Aurora, Phase 2: Dr. Lynne Fenton, the Batman killer, the drugs and the drug money

Jon Rappoport
July 31, 2012

People don’t get it. The media don’t get it and they don’t want to get it. Billions of dollars are riding on the drugs Dr. Lynne Fenton may have prescribed to her patient, James Holmes, the accused Batman shooter.

And when billions of dollars in potentially lost revenue are hanging in the balance, the interested parties take action. They’re serious about their money. They don’t screw around.

You see, if James Holmes was, for example, taking Prozac, all of a sudden no one wants to take it. If doctors prescribe it to patients, the patients say, “Hey, wasn’t this the drug that nutcase took before he killed all those people in the theater?”

And that’s not all. Congress holds hearings, not because they want to, but because they want to look like they’re doing the right thing. And at those hearings, all sorts of nasty stuff comes out about Prozac. It’s big news. The studies that showed the drug was dangerous, that it could and would cause people to commit suicide and homicide. Boom. More bad press for the manufacturer. More investigations. More lost revenue.

So right now, in Aurora, there are pharmaceutical people on the scene. Not just low-level goofballs, but competent investigators. They want to know what drugs James Holmes was prescribed. They need to know. And behind the scenes, people with clout are making phone calls. These pharma types are talking to government agents and it’s crazy time and damage-control time, and nobody is laughing. This is a high-stakes game. WHAT DRUGS WAS HOLMES TAKING?

There is pressure on both attorneys in the case, too. And the cops. With an insanity plea lurking in the wings, Holmes’ medical records could very well see the light of day. That would let everybody know what the drugs were. So somebody is calling the governor of Colorado, and other state officials, and they’re trying to maneuver and manipulate the legal process, to make the medical records vanish.

Come on. This isn’t just a murder case. Now it’s about money. Big pharma lawyers are reading up on Colorado law to find loopholes, ways to get around revealing Holmes’ medical history.

Holmes is now a pawn. He’s the nowhere kid who is going to be shuttled around on the game board to save the drug money for the people who own it.

The money is dirty. It always was. It’s filthy. It’s been made on the backs of people who have died at the rate of 100,000 a year in the US alone. That’s a million people per decade—pharmaceutically caused deaths. The heads of these drug companies and their allied banks are Mafiosa. They inflict more human damage in a day than all the goombahs who have ever shot up pizza joints on Mulberry Street or dealt narcotics to addicts across the world, since Sicily puts itself on the map as the center of the Cosa Nostra.

http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com they could get to Holmes in his cell, they’d erase him. They’d make it look like a suicide. Today. What do you think “lone shooter” is all about? Yes, the covert op that very well may have used Holmes as the patsy, to push the government into banning guns, is a major piece here. But that work is done. Now it’s “lone shooter” because getting rid of Holmes by killing him or warehousing him for the rest of his life in a mental prison, with brain-hammer drugs making him into a vegetable, means that the names of the psychiatric drugs he was taking before the massacre will be lost to history, and no one will take the criminal investigation any further.

Update: Holmes’ psychiatrist, Lynne Fenton, was reprimanded by the Colorado Board of Medical Examiners, in 2005, for prescribing drugs to several patients, including herself, without entering the information in patient records. She could now find a target painted on her back, as the drug companies try to make her a patsy, an “irresponsible and incompetent doctor who didn’t give Mr. Holmes what he truly needed.” They would do this to take the drugs off the hook. “In the hands of a good psychiatrist, the proper medications would have worked well.” Who knows? Maybe they’ll claim she didn’t even treat Holmes directly, but supervised interns or grad students, who actually worked with Holmes.

I wrote the following as part of a 1999 white paper for The Truth Seeker Foundation, in the wake of the Columbine massacre. So the information is from that period. The white paper was titled: WHY DID THEY DO IT? THE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS ACROSS AMERICA.

It’s quite long; I’ve only printed an excerpt here. You can go to my blog and read the whole thing. It’s very relevant to the issues at hand.


The bulk of American media is afraid to go after psychiatric drugs as a cause of violence. This fear stems, in part, from the sure knowledge that expert attack dogs are waiting in the wings, funded by big-time pharmaceutical companies.

There are doctors and researchers as well who have seen a dark truth about these drugs in the journals, but are afraid to stand up and speak out. After all, the medical culture punishes no one as severely as its own defectors.

And what of the federal government itself? The FDA licenses every drug released for public use and certifies that it is safe and effective. If a real tornado started at the public level, if the mothers of the young killers and young victims began to see a terrible knowledge about the psychiatric drugs swim into view, a knowledge they hadn’t imagined, and if THEY joined forces, the earth would shake.

After commenting on some of the adverse effects of the antidepressant drug Prozac, psychiatrist Peter Breggin notes, “From the initial studies, it was also apparent that a small percentage of Prozac patients became psychotic.”

Prozac, in fact, endured a rocky road in the press for a time. Stories on it rarely appear now. The major media have backed off. But on February 7th, 1991, Amy Marcus’ Wall Street Journal article on the drug carried the headline, “Murder Trials Introduce Prozac Defense.” She wrote, “A spate of murder trials in which defendants claim they became violent when they took the antidepressant Prozac are imposing new problems for the drug’s maker, Eli Lilly and Co.

Also on February 7, 1991, the New York Times ran a Prozac piece headlined, “Suicidal Behavior Tied Again to Drug: Does Antidepressant Prompt Violence?”

In his landmark book, Toxic Psychiatry, Dr. Breggin mentions that the Donahue show (Feb. 28, 1991) “put together a group of individuals who had become compulsively self-destructive and murderous after taking Prozac and the clamorous telephone and audience response confirmed the problem.”

Breggin also cites a troubling study from the February 1990 American Journal of Psychiatry (Teicher et al, v.147:207-210) which reports on “six depressed patients, previously free of recent suicidal ideation, who developed intense, violent suicidal preoccupations after 2-7 weeks of fluoxetine [Prozac] treatment.’ The suicidal preoccupations lasted from three days to three months after termination of the treatment. The report estimates that 3.5 percent of Prozac users were at risk. While denying the validity of the study, Dista Products, a division of Eli Lilly, put out a brochure for doctors dated August 31, 1990, stating that it was adding ‘suicidal ideation’ to the adverse events section of its Prozac product information.”

An earlier study, from the September 1989 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, by Joseph Lipiniski, Jr., indicates that, in five examined cases, people on Prozac developed what is called akathisia. Symptoms include intense anxiety, inability to sleep, the “jerking of extremities,” and “bicycling in bed or just turning around and around.” Breggin comments that akathisia “may also contribute to the drug’s tendency to cause self-destructive or violent tendencies … Akathisia can become the equivalent of biochemical torture and could possibly tip someone over the edge into self-destructive or violent behavior … The June 1990 Health Newsletter, produced by the Public Citizen Research Group, reports, ‘Akathisia, or symptoms of restlessness, constant pacing, and purposeless movements of the feet and legs, may occur in 10-25 percent of patients on Prozac.’”

The well-known publication, California Lawyer, in a December 1998 article called “Protecting Prozac,” mentions other highly qualified critics of the drug: “David Healy, MD, an internationally renowned psychopharmacologist, has stated in sworn deposition that ‘contrary to Lilly’s view, there is a plausible cause-and-effect relationship between Prozac’ and suicidal-homicidal events. An epidemiological study published in 1995 by the British Medical Journal also links Prozac to increased suicide risk.”

When pressed, proponents of these SSRI drugs sometimes say, “Well, the benefits for the general population far outweigh the risk,” or, “Maybe in one or two tragic cases the dosage prescribed was too high.” But the problem will not go away on that basis. A shocking review-study published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases (1996, v.184, no.2), written by Rhoda L. Fisher and Seymour Fisher, called “Antidepressants for Children,” concludes: “Despite unanimous literature of double-blind studies indicating that antidepressants are no more effective than placebos in treating depression in children and adolescents, such medications continue to be in wide use.”

In wide use. This despite such contrary information and the negative, dangerous effects of these drugs.

There are other studies: “Emergence of self-destructive phenomena in children and adolescents during fluoxetine treatment,” published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (1991, vol.30), written by RA King, RA Riddle, et al. It reports self-destructive phenomena in 14% (6/42) of children and adolescents (10-17 years old) who had treatment with fluoxetine (Prozac) for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

July, 1991. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Hisako Koizumi, MD, describes a thirteen-year-old boy who was on Prozac: “full of energy,” “hyperactive,” “clown-like.” All this devolved into sudden violent actions which were “totally unlike him.” [Sound like James Holmes?]

September, 1991. The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Author Laurence Jerome reports the case of a ten-year old who moves with his family to a new location. Becoming depressed, the boy is put on Prozac by a doctor. The boy is then “hyperactive, agitated … irritable.” He makes a “somewhat grandiose assessment of his own abilities.” Then he calls a stranger on the phone and says he is going to kill him. The Prozac is stopped, and the symptoms disappear.

[What is true about Prozac is true about Paxil or Zoloft or any of the other SSRI antidepressants. And be warned: suddenly withdrawing from any psychiatric drug can be extremely dangerous to the patient. See www.breggin.com on this subject and how to handle it.]

Ritalin, manufactured by Novartis, is the close cousin to speed which is given to millions of American schoolchildren for a condition called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). ADD and ADHD, for which no organic causes have ever been found, are touted as disease-conditions that afflict the young, causing hyperactivity, unmanageability, and learning problems. Of course, when you name a disorder or a syndrome and yet can find no single provable organic cause for it, you have nothing more than a loose collection of behaviors with an arbitrary title.

Correction: you also have a pharmaceutical bonanza.

Dr. Breggin, referring to an official directory of psychiatric disorders, the DSM-III-R, writes that withdrawal from amphetamine-type drugs, including Ritalin, can cause “depression, anxiety, and irritability as well as sleep problems, fatigue, and agitation.” Breggin then remarks, “The individual may become suicidal in response to the depression.”

The well-known Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics reveals a vital fact. It states that Ritalin is “structurally related to amphetamines … Its pharmacological properties are essentially the same as those of the amphetamines.” In other words, the only clear difference is legality. And the effects, in layman’s terms, are obvious. You take speed and, sooner or later, you start crashing. You become agitated, irritable, paranoid, delusional, aggressive.

In Toxic Psychiatry, Dr. Breggin discusses the subject of drug combinations: “Combining antidepressants [e.g., Prozac, Luvox] and psychostimulants [e.g., Ritalin] increases the risk of cardiovascular catastrophe, seizures, sedation, euphoria, and psychosis. Withdrawal from the combination can cause a severe reaction that includes confusion, emotional instability, agitation, and aggression.” Children are frequently medicated with this combination, and when we highlight such effects as aggression, psychosis, and emotional instability, it is obvious that the result is pointing toward the very real possibility of violence.

To read the rest of this white paper, go to:


What does this all add up to? The fantasy evil portrayed in The Dark Knight Rises, and the real evil enacted by the shooters in the Aurora Century theater, has now given way to a more pervasive evil, as the mega-drug companies come to town to protect their money and their bankers and their fabricated reputation.

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

About the author:
The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon
was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of
California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an
investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics,
medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine,
Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon
has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic,
and creative power to audiences around the world.



The Neoconservative War Criminals In Our Midst

Paul Craig Roberts
Aug 2, 2012

The State Department has an office that hunts German war criminals. Bureaucracies being what they are, the office will exist into next century when any surviving German prison guards will be 200 years old.


From time to time the State Department claims to have found a lowly German soldier who was assigned as a prison camp guard. The ancient personage, who had lived in the US for the past 50 or 60 years without doing harm to anyone, is then merciless persecuted, usually on the basis of hearsay. I have never understood what the State Department thinks the alleged prison guard was supposed to have done–freed the prisoners, resign his position?–when Prussian aristocrats, high-ranking German Army generals and Field Marshall and national hero Erwin Rommel were murdered for trying to overthrow Hitler.

What the State Department needs is an office that rounds up American war criminals.

They are in abundance and not hard to find. Indeed, recently 56 of them made themselves public by signing a letter to President Obama demanding that he send in the US Army to complete the destruction of Syria and its people that Washington has begun.

At the Nuremberg Trials of the defeated Germans after World War II, the US government established the principle that naked aggression–the American way in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan, and Yemen–is a war crime. Therefore, there is a very strong precedent for the State Department to round up those neoconservatives who are fomenting more war crimes.

But don’t expect it to happen. Today, war criminals run the State Department and the entire US Government. They are elected to the presidency, the House, and the Senate, and appointed to the federal courts as judges. American soldiers, such as Bradley Manning, who behave as the State Department expects German soldiers to have behaved, are not honored, but are thrown into dungeons and tortured while a court marshall case is concocted against them.

Hypocrisy is Washington’s hallmark, and all but the most delusional are now accustomed to their rulers speaking one way and behaving in the opposite. It is now part of the American character to regard ourselves as members of the “virtuous nation,” “the indispensable people,” while our rulers commit war crimes around the globe.


Whereas we have all been made complicit in war crimes by “our” government, it still behooves us to know who are the active war criminals in our midst who have burdened us with our war criminal reputation.

You can learn the identity of many of those who are driving the world into World War Three, while their policies result in the murder of large numbers of Arabs and Muslims in Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon, by perusing the signatures to the contrived letter to Obama from the neoconsevatives calling on Obama to invade Syria in order to “rescue” the Syrian people from their government.

According the the letter signed by 56 neoconservatives, only the Syrian government is responsible for deaths in Syria. The Washington sponsored and armed “rebels” are merely protecting the Syrian people from the Assad government. According to the letter signers, the only way the Syrian people can be saved is if Washington overthrows the Syrian government and installs a puppet state attentive to the needs of Israel and Washington.

Among the 56 signatures are a few names from the Syrian National Congress, believed to be a CIA front, and a few names from dupes among the goyim. The rest of the signatures are those of Jewish neoconservatives tightly allied with Israel, some of whom are apparently dual-Israeli citizens who participate in the formation of US foreign policy. The names on this list comprise a concentration of evil, the goal of which is not only to bring armageddon to the Syrian people but also to the world.

The letter to Obama is part of the propaganda operation to demonize the Syrian government with lies in order to get rid of a government that supports Hizbollah, the Muslims in southern Lebanon who have twice driven the vaunted, but cowardly, Israeli army out of Lebanon, thus preventing the Israeli government from achieving its aim of stealing the water resources of southern Lebanon.

Not a single sentence in the letter is correct. Listen to this one for example: “The Assad regime poses a grave threat to national security interests of the United States.” What utter total absurdity, and the morons who signed the letter pretend to be “security experts.”

How do we evaluate the fact that 56 people have no shame whatsoever and will lie to the President of the United States, telling him to his face the most absurd and obvious false things in order to advance their personal agenda at the expense of not merely the lives of Syrians but, by leading to wider war, of life on earth?

This same neocon architects of armageddon are also working against Iran, Russia, the former Soviet central Asian countries, Ukraine, Belarus, and China. It seems that they can’t wait to start a nuclear war.

You can find the names of some of humanity’s worst enemies here:http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article32021.htm

Conservatives Call for Obama to Intervene in Syria

By Josh Rogin

July 30, 2012 “FP“–  Fifty-six leading conservative foreign-policy experts wrote an open letter Friday to U.S. President Barack Obama calling on him to directly aid the Syrian opposition and protect the lives of Syrian civilians.

“For eleven months now, the Syrian people have been dying on a daily basis at the hands of their government as they seek to topple the brutal regime of Bashar al-Assad.  As the recent events in the city of Homs-in which hundreds of Syrians have been killed in a matter of days-have shown, Assad will stop at nothing to maintain his grip on power,” wrote the experts.

“Unless the United States takes the lead and acts, either individually or in concert with like-minded nations, thousands of additional Syrian civilians will likely die, and the emerging civil war in Syria will likely ignite wider instability in the Middle East.”

The letter was organized jointly by the Foreign Policy Initiative and the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, both conservative policy organizations in Washington, D.C. Signees included Max Boot, Paul Bremer, Elizabeth Cheney, Eric Edelman, Jamie Fly, John Hannah, William Inboden, William Kristol, Michael Ledeen, Clifford May, Robert McFarlane, Martin Peretz, Danielle Pletka, John Podhoretz, Stephen Rademaker, Karl Rove, Randy Scheunemann, Dan Senor, James Woolsey, Dov Zakheim,and Radwan Ziadeh, a member of the Syrian National Council.

The letter calls on Obama to immediately establish safe zones within Syrian territory, establish contacts with and provide assistance to the Free Syrian Army (FSA), give communications and logistical assistance to the Syrian opposition, and enact further sanctions on the Syrian regime and its leaders.

The letter comes one day before the first “Friends of Syria” contact-group meeting in Tunisia and on the same day Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is meeting with EU High Representative Catherine Ashton in Washington.

On Thursday, the U.N. General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to condemn the government sponsored violence in Syria, but the letter argues that multilateral efforts to protect civilians in Syria have thus far failed.

“The Syrian people are asking for international assistance,” it reads. “It is apparent that American leadership is required to ensure the quickest end to the Assad regime’s brutal reign, and to clearly show the Syrian people that, as you said on February 4, 2012, the people of the free world stand with them as they seek to realize their aspirations.”

Read the full blood stained letter signed by  war criminals and traitors each and everyone of them should be brought up on fomenting war charges

February 17, 2012 

The Honorable Barack H. Obama

President of the United States of America

The White House

Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. President:

For eleven months now, the Syrian people have been dying on a daily basis at the hands of their government as they seek to topple the brutal regime of Bashar al-Assad.  As the recent events in the city of Homs-in which hundreds of Syrians have been killed in a matter of days-have shown, Assad will stop at nothing to maintain his grip on power.

Given the United Nations Security Council’s recent failure to act, we believe that the United States cannot continue to defer its strategic and moral responsibilities in Syria to regional actors such as the Arab League, or to wait for consent from the Assad regime’s protectors, Russia and China.  We therefore urge you to take immediate steps to decisively halt the Assad regime’s atrocities against Syrian civilians, and to hasten the emergence of a post-Assad government in Syria.

Syria’s future is not purely a humanitarian concern.  The Assad regime poses a grave threat to national security interests of the United States.  The Syrian government, which has been on the State Department’s State Sponsors of Terrorism list since 1979, maintains a strategic partnership with the terror-sponsoring government of Iran, as well as with Hamas and Hezbollah.  For years, it facilitated the entry of foreign fighters into Iraq who killed American troops.  For years, it secretly pursued a nuclear program with North Korea’s assistance.  And for decades, it has closely cooperated with Iran and other agents of violence and instability to menace America’s allies and partners throughout the Middle East.

Equally troubling, foreign powers have already directly intervened in Syria-in support of the Assad regime.  Russia is providing arms and supplies to the Syrian government.  Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Hezbollah are reportedly operating in Syria, and assisting Syrian military forces and pro-regime militias in efforts to crush the Syrian opposition.  In turn, the lack of resolve and action by the responsible members of the international community is only further emboldening the Assad regime.

Given these facts, we urge you to take the following immediate actions to hasten an end to the Assad regime and the humanitarian catastrophe that it is inflicting on the Syrian people:

  • Immediately establish safe zones within Syrian territory, as well as no-go zones for the Assad regime’s military and security forces, around Homs, Idlib, and other threatened areas, in order to protect Syrian civilians. To the extent possible, the United States should work with like-minded countries like Turkey and members of the Arab League in these efforts.

  • Establish contacts with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and, in conjunction with allies in the Middle East and Europe, provide a full range of direct assistance, including self-defense aid to the FSA.\

  • Improve U.S. coordination with political opposition groups and provide them with secure communications technologies and other assistance that will help to improve their ability to prepare for a post-Assad Syria.

  • Work with Congress to impose crippling U.S. and multilateral sanctions on the Syrian government, especially on Syria’s energy, banking, and shipping sectors.

Unless the United States takes the lead and acts, either individually or in concert with like-minded nations, thousands of additional Syrian civilians will likely die, and the emerging civil war in Syria will likely ignite wider instability in the Middle East.  Given American interests in the Middle East, as well as the implications for those seeking freedom in other repressive societies, it is imperative that the United States and its allies not remove any option from consideration, including military intervention.

The Syrian people are asking for international assistance.  It is apparent that American leadership is required to ensure the quickest end to the Assad regime’s brutal reign, and to clearly show the Syrian people that, as you said on February 4, 2012, the people of the free world stand with them as they seek to realize their aspirations.


Khairi Abaza

Ammar Abdulhamid

Hussain Abdul-Hussain

Tony Badran

Paul Berman

Max Boot

Ellen Bork

L. Paul Bremer

Matthew R. J. Brodsky

Elizabeth Cheney

Seth Cropsey

Toby Dershowitz

James Denton

Mark Dubowitz

Nicholas Eberstadt

Eric S. Edelman

Jamie M. Fly

Reuel Marc Gerecht

Abe Greenwald

John P. Hannah

William Inboden

Bruce Pitcairn Jackson

Ash Jain

Kenneth Jensen

Sirwan Kajjo

Lawrence F. Kaplan

Irina Krasovskaya

William Kristol

Michael Ledeen

Tod Lindberg

Herbert I. London

Clifford D. May

Ann Marlowe

Robert C. McFarlane

Joshua Muravchik

Martin Peretz

Danielle Pletka

John Podhoretz

Stephen Rademaker

Karl Rove

Jonathan Schanzer

Randy Scheunemann

Gary J. Schmitt

Daniel S. Senor

Lee Smith

Henry D. Sokolski

Daniel Twining

Peter Wehner

Kenneth R. Weinstein

Leon Wieseltier

R. James Woolsey

Khawla Yusuf

Dov S. Zakheim

Robert Zarate

Radwan Ziadeh

See also – In Syria, U.S. should arm rebels, shape future political agenda, says Wolfowitz: Wolfowitz, who was one of the chief architects of the Iraq invasion and post-war planning as Deputy Secretary of Defense under Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said, for one, there would be no American ground troops necessary in Syria.



2045 ‘Immortality’ Transhumanism Program Threatens Humanity’s Integrity

Andre Evans
July 2, 2012

dnaandworld 235x147 2045 Immortality Transhumanism Program Threatens Humanitys Integrity

With the overt disclosure of the 2045 program, a scientific advancement process intended to ultimately lead to ‘immortality’ via an artificial body and mind, a startlingly clear picture of what was once thought of as a science fiction fantasy is forming into reality in a profound way.

The 2045 strategic social initiative is an explicit display of a plan for what is touted as human immortality — first available to the wealthy elite of the world. Also called the avatar project, this effort puts a face to the underlying attempts of transhumanists to use genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology to create a technologically advanced grade of “humans” with abilities and lifespan far beyond that of the average man.

Trans-humanism (or H+), is a growing movement that asserts claims and ambitions that ultimately seek to debase the position of natural man, and ultimately replace him with a wholly superior “H+” counterpart. A view largely held by many secular scientists, these individuals also will be instrumental in bringing forth what they deem as in an inevitable progression in the evolution of humankind.

The 2045 project essentially aims to create a holographic ‘avatar’ as well as artificial bodies that a human can have his consciousness transferred to when his mortal body fails. Should this technology work, then theoretically this would mean that a person can live forever and ‘choose’ their time to die.

Although it looks appealing in theory, there are serious implications and issues with this altogether.

Being advocates of natural health and believing the human body has its own intricate design, an attempt to become a synthetic avatar would potentially erase all of the aspects of humanity that define our character and being.

This technology at its fruition would also attempt to delve into realms of reality no scientist has ever been able to grasp within a natural, human viewpoint of comprehension. Theoretical physicists are beginning to admit that our universe is a shadow of a larger reality, and the natural man can scarcely understand it with his own devices. Like it or not, this universe is far more complex than what we have observed.

Despite this, there are parameters in place that define the experience of a human being, including three dimensions, senses, emotions, free will, conscience, morality, accountability and ultimately death.

implantable microchips

An attempt to abdicate all of these aspects of humanity, regardless of any of the assumed benefits is something so mind boggling and even hubris filled that it lends itself to a science fiction script, and yet there are people attempting to make this a reality.

This particular project is being pushed as a nonprofit, and asking for the financial aid of many high profile elites, giving them premium access to the technology at its fruition. Giving supposed immortality to these malevolent figures to continue their rule throughout all of ‘eternity’ is literally the playbook out of an evil mastermind’s hand.

Whether or not this technology (and others like it) succeeds, its concept and implications have been a longstanding threat to humanity, and would replace it with something that may be too absurd, destructive, and even hellish to consider a reality.

And yet the roots of the quest for godhood have been established long before today in a book written thousands of years ago:

“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”

Genesis 3:4-5

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/2045-immortality-transhumanism-program-threaten-humanity-integrity/#ixzz22OzAT0oJ

They Really Do Want To Implant Microchips Into Your Brain

Michael Snyder
American Dream
Aug 2, 2012

Are you ready to have a microchip implanted into your brain?  That might not sound very appealing to you at this point, but this is exactly what the big pharmaceutical companies and the big technology companies have planned for our future.

They are pumping millions of dollars into researching “cutting edge” technologies that will enable implantable microchips to greatly “enhance” our health and our lives.  Of course nobody is going to force you to have a microchip implanted into your brain when they are first introduced.  Initially, brain implants will be marketed as “revolutionary breakthroughs” that can cure chronic diseases and that can enable the disabled to live normal lives.  When the “benefits” of such technology are demonstrated to the general public, soon most people will want to become “super-abled”.  Just imagine the hype that will surround these implants when people discover that you can get rid of your extra weight in a matter of days or that you can download an entire college course into your memory in just a matter of hours.  The possibilities for this kind of technology are endless, and it is just a matter of time before having microchips implanted into your brain is considered to be quite common.  What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming reality, and it is going to change the world forever.

But aren’t there some very serious potential downsides to having microchips implanted into our brains?

Of course there are.

Unfortunately, this technology is not as far off as you might think, and most people are not even talking about what the negative consequences might be.

According to a recent article in the Financial Times, the pharmaceutical company of the future will include a “bioelectronics” business that “treats disease through electrical signalling in the brain and elsewhere.”

Diseases such as diabetes and epilepsy and conditions such as obesity and depression will be will be treated “through electronic implants into the brain rather than pills or injections.”

These implants will send electrical signals to cells and organs that are “malfunctioning”.  People will be totally “cured” without ever having to pop a pill or go under the knife.

It sounds too good to be true, right?

DNA and the world of Transhumanism

Well, the Financial Times says that British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline is working very hard to develop these kinds of technologies.  Moncef Slaoui, the head of research and development at GlaxoSmithKline, says that the “challenge is to integrate the work – in brain-computer interfaces, materials science, nanotechnology, micro-power generation – to provide therapeutic benefit.”

If a brain implant could cure a disease that you have been suffering from your whole life would you take it?

A lot of people are going to be faced with that kind of a decision in future years.

And this kind of technology is advancing very rapidly.  In fact, some researchers have already had success treating certain diseases by implanting microchips into the brains of rats.  The following is from a recent Mashable article….

Stroke and Parkinson’s Disease patients may benefit from a controversial experiment that implanted microchips into lab rats. Scientists say the tests produced effective results in brain damage research.

Rats showed motor function in formerly damaged gray matter after a neural microchip was implanted under the rat’s skull and electrodes were transferred to the rat’s brain. Without the microchip, rats with damaged brain tissue did not have motor function. Both strokes and Parkinson’s can cause permanent neurological damage to brain tissue, so this scientific research brings hope.

In addition, the U.S. government has been working on implantable microchips that would monitor the health of our soldiers and enhance their abilities in the field.

So this technology is definitely coming.

But it must be very complicated to get a microchip implanted into your brain, right?

Actually it is fairly simple.

Transhumanism 2045

According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, the typical procedure is very quick and it often only requires just an overnight stay in the hospital….

Neural implants, also called brain implants, are medical devices designed to be placed under the skull, on the surface of the brain. Often as small as an aspirin, implants use thin metal electrodes to “listen” to brain activity and in some cases to stimulate activity in the brain. Attuned to the activity between neurons, a neural implant can essentially “listen” to your brain activity and then “talk” directly to your brain.

If that prospect makes you queasy, you may be surprised to learn that the installation of a neural implant is relatively simple and fast. Under anesthesia, an incision is made in the scalp, a hole is drilled in the skull, and the device is placed on the surface of the brain. Diagnostic communication with the device can take place wirelessly. When it is not an outpatient procedure, patients typically require only an overnight stay at the hospital.

But is it really safe to have a device implanted into your head that can “talk” directly to your brain?

Many large corporations are banking on the fact that in a world that is always hungry for new technology that most people will not be bothered by such things.

For example, Intel is working on sensors that will be implanted in the brain that will be able to directly control computers and cell phones.  The following is an excerpt from a Computer World UK article….

By the year 2020, you won’t need a keyboard and mouse to control your computer, say Intel researchers. Instead, users will open documents and surf the web using nothing more than their brain waves.

Scientists at Intel’s research lab in Pittsburgh are working to find ways to read and harness human brain waves so they can be used to operate computers, television sets and cell phones. The brain waves would be harnessed with Intel-developed sensors implanted in people’s brains.

The scientists say the plan is not a scene from a sci-fi movie, Big Brother won’t be planting chips in your brain against your will. Researchers expect that consumers will want the freedom they will gain by using the implant.


Once again, this is not something that will be forced on you against your will.

These big corporations are banking on the fact that a lot of people will want to get these brain implants.

Even now, some video game makers are developing headsets that allow users to play games using their brain waves rather than a joystick or a control pad.

Other companies want to make it possible to directly connect your brain to the Internet.

As I have written about previously, IBM is aggressively working to develop this kind of technology.  The following is from arecent IBM press release….

IBM scientists are among those researching how to link your brain to your devices, such as a computer or a smartphone. If you just need to think about calling someone, it happens. Or you can control the cursor on a computer screen just by thinking about where you want to move it.

Scientists in the field of bioinformatics have designed headsets with advanced sensors to read electrical brain activity that can recognize facial expressions, excitement and concentration levels, and thoughts of a person without them physically taking any actions.

The potential “benefits” of such technology are almost beyond imagination.  An article on the website of the Science Channel put it this way….

If you could pump data directly into your gray matter at, say, 50 mbps — the top speed offered by one major U.S. internet service provider — you’d be able to read a 500-page book in just under two-tenths of a second.

How would the world change if you could download a lifetime of learning directly into your brain in a matter of weeks?

Biometric-Security-Cartoon of transhumanism

The possibilities are endless.

But so is the potential for abuse.

Implantable microchips that can “talk” directly to the brain would give a tyrannical government the ultimate form of control.

If you could download thoughts and feelings directly into the brains of your citizens, you could achieve total control and never have to worry that they would turn on you.

In fact, you could potentially program these chips to make your citizens feel good all the time.  You could have these chips produce a “natural high” that never ends.  That would make your citizens incredibly dependent on the chips and they would never want to give them up.

This kind of technology has the potential to be one of the greatest threats to liberty and freedom in the history of mankind.

At first these implantable microchips will be sold to us as one of the greatest “breakthroughs” ever, but in the end they could end up totally enslaving us.

So I will never be taking any kind of a brain implant, and I hope that you will not either.




Judge Rules al-Qaeda and Iran Must Pay Billions to 9/11 Families

Kurt Nimmo
August 1, 2012

A federal judge in New York has ruled that al-Qaeda and Iran were responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks and has ordered them to pay victim families $6 billion in compensation.

On Monday, U.S. Magistrate Frank Maas imposed civil penalties and said the money would be paid to 110 survivors and the estates of 47 victims.

A plaintiff’s legal team said it may seek the seizure of Iranian assets in order to pay the families.

In December of 2011, a federal district court in Manhattan ruled that Iran and Hezbollah materially and directly supported al-Qaeda in the attacks.

“The families have waited a very long time for this day and they have been through a lot. So I was greatly relieved that the families received an answer to the question that they asked me ten years ago: they asked who was the responsible party? How did this happen? Today a federal court judge has said that a principal responsible party is the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said Thomas E. Mellon, Jr. of Doylestown, Pennsylvania, law firm of Mellon Webster & Shelly, the lead attorney in the case.

Attorneys based their case on conclusions made by the 9/11 Commission’s recommendation “regarding an apparent link between Iran, Hezbollah, and the 9/11 hijackers, following the Commission’s own eleventh-hour discovery of significant National Security Agency intercepts,” according to the Havlish, et al vs. Osama Bin Laden, Iran, et al website.

Although the Commission claims al-Qaeda operatives passed through Iran and officials did not stamp their passports, it also admits (in Chapter 7) that Iran did not have knowledge of the supposed 9/11 plot. Moreover, the families of alleged hijackers Ahmed Alnami and Wail and Waleed Alshehri have denied they traveled to Iran on their way to training camps in Afghanistan.

In addition, although the establishment, including the Council on Foreign Relations, has claimed al-Qaeda and Hezbollah have worked together, there is no concrete evidence of this.

There is far more compelling evidence that the United States government and the CIA were responsible for training and assisting Afghan Arabs who would ultimately be designated as members of al-Qaeda.

Documented evidence reveals that Osama bin Laden worked directly with the CIA and Pakistani intelligence. It is said Bin Laden was personally recruited by the CIA in 1979 in Istanbul. He had the close support of Prince Turk bin Faisal, who was his friend and head of Saudi intelligence (see Andrew Gavin Marshall, The Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda. The CIA’s Drug-Running Terrorists and the “Arc of Crisis”).

And yet to date there has not been a lawsuit launched against the CIA, Pakistan’s ISI, or the Saudis.

Do You See The Lie

First it was Afganistan-Taliban-AlQaeda  so we were told

Next It Was Iraq-Saddam Hussein and WMD’s

and now 11 years later its seems that Iran is now deemed responsible for 911


HAARP | JAPAN | Scientist Leuren Moret: Japan Earthquake and Nuclear “Accident” are Tectonic Nuclear Warfare (Video) | JAPAN Not Natural Earthquake | Initiated by External Energy | HR 2977

YouTube — ExopoliticsTV

Independent scientist Leuren Moret, whose 2004 landmark article in the Japan Times unmasked lies and distortions by government and company officials that led to the construction of nuclear power plants in seismically dangerous areas, has declared in an exclusive 65-minute video interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that the “Japan earthquake and “accidents” at the Fukushima’s 6 nuclear power plant units starting March 11, 2011 are in fact deliberate acts of tectonic nuclear warfare, carried out against the populations ecology of Japan and the nations of the Northern Hemisphere, including the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

HR 2977 IH


1st Session

H. R. 2977To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and to require the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.



October 2, 2001

Mr. KUCINICH introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, and International Relations, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned


A BILLTo preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and to require the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Space Preservation Act of 2001′.

      Congress reaffirms the policy expressed in section 102(a) of the

National Aeronautics and Space Actof 1958 (42 U.S.C. 2451(a)), stating that it `is the policy of the United States that activities in space should be devoted to peaceful purposes for the benefit of all mankind.’.

    The President shall–
  • (1) implement a permanent ban on space-based weapons of the United States and remove from space any existing space-based weapons of the United States; and
    • (2) immediately order the permanent termination of research and development, testing, manufacturing, production, and deployment of all space-based weapons of the United States and their components.
    The President shall direct the United States representatives to the United Nations and other international organizations to immediately work toward negotiating, adopting, and implementing a world agreement banning space-based weapons.

The President shall submit to Congress not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 90 days thereafter, a report on–

  • (1) the implementation of the permanent ban on space-based weapons required by section 3; and
    • (2) progress toward negotiating, adopting, and implementing the agreement described in section 4.

Nothing in this Act may be construed as prohibiting the use of funds for–

    • (1) space exploration;
    • (2) space research and development;
    • (3) testing, manufacturing, or production that is not related to space-based weapons or systems; or
    • (4) civil, commercial, or defense activities (including communications, navigation, surveillance, reconnaissance, early warning, or remote sensing) that are not related to space-based weapons or systems.
    In this Act:
  • (1) The term `space’ means all space extending upward from an altitude greater than 60 kilometers above the surface of the earth and any celestial body in such space.
    • (2)(A) The terms `weapon’ and `weapons system’ mean a device capable of any of the following:
    • (i) Damaging or destroying an object (whether in outer space, in the atmosphere, or on earth) by–
        • (I) firing one or more projectiles to collide with that object;
      • (II) detonating one or more explosive devices in close proximity to that object;
      • (III) directing a source of energy (including molecular or atomic energy, subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation) against that object; or
        • (IV) any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means.
      • (ii) Inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person)–
      • (I) through the use of any of the means described in clause (i) or subparagraph (B);
      • (II) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations; or
      • (III) by expelling chemical or biological agents in the vicinity of a person.
    • (B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as–
    • (i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;
    • (ii) chemtrails;
    • (iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;
      • (iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;
      • (v) laser weapons systems;
      • (vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and
      • (vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.
    • (C) The term `exotic weapons systems’ includes weapons designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space.


The Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda. The CIA’s Drug-Running Terrorists and the “Arc of Crisis”

Andrew Gavin Marshall
Global Research
September 7, 2010


Part I


As the 9th anniversary of 9/11 nears, and the war on terror continues to be waged and grows in ferocity and geography, it seems all the more imperative to return to the events of that fateful September morning and re-examine the reasons for war and the nature of the stated culprit, Al-Qaeda.


The events of 9/11 pervade the American and indeed the world imagination as an historical myth. The events of that day and those leading up to it remain largely unknown and little understood by the general public, apart from the disturbing images repeated ad nauseam in the media. The facts and troubled truths of that day are lost in the folklore of the 9/11 myth: that the largest attack carried out on American ground was orchestrated by 19 Muslims armed with box cutters and urged on by religious fundamentalism, all under the direction of Osama bin Laden, the leader of a global terrorist network called al-Qaeda, based out of a cave in Afghanistan.


The myth sweeps aside the facts and complex nature of terror, al-Qaeda, the American empire and literally defies the laws of physics. As John F. Kennedy once said, “The greatest enemy of the truth is not the lie – deliberate, contrived, and dishonest – but the myth – persistent, pervasive, and unrealistic.”

This three-part series on “The Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda” examines the geopolitical historical origins and nature of what we today know as al-Qaeda, which is in fact an Anglo-American intelligence network of terrorist assets used to advance American and NATO imperial objectives in various regions around the world.

Part 1 examines the origins of the intelligence network known as the Safari Club, which financed and organized an international conglomerate of terrorists, the CIA’s role in the global drug trade, the emergence of the Taliban and the origins of al-Qaeda.

The Safari Club

Following Nixon’s resignation as President, Gerald Ford became the new US President in 1974. Henry Kissinger remained as Secretary of State and Ford brought into his administration two names that would come to play important roles in the future of the American Empire: Donald Rumsfeld as Ford’s Chief of Staff, and Dick Cheney, as Deputy Assistant to the President. The Vice President was Nelson Rockefeller, David Rockefeller’s brother. When Donald Rumsfeld was promoted to Secretary of Defense, Dick Cheney was promoted to Chief of Staff. Ford had also appointed a man named George H.W. Bush as CIA Director.


In 1976, a coalition of intelligence agencies was formed, which was called the Safari Club. This marked the discreet and highly covert coordination among various intelligence agencies, which would last for decades. It formed at a time when the CIA was embroiled in domestic scrutiny over the Watergate scandal and a Congressional investigation into covert CIA activities, forcing the CIA to become more covert in its activities.

In 2002, the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Turki bin Faisal gave a speech in which he stated that in response to the CIA’s need for more discretion, “a group of countries got together in the hope of fighting Communism and established what was called the Safari Club. The Safari Club included France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Iran [under the Shah].”[1] However, “The Safari Club needed a network of banks to finance its intelligence operations. With the official blessing of George H.W. Bush as the head of the CIA,” Saudi intelligence chief, Kamal Adham, “transformed a small Pakistani merchant bank, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), into a world-wide money-laundering machine, buying banks around the world to create the biggest clandestine money network in history.”[2]

jfkbushcia (1)

As CIA director, George H.W. Bush “cemented strong relations with the intelligence services of both Saudi Arabia and the shah of Iran. He worked closely with Kamal Adham, the head of Saudi intelligence, brother-in-law of King Faisal and an early BCCI insider.” Adham had previously acted as a “channel between [Henry] Kissinger and [Egyptian President] Anwar Sadat” in 1972. In 1976, Iran, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia formed the Safari Club “to conduct through their own intelligence agencies operations that were now difficult for the CIA,” which was largely organized by the head of French intelligence, Alexandre de Marenches.[3]

The “Arc of Crisis” and the Iranian Revolution

When Jimmy Carter became President in 1977, he appointed over two-dozen members of the Trilateral Commission to his administration, which was an international think tank formed by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller in 1973. Brzezinski had invited Carter to join the Trilateral Commission, and when Carter became President, Brzezinski became National Security Adviser; Cyrus Vance, also a member of the Commission, became Secretary of State; and Samuel Huntington, another Commission member, became Coordinator of National Security and Deputy to Brzezinski. Author and researcher Peter Dale Scott deserves much credit for his comprehensive analysis of the events leading up to and during the Iranian Revolution in his book, “The Road to 9/11”,* which provides much of the information below.

Samuel Huntington and Zbigniew Brzezinski were to determine the US policy position in the Cold War, and the US-Soviet policy they created was termed, “Cooperation and Competition,” in which Brzezinski would press for “Cooperation” when talking to the press, yet, privately push for “competition.” So, while Secretary of State Cyrus Vance was pursuing détente with the Soviet Union, Brzezinski was pushing for American supremacy over the Soviet Union. Brzezinski and Vance would come to disagree on almost every issue.[4]

In 1978, Zbigniew Brzezinski gave a speech in which he stated, “An arc of crisis stretches along the shores of the Indian Ocean, with fragile social and political structures in a region of vital importance to us threatened with fragmentation. The resulting political chaos could well be filled by elements hostile to our values and sympathetic to our adversaries.” The Arc of Crisis stretched from Indochina to southern Africa, although, more specifically, the particular area of focus was “the nations that stretch across the southern flank of the Soviet Union from the Indian subcontinent to Turkey, and southward through the Arabian Peninsula to the Horn of Africa.” Further, the “center of gravity of this arc is Iran, the world’s fourth largest oil producer and for more than two decades a citadel of U.S. military and economic strength in the Middle East. Now it appears that the 37-year reign of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi is almost over, ended by months of rising civil unrest and revolution.”[5]

With rising discontent in the region, “There was this idea that the Islamic forces could be used against the Soviet Union. The theory was, there was an arc of crisis, and so an arc of Islam could be mobilized to contain the Soviets. It was a Brzezinski concept.”[6] A month prior to Brzezinski’s speech, in November of 1978, “President Carter named the Bilderberg group’s George Ball, another member of the Trilateral Commission, to head a special White House Iran task force under the National Security Council’s Brzezinski.” Further, “Ball recommended that Washington drop support for the Shah of Iran and support the fundamentalist Islamic opposition of Ayatollah Khomeini.”[7] George Ball’s visit to Iran was a secret mission.[8]

Throughout 1978, the Shah was under the impression that “the Carter administration was plotting to topple his regime.” In 1978, the Queen and Shah’s wife, told Manouchehr Ganji, a minister in the Shah’s government, that, “I wanted to tell you that the Americans are maneuvering to bring down the Shah,” and she continued saying that she believed “they even want to topple the regime.”[9] The US Ambassador to Iran, William Sullivan, thought that the revolution would succeed, and told this to Ramsey Clark, former US Attorney General under the Johnson administration, as well as professor Richard Falk, when they were visiting Sullivan in Iran in 1978. Clark and Falk then went from Iran to Paris, to visit Khomeini, who was there in exile. James Bill, a Carter adviser, felt that, “a religious movement brought about with the United States’ assistance would be a natural friend of the United States.”[10]

Also interesting is the fact that the British BBC broadcast pro-Khomeini Persian-language programs daily in Iran, as a subtle form of propaganda, which “gave credibility to the perception of United States and British support of Khomeini.”[11] The BBC refused to give the Shah a platform to respond, and “[r]epeated personal appeals from the Shah to the BBC yielded no result.”[12]


In the May 1979 meeting of the Bilderberg Group, Bernard Lewis, a British historian of great influence (hence, the Bilderberg membership), presented a British-American strategy which, “endorsed the radical Muslim Brotherhood movement behind Khomeini, in order to promote balkanization of the entire Muslim Near East along tribal and religious lines. Lewis argued that the West should encourage autonomous groups such as the Kurds, Armenians, Lebanese Maronites, Ethiopian Copts, Azerbaijani Turks, and so forth. The chaos would spread in what he termed an ‘Arc of Crisis,’ which would spill over into the Muslim regions of the Soviet Union.”[13] Further, it would prevent Soviet influence from entering the Middle East, as the Soviet Union was viewed as an empire of atheism and godlessness: essentially a secular and immoral empire, which would seek to impose secularism across Muslim countries. So supporting radical Islamic groups would mean that the Soviet Union would be less likely to have any influence or relations with Middle Eastern countries, making the US a more acceptable candidate for developing relations.

A 1979 article in Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations, described the Arc of Crisis, saying that, “The Middle East constitutes its central core. Its strategic position is unequalled: it is the last major region of the Free World directly adjacent to the Soviet Union, it holds in its subsoil about three-fourths of the proven and estimated world oil reserves, and it is the locus of one of the most intractable conflicts of the twentieth century: that of Zionism versus Arab nationalism.” It went on to explain that post-war US policy in the region was focused on “containment” of the Soviet Union, as well as access to the regions oil.[14] The article continued, explaining that the most “obvious division” within the Middle East is, “that which separates the Northern Tier (Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan) from the Arab core,” and that, “After World War II, Turkey and Iran were the two countries most immediately threatened by Soviet territorial expansionism and political subversion.”[15] Ultimately, “the Northern Tier was assured of a serious and sustained American commitment to save it from sharing the fate of Eastern Europe.”[16]

While Khomeini was in Paris prior to the Revolution, a representative of the French President organized a meeting between Khomeini and “current world powers,” in which Khomeini made certain demands, such as, “the shah’s removal from Iran and help in avoiding a coup d’état by the Iranian Army.” The Western powers, however, “were worried about the Soviet Union’s empowerment and penetration and a disruption in Iran’s oil supply to the west. Khomeini gave the necessary guarantees. These meetings and contacts were taking place in January of 1979, just a few days before the Islamic Revolution in February 1979.”[17] In February of 1979, Khomeini was flown out of Paris on an Air France flight, to return to Iran, “with the blessing of Jimmy Carter.”[18] Ayatollah Khomeini named Mehdi Bazargan as prime minister of the Provisional Revolutionary Government on February 4, 1979. As Khomeini had demanded during his Paris meeting in January 1979, that western powers must help in avoiding a coup by the Iranian Army; in that same month, the Carter administration, under the direction of Brzezinski, had begun planning a military coup.[19]

Could this have been planned in the event that Khomeini was overthrown, the US would quickly reinstate order, perhaps even place Khomeini back in power? Interestingly, in January of 1979, “as the Shah was about to leave the country, the American Deputy Commander in NATO, General Huyser, arrived and over a period of a month conferred constantly with Iranian military leaders. His influence may have been substantial on the military’s decision not to attempt a coup and eventually to yield to the Khomeini forces, especially if press reports are accurate that he or others threatened to withhold military supplies if a coup were attempted.”[20] No coup was subsequently undertaken, and Khomeini came to power as the Ayatollah of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

As tensions increased among the population within Iran, the US sent “security advisers” to Iran to pressure the Shah’s SAVAK (secret police) to implement “a policy of ever more brutal repression, in a manner calculated to maximize popular antipathy to the Shah.” The Carter administration also began publicly criticizing the Shah’s human rights abuses.[21] On September 6, 1978, the Shah banned demonstrations, and the following day, between 700 and 2000 demonstrators were gunned down, following “advice from Brzezinski to be firm.”[22]

The US Ambassador to the UN, Andrew Young, a Trilateral Commission member, said that, “Khomeini will eventually be hailed as a saint,” and the US Ambassador to Iran, William Sullivan, said, “Khomeini is a Gandhi-like figure,” while Carter’s adviser, James Bill, said that Khomeini was a man of “impeccable integrity and honesty.”[23]

The Shah was also very sick in late 1978 and early 1979. So the Shah fled Iran in January of 1979 to the Bahamas, allowing for the revolution to take place. It is especially interesting to understand the relationship between David Rockefeller and the Shah of Iran. David Rockefeller’s personal assistant, Joseph V. Reed, had been “assigned to handle the shah’s finances and his personal needs;” Robert Armao, who worked for Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, was sent to “act as the shah’s public relations agent and lobbyist;” and Benjamin H. Kean, “a longtime associate of Chase Manhattan Bank chairman David Rockefeller,” and David Rockefeller’s “personal physician,” who was sent to Mexico when the shah was there, and advised that he “be treated at an American hospital.”[24]

JD Rockefeller 1

It is important to note that Rockefeller interests “had directed U.S. policy in Iran since the CIA coup of 1953.”[25] Following the Shah’s flight from Iran, there were increased pressures within the United States by a handful of powerful people to have the Shah admitted to the United States. These individuals were Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, John J. McCloy, former statesman and senior member of the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, who was also a lawyer for Chase Manhattan, and of course, David Rockefeller.[26]

Chase Manhattan Bank had more interests in Iran than any other US bank. In fact, the Shah had “ordered that all his government’s major operating accounts be held at Chase and that letters of credit for the purchase of oil be handled exclusively through Chase. The bank also became the agent and lead manager for many of the loans to Iran. In short, Iran became the crown jewel of Chase’s international banking portfolio.”[27]

The Iranian interim government, headed by Prime Minister Bazargan, collapsed in November of 1979, when Iranian hostages seized the US Embassy in Teheran. However, there is much more to this event than meets the eye. During the time of the interim government (February, 1979 to November, 1979), several actions were undertaken which threatened some very powerful interests who had helped the Ayatollah into power.

Chase Manhattan Bank faced a liquidity crisis as there had been billions in questionable loans to Iran funneled through Chase.[28] Several of Chase’s loans were “possibly illegal under the Iranian constitution.”[29] Further, in February of 1979, once the interim government was put in power, it began to take “steps to market its oil independently of the Western oil majors.” Also, the interim government “wanted Chase Manhattan to return Iranian assets, which Rockefeller put at more than $1 billion in 1978, although some estimates ran much higher,” which could have “created a liquidity crisis for the bank which already was coping with financial troubles.”[30]

With the seizure of the American Embassy in Iran, President Carter took moves to freeze Iranian financial assets. As David Rockefeller wrote in his book, “Carter’s ‘freeze’ of official Iranian assets protected our [Chase Manhattan’s] position, but no one at Chase played a role in convincing the administration to institute it.”[31]

In February of 1979, Iran had been taking “steps to market its oil independently of the Western oil majors. In 1979, as in 1953, a freeze of Iranian assets made this action more difficult.”[32] This was significant for Chase Manhattan not simply because of the close interlocking of the board with those of oil companies, not to mention Rockefeller himself, who is patriarch of the family whose name is synonymous with oil, but also because Chase exclusively handled all the letters of credit for the purchase of Iranian oil.[33]


The Shah being accepted into the United States, under public pressure from Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller, precipitated the hostage crisis, which occurred on November 4. Ten days later, Carter froze all Iranian assets in US banks, on the advice of his Treasury Secretary, William Miller. Miller just happened to have ties to Chase Manhattan Bank.[34]

Although Chase Manhattan directly benefited from the seizure of Iranian assets, the reasoning behind the seizure as well as the events leading up to it, such as a hidden role for the Anglo-Americans behind the Iranian Revolution, bringing the Shah to America, which precipitated the hostage crisis, cannot simply be relegated to personal benefit for Chase. There were larger designs behind this crisis. So the 1979 crises in Iran cannot simply be pawned off as a spur of the moment undertaking, but rather should be seen as quick actions taken upon a perceived opportunity. The opportunity was the rising discontent within Iran at the Shah; the quick actions were in covertly pushing the country into Revolution.

In 1979, “effectively restricting the access of Iran to the global oil market, the Iranian assets freeze became a major factor in the huge oil price increases of 1979 and 1981.”[35] Added to this, in 1979, British Petroleum cancelled major oil contracts for oil supply, which along with cancellations taken by Royal Dutch Shell, drove the price of oil up higher.[36] With the first major oil price rises in 1973 (urged on by US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger), the Third World was forced to borrow heavily from US and European banks to finance development. With the second oil price shocks of 1979, the US Federal Reserve, with Paul Volcker as its new Chairman, (himself having served a career under David Rockefeller at Chase Manhattan), dramatically raised interest rates from 2% in the late 70s to 18% in the early 80s. Developing nations could not afford to pay such interest on their loans, and thus the 1980s debt crisis spread throughout the Third World, with the IMF and World Bank coming to the “rescue” with their Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs), which ensured western control over the developing world’s economies.[37]

Covertly, the United States helped a radical Islamist government come to power in Iran, “the center of the Arc of Crisis,” and then immediately stirred up conflict and war in the region. Five months before Iraq invaded Iran, in April of 1980, Zbigniew Brzezinski openly declared the willingness of the US to work closely with Iraq. Two months before the war, Brzezinski met with Saddam Hussein in Jordan, where he gave support for the destabilization of Iran.[38] While Saddam was in Jordan, he also met with three senior CIA agents, which was arranged by King Hussein of Jordan. He then went to meet with King Fahd in Saudi Arabia, informing him of his plans to invade Iran, and then met with the King of Kuwait to inform him of the same thing. He gained support from America, and financial and arms support from the Arab oil producing countries. Arms to Iraq were funneled through Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.[39] The war lasted until 1988 and resulted in over a million deaths.

This was the emergence of the “strategy of tension” in the “Arc of Crisis,” in particular, the covert support (whether in arming, training, or financing) of radical Islamic elements to foment violence and conflict in a region. It was the old imperial tactic of ‘divide and conquer’: pit the people against each other so that they cannot join forces against the imperial power. This violence and radical Islamism would further provide the pretext for which the US and its imperial allies could then engage in war and occupation within the region, all the while securing its vast economic and strategic interests.

The “Arc of Crisis” in Afghanistan: The Safari Club in Action


In 1978, the progressive Taraki government in Afghanistan managed to incur the anger of the United States due to “its egalitarian and collectivist economic policies.”[40] The Afghan government was widely portrayed in the West as “Communist” and thus, a threat to US national security. The government, did, however, undertake friendly policies and engagement with the Soviet Union, but was not a Communist government.

In 1978, as the new government came to power, almost immediately the US began covertly funding rebel groups through the CIA.[41] In 1979, Zbigniew Brzezinski worked closely with his aid from the CIA, Robert Gates (who is currently Secretary of Defense), in shifting President Carter’s Islamic policy. As Brzezinski said in a 1998 interview with a French publication:

According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.[42]

Brzezinski elaborated, saying he “Knowingly increased the probability that [the Soviets] would invade,” and he recalled writing to Carter on the day of the Soviet invasion that, “We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war. Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war unsupportable by the government, a conflict that brought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.” When asked about the repercussions for such support in fostering the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, Brzezinski responded, “What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”[43]

As author Peter Dale Scott pointed out in, The Road to 9/11:*

For generations in both Afghanistan and the Soviet Muslim Republics the dominant form of Islam had been local and largely Sufi. The decision to work with the Saudi and Pakistani secret services meant that billions of CIA and Saudi dollars would ultimately be spent in programs that would help enhance the globalistic and Wahhabistic jihadism that are associated today with al Qaeda.[44]

Hafizullah Amin, a top official in Taraki’s government, who many believed to be a CIA asset, orchestrated a coup in September of 1979, and “executed Taraki, halted the reforms, and murdered, jailed, or exiled thousands of Taraki supporters as he moved toward establishing a fundamentalist Islamic state. But within two months, he was overthrown by PDP remnants including elements within the military.”[45] The Soviets also intervened in order to replace Amin, who was seen as “unpredictable and extremist” with “the more moderate Barbak Karmal.”[46]

The Soviet invasion thus prompted the US national security establishment to undertake the largest covert operation in history. When Ronald Reagan replaced Jimmy Carter in 1981, the covert assistance to the Afghan Mujahideen not only continued on the path set by Brzezinski but it rapidly accelerated, as did the overall strategy in the “Arc of Crisis.” When Reagan became President, his Vice President became George H.W. Bush, who, as CIA director during the Ford administration, had helped establish the Safari Club intelligence network and the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) in Pakistan. In the “campaign to aid the Afghan rebels … BCCI clearly emerged as a U.S. intelligence asset,” and CIA Director “Casey began to use the outside – the Saudis, the Pakistanis, BCCI – to run what they couldn’t get through Congress. [BCCI president] Abedi had the money to help,” and the CIA director had “met repeatedly” with the president of BCCI.[47]

Thus, in 1981, Director Casey of the CIA worked with Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal who ran the Saudi intelligence agency GID, and the Pakistani ISI “to create a foreign legion of jihadi Muslims or so-called Arab Afghans.” This idea had “originated in the elite Safari Club that had been created by French intelligence chief Alexandre de Marenches.”[48]

In 1986, the CIA backed a plan by the Pakistani ISI “to recruit people from around the world to join the Afghan jihad.” Subsequently:

More than 100,000 Islamic militants were trained in Pakistan between 1986 and 1992, in camps overseen by CIA and MI6, with the SAS [British Special Forces] training future al-Qaida and Taliban fighters in bomb-making and other black arts. Their leaders were trained at a CIA camp in Virginia. This was called Operation Cyclone and continued long after the Soviets had withdrawn in 1989.[49]

CIA funding for the operations “was funneled through General Zia and the ISI in Pakistan.”[50] Interestingly, Robert Gates, who previously served as assistant to Brzezinski in the National Security Council, stayed on in the Reagan-Bush administration as executive assistant to CIA director Casey, and who is currently Secretary of Defenses


The Global Drug Trade and the CIA

As a central facet of the covert financing and training of the Afghan Mujahideen, the role of the drug trade became invaluable. The global drug trade has long been used by empires for fuelling and financing conflict with the aim of facilitating imperial domination.

In 1773, the British colonial governor in Bengal “established a colonial monopoly on the sale of opium.” As Alfred W. McCoy explained in his masterful book, The Politics of Heroin:

As the East India Company expanded production, opium became India’s main export. [. . . ] Over the next 130 years, Britain actively promoted the export of Indian opium to China, defying Chinese drug laws and fighting two wars to open China’s opium market for its merchants. Using its military and mercantile power, Britain played a central role in making China a vast drug market and in accelerating opium cultivation throughout China. By 1900 China had 13.5 million addicts consuming 39,000 tons of opium.[51]

In Indochina in the 1940s and 50s, the French intelligence services “enabled the opium trade to survive government suppression efforts,” and subsequently, “CIA activities in Burma helped transform the Shan states from a relatively minor poppy-cultivating area into the largest opium-growing region in the world.”[52] The CIA did this by supporting the Kuomintang (KMT) army in Burma for an invasion of China, and facilitated its monopolization and expansion of the opium trade, allowing the KMT to remain in Burma until a coup in 1961, when they were driven into Laos and Thailand.[53] The CIA subsequently played a very large role in the facilitation of the drugs trade in Laos and Vietnam throughout the 1960s and into the 1970s.[54]

It was during the 1980s that “the CIA’s covert war in Afghanistan transformed Central Asia from a self-contained opium zone into a major supplier of heroin for the world market,” as:

Until the late 1970s, tribal farmers in the highlands of Afghanistan and Pakistan grew limited quantities of opium and sold it to merchant caravans bound west for Iran and east to India. In its decade of covert warfare against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, the CIA’s operations provided the political protection and logistics linkages that joined Afghanistan’s poppy fields to heroin markets in Europe and America.[55]

In 1977, General Zia Ul Haq in Pakistan launched a military coup, “imposed a harsh martial-law regime,” and executed former President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (father to Benazir Bhutto).


When Zia came to power, the Pakistani ISI was a “minor military intelligence unit,” but, under the “advice and assistance of the CIA,” General Zia transformed the ISI “into a powerful covert unit and made it the strong arm of his martial-law regime.”[56]

The CIA and Saudi money flowed not only to weapons and training for the Mujahideen, but also into the drug trade. Pakistani President Zia-ul-Haq appointed General Fazle Haq as the military governor of Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), who would “consult with Brzezinski on developing an Afghan resistance program,” and who became a CIA asset. When CIA Director Casey or Vice President George H.W. Bush reviewed the CIA Afghan operation, they went to see Haq; who by 1982, was considered by Interpol to be an international narcotics trafficker. Haq moved much of the narcotics money through the BCCI.[57]

In May of 1979, prior to the December invasion of the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, a CIA envoy met with Afghan resistance leaders in a meeting organized by the ISI. The ISI “offered the CIA envoy an alliance with its own Afghan client, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar,” who led a small guerilla group.

The CIA accepted, and over the following decade, half of the CIA’s aid went to Hekmatyar’s guerillas.[58] Hekmatyar became Afghanistan’s leading mujahideen drug lord, and developed a “complex of six heroin labs in an ISI-controlled area of Baluchistan (Pakistan).”[59]

The US subsequently, through the 1980s, in conjunction with Saudi Arabia, gave Hekmatyar more than $1 billion in armaments. Immediately, heroin began flowing from Afghanistan to America. By 1980, drug-related deaths in New York City rose 77% since 1979.[60] By 1981, the drug lords in Pakistan and Afghanistan supplied 60% of America’s heroin. Trucks going into Afghanistan with CIA arms from Pakistan would return with heroin “protected by ISI papers from police search.”[61]


Haq, the CIA asset in Pakistan, “was also running the drug trade,” of which the bank BCCI “was completely involved.” In the 1980s, the CIA insisted that the ISI create “a special cell for the use of heroin for covert actions.” Elaborating:

This cell promoted the cultivation of opium and the extraction of heroin in Pakistani territory as well as in the Afghan territory under Mujahideen control for being smuggled into Soviet controlled areas in order to make the Soviet troops heroin addicts.[62]

This plan apparently originated at the suggestion of French intelligence chief and founder of the Safari Club, Alexandre de Marenches, who recommended it to CIA Director Casey.[63]

In the 1980s, one program undertaken by the United States was to finance Mujahideen propaganda in textbooks for Afghan schools. The US gave the Mujahideen $43 million in “non-lethal” aid for the textbook project alone, which was given by USAID: “The U.S. Agency for International Development, [USAID] coordinated its work with the CIA, which ran the weapons program,” and “The U.S. government told the AID to let the Afghan war chiefs decide the school curriculum and the content of the textbooks.”[64]

The textbooks were “filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings,” and “were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines.” Even since the covert war of the 1980s, the textbooks “have served since then as the Afghan school system’s core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books.” The books were developed through a USAID grant to the “University of Nebraska-Omaha and its Center for Afghanistan Studies,” and when the books were smuggled into Afghanistan through regional military leaders, “Children were taught to count with illustrations showing tanks, missiles and land mines.” USAID stopped this funding in 1994.[65]

The Rise of the Taliban

When the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989, the fighting continued between the Afghan government backed by the USSR and the Mujahideen backed by the US, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, so too did its aid to the Afghan government, which itself was overthrown in 1992. However, fighting almost immediately broke out between rival factions vying for power, including Hekmatyar.

In the early 1990s, an obscure group of “Pashtun country folk” had become a powerful military and political force in Afghanistan, known as the Taliban.[66] The Taliban “surfaced as a small militia force operating near Kandahar city during the spring and summer of 1994, carrying out vigilante attacks against minor warlords.” As growing discontent with the warlords grew, so too did the reputation of the Taliban.[67]

The Taliban acquired an alliance with the ISI in 1994, and throughout 1995, the relationship between the Taliban and the ISI accelerated and “became more and more of a direct military alliance.” The Taliban ultimately became “an asset of the ISI” and “a client of the Pakistan army.”[68] Further, “Between 1994 and 1996, the USA supported the Taliban politically through its allies Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, essentially because Washington viewed the Taliban as anti-Iranian, anti-Shia, and pro-Western.”[69]

Selig Harrison, a scholar with the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars and “a leading US expert on South Asia,” said at a conference in India that the CIA worked with Pakistan to create the Taliban. Harrison has “extensive contact” with the CIA, as “he had meetings with CIA leaders at the time when Islamic forces were being strengthened in Afghanistan,” while he was a senior associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. As he further revealed in 2001, “The CIA still has close links with the ISI.”[70] By 1996, the Taliban had control of Kandahar, but still fighting and instability continued in the country.


Osama and Al-Qaeda

Between 1980 and 1989, roughly $600 million was passed through Osama bin Laden’s charity front organizations, specifically the Maktab al-Khidamat (MAK), also known as Al-Kifah. The money mostly originated with wealthy donors in Saudi Arabia and other areas in the Persian Gulf, and was funneled through his charity fronts to arm and fund the mujahideen in Afghanistan.[71]

In the 1980s, the British Special Forces (SAS) were training mujahideen in Afghanistan, as well as in secret camps in Scotland, and the SAS is largely taking orders from the CIA. The CIA also indirectly begins to arm Osama bin Laden.[72] Osama bin Laden’s front charity, the MAK, “was nurtured” by the Pakistani ISI.[73]

Osama bin Laden was reported to have been personally recruited by the CIA in 1979 in Istanbul. He had the close support of Prince Turki bin Faisal, his friend and head of Saudi intelligence, and also developed ties with Hekmatyar in Afghanistan,[74] both of whom were pivotal figures in the CIA-Safari Club network. General Akhtar Abdul Rahman, the head of the Pakistani ISI from 1980 to 1987, would meet regularly with Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, and they formed a partnership in demanding a tax on the opium trade from warlords so that by 1985, bin Laden and the ISI were splitting the profits of over $100 million per year.[75] In 1985, Osama bin Laden’s brother, Salem, stated that Osama was “the liaison between the US, the Saudi government, and the Afghan rebels.”[76]

In 1988, Bin Laden discussed “the establishment of a new military group,” which would come to be known as Al-Qaeda.[77] Osama bin Laden’s charity front, the MAK, (eventually to form Al-Qaeda) founded the al-Kifah Center in Brooklyn, New York, to recruit Muslims for the jihad against the Soviets. The al-Kifah Center was founded in the late 1980s with the support of the U.S. government, which provided visas for known terrorists associated with the organization, including Ali Mohamed, the “blind sheik” Omar Abdel Rahman and possibly the lead 9/11 hijacker, Mohamed Atta.[78]

This coincided with the creation of Al-Qaeda, of which the al-Kifah Center was a recruiting front. Foot soldiers for Al-Qaeda were “admitted to the United States for training under a special visa program.” The FBI had been surveilling the training of terrorists, however, “it terminated this surveillance in the fall of 1989.” In 1990, the CIA granted Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman a visa to come run the al-Kifah Center, who was considered an “untouchable” as he was “being protected by no fewer than three agencies,” including the State Department, the National Security Agency (NSA) and the CIA.[79]

Robin Cook, a former British MP and Minister of Foreign Affairs wrote that Al-Qaeda, “literally ‘the database’, was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians.”[80] Thus, “Al-Qaeda” was born as an instrument of western intelligence agencies. This account of al-Qaeda was further corroborated by a former French military intelligence agent, who stated that, “In the mid-1980s, Al Qaida was a database,” and that it remained as such into the 1990s. He contended that, “Al Qaida was neither a terrorist group nor Osama bin Laden’s personal property,” and further:

The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money.[81]


The creation of Al-Qaeda was thus facilitated by the CIA and allied intelligence networks, the purpose of which was to maintain this “database” of Mujahideen to be used as intelligence assets to achieve US foreign policy objectives, throughout both the Cold War, and into the post-Cold War era of the ‘new world order’.

Part 2 of “The Imperial Anatomy of al-Qaeda” takes the reader through an examination of the new imperial strategy laid out by American geopolitical strategists at the end of the Cold War, designed for America to maintain control over the world’s resources and prevent the rise of competitive powers. Covertly, the “database” (al-Qaeda) became central to this process, being used to advance imperial aims in various regions, such as in the dismantling of Yugoslavia. Part 2 further examines the exact nature of ‘al-Qaeda’, its origins, terms, training, arming, financing, and expansion. In particular, the roles of western intelligence agencies in the evolution and expansion of al-Qaeda is a central focus. Finally, an analysis of the preparations for the war in Afghanistan is undertaken to shed light on the geopolitical ambitions behind the conflict that has now been waging for nearly nine years.

* [Note on the research: For a comprehensive analysis of the history, origins and nature of al-Qaeda, see: Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire and the Future of America, which provided much of the research in the above article.]

Andrew Gavin Marshall is a Research Associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


Breaking News: The REAL Founder of Al CIAda Still Alive

By Silver Shield, on May 2nd, 2011

Zbigniew Brzezinski is the recognized father of the Mujaheddin and al CIAda. The militant radicalization of Muslims against the Soviet empire was a major part of the Grand Chess board policy at the end of the Cold War. We were told that the United States only supplied arms to the heroic Mujaheddin freedom fighters. There was even a movie called Charlie Wilson’s War starring Tom Hanks that encouraged that lie. The truth of the matter is that Zbigniew Brzezinski started the Mujaheddin 6 months before the Russians invaded Afghanistan.

Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser in ‘Le Nouvel Observateur’ (France), Jan 15-21, 1998 p.76. Note that copies of ‘Le Nouvel Observateur’ distributed in America did not include the following Brzezinski interview. Only the editions distributed outside the USA had the interview. Think what that says about the US society.

Question: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs [“From the Shadows”], that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention.

In this period you were the national security adviser to President Carter. You therefore played a role in this affair. Is that correct?

Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.

Q: Despite this risk, you were an advocate of this covert action. But perhaps you yourself desired this Soviet entry into war and looked to provoke it?

B: It isn’t quite that. We didn’t push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would.

Q: When the Soviets justified their intervention by asserting that they intended to fight against a secret involvement of the United States in Afghanistan, people didn’t believe them. However, there was a basis of truth. You don’t regret anything today?

AL- zbigniew-brzezinski - CIAda

B: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter: We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war. Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war unsupportable by the government, a conflict that brought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.

Q: And neither do you regret having supported the Islamic fundamentlaism, having given arms and advice to future terrorists?

B: What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?

Q: Some stirred-up Moslems? But it has been said and repeated: Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today.

B: Nonsense! It is said that the West had a global policy in regard to Islam. That is stupid. There isn’t a global Islam. Look at Islam in a rational manner and without demagoguery or emotion. It is the leading religion of the world with 1.5 billion followers. But what is there in common among Saudi Arabian fundamentalism, moderate Morocco, Pakistan militarism, Egyptian pro-Western or Central Asian secularism? Nothing more than what unites the Christian countries.

After the Cold War was over, the US dropped support in Afghanistan and these war lords went into the Opium production business. This was fine until the fundamentalist Taliban drove out the drug dealers in Afghanistan and took effective control of Afghanistan. When the Taliban rejected a pipeline deal from California based UNOCAL it was enough for the Elite to declare war. Within a year of the start of the war on “terror”, Opium production has grown to record heights every year under the careful protection of our military.



Vorticular Madness Of The Dark Magicians

By Richard Sauder
July 2, 2012

In my recent book, Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files, I reproduce in full and discuss a couple of Project Paperclip memoranda (circa 1947) that I discovered in the historical archives of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, in Washington, DC. Of course, the Top Secret Project Paperclip operation brought large numbers of “ex”-NAZI scientists, engineers and technicians to the USA in the years after WW II, where they were salted into a wide variety of military, civil government and espionage agencies, corporations and other organizations.

The Project Paperclip memos caught my attention for a number of reasons. First of all, because they were requesting such prominent names as W.O. Schumann, Walter Dornberger and Eugen Saenger to be made available for Project Paperclip, the first being the preeminent authority in the world on extremely high powered electrical fields, and the last two perhaps the two biggest names in rocket science in the world at that time. The memos also explicitly asked for Xaver Dorsch and three other men to help with the U.S. Military’s Underground Plant Program. Xaver Dorsch was head of the Todt Organization during the last years of WW II and was in charge of Hitler’s frantic program of major underground base construction during the closing stages of WW II.

This greatly interested me because my earlier research had documented that in 1987, Lloyd A. Duscha, the then-Deputy Director of Engineering and Construction for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, gave a talk at an engineering conference entitled “Underground Facilities for Defense – Experience and Lessons.” In the first part of his talk he stated that:

“After World War II, political and economic factors changed the underground construction picture and caused a renewed interest to ‘think underground.’ As a result of this interest, the Corps of Engineers became involved in the design and construction of some very complex and interesting military projects.”


Of course, a big part of the “renewed interest to ‘think underground’” was due to the discovery in 1945 of the elaborate underground facilities the NAZIs had constructed during WW II. No doubt, one of the “political … factors (that) changed the underground construction picture” was also Project Paperclip, though it went unmentioned by name by Lloyd Duscha in 1987. A little further on he said:

“Although the conference program indicates the topic to be ‘Underground Facilities for Defense – Experience and Lessons,’ I must deviate a little because several of the most interesting facilities that have been designed and constructed by the Corps are classified.”

Subsequently Mr. Duscha went into a discussion of the Corps’ involvement in the 1960s in the construction of the large and elaborate NORAD base buried deep beneath Cheyenne Mountain, in Colorado. And then he said:

“As stated earlier, there are other projects of similar scope, which I cannot identify…”

I would add, parenthetically that I believe these multiple “interesting facilities” that are “classified”, which he “cannot identify” are likely to be either a) undersea, b) involve sensitive projects involving UFO technology and/or joint alien/human operating bases, and/or c) be located on the Moon and/or Mars and/or other planets and planetoids elsewhere.

Returning the discussion to Project Paperclip again, the request for the NAZI personnel in the Project Paperclip memos that I reference was made under the authority of the American military’s USAFE-A2 Command, which is a military alpha-numeric designation still in use in the present day, having to do with the U.S. Air Force’s European compartmentalized and sensitive intelligence operations.

Please see: http://www.af.mil/shared/media/epubs/AFI14-105_USAFESUP1.pdf

By logical inference, the USAFE-A2 Command is the arena of many Top Secret and classified operations and programs, and has been for more than half a century. Among its many responsibilities are: International Transfers of Technology, Goods, Services and Munitions, Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations, Visits and Assignments of Foreign Nationals, and Disclosure of Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations.

Interestingly, the USAFE-A2Command includes OSS (Operations Support Squadron) units. The espionage acronym OSS is reminiscent of the WW-II era OSS espionage agency of the USA, the Office of Strategic Services. Does a remnant of the WW-II era OSS live on within the bowels of the USAFE-A2 Command, shielded within its secretive structure from public scrutiny? Who knows?

Of course, foreign can mean a number of things, including: nonnative, alien, originating outside of, or having to do with a place outside of or beyond the territory of a given district or country. Germans are, therefore, foreign to the USA. Martians or beings from the Pleiades are also foreign to the USA. And so forth.


One of the two Project Paperclip memoranda is signed by H.M. McCoy, Colonel, Air Corps, Deputy Commanding General, Intelligence (T-2), while the other is signed by Geo. F. Schulgen, Brigadier General, U.S.A., Chief, Air Intelligence Requirements Div., Office of Ass’t Chief of Air Staff-2.

This is intriguing because Colonel H.M. McCoy is a well known figure in post-WW II U.S. military UFO investigations. In the immediate post-WW II period he worked out of Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio, where he interfaced with both the Project Paperclip operation, and directed the U.S. Air Force’s major UFO investigation Project SIGN, which subsequently morphed into Project Grudge in 1949, with McCoy remaining as director.

Please see:http://majesticdocuments.com/official.investigations.projectsign.php

Brigadier General Schulgen also worked out of Wright Patterson, and had involvement with both Project Paperclip and the U.S. Air Force’s UFO investigations. Schulgen both received and wrote high level Top Secret memos on the UFO issue in 1947.


Remember that the recovered UFO wreckage from the so-called Roswell crash in New Mexico in 1947 has been reported by many to have been transported to Wright Patterson AFB.

Enter the NAZI Bell and Its Tangled History

I mention all of this because I recently read Joseph Farrell’s fascinating book, The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, in which he avers that the NAZIs made almost science fiction-like technological breakthroughs during WW II, having to do with exotic, high-energy mercury plasmas, and the engineering of the vacuum or aether, call it what you will, with implications for UFO-like antigravity technology, new generations of scalar weaponry, time travel and more, based on a nonlinear conception of physics, a vorticular physics of the internal rotational stress of space itself. Farrell makes an intriguing case that R&D work on this technology centered on construction of a device known as The Bell (die Glocke). This project has also been earlier discussed in the books, The Hunt For Zero Point, by British aerospace writer, Nick Cook, and The Truth About The Wunderwaffe, by Polish military journalist, Igor Witkowski. The evidence indicates that the Bell R&D project was under the command of a Top Secret SS cell called FEP. This FEP-SS Cell, oddly enough, was under the direction of a Kriegsmarine Admiral Rhein (I will come back to this unexplained naval connection later), which clearly intimates some degree of involvement of the German war-time Navy in the Bell project. However, the actual work on the “Bell” project itself was apparently directed by an SS General Emil Mazuw, about whom very little is known, albeit that he was one of the highest ranking NAZI officers in the Third Reich.

Another important figure, SS General Hans Kammler, also is reported to have had a high-level connection to the Bell project. Kammler was no ordinary SS officer. He was in charge of concentration camp design and construction during the war. He was also tasked with the construction of production facilities for secret weapons programs, and with moving V-2 and V-1 missile production underground to the Mittelwerk facility in the southern Harz mountains near Nordhausen in the last year of the war. During the war Kammler was in charge of special construction projects for Albert Speer, special buildings for Hermann Goering, and for most of the last year of the war was in charge of the V-2 project, taking it over from SS General Walter Dornberger. This is the same V-2 program for which Wernher von Braun was the principle rocket scientist and engineer. At war’s end SS General Hans Kammler seems to have vanished into thin air, along with the Bell itself. There is speculation that the both of them were perhaps secretly flown away to the USA and/or South America, or even another, unknown destination.

Part of Farrell’s thesis is that near the end of WW II and in the following years, a powerful NAZI faction established an extremely secretive, extremely well funded, international organizational network to continue the exotic, high-tech R&D centered on the scalar, anti-gravity and time engineering breakthroughs they had made during WW II. The work is hypothesized to have continued after WW II, in part with the connivance of Operation Paperclip in the USA, but also elsewhere in various other countries of the world, including Russia, Egypt and Argentina, and presumably others, operating from within the military-industrial-espionage complex of the USA and other countries. Within the USA, this sprawling network had a number of nodal points, notably in Virginia, Texas, New Mexico, Florida and Alabama.


The Project Paperclip Memos

I definitely consider that the two Project Paperclip memoranda that I discovered in the NASA historical archives in Washington, DC are completely consonant with Farrell’s thesis. I don’t have the slightest doubt that Project paperclip was part and parcel of the post-WW II continuation of the NAZI agenda under official USA government and military auspices.

Winfried Otto Schumann, best known today for discovering the Schumann magnetic resonances in the ionosphere, was one of the preeminent high voltage, high current electrophysical scientists and engineers in the world in the first half of the 20th century. W.O. Schumann’s name is on both of the Project Paperclip memos in question. Interestingly, W.O. Schumann was granted a U.S. Patent on 29 September 1942, at the height of WW II, Patent No. 2,297, 256 – – entitled “Tube Control.” The patent application was filed in April of 1939 in Germany. The title of the patent says that the patent is “Vested in the Alien Property Custodian.” (Hmm. One does wonder precisely what technology the “Alien Property Custodian” of the USA government has collected over the years.) To be sure, from the standpoint of Joseph Farrell’s research on the SS Nazi “Bell,” Schumann’s “Tube Control” patent pointedly has to do with vacuum-arc electrical discharges within a mercury plasma contained within a tube.

Joseph Farrell reports that mercury plasma and very high energy electrical fields are both said to be integral to the operation of the NAZI Bell. And Project Paperclip was “ordering” W.O. Schumann as of 16 June 1947, just three weeks before the famous Roswell UFO crash in New Mexico. What a coincidence, eh? I wonder if the recovered Roswell crash wreckage was also “Vested in the Alien Property Custodian,” like W.O. Schumann’s “vacuum-arc mercury plasma Tube Control” patent?

Walter Dornberger, Werrnher von Braun’s commanding officer at Peenemuende, and head of the V-2 missile program until Hans Kammler took it over in the last year of the war, is also listed in this memo. Dornberger was brought to the USA and went to work for Bell Helicopter, in New York State. That seems a strange destination for a ballistic missile expert. However, Bell Helicopter was for a period of time a leading company in the R&D effort for the U.S. Air Force’s planned manned space program, the Dyna-Soar boost-glide rocket plane, during the 1950s and early 1960s. Most people do not know, or do not remember, that in that period there were two, parallel manned space programs under development, one at NASA, the Mercury and Gemini programs, the other at the Air Force, the Dyna-Soar program. Even fewer people know that Neil Armstrong, purportedly the first man to walk on the Moon, was in astronaut training in the U.S. Air Force’s Dyna-Soar manned space program, before he left that program and became a NASA astronaut.

As regards Dornberger’s odd placement at Bell Helicopter, was he placed there to get him out of the public eye, away from von Braun and the other Paperclip personnel, perhaps in order to run a compartmentalized program safely removed from the publicity glare of the manned space program and the USA’s miliary agencies’ ballistic missile programs?

Jospeh Farrell mentions the central role played by the Allgemeine Electricitäts Gesellschaft (A.E.G.) in the R&D of the Bell.

Two specialists with an AEG affiliation are requested by the Paperclip memos:

Dr. Orthenhuber, with an expertise in homing systems, and also
Professor Bladenbeck, with an expertise in guided missiles and infrared homing.

Others requested are:

Dr. Wolfgang Braun, with expertise in radar tracking devices, and
Dr. W. Pfister, with expertise in navigation and theoretical electronics
Dr. Ing. Max Knoll, specialist in cathode ray tubes and electron optics
Dr. Kurt Franz, theorist in high frequency technique
Dr. W. Wessel, specialist in theoretical physics and electrostatics of ion fields
Hans Bomke, specialist in theoretical physics and high frequency techniques
Prof. O. Scherzer, specialist in electron optics


For a more detailed discussion of why scientists and engineers with these qualifications and areas of expertise were of such interest to Project Paperclip please refer to Joseph Farrell’s, The SS Brotherhood of the Bell. Suffice it to say that high energy ionized gases (plasmas), high frequency pulsing of electrical currents and fields, electrostatics, particle physics, radar theory and so forth, have direct application to so-called UFO technologies, and so-called scalar technologies. I’m talking about things like antigravity, electrogravitics, manipulation of the local foundation of the time-space continuum, and perhaps also time travel, or engineering of the time stream. It is clear to me at this point that there are important aspects of Project Paperclip that have still not been publicly divulged, even with the passage of several decades of time. Frankly, what we are looking at is a kind of Black Magic, an effort to technologically force the source-code of the Universe and subjugate the Creation to a duplicitous, technocratic, militaristic dominion.

Most of the “Bell” project took place in Lower Silesia. Notably, much of the most important work took place underground, beneath Fürstenstein castle. My research strongly suggests that the exotic technology R&D of the NAZIs continued in underground bases in the USA and probably also in other regions of the world. The Project Paperclip memos that I found in the NASA historical archives all but admit as much.


President Truman, the 33rd President of the United States of America (and a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Free Mason– you’ll be seeing more of the number “33″ and Scottish Rite Free Masonry in this article), established the CIA with the National Security Act of 1947, effectively wedding the Third Reich’s sprawling NAZI spy apparatus, the Gehlen Organization, with the remnants of the American OSS. The practical result was that the CIA, from its creation, was a hybrid NAZI- American agency and provided intimate “ex”-NAZI access to the very highest and most secretive levels of the American power structure – government, military, intelligence agencies, industry, the halls of academe, you name it.

To my knowledge, the CIA has at least three principle bases of operation in Virginia, one at its world famous, Langley headquarters in northern Virginia; another at its extremely secretive underground base at the U.S. Army’s Warrenton Training Stations in northern Virginia, about which almost nothing is known; and another at its Camp Peary training and operations base in southeastern Virginia, often popularly referred to as “The Farm.”.

Camp Peary is right across from Colonial Williamsburg along I-64, the interstate highway that runs from Richmond to Newport News. Camp Peary has an interesting history. During WW II it was initially a Seabee training base, and then was made into a POW base for “special” German prisoners of war that had to be held under very secretive conditions. Several years after the war, Camp Peary became a high security CIA base and remains so today. On maps, Camp Peary is identified as a U.S. Navy Reservation, but it is, in fact, a CIA base. As an aside, Camp David, the Presidential retreat adjacent to Catoctin State Park in the mountains of Maryland, is also a U.S. Navy Reservation, built by the Seabees and guarded by the U.S. Marine Corps. During WW II the area that is now Camp David was a training base for the OSS. Camp David today has a massive underground base that sprawls for miles beneath the mountains and countryside of rural Maryland. I have talked to people that have been down in the tunnels, and one of them told me that the Camp David subterranean maze is so vast and intricate that he doubts that any one individual has the complete layout of the place in his or her mind.

Interestingly, only a few miles away from Camp Peary in Tidewater Virginia, at nearby Fort Eustis, the U.S. Army’s Transportation Museum possesses A.V. Roe Aircraft Limited’s Avro Car, a prototype flying saucer that was under R&D during the 1950s by the Canadian and USA militaries. The official story is that it did not work well, and so the flying saucer project was scuttled due to the disappointing results. Personally, I believe this effort may have been a cover operation for far more secretive and successful R&D work on UFOs that has been kept out of the public eye for decades.

The Avro Car flying saucer was profiled in LOOK Magazine‘s 14 June 1955 issue, which asked: “Is This the Real Flying Saucer?” One of the things I found interesting about it, was that the article included an illustration of a large, underground, flying saucer base, buried beneath a mountainous terrain covered by a coniferous forest, in what looked to be a western region of the USA. I will come back to this a little later.


As I said the CIA is a hybrid organization from its inception, born in 1947 of the union of the NAZI Gehlen Organization spy agency and the USA’s OSS (Office of Strategic Services).

I have already mentioned the CIA’s well known Langley headquarters in northern Virginia, but there is another Langley in Virginia — Langley Air Force Base just to the north of Hampton, Virginia – only a short drive from Camp Peary. This matters to this account, because NASA astronauts trained at Langley AFB in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the very period when NAZI involvement at NASA was at its height. Can it be coincidence that scarcely 10 years after the creation of the CIA – a hybrid, half NAZI organization from the very start, and the establishment of the CIA’s main training base at Camp Peary, Virginia that NASA’s main astronaut training facility was just a short drive away? Just to the north of Langley AFB, on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, on the Delmarva Peninsula is another NASA facility on Wallop’s Island, the NASA Wallop’s Flight Facility, where many rockets and missiles have been launched over a period of decades. So both northern Virginia and southeastern Virginia have been hubs of espionage and high-tech R&D for post-WW II “ex”-NAZI elements, principally via NASA and the CIA.

Finally, just across the interstate highway from the CIA’s main training base at Camp Peary, is Colonial Williamsburg, the 18th century town restored to its British colonial vintage condition with Rockefeller family money. Perambulating the area you would think yourself transported back almost two and a half centuries to an earlier era. As you look around you see men and women in colonial dress, you might see and hear a British or Continental Army fife and drum corps in period dress parading down the street, or horse drawn carriages, 18th century muskets and cannon, a windmill, or colonial government and royal administrative buildings. You would almost think yourself caught in a sort of time warp, or maybe a sort of time machine.

Are you? Is this what a functioning time machine looks like? Yes? No?

Would you know a time machine if you were looking at it? Yes? No?

Is Colonial Williamsburg perhaps an elaborate set-up or charade to permit discreet passage to and from the 18th century on the East Coast of North America? How deep does the rabbit hole go?

New Mexico

Of course New Mexico is famous for the so-called Roswell UFO crash and recovery in 1947. (The fact that there was likely more than one UFO crash and retrieval in New Mexico in mid-summer 1947, and that none of the UFO crashes and recoveries actually happened in Roswell itself is not my concern here.)

What does interest me is that in the summer of 1947 there was a large contingent of NAZI scientists and engineers working at the nearby White Sands Army Missile Range in south-central New Mexico. I doubt very much that that was a coincidence. I do suspect some sort of NAZI connection to or involvement with the events surrounding the so-called “Roswell Crash” in 1947, whether before, during or after the fact, and even, who knows? – potentially in all three phases.

Also nearby, is the so-called underground Manzano Base, just southeast of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Construction of this underground base began – you should be able to guess by now – in June 1947, the same year the CIA was established, the same year of the Project Paperclip memos which are the focus of this blog post, and the same year of the so-called “Roswell UFO crash” and retrieval. I doubt that it is a coincidence that all of these things happened in the same year.


Recall that the Project Paperclip memos that I cite (and reproduce in full in my book, Hidden in Plain Sight) specifically call for Xaver Dorsch and three other NAZI technicians to assist with the USAF’s “Underground Plant Program.” The Manzano Base was one of the USA military’s first, major deep underground bases. Begun shortly adter WW II. The other was at what is now Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas (more about that a little later). The fact that this base was begun at precisely the same time (1947) that Project Paperclip requested Xaver Dorsch (1947) is surely no accident. He was perhaps the premier expert in the world at that time on major, underground base construction, having been explicitly tasked with that duty by Adolph Hitler in the closing months of WW II. I suspect he may very well have also been secretly brought to New Mexico under Project Paperclip to assist with the Manzano Base construction. Remember that we have the 1947 memorandum asking for him, he was in American military detention after the war, the Manzano Base was begun in mid-1947, and scores of other Paperclip NAZis were working in New Mexico at that time. The circumstantial evidence therefore points in that direction.

I have discussed the Manzano Base in my books and you can find information about it in them. There is also more information at this link.

Note that in addition to being an underground nuclear weapons storage and assembly factory, the base was also a Presidential underground shelter during the Eisenhower administration. I have reason to believe there is a great deal more to this facility than that, however. One of my high-level sources has told me that the Manzano Base is truly vast. This is from a source not given to hyperbole or exaggeration.

I was also contacted by a woman some years back who told me that her father made a death bed confession to his family that he had helped build an underground city in New Mexico when she was a child. He had frequently gone away from the family on work related business for prolonged periods of time in the post-WW II period, and never explained to the family the reason for his his long absences. But as he lay dying he opened up and the story poured out. He described an elaborate, almost sci-fi sort of underground city with advanced features that most buildings don’t have even today, such as light switches embedded in the walls that you merely waved your hand at to turn on or off.


I have spoken to others who have been inside this facility, including one man who helped with the construction in the 1940s and 1950s. He was a life-long hard rock miner for the USA government. He told me that when he and his crew went into the mountain to begin their shifts they were always blindfolded. When they were shifted underground from one part of the mountain to another, they were always blindfolded. In other words, not even the men who excavated the tunnels and chambers of the Manzano Base knew the lay-out of the underground base they had built.

One of the stories I heard more than once is that the Manzano Base also includes an subterranean air base for jet fighters that can be scrambled from an underground runway and launched right from the side of the mountain through a camouflaged opening. While I cannot say if this is true or not, what is true is that there has been documented UFO activity in and around the Manzano Base in past years.

I definitely think that the Manzano Base must be considered a prime candidate to be the underground UFO base depicted in the 1955 LOOK Magazine UFO article, because it is located in western, mountainous terrain, covered by a coniferous forest that closely resembles the illustration that accompanies the LOOK article.

There are also underground facilities beneath White Sands Missile Range, where the Operation Paperclip NAZIs worked. My research indicates this includes at a minimum underground laser R&D facilities, and extensive, deep underground tunnels.

I lived in New Mexico for several years and I encountered many people during my time there who have seen a wide variety of UFOs and flying saucers. I also had some very clear UFO sightings of my own while living in New Mexico. It is very easy for me to believe that some, a lot, or maybe just about all of the UFO activity in New Mexcio is related to the underground bases and tunnels that lie beneath that state.


I want to say something more about the NAZI presence in New Mexico before I go on. It is well established that Wernher von Braun and his team of 118 scientists, engineers and technicians worked at White Sands Missile Range in the post-WW II period. They were put to work assembling and test firing V-2 rockets that had been brought over from Germany at war’s end. The interesting thing is that there was one and only one V-2 launch complex at White Sands, launch pad No. 33. Of course, this is an echo of the heavy importance of the number 33 in the esoteric lore of Free Masonry. This, again, is not a coincidence. There was deep Masonic involvement with the early days of NASA, and its predecessor agency, NACA. Much of this connection ran through the House of the Temple, the 33rd degree Scottish Rite Masonic Temple on 16th Street, in Washington, DC, about a mile north of the White House. The Project Paperclip NAZIs like Wernher von Braun and Kurt Debus fired V-2s at Launch Complex No. 33 at White Sands after WW II, and later in the 1950s and 1960s they worked at the highest levels of a space program with strong 33rd degree Scottish Rite Masonic ties. I don’t think this is a coincidence.


In case you are of the opinion that the New Mexico connection to UFOs is ancient history, perhaps you would like to reconsider your ill-advised bias and read the following: Haunted Roswell: Huge, Cloaking Aerial Disc Encounter by NM State Prison Corrections Officer


The Texas connection to this whole, mysterious, decades-long affair is strong and convoluted. First of all, the NAZI Paperclip scientists, engineers and technicians who were first brought to the USA in 1945 with Wernher von Braun were brought to Fort Bliss, in west Texas, north of El Paso, where they were housed as they worked at White Sands Missile Range in south-central New Mexico, where they continued working with V-2 rocket technology for the American military, in the late 1940s.

Other NAZIs also came to Texas. Hubertus Strughold, the so-called father of space medicine, went to Randolph Air Force Base, near San Antonio. Dr Walter Paul Emil Schreiber was also brought to Randolph Air Force Base, but then was soon sent by the USA military to Argentina, when his presence in Texas became publicly known. (I mention a little more about Argentina below. Argentina was also a focus of NAZI activity in the post-WW II era.)

The NAZI connection to Texas is interesting for a number of reasons, not least of which is the decades-long tie of the Bush family political dynasty to Texas, in both the political and corporate realms. The business and banking ties of Prescott Bush (father and grandfather, respectively, of George Herbert Walker Bush and George W. Bush) to the NAZI regime, both before and during WW II, are a matter of record.

As it happens, there has been a sizable, ethnic German population concentrated in the Texas Hill Country for almost two centuries, beginning with a wave of German immigration in the 1840s. I do not at all mean to say that as a group that ethnic, Texas Germans are NAZIs – quite to the contrary!

I raise the point, because I cannot fail to mention Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, a native German speaker, who was born in 1885 in Fredericksburg, Texas, the county seat of Gillespie County, Texas. Fredericksburg is in the very heart of the then heavily German-speaking Texas Hill Country. Of course, Nimitz was Commander of American forces in the Pacific Theater during WW II. Interestingly, he went to privately visit German Admiral Dönitz, the commander of the Kriegsmarine during WW II, after Dönitz’s release from prison in 1956. (More about Dönitz below.) Did Nimitz just extend pleasantries and condolences to his imprisoned NAZI counterpart, or did they have weightier matters to discuss? Perhaps even pertaining to the subject of this article? Remember that Nimitz was a native German speaker and by virtue of his rank and position would have been privy to the very highest levels of war-time intelligence. He was uniquely qualified to debrief Dönitz, in a way that virtually no one else on the American side would have been. It also must be mentioned that Nimitz was appointed the Chief of Naval Operations after WW II, and it was in this capacity that less than a year after the conclusion of hostilities in WW II he issued the orders for the well-known Antarctic Operation High Jump. Operation High Jump has been the subject of much speculation in both UFOlogy and NAZI conspiracy circles concerning the possible presence of a remnant, post-WW II, high-tech NAZI redoubt in the Antarctic region, perhaps incorporating a flying saucer base. I personally do not know if this is the case or not. Who really knows? A great deal of what happened just before, during, and just after the conclusion of military hostilities in WW II remains very murky, to this day.


With respect to Admiral Dönitz, remember that he commanded the German Kriegsmarine during the last two years of WW II, and that in the closing days of the war, Adolph Hitler appointed Dönitz to be Reichspräsident. Admiral Dönitz was, thus, de facto and de jure head of state of the Third Reich for the last week of its existence, in the first week of May 1945. Recall that, according to Joseph Farrell, the Bell program was conducted at a very secretive level by powerful elements of the SS, but was in reality also a securely compartmentalized Navy (Kriegsmarine) program. Farrell also points out the importance that mercury seems to have played in the Bell technology. As it happens, in the closing stages of the war, no less than three German U-Boats were dispatched to Japan bearing cargoes of mercury: U-864 with more than 60 tons of mercury in steel flasks, as well as jet engines, parts and technical drawings, U-234 with 562 kg of uranium oxide (interestingly, U-234 is also the notation for one of the isotopes of uranium), also mercury and optical glass in its keel, and U-859 with 31 tons of mercury. All of these German submarines were either surrendered or sunk in the last months and days of the war, so their cargoes are known.


Were other German submarines loaded with mercury or other exotic cargoes also underway at or near war’s end, but perhaps completed their missions without being captured or sunk, and thus both their cargoes and destinations remain unknown? In that regard, it is noteworthy that German Submarines U-530 and U-977 both surrendered in Mar del Plata, Argentina, months after the formal cessation of military hostilities with the Third Reich. Did either of these submarines deliver a special cargo or special passengers to Argentina or another destination in the region, or is it simply that their commanding officers wished to surrender in Argentina. Who knows? But this is not the first or only time that Argentina has come to public mention as a destination for NAZIs fleeing Europe after WW II.

Given his close Texas Hill Country connections, and the continuing post-WW II immigration of Germans to the Texas Hill Country, including unknown numbers of SS officers, who knows what Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz may have known or been told? Who knows whom else he might have known, whether in an unofficial or official capacity? People like Nimitz and Dönitz were not ordinary men; the positions they held were not ordinary posts; the things they did were not the sorts of things that ordinary people do; and a lot of distinctly non-ordinary events occurred during, and just after WW II. Both Nimitz and Dönitz would both have been privy to an awful lot of Top Secret information during the war and at war’s end. So what did Dönitz and Nimtz talk about? Did Nimitz fly all the way to Germany just to say, “Es tut mir leid”? (“I’m sorry.”) I am inclined to think that their conversation probably involved more than a handshake and the exchange of social pleasantries.

Joseph Farrell also spends a lot of time on the assassination of President John Kennedy, which conspicuously occurred in Texas, and the probable involvement of a shadowy NAZI faction in the background machinations behind the hit, ultimately with the objective of keeping secret the revolutionary new technologies that they had discovered and developed, and which they feared Kennedy’s policies of increased openness in the American space program would expose. To be sure, when you ask, at a pragmatic political level, cui bono? with respect to the JFK murder, the obvious answer, first and foremost, is that Lyndon Baines Johnson benefited by succeeding to the Presidency of the USA before the day was done.

Coincidentally, Lyndon Johnson also happens to be a native son of Gillespie County, having lived in Stonewall, Texas about 10 miles east of Fredericksburg, Texas, where Chester Nimitz was born and grew up. Johnson was a U.S. Congressman during WW II representing a Texas Hill Country district. He was also a Naval Reserve officer who played a high profile role upgrading the U.S. war effort in the Southwest Pacific Theater, serving as a prominent liaison between President Roosevelt, Undersecretary of the Navy James Forrestal, General Douglas MacArthur, the U.S. Senate and others. Obviously, Lyndon Baines Johnson and Chester Nimitz certainly knew each other personally, and certainly would have interacted face to face on multiple occasions, both having been born and grown up in the same, rural Texas county, both having been prominently involved at the highest levels in U.S. Navy operations in the WW II Pacific Theater, and both having played a prominent role in the public life of the nation.

Because of his lifelong Texas Hill Country ties, Lyndon Johnson is also likely to have known of, and quite possibly to have directly known ex-NAZI SS officers resident in his Congressional district. I worked and lived in that region of Texas for more than ten years. I got to know some of the Texas German old timers, and the inside scuttlebutt that I heard was that the last, known SS officer in the Texas Hill Country died in, or about, the year 1999. So if there really was NAZI SS involvement behind the scenes in the JFK hit, and if there really were “ex”-NAZI SS officers quietly living in the Texas Hill Country in the decades after WW II (as I have been told there were), then whom did Lyndon Johnson know, and when did he know them and what, if anything, did they talk about?

Remember that when Johnson became President he moved NASA’s mission control center from Cape Canaveral, Florida to Houston, Texas. Remember also, that in those days there was very heavy ex-NAZI leadership of NASA, at the very highest levels. Wernher von Braun, Kurt Debus (whom Farrell reveals to have had personal involvement in the SS Bell project), Arthur Rudolph and others were in charge.


I mention this in part, because one of the stories that has come my way over the years, as I have pursued my secret underground and underwater bases research, is that there is purportedly an actual NAZI undersea base in the Gulf of Mexico, replete with large Swastika banners on the walls, just offshore from the Houston- Galveston area. I received this story second-hand, and while I cannot prove that it is true, I am willing to consider that it may be, especially in light of the documented NAZI ties to Texas that my research has uncovered. Moreover my research has indicated that the Gulf of Mexico is one of the bodies of water in the world where secret undersea facilities do exist.

An added consideration is the strong historical ties of the Bush family to both the NAZI Party and the Third Reich, and also to the Houston area, and to the powerful petroleum industry in Texas. The offshore petroleum industry in the Houston area certainly has the money, technology and trained personnel to construct undersea facilities. I believe that that has happened. As for the Bush family’s NAZI ties, recall that Prescott Bush, father of George Herbert Walker Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush, both of whom became President of the USA, was a Wall Street banker before and during WW II with NAZI business ties Please see: How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power for his involvement in helping to facilitate the industrial foundation of the Third Reich’s war effort, and the profitability of his efforts for the Bush family’s subsequent financial fortune.

Note that Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush were all three inducted into the super-secretive Skull and Bones Society at Yale University, which originated in the 1800s as a branch of a never-publicly-named German secret society. I duly note that the skull and bones insignia was prominently used by the NAZI SS during the Third Reich, and also by certain units in the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe.

Before leaving Texas I have to add that there was another major underground base built in the post-WW II period, in this case at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas, at the same time that the Manzano Base in New Mexico was being built. I have been told that the underground base is near the Robert Gray Army Airfield, which is on the Fort Hood military reservation. I communicated with a man who was stationed there during the Vietnam War. He informed me that his underground duty station was located at a point two miles inside an access tunnel. I asked him what happened inside the underground base and he said that what happened there could be interpreted as having to do with a type of “Gray” operation. Given the context of our communication I understood that he meant that the USA military was carrying out a project at the Killeen underground base having to do with the so-called “Little Grey” aliens in some wise, or with their technology.


I earlier mentioned Ohio, in connection to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, which played a huge role in the Pentagon’s UFO related research and programs, not only with regard to the Roswell affair, but in other respects, as well, some of which I have mentioned elsewhere in this discussion. Indeed, I have talked with one of the physicists (not a publicly known man) involved with the U.S. Air Force’s Project Blue Book program who flatly told me that when he worked at Wright-Patterson that the US Air Force was secretly flying two UFOs of their own manufacture right out of Wright-Patterson AFB. He said that they would open the hangar doors in the dead of night and fly them right out of the hangars at full bore. According to him, one was a large circular vehicle and the other somewhat resembled a 1950s-era automobile.

I accept that the USA military has had UFO technology for decades. The Pentagon is just lying about that, like it lies about so many other things.

Hannibu 1

One of the reasons I accept that is because Ohio is also the home state of T. Townsend Brown, a 20th century, genius-level scientist, engineer and inventor who discovered and carried out extensive R&D work on electrogravitic and antigravitic technologies, with direct application to UFO technology. He worked for a variety of military and aerospace agencies and organizations, on research in this vein. At one time he worked for Dr. Vannevar Bush, whom many have linked to the Top Secret MJ-12 UFO organization. His early work demonstrated that an x-ray vacuum tube containing ionized particles would exert a force when connected to a high voltage source. The force was not attributable to the x-rays that were generated. This is strongly reminiscent of what the NAZI SS was said to have done with their “Bell” technology, which involved a sealed cylinder containing ionized mercury that was subjected to very high voltages. This force came to be called the Biefeld-Brown effect. I am sure that the NAZI scientists and engineers would have been aware of T. Townsend Brown’s earlier work in the 1920s. During the 1950s Brown concentrated on electrogravitic and antigravity research. In the mid-1950s he was working in France for Projet Montgolfier which unabashedly had to do with levitating circular, flying-saucer shaped metallic objects. See some representative photos here. Brown reportedly made significant breakthroughs during his period of flying saucer propulsion research in France.

I accept that this is true without reservation or qualification whatsoever. During my own extensive literature search through the post-WW II military and engineering technical documentation I noticed that during the 1950s there was a flurry of research associated with electrogravitics and antigravity and then by 1960 or so, the references in the technical literature dwindled away. I believe this is because important breakthrough were made in antigravity and electrogravitics and the R&D effort was taken Top Secret into the hermetically compartmentalized world of black budget operations. I have no doubt that T. Townsend Brown was part of this secret R&D program, that must have included the NAZIs, too.

Interestingly, it is the case that Zanesville, Ohio, the hometown of T. Townsend Brown, also popped up in my research as the proposed site for a deep underground military excavation back in the early 1960s. Given Ohio’s close connection to the UFO phenomenon through Wright-Patterson AFB, and through the life work of T. Townsend Brown, it would not surprise me in the slightest if an underground base was constructed far below Zanesville, Ohio that is somehow related to or connected to UFOs or UFO research.

New Hampshire

Jospeh Farrell also mentions the peculiar UFO abduction case of Barney and Betty Hill, because it explicitly raises the issue of NAZI involvement with secret UFO activity in the post-WW II period. The book, The Interrupted Journey, by John Fuller, describes in detail the September 1961 abduction of Barney and Betty Hill by beings in a glowing, cigar-shaped craft in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. In my first book, Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide?, the White Mountains of New Hampshire were one of the locations which my research had revealed the USA military looked at in the early 1960s, and regarded as favorable for deep underground construction. I believe that deep underground facilities have, indeed, been built in New England, including in the White Mountains.

I point this out, because under hypnotic regression Barney Hill describes the commander of the group that abducted him and took him aboard the UFO as being a NAZI, specifically a NAZI in a black uniform. This is interesting because the Waffen SS officers did wear black uniforms. It is indisputable fact that Project Paperclip did bring large numbers of NAZIs to the USA, including a lot of SS officers, so I am open to the possibility that the commander of the group that reportedly abducted Barney Hill may really have been a NAZI officer. As I recall, Barney also reported that one of the other abductors was an Irish man, but could he have been slightly mistaken? Maybe the other man was not actually Irish, but Scottish? Perhaps a Scottish Rite Free Mason? The curious thing is that by this point I really do not think I am joking, because at that precise historical juncture in the USA there were influential NAZIs and 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemasons working closely together at a very high level on the American manned space program. One of Joseph Farrell’s premises is that this close cooperation between high-level NAZI operatives and Free Masons may have extended into the hermetically compartmentalized world of Black Operations, specifically as regards UFOs and unconventional UFO-like technologies. I am in close accord with Joseph Farrell on that point. I would go further and hypothesize that this cooperation could also extend to working with one or more off-planet species or groups, conceivably non-human beings, or even human beings from other planets. And, yes, I have heard, seen, read and been told enough that I now accept that there are multiple planets, conceivably myriad planets in this galaxy, with resident human populations that very strongly resemble Earth humans.


The truth is that not all prominent UFOlogists are good researchers, so for whatever reason, certain aspects of Barney Hill’s story have not been given the serious treatment and investigation that they deserve. I believe this has been a grave oversight. To his credit, Joseph Farrell is one of the few researchers and writers to have recognized the importance of the NAZI aspect of Barney Hill’s experience.


Not to forget Alabama, in particular the U.S. Army’s Redstone Arsenal at Huntsville. After leaving Fort Bliss, Texas and the U.S. Army’s White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, Wernher von Braun and his team were sent to the Redstone Arsenal to continue working.

Early on in my research back in the early 1990s I had run across 1950s-era plans by the U.S. Army to build a large underground rocket base beneath Green Mountain, near Huntsville, Alabama. At the time I was puzzled by that, but now more pieces are falling into place. Wernher von Braun and his team were at Redstone Arsenal in that period. This was also the period where the USA military was really ramping up its post-WW II program of major, underground base construction, and the U.S. Army no doubt wanted Wernher von Braun and his team to have the same facility to work with that they had in Germany, during the Third Reich. Recall that the last year of the war, V-1 and V-2 rocket production had been moved underground into the Mittelwerk production facility in the southern Harz Mountains. The Pentagon was simply mimicking the Third Reich’s playbook. Hitler had had an underground rocket factory, and the American generals wanted the same thing. I don’t know if Xaver Dorsch was still being debriefed by, or consulting with or for the U.S. Army at that time, but the Pentagon would certainly have gotten detailed information from him about the NAZIs’ extensive underground military and industrial production facilities.

There were also military plans to build an underground base beneath Kennesaw Mountain, in northern Georgia. Given the documented U.S. military interest in building underground bases in the southern Appalachian region, I assume that that has been done. If there are bases beneath Green and Kennesaw Mountains, they are clandestine.

Egyptian Project Paperclip

Many people are not aware that there was also an Egyptian analog to the American Project Paperclip. Hundreds of ex-NAZI scientists, engineers and technicians worked for years in Heliopolis, not far from Cairo. For a time Eugen Sänger was in charge of the research in Egypt. Recall that the services of Eugen Sänger were also explicitly requested by Operation Paperclip in 1947. Sänger was the father of the technology that ultimately led to the NASA space shuttle program. Walter Dornberger brought technical plans and schematics for this prototype technology with him when he came to the USA under Project Paperclip. I discuss this in my book, Kundalini Tales. Otto Skorzeny, the high-level SS operative who was seemingly everywhere, doing everything during WW II, was at least as active after the war, in organizing the international activities of “ex”-NAZI officers after the war. Skorzeny also was involved with the Egyptian “Paperclip” project, albeit in an unexpected way. Amazingly Skorzeny, the high-level “ex”-NAZI SS officer, was actually hired by the Mossad (Israeli Intelligence) in 1963 to finger ex-NAZIs working in Egypt. You can’t make this stuff up!

But the Egyptian connection is interesting. As a House of the Temple docent patiently explained to me one sweltering summer day in 1997, Scottish Rite Freemasonry traces its roots back to the masons who created the ancient monolithic architecture in Egypt. This is a salient point, because 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry had a close connection to the NASA space program (and its NACA forerunner) in the 1950s and 1960s. The House of the Temple, the headquarters for the Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the USA, just north of the White House on 16th Street, in Washington, DC, had an especially close tie to the early NASA manned space program. In other words, in the formative years of NASA, high level Free Masons and high level NAZIs worked very closely together, and the connection ran through one of the most powerful Masonic lodges in the world, that considers that its historical antecedents trace back to ancient Egypt. At the same period, other NAZIs were at work in Egypt, on another technological R&D program. Coincidence? I suspect not.

Consider that the numbers 33, 33 and 1/3 and 333 are much beloved by high-level Free Masons. I don’t know why, but they are. They positively revere these numbers.

I mention this, because the Egyptian Project Paperclip was based at “Sakr” Factory 333 in Heliopolis, just outside of Cairo. The meaning of the Arabic word, sakr, is “falcon” or “eagle.” One is reminded of the Apollo 11 lunar module, “The Eagle,” and Neil Armstrong’s famous words upon setting down on the Moon’s surface: “The Eagle has landed.” One is equally reminded of the NAZI eagle prominently perched over the Swastika on NAZI banners, medals, insignias, statues, and so forth. The modern Egyptian national flag also prominently displays an eagle. Coincidences? Perhaps not.

For more on the large NAZI presence in Egypt after WW II please see:
Postwar Arab links to the ODESSA network

To my knowledge, the NAZis are not still there at Sakr Factory 333 in Heliopolis today. (Though who knows?) Today, there is a Sakr Factory For Development Industries in Heliopolis, still producing missiles and other ordnance for the Egyptian military, and its mailing address is, you guessed it: P.O. Box 33.

The 33rd degree Masonic connection also arises at one point in Farrell’s discussion, as he cites a memo that appears to allude to 33rd degree Masonic funding for highly Top Secret, MJ-12 related UFO research as it relates to a sprawling, international post-WW II exotic technology R&D program.

At one time there was a fair amount of information about the “Egyptian” Operation Paperclip at Heliopolis available online, but some of that appears to have vanished from the Internet in the past few years, or at any rate to be harder to track down than formerly was the case.

Before leaving Egypt I cannot fail to mention Dr. Farouk El-Baz. El-Baz is a native Egyptian, with a genius-level IQ. His PhD is in geology, but he has PhD level expertise in a variety of fields including remote sensing and photography, and more. He is a brilliant polymath with a formidable intellect. Let me explain his connection to all of this.

First let’s look at a brief chronology of his career.

Born 1938.
1958 BS in geology and chemistry from Ain Shams University in Cairo
1958-1960 taught geology at Assiut University in Egypt
1961 MS in geology from Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy
1962-1963 research at MIT in Boston
1964 PhD in geology from Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy
1964-1965 taught geology at University of Heidelberg, Germany
1966 worked as petroleum geologist for Pan American-UAR company in Gulf of Suez, Egypt
1967 was put in charge of the surface lunar component of NASA’s Apollo space program

Got that? He was just 29 years old, a newly minted PhD in geology, who had briefly been an adjunct professor, like a lot of young academics, and had spent a year working as a petroleum geologist.

From there he went directly to the very top of the NASA power structure, working at the highest and most sensitive level of the most important American scientific and engineering undertaking since the Manhattan Project. A 29 year-old Egyptian geologist, leapfrogged over myriad senior American engineers and scientists to be a) Supervisor of Lunar Science Planning, b) Secretary of the Landing Site Selection Committee, c) Principal Investigator of Visual Observations and Photography and d) Chairman of the Astronaut Training Group.

Remember that this was at the height of the Cold War. And a 29 year-old Egyptian was brought in to run the lunar manned space program. He was in charge of everything that happened on the Moon – landing site selection, lunar photography, astronaut training, lunar science planning.

I have spoken with one of the other men on the Apollo landing site selection committee and he remarked to me with disgust that the landing site selections were not made on the basis of scientific criteria, but were governed by “political considerations”. I pressed him a bit, but he wouldn’t elaborate on that cryptic statement. Given what I know now those “political considerations” could well have been NAZI or 33rd degree Free Mason “considerations”, or even publicly unknown, perhaps esoteric, Egyptian “considerations”.

So who is Farouk El-Baz? (I mean in the essential sense.) I don’t presume to know with specificity, but he is very well connected at the highest levels in Egypt and obviously in the USA, as well. In 1978 he was appointed science adviser to the late-President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat. For many years, he has also been a close friend and associate of Zahi Hawass, until this year the long-time Director of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt, with oversight over all of the ancient monuments such as the Sphinx, the Pyramids, Luxor, etc. Farouk El-Baz’s brother, Osama El-Baz was also a senior advisor to Hosni Mubarak, the recently deposed, former dictator of Egypt. So he and his family are very well connected politically. Since his NASA days, Farouk El-Baz has held a variety of high level, prestigious, scientific and engineering positions. He currently is Research Professor and Director of the Center for Remote Sensing at Boston University.

But to come to the point, why was he suddenly brought into the very highest level of NASA in 1967? Remember that in that era NASA was being run at the highest levels by a NAZI SS faction and also had a strong tie to 33rd degree Scottish Rite Free Masonry, which traces its roots back to ancient Egypt.

The obvious conclusion is that Farouk El-Baz was groomed as a young man to be the point man between the 33rd degree Masons, the NAZIs and the hidden political power structure behind the Apollo program (whatever that may have been). El-Baz must have been uniquely privy to esoteric Egyptian information or lore that both the NAZIs and the 33rd degree Masons accepted as crucial to the success of the Apollo program. How else to explain his highly improbable, meteoric rise to such great scientific power, prestige and influence at the young age of 29 years?

The German connection is there in his two years at Heidelberg University in 1964-1965. Remember that the period 1960-1966 was also the time of the Egyptian Project Paperclip, when hundreds of NAZI engineers and scientists were brought to Egypt by Gamal Nasser, to run his rocket and missile program at Heliopolis. It is an absolute certainty that these German scientists and engineers personally knew their Project Paperclip counterparts in the USA. This was only 15 to 20 years after WW II and a great many of them would have worked together during the Third Reich, at places like Peenemuende.

I doubt that it is a coincidence that the last director of Sakr Factory 333, in the period of 1965-1966 or so, was Eugen Saenger, the father of the technology that ultimately resulted in NASA’s space shuttle program. Saenger started working on this concept all the way back in the 1930s and 1940s, during the Third Reich. In Saenger’s scheme the manned orbital unit was called Horus. Of course, Horus is one of the best known Gods of ancient Egypt. I don’t know how all of this fits together, but it can’t be coincidental that Eugen Saenger turned up in Egypt the year before Farouk El-Baz was sent from Egypt to the USA to collaborate with Saenger’s “ex”-NAZI colleagues on NASA’s Apollo program.

The obvious Masonic connection is there in the numerical designation of Factory 333 as the R&D site of Nasser’s “ex”-NAZI-led missile and rocket program. To this day, the successor factory has a P.O. Box 33, a conspicuous 33rd degree Masonic calling card.


There is no question that there is a highly secretive, furtive, stealthy, immensely well-funded, exotically high-tech, parallel society that has a vampiric or parasitic relationship to the broader society in which most contemporary Earth humans live. This parallel society has constructed numerous underground and undersea bases and tunnel complexes, both in the USA and elsewhere around the world. It has also developed non-conventional electrogravitic and antigravity technologies. It has an extensive footprint off the planet, as well as underground and undersea here on Earth. It has likely established bases and/or colonies on the Moon and Mars, and perhaps farther afield than that. It probably has a working relationship with one or more extraterrestrial species or civilizations. It is sucking money and raw resources out of the global economy like nobody’s business.

The NAZIs are involved, high-level Masonic factions are involved, major corporations and military agencies are involved, the big banks and financial institutions are involved, espionage agencies such as the CIA and NSA are involved, and for all I know secretive factions of certain Mormon and Roman Catholic organizations are involved, too. This is just a partial list of some of the likely players in this scenario. Clearly this network extends beyond the USA, indeed it supersedes the official policy and power apparatus of the USA government and military agencies, or of any other government or military institutions. The typical American president or senator is likely to know comparatively little (maybe even nothing) about these matters. In fact, I probably know more about these things than the vast majority of politicians do, not because of any unique quality or ability I have, but simply because I have inquired into the topic.

I take seriously the idea that these exotic electrogravitic and antigravity technologies also have an effect on the time stream, i.e., that they can be used to engineer or render plastic the flow of time, or the experience of time.

As far as I can see, there is a grand, multi-dimensdional chess game underway, with multiple competing factions contending amongst themselves across a vast stretch of space and time, leaping back and forth, not only spatially, in a geographic sense, but also temporally, skipping back and forth through time, tweaking the sequence of events, endeavoring to guide the whole grand time-space pageant on their preferred trajectory.

I think everything is in play, not just the control and destiny of this planet, or of this solar system, but conceivably of the whole galaxy, and beyond. This is a high stakes match for keeps, a power play for all the marbles.

In that regard, the year 2012 looks to be shaping up as an especially crucial year in this tangled equation. The wild card is the collective or planetary consciousness of the great mass of humanity.

How many people are there who are awake, or awakening? And exactly how awake and aware are they? What will humanity do as greater and greater numbers of people awaken? How does that affect the flow of the game?

Does that potentially create a checkmate, and a resetting of the multi-dimensional chess board? Perhaps the abrupt abandonment en masse of the chess match entirely, in favor of a wholly different approach to life and time-space?

To wit: we, the great mass of contemporary humanity on planet Earth, have been, and are now still being massively lied to. What are we going to do about that?

Visit Richard Sauder’s blog HERE


Project Sign

Declassified in 1997 as part of the GAO’s investigation sponsered by the late Congressman Schift (Rep – New Mexico) in the Roswell incident, project SIGN began in 1947 as an Air Force investigation of UFOs, headed by Col. H. M. McCoy, Chief of Intelligence, Air Materiel Command, Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton Ohio. Project SIGN ended in early 1949 when the name was changed to Project GRUDGE, though Col. McCoy remained in charge of the successor project. The 900 pages of released documents are primarily UFOB intelligence reports, some with good data and administrative correspondence, green fireball reports of 48-49 in the desert southwest. The Fund for UFO Research has an excellent summary of the Air Force’s project SIGN documents.

At approximately 3.00 p.m. on the afternoon of 24 June 1947, pilot Kenneth Arnold had his now-classic UFO encounter near the Cascade Mountains, Washington State. According to Arnold, he viewed nine, elliptical-shaped objects flying in a wedge-like formation and stated that the objects flew as a saucer would if it were skimmed across a pool of water. The Flying Saucer mystery had begun. In the weeks and months after Arnold’s now-historic encounter, a wealth of other reports reached both the military and the media.

On 28 June, while flying at a height of 10,000 feet and 30 miles northwest of Lake Meade, Nevada, an Air Force Lieutenant reported seeing five or six white, circular-shaped UFOs in close formation and traveling at a speed of approximately 285 miles per hour.

The following day, a party of three – including two scientists – reported seeing a large UFO near the White Sands Missile Range. They were able to keep the object in view for almost a full minute and described it as disk-shaped, moving at high speed and with no discernible wings.

On 7 July 1947, five Portland, Oregon, police officers reported varying numbers of disks flying over different parts of the city; and on the same day, William Rhoads of Phoenix, Arizona, saw an object not dissimilar to that reported by Kenneth Arnold. Seventy-two hours later, a Mr. Woodruff, a Pan-American Airways mechanic, reported seeing a circular-shaped UFO flying at high speed near Harmon Field, Newfoundland.

As the summer of 1947 drew to a close and the Air Force had become an independent entity of the military, Air Intelligence demanded a report from Air Materiel Command regarding the then-current opinions on “flying disks”. Lieutenant General Nathan F. Twining, the Commander of the Air Materiel Command at Wright Field, held a conference with individuals attached to the Propeller Laboratories of Engineering Division T-3, the Air Institute of Technology, and the Office of Chief Engineering Division. The result was a 23 September 1947, memorandum sent by Twining to Brig. General George Schulgen, Chief of the Air Intelligence Requirements Division. It concluded that:

a. The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious.

b. There are objects probably approximating the shape of a disk, of such appreciable size as to appear to be as large as man-made aircraft.

c. There is a possibility that some of the incidents may be caused by natural phenomena, such as meteors.

d. The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability, and actions which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically, or remotely.

e. The apparent common description of the objects is as follows:
(1) Metallic or light reflecting.
(2) Absence of trail, except in a few instances when the object apparently was operating under high performance conditions
(3) Circular or elliptical in shape, flat on bottom and domed on top.
(4) Several reports of well kept formation flights varying from three to nine objects.
(5) Normally no associated sound, except in three instances a substantial rumbling roar was noted.
(6) Level flight speeds normally above 300 knots are estimated.

f. It is possible within the present U.S. knowledge – provided extensive detailed development is undertaken – to construct a piloted aircraft which has the general description of the object in subparagraph (e) above which would be capable of anapproximate range of 7,000 miles at subsonic speeds.

g. Any development in this country along the lines indicated would be extremely expensive, time consuming, and at the considerable expense of current projects and therefore, if directed, should be set up independently of existing projects.

h. Due consideration must be given to the following:
(1) The possibility that these objects are of domestic origin – the product of some high security project not known to AC/AS-2 or this Command.
(2) The lack of physical evidence in the shape of crash recovered exhibits which would undeniably prove the existence of these objects.
(3) The possibility that some foreign nation has a form of propulsion, possibly nuclear, which is outside of our domestic knowledge.

As a result, Air Materiel Command requested that a directive be issued assigning a permanent project to study the UFO phenomenon. On 30 December 1947, Major General L. C. Craigie, Director of Research and Development, issued an order that would establish Project Sign as the investigative body tasked with examining UFO reports. It would be the role of Sign to: “… collect, collate, evaluate and distribute to interested government agencies and contractors all information concerning sightings and phenomena in the atmosphere which can be construed to be of concern to the national security.”

During the first six months of 1948, Project Sign studied UFO reports at Wright-Patterson AFB and focused much of its attention on the possibility that some UFOs were, indeed, other-worldly in origin.

On 5 August 1948, the Project Sign team determined that it was time for an evaluation of the data obtained. As a result, a Top Secret Estimate of the Situation was prepared by the US Air Force’s Air Technical Intelligence Center, which concluded that UFOs were interplanetary spacecraft. This was to cause widespread dismay and concern amongst the higher echelons of the military and the conclusions of the report were rejected, largely on the orders of Chief of Staff, General Hoyt Vandenberg, who argued that the Estimate was bereft of any firm evidence to support such beliefs. As a result of this, the ET-hypothesis lost favor within Sign; and those involved in the production of the report were rapidly reassigned alongside rumors of a lack of morale within the project.

Nevertheless, by the end of 1948, Project Sign had received several hundred UFO reports, of which 167 had been classed as “good”; and almost 40 of which were considered to be “unknown”. By 16 December 1948, however, the work of Sign (much of which supported the ET-hypothesis) came to a close; and Brigadier General Donald Putt changed the name and made way for the more debunking-oriented Project Grudge.

If the Estimate of the Situation report was rejected by General Vandenberg, one might ask, is that because the conclusion was based on faulty data or is there a more sinister scenario? It is known that the project only carried a 2A restricted classification (with 1A being the highest); and whilst the project could, under required circumstances, be assigned a higher clearance, this suggests strongly that Sign personnel did not have blanket need-to-know with respect to the UFO mystery. Interestingly, the author and investigator Kevin Randle has spoken with a U.S. colonel who had worked with ATIC in the late 1940s and who confirmed the existence of the Estimate of the Situation and was aware that it had been hand-delivered to Vandenberg. According to the colonel, Vandenberg ordered that two paragraphs be removed from the Estimate – both of which referred to UFO crashes in New Mexico. Vandenberg’s actions seem to suggest that (a) Project Sign’s conclusions were being manipulated from the very beginning; and (b) there were those within the military that wanted Sign kept strictly out of the crashed UFO/Majestic 12 loop.

Roswell Debris Confirmed


Newly discovered documents reveal that in the months immediately following the purported 1947 UFO crash at Roswell, secret government studies began on a material that was previously unknown to science. The “memory metal” that was studied precisely matches some of the debris material reported by several witnesses to the crash. Evidence shows that -under military direction- these unique metal studies were undertaken by a contracted laboratory that possessed advanced technical capabilities that the U.S. government itself did not have at the time. A former high-level scientist employed by the involved laboratory has offered a confession that he was tasked to study the crashed UFO material. Information provided by two U.S. Air Force Generals also offers direct support for this discovery.
The documents suggest that after the crash, the US government attempted to develop a unique material that is today referred to as memory metal. This shape-recovery alloy was reported by several witnesses to the Roswell crash in the summer of 1947. The lightweight “morphing” material was able to be crumpled or deformed and then return itself instantly and seamlessly to its original state. The metallurgical discoveries that resulted from these studies were then “seeded” for further technology development to other government agencies (including NASA) and through a series of military contracts to universities and industry.
Wright-Patterson Air Force Aerial View


The laboratory contracted by Wright Patterson Air Force Base to perform these studies was Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, OH. It has been credibly reported that Wright Patterson Air Force Base was the very base where the Roswell UFO debris was flown after the crash.
Recently obtained documents reveal that these studies for Wright Patterson were conducted at Battelle under the direction of Dr. Howard C. Cross. In the late 1940’s, H.C Cross was Battelle’s expert scientist in exotic metallurgy and Titanium alloy research.
Curiously –although he was a research metallurgist- Cross was also Battelle’s “point person” in later studies on UFOs that Battelle conducted in the early 1950’s for the U.S. Air Force’s official UFO study, Project Bluebook. Cross is likely an author of Project Bluebook’s still-missing Report Number 13. He is also the author of a strange letter from Battelle to Wright Patterson known as “The Pentacle” memo. Dr. Cross’ historic role will be detailed in a forthcoming article.
Founded in 1929, Battelle is engaged in research, development and commercialization of technological innovation. They specialize in materials science and engineering, life sciences, energy science and national security. Battelle contract operates many of our country’s National Laboratories. This includes some of the U.S.’s most sensitive installations such as Oak Ridge, Lawrence Livermore and Brookhaven laboratories. Battelle is headquartered in proximity to Wright Patterson- and remains one of the nation’s leading defense contractors. Their metallurgical capabilities and technical talent continue to be recognized as world-class.
Battelle Entrance
Witness To Roswell

The full story of the Roswell-Battelle connection is related in the newly published sequel book “Witness to Roswell” (Revised and Expanded Edition, 2009) by Tom Carey and Don Schmitt in chapter contributions made by this author. Scientific citations, references and report images are also included in this updated edition.


The direct connection between the Roswell debris and the Battelle studies is revealed in a material known as Nitinol.

Nitinol is a specially processed combination of Nickel and Titanium, or NiTi. It displays many of the very same properties and physical characteristics as some of the crash debris materials that was reported at Roswell. Both are memory metals that “remember” their original shape and both are extremely lightweight. The materials are reported to have similar color, possess a high fatigue strength and are able to withstand extreme high heat.
Today Nitinol is incorporated in items as far-ranging as medical implants and bendable eyeglass frames. It is produced in many forms including sheet, wire and coil. Newer “intelligent metal” systems are being studied by NASA in the creation of bendable or flappable wings, as self-actuators and as a “self-healing” outer hull “skin” for spacecraft. It is believed that the memory metal found at Roswell came from the outer structures of a downed extraterrestrial spacecraft.
The earliest known combination of Titanium and Nickel reported in the scientific literature was in 1939 by two Europeans. However, this crude sample was a “by-product” of research entirely unrelated to the study of Nitinol. Its “memory metal” potential was not sought or noted. The scientists would have been unable to purify Titanium to sufficient levels at that time-and they would not have known about the energy requirement needed to create the “morphing” effect.
The next time that we see the unique combination of Titanium and Nickel emerge in science is by military scientists associated with Naval Intelligence at the US. Naval Ordnance Lab. It was there that Nitinol was “officially” created in the early 1960s. But Nitinol’s “official” history –including the date and reasons for discovery- is conflicting. More on this murky history will be detailed in a future article. Recently gained information suggests that it was in fact Battelle’s metallurgist and UFO researcher Dr. Howard Cross who “fed” the US Navy information (including the “phase diagram” and details on Titanium processing) that is required to create Nitinol.
Research by this author has confirmed that Nitinol studies actually began at Battelle immediately after the Roswell crash -and not in the early 1960s. And it was Wright Patterson (the base where the crash material was flown) that contracted this secret work.
This confirmation is given in a brief footnote found in a study by one of Nitinol’s “official” inventors at the U.S. Naval Lab. In that military report on Nitinol, the author footnotes a 1949 Battelle study which clearly pertains to the refinement of Titanium and Nickel. The citation relates to a “phase diagram” that examines states of matter and how the two metals could be successfully alloyed. If processed in the right way, the result is Nitinol memory metal. It is possible that the “official” co-inventors of Nitinol were unaware that the memory metal’s impetus was to be found in the study of the Roswell debris- or perhaps not.
Only three other references to this Titanium and Nickel memory metal report by Battelle have ever been found. In each case, they appear only as buried footnotes- and only in metals studies which were themselves conducted under U.S. military auspice. In one case this included having a “Project Monitor” present from Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
A historical analysis of the scientific literature shows that no other alloys had ever been studied by the U.S. military as a potential “memory metal” prior to this late 1940’s time frame -and Battelle’s Wright Patterson study contract.
Wright Patterson needed Battelle to accomplish this work. Much of the reason for this is because Battelle had something that Wright Patterson did not- an advanced arc furnace that was capable of melting and refining Titanium to the purity required to make memory metal.
The history of Titanium (which is required to make Nitinol) is itself also very revealing. We learn through review of the literature that, according to Encyclopedia Britannica: “After 1947, Titanium changed from a laboratory curiosity to an important structural metal.” According to the Industrial Arts Index, the number of science abstracts published on Titanium spiked dramatically from 1946 (and prior years) as compared to abstracts on Titanium written after 1947. In Rand Corporation’s 1962 abstract “The Titanium Decade” we learn that: “A far larger Titanium industry arose from the point of view of production capacity than was needed to produce the material that was actually used in aircraft. The time period of 1948-1958 involved virtually all of the costs.” An astonishing $2.5 billion (in today’s dollars) was spent on Titanium research by the US government in the years immediately following 1947.


Batelle Reports

The Battelle memory metal report is titled “Second Progress Report on Contract AF33 (038)-3736” and was completed for Wright Patterson Air Force Base in 1949. It is authored by C.M. Craighead, F. Fawn and L.W. Eastwood. It appears to be part of a series of such contracts conducted through the early 1950s. Interestingly, the scientists who authored the report were very closely associated with Battelle’s chief Titanium metallurgist (and later, Battelle’s UFO researcher for Project Bluebook) Dr. Howard Cross, previously mentioned. The scientists went on to author reports on exotic metallurgy that related to such areas as “metal and superplasticity,” “metal transformation,” and “metal microstructures.”
Based on the sections of the studies that were found that reference this Battelle report- we know that this “progress report” offers the first “phase diagram” ever produced to attempt to successfully alloy Titanium and Nickel. This would be required to make memory metal. We can also infer that it examined refinement of Titanium to high purity levels. High purity Titanium is required to create the shape-recovery effect.
No references have ever been located to something that must surely exist- Battelle’s “First Progress Report” on the memory metal. While the Second Progress Report (completed in 1949) refers to techniques to process the alloy, the First Progress Report (authored in 1947 or 1948) probably relates to the actual analysis of “Roswellian” memory metal.
Although Nitinol is not identical to the Roswell debris material, it represents our best attempts at re-creation of the found memory metal. The impetus for this “shape-recovery” metallurgical research has to be the crash debris discovered at Roswell in the summer of 1947.


A year long effort was made by this author to locate Battelle’s First and Second Progress Reports on memory metal. Though footnotes have been located to the reports in military sponsored studies on memory metal, access to the actual reports remains impossible.
Battelle’s own Historian/Librarian was unable to locate the documents. In a later follow-up call to Battelle, Sarasota Herald Tribune reporter Billy Cox was told that Battelle is still unable to find the report and that it remains a “mystery.” Likewise, Wright Patterson Air Force Base’s own Archivist and Manager of its Special Collections was unable to locate the documents. Both librarians from each organization worked together to find them. They are baffled and suggest that it may mean that the reports were destroyed (though there is no record of this) or that they may remain highly classified.
The U.S. DOD’s Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) is the master repository of our nation’s military-sponsored technical reports and studies. Their database also fails to locate the Battelle reports. Finally, with the guidance of reporter Billy Cox, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Secretary of the Air Force/WPAFB was filed by this author. Information has yet to be provided that is responsive to this request.
It is hoped that the Second Progress Report will one day be located. This is because if it does contain “phase diagrams” for the alloying of Nickel and Titanium- it will confirm the work on memory metal. It would strongly suggest that shape-recovery alloys were precisely what Battelle was attempting to create for the military in the time period directly after the Roswell crash. The likelihood that the First Progress Report by Battelle on memory metal will ever be found is even more remote.


General Arthur Exon

In an interview conducted in the 1990’s, former Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Brigadier General Arthur Exon confirmed the existence of the Roswell metal reports. Exon, the Base Commander of Wright Patterson in the 1960s, related that he was privy to some of the details on the composition of the crash debris and the variety of tests that were performed on it. Astonishingly, Exon stated of the debris: “It was Titanium and some other metal they knew about, and the processing was somehow different.” Of course, special “processing” of Titanium and the “other metal” that “they knew about” (Nickel) is required to create Nitinol.
Exon added tellingly, “And it wouldn’t surprise me if the material wasn’t still around, certainly the reports are.” Exon was likely referring to the Battelle Progress Reports on memory metal done for Wright Patterson in the late 1940’s.
Air Force General George Schulgen (who led Intelligence at the Pentagon at the time of the Roswell incident) authored a previously-marked “secret” draft memo on the flying saucer issue on October 30, 1947- about four months after the crash.
General Shulgen’s 1947 Memo
In the verified version of this memo is found a section entitled “Items of Construction.” Schulgen instructs his officers to be aware of flying objects and their materials of construction. He specifically notes the “unusual fabrication methods to achieve extreme lightweight” and that the material is of a “composite construction…using various combinations of metals.”
Schulgen is describing precisely some of the very characteristics of Nitinol. Just like the Roswell debris material, it is an “extreme lightweight” intermetallic alloy. As a novel “composite construction,” it is created by an “unusual fabrication” method that “uses a combination of metals”- perhaps like Titanium and Nickel.


Battelle scientist Elroy John Center has stated that he analyzed metal from a crashed UFO when he was employed by the Institute. Center was a Senior Research Chemist who worked for Battelle for nearly two decades, from 1939 to 1957. This has been confirmed by both his University of Michigan alumni files and by the location of scientific papers that he authored during his employment while at Battelle.
A graduate Chemical Engineer, Center authored papers that appeared in highly technical journals. His areas of research included the chemical testing of metals; the microdetermination of metals in alloys; and the spectroscopic analysis of unique materials. Center was likely involved in early analysis of the Roswell debris. A groundbreaking metals analysis technique that Center developed has been found cited in studies related to the “polygraphic determination of Titanium” in alloys. Specially-selected Titanium is required to create the Roswell-like “memory metal” Nitinol.
Center’s family members confirm that he had an intense interest in UFOs and the extraterrestrial. In May of 1992, noted historical researcher Dr. Irena Scott of Columbus, OH (herself a former Battelle scientist) interviewed a close professional associate of Elroy Center. Elroy had privately related to him in June of 1960 that while he was employed at Battelle he had been involved in a very strange laboratory project. Center said that earlier he had been tasked by his superiors to assist on a highly-classified Battelle study that was contracted by the government. He said that the project involved work on a very unusual material. Center understood that this debris material was retrieved by the US government from the earlier crash of a UFO. Center referred to the item he studied as a “piece.” He explained that this “piece” was not something with which anyone was familiar. He also said that the debris had been inscribed with strange symbols that he called “glyphics.” Similar markings have of course been reported by some of the witnesses to the Roswell crash debris. Center stopped short of providing any further details. The Battelle scientist passed away in 1991. source




Robotics Professor Warns Drones Will “Lead To A Sanitised Factory Of Slaughter”

We are witnessing the beginning of “the industrial revolution of war”

Steve Watson
Aug 3, 2012

A prominent artificial intelligence expert has urged that president Obama is setting a horrendous precedent by embracing drone technology as a means of covert warfare.

Professor Noel Sharkey of Sheffield University, penned a piece in The Guardian today that slams the use of missile strikes using unmanned ariel vehicles, warning that what we are seeing is just the beginning of “the industrial revolution of war.”

Sharkey notes that the CIA is thought to have killed anywhere up to 1035 civilians in drone strikes outside of legitimate war zones in the last eight years, including 200 children.

“Who in their right mind would give a powerful unmanned air force to a covert organisation with such a track record for unaccountable and illegal killing?” the professor asks.

“Obama is establishing a dangerous precedent that is, at best, legally questionable in a world where more than 50 countries are acquiring the technology.” he adds.

Sharkey warns that in a modern day arms race, other countries such as Israel, India, Russia and especially China are racing to develop and export armed attack drones.

“Given the 10-year spate of CIA drone strikes, what can be said when other countries use drone strikes against perceived threats in other states?” Sharkey asks.

Sharkey, a founding member of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control (ICRAC), also noted that current drones are “like the Wright brothers’ prototypes compared to what’s coming next.”

“Here is where the real danger resides: automated killing as the final step in the industrial revolution of war – a clean factory of slaughter with no physical blood on our hands and none of our own side killed.” he writes, noting that automated drones have been under development since at least 2004.

“We have records of civilian casualties, including numerous children, from drone strikes when there are humans watching on computer screens and deciding when to fire.” Sharkey notes. “Think how much worse it will be when drones deal death automatically. Is this really a technology we want the secret intelligence services of the world to control?”

Professor Sharkey previously appeared on the Alex Jones Show in 2008, when he warned that the world was sleepwalking into a potentially lethal technocracy and called for safeguards on such technology to be put into place.

“If you have an autonomous robot then it’s going to make decisions who to kill, when to kill and where to kill them.” Sharkey stated at the time. “The scary thing is that the reason this has to happen is because of mission complexity and also so that when there’s a problem with communications you can send a robot in with no communication and it will decide who to kill, and that is really worrying to me.” the professor said.

“The one thing I try to get across to policy makers is that there is this kind of mythical artificial intelligence, every time killer robots are mentioned people start talking about Terminator and ‘Skynet’ and all this stuff that’s really fairytales, and if they were like that it would be better, because what you’ve got here is like a washing machine. This is a dumb stupid machine, and then you are going to give it the decision to kill people, it’s just ridiculous.” Sharkey told listeners.

As we noted this week, a new 62 feet long autonomous drone called the X-47B is set to become an integral part of the Navy’s Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike System (UCLASS).

The new drone was unveiled during its first public test flight over Chesapeake Bay this week. The craft was airborne for 35 minutes and reached an altitude of 7,500 feet, traveling at 207 mph.

The Navy wants to eventually have the aircraft take off and land onto an aircraft carrier hundreds of miles away, all with just the click of a mouse. This would make it the only craft of its kind to have that ability.

The drone is controlled by an onboard Control Display Unit which, it is said, can independently think for itself, plot course corrections, react to unforeseen contingencies, and chart new directions.

Meanwhile, as the use of drones domestically in the US explodes, another dangerous precedent has been set this week with a North Dakota court approving the use of drones to help arrest citizens on US soil.

District Judge Joel Medd denied a request to dismiss charges against Rodney Brossart, who was arrested after law enforcement resorted to using a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to inspect his property, according to court documents obtained by US News.



Surrounded By Psychopaths And Sociopaths As We Approach Societal Collapse

Michael Snyder
The American Dream
Aug 6, 2012

Do you remember when America was a place where you could attend a public gathering without having to worry if a sociopath was going to set off a bomb or start wildly shooting people?

Do you remember when America was a place where you could walk down the street without having to worry that a vicious pack of teens might attack you for no reason whatsoever?  Do you remember when America was a place where you could leave your car unlocked, your house unlocked and your garage open without having to worry about thieves?  Well, only old timers are likely to remember a time when you could leave your front door unlocked, but itwas once like that in America.  Over the past 50 years America has fundamentally changed.  Once upon a time you could trust just about everybody, but these days it is difficult to find anyone that you can truly trust.  We are literally surrounded by psychopaths and sociopaths as we approach the edge of societal collapse.  The truly frightening thing is that we are watching society break down rapidly even though economic conditions are still relatively good.  If this is how bad things are right now, what are they going to look like after the economy collapses and people become really desperate?

I was enjoying a peaceful morning today until I came across this headline: “7 dead, including shooter, at Wisconsin Sikh temple“.

What kind of a person does such a thing?

So far there does not appear to be any motive for the shooting.  These were people that were just peacefully gathering at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin on Sunday morning.  They weren’t bothering anyone.

But some very twisted individual decided to walk in there and start randomly shooting people.

The mainstream media is describing the shooter as “a white male in his 30s“.

By the time it was all over, seven people (including the shooter) ended up dead and three others were wounded.

But this was not the only incredibly shocking incident in the news today.

Also on Sunday, a man walked into an ICU at one hospital in Ohio, pulled out a gun and shot his wife of 45 years.

Who does that?

Who would walk into a hospital and shoot someone that you have been married to for 45 years?

Of course the mainstream media is going to use examples such as these as reasons why we need to ban guns.  But as I wrote about the other day, the truth is that guns actually help prevent crime.  U.S. cities with the strictest gun control laws also have some of the highest rates of gun violence.  The criminals are always going to be able to get guns.

However, when it comes to mass murder there is a common thread among the major cases that we have seen in recent years that has nothing to do with guns at all.

The mainstream media does not talk about it, but the truth is that mass murderers are almost always found to be on legal drugs of one kind or another.

Many of these drugs can cause otherwise “normal” people to become raging psychopaths.  But the mainstream media is not going to talk about this because the drug companies spend billions of dollars advertising on their networks.

Other times it is illegal drugs that are causing people to go crazy.  Just check out what happened in Detroit the other day….

A 17-year-old boy was arrested after police found him lying completely naked in the middle of a street while apparently high on LSD. Police said the boy also jumped on the hood of their patrol car and broke out the windshield with his fists.

Even when they are not on drugs, the young people of America just seem to be getting wilder and wilder.  Recently I wrote about all of the flash mob crimes that we are seeing all over the country.  Groups of young people are banding together and invading retail stores for some “organized looting”.  These young people seem to have absolutely no concern for how their actions will affect the people that they are stealing from.

It seems like hearts are going cold all over the United States.  Psychology has all kinds of fancy names for this, but on a very basic level our empathy for others is rapidly disappearing.

According to dictionary.com, a psychopath is “a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.”

Doesn’t that sound like a lot of people out there on the streets of America today?

Sadly, this even includes those that are considered to be among “the elite”.

For example, it is has been estimated that one out of every ten Wall Street employees is a psychopath.

According to dictionary.com, a sociopath is “a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.”

Often sociopaths will do things to other people or to animals without any concern for the pain they are causing.

In a previous article I wrote about a man that recently bit the lips off of a kitten.  This would be one example of a sociopath.

It has been estimated that there are 12 million sociopaths in the United States today.

That is only a small percentage of the population, but you never know who they are.

Once the percentage of crazy people becomes high enough in a community, it becomes very difficult to trust anyone.

Meanwhile, many of our greatest cities are degenerating into crime-infested war zones.  The city center of Detroit has become a place where people dump dead bodies.  The following is from a recent Fox News article….

From the street, the two decomposing bodies were nearly invisible, concealed in an overgrown lot alongside worn-out car tires and a moldy sofa. The teenagers had been shot, stripped to their underwear and left on a deserted block.

They were just the latest victims of foul play whose remains went undiscovered for days after being hidden deep inside Detroit’s vast urban wilderness — a crumbling wasteland rarely visited by outsiders and infrequently patrolled by police.

Abandoned and neglected parts of the city are quickly becoming dumping grounds for the dead — at least a dozen bodies in 12 months’ time. And authorities acknowledge there’s little they can do.

But it isn’t just our major cities that are degenerating.

All over America rural communities are falling apart as well.

The following is an extended excerpt from a comment that was recently posted on prophezine.com.  I believe that it very eloquently describes what is happening to communities all over the United States right now….


Crime has drastically increased in our little rural community in the last few years.

While there has always been the occasional theft, kids breaking in vacant houses, things picked up lying in the yard – recently theft has become bold, blatant and aggressive.

Middle of the day break-ins, multiple thieves in a trucks pulling trailers, organized crime targeting places of business and homes for high grade picking.

Taking the time to look at items and only take the best/most expensive.

We suffered a crippling hit a few months ago.

I worked until around 9:30-10 Friday night, and Saturday morning my tools and equipment were gone. Footprints, fingerprints, a neighbor saw the guys and pickup truck – but the sheriff’s department can’t afford the resources to track them down (by comparison it’s not a violent/murder case or a $40k vehicle…) I have a security camera on the front gate, and they avoided that by a 100 foot radius – dragging everything across a fence and down into a ditch on the other side of the property.

The day before another neighbor literally met and passed by people that had just robbed his farm, on his way back from the store, less than a mile from his house – he recognized his stuff on the back of their trailer. This was in the middle of the day. His gate was locked – but they drove through the ditch and around a field to get to his house.

A local truck repair shop has been in business for 3 generations, and until a few weeks ago had never been robbed. They are on the main street of a little town, and live right behind the shop. The front door of the shop is about 30 feet back from the main street. The thieves parked in FRONT, and loaded up his equipment.

Another big shop was hit on a Saturday morning – main street going into town – they loaded up everything right out the front door, with people seeing them, hundreds of cars driving by… They have bolt cutters, whatever it takes to break in…

Another older shop had a heavy wood door with a metal hasp – they CHOPPED THROUGH THE DOOR WITH AN AXE to cut out the metal hasp. A house is 100 feet from this shop.

We live in Georgia, south of Atlanta, and theft has become so bad, the state recently required all scrap yards to take pictures of everything brought in, with a picture of who brought it, a copy of their drivers license, and their tag number. If it is air conditioning/heating equipment (bigger than a window unit) you must have a commercial heating/ac license or a new equipment bill of sale. People were ripping the copper ground wires off the sides of power poles and tearing wires off the poles for scrap.

A local gas station/restaurant had their AC equipment stolen so many times, they had to build a chain link locked enclosure around all the equipment. You can see it from the main street – out in plain view.

Down our street last year was a home invasion.

Two driveways down, back in the woods – a drug cartel rented the house and had it set up for growing drugs in the basement. They got caught because the power meter was jumpered.

Another neighbor a couple miles down the road found a crack lab down in the woods next to a creek. I’ve personally called in 2 robberies/break-ins in the last year (the second set were caught and went to prison).

Our church pianist stopped at a downtown ATM and was almost mugged, but an off duty officer passing by stopped them. In the following couple of weeks there were 3 armed robberies/shootings in our town.

To put this all in perspective – my grandparents never locked their doors. They normally left the keys in all the vehicles (so they wouldn’t get lost, and was more convenient).

I don’t think the old church even had a lock on the front door.

I feel like we have been protected all these years – but now are forced to make drastic changes for a reason, and for a purpose. It’s like the hand of restraint and protection is being lifted from our communities.

What do you think these robbers would do if confronted on one of their middle of the day breakins?

The most effective home protection we have right now is 4 outside dogs. All of them bark, and at least two of them will bite.

Right now, things are rough, but they are not really that bad.

The power is still own (not like half of India), Wallyworld still has plenty of food on the shelves, the gas stations have full tanks, all the ATM’s, debit card/credit card machines work, and cell phones hardly miss a beat.

If a growing sector of society is already participating in blatant violent in your face crime – what will it be like when things really do get bad?




Is not joining Facebook a sign you’re a psychopath? Some employers and psychologists say staying away from social media is ‘suspicious’


PUBLISHED: 21:44 GMT, 6 August 2012 | UPDATED: 09:00 GMT, 7 August 2012

Facebook has become such a pervasive force in modern society that increasing numbers of employers, and even some psychologists, believe people who aren’t on social networking sites are ‘suspicious.’

The German magazine Der Taggspiegel went so far as to point out that accused theater shooter James Holmes and Norwegian mass murder Anders Behring Breivik have common ground in their lack of Facebook profiles.

On a more tangible level, Forbes.com reports that human resources departments across the country are becoming more wary of young job candidates who don’t use the site.


Normal: Facebook has become so pervasive in this culture that not having a profile is considered ‘abnormal’

The common concern among bosses is that a lack of Facebook could mean the applicant’s account could be so full of red flags that it had to be deleted.

Slate.com tech reporter Farhad Manjoo wrote in an advice column that young people shouldn’t date anyone who isn’t on Facebook.

‘If you’re of a certain age and you meet someone who you are about to go to bed with, and that person doesn’t have a Facebook page, you may be getting a false name. It could be some kind of red flag,’ he says.

Manjoo points out that these judgements don’t apply to older people who were already productive adults before social media became widespread.

The tech news site Slashdotsummed up Der Taggspiegel’s story about social networking as ‘not having a Facebook account could be the first sign that you are a mass murderer.’

James Holmes

Loner: James Holmes, the accused Colorado theater shooter, does not appear to have friends and did not have a Facebook page

It points out that Holmes, who is accused of killing 12 people and an unborn child and wounding 58 others at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, and Breivik, who murdered  77 people with a car bomb and mass shooting, did not use Facebook and had small online footprints.

Breivik used MySpace and Holmes was reportedly on the hookup site Adult Friend Finder.

Psychologist Christopher Moeller told the magazine that using Facebook has become a sign of having a healthy social network.

Psychologists have noted that Holmes, along with several noted mass murderers, have lacked any real friends.

And this is what the argument boils down to: It’s the suspicion that not being on Facebook, which has become so normal among young adults, is a sign that you’re abnormal and dysfunctional, or even dangerous, ways.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2184658/Is-joining-Facebook-sign-youre-psychopath-Some-employers-psychologists-say-suspicious.html#ixzz22uLKkkem