Archive for August, 2012


GlaxoSmithKline pleads guilty to criminal fraud charges, pays massive $3 billion in fines

Sunday, July 08, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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(NaturalNews) U.K.-based pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a corporate "person" in the eyes of the federal government (, has pleaded guilty to criminal charges in what even the mainstream media is calling the largest healthcare fraud case in history. And though the company is having to fork over $3 billion in collective fines for its illegal activity, no actual GSK employees or executives are being held personally responsible for their crimes.
A roughly nine-year federal investigation has exposed GSK’s rampant abuse of the law by illegally marketing drugs, forging drug safety data, bribing doctors to promote dangerous and expensive drugs, ripping off Medicare and Medicaid, and lying about the effectiveness and safety of drugs. And all this deception has generated tens of billions of dollars in profits for GSK over the years, while thousands of patients who used the drug products involved have suffered horrific side effects and even death.
But rather than pursue any of the individuals responsible for purveying such crimes, the federal government instead agreed to have GSK simply fork over $1 billion in criminal fines and $2 billion in civil fines. This $3 billion sum is but a fraction of the amount GSK raked in as a result of its illicit behavior, and the company’s employees are now essentially free to continue engaging in such behavior without having to worry about facing any real repercussions.

Big Pharma considers legal settlements to be just another cost of doing business

Though it may sound like a lot of money to most people, $3 billion is not really all that much for a company that generated more than $42 billion in revenues just last year. In fact, according to Reuters, GSK has agreed to pay the $3 billion in fines from company cash reserves that appear to be specifically earmarked for such uses.
This means that GSK, and more than likely all other drug companies, consider criminal activity to be part of their normal company operations, and the legal settlements and fines that may result to be just another cost of doing business. GSK, in this case, was able to bring in tens of billions of dollars using illicit marketing and sales tactics, and only had to pay a small fraction of that revenue to basically pay off the American justice system.
When you really think about it, the legal system actually encourages drug companies to break the law because doing so will generate significantly larger profits in the long run. As long as the drug companies breaking the law are willing to share a piece of the pie with the federal government when investigators come to initiate the shakedown, there are no real legal consequences for the corporate "persons" of the drug industry that continue to do as they please.

Every GSK executive, scientist, salesperson, or employee that engaged in illegal activity should be arrested and tried in court

In a just world, the actual GSK employees that engaged in criminal activity as part of the decades-long scheme would be immediately arrested and tried in court for their crimes. Every corporate executive, laboratory scientist, territory salesman, administrative assistant, and factory worker at GSK that knowingly participated in the campaign of deception should be brought to justice, whether that means seizure of financial assets or jail time.
According to Reuters, such a scenario is not necessarily out of the question in this case, despite the settlement. However, federal prosecutors declined to state whether or not any individual at GSK would be pursued, which suggests that none of them likely will. And if nobody at GSK is held personally responsible for the company’s ill-gotten gains, then GSK will more than likely continue to abuse the corrupt system indefinitely.
"What we’re learning is that money doesn’t deter corporate malfeasance," said Eliot Spitzer, former attorney general of New York, as quoted by the New York Times. Spitzer filed a lawsuit against GSK back in 2004 over the company’s illegal marketing and misrepresentation of the antidepressant drug Paxil. "The only thing that will work in my view is CEOs and officials being forced to resign and individual culpability being enforced."
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Big Pharma criminality no longer a conspiracy theory: Bribery, fraud, price fixing now a matter of public record

Monday, July 09, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles…)

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(NaturalNews) Those of us who have long been describing the pharmaceutical industry as a "criminal racket" over the last few years have been wholly vindicated by recent news. Drug and vaccine manufacturer Merck was caught red-handed by two of its own scientists faking vaccine efficacy data by spiking blood samples with animal antibodies. GlaxoSmithKline has just been fined a whopping $3 billion for bribing doctors, lying to the FDA, hiding clinical trial data and fraudulent marketing. Pfizer, meanwhile has been sued by the nation’s pharmacy retailers for what is alleged as an "overarching anticompetitive scheme" to keep generic cholesterol drugs off the market and thereby boost its own profits.
The picture that’s emerging is one of a criminal drug industry that has turned to mafia tactics in the absence of any real science that would prove their products to be safe or effective. The emergence of this extraordinary evidence of bribery, scientific fraud, lying to regulators and monopolistic practices that harm consumers is also making all those doctors and "skeptics" who defended Big Pharma and vaccines eat their words.
To defend Big Pharma today is to defend a cabal of criminal corporations that have proven they will do anything — absolutely anything — to keep their profits rolling in. It makes no difference who they have to bribe, what studies they have to falsify, or who has to be threatened into silence. They will stop at nothing to expand their profit base, even if it means harming (or killing) countless innocents.
Let’s take a look at recent revelations:

GlaxoSmithKline pleads guilty to bribery, fraud and other crimes

It what is now the largest criminal fraud settlement ever to come out of the pharmaceutical industry, GlaxoSmithKline has pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $1 billion in criminal fines and $2 billion in civil fines following a nine-year federal investigation into its activities.
According to U.S. federal investigators, GlaxoSmithKline (…):
• Routinely bribed doctors with luxury vacations and paid speaking gigs
• Fabricated drug safety data and lied to the FDA
• Defrauded Medicare and Medicaid out of billions
• Deceived regulators about the effectiveness of its drugs
• Relied on its deceptive practices to earn billions of dollars selling potentially dangerous drugs to unsuspecting consumers and medical patients
And this is just the part they got caught doing. GSK doesn’t even deny any of this. The company simply paid the $3 billion fine, apologized to its customers, and continued conducting business as usual.
By the way, in addition to bribing physicians, GSK has plenty of money to spread around bribing celebrities and others who pimps its products. The company reportedly paid $275,000 to the celebrity doctor known as "Dr. Drew," who promoted Glaxo’s mind-altering antidepressant drug Wellbutrin (…).
As the Wall Street Journal reports:
In June 1999, popular radio personality Dr. Drew Pinsky used the airwaves to extol the virtues of GlaxoSmithKline PLC’s antidepressant Wellbutrin, telling listeners he prescribes it and other medications to depressed patients because it "may enhance or at least not suppress sexual arousal" as much as other antidepressants do. But one thing listeners didn’t know was that, two months before the program aired, Dr. Pinsky — who gained fame as "Dr. Drew" during years co-hosting a popular radio sex-advice show "Loveline" — received the second of two payments from Glaxo totaling $275,000 for "services for Wellbutrin."

Merck falsified vaccine data, spiked blood samples and more, say former employees

According to former Merck virologists Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, the company: (…)
• "Falsified test data to fabricate a vaccine efficacy rate of 95 percent or higher."
• Spiked the blood test with animal antibodies in order to artificially inflate the appearance of immune system antibodies.
• Pressured the two virologists to "participate in the fraud and subsequent cover-up."
• Used the falsified trial results to swindle the U.S. government out of "hundreds of millions of dollars for a vaccine that does not provide adequate immunization."
• Intimidated the scientists, threatening them with going to jail unless they stayed silent.
This is all documented in a 2010 False Claims Act which NaturalNews has acquired and posted here:…

Millions of children put at risk by Merck

In that document the two virologists say they, "witnessed firsthand the improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings."
They also claim that because of the faked vaccine results, "the United States has over the last decade paid Merck hundreds of millions of dollars for a vaccine that does not provide adequate immunization… The United States is by far the largest financial victim of Merck’s fraud."
They go on to point out that children are the real victims, however:
"But the ultimate victims here are the millions of children who every year are being injected with a mumps vaccine that is not providing them with an adequate level of protection. …The failure in Merck’s vaccine has allowed this disease to linger with significant outbreaks continuing to occur."

Merck’s mumps viral strain is 45 years old!

According to the complaint, Merck has been using the same mumps strain — weakened from generations of being "passaged" — for the last 45 years! The complaint reads:
"For more than thirty years, Merck has had an exclusive license from the FDA to manufacture and sell a mumps vaccine in the U.S. The FDA first approved the vaccine in 1967. It was developed by Dr. Maurice Hilleman, at Merck’s West Point research facility, from the mumps virus that infected his five year-old daughter Jeryl Lynn. Merck continues to use this ‘Jeryl Lynn’ strain of the virus for its vaccine today."

A complete medical farce

This information appears to show Merck’s mumps vaccine to be a complete medical farce. Those who blindly backed Merck’s vaccines — the science bloggers, "skeptics," doctors, CDC and even the FDA — have been shown to be utter fools who have now destroyed their reputations by siding with an industry now known to be dominated by scientific fraud and unbounded criminality.
That’s the really hilarious part in all this: After decades of doctors, scientists and government authorities blindly and brainlessly repeating the mantra of "95% effectiveness," it all turns out to be total quackery hogwash. Utterly fabricated. Quackety-quack quack. And all those hundreds of millions of Americans who lined up to be injected with MMR vaccines were all repeatedly and utterly conned into potentially harming themselves while receiving no medical benefit.
Intelligent, informed NaturalNews readers, home school parents, and "awakened" people who said "No!" to vaccines are now emerging as the victors in all this. By refusing to be injected with Merck’s vaccines, they avoided being assaulted with a fraudulent cocktail of adjuvant chemicals and all-but-useless mumps strains over four decades old. They protected their time, money and health. Those who refuse to be physically violated by vaccines are, once again, turning out to be the smartest people in society. No wonder they also tend to be healthier than the clueless fools who line up to get vaccinated every year.

Merck fraudulently misrepresented the efficacy of its vaccine and contributed to the spread of infectious disease, says lawsuit

The faked vaccine efficacy numbers aren’t the only troubles Merck is now facing. Shortly after the above False Claims Act was made public, Chatom Primary Care filed suit against Merck. That document is available from NaturalNews at:…
It alleges that:
• [Merck engaged in] …a decade-long scheme to falsify and misrepresent the true efficacy of its vaccine.
• Merck fraudulently represented and continues to falsely represent in its labeling and elsewhere that its Mumps Vaccine has an efficacy rate of 95 percent of higher.
• Merck knows and has taken affirmative steps to conceal — by using improper testing techniques and falsifying test data — that its Mumps Vaccine is, and has been since at least 1999, far less than 95 percent effective.
• Merck designed a testing methodology that evaluated its vaccine against a less virulent strain of the mumps virus. After the results failed to yield Merck’s desired efficacy, Merck abandoned the methodology and concealed the study’s findings.
• Merck also engaged in "incorporating the use of animal antibodies to artificially inflate the results… destroying evidence of the falsified data and then lying to an FDA investigator… threatened a virologist in Merck’s vaccine division with jail if he reported the fraud to the FDA."
• "Merck designed a testing methodology that evaluated its vaccine against a less virulent strain of the mumps virus. After the results failed to yield Merck’s desired efficacy, Merck abandoned the methodology and concealed the study’s findings. [Then] Merck designed even more scientifically flawed methodology, this time incorporating the use of animal antibodies to artificially inflate the results, but it too failed to achieve Merck’s fabricated efficacy rate. Confronted with two failed methodologies, Merck then falsified the test data to guarantee the results it desired. Having achieved the desired, albeit falsified, efficacy threshold, Merck submitted these fraudulent results to the FDA and European Medicines Agency."
• "Merck took steps to cover up the tracks of its fraudulent testing by destroying evidence of the falsified data and then lying to an FDA investigator… Merck also attempted to buy the silence and cooperation of its staff by offering them financial incentives to follow the direction of Merck personnel overseeing the fraudulent testing process. Merck also threatened… Stephen Krahling, a virologist in Merck’s vaccine division from 1999 to 2001, with jail if he reported fraud to the FDA."
• "Merck continued to conceal what it knew about the diminished efficacy of its Mumps Vaccine even after significant mumps outbreaks in 2006 and 2009."

Obama administration has zero interest in actual justice

Another interesting note in all this is that under President Obama, the U.S. Dept. of Justice showed no interest whatsoever in investigating Merck over the False Claims Act filed by two of its former virologists. Despite the convincing evidence of fraud described in detail by insider whistleblowers, the Obama Department of Justice, led by gun-running Attorney General Eric Holder who is already facing serious questions over Operation Fast and Furious, simply chose to ignore the False Claims Act complaint.
When evidence of criminal fraud was brought before the U.S. Department of Justice, in other words, the DoJ looked the other way with a wink and a nod to the medical crimes taking place right under their noses. Who cares if tens of millions of children are being injected year after year with a fraudulent mumps vaccine? There’s money to be made, after all, and exploiting the bodies of little children for profit is just business as usual in a fascist nation dominated by corporate interests.

Pfizer sued by retailers over anticompetitive scheme

Adding to all this, Pfizer has now been sued by five U.S. retailers (pharmacies) who accuse the company of monopolistic market practices. According to the lawsuit, Pfizer conspired to prevent generic versions of its blockbuster cholesterol drug Lipitor from entering the market. This was done to protect billions in profits while making sure patients did not have access to more affordable cholesterol drugs. Pfizer sells nearly $10 billion worth of Lipitor each year.
According to the Reuters report on this lawsuit, Pfizer is being accused of (…):
• Obtaining a fraudulent patent
• Engaging in sham litigation
• Entering a price-fixing agreement to delay cheaper generics
• Entering arrangements with pharmacy benefit managers to force retailers to buy more Lipitor (chemical name is atorvastatin calcium)

No arrests or prosecution of Big Pharma executives

One of the most astonishing realizations in all this is that given all the criminal fraud, bribery, misrepresentation, lying to the FDA, price fixing and other crimes that are going on in the pharmaceutical industry, you’d think somebody somewhere might be arrested and charged with a crime, right?
To date, not a single pharmaceutical CEO, marketing employee or drug rep has been charged with anything related to all this fraud. In America, drug company employees are "above the law" just like top mafia bosses of a bygone era.
How insane is this, exactly? Consider this:
Imagine if YOU, an individual, went around town bribing doctors, falsifying data, selling a fraudulent product to the government, lying to regulators, engaging in anti-trade price-fixing and threatening your employees into silence. What would happen to you?
You’d probably wind up rotting in prison, the subject of an FBI investigation and a DoJ prosecution.
So why is it okay for a multi-billion-dollar corporation to carry out these same crimes and get away with it? Why are the CEOs of top drug companies given a free pass to commit felony crimes and endless fraud?
I’ll tell you why, and you’re not gonna like the answer: Because America has become a nation run by crooks for the benefit of crooks. It’s one big country club, and as comedian George Carlin used to say, "YOU ain’t in it!"

If Big Pharma would falsify data on vaccines, what else would the industry do?

I hope you’re getting the bigger picture in all this, friends. If these drug companies routinely bribe doctors, falsify data, defraud the government and commit felony crimes without remorse, what else would they be willing to do for profit?
Would they:
• Falsify efficacy data on other prescription drugs?
• Exploit children for deadly vaccine trials?
• Invent fictitious diseases to sell more drugs?
• Unleash bioweapons to cause a profitable pandemic?
• Conspire with the CDC to spread fear to promote vaccinations?
• Silence whistleblowers who try to go public with the truth?
• Give people cancer via stealth viruses in vaccines?
• Destroy the careers of medical scientists who question Big Pharma?
• Force a medical monopoly on the entire U.S. population via socialist health care legislation?
But of course they would. In fact, the industry is doing all those things right now. And if you don’t believe me, just remember that five years ago, no one believed me when I said drug companies were engaged in criminal conspiracies to defraud the nation — something that has now been proven over a nine-year investigation.
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Merck litigation strategy – destroy expert witnesses

Monday, July 17, 2006 by: Evelyn Pringle, health freedom writer

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Former Vioxx users could be at risk of developing strokes for years, a prominent scientist said this week after evaluating new data from a 107-page report on patients who were followed for a year after they stopped the drug

"It may be that Vioxx is causing permanent damage to the cardiovascular system, accelerating atherosclerosis or a sustained increase in blood pressure," said Dr Curt Furberg, a professor of public health at Wake Forest University, and a member of the FDA Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee, according to a report by Reuter’s news on May 18, 2006.

During his examination of the report, Dr Furberg determined that within the one-year follow-up of the APPROVE study, 7 Vioxx users had strokes, and 2 others had mini-strokes, compared with no strokes in patients taking a placebo.

"These data raise some very important questions because for a while we assumed Vioxx caused temporary problems, and here it is more than that," Dr Furberg told Reuters. "It could be causing permanent damage."

"In the past we weren’t quite sure of the stroke risk," he added, "so stroke is now back on the agenda in a bigger way."

Also this week the Wall Street Journal reported that heart attack risks for Vioxx users increase long before the 18 month period claimed by Merck. The new report is the 1-year follow-up to the APPROVE trial and includes a graph tracking "confirmed thrombotic cardiovascular events," that shows that at four months of use, the number of CV events among Vioxx users began to outnumber those in patients who were given a placebo.

On May 18, 2006, CNN’s Moneyline reported that: "Merck is denying news reports that suggest new data from the drug maker indicates Vioxx increased heart attack risks earlier than previously reported and that the risk for stroke persisted long after the patient stopped taking the drug."

But then when has it ever done anything but deny its wrongdoings?

This appears to be a month of reckoning for Merck because another study published earlier this month in the online edition of the Canadian Medical Journal, Queen’s University researcher Linda Lévesque, along with James Brophy and Bin Zhangat at McGill University in Montreal Canada, found that 25% of Vioxx users who suffered a heart attack did so within 14 days of taking the first dose.

What this all means to Merck’s legal team is that the stakes are getting higher and the company’s SEC filings indicate the drug giant knows it.

Last year, Merck had listed a reserve of $675 million for legal defense expenses related to Vioxx; but in January 2006, the company announced that it had increased the fund by $295 million to cover legal costs through 2007.

According to Merck’s SEC filings, in 2005, the company had worldwide sales of $22 billion, compared to $22.9 billion for 2004. Total sales decreased 4% for the year, which Merck says, reflects a decrease of 7% related to the VIOXX withdrawal, offset by revenue growth in all other products of 3%.

Included in marketing and administrative expenses, the company noted reserves solely for future legal defense costs for Vioxx litigation recorded in the 4th quarter of 2005 and 2004, of $295 million and $604 million, respectively, as well as $141 million associated with the withdrawal of Vioxx recorded in 2004.

According to a January 31, 2006 Merck press release, there are "9,650 lawsuits, which include approximately 19,100 plaintiff groups alleging personal injuries resulting from the use of VIOXX."

In addition, another 3800 plaintiffs have signed tolling agreements, meaning they have cut a deal with Merck to forego suing in the short term; but should Merck start losing Vioxx lawsuits in marginal cases, attorneys say, those thousands are likely to multiply.

There are also numerous lawsuits filed against Merck for claims other than personal injuries. For instance, the Attorney General of Texas, Greg Abbott, has filed a lawsuit seeking $250 million, accusing Merck of defrauding Texas citizens by representing Vioxx as safe when applying for the drug’s approval to be included on the state’s list of drugs approved to be covered for patients on Medicaid.

According to the lawsuit’s complaint, Merck’s failure to disclose the harmful effects of Vioxx, while offering it to the state’s Medicaid program as a safe painkiller, violates the Texas Medicaid Fraud Prevention Act and the Texas Medicaid program reimbursed pharmacists $56 million for Vioxx prescriptions over a five-year period.

In another case, on March 31, 2006, a New Jersey court of appeals upheld a class-action lawsuit against Merck filed by private insurers and HMOs, as third-party payors, under the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act, to recover losses incurred in purchasing Vioxx for their health plans.

The appellate court ruled that Judge Carol Higbee of New Jersey Supreme Court properly exercised her discretion in certifying a nationwide class. "New Jersey’s contacts with this dispute are both extensive and weighty," the appeals court said, noting the fact that Merck was a New Jersey corporation and that most of Vioxx-related research and marketing efforts took place in the state.

"Given the confluence of New Jersey contacts and interest," the court stated, "choosing New Jersey as the site for this nationwide class action is not unconstitutionally ‘arbitrary or unfair’".

On July 29, 2005, Judge Higbee had granted a motion by the International Union of Operating Engineers Local #68 Welfare Fund, a labor union health plan, to allow the lawsuit to proceed as a nationwide class-action, based on allegations that Merck engaged in widespread and systematic concealment of data concerning the safety and health risks of Vioxx.

"This Court," the judge wrote, "sees no reason why the duty to be honest about the safety and usefulness of a drug when marketing it as a product for sale should not extend to the third party payors who actually pay for the purchase of drugs for members."

Chris Seeger, the lead attorney for the union health plan, states that "the decision applies to all non-governmental third-party payors in the country, including health insurers, unions, and large employers, who paid for Vioxx prescriptions for their plan members."

"The decision," he says, "also allows for all such third-party payors in the country to prosecute their allegations of being misled by Merck’s misrepresentations and concealments concerning Vioxx in one class action, rather than in a multitude of individual actions."

The plaintiffs contend that had they been properly informed of the facts, they would not have included Vioxx on their lists of approved drugs or reimbursed their members for its high cost. In this type of case, the plaintiffs do not have to prove Vioxx caused any injuries or deaths. All they have to prove is that Merck continued to push the sale of the drug after it knew of the increased risks it posed.

Besides recouping costs of purchasing Vioxx for their plan members, if successful, the third-party payors would be entitled to triple damages under the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act.

That said, Merck must have a lot confidence in its legal team because it reportedly has not reserved any money for liability. Which means it probably plans on using the same trial strategy that has proven somewhat effective so far.

Search out and destroy the credibility of the expert witnesses who might testify for the plaintiffs.

Several of the most feared witnesses provided a preview of their testimony at a November 18, 2004, hearing before the Senate Finance Committee, where the topic was focused on whether the FDA and Merck had failed to protect the public against Vioxx.

In his opening statement, the chairman of the committee, Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), set the parameters for what he called the biggest drug disaster in US history.

"Merck acknowledged that Vioxx carried with it serious cardiovascular risk," he told the audience, "when it withdrew the drug from the market."

However, he explained, during "today’s hearing we will hear about the red flags that were raised about those risks in the years before and the years after Vioxx was approved by the Food & Drug Administration."

The star of the hearing was FDA whistleblower, Dr David Graham, who told the panel that his superiors at the FDA tried to suppress the results of a recent study that determined that Vioxx at low doses was associated with a 50% increase in the risk; and doses of greater than 25 mg a day showed a 370% increase in the risk of heart attacks.

In reviewing the documents on the Vioxx-related studies, a strange coincidence appeared. As it turns out, the report for the above study, authored by Dr Graham, has the exact same date, September 30, 2004, that Merck supposedly "voluntarily" took Vioxx off the market and it says it was sent to Paul Seligman, MD, then acting director of the FDA’s Office of Drug Safety.

"Disturbingly," Dr Graham wrote in the report, "while evidence of increased cardiovascular risk with rofecoxib continued to accrue following VIGOR in 2000, the only study to examine the gastrointestinal benefits of rofecoxib compared to celecoxib found that the risk of hospitalization for gastrointestinal bleeding was significantly increased in patients treated with rofecoxib."

"Additionally," he continued, "this reviewer was unable to identify articles demonstrating a substantial benefit with the high-dose strength of rofecoxib that would counter-balance the level of cardiovascular risk shown in VIGOR or any subsequent observational study, including this one," he wrote.

Dr Graham’s report and testimony at the hearing led many doctors and scientists, at home and abroad, to conclude that the FDA was in large part responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans, because it allowed Vioxx to remain on the market for years while Merck made billions of dollars off the sale of the drug.

Critics liken the rise and fall of Vioxx to a masterful public relations coup of aggressive marketing and ineffective regulation. In the months following the hearing, Merck and the FDA, came under attack from experts all over the world. Two months after Vioxx was pulled off the market, Dr Richard Horton, editor in chief of the British medical journal Lancet, wrote: "With Vioxx, Merck and the F.D.A. acted out of ruthless, short-sighted, and irresponsible self-interest."

Other experts demanded an explanation. A team of scientists from the University of Berne, Switzerland, expressed distain in the December 2004 Lancet saying: "Our findings indicate that Vioxx should have been withdrawn several years earlier."

"The reasons why manufacturer and drug licensing authorities did not continuously monitor and summarize the accumulating evidence need to be clarified," they said.

In the weeks following the hearing, Dr Graham was interviewed on a series of TV news programs and was also featured in articles in USA Today, Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post, leaving a trail of ammunition for attorneys to use in court as far as Dr Graham’s opinions.

However, federal judge Eldon Fallon dealt Merck a major blow in April 2006, when he ordered Dr Graham to testify in a deposition for the Vioxx multidistrict litigation proceedings in response to subpoena issued by attorneys for the plaintiffs.

In addition to Dr Graham, the equally forthright expert witness, Dr Gurkirpal Singh, MD, Adjunct Clinical Professor of Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine also testified at the November 18, 2004, hearing through a video conference due to health problems.

Dr Singh is a rheumatologist by training with research expertise in drug safety and epidemiology. For the hearing, Dr Singh was asked to review internal company documents and emails between Merck scientists and executives that had been subpoenaed by Congress.

Dr Singh began his testimony by pointing out that as far back as 1996, Merck was already considering the possibility that a clinical trial of Vioxx versus a non-selective NSAID, would find that patients treated with Vioxx would have an increased risk of cardiovascular complications.

"We now know that by November of 1996," Dr Singh told the panel, "Merck scientists were seriously discussing a potential risk of Vioxx – association with heart attacks."

At that time, he said, it was not known that Vioxx could cause heart attacks, but the discussion focused on the issue that by inhibiting platelets, other painkillers may protect against heart attacks. Vioxx has no effect on platelets, and thus may seem to increase the risk of heart attacks in studies comparing it to other painkillers, he said.

"This was a serious concern because the entire reason for the development of Vioxx was safety," he explained. "If the improved stomach safety of the drug was negated by a risk of heart attacks," Dr Singh said, "patients may not be willing to make this trade-off."

"Merck scientists," he told the committee, "were among the first to recognize this."

"At this point in time," he said, "scientists should have started a public discussion about this potential trade-off, and designed studies that would more carefully evaluate the risk-benefit ratio of the drug."

"It appears from the internal Merck e-mails provided to me," he advised, "that in early 1997, Merck scientists were exploring study designs that would exclude people who may have a weak heart so that the heart attack problem would not be evident."

"Clinical trials should be designed to test a drug under "real world" circumstances – on patients who are most likely to use the drug," Dr Singh told the panel.

"Clinical trials should not be designed," he said, "to selectively favor one outcome over another by excluding people similar to those who would take the drug after its approval."

"Certainly," he continued, "clinical trials should not be designed to put marketing needs in front of patient safety – we need to know how a drug behaves in people who are going to take it, even if it "kills the drug".

Referring to documents provided to him by the Committee, Dr Singh said, "there were many other internal discussions within Merck on these concerns of heart attack-stomach bleed trade-offs, although the practicing physician did not learn of any of this till many years later," he added.

For instance, one document in 1998 authored by Merck scientist, Dr Doug Watson, presented an analysis of serious heart problems with Vioxx compared to patients enrolled in studies of other Merck drugs and concluded that in women, the risk of heart problems was more than double compared to people not taking any drug in other studies.

"To the best of my knowledge," Dr Singh said, "these data were never made public."

"This is when a public scientific discussion of the pros and cons of the medication should have started," he told the committee.

By 1999, he said, more serious problems were emerging. "By the time Merck had filed for the approval of Vioxx," he informed the panel, "there were several small studies evaluating the efficacy and safety of Vioxx in patients with pain and arthritis."

"None of these studies were large enough to study the risk-benefit trade offs of stomach bleeds versus heart attacks," he explained.

But in a careful review of Merck’s FDA drug application for Vioxx, he told the panel, "Dr. Villalba noticed that "thomboembolic events are more frequent in patients receiving VIOXX than placebo…".

The review showed that among 412 patients taking a placebo, only one had a cardiovascular event; but among the 1631 patients receiving 12.5 mg or more of Vioxx, 12 had a cardiovascular event.

This meant that not only did Vioxx not inhibit the platelets, Dr Singh said, but for some reason, it was likely to promote heart attacks. "Many scientists would consider this three-fold difference as an early warning sign," he explained.

"It is my opinion," he told the panel, "that at this point in time, larger and more definitive studies should have been done before the drug was approved."

Dr Singh noted that Vioxx was no more effective than any other available pain-killer and at the time, there were nearly 30 such drugs on the market in the US. Celebrex, he said, had no such risk and had been available for 6 months prior to Vioxx.

"There was certainly no emergent need to approve Vioxx without further studies if there were lingering safety concerns," he said. "The trade-off of heart attacks for the rare instances of stomach bleeds," he advised, "is not a reasonable one."

But instead, he reminded the panel, "the drug was approved by the FDA in a priority review within 6 months – with no discussion on the heart attack trade-off."

"The prescribing physicians," he noted, "remained unaware of any of these data or discussions, till much later – with the new label change in April, 2002."

Dr Singh explained, that the VIGOR study was the first public release of information about the heart attack-stomach bleed trade-off. The 500% increase in the risk of heart attacks found in VIGOR stunned him, he said.

At the time that the results were announced, Dr Singh said he was involved in teaching and some of his educational lectures were sponsored by Merck. "I was strongly in favor of this new class of drugs," he explained, "and before the VIGOR trial, was unaware of any significant heart attack issues."

Merck’s press release on the study, with a brief mention of the heart attack risk was not enough for him to continue to educate doctors in his lectures Dr Singh said, so he asked Merck for more detailed data, and when he was unable to obtain the information after multiple requests, he added a slide to his presentation that showed a man – representing the missing data – hiding under a blanket.

Up until this time, Dr Singh said, Merck had responded to all of his requests promptly. But when he persisted in his enquiries, he told the committee, "I was warned that if I continued in this fashion, there would be serious consequences for me."

"I was told that Dr. Louis Sherwood, a Merck senior vice-president, and a former Chief of Medicine at a medical school, had extensive contacts within the academia and could make life "very difficult" for me at Stanford and outside," he testified.

And as it turns out, Dr Sherwood did call Dr Singh’s superiors at Stanford University to complain.

However documents that have surfaced in litigation over the past couple of years reveal that Dr Singh had no idea how important he had become in the minds of Merck officials.

The documents show that for most of June 2000, Merck officials had their heads together trying to come up with a plan to rein in Dr Singh. He presented a major problem because he was widely respected at the FDA and also had connections with large institutional buyers that were vital to Merck sales.

On June 5, 2000, Merck senior business director, Terry Strombom, sent an email that shows Merck found itself caught between a rock and a hard place. "The one thing I am pretty sure of is that Dr. Singh could impact us negatively if he chose to do so," he wrote. "I would recommend we handle this very carefully… I just don’t think canceling all the programs and walking away completely will serve us well in the long term," he said.

Another email shows one official acknowledging that Dr Singh’s criticisms about Vioxx were valid. On June 5, 2000, Heather Robertson, a coordinator of health education projects, reported a conversation with Dr Singh’s contact at Merck, who had since left the company in an email that said:

"I spoke to Kirsten directly for the first time this past week to learn that Dr. Singh makes a balanced presentation (he must since he is an FDA advisor) but reports product information that is not favorable to Merck… Kirsten feels that no amount of work would change Dr. Singh’s position, and although we may not like to hear about it, his information is scientifically accurate."

On June 19, 2000, a marketing manager, Susan Baumgartner, wrote an email saying: "Dr. Singh continues to play up the cardiovascular adverse events associated with Vioxx… I think there are many other speakers who deliver good messages, and we should not risk supporting the negative messages that he continues to deliver."

Merck also had a high-tech surveillance system in place in the medical community where doctors, many with financial ties to Merck, would contact the company whenever they heard criticism. A July 21, 2000, memo reads: "Communication from advocate regarding a program given by Dr. Singh… It was hyper-inflammatory."

A July 2000 document shows that Merck even knew about the cartoon he used in his lectures and reads: "Received reports that Dr. Singh showed a cartoon of a character hiding under a blanket and asked the audience to speculate about what it is that Merck is trying to hide."

Other documents show sales reps were gathering information as they made their rounds to doctors’ offices and would use voicemail to relay the data to Merck’s National Service Center. A July 26, 2000 memo reads: "NSC report that at nine meetings in the L.A. area over the last three days, Singh presented sessions that were very unfavorable to Vioxx."

Around this same time, Dr Singh made his concerns about Vioxx known to one of Merck’s largest Vioxx buyers, the Department of Veterans Affairs. Reportedly it was at this point that Dr Sherwood elevated himself to the director of damage control and a detailed report began to compiled on Dr Singh’s activities with nearly a dozen Merck executives involved.

An October 4, 2000 memo, by a senior regional executive states: "I have in excess of 80 e-mails pertaining to interactions with Dr. Singh from March 1999 to present. The following is my best recollection of what has happened. Because of the sensitive nature of the following, I strongly encourage you not to share with anyone unless they clearly have a need to know."

Less than a month later, Dr Sherwood called Dr Singh’s boss at Stanford University, Dr James Fries.

"I don’t usually receive phone calls on a Saturday at home from representatives of drug companies," Dr Fries said during an interview with National Public Radio, of a call he received from Dr Sherwood on October 28, 2000. "So it was definitely unusual," he said.

Dr Fries told NPR he received a call "stating that someone on my staff had been making wild and irresponsible public statements about the cardiovascular side effects of Vioxx."

According to Dr Fries, Dr Sherwood hinted there would be repercussions for Stanford if Dr Singh did not stop making negative statements about Vioxx and he was left with the impression that Merck’s financial support to Stanford University was at risk.

Back at Merck, on November 17, 2000, apparently believing his efforts were successful, Dr Sherwood wrote an email to the marketing department that said: "Fries and I discussed getting Singh to stop making the outrageous comments he has in the past few months… I will keep the pressure on and get others at Stanford to help."

In another email, he specifically directed one Merck executive to pressure Dr Singh himself: "Tell Singh that we’ve told his boss about his Merck-bashing," he wrote. And tell him, "should it continue, further actions will be necessary (don’t define it.)," he said.

However, after speaking to Dr Sherwood, Dr Fries told NPR he started making calls of his own and learned that Dr Sherwood had called 7 other institutions, including the University of Minnesota, the University of Texas Southwestern and a Harvard teaching hospital, where researchers had raised concerns about the safety of Vioxx.

After Dr Fries learned about those calls, he wrote a letter to Merck CEO, Raymond Gilmartin, and questioned the propriety of Dr Sherwood’s calls in what Dr Fries referred to as, "a consistent pattern of intimidation of investigators by Merck."

The letter included the warning: "There is a line that you can’t go across. … It had gone over that line."

In response to questions from his boss, on January 23, 2001, Dr Sherwood wrote a memo saying there was no "orchestrated campaign or specific program" to deal with "problem individuals."

But then he went on to discuss how he only gets involved if other Merck department heads are unsuccessful in their attempts to "balance" critics. "I will only get involved when our representatives… regional medical directors, Merck research lab physicians… or key individuals in the therapeutic business group have felt frustrated by their inability to reach out or to ‘balance’ selected individuals," he wrote.

And he boasted about his own importance in dealing with officials at Universities. "Without trying to appear immodest," Dr Sherwood wrote, "I believe I am the most respected physician in the pharmaceutical industry among academic chairs and deans…"

"Therefore," he continued, "when I call them on a matter of urgent concern, they generally take it seriously… This has been a source of strength … as I have been able to exert balanced leverage in some difficult situations."

This slew of internal documents have become a real problem for Merck’s legal team. In fact, in the first Vioxx jury trial decided on August 19, 2005, where a Texas jury awarded the widow of a Vioxx user $253.5 million, the plaintiff’s attorney, Mark Lanier, used many of them to show jurors how hard Merck worked to silence doctors like Dr Singh and the back and forth letters between Merck’s CEO and Dr Fries were very effective in accomplishing that task.

Prior to the trial, in June 2005, Merck’s legal team filed a motion with the court in a feeble attempt to suppress the leaked documents claiming a story in the "national media" had revealed a privileged attorney-client communication that could prejudice a jury against Merck after the Associated Press reported that Merck scientists had contacted company lawyers in 2000 about reformulating Vioxx over concerns it could cause cardiovascular problems.

So anyways, on November 18, 2004, when Dr Singh told the Senate committee, "I learnt that this was a persistent pattern of intimidation by Dr. Sherwood," he obviously did not yet know the half of it.

But he did say that the harassment stopped after Dr Fries wrote to Merck’s CEO.

Dr Singh told the committee that he had objected to the way Merck published the results of the VIGOR study in the New England Journal of Medicine, because it minimized the significance of heart attacks, but prominently discussed the reduction of stomach bleeds in patients taking Vioxx.

He pointed out how Merck did not mention that patients on Vioxx had more serious adverse events, and more hospitalizations than patients on Naproxen.

But Merck’s misdeeds included more than omissions. Company documents obtained during the congressional investigation, show that in April 2000 Merck developed a "Cardiovascular Card," and Merck’s sales reps were instructed to refer doctors who raised questions about cardiovascular risks to the card, which claimed that Vioxx was eight to 11 times safer than other similar painkillers.

The card made no reference to the VIGOR study and even though an FDA advisory committee had voted that doctors should be informed of the finding of the VIGOR study in 2001, Merck subsequently sent a memo to sales reps that stated, "Do not initiate discussions of the FDA arthritis committee … or the results of the … VIGOR study."

In addition, sales reps were told to respond to doctors’ questions about the study by saying, "I cannot discuss the study with you"

In closing his testimony, Dr Singh said, he was especially annoyed when a few weeks before the November 18, hearing, "Merck announced that the published VIGOR data was "preliminary" and that the "final" data was presented to the FDA."

"To the best of my knowledge," he said, "the VIGOR paper did not indicate anywhere that the data were preliminary or incomplete."

"Nor, did I ever see a correction or erratum indicating this fact," he advised the panel, "up until a few weeks ago, almost 4 years later."

He also criticized the fact that it took the FDA 2 years to add the heart attack risks to the Vioxx label, and noted that even then, the change supported mostly Merck’s position, not the one advanced by FDA’s own reviewers in public hearings.

"The FDA should regulate the drug companies," he advised the panel, "not collaborate or negotiate with them if there is any question of public safety."

Dr Singh also told the committee that it was important to recognize that the APPROVE study that led to the Vioxx withdrawal from the market, was not a safety study, it was an efficacy study, designed to add another indication for Vioxx treatment.

It was not a large enough study to detect a heart attack risk, he explained, "that it did find a risk was a lucky break for patients," he said, "but this is not what it was designed to do."

In addition, he told the panel that the FDA approval process needs to be open and subject to public scrutiny and that once a drug is approved, all the data supporting its approval should be put in the public domain.

And since an FDA reviewer had concerns about heart attacks before its approval, Dr Singh said, the FDA could have provided a conditional approval that would have required Merck to complete large safety studies within a certain time frame.

"The failure to conduct large long-term safety studies," he told the committee, "subjected millions of patients over 4 years to a drug whose safety had been questioned by the FDA even before its approval."

"This is not the proudest chapter in drug approval in the US," he concluded.

A group of 12 attorneys, who were appointed by Federal District Judge Eldon Fallon to manage pretrial discovery for all federal lawsuits, has developed a Vioxx trial package that includes a guide for pursing a lawsuit against Merck and contains all the damaging documents and evidence available against the drug giant.

The package also includes parts of video statements made by top Merck officials, and courtroom slides with text and visuals.

It also includes the videotaped deposition testimony of expert cardiologist Dr Eric Topol, one of the first experts to raise questions about the safety of Vioxx and the first expert witness to experience the power of Merck’s wrath.

Shortly after learning that Vioxx had been recalled, in October 2004, Dr Topol, wrote an oped for the New York Times, and posted a column on the New England Journal of Medicine’s web site, and called for a congressional review of what he called the Vioxx "catastrophe."

"The senior executives at Merck and the leadership at the FDA," he wrote, "share responsibility for not having taken appropriate action and not recognizing that they are accountable for the public health."

A little over a year later, Dr Topol, testified in a videotaped deposition, first played at a Houston jury trial on December 3, 2005, and said that Vioxx posed an "extraordinary risk," and that he had urged Merck to conduct more trials.

Dr Topol said that after the 2000 VIGOR study showed patients using Vioxx faced an increased risk of a heart attack, he began his own evaluations after finding "discrepancies" between Merck’s studies and the data submitted to the FDA.

After analyzing 3 Vioxx studies, Dr Topol said he found patients began experiencing higher rates of heart problems "four to six weeks after the start of taking Vioxx."

"There was not any question about" the link between Vioxx and heart ailments, he told the jury.

Dr Topol, testified that 3 years before the drug was pulled off the market, he and two colleagues published a paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association that raised the issue of whether Vioxx caused heart problems.

Dr Topol pointed out that although they published clear warnings about the cardiovascular risk in 2001, the FDA never ordered a trial to determine the extent of the problem and said Merck countered the JAMA article with a "relentless series of publications" and numerous papers in peer-reviewed medical literature written by Merck employees and consultants.

During his testimony, Dr Topol told the jury how a colleague at the Cleveland Clinic, Richard Rudick, had informed him that Raymond Gilmartin, the former CEO of Merck, had called the Cleveland Clinic board of trustees and complained about Dr Topol in mid-October 2004, after he criticized Merck’s handling of the Vioxx situation in the New York Times and New England Journal of Medicine.

He described how Mr Gilmartin called the chairman of the board, and said "what has Merck ever done to the Cleveland Clinic to warrant this?’

Dr Topol told the jury that Mr Gilmartin’s approach "appalled" him.

Two days after his deposition was played in court, Dr Topol found himself removed as provost and chief academic officer at the Cleveland Clinic medical school.

According to Dr Topol, he was told early in the morning not to attend a meeting of the clinic’s board of governors, because the position of chief academic officer had been abolished.

Dr Tope was somewhat vindicated later in December 2005, with the publication of an "Expression of Concern" by the editors of the New England Journal of Medicine, that charged that the VIGOR, published in the journal in 2000, was submitted to the journal after data on 3 heart attacks and other cardiovascular events among trial participants was deleted by Merck.

According to an article by Amanda Gardner in Health Day Reporter, right after Vioxx was removed from the market, the editors opened a computer diskette that had been submitted with the study and found a blank table with no data – lines had been drawn but not filled in.

"They did not know what should have been in there," Sandra Jacobs, a spokeswoman for the NEJM said. "It raised some concern, but we didn’t know enough to act on it," Jacobs added.

On November 21, 2005, Ms Garner says, NEJM’s executive editor, Dr Gregory Curfman, was deposed for a Vioxx trial and during the process, a July 5, 2000 memorandum came to light that indicated that at least 2 of the VIGOR authors knew of the problems 2 weeks before submitting the first of two revisions, and four-and-a-half months before the study was actually published.

Dr Curfman told HealthDay that electronic records showed "a pre-submission version of the study from which data, including the number of heart attacks and deaths, were deleted by a Merck editor two days before submission."

As a dedicated scientist and health practitioner with nothing to gain, in hindsight, it appears that Dr Topol certainly paid a high price for committing the simple act of truth-telling to protect the public from a dangerous drug and its pusher.

As a small law firm practitioner turned legal reform activist, Attorney Zena Crenshaw is highly critical of Merk’s debilitating cross examinations of experts who essentially claim the company recognized Vioxx’s potential cardiac risks before it went on the market.

Ms Crenshaw is the Executive Director for National Judicial Conduct and Disability Law Project, Inc, a legal reform organization combating abuses of the American legal system that are facilitated by judicial misconduct.

She explains that such is a signature tactic of "mega-corporations" that it seems only "mega-lawfirms" and governmental agencies can neutralize.

Ms Crenshaw says, "the grueling questions help liken American courts to the playgrounds of bullies."

"Some prescription drug manufacturers," she says, "clearly bully scientists who challenge their products and ethics."

"To survive the ordeal emotionally and with credibility intact," Ms Crenshaw advises, "witnesses for alleged victims need to become smooth, courtroom actors as well as experts in their fields."

"If the process is not appropriately bridled by judges," she notes, "the "search for truth" will have much less to do with American jurisprudence than the "quest to win".

Merck’s SEC filings on April 27, 2006, list the following upcoming Vioxx trial dates:

Doherty New Jersey Superior Court, Atlantic County June 5, 2006

CA Coordinated California Superior Court, Los Angeles County June 21, 2006

Barnett Eastern District of Louisiana (MDL) July 24, 2006

Kozic Florida Circuit Court, Hillsborough County July 31 – August 25, 2006

Anderson Tribal Court of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians August 7, 2006

Hatch / McFarland New Jersey Superior Court, Atlantic County September 11, 2006

Smith Eastern District of Louisiana (MDL) September 11, 2006

Crook Alabama Circuit Court, Jefferson County, October 26, 2006

Mason Eastern District of Louisiana (MDL) October 30, 2006

Miller or Rigby Texas District Court, Harris County, November 8, 2006

Dedrick Eastern District of Louisiana, (MDL) November 27, 2006

More information for injured parties can be found at

Evelyn Pringle

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Merck Caught in Massive Scientific Fraud as In-House Authors were Disguised as Independent Scientists (opinion)

Friday, April 18, 2008
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

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(NaturalNews) Drug giant Merck has been caught red-handed in a scheme to deceive the FDA and the public over the integrity of its scientific studies, say top medical authorities. According to reports that were (amazingly!) published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and detailed in the Washington Post, Merck waged a "campaign of deception" to disguise its in-house study authors as independent scientists working for universities. This scheme made the studies appear independent and unbiased, allowing them to carry more apparent credibility to FDA officials, doctors and other scientists.
This fraud was conducted to boost the apparent scientific credibility of the studies backing Vioxx, a drug that has caused well over 100,000 heart attacks and likely killed well over 50,000 Americans, according to Senate testimony by the FDA’s own senior drug safety researcher Dr. David Graham. Vioxx earned Merck $2.3 billion in 2003 alone, and was one of the most lucrative drugs ever sold by any company. But since 2004, when some of the real dangers of the drug became known, a tremendous amount of evidence leading to fraud has surfaced.
It now appears quite clear that Merck deliberately lied about the dangers of the drug, misrepresented the results of scientific studies, deceived the FDA to win drug approval, knowingly covered up evidence of the drug’s dangers, and now it seems Merck even conducted a deliberate campaign of deceptive ghostwriting designed to attach independent-sounding names to in-house studies that were essentially pro-Vioxx promotional pieces disguised as scientific reports.
NaturalNews has reported on many of the fraudulent actions conducted by Merck over the years. See our reporting on Merck here:
… and read our stories about Vioxx here:

Why Merck wants to keep the truth hidden from the public

What’s interesting about this latest revelation of Merck fraud is that the documents revealing the depth of this fraud were only made public due to lawsuits filed by citizens who claim they were harmed by Merck’s drugs. And yet at the same time, Merck and the FDA are arguing that such lawsuits should not be allowed at all — that they should be "preempted" by FDA approval for drugs, thereby keeping Merck’s dirty secrets buried forever, even as consumers harmed by Merck’s drugs are denied any right to sue for damages caused by such drugs!
It is now rather obvious why drug companies like Merck so desperately want immunity from lawsuits — because the "discovery" phase of these lawsuits is causing Merck’s dirty science to be publicly aired! It’s allowing the public to have a peek at the skeletons in Merck’s closet. Merck no doubt wants its secrets to remain secret so that nobody is really aware of the scientific fraud we’re now learning so much about. I often wonder: What else is Merck hiding that it doesn’t want to become public knowledge?

Shouldn’t Merck be brought to justice?

Now, I have an important question to ask you. Given the magnitude of the scientific fraud being discovered about Merck, and the number of people who have reportedly been killed by Merck’s products, why does Merck still manage to escape any real scrutiny from the Dept. of Justice and the FDA? Why does Merck seem to have an unlimited "get out of jail free" pass from the U.S. government? Even while it’s arguing for immunity from public lawsuits, it seems Merck has already achieved a silent, practical immunity from U.S. government regulators and law enforcers.
Can you think of any other corporation that, if caught engaging in widespread fraud that resulted in the death of over 50,000 Americans, wouldn’t be hung out to dry by Congressional investigations and Justice Dept. arrests? It is flatly unbelievable to me that a corporation engaged in such massive campaigns of deception and death could be allowed to continue conducting business as usual in the United States. It’s far worse than what Enron engaged in. We’re not talking about simple white-collar crimes here; we’re talking about an ever-expanding collection of body bags, corruption, bribery, secret payoffs, science fraud and, in my opinion, crimes against humanity. And yet the mainstream media keeps on running Merck’s deceptive ads, holding their noses while they pocket Merck’s illegitimately-earned cash.
When individuals commit fraud and engage in deceptive practices that result in the deaths of other people, we charge them with crimes: Involuntary manslaughter, negligent homicide or even murder. So why, then, does a powerful corporation get to go free for committing essentially the same crimes?
In other words, shouldn’t corporations be held to the same laws as the People? Why, in our nation, are individuals charged with murder or manslaughter when they kill people, but corporations are allowed to kill any number of people with absolutely no consequence? They are not arrested, not charged with crimes and not prosecuted. And on top of that, they have the audacity to argue that they should be granted legal immunity from ALL lawsuits that might be filed by the people their products harm or kill! It’s truly astounding…

Do not allow Merck to conduct further business in this country

I believe that law enforcement authorities in America have both the right and the responsibility to arrest top Merck executives, seize Merck’s inventory, and deny Merck the right to conduct any further business in this nation by cancelling its corporate charter. I believe Merck is engaged in serious crimes against the People and that its business practices are clearly being conducted in violation of federal law (not to mention in violation of basic business ethics and human compassion). If this was any other corporation we were talking about here — and not Merck — this company would be subjected to a massive campaign of media scrutiny and Congressional scrutiny. But not Merck. It’s too powerful, too influential.
Merck should be renamed "The Teflon Company" because even though it’s pushing dangerous chemicals, nothing seems to stick.
Let me break it down for you and tell you what’s really happening here. It’s the same old story, after all: Rich, powerful white-collar criminals get away with murder, while the poor, the disadvantaged and the sick get shafted.
I pray for the day that Merck is put out of business, shut down by law enforcement authorities who finally decide to apply existing federal law and prosecute this dangerous, destructive corporation for its organized-crime-like operations. Americans would be far safer if Merck were shut down. In fact, the threat to Americans’ health from Merck far outweighs any threat to national security by terrorists. Think about it: The current war in Iraq has killed 4,000 Americans. Just one drug from Merck has killed over 50,000 (and that’s a conservative estimate). That’s more than ten times the number of Americans killed in our current war!
Is Merck a terrorist organization? No, it’s a dishonest, corrupt corporation that pretends to be engaged in good deeds and genuine science. But if you peek behind the curtain, you find nothing but fraud, deception, and the complete disregard for human life. Merck isn’t a terrorist organization, but it’s killed far more Americans than any terrorist organization could. Even a dirty bomb set off at the Superbowl (which was one of the FBI’s recent terrorist concerns) wouldn’t kill as many Americans as Merck’s drugs have in the last five years. That’s no exaggeration.
In my opinion, Merck is an evil, out-of-control corporation that’s destroying lives and obliterating any remaining credibility of the pharmaceutical industry. One day, when the truth finally emerges about the totality of Merck’s crimes against the People and the depth of its willful deception, the public will be stunned, frozen in a state of disbelief that they could have tolerated such heinous crimes right under their noses. They will think the same thoughts of Nazi supporters seeing Hitler’s concentration camps for the first time… How could we have allowed this to happen right here, on our own soil? To our own children? To our own families?
It’s time to apply federal laws to Merck and start making arrests. Too many lives have been lost already, and the extreme fraud being routinely exhibited by Merck should not go unpunished. It’s time to finally protect Americans from Big Pharma.
Also worth reading: Merck Engaged in Blatant Scientific Fraud with Vytorin Cholesterol Study?
Merck denied blood pressure screening services to doctors that did not prescribe its brand-name drugs
FDA, Merck may have conspired to discredit whistleblower, says U.S. Senator
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Leaked documents show Merck knew of Vioxx dangers, yet hid them for years

Saturday, August 06, 2005 by: Dani Veracity

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"What are the long-term benefits of your being able to bring value to the relationship with our customers?" Merck asked sales trainees in a PowerPoint slide captioned "The Payoff." "Bonus," appeared on the next slide, showing a sales representative holding a glowing bag of money. This is from a company that is "really putting patient safety first," according to Merck Chief Executive Raymond Gilmartin’s statement in September 2004, upon finally pulling Vioxx of the market. As the thousands of wrongful death and injury lawsuits against Merck go to trial one by one, internal company documents like this training slide show are beginning to reach the public eye. These leaked documents began with previously undisclosed emails discussing safety risk, but the clamor has now reached crescendo with the most potentially damaging document yet: A leaked communication between Merck researchers and the company’s patent department.

An application for a patent seems harmless enough, except when the product in question is a correcting reformulation of the now-withdrawn prescription drug Vioxx. In this leaked document, the authors specifically stated that Vioxx increases the risk of potentially fatal cardiovascular disease by reducing the body’s production of a substance called prostacyclin, which prevents platelet coagulation. This reduction may alter the ratio of prostacyclin to thromboxane, a substance which can constrict blood vessels, resulting in excessive blood clotting, and, consequently, heart attacks and strokes — the very disorders that Merck denies Vioxx promotes.

In other words, based on this evidence, Merck has apparently been feigning ignorance of Vioxx’s disastrous complications for the last five years. Their knowledge of the risk wasn’t cursory, either. In fact, as early as March 30, 2000, Edward Scolnick, the former head of Merck’s research labs, realized the risk was high enough to suggest that Vioxx be combined with an anti-clotting agent. Then, in 2001, Merck filed an application with the U.S. Patent Office for a new-and-improved Vioxx that was to be combined with a thromboxane inhibitor, but Merck eventually dropped the project and the patent. In response to the leaked document concerning the proposed patent, Merck’s law firm released a statement saying that the application had nothing to do with Merck’s firm belief that Vioxx was safe; however, the statement seems illogical: Why would Merck wish to fix what wasn’t broken?

How to bury scientific truth

On Nov. 1, 2004, the eastern edition of The Wall Street Journal broke the story: "Warning Signs: Emails Suggest Merck Knew Vioxx’s Dangers at Early Stage," discrediting Merck’s feigned ignorance of Vioxx’s cardiovascular risks. According to a memo dated Nov. 21, 1996, Merck officials first "wrestled" with the issue of Vioxx’s dangerous effects in 1996 when they considered running a trial to demonstrate that Vioxx is gentler on the digestive system than other painkillers, like aspirin. Officials feared that the study would also reveal Vioxx’s cardiovascular risk because the subjects of course would not be able to avoid the risk by taking aspirin. The controversy continued into 1997, when Merck official Briggs Morrison sent an email dated Feb. 25, 1997, arguing that, unless test subjects received aspirin, the revealed cardiovascular risks would "kill [the] drug."

Now, let’s examine Merck’s concerns for a moment: Based on leaked ducuments, Merck officials knew that Vioxx posed cardiovascular risk as early as 1996 and, yes, they were worried about it, because if it were revealed, the risk might decrease sales. In response to Morrison’s email, Alise Reicin, who is now Merck’s vice president for clinical research, emailed that the company was in a "no-win situation" and proposed that people with high risk of cardiovascular problems be excluded from the story, so that the difference between the rate of cardiovascular problems associated with Vioxx and other drugs "would not be evident."

(In other words, it’s not okay for people with increased cardiovascular risk to take Vioxx in a research study that will have publicized results, but it seemed perfectly alright for them to take Vioxx by prescription and suffer or die in private.)

Then, on March 9, 2000, a year after the FDA’s approval of Vioxx, Scolnick sent his colleagues an email in which he said that Vioxx’s cardiovascular side effects "are clearly there" and are a "shame." However, four years later, Gilmartin still had the gall to say that the research findings that finally initiated Vioxx’s ban were "unexpected." This apparent lie could have gone unnoticed, if it hadn’t been for The Wall Street Journal‘s breaking story. It was noticed, however, and it has sparked a series of media coverage and stock market losses. "Can the news get any uglier for Merck?" asked the November 6, 2004 issue of Economist. Well, thanks to the latest leaked document, it just did.

Merck is going to have a difficult time backing out of this corner. In the New Jersey Vioxx lawsuit where the unscrupulous communication by Merck was first revealed, the judge called the document privileged information, so it was not used. Other judges might not consider it privileged, thus allowing it in their courtrooms. According to Associated Press reporter Theresa Agovino, analysts estimate that Merck’s liability could reach as high as $18 billion. Based on current evidence, Merck ignored research findings in order to make more money; now, they may lose more than they ever imagined.

Sources on the recent Vioxx leak (in order of appearance in this article):

"The Payoff and the Company that ‘Really Puts Patient Safety First’"

One slide was captioned, "The Payoff." "What are the long-term benefits of your being able to bring value to the relationship with our customers?" it asked. Pictured underneath was a sales rep holding a glowing bag of cash captioned "Bonus."
"For Our Eyes Only … Inside Merck’s Mess" by Jim Edwards and Michael Applebaum, Brandweek 5/16/2005, page 52

When Merck & Co. pulled its big-selling painkiller Vioxx off the market in September, Chief Executive Raymond Gilmartin said the company was "really putting patient safety first."
"Warning Signs: E-Mails Suggest Merck Knew Vioxx’s Dangers at Early Stage; As Heart-Risk Evidence Rose, Officials Played Hardball; Internal Message: ‘Dodge!’; Company Says ‘Out of Context’" by Anna Wilde Mathews and Barbara Martinez, Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition) 11/1/2004, page A1

"Leaked Communication Reveals Merck Tried to Reformulate Vioxx in 2000 and Patent It in 2001"

Merck & Co. researchers privately sought to reformulate Vioxx in 2000 to reduce its cardiovascular side effects, even as the drug maker was publicly playing down a study that highlighted the pain relief medication’s potential heart attack risk, an internal company document shows.

The widely publicized study in March 2000 found that patients taking Vioxx were five times more likely to have heart attacks than individuals using the generic medicine naproxen. Merck insisted at the time that this was a result of naproxen’s cardioprotective properties and not any defect in Vioxx.

But behind the scenes, company scientists were considering combining Vioxx with another agent to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, according to a document that was mistakenly provided by Merck to plaintiff lawyers as part of the evidence-gathering process in one of the hundreds of Vioxx lawsuits around the country.

That document, a communication between Merck researchers and the company’s patent department, stated that the way Vioxx works to reduce pain might also increase cardiovascular problems. They suggested a patent be sought for a combination drug mixing Vioxx with another agent to lessen the risk.

Merck filed an application with the U.S Patent Office in 2001 to combine Vioxx with what is called a thromboxane inhibitor, according to a statement released Wednesday by the company’s counsel, Hughes, Hubbard & Reed. The statement said the hope was that Vioxx could provide cardioprotective protection while preserving its gastrointestinal benefits. But the project was later dropped, making the patent application moot.
"Merck Tried to Alter Vioxx in 2000" by Theresa Agovino, Associated Press

"Researchers Knew that Vioxx May Lead to Cardiovascular Problems"

According to the document, Edward Scolnick, the former head of Merck’s research labs, was the first to suggest combining Vioxx with an agent that would block blood platelets from clotting. Such clots can lead to heart attacks and strokes. There are three dates on the document; the first is March 30, 2000.

The document’s authors said Vioxx might reduce the production of a substance called prostacyclin, which prevents platelet aggregation. That reduction may alter the ratio of prostacyclin to thromboxane, a substance which can constrict blood vessels and cause clotting. The change may cause increased risk of cardiac and cerebral adverse events, the document said.
"Merck Tried to Alter Vioxx in 2000" by Theresa Agovino, Associated Press

A Nov. 21, 1996, memo by a Merck official shows the company wrestling with this issue. It wanted to conduct a trial to prove Vioxx was gentler on the stomach than older painkillers. But to show the difference most clearly, the Vioxx patients couldn’t take any aspirin. In such a trial, "there is a substantial chance that significantly higher rates" of cardiovascular problems would be seen in the Vioxx group, the memo said.

A similar view was expressed in a Feb. 25, 1997, e-mail by a Merck official, Briggs Morrison. He argued that unless patients in the Vioxx group also got aspirin, "you will get more thrombotic events" — that is, blood clots — "and kill [the] drug."

In response, Alise Reicin, now a Merck vice president for clinical research, said in an e-mail that the company was in a "no-win situation." Giving study subjects both Vioxx and aspirin, she wrote, could increase the "relative risk," apparently referring to gastrointestinal problems. But, she added, "the possibility of increased CV [cardiovascular] events is of great concern." From the context, it seems Dr. Reicin meant "increased" relative to older drugs.

She added in parentheses: "I just can’t wait to be the one to present those results to senior management!" She proposed that people with high risk of cardiovascular problems be kept out of the study so the difference in the rate of cardiovascular problems between the Vioxx patients and the others "would not be evident."
"Warning Signs: E-Mails Suggest Merck Knew Vioxx’s Dangers at Early Stage; As Heart-Risk Evidence Rose, Officials Played Hardball; Internal Message: ‘Dodge!’; Company Says ‘Out of Context’" by Anna Wilde Mathews and Barbara Martinez, Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition) 11/1/2004, page A1

By 2000, one email suggests Merck recognized that Vioxx didn’t merely lack the protective features of old painkillers but that something about the drug itself was linked to an increased heart risk. On March 9, 2000, the company’s powerful research chief, Edward Scolnick, e-mailed colleagues that the cardiovascular events "are clearly there" and called it a "shame." He compared Vioxx to other drugs with known side effects and wrote, "there is always a hazard." But the company’s public statements after Dr. Scolnick’s email continued to reject the link between Vioxx and increased intrinsic risk.
"Warning Signs: E-Mails Suggest Merck Knew Vioxx’s Dangers at Early Stage; As Heart-Risk Evidence Rose, Officials Played Hardball; Internal Message: ‘Dodge!’; Company Says ‘Out of Context’" by Anna Wilde Mathews and Barbara Martinez, Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition), 11/1/2004, page A1

"Can the News Get Any Uglier for Merck?"

Can the news get any uglier for Merck? Barely a month after Ray Gilmartin pulled Vioxx, a hitherto blockbuster arthritis drug, from the market, Merck’s boss suddenly finds himself fighting for his job. Since he broke the news about Vioxx, citing new evidence that the drug raises the risk of heart attacks and strokes, the firm’s share price has nearly halved, knocking over $30 billion off the value of the world’s fourth-biggest drug company. This week, plaintiff lawyers leaked to the press an apparently damning e-mail and internal company documents (which were supposedly sealed under court order pending lawsuits involving Vioxx), calling into question Merck’s reputation for probity. As the lawsuits pile up, the proud, insular giant is giving every appearance it has no idea what it is dealing with. The firm is "bewildered", says one well-placed source.
"Big trouble for Merck," Economist 11/6/1004, page 61

"Can the Leaked Documents be Used in Court?"

The document became an issue in a New Jersey Vioxx lawsuit when Merck objected to its use on the grounds that it was an attorney-client communication between company scientists and in-house patent counsel.
New Jersey Superior Court Judge Carol E. Higbee ruled May 27 that the document was privileged and could not be used at trial. She also ordered that all copies of the privileged document be returned to Merck or destroyed, but she required Merck to turn over other documents related to the reformulation, including e-mails and memos, within 30 days.
Benjamin Zipursky, a professor at Fordham Law School in New York, said it’s conceivable that other judges could rule differently and allow the document to be used in Vioxx cases. Lawyers in the Texas case said they have the document and will attempt to make it part of their evidence.
"Merck Tried to Alter Vioxx in 2000" by Theresa Agovino, Associated Press

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Former Merck scientists file suit against Merck under False Claims Act

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 by: Rosemary Mathis, Vice President of Victim Support, SANE VAX, INC.

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(NaturalNews) On April 27, 2012, a formal complaint was filed in the Eastern Pennsylvania Federal District Court accusing Merck of a longstanding scheme to mislead and defraud Government health authorities worldwide. Two of Merck’s former employees have accused the pharmaceutical giant of marketing multivalent MMR vaccines under false pretenses. According to the complaint, these vaccines have been mislabeled, misbranded, adulterated and falsely certified as having a 95% efficacy rate.
Before the lawsuit was filed, 21 doctors 1 added their voices to other groups of doctors who are calling for MMR vaccines to be used as a regular booster every 4 – 8 years, in order to control mumps outbreaks. These doctors all assume that the mumps component of all MMR vaccines have the 95 – 98% efficacy promised by Merck.
However, the court documents filed by two Merck virologists meticulously detail how Merck ostensibly manipulated test results 2 for decades in order to create a false 95% efficacy rate for the mumps component of their multivalent MMR vaccines.
The former Merck virologists contend that the multivalent mumps component has a vastly reduced efficacy which is directly responsible for mumps outbreaks during the last decade which prompted international calls for MMR booster shots every 4 – 8 years.
Virologists Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski describe how Merck had to recertify the mumps component in 2000, in order to comply with regulatory requirements in order for the mumps component to be included in two new multivalent MMR vaccines. The usual test, which had certified the mumps component’s efficacy in the 60’s, failed when used in 2000. They claim the results were so low Merck decided to change its own test protocol by testing the vaccine against the weakened mumps vaccine virus instead of the wild (naturally circulating) mumps virus.
When that modification didn’t result in the desired 95% efficacy figure, Merck’s executive directors of vaccine research, Drs Alan Shaw and Emilio Emini, instructed Drs David Krah and Mary Yagodich to implement a vast array of modifications to testing procedures3, then, allegedly pressured both Krahling and Wlochowski to participate.
When these modifications also failed to demonstrate the desired 95% efficacy rate, it is alleged that Drs Shaw and Emini instructed Drs Krah and Yagovich to abandon "gold standard" testing, and implement a new procedure, supposedly with the agreement of FDA, which included adding animal antibodies to human blood samples taken both pre and post vaccination4.
By combining the very low levels of human antibodies with animal antibodies, a much higher total level of virus neutralization was obtained than could occur from human antibodies alone. The human antibody levels alone would never protect in the real world against wild mumps. But after adding animal antibodies, the human blood samples which had previously failed under the old "gold standard" testing were retested using the "enhanced" protocols and passed with flying colors. New ‘enhanced’ tests showed 100% efficacy, not against wild mumps virus, but against the mumps vaccine virus.
However, combining the animal and human antibodies led to a new problem. In some of the tests more than 80% of pre-vaccine blood samples now showed up as immune. Usually, the highest number of pre-vaccine immune results any scientist could expect is 10%. Further manipulations of the animal antibody levels failed to bring the pre-vaccine blood test results down to the expected 10% levels.
According to the complaint, Merck then implemented additional ‘creative’ strategies to show a lack of seroconversion in immune samples in an attempt to reduce the pre-vax level to the expected 10% because had the FDA seen the high numbers of "immune" pre-vaccine samples they would have easily detected the fraudulent test procedures.
Krahling and Wlochowski worked with the same team conducting these tests, but were outraged at what they deemed to be gross scientific deception and fraudulent practices.
When Drs Krahling and Wlochowski attempted to stop what they saw as, "wholesale fabrication of test data to reach its preordained 95% efficacy threshold," Merck allegedly made various attempts to prevent them, including threatening to jail Dr. Krahling should he inform the FDA.
Despite these efforts, Dr Krahling made numerous calls to FDA. These calls remained unanswered until Dr. Krahling reported to the FDA that Dr. Krah had removed and/or destroyed Dr. Krahling’s evidence.
An FDA agent then came and interviewed Dr. Krah, who apparently told the agent whatever was necessary to allay their concerns. The agent made no attempt to interview any other personnel, check any facilities, laboratory notebooks, or samples to corroborate what had been reported to them.
The lawsuit claims that to this day, Merck has consistently misrepresented the potency by simply quoting the 40 year old data from the pre-MMR monovalent mumps vaccine, thereby misrepresenting the efficacy of four multivalent vaccines: MMR, MMRII, Europe’s MMRvaxpro, and ProQuad, which is MMR plus chickenpox.
According to the two whistleblowers, not only have all the multivalent MMR vaccines been sold under false pretenses, but, as a result of this LACK OF EFFICACY, there have been numerous mumps outbreaks worldwide prompting calls for regular MMR boosters throughout life. These mumps outbreaks were predicted by Merck’s Dr Krah 6in 2001, yet Merck allegedly ‘willfully’ withheld this information from multiple governments while consistently claiming there was no need for a new mumps component.8
The question is, "If the mumps component is actually 95% effective, as stated, would experts be calling for lifelong boosters every 4 – 8 years?"
Has Merck turned over a new leaf since the recent Vioxx Scandal? Do they still put profit before people? Read the complaint, follow the court case, examine the evidence, and decide for yourself.
2. Former Merck Virologists: suit against Merck under False Claims Act –
3. See pgs 10 and 11 – Former Merck Virologists: suit against Merck under False Claims Act –
4. See page 12 – Former Merck Virologists: suit against Merck under False Claims Act –
5. See page 22 No. 64 – Former Merck Virologists: suit against Merck under False Claims Act –
6. See page27/d82; 28/85 and page 40 first two lines – Former Merck Virologists: suit against Merck under False Claims Act –
7. See page 29/86 – Former Merck Virologists: suit against Merck under False Claims Act –
8. See page 29/87 – Former Merck Virologists: suit against Merck under False Claims Act –
By Hilary Butler, Contributing Author from New Zealand.
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About the author:
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine. Our primary goal is to provide the information necessary for you to make informed decisions regarding your health and well-being. We also provide referrals to helpful resources for those unfortunate enough to have experienced vaccine-related injuries.
We are demanding the HPV vaccines be taken off the market until an independent study on their safety and efficacy has been conducted. Until then, we are committing our efforts to an educational media campaign to alert the public about the dangers of the HPV vaccines.
SANE Vax, Inc. is involved in the ground-breaking production of the One More Girl Documentary which will premier in 2012. Please join our cause by contributing to this project by contacting Ryan Richardson, Producer at
For more information, please visit our site at
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Merck vaccine fraud exposed by two Merck virologists; company faked mumps vaccine efficacy results for over a decade, says lawsuit

Thursday, June 28, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

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(NaturalNews) Breaking news: According to two Merck scientists who filed a False Claims Act complaint in 2010 — a complaint which has just now been unsealed — vaccine manufacturer Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test data, spiked blood samples with animal antibodies, sold a vaccine that actually promoted mumps and measles outbreaks, and ripped off governments and consumers who bought the vaccine thinking it was "95% effective."
See that False Claims Act document at:
According to Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, both former Merck virologists, the Merck company engaged in all the following behavior:
• Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test results to fabricate a "95% efficacy rate."
• In order to do this, Merck spiked the blood test with animal antibodies in order to artificially inflate the appearance of immune system antibodies. As reported in
Merck also added animal antibodies to blood samples to achieve more favorable test results, though it knew that the human immune system would never produce such antibodies, and that the antibodies created a laboratory testing scenario that "did not in any way correspond to, correlate with, or represent real life … virus neutralization in vaccinated people," according to the complaint. (
• Merck then used the falsified trial results to swindle the U.S. government out of "hundreds of millions of dollars for a vaccine that does not provide adequate immunization."
• Merck’s vaccine fraud has actually contributed to the continuation of mumps across America, causing more children to become infected with mumps. (Gee, really? This is what NaturalNews has been reporting for years… vaccines are actually formulated to keep the outbreaks going because it’s great for repeat business!)
• Merck used its false claims of "95 percent effectiveness" to monopolize the vaccine market and eliminate possible competitors.
• The Merck vaccine fraud has been going on since the late 1990’s, say the Merck virologists.
• Testing of Merck’s vaccine was never done against "real-world" mumps viruses in the wild. Instead, test results were simply falsified to achieve the desired outcome.
• This entire fraud took place "with the knowledge, authority and approval of Merck’s senior management."
• Merck scientists "witnessed firsthand the improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings," according to court documents (see below).

US government chose to ignore the 2010 False Claims Act!

Rather than taking action on this false claims act, the U.S. government simply ignored it, thereby protecting Merck’s market monopoly instead of properly serving justice. This demonstrates the conspiracy of fraud between the U.S. government, FDA regulators and the vaccine industry.

Chatom Primary Care sues Merck for Sherman Act monopolization, breach of warranty, violation of consumer protection laws

Following the unsealing of this 2010 False Claims Act, Chatom Primary Care, based in Alabama, smelled something rotten. Three days ago, Chatom filed a lawsuit against Merck. That lawsuit record is available here:
It alleges, among other shocking things:
[Merck engaged in] …a decade-long scheme to falsify and misrepresent the true efficacy of its vaccine.
Merck fraudulently represented and continues to falsely represent in its labeling and elsewhere that its Mumps Vaccine has an efficacy rate of 95 percent of higher.
In reality, Merck knows and has taken affirmative steps to conceal — by using improper testing techniques and falsifying test data — that its Mumps Vaccine is, and has been since at least 1999, far less than 95 percent effective.
Merck designed a testing methodology that evaluated its vaccine against a less virulent strain of the mumps virus. After the results failed to yield Merck’s desired efficacy, Merck abandoned the methodology and concealed the study’s findings.
…incorporating the use of animal antibodies to artificially inflate the results…
…destroying evidence of the falsified data and then lying to an FDA investigator…
…threatened a virologist in Merck’s vaccine division with jail if he reported the fraud to the FDA…
…the ultimate victims here are the millions of children who every year are being injected with a mumps vaccine that is not providing them with an adequate level of protection. And while this is a disease that, according to the Centers for Disease Control (‘CDC’), was supposed to be eradicated by now, the failure in Merck’s vaccine has allowed this disease to linger, with significant outbreaks continuing to occur.

Chatom Primary Care also alleges that the fraudulent Merck vaccine contributed to the 2006 mumps outbreak in the Midwest, and a 2009 outbreak elsewhere. It says, "there has remained a significant risk of a resurgence of mumps outbreaks…"

This investigation is only beginning

NaturalNews has only begun to investigate this incredible breaking news about Merck and the vaccine industry. We are pouring through the court documents to identify additional information that may be relevant to this case, and we plan to bring you that information soon.
For the record, Merck denies all allegations. Is anyone surprised?
Sources for this article:
NaturalNews wishes to thank for its coverage of this story. Original article at:
Chatom Lawsuit against Merck
2010 False Claims Act against Merck, by two Merck virologists
Announcement of the lawsuit in the media:…
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Former head of CDC lands lucrative job as president of Merck vaccine division (opinion)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

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(NaturalNews) You’ve heard it before, how the pharmaceutical industry has a giant "revolving door" through which corporations and government agencies frequently exchange key employees. That reality was driven home in a huge way today when news broke that Dr. Julie Gerberding, who headed the CDC from 2002 through 2009, landed a top job with Merck, one of the largest drug companies in the world. Her job there? She’s the new president of the vaccine division.
How convenient. That means the former head of the CDC was very likely cultivating a relationship with Merck all these years, and now comes the big payoff: Heading up a $5 billion division that sells cervical cancer vaccines (like Gardasil), chickenpox vaccines and of course H1N1 swine flu vaccines, too.
So what’s the problem with all this? The problem is that private industry and government health offices such as the CDC or FDA should never be so cozy. When they are, it creates an environment of collusion between Big Government and Big Pharma. We’ve already seen this with the government-led push for swine flu vaccines that are manufactured (and sold) by drug companies like Merck.
You might even say that the CDC already functions as the marketing division of the pharmaceutical industry. It was the CDC that pushed so hard for swine flu vaccines, even amid the obvious realization that swine flu was no more dangerous than seasonal flu. To this day, the CDC still hasn’t bothered to recommend vitamin D for the prevention of either seasonal flu or swine flu. It remains heavily invested in the lucrative vaccine approach — an approach that just happens to financially benefit the very corporations that are hiring ex-CDC employees like Dr. Gerberding.

How to triple your salary by selling out to industry

Getting a job offer from Big Pharma, by the way, is one of the most-desired career paths for many CDC employees (and FDA workers, for that matter). It’s easy to accomplish it, too: Just operate in your government position as if you were a Big Pharma lackey. If you produce enough good business for the drug industry, sooner or later they’ll offer you a lucrative position that doubles or triples your government salary (or even better).
Now, I don’t want to lump all CDC employees in this same pathetic group, because there are indeed a great many bright, honest scientists working at the CDC who do excellent work tracking pandemics and trying to save lives. They are overshadowed, however, by those ambitious profit seekers who see their CDC job as merely a stepping stone for a far better-paying job at a major drug companies. And by any measure, Dr. Gerberding just cashed in big.
Her actual salary at Merck hasn’t been publicly released yet, but given that she’s heading up a $5 billion vaccine industry, it’s probably not chump change. I’d bet she’s now making at least ten times the salary of the President of the United States (and probably a lot more).
So now, Dr. Gerberding’s new job involves the incessant promotion of yet more vaccines — a job not very different from the one she held at the CDC, come to think of it. More vaccines for more diseases afflicting more people… it’s just another day at Merck, where the world is never so healthy that it doesn’t need one more mandatory vaccine.
As a special bonus to Merck in all this, Dr. Gerberding has a wealth of contacts not merely throughout the CDC, but also at the World Health Organization. When you’re the former head of the CDC, the top public health officials of the world are literally just one call away. But starting today, that call is a commercial, corporate-sponsored call, not a public health call. There’s a huge difference.

Does Dr. Gerberding suffer from an "ethics deficiency?"

My question in all this is whether Dr. Gerberding has any real ethics when it comes to issues like vaccines and public health. If she does have such ethics, why would she accept a job with a company that has been engaged in outright scientific fraud? (
Why would she go to work for a company that maintained a "hit list" of doctors to attack and "neutralize?" This is true — it came out in recent court documents (
Why would she take a job with a company that has a pattern of threatening doctors who speak out against its drugs? (
Why would she be okay with the idea of working for a company that commits scientific fraud by hiding documents showing its drugs to be dangerous? (
Why would she feel okay about working for a company that dumps chemicals and vaccine waste products into the public water system? (
Why would she want to collect a paycheck from a company that has been caught hiring ghost writers to pen "independent" science papers submitted to science journals, when they were actually crafted by Merck? (
Why would she feel comfortable representing a company that committed blatant scientific fraud with its Vytorin cholesterol drug study? (
Maybe Dr. Gerberding is fine with all this. Maybe she has really "flexible" ethics. Or maybe she suffers from an "ethics deficiency" — an epidemic disease for which Merck apparently has no vaccine at all.
In any case, she’s now allied herself with a company engaged in so many repeated acts of fraud that in my opinion all its executives should be arrested and prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Those executives will now include Dr. Gerberding, it seems.

Did the CDC cover Merck’s back?

You might say, though, that she hasn’t done anything yet for Merck. But check this out: As a previous NaturalNews story explains, when a fourteen-year-old girl named Jessica died following a cervical cancer vaccine injection (made by Merck), the CDC covered for Merck and pointed the finger at the girl’s birth control pills.
Care to guess who was heading the CDC at the time of this maneuver? Dr. Julie Gerberding, now a top Merck executive.
You pat my back and I’ll pat yours.
For years, under the lead of Dr. Gerberding, the CDC has maintained a rather bizarre position that Merck’s vaccines are so safe that all side effects should be dismissed outright. This is explained in a Dallas Morning News article (…), among other places.
The CDC, in other words, has been running defense for Merck for many years, downplaying vaccine side effects and insisting that Merck’s vaccines are safe. Now that the president of Merck’s vaccine division and the former chief of the CDC are one and the same, it brings up obvious questions of whether there was some level of ongoing collusion between the CDC and Merck and how deeply Dr. Gerberding might have been involved.
Some of the word games played by Dr. Gerberding demonstrate amazing Clintonian-like speech patterns designed to deflect blame from Merck’s vaccines. Listen to this exchange where Dr. Gerberding indirectly admits that vaccines can cause autism (or as she says, "Autism-like symptoms," which is exactly the same thing, as the symptoms define the disease in the first place). Watch it yourself in this segment on YouTube — this is a must see video segment on the link between vaccines and autism:

Who else is on the Merck team at the CDC?

That the CDC’s chief would be offered one of the very top jobs at Merck now makes me wonder just how deep the culture of collusion between Merck and the CDC really goes. How many other CDC employees are in line for future job offers from Merck — and what might they do in order to win those jobs?
There’s a solution to all this, of course: Pass a law that bans employees of the CDC, FDA, FTC, EPA or USDA from ever working for pharmaceutical companies. The people who run the regulatory agencies and public health offices should never be allowed to leap into employment at the very same companies they were once regulating. There’s just too much risk of cross-contamination of influence, which is why we have the corruption and collusion problems we’re seeing today with the FDA, FTC and CDC, all of which seem to be operating as marketing extensions of the pharmaceutical industry.
As long as the revolving door remains wide open between Big Pharma and Big Government, there will be a strong tendency towards corporate collusion that betrays the people whom government is supposed to serve. Instead of our government serving the People, in other words, it increasingly exists to serve the interests of Big Business. And big business doesn’t get much bigger than Big Pharma.
After all, inventing fictitious disease, creating pandemic panics, then selling questionable patented drugs to gullible consumers is a lucrative business model. And now the official job of the former head of the CDC is to make sure it all stays that way. So roll up your sleeves, folks: There’s a vaccine with your name on it, and Dr. Gerberding is here to make sure Merck sticks it to ya.
Sources for this story include:…
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Puny Plagiarism: Why Did Jonah Lehrer Bother to Resign?

A.M. Freyed
August 8, 2012

Jonah Lehrer faked some Bob Dylan quotes for his book and then resigned from the New Yorker where he worked as a staff writer.

He shouldn’t have bothered. What’s wrong with a little plagiarism in the service of clarity? Big damn deal.

If what’s come out about Lehrer’s plagiarism thus far is the extent of it, we’d argue he should have defended himself, not crumpled up in abject misery and guilt.

Why? Maybe because Modern Western society is one large lie built on top of a series of fundamental falsehoods. Plagiarism and copyright violations, for instance, are twin sins designed to torture mass communicators while the globalists that create and enforce such cockamamie criminality continue to promote their surreptitious one-world government via war, economic depression and endless authoritarianism.

Until the 18th century according to Wikipedia and other sources, plagiarism wasn’t even defined as a negative practice. It was only with the advent of romanticism and the idea of the artist as the ultimate individualist that the idea of plagiarism apparently began to take hold – no doubt for very specific reasons.

Like copyright violations, plagiarism was surely invented to retard the free-flow of information and generally to create the illusion that even the act of writing could be a criminal occupation. Information is the enemy of the elitist conspiracy, after all.

A crucial part of Lehrer’s thesis was that Dylan couldn’t, or didn’t want to, explain his creative process. One of the passages that brought Lehrer down had Dylan reportedly saying, “’I’ve got nothing to say about these things I write,’ [Dylan] insisted. ‘I just write them. There’s no great message. Stop asking me to explain.’”

The last phrase is the one Lehrer apparently made up or “piecemealed” together. But top “Dylan-ologists” claim that Dylan is on the record saying much of what Lehrer claimed he did one way or another. It’s long been evident that Dylan is uncomfortable with mining his artistic muse too deeply.

Of course, it could be because Dylan is not really much of a wordsmith. His best lyrics tend to be somewhat indecipherable while his worst lyrics are plenty bad. Here’s one lyric from Lay Lady Lay:

Stay, lady, stay, stay with your man awhile
Why wait any longer for the world to begin
You can have your cake and eat it too …

Compare this to a similar sentiment expressed by his namesake, Dylan Thomas:

From the first scent of the heart, the warning ghost,
And to the first dumb wonder at the flesh,
The sun was red, the moon was grey,
The earth and sky were as two mountains meeting.

See the difference? Dylan was for the most part seemingly a manufactured star, marketed by the same record industry that has earned the deserved scorn of many musicians in the modern era from Michael Jackson to DMX. In at least one interview, he’s admitted as much, as have other victims of the modern record industry.

There are however, much larger issues. It is by now well known to informed readers of the alternative press (or should be) that the entire hippy era was likely manufactured.

What after all, for instance, are the odds that U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison would have allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam’s Tonkin Gulf (thus setting off the Vietnam War) while his son Jim would only a few years later become one of the biggest rock stars in the world?

David McGowan – in his expose of the Intel-controlled flower-power music scene (Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation) – explains this quite well, mentioning such names as John Phillips, Stephen Stills, David Crosby, Jackson Browne, Gerry Beckley, Dan Peek, Dewey Bunnell, Mike Nesmith, Gram Parsons.

All these and many more (like Morrison) came from military families as well as “blood” families and all of them ended up in Laurel Canyon suddenly making hit songs around the same time, sometimes without reading music or a musical background.


All these folks gathered nearly simultaneously along the narrow, winding roads of Laurel Canyon. They came from across the country – although the Washington, DC area was noticeably over-represented – as well as from Canada and England. They came even though, at the time, there wasn’t much of a pop music industry in Los Angeles. They came even though, at the time, there was no live pop music scene to speak of. They came even though, in retrospect, there was no discernable reason for them to do so.

It would, of course, make sense these days for an aspiring musician to venture out to Los Angeles. But in those days, the centers of the music universe were Nashville, Detroit and New York. It wasn’t the industry that drew the Laurel Canyon crowd, you see, but rather the Laurel Canyon crowd that transformed Los Angeles into the epicenter of the music industry. To what then do we attribute this unprecedented gathering of future musical superstars in the hills above Los Angeles? What was it that inspired them all to head out west? Perhaps Neil Young said it best when he told an interviewer that he couldn’t really say why he headed out to LA circa 1966; he and others “were just going like Lemmings.” (-Inside The LC)

Like lemmings.

US Intel distributed acid to millions on the West Coast and set the stage: The movement was surely manufactured to split up the family, encourage more state control via socialism and generally degrade the capabilities of the Baby Boom generation via anti-intellectualism and hedonism.

Today, the trap begins to close. This is the “big story” that Lehrer should have reported on instead of the “genius” of Bob Dylan.

Lehrer is quoted as saying contritely: “The lies are over now. I understand the gravity of my position. I want to apologize to everyone I have let down, especially my editors and readers.”

The hell they are.

The Higgs boson ‘God Particle’ discovery explained in the context of conscious cosmology

Mike Adams
Natural News
Thursday, July 5, 2012

The ultimate goal of the study of physics is to decode the rules and laws of the universe; to understand what “makes it all tick,” so to speak. That goal, of course, has remained elusive, but great strides have been made toward it over the last few thousand years. Newton’s formulations of the laws of gravity, Kepler’s laws of motion, Bohr’s modeling of the atom, Maxwell’s equations on electromagnetic behavior… these all contributed to a deeper understanding of the very fabric of reality. Einstein’s theory of Special Relativity, and then General Relativity, soon followed.

Our understanding of physics accelerated throughout the 20th century with theories on the Big Bang, inflation and the inflaton field, string theory, M-theory, supersymmetry, quantum mechanics, parallel worlds, bubble universes and much more. It’s truly fascinating to observe all this as a conscious being sitting inside the very universe we’re all trying to figure out, and one thing I really appreciate about physicists in general is that they require an extraordinarily convincing burden of proof before they announce something to be “discovered.”

That’s in great contrast to the pharmaceutical industry which essentially just “makes stuff up” and passes it off as “science.” Drug companies give science a terrible name, but physicists are the redeeming individuals who help restore credibility to the very name “science.”

(For example, in clinical drug trials, a pharmaceutical only has to work on five percent of the test group in order to receive FDA approval as “safe and effective for everyone!” In the realm of particle physics and cosmology, however, experiments usually have to reach a level of certainty approaching 2,999,999 out of three million (5 sigma), thereby leaving only one chance in three million of the conclusion being wrong. Now that’s what I call confidence!)

This is why physicists, chemists and other “hard sciences” people who end up throwing their hats in with the pharmaceutical / vaccine / chemotherapy industries only end up discrediting themselves. The for-profit health care industry is largely based on quackery that merely borrows the label of “science” but follows none of its stringent requirements for proof. Physics and cosmology, in great contrast, has (almost) nothing to patent and nothing to sell to the public at monopolistic prices. Particle physics, cosmology and even quantum field theory is truly all about the quest for knowledge and not about hyping up some false pandemic to sell more dangerous vaccines to an unsuspecting public.

Even with the extreme attention to evidentiary detail, however, there’s still something the physicists have been overlooking for a long, long time: Consciousness.

The quest for particles (while ignoring consciousness)

Why would anyone want to spend a few billion dollars smashing atoms together and analyzing the results of the splatter? To find out what atoms are made of, of course. But more importantly, to find out what the universe is made of. That’s what CERN is all about, and as long as its results are understood in the proper context, it’s valuable science.

There’s a huge gap in all this, unfortunately, and that gap has its origins in the thinking that atoms are made entirely of particles. The wildly misnamed “God particle” known as Higgs boson has been the single most sought-after particle by physicists in their quest to find physical evidence to back up their mathematical equations of the “Standard Model” of the universe.

To understand why that matters, let’s back up for a minute. Physicists and especially cosmologists spend an enormous amount of time working in the abstract realm of mathematics. The purpose of the mathematics is to attempt to model physical reality, which is, of course, engineered into the fabric of the universe with the language of mathematics. (Consciousness is also woven into the fabric of reality, many argue, but that’s a subject I’ll revisit later.)

What’s often lacking in this scientific quest is physical experimental evidence that backs up the math. So it only makes sense to attempt to conduct real-world experiments to either prove or disprove what the theory predicts. That’s what CERN is all about. Now that the Higgs particle has been convincingly demonstrated to exist, this helps nail down all sorts of answers, thereby leading to a deeper exploration of other questions, each of which grants a measure of understanding to human civilization.

Ultimately, physicists are attempting to understand the origins of the universe, which has turned out to be a tricky question for lots of reasons, some of which are almost impossible to imagine. In addition to the parallel worlds and multiverse theories that have joined the complexities, there is also “brane theory” to deal with. It’s a theory that says, in a nutshell, multiple universescoexist intertwined with each other but not interacting. You can’t touch another brane world even though it may exist right alongside our own brane world.

What’s important to realize in all this is that even the so-called “Standard Model” of explaining everything is currently an unsatisfactory patchwork of equations and mathematical transformations that don’t play well together when it comes to different physical contexts such as really small things or really large, massive things. Try to meld large-scale equations of gravity, for example, with really small phenomena such as quantum fluctuations of atomic nuclei, and you get nonsensical mathematical answers such as “the answer is X divided by zero!”

Virtually all present-day reality modeling equations break down at singularity events such as black holes, too. The Standard Model is seriously lacking, in other words, and one of the reasons there is so much excitement about Higgs boson is because it would help fill in the gaps of the Standard Model explanation.

There’s little doubt that the Standard Model is only a temporary quick fix in the bigger picture, of course. It’s not “wrong” in the sense of being terribly incorrect; it’s most likely just incomplete. Ultimately, physicists hope to find a “unified theory” that explains everything with a single set of mathematical understandings and equations that apply to all observable phenomena in the universe: electromagnetism, gravity, mass, light and so on. Einstein spent a considerable portion of his life in search of the unification of these fundamental forces but was unable to achieve it. This is a goal of understanding that may yet take lifetimes to achieve.

If it were achieved, it would represent one of the most profound achievements in the history of humankind.

Conscious cosmology

Yet, as I hinted above, there’s still something missing from all this: Consciousness. Without consciousness, the universe cannot be fully explained, as consciousness is increasingly emerging as a fundamental force impacting the very fabric of reality. This is really, really frustrating for many scientists because, for starters, the majority of them don’t even believe in the existence of consciousness. Stephen Hawking is famous for his rather short-sighted remarks that people are mindless, soulless beings — “biological robots” — and that religion / spirituality is a realm for “people who are afraid of the dark.”

He titles chapters of his book, “The Theory of Everything” and yet does not even acknowledge the existence of consciousness or free will — two things that are fundamentally tied into quantum theory equations in the context of the “Observer.” It goes without saying that until modern-day physicists can embrace and attempt to understand consciousness and the role of the Observer in shaping the physical universe, even their most determined efforts to find a unified theory of everything will come up short.

This is frustrating for physicists because, to date, there are no equations that describe the behavior or properties of consciousness. Although consciousness can be experienced first-hand by conscious beings, it so far has defied measurement and experimental validation. How can anyone prove consciousness exists? Other than the fact that it is self-evident to those who possess it, is there an independent way to measure it and thereby confirm its existence?

This may ultimately prove impossible because of an error in the question. An “independent” measurement, in classical physics, describes a measurement being conducted by a mechanism that has no ties to any conscious observer. Yet in order to become aware of the measurements, a conscious being must, one way or another, interact with the results of the experiment. This interaction, as quantum theorists are increasingly realizing, is itself part of the experiment and may alter its outcomes even after the fact. The Observer cannot be isolated from the events observed.

This also means that all of today’s science is, in fact, biased toward consciousness. All the evidence that makes up the entire history of known science suffers from a glaring “selection bias” because it was all observed and selected by conscious beings. Even this recent Higgs boson discovery may have been brought into existence solely because so many conscious beings were focused on bringing into reality what they imagined to be real. I know this almost starts to sound New-Agey, but such is the nature of things in a conscious universe: All science being conducted today is carried out under the influence of “consciousness bias.” And so we need to understand what this means and how it impacts our understanding of reality.

Gaining a deep understanding of this may be exceedingly difficult for human beings to achieve. It may, in fact, be beyond the capabilities of biological beings with limited neurological capacity. Nevertheless, I believe that the more modern science understands about the Higgs boson, quantum theory, particle physics and cosmology, the closer science will be to initiating a scientific study of consciousness.

We’ve got to get the hard sciences out of the way first, in other words, before the interaction between mind and matter can even be approached.

Consciousness, parallel worlds and more

Consciousness, you see, isn’t made of particles. Thus, you can’t smash consciousness in a particle accelerator and hope to see the tiny bits of what it’s made of. (You can crush free will, of course, but that takes a government.) Yet there is increasingly compelling evidence that consciousness interacts with the physical world and may even create parallel physical worlds when it is exercised. Hints of this are emerging from the study of quantum physics, which immediately leads to the possibility of “multiple worlds” and parallel realities.

The search for Higgs boson, ultimately, is an important one, but the approach is incomplete if our civilization seeks to uncover the fundamental forces that unify our observable universe. Those forces do not exist in a vacuum absent the minds of the conscious inhabitants of the universe. Where there is life, there appears to be consciousness, and if there’s one thing most physicists and cosmologists agree on, it’s that life is ridiculously abundant across the cosmos. Not in terms of units of life per square meter, of course, since most of the universe is, physically speaking, just empty space. The average density of the known universe (roughly 28 billion light years across) has been estimated at 6 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter. That’s a lot of empty space, but it’s filled with literally trillions of stars, each of which may harbor life and therefore consciousness.

To achieve a fundamental understanding of the origins and mechanisms of our known universe without factoring in the impact of consciousness and the conscious observer is, to put it bluntly, a blind approach to ultimate understanding. It’s like trying to bake a cake but leaving out the flour. The recipe of reality from which our universe has sprung must take into account consciousness. If it does not, no unification of fundamental forces will ever be complete, I believe.

Who or what created our reality?

Then there is the question of the Architect of this reality. Even if humankind manages to decode the fundamental laws which govern the physical universe, there’s not only the question of “Who or what created the universe in the first place” but the even more difficult question, “Who or what created the laws of physics that govern the universe?”

Because on that question, even a particle accelerator the size of the entire planet can’t shed a single photon of light on the question. The consensus view in physics circles today — which is dominated, remember, by people who don’t believe in consciousness or free will — is that our universe created itself out of nothing, without any intelligent intervention. This is a strange argument of “effect without a cause,” and it simply doesn’t add up.

The far more believable argument is that our universe was created by a Great Intelligence — an Architect or Creator, if you will. The explanations for this Creator run the gamut. Several prominent physicists are right now suggesting that our universe is a simulation, a physics experiment created by a vastly superior race of beings who inhabit a higher dimension. On the more spiritual side, the explanation quickly centers on a single consciousness known as God. There are seemingly endless additional theories and thoughts on this subject involving a vast array of philosophical and religious beliefs, but they all have in common one idea which should be obvious to even a brilliant physicist: The reason there is something rather than nothing is becausesomeone (or something) had to put it there, and that means there is an intelligence — a consciousness — that exists above and beyond our known universe. Something with the power to create our known universe, in other words.

That creative force / intelligence / consciousness is what I call The Divine. It is divine because it is a Creator in every sense of the word. It creates realities. It carefully selects cosmological constants so that those realities have the capacity to support life. It imbues that life with small slices of consciousness and grants that life the capacity for self awareness and self determination.

These are divine concepts that underpin the deepest inner workings of our universe… far beyond Higgs boson or any theory of particle physics. This gets to the Creator behind the very laws of physics. How was the framework of quantum mechanics created in the first place? Who selected and fine-tuned the cosmological constants to support the formation of stars? How was the framework of dark matter and dark energy engineered?

I intend to begin exploring precisely these questions in a series of upcoming videos and articles on NaturalNews and other websites. I call this “exploring conscious cosmology,” and in my view, it dwarfs the importance of almost anything else that might normally concern us, including politics, nutrition and even exposing fraud.

Watch for announcements on “conscious cosmology” here on

And yes, for the record, in case you were wondering, I am trained in the sciences and have long been a student of many fields of knowledge, including physics, philosophy, cosmology, anthropology, neurology and spirituality. I’m not a master in any of these fields but rather a student of them all. My strength is in understanding complex concepts and explaining them in simple, everyday terms, usually in a way that’s interesting to read. I intend to bring that skill to the forefront as I spend more time focusing on conscious cosmology which necessarily encompasses philosophy, spirituality, quantum theory, physics and more.

After all, if we are conscious beings, shouldn’t we exercise our consciousness and do something with it?


God particle: Physicists celebrate Higgs boson ‘triumph’

The revelation that the long-sought particle had almost certainly been detected in the Large Hadron Collider’s 17-mile track prompts scientists to erupt with joy.


By Eryn Brown, Los Angeles Times

July 4, 2012, 6:50 p.m.

For physicists, it was a moment like landing on the moon or the discovery of DNA.

The focus was the Higgs boson, a subatomic particle that exists for a mere fraction of a second. Long theorized but never glimpsed, the so-called God particle is thought to be key to understanding the existence of all mass in the universe. The revelation Wednesday that it — or some version of it — had almost certainly been detected amid more than hundreds of trillions of high-speed collisions in a 17-mile track near Geneva prompted a group of normally reserved scientists to erupt with joy.

Peter Higgs, one of the scientists who first hypothesized the existence of the particle, reportedly shed tears as the data were presented in a jampacked and applause-heavy seminar at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.


"It’s a gigantic triumph for physics," said Frank Wilczek, anMIT physicist and Nobel laureate. "It’s a tremendous demonstration of a community dedicated to understanding nature."

The achievement, nearly 50 years in the making, confirms physicists’ understanding of how mass — the stuff that makes stars, planets and even people — arose in the universe, they said.

It also points the way toward a new path of scientific inquiry into the mass-generating mechanism that was never before possible, said UCLA physicist Robert Cousins, a member of one of the two research teams that have been chasing the Higgs boson at CERN.

"I compare it to turning the corner and walking around a building — there’s a whole new set of things you can look at," he said. "It is a beginning, not an end."

Leaders of the two teams reported independent results that suggested the existence of a previously unseen subatomic particle with a mass of about 125 billion to 126 billion electron volts. Both groups got results at a "five sigma" level of confidence — the statistical requirement for declaring a scientific "discovery."

"The chance that either of the two experiments had seen a fluke is less than three parts in 10 million," said UC San Diego physicist Vivek Sharma, a former leader of one of the Higgs research groups. "There is no doubt that we have found something."

But he and others stopped just shy of saying that this new particle was indeed the long-sought Higgs boson. "All we can tell right now is that it quacks like a duck and it walks like a duck," Sharma said.

In this case, quacking was enough for most.

"If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably at least a bird," said Wilczek, who stayed up past 3 a.m. to watch the seminar live over the Web while vacationing in New Hampshire.

Certainly CERN leaders in Geneva, even as they referred to their discovery simply as "a new particle," didn’t bother hiding their excitement.

The original plan had been to present the latest results on the Higgs search at the International Conference on High Energy Physics, a big scientific meeting that began Wednesday in Melbourne.

But as it dawned on CERN scientists that they were on the verge of "a big announcement," Cousins said, officials decided to honor tradition and instead present the results on CERN’s turf.

The small number of scientists who theorized the existence of the Higgs boson in the 1960s — including Higgs of the University of Edinburgh — were invited to fly to Geneva.

For the non-VIP set, lines to get into the auditorium began forming late Tuesday. Many spent the night in sleeping bags.

All the hubbub was due to the fact that the discovery of the Higgs boson is the last piece of the puzzle needed to complete the so-called Standard Model of particle physics — the big picture that describes the subatomic particles that make up everything in the universe, and the forces that work between them.

Over the course of the 20th century, as physicists learned more about the Standard Model, they struggled to answer one very basic question: Why does matter exist?

Higgs and others came up with a possible explanation: that particles gain mass by traveling through an energy field. One way to think about it is that the field sticks to the particles, slowing them down and imparting mass.

Higgs boson

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"God particle" redirects here. For the book, see The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?.

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Higgs boson

CMS Higgs-event.jpg
One possible signature of a Higgs boson from a simulated proton–proton collision. It decays almost immediately into two jets of hadrons and two electrons, visible as lines.[Note 1]

Elementary particle


Tentatively confirmed – a particle "consistent with" the Higgs boson has been formally discovered, but as of July 2012, scientists are being cautious as to whether it is formally identified as being the Higgs boson.[1]


R. Brout, F. Englert, P. Higgs,G. S. Guralnik, C. R. Hagen, and T. W. B. Kibble (1964)

ATLAS and CMS (2012)

1 in the Standard Model;
5 or more in supersymmetricmodels

125.3±0.6 GeV/c2[2], ∼126.5 GeV/c2[3]

Electric charge


In the Standard Model of particle physics, the Higgs boson is a hypothetical elementary particle, a boson, that is the quantum of the Higgs field. The field and the particle provide a testable hypothesis for the origin of mass in elementary particles. In popular culture, the Higgs boson is also called the God particle, a name disliked by many scientists,[4] after the title of Nobel physicist Leon Lederman’s The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question? (1993), which contained the author’s assertion that the discovery of the particle is crucial to a final understanding of the structure of matter.


The existence of the Higgs boson was predicted in 1964 to explain the Higgs mechanism (sometimes termed in the literature the Brout-Englert-Higgs, BEH or Brout-Englert-Higgs-Hagen-Guralnik-Kibble mechanism after its original proposers[5][6]) – the mechanism by which elementary particles are given mass.[Note 2] While the Higgs mechanism is considered confirmed to exist, the boson itself—a cornerstone of the leading theory—had not been observed and its existence was unconfirmed. Its tentative discovery in July 2012 may validate the Standard Model as essentially correct, as it is the final elementary particle predicted and required by the Standard Model which has not yet been observed via particle physics experiments.[7]Alternative sources of the Higgs mechanism that do not need the Higgs boson also are possible and would be considered if the existence of the Higgs boson were to be ruled out. They are known as Higgsless models.

The Higgs boson is named after Peter Higgs, who in 1964 wrote one of three ground-breaking papers covering what is now known as the Higgs mechanism and described the related Higgs field and boson. The three papers were written almost simultaneously. Though Higgs’s paper did not came first: the paper by Robert Brout and François Englert was published a month earlier. Tom Kibble, C. R. Hagen and Gerald Guralnik‘s work was the last in the row and made a reference to the work by Brout and Englert.

Technically, it is the quantum excitation of the Higgs field, and the non-zero value of the ground state of this field gives mass to the other elementary particles such as quarks and electrons through the Higgs mechanism. The Standard Model completely fixes the properties of the Higgs boson, except for its mass. It is expected to have no spin and no electric or colour charge, and it interacts with other particles through the weak interaction and Yukawa-type interactions between the various fermions and the Higgs field.

Because the Higgs boson is a very massive particle and decays almost immediately when created, only a very high energy particle accelerator can observe and record it. Experiments to confirm and determine the nature of the Higgs boson using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN began in early 2010, and were performed at Fermilab‘s Tevatron until its close in late 2011. Mathematical consistency of the Standard Model requires that any mechanism capable of generating the masses of elementary particles become visible at energies above 1.4 TeV;[8] therefore, the LHC (designed to collide two 7 TeV proton beams, but currently running at 4 TeV each) was built to answer the question of whether or not the Higgs boson exists.[9]

On 4 July 2012, the two main experiments at the LHC (ATLAS and CMS) both reported independently the confirmed existence of a previously unknown particle with a mass of about 125 GeV/c2 (about 133 proton masses, on the order of 10−25 kg), which is "consistent with the Higgs boson" and widely believed to be the Higgs boson. They acknowledged that further work would be needed to confirm that it is indeed the Higgs boson and not some other previously unknown particle (meaning that it has the theoretically predicted properties of the Higgs boson) and, if so, to determine which version of the Standard Model it best supports.[1][2][3][10][11]

General description

Main article: Introduction to the Higgs field

This section needs additionalcitations for verification. (July 2012)

In particle physics, elementary particles and forces give rise to the world around us. Physicists explain the behaviors of these particles and how they interact using the Standard Model—a widely accepted framework believed to explain most of the world we see around us. Initially, when these models were being developed and tested, it seemed that the mathematics behind those models, which were satisfactory in areas already tested, would also forbid elementary particles from having any mass, which showed clearly that these initial models were incomplete. In 1964 three groups of physicists almost simultaneously released papers describing how masses could be given to these particles, using approaches known as symmetry breaking. This approach allowed the particles to obtain a mass, without breaking other parts of particle physics theory that were already believed reasonably correct. This idea became known as the Higgs mechanism (not the same as the boson), and later experiments confirmed that such a mechanism does exist—but they could not show exactly how it happens.

The leading and simplest theory for how this effect takes place in nature was that if a particular kind of "field" (known as a Higgs field) happened to permeate space, and if it could interact with fundamental particles in a particular way, then this would give rise to a Higgs mechanism in nature, and would therefore create around us the phenomenon we call "mass". During the 1960s and 1970s the Standard Model of physics was developed on this basis, and it included a prediction and requirement that for these things to be true, there had to be an undiscovered boson—one of thefundamental particles—as the counterpart of this field. This would be the Higgs boson. If the Higgs boson was confirmed to exist, as the Standard Model suggested, then scientists could be satisfied that the Standard Model was fundamentally correct. If the Higgs boson was confirmed as not existing, then other theories would be considered as candidates instead.

The Standard Model also made clear that the Higgs boson would be very difficult to demonstrate. It exists for only a tiny fraction of a second before breaking up into other particles—so quickly that it cannot be directly detected—and can be detected only by identifying the results of its immediate decay and analyzing them to show they were probably created from a Higgs boson and not some other source. The Higgs boson requires so much energy to create (compared to many other fundamental particles) that it also requires a massive particle accelerator to create collisions energetic enough to create it and record the traces of its decay. Given a suitable accelerator and appropriate detectors, scientists can record trillions of particles colliding, analyze the data for collisions likely to be a Higgs boson, and then perform further analysis to test how likely it is that the results combined show a Higgs boson does exist, and that the results are not just due to chance.

Experiments to try to show whether the Higgs boson did or did not exist began in the 1980s, but until the 2000s it could only be said that certain areas were plausible, or ruled out. In 2008 the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was inaugurated, being the most powerful particle accelerator ever built. It was designed especially for this experiment, and other very high energy tests of the Standard Model. In 2010 it began its primary research role which was to prove whether or not the Higgs boson existed.

In late 2011 two of the LHC’s experiments independently began to suggest "hints" of a Higgs boson detection around 125 GeV. (A GeV is used as a unit of particle mass. Using Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2, scientists use small energy units to describe particle masses. A GeV can be thought of as the energy of a billion electrons crossing the poles of a one-volt battery.) In July 2012 CERN announced[1] evidence of discovery of a boson with an energy level and other properties consistent with those expected in a Higgs boson. The available data raised a high statistical likelihood that the Higgs boson had been detected. Further work is necessary for the evidence to be considered conclusive (or disproved). If the newly discovered particle is indeed the Higgs boson, attention will turn to considering whether its characteristics match one of the extant versions of the Standard Model. The CERN data include clues that the additional bosons or similar-mass particles may have been discovered as well as, or instead of, the Higgs itself. If a different boson were confirmed, it would allow and require the development of new theories to supplant the current Standard Model.


See also: 1964 PRL symmetry breaking papers and Higgs mechanism

AIP-Sakurai-best.JPG Higgs, Peter (1929) cropped.jpg

The six authors of the 1964 PRL papers, who received the 2010 J. J. Sakurai Prize for their work. From left to right: Kibble, Guralnik, Hagen,Englert, Brout. Right: Higgs.

Particle physicists study matter which is made from fundamental particles whose interactions are mediated by exchange particles known as force carriers. At the beginning of the 1960s a number of these particles had been discovered or proposed, along with theories suggesting how they relate to each other, however even accepted versions such as the Unified field theory were known to be incomplete. One omission was that they could not explain the origins of mass as a property of matter. Goldstone’s theorem, relating to continuous symmetries within some theories, also appeared to rule out many obvious solutions.[12]

The Higgs mechanism is a process by which vector bosons can get rest mass without explicitly breaking gauge invariance. The proposal for such a spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism originally was suggested in 1962 by Philip Warren Anderson[13] and developed into a full relativistic model in 1964, independently and almost simultaneously, by three groups of physicists: by François Englert and Robert Brout;[14] by Peter Higgs;[15] and by Gerald Guralnik, C. R. Hagen, and Tom Kibble (GHK).[16] Properties of the model were further considered by Guralnik in 1965 [17] and by Higgs in 1966.[18] The papers showed that when a gauge theory is combined with an additional field that spontaneously breaks the symmetry group, the gauge bosons can consistently acquire a finite mass. In 1967, Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam were the first to apply the Higgs mechanism to the breaking of the electroweak symmetry, and showed how a Higgs mechanism could be incorporated into Sheldon Glashow‘s electroweak theory,[19][20][21] in what became the Standard Model of particle physics.

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The three papers written in 1964 were each recognized as milestone papers during Physical Review Letters‘s 50th anniversary celebration.[22] Their six authors were also awarded the 2010 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics for this work.[23] (A dispute also arose the same year; in the event of a Nobel Prize up to three scientists would be eligible, with six authors credited for the papers.[24] ) Two of the three PRL papers (by Higgs and by GHK) contained equations for the hypothetical field that eventually would become known as the Higgs field and its hypothetical quantum, the Higgs boson. Higgs’ subsequent 1966 paper showed the decay mechanism of the boson; only a massive boson can decay and the decays can prove the mechanism.

In the paper by Higgs the boson is massive, and in a closing sentence Higgs writes that "an essential feature" of the theory "is the prediction of incomplete multiplets of scalar and vector bosons". In the paper by GHK the boson is massless and decoupled from the massive states. In reviews dated 2009 and 2011, Guralnik states that in the GHK model the boson is massless only in a lowest-order approximation, but it is not subject to any constraint and acquires mass at higher orders, and adds that the GHK paper was the only one to show that there are no massless Goldstone bosons in the model and to give a complete analysis of the general Higgs mechanism.[25][26]

In addition to explaining how mass is acquired by vector bosons, the Higgs mechanism also predicts the ratio between the W boson and Z boson masses as well as their couplings with each other and with the Standard Model quarks and leptons. Subsequently, many of these predictions have been verified by precise measurements performed at the LEP and the SLC colliders, thus overwhelmingly confirming that some kind of Higgs mechanism does take place in nature,[27] but the exact manner by which it happens has not yet been discovered. The results of searching for the Higgs boson are expected to provide evidence about how this is realized in nature.

Theoretical properties

Main article: Higgs mechanism

Summary of interactions between particles described by the Standard Model.

A one-loop Feynman diagram of the first-order correction to the Higgs mass. The Higgs boson couples strongly to the top quark so it may, if heavy enough, decay into top–anti-top quark pairs.

The Standard Model predicts the existence of a field, called the Higgs field, which has a non-zero amplitude in its ground state; i.e. a non-zero vacuum expectation value. The existence of this non-zero vacuum expectationspontaneously breaks electroweak gauge symmetry which in turn gives rise to the Higgs mechanism. It is the simplest process capable of giving mass to the gauge bosons while remaining compatible with gauge theories.[citation needed] The field can be pictured as a pool of molasses that "sticks" to the otherwise massless fundamental particles that travel through the field, converting them into particles with mass that form (for example) the components of atoms. Its quantum would be a scalar boson, known as the Higgs boson.[citation needed]

In the Standard Model, the Higgs field consists of two neutral and two charged component fields. Both of the charged components and one of the neutral fields are Goldstone bosons, which act as the longitudinal third-polarization components of the massive W+, W, and Z bosons.[citation needed] The quantum of the remaining neutral component corresponds to (and is theoretically realized as) the massive Higgs boson. Since the Higgs field is a scalar field, the Higgs boson has no spin. The Higgs boson is also its own antiparticle and is CP-even, and has zero electric and colour charge.[citation needed]

The Standard Model does not predict the mass of the Higgs boson.[citation needed] If that mass is between 115 and 180 GeV/c2, then the Standard Model can be valid at energy scales all the way up to the Planck scale (1016TeV).[citation needed] Many theorists expect new physics beyond the Standard Model to emerge at the TeV-scale, based on unsatisfactory properties of the Standard Model.[citation needed] The highest possible mass scale allowed for the Higgs boson (or some other electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism) is 1.4 TeV; beyond this point, the Standard Model becomes inconsistent without such a mechanism, because unitarity is violated in certain scattering processes.[citation needed]

In theory, the mass of the Higgs boson may be estimated indirectly. In the Standard Model, the Higgs boson has a number of indirect effects; most notably, Higgs loops result in tiny corrections to masses of W and Z bosons. Precision measurements of electroweak parameters, such as the Fermi constant and masses of W/Z bosons, can be used to constrain the mass of the Higgs. As of July 2011, the precision electroweak measurements tell us that the mass of the Higgs boson is lower than about 161 GeV/c2 at 95% confidence level (CL). This upper bound increases to 185 GeV/c2 when including the LEP-2 direct search lower bound of 114.4 GeV/c2.[27] These indirect constraints rely on the assumption that the Standard Model is correct. It may still be possible to discover a Higgs boson above 185 GeV/c2 if it is accompanied by other particles beyond those predicted by the Standard Model.[citation needed]

The minimal Standard Model as described above contains only one complex isospin Higgs doublet, however, it also is possible to have an extended Higgs sector with additional doublets or triplets. The non-minimal Higgs sector favored by theory are the two-Higgs-doublet models (2HDM), which predict the existence of a quintet of scalar particles: two CP-even neutral Higgs bosons h0 and H0, a CP-odd neutral Higgs boson A0, and two charged Higgs particles H±. The key method to distinguish different variations of the 2HDM models and the minimal SM involves their coupling and the branching ratios of the Higgs decays. The so called Type-I model has one Higgs doublet coupling to up and down quarks, while the second doublet does not couple to quarks. This model has two interesting limits, in which the lightest Higgs doesn’t couple to either fermions (fermiophobic) or gauge bosons (gauge-phobic). In the 2HDM of Type-II, one Higgs doublet only couples to up-type quarks, while the other only couples to down-type quarks.

Many extensions to the Standard Model, including supersymmetry (SUSY), often contain an extended Higgs sector. Many supersymmetric models predict that the lightest Higgs boson will have a mass only slightly above the current experimental limits, at around 120 GeV/c2 or less.[citation needed] The heavily researched Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) belongs to the class of models with a Type-II two-Higgs-doublet sector and could be ruled out by the observation of a Higgs belonging to a Type-I 2HDM.

Alternative mechanisms for electroweak symmetry breaking

Main article: Higgsless model

In the years since the Higgs field and boson were proposed, several alternative models have been proposed by which the Higgs mechanism might be realized. The Higgs boson exists in some, but not all, theories. For example, it exists in the Standard Model and extensions such as theMinimal Supersymmetric Standard Model yet is not expected to exist in alternative models such as Technicolor. Models which do not include a Higgs field or a Higgs boson are known as Higgsless models. In these models, strongly interacting dynamics rather than an additional (Higgs) field produce the non-zero vacuum expectation value that breaks electroweak symmetry. A partial list of these alternative mechanisms are:

A goal of the LHC and Tevatron experiments is to distinguish between these models and determine if the Higgs boson exists or not.

Experimental search

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Status as of March 2011.[citation needed] Coloured sections have been ruled out to the stated confidence intervals either by indirect measurements and LEP experiments (green) or by Tevatronexperiments (orange).

Gluon-top-higgs.svg BosonFusion-Higgs.svg

Feynman diagrams showing two ways the Higgs boson might be produced at the LHC. Left: two gluons convert to top/anti-top quark pairs, which combine. Right: two quarks emit W or Z bosons, which combine.

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Like other massive particles (e.g. the top quark and W and Z bosons), Higgs bosons created in particle accelerators decay long before they reach any of the detectors. However, the Standard Model precisely predicts the possible modes of decay and their probabilities. This allows the creation of a Higgs boson to be shown by careful examination of the decay products of collisions. The experimental search therefore commenced in the 1980s with the opening of particle accelerators sufficiently powerful to provide evidence related to the Higgs boson.

Prior to the year 2000, data gathered at the Large Electron–Positron Collider (LEP) at CERN had allowed an experimental lower bound to be set for the mass of the Standard Model Higgs boson of 114.4 GeV/c2 at the 95%confidence level (CL). The same experiment has produced a small number of events that could be interpreted as resulting from Higgs bosons with a mass just above this cut off — around 115 GeV — but the number of events was insufficient to draw definite conclusions.[32] The LEP was shut down in 2000 due to construction of its successor, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Full operation at the LHC was delayed for 14 months from its initial successful tests on 10 September 2008, until mid-November 2009,[33][34] following a magnet quench event nine days after its inaugural tests that damaged over 50 superconducting magnets and contaminated the vacuum system.[35] The quench was traced to a faulty electrical connection and repairs took several months;[36][37] electrical fault detection and rapid quench-handling systems were also upgraded.

At the Fermilab Tevatron, there were also ongoing experiments searching for the Higgs boson. As of July 2010, combined data from CDF and experiments at the Tevatron were sufficient to exclude the Higgs boson in the range 158-175 GeV/c2 at 95% CL.[38][39] Preliminary results as of July 2011 extended the excluded region to the range 156-177 GeV/c2 at 95% CL.[40]

Data collection and analysis in search of Higgs intensified from 30 March 2010 when the LHC began operating at 3.5 TeV.[41] Preliminary results from the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC as of July 2011 exclude a Standard Model Higgs boson in the mass range 155-190 GeV/c2[42] and 149-206 GeV/c2,[43] respectively, at 95% CL. All of the above confidence intervals were derived using the CLs method.

As of December 2011 the search had narrowed to the approximate region 115–130 GeV with a specific focus around 125 GeV where both the ATLAS and CMS experiments independently report an excess of events,[44][45] meaning that a higher than expected number of particle patterns compatible with the decay of a Higgs boson were detected in this energy range. The data was insufficient to show whether or not these excesses were due to background fluctuations (i.e. random chance or other causes), and its statistical significance was not large enough to draw conclusions yet or even formally to count as an "observation", but the fact that two independent experiments had both shown excesses at around the same mass led to considerable excitement in the particle physics community.[46]

On 22 December 2011, the DØ Collaboration also reported limitations on the Higgs boson within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, an extension to the Standard Model. Protonantiproton (pp) collisions with a centre-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV had allowed them to set an upper limit for Higgs boson production within MSSM ranging from 90 to 300 GeV, and excluding tanβ > 20–30 for masses of the Higgs boson below 180 GeV (tanβ is the ratio of the two Higgs doublet vacuum expectation values).[47]

At the end of December 2011, it was therefore widely expected that the LHC would provide sufficient data to either exclude or confirm the existence of the Standard Model Higgs boson by the end of 2012, when their new 2012 collision data (at energies of 8 TeV) had been examined.[48]

Updates from the two LHC teams continued during the first part of 2012, with the tentative December 2011 data largely being confirmed and developed further. Updates were also available from the team analyzing the final data from the Tevatron. All of these continued to highlight and narrow down the same 125 GeV region as showing interesting features.

On 2 July 2012, the ATLAS collaboration published additional analyses of their 2011 data, excluding boson mass ranges of 111.4 GeV to 116.6 GeV, 119.4 GeV to 122.1 GeV, and 129.2 GeV to 541 GeV. They observed an excess of events corresponding to the Higgs boson mass hypotheses around 126 GeV with a local significance of 2.9 sigma.[49] On the same date, the and CDF Collaborations announced further analysis that increased their confidence. The significance of the excesses at energies between 115–140 GeV was now quantified as 2.9 standard deviations, corresponding to a 1 in 550 probability of being due to a statistical fluctuation. However, this still fell short of the 5 sigma confidence, therefore the results of the LHC experiments are necessary to establish a discovery. They exclude Higgs mass ranges at 100–103 and 147–180 GeV.[50][51]

On 22 June 2012 CERN announced an upcoming seminar covering tentative findings for 2012,[52][53] and shortly afterwards rumors began to spread in the media that this would include a major announcement, but it was unclear whether this would be a stronger signal or a formal discovery.[54][55] On 4 July 2012 CMS announced the discovery of a boson with mass 125.3 ± 0.6 GeV/c2 within 4.9 sigma,[2] and ATLAS of a boson with mass ∼126.5 GeV/c2 within 5 sigma.[3] This meets the formal level required to announce a new particle which is "consistent with" the Higgs boson, but scientists are cautious as to whether it is formally identified as actually being the Higgs boson, pending further analysis.[1]

Timeline of experimental evidence
All results refer to the Standard Model Higgs boson, unless otherwise stated.
  • 2000–2004 – using data collected before 2000, in 2003–2004 Large Electron–Positron Collider experiments published papers which set a lower bound for the Higgs boson of 114.4 GeV/c2 at the 95% confidence level (CL), with a small number of events around 115 GeV.[32]
  • July 2010 – data from CDF (Fermilab) and DØ (Tevatron) experiments exclude the Higgs boson in the range 158–175 GeV/c2 at 95% CL.[38][39]
  • 24 April 2011 – media reports "rumors" of a find;[56] these were debunked by May 2011.[57] They had not been a hoax, but were based on unofficial, unreviewed results.[58]
  • 24 July 2011 – the LHC reported possible signs of the particle, the ATLAS Note concluding: "In the low mass range (c. 120–140 GeV) an excess of events with a significance of approximately 2.8 sigma above the background expectation is observed" and the BBC reporting that "interesting particle events at a mass of between 140 and 145 GeV" were found.[59][60] These findings were repeated shortly thereafter by researchers at the Tevatron with a spokesman stating that: "There are some intriguing things going on around a mass of 140GeV."[59] On 22 August 2011 it was reported that these anomalous results had become insignificant on the inclusion of more data from ATLAS and CMS and that the non-existence of the particle had been confirmed by LHC collisions to 95% certainty between 145–466 GeV (except for a few small islands around 250 GeV).[61]
  • 23–24 July 2011 – Preliminary LHC results exclude the ranges 155–190 GeV/c2 (ATLAS)[42] and 149–206 GeV/c2 (CMS)[43] at 95% CL.
  • 27 July 2011 – preliminary CDF/DØ results extend the excluded range to 156–177 GeV/c2 at 95% CL.[40]
  • 18 November 2011 – a combined analysis of ATLAS and CMS data further narrowed the window for the allowed values of the Higgs boson mass to 114–141 GeV.[62]
  • 13 December 2011 – experimental results were announced from the ATLAS and CMS experiments, indicating that if the Higgs boson exists, its mass is limited to the range 116–130 GeV (ATLAS) or 115–127 GeV (CMS), with other masses excluded at 95% CL. Observed excesses of events at around 124 GeV (CMS) and 125–126 GeV (ATLAS) are consistent with the presence of a Higgs boson signal, but also consistent with fluctuations in the background. The global statistical significances of the excesses are 1.9 sigma (CMS) and 2.6 sigma (ATLAS) after correction for the look elsewhere effect.[44][45]
  • 22 December 2011 – the DØ Collaboration also sets limits on Higgs boson masses within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (an extension of the Standard Model), with an upper limit for production ranging from 90 to 300 GeV, and excluding tanβ>20–30 for Higgs boson masses below 180 GeV at 95% CL.[47]
  • 7 February 2012 – updating the December results, the ATLAS and CMS experiments constrain the Standard Model Higgs boson, if it exists, to the range 116–131 GeV and 115–127 GeV, respectively, with the same statistical significance as before.[63][64][65]
  • 7 March 2012 – the and CDF Collaborations announced that they found excesses that might be interpreted as coming from a Higgs boson with a mass in the region of 115 to 135 GeV/c2 in the full sample of data from Tevatron. The significance of the excesses is quantified as 2.2standard deviations, corresponding to a 1 in 250 probability of being due to a statistical fluctuation. This is a lower significance, but consistent with and independent of the ATLAS and CMS data at the LHC.[66][67] This new result also extends the range of Higgs-mass values excluded by the Tevatron experiments at 95% CL, which becomes 147-179 GeV/c2.[68][69]
  • 2 July 2012 – the ATLAS collaboration further analyzed their 2011 data, excluding Higgs mass ranges of 111.4 GeV to 116.6 GeV, 119.4 GeV to 122.1 GeV, and 129.2 GeV to 541 GeV. Higgs bosons are probably located at 126 GeV with significance of 2.9 sigma.[49] On the same day, the and CDF Collaborations also announced further analysis, increasing their confidence that the data between 115–140 GeV is corresponding to a Higgs boson to 2.9 sigma, excluding mass ranges at 100–103 and 147–180 GeV.[50][51]
  • 4 July 2012 – the CMS collaboration "announces the discovery of a boson with mass 125.3 ± 0.6 GeV/c2 within 4.9 sigma" and the ATLAS collaboration announced that "we observe in our data clear signs of a new particle, at the level of 5 sigma, in the mass region around 126 GeV." These findings meet the formal level required to announce a new particle which is "consistent with" the Higgs boson, but scientists are cautious as to whether it is formally identified as being the Higgs boson, pending further data collection and analysis.[1]

"God particle"

The Higgs boson is often referred to as the "God particle" by the media,[70] after the title of Leon Lederman‘s popular science book on particle physics, The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?[71][72] While use of this term may have contributed to increased media interest,[72] many scientists dislike it, since it overstates the particle’s importance, not least since its discovery would still leave unanswered questions about the unification of quantum chromodynamics, the electroweak interaction, and gravity, as well as the ultimate origin of the universe.[70][4] Higgs is an atheist, and is displeased that the Higgs particle is nicknamed the "God particle",[73] because in Higgs’s view the term "might offend people who are religious".[74]

Lederman said he gave it the nickname "the God particle" because the particle is "so central to the state of physics today, so crucial to our understanding of the structure of matter, yet so elusive,"[70][71][75] but jokingly added that a second reason was because "the publisher wouldn’t let us call it the Goddamn Particle, though that might be a more appropriate title, given its villainous nature and the expense it is causing."[71]

A renaming competition conducted by the science correspondent for the British Guardian newspaper chose the name "the champagne bottle boson" as the best from among their submissions: "The bottom of a champagne bottle is in the shape of the Higgs potential and is often used as an illustration in physics lectures. So it’s not an embarrassingly grandiose name, it is memorable, and [it] has some physics connection too."[76]

See also

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  1. ^ Note that such events also occur due to other processes. Detection involves a statistically significant excess of such events at specific energies.
  2. ^ Only 1% of the mass of composite particles, such as the proton and neutron, is due to the Higgs mechanism. The other 99% is due to the mass of the kinetic energies of particles inside baryons, all constrained by the strong interaction. However, without the Higgs mechanism quarks and electrons would be massless and would move at the speed of light. See "Higgs hunt: new particle found".


  1. ^ a b c d e "CERN experiments observe particle consistent with long-sought Higgs boson". CERN press release. 4 July 2012. Retrieved 4 July 2012.
  2. ^ a b c Taylor, Lucas (2012-07-04). "Observation of a New Particle with a Mass of 125 GeV". CMS Public Website. CERN.
  3. ^ a b c "Latest Results from ATLAS Higgs Search". ATLAS. 2012-07-04. Retrieved 2012-07-04.
  4. ^ Griffiths, David (2008). "12.1 The Higgs Boson". Introduction to Elementary Particles (Second, Revised ed.). Wiley-VCH. p. 403.ISBN 978-3-527-40601-2. "The Higgs particle is the only element in the Standard Model for which there is as yet no compelling experimental evidence."
  5. ^ Lee, Benjamin W.; Quigg, C.; Thacker, H. B. (1977). "Weak interactions at very high energies: The role of the Higgs-boson mass". Physical Review D 16 (5): 1519–1531. Bibcode1977PhRvD..16.1519L. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevD.16.1519.
  6. ^ Video (04:38)CERN Announcement (4 July 2012) Of Higgs Boson Discovery.
  7. ^ Overbye, Dennis (July 4, 2012). "A New Particle Could Be Physics’ Holy Grail". New York Times. Retrieved July 4, 2012.
  8. ^ Goldstone, J; Salam, Abdus; Weinberg, Steven (1962). "Broken Symmetries". Physical Review 127 (3): 965–970. Bibcode1962PhRv..127..965G. DOI:10.1103/PhysRev.127.965.
  9. ^ Anderson, P. (1963). "Plasmons, gauge invariance and mass".Physical Review 130: 439. Bibcode 1963PhRv..130..439A.DOI:10.1103/PhysRev.130.439.
  10. ^ Englert, François; Brout, Robert (1964). "Broken Symmetry and the Mass of Gauge Vector Mesons". Physical Review Letters 13 (9): 321–23. Bibcode 1964PhRvL..13..321E.DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.13.321.
  11. ^ Higgs, Peter (1964). "Broken Symmetries and the Masses of Gauge Bosons". Physical Review Letters 13 (16): 508–509. Bibcode1964PhRvL..13..508H. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.13.508.
  12. ^ Guralnik, Gerald; Hagen, C. R.; Kibble, T. W. B. (1964). "Global Conservation Laws and Massless Particles". Physical Review Letters 13 (20): 585–587. Bibcode 1964PhRvL..13..585G.DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.13.585.
  13. ^ G.S. Guralnik (2011). "GAUGE INVARIANCE AND THE GOLDSTONE THEOREM – 1965 Feldafing talk". Modern Physics Letters A 26 (19): 1381–1392. arXiv:1107.4592v1. Bibcode2011MPLA…26.1381G. DOI:10.1142/S0217732311036188.
  14. ^ Higgs, Peter (1966). "Spontaneous Symmetry Breakdown without Massless Bosons". Physical Review 145 (4): 1156–1163. Bibcode1966PhRv..145.1156H. DOI:10.1103/PhysRev.145.1156.
  15. ^ S.L. Glashow (1961). "Partial-symmetries of weak interactions".Nuclear Physics 22 (4): 579–588. Bibcode 1961NucPh..22..579G.DOI:10.1016/0029-5582(61)90469-2.
  16. ^ S. Weinberg (1967). "A Model of Leptons". Physical Review Letters19 (21): 1264–1266. Bibcode 1967PhRvL..19.1264W.DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.19.1264.
  17. ^ A. Salam (1968). N. Svartholm. ed. Elementary Particle Physics: Relativistic Groups and Analyticity. Eighth Nobel Symposium. Stockholm: Almquvist and Wiksell. pp. 367.
  18. ^ Merali, Zeeya (4 August 2010). "Physicists get political over Higgs". Nature Magazine. Retrieved 28 December 2011.
  19. ^ G.S. Guralnik (2009). "The History of the Guralnik, Hagen and Kibble development of the Theory of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Gauge Particles". International Journal of Modern Physics A 24 (14): 2601–2627. arXiv:0907.3466. Bibcode2009IJMPA..24.2601G. DOI:10.1142/S0217751X09045431.
  20. ^ Guralnik (11 October 2011). "Guralnik, G.S. The Beginnings of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Particle Physics. Proceedings of the DPF-2011 Conference, Providence, RI, 8–13 August 2011".arXiv:1110.2253v1 [physics.hist-ph].
  21. ^ S. Dimopoulos and Leonard Susskind (1979). "Mass Without Scalars". Nuclear Physics B 155: 237–252. Bibcode1979NuPhB.155..237D. DOI:10.1016/0550-3213(79)90364-X.
  22. ^ C. Csaki and C. Grojean and L. Pilo and J. Terning (2004). "Towards a realistic model of Higgsless electroweak symmetry breaking". Physical Review Letters 92 (10): 101802. arXiv:hep-ph/0308038. Bibcode 2004PhRvL..92j1802C.DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.101802. PMID 15089195.
  23. ^ L. F. Abbott and E. Farhi (1981). "Are the Weak Interactions Strong?". Physics Letters B 101: 69. Bibcode1981PhLB..101…69A. DOI:10.1016/0370-2693(81)90492-5.
  24. ^ Bilson-Thompson, Sundance O.; Markopoulou, Fotini; Smolin, Lee (2007). "Quantum gravity and the standard model". Class. Quantum Grav. 24 (16): 3975–3993. arXiv:hep-th/0603022. Bibcode2007CQGra..24.3975B. DOI:10.1088/0264-9381/24/16/002.
  25. ^ "CERN management confirms new LHC restart schedule".CERN Press Office. 9 February 2009. Retrieved 10 February 2009.
  26. ^ "CERN reports on progress towards LHC restart". CERN Press Office. 19 June 2009. Retrieved 21 July 2009.
  27. ^ "Interim Summary Report on the Analysis of the 19 September 2008 Incident at the LHC" (PDF). CERN. 15 October 2008. EDMS 973073. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  28. ^ "CERN releases analysis of LHC incident" (Press release). CERN Press Office. 16 October 2008. Retrieved 2009-09-28.
  29. ^ "LHC to restart in 2009" (Press release). CERN Press Office. 5 December 2008. Retrieved 8 December 2008.
  30. ^ a b T. Aaltonen (CDF and DØ Collaborations) (2010). "Combination of Tevatron searches for the standard model Higgs boson in the W+W decay mode". Physical Review Letters 104 (6).arXiv:1001.4162. Bibcode 2010PhRvL.104f1802A.DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.061802.
  31. ^ a b The CDF & D0 Collaborations (27 July 2011). "Combined CDF and D0 Upper Limits on Standard Model Higgs Boson Production with up to 8.6 fb-1 of Data". arXiv:1107.5518 [hep-ex].
  32. ^ "”CERN Bulletin” Issue No. 18–20/2010 – Monday 3 May 2010". 3 May 2010. Retrieved 7 December 2011.
  33. ^ a b "ATLAS experiment presents latest Higgs search status". CERN. 13 December 2011. Retrieved 13 December 2011.
  34. ^ a b "CMS search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in LHC data from 2010 and 2011". CERN. 13 December 2011. Retrieved 13 December 2011.
  35. ^ LHC: Higgs boson ‘may have been glimpsed’ – BBC News, 13 December 2011"two experiments at the LHC see hints of the Higgs at the same mass, fuelling huge excitement""the simple fact that both Atlas and CMS seem to be seeing a data spike at the same mass has been enough to cause enormous excitement in the particle physics community."
  36. ^ a b "Search for Higgs bosons of the minimal supersymmetric standard model in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV". DØ Collaboration. 22 December 2011. Retrieved 23 December 2011.
  37. ^ CERN press release #25.11, 13 December 2011"the statistical significance is not large enough to say anything conclusive. As of today what we see is consistent either with a background fluctuation or with the presence of the boson. Refined analyses and additional data delivered in 2012 by this magnificent machine will definitely give an answer"
  38. ^ a b ATLAS Collaboration (2 July 2012). "Combined search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector". arXiv:1207.0319 [hep-ex].
  39. ^ a b "Tevatron scientists announce their final results on the Higgs particle". Fermilab press room. 2 July 2012. Retrieved 2 July 2012.
  40. ^ a b The CDF & D0 Collaborations (2 July 2012). "Updated Combination of CDF and D0 Searches for Standard Model Higgs Boson Production with up to 10.0 fb-1 of Data".arXiv:1207.0449 [hep-ex].
  41. ^ "CERN to give update on Higgs search". CERN. 22 June 2012. Retrieved 2 July 2011.
  42. ^ "Higgs boson particle results could be a quantum leap". Times LIVE. 28 June 2012. Retrieved 4 July 2012.
  43. ^ CERN prepares to deliver Higgs particle findings – Australian Broadcasting Corporation – Retrieved 4 July 2012.
  44. ^ Brumfiel, Geoff (2011). "The collider that cried ‘Higgs’". Nature.Bibcode 2011Natur.473..136B. DOI:10.1038/473136a.
  45. ^ Butterworth, Jon (24 April 2011). "The Guardian, "Rumours of the Higgs at ATLAS"". Guardian. Retrieved 7 December 2011.
  46. ^ a b Rincon, Paul (24 July 2011). "Higgs boson ‘hints’ also seen by US lab". BBC News. Retrieved 13 December 2011.
  47. ^ "Combined Standard Model Higgs Boson Searches in pp Collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC"ATLAS Note (24 July 2011) (pdf) The ATLAS Collaboration. Retrieved 26 July 2011.
  48. ^ Ghosh, Pallab (22 August 2011). "Higgs boson range narrows at European collider". BBC News. Retrieved 13 December 2011.
  49. ^ Brumfiel, Geoff (18 November 2011). "Higgs hunt enters endgame". Nature News. Retrieved 22 November 2011.
  50. ^ "ATLAS and CMS experiments submit Higgs search papers"(Press release). CERN Press Release. 7 February 2012. Retrieved 3 July 2012.
  51. ^ ATLAS Collaboration; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdelalim, A.A.; Abdesselam, A.; Abdinov, O.; Abi, B. et al. (2012). "Combined search for the Standard Model Higgs boson using up to 4.9 fb-1 of pp collision data at s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC". Physics Letters B 710 (1): 49–66. arXiv:1202.1408.DOI:10.1016/j.physletb.2012.02.044.
  52. ^ CMS Collaboration; Khachatryan, V.; Sirunyan, A.M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Bergauer, T.; Dragicevic, M.; Erö, J. et al. (2012). "Combined results of searches for the standard model Higgs boson in pp collisions at s=7 TeV". Physics Letters B 710 (1): 26–48.arXiv:1202.1488. DOI:10.1016/j.physletb.2012.02.064.
  53. ^ Higgs boson coming into focus, say scientists (+video). (7 March 2012). Retrieved on 9 March 2012.
  54. ^ Lemonick, Michael D.. (22 February 2012) Higgs Boson: Found at Last?. TIME. Retrieved on 9 March 2012.
  55. ^ Overbye, Dennis (7 March 2012). "Data Hint at Hypothetical Particle, Key to Mass in the Universe". NYT. Retrieved 7 March 2012.
  56. ^ a b c Sample, Ian (29 May 2009). "Anything but the God particle". London: The Guardian. Retrieved 24 June 2009.
  57. ^ a b c Leon M. Lederman and Dick Teresi (1993). The God Particle: If the Universe is the Answer, What is the Question. Houghton Mifflin Company.
  58. ^ a b Sample, Ian (3 March 2009). "Father of the God particle: Portrait of Peter Higgs unveiled". London: The Guardian. Retrieved 24 June 2009.
  59. ^ Alister McGrath, Higgs boson: the particle of faith, The Daily Telegraph, Published 15 December 2011, Retrieved 15 December 2011.
  60. ^ Sample, Ian (12 June 2009). "Higgs competition: Crack open the bubbly, the God particle is dead". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 4 May 2010.


"God Particle" Found? "Historic Milestone" From Higgs Boson Hunters

Newfound particle may be at the core of existence.

The Higgs particle erupting from the collision of protons.

In an artist’s conception, a Higgs boson erupts from a collision of protons.

Illustration by Moonrunner Design Ltd., National Geographic

Ker Than

for National Geographic News

Published July 4, 2012

"I think we have it. You agree?"

Speaking to a packed audience Wednesday morning in Geneva, CERNdirector general Rolf Heuer confirmed that two separate teams working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are more than 99 percent certain they’ve discovered the Higgs boson, aka the God particleor at the least a brand-new particle exactly where they expected the Higgs to be.

The long-sought particle may complete the standard model of physics by explaining why objects in our universe have massand in so doing, why galaxies, planets, and even humans have any right to exist.

(See Large Hadron Collider pictures.)

"We have a discovery," Heuer said at the seminar. "We have observed a new particle consistent with a Higgs boson."

At the meeting were four theorists who helped develop the Higgs theory in the 1960s, including Peter Higgs himself, who could be seen wiping away tears as the announcement was made.

Although preliminary, the results show a so-called five-sigma of significance, which means that there is only a one in a million chance that the Higgs-like signal the teams observed is a statistical fluke.

"It’s a tremendous and exciting time," said physicist Michael Tuts, who works with the ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC Apparatus) Experiment, one of the two Higgs-seeking LHC projects.

The Columbia University physicist had organized a wee-hours gathering of physicists and students in the U.S. to watch the announcement, which took place at 9 a.m., Geneva time.

"This is the payoff. This is what you do it for."

The two LHC teams searching for the Higgs—the other being the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) project—did so independently. Neither one knew what the other would present this morning.

"It was interesting that the competing experiment essentially had the same result," said physicist Ryszard Stroynowski, an ATLAS team member based at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. "It provides additional confirmation."

CERN head Heuer called today’s announcement a "historic milestone" but cautioned that much work lies ahead as physicists attempt to confirm the newfound particle’s identity and further probe its properties.

For example, though the teams are certain the new particle has the proper mass for the predicted Higgs boson, they still need to determine whether it behaves as the God particle is thought to behave—and therefore what its role in the creation and maintenance of the universe is.

"I think we can all be proud … but it’s a beginning," Heuer said.

Higgs Boson Results Exceeded Expectations

The five-sigma results from both the ATLAS and CMS experiments exceeded the expectations of many physicists, including David Evans, leader of the U.K. team that works on the LHC-based ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) Collaboration.

Evans had predicted Tuesday the teams would announce a four-sigma result—just short of the rigorous standard traditionally required for a new-particle observation to officially count as a true discovery and not a fluke.

"It’s even better than I expected," said Evans, of the University of Birmingham in the U.K. "I think we can say the Higgs is here. It exists."

Evans attributed the stronger-than-expected results to "a mixture of the LHC doing a fantastic job" and "ATLAS and CMS doing a fantastic job of improving their analysis since December," when the two teams announced a two-sigma observation of signs of a Higgs-like particle.

"So even with the same data, they can get more significance."

ATLAS spokesperson Fabiola Gianotti also had high praise for the LHC, a multibillion-dollar machine that had suffered numerous mishaps and setbacks in its early days. (Related: "Electrical Glitch Delays Large Hadron Collider.")

"The LHC and experiments have been doing miracles. I think we are working beyond design," the Italian particle physicist added.

ALICE’s Evans said he was extremely pleased by the Higgs results but admitted feeling just a bit disappointed that the results weren’t more surprising.

"Secretly I would have loved it to be something slightly different than the standard model predictions, because that would indicate that there’s something more out there."

On God-Particle Hunt, It’s "Easy to Fool Yourself"

Wednesday’s announcement builds on results from last December, when the ATLAS and CMS teams said their data suggested that the Higgs boson has a mass of about 125 gigaelectron volts (GeV)—about 125 times the mass of a proton, a positively charged particle in an atom’s nucleus.

(See "Hints of Higgs Boson Seen at LHC—Proof by Next Summer?")

"For the first time there was a case where we expected to [rule out] the Higgs, and we weren’t able to do so," said Tim Barklow, an experimental physicist with the ATLAS Experiment who’s based at Stanford University’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

A two-sigma finding translates to about a 95 percent chance that results are not due to a statistical fluke.

While that might seem impressive, it falls short of the stringent five-sigma level that high-energy physicists traditionally require for an official discovery. Five sigma means there’s a less than one in a million probability that a finding is due to chance.

"We make these rules and impose them on ourselves because, when you are exploring on the frontier, it is easy to fool yourself," said Michael Peskin, a theoretical physicist also at SLAC.

(Related: "’God Particle’ May Be Five Distinct Particles, New Evidence Shows.")

Higgs Holds It All Together?

The Higgs boson is one of the final puzzle pieces required for a complete understanding of the standard model of physics—the so-far successful theory that explains how fundamental particles interact with the elementary forces of nature.

The so-called God particle was proposed in the 1960s by Peter Higgs to explain why some particles, such as quarks—building blocks of protons, among other things—and electrons have mass, while others, such as the light-carrying photon particle, do not.

Higgs’s idea was that the universe is bathed in an invisible field similar to a magnetic field. Every particle feels this field—now known as the Higgs field—but to varying degrees.

If a particle can move through this field with little or no interaction, there will be no drag, and that particle will have little or no mass. Alternatively, if a particle interacts significantly with the Higgs field, it will have a higher mass.

The idea of the Higgs field requires the acceptance of a related particle: the Higgs boson.

According to the standard model, if the Higgs field didn’t exist, the universe would be a very different place, said SLAC’s Peskin, who isn’t involved in the LHC experiments.

"It would be very difficult to form atoms," Peskin said. "So our orderly world, where matter is made of atoms, and electrons form chemical bonds—we wouldn’t have that if we did not have the Higgs field."

In other words: no galaxies, no stars, no planets, no life on Earth.

"Nature Is Really Nasty" to Higgs Boson Seekers

Buried beneath the French-Swiss border, the Large Hadron Collider is essentially a 17-mile-long (27-kilometer-long) oval tunnel. Inside, counter-rotating beams of protons are boosted to nearly the speed of light using an electric field before being magnetically steered into collisions.

Exotic fundamental particles—some of which likely haven’t existed since the early moments after the big bang—are created in the high-energy crashes. But the odd particles hang around for only fractions of a second before decaying into other particles.

(Also see "Strange Particle Created; May Rewrite How Matter’s Made.")

Theory predicts that the Higgs boson’s existence is too fleeting to be recorded by LHC instruments, but physicists think they can confirm its creation if they can spot the particles it decays into. (Explore a Higgs boson interactive.)

Now that the Higgs boson—or something like it—has been confirmed to indeed have a mass of around 125 to 126 GeV, scientists have a better idea why the God particle has avoided detection for so long.

This mass is just high enough to be out of reach of earlier, lower-energy particle accelerators, such as the LHC’s predecessor, the Large Electron-Positron Collider, which could probe to only about 115 GeV.

At the same time 125 GeV is not so massive that it produces decay products so unusual that their detection would be clear proof of the Higgs’s existence.

In reality the Higgs appears to transform into relatively commonplace decay products such as quarks, which are produced by the millions at the LHC.

"It just so happens that nature is really nasty to us, and the range that we’ve narrowed [the Higgs] down to is the range that makes it most difficult to find," ALICE’s Evans said.

Despite the challenges, ATLAS’s Gianotti said, it’s fortunate that the Higgs has the mass that it does.

"It’s very nice for the standard-model Higgs boson to be at that mass," she said. "Because at that mass we can measure it at the LHC in a huge number of final states. So, thanks Nature."

Going for the Gold

While the search for the Higgs was a primary motivation for the construction of the LHC, activity at the world’s largest atom smasher won’t stop if the Higgs boson is confirmed.

For one thing, the two teams will be busy preparing the data they presented today for submission to scientific journals for publication.

There are also lingering questions that will require years of follow-up work, such as what the God particle’s "decay channels" are—that is, what particles the Higgs transforms into as it sheds energy.

The answer to that question will allow physicists to determine whether the particle they have discovered is the one predicted from theory or something more exotic, Columbia University’s Tuts said.

"Does it really smell and taste like a Higgs? Is it being produced at the rate that a standard model Higgs would predict? That’s the work that’s going to go on over the course of this year at least," he added.

Something the public often forgets, too, is that ATLAS and CMS make up only two of the LHC’s four major experiments, Evans said. The other two—the LHCb Collaboration and Evan’s own ALICE—are investigating other physics arcana, such as why the universe contains so little antimatter.

(See "Antimatter Atoms Trapped for First Time—’A Big Deal.’")

"If you want to compare it to the Olympics, finding the Higgs would be like winning just one gold medal," Evans said.

"I’m sure most countries would like to win more than one gold medal. And I think CERN is going to deliver a lot more gold medals over the years."

WTC Destruction & High Temperature Aftermath: ONLY Nuclear Bombs and the China Syndrome Fit All the Evidence


By The Anonymous Physicist
June 25, 2012

Editors Note: It is important to point that micro nukes were most likely used at the base core of the WTC buildings in conjunction with nano-thermite and C-4.

In attempting to ascertain what caused the destruction of the WTC on 9/11/01, and the great heat and molten metal observed for up to six months afterward, one must account for ALL the phenomena involved in WTC destruction, and the aftermath– and not just one or two factors.

Only nuclear bombs and the resulting China Syndrome can account for ALL phenomena observed. The overview and numerous supporting articles on the nuclear destruction of the WTC are here:

But, at the outset, we should realize that there is an abundance of evidence that the O.C.T. (Official Conspiracy Theory) is quite bogus.

For example, sworn testimony from firemen/responders contains their witnessing of loud explosions from the onset of tower destruction. This alone destroys the OCT of gravity-driven, progressive collapse.


A brief summary of the nuclear aspects now follows:

1. First, low yield nukes (mini-nukes or micro-nukes) are a proven fact that the U.S Govt has admitted to since the 1950’s with their Davey Crocket rifle, and more recently with a physicist’s testimony to Congress. It is also documented fact that since the 1960’s, and Project Plowshare, low radiation nukes– and later neutron bombs– have been available, and were planned for excavation projects and such. My “many small nukes” WTC hypothesis indicates that numerous low yield nukes went off INSIDE (near the center of) the towers. They vaporized anything near them (via million degree temperatures and/or high neutron flux), but the yield of these micro-nukes was deliberately small enough not to vaporize the outer structure. This also ensured that any radiation was contained during detonation. And Plowshare, and neutron bombs, prove low radiation nukes have been available for decades.

2. MASSIVE EVIDENCE of ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSES (EMP) FROM NUKES. This includes the eyewitness, sworn testimony of EMT responder, Patricia Ondrovic (and others). She reported that as WTC1 was beginning to be destroyed, she saw flickering lights in WTC6 lobby where she tried to enter, but was stopped. And just outside at that time, cars caught fire without any visible reason, and one then had its car door explode off of it; and the door hit and injured her as she began to flee the area. Exactly how EMP from nukes did all this is explained here, along with other evidence of EMP during tower destruction from nuclear bombs.

3. DUST PARTICLE SIZE WAS LESS THAN 2.5 MICRONS– & LIED ABOUT by the Gov’t’s main OCT (Official “Collapse” Theory) engineer/author. You can think of a mortar and pestle, and grinding something large into smaller and smaller pieces. It takes more and more energy input to yield smaller and smaller pieces. A nuclear bomb is known to yield particle sizes down to 10 nanometers. (1 nanometer is 1 billionth of a meter). And Govt scientists had equipment to analyze the WTC dust down to 10-nanometer size, if they wanted to, and should have. Unless they did, and have refused to release this. What they (the U.S. Geological Survey scientists) did was lump together all dust sizes less than 2.5 microns and released this data. (A micron is 1 millionth of a meter, and a thousand times larger than 1 nanometer). Nonetheless, the Govt’s main engineer/author, Z.P. Bazant, numerous times wrote papers that claimed that 10 microns was the smallest sized particles created during WTC destruction, and later collected by USGS scientists. For years he did not cite the work that showed, this. Last year he did cite a reference, and it led back to the 2.5 micron study, NOT to the 10 microns he claimed as the smallest dust particle size! So he flat out committed fraud here. He had to do this as his bogus papers claim that the gravitational potential energy (height times weight) of the towers accounted for the energy needed to create the smallest dust particle size. And there isn’t enough energy from his theory to account for 2.5 micron size dust, let alone the much smaller dust sizes that the USGS did not ascertain or release! The bogus physics and math from Bazant and others is here.

4. MELTED, HANGING SKIN WITHOUT FIRE was reported by at least 4 known WTC survivors. This includes WTC worker Felipe David, whose own words state this occurred without fire, but his story when told by another, has “fire” added. There are also two women who reported (on the “Larry King Show”) that a similar thing happened to them, and they don’t know why, because they too were not in any fire. And there is also a security guard with a similar report. The security guard and Felipe David had this happen to them in the lobby and the sub-basement area of WTC1 respectively. Outside the towers, firemen/responders also felt great heat on their skin without being near any fire DURING TOWER DESTRUCTION. Only the thermal rays of a nuclear bomb can account for this. They go out the farthest when a nuke goes off. And hanging skin was a common occurrence in Hiroshima survivors. Note that the outside firemen feeling heat on their skin (without fire near them) also disproves “DEW”, as they are NOT in the towers nor right under them either, and thus if “directed energy beams did it”, and these must be coherent, they would not diverge and cause heat far from their target! So no “DEW” was involved.

5. SUB-BASEMENT LEVEL, 50-TON STEEL PRESS & HEAVY DOOR VAPORIZED. At the same time as Felipe David’s nightmare was unfolding, and also in the sub-basement, WTC engineer Mike Pecoraro reports going up a level and seeing that a sub-basement level was in shambles and was “just gone.” Also he states a 50-ton press has also been apparently vaporized, and a 300 pound steel/concrete door has just been left shriveled up like foil. The only things that could do this are the multi-million degree temperatures, and neutron bombardment, from a nuclear bomb. Coupling this with the four survivors who had melted, hanging skin at this same time, we have evidence of blast, high temperatures, neutron bombardment and thermal rays– all virtual proof of nuclear bomb use.

6. HEAT GENERATION AT THE WTC FOR UP TO 6 MONTHS AFTER 9/11- -THE CHINA SYNDROME AFTERMATH (CSA) (see No heat “lingers” for weeks and months, not alleged jet fuel, not alleged thermite (which would have been used up either in minutes or hours–or during its use as an explosive). We have the documented, witnessed, and well photographed and videotaped great heat and molten metal for weeks, and indeed for up to six months underground at the WTC– until all radioactive fission fragments were carted away. No heat lingers for that long; this could only have been heat GENERATION. The evidence of great heat throughout much of the rubble pile and even higher temperatures underneath the two towers and WTC7 is massive. It included melted firemen’s boots, even dogs had to wear special boots, a mass of congealed bullets in WTC6 going off weeks later from heat, and many photos of steam emanation from the continual water hosing of the “hotspots” all around the WTC. The China Syndrome HAD TO ARISE because each of the numerous small nukes used up only 1-6% of its fissile material– which is standard for nukes. The remainder was then available as radioactive fragments, releasing great heat for a long time (until removed), as the half-life of Uranium 235 is 700 million years. And it is likely that there were numerous, redundant nukes employed, and the phenomena of “fratricided” and fizzled nukes may also have occurred as these are common with nuclear detonations. These effects likely further exacerbated the China Syndrome. The radioactive fragments were somewhat dispersed throughout the rubble pile, and in greatest concentration underneath the towers and WTC7– where water and sand treatments could not readily be employed. Note that the alleged Tritium finding that the Govt released, may be a red herring to fool people to look for top-secret unknown types of nukes, which couldn’t have led to the CSA, which is what clearly occurred. The ludicrous lying (“there never was any heat during or after WTC destruction”) or the poor attempts to create new laws of chemistry and physics by alleged 9/11truthers (“super nanocomposite thermite burns forever”) only shows how desperate the Govt is to hide the China Syndrome Aftermath.

7. THE MISSING PEOPLE, FURNITURE, steel & other contents of the towers. Destruction of the towers vaporized many of the nearly 3,000 people who died, as well as much furniture, steel and other building contents. The medical examiner was unable to find or utilize any strands of DNA for over 1100 people. The rubble pile from the two towers was only a couple of stories high when it should have been several times higher from a “collapse,” or even a conventional demolition. There is much missing mass from the “extraordinarily high temperatures” as fire engineering Professor Barnett declared after examining vaporized steel, that occurred during tower/WTC7 destruction. Nukes vaporize matter near their hypocenter. Thermite, thermobarics, etc. DO NOT. Contrary to what some claim, neither thermite nor thermobarics could vaporize the missing people, furniture, steel and other contents, as detailed here.

8. CLASSICAL GOV’T DISINFO METHODS ENSUED whereby their agents put out supposedly “alternative theories” involving alleged “secret, new technologies” that are either evidence-free and/or impossible. Space Beams/DEW (Directed Energy Weapons), or ludicrous “super nanocomposite thermite burns forever” theories were created by the intel agencies to cover up the nuking of the WTC, and the China Syndrome Aftermath. (Thermite cools off in minutes or hours.) These “theories” desperately try to claim new phenomena or new laws of physics and chemistry–as does the 9/11 Commission’s ludicrous “findings.”

9. More now on the issue of Radiation: The #1 item above showed that the Govt has had mini-nukes, and micro-nukes for decades, and that low-radiation yielding nukes have also been around for decades as well. On the other hand, the great heat and molten metal at, and under, the WTC for up to six months after 9/11, indicates the existence of the China Syndrome Aftermath at the WTC; whereby many responders and Metro New York residents may have been exposed to some radiation from radioactive fission fragments that resulted from the use of the many micro-nukes. We have much indirect evidence of the effects of radiation poisoning among the 40,000 responders who were at “Ground Zero” in the weeks and months afterwards. There have been hundreds of reported cases of blood, lymph and thyroid cancers among responders. These types of cancers frequently arise from radiation exposure, and are much less likely (unlike lung diseases) to arise from inhalation of toxins. Also,the teeth and hair falling out reported by several responders are also standard illnesses from radiation poisoning. These responders’ doctors and lawyers are not telling these people that radiation may have caused their illnesses, because the China Syndrome Aftermath remains one of the Govt’s most closely guarded secrets. However, we can see that the Govt itself was well aware of what it had caused! Standard radiation-lowering methods were employed beginning the very next morning– 9/12/01! Theseincluded water dilution/hosing down and sand/earth covering (and subsequent removal of this sand/earth) of the rubble pile. These procedures continued for weeks and months precisely because the rubble pile, and undergound areas, were replete with radioactive fission fragments.

911 3D Truth Shirt Back Final

There is some general information on radiation sources that needs elucidation. Due to absorption and other factors, radiation levels can go down quickly– unless radioactive fragments (radionuclides) are released to the environment.

Unless one is close (like Felipe David, who appears to have received thermal radiation, and not ionizing radiation)– or the radiation is very intense– enough distance/air or most materials, will stop most forms of radiation.

This assumes one does not inhale or ingest radioactive particles or radionuclides. The underground WTC areas– which likely had the highest radiation yields (and also heat)– were off limits to all but a few responders.

Also, as Hiroshima studies indicated, it took decades for many cancers and other illnesses to manifest. Note that a Gov’t agency, FEMA, was/is in charge of any radiation data for Ground Zero, and could easily have blocked release of any data that found radiation.

The U.S. Gov’t has a long, sordid record of lying about radiation exposure to soldiers and citizens, as noted here when they nuked their own soldiers during “atomic tests”.

Honest people, not in DENIAL, must see the analogy to the Reichstag fire set by the German Nazis, in 1933, in Berlin. This was their seat of almost their entire federal gov’t. And this fire/destruction was used as an excuse to destroy their Constitution, and as an excuse for War on “terrorists,” and then all of Europe.

There was one difference with the Nazis, however. They waited till the middle of the night, when there were no inhabitants in the Reichstag building! Of course, that German Gov’t did not admit they did it themselves, but that came out after they lost WWII.

If U.S. Govt agencies have certain types of proof that they nuked the WTC, and thus its largest city; does any honest person think these Govt agencies would ever release this data–unless a new Gov’t came about?

There is reason to believe that other crucial data such as WTC rubble pile temperature (AVIRIS, 2nd set), and WTC destruction seismic recordings were altered.

This physicist hypothesizes that WTC responders AND nearby Metro New York residents and workers, that were exposed either the longest or to certain areas with the “hottest”spots face the risk of getting cancer and other immune disorders from radiation exposure in the years and decades to come.

Sadly this will prove the China Syndrome Aftermath in the worst possible way. Private persons and institutions are urged to get and keep statistics on this, as the Gov’t will likely cover this up.


35 Reasons for Many Small Fission Nukes at the WTC

911 Nuclear event

1) heat generation at ground zero for six months (china syndrome)
2) inability to quench ground zero heat with water
3) red hot/molten steel at ground zero
4) missing core columns from ground zero (vaporized during destruction)
5) spreading of sand at ground zero consistent with attempts to limit radiation
6) washing of steel recovered from pile consistent with radiation decontamination
7) extreme security for ground zero steel shipments consistent with limiting access to radioactive steel
8) extreme security at ground zero, limiting exposure, view of devastation
9) extreme pulverization of WTC concrete into very fine particles
10) disappearance of over one thousand human bodies from WTC debris
11) disappearance of furniture, phones, filing cabinets and computers from WTC debris
12) disappearance of elevator doors, office doors, office cubicle walls, toilets and sinks from WTC debris
13) several floor fragments fused together in “meteorite” object
14) bone fragments sprayed into Bankers Trust upper floor during destruction
15) multiple blast waves during destruction of tower
16) large fireballs during initiation of WTC1 destruction
17) small backpack-sized fission nukes exist
18) fission-nuke technology well-established
19) low efficiency of fission nukes ensures leftover radioactive fragments and China syndrome
20) EMP formation during tower destruction (exploding cars, partial burning)
21) Description of heat in WTC blast cloud
22) Extensive cover-up of ground zero air by EPA
23) High rate of cancers, including thyroid cancer typically associated with radiation exposure, in ground zero responders
24) Melted, hanging skin in WTC survivor Felipe David in absence of fire
25) Vaporized press and crumpled steel door in WTC basement reported by Pecoraro
26) Steel beam bent in U, without cracking, evidence of extreme high temps
27) Steel beam bent in U has layer of molten metal on surface
28) Extreme overall devastation of two massive towers and blasted out Ground Zero aftermath
29) Appearance of fantastical, nonsensical DEW theory by likely govt agents– uses evidence of nukes (EMP, extreme pulverization of tower into dust) but denies nukes at all costs
30) Appearance of fantastical, nonsensical thermite (super nano-thermite) theory by likely govt agents– uses evidence of nukes (molten steel, china syndrome) but denies nukes at all costs
31) Small iron microspheres found by Jones et al in WTC dust— evidence of steel vaporization by high temps of nukes
32) Pyroclastic debris cloud during WTC destruction
33) Upwards jutting debris trails reminiscent of debris trails formed during underground nuke test
34) Small bright flashes during destruction of both towers
35) Extremely compacted ground zero debris



The Final Word on The Tritium


by The Anonymous Physicist
I have written, that after long and careful analyses, the best bet for the main factor that destroyed the WTC on 9/11/01 were numerous, small, fission bombs. Others have claimed that one (hypothetical) 4th generation, pure fusion nuclear bomb destroyed each tower. This is what the anonymous Finnish military expert wrote. And the Finn apparently based his entire 4th generation pure fusion hypothesis on the finding of tritium at the WTC on 9/13/01. Since he was the first person to publish any specific nuclear destruction scenario for 9/11, many others cite his work as being definitive, or such. (He could still be correct, though this is extremely unlikely.) And so many who state that they are proponents of the nuclear destruction hypothesis of the WTC are proponents of the pure fusion mechanism, because the Finn is; and he cited the Tritium found at the WTC on 9/13/01. Or there could be a more sinister reason for these numerous individuals to support the pure fusion scenario.
Now the Finn apparently gave overarching consideration to the Tritium found and published in the article, “Study of Traces of Tritium at the World Trade Center” by T.M. Semkow, et al. It was published at the 223rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Orlando, FL, April 7-11, 2002. The article states that “This work was performed under the auspices of the United States Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48.” (Note that this is the same lab that allegedly can create “super nano-composite thermite” that yields “unextinguishable fires,” and thus new laws of chemistry and physics as well as the first equivalent perpetual motion mechanism. [If only.] It’s also the same lab that is remasterminding Kennedy Assassination audio tapes. And I have some suspicions on what the “Eng” might mean.) It should be noted that this paper contains several bogus and ludicrous attempts to account for the tritium at the WTC on 9/13. Mostly they allege that the tritium came from exit signs on the planes that “crashed into the towers.” The paper also alleges that tritium was in the sightings on the guns of police officers killed that day. The first “mechanism” is obviously bogus, as there is not a single video that agrees with reality in that the “planes” are clearly just CGI broadcast on TV, and there was no credible evidence on the ground that any planes had crashed into the towers, and did so with blatantly, obvious impossible crash physics. Sources have also stated that the tritium claim on gun sightings is also bogus, if not totally, then regarding the amount.
Being a long-term expert on gov’t conspiracies and crimes, I see the whole tritium matter very deeply. The regime can and does refuse to release anything damning. So why did they release any data showing tritium at all, when they could have kept this under wraps, as I am sure FEMA is doing with WTC radiation readings? One possible answer is that it would provide a ruse for others to later claim the mythical 4th generation pure fusion bomb was used– thus obviating what was there in NYC for 6 months– the China Syndrome. And always remember, we are discussing the Lawrence Livermore Labs, designers of humanity-exterminating WMD for more than 60 years, as well as the above nefarious actions, related to the thermite hangout and JFK murder.
Now my first articles on my “many small nukes hypothesis” cited evidence for both fission and fusion at the WTC. I too ignored one important factor in these matters for a while– but I have changed that in later articles and in a larger work– but have not played this up at this blog, and wish to rectify this now. I have also written that it may be more than coincidence that a 4th generation pure fusion bomb does not allow for what we clearly had at the WTC for up to six months– the China Syndrome of great heat GENERATION from the remnants of the many fission bombs, as each used only about 1-6% of its fissile material. That is, pure fusion does not allow for the China Syndrome as any remnants of pure fusion components (such as deuterium or tritium) do not allow for this– only Uranium or Plutonium fissioning can. Note that a fission-triggered fusion bomb could still allow for the China Syndrome. Only the pure fusion scenario does not. So it is curious that the Finn immediately went with pure fusion, and not with the possibility of fission-triggered fusion. And the Finn based this on the tritium finding, and either did not know about, or chose to ignore, all the evidence of massive heat generation at the WTC for 6 months, and also the following matter.


One factor from nuclear physics has been mostly left out of this “nuclear choice.” This is TERNARY FISSION, and was included in William Tahil’s book. Unfortunately that book was shown by this researcher to be incorrect on several points. These included the “nuclear reactor” hypothesis being thoroughly unnecessary and impossible, as is his and the Finn’s claim that a single nuke destroyed each tower. (Tahil also incorrectly stated that a fission nuke uses up 100% of its fissile material, when it is only 1-6%.) I have also cited much evidence both of a preliminary sub-basement nuke timed with the explosions on top (so-called “plane hits”), and that the final destruction involved numerous small nukes. So the single nuke scenario, from the Finn and Tahil, is untenable.
Now most fission reactions of Uranium or Plutonium are binary– they yield TWO large “daughter elements” (e.g., Barium and Krypton, or Strontium and Xenon), plus 2-3 neutrons, plus energy in the form of gamma rays. But since 1959, it has been publicly known, via this article, that ternary fission yields TRITIUM, along with its THREE daughter elements, plus the excess neutrons, and energy. And thus with the numerous fission bombs that were detonated, and with the additional possible factors of redundancy and fratriciding that my articles have detailed, we can arrive at perhaps the most likely source of tritium in the rubble– the fission nukes themselves. I have seen estimates for the percentage of tritium production from ternary fission ranging from 1% down to .005%. (There is the possibility of deliberate disinformation, in some matters of nuclear physics, so one cannot often trust public nuclear physics discussions.) Because of this, and not knowing what element(s) were fissioned, nor how much of each, it is impossible to know just how much tritium could have been produced by ternary fission in the numerous micro-nukes used to destroy the WTC. But it appears to be more than would occur from non-existent planes, or gun sightings; and the proven heat generation of the China Syndrome Aftermath belies the use of a mythical 4th generation pure fusion device.
The most likely type of nuclear bombs used, was the type that could be made the smallest, and was the simplest, and most proven/dependable (compared to the others). This was the “good old” pure fission form of nuclear bombs. As I have shown, they’re even backpackable. And in the final analysis– given ternary fission– there never was any basis for claiming that the nuke(s) used at the WTC had to be 4th generation pure fusion, nor even that there was any fusion at all at the WTC. We may never be able to prove exactly what happened regarding the nuclear destruction of the WTC on 9/11, by the American regime; but we should strive to emphasize the most likely, and the most dependable factors the American regime would have used. And we must realize that the regime wanted to hide the China Syndrome Aftermath, as that poisoned thousands of responders, and to a lesser extent, millions of metro NY residents.
So any tritium found on 9/13/01 at the WTC, was most likely from ternary fission, not fusion. But if you want one more, perhaps crucial, plausibility argument, here it is. Fusion bombs have a history of having a yield larger than expected. And the perps strenuously wanted NOT to blow through the building in an obvious nuclear manner. A nuke having a yield larger than needed could not be risked. This would have been visible to thousands, perhaps millions; and such knowledge would have been difficult to contain. (Whereas radiation findings were controlled by FEMA, and the Gestapo regime need only scream “national security” to prevent release of such data– including the tritium paper, if it had wanted to.) I have emphasized the need not to blow through the building in an obvious nuclear way, since my very first article herein. This is one reason why some conventional explosives may have been used during the destruction scenario, as I have also written.
What the nukes were mainly for, in my estimation, was to vaporize INSTANTLY, and definitively, the necessary core structure for the TOWERS’ ENSUING RAPID, APPROXIMATE, FREEFALL RATE OF COLLAPSE! The PTB apparently intended to later push the impossible “gravitational pancaking” ruse, even though it violates numerous laws of Physics, and we can see the outer structure being exploded outward, by the overpressure within. (You can compare what happens during an actual gravitational collapse by seeing this.) The PTB clearly wanted to shove a physically impossible, evidence-opposing destruction "mechanism" down the throats of the masses. They know what it does to many peoples’ psyches. It induces denial, fear, schizoid behavior, and hopelessness– all good for the coming endless wars, and destruction of the American Constitution. Putting out a physically impossible and evidence-opposing “mechanism” for WTC destruction jibes with other events perpetrated by the American regime. With the American regime’s assassination of the Peace President, John Kennedy, the “official” scenario is that the fatal head shot was fired from behind, even though Kennedy’s body is slammed violently straight back–from the shot fired, from the front, by his Secret Service “protector”/driver. The ludicrous shot from behind violates the simple Law of Conservation of Momentum. As I have written, the WTC bogus scenario entails “pristine pancaking”– violating Newton’s Laws of Motion. Similarly the JFK Assassination had (future) Senator Specter’s “pristine bullet” that smashed into 5 bones, made turns on its own, hung out for 2 seconds and looked virtually like new– and violated the Momentum Conservation Law. The PTB want to put out these impossible “mechanisms” to dumb down, shock, or paralyze the people. Most people go into denial, and do not want to think about it, because their subconciousnesses know what is really involved. Those who can think and see, and have combatted the denial, are then further confounded with other limited hangouts put out by the Gestapo Regime’s hidden intel agents posing as “leaders” of the “truth movement.” These WTC hangouts included the evidence-free inanity of DEW, and the “thermite burns forever” impossibility. Both are easily demonstrated to be physically impossible to have caused the WTC destruction, and the CSA. All the regime’s hidden assets earlier inserted at the top of the “alternative” or conspiracy internet media, were then instructed to push these hangouts and avoid mention of the nuking and the China Syndrome Aftermath.


Returning now to the fission vs. fusion issue. Blowing through the outer structure of the building with unnecessary fusion–either as the hypothetical pure fusion, or as a fission-fusion bomb– could not be risked, when pure fission micro-nukes were readily available. Fission nukes have a more "guaranteed" upper bound on their yields, and are more dependable as well, compared to either the alleged pure fusion or the fission-fusion bomb. In the final analysis, the release of the tritium data may have been a clever Intel Op to try to hide the China Syndrome Aftermath, and its nuclear fission cause. If there was tritium at the WTC, its most likely source was ternary fission.


Index of Nuke Articles


(click on link to view article)
A Brief Summary: WTC Destruction & High Temperature Aftermath: ONLY Nuclear Bombs and the China Syndrome Fit All the Evidence (by The Anonymous Physicist)
35 Reasons for Many Small Fission Nukes at the WTC (by Spooked)
The Crucial Differences in the Nuclear 9/11 Theories– A Call To Eliminate Nuclear 9/11 Mis- or Dis-Information & Attain Completeness and Fit all the Known Evidence (by The Anonymous Physicist)
On the Issue of Nuclear Demolition of the WTC and Radiation (by The Anonymous Physicist)
Original WTC Nuke Thesis from "Anonymous Physicist" (by The Anonymous Physicist)
If the WTC Nuclear Destruction Had the China Syndrome Aftermath, Why Didn’t Hiroshima? (by The Anonymous Physicist)
WTC7 Demolition: Conventional, or Nuclear After All– and the Speculative Nuclear Borer Hypothesis (by The Anonymous Physicist)
The “China Syndrome” Came to New York City on 9/11 (by The Anonymous Physicist)
Hanging Skin and Nuclear Blasts. Where in the World is Felipe David– and Did He Survive Exposure to Nuclear Radiation? (by The Anonymous Physicist)
Eyewitness Testimony of Firefighters Believing They Were Nuked on 9/11 as well as early WTC7 Destruction, EMP, non-impact plane flyby, and people being pushed out of a WTC tower (by The Anonymous Physicist)
More Evidence & Testimony Indicating Nuclear Blasts, Nuclear Radiation, & China Syndrome at the WTC (by The Anonymous Physicist)
Proof of the Existence of Mini-Nukes and Micro-Nukes (by The Anonymous Physicist)
Brief Summary of Evidence of Nuclear bombs used at the WTC on 9/11/01 (by The Anonymous Physicist)
Was the First Atomic Bomb [in modern times] Exploded on an American Town by the American Govt? (by The Anonymous Physicist)
Could 9/11 Have Been Done With FAE/Thermobaric Explosives? (by The Anonymous Physicist)
Breakthroughs Toward Attaining A Complete Understanding of the Nuking of the WTC on 9/11– The Likelihood of Sabotaged, Fizzled Nukes (by The Anonymous Physicist)
Basement Nukes and Top-Down Demolition (by Spooked)
Breakthrough: The Story Of Cathy T, & The Large Earthquake That Was Felt One Mile Away When WTC1 Was “Hit”! (by The Anonymous Physicist)
More On the Immediate and Continous Radiation Lowering, and Shielding, Techniques Used at the WTC, after 9/11 (by The Anonymous Physicist)
The Final Word on The Tritium (by The Anonymous Physicist)
Exposing The “Red Mercury” Nuclear Scam, & Its Possible Use In Future Bogus Wars, & Other Crucial Matters On Nuclear 911, and About Mercury (by The Anonymous Physicist)
Breakthroughs Towards Attaining A Complete Understanding of the Nuking of the WTC on 9/11, and its China Syndrome Aftermath: Part II (by The Anonymous Physicist)
On The Existence of Mini- or Micro-Nukes, Fizzled Nukes, 9/11 & The China Syndrome (by The Anonymous Physicist)
A Summary of Evidence of EMPs (Electromagnetic Pulses) from the Nukes Used in the WTC on 9/11 (by The Anonymous Physicist)
WTC Destruction Theories: "DEW" versus Thermite/Thermate/Super Thermate versus Milli-Nukes/Micro-Nukes (by Spooked)
Ground Zero Smoking Cannon: Where Are All the Core Columns and Beams??? (by Spooked)
Micro-Nukes in the WTC–Creating The China Syndrome: Important Matters of Completeness & Plausibility (by The Anonymous Physicist)
Did Two Nuclear Reactors, not Nuclear Bombs, Destroy the WTC on 9/11? Review of William Tahil’s Book, “Ground Zero: The Nuclear Demolition of the WTC”, and of his Reactor Hypothesis (by The Anonymous Physicist)
The Effect of a Low Yield Nuke on a Steel Structure (by Spooked)
The Fall of the WTC1 Spire and the Intact WTC1 Stairwell: Proof of Demolition Near Bottom of the Tower (by Spooked)
Further Observations on WTC1 Stairwell B– 1. Did Pasquale Buzzelli Surf Down The “Collapse”—or Do Conflicting Reports Collapse the O.C.T.? 2. Does the Revealed “Upward Wind” During “Collapse” Prove the Final “Cleaner Nuke”? (by The Anonymous Physicist)


The Nuclear Destruction of the World Trade Center and The China Syndrome Aftermath, 2nd Edition

The Nuclear Destruction of the World Trade Center and The China Syndrome Aftermath, 2nd Edition
What Really Happened on 9/11 To The World Trade Center? The Shocking Secret, the World Has Been Waiting For… The World Trade Center was… NUKED and the China Syndrome Resulted
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Quarantine: Mankind Held Hostage Deciphering Man's Past, Present, and Precarious Future, 2nd Editionl

Quarantine: Mankind Held Hostage. Deciphering Man’s Past, Present and Precarious Future, 2nd Edition
You know something is very wrong, and the “official” story is always a lie. But Who is Really In Charge Of Mankind? What are Their Goals? What is the real cause of all the Wars, and Evil Throughout Man’s History? Why can’t they go “back” to the Moon? Did they ever go? What’s stopping them? The book only an Anonymous Physicist could Write, and PROVE.
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More Secrets of The Quarantine, and of Man's History, Future and of The Nuclear Destruction of the World Trade Center, 2nd Edition

More Secrets of The Quarantine, and of Man’s History, Future and of the Nuclear Destruction of the World Trade Center
Anonymous Physicist’s third book! Revised: March, 2012 The Anonymous Physicist Reveals More Secrets of Man’s History, Future and Quarantine, and of the Nuclear Destruction of the World Trade Center.
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The Effect of a Low Yield Nuke on a Steel Structure

The Ruth shot was a fizzle. The predicted yield was 1.5 to 3 kt, while the 200 ton yield was a fraction of that.Especially embarrassing to UCRL was that only the top 100 feet of the 300 foot shot tower was vaporized (though much of the remainder was scattered across the desert). It was standard practice at that time for each test to totally erase all evidence associated with it (automatically "declassifying" the site), which Ruth failed to do.

Hard to tell how tall this tower remnant is but I would guess about 100 feet, if the cross-sections are 10 feet apart (which would fit what looks like a ladder near the base).
Compare the above pic to this pic of the WTC1 core remnant (click to enlarge):

Note the wilted pieces of steel dangling down.
Note– this puts the WTC destruction into good perspective. If a 200 ton yield nuke can vaporize 100 feet of steel structure, and destroy 100 feet or more of it, you can imagine the yield nuke that would be required to vaporize the innards of the 208 foot wide WTC while leaving the outer walls more or less intact. What’s not clear is if there is a linear correlation between nuke yield and vaporization radius– I would guess it’s not perfectly linear.
(thanks to A.P. for the find)


The Crucial Differences in the Nuclear 9/11 Theories


A Call To Eliminate Nuclear 9/11 Mis- or Dis-Information & Attain Completeness and Fit all the Known Evidence
by The Anonymous Physicist
Several, differing WTC nuclear destruction scenarios have been put forth by their respective authors. While they all have nuclear explosions in common; they have key differences. These differences must be openly examined, and used to strive towards a final nuclear 911 WTC destruction scenario that fits all the evidence, and is not contraindicated by the Laws of Physics. Nuclear WTC scenarios that do not fit all the evidence, or contain false statements, or are contradicted by physical law need to be abandoned.
1. Within a year or two of 9/11/01 people began to post at physics forums that WTC destruction seemed to involve nuclear bombs.
2. By 2005, the first website appeared which contained a nuclear WTC destruction scenario by an Anonymous Finnish Military Expert. He hypothesized that one upwardly-focused, sub-basement shape-charge-like nuke was used to destroy each tower. Tower destruction, he stated, was likely done with the aid of conventional explosives as needed. The Finn also hypothesized that the single nuke was a fourth generation, fission-free thermonuclear (pure fusion) device. He cited the alleged Tritium finding by U.S. Gov’t scientists. Therefore (fusion only), there could be no China Syndrome Aftermath with this theory.
3. In 2006, William Tahil wrote a book and offered it for sale online. (It is now downloadable for free.) Tahil also claimed that one deep underground nuclear explosion per tower occurred, but that they weren’t bombs per se. Rather, he claims, there were two huge, underground, fission nuclear reactors already present, which were made to go supercritical, and explode in a nuclear fashion. Tahil wrote that a China Syndrome Aftermath resulted.
4. In 2007, this Anonymous [American] Physicist offered a detailed, nuclear WTC destruction scenario. Many small nukes were said to have been employed during tower destruction, but some conventional explosives may also have been used to allow the nukes to be small, and not vaporize the outer tower structure. After first incorporating all the “official” evidence, that included findings that supported both fission and fusion; he [I] first wrote that either fission-initiated fusion bombs or tritium-boosted fission bombs were used.
But after finding massive, irrefutable evidence of the China Syndrome Aftermath at the WTC for up to six months– until the fissioning, radioactive fragments were carted away– and noting that the China Syndrome can supposedly only occur from fissioning remnants, not fusion components, the Anonymous Physicist has stated the following. The alleged Tritium data release to the public may be a clever regime ploy (red herring) to get people to look for the mythical fourth generation nuke precisely because it is fission-free, and therefore you couldn’t have WHAT WE DID HAVE– THE CHINA SYNDROME AFTERMATH at the WTC. Since the evidence of the China Syndrome of a massive heat-generating source existed at the WTC for months afterwards, and only fission fragments could cause this heat GENERATION for so long, the bombs likely were fission bombs. The Govt then deliberately released bogus information (Tritium), as covering up the China Syndrome Aftermath was their most crucial Op-Plan after 9/11. The China Syndrome arose, and HAD TO ARISE perforce, because a fission nuke uses only 1-6% of its fissile material. The remainder is left over and will remain fissioning for a long time, as the half-life of Uranium 235 is 700 million years. Also the concepts of redundant nukes, "fratricided" nukes, and fizzled nukes were detailed in my papers, and all lead to a China Syndrome Aftermath.
Furthermore, the massive disinfo efforts by the American regime, and its agents, make clear how important it was/is to cover up the nuking, and the China Syndrome Aftermath in NEW YORK CITY. As usual, disinfo agents try too hard. Their M.O. is often clear to see. The hangouts known as the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT), and “DEW” blatantly lie that there was no heat during or after WTC destruction. And another hangout (thermite) has its proponent admit to the great heat for months, but must lie and claim that “thermite burns forever,” when it actually cools off in minutes or hours. The final step, in the intel agencies’ disinformation scheme–as more and more people see the truth of the nuclear destruction of the WTC, and the China Syndrome Aftermath– is to plant individuals (mostly online personalities) who will pretend to be pro-nuclear 9/11. All the while everything they write is meant to confuse, confound, and actually belittle the nuclear 9/11 hypothesis with ludicrous or irrelevant claims. They will be easy to spot; they will likely never cite my research and articles on the nuclear destruction of the WTC, and the China Syndrome Aftermath. They will cite the other theories above– but not mine– precisely because of the unchanging flaws in the others, as detailed above. So please be aware of new, allegedly nuclear 9/11 proponents who may actually try to confound the issue; and present mis-, or dis-information, or irrelevancies, or pretend it is unknowable, or doesn’t matter.
Let us now examine the first two detailed nuclear WTC destruction scenarios listed above. First, let us look at the Finnish military expert’s claims of one sub-basement, pure fusion, shape-charged-like, upwardly focused nuke per tower. This appears to be erroneous in several ways. First the observed, top-down, destruction mechanism, and the earlier, highly likely nuclear sub-basement explosion (see more below) both belie the one nuke per tower hypothesis. The Finn has stated that he is an expert on shape charges, and that the top/down scenario could have been done via nuclear shape charges in the sub-basement. But the website that has his articles says that his translator refused to translate his details of how this could have occurred. But even if theoretically possible, the details of the early likely nuclear, sub-basement explosion (see below) demonstrate that his one nuke per tower scenario is untenable. Likewise, this Anonymous Physicist, has proposed that the hunt for the pure fusion, 4th generation nuke is likely a deliberate, planted red herring precisely because this would obviate what did take place– the China Syndrome Aftermath. So I contend that the Finnish Military Expert’s hypotheses of 1. Pure fusion nuke, 2. One nuke per tower in the basement are incorrect. The Finn also says that “red mercury” could be one way to attain fusion without prerequisite fission. This is the “red mercury” scam, that I have shown here is physically impossible to cause fusion; and is a British American Regime Psyops. The Finn was given my critique of his hypotheses, by the owner of the site that has his nuclear scenario. There has been no word back from him to my knowledge, but I would still welcome this now.
Next I have written what may be the only full review of Tahil’s book here. And this should be read by all, after reading his book. Tahil deserves credit for analyzing the USGS dust/elements study, and concluding that fission likely occurred during the WTC destruction, and even afterwards with secondary fission on some of the samples. But then Tahil’s scenario entails one nuke per tower in the sub-basement again– but here each one was a fission explosion that arose from making a large, hidden fission reactor explode like a nuclear bomb with upward focusing (as with the Finn). My review makes clear that several aspects are untenable or improbable. First, a nuclear reactor “going super-critical,” and exploding like a nuclear bomb is said to be physically impossible. Then the videoed, top-bottom tower destruction itself makes the one nuke per basement unlikely. Furthermore, my articles have also cited much eyewitness testimony such as from survivor sub-basement nuke survivor, Felipe David, and WTC Engineer Mike Pecoraro. Pecoraro was in a sub-basement level, and went UP a level to see that an earlier blast vaporized a 50 ton steel press and shriveled up a heavy concrete/steel door into foil-like matter. This implies a nuke went off above him, not below him, and so even if a fission reactor could be made to go off like a nuclear bomb (which is stated to be impossible), could the one reactor do this a second time after it would have had its first, chaotic nuclear explosion? So the actual destruction videos and eyewitness testimony further erode some of Tahil’s (and the Finn’s) hypotheses.
Finally, numerous crucial statements Tahil wrote are incorrect. His rationale for the massive hidden reactor hypothesis was two-fold. 1. He claims that a fission bomb uses up 100% of its fissile material, when the correct figure is only 1-6%! and 2. Massive amounts of Strontium and other elements found in the dust, he claims, could only mean that two massive fission reactors were already present. My review showed that Strontium occurs in concrete, sometimes not as a tiny component, but as a relatively large percentage, as is known for the concrete used in making the Empire State Building and the Pentagon. All this taken together make his two hidden, massive, reactors hypothesis either physically impossible (to go off as a bomb and/or to subsequently be re-used), unnecessary, or untenable. But again his work is most valuable for demonstrating the likelihood that fission occurred during WTC destruction, and that the China Syndrome resulted. I have had no communications from Tahil after my review and critique of his hypotheses. But I continue to welcome honest criticism of both my critiques of the other nuclear scenarios, and of my own hypotheses.
It is hoped that people will examine all the evidence (including survivors’ testimonies, EMP, massive heat, sound, radiation lowering methods used, photos, etc.), and the Physics I have outlined, and that are archived at these two blogs, and, and stop promoting misinformation or disinformation. I assert this includes the “red mercury” scam, the tritium red herring, and the latter’s implied fission-free pure fusion hangout as well as seeing how massive hidden underground reactors going off as nuclear bombs are improbable if not impossible– and don’t fit the destruction evidence, and eyewitness testimony. They are not needed when you learn the aspects of my “many small nukes” hypothesis. If you are truly interested in what was perpetrated on 9/11, please read the ENTIRETY of the two blogs that contain my archived nuclear 9/11 articles, and make up your own mind. And if you want to see just how the Official Regime “explanation” for what occurred at the WTC on 9/11/01, (and some of the “alternative” non-nuclear theories) used bogus science and committed outright fraud, there are more articles on this at this site.
To sum up, all the evidence of the actual WTC destruction, and the great heat generated there for up to six months indicates that WTC destruction was most likely caused by numerous small nuclear fission bombs (micro-nukes), not by a single basement nuke, nor by massive hidden reactors that exploded like nuclear bombs. The China Syndrome Aftermath arose, and had to arise, because the fission fragments were contained in the buildings as they were nuked, and ended up all over the rubble pile, and beneath the towers and WTC7.
It’s time to promote, or at least publicly discuss, the continual efforts made by this Anonymous [American] Physicist to examine all the evidence of the nuking of the WTC, and the China Syndrome Aftermath in New York City. Please promote these works both on the net and to friends, family, and neighbors. It is ABSOLUTELY THE MOST CRUCIAL ASPECT OF 911 TRUTH, TO INFORM PEOPLE THAT THE AMERICAN REGIME NUKED ITS OWN MOST POPULOUS CITY, NYC, ON 9/11. If your favorite blog or website ignores– or blocks– this most crucial aspect, either post it yourself or tell all your friends, family, etc. And carefully examine the differences in the nuclear 911 hypotheses, and eliminate the impossible, the improbable, the untenable, or what the evidence indicated is incorrect; and promote what fits all the evidence, and is physically tenable– many small fission nukes were used to destroy the WTC on 9/11/01, and the China Syndrome Aftermath resulted. And the radiation issue is also discussed here.
Please promote this, as there isn’t much time left before they pull away the wool from everyone’s eyes. It won’t be pleasant, and must be prevented. Life will not be worth living then. Remember Hiroshima. The survivors there were said to be envious of the dead. This may be what they have planned for all of us, with the American Regime being, as Rev. Martin Luther King said, “the greatest purveyor of evil in the world today.” Indeed, there is much evidence that the American regime nuked its own people at least once before 9/11/01, in the Port Chicago, California incident, as I detailed here. Thus the American regime remains the only regime that has nuked its own people, as well as others, and that fact would likely enrage the American people to act, as nothing else might.


Micro-Nukes and the World Trade Center – What Really Happened?


By Shepard Ambellas
June 13, 2012

H-912 transport container for Mk-54 SADM

When it comes to the World Trade Center towers and Building 7′s collapse on that dreadful day in September of 2001 — one thing is for sure, the actual impact from the planes did not cause the collapse of the massive steel structures that stood proud above the New York skyline, nor did the jet fuel or fires.

It is also a fact that micro-nuke do exist, and have since the 50′s.

Wikipedia Defines (Micro-Nukes) Special Atomic Demolition Munition as;

The Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM) was a family of man-portable nuclear weapons fielded by the US military in the 1960s, but never used in actual combat. The US Army planned to use the weapons in Europe in the event of a Soviet invasion. US Army Engineers would use the weapon to irradiate, destroy, and deny key routes of communication through limited terrain such as the Fulda Gap. Troops were trained to parachute into Soviet occupied western Europe with the SADM and destroy power plants, bridges, and dams.

The project, which involved a small nuclear weapon, was designed to allow one person to parachute from any type of aircraft carrying the weapon package and place it in a harbor or other strategic location that could be accessed from the sea. Another parachutist without a weapon package would follow the first to provide support as needed.

The two-person team would place the weapon package in the target location, set the timer, and swim out into the ocean where they would be retrieved by a submarine or a high-speed surface water craft.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the United States developed several different types of lightweight nuclear devices. The main one was the W54, a cylinder 40 by 60 cm (about 16 by 24 inches) that weighed 68 kg (150 lbs). It was fired by a mechanical timer and had a variable yield equivalent to between 10 tons and 1 kiloton of TNT. The W54 nuclear device was used in the Davy Crockett Weapon System.

On 9/11 there is no doubt that multiple bombs were detonated in the WTC complex. This fact can not be disputed and is clearly documented by hundreds of videos and backed up by many eye witness testimonies.

WTC Complex Hot Spot – On 9/11 there is no doubt that multiple bombs were detonated in the WTC complex. This fact can not be disputed and is clearly documented by hundreds of videos and backed up by many eye witness testimonies.

Multiple tests have been conducted with micro nukes by our government within the United States.

As a result, fully detailed plans to demo large buildings have been drawn up and, according to some, have been made mandatory in certain instances.

An excerpt from reads;

“Suitcase nukes, or atomic demolition devices (ADMs), are actually small nuclear bombs. Both the Soviets and the US had such devices during the “Cold War.” They were to be carried by Special Operations Forces who would be parachuted ahead/behind main force units using the ADMs to destroy large bridges, collapse mountain passes, or destroy entire major headquarters.

These ADMs can be no larger than a king size suitcase. Some were designed for a large backpack. They were considered tactical nukes, and authority for usage could have been released to the Soviet “Front” commander or the US Theater Commander-in-Chief.”

A man by the name of Dr. Ed Ward has documented what he believes is the use of micro-nukes on the World Trade Center complex attack that took place in September of 2001.

One of the smoking guns in this case is that over 5.3 billion pounds of steel was instantly turned into 2 billion pounds of dust. Massive steel beams were also bent like pretzels.

Massive craters under the WTC complex formed from micro-nukes

There were many events that took place on and around 9/11 that were out of place or unusual including a massive hurricane off the coast of New York.

The startling fact that most of the WTC buildings were pulverized into a fine dust, 20 microns in size or less, cannot be ignored. This is a tell tale sign of a high energy release typical of a nuclear explosion.

Eyewitness accounts and personal testimony indicate that people were thrown an entire city block from what was described as a warm wind just as the towers begin to collapse.

There were also multiple reports of “hanging skin” or “melted skin” on victims around ground zero. This was a common occurrence in the Hiroshima blast.

Major hot spots were reported in and around the debris for up to six months after 9/11.

This is commonly referred to as “China Syndrome”, where nuclear material will continue to undergo fission for a period of time, generating massive heat plumes.

In most of the recently released videos of the WTC controlled demolition (via the Freedom of Information ACT) there were sections edited out of the video and audio clips with the initial collapse of the towers explosive sounds being removed.

One video shows the penthouse on building 7 being demolished on the roof just before the building comes down.

But perhaps the most startling revelation is the fact that vehicles looked incinerated up to one mile away from the towers.

Cars were even flipped over as if they came out of a war zone. This could signify a micro nuke blast.

High energy releases have a distinct look. Evidence shows that levels of Tritium were 55 times higher than normal in the WTC debris. Tritium is a by product of a nuclear blast.

Remember that on the morning after 9/11 authorities had already removed 70 dump truck loads of debris from the crime scene.

The fact that many of the first responders are now dead if not very sick does not sound like the bi-product of a falling building but more like a massive dose of radiation. Most of the responders have died of blood cancer, yet another sign of  radiation exposure.

Massive craters can be seen from aerial photographs that show tremendous voids under the towers. There were reports of explosions in subways under the WTC before the collapse as well as tunnels filled with smoke.

Cars not hit by falling debris yet totally destroyed far away from the towers

Molten metal was seen in and around the debris of the WTC for months.

There is also the fact that the debris field was substantially low for the magnitude of buildings that were destroyed; thus signifying that most of the debris was incinerated upon the demo blast.

According to Richard Gage of,little square chips of nano-thermite were found in the WTC debris.

It is possible that nano-thermite  was used in conjunction with micro nukes to incinerate most of the debris in an attempt to avoid damaging other buildings in the area.

More melted cars found blocks away from the WTC complex

Another important fact is that tiny metallic spheres 20 – 30 microns in size were also found throughout the debris according to an interview of Richard Gage conducted by Shepard Ambellas of the Intel Hub Radio Show on September 1, 2010.

This signifies that lots of metal throughout the complex was actually in the molten stage and cooled while airborne.

There is also the fact that the WTC complex has been reportedly sprayed down with water everyday after 9/11 for years.

Editors Note: If anybody can produce the actual seismic data from 9/11/2001 in and around NYC please send it to for evaluation.

High Yield Energy Release

Dimitri Khalezov 911 video

Seismic Data from 9/11

Declassified Micro-nuke Test

Ponder this…

Micro Nukes (WMD) in the WTC – 911 Inside/Outside Job?


Micro Nukes (WMD) in the WTC – 911 Was an Inside/Outside Job
March 26, 2008
Declassified August 1958: "Mere fact that the U. S. has developed atomic munitions suitable for use in demolition work." Declassified January 1967, "The fact that we are interested in and are continuing studies on a weapon for minimizing the emerging flux of neutrons and internal induced activity." Declassified March 1976, "The fact of weapon laboratory interest in Minimum Residual Radiation (MRR) devices. The fact of successful development of MRR devices."
The factual evidence indicates that our government is using and has used 3rd or possibly 4th generation hydrogen bombs domestically and internationally. The evidence for international usage is not quite as strong as the domestic usage, but when domestic usage is considered, the international usage seems inescapable. The process of exclusion based on the known facts leaves only one viable option for the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings – a relatively pure hydrogen bomb.

Just some of the facts are: widespread cancer in the responders, molten steel, melted cars, steelbeams hurled hundreds of feet, aerosolized metals, vaporized steel witnessed and video, aerosolizedand pulverized concrete, elevated tritium levels, vanishing (vaporized) victims, only sliver fragments of victimson roof tops, EMP – Electro Magnetic Pulse effects on communications, hundreds of eyewitness testimony ofancillary explosions by heroic rescuers and victims, massive dispersal of debris, demolition expert stateshydrogen bomb needed for this type of demolition, audio of a massive explosion prior to collapse, video of ancillary explosions, audio of ancillary explosions, significant reduction in debris pile, ancillary thermate found in wreckage, shockwave of a mini yield nuclear blast knocked people off their feet, vaporization of 200,000gallons of water, removal of wreckage without investigation, only remnants of fire in one tower minutes after the plane collision, unprecedented history of 3 skyscrapers collapsing secondary to fire, early miscalculationstating WTC building 7 ‘pulled‘, towers fall at demolition or free fall speed, foreknowledge of WTC 7 immediate collapse, slow-motion video evidence of plane appendage with smoke and explosion immediately prior to impact of both planes, unprecedented NORAD non response to variant flights, FEMA drill scheduled for same day, military ‘exercise‘ of exactly what was taking place to prevent NORAD response, most of NORAD protection planes sent far away in another ‘exercise’ to prevent response, prevention of examination of wreckage by those assigned to investigate, seismic evidence of a mini yield nuclear explosion, Cheney takes over NORAD response command, Cheney prevents NORAD response, WTC towers designed for 757 collision and fire, 911 used falsely for previously planned war, government fabrication of ‘evidence’ correlation for starting war, hundreds of people found themselves trapped by locked doors and missing escape routes above and below the impact zone, and not all inclusively, but finally, Bush brands anyone noting any of these facts a terrorist.
The spectrum and percentages of cancer are massive. There are at least 4 classifications of blood-cell cancers: leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s and myeloma. There are many more classifications of soft tissue cancers. There is brain cancer. There is breast cancer. For most of these there are subclassifications of many different types of specific cancer in each, so far not publicly disclosed. There are huge percentages of respiratory distressand loss of function. Multiple reports of ‘irregular cycles’ (miscarriages?). Most likely there will be several more types of cancer to follow. In particular, responders should be checked for thyroid cancer and function. There has been no noting of birth defects which also needs to be done. There is one thing and only one thing that can cause all these cancers and problems – RADIATION.
In response to this myriad of disease, a statement of environmental mercury has been claimed. That claim is not verified in testing of air and particle debris samples by private citizens and organizations. It is possible the mercury quotes are from the federal source of science, the United States Geological Survey’s analysis of the WTC dust debris. The USGS’s leached analysis did show mercury at the 3rd lowest concentration of metals at the mean value (mv) of 0.011 parts per Billion (ppB). The most abundant element concentration in the leaching tests was Strontium at 1,000 ppB (1 ppM) – 100,000 times more than the mercury value. It appears that the leaching of the sample was only partial and inadequate as the reader will see from the spectrometry values.
Why would only mercury be quoted when there were so many other more dangerous elements at higher concentrations than mercury? While the regular elements like Copper – mv 136 ppM, Silver – mv 1.66 ppM, and Vanadium – mv 31 ppM, some of the other significant elements were: Barium – mv 533 ppM, Strontium – mv 727 ppM, Cerium – mv 91 ppM, Yttrium – mv 57 ppM, Lanthanum – mv 46 ppM, Molybdenum – mv 11 ppM, Thorium – mv 9 ppM, Uranium – mv 3 ppM, Beryllium – mv 3 ppM, and Cesium – mv 0.6 ppM – partial listing. For readers that are not familiar with most of these elements, here is a link to their relevance
There is also a claim of environmental benzene that ‘permeated’ the area in jet fuel as the cause of all of these problems. Once again, we have the quoting of the miraculous jet fuel that burns up in a massive fireball in the first few minutes, then like Christ’s feeding the multitudes, still causes a massive fire inside that reaches the temperatures of a Hades that weakens massive fire proofed steel beams and trusses, then resurrects itself on the permeated ground to cause cancer in one hour of limited exposure.
In less than 1 hour, the first WTC building had collapsed and covered Manhattan, in at least 1/3 of a Million Tons of particulate debris. Unless the jet fuel makes a final appearance and is again resurrected by NIST in it’s 3rd miracle, benzene is buried under 1/3 of a million tons of particulate debris after 56 minutes of exposure. Benzene is also a component of gasoline. The assertion that cancer was the result of 56 minutes of exposure to minimal amounts of benzene is ludicrous. If that was true, everyone in the US would be suffering from cancers. As the 3rd WTC building falls, Manhattan is covered in two Billion pounds of pulverized and aerosolized building. 
Two billion pounds seemed like an extremely large amount of particulate matter from buildings whose total weight has been quoted at around 3 billion pounds. Debris removal has been quoted at 1.2 billion pounds. Based on these rough numbers 2/3rds of the building was indeed turned to dust or vaporized.
"Live loads on these [perimeter] columns can be increased more than 2,000% before failure occurs." "One could cut away all the first-story columns on one side of the building, and part way from the corners of the perpendicular sides, and the building could still withstand design loads and a 100-mph wind force from any direction." Engineering News-Record, April 2, 1964


Take a look at a collapsed 10 story building in Pakistan. Note the height and size of thecollapsed building’s remnants compared to the other 10 story buildings. The debris pile is about 30 feet, approximately 1/3 of the height of the erect building. This ratio is consistent with a collapsed building’s rubble height. Note the almost complete lack of fine particles. The 47 story WTC 7’s building debris should have contained at least five times (approximately 15 stories) the amount of the Pakistan debris as WTC 7 was also built with significantly stronger materials. Yet, WTC 7 remains are casually noted in the government propaganda article as a 2 story debris pile. Look at the Pakistan debris ‘collapsed’ picture again, then imagine that debris with 4 more piles on top of it and finally try to imagine the awesome power it would take to break it into 53 micron or smaller dust particles.


The only estimates of the two 100 story WTC building debris piles are ‘several stories’. In the very few area photographs of the debris piles published, the amount of debris in the range of several stories is minimal at best. There is also quoting of debris 6 stories high, however, if the reader looks at the rare pictures, the only debris of that height are portions of outer beam skeleton towering significantly higher than the general debris. Not one official measurement of the debris piles is noted. The building residue height is deceiving on 2 levels. First, all of the buildings had craters of a depth of ‘several stories’. Secondly, since the craters were in tiered sub-level flooring, the area of the bottoms of the craters would be significantly smaller than the area covered at ground level. 
In a failed demolition, a 20 story concrete building, Zip Feed Mill in South Dakota, of significantly weaker construction than the WTC buildings, takes a 4 story dive while the top 16 floors remain intact.

Of the cumulative facts previously noted that deal specifically with a major explosion and it’s effect, the only single possibility for all is a thermonuclear bomb placed by the US government. Even when taken individually, the only possibility for some of the facts is a thermonuclear bomb. The next logical step is "Do bombs with the needed characteristics exist?"
The government’s answer to that question is a super-top-secret response that will not be given. Both political parties sequestered Operation Northwoods and more for 40 years, so they are certainly not going to answer the question truthfully. The following evidence clearly shows a mini yield semi-pure hydrogen bomb existed in 1958 and that it has had 40 years of refinement. The graphic in the upper right corner depicts the only published diagram of an atomic bomb in which public general knowledge of atomic weaponry is known. This is not the bomb that would be required for the WTC demolition. The bomb is a 2nd generation atomic bomb of the ‘hydrogen bomb’ category. The H-bomb pictured is not a pure hydrogen bomb which is actually very closely related to the already developed ‘neutron bomb’. In reality, this 2nd generation H-bomb is nothing more than a fission bomb used for a trigger with hydrogen fusion used for extra power. This bomb produces the results of which the general public is aware – massive power, radiation and millenniums of radioactive devastation. It is at least 30 to 40 year old, late 2nd generation technology that has been phased out for lower yield 3rd generation atomic weapons which have a longer half life, easier maintenance and an inserted energy source.
Note the use of DU in the weaponry. DU is used as the casing and as the container for the fusion reaction which becomes part of the fissionable material. This is important in the current international 3rd generation H-bomb usage and the hybrid fusion bomb. At first it was believed that the DU casing and the DU fusion container would most likely not be part of the late 3rd generation or 4th generation weaponry used in the WTC demolitions as it is too dirty (long term radioactive residue) for the pure hydrogen bomb needed. However, subsequent information of dust analysis, hybrid fusion, old known facts of pure fusion bombs, early low yield semi-pure warheads, neutron bombs, and knowledge that debris would be removed as classified information makes either scenario viable.
According to brave activist, Howard Morland, in his article ‘The Holocaust Bomb‘, second generation atomic bombs got their start in 1950 and came to fruition in 1956 with Eisenhower’s announcement of a 95% clean bomb. In 1958 the Mk-41C was tested for a 9.3 Megaton yield, 4.8% of the energy was from fission with 95.2% from fusion. Less radioactive (more fusion and less fission energy) or semi-clean H-bombs were known then and were used for testing purposes only. The more powerful, mostly fission bombs were deployed for usage in a cognitive effort to produce maximum destruction on ‘enemies’ for generations and no forethought of the worldwide consequences. Among various other types of hydrogen bomb warheads, the W54 nuke was developed in 1961. The W54 was a micro-nuke that weighed 51 pounds and could be fired from a slightly modified ordinary bazooka. Different versions of the W54 ranged from .01 kt to 1 kt yield. Between the mid 1950’s and the mid 70’s both types (large yield dirty and small yield clean), of 2nd generation H-bombs were refined.
Focused nuclear explosions were envisioned in 1959 as a possible concept for propulsion of the spacecraft Orion. The mere directing of the yield was obviously known prior to 1959. Samuel Cohen has stated that a low yield neutron bomb may be tailored to direct yield and proposed the concept more than 35 years ago. An underground detonation causes shaping of the direction of yield as well. 
Around 1960, the relatively pure H-bomb was modified for selective effects creating the first 3rd generation H-bomb – the Neutron bomb, Enhanced Radiation Warhead, or a mostly fusion bomb. The neutron bomb’s energy was mostly based on fusion using Deuterium/Tritium with only a small fission component to ignite the fusion reaction. The neutron bombs are designed to release at least 80% of its yield as neutrons at the expense of blast and heat as compared to previous fission-fusion warheads. It was not until around 15 years ago that the existence of the neutron bomb was noted. It was during this period that a trial regarding Chinese espionageforced the revelation of the neutron bomb. Shortly thereafter, Reagan deployed the W70 version with a yield range of 0.8 kt to 1.6 kt. At least 2 years after the neutron bomb had been developed and tested, declassified May 1963, "The mere fact that the U. S. is "interested in pursuing" a program to determine the characteristics of an "enhanced radiation" weapon (neutron bomb)." The standard policy seems to be to develop the weapon, inform congress for development of the weapon and then to inform the public after they have been informed there is a need for the weapon.
Very little has been released about the specific selective refinements of 2nd and 3rd generation weapons in the last 40 years since their development. The fact refinement was taking place is proven by the Orion spacecraft and the neutron bomb. EMP effects have been another area of concern and refinement. While these effects were noted in 1950’s testing, there was elevated interest in 1962 with the high altitude (HEMP) detonation producing a massive EMP effect. In November 1972, the following sentence was declassified: "The fact of existence of weapons with tailored outputs, e.g., enhanced x-ray, neutron or gamma-ray output, that we are hardening our weapons to enhanced weapon outputs and that high-Z materials are used in hardening nuclear weapons against high-energy x-rays." Note – the date is the declassification date, not the development date.
How small can a nuclear reaction be? Through hydrodynamic experiments for triggering fusion, extremely lows yield nuclear explosions have been generated on the magnitude of "several Pounds of TNT." As noted above, in 1961 .01 kt was unveiled in 1961. In 1956, the Tamalpais with a yield of 0.072 kt was declassified.


Prior to the demolition of the WTC buildings, the largest imploded building, Hudson’s Department Store was 2.2 million square feet with 33 levels and required 2,728 lbs of explosive. The WTC buildings were significantly stronger than the Hudson’s building, but it is doubtful more than a 0.01 kt bomb would be needed for the 47 center columns designed to hold many times the weight of the buildings.

This program produced (partial list) the following information for a regular 0.01 kt yields, air ignition: Fireball max light radius = 25.4 meters, Max time light pulse width = 0.011 seconds, Max fireball airburst radius = 10.6 meters, Time of max temperature = 0.0032 seconds, Area of rad. exposure = 0.12 sq. miles; Blastwave Effects: Overpressure = 5 lb/sq. inch (160 mph) radius = 0.09 km, 1 lb/sq. inch radius = 0.26 km; Underground ignition: Crater diameter = 56 feet with a Richter magnitude of 3.52. Thermal radiation damage range is significantly reduced by clouds, smoke or other obscuring materials. Surface detonations are known to decrease thermal radiation by half. A neutron bomb produces much less blast and thermal energy than a fission bomb of the same yield by expending its energy by the increase in the production of neutrons. Even the older neutron bombs produce very little long term fallout, but made considerable induced radiation in ground detonations. The half life of induced radiation is very short and is measured in days rather than years.

Summing up known information, an underground explosion of a pure (most likely) or semi-pure, Minimum Residual Residue direction focused 0.01 kt yield hydrogen bomb with selected enhanced radiation dispersal – most likely neutron since that radiation would be absorbed by the ground and building, and would decrease the blast and temperature effects.


In 1993, Joe Vialls exposes some facts about single explosions that were very similar to the 2001 WTC bombing. The article, "Micro Nukes in London," notes the sudden usage of massive explosions in business districts by the IRA with a brief mention of the 1993 bombing of the WTC. In the supposed first mega-bombing by the ‘IRA’, an eyewitness stated, "The ground shook under our feet. There was a brilliant white flash and a tall vertical column of smoke." Significant information about the Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM – the general class of the W54 warhead). While the government was working on the usage of a conventional bomb to the corporate media, there was accidental filming of investigators of the bombing in full radiation protective gear. Description of the crater created by the second explosion reveals a hole 60 feet wide and 40 feet deep. Quotes of physicists’ Galen Winsor, John McPhee and Theodore Taylor are prophetic for the usage of micro nukes. Taylor specifically notes the future usage of an extremely small micro nuke being used in the WTC in the year 1973.


Another crater 22 feet wide and 5 feet deep is noted in the article "Bali Micro Nuke – Lack of Radiation Confuses Experts." Within 48 hours the Bali government found traces of C4 explosive. Next came the revised explanation of explosives on top of gas containers. After that failed to explain noted facts, the next theory was explosives with napalm. The final explanation from London quoted a reliable source that an IRA style bomb mixture was used. Still, there were significant problems with the story as the IRA had detonated 1,000 pounds of the mixture and there was no crater produced. The US bomb, BLU-82 – used for clearing helicopter landing zones in the jungles of Vietnam – contains 6.3 tons of high grade military explosive with an aluminum additive for increased heat, but does not create a crater. The 1/4 inch steel encased explosive is parachuted to its target and detonated 1 to 2 feet above ground. Approximately 40 people close enough to be vaporized simply vanished without a trace. Insights on Israel’s .01 kt Dimona nuke are also related in this article. According to the information presented, the bomb uses highly enriched Plutonium 239, 99.78% pure, and only emits alpha radiation which is invisible to most Geiger counters.

Another Vialls’ article dealing with the supposed vehicle bombing of the Australian embassy in Jakarta, "Zionists Nuke the Australian Embassy in Indonesia," reveals significantly more information on the nuclear attributes of the explosion. A surveillance camera caught the underground nuke explosion and is included in the article. There are pictures of the resultant mushroom cloud compared to a typical nuclear cloud. The crater left by the explosion was 18 feet in diameter and almost 10 feet deep. Pictures and information of the American Special Forces detonation of two trucks loaded with 1,000 pounds of Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO) compound are shown. Multiple links to Vialls’ special coverage of ‘terrorist’s’ bombings throughout the world are included at the end of his article.

Any terrorist truck bomb with less load capacity than 6.3 tons of explosive that creates a crater is a thermonuclear explosion until proven otherwise.

Based on the above information it is quite clear that our government has murdered citizens, friends and families. Our government used their tyranny to further destroy our God given rights affirmed by the Constitution and to extend their fascist powers worldwide in war. Once you have seen the facts, you can no longer say you are innocent of being an accomplice unless you act by trying to end the tyranny, murder and destruction by this government.

Either act to end it or know that you are an accomplice of traitors, tyranny, murder, maiming, and torture. The following three paragraphs will show you how and where to react to the extent of your degree of involvement. There are other ways to resist. Find one that is effective if you don’t like any of my options. If you do nothing, you will never escape the disdain and dishonor of your inaction. Expect no sympathy when your name is called to be the next sacrificial lamb of this government’s tyranny. The time is NOW for Action!


For almost a century, both democrats and republican regimes have eroded the rights of The People and strengthened the authority and powers of government with the assistance of the corporate press. The public can no longer vote for the lesser of 2 evil parties. Third parties have failed to form a viable coalition toward a legitimate national candidate. Those looking for return of Constitutional rights must unify and choose the best candidate for return of those rights regardless of political party affiliation. Currently voting is nothing more than a farce and will continue to be so until there is no longer a secret vote, or until the Brennan recommendations for electronic voting are enforced. Preferably, both voting reforms should be initiated to stop this charade of voting for a candidate.

(Reporter’s note: Original article links . The embedded links in this article contain a tremendous amount of information. The use of these links is highly recommended. While researching this article, it was noted that there is a dearth of pictures regarding some of the information presented. If you have any pictures regarding any of the facts presented, please send them toedward19(at)

Dei Jurum Conventus

Ed Ward, MD



My Thoughts on 9/11 and False Flag Terrorism

9/11 explained in less than five minutes:

The next video gives a short rundown of the corporate executives, key companies, and government advisors that had ties to the ‘controlled demolition’ of the world trade center towers.  Further details are provided further into this compilation. (Just scroll down the page)

Below, is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. Years after the first Gulf War when we were supposedly not at war with Iraq yet he and Seal Team 9 were targeting Tomahawk Missiles on a monthly basis taking out targets that were increasingly "soft"… involving deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians. Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911.

It basically amounts to a report that the U.S. military first kills people with drones, then fires on the rescuers and others who arrive at the scene where the new corpses and injured victims lie.  This report substantiates Bill Wood’s testimony. 
I do not buy into the White House official conspiracy theory that "Osama Bin Laden and his boys pulled off the WTC 9/11 event".   
Here is a compilation of the Who, What, Why and How of the 9/11 World Trade Center demolition project.  Let us ask ourselves, "Who had the greatest motive to cover up the ‘demolition factor’ of the 9/11 event?"  and then ask "Why would US Intelligence fabricate the myth of Al Qaeda and Bin Laden, when both were under the auspices of Central Intelligence?"  It is all discussed below with explanations.  Each of these links offers up a ‘piece’ to a greater puzzle.  It is up to the sincere person to have a ‘willing suspension of disbelief’ while perusing the material.  Some of the pieces to the puzzle come from the most oddest of interviews and individuals,  some are highly credible sources….yet,  there is buried treasure here. 
Who Owns News and Media Networks?
Keep in mind that even present day news feed is often ‘compromised’.  This is why personal investigation oftentimes requires seeking out information in the most unusual places.
Digital Imaging Used in TV Broadcasts of 9/11 Trade Tower Events
Please take the time to watch, listen and think about these investigations which expose major TV Broadcasting agencies caught in the act of using digital imaging, graphically overlaid images, and sound dubbing on their televised broadcasts of the 9/11 trade tower controlled demolition.  This sinister activity of television fakery, in itself, is enough to reveal ‘complicity’ on the part of major news agencies and the US Administration.
Al CIAda
Fabricating the Myths surrounding Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda
CIA Roots to Al Qaeda Exposed
Fabricating the myth of Al Qaeda:
US Middle East Foreign Policy
Let us start with some present day look at US Middle Eastern foreign policy…through the eyes of Noam Chomsky:

The planning to control EurAsia.  Planning which began years prior to 9/11.

The Sovereign Independent
The Elite, the ‘Great Game’ and World War III
US Central Intelligence used Osama Bin Laden as a CIA asset to help create the ‘Muslim terrorist apparatus’ in the early 80’s….Later on in the 90’s, this US plan was discussed by Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book ‘The Grand Chessboard", where control of EurAsia was laid out as a necessity for world domination.
Quote: "How America ‘manages’ Eurasia is critical. A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world’s three most advanced and economically productive regions. A mere glance at the map also suggests that control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail Africa’s subordination, rendering the Western Hemisphere and Oceania geopolitically peripheral to the world’s central continent. About 75 per cent of the world’s people live in Eurasia, and most of the world’s physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for about three-fourths of the world’s known energy resources." (p.31)
Who Pulls the Strings?
What is the Exchange Stablization Fund and what are examples of their sinister, covert activities?–what-is-the-exchange-stabilization-fund-and-who-controls-the-money-supply.html
We, the Western citizenry, are left with the trillion dollar war expenditures.  100% of our income taxes will go to paying the compiling interest rates of not only multi-trillion dollar warfare costs, but also multi-trillion dollar bank bailouts due to fraudulent banking activity.  Where have these wars benefited thegeneral population, let alone the massacred millions of Middle Eastern citizens?  This is why exposing banking fraud and unjustified warfare is so important today.   Those who pull the strings of Western governments are engaging in destructive and life-damaging activities for their personal profit.  They are neither fit to rule, nor justified to take us to war.
Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief – Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI
I’ll admit this short clip is only one viewpoint in the whole affair, however, hundreds of whistle-blowers share the same viewpoint.  These are pieces to consider….that is all:
Some shocking discoveries:  FBI agents say "They didn’t kill enough people"
Suppressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading on 9/11 Flights, Lead Directly into the CIA’s Highest Ranks
Investigation by Michael C. Ruppert – former Los Angeles Police Department narcotics investigator who discovered CIA trafficking in drugs in 1977. After attempting to expose this, he was forced out of LAPD in 1978 while earning the highest rating reports possible and having no pending disciplinary actions.
Quote: "One wonders how much damning evidence is necessary to respond to what is now irrefutable proof that CIA knew about the attacks and did not stop them.  Whatever our government is doing, whatever the CIA is doing, it is clearly NOT in the interests of the American people, especially those who died on September 11."
Quote: " Her answered floored me. She said, "It probably would have been easy for us to find out who was behind the trades, but the government came in and told the CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange) president to stop the investigation."
"I said to her again, a third time, making sure I heard right, "The government didn’t want you to investigate?" She looked at me said "Yes, that’s right." Then she looked at me a little longer, she knew I had interest in this topic, she looked a little nervous and then blurted out to me, "We erased the data. Our data on the trades is gone."
John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit-Man"
Here is a two minute explanation of how the World Bank/IMF and ”international corporateers" use covert operations to exploit weaker nations:
or here:
Congressman Ron Paul states that there was no justification for American military intervention in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq or Libya.
He states that the hijackers of 9/11 were a group of people not a group of nations.  America needed to go after those responsible, not attack entire, non-affiliated, Middle Eastern nations who in no way threatened or provoked war.
He implied that 9/11 was used as an excuse to war on the axis-of-oil-bearing nations.
Go to the 3:34 mark in the following video interview.!
What was the rush to transport the Bin Laden family out of the USA ?
Why were these Saudis flown out of the country without being interrogated and questioned as to Bin Laden’s whereabouts?
The question, which has never been answered, is what was the rush in getting these individuals out of the country? As Cloonan says, "If I had to inconvenience a member of the bin Laden family with a subpoena or a Grand Jury, do you think I’d lose any sleep over it?  Not for a minute Mike… [Y]ou got a lawyer?  Fine.  Counselor?  Fine.  Mr. Bin Laden, this is why I’m asking you, it’s not because I think that you’re anything.  I just want to ask you the questions that I would anybody."
Demolition Experts and Scientists Discuss 9/11 Events
Donald Rumsfeld exposed: 
‘The origin of the ‘Stand-Down’ orders’
Both hijacking by CIA assets, and a controlled demolition were used in the 9/11 WTC operation:
CIA Asset Susan Lindauer – ‘Plausable Deniability’
I acknowledge that Lindauer was ‘muzzled’ by the US Administration, after the implementation of the Patriot Act.  One has to consider her story in context. For example, would the US Administration want a public figure like Lindauer to expose their crimes so early on in their drive for war on Iraq?
Regarding the auctioning off of Iraqi oil fields:
Quote from The New York Times   June 16, 2011
"…one of the 11 fields that the Iraqis auctioned off  went to an American oil company — Exxon Mobil"
"Lukoil and many of the other international oil companies that won fields in the auction are now subcontracting mostly with the four largely American oil services companies that are global leaders in their field: Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Weatherford International and Schlumberger.
Those four have won the largest portion of the subcontracts to drill for oil, build wells and refurbish old equipment."
"While Baker and its American peers are poised to make significant profits from such work in Iraq, wafer-thin margins seem to await Lukoil and the other international oil producers — which include BP of Britain, CNPC of China, ENI of Italy and the Anglo-Dutch company Shell."
NORAD Terror Drills were going on day of 9/11

Senator Mike Gravel on 911:

In the above video, Congressman Ron Paul warns Americans of the destructive dictatorial powers  which the US Presidency has been granted since the events of September 11, 2001.—85w1GpJlwEWJ4HA9x8MTMwNzQyMTAwNkAxMzA3MzM0NjA2&wl_id=-olNr4UuVqY
The History of Oil – by Robert Newman
Middle Eastern ‘oil resources’ were one of the key motives for war between Britain and Germany in the early 1900’s.  This video comedy has an underlying ring of truth to it.  Prior to WW I, Britain bombed the German oil transport and railway line to Persia (Iraq).
It puts things in perspective for the common layman.

Military Industrial Complex:
Is the NATO regime change in Libya….a "global con job"?   This article reveals some of the connections and sinister activities of the global power-elite who pull the strings of NATO member nations.
What a Controlled Demolition looks like
The next video shows us what to look for in a ‘controlled demolition’, and then reveals the ‘controlled demolition’ factor of the 9/11 World Trade Center towers.

Some footage of WTC building seven showing squibs or cutter charges blowing holes out the walls just before collapse began: Go to 1:02:42 minute mark of the following video and see for yourself
More demolition charges going off:
Go to the 4:48 minute mark of this video and then the 6:15 mark
Sometimes we miss what is right in front of our eyes.
People with demolition expertise questioning 9/11
Proof explosives were detonated from inside the towers just like in a "controlled demolition"
Eye-witnesses who heard the sounds of synchronized, controlled demolition explosions
Who had access to the tower impact zones? 
Marvin Bush was the director of the Securacom company which installed an ‘alleged’ new security system at the World Trade Center prior to 9/11….But what else could they have been installing with ‘power-downs’ and ‘security shut-downs’ just prior to the Trade Tower demolition?
Who had access to tower impact zones?
There are more links to this topic, you will need to scroll down this page.

WTC janitor talks of explosions in basement ‘before’ something  hit the tower:
“There was a huge explosion in the basement—several seconds before the plane hit the tower” – William Rodriguez
Firemen and WTC employees talk of massive explosions going on in the basement and sub-floors of the trade towers:
In the next video we see serious fires raged through WTC 5 for hours. Despite the massive structural damage shown by the holes, and fires far more severe than those in WTC 1, 2, and 7, WTC 5 did not collapse.

911 – NIST : A New Standard of Deception – Kevin Ryan. (FULL)

For those who would rather view most of the evidence via documented interviews of firemen, demolition experts, scientists and WTC employees present on that fateful day,  plug into this next full length video which brings up some important evidence and questions. 
It is titled: 9/11 Truth: Hollywood Speaks Out

An analysis of evidence supporting the 9/11 World Trade Center demolition as a False Flag operation

David Ray Griffin,  author, "The 9/11 Commission Report:  Omissions and Distortions"
or here with discussion:
U.S. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth
American Military and Intelligence Officers, and government representatives who question 9/11:

Below are just a handful of the Government/military whistle-blowers:
General Wesley Clark,
Colonel Ronald D. Ray,
Captain Edgar Mitchell DSc,
Lt. Colonel Robert Bowman PhD,
Colonel George Nelson MBA,
Colonel Ann Wright,
Col. Donn De Grand-Pre,
Lt. Colonel Shelton F. Lankford,
Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, PhD,
Former Deputy Assistant to Secretary of State, Dr. Steve Pieczenik,
Lt. Col. Guy S. Razer, MS,
Lt. Col. Jeff Latas,
Commander Ted Muga,
Commander Ralph Kolstad,
Commander James Clow, MS,
Lt. Col. Paul F. Getty, DDS,
Former US Marines fighter pilot Joel M. Skousen,
Major Douglas Rokke, PhD,
Retired fighter pilot Maj. Brian Power-Waters,
Maj. Charles E. Dills, PhD,
Capt. Russ Wittenberg former US fighter pilot and commercial pilot,
Capt. Daniel Davis, U.S. Army – Former U.S. Army Air Defense Officer and NORAD Tac Director
Lt. Col. Guy S. Razer, MS
Statement "After 4+ years of research since retirement in 2002, I am 100% convinced that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were planned, organized, and committed by treasonous perpetrators that have infiltrated the highest levels of our government. It is now time to take our country back.
Each of the above individuals have offered Americans there own expertise and research, exposing  the inconsistencies in the NIST and 9/11 Commission reports.   These Military and Government officers do not support the White House conspiracy theory that "a handful of poorly trained pilots pulled off the demolition of three World Trade towers with two airplanes on Sept 11, 2001."
Colonel Robert Bowman discusses omissions and motive by US Administration in regards to 9/11 controlled demolition:
another interview:
Former Deputy Asst. to Secretary of State, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, declares Bin Laden was known to be dead in December 2001…and that the World Trade Center 9/11 demolition was an orchestrated, false flag event.
Pilots Discuss Their Doubts
This helicopter video clip shows us that no plane hit the second tower, yet there was an explosion.
Other news agencies showing the same camera angle footage, must have ‘inserted’ the image of an approaching plane.  Why were the images of a plane digitally inserted?
Did the alleged aircraft even arrive at the towers?
9/11 Airplane Affidavit by John Lear, son of Learjet inventor,_Son_Of_Learjet_Inventor.html?currentSplittedPage=6
Some analysis of what may have caused those explosions
Flights 11 and 175
‘Fishy’ flight data?
Expert pilots discuss their doubts with regards to any inexperienced air pilots, being able to maneuver passenger airplanes into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon building at speeds over 500 mph:  In other words, were those planes actually ‘passenger’ airliners?  What could have actually occurred?
Pilots for 9/11 truth: This next presentation uses thorough, air-flight physics in the explanation of how passenger planes just could not have been flown into the trade towers, and especially the Pentagon, by inexperienced, or experienced, pilots.  Possibly, refitted, externally guided/controlled aircraft could have, but that begs the question: Where were these aircraft refitted and who controlled them?  Or the most simple question of all:  Were military aircraft used?
Below is an analysis of questionable flight speeds of aircraft.
And who would be able to control those aircraft?
And who could switch off transponders at the exact time these aircraft entered ‘radar gaps’?
Radar Physics Group develops Flight Termination System defense technology.
I am still laughing at the amazing way that Professor Jim Fetzer counters the assault of FOX news agents and puts forth the argument that 9/11 was a controlled demolition…and how the newscasters kept trying to shut him down.
That is how censorship works today.   By marginalizing and pigeon-holing those who question the White House Conspiracy Theory that states " the three towers were brought down by two planes manned by inexperienced cessna pilots."
So many North Americans simply jump on the bandwagon and make fun of , and name-call, those that have done the investigation and come to realize that 9/11 must have been an inside job.
Witnesses Question What Hit The Towers
Some kind of aircraft, a drone, a missile aircraft, maybe even a 767, but not necessarily Flight 11 or Flight 175.
Eyewitnesses were not sure that it was ‘passenger’ airplanes that hit the trade towers:
Eyewitnesses report seeing a ‘military plane’ with no windows hit the towers:
In the next interview with 9/11 firemen, at the 2:33 minute mark, the firefighter states that he saw a
‘black, very large airplane fly into the second building’.   He didn’t see a ‘passenger plane’….he saw what was reported by others as a ‘military plane’….or by others as a ‘plane with no windows’.   Besides their testimony of bombs and explosions going off indicating it was a controlled demolition, the report of a ‘black’ airplane hitting the second tower is important to take notice of.
Aircraft in — Missile out?
Eye-witness claims he heard the sound of a missile approachingthe second tower.
Even the chopper 4 televised images don’t show us any ‘large’ aircraft approaching that tower.
Could it have been aircraft with no windows as was seen by some?  Some kind of drone missile or tomahawk missile?
Air Traffic Controller said the activity of the aircraft reminded him of a military aircraft:
Was digital imaging used to conceal some other type of aircraft or missile?
Why were televised broadcasts of the 9/11 demolition "digitally overlaid" with images and soundtracks? You will have to go here for the research investigations.
This is where the movie "Wag The Dog" comes in.
The movie reveals how easily fake ‘Bin Laden videos’ and ‘poor images of approaching aircraft’ could be  digitally inserted into 9/11 WTC Television footage: 
These video clips explain why so many air force pilots have their own doubts as to the ”official White House, and televised, version of 9/11 events". 
How digital imaging is done:
Firemen and police reported bombs, detonations, and explosions:
Eyewitness key testimonies were not brought into the "9/11 Commission Official Report".  Why not?
Firefighter’s Interview talks about the first, second and third set of ‘explosions’ in trade towers
or just do a youtube search for: Firefighters for 911 Truth   There you can see recorded footage.
And here are video clips revealing the visual evidence of ‘controlled demolition’ explosives:
Building seven controlled demolition video footage is here:
Larry Silverstein, the lease owner of the WTC buildings, stated that he and the head Fire Department official authorized building number 7 to be ‘pulled’.   Silverstein, later, attempted to obfuscate, saying he was referring to having the firefighters pulled at approximately 3pm that September afternoon.  However, the firefighters had already been evacuated from building seven by 11:30 am that morning.
The best clip is here:
The best article exposing Silverstein convincing his insurance representative of the need to pull building seven:
More here:
Explosions in Building Seven–Before Towers Were Demolished
A key eyewitness, Barry Jennings, (Emergency Coordinator for the New York Housing Authority) in his original interviews, reported explosions and bodies in  the lower floors of the trade centre building 7, well before either of the twin towers had fallen.  Regarding Barry Jennings….It wasn’t his passing that was important in my opinion (he was not murdered)…but it was that he stated in his earliest interviews that bodies and damage from explosions were in the building seven lower floors prior to the demolition of the taller trade towers.  Later on, for reasons unknown, Jennings altered his original testimony.
William Rodriguez, WTC janitor for twenty years, states ‘Just prior to the explosion of the first plane hitting the trade tower, there was an explosion in the basement sub-level below him’.  So his experience substantiates the many reports of bombs and explosions going off prior to planes hitting and prior to collapse of the towers.
Rodriguez risked his life in saving many people and was honored for his heroism. And then Rodriguez testified in closed session to the official 9-11 commission (Kean-Zelikow), but his story of what happened that day regarding  the explosions in the sub-basements seconds before the plane hit, was suppressed by those whose task it is to cover-up what really happened.
A significant number of other key eyewitnesses have coincidentally died or committed suicide:
Why would the ”demolition aspect” of the 9/11 project have been so carefully hidden and ignored by the ‘official 9/11 commission report’?  Why the cover up?  Well, it would have meant the explosive devices and thermate were planted well in advance….and that Silverstein, the lease owner of the towers, knew about it. One can’t authorize a building (# seven) to be ”pulled” unless the demolition devices were already in place.
Even Frank DeMartini, the construction manager of the World Trade Centre towers stated on the air that ‘the towers were designed to take multiple hits from airliners’:
Trade Towers were designed to survive the impact of a 767
Even this footage showing a woman waving for help from this trade tower….Thus, we can conclude that the fire is not burning that hot, as is confirmed with the black smoke spewing out.  This puts an end to the myth that the towers collapsed due to high heat weakening the steel support beams.
and here:
Controlled Demolition Experts Speak Out
Tom Sullivan, former explosives loader for Controlled Demolition, Inc. speaks out:
Dutch, controlled-demolition expert, Danny Jawenko, speaks about 9/11
Incidentally, this person died in a questionable roadside accident, four years after this interview.
MIT Engineer Disputes 911 Theory of the WTC Collapse-Part 1
Molten Metal And Extremely High Temperatures:
Molten metal found and discussed by ground crew and firemen
Building Experts Explain the Controlled Demolition of Building 7
go to the 2 minute 25 second mark in the clip.  Even the firemen state in advance "keep your eye on that building, it will be coming down"  at the 2 minute 44 second mark of the clip
Temperature of Jet Fueled Office Fires Versus Temperature of Thermate Reaction
The simple facts of temperatures:
First of all:
288°C (550 °F) – open air burning temperature of Jet A-1 fuel
825ºC (1517ºF) – maximum temperature of hydrocarbon fires burning in the atmosphere without pressurization or pre-heating (premixed fuel and air-blue flame)
1535ºC (2795ºF) – melting point of iron
1510ºC (2750ºF) – melting point of typical structural steel
The Thermite reaction produces an extremely hot reaction (up to 2500 °C or 4500 °F), which creates molten iron and aluminum oxide. The molten iron produced from Thermite is white hot and the aluminum oxide is a white smoke.
The Government and NIST (National Institute for Standards in Technology) lied to the public:  NIST omitted the fact that molten steel and iron, bent steel without cracking, and fused steel and concrete.required heat of over 2750ºF heat.  That is far greater heat than any  jet-fueled fire can generate.
What created the numerous large craters at Ground Zero?
What is the definition of ‘Ground zero’?
"Ground zero" is a technical term dating back to the 1940s describing the point on the earth’s surface at, above, or below the center of a nuclear detonation."
Discover some pretty amazing photos of the melted rock, and the deep, smoothed holes at the demolition site.  Thousands of degrees of heat were necessary to create these rock formations below the trade towers, heat not available through jet fuel.
Could micro-nuclear or some ‘intense-explosive’ devices have created these large craters at the World Trade Center site?  What else could explain these gaping holes in so many building foundations?
Watch the images of the smooth rock face, the huge craters, and the photos of the actual tower explosion which are similar to the results of a micro- nuclear explosion.
What do nuclear bunker buster or micro-nuclear devices look like when they explode?
19% higher cancer rate among exposed Ground Zero firefighters:
If micro-nuclear devices were used then this would explain the high cancer rates among those firefighters exposed to Gound Zero for the first few weeks after 9/11.  If the cancers were only linked to dust and toxins from the demolished towers,  we would have expected more lung disease and lung cancers.  However, this was not the case.  New York Times quote: "there were indications that certain cancers including melanoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and thyroid and prostate cancer occurred more frequently among exposed firefighters than in the general population. Occurrences of lung cancer did not increase."
Molten Metal And Extremely High Temperatures:
Molten metal found and discussed by ground crew and firemen
Why demolition site is cleared before the Building Performance Assessment Team can perform inspection?
"FEMA’s so-called investigation had the features of a complete farce:

  • No independent investigation was funded: FEMA allocated $600,000 for the BPAT’s study, which included the cost of printing their report.
  • Except for an early "tourist trip", The BPAT volunteers were barred from Ground Zero.
  • They did not see a single piece of steel until almost a month after the disaster.
  • They had to guess the original locations of the few pieces of steel they saw.
  • They collected 150 pieces of steel for further study (out of millions of pieces).
  • Their report, which called for "further investigation and analysis", was published after Ground Zero had been scrubbed.

In May of 2002 FEMA’s hand-picked team of volunteers released their report that, although self-described as preliminary and incomplete, would be promoted by government officials as the last word on the causes of the building collapses — at least until the completion of NIST’s Report, more than three years later. FEMA’s World Trade Center Building Performance Study: Data Collection, Preliminary Observations, and Recommendations is full of vague and evasive descriptions of the buildings, deceptive illustrations, and misleading scenarios. Although the report called for more study, by the time it was issued the crime scene had been scrubbed, and the structural steel, which was so essential to any investigation, was long gone. "
Who Had ‘Demolition Access’ to the Impacted Trade Tower Floors
‘Power down in top 50% of floors in the southern tower’  a few days prior to the 9/11 controlled demolition:
A Little Rock, Arkansas architectural photographer, Tom-Scott Gordon provides testimony evidencing 911 was orchestrated by U.S. officials who indirectly hired him to unwittingly help plan the attack nine years before the operation was activated.
In an audio interview we discover "Who had ‘demolition access’ to trade tower floors that were impacted?",  and how Paul Bremmer, trade tower occupant/businessman/government adviser, was director of the Japanese company, Komatsu, which patented the ‘thermate explosive device" years prior to the 9/11 project.
more is here:
Marvin Bush was the director of the Securacom company which installed an ‘alleged’ new security system at the World Trade Center prior to 9/11….But what else could they have been installing with power-downs and security shut-downs just prior to the Trade Tower demolition?
Who Applied the Thermite Spray?
Provides "info on LVI Services, Inc who apparently developed nano-thermite spray with a 3 million dollar Pentagon contract and then sprayed away per a one million dollar contract starting October 2000 with the WTC, supposedly to treat a problem with asbestos floor tiles, as if that were worth worrying about compared to the ignored 2 billion dollar problem they had with asbestos falling off their structural beams because it was applied without first removing the rust on the beams."
Fingerprint–Discovery of Thermate–Molten Metal
Molten Steel found at base of trade tower site….experts discuss this phenomenon…due to thermate:
Chemist Niels Harrit – One of the scientists who found unreacted thermite
in the World Trade Center dust discusses Thermite, Nanothermate, Explosives and Incendiaries.
Scientists Examine the Molten Steel that Lingered for Weeks Underneath WTC 1, 2 & 7 on 9/11
Explosive Material Found in World Trade Center Dust
Scientists Discover Both Residues And Un-ignited Fragments Of Nano-Engineered Thermitic Pyrotechnics
In Debris From the Twin Towers
"thermite-based pyrotechnics can be engineered to have explosive power similar to conventional high-explosives while providing greater energy density and much greater stability. Thus, aluminothermic cutter charges similar to the shaped charges used in commercial demolitions are entirely feasible. However, a variety of forms of thermite might be used to demolish a steel-framed skyscraper in a way that uses no cutter charges at all…"
by Jim Hoffman
If the buildings were ultimately brought down by  the use of thermate to cut through the steel beams….why would the 9/11 commission have hidden this from the public?  Does not cover‐up indicate complicity?‐lie.htm
National Institute of Standards and Technology performs incomplete investigation
More cover-up by NIST engineer John Gross.
Why?  Because over 2795 F heat was created by thermate or some unknown incendiary material to fuse iron, steel and concrete, to melt steel into molten lava, and to bend steel without cracking it.
or here:
More obvious subterfuge by NIST spokesperson S. Shyam Sundar….
NIST signed a contract:  "National Institute of Standards and Technology shall not publicly release any information….that might jeopardize public safety" ??
NIST did not search for evidence of thermate.  Why not?
Kevin Ryan’s Top 10 Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites
The Ultimate proof NIST is lying about WTC7
NIST researchers claim in ‘C.6 Suggestions For Future Research’, "The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event.  No clear identification for the source of the sulfur has been identified." 
So why was this ‘severe corrosion and erosion’ in metal samples not investigated further?
Never has the obvious ‘controlled demolition’ factor been explained in the ‘9/11 commission’s report’.
Yet, eye witnesses reported bombs, explosions and detonations in World Trade Centre buildings on 9/11.‐nT‐luFIw

The RJ Lee Group performed a study for Deutschbank of the WTC Dust Composition and Morphology:
Scientific analysis of WTC 7 Steel forming a sulfide eutectic phase:
According to their website, the FDNY ordered 2,000 gallons of Pyrocool FEF during the 9/11 clean-up. Pyrocool mixes with water at 0.4% to extinguish extremely hot fires, like chemical fires or Thermate-induced molten metal fires.  2,000 gallons mixed at 0.4% equals 500,000 gallons of water/pyrocool mixture, of which the majority was sprayed on WTC 7 which was the first building debris to be rapidly hauled away:  See Press Releases – SUBTERRANEAN FIRES AT GROUND ZERO
Smoking Gun Proof :
Physical Chemistry of Thermite, Thermate, Iron-Alum-Rich Microspheres at Demise of WTC 1 & 2 Jerry Lobdill 6/15/2007
Taku Murakami, US Patent 5532449 – Using plasma ARC and thermite to demolish concrete,
Architects and Engineers Speak Out
3 Smoking Guns of 9/11- Kathy McGrade, B.S. Metallurgical Engineering (30 years in the industry)
Over 1300 architects, engineers, chemical analysts and physicists believe that the world trade centre destruction was due to more than the heat from burning airplane fuel….and involved  thermate and demolition explosives. – Architect Richard Gage, AIA
911 – NIST : A New Standard of Deception – Kevin Ryan. (FULL)
A Physicist and two Chemical Engineers also verify presence of Thermate in the dust of ground zero: – Jeff Farrer – Physicist – Mark Basile -Chemical Engineer  – Niels Harrit – Chemist
What Hit the Pentagon?
Flight 77 anomalies:
See Flight 77 and the delayed scrambling, along with the ‘slowed’ response speed, of air force fighter jets.  These planes were capable of flight speeds of 1500 miles per hour, yet timelines show that speeds were kept below 400 miles per hour.  Why?
Flight 77 transponder was shut down at  8:56 AM , however the plane could still be tracked by radar.   Why did it take NORAD 31 minutes before scrambling jet fighters?
So the question arises, why were air-force fighter jets not scrambled for a full 31 minutes after FAA lost transponder contact with Flight 77? 
(8:56 A.M.)Ê Flight 77’s transponder signal is turned off.

9:24 A.M. The FAA notifies NORAD that Flight 77 "may" have been hijacked.  
9:30 A.M. The F-16’s scrambled towards Flight 77 get airborne.
Why "may have been hijacked", when (Between 8:46 – 8:55 A.M.) Ê  a passenger on Flight 77, Barbara Olson, called her husband, Solicitor General Theodore Olson, prior to the plane turning around at 8:55 and tells him hijackers are aboard.
(9:41 A.M.)Ê Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon.
Was the Pentagon hit ‘desired’?
Why was the Pentagon allowed to be hit by alleged, hijacked aircraft Flight 77?   The FAA had lost transponder contact at 8:56 AM , yet we are led to believe that NORAD did not scramble F-16 interceptors for a full 34 minutes ?
Yet, according to this interview:  Norman Mineta stated that Vice President Dick Cheney was notified three times of the air threat  approaching the Pentagon.  We are even led to believe ‘shoot down’ orders were given.   Yet, that particular air threat went unhindered and hit the Pentagon at 9:41 AM…. 
Concluding remarks:
On the timeline, I have discovered that many reports state that Cheney didn’t get into the White House Bunker with Mineta until after 9:55 AM  …which is well after the Flight 77 had hit the Pentagon at
9:41 AM.   So, if that is the case, then Cheney could not have been referring to the alleged Flight 77 as it approached the Pentagon, when Mineta heard him say ‘of course the orders still stand’. 
Instead, those alleged ‘shoot down’ orders will have applied to the Flight 93 approaching the White House airspace perimeter zone that had been established according to air pilot, code-named, ‘Honey’.
Which could support the testimony of the mayor of Shanksville that jet fighters were seen in the area. and that missile fire had been heard…as the Flight 93 crashed between 10:03 and 10:06 AM.  All this occurring while Cheney was in the White House Bunker giving orders.
Secondly, why was Cheney giving orders?

Thirdly, if Cheney was in the White House Bunker with Mineta, as early as 9:26 AM, and the approaching  flight 77 air threat was being monitored by radar,  then why was that air threat not shot down?  If those orders were ‘shoot down’ orders, then why was that air threat allowed to hit the Pentagon?  Notice how I use the word ‘air threat’? 
Air Traffic Controller said the activity of the aircraft reminded him of a military aircraft:
Whatever type of aircraft it was, who would be able to control those aircraft?
And who could switch off transponders at the exact time these aircraft entered ‘radar gaps’?
Regarding the plane parts that were found, my question is:  ‘Why was only one engine found?  Why was only one rim found?’    What of the other heavy rims, second strut and second engine that would have collided with the outer wall?   Besides the anomalies stated earlier, definitely some kind of aircraft penetrated the Pentagon that day.
Shanksville ‘alleged’ crashsite of Flight 93
Was this flight, in actuality, ‘shot down’ by US air-force fighter jets?
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words… Crashsite Flight 93, Shanksville/ Pennsylvania
However, if the aircraft were blown out of the sky, then that would explain the scattered debris found miles away, and why little debris and bodies were found at the crash-site.
Why the ‘Fishy’ flight data?
"No bodies"
Mayor says "No airplane"
Ariel View of "alleged” crash site:
Compare  the Lockerbie Aircraft bombing site to the Shanksville site:
There is a hole– but not much plane debris (bodies, seats or plane parts) in the immediate area , as is found in a usual passenger airplane crash site. So, we are left to understand that the plane must have been blown out of the sky by air-force missile fire, or by a bomb inside the plane.  No problem with that.
The question that arises is: "If Flight 93 was shot down, why wasn’t Flight 77 shot down by air-force missile fire before arriving at the Pentagon?"
Evidence Indicates Flight 93 Was Shot Down
Flight 93 Timeline

US Secretary Mineta statements lead us to believe that Flight 93 was shot down before hitting the White House.
However, why wasn’t Flight 77 shot down before it hit the Pentagon? 
Flight 93 and Flight 77 Timelines
(9:55 AM)According to US Transportation Secretary, Norman Mineta, one particular air threat approached the 50 mile out, then 30 mile out, and final 10 mile protected airspace perimeter position. Vice President Cheney was in the White House bunker with Mineta and was warned of the incoming air threat.  Because of that verbal interaction, we can only conclude that the approaching Flight 93 aircraft was shot down later between 10:03 and 10:06 AM, and that the orders from Vice President Dick Cheney must have been shoot down orders.
On the other hand, If this verbal interaction allegedly occurred before Flight 77 had hit the Pentagon at 9:41 AM. E’, why wasn’t that air-threat shot down as it approached the Pentagon?  Could those orders have been ‘stand down’ regarding the Pentagon.(Flight 77)….while 21 minutes later, have been shoot down orders regarding (Flight 93) over Shanksville?
Go to (After 9:44 A.M.) "According to F-16 pilot Honey’s account, at some point after the F-16’s had set up a defensive perimeter over Washington, the lead pilot received a garbled message about Flight 93 that wasn’t heard by the other two pilots. "The message seemed to convey that the White House was an important assent to protect." 
(9:55 A.M.) This would explain why  as Flight 93 was approaching the defensive perimeter surrounding Washington, when the officer came to Cheney and asked ”Do the orders still stand?" according to Mineta, Cheney replied "Well of course they still stand."   Those must have been ‘shoot down’ orders.  Because, later on,  Flight 93 was shot down near Shanksville at 10:03 to 10:06 AM. 
On the other hand, If those orders were in regard to Flight 77 as it allegedly approached the Pentagon, then why was that air threat not shot down? In regards to an approaching air threat to the Pentagon, could those orders have been ‘stand down’?
Go to (Before 10:06 A.M.) Ernie Stuhl, the mayor of Shanksville: "I know of two people — I will not mention names — that heard a missile. They both live very close, within a couple of hundred yards… This one fellow’s served in Vietnam and he says he’s heard them, and he heard one that day." He adds that based on what he has learned, F-16’s were "very, very close." [Philadelphia Daily News, 11/15/01]
So the question arises, why were air-force fighter jets not scrambled for a full 31 minutes after FAA lost transponder contact with Flight 77?  (8:56 A.M.)Ê Flight 77’s transponder signal is turned off.
Why wasn’t Flight 77 shot down?  Why was it allowed to hit the Pentagon at (9:41 AM) E’?  Because according to the interview with Norman Mineta, this aircraft threat was being monitored as it approached the Pentagon. 
Donald Rumsfeld exposed: 
‘The origin of the ‘Stand-Down’ orders’
"CJCSI 3610.01, dated July 31, 1997, required that all requests for assistance in hijackings be approved by the Secretary of Defense. An update to that order, CJCSI 3610.01, dated June 1, 2001, had an exception for emergencies that would seem to give commanders in the field autonomy in ordering intercepts. However, that exception did not cover requests for "potentially lethal assistance", the kind required to respond to the attack:"
"(DODD 2025.15, Feb. 18, 1997) 4.4 The Secretary of Defense retains approval authority for support to civil authorities involving: use of Commander in Chief (CINC)-assigned forces (personnel units, and equipment) when required under paragraph 4.5, below; DoD support that will result in a planned event with the potential for confrontation with specifically identified individuals and/or groups or will result in the use of lethal force. 1 "
Drills of NORAD exposed
Why a flying command post is present….and yet no interceptors?
Video footage of: "The ‘mystery plane’ seen on takeoff on apparently ‘live’ footage on 9/11.
The aircraft is the E-4B Doomsday Plane….a military aircraft…a flying command post.
It was seen near WTC 2 just prior to, and during, the impact of "Flight 175"
It was seen near the Pentagon.  It was seen over the White House."  Why was this command post flying about, and yet jet fighter aircraft were allegedly not scrambled on time to intercept the hijacked aircraft?
from this link:
and this link:
NORAD Terror Drills were going on day of 9/11
Air Flight Discrepancies
Hijackers Alive and Well
‘Fishy’ flight data? – The details are revealing:
In this link is found the RITA records of BTS statistics of past American air-flights which show no record of AA Flight 11 departing Boston Logan, or AA Flight 77  departing from Washington Dulles on September 11, 2001:
Flight Data Expert Confirmation: No Evidence Linking FDR Data to American 77
Begging more questions.
Why were there discrepancies in the passenger lists, and why were ‘reported’ passengers found to be ‘fictitious’?   (Passengers were discovered to be fictitious: see 2minutes:20seconds into the video)   (More detail on fictitious passengers: using the Social Security Death Index)
Simulated Victims:  Why fake victims??  Are we being hoodwinked?
More simulated victims in detail:
THE VICSIM REPORT: Simulated 9/11 Victims
Fabricating The Myth of Bin Laden and Al Qaeda
Vice-President Dick Cheney admits in an interview that no evidence links Osama Bin Laden to the 9/11 WTC event:
Next in the next compilation of articles, we discover that Bin Laden died in December of 2001, and that his death was reported by veteran CIA officer Robert Baer, Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, former FBI head of countert-errorism Dale Watson, and former Deputy Assistant to the US Secretary of State, Dr. Steve Piecznik:
Local Pakistanis say the recent May 2011 Bin Laden story is "drama”,  ”untrue", and that photos are of a local elderly man…not some Osama Bin Laden.  Local Pakistanis are highly skeptical that Bin Laden was ever in their neighborhood, let alone killed in their neighborhood.
Two more death photos of Bin Laden found to be faked, are shown in the first minute of the next clip:
Was Bin Laden Assault a Jessica Lynch-style Fable?
Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab
Who is Al Qaeda? 
A thorough documentary of how the official story of Al Qaeda came to exist, how media presentations came to create the myth of Al Qaeda.
part 2   We discover how the CIA participated in creating the "Muslim terrorist apparatus".
Bin Laden was in fact, a CIA operative
More misleading disinformation.  Many stories of Al Qaeda were ”trumpted up"
Fabricating the myth of Al Qaeda:
Many alleged hijackers were trained in US ‘secure’ facilities. 
Alleged hijackers were even under FBI surveillance.
Alhazmi and Almihdhar: The 9/11 Hijackers Who Should Have Been Caught
Most importantly, at what point do incompetence and bureaucratic barriers cease to be reasonable explanations for so many failures surrounding Alhazmi and Almihdhar? Could the US government have been protecting these two for some reason? When will investigators and the media start asking these difficult questions?
Identity of hijackers is highly questionable. 
Paul Zarembka also discusses the existence of insider trading.  Where were the investigations and interrogations regarding ‘foreknowledge of attacks’?
Hijackers Alive and Well
Misled Into War
Why question the ‘official version of events’ surrounding the 9/11 World Trade Centre project?   For starters, two ensuing wars based on known ‘falsified’ evidence  (weapons of mass destruction capability was zero, while President Bush quoted false Niger evidence to justify war,  then later on admitted Iraq intelligence was wrong)‐j18.shtml…and over a million war deaths have resulted in the aftermath of 9/11.  We have been led into war by misleading journalism and by those who benefit off of war…namely the military/industrial/congressional complex.
War Crimes Probe of Bush Administration recommended
NEW YORK – Former chief U.N. nuclear inspector Mohamed El Baradei suggests in a new memoir that Bush administration officials should face international criminal investigation for the "shame of a needless war" in Iraq.   April 22, 2011
Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia (Non-binding)Tribunal
Video newscast:  (Bush and Blair used forged documents that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction)
News article:
CENSORED 60 Minutes Interview
The interview was buried (censored)…..Former 2001 Bush Secretary Treasurer Paul O’Neil tells about the plans to take out Iraq and overtake its oil resources….6 months before 9/11. Even though the ending is more of a campaign add…..The guts of the story is enough to show that our political leaders dance to the tune of power and greed….it is an oligarchy….not a democracy.
Muslim Terrorist Apparatus Was Created By US Intelligence
Afghan heroin & the CIA

I suggest you google "False Flag Terrorism"….and discover how the Muslim terrorist apparatus was created by US intelligence as a geopolitical weapon.  American Central Intelligence organized, trained, funded and armed the dis‐united Afghani tribal freedom fighters under one banner, the Taliban, in order to resist Russian infiltration into the Middle Eastern axis‐of‐oil region.
Once the Russian threat was eliminated, the Taliban wished for legitimacy in Afghani national affairs.  ‘Corporate’ American domination was unacceptable to the united Afghan freedom fighters….Prior to 9/11, the US Administration had threatened the Taliban who were reluctant to grant complete control of their homeland to  ‘corporate’ rule.  The Taliban were told that submitting to US Administration plans for the region would ”bring a carpet of gold”, but resistance would ”bring a carpet of bombs”.
More on the subject is in the following articles.‐asia/CK20Ag01.html
Soldiers Speak Out
Soldiers speak out against the atrocities of the Iraq and Afghan wars and question its purpose:
My questions to the reader:  "Are you able to think outside of mainstream television productions and discover actual evidence of corruption without labeling it as "conspiracy theory", or do you shut down dialogue before it begins?  Does the term "theory" not fall away when "actual" evidence indicates the existence of criminal activity?"  Is daring to question the inconsistencies of the ‘official 9/11 commission report’ really "anti-American"?   Wasn’t the official White House explanation a ”conspiracy theory”  based on falsehoods and unsubstantiated evidence?
The media is constantly feeding us disinformation which favors Administration, pro-war policies
We Were Shown Faked Bin Laden Videos
Another question to consider:  "Is not the ‘Bin Laden‐did‐it‐theory’ also a conspiracy theory?"  I mean, we were literally force‐fed the White House version of 9/11 events and expected to disregard the lack of motive, the ‘controlled demolition’ nature of the project, and the lack of evidence linking Bin Laden to the 9/11 event itself.  After the entire Bin Laden family was safely escorted/flown out of the US without being questioned or interrogated as to the accused Osama’s whereabouts, we were then given faked Bin Laden videos:‐cia‐officials‐admit‐to‐faking‐bin‐laden‐video.html
…more faked photos
…and more questionable photos
Osama Bin Laden died in December 2001
Osama Bin Laden was reported by CNN, FOX, the Telegraph, Guardian and the Pentagon to have died in December of 2001.  Despite his death,  we were shown ‘doctored’ and ‘faked’ videos of Bin Laden thereafter.    Recently, Americans were fooled again with a completely orchestrated ‘second’ killing of Bin Laden in May of 2011.  Fabrication built upon fabrication….resulting in a completely misinformed American public.
Former Deputy Asst to US Secretary of State, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, declares in 2009 that Bin Laden was known to be have died in December of 2001.
Video interview with Dr. Steve Pieczenik

Trumped up charges of Al Qaeda (fabrication exposed)
Here is a  documented history of how the CIA created Al Qaeda
The political and financial connections of the terrorists penetrate to the upper reaches of power, in the British and American governments.
Some call the criminal, global, power-elite who pull the strings of Western governments, ‘the Illuminati’.  However, don’t let that name throw you off.  Here are the just some of the connections of Al Qaeda with Central Intelligence.
Why was the Israeli MOSSAD 9/11 involvement, withheld from the American public?
How Government Manipulates TV Broadcasts
I recommend watching a 1997 movie starring Dustin Hoffman and Robert De Niro titled: "Wag The Dog".  It makes the point of ‘manipulated media presentations by the US Administration’ quite well
The next clip of the movie reveals how easily fake ‘Bin Laden Videos’ could have been put together.‐rr70xj2o&feature=related
Following the same theme, below is a farewell article by Paul Craig Roberts, former editor/writer/ journalist and government adviser:
Corporate media is propaganda; serves US police state and oligarchs.
Israeli/American Covert Intelligence Involvement
Next is a quality video which explains why the world trade centre project of 9/11 could very well have been an inside job.  Meaning….it was perpetrated by Mossad or CIA black ops as a false flag operation to justify war on the scapegoat nation, in this case, both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Evidence of Israeli Mossad involvement in the 9/11 WTC destruction:
Israeli Mossad links to Al Qaeda….ignored by US Government officials
Doctor Alan Sabrosky, Former Director of Studies of the US ARMY War College states that Israel’s Mossad had the capability and motive to mastermind the project:
or another one of his interviews:
other government whistle-blowers identified here:
Or here is an article by a Jewish American and Vietnam Veteran, former defense contractor, and writer, Gordon Duff blowing the whistle as best he can:‐duff-911-and‐current‐attempts‐to‐cover‐up‐an‐american‐holocaust/
A live audio interview with Gordon Duff regarding the co-operation of American/Israeli Administrations in Middle East foreign policy:
When real thought and important critical analysis is thwarted by marginalizing investigation as ‘conspiracy theory’ then we are in a sorry state of affairs my friend.  In other words, it has become vogue to stop all dialogue of the 9/11 project by making fun of those daring  to question the ”White House version” of events.  And in my eyes, that is sad indeed.‐lie.htm
Is 2.3 trillion in unaccounted Pentagon spending one motive?
"The September 11th attacks were likely meant as a cover-up for financial crimes (2.3 Trillion in Pentagon spending unaccounted for) being investigated by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), whose offices in the Pentagon were destroyed on September 11th.
Pentagon Budget Analysts offices were destroyed and 38 died during the 9/11 Pentagon attacks:
Was $240 Billion in covert government securities another motive?
"On that fateful day, the Securities and Exchange Commission declared a national emergency, and for the first time in U.S. history, invoked its emergency powers underSecurities Exchange Act Section 12(k) easing regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for the next 15 days. These changes would allow an estimated $240 billion in covert government securities to be cleared upon maturity without the standard regulatory controls around identification of ownership."
[1] The attacks … were intended to cover-up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities covertly created in September 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which ‘unknown’ western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas."
"The 9/11 attacks also served to derail multiple Federal investigations of crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation. Hundreds of billions of dollars of government securities had to be destroyed. A critical mass of brokers from the major government security brokerages in the Twin Towers had to be eliminated to create chaos in the government securities market. A situation needed to be created wherein $240 billion dollars of covert securities could be electronically “cleared” without anyone asking questions – which happened when the Federal Reserve declared an emergency and invoked its “emergency powers” that very afternoon. [4] "
"There were three major securities brokers in the World Trade Center: Cantor Fitzgerald,Eurobrokers and Garbon Inter Capital. Cantor Fitzgerald was the largest securities dealer in the US [7] and arguably the primary target. [8] 41% of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers. [13] 31% of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence. 39 of 40 Office of Naval Intelligence employees died. The Naval Command Center had been moved into that newly opened section of the Pentagon only a month earlier. [21] And in the vaults beneath the World Trade Center Towers, any certificates for bonds were destroyed. [14] "
Overtake Iraqi Oil Reserves and Afghan Opium Fields
US Sponsored Afghan Opium Drug Trade
More Motive by ‘Corporate’ America–Military Contracts
Always check for motive….Check on who will gain the most from terrorist activities and a resulting declared war….Then the pieces to the puzzle of terrorism begin to unravel.
For example, every time a war is created the weapons/military/industrial complex (affiliated business, political and military officials) are on the take for billions of dollars in military contracts. Never‐ending war expenditures are welcomed by this group.
Eisenhower speaks about the threat of the expanding US armament industry
-Increase warfare expenditures for the military industrial complex….
Is the NATO regime change in Libya….a "global con job"?   This article reveals all the ties, connections and sinister activities of the global power-elite who pull the strings of NATO member nations.
Past examples of warfare expenditures profiting the likes of the du Pont Dynasty
The du Pont Family – by Richard Saunders
Understand that misinformation, never-ending-war, and banking fraud is accepted by both ‘opposing’ political leaders:
More Motive–Maintaining Supremacy in the Drug/Weapons Trade
The oil companies get 80 dollars a barrel….the heroin/opium trade sells a barrel of opium for 19 million dollars.  You figure when the US military is preventing the Taliban, Russians and local Afghan tribal lords from the opium fields, and the US military is protecting those poppy fields….then I wonder who is selling the opium??
Control of the opium/heroin trade is another reason for taking out the competition in developing nations. This is a trillion dollar industry. Often, weapons are supplied to poorer, cash‐strapped nations in exchange for drugs like opium or cocaine….and the covert American government agents ship the drugs back to America for resale.  In this next video, after the first minute, we learn about <CIA involvement in the weapons/drug trade>…or just Google/Youtube search and discover for yourself:‐pA4txvVJ8
more on CIA drugs‐for‐weapons trade:
The US military is now protecting the opium fields which the Taliban, we were told, had been destroying before the war….So think about that for awhile:
US Soldiers guarding opium in Afghanistan
or try this link here describing the US military and the Afghanistan opium industry:
Soldiers killed for blowing the whistle on opium production in Afghanistan.
More Motive–Confessions of an Economic Hit-Man
In the link "Confessions of an Economic Hit‐Man" John Perkins describes the insidious activities of economic hit‐men…and the assassinations and ‘coup d’ etat’ performed by US undercover  ‘Jackals’. Go to the video box and click it to play.
or this short interview with Mr. Perkins:
-Increase profits to International Bankers who charge compiling interest rates on megabillion dollar warfare debts
International bankers often use warfare to set up ”Central Banking systems that are privately controlled" across the globe
1. Finance both, or all, sides in war for enormous profits.
2. Profit from the selling of arms through their Military Industrial Complex.
3. Make loans for the rebuilding of countries after the destruction.
4. Get countries under control through debt.
5. Take control of countries by installing puppet regimes, corporate-friendly dictators, or bought-off politicians
6. Take over a country’s resources by military intervention,  or  take control when a country defaults on its war debts.
7. To eliminate (kill) specific citizens who do not wish their country to be under the control of International Banking privateers….in short, to remove any and all resistance to global, private-banking fraud.
Documented Examples of Israeli False Flag Terrorism
Documented Israeli false flag operations of the past. The material has gone mostly unreported, which reveals how well ‘dummied‐down’ mainstream media coverage is.
Israeli air-force jets and navy ships attacked the USS Liberty and the event was swept under the carpet.  The plan was to attack the ship, blame it on Egypt, and thus entice Americans to join Israel in a war to take down Egypt…unfortunately for the Israeli/US Administration, the USS Liberty didn’t sink and personnel survived to tell the tale:
A more detailed interview with USS Liberty survivors:
Why Is Criticism Of Israeli Foreign Policy Prevented?
In Europe, it is punishable by law to criticize Israeli foreign policy:
Israeli Minister "We always use the antiSemitism trick or bring up the Holocaust"
In Canada, Israeli lobbyists are pushing our politicians to prevent any criticism of Israeli foreign policy:
There is a committee discussing making it illegal to criticize Israeli foreign policy….calling it "antisemitism".
That is as ludicrous as calling criticism of Canadian government policies…"anti‐Canadian".
Is criticism of the illegal Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories really "Anti-Semitic"?  A presentation by Norman Finkelstein:
"Combating AntiSemitism or Shielding Israel?
Submission to the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism"
-by Joanne Naiman
Congressman Ron Paul states that Israel helped establish HAMAS, and during the 80’s the US Central Intelligence radicalized the Muslim world and enlisted Osama Bin Laden to resist Russian hegemony.
In the last four minutes of the next video clip, Dennis Shuman PhD discusses the muzzling of Jewish dissent in America regarding Israeli foreign policy or events of 9/11:
Here is an article regarding the present political consequences of daring to be outspoken with regards to Palestine oppression by Israeli aggression:‐one‐can‐terrorize‐whole‐nation‐unless‐we‐are‐all‐his‐accomplices‐edw
Scottish Court to Rule on Whether Anti-Israel Protesters are ‘Anti-Semitic’
AntiSemitism and free speech: In Parliament this weekend
By Mordecai Briemberg and Brian Campbell
Silencing Criticism of Israeli Apartheid
Israeli Mossad Activity Caught in the Act on 9/11
-Why was this information buried?
Israeli Mossad activity on the day of the world trade center project of Sept. 11th, 2001:
Why was this covered up and never brought to the public’s attention?
Israeli Mossad Agents were caught with a truckload of explosives on morning of Sept 11th ….while the World Trade Centre is being demolished. They also had their film gear set up to ‘document the event’…..How did they know in advance there would be an event to document?
How influential is the Israel lobby on US Foreign policy?  According to Chomsky, not that influential:
This next video clip points to the manipulation of US media presentations to distort the facts of Israeli aggression and expansionism in the Palestinian territories:
False Flag in Britain To Instigate Fear and Hatred of Muslims
A former British agent discusses on video why he believes the London 7/7 bombings were false flag terrorist operations to create a vengeful attitude towards Middle Eastern Muslims….in order to garner support to war on Afghanistan (to build the oil pipeline and take control of opium production) and on Iraq (to overtake the oil reserves).
A mock Disaster Drill was in progress at the same time as the real bombings occurred.  Just too coincidental is it not??
Mossad Chief Confirms Netanyahu’s Warning of London Bombing
Why would an alleged Muslim terror group forewarn an arch enemy?  Not likely is it?  But an insider MI6 British, false flag operation would definitely warn the Israeli Finance Minister.
US Military Intelligence Caught in the Act of Planning Terror Op
A potential ‘False flag terrorist op" was stopped by John F. Kennedy when he discovered that US military intelligence was planning to bomb one of their own military bases or a civilian airliner and blame it on the Cubans ….in order to garner support of Americans to war on Cuba. The plan was called "Operation Northwoods" Look it up on your search engine.
Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag: More Than One Shooter on Island; Oslo Police Drilled Bomb Blasts; Was It NATO’s Revenge for Norway’s Decision to Stop Bombing Libya?
by Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
Robert McNamara admits Gulf of Tonkin attack did not happen. 
So what is it called when we make up an event to take us into war?
Here is the discussion  between Lyndon Johnson and Intelligence officials regarding the ‘covert’ Gulf of Tonkin operation to justify war on North Vietnam: (faking a torpedo attack, when none ever occurred)
Part 1 of 3
Gulf of Tonkin ‘staged’ as pretext for war….Part 2
Part 3
US Foreign Policy –
"Corporate" Takeover of Weaker Nations Resources
Readers who are interested in uncovering the deeper politics of American Central Intelligence might wish to read this article titled: "Fabricating the Enemy"
Who Is Really Instigating These Terrorist Acts?
Consider how mainstream propaganda works. Why would Middle Eastern citizens defending their homeland from foreign aggression be called "insurgents"?  Are we really "sure" that all terrorist activities are performed by the ‘alleged’ group that the American Intelligence agency has pinned the blame on?
This next video exposes the questionable reality of the alleged group known as "Al Qaeda"‐hYorNi0nA&feature=player_embedded#
Israeli agents caught impersonating Al Qaeda ….to foment more hatred of Muslims
Here are examples of Russian FSB covert terrorist activities meant to pin the blame on Chechen separatists and thus garner Russian support for military aggression against Chechnya, and thus ensure no separation could ever occur.
In  Quebec, Canada, the police department finally admitted to creating havoc and disrupting a peaceful demonstration by sending in undercover officers dressed in black as "anarchists" who attempted to foment fighting and discord among the crowd.
More examples of undercover Toronto police instigating and provoking violence at G20 demonstrations:
My feeling is that labeling those who attempt to reveal corruption as ‘conspiracy theorists’ is detrimental to necessary investigation and, ultimately, detrimental to creating real peace on this planet.
Understand that our soldiers sacrifice, not for democracy and freedom, but for the pillage and plunder of weaker nations’ resources by the likes of Kellogs, Brown and Group, Goldman Sachs, Halliburton,the Carlyle group, British Petroleum, Exxon Mobil, and the military/industrial complex ….all rubber-stamped by the US Legislative Executive and Judicial Branches.  Our soldiers, unknowingly, are the ‘corporate police force’.
How The Private Banking Industry exploits American taxpayers:
Former Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush, Catherine Austin Fitts, blows the whistle on how the financial terrorists have deliberately imploded the US economy and transferred gargantuan amounts of wealth off­shore as a means of sacrificing the American middle class.
Catherine Austin Fitts – The Looting Of America 56:22 min
And more about the creation of birth certificates in the early 1930’s to keep the people subjugated and beholding to the private banking industry as ‘collateral’.
Why do our government representatives allow the private banking industry to have control over our country’s monetary system?
A short video presentation titled: The Criminal Rothschilds 
-gives the history of how banking privateers took control of the American monetary system.
The next video documentary reveals 9/11, the Patriot Act,  The Project For a New American Century, two wars-for-oil in the Middle East, and the establishment of the ‘New World Order’ …all came to fruition under the George Bush Jr. Administration.  It is tantamount to present day Fascism (rule of, and for a corporate power-elite, whose drive for wealth and power over-rides the interests of the general population).

Some things we might be wrong about.
– by Jon Gold
Just to show a skeptic that we’re not the close-minded people he thinks we are, here’s a list of some things we might be wrong about.
We might be wrong to think that people like Dick Cheney and George Bush should have wanted to investigate anything and everything that led to the horrible attacks of 9/11, instead of trying to “limit the scope” of those investigations, and fight against the families who wanted them, and rightfully so.
We might be wrong to think that our intelligence agencies should have known something was up because of the suspicious trading that took place prior to 9/11. Trading that they monitor.
We might be wrong to think that ALL of the suspicious trading should have been thoroughly investigated by the 9/11 Commission, and that their conclusion that the trading was “innocuous” is wrong.
We might be wrong to think that the multitude of warnings our Government received prior to 9/11 should have caused people within the Bush Administration to warn the American public, and take precautions to make sure the attacks didn’t succeed.
We might be wrong to think that former Atty Gen. of New York, Eliot Spitzer, should have responded to the Justice for 9/11 Citizens’ Complaint and Petition delivered to his office in 2004.
We might be wrong to think that a good friend of Dick Cheney’s, Lee Hamilton, someone known for covering up other things like the October Surprise, and the Iran/Contra Affair, should not have been made the co-chairman of the 9/11 Commission.
We might be wrong to think that people like Robert Mueller should have answered all of the families’ questions when they were asking him to his face.
We might be wrong to think that someone with so many conflicts of interest with the Bush Administration, Philip Zelikow, should not have been put in charge of the 9/11 Commission.
We might be wrong to be concerned about a statement by former 9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland that says, “as each day goes by, we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before Sept. 11 than it has ever admitted.”
We might be wrong to think that the multiple wargames taking place on the morning of 9/11 caused confusion on the ground, and that ALL of them should have been thoroughly investigated.
We might be wrong to think that Donald Rumsfeld should have responded in writing to former Rep. Cynthia McKinney about her question regarding the wargames taking place that morning.
We might be wrong to think that the most defended airspace in the world should not have been left completely undefended 34 minutes after the second tower was hit, when everyone in the world knew America was under attack.
We might be wrong to think that either Dick Cheney, Richard Myers, Ralph Eberhart or Donald Rumsfeld somehow impeded the air response that morning.
We might be wrong to think that members of our Government should not meet with an alleged financier of the attacks without being brought forward publicly to testify about those meetings.
We might be wrong to think that elements within our Government and others collaborate with the Pakistani ISI to initiate terrorist attacks around the world in order to create a “strategy of tension.”
We might be wrong to think that someone like Shyam Sunder should have met with people like Dr. Steven Jones to at least look at the information he has collected.
We might be wrong to think that the Bush Administration should not have done everything in their power to cover up possible Saudi Arabian involvement.
We might be wrong to think that Israeli spies in this country prior to 9/11 should have been investigated thoroughly.
We might be wrong to think that someone like Khalil Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden’s brother, a person with alleged ties to terrorism, should not have been allowed to leave the country so soon after 9/11 without having been thoroughly investigated.
We might be wrong to think that the 28 redacted pages of the Joint Congressional Inquiry should be de-classified.
We might be wrong to think that whistleblowers should not be retaliated against, or gagged because they were trying to do the right thing.
We might be wrong to think that the Secret Service should have immediately moved the President out of Emma E. Booker Elementary that morning in order to protect him, the children, and the school faculty present.
We might be wrong to think that the President should have immediately wanted to deal with the occurring crisis instead of continuing with a photo-op.
We might be wrong to think that 9/11 should not have been used to take away our civil liberties, and start pre-emptive wars against countries that had nothing to do with the attacks.
We might be wrong to think that the murder of 2,973 people should be treated as a crime instead of as an “act of war.”
We might be wrong to think that the media in this country should cover things like family members calling for an entirely new investigation on two separate occasions.
We might be wrong to think that everyone that was in the PEOC should have been brought forward to testify publicly and under oath about what happened that morning.
We might be wrong to think that Dick Cheney and George Bush should have been made to testify publicly and under oath.
We might be wrong to think that there shouldn’t be a single family member with doubts about how their loved one was murdered, and who was responsible for it.
We might be wrong to think that the heroes of 9/11 should be given the health care that they need, and that those who lied about the air quality should be held accountable.
We might be wrong to think that if people acted either incompetently or criminally within our Government, then they should be held accountable, as opposed to being promoted or rewarded.
We might be wrong to think that the event that created the “Post-9/11 World” should be THOROUGHLY investigated to make sure all of the actions taken in the name of that day are justified, responsible, and in we, the people’s best interests.


911 – The New Reich

"I…looked up out of the office window to see what seemed like perfectly synchronized explosions coming from each floor… one after the other, from top to bottom, with a fraction of a second between, the floors blew to pieces."

Wall Street Journal reporter John Bussey, describing his observation of the collapse of the south tower from the ninth floor of the WSJ office building.

When asked what effect 911 would have on the Israeli/American relationship, Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu replied:

"It’s very good… well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy."

False Flag Operation:

Violent terrorism committed for the purpose of directing blame to agencies other than the actual terrorists.

Utilized habitually for military perception-management and behavior-modification programs by intelligence apparatus such as the,

  • Mossad

  • KGB

  • CIA

Chillin’ Out
Control of the American population through fear and terror has been the prime modus operandi of an international elite who have become entrenched here since at least World War One, and more likely, since the Civil War.

This devolution of freedom and patriotism has been greatly accelerated since mass media gained ascendancy in America. Media’s role in the Cold War, and every war since then, up to and including the War on Terror, is undeniable, and despicable. They don’t call it programming for nothing.
Whether most Americans know it or not, the method by which their freedoms have been whittled away is through "Emergency War Powers Acts" which literally suspend the constitution.

As mentioned in chapter one, and cannot be over stated, Every American war has had its attendant Emergency War Powers Acts, even the War on Drugs. These decrees are supposed to be rescinded after each so-called emergency, but like the income tax, which was also to be rescinded, have yet to be. Some Emergency War Powers Acts are later superseded by even more intrusive Emergency War Powers Acts.
The Cold War was the greatest fear machine and treasure chest ever created. Like most things viewed in hindsight, it is fairly easy to see now that the Cold War was indeed created for just that purpose, as so much else has been created in this world of hate and strife and torture.

The dividing up of Hitler’s scientists between the USA and USSR after World War Two is just one clarification in support of the above statement; the Reich has been playing war games with itself, becoming privy to the economic product and facilities of the two largest nations on Earth, while enjoying the benefits of deep deep cover. That means very little accountability, if any.

The official secrecy regime here in America began its real takeover of our government at the exact same time the Nazi scientists were being brought in and given positions of power in industry, government, and intelligence operations.

These circumstances have evolved into many things, but more than anything they are the foundation of the police state. The New Reich.
War making has always worked well to handle Americans, to direct Americas energies, and more importantly, Americas money. Being the richest country on Earth has its responsibilities, no? And no one wants to lose what they have.

These mindsets have led American down the garden path, to the slaying table, and in spite of all the promises, and great sacrifice by Americans in general, we now find ourselves in such great debt it is not even imaginable how we will be able to extricate ourselves from the parasites grip.

The homeless mass grows daily. The veterans go hungry and uncared for, while our common product is pumped out of the country to the tune of many billions of dollars per day. We are living on credit, all of us, according to the same international elite who chameleoned their way into our world, then destroyed it. We have been living like this for a long time.
Once the money was all gone, the debt could proceed as planned, thereby increasing the leverage within our judicial which, also as planned, began eating away at American sovereignty and liberty. The ever mounting debt was used as justification for all this. Its on paper, in many places.

Some people saw it all happening, and wrote about it, but by that time the internationalists had almost total control of the media. This is why those same internationalists who foster Nazism, fear and hate are in power right now. It is also why they despise the internet and do everything possible to hinder it, to kill it.
Once the Cold War was officially ended, along with any savings America had put aside for things like social security (1) and minor details like that, then the paperwork was complete, making England and some other European interests even MORE the caretakers of our paper, including our social security, and it was time for a rest.

8 years of Bill Clinton was that rest, and the clearing air was such a welcome respite from the holier than thou war making and crusading of the so called conservatives that no one really noticed the lines being sprayed in the sky, or the myriad antennae going up.
So Bill Clinton had his day, then came Americas first appointee.

Things were not going too well for the clown from Texas, and his pack of ‘murkins (Americans), so his masters, the people who appointed him, decided it was time for act two. This next version of the cold war, act two, was called the War On Terror.

During this war for the elite internationalists, Americans would yet again sacrifice their blood and money, but not fighting a largely imagined communist threat; this time the elite’s war erupted as a necessity based on oil production in the middle east, and to foster the imperialism of Israel. (2)
Goodbye Jumbo
On the day before 911, September 10th 2001, during testimony before the House Appropriations Committee concerning the Fiscal Year 2002 Defense Budget, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld announced that something like 2.6 trillion dollars had effectively come up missing.

This was attributed to Department Of Defense Transactions that could not be accounted for. The Pentagon comptroller at the time, the Rabbi Dov Zakheim, was also at a loss to explain this problem, stating he needed to hire some certified public accountants to help untangle the snarl.
This 2.6 trillion dollar problem became moot less than 24 hours later though.

People forgot about many things indeed as they sat mesmerized, watching their televisions, listening to the likes of Ted Koppel droning,

"No one in the world has ever seen pictures like these before…"

Another lesser known news correspondent stood in front of the Pentagon with his microphone, the carnage in the background, and literally stated,

"We do not have a clue what happened here…"

The most truthful statement of the day, was that.
A large portion of video and audio evidence from that day was quickly hidden away afterwards, but fortunately some folks were awake enough to tape a lot of the proceedings from that day, and it will soon be seen that not only has there been a whole lot of lying going on, but in fact the whole show appears to have been concocted beforehand.
The reasons again:

1) to pump American money, equipment, and manpower into the middle east in such quantity it makes the cold war look like a walk in the park

2) to galvanize America behind the appointee of the internationalists

3) to cover up a lot of blatant theft by the criminals working for the appointed president

4) to deploy some very well hidden but very powerful quantum energy technology within America itself, in the name of defense.

That would be Devilvision. The ultimate surveillance system. The ultimate in policing. The ultimate mind control. Perfect.
Immediately after the debacle of 911 occurred, within hours, a "Shadow Government" was formed, appointees of the appointee, and this, like So Much Else, was just something that already existed, and was legitimized while everyone was looking elsewhere.

According to CBS (3/2/02) as well as the Washington Post (3/2/02) Key congressional leaders say they didn’t know the appointed president had established this government-in-waiting. Some Congressmen state the administration should have allowed debate concerning its plans. Har. Har. Har.
It did not take long for naziism and its operations to follow in the wake of this modern Reichstag fire called 911.

Everything fell into place so easily and with barely a whisper, that most people researching this event begin to see pretty quickly things were all laid out ahead of time, and just waiting for the catalyst. An earlier project of the United States Government, called Project Northwoods, also outlined the use of terror as a means to accomplish exactly what happened on September 11th 2001, except when Northwoods (3) was drafted, in 1962, the foe was Cuba.
Every day, as more people awaken, and more real evidence surfaces, it looks as if terror has been used as an excuse to institute nazi like degradation of our civil rights, and to actually birth the New Reich. It is here that mention should be made of one salient fact, so that confusion does not develop: Israel was Created in 1948 as a National Socialist State, which happens to be the same form of government as Nazi Germany. (3a)
So far the events of 911 have led to a state of permanent war, with America providing the tools, the manpower, and the money. No doubt the perpetrators hope that this is the way thing$ will be in perpetuity, eh heh, world without end, amen.
For the record, some other interesting things that happened on September 10th, 2001, the day before 911:

NM Governor Gary Johnson debated the appointees appointed drug czar in Albuquerque NM (JOHNSON, DEA CHIEF TALK DOPE by Leslie Linthicum, 11 September 2001 Albuquerque Journal); due to the fact that the drug laws here in America are based on special interests and illegal profits, the drug czars stance was of course erroneous and indefensible. His foolishness was manifest, as was the foolishness of his pharmaceutical masters.
Also on September 10, 2001: former President Bush (Sr.) is attending a Carlyle Group business conference with a brother of Osama bin Laden. The conference is interrupted the next day by the attacks. [Washington Post, 3/16/03].

It is also interesting to note that on September 13th through 19th, 2001, members of bin Laden’s family are driven or flown under FBI supervision to a secret assembly point in Texas and then to Washington, where they left the country on a private plane when most flights were still grounded. Top White House officials personally approved these evacuations. [New York Times, 9/4/03, Boston Globe, 9/20/01, New York Times, 9/30/01, more]
Again on September 10th 2001: A group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns." [Newsweek, 9/24/01, more]

Dancing Israelis
It is the morning of September 11, 2001, New Jersey. A local woman looks out her window to an astonishing and frightening tableau: the twin towers are burning!

She calls her neighbor and they speak in hushed tones, reverent, knowing instinctively that this is the end of something big, and the beginning of something even bigger.
Then, in a park across the street, she notices a large moving van, and there are men outside of it who appear to be celebrating excitedly, filming the event. The woman reports this activity to the local police. Later, five "Middle Eastern men" are picked up, and it becomes evident to an eventual investigator that the moving company is not really a moving company, but a front for Israeli Military Intelligence, Mossad.

Dominic Suter, the Israeli owner of Urban Moving Systems, the so-called moving company, escaped to Israel before he could be questioned by the FBI. The five middle eastern men were expediently returned to Israel on visa violations. The assistant attorney general in charge of criminal investigations at the time was Michael Chertoff, also a dual citizen of Israel, who was later promoted to head the Department Of Homeland Security.
It should also be noted at this point that Zim Israeli Navigation, one of the worlds largest sea container moving companies, left the World Trade Center just 5 days before the cataclysm (September 6th 2001), after 30 years occupancy (3).

During the time of their departure a great amount of moving was going on, with some observers noting odd loads both leaving and entering the buildings.

As one anonymous journalist wrote:

"National Geographic is a spy outfit that does anthropological ground work for neo-libcon colonization and provides opium flavored illusions for the western elite. I doubt that they mentioned that Zim Israeli Navigation packed it up and split the WTC on September 6th after 30 years in the building.

Questions. Was their moving company moving out their records of 50 years…or were they moving in 14 tons of high explosives? What tool do movers use to pack boxes?"

There is also a matter of precious metals, lots of precious metals, which seem to have disappeared during this fray, and certain very important legal records were also conveniently destroyed when these, the first three steel-framed buildings EVER, collapsed due to fire.

Coincidentally (Or not) this was the first time NORAD, during its 40 + year history, ever failed in its duties of keeping American air space safe and clear.
The third building that fell was WTC7 which had nothing to do with aircraft being flown into it.

It did have a secret CIA base inside of it though, and extensive underground facilities. The owner of the building, Larry Silverstein, stated publicly (PBS documentary America Rebuilds) that a decision was made to "Pull" the building on the same day as the other buildings went down. (6)

This is noteworthy, and is rather an admission of guilt, seeing as WTC7 was definitely imploded with explosives, by decision, and the explosives were already installed at the time the decision was made.

It takes days to set up a demolition, and there are no snap decisions along those lines.

Fly Thee To The Moon
There were many mistakes among the machinators of 911, unless these mistakes were intentional, or simply the result of uncaring attitudes.

Perhaps these boondoggles and major inconsistencies are just a measure of disdain for the American people. Are these bloopers because of complacence? A complacence born of ultra-wealth, a feeling of being untouchable, being above the law? Sociologists have a term for that. It is called Elite Deviance, of The Elite Deviant Class. (7)

According to that creed, the law is for everyone else, the common people, and does not apply to people with money.
Whether these lapses in reason and planning are the result of high disdain, or plain stupidity, or something in between, it is worthwhile to examine as many facets as possible when in search of the truth concerning 911, the facilitator of the New Reich.

One conclusion that has been reached over and over is that a lot of 911 was planned well ahead of time, but was hurriedly put together in response to world events going sour in an accelerated way. It is thought by some researchers that the time table of 911 was moved up by nearly a year or more in response to dissidence in the public arena. This has made it much easier to spot inconsistencies, so the dissidence was not a total loss after all.

If the destruction of the twin towers had happened on their original true schedule, a lot of these loose ends would have been eliminated as a matter of proper planning, and streamlined operations.
Yet another glaring lack of credibility in this saga of destruction and war making is that of Danny Lewin (8), who is shown on the seating chart of flight #11, the first plane to hit the World Trade Center (North Tower). Mr. Lewin was logged as a passenger on this plane. Since 911 it has been discovered that Mr. Lewin was also a Captain in Israel’s elite Sayaret Matkal, a counter-terror and assassin team, specializing in "Aircraft takeover".

The stewardess on flight 11, Betty Ong, initially identified Daniel Lewin’s seat number as the shooter during the supposed hijacking.

The Profit Of 911
Another real truth of this matter is that the World Trade Center in its entirety was the greatest lemon project in history.

Not only was special terrorism insurance added just weeks before the incident, but according to various reports by architects and other consultants, the buildings were slowly but steadily becoming unsafe, and the dismantling of the towers was estimated to cost AT LEAST 5 times as much as their construction, because they would have to be dismantled piece by piece. (9)
Several people have referred to 911 as the classic Two Birds With One Stone scenario, whereby bird one, a potential great financial loss, was, as if by magic, turned into a windfall, while bird two, America at large, was tricked into believing Islam was the great destroying demon; the latter just happened to fulfill the military invasion requirements of American Multinational corporations in the Middle East, and to aid in a Greater Zion.
The one stone was of course the terror committed on September 11th, 2001.

This "Pearl Harbor" like terror on American soil had actually been recommended in the past, and in writing, by none other than Zbigniew Brzezinski (The Grand Chessboard, 1996), and the Rabbi Dov Zakheim, to get America awake and angry over the Islamic threat.

In the report "Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century" published by none other than The American Enterprise’s "Project for a New American Century" (PNAC), System Planning Corporations International Executive Rabbi Dov Zakheim, called for "Some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor" to foster the frame of mind needed for the American public to support a war in the Middle East that would politically and culturally reshape the region."

During his job as a top executive for Systems Planning Corporation, Dov Zakheim helped to market the technology used to take over the controls of an airborne vehicle already in flight. For example, the Flight Termination System technology could reacquire a planes controls from hijackers and bring the plane down safely.

The Flight Termination System can be used in conjunction with other technologies and can control up to 8 airborne vehicles simultaneously. Many of the aircraft maneuvers observed during the 911 fiasco exhibited behavior that has made software specialists declare the planes are unable to fly in these configurations, due to software limitations, EXCEPT if the autopilot is commandeered with just such technology. (10)
Dov Zakheim went on to become the Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001, as an appointee of the appointed president. Zakheim was comptroller during the disappearance of the two and a half trillion dollars which, as stated earlier, was announced publicly on September 10th 2001.

He resigned from the Pentagon on April 15th 2004 (The Anniversary of the Roman Conquest of Masada),(11) and from there went to work at Booz, Allen, & Hamilton, one of the most well known strategy consulting firms on the planet. Booz, Allen & Hamilton work closely with DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) the research arm of the Department of Defense.
The Rabbi Dov Zakheim has been credited with many things, and has been described as The Bionic Zionist. He is given credit for obtaining squadrons of F-16 and F-15 aircraft for Israel by having them declared surplus, then sold at a fraction of their true value. (12)

Though quite disproportionate to the population, Israel flies one of the largest Air Forces in the world, and that’s thanks to Dov Zakheim, who holds not only a top secret security clearance in the United States, but an Israeli passport as well.

The Day Of Wrecking – A Short Official Timeline

September 11, 2001: Warren Buffett, the #2 richest man on Earth [BBC, 6/22/01], hosts a charity event inside Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. A group of business leaders attend, including at least one who would have died in the WTC conflagration. [SF Business Times, 2/1/02, Forbes 10/15/01]

Duhhhhh-bya Bush flies to this same base that day, where there is an underground command center. [CNN, 9/12/01, CBS, 9/11/02]
September 11, 2001: Recovery experts extract data from 32 WTC computer drives revealing a surge in financial transactions. Illegal transfers of over $100 million may have been made through some WTC computer systems immediately before and during the disaster. [Reuters, 12/18/01, CNN, 12/20/01]
September 11, 2001: In what the government describes as a “bizarre coincidence”, The National Reconnaissance Office or NRO, was ready for an exercise at 9 AM on September 11th involving an aircraft crash into one of its buildings near Washington, DC. [AP, 8/22/02] Four other war games were also in progress at the time of the attacks. [C-SPAN Congressional Testimony, 3/11/05]
September 11, 2001:The entire continental United States is defended by only seven air bases and 14 military jets. [CNN, 9/9/03, Newsday, 9/23/01]
Background Information Concerning NORAD: Department of Defense (6/1/01) and FAA (7/12/01) procedure: During a hijacking, the FAA hijack coordinator on duty at Washington headquarters requests the military to provide escort aircraft. Normally, NORAD escort aircraft take the required action. The FAA notifies the National Military Command Center by the most expeditious means. [DOD/, 6/1/01, FAA, 7/12/01, FAA 7/12/01]

If NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) is notified of any difficulties in the skies, they begin the work to scramble jet fighters (take off and intercept aircraft that are off course). Between September 2000 and June 2001 fighters were scrambled 67 times. [AP, 8/12/02]

When the Lear jet of golfer Payne Stewart failed to answer in 1999, F-16 interceptors were quickly dispatched. According to an Air Force timeline, a series of military planes provided an emergency escort to Payne’s stricken Lear about 20 minutes after ground controllers lost contact with his plane. [Dallas Morning News, 10/26/99]
September 11, 2001:

8:20 AM (approx.): Air traffic controllers aware Flight 11 has been hijacked. [NY Times, 9/15/01]
8:40 AM: NORAD notified of hijacking. [NY Times, 10/16/01, 8:38 AM Washington Post, 9/15/01]
8:46 AM: Flight 11 crashes into the WTC (World Trade Center) north tower. [approximately 26 minutes after controllers lost contact][New York Times, 9/12/01]
8:46 AM: Appointed President Bush later states, "I was sitting outside the classroom and I saw an airplane hit the tower. The TV was on." [CNN, 12/4/01] "When we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building." [White House, 1/5/02] There was no live coverage of the first crash on TV and Appointed President Bush was in a classroom reading with children at the time of the second crash. The name of the book he was reading was “My Pet Goat”, and photos taken during this episode show the appointed resident holding said book upside down. There are connotations of highly irregular sort associated with this happenstance. The reader is encouraged to research this further by searching the keyword Baphomet.
8:52 AM: Two F-15s depart Otis Air Force Base, [Washington Post, 9/15/01] in pursuit of Flight 175. Major General Paul Weaver, director of the Air National Guard, states "the pilots flew like a scalded ape, topping 500 mph but were unable to catch up to the airliner. We had a nine-minute window, and in excess of 100 miles to intercept 175,” he said. ”There was just literally no way.” [Dallas Morning News, 9/15/01] F-15’s fly at up to 2.5 times the speed of sound [1875 mph or 30+ miles a minute or 270+ miles in nine minutes] and are designed for low-altitude, high-speed, precision attacks. [BBC]
8:56 AM: By this time, it is evident that Flight 77 is lost. The FAA, already in contact with the Pentagon about the two hijackings out of Boston, reportedly doesn’t notify NORAD of this until 9:24, 28 minutes later. [see 9:10 AM for comparison, New York Times, 10/16/01]
9:03 AM: Flight 175 crashes into the south WTC tower. [23 minutes after NORAD notified, 43 minutes after air traffic control lost contact with pilots] [New York Times, 9/12/01, CNN, 9/12/01]
9:10 AM: Major General Paul Weaver states Flight 77 came back on the (radar) scope at 9:10 in West Virginia. [Dallas Morning News, 9/15/01] Another report states the military was notified of Flight 77 several minutes after 9:03. [Washington Post, 9/15/01]
9:24 AM (Approximate): The FAA, who 28 minutes earlier had discovered Flight 77 off course and heading east over West Virginia, reportedly notifies NORAD. A Pentagon spokesman says, "The Pentagon was simply not aware that this aircraft was coming our way." [Newsday, 9/23/01, New York Times, 10/16/01] Yet since the first crash, military officials in a Pentagon command center were urgently talking to law enforcement and air traffic control officials about what to do. [New York Times, 9/15/01]
9:28 AM: Air traffic control learns that Flight 93 has been hijacked. [MSNBC, 7/30/02]
9:38 AM: According to news accounts, Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon. [42 minutes or more after contact was lost, one hour after NORAD notification of first hijacking] [New York Times, 10/16/01, 9:43 CNN, 9/12/01]
9:59 AM: The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses. The first ever steel frame building to collapse due to fire. [New York Times, 9/12/01]
10:10 AM: According to news accounts Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania. [42 minutes after contact was lost, 90 minutes after NORAD notification of first hijacking. [CNN, 9/12/02]
10:28 AM: The World Trade Center north tower collapses. The second steel frame building in world history to collapse due to fire. [CNN, 9/12/01, NY Times, 9/12/01]
5:20 PM: Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapses. The third and final steel frame building in history to collapse due to fire. [CNN, 9/12/01]
September 11, 2001: Six air traffic controllers who dealt with two of the hijacked airliners make a tape recording describing the events, but the tape is later destroyed by a supervisor without anyone making a transcript or even listening to it. [Washington Post, 5/6/04, New York Times, 5/6/04]
September 11, 2001: A National Public Radio correspondent states: "I spoke with Congressman Ike Skelton who said that just recently the director of the CIA warned that there could be an attack – an imminent attack – on the United States of this nature. So this is not entirely unexpected." [NPR, 9/11/01]
September 11, 2001: Marvin Bush, younger brother of the appointed president, sat on the board of directors of a company called Securacom (now Stratesec) that was responsible for providing "electronic security" to the World Trade Center, right up to 9/11/2001. The company is backed by the Kuwait-American Corp., an investment firm with links to the Bush family.(13)
September 11, 2001: John O’Neill, former FBI Counter terrorism expert, and outspoken critic of White House and corporate oil-interest obstructionism concerning the bin Laden investigation, reports to the World Trade Center for his first day of work, and is killed in the carnage.

The Missing Israeli
At any given time one could expect roughly 45,000 people working at or around the World Trade Centers, while they existed.

The day after 911 the Jerusalem Post (14) stated that 4000 Israelis were missing from around the WTC and Pentagon sites, and that is a fair, though perhaps slightly low, estimate of the number of Israelis one could expect to be working in those areas at any given time. The Israeli involvement in the United States government, banking, and finance is well known.

Two of the richest firms in New York on September 11th 2001 were Goldman-Sachs and the Solomon Brothers; both firms had offices in the Twin Towers, and many executives in these firms regularly commuted back and forth to Israel. New York is the center of world wide Israeli financial power and the World Trade Center was the core. One should expect that the Israeli death toll was horrendous. For some reason, this was not so.

Not so at all.
According to the The New York Times Article THE TALLY, on September 22, 2001:

Officials Say Number of Those Still Missing May Be Overstated
…interviews with many consulate officials yesterday suggested that the lists of people they were collecting varied widely in their usefulness.

For example, the city had somehow received reports of many Israelis feared missing at the site, and President Bush in his address to the country on Thursday night mentioned that about 130 Israelis had died in the attacks.

But today, Alon Pinkas, Israel’s consul general here, said that lists of the missing included reports from people who had called in because, for instance, relatives in New York had not returned their phone calls from Israel.

There were, in fact, only three Israelis who had been confirmed as dead: two on the planes and another who had been visiting the towers on business and who was identified and buried."

That’s right. According to records made since the disaster, only one Israeli died in the World Trade Center Destruction, a visitor, and none at the Pentagon.

Two supposedly died on the planes used to commit the crime, and we know now that one of those was Daniel Lewin, an agent of the Israeli government, a member of an elite counter-terrorism and assassination squad. Pray tell.
To further thicken this plot, an instant messaging service located two blocks from the World Trade Centers, known as Odigo, has been discovered to be complicit in Israeli foreknowledge of the WTC disaster. This connection and evidence of foreknowledge was covered briefly in American media then quickly buried, like so much else. At least two Israel-based employees of Odigo received warnings of an attack in New York city two hours prior to the destruction of the twin towers.

Several weeks later Alex Diamandis, vice president of the message service, reportedly stated,

"It was possible that the attack warning was broadcast to other Odigo members, but the company has not received reports of other recipients of the message."

The senders address was reported to the FBI, and the FBI is supposedly still investigating the matter. Like many Israeli software companies Odigo is based in Herzliya, Israel, a suburb of Tel Aviv, also where Mossad headquarters are located.(15)
The Game
There were many military exercises going on in conjunction with the 911 disaster, and Vice President Dick Cheney‘s name appears over and over. (16)

The appointee Vice President Richard Cheney actually took control of NORAD 3 months prior to 911 ( which is another first for this administration of appointed officials and their lackeys.

Norman Mineta (Secretary of Transportation ) Testified in front of the 911 Commission stating that he personally witnessed Dick Cheney in the Presidential Emergency operating center (at NORAD) tracking Flight 77 for many miles before it hit the Pentagon.

Demolition and Dirty Bombs
The destruction of the world trade centers amounted to nothing so much as a dirty bomb.

Many of the emergency personnel are suffering the effects of this now, as well as locals in the vicinity of the destruction. The amount of dust still airborne in the area is monstrous.
This is all made worse by the fact that certain very indicative chemical signatures have become evident to investigators, indicating either an unlikely (Impossible) rogue fission process, or the actual use of micro-nuclear devices in the destruction of the world trade center buildings. (17) Numerous observations along with the discovery of molten steel weeks later, plus video proof, provide further evidence to this theory.
In the aftermath of the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings, a team of scientists from the US Geological Survey collected samples of dust from 35 locations in Lower Manhattan, detritus of the huge pyroclastic dust cloud that enveloped the entire city on September 11th 2001.

In these dust samples, the investigators found high levels of chemical elements that were highly irregular, to say the least.

Some very rare and toxic elements such as Strontium, Thorium, Lanthanum and Yttrium whose concentrations in the dust samples were related to each other in significant relationships, indicating the likelihood of nuclear device detonations in the recent and immediate area.

It should be mentioned that the worlds foremost manufacturer of Micro-nuclear devices is the National Socialist State of Israel.

According to the report by The Sierra Club "Pollution and Deception at Ground Zero" people were told to clean up the dust themselves.

No special precautions were necessary, according to the EPA’s continued assurances. Specialized cleanup contractors were rarely used. Thousands of people have been needlessly and callously exposed.
The cleanup of the World Trade Center debris was hurriedly accomplished prior to any on site investigations or analysis. The clean up was done, coincidentally, or not, by the same company who handled the demolished remnants of the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City, where most of the Gulf War I medical records were stored, then destroyed in that particular holocaust (17a).

The name of that cleanup company is Controlled Demolition Incorporated (CDI). (18)
The debris and salvaged materials from the World Trade Center were quickly disposed of by shipping overseas or otherwise recycling, well before any inspections could take place. Some of the debris collected by locals has been analyzed chemically though, and quite a few indicate probable high power and very exotic explosives.
The type of dust clouds usually created during controlled demolitions can be seen in videos of the demolition of Seattle’s Kingdome and the Reading Grain Facility.

When those videos are compared with photos and videos of the Twin Towers falling, the dust clouds of the World Trade Center buildings are extremely indicative of controlled demolition, and are even bigger.
The Pentagonal Cruise Missile
Most people are in agreement about one thing concerning the events of September 11th 2001, and this includes even the meanest and most dull witted adherents to the party line.

No one seems to be able to swallow the evidence concerning a commercial passenger aircraft hitting the Pentagon. Many believe that what hit the Pentagon was a remote controlled Cruise Missile. The eyewitness reports lend credence to this as well as the damage caused by the collision. Several reports state that light poles were knocked down by the craft as it made its maneuvers before striking an unoccupied part of the pentagon.

One of these light poles landed across the hood of a Taxicab, creating a comical scene and an unforgettable picture.

New Testaments
Many surviving emergency personnel who experienced the 911 event up close and personal, in their face, made verbal and written records immediately following their experience.

Most of these were censored heavily by the officials above them, indicating complicity, premeditation, and more. These oral histories tend to indicate, over and over, a controlled demolition, versus an act of overt terrorism by Islam. No doubt that is why they have remained hidden and unreported by the fascist media here.

Below the reader will find several pertinent and interesting excerpts from the oral histories provided by 503 firefighters, law enforcement, and medical workers on 911. Although these documents were recorded by the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) at the end of 2001, they were not publicly released until August 12, 2005, and that is because the city of New York would not release them until it was forced to. (20)
Early in 2002, the New York Times requested copies of these histories under the freedom of information act, but the administration of Mayor Michael Bloomberg refused. So the Times, along with several families of 9/11 victims, filed suit. After an arduous and time consuming process the city was finally ordered by the New York Court of Appeals to release the records (with some exceptions and redactions allowed).

The Times then made these oral histories publicly available.

"I saw a flash flash flash [at] the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building?"
–Assistant Fire Commissioner Stephen Gregory
"It was like a professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear ‘Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop’."
–Paramedic Daniel Rivera

Firefighter Louie Cacchioli, after entering the north tower lobby and seeing elevator doors completely blown out and people being hit with debris, asked himself,

"how could this be happening so quickly if a plane hit way above?"

After he reached the 24th floor, he and another fireman,

"heard this huge explosion that sounded like a bomb [and] knocked off the lights and stalled the elevator."

After they pried themselves out of the elevator,

"another huge explosion like the first one hits. This one hits about two minutes later…[and] I’m thinking, Oh My God, these bastards put bombs in here like they did in 1993!’"

Multiple explosions were also reported by Teresa Veliz, who worked for a software development company in the north tower.

She was on the 47th floor, she reported, when suddenly,

"the whole building shook…[Shortly thereafter] the building shook again, this time even more violently."

Then, while Veliz was making her way downstairs and outside:

"There were explosions going off everywhere. I was convinced that there were bombs planted all over the place and someone was sitting at a control panel pushing detonator buttons…There was another explosion. And another. I didn’t know where to run."

Steve Evans, a New York-based correspondent for the BBC, said:

"I was at the base of the second tower…that was hit…There was an explosion…The base of the building shook…Then there was a series of explosions."

Sue Keane, an officer in the New Jersey Fire Police Department who was previously a sergeant in the U.S. Army, said in her account of the onset of the collapse of the south tower:

"It sounded like bombs going off. That’s when the explosions happened…I knew something was going to happen… It started to get dark, then all of a sudden there was this massive explosion."

Then, discussing her experiences during the collapse of the north tower, she said:

"[There was] another explosion. That sent me and the two firefighters down the stairs…I can’t tell you how many times I got banged around. Each one of those explosions picked me up and threw me… There was another explosion, and I got thrown with two firefighters out onto the street."

Lieutenant James Walsh said:

"The [north tower] didn’t fall the way you would think tall buildings would fall. Pretty much it looked like it imploded on itself."

Assistant Commissioner Stephen Gregory said:

"I thought… before…number 2 came down, that I saw low-level flashes… Lieutenant Evangelista…asked me if I saw low-level flashes in front of the building, and I agreed with him because I…saw a flash flash flash…[at] the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building, how when they blow up a building, when it falls down? That’s what I thought I saw."

Captain Karin Deshore said:

"Somewhere around the middle of the World Trade Center, there was this orange and red flash coming out. Initially it was just one flash. Then this flash just kept popping all the way around the building and that building had started to explode.

The popping sound, and with each popping sound it was initially an orange and then a red flash came out of the building and then it would just go all around the building on both sides as far as I could see. These popping sounds and the explosions were getting bigger, going both up and down and then all around the building."

Firefighter Richard Banaciski, speaking of the south tower said:

"[T]here was just an explosion. It seemed like on television [when] they blow up these buildings. It seemed like it was going all the way around like a belt, all these explosions."

Deputy Commissioner Thomas Fitzpatrick said:

"We looked up at the [south tower]… All we saw was a puff of smoke coming from about 2 thirds of the way up…It looked like sparkling around one specific layer of the building…My initial reaction was that this was exactly the way it looks when they show you those implosions on TV."

Captain Jay Swithers said:

"I took a quick glance at the building and while I didn’t see it falling, I saw a large section of it blasting out, which led me to believe it was just an explosion."

Firefighter James Curran said:

"When I got underneath the north bridge I looked back and…I heard like every floor went chu-chu-chu. Looked back and from the pressure everything was getting blown out of the floors before it actually collapsed."

Battalion Chief Brian Dixon said:

"I was… hearing a noise and looking up… [T]he lowest floor of fire in the south tower actually looked like someone had planted explosives around it because… everything blew out on the one floor. I thought, geez, this looks like an explosion up there, it blew out."

Firefighter Stephen Viola said:

"You heard like loud booms…and then we got covered with rubble and dust, and I thought we’d actually fallen through the floor…because it was so dark you couldn’t see anything."

Paramedic Louis Cook said that after the debris started falling,

"everything went black" and "you couldn’t breathe because [of] all the dust. There was just an incredible amount of dust and smoke."

He then found that there was,

"without exaggerating, a foot and a half of dust on [his] car."

Battalion Chief Dominick DeRubbio, speaking of the collapse of the south tower, said:

"It was weird how it started to come down. It looked like it was a timed explosion."

Firefighter Kenneth Rogers said:

"[T]here was an explosion in the south tower…I kept watching. Floor after floor after floor. One floor under another after another and when it hit about the fifth floor, I figured it was a bomb, because it looked like a synchronized deliberate kind of thing."

Firefighter Christopher Fenyo, describing events that occurred after the first collapse, said:

"At that point, a debate began to rage because…many people had felt that possibly explosives had taken out 2 World Trade, and officers were gathering companies together and the officers were debating whether or not to go immediately back in or to see what was going to happen with 1 World Trade at that point. The debate ended pretty quickly because 1 World Trade came down."

The Oil Connection

"In 1953, Bush got money from Brown Brothers Harriman and, with partners Hugh and Bill Liedtke, formed Zapata Petroleum. By the late 1950s they were millionaires. Bush bought subsidiary Zapata offshore from his partners and went into business on his own in 1954. By 1958, the new company was drilling on the Cay Sal Bank in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico.

These islands had been leased to Nixon supporter and CIA contractor Howard Hughes the previous year and were later used as a base for CIA raids on Cuba.

The CIA was using companies like Zapata to stage and supply secret missions attacking Fidel Castro’s Cuban government in advance of the Bay of Pigs invasion. The CIA’s code name for that invasion was "Operation Zapata."

In 1981, all Securities and Exchange Commission filings for Zapata offshore between 1960 and 1966 were destroyed. In other words, the year Bush became vice president, important records detailing his years at his drilling company disappeared. In 1969, Zapata bought the United Fruit Company of Boston, another company with strong CIA connections." (21)

A short timeline to show some of the connections of petroleum Interests to 911:

June 27, 2001: India and Pakistan Discuss Building Pipeline Project Through Iran The Wall Street Journal reported that Pakistan and India had entered into discussions about building a gas pipeline from Central Asian gas fields through Iran to overcome the problems of building the pipeline through Afghanistan. Iran had been secretly supporting the Northern Alliance to keep Afghanistan divided so no pipelines could be put through it. [Wall Street Journal, 6/27/2001]
July 21, 2001: US Official Threatens Possible Military Action Against Taliban by October if Pipeline Is Not Pursued. [Source: Calcutta Telegraph – Three former American officials, Tom Simons (former US Ambassador to Pakistan), Karl Inderfurth (former Deputy Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs), and Lee Coldren (former State Department expert on South Asia) met with Pakistani and Russian intelligence officers in a Berlin hotel. [Salon, 8/16/2002]

This is the third of a series of back-channel conferences called "brainstorming on Afghanistan." Taliban representatives sat in on previous meetings, but boycotted this one due to worsening tensions. However, the Pakistani ISI relays information from the meeting to the Taliban. [Guardian, 9/22/2001]

At the meeting, Coldren passes on a message from Bush officials. He later states, "I think there was some discussion of the fact that the United States was so disgusted with the Taliban that they might be considering some military action." [Guardian, 9/26/2001]

Accounts vary, but former Pakistani Foreign Secretary Niaz Naik later says he is told by senior American officials at the meeting that military action to overthrow the Taliban in Afghanistan is planned to "take place before the snows started falling in Afghanistan, by the middle of October at the latest." The goal is to kill or capture both bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Omar, topple the Taliban regime, and install a transitional government of moderate Afghans in its place. Uzbekistan and Russia would also participate. Naik also said, "It was doubtful that Washington would drop its plan even if bin Laden were to be surrendered immediately by the Taliban." [BBC, 9/18/2001]

One specific threat made at this meeting is that the Taliban can choose between "carpets of bombs, an invasion, or carpets of gold, and the pipeline." [Brisard and Dasquie, 2002, pp. 43]

Naik contends that Tom Simons made the carpets statement. Simons claims, It is possible that a mischievous American participant, after several drinks, may have thought it smart to evoke gold carpets and carpet bombs. Even Americans can’t resist the temptation to be mischievous. Naik and the other American participants deny that the pipeline was an issue at the meeting. [Salon, 8/16/2002]
August 2, 2001: US Official Secretly Meets Taliban Ambassador in Last Attempt to Secure Pipeline Deal. Christina Rocca, Director of Asian Affairs at the State Department, secretly meets the Taliban ambassador in Islamabad, apparently in a last ditch attempt to secure a pipeline deal. Rocca was previously in charge of contacts with Islamic guerrilla groups at the CIA, and oversaw the delivery of Stinger missiles to Afghan Mujaheddin in the 1980s. [Irish Times, 11/19/2001; Brisard and Dasquie, 2002, pp. 45; Salon, 2/8/2002]
August 2-3, 2001: Taliban Official Predicts US Will Invade Afghanistan by Mid-October, Possibly in Response to Major Attack Inside US. A senior official in the Talibans defense ministry tells journalist Hamid Mir that the US will soon invade Afghanistan. Mir will later recall that he is told, "[W]e believe Americans are going to invade Afghanistan and they will do this before October 15, 2001, and justification for this would be either one of two options: Taliban got control of Afghanistan or a big major attack against American interests either inside America or elsewhere in the world." Mir reports this information before 9/11, presumably in the newspaper in Pakistan that he works for. [Bergen, 2006, pp. 287]

Interestingly, Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar made a similar prediction to Mir several months before (see April 2001).

Also, several weeks earlier, US officials reportedly passed word to Taliban officials in a back channel meeting that the US may soon attack Afghanistan if the Taliban do not cooperate on building an oil and gas pipeline running through the country. According to one participant in the meeting, the US attack would take place "by the middle of October at the latest" (see July 21, 2001).

September 11, 2001: The 9/11 Attack: 3,000 Die in New York City and Washington, D.C. Four planes are hijacked, two crash into the WTC, one into the Pentagon, and one crashes into the Pennsylvania countryside. Nearly 3,000 people are killed.

October 5, 2001: Study Reveals Significant Oil and Gas Deposits in Afghanistan. Contrary to popular belief, Afghanistan has significant oil and gas deposits. During the Soviets’ decade-long occupation of Afghanistan, Moscow estimated Afghanistan’s proven and probable natural gas reserves at around five trillion cubic feet and production reached 275 million cubic feet per day in the mid-1970s. Nonstop war since has prevented further exploitation. [Asia Times, 10/5/2001]

A later article suggests that the country may also have as much copper as Chile, the world’s largest producer, and significant deposits of coal, emeralds, tungsten, lead, zinc, uranium ore, and more. Estimates of Afghanistan’s natural wealth may even be understated, because surveys were conducted decades ago, using less-advanced methods and covering limited territory. [Houston Chronicle, 12/23/2001]
October 9, 2001: Afghan Pipeline Idea Is Revived. US Ambassador Wendy Chamberlin meets with the Pakistani oil minister. She is briefed on the gas pipeline project from Turkmenistan, across Afghanistan, to Pakistan, which appears to be revived "in view of recent geopolitical developments" – in other words, the 9/11 attacks. [Frontier Post, 10/10/2001]

December 2, 2001: Enron Files for Bankruptcy. Enron, the largest contributor to the 2000 Bush Presidential Campaign (21a), files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the largest bankruptcy in history up to that date. [BBC, 1/10/2002]

In 2002 Enron will reorganize as a pipeline company and will continue working on its controversial Dabhol power plant. [Houston Business Journal, 3/15/2002]

December 8, 2001: US Oil Companies to Invest $200 Billion in Kazakhstan. During a visit to Kazakhstan in Central Asia, Secretary of State Powell states that US oil companies are likely to invest $200 billion in Kazakhstan alone in the next five to ten years. [New York Times, 12/15/2001]

December 22, 2001: Karzai Assumes Power in Afghanistan. Afghan Prime Minister Hamid Karzai and his transitional government assume power in Afghanistan. It was reported a few weeks before that he had been a paid consultant for Unocal at one time (Karzai and Unocal both deny this), as well as Deputy Foreign Minister for the Taliban. [Le Monde (Paris), 12/13/2001; CNN, 12/22/2001]

Mid-July 2001: John O’Neill Rails Against White House and Saudi Obstructionism. FBI counter terrorism expert John O’Neill privately discusses White House obstruction in his bin Laden investigation. O’Neill says, "The main obstacles to investigate Islamic terrorism were US oil corporate interests and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it. He adds, "All the answers, everything needed to dismantle Osama bin Laden’s organization, can be found in Saudi Arabia. O’Neill also believes the White House is obstructing his investigation of bin Laden because they are still keeping the idea of a pipeline deal with the Taliban open (see July 21, 2001). [Irish Times, 11/19/2001; Brisard and Dasquie, 2002, pp. xxix; CNN, 1/8/2002; CNN, 1/9/2002]
January 1, 2002: Ex-Unocal Employee Becomes US Special Envoy to Afghanistan. Zalmay Khalilzad, already Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Gulf, Southwest Asia and Other Regional Issues, and a prominent neo-conservative (see May 23, 2001), is appointed by Bush as a special envoy to Afghanistan. [BBC, 1/1/2002]

In his former role as Unocal adviser, Khalilzad participated in negotiations with the Taliban to build a pipeline through Afghanistan. He also wrote op-eds in the Washington Post in 1997 (see October 7, 1996) supporting the Taliban regime, back when Unocal was hoping to work with the Taliban. [Independent, 1/10/2002]

He will be appointed US ambassador to Afghanistan in 2003 (see November 2003).

February 9, 2002: Pakistani and Afghan Leaders Revive Afghanistan Pipeline Idea. Pakistani President Musharraf and Afghan leader Hamid Karzai announce their agreement to "cooperate in all spheres of activity" including the proposed Central Asian pipeline, which they call "in the interest of both countries." [Irish Times, 2/9/2002; Gulf News, 9/2/2002]

February 14, 2002: US Military Bases Line Afghan Pipeline Route. The Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv notes: "If one looks at the map of the big American bases created [in the Afghan war], one is struck by the fact that they are completely identical to the route of the projected oil pipeline to the Indian Ocean." Ma’ariv also states, "Osama bin Laden did not comprehend that his actions serve American interests. If I were a believer in conspiracy theory, I would think that bin Laden is an American agent. Not being one I can only wonder at the coincidence." [Chicago Tribune, 3/18/2002]

May 30, 2002: Afghan, Turkmen, and Pakistani Leaders Sign Pipeline Deal. [Source: Associated Press]Afghanistan’s interim leader, Hamid Karzai, Turkmenistan’s President Niyazov, and Pakistani President Musharraf meet in Islamabad and sign a memorandum of understanding on the trans-Afghanistan gas pipeline project. [Dawn (Karachi), 5/31/2002; Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connections, 6/8/2002]

Afghan leader Hamid Karzai (who formerly worked for Unocal) calls Unocal the "lead company" in building the pipeline. [BBC, 5/13/2002]

The Los Angeles Times comments, "To some here, it looked like the fix was in for Unocal when President Bush named a former Unocal consultant, Zalmay Khalilzad, as his special envoy to Afghanistan late last year." [Los Angeles Times, 5/30/2002]

Unocal claims that it has no interest in any Afghanistan pipeline after 9/11, but Afghan officials say that Unocal will be the lead company in funding the pipeline. The Afghan deputy minister of mines comments on Unocal’s supposed disinterest: "Business has its secrets and mysteries. Maybe they don’t want it to be disclosed in the media." [Toronto Star, 3/2/2003]
July 16, 2002: Blair Claims Attack on Afghanistan Only Possible After 9/11. British Prime Minister Tony Blair states, "We knew about al-Qaeda for a long time. They were committing terrorist acts, they were planning, they were organizing. Everybody knew, we all knew, that Afghanistan was a failed state living on drugs and terror. We did not act. To be truthful about it, there was no way we could have got the public consent to have suddenly launched a campaign on Afghanistan but for what happened on September 11." [London Times, 7/17/2002]

In a book released one month later, Clinton’s former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger will similarly state, "You show me one reporter, one commentator, one member of Congress who thought we should invade Afghanistan before September 11 and I’ll buy you dinner in the best restaurant in New York City." [Miller, Stone, and Mitchell, 2002, pp. 219]

November 1, 2002: Caspian Oil Potential Was Wildly Overestimated. Steven Mann, Director of the State Department’s Caspian Basin Energy Policy Office, points out that the Caspian Sea nations contain 50 billion barrels of proven oil reserves. [Associated Press, 11/1/2002]

"Caspian oil represents four percent of the world reserves. It will never dominate the world markets, but it will have an important role to play," said Mann. He concludes that the Caspian Sea energy "will not be a second Persian Gulf." [Associated Press, 11/1/2002]

In late 1995, the American Petroleum Institute asserted that the states bordering the Caspian Sea contained 659 billion barrels of oil (see December 1995).
December 27, 2002: Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkmenistan Agree on Building Pipeline. Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkmenistan reach an agreement in principle to build the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline, a $3.2 billion project that has been delayed for many years. Skeptics say the project would require an indefinite foreign military presence in Afghanistan. [BBC, 5/30/2002; Associated Press, 12/26/2002; BBC, 12/27/2002] As of mid-2004, construction has yet to begin.

January 18, 2005: Plans for a Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline Continue. The US ambassador to Turkmenistan states that US companies might join a long-delayed trans-Afghan natural gas pipeline project. The Turkmenistan government says a feasibility study for the $3.5 billion pipeline is complete and construction will begin in 2006. The project’s main sponsor is the Asian Development Bank. The pipeline is to run from Turkmenistan through Herat and Kandahar in Afghanistan, through the Pakistani cities of Quetta and Multan, and on to India. [Associated Press, 1/18/2005]

However, in August 2005 it will be reported that security concerns are still causing delays in approval of the project. A NATO representative will say, "People here are able to see what the Iraqi insurgency can do despite the presence of 150,000 foreign troops. Why not do the same in Afghanistan?" [Sydney Morning Herald, 8/25/2005]

Commissioned To Lie
The 911 Commission, though an official board of inquiry, was put in place to blur all the unpleasant particulars that were bound to, and have, cropped up since that fateful day.

The main line of reasoning that has to be adhered to as far as the appointed president and his appointees are concerned is that Islam, via Al-Qaeda, was responsible for the deed on September 11th 2001. That reasoning is a stark necessity, no matter how absurd it has become, because all the war making and fear mongering committed by this gang of elite deviants hinges on that premise.
The Executive Director of the 911 commission, Philip D. Zelikow, a toady of Condoleeza Rice, was uncaring and blatant in his Zionism, which amounts to nothing so much as a fornication of church and state. His will was foremost during the proceedings of the 911 commission, as is standard operating procedure in situations such as these, and his will prevailed overall.
According to the book by Philip Shenon entitled "The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation", Zelikow had such an ornery and abrasive personality that even Henry Kissinger avoided him. That is saying quite a lot right there.

From the book:

“Zelikow… had… [an] outsize ego and fierce temper; his anger was a thing to behold, his face growing bright red, his well chosen insults flying in every direction.” (21)

This Report was,

"to provide the fullest possible account of the events surrounding 9/11".

We must wonder why it doesn’t include any of the testimony from the 9/11 oral histories which suggest controlled demolition. The reason can’t be that the Commission didn’t know about the oral histories.

Although "the city also initially refused access to the records to investigators from the 9/11 Commission," Jim Dwyer of the New York Times explains, it "relented when legal action was threatened." (21)

So the Commission could have, nay, should have, discussed the testimonies about explosions witnessed by the myriad emergency personnel.

In order to help educate the public, the commission could also have requested some of the firefighters and medical workers to give their testimony during one of the Commission’s public hearings, but it passed on that opportunity as well.
Some may wonder why more of the emergency personnel are not speaking out. Part of the reason is suggested by Auxiliary Lieutenant Fireman Paul Isaac, who has gone on record saying:

"There were definitely bombs in those buildings," while also saying "many other firemen know there were bombs in the buildings, but they’re afraid for their jobs to admit it because the ‘higher-ups’ forbid discussion of this fact."

Even those who threw caution to the wind in an effort to clear their conscience, and to inform the world of important facts, were ill-received and generally ignored. Telling their story to the Commission was no guarantee that it would get into the final report, as discovered by one fireman who made the effort.

Firefighter Louie Cacchioli testified in 2004 to members of the Commission’s staff.

He reported:

"I felt like I was being put on trial in a court room," said Cacchioli.

"They were trying to twist my words and make the story fit only what they wanted to hear. All I wanted to do was tell the truth and when they wouldn’t let me do that, I walked out."

Cacchioli was not alone either.

Janitor William Rodriguez, who was invited to the White House as a National Hero for his rescue efforts on 9/11, said he was treated quite differently by the 911 Commission:

"I met with the 9/11 Commission behind closed doors and they essentially discounted everything I said regarding the use of explosives to bring down the north tower."

When reading The 9/11 Commission Report, one will not find any references at all to explosions in the towers.

This gives the appearance that the Commission deliberately withheld this information, as it seems to have done concerning Able Danger, and many other details that should have been included in "the fullest possible account of the events surrounding 9/11", but were not.
A more detailed and technical report on the 911 event was to be prepared by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Rodriguez stated this group was just as hostile to his testimony:

"I contacted NIST… four times without a response. Finally, [at a public hearing] I asked them before they came up with their conclusion…if they ever considered my statements or the statements of any of the other survivors who heard the explosions. They just stared at me with blank faces."

The Nist report also makes no mention of explosions, or other indications that this act on September 11th, 2001 was a controlled demolition. Anything indicating such bothersome details has been pointedly ignored throughout any official inquiry of 911.
Mr. Zelikow and his commission were in place to do one thing, and one thing only: they were to make sure, at all costs, the officially concocted story was what actually became written down in the history books.

In a classic example of passing the buck, the most noteworthy comment made by the 911 commission, as reported by The Washington Post on August 2, 2006:

“…Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon’s initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.

Suspicion of wrongdoing ran so deep that the 10-member commission, in a secret meeting at the end of its tenure in summer 2004, debated referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal investigation, according to several commission sources…

In the end, the panel agreed to a compromise, turning over the allegations to the Inspectors General for the Defense and Transportation departments, who can make criminal referrals if they believe they are warranted…”

After his service on the 911 Commission, Zelikow became Counselor to the U.S. Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice.

The 911 commission

Commission Members

Thomas H. Kean Chair
Lee H. Hamilton Vice Chair
Richard Ben-Veniste
Fred F. Fielding
Jamie S. Gorelick
Slade Gorton
Bob Kerrey
John F. Lehman
Timothy J. Roemer
James R. Thompson

The Commission closed August 21, 2004.

Commission Staff

Philip D. Zelikow Executive Director
Chris Kojm Deputy Executive Director
Daniel Marcus General Counsel

To The Stocks!
What would a study of 911 be without mention of the stock scandal?

The truth behind the selling short of certain stocks in anticipation of 911 is convoluted and still not complete. Like all the other criminals in the appointed presidents administration, the only thing that has happened to people who have gotten caught stealing these watermelons is a slap on the hand, which in duh-byas world is sometimes indiscernible from a pat on the back, as with A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard, who chaired the firm Deutsche Bank-A.B.Brown until 1997.

Most of these 911 short transactions showing foreknowledge of the terrorism of 911 were handled by this firm which Mr. Krongard had close ties to, and yes, this is the same Buzzy Krongard who later became executive director of the CIA. Also the same Buzzy Krongard involved heavily with the mercenary army Blackwater Corporation. (23)
Between August 26 and September 11, 2001, certain people identified by the American Securities and Exchange Commission simply as Israeli citizens (24), sold “short” a list of 38 stocks that would more than likely fall drastically in value after the generally unknown but pending terror attacks.

The earliest of these transactions was said to take place three weeks or so before 911, which of course means these super-unknown stock dealers had inside knowledge of future events, and also that they made big big bucks from this knowledge.
The crux of the matter is this: these stock deals are concrete evidence of prior knowledge, though many of the deals have been kept secret by the SEC and others, in what can only be called a criminal cover-up. Some of these speculators operated out of the Toronto, Canada and Frankfurt, Germany stock exchanges and their profits were specifically stated to be in the millions of dollars, though some of this prize money has gone unclaimed, no doubt to keep the identity of the dealers hidden.
Volumes have been written about the 911 stock scandals, for the interested reader to peruse, pursue, and puke over.

Suffice it to say that this is just another nail in the coffin of Liberty, and proof positive that the inventors of Americas demise occupy positions of power, prestige, and respect.

The Ax of 911
To round out this accounting of the 911 show we will quickly cover the anthrax attacks that followed in the wake of the calamity like a very ill wind.

It seems certain people were expected to squawk over the grave of the World trade centers, and their dead, and all the things that became covered up and buried in the wreckage and debris. Certain of these people were targeted with mailings of a deadly weaponized strain of anthrax which was specially prepared so that when the person opened the envelope, a static charge would disperse the anthrax spores, allowing them to be inhaled.

This proved deadly in 5 instances.
Francis A. Boyle worked under the first Bush Administration as a bioweapons advisor in the 1980s.

He says he believes the anthrax mailings were an attack cooked up by the rogues within our intelligence apparatus, to help create a police state by killing off and/or intimidating opposition to anti-terror legislation like the USA PATRIOT Act and the later Military Commissions Act.

"After the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the Bush Administration tried to ram the USA PATRIOT Act through Congress," Boyle said in a radio interview with Austin-based talk-show host Alex Jones. "That would have set up a police state."

Senators Tom Daschle (D-South Dakota) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) were opposing the legislation, because they were reading between the lines. Then came the anthrax attacks. Both senators received letters with anthrax, but were lucky enough to survive.

Their resistance and support evaporated after these murder attempts though, and the Patriot Act was indeed rammed through during all the subsequent confusion and fear. According to Testimony by Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas):

“Most members of Congress were compelled to vote for the bill without even reading it.”

Analysts believe the letters were not written by a Middle-Eastern person.

The FBI publicly stated they believed the perpetrator to be a lone, male domestic terrorist, obviously one with a scientific background and lab experience who could handle hazardous materials. This lab specialist terrorist must have received anthrax vaccine recently (it requires a yearly booster shot), whether or not he made the material himself, because filling the letters was a dangerous operation.

The vaccine is in short supply and is not generally accessible. Vaccination records must be available. The perpetrator also appears to be a forensic expert. In preparing and mailing the letters he successfully covered every personal trace.
All letter samples contained the same strain of anthrax, corresponding to the AMES strain in the N. Arizona State University database (which has been used for identification). "


A man named William Patrick holds five classified patents in the manufacture of weapons-grade anthrax. Before the anthrax mailings he was hired by Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI) to conduct a risk-assessment study involving the dissemination of anthrax powder through the mail system. BMI is located in West Jefferson, Ohio… The work was done at the BL-3 Anthrax Lab.
Battelle Memorial Institute had exclusive control of the Ames strain, a fact the press has either willfully or mistakenly missed. Dugway Proving Ground also had an anthrax program, but BMI directed that program too. This definitely limits the field somewhat. The FBI was drawn straight to William Patrick III – who was also Stephen Hatfill’s "mentor" at Ft. Detrick – and Ken Alibeck, a BMI consultant with a background in CBW research for the Soviets…”

Then, the FBI lost the scent. Or they said they did.

The stalling and outright dissembling of the FBI during the whole Anthrax episode has confused and angered reporters, independent researchers, and other law enforcement ever since. It is even surmised by some researchers that the entire anthrax scenario may have been performed by the FBI itself, such is their willful ignorance and misinformation concerning this still unsolved murder case.

Couple this with the fact that early in the investigation the FBI authorized and supervised the total destruction of the Ames cultural anthrax database. This alleged destruction of the anthrax culture collection at Ames, Iowa, from whence the Fort Detrick lab got its pathogens, was nothing more than a destruction of evidence.
Francis Boyle:

"It meant that there was no way of finding out which strain was sent to whom to develop the larger breed of anthrax used in the attacks. The trail of genetic evidence would have led directly back to a secret government biowarfare program. Clearly, for the FBI to have authorized this was obstruction of justice, a federal crime," said Boyle.

"That collection should have been preserved and protected as evidence. That’s the DNA, the fingerprints right there."

In 2003, the FBI agent involved in overseeing the destruction of the Ames Strain Database was promoted and given the Presidential Rank Award by FBI Director Robert S. Mueller. (25)


(1) Social Security
Social Security Broke In 2041?, Trustees: Go-Broke Date For Fund … Medicare has been bleeding red ink since last year, and the Social Security fund will start shrinking in 2018, according to an annual government report. 2005/03/23/politics/main682545.shtml –
(2) Israeli Imperialism
The Israeli Connection to Sept. 11 Attacks Detailed By Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press, April 11 & 18, 2005 issue, page 3
(3) Zim Israeli Navigation – 9/11 Exposé
(3a) Why comarisons bewtween zionism and nazism are legitimate
National Socialist State of Israel
National Socialist State of Nazi Germany –
(4) 2.6 trillion missing – Testimony before the House Appropriations Committee: Fiscal Year 2002 Defense Budget Request As Given by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Hugh Shelton, and Comptroller Dov Zakheim, Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC, Monday, July 16, 2001.
SEC. RUMSFELD: Mr. Congressman, thank you very much. Your question is, of course, right at the heart of an enormously important issue for the Department of Defense. We have a panel in the Quadrennial Defens Review on this subject. We have met with it twice in the last two weeks. We’re obviously going to have to meet with it again. It is a big, broad, complicated subject.
As you know, the Department of Defense really is not in charge of its civilian workforce, in a certain sense. It’s the OPM, or Office of Personnel management, I guess. There are all kinds of long- standing rules and regulations about what you can do and what you can’t do. I know Dr. Zakheim’s been trying to hire CPAs because the financial systems of the department are so snarled up that we can’t account for some $2.6 trillion in transactions that exist, if that’s believable. And yet we’re told that we can’t hire CPAs to help untangle it in many respects.
(5) Project Northwoods –
(6) Silverstein Pull Building Remark –
5:20 PM: Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapses. [CNN, 9/12/01] Media statess fires brought the [WTC7] building down, the building owner Larry Silverstein related the story of the collapse during a PBS documentary “America Rebuilds” as: "I remember getting a call from the fire department commander. … I said … maybe the smartest thing to do is to pull it. And they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse." [PBS Documentary]
Sept 11, 2001: Hours after the attacks, a "shadow government" is formed. Key congressional leaders say they didn’t know President Bush had established this government-in-waiting. Some Congressmen state the administration should have conferred about its plans. [CBS, 3/2/02, Washington Post, 3/2/02, more]
(7) Elite Deviance: Barry and The Boys: The CIA, The Mob, And Americas Secret History – Daniel Hopsicker – Mad Cow Press 2001
(8) Daniel Lewin:
(9) Cost of dismantling the World Trade Centers:
T(as posted, online: 7/18/06) – The Controlled Demolition of the World Trade Center; 9/11/2001, and "National Security Breach" – A material, ‘legal deposition’ by Tom-Scott Gordon – July, 5, 2006
(10) Remote Control Of Aircraft – System Planning Corporation markets the technology to take over the controls of an airborne vehicle already in flight.
For example, the Flight Termination System technology could hijack hijackers and bring the plane down safely. The Flight Termination System can be used in conjunction with the CTS technology that can control up to 8 airborne vehicles simultaneously.
(11) Masada – "The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception”, Michael Baigent, Richard Lee
(12)Bionic Zionist and Dov Zakheims F16/F15s – (, Online Journal article on Dov Zakheim, former Bush appointee as Pentagon Comptroller from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004.
(13)Marvin bush – Prince George’s Journal of Prince George, MD, and in Common Dreams; Margie Burns, Feb. 4, 2003
(14)The Jerusalem Post (08:15 – Wed) Thousands of Israelis missing near WTC, Pentagon Wednesday September 12, 2001 The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem has so far received the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attack. The list is made up of people who have not yet made contact with friends or family, Army Radio reported.
(15)ODIGO instant messages: Newsbytes, a news service of the Washington Post, titled "Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack." The Israeli daily, Ha’aretz, also confirmed the prior warnings to Israel and confirmed that the FBI is investigating the warnings.
(16)Dick Cheney and NORAD – Cheney was commanding practice drills or war games on 9-11-01. Norman Mineta (Secretary of Transportation ) Testifed in front of the 911 Commission stating that he personally witnessed Dick Cheney in the Presidential Emergency operating center (at NORAD) tracking Flight 77 for many miles before it hit the Pentagon.

( View Mineta’s testimony at or David Griffin
(17)Ground Zero: The Nuclear Demolition of the WTC – This 166 page report with 66 figures, graphs and photographs presents the detailed evidence for the Nuclear Demolition of the World Trade Centre. It is written in as non-technical a way as possible for a wide audience, including explaining the chemistry of nuclear fission.
17a – Gulf War Medical Records – See Notation 1a, chapter 3
(18) Controlled Demolition Incorporated –
(19) Cruise Missile Pentagon
“It was like a cruise missile with wings, went right there and slammed into the Pentagon," Mike Walter, an eyewitness, told CNN. "Huge explosion, great ball of fire, smoke started billowing out, and then it was just chaos on the highway as people either tried to move around the traffic and go down either forward or backwards." – CNN.COM, "Up to 800 possibly dead at Pentagon", September 12, 2001
19a 911 timelines
(20) times oral histories – Explosive Testimony: Police & Firemen Report What Really Happened on 911 by David Griffin/Multiple NYFD Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2006 at 12:22 AM – 832-428-3222 – Testimony of many brave NY firemen that lost their friends and risked their lives to save others on 911 –
Explosive Testimony: Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories – David Ray Griffin – – Jim Dwyer, "Vast Archive Yields New View of 9/11," New York Times, August 13, 2005. Oral histories are available at a NYT website ( 6.
(21) bush zapata history
(21a) On Enron’s financial assistance to Bush’s presidential campaign, see, ‘Meet Enron, Bush’s Biggest Contributor,’ by Pratap Chatterjee,’ at
(22) 911 commission – Philip Shenon “The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation – Book Review by Liam Hughes, Baltimore Independent Media
Explosive Testimony: Police & Firemen Report What Really Happened on 911 by David Griffin/Multiple NYFD Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2006 at 12:22 AM 832-428-3222
Testimony of many brave NY firemen that lost their friends and risked their lives to save others on 911 – Explosive Testimony: Police & Firemen Report What Really Happened on 911
Explosive Testimony: Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories – David Ray Griffin – http://www.911tru
(23) Stocks: Buzzy Krongard
(24) Israeli Stock Buyers
Anthrax Coverup: A Government Insider Speaks Out – Posted by Steve Watson on Tuesday, July 3rd at 6:26 PM

Unfukushimable: Japanese Parliamentary Investigation Concludes Fukushima Was a Manmade Disaster, Bloomberg Reports

July 5th, 2012 sv



A Japanese independent parliamentary investigation has asserted that “the Fukushima nuclear disaster was the result of a mix of ‘man-made’ factors including regulators who failed to provide adequate prevention and a government lacking commitment to protect the public.”

According to the panel’s chairman, Tokyo University professor emeritus Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Fukushima “cannot be regarded as a natural disaster.” Instead, “It was a profoundly manmade disaster – that could and should have been foreseen and prevented. And its effects could have been mitigated by a more effective human response.”

The report, released today in Tokyo, cannot “rule out the earthquake on March 11 last year caused damage to Tokyo Electric Co. (9501)’s Dai-Ichi No. 1 reactor and safety equipment.” The dominant consensus until now has been that the reactors withstood the earthquake but succumbed to the tsunami.

The investigation lasted six-months. The first of its kind, it held public hearings with former Prime Minister Naoto Kan and Tokyo Electric Power Co’s ex-president Masataka Shimizu. They gave conflicting accounts of disaster response at Fukushima.

In three investigations taken up by the government, the utility and a private foundation reported earlier that “they found no evidence of major damage to reactor buildings and equipment at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear station from last year’s March 11 quake.” Their conclusion placed the source of the disaster as the 13-meter tsunami in the quake’s wake.  According to Bloomberg, “radiation fallout from the reactors…has left land in the area uninhabitable for decades.”

The independent commission is composed of 10 members. The group is made up of a seismologist and a former nuclear engineer.  Members of the commission have indicated that damage to the plant may be worse than so far reported.

The report is published one-week after international media reported that “RECORD amounts of radiation have been detected at the Fukushima nuclear reactor, further hampering clean-up operations.”

According to the UK Daily Telegraph, “Radiation levels above radioactive water in the basement reached up to 10,300 millisievert an hour, a dose that would kill humans within a short time after making them sick within minutes.”

The disaster at Fukushima is basically impossible to clean up at this point, as “the annual allowed dose for workers at the stricken site would be reached in only 20 seconds.”

TEPCO has said that they must use robots for the demolition, and that  ”demolition of the three reactors as well as the plant’s number 4 unit is expected to take 40 years and will need the use of new technologies.”

So, call it forty years for clean-up. And that’s if number 4 doesn’t collapse in the meantime and all of Japan doesn’t get evacuated.


© 2011 By Gary Vey

The Pineal Gland — The “Seat of the Soul”?

After writing several articles on reincarnation and enlightenment, many readers asked me why I never mentioned the significance of the pineal gland — a small structure about the size of a pea, located in the middle of the brain. For centuries this gland has been thought of by occultists and spititual masters as the “seat of the soul” — a phrase made popular by Descartes (1662 AD).

Descartes was obsessed with understanding who we are. He questioned everything — even the notion that we can know ourselves. He observed that the senses can be fooled, that most of what we think we know is really illusion and finally struggled with the possibility that our own identity as individuals was also not real. But in the end he concluded that if it was possible to doubt our own existence, there had to be some “thing” that was capable of experiencing this doubt. And that thing was our true self.

His famous statement endures: Cogno ergo sum — I think, therefore I am.

“Although the soul is joined with the entire body, there is one part of the body [the pineal] in which it exercises its function more than elsewhere… [The pineal] is so suspended between the passages containing the animal spirits [guiding reason and carrying sensation and movement] that it can be moved by them…; and it carries this motion on to the soul … Then conversely, the body machine is so constituted that whenever the gland is moved in one way or another by the soul, or for that matter by any other cause, it pushes the animal spirits which surround it to the pores of the brain.” — Descartes

Today, with an understanding of computers, we might take issue with Descartes. That “thinking” process could be part of the circuitry of neurons, synapses and neurotransmitters that exist in our material brains. The real self is much deeper. It uses the thinking process but it remains apart from it, observing the process. The real self is, in fact, consciousness itself.

Obviously the two phenomena are connected: consciousness interfaces with the thinking process. So the question really is about how this interface of material mind and spiritual consciousness happens. If we can understand how consciousness interprets our thinking self then hopefully we can reverse the process and become aware of our consciousness — our true self. That is enlightenment.

As usual, in the process of doing research about the pineal gland, some amazing facts were revealed. Not only does this incredibly small gland seem to be associated with psi activity and paranormal abilities, but it is extremely vulnerable to the environment in ways that reveal our apparent materialism and pandemic depression.

The Pineal Gland in History

Although commonly attributed to Descartes, the idea that the pineal gland was the interfacing organ where the spirit of man gained access and animated the human body was the idea of a Greek physician named Herophilus. Three hundred years before Christ, Herophilus [right] was dissecting corpses and documenting what he observed. His specialties were the reproductive system and the brain.

Prior to Herophilus, people believed the “executive office” of human consciousness was the heart. Egyptian mummies had their hearts carefully embalmed and preserved while their brains were removed through their nasal passages and unceremoniously discarded. But Herophilus knew that the brain was the controlling center and he went on to discriminate between the various parts of the brain and assess the different behaviors associated with them.

Herophilus noticed that the small pineal structure was singular, unlike other brain features that are mirrored in the left and right hemispheres. It is the first gland to be formed in the foetus and is distinguishable at 3 weeks. It is also highly nourished. The pineal gland has been supplied with the best blood, oxygen and nutrient mix available in the human anatomy, second only to that of our kidneys (whose function is to filter the blood of impurities). Because of this unique and special anatomical configuration, Herophilus rightly concluded it had a major role in consciousness and was the gateway to our real self.

Herophilus is credited with the “invention” of the scientific method, the dogma of just about every scientific inquiry today, which consists of postulating theories and conducting experiments to prove or disprove them. It is ironic then that scientific inquiry of the pineal gland has been vigorously avoided because of its association with “spiritual” phenomena — incapable of empirical scrutiny. Only recently have scientists become interested in knowing more about this mysterious gland.

Herophilus wrote many volumes about anatomy and illustrated them, much as Leonardo Da Vinci did centuries later, but sadly his work did not survive the destruction of the great library in Alexandria where they were stored.

The Third Eye

By 1884, the field of comparative anatomy was revealing evidence that human organs could be traced back to lower vertebrates. F. Ahlborn recognized that pineal gland was originally a photoreactive organ in fish and amphibians and was sometimes located outside the skull, just under the skin. Its function as a trigger for reproduction was noted some 70 years later. The pineal gland was responsible for evaluating the length of day and night, calculating the correct season to mate and turning up the sex drive.

By 1958, Aaron Lerner discovered melatonin, a vital molecule produced in the pineal gland from another common neurotransmitter, serotonin. He also validated the fact that the production of melatonin varied, stopping during the daylight and ramping up shortly after darkness. Melatonin, it was learned, was responsible for making us relaxed and putting us to sleep.

For a while it was not known how this small gland, buried deep in the middle of human brain, could sense light or darkness. But it was later discovered that there was a link to the pineal gland from the retinas which, oddly enough, also contained melatonin. In no time the pineal gland was being called “the third eye” and, because of its location at one of the seven chakras, it was reputed to be the center of spiritual and psychic energy.

As hallucinogens became popular in the late 1960s, interest in altered states of consciousness, as a means to spirituality, peaked. Researchers discovered that LSD became highly concentrated in the pineal and pituitary glands. The altered state was produced by LSD’s ability to imitate serotonin at the synapse (where the neurons communicate with each other). Since both serotonin and melatonin are also concentrated in the pineal gland, this “third eye” was considered a portal to consciousness — what author Alduos Huxley called “the door of perception.”

Even Gurus have commented on the pineal, equating it to one of the chakras:

“All psychic systems have their physical aspects in the body . . . With ajna chakra the physical equivalent is the pineal gland, which has long baffled doctors and scientists as to its precise function… Yogis, who are scientists of the subtle mind, have always spoken of telepathy as a ‘siddhi’, a psychic power for thought communication and clairaudience, etc. The medium of such siddhis is ajna chakra, and its physical terminus is the pineal gland, which is connected to the brain. It has been stated by great yogis … that the pineal gland is the receptor and sender of the subtle vibrations which carry thoughts and psychic phenomena throughout the cosmos.” — (Satyananda, 1972).

But is any of this supported by Herophilus’s “scientific method”?

Many experiments were conducted on so-called Psi (paranormal) phenomena in the 1970s. Dixon [1] found that the pineal gland was a prime focus of this activity. He noted that psi activity was most successful in a relaxed, drowsy state — similar to those induced by melatonin. Other studies found correlations with melatonin and the practice of yogic meditation, thought to be a prerequisite for “enlightenment.”

Yogic practices for 3 months resulted in an improvement in cardiorespiratory performance and psychologic profile. The plasma melatonin also showed an increase after three months of yogic practices. The systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure, and orthostatic tolerance did not show any significant correlation with plasma melatonin. However, the maximum night time melatonin levels in yoga group showed a significant correlation (r = 0.71, p < 0.05) with well-being score.

These observations suggest that yogic practices can be used as psychophysiologic stimuli to increase endogenous secretion of melatonin, which, in turn, might be responsible for improved sense of well-being. — [2]

More dramatic evidence comes from mystical and “near death experiences” induced by a chemical called Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). The traditional “sacrament” of South American shamans, DMT closely resembles both melatonin and seratonin and occurs naturally in some tropical vegetation as well as the human body. It is thought that stored DMT is released from the pineal gland just prior to death, causing the out-of-body experience and mystical visions reported by NDE survivors. While there has been no empiricial evidence linking the pineal gland to the production of DMT, its association with melatonin (from which it is made) seems to strongly suggest this possibility.

“As an endogenous, or naturally-produced, human psychedelic, I believed it might mediate spontaneous psychedelic experiences such as near-death and mystical states. I also considered the pineal gland a likely source of this endogenous DMT; as such, the pineal might be a ‘spirit gland.'” — [3] Strassman, Rick J. (2001).

Medical researcher, JC Callaway (1988), suggested that naturally occurring DMT might be connected with visual dream phenomena, where brain DMT levels are periodically elevated to induce visual images and possibly other paranormal states of mind. So, although empirical proof of the esoteric functions of the pineal gland have not been found, the idea seems worth pursuing.

Brain Sand

Anatomists have shown that the human pineal gland is most active in our youth, just before puberty. This would make sense if the gland were somehow in control of the reproductive system, turning on the necessary hormones that constitute adulthood. But after puberty the pineal gland seems to calcify, accumulating what is called “brain sand”.

Although pineal glands show this calcification, it does not seem to diminish the production of melatonin. In fact, the calcification appears to have no significant effect. But some other factors have been shown to seriously inhibit pineal function. This is important because recent discoveries have shown that melatonin is vital for the immune system, with lower levels associated with prostate and breast cancer [4] — two major causes of premature death. It also regulates blood sugar metabolism. Studies show that night-shift workers seem more likely to develop Type II diabetes than their day-shift counterparts. Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) is also linked to deficient levels of melatonin and serotonin, although the mechanism is not fully understood. With all these ill health effects, the possibility of achieving “enlightenment” with a depletion of melatonin seems a bit remote!

Environmental assaults on the pineal gland

Interference with the pineal gland from the environment is all pervasive. The two biggest antagonists are electromagnetic radiation and fluoride.

Studies with hamsters showed that exposure to a 60Hz field (exactly the type of current flowing through our electrical grid) significantly reduced the pineal glands ability to generate melatonin during night cycles [5].

“…the acute magnetic field exposure was again found to blunt the increase and suppress the duration of the nighttime melatonin rise. “

Studies with human subjects who were exposed to 60Hz magnetic fields also showed this anomaly [6]. This is distressing to learn, since we are all literally surrounded by 60Hz electrical fields in our homes, at work and outside where power lines tower over almost every street. There is no escape from this type of radiation except to flea to remote, unpopulated areas. But even there, the pineal could be under siege.

Remember HAARP? The ionospheric heater invented and patented by by Richard Eastlund which was quickly seized by the Department of Defense, given to Raytheon, and developed into a weapon system? Part of the patent describes how powerful Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radiation is capable of causing acute drowsiness and interfering with heat regulation –functions of the pineal gland [8]. No doubt this vulnerability has been exploited and refined in the decades since the technology was hi-jacked for an evil agenda. By now there may well be some global grid of “heaters” positioned to control the population and inhibit our spiritual evolution. We can only hope we are wrong. (We’ll have more to say on this later.)

Until the 1990s, no research had ever been conducted to determine the impact offluoride on the pineal gland. Fluoride is a routinely (and sometimes mandatory) additive to almost all drinking water, allegedly to prevent tooth decay. Its use has always been highly controversial and research on the side effects is often discouraged.

Melatonin, created in the pineal gland, not only helps regulate the onset of puberty but also helps protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals. It is now known — thanks to the meticulous research of Dr. Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey in England — that the pineal gland is the primary target of fluoride accumulation within the human body.

The soft tissue of the adult pineal gland contains more fluoride than any other soft tissue in the body — a level of fluoride (~300 ppm) which is more than capable of inhibiting enzymes. The pineal gland also contains hard tissue (hyroxyapatite crystals), and this hard tissue accumulates more fluoride (up to 21,000 ppm) than any other hard tissue in the body (even the teeth, which it is supposed to protect).

Realizing that the pineal gland was the target of so much fluoride, Dr. Luke conducted animal experiments to determine if the accumulated fluoride could negatively impact the regulation of melatonin. She found that animals treated with fluoride had lower levels of circulating melatonin. This reduced level of melatonin was accompanied by an earlier onset of puberty in the fluoride treated female animals.

Luke summarized her human and animal findings as follows:

“…the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body. Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis by prepubertal gerbils and accelerated onset of sexual maturation in the female gerbil. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in the timing of the onset of puberty …” [7]

So far we’ve exposed two major environmental assaults on the normal functioning of our pineal gland. If this is truly the “seat of the soul” or the “gateway to enlightenment” then humanity has successfully scuttled this natural path to self-knowledge. The environment you are in right now — sitting in front of your computer — is having a negative effect on your pineal gland. So we ask the question: is there anything we can do to improve the health of this important brain structure? Perhaps there is.

Hope and the Pineal

Rhythmic Breathing and Chanting

The pineal gland sits on the roof of the 3rd ventricle of the brain, directly behind the root of the nose and floats in a small lake of cerebrospinal fluid. It doesn’t have a blood-brain barrier like other brain structures, where certain molecules in the circulating blood are blocked. Instead it relies on a constant supply of blood delivered through a particularly rich vascular network.

Activities such as rhythmic breathing and chanting create an oxygen rich supply to the pineal gland. Many yogis describe the object of their breathing technique is to increase the heart rate while reducing the blood pressure. Ironically, this is what happens just before we die. It may be that the goal of this procedure is to release DMT, which many believe is stored in the pineal.

Remember, DMT is the body’s own psychedelic. It’s a neurochemical specifically created to allow the focus of our thinking to be directed inward. Although the exact chemical reaction is yet to be understood, DMT allows synaptic paths to escape from the routinely travelled pathways, allowing for novel thoughts and sensations to happen. The authority of specific hemispheres is suspended, allowing for what can be desribed asincommensurables — factual realities that can not be rationally (cause-effect) explained, nevertheless are real. All of these prerequisites are needed to confront the elusive self.

Instant karma

While low frequency and magnetic radiation have been shown to reduce melatonin production, some other types of radiation seem to energize the pineal gland. In an article posted many years ago on viewzone, ESP and LST, it was shown that psi or paranormal abilities, such as remote viewing or ESP, were at their peak when the center of the Milky Way galaxy was in a certain position in the sky. The exact time was 13.30 LST (Local Sidereal Time).

As the galactic map [above] shows, the center of the Galaxy is a rich source of radio emissions. This radiation could be something “seen” by the pineal in ways that we have not yet understood. The fact that the peak abilities were not at 12:00 LST, when the center and maximum radiation was directly overhead, may be either due to some delay in pineal response or could reflect some ideal angle at which the radio emissions are optimal in reaching the surface of Earth.

As I was writing this story, I received an interesting e-mail from a man named Drew Hempel, MA. Drew has an interesting theory about music, mathematics and consciousness that I hope we can share in future editions of viewzone. One of his theories described how ultrasonic vibrations can influence our consciousness. It’s so relevent to this discussion on the pineal that I’d like to show you what he found.

It is already established that the pineal gland is reactive to light, radio frequencies and ELF radiation — extremes on the electromagnetic spectrum. Sound waves are also part of this spectrum. The ability of something as simple as a sound to penetrate our skull and transform the function and structure of our brain is hard to imagine. I was a skeptic until I watched this video:

And if that wasn’t amazing enough to make me re-think the power of sound, this most certainly was:

Certainly, sonic stimulation is the next frontier. As Drew described this phenomenon, he mentioned a recent patent, filed by Sony, which uses sound waves to create thoughts!

“Jenny Hogan and Barry Fox’s article, Sony patent takes first step towards real-life Matrix, New Scientist, April 7, 2005, details plans for total sensory mind-machine interface relying on ultrasound pulses. ‘The technique suggested in the patent is entirely non- invasive. It describes a device that fires pulses of ultrasound at the head to modify firing patterns in targeted parts of the brain, creating sensory experiencesranging from moving images to tastes and sounds. This could give blind or deaf people the chance to see or hear, the patent claims.’

Magnetic fields can not be finely focused whereas ultrasound can be. That is the key difference for ultrasound. This ultrasound heard as the highest external tone ionizes our electrochemicals. Ultrasound also creates cavitation which turns into light! This cavitation has extremely high temperature which then enables alchemical results — the transformation of matter! This cavitation of ultrasound into light is known in science as piezonuclear fusion or sonofusion — ‘cold fusion.’

Perhaps we will soon see a spiritual use of technology, capable of stimulating the pineal gland to re-energize it and facilitate a state of mind capable of experiencing the true self. The potential seems there. But is there the will?


Illuminating The Pineal Gland & Moving Into The Sun
(from: ‘The Heart of Soul Healing’, Chapter 19)

My main teachers in this life were family members, friends, and co-workers. One of my friends, Duncan Cameron, is a kindred spirit who has very unique ideas. Duncan said he was a main psychic for the Montauk Project and had vivid memories of being part of the Philadelphia Experiment. I have worked with him twice; helping to heal his emotional body.
One of Duncan’s functions was to use his sexual, life-force energy to create and open time tunnels. While we were eating breakfast at a restaurant one morning, Duncan shared with me ideas that became part of a meditation. This allows me to use the life-force energy of my body in a new and more powerful way. I named this new technique “Moving into the Sun.”
The Taoists call life-force energy Chi (Qi) and charted its movement through the body. Indian yoga adepts call it Prana and used it for healing. In the West, Dr. Wilhelm Reich discovered the same energy and called it Orgone energy. Reich felt this creative energy was the basis of life and could sometimes be seen in the air as blue or white balls of energy. The Chinese, Hindus, and Dr. Reich all taught their students the benefits of arousing this energy and moving it throughout the spine and brain.
Moving into the Sun is a way for you to move the life-force energy up the spine from the base chakra and into the pineal gland. This exercise will help awaken your paranormal talents and your ability to time travel. Before attempting this meditation, you should first do the Living Light Breath Technique until you are comfortable. Remain with your tongue flat on the roof of your mouth and center in your pineal gland.
It is necessary to be physically moving to get into the flow of life-force energy. Begin by sitting on the edge of a strong chair with your spine straight and head erect. Place your feet together and pull them back until they are directly below your spine. Raise your heels so your feet are resting on your toes, and begin bouncing your feet up and down, keeping your toes on the floor. Let your arms hang straight down the sides of your body, open your fingers, and gently shake your arms and hands. This posture allows life-force energy to flow in your body.
Imagine in your mind a perfect sexual fantasy that will begin to activate the creativity in your first chakra, which lies at the base of the spine. If imagining a sexual fantasy is uncomfortable for you, remember a euphoric connection you had in the past, such as in a forest or nature setting. Create something energetically similar.
Create a fantasy that is different from any physical situation you have actually experienced. Do not use anyone else’s energy or any old sexual scenarios. If you imagine someone you have been with before, move to a different scene. This will keep you from looping or running anyone else’s energy. In this meditation, you will cease to use sexual energy for pleasure or procreation and will use it to activate your spiritual potential and skills.
Our base chakra is set up in three vibrations: sexual-survival, sexual-creative, and creative. We are going to use sexual-creative energy to move into creative energy. The purpose is to allow your creative energy to be active all the time. Later, you may choose to bring in sexual energy.
Some people have never experienced orgasm or been comfortable with sexual energy. Sexual fantasies are only tools and you may do this exercise by recalling, for example, the bliss you felt seeing a gorgeous sunset, walking in a majestic forest, or hearing beautiful music. You may also activate this energy in prayer or while meditating.
As you let yourself go into bliss with your body and mind, allow your feet to move. Be aware of the creative energy accumulating at the base of your spine. Do this for five to ten minutes.
As the life-force energy in your base chakra begins to move, use your intention to move it up your spine. It will feel warm as it begins to ascend. Still centered in your pineal and loving yourself, call the collective consciousness of the planet into your pineal as quickly as possible. What you should feel next is a quiet oneness, with no separation from anything. Let go and move into the experience. Practice this a few times before moving on to the next step.
Once the creative energy is activated and starts to move up the spine, tilt your head back about thirty degrees and then move the head forward to its level starting position, then back, then forward, then back, repeating the movement over and over. Be careful not to strain your neck. Be gentle.
With each set of back-front head movements, use your intention to push the rising energy back down the spine, to the base chakra. This simple movement “pumps” the energy, multiplying its power. The energy will move up faster each time you do this. Repeat this movement about twenty-five times until the life-force energy becomes so powerful that it surges up the spine and penetrates a point known as the occiput, giving the current direct access to the old brain.
The compressed, intensified energy then moves through the old brain and into the pineal gland. As the energy sparks the pineal gland, you will become the sun. Allow this warmth to fill your head.
When I do this meditation, I feel my entire brain ignite. Staying in the moment, my amplified kundalini (a Hindu expression that describes the life-force energy lying at the base of the spine) moves into my pineal. I perceive an inner light, with the brilliance of one hundred suns, that fully engulfs my being and energizes the billions of neurons in my brain. I feel one with Source. I feel connected to all things, warm all over, full-bodied, peaceful, and at the center of creation.
As I was doing this meditation, I realized the limitations of being centered in the heart, as is taught in many religions and metaphysical circles. Centering in the heart makes it more difficult to move energy up the spine because any issues we have about love could prevent the energy from going any higher than the heart chakra. This prevents us from activating the higher brain states.
The healing techniques of Dr. Wilhelm Reich were designed to allow life-force energy to move freely through the body. Reich said that if people were centered in the heart when this orgasmic energy moved up the spine, they could possibly damage their hearts. He knew of three people who had heart attacks this way.
The main factor preventing activation of the higher brain states is that most of us are not energetically connected from the base of our spines all the way up to our brains. I believe that the base chakra, located at the bottom of the spine, represents Earth, (our full physical potential), and the pineal gland in the brain represents heaven, (our full spiritual potential). Connecting heaven and earth within our physical body is what we are here to master. The way to activate the higher spiritual centers in the throat, third eye, pineal, and crown is by moving the sexual/creative life-force energy up the spine and into the pineal.

Clear Light Arts, ADL
Heart & Soul Healing™
Institute of Multidimensional Cellular Healing™
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Third Eye of Horus Mystery School™
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COPYRIGHT © 1995-2012 CLEAR LIGHT ARTS, ADL., Heart & Soul Healing, HSH, Multidimensional Cellular Healing, MCH, Living Light Breath – Unity Consciousness, INscension, The Third Eye of Horus Mystery School, Gates of Quan Yin, Blended Energy, Bio-Energetic & Holographic RePatterning, are all trademarked names belonging to Ken Page, Rev. Nancy Nester and Clear Light Arts, ADL. All text, graphics and contents© 1995-2011, Clear Light Arts, ADL, unless otherwise noted. Use purpose must be granted by the copyright holder. Unauthorized use, alteration, transformation or reuse is strictly prohibited.


Why pineal gland and mental health are most important in these times



The Watchers Tweet Tweet Clean pineal gland and strong mental health are most important to tell the truth from the lies and take control of your life back to your own hands. While we spend our days being manipulated slaves, science and spirituality are joining up and offering us clues. Today we can say that many of the secrets are right out in the open and that truth and knowledge can come to those that...

  • The Watchers

    Clean pineal gland and strong mental health are most important to tell the truth from the lies and take control of your life back to your own hands. While we spend our days being manipulated slaves, science and spirituality are joining up and offering us clues. Today we can say that many of the secrets are right out in the open and that truth and knowledge can come to those that seek them and are able to recognize them. Though this process is individual there are common things that all of us feel when our dormant knowledge bursts into our consciousness.

The pineal gland and mental health

The pineal gland, or third eye, is located in the geometric center of the brain. This correlates to the location of the Great Pyramid in the center of the physical planet.

The pineal gland was called the “third eye” by ancient people. It was thought to have mystical powers. This may be why the French philosopher Descartes decided that the pineal gland was the seat of the human soul, the location of what we call the mind. The pineal does contain a complete map of the visual field of the eyes, and it plays several significant roles in human functioning.

It is the center for the production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is implicated in a wide range of human activities. It regulates daily body rhythms, most notably the day/night cycle (circadian rhythms). Melatonin is released in the dark, during sleep.

The pineal gland has been implicated in a number of disorders including cancer, sexual dysfunction, hypertension, epilepsy, Paget’s disease… The pineal gland calcifies with age and melatonin production correspondingly decreases. This decline in melatonin has been suggested to be a trigger for the aging process.

Environmental stresses affect pineal function, impacting overall body alertness, temperature levels, and hormone operation. Stresses that affect pineal function include unusual light and dark rhythms, radiation, magnetic fields, nutritional imbalances, temperature swings, high altitude, and overall daily stress patterns.

Pineal gland contains magnetic material in birds and other animals. It is a center for navigation. This, of course, is important for blind individuals. If the pineal gland turns out to contain magnetic material in humans (researchers are looking), then it may be involved in navigational processing. Magnetic processing is subtle and may be part of the bodies unconscious navigational system. Mobility specialists are aware of this possibility, but we have yet to use it to train students.

Studies done mostly with birds strongly suggest that the pineal gland is a center for navigation. Scientists believe that the pineal body is a magnetoreceptor, capable of monitoring magnetic fields, and helping to align the body in space. Changing the direction of magnetic fields around the heads of birds alters their ability to orient.

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) suppress the activity of the pineal gland and reduce melatonin production. EMF activity therefore disrupts the bodies circadian rhythms.

A recent study published some years ago in the NewScientist, indicates a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human biological effect. The conduit which facilitates the charged particles from the Sun to human disturbance — is the very same conduit which steers Earth’s weather —– The Magnetic Field. Yes, animals and humans have a magnetic field which surrounds them — in the very same way the magnetic field surrounds the Earth as a protector.

The NewScientist study states: “The most plausible explanation for the association between geomagnetic activity and depression and suicide is that geomagnetic storms can desynchronize circadian rhythms andmelatonin production,” says Kelly Posner, a psychiatrist at Columbia University in the US. The pineal gland, which regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production, is sensitive to magnetic fields. “The circadian regulatory system depends upon repeated environmental cues to [synchronize] internal clocks,” says Posner. “Magnetic fields may be one of these environmental cues.”

Function and official research on pineal gland

This gland is activated by Light, and it controls the various biorhythms of the body. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland, which directs the body’s thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock, that determines our aging process.

The pineal gland was originally believed to be a “vestigial remnant” of a larger organ.  Dermatology professor Aaron B. Lerner and colleagues at Yale University, hoping that a substance from the pineal might be useful in treating skin diseases, isolated and named the hormone melatonin in 1958.


Melatonin is N-acetyl-5-methoxy-tryptamine, a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan, which also has other functions in the central nervous system. The production of melatonin by the pineal gland is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light. Photosensitive cells in the retina detect light and directly signal the SCN, entraining its rhythm to the 24-hour cycle in nature. Fibers project from the SCN to the paraventricular nuclei (PVN), which relay the circadian signals to the spinal cord and out via the sympathetic system to superior cervical ganglia (SCG), and from there into the pineal gland.

Melatonin is a very ancient hormone that is found throughout the animal kingdom. In reptiles and birds the pineal is close to the skin and needs no interaction with the eye to register day/night cycles (this is where the notion of the ‘third eye” comes from). In these animals, the pineal gland is the master clock. In mammals, however, the pineal gland is subordinate to the eye/SCN system. Light severely curtails the production of melatonin.

Melatonin has been shown to inhibit the growth and metastasis of some tumors in experimental animals, and may therefore play a role in cancer inhibition. Removal of the pineal gland and/or reduction in melatonin output have been implicated in the increased incidence of breast cancer in laboratory animals. Patients who have breast cancer have lower levels of melatonin in the blood. The hormone has also been shown to be protective against genetic damage, and it has a stimulatory effect on the immune system.

The anticancer role of melatonin in humans is not established yet, but in a study involving blind women, melatonin production was found to be higher at all times. This finding was associated with the finding that breast cancer in this study was correspondingly lower for these blind women compared to the general population.

The abundant melatonin levels in children are believed to inhibit sexual development, and pineal tumors have been linked with precocious puberty. When puberty arrives, melatonin production is reduced. Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in adults.

Apparently the internal secretions of the pineal gland inhibit the development of the reproductive glands, because in cases where it is severely damaged in children, the result is accelerated development of the sexual organs and the skeleton. In animals, the pineal gland appears to play a major role in sexual development, hibernation, metabolism, and seasonal breeding.

Pineal cytostructure seems to have evolutionary similarities to the retinal cells of chordates. Modern birds and reptiles have been found to express the phototransducing pigment melanopsin in the pineal gland. Avian pineal glands are believed to act like the SCN in mammals.

Studies on rodents suggest that the pineal gland may influence the actions of recreational drugs, such as cocaine, and antidepressants, such as fluoxetine (Prozac), and its hormone melatonin can protect against neurodegeneration

Cleaning the pineal gland

Cleaning up the pineal gland is useful for those wishing to develop their multidimensional perception. The Pineal gland will naturally make its own DMT when fully operational and we will be able to remain in a visionary state most of the time. An awakened pineal gland brings the ability to consciously astral travel, explore other dimensions, foresee the future…

It is said that when the pineal gland or ‘third eye’ is awakened, one is able to see beyond space time into time space. It raises the frequency on which one operates and moves one into a higher consciousness.

When the pineal gland awakens, one feels a pressure at the base of the brain. This pressure will often be experienced, when connecting to higher frequency. A head injury, can also activate the Third Eye – Pineal Gland.

While the physiological function of the pineal gland, has been unknown until recent times, mystical traditions and esoteric schools, have long known, this area in the middle of the brain, to be the connecting link… between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Read more on cleaning:

Mercury poisoning of our mind, body and the planet – no multidimensional perception
Safely avoid and remove dangerous man-made fluoride
How to detox aluminum and why it’s necessary
The end of antibiotics and the rise of Iodine as an effective alternative

Considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans, the pineal gland has always been important in initiating supernatural powers. Development of psychic talents… has been closely associated with this organ of higher vision.

The symbol of  the All-Seeing-EYE, has always been part of  Earth’s creation
mythologies and mysteries.

In Ancient Egypt, is was  symbolized by the Eye of  Horus.

The symbol was passed down, through the ancient mystery teachings and can
be found on the American dollar bill.

Why the symbol of the EYE?

The eye is the observer of reality – or the illusion of reality.

Nonsense? Well I’m sure that the majority of people reading this article would close their eyes so far and stop reading it have it been published some years ago.. and they would do so simply on the account of the fear. Deeply rooted fear! Ponder on that if you must as a change of direction comes here.

The power within us

Did you know that Nikola Tesla often said that his concepts came from his visions? So let’s explore what he had to say about that as that is the man whose inventions all of us are using today. Many of them are being suppressed, but still… our huge advancement as a species has this man to thank for that.

Extraordinary experiences of Nikola Tesla

Much has been made over Tesla’s amazing ability to visualize images from his mind. This talent came mostly involuntarily and often at inopportune moments. When he was younger, Tesla worried that he was suffering from some sort of madness when his visions would appear. Later he came to realize that this particular trait was a gift and the basis of all his inventions.

Tesla’s visions were so vivid that he was sometimes unsure of what was real and what imaginary. Strong flashes of light often accompanied these images. He would wave his hand in front of his eyes to determine whether the objects were simply in his mind or outside.

In 1919, Tesla wrote of these images and of his efforts to find an explanation for them. He had consulted with several doctors and psychologists, but no one was able to help.

“The theory I have formulated is that the images were the result of a reflex action from the brain on the retina under great excitation. They certainly were not hallucinations, for in other respects I was normal and composed.

“To give and idea of my distress, suppose that I had witnessed a funeral or some such nerve wracking spectacle. Then, inevitably, in the stillness of the night, a vivid picture of the scene would thrust itself before my eyes and persist despite all my efforts to banish it. Sometimes it would even remain fixed in space though I pushed my hand through it.”
It is well known that Tesla’s conception of his AC (alternating current) motor came to him during one of his visions.

“One afternoon … I was enjoying a walk with my friend in the city park and reciting poetry. At that age I knew entire books by heart, word for word. One of these was Goethes Faust. The sun was just setting and reminded me of a glorious passage: The glow retreats, done is the day of toil; It yonder hastes, new fields of life exploring; Ah, that no wing can lift me from the soil Upon its tract to follow, follow soaring!

“As I uttered these inspiring words the idea came like a flash of lightning and in an instant the truth was revealed. I drew with a stick on the sand the diagram shown six years later in my address before the American institute of Electrical Engineers.

“The images were wonderfully sharp and clear and had the solidity of metal. ‘See my motor here; watch me reverse it.’”
Tesla used his incredible power throughout his amazing career. He disliked drawing his conceptions down onto paper because they lacked the reality that Tesla’s internal drawing board could provide. For Tesla, drawing was utterly unrealistic and a nuisance.

He did not have to make plans and jot down dimensions, because of this power of instant recall. He could store any designs in his mind to be retrieved intact years later.

Despite his unusual abilities, Tesla at first had little patience with those who believed in psychic powers or spirits. Tesla often denied that he had supernatural powers or origins from beyond the earth. Such allegations, along with his conviction in the reality of extraterrestrials, almost certainly hurt Tesla’s reputation later in his life.

Tesla felt so strongly about such claims that he frequently wrote about his frustrations with people who wanted to believe that he was more than an ordinary human being.

“The by far greater number of human beings are never aware of what is passing around and within them and millions fall victims of disease and die prematurely just on this account. The commonest, everyday occurrences appear to them mysterious and inexplicable.

“One may feel a sudden wave of sadness and rack his brain for an explanation, when he might have noticed that it was caused by a cloud cutting off the rays of the sun. He may see the image of a friend dear to him under conditions which he construes as very peculiar, when only shortly before he has passed him in the street or seen his photograph somewhere.

“When he loses a collar button, he fusses and swears for an hour, being unable to visualize his previous actions and locate the object directly. Deficient observation is merely a form of ignorance and responsible for the many morbid notions and foolish ideas prevailing.

“There is not more than one out of every ten persons who does not believe in telepathy and other psychic manifestations, spiritualism and communion with the dead, and who would refuse to listen to willing or unwilling deceivers?

“Just to illustrate how deeply rooted this tendency has become even among the clear-headed American population, I may mention a comical incident. Shortly before the war, when the exhibition of my turbines in this city elicited widespread comment in the technical papers, I anticipated that there would be a scramble among manufacturers to get hold of the invention and I had particular designs on that man from Detroit (Ford) who has an uncanny faculty for accumulating millions.

“So confident was I, that he would turn up some day, that I declared this as certain to my secretary and assistants. Sure enough, one fine morning a body of engineers from the Ford Motor Company presented themselves with the request of discussing with me an important project.

“Didn’t I tell you?, I remarked triumphantly to my employees, and one of them said, ‘You are amazing, Mr. Tesla. Everything always comes out exactly as you predict.’

“As soon as these hard-headed men were seated, I of course, immediately began to extol the wonderful features of my turbine, when the spokesman interrupted me and said, ‘We know all about this, but we are on a special errand. We have formed a psychological society for the investigation of psychic phenomena and we want you to join us in this undertaking.’

“I suppose these engineers never knew how near they came to being fired out of my office. Ever since I was told by some of the greatest men of the time, leaders in science whose names are immortal, that I am possessed of an unusual mind, I bent all my thinking faculties on the solution of great problems regardless of sacrifice.

“For many years I endeavored to solve the enigma of death, and watched eagerly for every kind of spiritual indication. But only once in the course of my existence have I had an experience which momentarily impressed me as supernatural.

“It was at the time of my mother’s death. I had become completely exhausted by pain and long vigilance, and one night was carried to a building about two blocks from our home.

“As I lay helpless there, I thought that if my mother died while I was away from her bedside, she would surely give me a sign. Two or three months before, I was in London in company with my late friend, Sir William Crookes, when spiritualism was discussed and I was under the full sway of these thoughts.

“I might not have paid attention to other men, but was susceptible to his arguments as it was his epochal work on radiant matter, which I had read as a student, that made me embrace the electrical career. I reflected that the conditions for a look into the beyond were most favorable, for my mother was a woman of genius and particularly excelling in the powers of intuition.

“During the whole night every fibre in my brain was strained in expectancy, but nothing happened until early in the morning, when I fell in a sleep, or perhaps a swoon, and saw a cloud carrying angelic figures of marvelous beauty, one of whom gazed upon me lovingly and gradually assumed the features of my mother.

“The appearance slowly floated across the room and vanished, and I was awakened by an indescribably sweet song of many voices. In that instant a certitude, which no words can express, came upon me that my mother had just died. And that was true.

“I was unable to understand the tremendous weight of the painful knowledge I received in advance, and wrote a letter to Sir William Crookes while still under the domination of these impressions and in poor bodily health.

“When I recovered, I sought for a long time the external cause of this strange manifestation and, to my great relief, I succeeded after many months of fruitless effort. I had seen the painting of a celebrated artist, representing allegorically one of the seasons in the form of a cloud with a group of angels which seemed to actually float in the air, and this had struck me forcefully.

“It was exactly the same that appeared in my dream, with the exception of my mother’s likeness. The music came from the choir in the church nearby at the early mass of Easter morning, explaining everything satisfactorily in conformity with scientific facts.”

As Tesla grew older, he became more interested in spirituality and mankind’s place in the universe. Tesla had remarked once about inventing a machine that could project human thoughts onto a screen, much like a modern television. This idea would continue to be on his mind up until the time of his death.

Dale Alfrey remembers several notations concerning Tesla’s ideas on the nature of the human spirit and whether it continues on after physical death. Tesla had been brought up in a religious environment – but he had become more “humanistic” in his attitudes and considered physical life to be no more than a “automation of nature.”
“Tesla became more open to the idea that there is a spirit or soul that continues in another plane of existence after death,” recalls Alfrey. “At one point Tesla chided Edison for stealing his idea on using a form of radio to contact the dead.” (Extraordinary experiences of Nikola Tesla – read the rest here)

How about the rest of us?

The awakening

Well the biggest story here is that great powers are dormant in all of us. We can all clean ourselves and evolve to higher consciousness. Turn off your mainstream TV for start, you will not learn anything important, it’s a tool for mass control and manipulation, don’t read your daily mainstream media anymore.. find time to heal your mental and physical body. Find time for proper education. Enjoy… Detox from the poisons we are fed daily and follow your inner voice when deciphering truth from the lies. There are so many good people here on Earth… all we need to do is attune to the faster frequencies. Brave new world is upon us, you’ll be watching the big brothers house of glass tumble down as you evolve and become to enjoy your eternal conscious being.

We are not alone and most of the time the answers are right beside us, in friends and people that surround us. Notice that synchronicities rise each and every day as we comprehend more and more. Some describe the process of awakening as addiction, some as information overflow but generally speaking this processes are described as eternal drive to know more, to find out the truth. Many have realized that we fall only to rise again.

The story does not end here, for many this is just the beginning.


The Pineal Gland And The Ancient Art Of Iatromathematica
by Frank McGillion

The medical astrologers of Ancient Greece: the iatromathematici, and the later European physician-astrologers, assumed a correlation between events in the heavens and those on earth that was relevant to both health and disease. Some of the early practitioners of modern scientific medicine did the same under the aegis of what we might term, proto-cosmobiology, though none of them could provide an adequate mechanism to explain the nature of the link they believed existed between the skies and ourselves. With the discovery and elucidation of the pineal gland’s functions in the mid twentieth century, which are discussed in detail, we were in a position to provide such a link and we can now, to a great extent, explain in conventional scientific terms, how those influences of the sun, moon, planets and other celestial phenomena studied by the early iatromathematici and early cosmobiologists could, can, and do, affect us.

Key Words Pineal gland – melatonin – astrology – geomagnetism – planetary influences

In Ancient Greece there was a distinction made between those who studied the stars in fairly general terms – the mathematici or magi, and those who did so for medical purposes – the iatromathematici. However the two areas of study overlapped considerably with little distinction being made between physical and metaphysical speculations. Accordingly, what we now know of as astronomy and astrology remained virtually indistinguishable for centuries (Tester, 1987a, b).
In addition to cosmological influences, Greek physicians stressed the importance of environmental factors in the welfare of their patients, and considerations of local geography and climate were deemed important in the diagnosis and prognosis of disease (Luce, 1977).
In the thirteenth century, Thomas Aquinas, while sympathetic to astrology, stressed the importance of “the oblique path” of the sun, i.e., what we know as the earth’s eccentric orbit, with respect to the links that existed between the earth and ourselves, and the fourteenth century Bishop of Liseux, Nicolas Orseme, stressed the importance of the sun and the moon in contemporary medicine, again making no clear distinction between astronomy and astrology (Tester, 1987c).
In the sixteenth century, Sir Francis Bacon, suggested that, while it was unlikely that the stars influenced us individually, collectively, populations might be affected by them (Tester, 1987d).
So it’s clear that the early mixture of astronomy and astrology, known as astrologia, gave rise to the due consideration of physical forces and their effects by informed physician-astrologers, in addition to those “forces” or “influences” we would now think on as purely “astrological.”

Traditional astrology had long been a part of medical curricula in Western Europe and, as far back as the eleventh century, it was taught at Bologna University where under the aegis of medical astrologers such as the eminent Professor Giovani Garonzi, physicians sought answers to clinical questions in horoscopes including specialist problems such as those presented by kidney disease (Bonomini et al, 1994; Kibre, 1967).
It seems that an interest in an association between astrology and urology persists, and a contemporary clinical study has repeated this search for such a correlation, concluding that: “… no significant link was found…disproving the traditional astrologer’s claims.” (Hughes, 1990).
With the onset of the Enlightenment, a combination of factors led to astrology being removed from formal medical curricula in the West and the subject itself becoming identified with superstition. However, the belief that celestial factors were significant in both medical conditions and physiological processes, continued to be held within the scientific and medical communities in modified form.
Thus, in 1898, the Nobel Laureate, Svante Arrhenius, published Cosmic Influences on Physiological Phenomena, while simultaneously, Sigmund Freud and his physician colleague, Wilhelm Fliess, were developing their own ideas on the nature of the extraterrestrial forces they believed influenced everything on earth, including health, and Freud was assuming he’d become what he termed: “an honorary astrologer.” (Fliess, 1906; McGillion, 1998; 2001).
In the mid twentieth century, Carl Jung was studying astrology and relating it from a variety of perspectives to his psychiatric practice (McGillion, 1997). However more practical researchers, such as Dr Franz Halberg, were studying putative interactions between living organisms and the skies and developing the sorts of concepts that helped define modern cosmobiology (Halberg, 1967; 1969).
What was lacking in all of these investigations, however, and what, in part, tarnished them with the by now unpopular taint of astrology, was the lack of a credible mechanism to explain how celestial events could interact with us biologically.
From Fliess’ work in particular which, like Aquinas’, stressed the importance of the eccentricity of the orbit of the earth, it was evident that, in order to substantiate his ideas in this respect, any “celestial” or “planetary” force would – like the horoscope used by the iatromathematicus – have to be capable of description in terms of the position of the sun, the moon and the planets at the time and place of birth. Further, such a force would also have to be evident at frequent intervals throughout life through ongoing celestial influences of a sort the iatromathematici believed influenced us on a day-to-day basis.
In the mid twentieth century, after centuries of searching by greater and lesser lights of science, such a mechanism duly arrived when the true physiological role of an anatomical structure, itself long associated with arcane matters, became known.

The Pineal Gland
At various times in the history of medicine the precise function of the small discrete pea-like structure we have in the centre of our brains, called the pineal gland, was considered to be: a memory valve, a valve controlling circulating vital fluids, the seat of the soul, and the site of a presumed pathology causing certain types of mental illness – “a stony hardness of the pineal gland” (McGillion, 1980).
In the mid nineteen fifties this confusion began to clear when the pineal gland’s true function was discovered and the nature of the link between ourselves and certain events in the skies above us was finally revealed.

The modern systematic study of the pineal gland began in 1954 when, after a review of the existing literature, Mark Altschule and Julian Kitay suggested it could be a productive area for research (Kitay & Altschule, 1954). Their comprehensive review suggested that the gland – until then generally held to be unimportant by modern scientific medicine – appeared to have a number of possible, if minor, physiological roles, many of which had been reported in the literature on the light sensitivity of certain mammals (Fiske, 1941).

It was soon established that the pineal gland produced a number of neuropeptides including one: 5-methoxy, N-acetyltryptamine, considered to be the most important of the pineal hormones and commonly called melatonin, (Figure 1).

The biosynthesis of melatonin was discovered to be dependent on a number of substrates and co-factors, and on the activity of a number of enzymes including the light-sensitive: hydroxy-indole-O-methyl transferase (HIOMT). (Lerner et al, 1958; 1959).
As Brownstein and Heller (1968) demonstrated, this enzyme – which catalyses the conversion of serotonin to melatonin – is modulated by nerves that impinge directly onto the pineal gland, the activity of which, in turn, depend upon input from the optic nerves. Thus a small proportion of the impulses set up in the optic nerves bypasses the main visual pathway and, instead, takes a circuitous route to the pineal. Stimulation of these nerves increases the activity of HIOMT and, hence, stimulates the synthesis of melatonin.
Bright light inhibits melatonin production by inhibiting nerve tone to the pineal, whereas darkness has the opposite effect and, by increasing neural activity to the gland, stimulates the production of melatonin. This effect of light is dependent both upon its wavelength and its intensity.
In 1973, Cardinali et al showed that red light produced minimal inhibition of melatonin synthesis, whereas green light caused maximal stimulation. In addition, illumination with a light intensity of 0.5 microwatt/cm2 for forty-eight hours produced a fifty per cent decrease in melatonin synthesis in the rat pineal gland.
By way of comparison, sunlight, which strongly inhibits melatonin production, has an intensity of around 50,000 microwatt/cm2, whereas full moonlight has an intensity of around 0.3 microwatt/cm2. (Altschule, 1975).
Because of its low light intensity, the moon was originally thought to have no effect on the production of melatonin by the pineal gland. However, as we discuss below, more recent studies have produced results that suggest there may be some link between lunar phase and the secretion of melatonin (Law, 1986).

In addition to light, other electromagnetic (EM) radiations influence melatonin production, and EM fields of varying strengths and types – including earth strength magnetic fields – have been shown to influence melatonin production to the same degree as the exposure to light does: both in vivo, and in vitro and in a number of species including humans (Reiter & Richardson, 1992; Reiter, 1993a,b; Schneider et al, 1994; Yaga et al, 1993). Further, magnetic fields of this general type have been found to be effective in directly stimulating pineal tissue (Richardson et al, 1992).

Human Studies
The change of the intensity of ambient lighting with season has long been considered to be a possible source of antigonadal activity in humans as well as animals and, in the late nineteenth century, a description was given in the medical literature of how Eskimo women ceased menstruation in the long winter nights of the Arctic (Cook, 1884).
Additional evidence was produced for a seasonal factor linked to reproduction and photoperiod when a positive bias towards summer conceptions in Finland was demonstrated, which showed an increase at more northerly latitudes. The fact that the incidence of multiple pregnancies was also increased at these latitudes strongly suggested that this was not an effect due to seasonal social influences, but that it was a true physiological effect due to an increased fertility associated with the longer periods of daylight that occur in the summer (Timonen & Carpen, 1968).
Other studies in humans suggested a possibly related phenomenon at work that also linked light to human reproductive processes. Thus Dewan (1967), and Dewan et al (1978), normalised irregular menstrual flow by using light midway through the menstrual cycle. Similarly, Elden (1971) demonstrated that, of one hundred and twenty predicted births in a sample of congenitally blind women, there was only one actual birth and, in an even larger sample, only six births occurred out of a predicted one thousand.
More recent studies have also shown that certain phenomena associated with hyperovulation – such as the incidence of twin births – are linked to both season and photoperiod. (Dionne et al, 1993; Fellman & Eriksson, 1999).

Thus with the discovery of the antigonadal activity of melatonin, and with the emergence of the fact that it was inhibited by light, we were starting to elucidate a more sophisticated mechanism to explain the effects of light-radiation on reproductive phenomena, one, moreover, that seemed to be closely related to the actual and putative effect(s) of melatonin on sexual development and hence to the effect of external EM radiation on the pineal gland.
However, one action of extraneously administered melatonin on sexual development that was identified early on by researchers in this area, appeared not only to be related to its antigonadal action, but to be dependent upon the age of the recipient when it was administered, also.

“Pre-Programming” from Birth
In a number of sophisticated studies of melatonin in animals, it appeared that, as with certain other hormones, the response of a neonatal animal to melatonin administration depended on precisely when the melatonin was administered in terms of chronological age. Thus it seemed that when melatonin was administered around the time of birth, it somehow produced changes in development that were delayed in onset until later in life and were therefore, in a biological sense, “pre-programmed” (Figure 2).

Figure 2: the “pre-programming” action of melatonin. Administration of melatonin to a neonate around the time of birth can cause developmental changes such as an inhibition or delay in the onset of secondary sexual characteristics. After a certain critical period post partum, however, – in rats six days – melatonin administraton has no such effect.

Further, these effects, which have been replicated in contemporary studies, appeared to influence both normal and pathological development (Arai, 1968; Esquifino, 1987; Vaughan & Vaughan, 1974).
It was also discovered that such changes in development did not take place if melatonin administration was delayed until a certain time after birth. Thus these delayed developmental effects of the hormone only occurred when it was administered at a set, critical time during the perinatal period.
As one researcher unambiguously stated in this context: “…alterations of the hormonal status of a neonate during a defined critical period [after birth] lead to profound sequelae in…subsequent biological function,” (Reiter et al, 1975a).
From consideration of this phenomenon it was clear that there were mechanisms involved that could potentially be of major significance to our long-term development. Thus: “neonatal administration of melatonin may cause…an abnormal secretion of biogenic amines in adulthood…” (Reiter et al, 1975b).

Such delayed-onset, or “pre-programming” effects of perinatally administered melatonin, while short lasting without reinforcement, were evident in a number of behavioural and physiological indices studied in animals, and they included, not only those associated with sexual development, but other developmental features also, including exploratory and maternal behaviour. Further, they could be produced either by the direct administration of melatonin, or by pinealectomy at birth, strongly suggesting a primary causal role for melatonin in these processes (Sampson, 1954; Sampson & Bigelow, 1971).
In addition, observations in humans where congenital blindness, or exposure to extremes of light-dark periods had been evident at the time of, and immediately after, birth, paralleled these findings; and studies in both congenitally blind women and in other groups continue to provide pertinent observations and findings in this respect (Boldsen, 1992; Commentz et al, 1997; Jaldo Alba et al, 1993a,b; Kennaway et al, 1992; Sans, 1977; Schmidt F, 1995).

Effects of Ambient Electromagnetic Radiation
Given that the production of melatonin is, amongst other things, controlled by the intensity and nature of ambient electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of geo-magnetic strength, then the intensity and orientation of the EM fields a neonate is exposed to perinatally could obviously alter the level of pineal melatonin in that neonate and, hence, influence its later development.
We know the exposure of neonatal animals to light significantly changes later melatonin secretion patterns, and we know that similar effects occur in human newborns (Fielke et al, 1994; Pelisek et al, 1994). We also know that, again, as in animals, EM radiations significantly alter circulation melatonin in humans (Graham et al, 1997; Juutilainen et al, 2000; Reiter, 1995).
There also appears to be a link between the geomagnetic field and developmental factors in humans. For example, the only significant factor that correlates with the development of epilepsy in young adults is the level of geomagnetic activity for two days after birth, and geomagnetic variables have also been considered to be a trigger for birth. There is also a significant correlation between the level of geomagnetism on, and for up to three days before, the birth of male children (Persinger & Hodge, 1999).

Hence an association between the precise time of birth and later general developmental traits might be expected and, in one of the most recent social studies of this general type, Wallace and Fisher (2001) have reported that our preference for day or night activity – i.e. whether we are a “day person” or a “night person” – appears to be determined quite simply by whether we were born during the day or born at night.
The mechanism they suggest for this predisposition is one relating to a setting of our body clock and, if true, the neonatal effects of melatonin and the light-dark sensitivity of the pineal gland discussed above could be important in this respect. Such an effect may also be related to season of birth, something we discuss in more detail below.

So, despite the many potential variables inherent in all these studies, what clearly emerges is the fact that the precise time of exposure to altered levels of melatonin, relative to the time of birth – is probably a critical factor in determining whether or not some change in development or behaviour is observed in adulthood.
In other words, exposure of a neonate to melatonin, or to factors that significantly alter circulating melatonin levels at the time of birth – such as local geomagnetic and other EM fields – can potentially lead to highly significant changes in later development.
Put simply: the place, time, and date of a child’s birth can – at least in part –determine its future development: an observation that would have been assumed by the iatromathematicus.

Despite our increased understanding of the functions and mechanisms of action of the pineal gland in the past few decades, the precise mechanism at a cellular level whereby electromagnetic radiation can produce biological effects was, until recently, unknown. However in the past decade or so, studies of the ferrous mineral known as magnetite, have shown that it can act as a transducer linking ambient electromagnetic activity to cellular function. In addition – in both animals and humans – magnetite has been identified in most tissues examined, including the pineal gland (Lohmann & Johnsen, 2000; Schultheiss-Grassi & Dobson, 1999).

In part as a consequence of the potential development-modifying actions of pineal activity and melatonin on neonates, Reiter (1995) has indicated that any perturbations in electric and magnetic fields that cause a reduction in normal melatonin levels in humans could have significant physiological and pathophysiological consequences.
Such considerations have led some health professionals to re-assess the practice of exposing neonates in intensive care units and neonatal nurseries, to strong light and other EM fields, given the known, or postulated association of such exposure with breast cancer, reproductive irregularities, and depression (Glottzbach et al, 1993).

Given all of this, we should expect something else that our iatromathematicus would presumably have assumed: the existence of a quantifiable link between certain, long term developmental factor(s) in humans, and the purely physical factors that dictate the degree and type of radiation a neonate is exposed to post partum. Such physical factors include: photoperiod, local geomagnetic and other ambient EMFs, and what in great part determines these and what we shall consider here in some detail for the purposes of illustration: seasonality and the season of birth.
The second century Greek physician, Aretaeus of Cappadocia, in his On Airs, Waters and Places stated quite clearly that “…human diseases change along with the seasons.” This was a view shared by later scientists and physicians such as the eighteenth century English physician, Richard Meade, who stressed the importance of such seasonal factors in his seminal work, The Action of Sun and Moon In Animal Bodies. (Roos, 2000).
A number of our forebears believed that the season of conception was of some importance to our later lives and also, in contemporary epidemiological studies, there are some.htmects of development that have been looked at in this respect (Liederman & Flannery, 1994).
However, most studies of the relationship of seasonality to the subsequent development of normal or pathological traits refer to the season of birth.

Season-Of-Birth Effects
There are a great many month-of-birth and season-of-birth studies in the medical literature and they include attempts to associate this with conditions such as: diabetes (Laron et al, 1999); morning-evening preference (Natale & Adan, 1999); left or right handedness (Martin & Jones, 1999); cleft lip (Fraser & Gwyn, 1998); panic attack (Castrogiovanni et al, 1999); bulimia (Morgan & Lacey, 1999); alcoholism (Levine &Wojcik, 1999); ectopic pregnancy (Cagnacci, 1999); weight and length at birth (Wohlfahrt et al, 1998); psychiatric problems (Torrey et al, 1975) and many others.
Such studies are not always easy to analyse or interpret and they often show a diversity of results within the conditions or parameters being studied.
However, one parameter that has been both strongly and consistently associated with the season of birth for many years now – and the one we shall look at in detail to examine more fully the various seasonal factors that influence the pineal gland – is the population incidence of schizophrenia.

The Seasonality of Schizophrenia
Although the disorder termed, deficit schizophrenia, appears to shows an excess in summer births at northern latitudes (Kirkpatrick et al, 2000), there’s little doubt that there’s a tendency for people who go on to develop the psychotic disorder we generally call, schizophrenia, to be born at an increased incidence around the time of the spring (vernal) equinox in both the northern and southern hemispheres (Torrey, 1975; McGrath & Welham, 1999).
It is perhaps significant to note that this pattern of birth demonstrates a parallel with the idealised annual pattern of mammalian pineal gland activity, which, given its sensitivity to light and other EM radiations, is associated with photoperiod in a similar, seasonally related, manner (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Idealised correlation between seasonal pineal activity and schizophrenic births in the northern hemisphere.

To our physician-astrologer predecessors, this sort of pattern – on a month-to-month basis – would have borne a direct relationship to the Signs of the Zodiac (of the western, or tropical, zodiac as opposed to the sidereal zodiac that’s based on the background of fixed stars), which are effectively monthly divisions of the solar orbit. Further, the Sign of the Zodiac that astrological tradition associates with psychotic illness is the Sign of Pisces, which the sun “occupies” until precisely the day of the vernal equinox.

Both length of day and geomagnetic field fluctuate by season and both are associated with varying melatonin excretion, which peaks in June and November when low values of the geomagnetic field are recorded (Bergiannaki Joff et al, 1996).
In addition, naturally occurring EMFs that vary seasonally have also been associated with affective disorder (Sandyk et al, 1991), and at the equator, where there is no seasonal photoperiod change, the seasonal effect on schizophrenic births reportedly disappears (Parker et al, 2000).

All of this appears to be compelling evidence for a possible role of the pineal gland and melatonin in the apparent seasonal related aetiology of this disorder: a disorder, moreover, in which pineal extracts and melatonin had previously been thought to be beneficial (Altschule, 1957; Eldred et al, 1961). Obviously however, the possibility also exists that some rogue factor unconnected to pineal function but, nonetheless, related to season in some way, is associated with this effect.
It is interesting to observe that the presence of this particular seasonal pattern has led to the resurrection of iatromathematical thinking, and prompted contemporary psychiatrists to look for a correlation between schizophrenia and astrology. Indeed, a positive correlation between .htmects of schizoaffective disorder and astrological factors has recently been reported in the medical literature (Ohaeri et al, 1997).
However, a number of culprits other than astrological influences can be, and have been, suggested that could account for this putative relationship between season-of-birth and schizophrenia. They include: infectious diseases – including poliomyelitis and influenza (Battle, 1999; Suzisarari, 1999), various prenatal and perinatal factors (Geddes, 1999; Hultman et al, 1999); extremes in temperature (Mednick, 1984); exposure to EMFs, and light, (Sandyk et al, 1991); and other factors, including possible novel biochemical abnormalities (McGillion et al, 1974).

Seasonal Disorders
In other areas of psychopathology, however, there is little doubt that, at least in some cases, an overt pathological mood state is directly associated with a specific season of the year and with pineal gland function, though not specifically with the season of birth. In such cases, season and mood or other disorders are linked in a way that strongly suggests at least one prime cause could well be an influence – direct or indirect – of ambient EM radiation, including solar radiation, on the pineal gland and melatonin production (Summers & Shur, 1992; Clarke at al, 1999).
Thus, although changes in artificial lighting can have acute beneficial effects on such conditions (Hawkins, 1992), the occurrence of the depressive condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and of certain eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, appears to bear a direct relation to the seasonally induced change in daily, ambient, lighting (Rezaul, 1996).
Illumination of a type and magnitude that improves such disorders clinically is capable of changing the rhythm of melatonin excretion, and symptomatic improvement of affective disorder can be produced by light of the wavelength(s) the pineal gland is particularly sensitive to (Laakso et al, 1993; Oren et al, 1991).
Further, a reversal of seasonally induced changes in light intensity and duration, through, for example, the use of a light-box or simulation of dawn, can alter melatonin metabolism and reverse both the progression and outcome of the seasonal condition in question (Danilenko et al, 2000; Terman et al, 1998a,b).
Once again, there is probably no simple causal connection between melatonin secretion and clinical effect, as cognitive studies involving the use of what research workers have termed, “symbolic” light, can also improve these disorders, suggesting that both cognitive and physical factors are at work (Bouhuys et al, 1994).
However, the evidence for some sort of involvement of melatonin in seasonal mood and other disorders is compelling, and – given the role of ambient radiation in pineal melatonin metabolism – it seems reasonable to suggest the existence of a psycho-physical link between pineal activity and mood state; one that could, just conceivably, bear some connection to the seasonal birth effect in schizophrenia and other conditions.

Seasonal changes in melatonin levels that are directly associated with EMF intensity have been reported in the literature as indicated (Bergiannaki Joff et al, 1996), and this is suggestive of a possible linkage between: season, geomagnetic field fluctuation, melatonin production and immediate, or delayed, acute, or chronic, normal and pathophysiological states.
It is likely therefore, that, to a greater or lesser degree, the effect of such EM radiations on the human pineal gland during the perinatal period may, in some way, predispose certain children, born in a specific month and/or season, to developmental changes that, later in life, could lead to the development of physical, and/or psychological, traits related to specific pathologies, including schizophrenia.

There is also evidence to support the possibility of a, greater or lesser, biological basis of certain personality traits (Balada et al, 1993; Uvnas-Moberg et al, 1993) including those partly determined by season and by pre-natal hormonal effects (Frogon & Prokop, 1992).
If such reports are demonstrative of a causal link between early biological development and personality of the sort we referred to above in the studies on neonates, we could reasonably suggest that the season of birth, and/or the prevailing EM conditions at the time of birth, might equate with subsequent personality type through some such mechanism. Another relationship that would have been assumed by our iatromathematicus.

The Moon
The iatromathematici gave due consideration to the moon as well as the sun in terms of human physiology: the former often being associated with physical characteristics and the latter, psychical ones – a reversal of roles in terms of what later astrologers were to attribute to these “planets” (Tester,1987e). Similarly, many astrologer-physicians thought chronic diseases were associated with the sun, and acute ones with the moon (Cambden, 1930).
In more contemporary literature, there is evidence that suggests the existence of some sort of lunar effect on animals (Brown, 1968), and claims of a putative lunar effect on humans, though still controversial, continue to be reported (Cutler, 1980; Drysdale, 1999; Law, 1990; Mikulecky, 1996; Parry, 1999; Raison et al, 1999; Rotton & Kelly, 1985).
Despite this ongoing controversy, it would appear that some sort of biological effect of the moon, whether direct or indirect and of a greater or lesser significance to us, could possibly occur in humans in a number of conceivable ways of which some at least would appear to be credible scientifically.
Thus a putative effect of the moon on pineal activity such as that indicated above (Law, 1986) seems credible, as does another – that could be related – suggested through the theoretical mechanism of magnetospheric resonance, which is described below.

Other Astronomical Phenomena
In the medical and scientific literature, in addition to those reports concerning photoperiod, season, the sun and the moon, there are others of a number of more general astronomical phenomena that appear to be able to influence biological systems. Thus, sunspots (Takata, 1950), the solar wind (Randal, 1990), the regular movement of the earth through space (Piccardi, 1962), and even supernovae (Terry, 1966), have been implicated in this respect.
Perhaps importantly, a possible causal relationship between the solar wind, human birth rates, magnetism, and melatonin has also been proposed, which demonstrates troughs at the solstices and peaks at the equinoxes: the latter times being those when schizophrenic births have a greater incidence (Randal, 1990).
Additionally, one of the more general astronomical phenomena that reportedly influence biological systems has a peak in March and a lesser peak in September: again, a parallel with the findings on the incidence of schizophrenic births (Piccardi, 1962).
The Planets
For many years there have also been a variety of suggestions as to how the planets might influence us here on earth, though some of these findings and their suggested mechanisms of action have now been disputed and others put in a more appropriate context than they were perhaps assigned to formerly (Dean, 1976).
However, some astronomers have suggested that certain planets may influence the solar wind and solar and geophysical EM fields – collectively termed the magnetosphere – in a predictable manner through a resonance type effect (Seymour, 1988).
Such an effect is observed with the moon and the tides, an example of this being the tidal range in the Bay of Fundy, which varies between a few feet and sixty feet as a consequence of resonance phenomena that are linked to lunar movements at that location (Seymour 2000, personal communication). So, if there is a significant effect of certain planets on EM fields, of a type known to influence the pineal gland, it’s just possible the positions of certain planets at the time of our birth could also, to a greater or lesser degree through the perinatal actions of melatonin, influence our development and behaviour from the time of our birth as physician-astrologers have claimed for centuries

Size of Effects
Any influence of the planets on the magnetosphere that was based in a simple manner on the laws of gravitation would be infinitesimally small. However, the possibility of resonance effects suggests that through “tidal effects” of the gravitational forces of the planets interacting with the sun, moon and the solar wind affecting the magnetosphere; changes in local geomagnetism could cause changes in biological systems, including those in the newborn. Indeed there are reported correlations between the sun and moon, other celestial bodies, and geomagnetism (Mikulecky et al, 1996).

In this general context it is relevant to mention that in addition to purely solar or lunar phenomena, certain types of extraterrestrial influence involving both sun and moon appear to affect us to a degree where some people appear to be more susceptible to death due to heart attack (Sitar, 1989).
Despite these more specific considerations concerning the origins of the various astronomical influences on us, one researcher suggests that it isn’t necessarily productive to isolate and separate those that originate from the various terrestrial and extraterrestrial sources. Instead, it’s suggested we should attempt to integrate these through a series of experimental models; though caution in so doing is urged because: ”this may lead to popularisation of astrology which has nothing in common with serious research.” (Sitar, 1994).

Day-to-Day Effects of EMFs
There is now also a large body of work that suggests that changes in geomagnetic, and other, radiations in an individual’s immediate environment could – mainly it seems through actions on the temporal lobe of the brain – produce subjective experiences in humans that, certainly in some cases, could approach hallucinatory status (Persinger, 1995).
It has even been credibly suggested that there could be an association between wars, increased solar-geomagnetic activity and aggression (Persinger, 1999): in general terms, the sort of qualitative relationship between celestial force and political or military action, that the mathematici or magi, were traditionally consulted about.
Research in this general area of applied EMFs to human volunteers has also suggested the possible involvement of melatonin in both the objective and subjective phenomena produced by such fields (O’Connor & Persinger, 1996; 1999; Persinger, 1993), an association that is consistent with melatonin’s known sensitivity to these.
Hence, if astronomical factors do regularly alter such fields in a physiologically significant manner, we might well expect them, not only to be capable of influencing development in the long-term in neonates in a manner determined by the date, time and place of birth, but also to be capable of producing day-to-day changes in objective and subjective parameters in people of any age: precisely the sorts of conditions for “celestial” or “planetary” influences required by such as Fliess and the iatromathematici.
The existence of such acute changes is reminiscent of the possible role of sunlight and other EM radiations in SAD and other seasonal disorders. However, in the case of those that influence the temporal lobe and melatonin, their effect on us could well be a great deal more subtle in terms of effect than the gross mood changes seen, for example, in SAD.
Accordingly, when it comes to considering the possible effect on us of “celestial” and “planetary” influences other than the sun, to quote Sir Francis Bacon: the stars may “…rather incline than compel.” (Tester, 1987f).

It is evident that the consideration of the diverse factors that influence the activity of the pineal gland, including those that occur in the skies above us at and around the time of birth, might help us discover hitherto unknown relationships between these and our later development.
The sun, and possibly the moon – considered to be earth’s planets by our forebears – influence the pineal gland and its major hormone, melatonin which can in turn influence development. It is possible that some of the planets could do the same by way of a planetary resonance effect on the magnetosphere.
Further, the place, time and date of our birth – the essential foundations of the horoscope – determine our environment in terms of the intensity and type of light and other electromagnetic radiations we’re exposed to: thus also partly determining neonatal melatonin levels at birth.
Many of the above factors are also potentially related to certain types of subjective experience we may have due to ambient electromagnetic effects on our temporal lobes – again perhaps facilitated by alterations in melatonin metabolism. These could also predispose to, and/or cause influences on our mood, and other, states on a day-to-day basis.

Such considerations may provide a rational basis for many, though possibly not all, of the traditional belief system of the practitioners of medical astrology, the iatromathematici. They probably also give us a firm biophysical basis for the proto-cosmobiological theories of scientists and physicians like Svante Arrhenius and Wilhelm Fliess, as they undoubtedly do for many of the findings of the more modern, established science of cosmobiology.

In other words, many of the medical and physiological associations that have, for millennia, been thought to exist between celestial phenomena and ourselves, are probably not those of arcane astrological influence, or of some other esoteric quality of celestial phenomena. They are almost certainly the result of the effect of known physical forces on the pineal gland and melatonin, both at, and around, the time of our birth and, quite possibly, throughout the course of our life.

Thus, although the rationale may be different, and the context in cosmological terms considerably altered, it’s all very much like the practitioners of the ancient art of iatromathematica said it was.

I’d like to thank Eve McGillion B.A. for her assistance in the preparation of the manuscript and for translating original material; Dr Geoffrey Dean, for critical comment, and Professor Chris Bagley, for initially suggesting I prepare this paper.

The author is a member of the Research Colloquium on Astrology based at the University of Southampton, U.K. Enquiries on this paper should be emailed to:

“This article was first published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration (2002), Vol. 16, No. 1 pp 19-38 and then, with the kind permission of the author and JSE editor-in-chief, Henry Bauer, reproduced in Correlation (2002/2003), Vol. 21 No. 1 pp 45-61.”


Rick Strassman’s Upcoming Documentary DMT The Spirit Molecule

Rick Strassman was permitted to embark on the first human research with psychedelic, hallucinogenic, or entheogenic substances in the 1990s in the United States after 20 years’ intermission in the field. In the intermission period it has only been legally possible to research on animals.
Strassman’s studies investigated the effects of N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a powerful entheogen, or psychedelic, that he theorizes is a substance produced by the human brain in the pineal gland and an active ingredient in the Ayahuasca brew. Ayahuasca is any of the various psychoactive infusions or decoctions prepared from the Banisteriopsis spp. vine, native to the Amazon Rainforest (which is also called ayahuasca). The resulting drinks are pharmacologically complex and used for shamanic, folk-medicinal, and religious purposes. Occidental ethno-biologists have noted a variety of 200-300 plants used in the different brews made by the Ayahuasceras. It is an open question whether Ayahuasca should be noted as one particular shamanic medicinal brew, or that it should be noted as an entire medicinal tradition alongside, for instance, Ayurveda or Tibetan Medicine.
During the project’s five years, he administered approximately 400 doses of DMT to 60 human volunteers. This research took place at theUniversity of New Mexico’s School of Medicine in Albuquerque, New Mexico where he was tenured Associate Professor of Psychiatry. Strassman has conjectured that when a person is approaching death, thepineal gland releases DMT, accounting for much of the imagery reported by survivors of near-death experiences.
Strassman wrote about the research program in his book DMT: The SpiritMolecule. A documentary movie based on this book is currently in production.
Dr. Rick Strassman writes …
Cottonwood Research Foundation ( )
The Cottonwood Research Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 1100, Taos, New Mexico, 87571
Rick Strassman MD, President
Steve Barker PhD, Vice-President
Andrew Stone, Treasurer
Dear Friends:
Consciousness is a subject of increasing scientific inquiry in the West. One particular aspect of this research involves how psychoactive medicines affect consciousness. We at the Cottonwood Research Foundation will begin to address some of the most perplexing mysteries of the human mind with the aid of plant-based psychoactive compounds. For example, What are the varieties of human consciousness, and their genetic, biochemical and physiological bases? What are the medical, social, and spiritual implications of these different states, and how can we best apply these states towards healing, creativity, and greater wisdom?
For thousands of years, historical and indigenous cultures have used plant medicines to reliably induce extraordinarily compelling non-ordinary and mystical states of consciousness. Western science has only begun to tap the vast resources of traditional knowledge regarding these plants and their effects. By bringing to bear multiple scientific, anthropological, and spiritual perspectives, we will pursue several important goals: 1) develop a more thorough understanding of these plantsâ?? psychological and physical healing properties; 2) explore the states they elicit, in order to gain a deeper and broader understanding of the range of human consciousness; 3) determine how plant-based psychoactive medicines affect consciousness; and 4) clarify the role these compounds, found in our own bodies, play in dreams, mystical and near-death states, creativity, and mental illness.
The work I performed during the early-1990â??s at the University of New Mexico with DMT, a naturally occurring psychoactive, was the first new clinical research with these compounds in the US in two decades. Our founding of Cottonwood is intended to help revitalize the lagging pace of American research with this and other classical psychoactive compounds since my studies were interrupted in 1995.
We have already started our first research project. Our vice-president Dr. Steven Barker at Louisiana State University is developing a new ultra-sensitive method of measuring naturally occurring DMT and related compounds in the body. By doing so, we will be able to compare normal levels with those found in naturally occurring highly altered states and clinical conditions. We also held our inaugural fund-raiser in Taos, in which Beatriz Labate, a noted Brazilian anthropologist, presented her field research concerning the burgeoning Brazilian ayahuasca religions movement.
Our most enduring legacy will be the establishment of a thriving, independent research center in northern New Mexico structured in the manner of an institute of higher learning, with treatment, education, and research departments and activities. This campus will include living and dining accommodations, research, laboratory, and information technologyfacilities, a greenhouse, library, and classrooms. Integral to our vision is a vigorous exchange program with indigenous healers and teachers, which will inform our development of new models for the study and application of plant-based psychoactive medicines.
We invite you to help us build a strong foundation for a new model of consciousness studies in the West. It is only with your support and involvement that we can make this dream a reality.
We welcome any and all contributions, monetary or in-kind. All donations are tax deductible, as Cottonwood is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. ( )
With warm regards,
Rick Strassman MD
President and Co-Founder
Erik Davis
Dennis McKenna
DMT: The Spirit Molecule, the documentary ( )
Allison Grey
Alex Grey
Rick Strassman
Daniel Pinchbeck
Graham Hancock
Robert Weisz
Ralph Metzner
Stan Grof
Andrew Stone
Marko Rodriguez
Antonopoulos Spiros
Slawek Wojtowicz
Dave Nichols
Steven Barker
THE SPIRIT MOLECULE weaves an account of Dr. Rick Strassman’s groundbreaking DMT research through a multifaceted approach to this intriguing hallucinogen found in the human brain and hundreds of plants. Utilizing interviews with a variety of experts to explain their thoughts and experiences with DMT within their respective fields, and discussions with Strassmanâ??s research volunteers brings to life the awesome effects of this compound, and far-reaching theories regarding its role in human consciousness .
Several themes explored include possible roles for endogenous DMT; its theoretical role in near-death and birth experiences, alien-abduction experiences; and the uncanny similarities in Biblical prophetic texts describing DMT-like experiences. Our expert contributors offer a comprehensive collection of information, opinions, and speculation about indigenous use of DMT, the history and future of psychedelic research, and current DMT research. All this, to help us understand the nature of the DMT experience, and its role in human society and evolution.
The subtle combination of science, spirituality, and philosophy within the filmâ??s approach sheds light on an array of ideas that could considerably alter the way humans understand the universe and their relationship to it.


Pineal Gland DNA Activation 2012 Awakening

Some call it the 3rd eye or the mind’s eye, thepineal gland was the last endocrine gland to have it’s functions discovered as it is located deep at the center of the brain, almost hidden away like it were a secret from which comes the word secretion, which is what the pineal gland does. It secretes the hormone melatonin which affects our wake / sleep patterns, photoperiodic (seasonal / circadian) functions and also activates the dormant codons in our DNA often referred to as ‘Junk DNA’. Melatonin affects our biorhythms and the aging process …

The Pineal Gland is found to have piezoelectric calcitecrystals which act like transmitters or recievers to channel light or information coming through in waves from the centre of the galaxy or any other resonating transdimensional entities. What may seem as an unusual tickling sensation at the frontal lobe is simply the activation of the Ajna Chakra or the Pineal Gland. We are evolving into multi-sensory entities, beginning to see beyond the limiting 5 senses and awakening our 6th sense, the all seeing mind’s eye !

The Human Pineal Gland & the shifting human consciousness ….

Dr.Rick Strassman On The Pineal Gland in the Documentary DMT – The Spirit Molecule ….

Time to empower the spirit and connect with the Oneness in all creation !

The human brain also produces DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine) a naturally occurring tryptamine and potent psychedelic, found also in most plants … Dr. Rick Strassman wrote a book called “DMT – The Spirit Molecule” which describes the effects of DMT and how it is closely related to human neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin affecting primarily our dream state. DMT creates a dream state which is like slipping into a different realm(s), other parallel realities …







Jacob wrestles with an angel.






Jacob sees God face to face, and calls the place Peniel

And Jesus also identifies the place of enlightenment.


Jacob was filled with light at Peniel, because he saw God face to face, and God is light.



Your whole body shall be full of light says Jesus, and  the single eye or Pineal, secretes DMT into the brain, and DMT is an illegal hallucinogenic called dimethyltriptamine

So it would seem reasonable for us to assume that there is set apart from our 3 dimensional physical reality, a reality where God dwells, and which is only accessible when one transcends the limits of the human brain.

This in no way suggests that one should take drugs of any kind.



God has built in  DMT to the human brain, and it is available to take you where you need to go.

What you must do is consume yourself in meditation, and this is something that most people have a stiff reluctance to do.


When we previously discussed this element of God, or spirits ,or angels, or those who have passed on,  being accessible only when one is high preferably through naturally secreted DMT, we discussed the question of bread from heaven.


Scientific research tells us that manna is actually a hallucinogen.

Knowing this we should have a better idea where the bizarre Biblical stories come from.



This is so critically important because if indeed the Biblical prophets were stoned, and hallucinating, then our holy book is one that may indeed tell us of the bizarre nature of the sub atomic we refer to as Heaven, or the place of angels and God.

The manna is described in the Book of Exodus.


That is the description from the Bible concerning manna.

Found in the early morning, and if left , it rots, fills with worms, and smells.

Now compare this with the description of something not mentioned in name by the Bible.




The Bible description provides all the unique characteristics of mushrooms.

The  proposal is that the Biblical manna was actually mushrooms, and of course it became the food of the Gods, as it was referred to, because people were having hallucinations as a result of ingesting it.

It certainly gives the statement, manna from heaven, a whole new meaning doesn’t it?

No wonder Moses wandered in the desert 40 years, he didn’t want to leave !



The Biblical manna description is the same as the description of mushrooms, and the fact that this manna was kept in the most holy place as described  in the Bible,  gives credence to the fact that the Biblical prophets were high on something.

Let us look at the mushroom as a hallucinogenic from Wikipedia.

ABOVE. Mushrooms that  contains psychedelic substances psilocybin

and other psychoactive tryptamines.



Where it identifies a psychoactive tryptamine in the first paragraph, keep in mind that the drug secreted by the pineal gland into the brain is dimethyltryptamine.

ABOVE : Users experience a connection with a higher power. John Hopkins University

studied the spiritual effects.


I want you to look closely at the first paragraph above where people experience intense feelings of being connected with a higher power, and it is believed that this is what is referred to in the Bible as the Bread of God.


Now let us look at the results of the mushroom test at John Hopkins.

ABOVE : John Hopkins University test results. One third reported the most

spiritually significant experience of their lifetimes. Two thirds said it was among

the top five most significant spiritual experiences.




ABOVE: Bible, How manna tasted. Man ate angels food. It was kept in a golden

pot in the Holy of Holies, where only the HIGH PRIEST could get at it..


The evidence is very strong that the manna was mushroom, and that it certainly could be the source of the visions experienced by Bible writers, and prophets.



What I want to share with you is a fact, and a very important fact.

We are talking about  hallucinations, as being very possibly what we have been raised to consider as spirit, or God, or angels, or Holy Spirit, etc.

The hallucinatory drug DMT is naturally produced within the human brain.

Now consider this.

What is the scientific name for hallucinatory drugs such as DMT?



ABOVE: An entheogen is plant matter with hallucinogenic effects.  Alterations

of consciousness similar to those of shamans.

Hence Manna.




A plant substance which provides a hallucination is called an entheogen, which literally means something that generates God within a person.


Now what is also interesting, is that taking the wafer of communion which is certainly not a hallucinogenic experience, was approached differently in earlier times.

ABOVE: In early Christianity, the bread and wine of communion fits the description of an

entheogenic substance.

The Eucharist induced the Holy Splirit as a shared unity experience in the mystic altered state.

In order to pursue the reality of this I want to introduce you to psychoanalyst Dan Merkur



ABOVE: He obviously is a credible witness with good credentials.

Dan Merkur and his book


These are the various points that Dan Merkur makes in the book relative to his evaluation of the Bible, and its connection with hallucinogenics.

ABOVE :Secret teachings of Judeo Christian traditions promote the use of

psychedelic substances to enhance religious experiences. The manna in the

wilderness was psychedelic. Religious people over the centuries have secretly

known the experience of manna and what it was.

ABOVE: The traditions of visionary mysticism. Teachings of the ancients

Rabbi Moses Maimonides and St. Bernard spoke of special meditations to

be performed while partaking of the psychedelic sacrament.

These activities combine the revelatory power of psychedelics with the

rational exercise of the mind allowing the seeker to reach a state of

religious transcendence.



I researched Moses Maimonides and could not find a reference to the meditation which Merkur refers to, but of course that does not mean he did not find it somewhere.

I have read reviews of his book and I do not find anyone challenging him on this.

Let us consider the Bible for a moment, and let us consider the fact that so many people of this generation, and ones before who turned out to be significant contributors to the culture etc, turned out to be taking drugs.

Wouldn’t that apply to Biblical characters as well?


These are all psychedelic plants.

They certainly were around during Biblical times, and the Bible itself testifies to this fact.

It testifies to the fact that Bible heroes used psychedelics.




Leah was married to Jacob.

Leah and Jacob had a son by the name of Reuben.

A pretty young thing named Rachel broke that marriage  up and moved in  with Jacob.

Leah the ex wife moved out but lived next doorf.

This is what happened.

ABOVE:  Reuben gave mandrakes to his mother Leah. These are psychedelic plants.

Jacobs wife Rachel tells Leah, his ex wife  that she will let Leah sleep with Jacob tonight

if Leah will give her some of the Mandrakes.







This  tale of sex and drugs is recorded in the Bible, and in this particular case it was over a bunch of mandrakes.



Jacob, the hero of the Bible who was into wife swapping was also into smoking psychedelics.

Is it any wonder that the Bible has stories of him wrestling all night with an angel and then watching angels going up and down a ladder in the desert.

Think of that.

The guy in the Bible who had psychedelics used in his home, wrestles with an angel, observes  angels going up and down the stairs, and sees God face to face.




There is certainly enough evidence to suggest that some of the scripture we have been raised with, and consider most holy comes from the fried minds of people who were stoned on psychedelic substances.

That does not necessarily mean that what was written in the scripture was not true.

The things they saw. the really saw.

But how they saw them is fun part.



What it does mean, is that it is not true from a literal sense, but certainly can be pointing us to an alien world of very strange things that can only be reached when the mind is detached from the 3 dimension physical reality we occupy now.

But what have we taken as our directions for quality of life and moral standards?

We have great question concerning the origin of the things written in the Bible which is the foundation for so many people.

Is it possible that all of those strange things in the Bible were the result of people ingesting things that made them hallucinate

If you feel offended by the thought of Biblical people being high on psychedelics, ask yourself.

How else would it be possible for the human brain to allow you to see into the other world?


Don’t take drugs.

You already have yours in the pineal gland or single eye.

Go into meditation.

As Jesus said, when the single eye is activated, you will be filled with light.

Natural DMT from the pineal will open your window on heaven


Pineal Gland Our Third Eye: The Biggest cover-up in human history

The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye”) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.

The Secret : What they don’t want you to KNOW!

Every human being’s Pineal Gland or The third eye can be activated to spiritual world frequencies and enables you to have the sense of all knowing, godlike euphoria and oneness all around you. A pineal gland once tuned into to proper frequencies with help of meditation, yoga or various esoteric, occult methods, enables a person to travel into other dimensions, popularly known as astral travel or astral projection or remote viewing.

With more advance practice and ancient methods it is also possible to control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world. Yes, it is bizarre, but the United States, former Soviet Union governments and various shadow organization have been doing this type of research for ages and have succeed far beyond our imagination.

Pineal Gland is represented in Catholicism in Rome; they depict the pineal as a pine cone in art. The ancient societies like the Egyptians and the Romans knew the benefits and exemplified this in their vast symbologies with a symbol of an eye.

Pineal Gland reference is also in back of the U.S. dollar bill with what is called the ‘all seeing eye’, which is a reference to the ability of an individual (or group of individuals) to use this gland and go to the other side (spiritual world) and possibly control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world by knowing what they are thinking at all times in our physical world.

Various research being conducted so far confirms that there are certain periods in the night, between the hours of one and four in the morning where chemicals are released in the brain that bring about feelings of connectedness to one’s higher source.

The Conspiracy : How they are Killing your Pineal Gland

In the late 90′s, a scientist by the name of Jennifer Luke carries out the first study the effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland. She determined that the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, was a target for fluoride. The pineal gland simply absorbed more fluoride than any other physical matter in the body, even bones.
Pineal gland is like a magnet to sodium fluoride. This calcifies the gland and makes it no longer effective in balancing the entire hormonal processes through the body.

Various Researches every since have proved Sodium Fluoride goes to the most important gland in the brain? It’s the only thing that attacks the most important center of our gland in the brain. It’s prevalent in foods, beverages and in our bath and drinking water. Sodium Fluoride is put in 90% of the United States water supply. Water filters you buy in supermarkets do not take the fluoride out. Only reverse osmosis or water distillation. The cheapest way is to buy a water distiller.

Sodium Fluoride is in our water supply, food, pepsi, coke, to dumb down the masses, literally!.  The fluoride was introduced into the water by the Nazis and the Russians in their concentration camps to make the camp population docile and do not question authority.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I believe that if you take away the seat of the soul, this disconnects our oneness with our god and power of our source our spirituality and turn us into a mundane slave of secret societies, shadow organizations and the control freak corporate world.

I like to end my article with this quote..

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

– :Buddha


The very mention of the term “pineal gland” creates a mysterious aura. Renowned French philosopher, physiologist, physicist, natural scientist and mathematician Rene Descartes (1596-1650) called it “the seat of the soul.” Others believe it is the Centrum that carries the “life code” and conveys orders to the body. Recent academic studies have found that the pineal gland contains light-sensitive cells which function like those of the eye’s retina, testifying to the fact that the pineal gland can “see.” Thus, it is also known as the “third eye.” Modern research on melatonin production by the pineal gland has unraveled its mysteries to some extent.

The Pineal Gland and Melatonin

The pineal gland is a flat, cone-shaped organ about the size of a pea lying in the center of the midbrain. It reaches its largest mass during childhood, but calcifies and shrinks with age.

Melatonin production by the pineal gland is determined by the amount of light received, for the gland plays the role of a bodily clock, due to its sensitivity to light and regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. During nighttime sleep, melatonin levels in the body rise, reaching a peak between 11 PM and 2 AM, and then drop dramatically when a new day dawns.

Melatonin production is related to age, increasing at three months after birth, peaking at the age of six, and beginning to drop after puberty.

The Effect of Melatonin on the Human Body

Melatonin has a simple chemical structure, but it plays a decisive role in bodily functions, monitoring the work of the glands and organs, and regulating hormone production. It also controls over-stimulation of the sympathetic nerves to lower blood pressure and slow the heart rate, thus reducing the impact on the heart. It also alleviates mental stress, improves sleep, adjusts the body’s biological clock, relieves jet lag, strengthens immunity, increases the body’s resistance to germs and viruses, and prevents cancer and senile dementia.

Melatonin production is inversely proportional to that of serotonin, a chemical that constricts the blood vessels and acts as a neurotransmitter. The mind is most active during the day, when it runs wild and is distracted, resulting in an increase in the amount of serotonin required by the nerve cells. During the night or meditation, when the mind is less active, less serotonin and more melatonin are produced, and the situation changes. However, when the eyes perceive light, melatonin production is reduced. This is why night workers and those who sleep with the light on have a lower immunity to disease and a higher propensity to develop cancer than others.

Two studies in the U.S. have shown that bright light at night reduces melatonin production and induces estrogen secretion in women, which in turn increases the incidence of breast cancer among female night workers. Research on infants who died from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) found that the babies had underdeveloped pineal glands, which lowered melatonin levels and weakened the brain’s ability to deal with free radicals (molecules with an unpaired electron), thus making the brain vulnerable to free radical damage. Another study on children and adult hypochondria suggests that the melatonin levels of psychiatric patients are lower than those of healthy people.

The Origin of Melatonin

Melatonin exists in small quantities in many plant species, including oats, sweet corn, rice, ginger, tomatoes, bananas and barley. Intake of other foods such as kelp, soy beans, pumpkin seeds, water melon seeds, almonds, peanuts, yeast, malt, and milk helps to increase the body’s melatonin production.

Lower food intake ensures normal melatonin levels. Research shows that old mice given less food have healthy pineal glands like those of young mice, and can regulate melatonin production. Their melatonin levels are 80 percent of those found in young mice, compared to 40 percent for old mice without food restriction.


Although melatonin has a significant effect on the human body, no definite conclusions have been reached about whether melatonin supplements are beneficial to health. Research shows that melatonin production is higher in women who meditate. Big-toe exercises also stimulate melatonin production. Physical exercise during the day increases melatonin levels, while night exercises have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is advisable to eat less, meditate, exercise regularly during daylight hours and lead a disciplined life.




Pineal Gland and Flouride: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History

Pineal Gland and Flouride: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History

August 8, 2012 – The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye”) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.
The Secret: What they don’t want you to KNOW!
Every human being’s Pineal Gland or The third eye can be activated to spiritual world frequencies and enables you to have the sense of all knowing, godlike euphoria and oneness all around you. A pineal gland once tuned into to proper frequencies with help of meditation, yoga or various esoteric, occult methods, enables a person to travel into other dimensions, popularly known as astral travel or astral projection or remote viewing.
With more advance practice and ancient methods it is also possible to control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world. Yes, it is bizarre, but the United States, former Soviet Union governments and various shadow organization have been doing this type of research for ages and have succeed far beyond our imagination.
Pineal Gland is represented in Catholicism in Rome; they depict the pineal as a pine cone in art. The ancient societies like the Egyptians and the Romans knew the benefits and exemplified this in their vast symbologies with a symbol of an eye.
In the late 90′s, a scientist by the name of Jennifer Luke carries out the first study the effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland. She determined that the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, was a target for fluoride. The pineal gland simply absorbed more fluoride than any other physical matter in the body, even bones.
Pineal gland is like a magnet to sodium fluoride. This calcifies the gland and makes it no longer effective in balancing the entire hormonal processes through the body.
Various Researches every since have proved Sodium Fluoride goes to the most important gland in the brain? It’s the only thing that attacks the most important center of our gland in the brain. It’s prevalent in foods, beverages and in our bath and drinking water. Sodium Fluoride is put in 90% of the United States water supply. Water filters you buy in supermarkets do not take the fluoride out. Only reverse osmosis or water distillation. The cheapest way is to buy a water distiller.
Sodium Fluoride is in our water supply, food, pepsi, coke, to dumb down the masses, literally!. The fluoride was introduced into the water by the Nazis and the Russians in their concentration camps to make the camp population docile and do not question authority.

( via )

Sources and more information:

Fluoridation makes us stupid and unhealthy

Duh! I have read so much about fluoride and its dangers and if you have been following me for a while, you will know that I have blogged about this before. This study is just as scary as the rest of what I have said. Read on…. “A recent Chinese study concluded that low dose sodium fluoride in drinking water diminishes IQ, especially among…

Read more:

The pineal gland is outside the blood brain barrier, it has the second highest blood flow in the body, second to the kidneys. There is more fluoride in the pineal gland than any other organ in the body.
When Luke had the pineal gland from 11 human corpses analyzed, she found the levels of fluoride in the apatite crystals averaged about 9,000 ppm and went as high as 21,000 ppm. The average level is as high as you would expect in the bones of someone afflicted with skeletal fluorosis.
The fulvic acid in Shilajit makes elemental minerals more absorbable by complexing them (refines, purifies, combines and re-refines) into organic, ionic forms that are easily transported into and through membranes and cell walls. Once the nutrients meld into the fulvic acid complex, they become bioactive and bioavailable.
Consumption of Shilajit by humans for many years has shown that organic minerals will not build up in the body tissues as do metallic minerals. The following observations and theories describe the reasons why: Cells have the ability to accept or reject minerals, including aluminum, lead, arsenic, mercury, etc., at their discretion when presented as organic fulvic acid complexes.
The fulvic acid in Shilajit carries complexed minerals in “trace” amounts only, and should not be confused with metallic minerals. Fulvic acid has the ability to complex and remove toxic metals and other minerals from the system. After you consume one kilo of Shilajit you will be out of the matrix.
Want all the FACTS Buy the Book Shilajit in Perspective … 184265313X
If your body is not Ph balanced, it will reject most minerals.
These dim-witted, unscrupulous, hedonistic dejected street urchins are Spraying the Entire Globe with Barium Oxide and Aluminum Oxide under the guise that scientists have figured out how to reduce global warming.
Barium Oxide is a systemic poison that competes with potassium in the nervous system. It causes severe irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, tightness in the muscles of the face and neck, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, muscular tremors, anxiety, weakness, labored breathing, cardiac irregularity, convulsions, and death from cardiac and respiratory failure. Barium damages kidneys, blood and blood forming organs and the brain.
Barium also Knocks Out the Immune System
Aluminum is a protoplasmic poison and a pernicious and persistent neurotoxin. Aluminum affects diverse metabolic reactions.
Aluminum is Toxic to Osteoblasts and Directly Inhibits Skeletal Mineralization
Fluoride Exacerbates Aluminums Inhibition of Mineralization
Fluoride Helps Aluminum Cross the Blood-Brain Barrier
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The soft tissue of the adult pineal gland contains more fluoride than any other soft tissue in the body – a level of fluoride (~300 ppm) capable of inhibiting enzymes.
“It is remarkable that the pineal gland has never been analysed separately for F because it has several features which suggest that it could accumulate F. It has the highest calcium concentration of any normal soft tissue in the body because it calcifies physiologically in the form of hydroxyapatite (HA). It has a high metabolic activity coupled with a very profuse blood supply: two factors favouring the deposition of F in mineralizing tissues. The fact that the pineal is outside the blood-brain barrier suggests that pineal HA could sequester F from the bloodstream if it has the same strong affinity for F as HA in the other mineralizing tissues. The intensity of the toxic effects of most drugs depends upon their concentration at the site of action. The mineralizing tissues (bone and teeth) accumulate high concentrations of F and are the first to show toxic reactions to F. Hence, their reactions to F have been especially well studied. If F accumulates in the pineal gland, then this points to a gap in our knowledge about whether or not F affects pineal physiology. It was the lack of knowledge in this area that prompted my study.”
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 1-2.
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Metaphysics and philosophy
The secretory activity of the pineal gland is only relatively understood. Historically, its location deep in the brain suggested to philosophers that it possessed particular importance. This combination led to its being a “mystery” gland with myth, superstition and occult theories surrounding its perceived function.

René Descartes, who dedicated much time to the study of the pineal gland,[23] called it the “seat of the soul”.[24] He believed that it was the point of connection between the intellect and the body.[25] The relevant quotation as to Descartes’ reason for believing this is,

“My view is that this gland is the principal seat of the soul, and the place in which all our thoughts are formed. The reason I believe this is that I cannot find any part of the brain, except this, which is not double. Since we see only one thing with two eyes, and hear only one voice with two ears, and in short have never more than one thought at a time, it must necessarily be the case that the impressions which enter by the two eyes or by the two ears, and so on, unite with each other in some part of the body before being considered by the soul. Now it is impossible to find any such place in the whole head except this gland; moreover it is situated in the most suitable possible place for this purpose, in the middle of all the concavities; and it is supported and surrounded by the little branches of the carotid arteries which bring the spirits into the brain

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Solar Storms and the Pineal Gland – Riding the Wave

A very interesting read regarding solar activity and how CME’s affect us.
No doubt it has been discussed previously, especially the calcification of the pineal gland but never the less very informative.
By Adonai– July 14, 2012
According to study published in the New Scientist back in 1998, there is a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human biological effects.
The conduit which facilitates the charged particles from the Sun to human disturbance — is the very same conduit which steers Earth’s weather —– the magnetic field. Animals and humans have a magnetic field which surrounds them — in the very same way the magnetic field surrounds the Earth as a protector.
From 1948 to 1997, the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems in Russia found that geomagnetic activity showed three seasonal peaks each of those years (March to May, in July, and in October). Every peak matched an increased incidence of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and suicide in the city Kirovsk.
Electromagnetic activity from the sun affects our electronic devices and human electromagnetic field. We are physically, mentally, and emotionally altered by electromagnetic charges from the sun, our body can feel sleepy but also become highly energized.
Psychological effects of CMEs (coronal mass ejections) are typically short lived and include headache, palpitations, mood swings, and feeling generally unwell. Chaotic or confused thinking, and erratic behaviors also increase. Solar storms can drive our emotions and maximize it to both good and bad side – the point here is to be aware of it.
Pineal gland in our brain is also affected by the electromagnetic activity which causes the gland to produce excess melatonin, a hormone which can cause sleepiness but it’s also known that some people have opposite side effects, usually those that are aware of the effects.
Riding the power wave – pineal gland stimulation
Our pineal glands have excess melatonin production during solar storms – electromagnetic activity. Many biological effects of melatonin are produced through activation of melatonin receptors, while others are due to its role as a pervasive and powerful antioxidant, with a particular role in the protection of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.
Pineal gland is also referred as the third eye, and the third eye is also known as the inner eye. The third eye is a mystical and esoteric concept referring in part to the ajna (brow) chakra in certain dharmic spiritual traditions, in particular Hinduism. This concept was later adopted by Christian mystics and spiritualists as well as people from other religious faiths. It is also spoken of as the gate that leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. Among Christian mystics, the term is used in a broad sense to indicate a non-dualistic perspective. In New Age spirituality, the third eye may symbolize a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply personal spiritual or psychological significance. The third eye is often associated with visions, clairvoyance (which includes the ability to observe chakras and auras), precognition, and out-of-body experiences. People who have allegedly developed the capacity to utilize their third eyes are sometimes known as seers.
For the reasons most of you know – humans tend to have their pineal glands heavily calcified – sleeping.
Fluoride (found in tap water, toothpaste, processed foods…) is just one of the things that causes calcification of pineal gland. Fluoride is magnetically attracted to the pineal gland where it forms calcium phosphate crystals more than anywhere else in the body. How to decalcify pineal gland? One excellent link is here.
Third eye should be active, vibrant and strong… the process of decalcification sometimes includes headaches and sleepiness… – the same as they say for solar storms like the one in effect now.
Source … ower-wave/

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought,
but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Albert Einstein


There has been some controversy over the activity of adding synthetic fluoride to municipal water supplies and elsewhere, but not enough. The seriousness of this issue is more than what most realize. Fluoridation ranks with GMO’s and tainted, forced vaccinations among the great crimes against humanity.
Understanding the Different Fluorides
There are two types of fluoride. Calcium Fluoride, which appears naturally in underground water supplies, is relatively benign. However, too much consumed daily can lead to bone or dental problems. Calcium is used to counter fluoride poisoning when it occurs. This redeeming factor indicates that the calcium in naturally formed calcium fluoride neutralizes much of fluoride’s toxic effects.
On the other hand, the type of fluorides added to water supplies and other beverages and foods are waste products of the nuclear, aluminum, and now mostly the phosphate (fertilizer) industries. The EPA has classified these as toxins: fluorosilicate acid, sodium silicofluoride, and sodium fluoride.
For this article, the term Sodium Fluoride will include all three types. Sodium fluoride is used for rat poison and as a pesticide. According to a scientific study done several years ago, Comparative Toxicity of Fluorine Compounds, industrial waste sodium fluorides are 85 times more toxic than naturally occurring calcium fluoride.
Health Hazards of Sodium Fluoride
Generally, most fluoride entering the body is not easily eliminated. It tends to accumulate in the body’s bones and teeth. Recently, it has been discovered to accumulate even more in the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain.
This consequence of dental fluorosis, which seriously harms teeth, from daily fluoridation has been documented. Yet, the American Dental Association (AMA) continues beating a dead horse, promoting fluoride. There is a refusal to admit that instead of preventing tooth decay, fluoride causes even more dental harm.
The flood of sodium fluoride in water and food also creates other more serious health problems that are not widely publicized, even suppressed. Nevertheless, in addition to fluorosis, independent labs and reputable researchers have linked the following health issues with daily long term intake of sodium fluoride:
*Genetic DNA Damage
*Thyroid Disruption – affecting the complete endocrine system and leading to obesity
*Neurological – diminished IQ and inability to focus, lethargy and weariness.
*Alzheimer’s Disease
*Melatonin Disruption, lowers immunity to cancer, accelerates aging, sleep disorders.
*Pineal Gland, calcification, which clogs this gland located in the middle of the brain.
How Did We Get Stuck With Stuff?
According to investigative journalist Christopher Bryson, author of The Fluoride Deception, getting large quantities of sodium fluoride into the water and food system was a ploy of public relations sponsored by the industries who were saddled with getting rid of the toxic materials.
Fluoride was necessary for the processing or enriching of uranium. The pro-fluoride propaganda was started during the Manhattan Project to create the first atom bombs in the 1940’s. The spin was to convince workers and locals where the largest nuclear plant was located in Tennessee that fluoride was not only safe, it was good for kids’ dental health.
In the early 1950’s, the notorious spin master and father of advertising, Edward Bernays, continued the campaign for adding fluorides to water supplies as an experiment in engineering human consent! Then the AMA picked up on the dental issue and endorsed sodium fluoride’s addition to water supplies. The few dissenting health studies and reports were usually squashed. Those dissenting voices were dismissed as quacks regardless of their credentials.
Approximately 2/3 of the USA water supply is laced with sodium fluoride. Sodium fluoride is a common pesticide. So that residue is in some foods. Some sodas, packaged orange juices, and even bottled drinking water for babies contain fluoride additives. Buyer beware. Read your labels carefully.
Avoiding Fluoridation
Keep in mind that boiling only increases the concentration of fluoride to water more. But removing fluoride from tap water is not so difficult. Reverse osmosis works well for removing fluorides. If you own your home and can spring for the bucks, you can have one installed under the sink in your kitchen. That makes things very convenient for your fluoride removal from tap water.
If this is not your situation, grab a couple of large jugs and fill them up from reverse osmosis machines in health food stores, supermarkets, and other locations. There are several such machines around, usually labeled as using reverse osmosis, and they usually take coins. So it is the most accessible and cheapest way to go if you can’t install one where you live.
The Physiological Importance of the Pineal Gland
During the late 1990’s in England, a scientist by the name of Jennifer Luke undertook the first study the effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland. She determined that the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, was a target for fluoride. The pineal gland simply absorbed more fluoride than any other physical matter in the body, even bones.
Because of the pineal gland’s importance to the endocrine system, her conclusions were a breakthrough. Her study provided the missing link to a lot of physiological damage from sodium fluoride that had been hypothesized but not positively connected. A veritable root source for the chain reaction of blocked endocrine activity had been isolated.
Good news though. Frequent exposure to outdoor sunshine, 20 minutes or so at a time, will help stimulate a fluoride calcified pineal gland. Just make sure you take off your hat. This is more important than most realize, because the pineal gland affects so much other enzyme and endocrine activity, including melatonin production.
The 2012 Connection
First a bit about 2012, a date many have heard about. According to Carlos Barrios, anthropologist, historian, and investigator who was initiated as a Mayan ceremonial priest and spiritual guide, “Anthropologists visit the temple sites and read the inscriptions . . . but they do not read the signs correctly. . . . Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed.”
Carlos Barrios goes on to say that the transformation will be both spiritual and physical. The transition started in 1987. He says that we are in a spiritual transition from the rule of materialism, greed, and enmity to a new period of cooperation and peace – but not without difficulty. The current oligarchy is happy with what they have and don’t want to give it up, and they are powerful. The Mayans claim that 2012 marks the end of the period of the fourth sun and the beginning of the fifth sun.
Carlos points out that adversarial revolution against the ruling class will not work. It is up to those who want this shift to connect with others of like mind and begin actively creating networks of real cooperation. The old will crumble. The new period will dawn with its growing pains, the severity of which depends on our ability to accept what is happening and go with the flow. This, he says, requires evolving to unconditional love, with an open and simple heart, forgiveness, and cooperation with less ego competition.
Connecting the Pineal Gland to This 2012 Matter
Well, what does all this have to do with the pineal gland? A lot. It is considered a portal to the inner or higher self by yogi masters, including Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi. Psychics consider it to be the link for inter dimensional experiences. It is associated with what many call the third eye or sixth chakra, which is a doorway to higher consciousness and bliss.
And it is vital for supporting intuition, an ability that will be needed during hard times. So it is necessary to evolve spiritually in order to help create better understanding, acceptance of our fellow humans, and easier group cooperation. Meditation is a part of this evolving. That and a little sunshine, good rest and food, can cause a calcified pineal gland to loosen up and allow that portal to open.
An unusual psychiatrist, professor of medicine at University of New Mexico, and practicing Buddhist, Dr. Rick Strassman, MD, has written a book based on actual human studies of people under the psychedelic drug, DMT, titled DMT, The Spirit Molecule. He has discovered, among other things, that the pineal gland is a source of DMT production during birth and at death, and during near death or mystical experiences. This chemical approach corroborates the idea of the pineal gland as a portal, where the spirit passes through to other dimensions, either entering this physical realm or leaving it.
South American and Central American shamans use Ayahuasca, an herbal potion that stimulates DMT for psychological healing and spiritual initiation ceremonies. They have expanded their ceremonies with Ayahuasca by traveling throughout the world or opening their local facilities to non natives. They are doing this urgently in anticipation of 2012. Their desire is to jump start and expand individuals’ consciousness so the transition of consciousness will be facilitated and incorporate as many as possible.
This information is meant to link the physical realm’s pineal gland to higher states of awareness and other realms. The point is not to advocate or discourage psychedelic drug use, but to encourage health, meditation and spiritual growth by maintaining a fluoride free pineal gland. 2012 is approaching. Time to get in shape!
Fluroide: Friend or Foe? By Devid De Santo (
Germans and Russians Used Fluoride to Make Prisoners Stupid and Docile, by Devvy Kidd
Fluoride Accumulates in the Pineal Gland, by Sepp Hasslberger of Health Supreme (
Transcribed interview of journalist Christopher Bryson: The Fluoride Deception: How a Nuclear Waste Byproduct Made Its Way Into the Nation’s Drinking Water
Article by Ingrid Nairman highlighting Mayan lecture in Santa Fe, NM by Carlos Barrios
The Pineal Gland: Interface Between the Spiritual and Physical Planes?
The Fluoride Debate – (
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Ancient Egyptians and the Pineal Gland Connection

Blog by MistaPrimeMinista Blogging in Documentary

egyptian pineal gland Ancient Egyptians and the Pineal Gland Connection

If you are unsure what the pineal gland is or what the chemical DMT is you should watch “The Spirit Molecule – DMT” first so that you can fully understand the contents of this video about Egyptians and the pineal gland. In short, DMT is a molecule found in every living organism but when consumed in higher doses or when someone is meditating, DMT stimulates a gland in the center of our brain called the pineal gland. Ancient Egyptians seemed to have picked up on that and knew much more about our consciousness than us. As always, do not believe everything you see and hear, research and question everything and everyone, including yourself.


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The pineal is a superconducting resonator. Ananda claims it potentiates DNA as a multidimensional transducer of holographic projection, through hadron toroids, and is implicated in staying youthful. 5meoDMT & DMT act on the T-RNA messengers which carry out the protein synthesis for the DNA, or the rebuilding of our our body image and organs.
Melatonin is exclusively made in the pineal gland, comprised of the same Tryptophane base materials as Pinoline. Melatonin induces mitosis. It does this, by sending a small electrical signal up the double helix of the DNA, which instigates an 8 HZ proton signal that enables the hydrogen bonds to the stair steps, to zip open, and the DNA can replicate.
The human Pineal gland not only produces the neuro-hormone Melatonin, one of the body’s most potent antioxidents, but the revolutionary Pinoline, 6-methoxy-tetra-dydro-beta carboline, or 6-MeO-THBC. Pinoline is superior to Melatonin in aiding DNA replication. Pinoline can make superconductive elements within the body. It encourages cell division by resonating with the very pulse of life – 8 cycles per second – the pulse DNA uses to replicate. This 8 Hz resonance was measured in healers by Andrea Puharich in the late 1970s.
Ananda implicates DMT in the hyperdimensional geometry or architecture operating in DNA through hadronic mechanics, a model of the 8 hz, or universal phase-conjugational force, that is also the most coherent Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and the DNA replication frequency. He relates this to the sacred geometry of the Merkabah, Flower of Life, Sri Yantra, Diamond Body, and Vector Equilibrium Matrix.
The living DNA in our bodies operates in hyperdimensions. The entire body holographic message is present in the single DNA molecule, in order to be capable of reproducing the entire whole. The local 8hz field component is a standard tetrahedron interlocked with a second tetrahedron representing the counter-rotary field that it is phase-conjugating with, and together comprising a “stellated cube.”
Ananda has also investigated Dark Room techniques for stimulating the pineal with Mantak Chia.. Ananda developed, researched, and has taught the Dark Room technology for endogenous Pineal Soma and DMT production (Endohuasca), since 1992, upgrading his technique with Mantak Chia in 2000. Isolated from external light, the third eye (pineal gland) overflows with certain neurotransmitters that awaken the higher brain, the ability to imprint the brain, reprogramming itself for an “instant experience of Being.” The retreat reopens the sourcecode of embryogenesis.
5-MEO-DMT acivates the whole spine, the whole tree of life (Djedi, the staff of Hermes, the Caduceus of the spine) becomes active to be reprogramed. This is the accessing and awakeing of the tree of life, the kundalini (which is a readout of the DNA, and the DNA is the tree of life in miniscal). So one can start to process the illusion of the dream from its binary code into the Unity Self.

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Fluoride: Calcifier of the Soul

Sayer Ji
November 4, 2011

The Discovery

Research published in 2001 showed that fluoride (F) deposits in the pineal gland with age and is associated with enhanced gland calcification. Eleven aged cadavares were dissected and their pineal glands assayed:

“There was a positive correlation between pineal F and pineal Ca (r = 0.73, p<0.02) but no correlation between pineal F and bone F. By old age, the pineal gland has readily accumulated F and its F/Ca ratio is higher than bone.” Source

What Is The Pineal Gland?

The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain, and is sometimes called the “third eye” as it is a light sensitive, centrally-located organ with cellular features resembling the human retina.

One article describes the role of the pineal gland in more technical terms here:

“The role of the nonvisual photoreception is to synchronise periodic functions of living organisms to the environmental light periods in order to help survival of various species in different biotopes”  Source

The pineal gland is best known for its role in producing the hormone melatonin from serotonin (triggered by the absence of light) and affects wake/sleep patterns and seasonal/circadian rhythms. Like a tiny pea-sized pine cone it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres  and is a unique brain structure insofar as it is not protected by the blood-brain-barrier. This may also explain why it is uniquely sensitive to calcification via fluoride exposure.

More Than An Endocrine Gland

Technically the mammalian pineal gland is neural tissue, and the cells within the pineal gland – the pinealocytes – have characteristics that resemble the photorecetpor cells in the retina.

This has given rise to the opinion that it should be reclassified:

“In our opinion, the main trend of today’s literature on pineal functions–only considering the organ as a common endocrine gland–deviates from this structural and histochemical basis.” Source

The pineal gland has been a subject of much interest since ancient times. Galen described it in the 3rd century, and the philosopher René Decartes (1596-1650) identified the pineal gland as the “seat of the soul.” His explanation for this conclusion is quite interesting:

“My view is that this gland is the principal seat of the soul, and the place in which all our thoughts are formed. The reason I believe this is that I cannot find any part of the brain, except this, which is not double. Since we see only one thing with two eyes, and hear only one voice with two ears, and in short have never more than one thought at a time, it must necessarily be the case that the impressions which enter by the two eyes or by the two ears, and so on, unite with each other in some part of the body before being considered by the soul. Now it is impossible to find any such place in the whole head except this gland; moreover it is situated in the most suitable possible place for this purpose, in the middle of all the concavities; and it is supported and surrounded by the little branches of the carotid arteries which bring the spirits into the brain.” Source: Wikipedia

Decartes was one of the few philosophers who was experienced in vivisection and anatomy, and who righly pointed out the unique nature of the pineal gland’s location in the brain and blood supply.

The “third eye” is also a well known symbol in Eastern literature, and may be concretely grounded in the anatomical structure and function of the pineal gland.

Calcium Stones In the Brain

Pineal gland calcifications upon dissection resemble gravel, and are composed of calcite (calcium carbonate) and/or calcium hydroxylapatite, the latter of which is not unlike dentin or bone.  (Source)

Pineal gland calcification is associated with a number of diseases in the medical literature:

Alzheimer Disease
Bipolar Disease
Circadian Dysregulation
Hormone Imbalances: Low Melatonin
Low Back Pain
Parkinson Disease
Sleep Disorders


Fluoride As A “Therapeutic” Neurotoxin?

Now that it has been established that fluoride (F) exposure contributes to the calcification of the pineal gland, the question remains: what are the subjective affects of these tissue changes to those who undergo them?

Prozac may represent an archetypal example of how fluoride affects the personality/soul. This drug (chemical name fluoxetine) is approximately 30% fluoride by weight and marketed as an “antidepressant,” even while a major side effect of its use and/or withdrawal is suicidal depression.  Modern psychiatry often treats depressive disorders – the “dark night of the soul” – as an organic disorder of the brain, targeting serotonin reuptake by any chemical means necessary. Fluoride and fluoxetine, in fact,  may accomplish their intended “therapeutic effects” by poisoning the pineal gland.  Animal studies confirm that when mice have their pineal glands removed they no longer respond to fluoxetine.  Source

Perhaps the primary reason why Prozac causes a favorable reaction in those who are treated (poisoned) with it, is that it disassociates that person from the psychospiritual conflicts that they must normally suppress in order to maintain the appearance of sanity and functionality in society, i.e. it is control and not health that is the goal of such “treatment.”

If Prozac and other sources of fluoride in our environment deposits within the pineal gland, accelerating the transformation of functional pineal tissue into calcification, is it possible that it works by dehumanizing and flattening the affect of those who are under its influence?

How Do We Prevent Pineal Gland Calcification?

Eliminating exposure to fluoride is the #1 priority.  We can start by being careful about surreptitious forms of fluoride in Teflon, foods and beverages produced with muncipal water, tap water, infant formula, fluoride containing drugs like Prozac, toothpaste, etc. We have collected a number of studies from the US National Library of Medicine on natural substances which mitigate fluoride toxicity here.  We also have a section on our database dedicated to finding substances which prevent or reverse other forms of pathological calcification which may have relevance for pineal gland calcification here. Lastly, there is research on the potential value of magnesium and phytate in reducing pineal gland calcification which can be viewed here


View the Evidence: Ailments

Analysis: pineal gland calcifications are chemically similar to dentin and bone.

Click here to see the entire article

Pubmed Data : Ann Anat. 1995 Jul;177(5):413-9. PMID: 7645736

Article Published Date : Jul 01, 1995

Study Type : Meta Analysis

Additional Links

Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24)

Pineal calcification may contribute to melatonin deficiency and circadian timing irregularities.

Click here to see the entire article

Pubmed Data : Neuropsychopharmacology. 1999 Dec;21(6):765-72. PMID: 10633482

Article Published Date : Dec 01, 1999

Study Type : Meta Analysis

Additional Links

Diseases : Circadian Dysregulation : CK(518) : AC(8), Hormone Imbalances: Low Melatonin : CK(64) : AC(7), Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24), Sleep Disorders : CK(158) : AC(16)

Additional Keywords : Diseases that are Linked : CK(2162) : AC(265)

Patients with gradual onset schizophrenia had pineal calcification size that was significantly larger than those with sudden onset.

Click here to see the entire article

Pubmed Data : Int J Neurosci. 1992 Nov-Dec;67(1-4):9-17. PMID: 1305641

Article Published Date : Nov 01, 1992

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24), Schizophrenia : CK(247) : AC(29)

Additional Keywords : Diseases that are Linked : CK(2162) : AC(265)

Degree of pineal calcification (DOC) is associated with polysomnographic sleep measures in primary insomnia patients.

Click here to see the entire article

Pubmed Data : Sleep Med. 2009 Apr;10(4):439-45. Epub 2008 Aug 27. PMID: 18755628

Article Published Date : Apr 01, 2009

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Insomnia : CK(471) : AC(56), Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24)

Additional Keywords : Diseases that are Linked : CK(2162) : AC(265)

Fluoride deposits in the pineal gland with age and is associated with enhanced gland calcification.

Click here to see the entire article

Pubmed Data : Caries Res. 2001 Mar-Apr;35(2):125-8. PMID: 11275672

Article Published Date : Mar 01, 2001

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Ectopic Calcification : CK(754) : AC(113), Fluoride Toxicity : CK(142) : AC(40), Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24), Pineal Gland Diseases : CK(10) : AC(1)

Problem Substances : Fluoride : CK(224) : AC(33)

Physiologic pineal calcification is more common in children than previously reported.

Click here to see the entire article

Pubmed Data : Acad Radiol. 2006 Jul;13(7):822-6. PMID: 16777555

Article Published Date : Jul 01, 2006

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24)

Additional Keywords : Childhood Diseases : CK(10) : AC(1)

Pineal calcification (DOC) might indicate a decrease of melatonin production, which consecutively might lead to a disturbed circadian rhythmicity in the sleep-wake cycle.

Click here to see the entire article

Pubmed Data : Psychiatry Res. 1998 Jun 30;82(3):187-91. PMID: 9754443

Article Published Date : Jun 30, 1998

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Circadian Dysregulation : CK(518) : AC(8), Hormone Imbalances: Low Melatonin : CK(64) : AC(7), Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24), Sleep Disorders : CK(158) : AC(16)

Additional Keywords : Diseases that are Linked : CK(2162) : AC(265)

Pineal calcification and melatonin secretion may be linked to the pathophysiology of tardive dyskinesia and Tourette’s syndrome.

Click here to see the entire article

Pubmed Data : Int J Neurosci. 1991 Jun;58(3-4):215-47. PMID: 1365044

Article Published Date : Jun 01, 1991

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24), Tardive Dyskinesia : CK(40) : AC(6),Tourette Syndrome : CK(139) : AC(17)

Additional Keywords : Diseases that are Linked : CK(2162) : AC(265)

Pineal calcification plays a possible role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.

Click here to see the entire article

Pubmed Data : Int J Neurosci. 1992 Jan;62(1-2):107-11. PMID: 1342008

Article Published Date : Jan 01, 1992

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24), Schizophrenia : CK(247) : AC(29)

Additional Keywords : Diseases that are Linked : CK(2162) : AC(265)

Pineal calcification plays a role in relation to menopause in schizophrenia.

Click here to see the entire article

Pubmed Data : Int J Neurosci. 1992 Nov-Dec;67(1-4):1-8. PMID: 1305625

Article Published Date : Nov 01, 1992

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24), Schizophrenia : CK(247) : AC(29)

Additional Keywords : Diseases that are Linked : CK(2162) : AC(265)

Pineal gland calcification has been linked with stroke incident.

Click here to see the entire article

Pubmed Data : Lik Sprava. 2007 Apr-May(3):47-50. PMID: 18271180

Article Published Date : Apr 01, 2007

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24), Stroke : CK(540) : AC(47)

Additional Keywords : Diseases that are Linked : CK(2162) : AC(265)

Pineal gland calcification is higher in industralized societies compared with traditional ones.

Click here to see the entire article

Pubmed Data : Med Hypotheses. 2000 May;54(5):825-8. PMID: 10859694

Article Published Date : May 01, 2000

Study Type : Human Study

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Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24)

Pineal gland calcification with calcium hydroxyapatite may be inhibited by magnesium.

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Pubmed Data : Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper. 1991 Sep;67(9):837-44. PMID: 1725704

Article Published Date : Sep 01, 1991

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Substances : Magnesium : CK(827) : AC(116)

Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24)

Pineal gland calcification, lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration and abdominal aorta calcifying atherosclerosis correlate in low back pain subjects: A cross-sectional observational CT study.

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Pubmed Data : Bioorg Med Chem. 2003 Feb 20;11(4):483-8. PMID: 18215511

Article Published Date : Feb 20, 2003

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Aortic Calcification : CK(180) : AC(7), Low Back Pain : CK(234) : AC(24), Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24)

Additional Keywords : Diseases that are Linked : CK(2162) : AC(265)

The degree of pineal gland calcification is significantly higher in Alzhemier’s disease patients vs. other types of dementia.

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Pubmed Data : Neurobiol Aging. 2008 Feb;29(2):203-9. Epub 2006 Nov 13. PMID: 17097768

Article Published Date : Feb 01, 2008

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Alzheimer’s Disease : CK(609) : AC(160), Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24)

Additional Keywords : Diseases that are Linked : CK(2162) : AC(265)

There appears to be a premature pineal calcific process in schizophrenics.

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Pubmed Data : Eur Psychiatry. 1999 Jun;14(3):163-6. PMID: 10572342

Article Published Date : Jun 01, 1999

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24), Schizophrenia : CK(247) : AC(29)

Additional Keywords : Diseases that are Linked : CK(2162) : AC(265)

There is a meaningful association between the presence of enlarged pineal calcification and axial dyskinesias in bipolar patients.

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Pubmed Data : Int J Neurosci. 1990 Oct;54(3-4):307-13. PMID: 2265981

Article Published Date : Oct 01, 1990

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Bipolar Disorder : CK(157) : AC(18), Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24), Tardive Dyskinesia : CK(40) : AC(6)

Additional Keywords : Diseases that are Linked : CK(2162) : AC(265)

The gerbil pineal gland form calcium concretions in response to stress.

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Pubmed Data : Gen Comp Endocrinol. 1998 Jun;110(3):237-51. PMID: 9593645

Article Published Date : Jun 01, 1998

Study Type : Animal Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24), Stress : CK(434) : AC(60)

Anti Therapeutic Actions : Stress : CK(2) : AC(1)

Analysis: physical composition of pineal gland calcifications.

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Pubmed Data : J Inorg Biochem. 1993 Feb 15;49(3):209-20. PMID: 8381851

Article Published Date : Feb 15, 1993

Study Type : Review

Additional Links

Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24)

Additional Keywords : Hydroxyapatite : CK(3) : AC(3)

Parkinson’s disease may be a neuroendocrine disorder of circadian function involving dopamine-melatonin imblance and pineal calcification.

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Pubmed Data : Nutr Neurosci. 2009 Jun;12(3):135-40. PMID: 19145986

Article Published Date : Jun 01, 2009

Study Type : Review

Additional Links

Diseases : Circadian Dysregulation : CK(518) : AC(8), Parkinson Disease : CK(541) : AC(79), Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24)

Pineal gland calcification may contribute to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease and may reflect an absence of crystallization inhibitors.

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Pubmed Data : Taehan Kanho Hakhoe Chi. 2007 Apr;37(3):276-85. PMID: 19666212

Article Published Date : Apr 01, 2007

Study Type : Review

Additional Links

Substances : Phytate : CK(9) : AC(9)

Diseases : Alzheimer’s Disease : CK(609) : AC(160), Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24)

Pharmacological Actions : Antioxidants : CK(3508) : AC(1292), Neuroprotective Agents : CK(922) : AC(466)

Review: A preliminary study of human pineal gland concretions.

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Pubmed Data : Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper. 1990 Jul;66(7):615-22. PMID: 1964562

Article Published Date : Jul 01, 1990

Study Type : Review

Additional Links

Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24)

Additional Keywords : Hydroxyapatite : CK(3) : AC(3)

Review: comparative histology of pineal calcification.

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Pubmed Data : Histol Histopathol. 1998 Jul;13(3):851-70. PMID: 9690142

Article Published Date : Jul 01, 1998

Study Type : Review

Additional Links

Diseases : Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24)

Schizophrenics may have pineal gland calcifications which contain flouride.

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Pubmed Data : Arkh Patol. 2004 Jul-Aug;66(4):13-6. PMID: 15449681

Article Published Date : Jul 01, 2004

Study Type : Review

Additional Links

Diseases : Ectopic Calcification : CK(754) : AC(113), Fluoride Toxicity : CK(142) : AC(40), Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24)

Additional Keywords : Hydroxyapatite : CK(3) : AC(3)


The pineal gland and anxiogenic-like action of fluoxetine in mice.

Uz T, Dimitrijevic N, Akhisaroglu M, Imbesi M, Kurtuncu M, Manev H.


The Psychiatric Institute, Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1601 West Taylor Street, MC912, Chicago, IL 60612, USA.


Fluoxetine produces initial paradoxical anxiogenic effect in some patients. In an elevated plus-maze (EPM), fluoxetine triggers an anxiogenic-like effect in rodents. Behavioral responses to psychoactive drugs can be modified by the pineal gland. We assessed the actions of fluoxetine in the EPM in melatonin-proficient C3H mice, melatonin-deficient C57BL6 mice, and in sham-operated and pinealectomized mice. Mice were assayed 30 min after the first injection and on day 14. Protracted fluoxetine treatment reduced the time on the anxiogenic open arms and increased the entries into the safe closed arms in sham-operated C3H mice. Fluoxetine was ineffective in pinealectomized C3H or C57BL6 mice. It is possible that the pineal system contributes to the previously observed anxiogenic action of fluoxetine in humans.


Fluoride deposits in the pineal gland with age and is associated with enhanced gland calcification. – GreenMedInfo Summary

Abstract Title:

Fluoride deposition in the aged human pineal gland.

Abstract Source:

Caries Res. 2001 Mar-Apr;35(2):125-8. PMID: 11275672

Abstract Author(s):

J Luke

Article Affiliation:

School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.


The purpose was to discover whether fluoride (F) accumulates in the aged human pineal gland. The aims were to determine (a) F-concentrations of the pineal gland (wet), corresponding muscle (wet) and bone (ash); (b) calcium-concentration of the pineal. Pineal, muscle and bone were dissected from 11 aged cadavers and assayed for F using the HMDS-facilitated diffusion, F-ion-specific electrode method. Pineal calcium was determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Pineal and muscle contained 297+/-257 and 0.5+/-0.4 mg F/kg wet weight, respectively; bone contained 2,037+/-1,095 mg F/kg ash weight. The pineal contained 16,000+/-11,070 mg Ca/kg wet weight. There was a positive correlation between pineal F and pineal Ca (r = 0.73, p<0.02) but no correlation between pineal F and bone F. By old age, the pineal gland has readily accumulated F and its F/Ca ratio is higher than bone.

Pubmed Data : Caries Res. 2001 Mar-Apr;35(2):125-8. PMID: 11275672

Article Published Date : Mar 01, 2001

Study Type : Human Study

Additional Links

Diseases : Ectopic Calcification : CK(754) : AC(113), Fluoride Toxicity : CK(142) : AC(40), Pineal Gland Calcification : CK(198) : AC(24), Pineal Gland Diseases : CK(10) : AC(1)

Problem Substances : Fluoride : CK(224) : AC(33)


Ultrastructure and x-ray microanalytical study of human pineal concretions.

Nakamura KT, Nakahara H, Nakamura M, Tokioka T, Kiyomura H.


2nd Department of Oral Anatomy, Meikai University, School of Dentistry, Saitama, Japan.


We examined human pineal concretions and found them to exhibit a multi-layered concentric structure consisting of irregularly spaced dense and sparse zones containing fine crystals. The hydroxyapatite crystallites were shown to be irregularly outlined plate forms (measuring 11-70 nm in their longest dimension and 2-10 nm in thickness). At the center of each crystallite a central dark line was observed by means of high resolution electron microscopy. The structure and size of the crystals were similar to those of dentin and bone. The ground surface of the concretions was observed metallurgically by means of an electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA). The surface zones of the concretions contained a higher concentration of zinc, which seems to play an important role during the mineralization process, whereas calcium and phosphorus exhibited higher concentrations at the center.


Pineal gland

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pineal gland

Illu pituitary pineal glands.jpg

Diagram of pituitary and pineal glands in the human brain

glandula pinealis

subject #276 1277

posterior cerebral artery

Neural Ectoderm, Roof of Diencephalon


The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis, conarium or the “third eye“) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions.[1][2] Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the centre of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodiesjoin.


The pineal gland is reddish-gray and about the size of a grain of rice (5–8 mm) in humans, located just rostro-dorsal to the superior colliculus and behind and beneath the stria medullaris, between the laterally positioned thalamic bodies. It is part of the epithalamus.

The pineal gland is a midline structure shaped like a pine cone,[3] and is often seen in plain skull X-rays, as it is often calcified;[4] calcification has been shown in one small study to correlate with the accumulation of flouride. [5]

Structure and composition

Pineal gland parenchyma with calcifications.

Micrograph of a normal pineal gland – very high magnification.

Micrograph of a normal pineal gland – intermediate magnification.

The pineal body consists in humans of a lobular parenchyma of pinealocytes surrounded by connective tissue spaces. The gland’s surface is covered by a pial capsule.

The pineal gland consists mainly of pinealocytes, but four other cell types have been identified. As it is quite cellular (in relation to the cortex and white matter) it may be mistaken for a neoplasm.[6]

Cell type

The pinealocytes consist of a cell body with 4–6 processes emerging. They produce and secrete melatonin. The pinealocytes can be stained by special silver impregnation methods. Their cytoplasm is lightly basophilic. With special stains, pinealocytes exhibit lengthy, branched cytoplasmic processes which extend to the connective septa and its blood vessels.

Interstitial cells
Interstitial cells are located between the pinealocytes. They have elongated nuclei and a cytoplasm which is stained darker than that of the pinealocytes.

Many capillaries are present in the gland, and perivascular phagocytes are located close to these blood vessels. The perivascular phagocytes are antigen presenting cells.

pineal neurons
In higher vertebrates neurons are located in the pineal gland. However, these are not present in rodents.

peptidergicneuron-like cells
In some species, neuronal-like peptidergic cells are present. These cells might have a paracrine regulatory function.

The pineal gland receives a sympathetic innervation from the superior cervical ganglion. However, a parasympathetic innervation from the sphenopalatine and otic ganglia is also present. Further, some nerve fibers penetrate into the pineal gland via the pineal stalk (central innervation). Finally, neurons in the trigeminal ganglion innervate the gland with nerve fibers containing the neuropeptide, PACAP. Human follicles contain a variable quantity of gritty material, called corpora arenacea (or “acervuli,” or “brain sand”). Chemical analysis shows that they are composed of calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, magnesium phosphate, and ammonium phosphate.[7] In 2002, deposits of the calcite form of calcium carbonate were described.[8] Calcium, phosphorus[9] deposits in the pineal gland have been linked with aging.

Miscellaneous anatomy

Pinealocytes in many non-mammalian vertebrates have a strong resemblance to the photoreceptor cells of the eye. Some evolutionary biologists believe that the vertebrate pineal cells share a common evolutionary ancestor with retinal cells.[10]

In some vertebrates, exposure to light can set off a chain reaction of enzymatic events within the pineal gland that regulate circadian rhythms.[11] Some early vertebrate fossil skulls have a pineal foramen (opening). This correlates with the physiology of the modern “living fossils,” the lamprey and the tuatara, and some other vertebrates that have a parietal organ or “third eye,” which, in some of them, is photosensitive. The third eye represents evolution’s earlier approach to photoreception.[12] The structures of the third eye in the tuatara are analogous to the cornea, lens and retina, though the latter resembles that of an octopus rather than a vertebrate retina. The asymmetrical whole consists of the “eye” to the left and the pineal sac to the right. “In animals that have lost the parietal eye, including mammals, the pineal sac is retained and condensed into the form of the pineal gland.”[12]

Unlike much of the rest of the mammalian brain, the pineal gland is not isolated from the body by the blood–brain barrier system;[13] it has profuse blood flow, second only to the kidney.

Fossils seldom preserve soft anatomy. The brain of the Russian Melovatka bird, about 90 million years old, is an exception, and it shows a larger-than-expected parietal eye and pineal gland.[14]

In humans and other mammals, the light signals necessary to set circadian rhythms are sent from the eye through the retinohypothalamic system to the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) and the pineal.


The pineal gland was originally believed to be a “vestigial remnant” of a larger organ. In 1917 it was known that extract of cow pineals lightened frog skin. Dermatology professor Aaron B. Lerner and colleagues at Yale University, hoping that a substance from the pineal might be useful in treating skin diseases, isolated and named the hormone melatonin in 1958.[15] The substance did not prove to be helpful as intended, but its discovery helped solve several mysteries such as why removing the rat’s pineal accelerated ovary growth, why keeping rats in constant light decreased the weight of their pineals, and why pinealectomy and constant light affect ovary growth to an equal extent; this knowledge gave a boost to the then new field of chronobiology.[16]

Melatonin is N-acetyl-5-methoxy-tryptamine, a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan, which also has other functions in the central nervous system. The production of melatonin by the pineal gland is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light.[17]Photosensitive cells in the retina detect light and directly signal the SCN, entraining its rhythm to the 24-hour cycle in nature. Fibers project from the SCN to the paraventricular nuclei (PVN), which relay the circadian signals to the spinal cord and out via the sympathetic system to superior cervical ganglia (SCG), and from there into the pineal gland.

The compound pinoline is also produced in the pineal gland; it is one of the beta-carbolines.[citation needed]

The human pineal gland grows in size until about 1–2 years of age, remaining stable thereafter,[18][19] although its weight increases gradually from puberty onwards.[20][21] The abundant melatonin levels in children are believed to inhibit sexual development, and pineal tumors have been linked with precocious puberty. When puberty arrives, melatonin production is reduced.

Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in adults, and has been observed in children as young as 2. Calcification rates vary widely by country and tend to increase by age, with calcification occurring in an estimated 40% of Americans by their 17th year.[4]

Apparently the internal secretions of the pineal gland inhibit the development of the reproductive glands, because in cases where it is severely damaged in children, the result is accelerated development of the sexual organs and the skeleton.[22] In animals, the pineal gland appears to play a major role in sexual development, hibernation, metabolism, and seasonal breeding.[23]

Pineal cytostructure seems to have evolutionary similarities to the retinal cells of chordates.[10] Modern birds and reptiles have been found to express the phototransducing pigment melanopsin in the pineal gland. Avian pineal glands are believed to act like the SCN in mammals.[24]

Studies on rodents suggest that the pineal gland may influence the actions of recreational drugs, such as cocaine,[25] and antidepressants, such as fluoxetine (Prozac),[26] and its hormone melatonin can protect against neurodegeneration.[27]


Dr. Rick Strassman, while conducting research on the psychedelic dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in the 1990s at the University of New Mexico, advanced the controversial hypothesis that a massive release of DMT from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of the near death experience (NDE) phenomenon. Several of his test subjects reported NDE-like audio or visual hallucinations. His explanation for this was the possible lack of panic involved in the clinical setting and possible dosage differences between those administered and those encountered in actual NDE cases. Several subjects also reported contact with ‘other beings’, alien like, insectoid or reptilian in nature, in highly advanced technological environments[28] where the subjects were ‘carried,’ ‘probed,’ ‘tested,’ ‘manipulated,’ ‘dismembered,’ ‘taught,’ ‘loved,’ and even ‘raped’ by these ‘beings’ (one could note the strong similarities of these bodily tests/invasions in other psychedelic experiences throughout time, outlined in Graham Hancock’s “Supernatural”[29]). Basing his reasoning on his belief that all the enzymatic material needed to produce DMT is found in the pineal gland (see evidence in mammals), and moreover in substantially greater concentrations than in any other part of the body, Strassman ([28] p. 69) has speculated that DMT is made in the pineal gland.


All tumors involving the pineal gland are rare; most (50% to 70%) arise from sequestered embryonic germ cells. They most commonly take the form of so-called germinomas, resembling testicular seminoma or ovarian dysegerminoma. Other lines of germ cell differentiation include embryonal carcinomas; choriocarcinomas; mixtures of germinom, embryonal carcinoma, and choriocarcinoma; and, uncommonly, typical teratomas (usually benign). Whether to characterize these germ cell neoplasms as pinealomas is still a subject of debate, but most pinealophiles favor restricting the terms pinealoma to neoplasms arising from the pineocytes.

A pineal tumor can compress the superior colliculi and pretectal area of the dorsal midbrain, producing Parinaud’s syndrome. Pineal tumors also can cause compression of the cerebral aqueduct, resulting in a noncommunicating hydrocephalus.


These neoplasms are divided into two categories, pineoblastomas and pineocytomas,[citation needed] based on their level of differentiation, which in turn, correlates with their neoplastic aggressiveness. The clinical course of patients with pineocytomas is prolonged, averaging 7 years.[citation needed] The manifestations are the consequence of their pressure effects and consist of visual disturbances, headache, mental deterioration, and sometimes dementia-like behaviour.[citation needed] The lesions being located where they are, it is understandable that successful excision is at best difficult.

Metaphysics and philosophy

The secretory activity of the pineal gland is only partially understood. Historically, its location deep in the brain suggested to philosophers that it possessed particular importance. This combination led to its being a “mystery” gland with myth, superstition and occult theories surrounding its perceived functions.

René Descartes, who dedicated much time to the study of the pineal gland, called it the “principal seat of the soul.”[30] He believed that it was the point of connection between the intellect and the body.[31] Descartes attached significance to the gland because he believed it to be the only section of the brain which existed as a single part, rather than one half of a pair. He argued that because a person can never have “more than one thought at a time,” external stimuli must be united within the brain before being considered by the soul, and he considered the pineal gland to be situated in “the most suitable possible place for this purpose,” located centrally in the brain and surrounded by branches of the carotid arteries.[30]

Baruch de Spinoza criticized Descartes’ viewpoint for neither following from self-evident premises nor being “clearly and distinctly perceived” (Descartes having previously asserted that he could not draw conclusions of this sort), and questioned what Descartes meant by talking of “the union of the mind and the body.”[32]

The notion of a “pineal-eye” is central to the philosophy of the French writer Georges Bataille, which is analyzed at length by literary scholar Denis Hollier in his study Against Architecture. In this work Hollier discusses how Bataille uses the concept of a “pineal-eye” as a reference to a blind-spot in Western rationality, and an organ of excess and delirium.[33] This conceptual device is explicit in his surrealist texts, The Jesuve and The Pineal Eye.[34]

The notion of an inner third eye (attributed mystical significance) also occurs in ancient, central and east Asian, and new age philosophies.



Immunocytochemistry and calcium cytochemistry of the mammalian pineal organ: a comparison with retina and submammalian pineal organs.

Vigh-Teichmann I, Vigh B.


Neuroendocrine Section, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Semmelweis University Medical School, Budapest.


Morphologically the mammalian pineal organ is a part of the diencephalon. It represents a neural tissue histologically (“pineal nervous tissue”) and is dissimilar to endocrine glands. Submammalian pinealocytes resemble the photoreceptor cells of the retina, and some of their cytologic characteristics are preserved in the mammalian pinealocytes together with compounds demonstrable by cyto- and immunocytochemistry and participating in photochemical transduction. In our opinion, the main trend of today’s literature on pineal functions–only considering the organ as a common endocrine gland–deviates from this structural and histochemical basis. In mammals, similar to the lower vertebrates, the pinealocytes have a sensory cilium developed to a different extent. The axonic processes of pinealocytes form ribbon-containing synapses on secondary pineal neurons, and/or neurohormonal terminals on the basal lamina of the surface of the pineal nervous tissue facing the perivascular spaces. Ribbon-containing axo-dendritic synapses were found in the rat, cat, guinea pig, ferret, and hedgehog. In the cat, we found GABA-immunoreactive interneurons, while the secondary nerve cells, whose axons enter the habenular commissure, were GABA-immunonegative. GABA-immunogold-labeled axons run between pinealocytes and form axo-dendritic synapses on intrapineal neurons. There is a similarity between the light and electron microscopic localization of Ca ions in the mammalian and submammalian pineal organs and retina of various vertebrates. Calcium pyroantimonate deposits–showing the presence of Ca ions–were found in the outer segments of the pineal and retinal photoreceptors of the frog. In the rat and human pineal organ, calcium accumulated on the plasmalemma of pinealocytes and intercellularly among pinealocytes. The formation of pineal concrements in mammals may be connected to the high need for Ca exchange of the pinealocytes for their supposed receptor and effector functions.

[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Nonvisual photoreceptors of the deep brain, pineal organs and retina.

Vigh B, Manzano MJ, Zádori A, Frank CL, Lukáts A, Röhlich P, Szél A, Dávid C.


Department of Human Morphology and Developmental Biology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary.


The role of the nonvisual photoreception is to synchronise periodic functions of living organisms to the environmental light periods in order to help survival of various species in different biotopes. In vertebrates, the so-called deep brain (septal and hypothalamic) photoreceptors, the pineal organs (pineal- and parapineal organs, frontal- and parietal eye) and the retina (of the “lateral” eye) are involved in the light-based entrain of endogenous circadian clocks present in various organs. In humans, photoperiodicity was studied in connection with sleep disturbances in shift work, seasonal depression, and in jet-lag of transmeridional travellers. In the present review, experimental and molecular aspects are discussed, focusing on the histological and histochemical basis of the function of nonvisual photoreceptors. We also offer a view about functional changes of these photoreceptors during pre- and postnatal development as well as about its possible evolution. Our scope in some points is different from the generally accepted views on the nonvisual photoreceptive systems. The deep brain photoreceptors are hypothalamic and septal nuclei of the periventricular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting neuronal system. Already present in the lancelet and representing the most ancient type of vertebrate nerve cells (“protoneurons”), CSF-contacting neurons are sensory-type cells sitting in the wall of the brain ventricles that send a ciliated dendritic process into the CSF. Various opsins and other members of the phototransduction cascade have been demonstrated in telencephalic and hypothalamic groups of these neurons. In all species examined so far, deep brain photoreceptors play a role in the circadian and circannual regulation of periodic functions. Mainly called pineal “glands” in the last decades, the pineal organs actually represent a differentiated form of encephalic photoreceptors. Supposed to be intra- and extracranially outgrown groups of deep brain photoreceptors, pineal organs also contain neurons and glial elements. Extracranial pineal organs of submammalians are cone-dominated photoreceptors sensitive to different wavelengths of light, while intracranial pineal organs predominantly contain rod-like photoreceptor cells and thus scotopic light receptors. Vitamin B-based light-sensitive cryptochromes localized immunocytochemically in some pineal cells may take part in both the photoreception and the pacemaker function of the pineal organ. In spite of expressing phototransduction cascade molecules and forming outer segment-like cilia in some species, the mammalian pineal is considered by most of the authors as a light-insensitive organ. Expression of phototransduction cascade molecules, predominantly in young animals, is a photoreceptor-like characteristic of pinealocytes in higher vertebrates that may contribute to a light-percepting task in the perinatal entrainment of rhythmic functions. In adult mammals, adrenergic nerves–mediating daily fluctuation of sympathetic activity rather than retinal light information as generally supposed–may sustain circadian periodicity already entrained by light perinatally. Altogether three phases were supposed to exist in pineal entrainment of internal pacemakers: an embryological synchronization by light and in viviparous vertebrates by maternal effects (1); a light-based, postnatal entrainment (2); and in adults, a maintenance of periodicity by daily sympathetic rhythm of the hypothalamus. In addition to its visual function, the lateral eye retina performs a nonvisual task. Nonvisual retinal light perception primarily entrains genetically-determined periodicity, such as rod-cone dominance, EEG rhythms or retinomotor movements. It also influences the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the primary pacemaker of the brain. As neither rods nor cones seem to represent the nonvisual retinal photoreceptors, the presence of additional photoreceptors has been supposed. Cryptochrome 1, a photosensitive molecule identified in retinal nerve cells and in a subpopulation of retinal photoreceptors, is a good candidate for the nonvisual photoreceptor molecule as well as for a member of pacemaker molecules in the retina. When comparing various visual and nonvisual photoreceptors, transitory, “semi visual” (directional) light-perceptive cells can be detected among them, such as those in the parietal eye of reptiles. Measuring diffuse light intensity of the environment, semivisual photoreceptors also possess some directional light perceptive capacity aided by complementary lens-like structures, and screening pigment cells. Semivisual photoreception in aquatic animals may serve for identifying environmental areas of suitable illumination, or in poikilotermic terrestrial species for measuring direct solar irradiation for thermoregulation. As directional photoreceptors were identified among nonvisual light perceptive cells in the lancelet, but eyes are lacking, an early appearance of semivisual function, prior to a visual one (nonvisual –> semivisual –> visual?) in the vertebrate evolution was supposed.

[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

The Pineal Gland

What is it?

The Pineal Gland

The pineal gland, the most enigmatic of endocrine organs, has long been of interest to anatomists. Several millennia ago it was thought to be a valve that controlled the flow of memories into consciousness. René Descartes, the 17th-century French philosopher-mathematician, concluded that the pineal was the seat of the soul. A corollary notion was that calcification of the pineal caused psychiatric disease, a concept that provided support for those who considered psychotic behavior to be rampant; modern examination techniques have revealed that all pineal glands become more or less calcified.

Pineal Gland Anatomy

The pineal organ is small, weighing little more than 0.1 gram. It lies deep within the brain between the two cerebral hemispheres and above the third ventricle of the spinal column. It has a rich supply of adrenergic nerve fibers that greatly influence its secretions. Microscopically, the gland is composed of pinealocytes (rather typical endocrine cells except for extensions that mingle with those of adjacent cells). Supporting cells that are similar to astrocytes of the brain are interspersed.

Pineal Gland Functions

Pineal Hormones

The pineal gland contains a number of peptides, including GnRH, TRH, and vasotocin, along with a number of important neurotransmitters such as somatostatin, norepinephrine, serotonin, and histamine. The major pineal hormone, however, is melatonin, a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan. Melatonin was first discovered because it lightens amphibian skin, an effect opposite to that of melanocyte-stimulating hormone of the anterior pituitary. Secretion of melatonin is enhanced whenever the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated. Of greater interest, however, is the fact that secretion increases soon after an animal is placed in the dark; the opposite effect takes place immediately upon exposure to light. Its major action, well documented in animals, is to block the secretion of GnRH by the hypothalamus and of gonadotropins by the pituitary. While it was long thought that a decrease in melatonin secretion heralded the onset of puberty, this hypothesis cannot be supported by studies in humans. It is possible that the pineal contains an as yet unidentified hormone that serves that function.
Melatonin is the major hormone secreted by the pineal gland. (The pineal gland is a tiny endocrine gland situated at the centre of the brain.) Melatonin was discovered in 1958 by Aaron B. Lerner and other researchers working at Yale University. Melatonin is produced in humans, other mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. It is present in very small amounts in the human body.
Melatonin was previously known to cause the skins of amphibians to blanch, but its functions in mammals remained uncertain until research discoveries in the 1970s and ’80s suggested that it regulates both sleeping cycles and the hormonal changes that usher in sexual maturity during adolescence. The pineal gland’s production of melatonin varies both with the time of day and with age; production of melatonin is dramatically increased during the nighttime hours and falls off during the day, and melatonin levels are much higher in children under age seven than in adolescents and are lower still in adults. Melatonin apparently acts to keep a child’s body from undergoing sexual maturation, since sex hormones such as luteotropin, which play a role in the development of sexual organs, emerge only after melatonin levels have declined. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that children with tumors of the pineal gland often reach sexual maturity unusually early in life, presumably because the pineal’s production of melatonin has been hampered. Melatonin also seems to play an important role in regulating sleeping cycles; test subjects injected with the hormone become sleepy, suggesting that the increased production of melatonin coincident with nightfall acts as a fundamental mechanism for making people sleepy. With dawn the pineal gland stops producing melatonin, and wakefulness and alertness ensue. The high level of melatonin production in young children may explain their tendency to sleep longer than adults.
In mammals other than humans melatonin possibly acts as a breeding and mating cue, since it is produced in greater amounts in response to the longer nights of winter and less so during summer. Animals who time their mating or breeding to coincide with favorable seasons (such as spring) may depend on melatonin production as a kind of biological clock that regulates their reproductive cycles on the basis of the length of the solar day.

Pineal tumors

Pineal tumors are rare, occurring most often in children and young adults. The most common of these are germ cell tumors (germinomas and teratomas), which arise from embryonic remnants of germ cells. These tumors are malignant and invasive and may be life-threatening. Tumors of pinealocytes also occur and vary in their potential for malignant change.
Pineal tumors may cause headache, vomiting, and seizures due to the increase in pressure within the head that results from the enlarging tumor mass. Endocrinologic effects may also be observed. Some patients may become hypogonadal with regression of secondary sex characteristics, while others may undergo precocious puberty because of secretion of chorionic gonadotropin. Diabetes insipidus is frequently associated and is usually due to tumor invasion of the hypothalamus and posterior pituitary. Invasion of the pituitary stalk may interfere with the ongoing inhibition of prolactin secretion by dopamine from the hypothalamus, resulting in elevated serum prolactin levels, a finding that may lead to a mistaken diagnosis of prolactinoma. Treatment consists of surgical relief of the increased intracranial pressure and X-ray therapy.


How to Clean Up the Pineal Gland

Cleaning up the Pineal Gland is useful for those wishing to develop their multidimensional perception. The Pineal gland will naturally make its own DMT when fully operational and we will be able to remain in a visionary state most of the time. An awakened pineal gland brings the ability to consciously astral travel, explore other dimensions, foresee the future and receive communications from loving dimensional beings.

DMT is a component of Ayahuasca – a plant medicine from the Amazon that brings profound physical and heart healing through its purgative effects and the perception of other dimensions. Those that use this medicine go into a period of “work” where issues come into awareness and can be healed with the insights that come from DMT consciousness.

The advantage of cleaning up our pineal gland so it makes its own DMT is that we can be in a continuous state of spiritual “work” and we are spared the purgative effects of drinking the ayahuasca. Thus we no longer need any medicines as an adjunct to our spiritual lives. DMT is a totally natural substance that the human body will manufacture and distribute when it is in a healed state. Thus it would appear human beings were intended to be visionary beings and be able to tap into the information in other dimensions. This dimensional perception transcends the ego and rapidly heals our sufferings, conflicts and thus karmas.
Here are some basics for pineal detox:
1. Mercury – this is really bad for the pineal gland. Its poison. Dont let this get into your body. Mercury tooth fillings are pineal toxins. Have them removed. All medical vaccines are also mercury tainted. Thimersal (a vaccine preservative) is methyl mercury and is very difficult to get out of the brain once its in there. Avoid eating fish and bottom feeders such as shrimps and prawns. Tuna and dolphin meat is particularly bad for mercury – the bigger the fish the higher the concentration of mercury in its body tissue.
Eco light bulbs – if one is smashed mercury vapour is released into the room and inhaled. Avoid at all costs breaking one indoors.
Mercury can be removed from the body by the daily use of chlorella, wheatgrass and spirulina. Cilantro herb taken daily can help remove mercury from brain tissue.
2. Fluoride – in toothpastes and tap water. Its another heavy duty poison. Avoid it at all costs. It calcifies the pineal tissue and basically shuts the gland down.
3. Organic foods – some pesticides are pineal toxins. Organic healthy food with a high ratio of raw is supportive to pineal detox. Meat is not helpful either. Some people who channel seem to not be affected but for many the toxicity and density of meat will pose challenges and we want to make the work easy if we can.
4. Alcohol + smoking. Naturally these need to go along with the emotional attachments to using them (usually boils down to self worth issues or unresolved trauma).
5. Heart Healing – raises the overal vibration of the being and heals fear – a useful advantage for when we start seeing other dimensions.
6. Other toxins – if something is toxic do not put it in your body. If you cant say its name its most likely bad. Toxins include artificial sweeteners (aspartame K) , refined sugar, phylenanine (in squashes), E numbers beginning with 1, deodorants, cleaning chemicals, dental mouthwashes (saltwater is suffice) and  air fresheners.
7. Raw chocolate. Raw cacao is a pineal gland stimulant / detoxifier in high doses because of the high antioxidant content.
Being disciplined with steps 1-6 for a year or so will certainly bring about pineal awakening. Step 6 is optional but very useful too.
Love and blessings,
Free Spirit.


Fluoride & the Pineal Gland

Summation – Fluoride & Pineal Gland:

Up until the 1990s, no research had ever been conducted to determine the impact of fluoride on the pineal gland – a small gland located between the two hemispheres of the brain that regulates the production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate the onset of puberty and helps protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals.

It is now known – thanks to the meticulous research of Dr. Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey in England – that the pineal gland is the primary target of fluoride accumulation within the body.

The soft tissue of the adult pineal gland contains more fluoride than any other soft tissue in the body – a level of fluoride (~300 ppm) capable of inhibiting enzymes.

The pineal gland also contains hard tissue (hyroxyapatite crystals), and this hard tissue accumulates more fluoride (up to 21,000 ppm) than any other hard tissue in the body (e.g. teeth and bone).

After finding that the pineal gland is a major target for fluoride accumulation in humans, Dr. Luke conducted animal experiments to determine if the accumulated fluoride could impact the functioning of the gland – particulalry the gland’s regulation of melatonin.

Luke found that animals treated with fluoride had lower levels of circulating melatonin, as reflected by reduced levels of melatonin metabolites in the animals’ urine. This reduced level of circulating melatonin was accompanied – as might be expected – by an earlier onset of puberty in the fluoride-treated female animals.

Luke summarized her human and animal findings as follows:

“In conclusion, the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body. Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis by prepubertal gerbils and an accelerated onset of sexual maturation in the female gerbil. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in the timing of the onset of puberty. Whether or not fluoride interferes with pineal function in humans requires further investigation.”

Online Papers Fluoride & the Pineal Gland:

FULL TEXT – html: Luke J. (2001). Fluoride deposition in the aged human pineal gland. Caries Research 35:125-128.

FULL TEXT- pdf: • Luke J. (1997). PhD Thesis: The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland (298 pages)

EXCERPT – html: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford.

Articles of Interest Fluoride & the Pineal Gland:

Fluoride & the Pineal Gland: Study Published in Caries Research IFIN Bulletin, March 2001

Fluoride & Oxidative Stress: Yet more evidence FAN Science Watch September 30, 2004

Summation Fluoride & Pineal Gland: (back to top)

“The single animal study of pineal function indicates that fluoride exposure results in altered melatonin production and altered timing of sexual maturity. Whether fluoride affects pineal function in humans remains to be demonstrated. The two studies of menarcheal age in humans show the possibility of earlier menarche in some individuals exposed to fluoride, but no definitive statement can be made. Recent information on the role of the pineal organ in humans suggests that any agent that affects pineal function could affect human health in a variety of ways, including effects on sexual maturation, calcium metabolism, parathyroid function, postmenopausal osteoporosis, cancer, and psychiatric disease.”
SOURCE: National Research Council. (2006). Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. p221-22.

“In conclusion, the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body. Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis by prepubertal gerbils and an accelerated onset of sexual maturation in the female gerbil. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in the timing of the onset of puberty. Whether or not fluoride interferes with pineal function in humans requires further investigation.”
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 177.

Fluoride & Pineal Gland Never Studied before 1990s:(back to top)

“It is remarkable that the pineal gland has never been analysed separately for F because it has several features which suggest that it could accumulate F. It has the highest calcium concentration of any normal soft tissue in the body because it calcifies physiologically in the form of hydroxyapatite (HA). It has a high metabolic activity coupled with a very profuse blood supply: two factors favouring the deposition of F in mineralizing tissues. The fact that the pineal is outside the blood-brain barrier suggests that pineal HA could sequester F from the bloodstream if it has the same strong affinity for F as HA in the other mineralizing tissues. The intensity of the toxic effects of most drugs depends upon their concentration at the site of action. The mineralizing tissues (bone and teeth) accumulate high concentrations of F and are the first to show toxic reactions to F. Hence, their reactions to F have been especially well studied. If F accumulates in the pineal gland, then this points to a gap in our knowledge about whether or not F affects pineal physiology. It was the lack of knowledge in this area that prompted my study.”
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 1-2.

Fluoride & Pineal Gland Accumulation of Fluoride in Soft Tissue of Pineal Gland: (back to top)

“After half a century of the prophylactic use of fluorides in dentistry, we now know that fluoride readily accumulates in the human pineal gland. In fact, the aged pineal contains more fluoride than any other normal soft tissue. The concentration of fluoride in the pineal was significantly higher (p <0.001) than in corresponding muscle, i.e., 296 ± 257 vs. 0.5± 0.4 mg/kg (wet weight) respectively.”
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 167.

Fluoride & Pineal Gland Accumulation of Fluoride in Calcified Tissue of Pineal Gland: (back to top)

“In terms of mineralized tissue, the mean fluoride concentration in the pineal calcification was equivalent to that in severely fluorosed bone and more than four times higher than in corresponding bone ash, i.e., 8,900 ± 7,700 vs. 2,040 ± 1,100 mg/kg, respectively. The calcification in two of the 11 pineals analysed in this study contained extremely high levels of fluoride: 21,800 and 20,500 mg/kg.”
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 167.

Fluoride & Pineal Gland Analagous to Dental Fluorosis? (back to top)

“Fluoride is now introduced at a much earlier stage of human development than ever before and consequently alters the normal fluoride-pharmacokinetics in infants. But can one dramatically increase the normal fluoride-intake to infants and get away with it? The safety of the use of fluorides ultimately rests on the assumption that the developing enamel organ is most sensitive to the toxic effects of fluoride. The results from this study suggest that the pinealocytes may be as susceptible to fluoride as the developing enamel organ.”
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 176.

“Alongside the calcification in the developing enamel organ, calcification is also occurring in the child’s pineal. It is a normal physiological process. A complex series of enzymatic reactions within the pinealocytes converts the essential amino acid, tryptophan, to a whole family of indoles. The main pineal hormone is melatonin (MT)… If F accumulates in the pineal gland during early childhood, it could affect pineal indole metabolism in much the same way that high local concentrations of F in enamel organ and bone affect the metabolism of ameloblasts and osteoblasts.”
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 5.

“Any adverse physiological effects of fluoride depend upon the concentration at various tissue sites. Can pinealocytes function normally in close proximity to high concentrations of fluoride? One would predict that a high local fluoride concentration would affect pinealocyte function in an analogous way that a high local fluoride concentration affects: i) bone cells, since histological changes have been observed in bone with 2,000 mg F/kg (Baud et al, 1978); ii) ameloblasts, sincedental fluorosis develops following fluoride concentrations of 0.2 mg F/kg in the developing enamel organ (Bawden et al, 1992). The consequences are disturbances in the functions of bone and enamel, i.e., changes in structure (poorly mineralized bone and enamel). If the pineal accumulates fluoride at an earlier age than in previous decades, one would anticipate that a high local concentration of fluoride within the pineal would affect the functions of the pineal, i.e., the synthesis of hormonal products, specifically melatonin… The controlled animal study carried out in this study produce compelling evidence that fluoride inhibits pineal melatonin output during pubertal development in the gerbil.”
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 168-169.

Fluoride & Pineal Gland Earlier Puberty in Animals: (back to top)

“The section on the effects of fluoride on the physiological signs of sexual maturity in the gerbil was a preliminary, pilot study. There were not enough subjects to make any firm conclusions so an interpretation of the data is conjectural. However, the results do suggest that the HF (High-Fluoride) females had an accelerated onset of puberty as judged by several indices of pubertal development in rodents. At 7 weeks, the HF females were significantly heavier than the LF females (p < 0.004); as heavy as the HF males and LF males. The ventral gland in the HF female developed significantly earlier than in the LF female (p < 0.004). Vaginal opening occurred earlier in the HF female than in the LF female (p <0.03).”
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 173-174.

Fluoride & Pineal Gland Earlier Puberty in Humans? (back to top)

“The first step in assessing a health risk by a substance to humans is the identification of its harmful effects on animals. A health risk to humans is assessed using results from human epidemiological studies in conjunction with results from animal studies. The Newburgh-Kingston Study (Schlesinger et al, 1956) showed an earlier age of first menarche in girls living in the fluoridated Newburgh than in unfluoridated Kingston. The current animal study indicates that fluoride is associated with an earlier onset of puberty in female gerbils. Furthermore, more research was recommended on the effects of fluoride on animal and human reproduction (USPHS, 1991). This project has contributed new knowledge in this area.”
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 177.

Fluoride & Pineal Gland Mechanism of Action: (back to top)

“The most plausible hypothesis for the observed significant decrease in the rate of urinary aMT6s excretion by the HF (High-Fluoride) group is that fluoride affects the pineal’s ability to synthesize melatonin during pubertal development in the gerbil. Fluoride may affect the enzymatic conversion of tryptophan to melatonin. Although melatonin was the hormone investigated in this project, fluoride may also affect the synthesis of melatonin precursors, (e.g., serotonin), or other pineal products, (e.g., 5-methoxytryptamine). This would depend on the position(s) of the susceptible enzyme(s). For some unknown reason, pineal calcification starts intracellularly. Calcium has been demonstrated in pinealocyte mitochondria. Therefore, it may be a mitochondrial enzyme that is sensitive to the effects of fluoride, e.g., tryptophan-5-hydroxylase. Alternatively, fluoride may affect pinealocyte enzymes which require a divalent co-enzyme because such enzymes are particularly sensitive to fluoride.”
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 172-173.

Fluoride & Pineal Gland Discussion: (back to top)

“Fluoride is now introduced at a much earlier stage of human development than ever before and consequently alters the normal fluoride-pharmacokinetics in infants.

But can one dramatically increase the normal fluoride-intake to infants and get away with it? The safety of the use of fluorides ultimately rests on the assumption that the developing enamel organ is most sensitive to the toxic effects of fluoride. The results from this study suggest that the pinealocytes may be as susceptible to fluoride as the developing enamel organ. The possibility of a species difference between humans and gerbils does not allow the extrapolation of the gerbil data to humans. However, if increased plasma-fluoride levels cause a decline in the levels of circulating melatonin during early human development, significant physiological consequences may have already occurred. Changes in plasma melatonin concentrations are serious functional disturbances because melatonin has many functions in the organism. The pinealogists have not completely unravelled the mechanisms by which the pineal gland performs its tasks in the brain. The neurochemical phenomenon elicited by melatonin in CNS are unclear.

The first step in assessing a health risk by a substance to humans is the identification of its harmful effects on animals. A health risk to humans is assessed using results from human epidemiological studies in conjunction with results from animal studies. The Newburgh-Kingston Study (Schlesinger et al, 1956) showed an earlier age of first menarche in girls living in the fluoridated Newburgh than in unfluoridated Kingston. The current animal study indicates that fluoride is associated with an earlier onset of puberty in female gerbils. Furthermore, more research was recommended on the effects of fluoride on animal and human reproduction (USPHS, 1991). This project has contributed new knowledge in this area.

I do not intend to discuss the relative merits of the claims made by the anti-fluoridationists that chronic ingestion of low levels of fluoride has harmful effects on human health, i.e., increases the risk of cancer, affects the immune system, and hastens the aging process. These claims could be associated with the effects of fluoride on the pineal because the gland has been linked to oncogenesis, immunocompetence, and, in recent years, to the process of aging.

In conclusion, the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body. Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis by prepubertal gerbils and an accelerated onset of sexual maturation in the female gerbil. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in the timing of the onset of puberty. Whether or not fluoride interferes with pineal function in humans requires further investigation.”
SOURCE: Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 176-177.


The Pineal Gland – The Bridge to Divine


Part 1: Overview, Glands and Chakras

by Scott Mowry

Although we often think of the organs in our bodies, such as the heart, lungs and kidneys, as the most important for our survival, yet our glands may play an even more crucial role when it comes to the interaction with the soul and consciousness.

Our bodies contain numerous glands within them. The glands are vital regulators of the body’s energy systems and as is now being discovered, they have a direct relationship to our Divine origins as spiritual beings.

Perhaps the single most important and essential gland in the entire body system is the pineal gland, so named for its shape, similar to that of a pine cone. David Wilcock’s in-depth research has uncovered some amazing functions of the this gland and its relation to our spiritual bodies.

The pineal gland is located within the precise geometric center of the brain. And although larger in children, as we age, it reduces in size to that of a pea as it undergoes a gradual calcification process. The optimum size of the pineal gland, when fully engorged and activated, is that of a grape.


Glands are directly tied to the seven chakra energy points (pictured left) that begin at the groin area, move up through the body, and end at the crown of the head. The pineal gland is linked directly to the sixth chakra point, located between the eyebrows, which is commonly known as the “third eye.” French philosopher and scientist, René Descartesreferred to it as “the seat of the soul.” And for good reason.

What makes the pineal gland so important in terms of consciousness, is the vast amount of energy and blood that flows through it, more so than any other gland in the human body.

The pineal gland also is also the storehouse of imagination and creation. The very same rods and cones found within the eyes, can also be found within the composition of the pineal gland. With this similar type of physiology, the pineal gland allows us to visualize or imagine scenarios, fantasies, memories, dreams or any other visual constructs. Have you ever heard the expressions, “in the mind’s eye,” or “the third eye” or “the sixth sense?” These phrases are all referring directly to the function of the pineal gland.

The pineal gland is also responsible for secreting two extremely vital brain fluids related to our mental health. Those are,melatonin, which is the hormone that induces sleep, and serotonin, which is the chemical that helps to maintain a happy, healthy balanced mental state of mind, among other functions.

Anti-depressant drugs, such as Prozac and Zoloft, are often prescribed to raise the serotonin levels within the brain chemistry. While psychedelic drugs, such as LSD and DMT, (or Dimethyltryptamin, yet another natural tryptamine found in the brain), as well as, some shamanic substances, like peyote, ahuyasca and mushrooms, often mimic the chemical action of that of serotonin.

DMT is a natural substance found in many plant species and, although research is just in its initial stages, there is strong speculation emerging that DMT is produced naturally in the pineal gland, as well.

Hence, the “psychedelic,” hallucinatory or shamanic trips that are experienced when one takes these types of drugs or substances. The psychedelic journeys are all being accessed and experienced within the realms of the pineal gland.

As we grow older, the pineal gland begins to calcify from the numerous substances and hormones found in our foods including soft drinks, processed foods and refined sugars that contribute to this degenerative effect. There are even some who have uncovered scientific research that point to psyche drugs, anti-depressant, and fluoride in the water systems that may be causing irreparable damage to the pineal gland, as well.

(For products that assist to decalcify the pineal gland, see our Health and Wellness section Part 3.)

Within the last several years, there has been a growing suspicion that cell phones, with their dangerous radiation fields, may also be attacking the pineal gland and causing it great harm. Even computer wi-fi network routers are also being suspected as another harmful source to the brain and the pineal gland.

© 2009 MR, Productions, LLC

Part 2: History, Kundalini and the All-Seeing Eye

by Scott Mowry

Given all of these conditions, it would appear as if there has been a concerted effort, throughout many years, to actively shut down the pineal gland and render it inert, due to its supreme importance in its connection to consciousness, and thus, awakening. And there is ample proof to discover that the pineal gland has been widely recognized throughout history by all ancient cultures and religions as being of great significance.

In his amazing video lecture, “The 2012 Enigma,” David Wilcock covers in great detail, many of the ancient cultures and religions that have prominently featured the pine cone in their symbolism and iconography. And the list is astounding.

These include the Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Hindus, the Romans, the Greeks, the Buddhists, the Meso-Americans and most particularly, the Catholic Church and the Vatican, among many others.

In fact, the Vatican has constructed an area within its grounds known as“the Court of the Pigna,” or “Court of the Pine” (pictured right) and is symbolized by an extremely large statue of a pine cone that dominates the entire space. This pine cone statue is thought to be the largest of its kind in the entire world! Perhaps the Vatican knows more about the function of the pineal gland than it has so far revealed.

Research is now coming to light that the pineal gland contains within its structure a zirconium diamond, similar to that used in a radio, that can literally function as a transmitter device. In fact, it is now being widely reported that the cell phone industry is actively researching this very effect and may be attempting to harness its potential in future cell phone technology.

The zirconium diamond can be found in other animal species, as well. In birds, for instance, it acts as a sort of GPS device, that assists in the navigation process as they travel great distances in their migratory stages.

Is it possible that cell phones are or will be linking in to this zirconium diamond in the human brain when activated to create some sort of a super wireless transmitter? There is also a great deal of controversy regarding the mass construction of cell towers throughout the country that are contributing to the alarming levels of EMF (or Electromagnetic Field) pollution, along with the growing number of wi-fi networks.

As the serpent-like kundalini energy moves up through the body and climbs the ladder of the chakra points, it reaches its zenith at the third eye and the pineal gland. It is during this process that the super consciousness or Divine consciousness becomes activated. As this process unfolds, it opens up the third eye, or the mind’s eye, or the sixth sense, as it is known, which essentially is the all knowing, all-seeing consciousness. Again, we can clearly find the link between the eyes and the pineal gland.

This third eye opening would then explain the predominance of the symbolism

of the all-seeing eye, (also known as “the eye of Horus” from Egyptian mysticism), prominently featured on the United Statesdollar bill, (pictured right) as a prime example. A parallel connection can then be made to the symbolism of the ancient pyramids on the Giza plateau in Egypt, and other parts of the world, that often have missing capstones, also symbolized on the dollar bill.

The all-seeing eye, may well be making reference to the pineal gland as the key to awakening, while at the same time, the master of control.

Therefore, within the realms of the pineal gland may lie the secrets to anti-aging, time travel, teleportation, the astral plane, telepathy, etc., in addition to, the all-knowing, all-seeing consciousness. David Wilcock has even stated that the pineal gland may act as a personal stargate within us.

“We all have this stargate in our own brain which we access primarily through meditation and stilling of the mind,” he said in a recent audio interview with Project Camelot. “(By) allowing the obstructions to fall away so that we get this sort of natural, intuitive, bubbling-up, which most people think of is daydreaming, they don’t think it has any value.”

“But when you go in that meditative state where thoughts just naturally surface in your mind without really having to work for them, that is actually the feed from your sub-conscious, super-consciousness, that comes through the pineal gateway,” he added.

Part 3: The Sacred Mushroom, Enthogens and DMT

by Scott Mowry

Here is where the story gets even more interesting.

Believe it or not, there is a direct link of the pineal gland to the legends of Christmas, Santa Claus, Jesus and, once again, to the Vatican, and it all has to do with the magical powers of an amazing plant known as the Amanita Muscaria mushroom.

The Amanita Muscaria or the Flying Agaric mushroom is referred to as an entheogen, or, a sacred plant. An entheogen is defined as “a chemical substance, typically of plant origin, that is ingested to produce a nonordinary state of consciousness for religious or spiritual purposes.”

This particular species of mushroom (pictured right) is a strikingly beautiful, brilliant red in color with white polka dots on its cap, and a long white stem which features a skirt or veil about halfway down. Quite astonishingly, the image of the Amanita Muscaria mushroom can be found in religious and spiritual iconography throughout many ancient civilizations, just as the pine cone/pineal gland symbolism.

The Amanita Muscaria mushroom contains a very high concentration of DMT and is considered to be the most naturally potent forms to be found in all of nature. It has been used in ancient rituals for thousands of years to induce an altered state of consciousness, or a “psychedelic” experience.

DMT is found in thousands of other plant species and is also the main ingredient in other shamanic potions such as the aforementioned ayuasca and peyote.

In so-called modern times, a psychedelic experience has often been negatively associated with drugs such as LSD or “acid,” emanating from the Hippie Movement of the 1960’s, yet the more accurate definition has ancient origins. In Latin, “psyche” means “mind,” while “delic,” or “delos,” means to “make clear or visible.” Therefore, psychedelic literally means “making the mind clear or visible.”

These sacred plants have been used in mystical ceremonies and often administered by a shaman, or a medicine man, to activate the pineal gland and take one on a psychedelic, spiritual experience that can be consciousness expanding and life-altering for the participant.


British scholar, philologist, author and Dead Sea Scrolls researcher, John Marco Allegro detailed the secret powers of the Amanita Muscaria mushroom in his amazing, yet controversial, book, “The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross,”(pictured left) originally published in 1970. This book has been out of print since 1985, however, efforts are now being made to re-release it sometime in 2009.

“The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross” sought to closely examine the myths of Jesus, the Bible, Christianity and other religions, and the role that the mushroom has played within religious or spiritual traditions by dispelling the myths from the historical records.

It basically set forth the notion that Christianity was nothing more than an off-shoot of astrotheology, and that the origins of Christian myths date back to ancient drug and fertility cults that relied heavily upon the symbolic representations of the psychedelic powers of the Amanita Muscaria mushroom.

Mr. Allegro was roundly criticized and his scholarly career ruined by those who vehemently disagreed with his research, particularly from Christian organizations and the Vatican. Yet, there has been a new found appreciation of his pioneering work, thanks in large part to the efforts of an organization known as Gnostic Media.

Gnostic Media has created an excellent video reviewing much of the research uncovered in “The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross” that is entitled “The Pharmacratic Inquisition,” produced by the team of Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit.

There are two different versions of “The Pharmacratic Inquisition,” the first incarnation being a lecture format released in 2004, while the second, “The Online Edition,” is a more polished video production and was re-released in 2007. Both are highly recommended.

“The Pharmacratic Inquisition” pre-dates a similarly themed film, “Zeitgeist,” by two years, which has become an internet sensation in 2006 and also is highly recommended. In addition, the Gnostic Media team has written a companion book to “The Pharmacratic Inquisition” entitled, “Astrotheology and Shamanism: Unveiling the Law of Duality in Christianity and Other Religions.”

Jan Irvin also released his latest book in 2009 entitled, “The Holy Mushroom: Evidence of Mushrooms in Judeo-Christianity: A critical re-evaluation of the schism between John M. Allegro and R. Gordon Wasson over the theory on the entheogenic origins of Christianity presented in the Sacred Mushroom and the Cross”.

Part 4: The Legends of Christmas and Santa Claus

by Scott Mowry

The correlation of the Amanita Muscaria mushroom to the story of Christmas and Santa Claus is a truly fascinating tale. The legend, or more accurately, the myth of Christmas, began very differently from what we have come to believe in today.

Saint Nicholas (270-346 AD), it was said, was a real person and widely recognized as an actual Christian saint. He has origins in Greece around the third century AD. Saint Nicholas,
(pictured left), became well known as the patron saint of sailors, and most especially, of children. His popularity became widespread throughout Russia, and, most particularly, Siberia.

It is purported that Saint Nicholas was perscecuted for his Christian faith by the brutal Roman Emporer Diocletian (284-305 AD). Yet, perhaps, the story of his oppression may be more about supporting the Christian myth, than to historical accuracy, simply due to the fact that this appears to be a common thread. Wherein there have been numerous distortions and outright falsehoods centered around the legend of Christmas.

Somewhere along the way, Saint Nicholas morphed into Saint Nick, and eventually, so we are told, he became the origin of our modern day version of Santa Claus. Again, this blantanly appears to be more Christian myth, than reality.

However, when you add in the birth of the Jesus Christ into the mix, then religion drastically blurs the facts to support the Christian dogma, as put forth most notably by the Catholic Church. Christian mythology tells us that the holiday of Christmas is to commerate the alledged birth of Christ on Decmber 25th. Yet many alternative scholars have pinpointed his actual birth at around August 8th.

The Christian version of the birth of Jesus; ie, born of a virgin, in a manger, attended by three wise men, etc., is one that is often repeated throughout history, and may actually be based upon paganism and the astrological movement of the planets, Sun and stars. The film, “Zeitgeist” offers futher perspectives on the astonishing similiarites of the life of Jesus, to that of other significant religious figures, such as Horus, Krishna, Dionysus, Mithra and others.

However, in parts of eastern Siberia, a much different tradition was honored at this momentous time of year we have come to know as Christmas. In these ancient villages, the tribal shaman or medicine man, would be the one to co-ordinate a celebration that was meant to mark an act of expanding consciousness.

During those times, it was a tradition for the shaman to venture out into the forest in search

of the Amanita Muscaria mushrooms, which were found growing primarily under pine or evergreen trees. The shaman would collect the mushrooms into a sack or satchel for all the people of his village, as part of this celebration. In keeping with the ritual, the shaman would be dressed in a red and white clothing,(pictured right), sometimes with white fur around the collar, to symbolize the colors of the Amanita Muscaria mushroom.

The people of his village all lived in yurts, which were tent-like structures covered with reindeer skins. In the winter time, the main entrance to the yurts would often become buried in deep, heavy snow. So, out of necessity, the shaman would have to enter the home through the secondary entrance, which would be found at the top of the roof or the smoke hole, which would be considered to be the chimney in a modern home.

The shaman entering through the chimney was seen as both a symbolic, as well as, a necessary gesture, as he came bearing his gifts of the sacred Amanita Muscaria mushrooms, as if descending down from the heavens. Hence the legend of Santa Claus entering the home by way of the chimney.

Once the shaman delivered his “presents” to his villagers, the mushrooms would then be hung to dry above the home fires or the fireplace, suspended from strings or stockings. The shaman himself, may have even have placed them on the pine trees to dry in the sun, as he gathered them in the forest. Thus, our tradition of hanging stockings by the fireplace and placing brightly colored ornaments on the green Christmas tree.

The mushroom itself, (pictured below), could be seen as a symbol for the shaman (pictured above), or Santa

Claus, with its red and white cap (Santa’s hat), the long white stem with the hanging skirt (Santa’s beard) and the soiled black roots (Santa’s black boots).

To add even more irony to the story, it turns out that caribou, or reindeer, are also fond of eating the Amanita Muscaria mushrooms and just as humans, they too experience a psychedelic euphoria and may wander about high on a psychedelic experience of their own. Therefore, this is where the legend of Santa and his “flying” reindeer that pull his sleigh across the night sky on Christmas Eve comes into play.

So in essence, Christmas, at is

very incepetion, actually represents a celebration of expanding consciousness, as symbolized by the green pine tree/Christmas tree, aka, the pine cone, aka, the pineal gland. The pine tree also serves as symbology for the “Tree of Life”or the “World Tree”, while the lights or garlands we wrap around it represent the kundalini energy rising up the chakra ladder, or, the tree found within the human body.

While the colors of red and white would symbolize the shaman, (aka Santa Claus), or the gifts found under the tree, or in other words, the Amanita Muscaria mushroom that are found growing under the pine or evergreen tree.

In fact, it used to be traditional for the red and white mushroom to often be depicted in antique Christmas imagery (pictured below), such as cards, ornaments, elves, fairies, etc.

While the modern day image of Santa Claus (pictured left) that we have come to accept in this country, essentially was spawned in the marketing department of the Coca-Cola company in the 1930’s, as a ploy to sell more Coke to children. And as was noted earlier, soft drinks, such as Coca-Cola, are some of the main inhibitors in the healthy function of the pineal gland.

Coincidence? You decide.

So thus, the legend of Santa Claus, which was once strongly associated with a celebration of expanding consciousness in the pineal gland though the sacred mushroom and DMT, was rechristend by a soft drink company, whose ingredients are known to contribute to the calcification of said pineal gland.

Regardless, it is undeniable that the celebration of Christmas has lost much of its spiritual, and even to some extent its religious importance and has become completely overshadowed by its commercial significance. Once again, another common thread that now runs through all holidays such as Easter, Halloween, Valentine’s Day and even, to a lesser degree, our own birthdays.

The commercialization of religious holidays can be traced back to the implementation of the Gregorian calendar, which significantly altered the concept of time as was practised and followed by indigenous peoples around the world.

Particularly, the Mayan calendar, which were destroyed on orders by the Spanish King, who just happened to be the head of the Holy Roman Empire.

Part 5: Jesus and the Sacred Mushroom

by Scott Mowry

We have already seen how the Catholic Church has placed extreme importance upon the pine cone symbolism in their Court of Pine (found in Part 2) with their gigantic pine cone statue within the grounds of Vatican City. Well, as it so happens, the Catholic Church places equal significance upon the Amanita Muscaria mushroom, believe it or not.

As a matter of fact, just as Siberian shaman dressed in a clothing to resemble the sacred mushroom, so do the Cardinals and Bishops within the Catholic Church, and even on occasion, the Pope himself.

Their traditional style of dress includes a cap or beanie worn upon the top of the head, a red shawl or cape over the upper body, a white apron or skirt upon the lower body, and a pair black shoes to complete the ensemble. You can compare the Cardinal’s dress in the photo above with that of the mushroom and see how strikingly similar they are. Surely, this is not a coincidence.

What possible reason would a Catholic cardinal have to dress like an Amanita Muscaria

mushroom, of all things?

That question can be answered always the same, time and time again, when it comes to uncovering sacred knowledge: the clues are always strategically hidden in plain sight.

By dressing in this manner, the Vatican is symbolizing that it posseses the sacred powers of the mushroom, but would never, ever openly acknowledge these secrets to its followers, as it has kept hidden countless other great spiritual secrets of the world.

Afterall, the Vatican secret archives are proported to stretch some sixty miles of underground catacombs beneath Vatican City, which likely contain inumerable treasures that could free mankind of spiritual slavery.

In the latest film from the Da Vinci Code series, “Angels & Demons,” we are given just a glimpse of what could be stored within the massive underground chambers, which may soon be revealed to the people of the world, perhaps as early as the year 2012.

Yet the Vatican can blatantly display and mock their power over those who have no idea of these great secrets that can be found all around us. Sometimes as close as the nearby forest, to name but one. And it only takes the sacred knowledge to unlock those secrets.

But this is not the end of the mushroom symbolism for it continues on in the story of Jesus Christ, the Son of “sun” of God, as well.

In ancient religious iconography, the mushroom is often symbolized by a cross. In turn, the image of Jesus crucified on the cross is remarkedly similar to the compostion of the Amanita Muscaria mushroom.

From the top of the head of Jesus, where we find the crown of thorns, we see a similar image on the cap of the mushroom where white speckles remain from its separation from the egg stage as the mushroom grows.

Secondly, Jesus’ arms spread out on the horizontal section of the cross is representative of the veil of the mushroom. Moving down the body of Jesus we find a sash or cloth covering his pelvis, which is quite similar the the skirt that is found about half way down the stem of the mushroom.

Finally, as Jesus has been nailed to the cross with his feet on top of one another, this essentially portrays him standing upon one leg. This would be representative of the long stem of the Amanita Muscaria mushroom holding up the cap.

If we also examine the halo often found in religious art that surrounds the head of Jesus and other saints, these are commonly assumed to contain rays of the sun. Yet there is a striking similarity to the underside of the cap of the mushroom, which portrays an intricate spoke pattern within its wheel.

Therefore, it is not a stretch to believe that the halo is not reprensentative of the sun, but rather yet another symbol for the sacred mushroom.

Religion and psychedelic journeys of the mind –– not that distant of cousins afterall. And it is all there for you to see. Just check the ancient clues and you will find them.

© 2009 MR, Productions, LLC


The Pineal Gland

The pineal gland was called the “third eye” by ancient people. It was thought to have mystical powers. This may be why the French philosopher Descartes decided that the pineal gland was the seat of the human soul, the location of what we call the mind. The pineal does contain a complete map of the visual field of the eyes, and it plays several significant roles in human functioning.

Also called the pineal body or epiphysis cerebri, the pineal gland is important to this discussion for two reasons. First, it is the center for the production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is implicated in a wide range of human activities. It regulates daily body rhythms, most notably the day/night cycle (circadian rhythms). Melatonin is released in the dark, during sleep. The recent melatonin craze sweeping through the health conscious community makes claims that the hormone slows the aging process (a defense against free radicals), prevents jet lag, is implicated in seasonal affective disorder, coordinates fertility, and allows for deep restful sleep patterns.

Melatonin is a very ancient hormone that is found throughout the animal kingdom. In reptiles and birds the pineal is close to the skin and needs no interaction with the eye to register day/night cycles (this is where the notion of the ‘third eye” comes from). In these animals, the pineal gland is the master clock. In mammals, however, the pineal gland is subordinate to the eye/SCN system. Light severely curtails the production of melatonin.

Melatonin has been shown to inhibit the growth and metastasis of some tumors in experimental animals, and may therefore play a role in cancer inhibition. Removal of the pineal gland and/or reduction in melatonin output have been implicated in the increased incidence of breast cancer in laboratory animals. Patients who have breast cancer have lower levels of melatonin in the blood. The hormone has also been shown to be protective against genetic damage, and it has a stimulatory effect on the immune system.

The anticancer role of melatonin in humans is not established yet, but in a study involving blind women, melatonin production was found to be higher at all times. This finding was associated with the finding that breast cancer in this study was correspondingly lower for these blind women compared to the general population.

The pineal gland has been implicated in a number of disorders including cancer, sexual dysfunction, hypertension, epilepsy, and Paget’s disease. The pineal gland calcifies with age and melatonin production correspondingly decreases. This decline in melatonin has been suggested to be a trigger for the aging process.

Environmental stresses affect pineal function, impacting overall body alertness, temperature levels, and hormone operation. Stresses that affect pineal function include unusual light and dark rhythms, radiation, magnetic fields, nutritional imbalances, temperature swings, high altitude, and overall daily stress patterns.

Melatonin, if any of these claims turn out to be substantial, is a powerful body chemical, with important implications for human functioning, especially (I would suggest) for blind and visually impaired individuals. If light inhibits melatonin production, then blind individuals lack a mechanism for balancing the melatonin levels in the blood.

Melatonin overload may be related to seasonal affective disorder, the depression some people feel during the overcast, short days of the winter months (when there is minimal sunlight). Are blind individuals more susceptible to depression because of a melatonin imbalance?

I’ve worked with enough blind children to know that their sleep patterns get all messed up. We usually tell parents that the reason is simply a lack of feedback about when day has set and night is here. We establish a routine for the blind students that replaces the natural rhythm. The role of melatonin may be important for these children. We may be able to help them sleep better and in a more balanced rhythm using medications to counter the excess melatonin in their blood streams. This is not an endorsement of drug therapy, only speculation as to whether its use would be helpful. For further discussion of sleep disorders associated with circadian rhythm interruption see the section on the hypothalamus.

Studies do show that partially sighted eyes may still maintain subconscious awareness of light or its absence. For these people, the circadian rhythms established by the pineal gland are intact. For totally blind individuals, with no subconscious feedback to the pineal gland, there may be periods of severe insomnia, or they may fall asleep at unusual times (like during math class).


The second reason for interest in the pineal gland is that it contains magnetic material in birds and other animals. It is a center for navigation. This, of course, is important for blind individuals. If the pineal gland turns out to contain magnetic material in humans (researchers are looking), then it may be involved in navigational processing. Magnetic processing is subtle and may be part of the bodies unconscious navigational system. Mobility specialists are aware of this possibility, but we have yet to use it to train students.

Studies done mostly with birds strongly suggest that the pineal gland is a center for navigation. Scientists believe that the pineal body is a magnetoreceptor, capable of monitoring magnetic fields, and helping to align the body in space. Changing the direction of magnetic fields around the heads of birds alters their ability to orient.

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) suppress the activity of the pineal gland and reduce melatonin production. EMF activity therefore disrupts the bodies circadian rhythms.


In lower vertebrates, the pineal gland has an eye like structure and it functions as a light receptor. The pineal gland may be the evolutionary forerunner of the modern eye. It is located within the third ventricle. It is large in children, but shrinks at puberty. It appears to play a major role in sexual development, hibernation in animals, metabolism, and seasonal breeding. In humans it affects circadian rhythms, sleep patterns (melatonin levels increase at night), and is implicated in seasonal affective disorder. The abundant melatonin levels in children is believed to inhibit sexual development. When puberty arrives, melatonin production is reduced.


There is a pathway from the retinas to the hypothalamus called the retinohypothalamic tract. It brings information about light and dark cycles to a region of the hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). From the SCN, nerve impulses travel via the pineal nerve (sympathetic nervous system) to the pineal gland. These impulses inhibit the production of melatonin. When these impulses stop (at night, when light no longer stimulates the hypothalamus), pineal inhibition ceases and melatonin is released. The pineal gland is therefore a photosensitive organ and an important timekeeper for the human body.

Retinal research done with hamsters demonstrates another center for melatonin production. Located in the retina, this center implies that the eyes have their own built in circadian timepiece. This retinal system is distinct from the brains body clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Biologists found that they could throw the retinal rhythms out of sync with other circadian cycles. They also found that they could set and reset the retinal clock even when the SCN was destroyed.

The retinal clock produces (stimulates the production of?) melatonin. Researchers are now looking for the exact location (s) of this clock in the human eye (and expect to find it). No one yet knows what the separate clock is for or how it relates to the SCN. One thing is clear: there is a melatonin craze right now. People are taking regular doses of the hormone. There is a question whether or not regular doses of melatonin may damage the eye over time. Melatonin could affect the timing of hormone peaks in the eye. High retinal melatonin levels combined with exposure to bright light might cause retinal damage. This is speculation (a caution) at this time.


The Pineal Gland and Melatonin

The pineal gland or epiphysis synthesizes and secretes melatonin, a structurally simple hormone that communicates information about environmental lighting to various parts of the body. Ultimately, melatonin has the ability to entrain biological rhythms and has important effects on reproductive function of many animals. The light-transducing ability of the pineal gland has led some to call the pineal the “third eye”.

Anatomy of the Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is a small organ shaped like a pine cone (hence its name). It is located on the midline, attached to the posterior end of the roof of the third ventricle in the brain. The pineal varies in size among species; in humans it is roughly 1 cm in length, whereas in dogs it is only about 1 mm long. To observe the pineal, reflect the cerebral hemispheres laterally and look for a small grayish bump in front of the cerebellum. The images below shows the pineal gland of a horse in relation to the brain.

Histologically, the pineal is composed of “pinealocytes” and glial cells. In older animals, the pineal often is contains calcium deposits (“brain sand”).

How does the retina transmit information about light-dark exposure to the pineal gland? Light exposure to the retina is first relayed to the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, an area of the brain well known to coordinate biological clock signals. Fibers from the hypothalamus descend to the spinal cord and ultimately project to the superior cervical ganglia, from which post-ganglionic neurons ascend back to the pineal gland. Thus, the pineal is similar to the adrenal medulla in the sense that it transduces signals from the sympathetic nervous system into a hormonal signal.

Melatonin: Synthesis, Secretion and Receptors

The precursor to melatonin is serotonin, a neurotransmitter that itself is derived from the amino acid tryptophan. Within the pineal gland, serotonin is acetylated and then methylated to yield melatonin.

Synthesis and secretion of melatonin is dramatically affected by light exposure to the eyes. The fundamental pattern observed is that serum concentrations of melatonin are low during the daylight hours, and increase to a peak during the dark.

Examples of the circadian rhythm in melatonin secretion in humans is depicted in the figure to the right (adapted from Vaughn, et al, J Clin Endo Metab 42:752, 1976). The dark gray bars represent night, and serum melatonin levels are shown for two individuals (yellow versus light blue). Note that blood levels of melatonin are essentially undetectable during daytime, but rise sharply during the dark. Very similar patterns are seen in other species.The duration of melatonin secretion each day is directly proportional to the length of the night.

The mechanism behind this pattern of secretion during the dark cycle is that activity of the rate-limiting enzyme in melatonin synthesis – serotonin N-acetyltransferase (NAT) – is low during daylight and peaks during the dark phase. In some species, circadian changes in NAT activity are tightly correlated with transcription of the NAT messenger RNA, while in other species, post-transcriptional regulation of NAT activity is responsible. Activity of the other enzyme involved in synthesis of melatonin from serotonin – the methyltransferase – does not show regulation by pattern of light exposure.

Two melatonin receptors have been identified from mammals (designated Mel1A and Mel1B) that are differentially expressed in different tissues and probably participate in implementing differing biologic effects. These are G protein-coupled cell surface receptors. The highest density of receptors has been found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary (predominantly pars tuberalis) and the retina. Receptors are also found in several other areas of the brain.

Biological Effects of Melatonin

Melatonin has important effects in integrating photoperiod and affecting circadian rhythms. Consequently, it has been reported to have significant effects on reproduction, sleep-wake cycles and other phenomena showing circadian rhythm.

Effects on Reproductive Function

Seasonal changes in daylength have profound effects on reproduction in many species, and melatonin is a key player in controlling such events. In temperate climates, animals like hamsters, horses and sheep have distinct breeding season. During the non-breeding season, the gonads become inactive (e.g males fail to produce sperm in any number), but as the breeding season approaches, the gonads must be rejuvenated. Photoperiod – the length of day vs night – is the most important cue allowing animals to determine which season it is. As you’ve probably deduced by now, the pineal gland is able to measure daylength and adjust secretion of melatonin accordingly. A hamster without a pineal gland or with a lesion that prevents the pineal from receiving photoinformation is not able to prepare for the breeding season.

The effect of melatonin on reproductive systems can be summarized by saying that it is anti-gonadotropic. In other words, melatonin inhibits the secretion of the gonadotropic hormones luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone from the anterior pituitary. Much of this inhibitory effect seems due to inhibition of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus, which is necessary for secretion of the anterior pituitary hormones.

One practical application of melatonin’s role in controlling seasonal reproduction is found in its use to artificially manipulate cycles in seasonal breeders. For example, sheep that normally breed only once per year can be induced to have two breeding seasons by treatment with melatonin.

Effects on Sleep and Activity

Melatonin is probably not a major regulator of normal sleep patterns, but undoubtedly has some effect. One topic that has garnered a large amount of interest is using melatonin alone, or in combination with phototherapy, to treat sleep disorders. There is some indication that melatonin levels are lower in elderly insomniacs relative to age matched non-insomniacs, and melatonin therapy in such cases appears modestly beneficial in correcting the problem.

Another sleep disorder is seen in shift workers, who often find it difficult to adjust to working at night and sleeping during the day. The utility of melatonin therapy to aleviate this problem is equivocal and appears not to be as effective as phototherapy. Still another condition involving disruption of circadian rhythms is jet lag. In this case, it has repeatedly been demonstrated that taking melatonin close to the target bedtime of the destination can alleviate symptoms; it has the greatest beneficial effect when jet lag is predicted to be worst (e.g. crossing many time zones).

In various species including humans, administration of melatonin has been shown to decrease motor activity, induce fatigue and lower body temperature, particularly at high doses. The effect on body temperature may play a significant role in melatonin’s ability to entrain sleep-wake cycles, as in patients with jet lag.

Other Effects of Melatonin

One of the first experiments conducted to elucidate the function of the pineal, extracts of pineal glands from cattle were added to water containing tadpoles. Interestingly, the tadpoles responded by becoming very light in color or almost transparent due to alterations in melanin pigment distribution. Although such cutaneous effects of melatonin are seen in a variety of “lower species”, the hormone does not have such effects in mammals or birds.



A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever

Tuesday, June 02, 2009 by: Paul Fassa

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(NaturalNews) There has been some controversy over the activity of adding synthetic fluoride to municipal water supplies and elsewhere, but not enough. The seriousness of this issue is more than what most realize. Fluoridation ranks with GMO’s and tainted, forced vaccinations among the great crimes against humanity.
Understanding the Different Fluorides
There are two types of fluoride. Calcium Fluoride, which appears naturally in underground water supplies, is relatively benign. However, too much consumed daily can lead to bone or dental problems. Calcium is used to counter fluoride poisoning when it occurs. This redeeming factor indicates that the calcium in naturally formed calcium fluoride neutralizes much of fluoride’s toxic effects.
On the other hand, the type of fluorides added to water supplies and other beverages and foods are waste products of the nuclear, aluminum, and now mostly the phosphate (fertilizer) industries. The EPA has classified these as toxins: fluorosilicate acid, sodium silicofluoride, and sodium fluoride.
For this article, the term Sodium Fluoride will include all three types. Sodium fluoride is used for rat poison and as a pesticide. According to a scientific study done several years ago, Comparative Toxicity of Fluorine Compounds, industrial waste sodium fluorides are 85 times more toxic than naturally occurring calcium fluoride.
Health Hazards of Sodium Fluoride
Generally, most fluoride entering the body is not easily eliminated. It tends to accumulate in the body’s bones and teeth. Recently, it has been discovered to accumulate even more in the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain.
This consequence of dental fluorosis, which seriously harms teeth, from daily fluoridation has been documented. Yet, the American Dental Association (AMA) continues beating a dead horse, promoting fluoride. There is a refusal to admit that instead of preventing tooth decay, fluoride causes even more dental harm.
The flood of sodium fluoride in water and food also creates other more serious health problems that are not widely publicized, even suppressed. Nevertheless, in addition to fluorosis, independent labs and reputable researchers have linked the following health issues with daily long term intake of sodium fluoride:
*Genetic DNA Damage
*Thyroid Disruption – affecting the complete endocrine system and leading to obesity
*Neurological – diminished IQ and inability to focus, lethargy and weariness.
*Alzheimer’s Disease
*Melatonin Disruption, lowers immunity to cancer, accelerates aging, sleep disorders.
*Pineal Gland, calcification, which clogs this gland located in the middle of the brain.
How Did We Get Stuck With Stuff?
According to investigative journalist Christopher Bryson, author of The Fluoride Deception, getting large quantities of sodium fluoride into the water and food system was a ploy of public relations sponsored by the industries who were saddled with getting rid of the toxic materials.
Fluoride was necessary for the processing or enriching of uranium. The pro-fluoride propaganda was started during the Manhattan Project to create the first atom bombs in the 1940’s. The spin was to convince workers and locals where the largest nuclear plant was located in Tennessee that fluoride was not only safe, it was good for kids’ dental health.
In the early 1950’s, the notorious spin master and father of advertising, Edward Bernays, continued the campaign for adding fluorides to water supplies as an experiment in engineering human consent! Then the AMA picked up on the dental issue and endorsed sodium fluoride’s addition to water supplies. The few dissenting health studies and reports were usually squashed. Those dissenting voices were dismissed as quacks regardless of their credentials.
Approximately 2/3 of the USA water supply is laced with sodium fluoride. Sodium fluoride is a common pesticide. So that residue is in some foods. Some sodas, packaged orange juices, and even bottled drinking water for babies contain fluoride additives. Buyer beware. Read your labels carefully.
Avoiding Fluoridation
Keep in mind that boiling only increases the concentration of fluoride to water more. But removing fluoride from tap water is not so difficult. Reverse osmosis works well for removing fluorides. If you own your home and can spring for the bucks, you can have one installed under the sink in your kitchen. That makes things very convenient for your fluoride removal from tap water.
If this is not your situation, grab a couple of large jugs and fill them up from reverse osmosis machines in health food stores, supermarkets, and other locations. There are several such machines around, usually labeled as using reverse osmosis, and they usually take coins. So it is the most accessible and cheapest way to go if you can’t install one where you live.
The Physiological Importance of the Pineal Gland
During the late 1990’s in England, a scientist by the name of Jennifer Luke undertook the first study the effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland. She determined that the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, was a target for fluoride. The pineal gland simply absorbed more fluoride than any other physical matter in the body, even bones.
Because of the pineal gland’s importance to the endocrine system, her conclusions were a breakthrough. Her study provided the missing link to a lot of physiological damage from sodium fluoride that had been hypothesized but not positively connected. A veritable root source for the chain reaction of blocked endocrine activity had been isolated.
Good news though. Frequent exposure to outdoor sunshine, 20 minutes or so at a time, will help stimulate a fluoride calcified pineal gland. Just make sure you take off your hat. This is more important than most realize, because the pineal gland affects so much other enzyme and endocrine activity, including melatonin production.
The 2012 Connection
First a bit about 2012, a date many have heard about. According to Carlos Barrios, anthropologist, historian, and investigator who was initiated as a Mayan ceremonial priest and spiritual guide, “Anthropologists visit the temple sites and read the inscriptions . . . but they do not read the signs correctly. . . . Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed.”
Carlos Barrios goes on to say that the transformation will be both spiritual and physical. The transition started in 1987. He says that we are in a spiritual transition from the rule of materialism, greed, and enmity to a new period of cooperation and peace – but not without difficulty. The current oligarchy is happy with what they have and don’t want to give it up, and they are powerful. The Mayans claim that 2012 marks the end of the period of the fourth sun and the beginning of the fifth sun.
Carlos points out that adversarial revolution against the ruling class will not work. It is up to those who want this shift to connect with others of like mind and begin actively creating networks of real cooperation. The old will crumble. The new period will dawn with its growing pains, the severity of which depends on our ability to accept what is happening and go with the flow. This, he says, requires evolving to unconditional love, with an open and simple heart, forgiveness, and cooperation with less ego competition.
Connecting the Pineal Gland to This 2012 Matter
Well, what does all this have to do with the pineal gland? A lot. It is considered a portal to the inner or higher self by yogi masters, including Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi. Psychics consider it to be the link for inter dimensional experiences. It is associated with what many call the third eye or sixth chakra, which is a doorway to higher consciousness and bliss.
And it is vital for supporting intuition, an ability that will be needed during hard times. So it is necessary to evolve spiritually in order to help create better understanding, acceptance of our fellow humans, and easier group cooperation. Meditation is a part of this evolving. That and a little sunshine, good rest and food, can cause a calcified pineal gland to loosen up and allow that portal to open.
An unusual psychiatrist, professor of medicine at University of New Mexico, and practicing Buddhist, Dr. Rick Strassman, MD, has written a book based on actual human studies of people under the psychedelic drug, DMT, titled DMT, The Spirit Molecule. He has discovered, among other things, that the pineal gland is a source of DMT production during birth and at death, and during near death or mystical experiences. This chemical approach corroborates the idea of the pineal gland as a portal, where the spirit passes through to other dimensions, either entering this physical realm or leaving it.
South American and Central American shamans use Ayahuasca, an herbal potion that stimulates DMT for psychological healing and spiritual initiation ceremonies. They have expanded their ceremonies with Ayahuasca by traveling throughout the world or opening their local facilities to non natives. They are doing this urgently in anticipation of 2012. Their desire is to jump start and expand individuals’ consciousness so the transition of consciousness will be facilitated and incorporate as many as possible.
This information is meant to link the physical realm’s pineal gland to higher states of awareness and other realms. The point is not to advocate or discourage psychedelic drug use, but to encourage health, meditation and spiritual growth by maintaining a fluoride free pineal gland. 2012 is approaching. Time to get in shape!
Fluroide: Friend or Foe? By Devid De Santo (
Germans and Russians Used Fluoride to Make Prisoners Stupid and Docile, by Devvy Kidd
Fluoride Accumulates in the Pineal Gland, by Sepp Hasslberger of Health Supreme (
Transcribed interview of journalist Christopher Bryson: The Fluoride Deception: How a Nuclear Waste Byproduct Made Its Way Into the Nation’s Drinking Water…
Article by Ingrid Nairman highlighting Mayan lecture in Santa Fe, NM by Carlos Barrios
The Pineal Gland: Interface Between the Spiritual and Physical Planes?
The Fluoride Debate – (

About the author

Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at
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“One of the pineal gland’s most powerful hormones is the neurotransmitter melatonin. The secretion of melatonin starts between 9:30-10:30 p.m. (depending on age), inducing sleepiness. It reaches peak levels between 1-2 a.m. and drops to its lowest levels at midday. The pineal gland controls reproduction, sleep and motor activity, blood pressure, the immune system, the pituitary and thyroid glands, cellular growth, body temperature, and many other vital functions. All of these depend on a balanced melatonin cycle. By going to sleep late (past 10 p.m.”
– Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease – It’s A Survival Mechanism (Get the book.)

“He has written in his book The Sunfood Diet Success System that the body decalcifies the pineal gland on a raw food diet. The pineal gland is thought to be the source of the “third eye,” or psychic center of the body. Indeed, children who are raised on a 100% raw food diet have been known to be more psychic, as are animals in the wild. Wolfe has also made the comment, “The Bible says the body is the temple of the soul. Unfortunately, I used to treat mine like an amusement park.” Many of us could say the same.”
– Susan E. Schenck, The Live Food Factor: The Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate Diet for Body, Mind, Spirit & Planet (Get the book.)

“Endocrine glands Pineal The pineal gland is a small gland about the size of a pea located near the center of the brain between its two hemispheres. It works in harmony with the pituitary and hypothalamus to control the body’s hormonal systems and 24-hour rhythms. The pineal gland is sensitive to different levels of light, produces melatonin, and governs our sleep-wake cycle. As such, it is the body’s internal clock, and is sometimes referred to as the “third eye”. It is also responsible for directing the body’s signals for thirst, hunger, sexual desire, and biological aging.”
– Ron Garner, Conscious Health: A Complete Guide to Wellness Through Natural Means (Get the book.)

“When the pineal gland in humans becomes calcified, it cuts down its production of melatonin (14). This, in turn, stimulates the production of estrogen, which causes an increased amount of breast cancer (15). Up to 60 per cent of Americans have calcified pineal glands when they are over 50 years of age (16). In Japan, only 9.9 percent (17), and in Nigeria 5.04 per cent (18) of persons beyond 40 have calcined pineal glands. Since the Percent of calcified pineal glands 60% 9.9% 5.04% Americans Japanese Nigerians over 40 over 40 over 40 Calcified pineal glands of different cultures.”
– Zane R. Kime, Sunlight (Get the book.)

“THE VEHICLE OF SPIRIT IN THE BODY The body makes what is known as the “spirit molecule,” which is believed to be produced by the pineal gland (from pinus because it looks like a pinecone), the gland that is responsible for the management of light in our bodies. N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is the only endogenous (produced in the body) chemical that has been found to have psychoactive properties. According to Rick Strassman, M.D., “the pineal gland produces psychedelic amounts of DMT at extraordinary times in our lives,” such as birth, death, and orgasm.”
– Pam Montgomery, Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness (Get the book.)

“It is now understood that the pineal gland governs parts of the hypothalamus, making the pineal gland another master gland. On a diet of processed food, the pineal gland calcifies and hardens. The brain becomes dense and obstructed with waste matter which would have distorted the cosmic receiver and blocked out the cosmic life energies. A diet of alkaline-plant food dissolves these obstructions and deposits, freeing the flow of energy. Thus we see that the cleaner your body, the greater your latent powers of mind.”
– David Wolfe, The Sunfood Diet Success System (Get the book.)

“Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, a gland in the brain that helps regulate circadian rhythm. It’s actually made along the same metabolic assembly line as serotonin. Both start out as the amino acid tryptophan, which then gets converted into 5-HTP and then to serotonin. Two more steps along the pathway and you’ve got melatonin. Natural Prescription for Jet Lag Melatonin: 3-6 mg at bedtime Note: The above dosages are daily dosages and in pill or capsule form, unless otherwise noted. Melatonin is stimulated by darkness and turned off by light.”
– Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S., The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth about What Treatments Work and Why (Get the book.)

“My face turns up to the sun allowing my pineal gland to revel in such direct contact. I feel the shifting inside as if some giant wheel is turning. The quiet dreamtime energy of winter is giving way 129 to a dynamic stirring. I face the east, the direction from which spring emerges, and give thanks for the faithful return of the sun and the healing gift of new beginnings the east offers. Journal Entry, March 2007 Foundational healing modalities are existing forms of healing that provide a framework within which to work with plant spirits.”
– Pam Montgomery, Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness (Get the book.)

“When your eyes stop seeing light as it is getting dark outside, your pineal gland will begin to produce melatonin, but stops secretion altogether when you switch on a light or watch television. As a result, the sleep-inducing effect of melatonin becomes inhibited, and you may not feel sleepy at all for several more hours. In fact, the stimulation by the light at this time of the night may actually prevent you from falling asleep and cause you to develop a permanent sleeping disorder. Sleep deprivation is a common condition that afflicts 47 million American adults.”
– Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease – It’s A Survival Mechanism (Get the book.)

“One of the pineal gland’s most powerful hormones is the neurotransmitter melatonin. The secretion of melatonin starts between 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. (depending on age), inducing sleepiness. It reaches peak levels between 1 and 2 a.m. and drops to its lowest levels at midday. The pineal gland controls reproduction, sleep and motor activity, blood pressure, the immune system, the pituitary and thyroid glands, cellular growth, body temperature, and many other vital functions. All of these depend on a balanced melatonin cycle.”
– Andreas Moritz, The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse: An All-Natural, At-Home Flush to Purify and Rejuvenate Your Body (Get the book.)

“If your pineal gland does not produce adequate melatonin early enough in the evening, both the quality and quantity of your sleep may suffer. Lack of melatonin may make it difficult for you to fall asleep, or may cause you to wake up too soon. Too much melatonin and you will feel yourself feeling exhausted, or “drugged” throughout the day. If secretion does not continue, you may wake up too soon. By taking melatonin instead of other so-called sleeping aids, rapid eye movement sleep (REM=dreaming) is not suppressed nor does it induce “hangover” effects when used as directed.”
– Jon Barron, Lessons from The Miracle Doctors: A Step-by-Step Guide to Optimum Health and Relief from Catastrophic Illness (Get the book.)
“Melatonin Melatonin is a natural hormone made in the pineal gland, a pea-sized gland located in the brain. Since its first discovery in 1958, melatonin has been studied extensively and has been shown to be widely beneficial to the body. As with all of the other hormones we’re discussing, melatonin levels decline significantly as we age. An interesting note on melatonin. The trigger for production of melatonin is darkness—total darkness.’ Any light in the room will inhibit production of your body’s melatonin.”
– Jon Barron, Lessons from The Miracle Doctors: A Step-by-Step Guide to Optimum Health and Relief from Catastrophic Illness (Get the book.)

“Some people place the pituitary here, but because this chakra is associated with light and the pineal gland controls light in the body, I believe that this is its proper placement. The seventh chakra is the crown, and it sits on the top of the head and has a purple or violet color. It corresponds with the nervous system and brain function, with integrity and wisdom as its pervading qualities. The endocrine gland associated with this chakra is the pituitary.”
– Pam Montgomery, Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness (Get the book.)

“Natural sunlight exposure stimulates your pineal gland which controls your sleep and waking cycles, seasonal affective disorder (the winter blues) and improves your mood. • Seek the support of a trusted friend, counsellor or your church. • Take 5HTP or 5-hydroxytryptophan. This is a precursor to serotonin and helps mood and carbohydrate cravings. This is not suitable for those taking antidepressants. • B complex helps with stress, mood and the nervous system. Typical dosage is 50 mgs per day. You can increase B6 by 100 mgs per day.”
– Heather Caruso, Your Drug-Free Guide to Digestive Health (Get the book.)

“What Melatonin Does for You Melatonin is the hormone of hibernation in animals and is produced in a tiny region of the human brain known as the pineal gland. Melatonin does all the things you would want to do if you were hibernating—it relaxes you, makes you sleepy, cools your body, and lets you sleep while entertaining you with interesting dreams. It is the only hormone affected by light, temperature, and electromagnetic fields. Melatonin controls the deep and dream phases of your sleep.”
– Phuli Cohan, The Natural Hormone Makeover: 10 Steps to Rejuvenate Your Health and Rediscover Your Inner Glow (Get the book.)

“The pineal gland controls reproduction, sleep and motor activity, blood pressure, the immune system, the pituitary and thyroid glands, cellular growth, body temperature, and many other vital functions. All of these depend on a balanced melatonin cycle. By going to sleep late (past 10 p.m.) or working the night shift, you throw this and many other hormonal cycles out of balance. The ongoing Nurse’s Study has shown that nurses working the night shift have a more than 50% higher risk of developing cancer, but have among the lowest levels of melatonin in the blood.”
– Andreas Moritz, Cancer Is Not A Disease – It’s A Survival Mechanism (Get the book.)

“Pizzorno Jr, ND GENERAL DESCRIPTION Melatonin (not to be confused with melanin, the compound responsible for skin pigment) is a hormone manufactured from serotonin and secreted by the pineal gland (see Fig. 97.1). The pineal gland, a small pea-sized gland at the base of the brain, has been a source of curiosity since antiquity. The ancient Greeks considered the pineal gland as the seat of the soul, a concept that was extended by the philosopher Descartes. In the 17th and 18th centuries, physicians associated “madness” with the pineal gland.”
– Michael T. Murray, ND, Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1
(Get the book.)

“It bioenergetically connects to the thalamus, pineal gland, medulla oblongata, and the arachnoid membrane (lining of the skull). It relates to the skull as a cavity and its role in the attraction and storage of Source energy, which, of course, has immense ramifications for brain function. Energetic Integrator 6 also has strong connections to the emotional self, so it is important in maintaining physical-emotional harmony. Energetic Integrator 6 generally adheres to the connections noted in TCM for the kidney meridian.”
– Peter h. Fraser and Harry Massey, Decoding the Human Body-Field: The New Science of Information as Medicine (Get the book.)

“It works in harmony with the pituitary and hypothalamus to control the body’s hormonal systems and 24-hour rhythms. The pineal gland is sensitive to different levels of light, produces melatonin, and governs our sleep-wake cycle. As such, it is the body’s internal clock, and is sometimes referred to as the “third eye”. It is also responsible for directing the body’s signals for thirst, hunger, sexual desire, and biological aging. Hypothalamus The hypothalamus gland is situated just above the pituitary gland.”
– Ron Garner, Conscious Health: A Complete Guide to Wellness Through Natural Means (Get the book.)

“His research indicated that the pineal gland had awakened, and the vibration has only gotten stronger over the years. Comedian-turned-raw-fooder Dick Gregory reported in Dick Gregory’s Natural Diet for Folks Who Eat, “As my body was cleansed of years of accumulated impurities, my mind and spiritual awareness were lifted to a new level. I felt closer to Mother Nature and all her children. I felt more in tune with the universal order of existence.”
– Susan E. Schenck, The Live Food Factor: The Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate Diet for Body, Mind, Spirit & Planet (Get the book.)

“Some neurocardiology researchers claim the heart can communicate via these neurochemicals with the brain, immune system, pineal gland, thalamus, and pituitary gland, concluding that the heart has the capability to function as a center of emotion, learning, and memory. Because the Imprinter Driver field is linked to body-wide communication via the signals transmitted from your heart through your blood circulation, it is connected to an overall feeling of well-being on an emotional level as well as a physical level.”
– Peter h. Fraser and Harry Massey, Decoding the Human Body-Field: The New Science of Information as Medicine (Get the book.)

“In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, physicians associated “madness” with the pineal gland. Physicians in the early 1900s believed that the pineal gland was somehow involved with the endocrine system. The identification of melatonin in 1958 provided the first solid scientific evidence of an essential role of the pineal gland. It is now thought that the sole function of the pineal gland is to manufacture and secrete melatonin. The exact function of melatonin is still poorly understood, but it is critically involved in the synchronization of hormone secretion.”
– Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D., Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition (Get the book.)

“As the light continues to fade, our body clock signals the pineal gland to convert serotonin into melatonin, and we become more lethargic. As melatonin and other sleep hormones increase, our temperature continues to drop, and we start thinking about withdrawing. It becomes difficult to stay awake or be active. This is the best time to fall asleep. And our body temperature continues to drop as melatonin is released into the bloodstream. Sleeping in a cool room reflects our body’s own natural rhythm of cooling for sleep. A sleeping temperature of 60?to 65?F.”
– Frank Lipman, Mollie Doyle, Spent: Revive: Stop Feeling Spent and Feel Great Again (Get the book.)
“At night, if there is even the tiniest bit of light in the room, it can disrupt your circadian rhythm and your pineal gland’s production of melatonin and serotonin. Cover or move your clock, use dark shades or drapes on windows if they are exposed to light, or SLEEP BEAT wear an eye mask. There should also be as little light in the bathroom as possible if you get up in the middle of the night. Try keeping the light off when you go to the bathroom at night. Use a flashlight or night light.”
– Frank Lipman, Mollie Doyle, Spent: Revive: Stop Feeling Spent and Feel Great Again (Get the book.)

“Melatonin Melatonin (not to be confused with melanin, the compound responsible for skin pigmentation) is a hormone manufactured from serotonin (an important neurotransmitter; see Depression for more information) and secreted by the pineal gland. The pineal gland, a small pea-sized gland at the base of the brain, has been a source of curiosity since antiquity. The ancient Greeks considered the pineal gland to be the seat of the soul, a concept that was extended by the philosopher Descartes. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, physicians associated “madness” with the pineal gland.”
– Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D., Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition (Get the book.)

“It also has a strong endocrine association, especially to your pineal gland, which controls your sleep-wake cycle, and to dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), which is a precursor to female hormones such as estrogens and progesterone, relating this Integrator bioenergetically to parts of the menstrual cycle. Trace minerals have an important link to Energetic Integrator 6, so this Integrator is involved bioenergetically in enzyme and hormone production and function. The thymus is also correlated to Integrator 6, making this Integrator important to your overall immune function.”
– Peter h. Fraser and Harry Massey, Decoding the Human Body-Field: The New Science of Information as Medicine (Get the book.)

“Melatonin and breast cancer Melatonin is a hormone, produced in the pineal gland at the base of the brain, during sleep. Close your eyes and a signal is sent to produce melatonin. Melatonin is known as the sleep hormone and is often used as a sleep aid for travelers crossing time zones. Its peak production occurs around 2 to 3: a.m. Melatonin is a strong antioxidant and influences the immune system. It is also known as a cancer-fighting hormone. [Pathological Biology 53: 265-68, 2005] Even low intensity light for short periods can reduce melatonin production at night.”
– Bill Sardi, You Don’t Have to be Afraid of Cancer Anymore (Get the book.)

“When light hits the eyes, it disrupts the sleep rhythm of the pineal gland and production of melatonin and serotonin. This is why it’s a bad idea to keep a nightlight burning in direct line-of-sight of the eyes. Besides ruining night vision, any amount of light while sleeping can keep you from getting sufficient rest! 5. Receive Regular Chiropractic Adjustments The human body is an intricate design made up of millions of nerves executing our every move. One group of vital nerves is located in the Lumbar Spine region.”
– Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, Health Begins in the Colon (Get the book.)

“During darkness, high levels of melatonin released by the pineal gland block the ability of tumors to take up linoleic acid and convert it to 13-HODE (a molecule called 13-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid). While exposed to light, however, melatonin levels are extremely low, and tumors are no longer protected by melatonin from the tumor-stimulating action of linoleic acid. In other words, exposure to artificial light when it is naturally dark, scrambles the molecular clocks in our brains. Light presented during the night will immediately turn off melatonin production and thus support tumor growth.”
– Andreas Moritz, Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You (Get the book.)

“Upon awakening, as light enters the eyes the pineal gland at the base of the brain ceases production of melatonin. Melatonin inhibits cancer in many ways. First, it is a powerful antioxidant that increases the production of another antioxidant in the body called glutathione. Second, it calms the production of estrogen that spurs the growth of ovarian and breast cancer. Third, it boosts the immune system, elevating the production of natural killer cells. Four, melatonin inhibits omega-6 fatty acids (linoleic acid), such as from corn oil, from entering tumor cells.”
– Bill Sardi, You Don’t Have to be Afraid of Cancer Anymore (Get the book.)

“Suddenly, we may feel “out of sync” or shaky and become susceptible to developing an illness, which could include a simple head cold, headache, depression or even a cancerous tumor. The pineal gland controls reproduction, sleep and motor activity, blood pressure, the immune system, the pituitary and thyroid glands, cellular growth, body temperature, and many other vital functions. All of these depend on the regular melatonin cycle which, yet again, is controlled by our body’s ability to be in synchrony with nature’s rhythms.”
– Andreas Moritz, Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You (Get the book.)

“On a diet of processed food, the pineal gland calcifies and hardens. The brain becomes dense and obstructed with waste matter which would have distorted the cosmic receiver and blocked out the cosmic life energies. A diet of alkaline-plant food dissolves these obstructions and deposits, freeing the flow of energy. Thus we see that the cleaner your body, the greater your latent powers of mind. After you go on a raw diet, and especially when you fast, moments of inspiration from infinite intelligence will drop into your mind, sometimes at random.”
– David Wolfe, The Sunfood Diet Success System (Get the book.)

“The function of the pineal gland and its cyclic secretion of melatonin (page 555) may be disturbed in people with migraine headaches.47 Preliminary evidence suggests that 5 mg pet day of melatonin, taken 30 minutes before bedtime, may reduce symptoms of migraine headache.48 Are there any side effects or interactions? Refer to the individual supplement fot information about any side effects or interactions. Herbs that may be helpful The most frequently used hetb fot the long-term prevention of migraines is feverfew (page 677).”
– Alan R. Gaby, M.D., Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Forrest Batz, Pharm.D. Rick Chester, RPh., N.D., DipLAc. George Constantine, R.Ph., Ph.D. Linnea D. Thompson, Pharm.D., N.D., The Natural Pharmacy: Complete A-Z Reference to Natural Treatments for Common Health Conditions (Get the book.)
“Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, located within the brain. Levels of melatonin in the body fluctuate with the cycles of night and day. The highest melatonin levels are found at night. Melatonin is present in foods only in trace amounts.”
– Alan R. Gaby, M.D., Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Forrest Batz, Pharm.D. Rick Chester, RPh., N.D., DipLAc. George Constantine, R.Ph., Ph.D. Linnea D. Thompson, Pharm.D., N.D., The Natural Pharmacy: Complete A-Z Reference to Natural Treatments for Common Health Conditions (Get the book.)

“The pineal gland secretes this hormone directly into the bloodstream, which makes it instantly available to all the cells in the body and tells them “what time it is” in nature, meaning, what position the Earth is in related to the sun. It also tells a specific gene in the DNA of every single cell when it is time for it to die and be replaced by a new cell. Without the timely secretion of melatonin, the timelines of normal cell-division become extended and cancer cells develop, according to the latest cancer research (Nurses’ Study 2006).”
– Andreas Moritz, Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You (Get the book.)

“Physicians in the early 1900s believed the pineal gland was somehow involved with the endocrine system. The identification of melatonin in 1958 provided the first solid scientific evidence of an essential role for the pineal gland. It is now thought that the sole function of the pineal gland is to manufacture and secrete melatonin. The exact function of melatonin is still poorly understood, but it is critically involved in the synchronization of hormone secretion. The natural biorhythm of hormone secretion is referred to as the “circadian” rhythm.”
– Michael T. Murray, ND, Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1
(Get the book.)

“There is evidence that even a night light in the bedroom will alter the production of melatonin by the pineal gland. Researchers believe this may increase the risk for cancer. Sleeping in dark, unlighted bedrooms is recommended. An experiment simulated night-shift conditions with human subjects wearing goggles that filter out the blue portion of the light spectrum which shuts off melatonin production via ocular exposure. Subjects who wore the blue-filter goggles from 8am to 8pm maintained melatonin levels typically measured at night.”
– Bill Sardi, You Don’t Have to be Afraid of Cancer Anymore (Get the book.)

“Obtaining enough light is also of great importance to the pineal gland, a pea-sized gland situated in the brain behind the eyes. This gland is known to regulate both melatonin and serotonin and is considered to be a gland of the endocrine system. It is believed to be important in the role of sexual development in children and other hormonal functions in adults. Melatonin regulation is essential to a good night’s sleep. Serotonin is also involved in the sleep process but is known particularly to help us avoid depression.”
– Mary-Ann Shearer, Perfect Health the Natural Way (Get the book.)

“Likewise, upon entering the pineal gland in the brain, the different rays are chemically encoded in the brain and passed on to the organs and systems in the body. The vital organs of the body are dependent on specific colors of the light spectrum. For kidney cells to function properly, for example, they require red light. Heart cells need yellow light, and liver cells require green light. Light deficiencies in any of the organs and systems of the body can lead to disease. Regular sun gazing can help restore balance and efficiency to all cells in the body.”
– Andreas Moritz, Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Unleash The Natural Healing Power That Lies Dormant Within You (Get the book.)

“Melatonin, a hormone produced in the pineal gland, plays a major role in regulating the daily biological clock, sleep patterns, and core body temperature at night. Taking low doses of melatonin (1-3 mgtwo to three hours before bedtime) has been shown to be effective in treating SAD. 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is effective in increasing levels of serotonin in the body. Take 100-200 mg at night on an empty stomach or with a protein-free snack. Vitamin B6 is an important co-factor involved in the production of serotonin.”
– Marshall Editions, 1000 Cures for 200 Ailments: Integrated Alternative and Conventional Treatments for the Most Common Illnesses (Get the book.)

“We access those areas through internal purification, positive thinking, spiritual connection and by activating the glands (including the “spiritual” pineal gland, located in the mid-brain). When our nervous system is clear of toxicity, we can receive clear information and then take action. This is powerful information. The Sunfood Diet creates a whole new paradigm of possibility. Many, many people I have met have searched throughout the personal development, self-help genre of literature for a book on living foods and success.”
– David Wolfe, The Sunfood Diet Success System (Get the book.)

“SAD is associated with the pineal gland, which is sometimes called “The Third Eye” is esoteric circles. The pineal gland is located directly between your eyes on your forehead. When the amount of sunlight striking the pineal gland is reduced, it produces less of certain brain chemcials which help maintain your mood. Fixing SAD can be a simple as getting more sunlight. How do you do that during the dark days of winter? Well, just about any health care supply store, and some health food stores, stock lamps which produce the same kind of light radiation that the sun produces.”
American Medical Publishing, Prescription Medicines, Side Effects and Natural Alternatives (Get the book.)

“These glands include the pituitary gland, pineal gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, thymus, adrenal glands, ovaries (in females) or testes (in males), and islets of Langerhan’s in the pancreas. The main neural control center in the brain is the hypothalamus, also known as the “keeper of internal balance” or the “master switchboard.” The hypothalamus secretes hormones that cause other endocrine glands to secrete hormones. It directs the fight-or-flight response of the autonomic nervous system. Its main function is homeostasis, or maintaining the body’s balance.”
– David Winston, RH(AHG), and Steven Maimes, Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief (Get the book.)

“Melatonin is a hormone that is made primarily by the pineal gland in the brain in response to darkness. During the daytime, the blood level is low, but at night melatonin climbs until it reaches its peak between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m. It is crucial for regulating sleep and wake cycles. Some extraordinary claims have been made for melatonin. Some proponents say that it can reverse aging, improve immune function, reduce the risk of cancer, control blood pressure, and lower cholesterol. The best-known use of melatonin is as a sleep aid.”
– Joe Graedon, M.S. and Teresa Graedon, Ph.D., Best Choices From the People’s Pharmacy (Get the book.)

“Physicians in the early 1900s believed that the pineal gland was somehow involved with the endocrine system. The identification of melatonin in 1958 provided the first solid scientific evidence of an essential role of the pineal gland. It is now thought that the sole function of the pineal gland is to manufacture and secrete melatonin. The exact function of melatonin is still poorly understood, but it is critically involved in the synchronization of hormone secretion. The natural daily cycle of hormone secretion is referred to as a circadian rhythm.”
– Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D., Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition (Get the book.)

“Affected by the absence or presence of light, the pineal gland is responsible for controlling such bodily functions as hormone production, body temperature, and the timing of sleep. Disturbances in the circadian rhythm can lead to depression as well as insomnia and other sleep disorders. The use of natural sunlight and various forms of light therapy has been effective in reestablishing the body’s natural rhythm. Natural sunlight contains the full wavelength spectrum needed for maintaining health. It triggers the impulses that regulate most bodily functions.”
– Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements (Get the book.)
“Melatonin The hormone melatonin is naturally produced by the pineal gland, a cone-shaped structure in the brain. The body’s pattern of melatonin production is similar to that of the other “antiaging” hormones, human growth hormone (HGH) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Throughout early life, melatonin is produced in abundance. It was thought for some time that the production of melatonin begins to drop at puberty, and then continues to decline steadily as we age. This may not be true, according to research done at the Harvard Medical School.”
– Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements (Get the book.)
“This is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland that controls the body’s sleep/wake cycle. Caution: This supplement is not suitable for children. Multivitamin and mineral complex As directed on label. To maintain a balance of all necessary nutrients in the body. Proteolytic enzymes (Novenzyme from International Health Products) As directed on label 3 times daily, on an empty stomach. Aids in absorption of nutrients and reduces inflammation. Herbs Q Astragalus enhances the immune system.”
– Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements (Get the book.)
“The functioning of the pineal gland, which plays an important role in the regulation of metabolism, behavior, and physiological functions, is largely governed by sunlight. Q Never use hair dyes containing coal tar on the eyelashes or eyebrows; doing so can cause injury or blindness. Although coal tar dyes are legal, marketing them for the eyebrows and eyelashes is not. Q Be careful when using drugs, whether prescription or over-the-counter. Some may cause eye problems.”
– Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements (Get the book.)

“However, if your melatonin levels are significantly lower than expected during sleep, this can indicate that various lifestyle or dietary factors may be impairing the pineal gland’s ability to produce melatonin. In this case, your doctor may recommend melatonin supplementation or other therapies. experienced delayed pineal secretion of melatonin during the light exposure. The subsequent night, when the subjects resumed normal exposure to light and darkness, melatonin secretion was still delayed, this time by 1 hour.”
– Herbert Ross, DC with Keri Brenner, L.Ac., Alternative Medicine Magazine’s Definitive Guide to Sleep Disorders: 7 Smart Ways to Help You Get a Good Night’s Rest (Get the book.)
“Because electric blankets are used at night, when the pineal gland is producing its highest amount of melatonin, they have the greatest chance of disrupting melatonin production and sleep.11 Another concentrated source of EMFs is the breaker box, where the electric power line enters your home. That fuse box—which connects the utility company’s line with the inside wiring—generates large amounts of EMFs on a continual basis. Another potential EMF source is the wiring in your home.”
– Herbert Ross, DC with Keri Brenner, L.Ac., Alternative Medicine Magazine’s Definitive Guide to Sleep Disorders: 7 Smart Ways to Help You Get a Good Night’s Rest (Get the book.)
“With the help of another specialized enzyme, the pineal gland is able to convert NAS into melatonin.35 Melatonin and the Light Paradox Light plays a crucial—and seemingly paradoxical—role in sleep, as it both inhibits and promotes melatonin production. The enzyme NAT, necessary for melatonin synthesis, is mostly or completely inactivated by exposure to light.36 A 100-lux light (a 100-watt bulb from a distance of 5 feet) will inhibit melatonin secretion,37 and studies have shown that being exposed to even a fairly dim light at night can significantly reduce the synthesis of melatonin.”
– Herbert Ross, DC with Keri Brenner, L.Ac., Alternative Medicine Magazine’s Definitive Guide to Sleep Disorders: 7 Smart Ways to Help You Get a Good Night’s Rest (Get the book.)

“This adrenal fatigue could then, in turn, overtax the pineal gland until it no longer produces enough melatonin to control the body’s internal clock. Compounded together, the results include the sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue, and chronic pain associated with both CFS and FMS. Based on this research, one key to preventing both CFS and FMS is keeping your physical and emotional stress to a minimum.”
– Mike Adams, Natural Health Solutions (Get the book.)

“Melatonin description Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is a neurohormone produced by pinealocytes in the pineal gland during the dark hours of the day-night cycle. Serum levels of melatonin are very low during most of the day, and it has been labeled the “hormone of darkness.”
– Thomson Healthcare, Inc., PDR for Herbal Medicines, Fourth Edition (Get the book.)
“Nyctohemeral rhythm in the levels of S-adenosylmethionine in the rat pineal gland and its relationship to melatonin biosynthesis. J Neurochem; 65(4): 1887-1894. 1995 Surac AJ, Gur A. Complementary and alternative medical therapies in fibromyalgia. Curr Pharma Design; 12:47-57. 2006 Tavoni A, Vitali C, Bombardieri S et al. Evaluation of S-adenosylmethionine in primary fibromyalgia: a double-blind crossover study. Am J Med; 83(5A):107-110. 1987 Vendemiale G, Altomare E, Trizio T et al. Effects of oral S-adenosyl-L-methionine on hepatic glutathione in patients with liver disease.”
– Thomson Healthcare, Inc., PDR for Herbal Medicines, Fourth Edition (Get the book.)

“As a flower essence, wood betony enhances pineal gland function, thus improving the user’s sense of well-being. It fosters a desire for higher principles and inner calm and can be useful for those who are dealing with excessive sexual energy. Edible Uses The young shoots and leaves of all Stachys species can be eaten raw or cooked. Other Uses The fresh plant can be made into a hair rinse yielding golden highlights. It also can be used to make a yellow dye for wool. The dried plant has been burned as a purifying incense.”
– Brigitte Mars, A.H.G., The Desktop Guide to Herbal Medicine: The Ultimate Multidisciplinary Reference to the Amazing Realm of Healing Plants, in a Quick-study, One-stop Guide (Get the book.)

“Asian art and literature often show or describe a third eye in the middle of the forehead; a life-giving symbol of the power and presence of the pineal gland. ically, a lack of sleep served as a warning signal of sorts; insomnia actually helped us survive. We’re restless when something’s on our mind, like a predator (you’d do your tribe no good if you were off snoozing in stage 5 while a woolly mammoth trampled through the village).”
– Mehmet C. Oz., M.D. and Michael F. Roizen, M.D., You: Staying Young: The Owner’s Manual for Extending Your Warranty (Get the book.)

“Melatonin is a hormone and a neurotransmitter secreted by the pineal gland. It regulates our circadian, or daily, body rhythm. Most of us know that we function better and worse at various times of the day, and these differences are related partly to our circadian rhythm. Melatonin levels normally increase toward nightfall, making us sleepy, and decrease toward morning. Taken as a dietary supplement, melatonin can help with sleep disorders and can speed recovery from jet lag, but the timing of supplementation is crucial.”
– Jack Challem, The Food-Mood Solution: All-Natural Ways to Banish Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Stress, Overeating, and Alcohol and Drug Problems–and Feel Good Again (Get the book.)

“A folic acid deficiency may impair the production of melatonin in the pineal gland. It is important for cancer patients with sleep disorders to take supplemental folic acid. [Journal Nutrition 132:2781-84, 2002] Non-steroidal anti-inflammatorydrugs (such as ibuprofen, aspirin and COX-2 inhibitors) suppress melatonin in humans. [Physiology Behavior 59: 133-39, 1996] Melatonin and chemotherapy side effects Melatonin also protects the heart from toxic side effects caused by chemotherapy.”
– Bill Sardi, You Don’t Have to be Afraid of Cancer Anymore (Get the book.)

“Neptune Neptune, considered cold and moist, corresponds to cerebrospinal fluid, the pineal gland, and the lymph system. It governs obscure, hard-to-diagnose diseases as well as addiction, alcoholism, and schizophrenia and other psychoses. Neptune-governed plants are mystical, sometimes psychoactive, and helpful in dreamwork, enhancing the imagination and helping to bring physical concepts to the next plane. They often grow in or near the ocean, such as algaes and seaweeds. Pluto Pluto, also known as Hades, is the ruler of the subconscious and underworld.”
– Brigitte Mars, A.H.G., The Desktop Guide to Herbal Medicine: The Ultimate Multidisciplinary Reference to the Amazing Realm of Healing Plants, in a Quick-study, One-stop Guide (Get the book.)

“Because disordered circadian rhythm is common in depression, the antidepressant action of SAMe may result from its ability to alter these rhythms through regulating melatonin synthesis in the pineal gland (Sitaram et al, 1995). Anti-Inflammatory Effects: The action of SAMe in relieving symptoms of primary fibromyalgia may result from its effectiveness in lessening the depressive state that can accompany fibromyalgia (Tavoni et al, 1987). SAMe also has antidepressive and mood-elevating effects in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis (Koenig, 1987).”
– Thomson Healthcare, Inc., PDR for Herbal Medicines, Fourth Edition (Get the book.)

“SeOKCt SdlSOK The pineal gland, which senses when we’re exposed to light has cells that resemble those in the back of the retina and dictate our circadian rhythms. The human eye also receives the light and sends ft to the occipitalbrain area, which then relays ft to the pineal. FACTOIP Most Americans are too chronically sleep deprived to awaken without an alarm. Need for an alarm by definition signals some kind of danger. young animals quickens the aging process. Mice with new pineals lived 25 percent longer, but we’re yet unable to determine if the same statistics would be true for humans.”
– Mehmet C. Oz., M.D. and Michael F. Roizen, M.D., You: Staying Young: The Owner’s Manual for Extending Your Warranty (Get the book.)

“Cavallo A. The pineal gland in human beings: relevance to pediatrics. J Pediatr; 123(6):843-851. 1993 Claustrat B, Brun J, David M et al. Melatonin and jet lag: confirmatory result using a simplified protocol. Biol Psychiatry; 32(8):705-711. 1992 Cuzzocrea S, Constantino G, Gitto E et al. Protective effects of melatonin in ischemic brain injury. J Pineal Res; 29(4):217-227. 2000 Dahlitz M, Alvarez B, Vignau J et al. Delayed sleep phase syndrome response to melatonin. Lancet; 337(8750): 1121-1124. 1991 Deacon S, English J & Arendt J.”
– Thomson Healthcare, Inc., PDR for Herbal Medicines, Fourth Edition (Get the book.)

“The perfect environment for sleep: þ A cool, dark room: The temperature and darkness are signals to the pineal gland to kick up melatonin production and knock you out. þ No laptops, no TV: Ideally, the bed is used for two things and two things only. If you have any other type of stimulus, like work or a TV, you’re not sending your body the right message that it’s time for sleep. Need more incentive to kick Leno to the living room? People who don’t have a TV in the bedroom have 50 percent more sex than those who do. þ Add white noise.”
– Mehmet C. Oz., M.D. and Michael F. Roizen, M.D., You: Staying Young: The Owner’s Manual for Extending Your Warranty (Get the book.)

“It’s built out of the neurotransmitter serotonin, in a small gland in the brain called the pineal gland. This hormone is also a powerful antioxidant. It can be used in low doses (up to 3 mg) as a supplement to aid in deeper sleep or to naturally treat insomnia or jet lag. Melatonin is another option for preventing and treating tardive dyskinesia. In a double-blind trial, 10 mg of melatonin each night for six weeks in patients with TD reduced abnormal movements by 23.8 percent. Similar changes were seen in only 8.4 percent of the placebo (dummy pill) group.”
– Hyla Cass, M.D., Supplement Your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutrition (Get the book.)

“Melatonin One way that many people have found to improve their sleep is to take the neurohormone called melatonin, which is released by the pineal gland from within the center of the brain when one is asleep. The pineal gland is influenced by the amount of light seen by our eyes each day, and production of the hormone is cyclical. Throughout early life, melatonin is produced in abundance, but shortly after puberty the production begins to drop and continues to decrease steadily as we age.”
– KC Craichy, Super Health 7 Golden Keys to Unlock Lifelong Vitality (Get the book.)

“SAD is associated with the pineal gland, which is sometimes called “The Third Eye” is esoteric circles. The pineal gland is located directly between your eyes on your forehead. When the amount of sunlight striking the pineal gland is reduced, it produces less of certain brain chemcials which help maintain your mood. Fixing SAD can be a simple as getting more sunlight. How do you do that during the dark days of winter? Well, just about any health care supply store, and some health food stores, stock lamps which produce the same kind of light radiation that the sun produces.”
American Medical Publishing, Prescription Medicines, Side Effects and Natural Alternatives (Get the book.)

“You need to know that UV rays are essential for the pineal gland to work properly and rather than take medication or drugs to keep you awake during the day, help you sleep at night, and not feel depressed, take half an hour of naturalsunlight—it is free, has only positive side effects, and is not addictive! But as much good as the sun does, it is important not to go out in the periods between about 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., depending on the time of year and the cloud coverage.”
– Mary-Ann Shearer, Perfect Health the Natural Way (Get the book.)

“To live longer and healthier, you need to know about the pineal gland not because of an upcoming jeopardy appearance, but because it produces a substance called melatonin, which conducts the symphony of your hormones. Melatonin modulates menstruation, helps control desire for mating, helps lower heart rate and blood pressure, increases immune function, and helps decrease stress by blocking the body’s stress response. Plus, it helps regulate sleep. If you’re a trivia expert, you may remember melatonin as the neurotransmitter that helps bears hibernate.”
– Mehmet C. Oz., M.D. and Michael F. Roizen, M.D., You: Staying Young: The Owner’s Manual for Extending Your Warranty (Get the book.)

“One of the pineal gland’s most powerful hormones is the neurotransmitter melatonin. The secretion of melatonin starts between 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. (depending on age), inducing sleepiness. It reaches peak levels between 1 and 2 a.m. and drops to its lowest levels at midday. The pineal gland controls reproduction, sleep and motor activity, blood pressure, the immune system, the pituitary and thyroid glands, cellular growth, body temperature, and many other vital functions. All of these depend on a balanced melatonin cycle.”
– Andreas Moritz, The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush: A Powerful Do-It-Yourself Tool To Optimize your Health and Wellbeing (Get the book.)

“Melatonin Melatonin is a bodily substance produced by a tiny endocrine organ, the pineal gland, in the center of brain. The pineal gland responds to a large variety of inputs, in the form of light and dark, temperature, and even magnetism, and sends messages to the brain that affect behavior. It does this by converting noradrenaline into melatonin, a hormone that is structurally related to serotonin. Scientists think that the pineal gland is linked to the eyes either by nerves or through the action of the part of the brain known as the hypothalamus.”
– Mark Mayell, Off-the-Shelf Natural Health (Get the book.)

“Floating in this chamber on narrow stalks are the pineal gland, the body’s magnetic detector, and the pituitary gland, known as the conductor of the ‘endocrine gland’ orchestra. The round knob at the top of the staff of Hermes in our model of the caduceus is thought by some to represent our 3rd ventricle. Figure 16.”
– Robin, Dr. Kelly, The Human Antenna: Reading the Language of the Universe in the Songs of Our Cells (Get the book.)

“SAD is associated with the pineal gland, which is sometimes called “The Third Eye” in esoteric circles. The pineal gland is located directly between your eyes on your forehead. When the amount of sunlight striking the pineal gland is reduced, it produces less of certain brain chemcials which help maintain your mood. Fixing SAD can be a simple as getting more sunlight. How do you do that during the dark days of winter? Well, just about any health care supply store, and some health food stores, stock lamps which produce the same kind of light radiation that the sun produces.”
– American Medical Publishing, Proven Health Tips Encyclopedia (Get the book.)

“Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland that is responsive to light. When darkness begins, blood melatonin levels start to rise leading to sleep. Melatonin production declines as we age, which could explain why sleepproblems are so common in the elderly. Melatonin has exceptional antioxidant activity, being both fat and water soluble. This permits it to cross into and protect the brain from free radicals. Melatonin also boosts the immune system by facilitating the action of helper T cells, which coordinate the immune response.”
– James A. Howenstine, A Physician’s Guide to Natural Health Products That Work (Get the book.)

“However, since the late 1970s it has been increasingly recognized that the pineal is a fundamental modulator of the entire neuroendocrine system. The pineal gland functions as a true biologic clock secreting its hormone melatonin in a circadian fashion. The pineal gland and melatonin are capable of translating environmental lighting information into signals that modulate reproductive, adrenal, and other neuroendocrine interactions as well as immune function. Melatonin levels rise after sunset and levels peak between 2 and 5 a.m.”
– Vincent Giampapa, Ronald Pero, and Marcia Zimmerman, The Anti-Aging Solution: 5 Simple Steps to Looking and Feeling Young (Get the book.)

“And balanced magnesium status is required to obtain efficiency of suprachiasmatic nuclei and the pineal gland.15 Examinations of the sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) and of the endocrine system points to the involvement of the limbic-hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical axis because magnesium affects all elements of this system. Magnesium has the property to reduce the release of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and to affect adrenocortical sensitivity to ACTH.”
– Mark Sircus, Transdermal Magnesium Therapy (Get the book.)

“The pineal gland controls reproduction, sleep and motor activity, blood pressure, the immune system, the pituitary and thyroid glands, cellular growth, body temperature, and many other vital functions. All of these depend on a balanced melatonin cycle. By going to sleep late or working night shifts, you throw this cycle out of balance, and throw off many other hormonal cycles as well. Apart from making melatonin, the brain also synthesizes serotonin, which is a very important neurotransmitter/hormone related to our state of physical and emotional well-being.”
– Andreas Moritz, The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse: An All-Natural, At-Home Flush to Purify and Rejuvenate Your Body (Get the book.)

“It’s built out of the neurotransmitter serotonin, in a small gland in the brain called the pineal gland. This hormone is also a powerful antioxidant. It can be used in low doses (up to 3 mg) as a supplement to aid in deeper sleep or to naturally treat insomnia or jet lag. Melatonin is another option for preventing and treating tardive dyskinesia. In a double-blind trial, 10 mg of melatonin each night for six weeks in patients with TD reduced abnormal movements by 23.8 percent. Similar changes were seen in only 8.4 percent of the placebo (dummy pill) group.”
– Hyla Cass, Supplement Your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutrition (Get the book.)

“Melatonin Melatonin is a bodily substance produced by a tiny endocrine organ, the pineal gland, in the center of brain. The pineal gland responds to a large variety of inputs, in the form of light and dark, temperature, and even magnetism, and sends messages to the brain that affect behavior. It does this by converting noradrenaline into melatonin, a hormone that is structurally related to serotonin. Scientists think that the pineal gland is linked to the eyes either by nerves or through the action of the part of the brain known as the hypothalamus.”
– Mark Mayell, Off-the-Shelf Natural Health (Get the book.)

“DMT at extraordinary times in our lives,” such as birth, death, and orgasm. DMT is also released during high stress times, making me wonder if this is our body’s way of helping us to be in touch with spirit on a very physical level when we most need it. DMT itself is not of spirit necessarily, but it is the vehicle through which we may access spirit. It is also important to note that DMT can cause psychotic states in some individuals, which leads me to believe that the body reacts differently to different kinds of stress.”
– Pam Montgomery, Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness (Get the book.)

“Other animal studies found that fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland and interferes with its production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the onset of puberty, thyroid functions, and numerous other basic physiological processes. In humans, fluoride has been found to cause arthritis, osteoporosis, hip fractures, cancer, infertility, Alzheimer’s disease, and brain damage. Until the 1950s, European doctors used fluoride to treat hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).”
– Andreas Moritz, The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse: An All-Natural, At-Home Flush to Purify and Rejuvenate Your Body (Get the book.)

“When the melatonin-producing pineal gland is destroyed in animals, they become much more susceptible to cancer; malignant melanomas will grow larger and metastasize to more areas of the body in these animals than in those that have functioning pineal glands (13). In humans, the evidence that light is involved with cancer is coming into focus. When the pineal gland in humans becomes calcified, it cuts down its production of melatonin (14). This, in turn, stimulates the production of estrogen, which causes an increased amount of breast cancer (15).”
– Zane R. Kime, Sunlight (Get the book.)

“Melatonin Melatonin production by the pineal gland has nearly ceased at age 60. In an experiment on newborn rats using a drug that interfered with glutathione synthesis, cataracts were produced. Half the rats were given melatonin and only 6.2% of these rats developed cataracts, whereas all the untreated rats had cataracts. This gives another potential reason for taking melatonin daily. The common belief that sunlight (UV ultraviolet) causes cataracts may be incorrect. Cataracts are less common in the tropics where sunlight is plentiful.”
– James A. Howenstine, A Physician’s Guide to Natural Health Products That Work (Get the book.)
“These behavioral improvements are believed to be caused by decreased secretion of melatonin from the pineal gland in a light enhanced environment. Four percent of persons living in middle latitudes have the SAD disorder. There is a summer version of the problem called Summer SAD. This condition occurs in July and August and is characterized by agitation, insomnia and weight loss. Both types of SAD are most common in women aged 21 to 40.Winter SAD affects only 1.4% of persons in Florida whereas in New Hampshire, the incidence approaches 10%. Alaska also manifests a 10% incidence of winter SAD.”
– James A. Howenstine, A Physician’s Guide to Natural Health Products That Work (Get the book.)

“Melatonin (page 555) is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. It is partially responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles. Cognitive function is linked to adequate sleep and normal sleep-wake cycles. Cognitive benefits from melatonin supplementation have been suggested by preliminary research in a variety of situations and may derive from the ability of melatonin to prevent sleep disruptions.”
– Alan R. Gaby, M.D., Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Forrest Batz, Pharm.D. Rick Chester, RPh., N.D., DipLAc. George Constantine, R.Ph., Ph.D. Linnea D. Thompson, Pharm.D., N.D., The Natural Pharmacy: Complete A-Z Reference to Natural Treatments for Common Health Conditions (Get the book.)

“The Effects of Fluoride on the Physiology of the pineal gland. PH.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. P. 176. Processed Cereals “Cereals processed in a fluoridated area had fluoride concentrations ranging from 3.8 ppm to 6.3 ppm…” -Warren J J, Levy SM. (2003). Dental Clinics of North America 47:225-43. “Infants who eat large quantities of dry infant cereals reconstituted with fluoridated water could ingest substantial quantities of fluoride from this source.” -Heilman JR, era/. (1997). Journal of the American Dental Association 128(7):857-63.”
– Dr David W Tanton, Ph.D., Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, And Stimulants – Dangerous Drugs on Trial (Get the book.)

“Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland, a small endocrine gland in the brain. Its release is dependent on the amount of light the body is exposed to. As light fades toward the end of the day, Darkness releases melatonin, melatonin is released. This mela- a powerful Sleep-enhancing tonin helps prepare the body for hormone and antioxidant. sleep by reducing alertness and slightly lowering body temperature. I find that my ability to get a good night’s sleep is closely tied to the natural production of melatonin in my body.”
– Brendan Brazier, The Thrive Diet: The Whole Food Way to Lose Weight, Reduce Stress, and Stay Healthy for Life (Get the book.)

“SAD is associated with the pineal gland, which is sometimes called “The Third Eye” in esoteric circles. The pineal gland is located directly between your eyes on your forehead. When the amount of sunlight striking the pineal gland is reduced, it produces less of certain brain chemcials which help maintain your mood. Fixing SAD can be a simple as getting more sunlight. How do you do that during the dark days of winter? Well, just about any health care supply store, and some health food stores, stock lamps which produce the same kind of light radiation that the sun produces.”
– American Medical Publishing, Proven Health Tips Encyclopedia (Get the book.)

“It would almost seem as if this influence is directly connected to the relationship of the physical body of the individual and that mysterious and intangible part known as the soul. The pineal gland is analogous to a radio antenna, receiving from the atmospheric environment the vital flow of cosmic energy acting like an electric current when it enters the body. Cosmic Energy is that infinite unfathomable power which permeates the entire universe holding the planets in their course and operating right into the very core of every atom in your body.”
– Matt Monarch, Raw Success (Get the book.)
“There is also much attention given to our pineal gland energy center, otherwise known as the 6th chakra or “third eye”. In my book, Raw Spirit, I wrote about the opening of my third eye. I had been Raw six months and decided to do the psyllium/bentonite 7-day cleanse by Bernard Jensen. Immediately following the cleanse, I experienced such terrific sensations in my forehead that I was spellbound. I’ve since come to recognize these sensations as: Progress. When addressing our emotional and spiritual health, it is important to understand that we are more than a dense physical body.”
– Matt Monarch, Raw Success (Get the book.)
“Like the current from one of the huge electric generating stations sending hundreds of thousands of volts through the wires to the 115 volt transformer near your home, so the universal cosmic energy enters the pineal gland with inexpressibly high voltage which would virtually burn up the body if the body were not equipped with a transformer to lower that cosmic energy to the voltage consistent with the needs of the individual.”
– Matt Monarch, Raw Success (Get the book.)
“Many people who understand this procedure classify the pineal gland as the spiritual gland in man. (Norman Walker: Vibrant Health, Pg. 74) 15 WATER What is the best water I can drink? Distilled water and water distilled by nature, a.k.a. juice. The Great Divide Arenas of health are often split by passionate opinions from various “experts” and laymen. The topic of WATER has not been spared from this division; there is no unified agreement about which kind is best. The only water that is only water (i.e. only H20X void of everything else, is distilled.”
– Matt Monarch, Raw Success (Get the book.)

“For example, melatonin is an important hormone secreted by the pineal gland, a small gland in the center of the brain. A melatonin supplement is one of the best aids for sleep. However, it appears that the sleep-promoting effects of melatonin are most apparent only if a person’s melatonin levels are low. In other words, taking melatonin is not like taking a sleeping pill. It will only produce a sedative effect when natural melatonin levels are diminished. A dosage of 3mg at bedtime is more than enough. We prefer products that are sublingual (under the tongue) or chewable tablets.”
– Michael T. Murray and Michael R. Lyon, Hunger Free Forever: The New Science of Appetite Control (Get the book.)

“SEROTONIN, SPIRITUALITY AND THE PINEAL GLAND: Chapter 15 addresses the religious aspects of increased serotonin. What I have learned on this subject since the first printing of the book is very interesting. One particular gland in the brain is responsible for metabolizing 50% of the serotonin. This gland is the pineal gland known in Eastern religions as the Third Eye and in many other religions as the “seat of the soul.” It is believed that this gland is how we have access to the spiritual.”
– Ann Blake Tracy, Ph.D., Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? The Rest of the Story on the New Class of SSRI Antidepressants Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lovan, Luvox & More (Get the book.)

“It is, again, interesting to note that the manna thought by some to be the mineral iridium (see Chapter 28) is thought, according to ancient teaching, to stimulate the activity of the pineal gland as the master communicator, which will then enhance our communication as a superconductor to the entire universe. Please understand that this is theory but it is backed by an increasing amount of science of a living field we are all part of, as an interconnected One.”
– Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini (Get the book.)
“The pineal gland in this context has control over what will and will not transmit to the rest of the body and what affects consciousness. We can almost think about the pineal as having certain granules like a crystal in a receiving set. Perhaps what is being activated by the shem-an-na, or the manna, are these granules. It is interesting, as a physician, noting that the Caduceus of Hermes has two wings representing the left and right side of the brain and it has a central pillar symbolic of the sushumna through which the awakened Kundalini travels.”
– Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini (Get the book.)
“The two serpents represent the ida and pingala, and in the center is a Light ball that represents the pineal gland and the merging of Shakti and Shiva into the One at the top. This balance with the two wings, two serpents, and the central pineal is known in some Yogic circles as the swan or pramahansa. The three columns (two serpents and central pole) also represent the three columns of the Tree of Life. It is the symbol that represents the fully Awakened Being.”
– Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini (Get the book.)
“The monatomic elements particularly affect the pineal gland, increasing melatonin production, as well as the pituitary gland, increasing serotonin production and activating the body’s junk DNA, therefore potentially activating unused parts of the brain. Researchers have shown that the PGMs comprise 5 percent of the brain by dry weight and are composed of these superconductor monatomic elements. One might theorize that the PGMs offer us human beings the power to further activate our Light body. The biochemistry laboratory at the U.S.”
– Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini (Get the book.)

“The analysis which is given in the twenty-third edition of Gray’s Anatomy (page 1,266) is as follows: “In our research work we find that the pineal gland produces and stimulates seven different minerals in the human body. Much of this action is carried out by the spinal column.” We know that the body is dependent on various phosphates, magnesium, calcium, etc., hence the importance of minerals. In experiments on the spinal column the spinal cord has been punctured and fluid has been extracted to determine the course of different ailments.”
– Jan De Vries, Life Without Arthritis: The Maori Way (Get the book.)

“However, the single most effective way of reaping the many health benefits of melatonin is to sleep normal hours, in total darkness, so that the pineal gland in the brain can produce its own melatonin, in just the right amounts that the body needs to remain healthy. As a side note, night workers are virtually assured of being dangerously Vitamin D deficient and should strongly consider being tested and taking a supplement containing Vitamin D3 and Vitamin A. The proper test is called 25(OH)D or 25-hydroxyvitamin D and is available at and;
– KC Craichy, Super Health 7 Golden Keys to Unlock Lifelong Vitality (Get the book.)

“At the same time it is true that we don’t yet know enough about the medical or physical aspect of the pineal gland. This gland, by means of acupuncture, can be balanced positively or negatively. When treating stress-related conditions, wor^ng on this particular gland can sometimes produce very rewarding results. The pituitary gland is said to be the key to the chemistry of the whole of the body. The pituitary hormones chemically affect the cell membranes, therefore the chemical reactions do not work properly when the pituitary gland is in any way impaired.”
– Jan De Vries, Life Without Arthritis: The Maori Way (Get the book.)

“Produced in the pineal gland, a peasized structure embedded deep within our brains, it controls the body’s circadian rhythm, the internal mechanism that tells us when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to wake up. Melatonin peaks during childhood, drops during adolescence when other hormones kick in, and continues to decrease as we age. By age sixty, our pineal gland is producing half the amount of melatonin it did when we were twenty. One of the most devastating effects of the loss of melatonin is disturbance of sleep patterns.”
– Earl Mindell, Earl Mindell’s Secret Remedies (Get the book.)

“This gland is the pineal gland known in Eastern religions as the Third Eye and in many other religions as the “seat of the soul.” It is believed that this gland is how we have access to the spiritual. If that gland is overloaded with serotonin does that impair thepineal gland and shut off access to the spiritual? Is this why so many patients say they can no longer feel spiritual feelings? Is this why so many leave their religions, no matter which religion they are? Is that why so many report feeling “possessed”?”
– Ann Blake Tracy, Ph.D., Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? The Rest of the Story on the New Class of SSRI Antidepressants Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lovan, Luvox & More (Get the book.)

“Walter Pierpaoli, one of the foremost researchers of melatonin and co-author of The Melatonin Miracle, says, We discovered that the pineal gland is to our bodies what the conductor is to the orchestra. The job of the pineal gland is to regulate and harmonize the functioning of a number of bodily systems. One of those systems is our endocrine system, which is made up of many glands that produce hormones that control our growth from childhood to adulthood. They also control our sexual development. Another of these systems is the immune system, which protects us against disease.”
– James F. Balch, M.D., The Super Anti-Oxidants: Why They Will Change the Face of Healthcare in the 21st Century (Get the book.)
“That may get the pineal gland really confused, which in turn creates havoc in the other systems it controls. This may be why we are more susceptible to diseases when we do not get enough sleep: In essence, our immune system has not received the right signals from the pineal gland. If that kind of crazy schedule is kept up for a long period of time, this can lead to some serious problems. Melatonin in Mid-Life One more thing: the pineal begins to cut back production of melatonin in mid-life, between the ages of forty and fifty.”
– James F. Balch, M.D., The Super Anti-Oxidants: Why They Will Change the Face of Healthcare in the 21st Century (Get the book.)
“It is called the pineal gland because it is shaped somewhat like a pine cone. Now we know that this little pine cone may be the most important gland in your body. The pineal controls the other glandular systems, and in doing so, controls the immune system, the reproductive system, sleep patterns, and most importantly, the aging process. This is all done through melatonin, a hormone that the pineal produces in almost undetectable amounts. Your Biological Clock You know that biological clock that people keep telling you is ticking? The pineal gland is it!”
– James F. Balch, M.D., The Super Anti-Oxidants: Why They Will Change the Face of Healthcare in the 21st Century (Get the book.)
“In addition to being produced by the pineal gland, it is also produced constantly in the digestive tract. This occurs independently of the pineal gland and establishes a baseline amount of melatonin for your body to use. Melatonin can be found virtually everywhere in your body, in every cell. For years, medical researchers knew it was there, but did not know what it did. It turns out that, ounce for ounce (or microgram for microgram in this case), melatonin is the most powerful antioxidant we have found!”
– James F. Balch, M.D., The Super Anti-Oxidants: Why They Will Change the Face of Healthcare in the 21st Century (Get the book.)

“In addition, a 2- x 4-inch, or 4- x 6-inch magnet, placed above the headboard, is used to bathe the pineal gland, which is a small but powerful gland in the center of the head. Among other things, the pineal gland is responsible for melatonin production, which helps us get restorative sleep. Magnets can also be placed on the site of the pain. During the day, magnets can be wrapped over an affected area. Another method sometimes advocated is to use 2- x 5-inch bar magnets or neodymium round magnets.”
– Gary Null, Ph.D., The Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing: A Comprehensive A-Z Listing of Common and Chronic Illnesses and Their Proven Natural Treatments (Get the book.)

“In fact, the Eastern concept of the “crown chakra” (the highest energy center) is generally believed to represent the pineal gland. Supporting the pineal gland, I believe, is preferable to taking melatonin supplements because it marshals the body’s own natural forces. Also, there has been some speculation recently that long-term melatonin supplementation might possibly have some negative side effects. While these side effects remain unproven, it’s still wise to be very cautious when using any medication. Now let’s look at the pituitary.”
– Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., Brain Longevity: The Breakthrough Medical Program that Improves Your Mind and Memory (Get the book.)

“Melatonin is secreted from a small gland in the brain called the pineal gland as daylight begins to decline. Melatonin is also a potent antioxidant that has protective effects against many types of cancer. As we age as adults, there is a tendency to produce less melatonin. Fortunately, there may be a better way to overcome serotonin and melatonin deficiency by providing the right sort of support to tryptophan metabolism.”
– Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods (Get the book.)

“The human spirit was supposed by Descartes to interact with the human brain in the pineal gland, in a manner that remained unexplained by him or anyone else. The pineal gland has now been replaced by the cerebral cortex as the supposed seat of consciousness, but the problem of “the ghost in the machine” is still with us today.18 Everything in nature worked entirely mechanically; in other words, everything was inanimate—except for human minds. Thus Descartes eliminated from the world all such disturbances as life, will, and intentions.”
– Rupert Sheldrake, The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature (Get the book.)

“The pharynx is approximately 5 inches long and is part of two body systems—the respiratory and the digestive—as it is a highway for both air and food. 10?Pineal gland. The pea-sized pineal gland is located at the base of the brain. Although it is active metabolically, its actual function is unknown. 100 Pinna. The projecting part of the external ear that is shaped like the flared end of a horn. It is made of cartilage and covered with skin and helps capture sound waves for the ear. 110 Pituitary gland. A pea-sized gland located near the base of the brain.”
– Deborah R. Mitchell, The Home Healing Almanac: Solutions That Will Help You Make the Best Choices About Your Health and Safety (Get the book.)

“The identification of melatonin in 1958 provided the first solid scientific evidence of an essential role of the pineal gland. It is now thought that the sole function of the pineal gland is to manufacture and secrete melatonin. The exact function of melatonin is still poorly understood, but it is critically involved in the synchronization of hormone secretion. The natural daily cycle of hormone secretion is referred to as a circadian rhythm. The human body is governed by an internal clock that signals the secretion of various hormones at different times to regulate body functions.”
– Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D., Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition (Get the book.)

“This unique clock keeps time by the metaphoric battery of the pineal gland, that tiny organ tucked deep in our brains. When it gets dark outside, the pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin, which in a slow fade makes us sleepy?and provides us with that magical transition from the waking to the sleeping state. Taking melatonin supplements may help with the insomnia we all experience on occasion. It can be even more beneficial for those who travel frequently and cross time zones or for those who must sleep during daytime hours.”
– Brenda Adderly, The Complete Guide to Nutritional Supplements: Everything You Need to Make Informed Choices for Optimum Health (Get the book.)

“Diamond White Sapphire Aircrystal; forthe pineal gland, creativity; holds good or bad energy around itself, the bad cleansable in water. Dolomite Peach-colored stone; for inner peace, helpful for stomach or ulcer conditions; held during meditation. Emerald Heals the liver and thyroid; for intestinal dysentery (touch one and hold the other Emerald in the mouth); weight balance, energy; for back problems from emotional upsets; place in sunlight for recharging, and refract lightthrough it to heal cuts. Epidote Green Earth stone with orange spots; for self-love and healing.”
– Joseph E. Mario, Anti-Aging Manual: The Encyclopedia of Natural Health (Get the book.)
“ElectroMagnetic Fields (EMF) affect the pineal gland and central nervous system, causing al lergic reactions, convulsions, mob behavior, (chronic) fatigue, hypertension migraines, memory lapses, depression by releasingBrain cholinergic neuropeptides, spurring anxiety, and stress.”
– Joseph E. Mario, Anti-Aging Manual: The Encyclopedia of Natural Health (Get the book.)
“Sldmandlow-fatmilkhasmeanti-stifmessfactorremovedriskingcalcification of the joints, kidneys, or pineal gland; fed to animals caused testicle shrinkage and sterility. Cheese: Hardened milk, though somewhat nutritious, has poor absorption, ^08 All D;„k»o Da^^,,^A arterial sedimentation, and infl icts mucous al lergy and compromised Immunity like milk. Low-fat cheeses have from under 2 grams to 7 grams of fat per ounce.”
– Joseph E. Mario, Anti-Aging Manual: The Encyclopedia of Natural Health (Get the book.)

“Since the pineal gland (the body’s light meter) secretes melatonin as a way of cueing the organism about environmental light levels, it is obvious that melatonin has a profound effect on the reproductive physiology of any number of different animal species and most likely on that of humans as well. It is now recognized that human sexual physiology is influenced by the pineal gland.”
– Jacob Liberman O.D. Ph.D., Light: Medicine of the Future: How We Can Use It to Heal Ourselves NOW (Get the book.)

“The pineal gland Kriya Sit comfortably on the floor, with your legs crossed, or sit in a chair. Raise your hands above your head, with your fingers locked. Try to pull the hands apart, while you take long, deep breaths, for one to two minutes. (See illustration 1, Figure 12.) figure 12 This kriya tonifies and activates the pineal gland. It produces an enhanced state of awareness, clarity, and the ability to focus. Then bring your hands to your knees, and touch your index finger to your thumb, creating a small circle. This is called Gyan mudra.”
– Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., Brain Longevity: The Breakthrough Medical Program that Improves Your Mind and Memory (Get the book.)

“In certain circles it is believed that the pineal gland reacts to violet colours, the eyes to greenish-blue, the thymus gland to yellow, the gonads to red, and so on. Let me remind you of the significance of the number seven: there are seven endocrine glands, seven colours in the solar spectrum, and also seven layers of light receptors in the retina of the eye. Harmony in colour, or for that matter the lack of it, relates to a corresponding balance in our physical condition. Illness and disease are disharmony and in this context every aspect of health must be considered.”
– Jan De Vries, Life Without Arthritis: The Maori Way (Get the book.)

“Yes Drug class: Hormone Melatonin is a hormone produced in the human body by the pineal gland and secreted at night. In most people, the melatonin levels are highest during the normal hours of sleep. The levels increase rapidly in the late evening, peaking after midnight and decreasing toward morning. Jet lag: Some research studies have shown that taking melatonin before a flight and continuing for a few days after arrival at the destination helped control jet lagsymptoms of fatigue and sleep disturbances. Appears to work best after plane trips that crossed more than six time zones.”
– H. Winter Griffith, M.D., Complete Guide to Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs 2005 (Get the book.)

“In most people, melatonin reaches its peak (70 pg/ml) at approximately 2 a.m., then flattens for a couple of hours before beginning a dramatic drop to its lowest levels around 4 a.m. Production of melatonin not only varies during the 24-hour cycle, it also fluctuates during our life span. Although newborns usually sleep 16 to 18 hours a day, spread out over six to seven naps, they produce very low amounts of melatonin.”
– Herbert Ross, DC with Keri Brenner, L.Ac., Alternative Medicine Magazine’s Definitive Guide to Sleep Disorders: 7 Smart Ways to Help You Get a Good Night’s Rest (Get the book.)

“The cause of SAD, from a Western perspective, is a deficiency of sunhght reaching the pineal gland, causing elevated levels of the hormone melatonin. How the pineal gland realizes that winter is here remains a mystery, however, since it is buried deep inside the skull and has no access to light. Ayurveda would use a simpler principle to explain SAD: When Kapha increases outside, it also increases inside. Certain people—those vulnerable to Kapha im- balance—will become sick from this added Kapha, leading to depression.”
– Deepak Chopra, Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide, Revised and Updated Edition (Get the book.)

“Melatonin This is a hormone produced by the pineal gland. Although melatonin is natural and available over the counter, this does not mean that it is without risk. My concern with any hormone is that although it might be quite safe when used within the body’s normal range, I worry about toxicity when people take more than the body would normally make. For most people, all it takes to restore melatonin to normal levels is 0.5 mg. The usual dose you find in stores, however, is 3 mg, which is six to ten times the dose that most people need.”
– Jacob Teitelbaum, Pain Free 1-2-3: A Proven Program for Eliminating Chronic Pain Now (Get the book.)

“Since the pineal gland seems to adjust the entire physiology of organisms to their environment, the physical size of this gland seems to vary according to where animals live. Thus, the pineal is relatively small in animals living at or near the equator, whereas its size increases proportionately the further north or south of the equator animals live. In certain species, such as the elephant seal, the pineal gland at birth occupies 50% of the brain.”
– Jacob Liberman O.D. Ph.D., Light: Medicine of the Future: How We Can Use It to Heal Ourselves NOW (Get the book.)

“Melatonin Description: Melatonin is a natural hormone produced in the brain’s pineal gland that regulates the body’s biological clock and sleep cycles. Melatonin is produced in response to darkness. This hormone has been shown to be helpful for insomnia, seasonal affective disorder, and other mood disturbances. It has potent antioxidant properties and also protects against radiation damage.”
– James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D., Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More (Get the book.)
“Melatonin Description: Melatonin is a natural hormone produced in the pineal gland that regulates the body’s biological clock and sleep cycles. Melatonin is produced in response to darkness. This hormone has been shown to be helpful for insomnia, seasonal affective disorder, and other mood disturbances. It has potent antioxidant properties and protects against radiation damage.”
– James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D., Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, Bodywork, and More (Get the book.)

“If we lay ourselves open to the negative influences of cosmic energy or we are chained to a word processor or television screen, we lower the efficiency of the immune system, as the pineal gland becomes affected and will in turn affect the immune system through its ally, the thymus gland. One school of thought favours the removal of the thymus gland, especially for the treatment of the condition affecting the muscles known as myasthenia gravis. At birth the thymus gland may be only the size of a pea, while by the age of about forty, it will already have decreased in size.”
– Jan De Vries, Life Without Arthritis: The Maori Way (Get the book.)

“Can perk you up, calm you down, or make you sleep like a baby (take at bedtime with Vitamins B6 and C), relieves insomnia (take with Carbohydrates; or substitute structurally-related pineal gland extract Melatonin). For chronic painintolerance, stress and tension reduction, calms the mind, relieves hallucinations, psychiatric problems; can replace Amitriptyline/imipramine drug for depression (with Tyrosine, take alone on an empty stomach with Vitamins B3 and B6). For Immunity, allergies. For addictions, with Tyrosine, and alcoholism.”
– Joseph E. Mario, Anti-Aging Manual: The Encyclopedia of Natural Health (Get the book.)

“This hormone is secreted by the pineal gland, a pea-size gland in your brain that helps control periods of sleepiness and wakefulness. The pineal gland releases melatonin into the bloodstream. At night, your body produces more melatonin, while the stimulus of light inhibits production. Between 2:00 and 4:00 A.M., production hits a peak. Then, toward dawn, it tapers off. Before taking supplemental melatonin, have your doctor check your natural levels of melatonin. If they are low, take up to one milligram at least two hours before you go to bed, suggests Dr. Meletis.”
– Gale Maleskey, Nature’s Medicines : From Asthma to Weight Gain, from Colds to High Cholesterol — The Most Powerful All-Natural Cures (Get the book.)

“Other animal studies found that fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland and interferes with its production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the onset of puberty, thyroid functions, and numerous other basic physiological processes. In humans, fluoride has been found to cause arthritis, osteoporosis, hip fractures, cancer, infertility, Alzheimer’s disease, and brain damage. Until the 1950s, European doctors used fluoride to treat hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).”
– Andreas Moritz, The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush: A Powerful Do-It-Yourself Tool To Optimize your Health and Wellbeing (Get the book.)

“Full Spectrum Light: Light stimulates T4 production through its action on the pineal gland and a reduction in melatonin production. þ Stress Reduction: Thyroid malfunction is epidemic in this century, possibly due to pesticides and chemicals ubiquitously found in our environment. Chronic emotional stress can be a causative factor as well. Thus, stress management techniques and the consumption of chemical-free whole foods should be encouraged.”
– Michael Friedman, ND, Fundamentals of Naturopathic Endocrinology (Get the book.)
“MELATONIN SYNTHESIS Melatonin is the primary substance secreted by the pineal gland, which modulates the adrenal (HPA) axis during clinical illness, the serotonergic system in psychiatric disease, and the body’s general response to stress. Melatonin is the major neuroendocrine modulator of annual and circadian biorhythms in the body, and has a far-reaching biological influence over most of the autonomic, hormonal, and behavioral functions of the human organism.”
– Michael Friedman, ND, Fundamentals of Naturopathic Endocrinology (Get the book.)
“CONVENTIONAL MEDICAL TREATMENT The pineal gland and melatonin levels are generally not treated by conventional means, unless a rare pineal tumor is detected. NATUROPATHIC MEDICAL TREATMENT AND PREVENTION MELATONIN DEFICIENCY Lifestyle Melatonin production is increased by darkness; therefore, artificial light (or any type of electromagnetic radiation), after sundown should be minimized. Daytime exercise and light exposure will promote a regular circadian rhythm of melatonin.”
– Michael Friedman, ND, Fundamentals of Naturopathic Endocrinology (Get the book.)

“Reducing tryptophan will decrease the amount of NAD in the cells, decreases the amount of serotonin, and makes it more difficult for the pineal gland to make enough melatonin. The adverse reactions to these substances may be allergic or toxic. For every individual more than one substance will create these reactions with a synergistic effect. Dr Egger found that of 76 children 79 percent reacted to artificial colors and preservatives. But for these children, 48 different foods were found to cause symptoms.”
– Dr. Abram Hoffer, M.D., FRCP(C), Healing Children’s Attention & Behavior Disorders
(Get the book.)

“Discussion The pineal gland regulates the circadian rhythm, otherwise known as our 24-hour biological clock, with the secretion of melatonin. At night, the pineal gland becomes activated and begins secreting melatonin, peaking between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. Light, sensed through receptors in the eyes, inhibits the production of melatonin. Therefore, any light sensed by the eyes will shut off the production of melatonin.1 Melatonin levels, along with DHEA (Chapter 5) and human growth hormone (Chapter 11), progressively decline as we age.”
– David Brownstein, The Miracle of Natural Hormones (Get the book.)

“It’s best to expose yourself to moderate amounts of sunlight regularly; if you wear glasses, remove them occasionally and, without looking directly at the sun, let the beneficial light pass through the optic nerve to the pineal gland, which regulates several endocrine functions, such as biological rhythm synchronization and the sleep/wake cycle. We now know that melatonin, an immunostimulatory neurohormone and powerful antioxidant, is secreted by the pineal gland.5,6 Spend time going for walks in the woods or away from traffic, breathing in the fresh, clean air.”
– Donald R. Yance, j r.,C.N., M.H., A.H.G., with Arlene Valentine, Herbal Medicine, Healing and Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment (Get the book.)
“Melatonin Melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland, has gained popularity as a natural sleep aid without side effects. Melatonin levels are low during the day because light inhibits its production, but at night the pineal glandproduces melatonin and levels may go up as much as five to fifteen times. As a sleeping aid, it works well for some, but does nothing for others. The key element is to avoid exposure to light during the night because light exposure during sleeping time gready diminishes melatonin levels.”
– Donald R. Yance, j r.,C.N., M.H., A.H.G., with Arlene Valentine, Herbal Medicine, Healing and Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment (Get the book.)

“In addition to their anthocyanidins, Montmorency tart cherries have been found to contain significant quantities of melatonin, a hormone produced in the pineal gland at the base of the brain that influences the sleep process and is also a very powerful antioxidant. While some other foods, such as bananas, also contain melatonin, the amount is too low to be effective, but, according to studies conducted at the University of Texas, Montmorency cherries contain 0.1 to 0.3 milligram of melatonin per serving. At this dosage melatonin has been shown to be an effective sleep inducer.”
– Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods (Get the book.)

“The human spirit was supposed by Descartes to interact with the human brain in the pineal gland, in a manner that remained unexplained by him or anyone else. The pineal gland has now been replaced by the cerebral cortex as the supposed seat of consciousness, but the problem of “the ghost in the machine” is still with us today.18 Everything in nature worked entirely mechanically; in other words, everything was inanimate—except for human minds. Thus Descartes eliminated from the world all such disturbances as life, will, and intentions.”
– Rupert Sheldrake, The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature (Get the book.)

“Produced in the pineal gland, a peasized structure embedded deep within our brains, it controls the body’s circadian rhythm, the internal mechanism that tells us when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to wake up. Melatonin peaks during childhood, drops during adolescence when other hormones kick in, and continues to decrease as we age. By age sixty, our pineal gland is producing half the amount of melatonin it did when we were twenty. One of the most devastating effects of the loss of melatonin is disturbance of sleep patterns.”
– Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D., Earl Mindell’s Secret Remedies (Get the book.)

“This hormone is secreted by the pineal gland, a pea-size gland in your brain that helps control periods of sleepiness and wakefulness. The pineal gland releases melatonin into the bloodstream. At night, your body produces more melatonin, while the stimulus of light inhibits production. Between 2:00 and 4:00 A.M., production hits a peak. Then, toward dawn, it tapers off. Before taking supplemental melatonin, have your doctor check your natural levels of melatonin. If they are low, take up to one milligram at least two hours before you go to bed, suggests Dr. Meletis.”
– Gale Maleskey, Nature’s Medicines : From Asthma to Weight Gain, from Colds to High Cholesterol — The Most Powerful All-Natural Cures (Get the book.)

“It is made in a small area of the brain called the pineal gland. As people get older the pineal gland shrinks, and less melatonin is made, meaning that older people become relatively melatonin deficient. Only a few studies have looked at the use of melatonin to help memory, but they suggest that this compound may help those who are having both sleeping and memory problems. Melatonin improves sleep and thereby reduces memory problems related to sleep loss. Whether or not it also has direct effects on memory functions is not clear.”
– Guy McKhann, and Marilyn Albert, Keep Your Brain Young: The Complete Guide to Physical and Emotional Health and Longevity (Get the book.)

“Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, a little cone-shaped structure in the brain that releases the hormone into the bloodstream. Darkness stimulates the pineal gland and causes it to produce more melatonin, which is why some call it the “hormone of darkness.” Light puts the brakes on production. During a normal night, production of melatonin peaks during the darkest hours—between 2:00 and 4:00 A.M. After that, production starts to decline, and it’s essentially switched off when you wake up. The longer the night, the more melatonin will be secreted.”
– Gale Maleskey, Nature’s Medicines : From Asthma to Weight Gain, from Colds to High Cholesterol — The Most Powerful All-Natural Cures (Get the book.)

“Melatonin Melatonin is not an amino acid, but it is a hormone that is manufactured in the pineal gland from the amino acid tryptophan. The pineal gland is a pea-sized organ that sits at the base of the brain. Melatonin is also available as a dietary supplement. It is the substance that appears to regulate the “body clock/’ the physiological changes that relate to day-night changes. Melatonin levels normally go up when it turns dark, and they are low during daylight hours. This hormone is also an antioxidant/free-radical scavenger that appears to slow the aging process.”
– Michael Janson, M.D., The Vitamin Revolution in Health Care (Get the book.)

“The optic nerves relay information about external light levels to the SCN, which in turn sends the light signals to several regions of the brain, including the pea-sized pineal gland. The pineal gland is instrumental in sleep, because it secretes melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone. breaths of air. There are three types of sleep apnea, according to Dr. Zimmerman: central sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea, and a combination of the first two types called mixed-type sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea refers to a defect in the central nervous system that affects the diaphragm.”
– Larry Trivieri, Jr., Alternative Medicine the Definitive Guide, Second Edition (Get the book.)
“EMFs interact with living systems, affecting enzymes related to growth regulation, pineal gland metabolism, regulation of the hormones melatonin and serotonin, and cell division and multiplication. MS patients typically show calcification of the pineal gland as well as decreased brain levels of melatonin and serotonin, according to Dr. Laibow. Melatonin is important in MS because it is a potent antioxidant that protects the brain and central nervous system from free-radical damage. ”
– Larry Trivieri, Jr., Alternative Medicine the Definitive Guide, Second Edition (Get the book.)
“MELATONIN LEVELS THROUGHOUT LIFE The pineal gland is roused into action in childhood. Newborn babies don’t produce melatonin, since the pineal gland has not matured at the time of birth. At six months, melatonin levels start to rise and three-year-olds have the highest levels. Between the ages of 11 and 35, melatonin production decreases gradually. From 35 to 50, melatonin levels actually increase, after which time levels plummet sharply. The elderly produce half as much melatonin as children.”
– Larry Trivieri, Jr., Alternative Medicine the Definitive Guide, Second Edition (Get the book.)

“The complicated music of these processes is organized by that orchestra conductor, the pineal gland, using melatonin as a kind of baton. HOW DOES MELATONIN PREVENT AGING? As we’ve seen, nature isn’t much interested in us after we’ve gotten too old to reproduce. One system after another starts to go, leaving us with lower levels of sexual functioning and a weakened immune system. This breakdown, too, is governed by the pineal gland, via its output of melatonin.”
– Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman, Stopping the Clock: Longevity for the New Millenium (Get the book.)
“What they didn’t realize was that the two systems are interconnected—and that both operate under the direction of the pineal gland. The pineal gland is a small organ behind the eyes that in reptiles is literally a “third eye”—a light-sensitive organ covered with a shield of clear cartilage. In humans, the pineal is hidden within the brain, although Hindu philosophy refers to a “third eye” that sees more deeply and truly than the other two. Indeed, the pineal does “see” in a way, for one of its jobs is to respond to changes in light and dark.”
– Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman, Stopping the Clock: Longevity for the New Millenium (Get the book.)
“Likewise, the pineal gland “tells” our endocrine and immune 80 70 iliter) o 1 50 >er co 40 E CO & 30 o o 3 20 c I 10 (0 S 2 0 2:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 3:00 A.M. 7:00 A.M. Time of day The 24-hour cycle of melatonin production. systems when and how to release key substances: growth hormones, sexual hormones, and antibodies. How does the pineal gland “tell” other systems what to do? Pierpaoli believes that the messenger is melatonin. Changes in our levels of melatonin tell the body to enter puberty and begin 140 Age (years) Melatonin levels through life. sexual development.”
– Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman, Stopping the Clock: Longevity for the New Millenium (Get the book.)
“Animals who mate in the spring are responding to hormonal changes set off by the pineal gland, as are animals who migrate in the fall or hibernate in the winter. Women who menstruate every 28 days or so are also following a kind of seasonal rhythm, keeping time to the pineal clock. Indeed, researchers have noticed that women’s pineal glands are larger than men’s, perhaps because women need more internal time cues than men do, to help regulate their menstrual patterns. Immunologist Dr.”
– Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman, Stopping the Clock: Longevity for the New Millenium (Get the book.)

“Reset Your Body Clock With Melatonin In Eastern traditions, the pineal gland, a tiny structure embedded in the center of the brain, is known as “the third eye”—an accurate description of a gland that responds to changes in light. When darkness falls, thepineal gland boosts its secretion of the hormone melatonin. Levels of melatonin peak between the hours of 1 am and 5 am, then gradually fall as the sun rises. As with other hormones, melatonin production declines dramatically with age. At the age of forty, the body produces approximately one-sixth the melatonin it did during the teen years.”
– Dr. Julian Whitaker, The Memory Solution (Get the book.)

“The mind and body interacted, he maintained, in the pineal gland deep within the brain. Thus for Descartes, the pineal gland functioned much like the radio in Grosso’s image above. As we explore Era III, let’s bear in mind how profoundly ignorant we are about the nature of consciousness. As philosopher John Searle has said, “At our present state of the investigation of consciousness, we don’t know how it works and we need to try all kinds of different ideas.” And philosopher Jerry Fodor observes, “Nobody has the slightest idea how anything material could be conscious.”
– Larry Dossey, Reinventing Medicine: Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing (Get the book.)

“Their moods are also often affected by the amount of light in the environment. The pineal gland in the brain, which evolved from the so-called third eye in birds, responds to light-dark cycles so that there is more serotonin made during daylight hours. Light directly stimulates nerve tracts from the eye to the pineal gland. When daylight hours become shorter during certain times of the year, serotonin levels drop, causing SAD, or seasonal affective disorder. Obesity and poor eating habits often combine to worsen seasonal depression in patients with carbohydrate craving.”
– David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., What Color is Your Diet? (Get the book.)

“Melatonin The hormone melatonin is secreted in tiny amounts from the pineal gland at the base of the brain. As each day draws to an end and darkness falls, melatonin gives us the hormonal signal that it’s time to rest for the night. Because we live in a culture that stays up long into the night, with lights blazing, our pineal glands can get a little confused. Night shift work, newborn babies, and crazy schedules also disrupt our natural circa-dian rhythms, and quality of sleep suffers. Melatonin production in the brain is important to a good night’s sleep.”
– Earl L. Mindell, RPh, PhD with Virginia Hopkins, MA, Bottom Line’s Prescription Alternatives (Get the book.)

“The synthetic sunlight made the difference, Lewy theorized, because of its effect on melatonin, a pineal gland hormone which has a tranquilizing effect. The pineal gland is often called the seat of our “biological clock,” “a gland that measures time,” and “a gland for all seasons”; Descartes regarded it as the seat of the human soul.”
– Richard Leviton, Physician: Medicine and the Unsuspected Battle for Human Freedom (Get the book.)

“The pineal gland controls reproduction, sleep and motor activity, blood pressure, the immune system, the pituitary and thyroid glands, cellular growth, body temperature, and many other vital functions. All of these depend on a balanced melatonin cycle. By going to sleep late or working night shifts, you throw this cycle out of balance, and throw off many other hormonal cycles as well. Apart from making melatonin, the brain also synthesizes serotonin, which is a very important neurotransmitter/hormone related to our state of physical and emotional well-being.”
– Andreas Moritz, The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush: A Powerful Do-It-Yourself Tool To Optimize your Health and Wellbeing (Get the book.)

“Melatonin Melatonin is not an amino acid, but it is a hormone that is manufactured in the pineal gland from the amino acid tryptophan. The pineal gland is a pea-sized organ that sits at the base of the brain. Melatonin is also available as a dietary supplement. It is the substance that appears to regulate the “body clock/’ the physiological changes that relate to day-night changes. Melatonin levels normally go up when it turns dark, and they are low during daylight hours. This hormone is also an antioxidant/free-radical scavenger that appears to slow the aging process.”
– Michael Janson, M.D., The Vitamin Revolution in Health Care (Get the book.)

“The hypothalamus at the base of the brain is another vital regulator of the body and it works closely with the pituitary gland, the ‘master gland’ of the endocrine system, and the pineal gland, the so-called ‘Third Eye’, through which we manifest ‘psychic sight’. The endocrine glands connect the body to the chakra system and this network links our ‘physical’ reality with the wider universe of unseen energy. What are called psycho-active drugs – like ayahuasca – open us consciously to those areas of the brain and DNA that interact with these other realms.”
– David Icke, Icke David, Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion (Get the book.)

“I am intrigued about the growing evidence suggesting that the pineal gland releases a neurotransmitter-like substance, dimethyltryptamine, that, if injected, often produces profound experiences that exactly parallel the now thousands of well-reported near-death experiences.20 However, discussing whether or not there is life after death is not the purpose of this book. Here, I am more concerned with whether or not there is life before death!”
– Patrick Holford, The New Optimum Nutrition Bible (Get the book.)

“Inside the brain, in an area called the pineal gland, the hormone melatonin is being produced to regulate your sleep-wake cycle as well as the rise and fall of certain hormones. Your blood levels of melatonin rise when it’s dark, peak early in the morning, and recede during the day. Or to put it another way, more melatonin equals more sleepiness. That’s why many people use this hormone to help them fall asleep, overcome jet lag, and adjust to shift changes (such as going from the morning shift to the graveyard shift).”
– Frederic Vagnini, M.D. and Barry Fox, Ph.D., The Side Effects Bible: The Dietary Solution to Unwanted Side Effects of Common Medications (Get the book.)

“Some scientists have gone so far as to suggest that the more the calcification, the lesser the capacity for physiologic function left within the supposedly atrophied and aging pineal gland. Medical research in the field of chronobiology has recognized the pineal as one of the body’s internal clocks. It also has hormonal control over the process of sexual maturation, and is influenced by the light cycles of day and night. The pineal gland controls our biological ascension from child to adult by inhibiting sexual maturation until the appropriate time.”
– Richard Gerber, M.D., Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies (Get the book.)
“The crown chakra is also closely linked with the pineal gland. For the crown chakra to be fully awakened there must first occur a balancing of body, mind, and spirit. In the individual who has an opened crown chakra, the seventh center is represented by an energy polarity between the pineal gland and the right and left cerebral hemispheres. Abnormalities in energy flow at the level of the crown chakra may manifest as various types of cerebral dysfunction, including psychosis. Sixth Chakra The sixth chakra is the brow chakra, sometimes referred to as the “third eye.”
– Richard Gerber, M.D., Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies (Get the book.)

“The role of the pineal gland in circadian rhythms regulation. Brastisl Lek Listy 1994; 95:295-303. 10. Sack RL, Lewy AJ, Blood ML, Meith LD, Nakagawa H. Circadian rhythm abnormalities in totally blind people: Incidence and clinical significance. J Clin Endocrinol Metabl992; 75(l):127-34. 11. Czeisler CA, Shanahan TL, Klerman EB, Martens H, Brotman DJ, EmensJS, etal. Suppression of melatonin secretion in some blind patients by exposure to bright light. N Engl J Med 1995;332(1):6-11. 12. Reiter RJ. Neuroendocrine effects of light. IntJ Biometeorol 1991;35(3):169-75. 13.”
– Michael Friedman, ND, Fundamentals of Naturopathic Endocrinology (Get the book.)

“From an evolutionary standpoint, it is interesting to note that in lower animals such as reptiles the pineal gland is still associated with a rudimentary third eye, complete with lens and retina-like photoreceptor. When the seventh chakra is activated, the sixth or brow chakra is represented by an energy polarity between the pituitary and pineal glands. When the seventh center remains unopened, the brow chakra is represented by the pituitary and the medulla oblongata (part of the brainstem).2 The third-eye chakra is the seat of intuition and the subtle organ involved in clairvoyance.”
– Richard Gerber, M.D., Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies (Get the book.)

“It seems likely, in the light of modern research, that the pineal gland is far from the vestigial organ it was once thought to be but is actually a master gland which regulates the body’s circadian rhythms. As befits the ‘Third Eye’, it is truly light-sensitive and once again the quality of light received is the crucial factor in maintaining the delicate impulses that regulate the fundamental balance of functions and maintain health. LIGHT TO THE TISSUES Light is of unquestionable value via the optical nerve route, as the growing body of scientific evidence and clinical experience shows.”
– Keith Scott-Mumby, Virtual Medicine: A New Dimension in Energy Healing (Get the book.)

“Melatonin Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland. In healthy humans, melatonin is secreted from the pineal gland in a diurnal rhythm, with the highest serum levels occurring during the evening. Melatonin influences a number of biological functions, the most studied of which is its ability to induce sleep. It is becoming increasingly popular as a nontoxic, nonaddictive remedy for jet lag and insomnia.”
– John Boik, Cancer & Natural Medicine: A Textbook of Basic Science and Clinical Research (Get the book.)

“It is surptising that a hotmone connected to sleep has a lot to do with skin health, but maybe not to those researchers who consider the pineal gland another endocrine gland. Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland. Prevention of Skin Aging and Cancer It seems reasonable to avoid midday sun when possible and avoid tanning salons. Use protective clothing, hats, and umbrellas during prolonged sun exposure. Apply and reapply sunscreen or use preparations that contain micronized zinc oxide or titanium oxide for more complete protection.”
– The Life Extension Editorial Staff, Disease Prevention and Treatment (Get the book.)

“FOR THE REST OF IT Melatonin is a hormone produced by a pea-sized structure called the pineal gland, located in the center of the brain. Interestingly, it was once thought that the pineal gland had no function. Today, we know that the melatonin released by this gland helps to set the rhythms of waking and sleeping. Taken as a supplement, melatonin has been used as a potent antioxidant as well. For some people, it reduces jet lag.”
– Mark Stengler, N.D., The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies (Get the book.)

“Melatonin is synthesized endogenously by the pinealocytes of the pineal gland. The essential amino acid L-tryptophan is a precursor in the synthesis of melatonin. In this synthesis, L-tryptophan first gets metabolized to 5-hydroxytryptophan from which 5-hydroxytryptamine, also known as serotonin, is made. 5-hydroxytryptamine is converted to melatonin in a two-step process, occurring mainly in the pineal gland. Melatonin is also known as N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine and N-[2-(5-Methoxy-lH-indol-3-yl) ethyl] acetamide.”
– Sheldon Saul Hendler and David Rorvik, PDR for Nutritional Supplements (Get the book.)

“But that is not all, for the inventor states “You have heard of the pineal gland? …That gland is the great sense organ of organs -1 have found out. It is like sight in the end, and transmits visual pictures to the brain.”98 Through the rays that this device emits, people are able to see beings that live in another dimension or plane of existence. But years before Lovecraft painted his haunting picture, in 1882 a woman said to Keely: “You have opened the door into the spirit-world.” He answered, “Do you think so? I have sometimes thought I might be able to discover the origin of life.”
– Theo Paijmans, Free Energy Pioneer: John Worrell Keely (Get the book.)

“Melatonin The hormone melatonin is secreted in tiny amounts from the pineal gland at the base of the brain. As each day draws to an end and darkness falls, melatonin gives us the hormonal signal that it’s time to rest for the night. Because we live in a culture that stays up long into the night, with lights blazing, our pineal glands can get a little confused. Night shift work, newborn babies and crazy schedules also disrupt our natural circadian rhythms and quality of sleep suffers. Melatonin production in the brain is important to a good night’s sleep.”
– Earl L. Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D., Prescription Alternatives, Third Edition: Hundreds of Safe, Natural Prescription-Free Remedies to Restore and Maintain Your Health (Get the book.)

“Research has shown that our pineal gland, which produces serotonin and melatonin and may be at the core of our entire endocrine system, is affected not only by light, but also by magnetic fields. The seasonal light and dark cycles of each day appear to regulate our psycho-emotional being through our pineal gland. Many birds, insects, and reptiles daily use Earth’s natural magnetic influence of 10 hertz (this is the primary frequency of the brain in most animals) for their movement and instructural sense of direction. Subde changes in magnetism will alter their behavior.”
– Elson M. Haas, M.D., Staying Healthy with Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine (Get the book.)

“Disorder of the pineal gland associated with depression, peptic ulcers, and sexual dysfunction. Southern Med J 1984; 77: 1516-1518 37. Wetterberg L. The relationship between the pineal gland and the pituitary-adrenal axis in health, endocrine and psychiatric conditions. Psychoneuroendocrinology 1983; 8: 75-80 38. Beck-Friis J, Kjellman BF, Aperia et al. Serum melatonin in relation to clinical variables in patients with major depressive mood and a hypothesis of low melatonin syndrome. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1985; 71: 319-30 39. Rubin RT, Heist EK, McGeoy SS et al.”
– Michael T. Murray, ND, Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1
(Get the book.)
“The identification of melatonin in 1958 provided the first solid scientific evidence of an essential role for the pineal gland. It is now thought that the sole function of the pineal gland is to manufacture and secrete melatonin. The exact function of melatonin is still poorly understood, but it is critically involved in the synchronization of hormone secretion. The natural biorhythm of hormone secretion is referred to as the “circadian” rhythm. The human body is governed by an internal clock that signals the secretion of various hormones at different times to regulate body functions.”
– Michael T. Murray, ND, Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1
(Get the book.)

“There is considerable evidence that pineal gland function is linked to osteoporosis. • Melatonin delays the aging process and certain aging conditions. • Melatonin secretion decreases sharply during menopause. • Melatonin opposes the osteoporotic effects of Cortisol. • Melatonin inhibits synthesis of prostaglandin E2, which is implicated in bone loss. • Melatonin secretion increases with exercise and decreases with immobility. • Osteoporosis is delayed with chronicsunlight exposure. Osteoporosis is accelerated during winter months.”
– Vincent Giampapa, Ronald Pero, and Marcia Zimmerman, The Anti-Aging Solution: 5 Simple Steps to Looking and Feeling Young (Get the book.)
“There is evidence of a bidirectional interaction between immune cells and the pineal gland in that certain immune modulators act on the pineal. Both melatonin and immune-protective IgA (immunoglobulin A) are elevated at night following daytime bright light exposure, suggesting nighttime is an important recovery period for the immune system.”
– Vincent Giampapa, Ronald Pero, and Marcia Zimmerman, The Anti-Aging Solution: 5 Simple Steps to Looking and Feeling Young (Get the book.)

“In the individual who has an opened crown chakra, the seventh center is represented by an energy polarity between the pineal gland and the right and left cerebral hemispheres. Abnormalities in energy flow at the level of the crown chakra may manifest as various types of cerebral dysfunction, including psychosis. Sixth Chakra The sixth chakra is the brow chakra, sometimes referred to as the “third eye.” The past mystical associations of this center with the pineal gland are well known.”
– Richard Gerber, M.D., Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies (Get the book.)
