ever!!!-Posted on Truthzonetvcom-On August 25, 2009:

Are the “Birthers” barking up the wrong tree?-Posted on USA We The People-By clinicalthinker-On August 3, 2009:

Note:  The above articles and/or blog posts and videos relate to and/or support my following blog posts-You Decide:

Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?’s-newly-released-colb-be-a-forgery/

Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?

Why Obama is ineligible – regardless of his birthplace!–-regardless-of-his-birthplace/

Hawaii Elections Clerk: Obama birth not here!

Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted!

DC knows that Obama is ineligible for office!

Obama’s paltry paper trail raises serious questions!

New investigation into Obama background spells trouble ahead!

Clearing the Smoke on Obama’s Eligibility!’s-eligibility/

Another General Supports LtCol. Lakin!

JAGs Protecting President Obama Have Committed Treason!

Nearly 1/2 of U.S. Citizens Are Now Saying That Obama Is Not A Legitimate President!

First Time In History That a Member of Congress Has Questioned a Sitting President’s Eligibility!’s-eligibility/

What we haven’t been told about the President’s background!’t-been-told-about-the-president’s-background/

CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!

Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?“hit”-on-his-life/

The Real-Deal About Obama, Congressional And Court Silence!

Key Witness In Obama’s Passport Fraud Case Fatally Shot!’s_passport_fraud_case_fatally_shot.thtml

President Obama’s Eligibility Status!’s-eligibility-status/

The Obama Birth Certificate Protection Act!

Letters & E-Mails Sent Requesting President Obama’s Eligibility Status!’s-eligibility-status/

Massive Voter Fraud-Again!

Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!

Does Our President Hate America?

Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-trust-the-government/

Where Is America Today?

Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!

Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!’s-impeachment/

The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!

Extensive Research Into Senator Obama’s Background Completed on November 3, 2008:’s-background-completed-on-november-10-2008/

A Nation Adrift Theme and Disclaimer:

“Food For Thought”

“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”

Semper Fi!