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Surrounded By Psychopaths And Sociopaths As We Approach Societal Collapse

Michael Snyder
The American Dream
Aug 6, 2012

Do you remember when America was a place where you could attend a public gathering without having to worry if a sociopath was going to set off a bomb or start wildly shooting people?

Do you remember when America was a place where you could walk down the street without having to worry that a vicious pack of teens might attack you for no reason whatsoever?  Do you remember when America was a place where you could leave your car unlocked, your house unlocked and your garage open without having to worry about thieves?  Well, only old timers are likely to remember a time when you could leave your front door unlocked, but itwas once like that in America.  Over the past 50 years America has fundamentally changed.  Once upon a time you could trust just about everybody, but these days it is difficult to find anyone that you can truly trust.  We are literally surrounded by psychopaths and sociopaths as we approach the edge of societal collapse.  The truly frightening thing is that we are watching society break down rapidly even though economic conditions are still relatively good.  If this is how bad things are right now, what are they going to look like after the economy collapses and people become really desperate?

I was enjoying a peaceful morning today until I came across this headline: “7 dead, including shooter, at Wisconsin Sikh temple“.

What kind of a person does such a thing?

So far there does not appear to be any motive for the shooting.  These were people that were just peacefully gathering at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin on Sunday morning.  They weren’t bothering anyone.

But some very twisted individual decided to walk in there and start randomly shooting people.

The mainstream media is describing the shooter as “a white male in his 30s“.

By the time it was all over, seven people (including the shooter) ended up dead and three others were wounded.

But this was not the only incredibly shocking incident in the news today.

Also on Sunday, a man walked into an ICU at one hospital in Ohio, pulled out a gun and shot his wife of 45 years.

Who does that?

Who would walk into a hospital and shoot someone that you have been married to for 45 years?

Of course the mainstream media is going to use examples such as these as reasons why we need to ban guns.  But as I wrote about the other day, the truth is that guns actually help prevent crime.  U.S. cities with the strictest gun control laws also have some of the highest rates of gun violence.  The criminals are always going to be able to get guns.

However, when it comes to mass murder there is a common thread among the major cases that we have seen in recent years that has nothing to do with guns at all.

The mainstream media does not talk about it, but the truth is that mass murderers are almost always found to be on legal drugs of one kind or another.

Many of these drugs can cause otherwise “normal” people to become raging psychopaths.  But the mainstream media is not going to talk about this because the drug companies spend billions of dollars advertising on their networks.

Other times it is illegal drugs that are causing people to go crazy.  Just check out what happened in Detroit the other day….

A 17-year-old boy was arrested after police found him lying completely naked in the middle of a street while apparently high on LSD. Police said the boy also jumped on the hood of their patrol car and broke out the windshield with his fists.

Even when they are not on drugs, the young people of America just seem to be getting wilder and wilder.  Recently I wrote about all of the flash mob crimes that we are seeing all over the country.  Groups of young people are banding together and invading retail stores for some “organized looting”.  These young people seem to have absolutely no concern for how their actions will affect the people that they are stealing from.

It seems like hearts are going cold all over the United States.  Psychology has all kinds of fancy names for this, but on a very basic level our empathy for others is rapidly disappearing.

According to, a psychopath is “a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.”

Doesn’t that sound like a lot of people out there on the streets of America today?

Sadly, this even includes those that are considered to be among “the elite”.

For example, it is has been estimated that one out of every ten Wall Street employees is a psychopath.

According to, a sociopath is “a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.”

Often sociopaths will do things to other people or to animals without any concern for the pain they are causing.

In a previous article I wrote about a man that recently bit the lips off of a kitten.  This would be one example of a sociopath.

It has been estimated that there are 12 million sociopaths in the United States today.

That is only a small percentage of the population, but you never know who they are.

Once the percentage of crazy people becomes high enough in a community, it becomes very difficult to trust anyone.

Meanwhile, many of our greatest cities are degenerating into crime-infested war zones.  The city center of Detroit has become a place where people dump dead bodies.  The following is from a recent Fox News article….

From the street, the two decomposing bodies were nearly invisible, concealed in an overgrown lot alongside worn-out car tires and a moldy sofa. The teenagers had been shot, stripped to their underwear and left on a deserted block.

They were just the latest victims of foul play whose remains went undiscovered for days after being hidden deep inside Detroit’s vast urban wilderness — a crumbling wasteland rarely visited by outsiders and infrequently patrolled by police.

Abandoned and neglected parts of the city are quickly becoming dumping grounds for the dead — at least a dozen bodies in 12 months’ time. And authorities acknowledge there’s little they can do.

But it isn’t just our major cities that are degenerating.

All over America rural communities are falling apart as well.

The following is an extended excerpt from a comment that was recently posted on  I believe that it very eloquently describes what is happening to communities all over the United States right now….


Crime has drastically increased in our little rural community in the last few years.

While there has always been the occasional theft, kids breaking in vacant houses, things picked up lying in the yard – recently theft has become bold, blatant and aggressive.

Middle of the day break-ins, multiple thieves in a trucks pulling trailers, organized crime targeting places of business and homes for high grade picking.

Taking the time to look at items and only take the best/most expensive.

We suffered a crippling hit a few months ago.

I worked until around 9:30-10 Friday night, and Saturday morning my tools and equipment were gone. Footprints, fingerprints, a neighbor saw the guys and pickup truck – but the sheriff’s department can’t afford the resources to track them down (by comparison it’s not a violent/murder case or a $40k vehicle…) I have a security camera on the front gate, and they avoided that by a 100 foot radius – dragging everything across a fence and down into a ditch on the other side of the property.

The day before another neighbor literally met and passed by people that had just robbed his farm, on his way back from the store, less than a mile from his house – he recognized his stuff on the back of their trailer. This was in the middle of the day. His gate was locked – but they drove through the ditch and around a field to get to his house.

A local truck repair shop has been in business for 3 generations, and until a few weeks ago had never been robbed. They are on the main street of a little town, and live right behind the shop. The front door of the shop is about 30 feet back from the main street. The thieves parked in FRONT, and loaded up his equipment.

Another big shop was hit on a Saturday morning – main street going into town – they loaded up everything right out the front door, with people seeing them, hundreds of cars driving by… They have bolt cutters, whatever it takes to break in…

Another older shop had a heavy wood door with a metal hasp – they CHOPPED THROUGH THE DOOR WITH AN AXE to cut out the metal hasp. A house is 100 feet from this shop.

We live in Georgia, south of Atlanta, and theft has become so bad, the state recently required all scrap yards to take pictures of everything brought in, with a picture of who brought it, a copy of their drivers license, and their tag number. If it is air conditioning/heating equipment (bigger than a window unit) you must have a commercial heating/ac license or a new equipment bill of sale. People were ripping the copper ground wires off the sides of power poles and tearing wires off the poles for scrap.

A local gas station/restaurant had their AC equipment stolen so many times, they had to build a chain link locked enclosure around all the equipment. You can see it from the main street – out in plain view.

Down our street last year was a home invasion.

Two driveways down, back in the woods – a drug cartel rented the house and had it set up for growing drugs in the basement. They got caught because the power meter was jumpered.

Another neighbor a couple miles down the road found a crack lab down in the woods next to a creek. I’ve personally called in 2 robberies/break-ins in the last year (the second set were caught and went to prison).

Our church pianist stopped at a downtown ATM and was almost mugged, but an off duty officer passing by stopped them. In the following couple of weeks there were 3 armed robberies/shootings in our town.

To put this all in perspective – my grandparents never locked their doors. They normally left the keys in all the vehicles (so they wouldn’t get lost, and was more convenient).

I don’t think the old church even had a lock on the front door.

I feel like we have been protected all these years – but now are forced to make drastic changes for a reason, and for a purpose. It’s like the hand of restraint and protection is being lifted from our communities.

What do you think these robbers would do if confronted on one of their middle of the day breakins?

The most effective home protection we have right now is 4 outside dogs. All of them bark, and at least two of them will bite.

Right now, things are rough, but they are not really that bad.

The power is still own (not like half of India), Wallyworld still has plenty of food on the shelves, the gas stations have full tanks, all the ATM’s, debit card/credit card machines work, and cell phones hardly miss a beat.

If a growing sector of society is already participating in blatant violent in your face crime – what will it be like when things really do get bad?



The 5 Most Dangerous Pain Medications…


Advil… Aleve… Bayer… Celebrex… Demerol… Motrin… Naproxen… Oxycontin… Percocet… Tylenol… Ultram… Vicodin…


Find Out Which Are Safe and
Which Can Be Deadly…


When you think of dangerous drugs, what comes to mind first? Heroin?… Cocaine?… LSD?…

… How about pain pills?

Pain medications and adverse drug reactions are the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S…. only behind heart disease, cancer and strokes!

What does this mean to you?

It means your risk of dying from that pain medicine in your cabinet could be higher than your chance of dying from diabetes, lung disease, or even an accident – unless you take heed to this special report.

The results of our investigation are shocking… But they could save your life.

Dangerous Pain Meds #5: Salicylates (Aspirin)

Common names: aspirin, acetylsalicylate

Think aspirin is safe? Think again!

Higher doses or prolonged use at the lower dose – even in buffered or coated form – can double your likelihood of perforated ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Research shows 90-95% of Reye’s Syndrome cases were preceded by taking aspirin. The disease devastates internal organs, particularly the brain and liver, and at least 10% of those affected will die even with early treatment.

Dangerous Pain Meds #4: Acetaminophen

Common names: Tylenol, acetaminophen


Even the “doctor’s choice” is disturbingly dangerous to take! Just check out these stats if you don’t believe me…

Every year, more than 56,000 people will visit the emergency room due to acetaminophen overdoses. It’s the leading cause of calls to Poison Control Centers.

It’s the leading cause of acute liver failure, causing nearly half of all cases!

Dangerous Pain Meds #3: Opiate-Based Pain Meds

Common names: Vicodin, Lorcet, Norco, Percocet, Percodan, hydrocodone, oxycodone

If you’ve ever had surgery, a major accident, or any other major trauma to your body… you were likely given an opiate-based pain med to knock out the pain.

Unfortunately, knocking out the pain has it’s consequences!

16,000 – That’s the number of people who died in the United States in one year from drug overdoses. Most were caused by opiates.

In 2002… deaths from prescription opiate overdoses had nearly doubled.

Dangerous Pain Medicine #2: NSAIDs

Common names: Advil, Aleve, ibuprofen, naproxen

Do you have some kind of chronic pain? Arthritisback painneck pain… something else?

Chances are you’ve been taking one of the common NSAIDs like ibuprofen or naproxen to deal with the pain.

nsaid death statistics

And speaking of chances…

The odds of dying from taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug after just two months is around 1 in 1,200.

Roughly 16,685 people die each year from NSAID related complications… making them just as dangerous as AIDS!

The biggest known risk of NSAIDs is from gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding.

We’re not talking about a little tummy ache here, but severe bleeding and possibly death after the medicine destroys your gut. And that’s not the only known risk.

Dangerous Pain Medicine #1: Cox-2 Inhibitors

Common names: Celebrex, celecoxib

cox-2 inhibitor

How would you like to triple your risk of heart attack?

Just pick up a prescription of Celebrex.

While studying the drug’s potential as an anti-cancer drug, the National Cancer Institute discovered that…
Those taking 400mg doses had 250% greater risk of dying from heart attack or stroke… and those taking the 800mg doses has 340% times the risk!

Scary, isn’t it?

The good news is, there are many pain relievers that are just as effective, but don’t come with the harsh side-effects and dangers.

After 7 years of research and development, we have uncovered 12 of the most potent and natural pain relievers in the world.



The 12 Safest And
Most Effective Pain Relievers

These anti-inflammatories are some of the most powerful, safest, and most effective pain relievers in the world. By feeding your body with the following ingredients, you’ll give your body a powerful and proven one-two punch against inflammation and pain.

Proteolytic Enzymes

Research indicates these enzymes work throughout your entire body to help it fight inflammation… dissolve scar tissue… cleanse and thin the blood… plus even boost cardiovascular, respiratory and immune function.

In other words, proteolytic enzymes are the final line of defense against disease, illnesses, pain and everything else that happens inside your body.

And unfortunately with the nutrient-deficient food we’re eating today, the vast majority of adults today have dangerously low levels of these enzymes!

The easiest and most affordable way to get them in your body is by taking Heal-n-Soothe on a regular basis.


This special natural compound which is extracted from pineapple contains several proteolytic enzymes that have been shown to short-circuit multiple pain pathways in the body.

It has been studied extensively since it’s discovery in

1957 and hundreds of studies have shown it to reduce inflammation, reduce and prevent swelling and remove waste and toxins from the blood.

For example, in one study, 77 patients taking Bromelainexperienced significant reduction in pain and swelling.

Turmeric Extract

Turmeric has the unique ability of using its antioxidant powers to seek out and destroy free radicals in the body which contribute to pain and swelling.

A recent study done at the prestigous Sloan-Kettering Cancer Research Center in New York.

In this study they found that Turmeric was more safe and precise than asprin in stopping inflammation by shutting down the COX2 enzyme responsible for pain.

And Turmeric caused none of asprin’s typical gastrointestinal irritation!


Papain is unique in that it’s been shown to actually attack tumor cells and boost the immune system!

It also contains a wide

range of proteolytic enzymes and works by breaking down proteins.

In studies it has been shown to be effective in the treatment of numerous conditions such as diabetes, herpes, cancer and digestion issues like bloating and chronic indigestion.

It’s an enzyme very few people have enough of, yet if they did, would reduce the frequency of a lot of common diseases and disorders!

Devil’s Claw

Numerous studies have proven it’s effectiveness in reducing pain and inflammation.

In fact, one study found that Devil’s Claw was as effective in treating arthritis pain as common drug, phenylbutazone… which is so strong it’s even used to treat pain in horses!

There have also been several studies on humans which show that Devil’s Claw is as effective as COX-2 inhibitors… without the deadly side effects!

A series of studies completed in Germany found that the main ingredient in Devil’s Claw was indistinguishable from Vioxx in the treatment of chronic low back pain!

Boswellia Extract

One of the most widely used herbs in Indian medicine, it has been used for centuries by traditional Indian healers to reduce pain and inflammation.

Hundreds of studies have been done proving it’s effectiveness and in addition to being a powerful and safe, natural anti-inflammatory, Boswellia has also been shown to support healthy blood circulation.

In a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study, 30 patients received 333mg, 3x a day ofBoswelia.

The group who received the Boswelia had a significant reduction in pain and swelling and experienced an increase in joint mobility and flexibility as compared to the placebo group.

Vitamin E

This fat-soluble vitamin is an essential nutrient for humans and is known for it’s powerful anti-oxidant properties.

Vitamin E has been shown to be beneficial in numerous situations and conditions such as controlling high blood pressure, maintaining healthy and balanced cholesterol levels and boosting immune system function.

Plus… it has also been shown to improve circulatory conditions, skin health, memory and more.

In short, it benefits virtually your entire body!

Ginger Extract

Used for over 2,500 years in Asia, Ginger has been used to treat nausea and to reduce pain and inflammation.

It works by decreasing the amount of prostaglandins, which are what cause you to feel pain. In other words, it does what NSAID’s and prescription pain meds do, but in the way nature intended it to do so… instead of forcing it and causing side effects!


Found naturally in a variety of plants and fruits, this flavanoid has been shown to have a strong anti-inflammatory effect due to it’s powerful anti-oxidant activity.

Reducing your inflammation leads to changes throughout your entire body.

Changes such as … a reduction of pain… increased circulation and dozens of other health benefits which ramp up your energy!


Citrus Bioflavanoids

Citrus bioflavanoids aid in the absorption of vitamins and act as important anti-oxidants.

They also inhibit collagenase and elastase, the enzymes responsible for the breakdown of connective tissue.

That way your joints and ligaments stay as healthy as when you were a teenager!

In addition to protecting connective tissues, they also protect against free radical damage.


There are literally over 20,000 research studies available on how glutathione can help your body in everything from cancer prevention to more supple skin.

Glutathione is quite literally THE most important antioxidant in your body.

The benefits of increased glutathione are virtually endless, since glutathione is the antioxidant that controls ALL other antioxidants in your body.

It is the ONLY antioxidant in your body that has the ability to eliminate ALL free radicals, not just specific types!

Mojave Yucca (root)

The Mojave Yucca root has more benefits than you could shake a stick at!

These improvements in your health includemigraine relief… decreased blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides…better digestion… reduction of muscle spasms… improved blood circulation… treating various skin conditions… healing wounds… and it even promotes shiny and healthy hair.

KNOCK OUT Pain By Combining These
12 Powerful Pain-Fighting Ingredients!


Is not joining Facebook a sign you’re a psychopath? Some employers and psychologists say staying away from social media is ‘suspicious’


PUBLISHED: 21:44 GMT, 6 August 2012 | UPDATED: 09:00 GMT, 7 August 2012

Facebook has become such a pervasive force in modern society that increasing numbers of employers, and even some psychologists, believe people who aren’t on social networking sites are ‘suspicious.’

The German magazine Der Taggspiegel went so far as to point out that accused theater shooter James Holmes and Norwegian mass murder Anders Behring Breivik have common ground in their lack of Facebook profiles.

On a more tangible level, reports that human resources departments across the country are becoming more wary of young job candidates who don’t use the site.


Normal: Facebook has become so pervasive in this culture that not having a profile is considered ‘abnormal’

The common concern among bosses is that a lack of Facebook could mean the applicant’s account could be so full of red flags that it had to be deleted. tech reporter Farhad Manjoo wrote in an advice column that young people shouldn’t date anyone who isn’t on Facebook.

‘If you’re of a certain age and you meet someone who you are about to go to bed with, and that person doesn’t have a Facebook page, you may be getting a false name. It could be some kind of red flag,’ he says.

Manjoo points out that these judgements don’t apply to older people who were already productive adults before social media became widespread.

The tech news site Slashdotsummed up Der Taggspiegel’s story about social networking as ‘not having a Facebook account could be the first sign that you are a mass murderer.’

James Holmes

Loner: James Holmes, the accused Colorado theater shooter, does not appear to have friends and did not have a Facebook page

It points out that Holmes, who is accused of killing 12 people and an unborn child and wounding 58 others at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, and Breivik, who murdered  77 people with a car bomb and mass shooting, did not use Facebook and had small online footprints.

Breivik used MySpace and Holmes was reportedly on the hookup site Adult Friend Finder.

Psychologist Christopher Moeller told the magazine that using Facebook has become a sign of having a healthy social network.

Psychologists have noted that Holmes, along with several noted mass murderers, have lacked any real friends.

And this is what the argument boils down to: It’s the suspicion that not being on Facebook, which has become so normal among young adults, is a sign that you’re abnormal and dysfunctional, or even dangerous, ways.

Read more:



Disclamer By TRUTHTALK

First off we at TRUTHTALK are not in any way racist against race creed color or your own private sexual preferences That is your individual Human Right and choice. One of our many quote we go by is Live and let Live. with that said ,The Homoxesual Manifesto attack all and everything that is Good , Moral, Heterosexual . Gay Men and Women are being taught by this manifesto, with a clear message of destroying all and everything that is heterosexual is evil. This Manifesto  is breeding Hate period. And that my friends. We do not intend to permit or allow to happen anymore than has already taken place. Quite a bit of the evil from that manifesto is already occurring and is right in your face.  God fearing people of almost every major religions believe that Homosexual lifestyle is evil, ANTI LIFE LUCIFERIAN DOCTRINE It is called SODOMY in the bible and is a sin and always has been. Just because its Politically Incorrect promoters have been making it acceptable to society incrementally does not change the fact that it is a SIN or ANTI LIFE… Just as all there Homosexual community leaders professes this “loving tolerance” they speak of so profusely to mainstream media and general population is just doublespeak bullshit lying propaganda… Just read the manifesto for the real reality of what’s right in front of our eyes. And again this is not every single homosexual person just like most heterosexual people the majority are good honest people. Its the evil masters behind this organization (Rockefeller) at the very top as always is where this evil comes. You can believe there tied right into the AGENDA 21, NWO Agenda. Beware people don’t let them deceive you into hating the wrong people.Remember Homosexual or Heterosexual 90% are good decent human beings.  We must see the head of the NWO snake and make that the target of your anger… Not your gay neighbour


Chick-Fil-A and the LGBT Agenda for America

Bradlee Dean
August 6, 2012

In light of the Chick-Fil-A boycott simply because the owner, Dan Cathy, made a statement in support of traditional marriage, the homosexual lobby attempted to bring on an all-out assault on the company. And when the American people began to stand behind Chick-Fil-A by eating at the restaurant on August 1 Appreciation Day, the homosexual lobby reacted by twittering things such as “Choke to death on that LGBT hating chicken.”

What happened to the “loving tolerance” they speak of so profusely?

This is not the first time the homosexual lobby has shown this type of hateful aggression. For example, in June a federal appeals court said it was going to ignore We the People by declaring it will not rehear arguments on California’s Proposition 8, meaning the final word on the constitutionality of the state’s ban on homosexual marriage will likely come from the U.S. Supreme Court, where Elena Kagan, who is known for “queerifying” Harvard, sits shamelessly on the bench. Can you say, the fox in the chicken coop?

“Coincidentally,” Obama recently came out in support of homosexual marriage and was labeled the first gay president by Newsweek.

To add to this disorder of events, the Department of Homeland Security will honor Secretary Janet Napolitano at the DHS’ gay-themed event called the June Pride Ceremony. The list seems to go on and on.

What is going on? This column may help you see behind the façade.

Friends, the Gay Manifesto was published by Michael Swift in the Gay Community News on Feb. 15-21, 1987. It was also interjected into the Congressional Record (omitting the preface, which I have added below), showing that Congress is well aware of this content.

When the homosexual radicals became aware that people were alarmed by this manifesto, they looked for something to cover their tracks. So they reverted to saying that the homosexual manifesto was merely a “satire” rather than a reality.

Swift’s original preface stated: “This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor.”

I lay this to your candor. You decide if this is merely a satire, or if this is actually being played out in reality. (Warning: shocking and offensive content below. Please see my linked video commentary in each section.)

Michael Swift’s Homosexual Manifesto:

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.

Women, you cry for freedom. You say you are no longer satisfied with men; they make you unhappy. We, connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine physique, shall take your men from you then. We will amuse them; we will instruct them; we will embrace them when they weep. Women, you say you wish to live with each other instead of with men. Then go and be with each other. We shall give your men pleasures they have never known because we are foremost men too, and only one man knows how to truly please another man; only one man can understand the depth and feeling, the mind and body of another man.

All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men.

All homosexuals must stand together as brothers; we must be united artistically, philosophically, socially, politically and financially. We will triumph only when we present a common face to the vicious heterosexual enemy.

If you dare to cry faggot, fairy, queer, at us, we will stab you in your cowardly hearts and defile your dead, puny bodies.

We shall write poems of the love between men; we shall stage plays in which man openly caresses man; we shall make films about the love between heroic men which will replace the cheap, superficial, sentimental, insipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently dominating your cinema screens. We shall sculpt statues of beautiful young men, of bold athletes which will be placed in your parks, your squares, your plazas. The museums of the world will be filled only with paintings of graceful, naked lads.

Our writers and artists will make love between men fashionable and de rigueur, and we will succeed because we are adept at setting styles. We will eliminate heterosexual liaisons through usage of the devices of wit and ridicule, devices which we are skilled in employing.

We will unmask the powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals. You will be shocked and frightened when you find that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your senators, your mayors, your generals, your athletes, your film stars, your television personalities, your civic leaders, your priests are not the safe, familiar, bourgeois, heterosexual figures you assumed them to be. We are everywhere; we have infiltrated your ranks. Be careful when you speak of homosexuals because we are always among you; we may be sitting across the desk from you; we may be sleeping in the same bed with you.

There will be no compromises. We are not middle-class weaklings. Highly intelligent, we are the natural aristocrats of the human race, and steely-minded aristocrats never settle for less. Those who oppose us will be exiled.

We shall raise vast private armies, as Mishima did, to defeat you. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers.

The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.

All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and esthetic. All that is ugly and vulgar and banal will be annihilated. Since we are alienated from middle-class heterosexual conventions, we are free to live our lives according to the dictates of the pure imagination. For us too much is not enough.

The exquisite society to emerge will be governed by an elite comprised of gay poets. One of the major requirements for a position of power in the new society of homoeroticism will be indulgence in the Greek passion. Any man contaminated with heterosexual lust will be automatically barred from a position of influence. All males who insist on remaining stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men.

We shall rewrite history, history filled and debased with your heterosexual lies and distortions.

We shall portray the homosexuality of the great leaders and thinkers who have shaped the world.We will demonstrate that homosexuality and intelligence and imagination are inextricably linked, and that homosexuality is a requirement for true nobility, true beauty in a man.

We shall be victorious because we are fueled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed who have been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages. We too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution.

The Gay Agenda

How The Conservative Religious Right Created a Lie

See Also:  The American Family Association and the ‘Gay Nostradamus’

The “Gay Agenda” is but one of the many lies promulgated by radical religious political activists.

The Radical Religious Right has repeatedly referenced an article written by Michael Swift in 1987 at the request of the Gay Community News as satirical “proof” of the so-called “Gay Agenda”.  The article is titled “The Gay Manifesto”.

One of the most notable examples of the religious right referencing this article is the video “Gay Rights, Special Rights”, put out by Lou Sheldon’s Traditional Values Coalition. The video cites it with ominous music and pictures of children.

But when the religious right cites this text, they always omit the vital first line, which sets the context for the piece. In other words, every other version of this found on the net and in the literature of religious right political activists is part of the radical right’s great lie about gay people.

“This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor.”

In fact, a “shocked, so very very shocked” congressperson read the article in the Congressional Record in 1989.  Funny thing, though, the opening disclaimer was deliberately omitted.

As recently as 1999, the Miami-Dade chapter of the Christian Coalition circulated a pamphlet called “The Gay Manifesto”, claiming that it was taken from the Congressional record.  They circulated the pamphlet as part of a campaign against a new human rights ordinance.

Funny thing … what’s printed in the pamphlet does not resemble what was written into the Congressional Record.

And the funniest thing of all…. the CC pamphlet just happens to be a direct quote (stolen without attribution) from reactionary CA congressman William Dannemeyer’s 1989 book, “Shadow in the Land”.  Dannemeyer’s “Gay Manifesto” is a complete fiction by his own admission in the book.  It is a paraphrase of what he thinks a “Gay Agenda might be.

It’s time for the religious right political activists to at least pretend to follow the 10 Commandments.  One of them has something to say about lying and another has something to say about stealing.

Source:  Miami Herald, (The Power of Vitriol, Liz Balmaseda 3/10/1999), (Letter to Editor, For Christian Coalition Honesty Is Not Best Policy, Joe Mursuli, Lisa Versace 4/25/1999)

Homosexual agenda

Inside of “Save Our Children” brochure

Homosexual agenda (or gay agenda) is a term originated by some conservative Christians in the United States to describe the advocacy of cultural acceptance and normalization of non-heterosexual orientations and relationships.[1][2][n 1] The term is applied to efforts to change government policies and laws on LGBT issues,[n 2] as well as non-governmental campaigns and individual actions that increase visibility and cultural acceptance of LGBT people, relationships, and identities.[n 1]The term has also been used by some social conservatives to describe alleged goals of LGBT rights activists, such as ‘recruiting‘ heterosexuals into what they term a ‘homosexual lifestyle’.[3]

Origins and usage

Cover of DVD The Gay Agenda: March on Washington

Initial usage

In the US, the term “the gay agenda” was first used in public discourse in 1992 when the Family Research Council, an American conservative Christian group,[4] released a video series called The Gay Agenda as part of a pack of materials campaigning on homosexual issues and the “hidden gay agenda”.[5] In the same year the Oregon Citizens Alliance used this video as part of their campaign for Ballot Measure 9 to amend the Oregon Constitution to prevent what the OCA called special rights for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals.[6] Paul Cameron — co-founder of the Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality in Lincoln, later renamed the Family Research Institute — appeared in the video, wherein he asserted that 75 percent of gay men regularly ingest feces and that 70-78 percent have had a sexually transmitted disease.[7] The Gay Agenda was followed by three other video publications; The Gay Agenda in Public Education (1993), The Gay Agenda: March on Washington (1993) and a feature follow-up Stonewall: 25 Years of Deception (1994). The videos contained interviews with opponents of LGBT rights, and the series was made available through Christian right organizations.[8]

The idea of a homosexual agenda is also used by some Christian critics of LGBT rights in conjunction with a putative ideology they refer to as homosexualism (as opposed to a synonym for homosexuality), using homosexualists to describe people who seek to advance LGBT emancipation.[9][10] The use of homosexualist in this way first appeared in 1995 in Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams’ book The Pink Swastika, “to refer to any person, homosexual or not, who actively promotes homosexuality as morally and socially equivalent to heterosexuality as a basis for social policy”.[11] Lively and Abrahams in The Pink Swastika argue that alleged homosexuality found in the Nazi Party, specifically within Ernst Rohm‘s SA, contributed to the extreme militarism of Nazi Germany, and write about the gay agenda in this context.

[edit]After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the ’90s

In 2003 Alan Sears and Craig Osten, president and vice-president of the Alliance Defense Fund, an American conservative Christian organization, offered another characterization:

It is an agenda that they basically set in the late 1980s, in a book called After the Ball, where they laid out a six-point plan for how they could transform the beliefs of ordinary Americans with regard to homosexual behavior — in a decade-long time frame…. They admit it privately, but they will not say that publicly.[12] In their private publications, homosexual activists make it very clear that there is an agenda. The six-point agenda that they laid out in 1989 was explicit:

  1. Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible(…)
  2. Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers(…)
  3. Give homosexual protectors a just cause(…)
  4. Make gays look good(…)
  5. Make the victimizers look bad(…)
  6. Get funds from corporate America(…)[1]

After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the ’90s is a book published in 1989 by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen.[12] It argues that after the gay liberation phase of the 1970s and 1980s, gay rights groups should adopt more professional public relations techniques to convey their message. It was published by Doubleday and was generally available.

According to a Christian Broadcasting Network article by Paul Strand, Sears and Osten argue that After the Ball follows from “a 1988 summit of gay leaders in Warrenton, Virginia, who came together to agree on the agenda” and that

the two men (Kirk and Madsen) proposed using tactics on ‘straight‘ America that are remarkably similar to the brainwashing methods of Mao Tse-Tung‘s Communist Chinese – mixed with Madison Avenue‘s most persuasive selling techniques.[13]

The article goes on to claim that films such as Brokeback Mountain are part of this “well-planned propaganda campaign”.

Recent usage

Today’s opinion is the product of a Court, which is the product of a law-profession culture, that has largely signed on to the so-called homosexual agenda, by which I mean the agenda promoted by some homosexual activists directed at eliminating the moral opprobrium that has traditionally attached to homosexual conduct.”[14]

Those goals include universal acceptance of the gay lifestyle, discrediting of scriptures that condemn homosexuality, muzzling of the clergy and Christian media, granting of special privileges and rights in the law, overturning laws prohibiting pedophilia, indoctrinating children and future generations through public education, and securing all the legal benefits of marriage for any two or more people who claim to have homosexual tendencies.”[15]

  • In 2010, American conservative Christian group Family Research Council produced a graphic labelled “Homosexual Agenda” which consisted of the phrases “Innocence”, “Family”, “Local Community”, “Public Health” and “Parental Authority” struck out with red lines.[16]


A man satirizing the concept of a gay agenda at the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear.

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) describes the term as a “rhetorical invention of anti-gay extremists seeking to create a climate of fear by portraying the pursuit of civil rights for LGBT people as sinister”,[2] and commentators have remarked on a lack of realism and veracity to the idea of a gay agenda per se.[17][18] Such campaigns based on a presumed “gay agenda” have been described as anti-gay propaganda by researchers and critics.[19][20] GLAAD describes the association of homosexuality with pedophilia or child abuse as an attempt to “insinuate that lesbians and gay men pose a threat to society, to families, and to children in particular.”[2] GLAAD considers assertions linking pedophilia and homosexuality to be defamatory, damaging and entirely inaccurate.[2] Some writers have described the term as pejorative.[21]

In a 22 December 2010 press conference, U.S. Rep. Barney Frank said that the “gay agenda” is

to be protected against violent crimes driven by bigotry, it’s to be able to get married, it’s to be able to get a job, and it’s to be able to fight for our country. For those who are worried about the radical homosexual agenda, let me put them on notice. Two down, two to go. [22]


A satirical article by Michael Swift which appeared in the Gay Community News in February 1987 entitled “Gay Revolutionary” describes a scenario in which homosexual men dominate American society and suppress all things heterosexual. This was reprinted in Congressional Record without the opening line: “This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor.”[23]

The term is sometimes used satirically as a counterfoil by people who would normally find this term offensive, such as the spoof agenda found on the Betty Bowers satirical website,[24] and when Bishop Gene Robinson declared that “Jesus is the agenda, the homosexual agenda in the Episcopal Church”.[25][26] On an episode of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart defined the gay agenda as “gay marriage, civil rights protection, Fleet Week expanded to Fleet Year, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assistance for when it’s raining men, Kathy Griffin to host everything and a nationwide ban on pleated pants.”[27]

One Million Moms, Ellen DeGeneres, Gay Manifesto & Prop 8 by Jen Shroder Posted Feb 12, 2012


If you thought America was in a free-fall of moral decline, you should know how valiantly (OMM) has battled to stop it. This rare jewel is one of the best non-profit organizations standing between your child and a barrage of sexually explicit advertising. Recently OMM took on JCPenney for hiring Ellen DeGeneres, an outspoken lesbian talk show host, to represent this “family values” chain. Ellen then mocked OMM’s Facebook page on her show claiming it has only 40,000 members and referred to them as her “haters.” Enter the fully armed gay community rallying around Ellen, flooding OMM’s Facebook page with thousands of hate-filled posts and worse. CNN jumps in, seemingly congratulating the efforts of Ellen’s audience with claims of surpassing OMM.

Not so fast. I am a member of OneMillionMoms and I didn’t even know there was a Facebook page. We don’t need it, but thanks for the info, Ellen.

Ellen DeGeneres. What a beautiful face to put on a movement that is targeting our children. She’s cute, she’s funny, I don’t hate Ellen. I don’t hate gays. But I do hate that gay rights are used as a battering ram to distribute gay porn in public schools inviting our kids to try gay acts. Just google “fistgate” to find examples.

In California, those who opposed gay marriage by supporting Proposition 8 suffered violence. Maps to their homes were circulated on the internet, paint was thrown, homes were vandalized, the elderly were beat up and lawsuits were threatened against pastors who refused to marry gays. Pastors could either disobey God, step down or let their church be sued into oblivion, exactly what Michael Swift wrote about in his gay manifesto, excerpts below.

But Prop 8 PASSED, in fact opposition to gay marriage has PASSED in every state in the country only to be trampled by activist judges legislating from the bench. Now California waits until the matter is judged by the US Supreme Court. Do “We the People” have any say in our government at all or are we just serfs to have these issues shoved down our throats?
But wait, we have Ellen, to smile and make it all feel good. But let’s look at what “it” is. In 1987, Michael Swift wrote a gay manifesto, published in the Gay Community News and the Congressional Record. LOOK at how far these “desperate dreams” have come to fruition!

“This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor. We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, [how the Boy Scouts have fought] in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, [Don’t ask, don’t tell] in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us…

All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men. [Homosexuals are already a protected class].

…We shall write poems of the love between men; we shall stage plays in which man openly caresses man; we shall make films about the love between heroic men [Brokeback Mountain] which will replace the cheap, superficial, sentimental, insipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently dominating your cinema screens. [Hollywood seems to have a mandatory formula in most screenplays that includes some token of homosexuality even in children’s films].

We will unmask the powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals. You will be shocked and frightened when you find that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your senators, your mayors, your generals, your athletes, your film stars, your television personalities, your civic leaders, your priests are not the safe, familiar, bourgeois, heterosexual figures you assumed them to be. [Can you say California history books per SB48?]

The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence–will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants. [Gay adoption, foster homes, child custody cases]

All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men..[and so pastors have been threatened with lawsuits, from whom they marry to transgender staff]

We shall rewrite history, history filled and debased with your heterosexual lies and distortions. We shall portray the homosexuality of the great leaders and thinkers who have shaped the world. We will demonstrate that homosexuality and intelligence and imagination are inextricably linked… [Again, California textbooks]

…Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks.”

And so we have trembled. After the violence over Prop 8, how many mothers and fathers wouldn’t LIST THEIR NAMES AND ADDRESSES on petitions to battle SB48, legislation mandating homosexual propaganda in California textbooks. And so it passed.

Gavin Newsom as mayor of San Francisco, ordered his clerk recorder to start performing gay marriages before it was legal. Newsom said, “As California goes, so goes the rest of the nation. It’s inevitable. This door is wide open now. It’s going to happen whether you like it or not. This is the future, and it’s now.”

For some reason, Fox News, Bill O’Reilly, conservative favorites will do nothing to stem this tide except discourage opponents with bogus polls claiming everyone favors gay marriage. With every vote we’ve opposed it! Many homosexual acts are unhealthy. That’s an indisputable fact. To promote these acts to our children is outrageous. One Million Moms has valiantly withstood every name in the book to protect your child from all sexually explicit advertising. I urge you to join. There is no cost and it is one of the few safe ways left to be heard.


Jen Shroder is a Marine mom and founder of, dedicated to restoring sanity to our public schools. Shroder has been interviewed by Fox News, Associated Press, and dozens of talk radio/news media. She is not affiliated with OneMillionMoms except as one member of hundreds of thousands if not millions. OneMillionMoms did not authorize or have any prior knowledge or input of this commentary.

And Now The Evil on the other SIDE of the fence

And then we have the heterosexual Evil Rev Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church which consist of approx. 80 some members of his own family. Now his basic preaching are against sodomy and directly taken from the old testament and on the right track, This completely Evil Hate spreading Rev Phelps’s train derailed long long ago until now he preaches nothing but hate. So there is evil on both side AND that is the real issue at hand Its all about picking sides. They don’t care which just pick one DIVIDE AND CONQUER Its worked for them for centuries






Chemotherapy backfires – causes healthy cells to feed growth of cancer tumors

Tuesday, August 07, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

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(NaturalNews) Ever since chemotherapy was introduced into the practice of western medicine, doctors and oncologists have been trying to answer this nagging question: Why does chemotherapy seem to work at first, but then cancer tumors cells grow back even more aggressively while the body becomes resistant to chemotherapy?
It turns out that chemotherapy damages healthy cells, causing them to secrete a protein that accelerates the growth of cancer tumors. (…)
This protein, dubbed “WNT16B,” is taken up by nearby cancer cells, causing them to “grow, invade, and importantly, resist subsequent therapy,” said Peter Nelson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. He’s the co-author of the study that documented this phenomenon, published in Nature Medicine.
This protein, it turns out, explains why cancer tumors grow more aggressively following chemotherapy treatments. In essence, chemotherapy turns healthy cells into WNT16B factories which churn out this “activator” chemical that accelerates cancer tumor growth.
The findings of the study were confirmed with prostate cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer tumors. This discovery that chemotherapy backfires by accelerating cancer tumor growth is being characterized as “completely unexpected” by scientists.

The chemotherapy fraud exposed

As NaturalNews has explained over the last decade, chemotherapy is medical fraud. Rather than boosting the immune response of patients, it harms the immune system, causing tumors to grow back. This latest researching further confirms what we’ve known for years in the holistic health community: That chemotherapy is, flatly stated, poison. It’s not “treatment,” it’s not medicine, and it’s not prevention or a cure. It’s poison with virtually no medicinal value except in perhaps one to two percent of cancer cases.
The No. 1 side effect of chemotherapy is, by the way, cancer. Cancer centers should technically be renamed “poison centers” because they are in the business of poisoning patients with a toxic cocktail of chemicals that modern science reveals to be a cancer tumor growth accelerant!
Learn more:

The $200 Billion Scam

By Jeff Kamen

Why the government tries to bury the real cures.

Kathy Keeton‘s successful battle against cancer is more than personal good news–it has blown open a Washington scandal of astonishing proportions.

She wears fitted black pants and an ivory blouse accented by wisps of silk, which the warm wind wraps tightly around her dancer’s body. A man walking his white miniature French poodle directly in her path cannot keep from staring, and she has to tack around him to rendezvous with the sleek limo waiting at the corner for her and the solidly built man who follows a few paces back. *She is one of those graceful women you usually see only in the pages of high-fashion magazines. The angular bone structure, the edgy style, the controlled, hard-bodied personal power, is all hallmarks of her thoroughbred beauty. Such women compel us, but also keep us at a distance. You could empathize with the guy with the dog, who for a moment couldn’t move when she appeared out of nowhere and seemed to float straight at him. He probably missed the strange-looking leather case hanging from her right shoulder. A slim tube runs from the box discreetly into her clothing and then into her. It is a self-administered pain-control unit. Whenever the pain from the cancer she is fighting becomes too much to bear, she presses a button and another dose of medication pushes into her bloodstream, driving back the agony one more time. Kathy Keeton, Vice-Chairman of General Media International and wife of Penthouse Publisher Bob Guccione, enters the limo, curls into the deep leather seat, and reaches with her right hand to smooth her husband’s windblown hair. He has just closed the door, ordered the driver to head for Kennedy Airport, and asked after the comfort of a guest who is sitting on the floor in front of them, struggling to insert a balky cassette into a tape recorder. As the low-tech problem is being solved, Keeton stares out the window, watching the East Side of Manhattan pass in review. It was six months since they were at Cannes, on the eve of the opening of the 1995 film festival. There, suddenly, Kathy had become ill – deeply, nauseatingly ill. At first she figured it was food poisoning. Nothing else made much sense. Only six weeks earlier she had passed her annual physical, including a mammogram, with a perfect score. What would you expect from the founder of Longevity magazine and a global advocate of healthy living, who not only talked the talk but also danced the steps of vigorous exercise and high-fiber diet. Nevertheless she fell deeper into the unexplained illness, and Bob flew them home immediately.

Within hours of landing in New York City, Kathy was seen byher family physician, which probed, listened, and did not like what he suspected. He did some tests, told her to come back in a few hours, and then ordered her to see a specialist a few blocks away. Minutes later Kathy Keeton walked into the oncologist’s office, was directed to a small cubicle, where she removed and folded her clothes, put on a hospital gown, and waited for the doctor to examine her and tell her what was happening to her. In that moment of waiting Kathy began to know in her gut that something truly awful was wrong.

“I’m sorry,” she remembers her doctor saying. “It’s a very rare form of the disease. It’s called galloping breast cancer, because it starts by spreading rapidly from what had only recently appeared to be perfectly healthy tissue. The mammogram we took six weeks ago was not in error. The cancer simply wasn’t detectable at that time. It’s the nature of this kind of cancer that it takes off at a gallop, and metastasizes quickly So we need to act quickly, get you started on chemotherapy at once. We have some of the best people in the world in this field here at Mount Sinai, and I urge you to let me get you into their expert care. There is no time to waste. This form of cancer is often fatal, and quickly so. Untreated, you have six weeks to live. We really must move aggressively with the chemo.” In this circumstance most people immediately surrender to the direction of their doctors and undergo one of the great gambles of modern medicine. They begin a regimen of cell-poisoning chemotherapy, hoping that the powerful drugs will kill their tumors. Along the way the chemo usually shatters the life of the patient with waves of horrendous nausea and pain.

Many cannot bear the suffering, and choose to drop the chemo and be sedated until the inevitable occurs. For those who endure the chemo the outlook is not good, statistically. Only about 20 percent of patients are cured. The rest die anyway

Kathy and her husband knew a lot about all of this, years before it happened to her. Their magazines reported on cancer research and controversy. For more than a decade Kathy and Bob had published investigative stories about the work of Joseph Gold, M.D., a former U.S. Air Force research physician and now director of the Syracuse (New York) Cancer Research Institute.

Gold had discovered that small doses of hydrazine sulfate, a chemical used in rocket fuel, could function as an effective anti-cancer drug, and did so without any of the side effects of standard chemotherapy. Gold’s discovery, which first attracted the attention and support of the cancer establishment in the mid-1970s, just as quickly earned the enmity of the chemotherapists who had taken over the leadership of the federal war on cancer. If Gold’s experimental drug turned out to be as efficacious as initial studies and case reports indicated, there would be a lot less demand for chemotherapy. Further complicating matters, hydrazine sulfate is dirt cheap, unlike standard cytotoxic chemotherapy agents. The price of a single dose of chemo would buy a ten-year supply of hydrazine sulfate.

Kathy and Bob decided to hold off the Mount Sinai team, and called in Dr. Gold to see if, after all those years of supporting hydrazine sulfate in their magazines, the drug might work for them.

Gold examined Kathy and recommended a course of hydrazine sulfate. The Mount Sinai team warned Kathy that hydrazine sulfate would be a waste of her rapidly diminishing time. Kathy and Bob put up a united front, demanding that their doctors support Dr. Gold’s recommendations and make sure the hydrazine sulfate was properly dispensed to her in the hospital and subsequently at home, according to the established, published protocol. The doctors watched disapprovingly as, taking her first hydrazine capsule, Kathy waited and prayed.

Her diary entry for Saturday, August 11, 1995:
Joe Gold is my shepherd, I shall not die,
He leadeth me thru green pastures.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of
the shadow of the Crab, his care and
his calls shall comfort me, and / shall
dwell in the house of Hydrazine forever

In the pursuit of this story what has been uncovered is a skein of lies and betrayal-not by politicians or C.I.A. spooks, but by physicians and health-care investigators, many of whose salaries your federal taxes pay. It begins with the National Cancer Institute, pulls in the Food and Drug Administration, and ends up-perhaps most shockingly-with the U.S. General Accounting Office, Congress’s own investigative agency.

In the 25 years since the federal government declared war on cancer, an estimated $200 billion has been spent by U.S. taxpayers and private investors on research that has produced so little bang for the buck that it makes the Pentagon’s $600 toilet seats look like bargains for every American home. The cancer industry has become a huge jobs program for brilliant, even highly motivated, doctors and other scientists, whose efforts are misguided by the economic forces behind the industry. Directly put, it’s in the interests of all the fat cats in government and private enterprise who earn their living and status from what is largely a failed enterprise, to stick with it. That is why a drug like hydrazine sulfate is dumped on by the cancer establishment, instead of given legitimate support and honest evaluation.

The GAO–with its proud past of fair, impartial audits of the performance of other federal agencies-appears to have done something underhanded in the case of hydrazine sulfate. It has demonstrated a level of incompetence and avoidance of controversy that’s stunningly atypical of this investigative agency and its track record of unflinching pursuit of the truth without fear or favor. In fact the tenor of the incompetence leads to the inescapable conclusion that a deliberate deceptions cover-up-was perpetrated to save other federal officials and the government itself from a scandal of astonishing proportions.

The GAO defied logic, reason, and science to give its blessing to what in fact has to be seen as the NCI’s deliberately biased testing of hydrazine sulfate, which falsely made the drug appear to be without merit. What is so damaging to the GAO is that its investigators did their fact-finding jobs well, but the higher-ups who wrote that agency’s report avoided the inescapable conclusion that the NCI had betrayed the medical community and cancer patients everywhere by rigging the clinical trials.

The GAO’s investigators began their work by going through more than 100 pages of documents and hours of videotape obtained by Penthouse in pursuing this story over the preceding three years. They confirmed many of the allegations brought to them by Penthouse. The crucial consideration is that established medical practice forbids the use of alcohol, tranquilizers, or sleeping pills by patients taking hydrazine sulfate because those “incompatible agents” not only deactivate hydrazine’s therapeutic powers but also can make the sufferers much sicker. The GA0 investigators smoked out the truth that in its initially published study results the NCI chose not to reveal the ingestion of those incompatibles by the participants in its nationwide clinical trials of hydrazine sulfate.

Under pressure from the GAO investigators, doctors who conducted one of the NCI trials admitted in a letter to the Journal of Clinical Oncology that virtually all of the subjects had taken tranquilizers while receiving hydrazine sulfate.

Despite those admissions, the GAO still managed in its report to declare that the NCI’s trials “were not flawed.” That’s the equivalent of describing a car as having a broken transmission, four punctured tires, and useless brakes, but the vehicle is nevertheless just fine, thank you, and quite capable of carrying you safely on the interstate. In this pronouncement the GAO participated in wrecking the hopes of millions of cancer sufferers, dooming many to unnecessary suffering or premature and painful death.

In the “In” baskets of the upper echelons of the GAO there sits a direct challenge to the integrity and credibility of that much-admired organization. It is an unanswered eight-page letter from Dr. Gold, who as a young physician was part of the NASA medical team that made sure Colonel John Glenn was fit for his historic mission. For the past quarter-century Joe Gold has been fighting to win from the American cancer establishment acceptance of the astonishingly effective and inexpensive anti-cancer drug that he developed. For most of those 25 years the most influential people at the NCI and its major grantee institutions have rejected and vilified hydrazine sulfate, which costs less than a dollar a day and has no significant side effects when the established protocol is properly followed.

When the NCI published its deeply flawed taxpayer-funded national tests of the drug, making it appear ineffective, the FDA stopped issuing “compassionate use” permissions for physicians requesting hydrazine sulfate for their patients. That choked off the very limited official supply of the drug, prompting desperate patients-as well as some physicians whose own loved ones’ lives were hanging by a wire-to seek other, unofficial lines of supply.

One respected member of the cancer establishment, medical oncologist Lynn H. Ratner, M.D., who has a private practice in New York, is on the faculty of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He runs the cancer-education program for physicians at Lenox Hill Hospital and has decided to go public (see sidebar at end of article) with his own use of hydrazine sulfate.

Dr. Ratner told me in April of this year: “There are over 25 patients taking hydrazine sulfate [in our practice], 15 of them under my direct care…. The drug has helped my patients avert the terrible effects of cachexia [cancer-induced starvation]…. It is important to note that this drug is working against cachexia in all 15 cases that I am personally monitoring.

“It is abundantly clear to me that hydrazine sulfate deserves another clinical trial that would be conducted in a double-blind fashion in good-risk candidates who are not taking other anti-cancer drugs.”

“On the important issue of incompatibility, I think Dr. Gold is right, and the NCI needs to conduct the trials differently. The new clinical trials I am calling for should exclude those substances identified as incompatible, and it should be fair and impartial, without the biases that afflicted previous nationwide multi-institution clinical trials run by the NCI You can’t argue with the kind of success I am seeing in my patients.”

As this article was going to press Dr. Ratner told me he had begun documenting antitumor activity in one patient receiving only hydrazine sulfate.

If there is anyone in your life who has cancer, this article will be very personal indeed. It has been personal for me for a long time. It was nine years ago that I first learned of hydrazine sulfate. It was prescribed for my mother as a last-ditch treatment. She had nothing to lose; she had smoked her way into lung cancer, which ultimately spread to her brain and throughout her body. Erna Kamen was only 64 and an athlete, but none of that helped much. The surgeons and radiation specialists had done everything they could. At one point, to get even more radiation therapy than is generally allowed, she signed a release authorizing the doctors to give her yet another course of radiation. The family joke was that one more treatment and she would glow in the dark. Despite our hopes and prayers, the cancer continued its relent less assault, and further treatment was deemed to be useless.

As the widespread tumors disrupted her system’s capacity to process nutrients, her body shrank. My mom lost massive amounts of weight, along with her mental acuity. She virtually disappeared into her bedclothes. After yet another race to the hospital emergency room, I was told by her oncologist that she had only days to live, and that we should “take her home and make her as comfortable as possible” until she died.

The next day, at the direction of the oncologist, she started hydrazine sulfate. She managed with some water to swallow one capsule. We didn’t have much hope that it would do anything for her. After all, only hours earlier the NCI’s 1-(800)-4-CANCER public-information line had told us that hydrazine sulfate was worthless.

I needed to escape from the mounting emotional pain. So I pulled on shorts and shoes for an hour’s hard run, determined to numb my brain by pounding the concrete drawbridges and blacktop that lead to downtown Sarasota, Florida. Finally exhausted, I returned, showered, and fell into a deep, troubled sleep. Next thing I knew, my mother’s nurse was shaking me awake.

“Is she gone?” I asked
The nurse laughed.

“Gone? Are you kidding? I don’t believe it. She’s trying to sit up in bed, and she wants you to get up there. Listen! That’s her yelling for you to join her for breakfast. She actually wants to eat! “Hydrazine sulfate was my mom’s ticket to renewed life, and it brought her back for about four months, much of which she enjoyed. Although she back 23 pounds, hydrazine sulfate didn’t get a chance to do everything it could for her. She died after her medical team had made a major error in judgment: Her medication was switched, and she was taken off hydrazine sulfate.

Kathy Keeton sits at her computer, answering anxious e-mail queries about the drug. Much of her legendary energy has returned, which she now uses tirelessly to help other patients with cancer. She has hired a staff and provided it with space in the Penthouse offices, from which answers are sent to the thousands of inquiries received by Penthouse each week, as well as information on how to obtain hydrazine sulfate. Kathy has gone public with her experience. She has been in print in dozens of newspapers, on television and radio in the US and Europe. All of which has thrown a spotlight on peer-reviewed medical literature affirming the drugs safety and efficacy at all stages of cancer.

But despite her advocacy of hydrazine sulfate, Kathy is outspoken in her gratitude to the staff at Mount Sinai for helping her fight for her life. “The doctors are really wonderful, and I can’t say enough in praise of the warm and supportive nurses who did everything in their power for me,” she says with passion. “It’s not their fault that the medical establishment they’re part of prevents them from appreciating hydrazine. It’s the NCI that’s the real villain here.”

Almost a decade earlier thousands of people called in to TV stations, seeking information and help, in response to the seven times I appeared on Independent Network News, 1988 to 1990, reporting on the hydrazine-sulfate story and-on four of those broadcasts-the story of my mother.

Feeling the mounting pressure from my broadcasts and from Penthouse’s investigations, as well as ten years of double-blind positive clinical studies reported by UCLA’s Harbor Hospital, the National Cancer Institute finally went forward. Its long-awaited multi-institutional Phase III clinical trials of hydrazine sulfate got under way in 1989 and 1990. I had hoped that my report would in part lead to the rescue of hundreds of thousands of cancer patients who would soon gain access to this low cost, uniquely effective medication. But that sweet dream would become a nightmare.

By April of 1993 1 was writing in Penthouse that the NCI had prejudiced its nationwide testing of hydrazine sulfate by including in its study an unspecified number of cancer patients who had not been kept from using alcohol, tranquilizers, or barbiturates. This was incomprehensible.

Even the FDA itself had long warned physicians administering the drug to make sure patients did not consume alcohol, tranquilizers, or sleeping pills. (For almost ten years the FDA had made hydrazine sulfate available to doctors on a “Compassionate Use” basis.) I brought all this information plus supporting documentation (more than 100 pages) to the House of Representatives subcommittee with oversight responsibility for the NCI.

In Penthouse for July 1994 I wrote about the Russian oncology-research community’s illuminating experience with hydrazine sulfate. There, it has been brought to bear against a broad array of “incurable” cases of lung, lymphatic, and 30 other types of cancer, with surprisingly good results, for what is now almost a quarter century. One of the more startling findings by the Russians is hydrazine sulfate’s effectiveness against cancerous and non-cancerous tumors of the brain. Non-cancerous brain tumors are fearsome because they expand until they crowd out the brain, causing blindness, paralysis, and death. The Russians report that hydrazine-sulfate treatment results in a 45-percent response rate for cancerous brain tumors and a 65-percent response rate for non-cancerous brain tumors. The Russian doctors strictly forbid the use of alcohol, barbiturates, or tranquilizers by patients on the treatment. As one prominent Russian researcher (and former NCI consultant), Michael Gershanovich, M.D., told me: “Why would you want to give these things to patients receiving the hydrazine sulfate? The hydrazine sulfate would not work, and that would be wrong.”

At the Petrov Research Institute of oncology in St. Petersburg I heard a great deal about the Russian doctors’ fear of offending America’s all-powerful, grant-giving NCI -an institution with which the Petrov had enjoyed 17 years of collegial relations via the Joint U.S. – USSR Cancer Agreement.

But in the United States the NCI – sponsored researchers chose not to follow the Russian lead. Patients in the NCI -approved study protocols were permitted to drink alcohol and pop tranquilizers and sleeping pills. No fewer than 94 percent of those in one of the trials are known to have consumed one or more tranquilizers. Which means that only six percent of the subjects-16 of them, in this case-had any realistic chance of benefiting from the hydrazine sulfate. Want to bet that none of the 266 patients in this particular study was told in the required “informed consent statements” that the odds of getting any benefit at all had been reduced to about zero even before he or she swallowed the first capsule? Or been told that the consumption of alcohol, barbiturates, or tranquilizers could not only negate the therapeutic effect of hydrazine sulfate but cause, as the profession gently puts it, “morbidity and mortality”-sickness arid death?

The 16 patients whose charts do not show the presence of any incompatibles totaled roughly one-quarter the number of people in a previous clinical trial at Harbor-UCLA that, through its positive outcome, had inspired much of my reporting. The NCI initially dismissed those results because the number of patients involved was too small, they said, to be statistically significant.

In 1994, a year before the great love of his life would come down with breast cancer, Bob Guccione was a guest along with Dr. Joseph Gold on a talk-radio program I hosted on WWRC in Washington, D.C. On the air Guccione laid out the sorry history of the NCI’s bitter and determined resistance to giving hydrazine sulfate a fair test, and Gold explained how the drug works. The stations phone lines were quickly besieged by impassioned listeners who wanted to know what they could do to help. I suggested that they phone and fax Edolphus Towns (DL-N.Y.), then chairman of the House Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee, which has the authority to investigate the NCI. Within minutes the congressman’s staff called us, demanding that we stop giving out the number, that the program’s listeners were “making it impossible for us to get our jobs done.” We politely declined to call off our listeners. A second call came from a senior aide to the chairman, who promised to get his boss to read the massive documentation I had submitted to the subcommittee … a year before the broadcast.

Within a week the chairman ordered the GAO to conduct an investigation into the matters raised by Penthouse. When the GAO’s investigators called upon senior officials of the NCI they ran into anger and resentment. At one point,informed sources say, there was considerable shouting and screaming, and a sense of NCI gloom over the possible outcome of the congressional investigation–a concern over what the costs might be to the powerful men and women who had waged war against the drug and its developer, and therefore against cancer patients. But the NCI brass shouldn’t have lost much sleep. The damage, as it turned out, would be very small indeed, and quite contained. No heads would roll; no blame would be fixed. Business-as-usual would prevail.

This is how it worked: The GAO slapped the wrists of the NCI for sloppy, incomplete record keeping of the drugs other than hydrazine sulfate that were taken by the patients in the clinical trials. As a result, NCI’s team leaders, as indicated, admitted in a letter to the Journal of Clinical Oncology what they hadn’t bothered to disclose in their original report to the medical community-that 94 percent of the patients in one study had received one or more tranquilizers. But if you didn’t already know that tranquilizers (and barbiturates and alcohol) were incompatible with hydrazine sulfate, the NCI letter wouldn’t have helped you to learn that. It simply confessed to not having fully reported on other drugs consumed by patients in the study. The NCI has always rejected the fact that some substances are incompatible with, and therefore deactivate, hydrazine sulfate, and that the mix can be extremely dangerous. Thus the NCI letter didn’t tell the truth, didn’t warn that mixing the incompatibles with the hydrazine sulfate was a time bomb.

Then in late 1995 came the official GAO report. It upheld the NCI’s testing methods in this case, making the GAO’s long awaited probe of the whole affair a veritable whitewash.

The GAO’s report is a stunning defeat for millions of cancer patients and their families in the United States and around the world. To affirm the NCI’s destructive conclusion–to say that the NCI’s hydrazine-sulfate studies “were riot flawed”–the GAO had to buy into the deceptive pronouncements and statistics that are at the core of the NCI’s case.

When Congress ordered the GAO probe it was believed that the GAO would conduct an independent audit of the NCI’s methodology–but hat did not happen. Instead, after an “internal review,” the GAO accepted the NCI’s own “retrospective analyses.”

Penthouse hired independent medical-statistics consultant Richard Wilkins, a former senior biostatistician at a major pharmaceutical manufacturer. He was asked to evaluate the NCI’s retrospective analyses.” Because of my long and emotional investment in the case, I waited with some apprehension for Wilkins’s report. What if it were I who was biased in my reporting? What if all those great results in Russia and America had been flukes?

I shouldn’t have worried. My copy of Wilkins’s conclusions came with a cover letter saying, “You are to be congratulated for bringing the important, indeed truly scandalous, hydrazine sulfate story to the attention of the American people. The enclosed should provide more ammunition for it.”

The hostility toward hydrazine sulfate at the NCI is bone marrow deep. The NCI’s longtime former director, Vincent T. De Vita, Jr., M.D., now head of the Yale University Cancer Center, had long attacked Dr. Gold and belittled his discovery. He told the Washington Post, ” it’s a ho-hum drug,” and the ABC News program “20/20,” “We throw away better drugs than hydrazine sulfate.” A renowned pioneering chemotherapist and a master at the politics of cancer, De Vita is an icon in the cancer establishment, with friendships among the powerful in almost every corner of American and international life. For more than a decade his word on anything having to do with cancer rolled down like thunder across the worldwide medical landscape. So it should not have come as a complete surprise that the GAO’s deck would be stacked against a full and fair assessment of the NCI’s hydrazine-sulfate trials. To come up with anything else would have reflected terribly on the NCI power structure, past and present.

Listen in as Mark Nadel, assistant director of the General Accounting Office, attempts, in a telephone interview with me, to justify the method and administration of the NCI’s clinical trials of hydrazine sulfate: “The reason [the use of tranquilizers) was incompatible, which threw us at first, was that it would heighten the sedative effect [of hydrazine sulfate]. In any case, in the admittedly small number of patients in the trials who did not receive the incompatibles, there was no (positive) effect seen of hydrazine sulfate and the issue of statistical significance shouldn’t blind one to the fact that no (positive) effect was seen.

Nadel must have assumed that I wasn’t paying attention, and that you, the reader, cannot think. Why do major clinical trials routinely embrace hundreds of patients and not just a few dozen? Because statistical significance is at the very core of measuring the success or failure of any experimental medication. For the sake of his report’s credibility, Nadel wants us to ignore the importance of statistics.

Here’s Dr. Gold on that question: “It is impossible to state that no effect was seen, because there weren’t enough patients who did not receive the incompatibles to document whether an effect was seen. Mr. Nadel’s insistence that the issue of statistical significance I shouldn’t blind one’ is stunning, since it is only statistical significance which can confirm any effect in a clinical trial. It is the basis of all clinical trials, and he knows it.

“The fact that hydrazine sulfate heightens the sedative effect of the incompatibles is only a secondary consideration of incompatibility. The primary consideration, which is demonstrated by both published and unpublished studies which were made available to the NCI before the commencement of any of their clinical trials, is that the combination of hydrazine sulfate and tranquilizers nullifies the therapeutic effect of hydrazine sulfate and causes vastly increased risk of additional illness and even death in test subjects.

“Additionally, prior to the commencement of the NCI’s clinical trials of this drug I alerted NCI that hydrazine sulfate is a member of the class of drugs called MAO inhibitors. As such, a patient who also is taking tranquilizers, barbiturates, beer, wine, or hard liquor cannot use it. It also cannot be used by patients who are permitted to eat raisins, yogurt, and a list of other foods containing tyramines (amino-acid derivatives). The NCI made no attempt to monitor any of these things in its studies, which can also have the effect of turning off hydrazine sulfate’s capacity to stop cancer-induced starvation and shrink the tumors themselves.

“Since hydrazine sulfate is an MAO inhibitor, and since MAO inhibitors and tranquilizers are recognized as incompatible, then the NCI studies are by definition intrinsically flawed. The use of incompatible agents constitutes negative-bias factors in a study design, and the effect of negative-bias factors is to produce a negative outcome.”

Kathy Keeton, whose silken hair, lustrous complexion, and flashing eyes do not look remotely like those of a patient with end-stage breast cancer, gives instructions to one of her assistants. It is spring 1997. She no longer wears the strange leather case that delivers pain medication. Kathy is full of life. Her words flow softly, with the clipped lilt of her native South Africa. She speaks of the information she has disseminated about hydrazine sulfate to cancer patients and their families all over the world. She speaks of the growing number of physicians prescribing this drug as a result of this information. She speaks of the class-action lawsuit her husband is considering launching against the NCI on behalf of all those patients who were cruelly given hydrazine sulfate without clear instructions to avoid alcohol, antidepressants, and/or sleeping pills. Kathy Keeton is a woman with a mission. She feels she has been literally “touched by an angel,” and is now dedicated to giving back by helping those in need.

This reporter has turned over to Congress the Wilkins report, which strips bare the NCI’s “retrospective analyses,” and Penthouse’s and my findings on the GAO’s cover-up of the NCI’s assault on hydrazine sulfate. You can help by writing, faxing, or calling your representatives in the House and Senate. Enclose a copy of this article; urge them to hold public hearings on this cover-up and to demand an impartial, properly administered large-scale clinical trial of hydrazine sulfate.

Every cancer patient on this planet should have the same chance that saved Kathy Keeton.




Chemo A FRAUD – More Evidence It’s WORTHLESS, March 01, 2008

Chemo Therapy
Chemo Therapy

…..RESULTS: The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA. CONCLUSION: As the 5-year relative survival rate for cancer in Australia is now over 60%, it is clear that cytotoxic chemotherapy only makes a minor contribution to cancer survival. To justify the continued funding and availability of drugs used in cytotoxic chemotherapy, a rigorous evaluation of the cost-effectiveness and impact on quality of life is urgently required.”
Chemotherapy…the massive, evil poisoning of the already immuno-suppressed human body…remains one of the most barbaric, criminal undertakings of modern ‘medicine’ against the human species. The cost of the average chemotherapy regimen: $300,000 to $1,000,000. It’s ALL about MONEY and PROFITS. YOU are worthless to the AMA-Pharma death machine. The FAKE war on cancer has raised over a trillion dollars to date and now one out of every TWO Americans will be confronted with cancer at some point. Most of all, the criminal ‘war on cancer’ has made a lot of people wealthy. It is, without question, one of the biggest hoaxes in human history.
There are MANY cures for cancer, from Rife to Essiac to Ozone to Hoxey to Glyconutrients to the simple cessation of poisoning one’s body with meat, dairy and processed foods loaded with MSG and countless other carcinogens. This particular article is but one of many showing that chemo (and radiation) do NOT extend the life of one cancer patient over another with the same cancer who does NOTHING. To devastate a body trying to cope with a disease by poisoning the hell out of it is beyond something from the Dark Ages.
So, when your ‘doctor’ tells you a tumor can be ‘shrunk’ ask him/her how that actually translates to ANY increase in survival. The vast majority of times chemotherapy will only HASTEN death…and utterly destroy the quality of life until then.
While chemo can shrink some tumors, the devastating cycotoxic nature of chemo ‘therapy’ further destroys the patients already compromised and failing immune system causing an even quicker demise. Until and unless the patient takes the responsibility for his or her OWN health and stops poisoning their own body…and begins to study so-called ‘alternative’ approaches to recovery…there is virtually no hope for true healing. Cancer doesn’t just ‘happen’…it is CAUSED by diet, lifestyle, stress, anxiety and environmental toxins in the work place and home.
Do a search for Rife and Ozone and Essiac. Read and Read and And others. Educate yourself if you want to live. By all means, see the new Rife Documentary ( and prepare to be outraged beyond your worst imaginings. -JR
Comment in:
Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol).
2005 Jun;17(4):294.
The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies.
Morgan G,
Ward R,
Barton M.
Department of Radiation Oncology, Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
AIMS: The debate on the funding and availability of cytotoxic drugs raises questions about the contribution of curative or adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to survival in adult cancer patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We undertook a literature search for randomised clinical trials reporting a 5-year survival benefit attributable solely to cytotoxic chemotherapy in adult malignancies. The total number of newly diagnosed cancer patients for 22 major adult malignancies was determined from cancer registry data in Australia and from the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results data in the USA for 1998. For each malignancy, the absolute number to benefit was the product of (a) the total number of persons with that malignancy; (b) the proportion or subgroup(s) of that malignancy showing a benefit; and (c) the percentage increase in 5-year survival due solely to cytotoxic chemotherapy. The overall contribution was the sum total of the absolute numbers showing a 5-year survival benefit expressed as a percentage of the total number for the 22 malignancies. RESULTS: The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA. CONCLUSION: As the 5-year relative survival rate for cancer in Australia is now over 60%, it is clear that cytotoxic chemotherapy only makes a minor contribution to cancer survival. To justify the continued funding and availability of drugs used in cytotoxic chemotherapy, a rigorous evaluation of the cost-effectiveness and impact on quality of life is urgently required.




August 5 Sinai Attack Bears All the Hallmarks of an Israeli False Flag

Martin Iqbal
August 8, 2012

On Sunday 5 August a number of unidentified militants carried out an attack in the Egyptian Sinai in which several Egyptian soldiers were killed, and Israel’s border was penetrated. After Iftar as the Egyptian Muslims were breaking their fast, unknown militants killed 16 Egyptian soldiers and stole an Egyptian armoured vehicle. Using a pick-up truck packed with explosives, the militants breached the Egypt-Israel border at the ‘Kerem Shalom’ crossing and subsequently drove approximately one mile into Israel using the armoured vehicle they had commandeered.

This event brings severe geopolitical repercussions for Egypt, and is characterised by extremely suspicious circumstances. Resultingly we must carefully consider this attack within its proper context.

Israel had foreknowledge of the attack

The Israeli military knew in advance that the Sinai attack would occur, which even allowed them to have aircraft defending the area in advance – hence why the armoured vehicle was blown up shortly after crossing the border and the attack was thwarted within 15 minutes of its advent.(1)IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz wasted no time in pointing out that “a large disaster was averted.

This begs the question, why did the Israelis not inform the Egyptian military to allow them to prevent the attack in the first instance? The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports,(2)

Israeli intelligence had information on the planned attack, which allowed the military to have helicopters in the area to strike the vehicle, an Israel Defense Forces spokesman said Monday.

Israel and Egypt remained in close contact during the attack, Barak said, according to reports.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak curiously blamed the attack on an unidentified ‘global’ Jihadi terror group. Although Barak is unable to identify the group, we are supposed to believe his alarmist assertion that it is global in nature.

Compulsive liar and Israeli Ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, tried to pin the attack on Iran within hours, stating on his Twitter account,

“Iranian backed terrorists again struck at our Southern border today killing 15 Egyptian guards and attempting to massacre Israeli civilians,”

Obviously it was too soon for him to be in possession of evidence linking the attack to Iran, and Oren subsequently deleted his Twitter post. Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu did precisely the same thing with regard to the Burgas terror attack in Bulgaria, subsequently retracting his claim that Iran was behind the carnage, instead blaming Hezbollah. At the time of writing, the identity of the perpetrator of the Burgas attack is unknown to Bulgarian and US authorities.

Late last year MK Aryeh Eldad, foaming at the mouth, stressed that World public opinion should be prepared(3) for Israel waging war on Egypt, should Egypt deploy more troops in the Sinai than what has been agreed in the Egypt-Israel ‘Peace’ treaty. Today however, Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak is demanding that Egypt step up its military control of the Sinai:(1)

“Perhaps this will be necessary wake-up call for the Egyptians to take matters in their hands in a more serious way,”

Israel’s designs on the Sinai

There are alarming indications that Sunday’s events were a false flag attack designed to give Israel the pretext it requires to carry forward its regional agenda. The Sinai raid must be considered within the context of Israel’s longstanding designs on the Sinai Peninsula.

In February 1982 an important Hebrew paper appeared in a Jewish journal named KIVUNIM (Directions). Penned by Oded Yinon and titled ‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties‘, the essay delineates strategies for Israel to become a regional hegemon in the Middle East. The short and long term strategies discussed involve the dissolution of the surrounding Arab states, and the expansion of Israel beyond its current undeclared borders.

Israel covets the Sinai for not only ideological reasons (the realisation of ‘Eretz Yisrael’ – Greater Israel), but also economic ones. Yinon makes no secret of Israel’s designs on the Sinai:

The loss of the Suez Canal oil fields, of the immense potential of the oil, gas and other natural resources in the Sinai peninsula which is geomorphologically identical to the rich oil-producing countries in the region, will result in an energy drain in the near future and will destroy our domestic economy: one quarter of our present GNP as well as one third of the budget is used for the purchase of oil. The search for raw materials in the Negev and on the coast will not, in the near future, serve to alter that state of affairs.

(Regaining) the Sinai peninsula with its present and potential resources is therefore a political priority which is obstructed by the Camp David and the peace agreements. The fault for that lies of course with the present Israeli government and the governments which paved the road to the policy of territorial compromise, the Alignment governments since 1967. The Egyptians will not need to keep the peace treaty after the return of the Sinai, and they will do all they can to return to the fold of the Arab world and to the USSR in order to gain support and military assistance. American aid is guaranteed only for a short while, for the terms of the peace and the weakening of the U.S. both at home and abroad will bring about a reduction in aid. Without oil and the income from it, with the present enormous expenditure, we will not be able to get through 1982 under the present conditions and we will have to act in order to return the situation to the status quo which existed in Sinai prior to Sadat’s visit and the mistaken peace agreement signed with him in March 1979.

Israel’s ultra-secure border was penetrated during the August 5 attack in which 16 Egyptian soldiers were killed; the operation was sophisticated and ambitious. Considering this in hand with the fact that Israel had foreknowledge of the event, it is highly likely that this attack was carried out by (or with the support of) Israel’s notorious ‘thou shalt wage war by deception‘ intelligence agency, the Mossad.

The raid serves as a perfect pretext for Israel to realise its desire to reoccupy the Sinai. As Israeli propagandists crawl out of the woodwork and baselessly blame unknown ‘global’ terror groups in addition to Iran, we would be terminally foolish not to treat this event with the utmost suspicion.


(1) ‘Barak hopes Sinai attack will be a ‘wake-up call’ for Egypt’ – Jerusalem Post, 6 August 2012
(2) ‘Barak calls Sinai attack, border inflitration a ‘wake-up call’ for Egypt’ – Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 6 August 2012
(3) ‘MK: Prepare for War If Egypt Deploys in Sinai’ – Arutz Sheva, 27 November 2011



NASA’s Hansen Exploits Hot Summers to Push Carbon Fascism

Kurt Nimmo
August 8, 2012

NASA’s doctor Hansen is at it again. He says the latest round of hot weather is your fault because you create carbon emissions.

“Dr. Hansen said that at least three extreme summers over the past decade, the 2003 heatwave in Europe which killed more than 50,000 people, the 2010 hot summer in Moscow and last year’s droughts in Texas and Oklahoma, were almost certainly the result of man-made climate change rather than natural events,” reportsThe Independent.

Hansen and his colleagues published their conclusion in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“Our analysis shows that it is no longer enough to say that global warming will increase the likelihood of extreme weather and to repeat the caveat that no individual weather event can be directly linked to climate change,” Hansen said in an article published in the Washington Post. “To the contrary, our analysis shows that, for the extreme hot weather of the recent past, there is virtually no explanation other than climate change.”

But wait a minute. There is another explanation, but it rarely receives press in the corporate media.

NOAA climatologists and scientists have produced reports drawing a correlation between weather and sun spot activity. Moreover, scientists at Armagh Observatory in Ireland believe the sun’s warming influence is under-estimated.

High solar activity of the sort we are now experiencing creates cosmic rays that reach earth and result in an absence of low clouds. “Low clouds cool the Earth by reflecting more solar radiation back into space, so a drop in the amount of low cloud contributes to global warming. High cloud does the opposite and tends to warm the Earth by reflecting more of the Earth’s infra-red radiation back to the ground” the Armagh researchers discovered.

In 2004, scientists in Germany and Finland reported that “the level of solar activity during the past 70 years is exceptional, and the previous period of equally high activity occurred more than 8,000 years ago. We find that during the past 11,400 years the Sun spent only of the order of 10% of the time at a similarly high level of magnetic activity and almost all of the earlier high-activity periods were shorter than the present episode.”

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, has also published research pointing at the sun. “Because the sun’s magnetic field controls how many cosmic rays reach Earth’s atmosphere, the sun determines the temperature on Earth,” Lawrence Solomon, director of Energy Probe, wrote in 2011. Danish Space Research scientists also reached this conclusion in 1996.

Such studies are routinely ignored or dismissed by the climate change crowd who blame you and your car, your air-conditioner, your refrigerator, and the life-saving equipment at the local hospital and other attributes of modern civilization for global climate change.

Hansen and his fellows are shamelessly exploiting the unusually hot weather created by solar activity. This is to be expected from a gaggle of humanity-hating fanatics who have suggested Chinese styled authoritarianism in order to force their agenda on the world.


WAKE UP to the in your face fact that the SUN is the prominent factor in climate change on our little planet Earth and not the human race as the climate change Evil spawn would have you believe. Its this simple a more active Sun a hotter Earth a calmer Sun a cooler Earth. Its that FKN Simple. Quit drinking the cool aid of these Globalist Elite Scum There bullshit doublespeak is almost so Transparent you can see through it so easily now its almost as if its a joke to the Elite Scum bag and they could care less If we see through it or not. There arrogance and pompousness is almost as apparent as there megalomania and psychotic nature is. There simply the Evilest inbred spawn of humanity to ever exist on earth and have gotten sicker and eviler over time.Over the centuries they have breed into themselves every evil ruthless power hungry psychotic megalomaniac traits they could and they have breed out of themselves any kind of morality, decency, empathy or compassion towards other. They are as ruthless with there own kind as they are towards the rest of Humanity. This evil group has been behind all evil in this world they control manipulate and run almost all financial markets and the 5 Mainstream media News networks You watch only the propaganda stuff they want you to see and believe as with this BULLSHIT global warming scam…They must be stopped before there end game is completed and its total Check Mate against all decent human beings and for the most of us that means murdered by them in there population reduction agenda. There slow kill weapons are working on us all right now making our children’s children’s sterile while at the same time killing us all off slowly and at the very least making us sick enough that we can’t fight back against them when the time comes and that time is coming fast to fast…


Full Spectrum Evil: Secrets of Global Domination
August 8, 2012

From time immemorial, royalty, priest classes and other self-appointed elites have used any means necessary to dominate the population and keep it divided amongst itself. Alex Jones uses the games of chess, risk and monopoly to explain the classic modes of control used by rulers, representing classic warfare between two factions, world warfare with a complex conflict, and, of course, economic warfare.

Now those techniques have advanced with sophistication into an era of full spectrum dominance– where gaming the people means an attempt to control all facets of life. Under the modern scientific dictatorship, nations, individuals, economies, cultures and environments have all become pawns at the hands of hardened, evil offshore globalists bent on manipulating our world. Their aim is nothing short of completing their break away civilization and destroying the remains, including killing off the great masses of humanity. They have willingly distorted our information, food, water, political systems, financial interactions and beyond with precision. Only a public aware of the scope of their designs can begin to fight against it.

For a comprehensive primer on this full spectrum evil, see Alex Jones’ Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement, free on youtube:

Then, to go deeper into the New World Order system for total control, through subterfuge and backing multiple sides, consider some of these sources and start your own research:

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution – Antony Sutton

The Best Enemies Money Can Buy – Prof. Antony C. Sutton

Charlotte Iserbyt: Secrets Of Skull And Bones Blown Wide Open

Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America



Obama fights ban on indefinite detention of Americans
August 8, 2012


The White House has filed an appeal in hopes of reversing a federal judge’s ruling that bans the indefinite military detention of Americans because attorneys for the president say they are justified to imprison alleged terrorists without charge.

Manhattan federal court Judge Katherine Forrest ruled in May that the indefinite detention provisions signed into law late last year by US President Barack Obama failed to “pass constitutional muster” and ordered a temporary injunction to keep the military from locking up any person, American or other, over allegations of terrorist ties. On Monday, however, federal prosecutors representing President Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta filed a claim with the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in hopes of eliminating that ban.

The plaintiffs “cannot point to a single example of the military’s detaining anyone for engaging in conduct even remotely similar to the type of expressive activities they allege could lead to detention,” Obama’s attorneys insist. With that, the White House is arguing that as long as the indefinite detention law hasn’t be enforced yet, there is no reason for a judge to invalidate it.

Reuters reports this week that the government believes they are justified to have the authorization to lock alleged belligerents up indefinitely because cases involving militants directly aligned against the good of the US government warrants such punishment. Separate from Judge Forrest’s injunction, nine states have attempted to, at least in part, remove themselves from the indefinite detention provisions of included in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, or NDAA.

In section 1021 of the NDAA, the president’s authority to hold a terrorism suspect “without trial, until the end of the hostilities” is reaffirmed by Congress. Despite an accompanying signing statement voicing his opposition to that provision, President Obama quietly inked his name to the NDAA on December 31, 2011. In May, however, a group of plaintiffs including notable journalists and civil liberty proponents challenged section 1021 in court, leading to Just Forrest to find it unconstitutional one month later.

“There is a strong public interest in protecting rights guaranteed by the First Amendment,” Forrest wrote in her 68-page ruling. “There is also a strong public interest in ensuring that due process rights guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment are protected by ensuring that ordinary citizens are able to understand the scope of conduct that could subject them to indefinite military detention.”

At the time Just Forrest made her injunction, attorney Carl Mayer told RT on behalf of the plaintiffs that, although he expected the White House to appeal, “It may not be in their best interest.”

“[T]here are so many people from all sides of the political spectrum opposed to this law that they ought to just say, ‘We’re not going to appeal,’” Mayer said. “The NDAA cannot be used to pick up Americans in a proverbial black van or in any other way that the administration might decide to try to get people into the military justice system. It means that the government is foreclosed now from engaging in this type of action against the civil liberties of Americans.”

The original plaintiffs, who include Pulitzer Prize-winner Chris Hedges, have asked Just Forrest to make her injunction permanent. Oral arguments in the case are expected to begin this week.



Social Security Ponzi Scheme Coming To An End
August 8, 2012

Socialist security, possibly the world’s largest wealth redistribution scheme in history is finally now coming to an end. Like a scam chain letter, the first people who “sent in a dollar” got a hundred back in return, but the last pay in and get nothing. Such is the case now with socialist securityreports the AP, “People retiring today are part of the first generation of workers who have paid more in Social Security taxes during their careers than they will receive in benefits after they retire. It’s a historic shift that will only get worse for future retirees.”

Unfortunately, unlike a scam pyramid scheme chain letter, citizens are not allowed to opt out, so everyone from now on will be paying in with the guarantee they will be losing money, and getting absolutely no “security.” Rather than a “social safety net,” it’s a ring of jail bars locking everyone into perpetual debt slavery. Such a situation cannot continue for very long, and as the AP notes, it will only get worse as more and more of the baby boomers retire.

“For the early generations, it was an incredibly good deal,” said Andrew Biggs, a former deputy Social Security commissioner who is now a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. “The government gave you free money and getting free money is popular.”

If you retired in 1960, you could expect to get back seven times more in benefits than you paid in Social Security taxes, and more if you were a low-income worker, as long you made it to age 78 for men and 81 for women.

As recently as 1985, workers at every income level could retire and expect to get more in benefits than they paid in Social Security taxes, though they didn’t do quite as well as their parents and grandparents.

Not anymore.

A married couple retiring last year after both spouses earned average lifetime wages paid about $598,000 in Social Security taxes during their careers. They can expect to collect about $556,000 in benefits, if the man lives to 82 and the woman lives to 85, according to a 2011 study by the Urban Institute, a Washington think tank.

As a young person myself, I’m ecstatic to see this socialist ponzi scheme fail. While I feel for people who “paid into it” their whole lives and will now get nothing, the fact of the matter is the money was stolen from them, and stealing from future generations won’t make things any better. Taxes are theft, all of them, the sooner people accept it, the sooner the healing process can begin.



Parkinson’s Sufferer Arrested for ‘Not Smiling’ at Olympic Men’s Cycling Race

Adan Salazar
August 8, 2012

Yet another reason to boycott the Olympics?


A spectator seeks an exoneration after he claims he was arrested for “not smiling” during the 2012 London Olympic Men’s Cycling Road Race.

Mark Worsfold, 54, a martial-arts trainer who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, wants a “letter of exoneration” after what he claims was a gross over-reaction on the part of Surrey Police.

Worsfold explains, “I was sitting minding my own business…Before I knew anything the police grabbed me off this seven-foot wall, threw me to the floor and cuffed me so all I saw of the cycle race was between the feet of people from the pavement.”

Due to his degenerative disorder, Worsfold says his face can seem expressionless.

According to the Guardian, Worsfold says Surrey police “questioned him about his demeanor and why he had not been seen to be visibly enjoying the event.” They arrested him on charges of “breach of the peace” saying Worsfold’s behavior posed a “caused concern.”

The Guardian reports Worsfold as having been detained for two hours, but the Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser says it was more like five: “Mr Worsfold was detained for five hours, and his wife only found out where he was after reporting him missing when he did not turn up for his daughter’s birthday party.”

Surrey police defended their actions, claiming, “The man was positioned close to a small group of protesters and based on his manner, his state of dress and his proximity to the course, officers made an arrest to prevent a possible breach of the peace.”

The Chief Superintendent remarked that the arrest was “In the interests of public safety,” and that officers were forced to act “quickly and decisively based on the information available to them.”

The Advertiser notes Worsfold sought the charges dropped to protect his reputation as a martial-arts trainer: “He told the Advertiser he now sees the funny side, but as he was wearing his logo on his uniform he worries it may effect his reputation and has asked for a letter of exoneration from police.”

Police later stated they found several knives on Worsfold, but that one was legal and the rest were rubber knives which were used for display.

The Advertiser says the officers that made the arrest apologized, but a still-shaken Worsfold expressed his disbelief: “It could have been done better. I was arrested for not smiling. I have Parkinson’s.”