Archive for August, 2012


US Treasury: Al Qaeda Runs Syrian “Rebellion”

US fails to sell militants in Syria as “freedom fighters,” tells truth for pretext to liquidate monsters of their own creation

Tony Cartalucci
July 28, 2012

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in its article, “Al Qaeda’s War for Syria,” cited officials from the US Treasury Department stating, “Al Qaeda in Syria (often operating as the “Al Nusra Front for the People of the Levant”) is using traffickers—some ideologically aligned, some motivated by money—to secure routes through Turkey and Iraq for foreign fighters, most of whom are from the Middle East and North Africa. A growing number of donors from the Persian Gulf and Levant appear to be sending financial support.”

Photo: The “Free Syrian Army,” whose composition consists of not only Syrian sectarian extremists, but Libyan terrorists from the US State Department listedLibyan Islamic Fighting Groupled by Abdul Hakim Belhaj, is the manifestation of years of US, Saudi, and Israeli aid since at least 2007.

This undercuts the West’s year and a half-long narrative that Syria’s violence was the result of a so-called “uprising” by the people of Syria. While the WJS attempts to downplay this admission by claiming, “al Qaeda makes up a small part of the resistance movement,” it concedes that, “its strength appears to be rising.” In reality, it was Al Qaeda militants from the very beginning, and the only aspect of the conflict “rising” is public awareness of this fact.

Since 2007, US Aided and Abetted Al Qaeda Affiliates Against Syria

As early as 2007, veteran journalist Seymour Hersh wrote in his New Yorker article “The Redirection,” that:

“To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.” –The Redirection, Seymour Hersh (2007)

Hersh’s report would also include:

“the Saudi government, with Washington’s approval, would provide funds and logistical aid to weaken the government of President Bashir Assad, of Syria. The Israelis believe that putting such pressure on the Assad government will make it more conciliatory and open to negotiations.” –The Redirection, Seymour Hersh (2007)

The 2007 article also warned about the inevitable consequences of arming radical sectarian extremists, with CIA operators in Lebanon warning of mass murder, sectarian violence, and specifically the targeting of Christian minorities across the Levant (the region along the Mediterranean Sea including Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, and Syria):

“Robert Baer, a former longtime C.I.A. agent in Lebanon, has been a severe critic of Hezbollah and has warned of its links to Iranian-sponsored terrorism. But now, he told me, “we’ve got Sunni Arabs preparing for cataclysmic conflict, and we will need somebody to protect the Christians in Lebanon. It used to be the French and the United States who would do it, and now it’s going to be Nasrallah and the Shiites” –The Redirection, Seymour Hersh (2007)

Now, demonstratively, we see exactly this feared onslaught manifesting itself in Syria, in particular against Christians as indicated in LA Times’ “Church fears ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Christians in Homs, Syria,” and more recently in USA Today’s distorted, but still telling, “Christians in Syria live in uneasy alliance with Assad, Alawites.” Even the massacre in Houla, seems to echo of this 2007 warning, bearing all the hallmarks of sectarian extremists like Al Qaeda.

Not only did the United States government, with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Israel’s aid, knowingly assemble a sectarian extremist front affiliated with Al Qaeda, not from within Syria, but from beyond its borders, it knew well in advance the destructive consequences such a foreign policy would yield.

The US government has since willfully lied to the both the American people and the world regarding the true nature of the violence unfolding in Syria, and with the help of the corporate-media, is attempting to spin the forewarned consequences of their long-planned conspiracy as merely an unfortunate by-product of a spontaneous conflict.

A Foreign Invasion, not a Rebellion

The WSJ’s article begins with the sentence, “the United States and its allies should consider opening a second front in the Syrian war. In addition to helping end Bashar Assad’s rule, there is a growing need to conduct a covert campaign against al Qaeda and other extremist groups gaining a presence in the country.”

In essence, we are being told that the militant extremists the US assembled against Syria have failed to overthrow the government, so the US should intervene on the pretext of liquidating the very terrorists they conspired to send, funded and armed, and have been supporting since the very beginning.

The very logistical “routes” through Turkey the WSJ claims Al Qaeda is using to flood into Syria with militants and weapons, are admittedly organized by the US through its CIA intelligence apparatus. The New York Times article, “C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition,” states clearly that:

A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The NYT continues:

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

Likewise, in the Washington Post’s article, “Syrian rebels get influx of arms with gulf neighbors’ money, U.S. coordination,” it is reported:

Syrian rebels battling the regime of President Bashar al-Assad have begun receiving significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, an effort paid for by Persian Gulf nations and coordinated in part by the United States, according to opposition activists and U.S. and foreign officials.

We are now expected to forget these admissions, or believe that Al Qaeda is slipping past CIA officers “operating secretly in southern Turkey,” and that only by coincidence they are armed with the very weapons and resources the US, Saudis, and Qataris have pledged to supply the so-called “Free Syrian Army” with. Turkey, it should be remembered, is a NATO member – that Al Qaeda is swarming within and along its borders belies 10 years of “War on Terror” mythology.

The “Free Syrian Army” does include sectarian extremists from within Syria, mostly drawn from the banned, sectarian Muslim Brotherhood movement which has sought to destroy secular society across the Arab World for decades. But the vast majority of the fighters flowing into Aleppo in the north, and who had recently attempted to overrun Damascus in the south, are foreign fighters, armed by foreign sponsors, invading and conducting armed attacks on populated Syrian cities.

Image: “A lot of them were bald and many had beards. Many wore white sports shoes and army pants,” said an alleged “defected officer” of the perpetrators of the “Houla Massacre.” An apt description of the NATO-armed sectarian terrorists that ravaged Libya before traveling to Syria (here, here, and here) to continue their campaign of extremist-driven genocide. (click image to enlarge)

Reports months ago indicated that Libyan militants had been making their way to Syria by the hundreds, flush with cash and weapons recently received from NATO during their own operation to overrun and destroy Libya. As many as 600 Libyan terrorists were reported to have reached Syria by late 2011.

Now as Western media houses embed their representatives within terrorist bands crossing the Turkish-Syrian border, and as these terrorists find their way into Aleppo and amongst a population capable of revealing their identity to the world, slowly the admissions are trickling out that indeed entire “platoons” of North African fighters are involved in the misleadingly titled, “rebellion.”

CNN, whose Ivan Watson accompanied these terrorists over the Turkish-Syrian border and into Aleppo, revealed that indeed foreign fighters were amongst the militants. It was admitted that:

Meanwhile, residents of the village where the Syrian Falcons were headquartered said there were fighters of several North African nationalities also serving with the brigade’s ranks.

A volunteer Libyan fighter has also told CNN he intends to travel from Turkey to Syria within days to add a “platoon” of Libyan fighters to armed movement.

CNN also added:

On Wednesday, CNN’s crew met a Libyan fighter who had crossed into Syria from Turkey with four other Libyans. The fighter wore full camouflage and was carrying a Kalashnikov rifle. He said more Libyan fighters were on the way.

The foreign fighters, some of them are clearly drawn because they see this as … a jihad. So this is a magnet for jihadists who see this as a fight for Sunni Muslims.

CNN’s reports provide bookends to earlier admissions that large numbers of Libyan terrorists flush with NATO cash and weapons had headed to Syria, with notorious terrorist commanders making the arrangements.

West Used Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Libya, Is Using Al Qaeda Now in Syria

By all accounts, including admissionsby former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, Osama Bin Laden’s organization that would become Al Qaeda was created by the West during the Soviet-Afghan war in in the late 70′s and throughout the 80′s. The US and Saudi funding of these militants did not begin after the Soviet invasion, but actually several years before the invasion. US intervention in Afghanistan by training and arming Afghanistan’s Mujaheddin, along with Osama Bin Laden’s Arab fighters, is one of the leading factors that led to the murderous and protracted decade-long war, according to the Nation in an article titled, “Blowback, the Prequel.”

Photo: Former US National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski meeting with Osama Bin Laden, then leading the CIA’s Arab legionaries in Afghanistan. Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda would later spin off into regional terrorist organizations, covertly armed, trained, and protected by the CIA to this day, including LIFG in Libya, MEK in Iraq and Iran, and Baluchi terrorists in Pakistan.


Since then, Al Qaeda has conveniently provided both a well-armed, capable proxy force, as well as a sufficiently terrifying boogeyman, giving Wall Street and London access to nations it could otherwise never justify intervening in.

The very militant leader of the “Tripoli Brigade” who secured Libya’s capital just in time for US dignitaries to visit, was Abdul Hakim Belhaj, commander of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), listed on the US State Department’s roster of “Foreign Terrorist Organizations” (#28). In fact, several reports out of West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) illustrated how not only LIFG was actively leading NATO-backed regime change in Libya, but was involved in fighting Western troops and locals in both Afghanistan and Iraq – disrupting legitimate resistance, and providing a continuous pretext to maintain Western occupation.

That Belhaj almost immediately after overthrowing Libya’s government, began organizing operations to bring in fighters, weapons, and cash to Syria, indicates that, just as Al Qaeda was used from its very inception by the US and Saudis to fight Soviets in Afghanistan, it is still a valuable tool in executing Western foreign policy.

Essentially, the so-called “War on Terror” is a fraud, the belligerents on both sides fueled by the West as a means of establishing military, economic, and political hegemony in otherwise unapproachable targeted nations. When Al Qaeda cannot sufficiently overrun a targeted nation as a proxy “foreign legion” of Western interests (Libya), its presence, facilitated by the West in the first place, is then cited as a “casus belli” for military intervention (Afghanistan).

Now, it appears that the West’s Arab “foreign legion,” Al Qaeda, is about to suffer an unprecedented defeat – not at the hands of Western anti-terrorism forces, but at the hands of Syrian troops in the city of Aleppo. In a desperate effort to prevent this, the West is employing a series of desperate strategies ranging from portraying the trapped foreign-fighters committing atrocities inside Aleppo as “pending a certain massacre,” to using the very presence of these foreign-fighters as evidence “Al Qaeada” is operating in Syria and must be “stopped” by Western intervention.

It is essential to understand that, as empires have always done, the monolithic corporate-financier interests of the West seek regional hegemony as a step toward global domination, and will say and do anything in order to achieve it. As resistance increases, the West’s lies become more difficult to sell, the consistency of their propaganda overtly crumbling. The West, in nearly a single breath, has now claimed FSA fighters are both “Al Qaeda” that need to be eliminated, while also impeding a “massacre” by Syrian forces if something isn’t done to save them.

When US President Obama referred to the “depths of depravity” regarding Syrian security operations in Aleppo, he and his script writers do so with the belief that Americans, and the world, are ignorant and disinterested in the truth, and will gladly allow Western foreign policy to once again prey on their emotions and good intentions to sell yet another destructive, self-serving military intervention.

Originally appeared at Land Destroyer.


Russian general denies reports he was killed by rebels in Syria

Vladimir Petrovich Kuzheyev meets reporters in Moscow after video statement from rebel group shows copy of his Syrian-army issued ID.

By Avi Issacharoff and Reuters | Aug.08, 2012 | 9:57 AM | 1

Syrian rebels  in a street of the city center of Selehattin

Syrian rebels walk in a street of the city center of Selehattin, near Aleppo, during clashes between Syrian troops and Syrian rebels on July 23, 2012. Photo by AFP

By Natasha Mozgovaya and DPA

Aug.08,2012 | 9:57 AM | 3

A Russian general met reporters at the Defense Ministry in Moscow on Wednesday to deny reports that he had been killed by rebel forces in Syria and was shown on television looking well.

“I want to confirm that I am alive and well. I am in good health and I’m living in Moscow,” Vladimir Petrovich Kuzheyev, a reserve general, was quoted as saying by Itar-Tass news agency.

Russian television briefly showed footage of Kuzheyev, in a blue shirt and no tie, at the Defence Ministry.

Syrian rebel group said it had killed a Russian general working as an adviser to Syria’s defence ministry in an operation in the western Ghouta region on the outskirts of the capital Damascus.

The video, sent to Reuters, showed what the rebels said was a copy of the general’s ID, as issued by the Syrian military, and named him as Vladimir Petrovich Kochyev.

The difference between that spelling and the name of the general who appeared in Moscow may be due to the way the Cyrillic letters were transcribed.

Kuzheyev did not make clear whether he had been in Syria. But Interfax news agency quoted a security source as saying he had been there advising the Syrian Defence Ministry before being transferred to the reserves in 2010. It said he now lived in Moscow.

Russian news agencies quoted the Russian Defence Ministry as saying the report of his death was a “bald-faced lie.”

Russia is one of the few countries that has backed Assad diplomatically ever since the popular uprising against his rule began 17 months ago. It is believed to have several hundred military personnel in Syria.

The Free Syrian Army’s claim was published in a report on Al Arabiya on Wednesday, claims that Kuzheyev was serving as a security adviser to the Syrian defense minister, who was also killed in Damascus roughly a month ago. Kojai’s personal translator was also killed.

The Syrian rebels also stated that they obtained documents and maps belonging to the Syrian Army, which show opposition positions throughout the country. The rebels said Kuzheyev was killed outside of Damascus, when according to reports, his bodyguards attempted to open fire on a Free Syrian Army roadblock. The rebels told “Al-Arabiya” that the Russian adviser’s presence in Syria is further evidence of Russian involvement in the Syrian crisis.

In a video statement sent to Reuters, the group, calling itself the “Hawks Special Operations Battalion, a division of the Military Leadership of Damascus City and Province”, showed what the rebels said was a copy of the general’s ID, as issued by the Syrian military.

Many thousands of Russian professionals reside in Syria, some of which work on civil projects that Russia built for Assad, others serve as advisers to the Syrian military with operating sensitive intelligence equipment. Last month, the head of the Arabic-language television network “Russia Today,” broadcast in Moscow, claimed that “there are no longer any Russian military personnel in Syria.”

The net work is an official outlet of the Russian government (a parallel network is broadcast in English). Apparently, that claim is incorrect, though it demonstrates the need to begin recalling Russian proessionals from Syria, because of the danger, and also because of the need to reduce ties with Assad.

Pressure is mounting on Russia from Arab nations to stop supporting the regime in Damascus. Over the weekend, Russian news agencies reported that Russia sent three large naval vessels to Tartarus, a port in northern Syria, each carrying 120 soldiers. The objective of the mission was not stated, though Russia had previously stated its intention to send forces to Syria to retrieve equipment and evacuate Russian nationals. Over the last few months, numerous ships have set sail for Tartarus, among them aircraft carries and battleships.

On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that plans can be drawn up for the day after the Assad regime collapses, following the defection of Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab to Jordan earlier this week.

Clinton said it was vital that government institutions remain intact in Syria, and that a civil war should be avoided. Anyone who wants to exploit the Syrian people’s difficult situation by sending in mercenaries or terrorists should be warned that this is not acceptable, she said.

Also on Tuesday, Assad appeared on television for the first time in two weeks, in footage showing him meeting with Saeed Jalili, the head of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, in Damascus.

Faces of the Free Syrian Army

By Ivan Watson and Raja Razek, CNN

July 27, 2012 — Updated 1731 GMT (0131 HKT)

Source: CNN


  • Rashid is stained with son’s blood after he died fighting with Free Syria Army
  • Son — Housam Abdul Rashid — was a 22-year-old defector from the army
  • He was fourth man from his small hilltop village to be killed fighting for the rebels

Editor’s note: CNN’s Ivan Watson and crew are some of the few international reporters in Syria, whose government has been restricting access on foreign journalists and refusing many of them entry. Check out more from CNN inside Syria.

Rebel-controlled northern Syria (CNN) — Mohamed Rashid walked out of the gate of his house with a giant blood stain on his white T-shirt.

“This is the blood of a martyr! Of a hero! Of a lion!” he bellowed. “This is his blood. It is pure!”

Mad with grief, Rashid kissed his bloody T-shirt before being led away by worried relatives.

Just hours before, Rashid learned his son Abdul was killed in battle in the Syrian city of Aleppo.

Housam Abdul Rashid was a 22-year-old defector from the army. He was also the fourth man from his small hilltop village to be killed fighting for the rebels.

The younger Rashid is one of the casualties of the five-day-old rebel offensive on Aleppo, the country’s commercial capital. Another rebel, who asked only to be named “Khorshid” because his wife and children were still living in Aleppo, described how his comrade was killed by a helicopter gunship, while climbing onto a rooftop.

Syria: As al-Assad’s grip loosens, what could come next?

“Housam’s specialty was a sniper,” Khorshid said. “He went to the roof, and a helicopter gunship killed him. Another fighter from Aleppo with him was also killed. I was just 4 meters away when it happened.”

Khorshid said the rebels mounted their offensive on Aleppo last Friday, two days after a bomb killed four of Syria’s top security officials.

Rebel commanders and fighters claimed they made gains, particularly in the neighborhood of Salahuddin. But they were also clearly suffering casualties.

What began 17 months ago as a peaceful protest movement has evolved into a full-fledged armed insurgency.

Rebels bracing for showdown in Aleppo

Countless rebel battalions with names like “Shield of Idlib Battalion” and “Freedom Brigade” have emerged, as well as military rebel councils in large towns and cities.

The rebel militias are composed in large part of defector soldiers. But there are also many civilians, including students, shopkeepers, real-estate agents, and even members of President Bashar al-Assad‘s ruling Ba’ath party.

Ahmed Habib spent a decade working as a bureaucrat with the Aleppo branch of the Ba’ath party. But eight months after joining the rebels, he was now dressed in improvised military fatigues, carrying a Belgian-made Fabrique Nationale assault rifle slung over his shoulder.

“We wished to have a new democracy when Bashar al-Assad became president,” he said, when asked about his years of Ba’ath party service.

“We wished to have freedom for the people, but that never happened. We just got new cars and computers. It’s … nothing,” he cursed in English.

A Syrian town’s ‘Street of Death’

“We tell Bashar al-Assad, very soon we will be in Damascus, in the president’s palace, we promise that,” Habib said. “He has to hear that and he has to leave, otherwise we will kill him.”

Photos: Showdown in Syria

Photos: Showdown in Syria

Habib was now bivouacked in a village school in Syria’s Idlib province which had been converted into a barracks for rebels from the Syrian Falcons Brigade.

The group’s leader, Mustafa Abdullah, claimed to lead 600 men. Though he insisted all of his fighters were Syrians, at least one armed man introduced himself to CNN as a citizen of Turkey. Fighters were heard telling the Turk not to speak to journalists in Turkish.

Meanwhile, residents of the village where the Syrian Falcons were headquartered said there were fighters of several North African nationalities also serving with the brigade’s ranks.

A volunteer Libyan fighter has also told CNN he intends to travel from Turkey to Syria within days to add a “platoon” of Libyan fighters to armed movement.

Though there are some foreign volunteers, it is clear the bulk of the fighters are Syrians. Every day, it appears there are new volunteers.

One of the newest recruits is Soukrot Amin, a 23-year-old native of Aleppo, who was determined to start his own rebel group.

Amin smuggled himself across the Turkish border to Syria on Sunday, carrying a bag full of walkie-talkies, sniper scopes and novelty spy cameras disguised as watches and car keys — all tools for his rebel cell.

He said he bought the devices with savings earned after spending five months working as a car mechanic in the United Arab Emirates.

“I go to war for my family, for my country,” Amin said. “Because (Assad) has killed everyone. He killed my cousin. He destroyed my village. He destroyed my home.”

Photos: Massacre in Syria

The young volunteer said he had a list of around 40 recruits for his group. He said he had only 15 weapons for his group. But Amin added that upon arrival in Aleppo, he planned to apply to a group in Turkey calling itself the High Revolutionary Council for weapons to arm his fighters.

“We will win,” Amin said.

The veteran fighter named Khorshid had no illusions that the fight for Aleppo would be easy.

He choked back tears after burying his slain friend Housam Abdul Rashid on Tuesday.

But then he swore to return to the battle in Aleppo, within a matter of hours.

“Tonight,” Khorshid said. “We must fight Bashar al-Assad, because if not, he will kill us.”


Outside Sympathy for Syrian Rebels, aka Al-Qaeda is Faltering
August 11, 2012

Alex talks with “Syrian Girl,” who continues to report on the real situation in Syria, the latest target of the global elite as they move to take down adversaries and create order out of chaos.

U.S. slaps new sanctions on Syria, extends those against Hezbollah

By the CNN Wire Staff

August 11, 2012 — Updated 0157 GMT (0957 HKT)

(CNN) — The United States announced new sanctions Friday against Syria and its supporters, focusing on Hezbollah’s support for the regime and a Syrian oil company for violating U.S. sanctions on Iran.

The U.S. State Department sanctioned the refiner Sytrol for selling $36 million of gasoline to Iran in April.

Earlier Friday, the U.S. Treasury Department announced an extension of sanctions against Hezbollah, a Lebanon-based Shiite militant group, for its support of the Syrian government.

Hezbollah, which the United States has designated a terrorist organization supported by Iran, has provided training, advice and extensive logistical support to President Bashar al-Assad’s military campaign against an uprising that began in March 2011, the department said.

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Watch reporter dodge danger in Syria

British aid for Syrian rebels

Photos capture intense Syria images

The agency accused the group of training Syrian government personnel inside Syria, and facilitating the training of Syrian forces by the Quds Force, an elite unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps.

“Hezbollah’s extensive support to the Syrian government’s violent suppression of the Syrian people exposes the true nature of this terrorist organization and its destabilizing presence in the region,” Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David S. Cohen said in a statement.

Al-Assad’s inner circle: Mostly family, like ‘mafia’

Friday’s announcements came as fighting for control of Aleppo continued.

Also Friday, Great Britain announced $7.8 million more aid for the Syrian rebels.

The money is intended not for weapons, but for medical and communication supplies, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said.

“The people of Syria cannot wait indefinitely,” he said.

Hague’s announcement came as shelling and clashes continued throughout Syria.

Syrian security forces killed at least 180 people, including 75 in Aleppo, said the Local Coordination Committees (LCC) of Syria, a network of opposition activists.

On Thursday, the opposition group said at least 134 people were killed.

Syrian rebels arrested a number of pro-regime journalists while they were covering military operations in al-Tal, a suburb of Damascus, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Syrian state TV reported that a crew from Al-Ikhbariya TV, which is pro-regime, had lost communication with their office and that “armed groups and countries that are supporting them” are to be held responsible.

Residents reported intense shelling Friday in a village in Hama, as well as in two neighborhoods in Homs, the LCC reported.

An activist from the Al Midan neighborhood of Damascus told CNN that tanks were in the streets and smoke was billowing in the capital. Troops, he said, were raiding homes and arresting people.

“The situation is terrible,” said the activist, who was not identified because of security reasons.

Witnesses also reported shelling in Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, the LCC said.

Syrian armed forces were inflicting “heavy losses” on rebels in the neighborhoods of Al-Ithaa and Saif Al-Dawla, Syrian state TV said Friday.

The Syrian government and rebel groups have been battling for days to control Aleppo, a key front in a conflict that morphed into a civil war after government forces began cracking down on peaceful protesters in March 2011.

The International Committee of the Red Cross said Friday that its first convoy in two weeks had entered the city a day ealier and was delivering humanitarian aid.

“Our priority has been getting them food, clean water, mattresses, things people take for granted,” said Rabab Al-Rifaï, head of communication for ICRC Damascus.

“Though the ICRC and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent are doing everything possible to assist civilians affected by the violence, it is up to the parties to the conflict to take every feasible measure to spare the civilian population the effects of the fighting,” said Marianne Gasser, the head of the ICRC delegation in Syria.

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent had suspended most of its activities due to the danger, she said. “Still, dozens of volunteers have continued to work under extremely difficult conditions to meet the growing needs of the civilian population.”

Strapped for supplies and personnel, health-care facilities were finding it difficult to treat the wounded, said the ICRC, which has 50 staff members in Syria.

An activist who provides relief aid to Aleppo’s internally displaced residents told CNN on Friday that fewer demonstrations were taking place in the city, but that security forces were using live ammunition against those protesters who ventured out.

In recent weeks, thousands of residents of its outskirts and other cities, including Homs, had converged on its central district, many of them bunking with relatives or renting low-budget apartments located in the city’s poorer areas, said the activist, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

But the recent outbreak of fighting in Aleppo itself has led many of those who had sought safety there to flee again, the activist said.

“Most of those people would come and ask us, ‘Where should we go now? Is there a safe place left in Syria so we can go to?'” he said.

Many residents who had fled the devastated city of Homs opted to return there; others chose to stick it out in Aleppo, seeking shelter in schools located in safer areas, the activist said. “Today, there around 50-60 schools open for the displaced; the average number of people in these schools is around 250.”

He described the conditions in the schools as “terrible.”

Most Aleppo residents favor neither side in the battle, but most of the displaced residents hate the regime, he said. “Even informants and members of security forces who had to flee their areas with their families despise the regime now,” he added.

But others blame Free Syrian Army fighters, saying government forces and troops would not have shelled their homes had it not been for the FSA’s presence in their neighborhoods, he said.

Roughly 17,000 people have been killed since the fighting began, the United Nations said last month. The opposition has put the toll at more than 20,000.

Two days in Aleppo: Guns, graveyards and stairwell beds

Civilians in Aleppo were increasingly at risk from aerial attacks, artillery shelling and gunfire, Human Rights Watch said Friday.

“As Syria deploys helicopters, fighter jets, tanks, and heavy artillery in populated areas of Aleppo, it should do everything feasible to protect civilians from harm,” said Anna Neistat, acting emergencies director at Human Rights Watch.

“At the same time, the Free Syrian Army forces in and around the city should do what they can to minimize the risk to civilians in the fighting.”

The bloodshed has prompted increasing numbers of Syrians to flee into Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, the United Nations refugee agency said Friday.

Almost 150,000 Syrians are now living as refugees, the agency said.

What does Iran get for supporting al-Assad?

In Turkey alone, the refugee population has exceeded 50,000, with more than 6,000 new arrivals — many from the Aleppo area — this week.

Syria’s harshest critics, including the United States, were absent from a meeting called this week by Iran to discuss the crisis. More than two dozen countries — including Syria’s allies China and Russia — did attend.

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi called the meeting a success, Iran’s state-run news agency IRNA reported Friday.

“Attendance of more than 30 countries at the conference shows its success, and we hope that more countries whose policies correspond and are in line with Iran’s diplomacies attend similar conferences in the future,” the foreign minister said, according to IRNA.

A spokesman for the opposition Syrian National Council said the problem had nothing to do with finding places to hold conferences. “The main problem is to stop the regime from mass-murdering innocent civilians and shelling every city in Syria,” said George Sabra.

CNN exclusive: Inside Syria



James Holmes Is Behaving Like Sirhan Sirhan

Drugged up massacre suspect can’t remember ‘Batman’ shooting

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, July 27, 2012

The parallels between alleged Colorado shooter James Holmes and Sirhan Sirhan are staggering. Both appear to have been drugged, both cannot remember the shootings they were accused of carrying out, and in both cases other shooters were reported by eyewitnesses.


Over 40 years after being convicted of the murder of Robert F. Kennedy, the weight of evidence clearly indicates that SIrhan Sirhan was a drugged-up patsy, a fall guy for the real murderer who has never been identified.

The fact that details surrounding the Aurora massacre and shooting suspect James Holmes mirror almost exactly those of Sirhan Sirhan, within just a week of the tragedy taking place, strongly suggest that Holmes is also a patsy or at the very least that there was a wider plot behind the tragedy that led to the deaths of 12 people.

As the London Independent reported in 2005, evidence strongly indicates that Sirhan was a Manchurian candidate, a victim of mind control who was set up to be the fall guy for the murder. Sirhan was described by eyewitnesses as being in a trance-like state as he pulled the trigger.

“There was no way Sirhan Sirhan killed Kennedy,” said (Sirhan’s lawyer Larry) Teeter, who has filed the lawsuit to preserve the pantry for further forensic examination. “He was the fall guy. His job was to get busted while the trigger man walked out. He wasn’t consciously involved in any plot. He was a patsy. He was unconscious and unaware of what was happening – he was the true Manchurian Candidate.”


The parallels between Sirhan Sirhan and James Holmes are alarming.

– Both were described as behaving as if in a trance or under the influence of drugs. “I felt drugged. I think somebody slipped something into my drinks,” said Sirhan, describing the moments before the shooting of RFK. Similarly, during his court appearance earlier this week, Holmes’ behavior clearly suggested he was also under the influence of strong medication. “The 24-year-old looked confused, blinked slowly, and struggled to keep his head up, leading the press to wonder if he’d been drugged,” reported

– Both Sirhan Sirhan and James Holmes cannot remember any details of the alleged shootings they are accused of carrying out. “I didn’t know where I was and I don’t know how I got there. I was in a state of blackout,” stated Sirhan. Similarly, Holmes has told prison guards that he has no idea why he is in jail and is suffering from amnesia. “He claims he doesn’t know why he’s in jail,” a jailhouse worker told NY Daily News . “He asked, ‘Why am I here?’”

– In both the RFK and ‘Batman’ shootings eyewitnesses described other shooters, dismantling the “lone wolf” narrative. According to Nina Rhodes-Hughes, another man was shooting at RFK and the authorities tried to alter her account of what happened. “What has to come out is that there was another shooter to my right,” Rhodes-Hughes said in an interview with CNN. “The truth has got to be told. No more cover-ups.” Sirhan’s lawyers also presented evidence that “two guns were fired in the assassination and that Sirhan’s revolver was not the gun that shot Kennedy.” Similarly in the case of Holmes, eyewitnesses described two shooters, noting that one of the gas canisters was thrown from the opposite side of the theater to where the killer was standing. . It was also clear that Holmes, or whoever the killer in the gas mask was, had an accomplice. Eyewitnesses described the killer talking on a cellphone before the shooting and then standing in the emergency exit and beckoning someone else over.


The CIA’s use of mind control to create killers is a matter of historical record. MK-ULTRA was the code name for a covert, illegal CIA human research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence that came to light in 1975 through investigations by the Church Committee, and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. 14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti insists that the program is ongoing and has not been abandoned.

Holmes, a neuroscience student, was also fascinated with mind control. During his time at Salk Institute of Biological Studies, Holmes designed a computer program to alter mental states using flicker rates. Arizona shooter Jared Lee Loughner was also obsessed with mind control.

There are also a myriad of other questions surrounding the ‘Batman’ shootings that conflict with the official narrative, such as how Holmes could have developed bomb-making skills that exhibit the proficiency of an explosives expert, or why he carefully booby-trapped his apartment to kill anyone who tried to enter but then told police about the bombs as soon as he was arrested.


According to his lawyers, Sirhan Sirhan “was an involuntary participant in the crimes being committed because he was subjected to sophisticated hypno programming and memory implantation techniques which rendered him unable to consciously control his thoughts and actions at the time the crimes were being committed,” and served only as a diversion for the real assassin

Was James Holmes also just a diversion to hide the identify of the real assassin?

With the political machine now rushing headlong to exploit last week’s massacre to eviscerate the second amendment, each piece of new evidence points to the fact that Holmes was just one part of the puzzle or even worse, an unwitting patsy who took the fall for the real killer.


Lets look back in recent history

Convicted RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan seeks prison release

By Michael Martinez, CNN

November 27, 2011 — Updated 0326 GMT (1126 HKT)


Sirhan Sirhan is taken into custody after the fatal shooting of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy in 1968.

Los Angeles (CNN) — Sirhan Sirhan, convicted of the 1968 assassination of presidential candidate Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, should be freed from prison or granted a new trial based on “formidable evidence” asserting his innocence and “horrendous violations” of his rights, defense attorneys said in federal court papers filed this week.

In a U.S. District Court brief, Sirhan’s lawyers also say that an expert analysis of recently uncovered evidence shows two guns were fired in the assassination and that Sirhan’s revolver was not the gun that shot Kennedy.

Attorneys William F. Pepper and Laurie D. Dusek also allege that fraud was committed in Sirhan’s 1969 trial when the court allowed a substitute bullet to be admitted as evidence for a real bullet removed from Kennedy’s neck.

The attorneys further assert that Sirhan was hypno-programmed to be a diversion for the real assassin and allege that Sirhan would be easily blamed for the assassination because he is an Arab. Sirhan, 67, is a Christian Palestinian born in Jerusalem whose parents brought him and his siblings to America in the 1950s.

Sirhan “was an involuntary participant in the crimes being committed because he was subjected to sophisticated hypno programming and memory implantation techniques which rendered him unable to consciously control his thoughts and actions at the time the crimes were being committed,” court papers said.

The California Attorney General’s office declined to comment Saturday on Sirhan’s court filings, said spokeswoman Lynda Gledhill.

Court papers filed by Sirhan’s attorneys say the state “refuses to acknowledge that hypno programming/mind control is not fiction but reality and has been used for years by the U.S. military, Central Intelligence Agency and other covert organizations.

“Though the practices of hypno programming/mind control is hardly new, the public has been shielded from the darker side of the practice. The average person is unaware that hypnosis can and is used to induct antisocial conduct in humans,” Sirhan’s court filings say.

Pepper and Dusek represented Sirhan earlier this year in his unsuccessful request for parole from Pleasant Valley State Prison in Coalinga, California, 200 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. He is serving a life sentence.

Sirhan was convicted of killing Kennedy and wounding five other people during the June 5, 1968, shooting inside the kitchen service pantry of the former Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.

Three bullets struck Kennedy’s body while a fourth bullet passed harmlessly through the shoulder of his suit coat. Kennedy, the most seriously wounded of the six victims, died the next day. The other five people survived their wounds.

The substitute bullet was introduced in the trial as the actual bullet removed from Kennedy’s neck and alleged to have been matched to Sirhan’s gun, Pepper said.

Pepper and Dusek are requesting a hearing to present dramatic new findings that they say show a kitchen crossfire in the hotel.

An analysis of a recently uncovered audiotape of the assassination shows that in addition to the eight gunshots fired by Sirhan’s Iver-Johnson handgun, five other shots were fired by a second gun from the opposite direction, Sirhan’s attorneys said.

The sound recording “clearly showed that 13 shots were fired in the pantry, and Sirhan’s gun had only eight shots, so it definitely means there was a second shooter,” Pepper told CNN.

The tape was made 40 feet away from the crime scene by freelance newspaper reporter Stanislaw Pruszynski and is the only known recording of the gunshots fired in Robert Kennedy’s assassination. The recording was uncovered in 2004 by CNN’s Brad Johnson, who had it independently examined by two experts, Spence Whitehead and Philip Van Praag. They concluded, individually, that more than eight shots were captured in the tape.

Watch Johnson’s 2009 CNN “Backstory”report on the experts’ separate findings.

In their court filings, Pepper and Dusek are focusing on Van Praag’s analysis. Van Praag concludes that the Pruszynski recording is authentic and reveals that, over a five-second period in the pantry, two guns fired 13 shots, exceeding the capacity of the eight-shot Iver-Johnson Cadet — the only gun that Sirhan possessed and had no opportunity to reload.

Van Praag rules out the possibility that any of the 13 shots were echoes, ricochets or non-gunshot sounds. He also finds that some of the shots were fired too rapidly, at intervals too close together for all the shots to have come from Sirhan’s inexpensive handgun. Van Praag further concludes that the five shots fired opposite the direction of Sirhan’s eight shots displayed a “frequency anomaly” indicating the second gun’s make and model were different from Sirhan’s weapon.

Pepper said that witnesses reported Sirhan was standing several feet in front of Kennedy and firing nearly horizontally while the medical evidence showed Kennedy’s body and clothing were struck by four bullets fired point-blank from behind the Senator at steep upward angles.

Pepper said witnesses reported that bystanders grabbed Sirhan immediately after he fired his first two shots and that they had his firing arm pinned against a steam table, forcing Sirhan to fire his gun’s remaining six bullets away from Kennedy, thus striking other people instead.

For decades following the 1968 assassination, Sirhan had claimed he could not remember the Kennedy shooting. Pepper and Dusek argue this is because he was “hypno-programmed” to fire his gun in the pantry and to then forget the shooting, his programming and those who had programmed him.

In 2008, Pepper hired a Harvard University memory expert who says he got the imprisoned Sirhan to recall the Kennedy shooting for the first time.

That expert is Daniel Brown, an associate clinical professor in psychology at Harvard Medical School who submitted a statement to the parole board after interviewing Sirhan for 60 hours over a three-year period. Brown says Sirhan now remembers that when he fired his shots in the pantry he believed he was at a gun range and shooting at circular targets, according to Pepper.

Brown believes Sirhan was programmed to do this so as to cause a distraction in the pantry, allowing a second gunman to secretly shoot Kennedy from behind, according to Sirhan’s attorneys. Brown is described in Sirhan’s court papers as “one of the world’s foremost experts in hypno programming.”

Brown says Sirhan now remembers hearing loud sounds he describes as “the thunderclap of other bullets” being fired by another gun in the pantry, the defense attorneys said. Brown says Sirhan also recalls seeing flashes in front of him that he associates with gunfire inside the pantry but not coming from his own weapon, according to Pepper.

Pepper accused both prosecutors and Sirhan’s lead attorney, Grant Cooper, who has since died, of misconduct in the 1969 trial. At that time, Cooper was under federal indictment for illegally possessing grand jury minutes in an unrelated case, but the indictment was dropped after Sirhan’s sentencing, Pepper said.

“The state suppressed, destroyed and withheld a great deal of evidence,” Pepper said in an interview Saturday. Sirhan’s “counsel provided totally ineffective assistance and collaborated with the prosecution in violation of his 6th Amendment rights.

“The prosecution told the judge in chambers that we do not have foundation for some of our ballistics evidence, and the defense counsel immediately jumped in and said, don’t worry about that, we will stipulate that all of the ballistics evidence is what you say it is,” Pepper said.

Los Angeles County prosecutors couldn’t immediately comment Saturday, a spokeswoman said.

Said Pepper: “This is one of the most egregious miscarriages of justice imaginable, and because it relates to the assassination of a man who would likely have been president of the United States, the feeling of sadness is irrepressible in these circumstances.”

Pepper said he personally knew Kennedy and his family, and ran his campaign in the heavily Republican Westchester County in New York when Kennedy, a Democrat, successfully ran for the U.S. Senate in 1964.

Sirhan never became a U.S. citizen, so if he were released from prison, he would be deemed an illegal immigrant and likely be deported to Jordan, where he has extended family, Pepper said.

In 1968, the 42-year-old Kennedy, younger brother of the assassinated President John F. Kennedy, was a leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination against Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Sen. Eugene McCarthy.

On the night of his assassination, Kennedy had just appeared on live television in an Ambassador Hotel ballroom, where he had claimed victory over McCarthy in the California primary election. Moments later, he was fatally wounded in the hotel service pantry while on his way to a press conference set for a small banquet room just beyond the pantry. The shooting in the pantry was not captured by any cameras.

At Sirhan’s 1969 trial, prosecutors argued Sirhan killed Kennedy because of statements the New York senator made about the United States sending fighter jets to aid Israel.

But in the court papers filed this week, Sirhan’s attorneys dismissed that allegation as a “most speculative motive,” without any sworn statements for substantiation.

Sirhan was the only person arrested in Robert Kennedy’s assassination.


Now back To the Present and Patsy Larry Holmes case which is looking more and more like a carbon copy of Sirhan Sirhan’s case a setup false flag manchurian candidate operation

Suspected Shooter Holmes Obviously Drugged During Arraignment

Kurt Nimmo
July 23, 2012

Appearing in court today, the suspected shooter in the Colorado mass murder case looked to be heavily drugged. Even the corporate media admitted he appeared to be sedated.

Accused Aurora shooter James Eagan Holmes sat in a Colorado court room with red-and-orange-dyed hair and heavy eyelids this morning at his advisement hearing, speaking not a word and appearing to nearly nod off. The 24-year-old looked confused, blinked slowly, and struggled to keep his head up, leading the press to wonder if he’d been drugged.

Accused and convicted RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan said he was drugged before the assassination:

Sirhan: “It was hot that night and I was very thirsty. I remember that….I went to the bar and had four drinks within about 15 minutes. I couldn’t seem to get enough to drink….They were Tom Collins’s….(but) I wasn’t drunk. I felt drugged. I think somebody slipped something into my drinks. My legs and arms became rubbery. I remember standing by my car but I couldn’t drive so I went back inside and got some coffee.”

Reynolds: “How did you get downstairs to the pantry?”

Sirhan: “Somebody guided me. I don’t know who.”

Reynolds: “Did you have your gun with you?”

Sirhan: “Yes. When I was in the pantry, the gun was in my hand.”

Reynolds: “Did you know Robert Kennedy was going to be walking toward you?”

Sirhan: “No. I didn’t know where I was and I don’t know how I got there. I was in a state of blackout.”

Recently produced evidence reveals that Sirhan was not the shooter and he was framed. In a federal court last November, lawyers argued that Sirhan “was an involuntary participant in the crimes being committed because he was subjected to sophisticated hypno programming and memory implantation techniques which rendered him unable to consciously control his thoughts and actions at the time the crimes were being committed,” according to court papers.

Was James Holmes also an unwilling participant and is he being drugged to prevent him from declaring his innocence or revealing other information at odds with the official narrative?


Aurora shooting suspect James Holmes jailed in solitary: ‘All the inmates were talking about killing him’

‘He was spitting at the door and spitting at the guards,’ a just-released inmate told the Daily News. ‘He’s spitting at everything. Dude was acting crazy.’

UPDATED: TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2012, 10:23 AM


Photo taken from Adult Friend Finder ( profile of Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes. “Let’s just say he hasn’t shown any remorse,” a jail employee told the Daily News. “He thinks he’s acting in a movie.”

Movie massacre suspect James Holmes remained unapologetic and irrational Saturday in  a Colorado jail where his life was at risk from inmates bent on revenge.

Holmes, held under suicide watch in solitary confinement, remained in his murderous “Joker” persona after arriving at the Arapahoe Detention Center, a jailhouse worker told the Daily News.

“Let’s just say he hasn’t shown any remorse,” the employee said. “He thinks he’s acting in a movie.”


The man accused in the midnight theater massacre was still acting bizarrely a day after his rampage at a screening of “The Dark Night Rises” — the last film in the Batman trilogy.

“He was spitting at the door and spitting at the guards,” one released inmate told The News outside the jail. “He’s spitting at everything. Dude was acting crazy.”

Two other just-released inmates said the concerns of jail officials over Holmes’ survival were well-founded.





On the suspect’s first night in jail, other prisoners serenaded him with a chant of “kid killer” — a reference to the fatal shooting of a 6-year-old girl.

“All the inmates were talking about killing him,” Wayne Medley, 24, said as he left the facility. “Everyone was looking for an opportunity. It’s all they could talk about.”

Inmate Dima Danilov, 22, said the suspect’s face was covered with a red towel when he arrived at the jail about two hours after 12 people were killed and 58 injured in the Aurora, Colo., multiplex.

Holmes — who had dyed his hair red — was also wearing red clothing beneath the black body armor that terrified moviegoers saw when he opened fire early Friday morning, Danilov said.

Jail guards “blacked out his windows with duct tape so no one could see him,” said Danilov. “He was cuffed in the back and had leg shackles.”


Arapahoe County Jail in Centennial, Colo, where Holmes is being held in solitary.


A released inmate said Holmes’ behavior behind bars was increasingly irrational.

The deranged suspected killer, a former honors student and Ph.D. candidate, said nothing and walked deliberately to his cell with six officers. He was offered a breakfast of grits and sausage, and a ham sandwich for lunch. If Holmes was sent into the general jail population, “he won’t live to see Monday’s court appearance,” Danilov said.

Read more:


Holmes didn’t build his arsenal, Obama did

Information Liberation
July 24, 2012


It came out days ago, yet it got very little coverage. The Dark Knight shooter, James Holmes was collecting unemployment checks.

It hasn’t been reported for how long he was collecting the checks, but it was reported he was looking for work for two years, over that time he could have collected unemployment not just for 6 months, but for a total of 18 months thanks to Obama and congress extending unemployment benefits for another 12 months. Depending how much he was receiving, if he got a conservative $400 a week, or $1,733 a month, the government would have given him a war chest of $20,800. That would explain how a broke college student may have had the money to amass potentially $10,000-$20,000 worth of guns, ammunition, armor, and bombs. The government may have literally financed his act of terrorism.

Where is the outrage? All over TV they’re saying we need to ban guns as they enabled his attack, but where are the calls to ban welfare which enabled him to buy his guns?

This is someone who truly did not “get there on his own,” he was paid by the government for not working, and the money he received went towards financing his mass murder. Maybe if he actually had to work for his money he wouldn’t have spent it all on killing people.

The above story is what I call a double deception Why??? because you read it and it point you at the real bad guys ie The government by pointing out unemployment paid to Larry Holmes Which might have paid him 20,800 and then states the arsenal to range from 10,000 to 20,000 Well think about this nonsense for one minute If he did as they speculate above use his unemployment to buy this arsenal  How In the hell Did he live day to day  and pay for things like Food Hydro Car gas insurance etc.etc.etc Try living on 20,000 Its almost impossible for many and pay all the bills then to purchase this insane arsenal too is just Impossible Without much more money

Eyewitness Account: James Holmes Possible Second Shooter in tragic Batman Denver Shooting

You Tube
July 21, 2012

You Tube videos have surfaced revealing eye-witnesses commenting on seeing possibly a second person involved in the “Batman massacre.” Make copies of these. They will probably soon be removed as this does not support the official version of events.

One witness says he saw a second can of tear gas that didn’t come from Holmes’ side.

In the next video, a witness tells CNN he saw a person take a cell phone call and move towards one of the emergency exits.

Another witness saw the same thing:


Aurora Massacre: “Is that the dude in the white car nearby?”

Posted on July 24, 2012 by willyloman

by Scott Creighton

James Holmes was NOT arrested coming out of Theater 9

Listening to the audio of the police communications this morning I found something very interesting… they did not arrest Holmes coming out of the back of the theater. He was found in the car. We also now know he was drugged. These developments support my original conclusion.

It would appear from the transcripts of the police communications that they saw Holmes in the car, looked in and saw the weapons, and broke the window to gain access to him.

After a police officer reports that someone needs to check out the report of a guy in the back parking lot wearing a gas mask, immediately another officer asks “Is that the dude in the white car nearby?

The recording is here. Scroll to the bottom to find the video. I will try to post it. The following transcript starts at the 2:40 mark.

cop 1 – “I need a marked car behind the theater, Sable side,  suspect in a gas mask”

dispatch – “we need cars south side. suspect in a gas mask”

cop 2 – “Is that the dude in the white car nearby?

Apparently cop 2 is already back there or looking down the rear of the building and he sees James Holmes already INSIDE the white car. “Sable side” refers to Sable street which I believe the officer is intending to direct attention to the right side of the rear of the building since he says “rear of the building, Sable side” and coincidentally, that is where “a” gas mask was found.

Immediately, only a second later, another officer sees James already in the car and apparently not moving the car.

cop 3 – “everyone hold the air one second, cars where that white car in the rear of the lot, is that a suspect?”

cop 2 – “YES! we’ve got rifles, gas masks,  ive got a open door going into the theater, OK hold that position, hold that suspect!”

This in itself seems to suggest that one individual was seen along the back of the theater, Sable side, still wearing the gas mask and just a minute later a cop goes back there and sees Holmes already in his car.

Supporting that hypothesis, there are two more notable transitions from the officers on the scene:

cop 4 – “one of the shooters might be wearing a white and blue plaid shirt”

cop 2(?) – “suspect says there’s only one but I am getting conflicting descriptions from the witnesses out here”

Could the witnesses talking to the cops giving them “conflicting descriptions” be talking about another person who shed his tactical gear, wearing a white and blue plaid shirt and the gas mask be the guy who ran down the length of the rear of the building to the “Sable side” where he finally ditched the gas mask and escaped to Sable st.?

Whatever questions this brings up, one thing is for sure, the police did not detain Holmes as he came out of the building, like is being reported. It would appear based on this evidence that Holmes was already in the car.

Combined with the photo of the broken rear passenger window, and the developing story that he was drugged at the time of arrest, it would appear my original hypothesis may in fact be accurate.

  • James Holmes goes out Tuesday night drinking and someone doses him. They do it early Wed morning so they have time in his apartment to set up those elaborate traps (how would James have known how to construct those anyway?)
  • They keep him drugged and off the radar till Thursday night when they go to the theater. They make sure to park in that spot, right next to the exit of the theater.
  • The assailant goes in, fakes the phone call, comes out, goes to the car where James is still drugged, gets the gear on, goes in and attacks the innocent civilians.
  • Then the assailant comes out the exit door, leans against it while dropping the gun and removing almost all of his gear with the exception of the mask.
  • He runs past the car dropping the gear next to it in a heap, opens the door with James inside, tosses the guns into the car, the shotgun has been there all along, and goes straight down the length of the building toward the corner, toward the camera, drops his mask directly under the camera, and heads off to the nearby street where a car is waiting (cruising slowly) to pick him up.
  • Holmes is reported to have been “meek” when arrested. This might also explain why he wasn’t shot by police… he was incapacitated, incoherent, or generally not a threat.
  • Holmes, who is being held under suicide watch in solitary confinement, remained in his murderous “Joker” persona after his arrival, a jailhouse worker told the Daily News.He thinks he’s acting in a movie,” a prison employee told the Daily News.

video link


Aurora Massacre: What Does the Location of the Gas Mask Tell Us? What About Security Cameras? Are They Related?

Posted on July 22, 2012 by willyloman

by Scott Creighton

UPDATE July 29: Aurora Massacre: What does the Spine Board Tell Us?
UPDATE: Aurora Massacre: Stick Figure Confession = FBI Drop Gun?
UPDATE 7: Aurora Massacre: James Holmes Mugshot Taken Same Day of his Court Appearance?

UPDATE 6: Holmes was not arrested coming out of the theater. He was found already in the car. Aurora Massacre: “Is that the dude in the white car nearby?


UPDATE: I just found out that the judge in this case has sealed the case because disclosure of the facts would be “contrary to public interests” and that the request to do that was made on Friday just hours after the event.

The motion, filed in Arapahoe County court, asks for the records in the case to be sealed, including search warrants, affidavits, orders and the “case file.”

The District Attorney’s affidavit says prosecutors are investigating first-degree murder charges against Holmes, but that disclosure of the court records would be “contrary to public interest” and “could jeopardize the ongoing investigation.” The Daily

UPDATE 2: The Washington Post has done a map of the scene and just like I pointed out, the gas mask is clearly past the corner as if the assailant was on his way to the road. See their photo mark-up at the end of the article.

UPDATE 3: Got a mention in a thread at Above Top Secret. I like that site. Read the comment at the end of the article.

UPDATE 4: Aurora Massacre: More Questions


As I was scanning through a number of heart breaking photos from the aftermath of the Dark Knight massacre in Aurora Co. this morning, I noticed something very interesting; actually a couple of interesting things stood out.Primarily I noticed that the gas mask was found a long way away from where James Holmes was arrested and the other equipment was found. I also think I found an image of a security camera mounted on the back of the theater pointing down toward where the car was parked and the theater exit was. And as luck would have it, that is the exact same location the gas mask was found as if the assailant traveled the length of the building and dropped the mask once he was out of the view of the camera.

I have done my best to compile photos and the layout of the scene at the back of the theater for your consideration.

——— The first was the fact that early reports had claimed the shooter was still wearing his equipment when the cops first found him next to his car and he was still carrying all of his weapons except for one Glock 40 which was found in his car. This is an important aspect of the case because how else would they have known he was the shooter amid all that chaos. Also interesting is the fact that they didn’t just shoot the guy. He was apparently still carrying an assault rifle and a shotgun and decked out in tactical armor… so how did he just end up surrendering “meekly” as some reports claim?

The answer is simple: he wasn’t carrying the guns and he wasn’t still wearing the armor. So, how did they know they had the right guy?

“Holmes was apprehended within minutes of the 12:39 a.m. shooting at his car behind the theater, where police found him in full riot gear and carrying three weapons, including an AR-15 assault rifle, which can hold upwards of 100 rounds, a Remington 12-gauge shotgun, and a .40 Glock handgun. A fourth handgun was found in the vehicle.” ABC News

But this report flies in the face of the evidence at the scene and the vast number of police photos taken.

From the above photo you can clearly see he had striped off his armor on the way to his vehicle and in fact, the AR-15 was found just inches outside the exit door, meaning he could not have still had it when the cops found him unless they let him walk back the 30 or so feet to the door to lay the weapon down there.

It’s important to understand the layout of the location where the assailant left the building to return to his car. Let’s put that into perspective right off the bat.

As you can see from the compilation of crime scene photos below, the assailant left the building from the door between the two sections and next to the utility area beside where he parked. He could not have found a parking space closer to that door if he tried. As you can see, his Ar-15 was found right beside the door where he apparently dropped it upon leaving the theater. The blood makes it clear that was the exit to the theater where the massacre took place.

So if he did indeed drop his primary weapon at the door when he left, how did the cops know he was the assailant? It’s possible he was still carrying the shotgun and wearing the body armor and the gas mask, but that seems to be contradicted by other photos with one VERY interesting piece of evidence…

Notice where the gas mask location is, at the end of the building. That’s VERY important…

When I first started researching this article, I was consumed by the question of locating the security cameras covering this business’s parking and access areas. I had wondered why there has been literally no discussion of the security camera footage from that night.

What I found may be more damning than I could have imagined: yes there are security cameras mounted on the building on the front and apparently on the back shooting down the length of the rear of the building and if someone were walking down that sidewalk after leaving that exit, then their face would be clearly visible on that camera because they would have been walking directly toward it.

So, if an assailant were to leave the theater via that exit and head in that direction, then obviously he would want to leave his mask on until he was out of the viewable area of the camera.

As it turns out, the gas mask seems to have been dropped directly under the camera itself.

But why head in that direction? Because it is the closest access to the main road right next to the theater and a waiting vehicle and escape. It wouldn’t do to try to blend in with the crowd because the police may detain witnesses and start asking questions they might not want to answer. Plus then there would be a record of the individual on site and that might not be good in the future. The best bet would be to get off property as soon as possible and that exit path provides the fastest way to do that.

Is it possible that James Holmes was set up? Think about this:

  • James Holmes goes out Tuesday night drinking and someone doses him. They do it early Wed morning so they have time in his apartment to set up those elaborate traps (how would James have known how to construct those anyway?)
  • They keep him drugged and off the radar till Thursday night when they go to the theater. They make sure to park in that spot, right next to the exit of the theater.
  • The assailant goes in, fakes the phone call, comes out, goes to the car where James is still drugged, gets the gear on, goes in and attacks the innocent civilians.
  • Then the assailant comes out the exit door, leans against it while dropping the gun and removing almost all of his gear with the exception of the mask.
  • He runs past the car dropping the gear next to it in a heap, opens the door with James inside, tosses the guns into the car, the shotgun has been there all along, and goes straight down the length of the building toward the corner, toward the camera, drops his mask directly under the camera, and heads off to the nearby street where a car is waiting (cruising slowly) to pick him up.
  • Holmes is reported to have been “meek” when arrested. This might also explain why he wasn’t shot by police… he was incapacitated, incoherent, or generally not a threat.
  • Holmes, who is being held under suicide watch in solitary confinement, remained in his murderous “Joker” persona after his arrival, a jailhouse worker told the Daily News.He thinks he’s acting in a movie,” a prison employee told the Daily News.

There is no way of telling if this is actually what happened but we have to take all of the evidence, including the physical evidence into consideration and part of that evidence is the apparent lack of anyone talking about the security camera videos. Those cameras on the front of the building should show James Holmes entering the building at the very least so where are they?

And what other explanation is there for that gas mask to be located so far from the rest of the equipment and James and his car? Clearly the police didn’t carry it down there and drop it on the ground for the fun of it?

I am still searching for more pictures of the rear of that building and specifically anything that shows the roof section where I think that camera is.

While it is possible that Holmes did this, it is also possible that the same thing happened here that happened at the recent Kandahar Massacre where a man was drugged and set up for an atrocity he had nothing to do with. Considering the nature of the world we live in, I think it would be irresponsible for me not to report this information as I found it and to not question the “official story” of the “crazed lone gunman” that we see over and over again especially when unpopular landmark legislation is waiting in the wings.

Billionaire New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is using this tragedy to push for stricter gun control laws. I wonder if he is one of the financial elites who have just been outed for hording 32 trillion dollars in off shore accounts? Can you imagine why someone like him would want to disarm the citizens of this country?


UPDATE 2: Washington Post map of Aurora crime scene. Also of note: at that site, they state that Holmes left the theater just as the film started around 12 and didn’t return til 12:35 as if he was deliberately waiting for the shootout scene. Why would he do that? Because the gunshots wouldn’t be heard in the other theaters running the late night showing of the same movie. Then he is out the door and the first 911 calls at 12:39. 90 seconds later they just happen to find James hanging out next to his car in the back and take him into custody. According to the Washington Post timeline, the shooting only took between 60 and 90 seconds that leaves plenty of time for an assailant to go out the back, ditch the gear, and run the length of the building before the cops were even called.  The timeline is below the photo…

Notice the Washington Post photo puts the gas mask even farther down the path to the nearby street than I did.

Washington Post timeline of events:

Around midnight The screening began. Holmes allegedly approached an emergency exit to the right of the screen, propped open the door and geared up.

Around 12:35 a.m. Dressed in black SWAT gear, Holmes allegedly came back through the door, hurled two canisters of an unknown gas and opened fire on the audience. He allegedly walked up the aisle, firing as he went. The shots lasted 60-90 seconds. The bullets pierced the wall of Theater 8 next door.

12:39 a.m. Police began receiving emergency calls.

90 seconds later Officers arrived at the theater and almost immediately arrested Holmes, who was next to his white Hyundai outside a rear entrance to the theater.

UPDATE 3: Got a comment from Above Top Secret. Good site. Their readers will flush this out… they’re like 4Chan in that regard (hope they don’t hate 4Chan). For the record I am easily recruitable these days. But don’t they already have their own Scott Creighton? Ahh… you can never have too many Scott Creightons. Thanks ATS.

James Holmes’ Psychiatrist Lawyers Up

Jon Rappoport
August 10, 2012


The University of Colorado has endured several scandals in the last 15 years. The use of sex to lure football recruits. Accusations of rape against players. Raising student tuition rates and then funneling the money into salary raises for top University officials. But all that is nothing compared to what the University could be facing now.

The University is circling the wagons, bracing for a legal attack. They have brought in a lawyer to represent their director of student medical services, psychiatrist Lynne Fenton, who may have been treating James Holmes before the Aurora theater shootings.

What did Fenton know about Holmes’ state of mind and plans before the shootings? Did she properly report her concerns to the correct authorities (a key issue in the Penn State scandals)? A hearing has been set for August 16 to determine the exact nature of Fenton’s professional relationship with Holmes.

Lawsuits from the families of those shot in the Aurora theater are waiting in the wings.

The University will argue that a) although Holmes may have presented signs of mental illness, b) there was no way to know he was going to launch violent murders on July 20.

All this maneuvering is taking place in an artificial world of presumed knowledge about Holmes’ actual connection or non-connection to the murders.

At a court hearing on Thursday, Holmes’ lawyers stated their client is mentally ill. This confirms speculation they will enter an insanity plea in the case. It also makes clear that the defense team has zero interest is reconstructing a narrative about events leading up to, and including, the shootings at the theater. They want Holmes’ entire future to rest on a narrow judgment about his mental state.

Both the defense and the prosecution want the judge’s gag order to stand, thereby making it impossible to learn anything new about what evidence the police and the FBI have collected in their investigation. If no full trial is ever held, that evidence will be locked away, and aside from choice leaks to the press, it will never see the light of day.

The exception could be public deliberation on the question of whether to allow Holmes’ insanity plea. During that period, the prosecution could argue that Holmes was sane, and would offer proof to that effect. Even then, however, much evidence would be kept from view—especially details that contradict the official narrative.

For example: who left a second gas mask at the back of the theater after the shootings? Was someone other than Holmes killing people inside the theater, as at least two witnesses suggest? Was Holmes a patsy who was actually arrested in his car, in a stupor, when the police discovered him? Did he really confess to the crimes? Did the copious amounts of blood outside the theater come from a neck wound sustained by a customer in the theater (even though a purported photo of the scar, taken in the hospital, suggested a superficial cut)? Or did the blood come from a professional shooter? Or from a girl who was abducted from the scene?

Leading up to the shootings, was Holmes treated with psychiatric drugs known to induce violent behavior? If so, this would be another reason the University of Colorado has enlisted an attorney to represent Lynne Fenton. The University wants to avoid any airing of this issue.

It would not only be a disaster for the University, drug companies could be named in lawsuits, and at trial mountains of damaging evidence about the drugs could surface.

It would be safe to assume major drug companies presently know exactly what drugs Holmes was given, if indeed he was yet one more psychiatric casualty. These companies are standing by with their own consultants and cutouts, to advise the University and Lynne Fenton. They are also using their considerable resources to discover what both the prosecution and the defense know about these matters, and what kind of case they intend to put forward.

If Holmes was actually a victim of MKULTRA-type programming, interested players behind the scenes, at this moment, would include black ops case handlers who want to make sure there is no exposure on that front.

For all these reasons, there is a good chance the Jared Loughner strategy will be employed: an insanity plea, followed by a period of incarceration, during which psychiatrists will go to work on Holmes and prepare him to “become competent,” after which he will enter a guilty plea and find himself in lock-up, with no connections to the outside world, for decades.

At this moment, Lynne Fenton’s lawyer is readying the strongest possible defense on her behalf: she acted responsibly; she informed authorities of her concerns about Holmes; she treated Holmes within approved guidelines; she never saw Holmes’ infamous notebook until after the shootings.

However, Fenton may yet find herself thrown to the wolves, if a scapegoat is needed. The University may decide that attorneys for plaintiffs in an enormous lawsuit are going to discover fatal irregularities in her actions. The University could then reach out for a desperate strategy: she, Fenton, “acted alone,” contravening the regulations of the University threat assessment team, without the team’s knowledge or permission. It could get ugly.

Right now, she is one of the University’s own. Their interests and hers are are identical. But strange things happen as cases proceed, and partners can become adversaries, as all parties try to cover themselves from liability.

The University of Colorado is a state institution, so the governor and his advisers are in the mix as well. A billion-dollar hit to the state treasury, from lawsuits, is not a welcome prospect.

This case, in that respect, has similarities to the Penn State scandal, which has not yet begun to unfold in civil court. Families of the children Sandusky molested, and families of people killed in the Aurora theater, want their day before judge and jury.

For other interested parties, trying to escape blame and exposure and judgment, a Holmes “suicide” would be a satisfactory ending. Don’t discount the possibility.

Jon’s article first appeared on his website


Bradley Manning treatment in ‘flagrant violation’ of military code – lawyer

David Coombs claims in Article 13 motion that WikiLeaks suspect is being punished through ‘degradation’ and ‘humiliation’

Bradley Manning at Fort Meade

Bradley Manning was held in a 6×8 ft cell for 23 to 24 hours a day, David Coombs alleges. Photograph: Alex Wong/Getty Images

The harsh conditions forced upon Bradley Manning in military detention have been laid out in detail as part of a court filing in which the US army is accused of a "flagrant violation" of his right not to be punished prior to trial.

The Article 13 motion, published Friday by Manning’s civilian lawyer David Coombs on his website, claims that Manning, who is accused of leaking state secrets to WikiLeaks, was held in a 6×8 ft cell for 23 to 24 hours a day. In addition, when not sleeping, Manning was banned from lying down, or even using a wall to support him.

The motion also claims that Manning was punished through "degradation and humiliation", notably by forcing him to stand outside his cell naked during a morning inspection. This, his Coombs claims, was "retaliatory punishment" for speaking out over his treatment.

Manning, 24, is accused of being behind the biggest leak of state secrets in US history. Hundreds of thousands of diplomatic cables from US embassies around the world, as well as war logs from Afghanistan and Iraq, were published by the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks.

The information was provided by Manning from his military base near Baghdad, army prosecutors have claimed. They have indicted Manning on 22 counts, including charges of aiding the enemy – charges that carry a maximum penalty of death, although prosecutors have indicated that they will not seek capital punishment.

Coombs is attempting to get all charges dismissed on the grounds that he was subjected to illegal pre-trial treatment – in violation of the constitutional prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. The claim relates to the nine months that Manning spent after being transferred to the Quantico marine base in Virginia following his arrest in May 2010.

"Manning was awoken at 0500 hours and required to remain awake in his cell from 0500 to 2200 hours," Coombs claims in the motion, adding that he "was not permitted to lie down on his rack during the duty day. Nor was Manning permitted to lean his back against the cell wall; he had to sit upright on his rack without any back support".

The motion further states that Manning was only allowed 20 minutes of "sunshine call" a day. In addition, he was permitted by guards to take no more than five minutes in the shower. On the rare occasions that he was allowed out of his cell, Manning was forced to wear shackles with metal hand and leg restraints. At least two guards accompanied him at all times.


Manning was handed a pair of running shoes without laces for his trips outside, but they would fall off when he attempted to walk. As a result he "elected to wear boots instead", the document alleges.

The conditions were imposed, the US military has claimed, for Manning’s own protection under a so-called "prevention of injury" order, or POI. But Manning’s lawyer says there is clear evidence showing that the conditions were not imposed because of a risk of self-harm, and were instead used as a form of punishment. "The Brig’s arbitrary policy to keep Manning subject to the harshest conditions possible shows an intent to punish Manning," the document says.

Coombs cites an incident in which Manning was forced to strip for an inspection after he remonstrated over his treatment at the detention centre. "It is well established that forced nudity is a classic humiliation technique. The only permissible inference is that the Brig intended to punish Manning by subjecting him to humiliating treatment because Manning correctly pointed out the absurdity of his POI status," it is claimed.

Manning was eventually transferred from Quantico before his pre-trial hearings. His time at Quantico was later condemned by Juan Mendez, the UN’s special rapporteur on torture. A 14-month investigation by Mendez concluded that Manning had been subjected to cruel and inhuman conditions.

The defence motion is brought under Article 13 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. It states that "no person, while being held for trial, may be subjected to punishment or penalty other than arrest or confinement upon the charges pending against him, nor shall the arrest or confinement imposed upon him be any more rigorous than the circumstances required to insure his presence."

Under Article 13, if a judge decides that a member of the armed forces has been illegally punished before trial, he can grant the prisoner credit on the amount of time they have already served in custody, or can even dismiss all charges outright.

Stratfor emails reveal secret, widespread TrapWire surveillance system
August 10, 2012


Former senior intelligence officials have created a detailed surveillance system more accurate than modern facial recognition technology — and have installed it across the US under the radar of most Americans, according to emails hacked by Anonymous.

Every few seconds, data picked up at surveillance points in major cities and landmarks across the United States are recorded digitally on the spot, then encrypted and instantaneously delivered to a fortified central database center at an undisclosed location to be aggregated with other intelligence. It’s part of a program called TrapWire and it’s the brainchild of the Abraxas, a Northern Virginia company staffed with elite from America’s intelligence community. The employee roster at Arbaxas reads like a who’s who of agents once with the Pentagon, CIA and other government entities according to their public LinkedIn profiles, and the corporation’s ties are assumed to go deeper than even documented.

The details on Abraxas and, to an even greater extent TrapWire, are scarce, however, and not without reason. For a program touted as a tool to thwart terrorism and monitor activity meant to be under wraps, its understandable that Abraxas would want the program’s public presence to be relatively limited. But thanks to last year’s hack of the Strategic Forecasting intelligence agency, or Stratfor, all of that is quickly changing.

Hacktivists aligned with the loose-knit Anonymous collective took credit for hacking Stratfor on Christmas Eve, 2011, in turn collecting what they claimed to be more than five million emails from within the company. WikiLeaks began releasing those emails as the Global Intelligence Files (GIF) earlier this year and, of those, several discussing the implementing of TrapWire in public spaces across the country were circulated on the Web this week after security researcher Justin Fergusonbrought attention to the matter. At the same time, however, WikiLeaks was relentlessly assaulted by a barrage of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, crippling the whistleblower site and its mirrors, significantly cutting short the number of people who would otherwise have unfettered access to the emails.

On Wednesday, an administrator for the WikiLeaks Twitter account wrote that the site suspected that the motivation for the attacks could be that particularly sensitive Stratfor emails were about to be exposed. A hacker group called AntiLeaks soon after took credit for the assaults on WikiLeaks and mirrors of their content, equating the offensive as a protest against editor Julian Assange, “the head of a new breed of terrorist.” As those Stratfor files on TrapWire make their rounds online, though, talk of terrorism is only just beginning.

Mr. Ferguson and others have mirrored what are believed to be most recently-released Global Intelligence Files on external sites, but the original documents uploaded to WikiLeaks have been at times unavailable this week due to the continuing DDoS attacks. Late Thursday and early Friday this week, the GIF mirrors continues to go offline due to what is presumably more DDoS assaults. Australian activist Asher Wolf wrote on Twitter that the DDoS attacks flooding the servers of WikiLeaks supporter sites were reported to be dropping upwards of 40 gigabytes of traffic per second. On Friday, WikiLeaks tweeted that their own site was sustaining attacks of 10 GB/second,adding, “Whoever is running it controls thousands of machines or is able to simulate them.”

According to a press release (pdf) dated June 6, 2012, TrapWire is “designed to provide a simple yet powerful means of collecting and recording suspicious activity reports.” A system of interconnected nodes spot anything considered suspect and then input it into the system to be “analyzed and compared with data entered from other areas within a network for the purpose of identifying patterns of behavior that are indicative of pre-attack planning.”

In a 2009 email included in the Anonymous leak, Stratfor Vice President for Intelligence Fred Burton is alleged to write, “TrapWire is a technology solution predicated upon behavior patterns in red zones to identify surveillance. It helps you connect the dots over time and distance.” Burton formerly served with the US Diplomatic Security Service, and Abraxas’ staff includes other security experts with experience in and out of the Armed Forces.

What is believed to be a partnering agreement included in the Stratfor files from August 13, 2009 indicates that they signed a contract with Abraxas to provide them with analysis and reports of their TrapWire system (pdf).

“Suspicious activity reports from all facilities on the TrapWire network are aggregated in a central database and run through a rules engine that searches for patterns indicative of terrorist surveillance operations and other attack preparations,” Crime and Justice International magazine explains in a 2006 article on the program, one of the few publically circulated on the Abraxas product (pdf). “Any patterns detected – links among individuals, vehicles or activities – will be reported back to each affected facility. This information can also be shared with law enforcement organizations, enabling them to begin investigations into the suspected surveillance cell.”

In a 2005 interview with The Entrepreneur Center, Abraxas founder Richard “Hollis” Helms said his signature product “can collect information about people and vehicles that is more accurate than facial recognition, draw patterns, and do threat assessments of areas that may be under observation from terrorists.” He calls it “a proprietary technology designed to protect critical national infrastructure from a terrorist attack by detecting the pre-attack activities of the terrorist and enabling law enforcement to investigate and engage the terrorist long before an attack is executed,” and that, “The beauty of it is that we can protect an infinite number of facilities just as efficiently as we can one and we push information out to local law authorities automatically.”

An internal email from early 2011 included in the Global Intelligence Files has Stratfor’s Burton allegedly saying the program can be used to “[walk] back and track the suspects from the get go w/facial recognition software.”

Since its inception, TrapWire has been implemented in most major American cities at selected high value targets (HVTs) and has appeared abroad as well. The iWatch monitoring system adopted by the Los Angeles Police Department (pdf) works in conjunction with TrapWire, as does the District of Columbia and the “See Something, Say Something” program conducted by law enforcement inNew York City, which had 500 surveillance cameras linked to the system in 2010. Private properties including Las Vegas, Nevada casinos have subscribed to the system. The State of Texasreportedly spent half a million dollars with an additional annual licensing fee of $150,000 to employ TrapWire, and the Pentagon and other military facilities have allegedly signed on as well.

In one email from 2010 leaked by Anonymous, Stratfor’s Fred Burton allegedly writes, “God Bless America. Now they have EVERY major HVT in CONUS, the UK, Canada, Vegas, Los Angeles, NYC as clients.” Files on reveal that the US Department of Homeland Security and Department of Defense together awarded Abraxas and TrapWire more than one million dollars in only the past eleven months.

News of the widespread and largely secretive installation of TrapWire comes amidst a federal witch-hunt to crack down on leaks escaping Washington and at attempt to prosecute whistleblowers. Thomas Drake, a former agent with the NSA, has recently spoken openly about the government’s Trailblazer Project that was used to monitor private communication, and was charged under the Espionage Act for coming forth. Separately, former NSA tech director William Binney and others once with the agency have made claims in recent weeks that the feds have dossiers on every American, an allegation NSA Chief Keith Alexander dismissed during a speech at Def-Con last month in Vegas.


DC Chief of Police Cites Role of TrapWire During Senate Committee Hearing
12:43pm (ET) 10/13/2011

" The MPD receives SARs through many different methods, including 911 calls, text messages, email, ouriWatchDC public web portal, from trained terrorism liaison officers,TrapWire reports from critical infrastructure sites, and observations made by patrol officers during the course of their duties. All of these SAR reports are forwarded to the fusion center and reviewed by trained analysts to ensure that the reports meet the established standards for suspicious activity reporting. If they do, the reports are entered into software programs where they are plotted for pattern analysis and proximity to critical infrastructure and other sensitive locations."

Chairman Lieberman, Ranking Member Collins, members of the Committee, staff and guests – thank you for the opportunity to present this statement on the status of information sharing among federal and local partners. I am the Chief of Police of the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia, the primary police force in the nation’s capital. As the Chief of a major city police department, I am very pleased to be able to brief you on the significant progress made in federal–local information sharing, and how that has improved our ability to safeguard the public.

In my testimony, I will elaborate on why it is even more important now, ten years later, to recognize the vital role of local law enforcement in our homeland security efforts. With threats to the nation constantly evolving, local law enforcement officers who are on the street every day are uniquely positioned to detect and prevent terrorist incidents. There are more than 700,000 law enforcement members across the nation that know and are connected to the communities they serve, placing them in the best position to detect and investigate criminal activity that might be connected to terrorism or violent extremism. Clearly, information sharing with local police is essential to countering the threats we face going forward.

Important groundwork for the anniversary preparations was established in 2010. With a significant increase in American citizens or residents aligned with violent Islamic extremists arrested or convicted in 2009, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched a broad working group on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE). From the outset, this working group included local law enforcement. Following that effort, DHS and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) committed to a partnership with MPD to engage and educate our partners in the private sector and the community. Beginning in 2010, we jointly briefed thousands of government and private sector partners around the National Capital Region on recognizing and reporting suspicious activity; as well as responding to potential terrorist threats. Those briefings certainly paid off, as you will see, when we entered the high threat period of the 9/11 10-year anniversary.

Fast forwarding to last month, early on the morning of September 8, 2011, I received virtually simultaneous calls from my own official in the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) and my counterpart at the Department of Homeland Security urging me to attend a classified briefing on an emerging threat to Washington, DC, and New York. Within an hour, both the FBI and DHS provided me with unfettered access to the actual cable outlining the threat. This shows that not only have we built strong relationships in the region, but more importantly the institutional structures that we have created are ensuring the flow of information. What was perhaps even more important was the quality of the information made available to me. The details in the briefings were far greater than law enforcement had received in the past and enabled our officers to focus on the specifics of the threat.

Equally important, within 24 hours, the intelligence community collectively decided that the public needed to be informed of this credible threat, a significant departure from previous experiences. This decision helped law enforcement in several ways. For one, many of the actions of local law enforcement are much more visible than those of our federal partners, and in many cases are intended to be. In other words, our community members notice when we takes steps in relation to a heightened threat – they see us on the street, around critical infrastructure, and they know that something unusual is happening. Although this may only be a local concern, announcing the threat helps local authorities explain – and sometimes justify – our actions to the public. Local partners appreciate this support. More importantly, making this potential threat public helped us focus our community on reporting suspicious activity that may help us detect and deter those who may be interested in carrying out this threat. Obviously, when we can effectively harness and direct the attentions of the public, we can get more – and more useful – information to help us counter a threat. In this case, after the announcement our calls for suspicious activity jumped significantly.

Most importantly, this announcement caused many of our private sector partners that had been involved in the joint briefings months earlier to report specific suspicious activity that warranted further investigation. For example, on September 10th, MPD was contacted by the general manager of a local hotel who advised that six males from various Middle Eastern countries had checked into the hotel between the 8th and the 10th. The last to arrive paid cash for his room, and asked for a specific view of a notable landmark. All six individuals placed "Do Not Disturb" placards on their doors. A manager at another hotel contacted MPD on September 11th to report that cleaning personnel had found suspicious items left in a hotel room. The occupant had departed early without checking out, and leaving cash for the room. In this instance, the activity was linked to suspicious financial transactions reported earlier in the week. MPD and the FBI determined that the case did not have a nexus to terrorism, but was linked to criminal activity. Although neither instance was related to the 9/11 threat or to terrorism, the hotel managers took the right step in calling to report these indicators.

As you can see, providing some information to the public helps our efforts in the long run. It is a recognized principle in policing that sometimes you need to give a little information in order to get information. With the information about the threat on the anniversary of 9/11, and the visible government mobilization to it, the public is reminded of the importance of sharing information about suspicious activities with authorities. It reinforces the significance of the "See Something, Say Something" campaign, which is strongly supported by federal and local partners.

Fortunately, our experience here in the District of Columbia during the threats around the 9/11 anniversary highlighted several areas in which information sharing has improved. However, recognizing that my experience as the Chief of Police of the nation’s capital may differ from other chiefs around the country, I reached out to colleagues around the country, including Charles Ramsey, current Police Commissioner in Philadelphia and President of the Major City Chiefs, and of course former chief of MPD, and Raymond Kelly, the Police Commissioner of the New York Police Department. Across the board, local law enforcement chiefs agreed that the progress since 9/11 has been tremendous.

One person simply and aptly described the fusion centers and the FBI’s Field Intelligence Group and Directorate of Intelligence as "game changers" for local police departments. We would not be able to prepare for and work together to prevent the significant threats facing our communities without this sea change in governmental cooperation. In addition to these cornerstones of federal–local information sharing, we continue to work on new links between the levels of government and with the private sector.

The Washington Regional Threat and Analysis Center, the District’s fusion center, serves a critical role in receiving, vetting and sharing suspicious activity reports (SARs). The MPD receives SARs through many different methods, including 911 calls, text messages, email, our iWatchDC, public web portal from trained terrorism liaison officers, TrapWire reports from critical infrastructure sites, and observations made by patrol officers during the course of their duties. All of these SAR reports are forwarded to the fusion center and reviewed by trained analysts to ensure that the reports meet the established standards for suspicious activity reporting. If they do, the reports are entered into software programs where they are plotted for pattern analysis and proximity to critical infrastructure and other sensitive locations. The vetted reports are then entered into the National SAR Shared Space where they are available for review by the national network of fusion centers, and are forwarded to the FBI’s eGuardian system for investigation by the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF).

While the high tech support may be more interesting, low tech support is just as important. Our DHS partnership here in the District has been critical in educating the private sector about detecting and protecting business and customers from risks and threats. Even before the launch of the CVE working group, DHS has been a constant partner in trainings for the District’s hospitals, hospitality industry, Business Improvement Districts, and others. They provide materials such as CDs and booklets that my Department would not be able to fund. Most importantly, they lend credibility to our public education efforts.

As we continue this forward progress, there are several areas that we should focus on. The most critical need continues to be effective and interoperable communications. Although the 9/11 anniversary highlighted the advances we have made in the past ten years, the earthquake that struck the region a few weeks earlier highlighted a problem we have not solved: instant communications. When the earthquake struck, I was in a Drug Enforcement Administration briefing with two other police chiefs. For at least 15 minutes after it struck, we were not able to use our cell phones to communicate with anyone. Rest assured, we do have other options. We can use the Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS), the decades-old failsafe communication procedure. We can, of course, also use police radios. But neither of these methods is efficient. Using the GETS card takes time, and, during emergencies, police radios will already be subject to increased traffic from the public calls for service. Neither of these is the answer for a secure and reliable communication network. From my perspective, the federal government must move forward with D-Block, a broadband spectrum for first responders. It is past time for this recommendation from the 9/11 Commission to be implemented.

Beyond that critical step, the overarching imperative is that we must continue to institutionalize this information sharing. If this process is just built on relationships and personalities, there will be gaps and it will ultimately fail. Most people in the federal community are excellent partners, but my colleagues around the country report that, to put it bluntly, some people and organizations still don’t get it. More specifically, although progress has been made on over-classification, we must remain vigilant. It is particularly frustrating to local officials when major media outlets share more information than we have. It can’t be an effective security strategy to have law enforcement learning of threats or other intelligence at the same time that the public and potential terrorists learn of it. Local law enforcement recognizes and respects that intelligence agencies are reluctant to reveal their sources or techniques. However we continue to believe the intelligence interests can be readily balanced with the need to share actionable intelligence. Although we share the same ultimate goal of safeguarding the country, both the law enforcement and intelligence community still need to work to understand the varying intermediate interests and operations of the other, in order to help each other more effectively and efficiently work to attain our organizational goals.

Maintaining robust fusion centers and co-locating analysts helps to counter any natural tendencies in the intelligence and law enforcement communities to operate in silos. This familiarity also helps the intelligence community to better target the information they share. There has certainly been progress in this area, but local law enforcement is still given more information than we can sift through. This brings us to one of the most critical issues facing local partnerships in homeland security – funding. Nationwide, local law enforcement faces significant budget pressures, and police departments need federal support and resources to continue their vital work. This includes funding for fusion centers and analysts to work with law enforcement.

Although the technology to support homeland security efforts has advanced in areas many could not have foreseen a decade ago, we now eagerly look to future improvements. For instance, classified information is currently only available in specific locations, which requires that all organizations have representation at the right places. But public safety and homeland security is not a stationary effort. When there is a public safety threat facing a city, chiefs of police do not sit in a command center; we are out on the street, assessing conditions on the ground, directing our officers, and reassuring the public. Therefore, we must find ways to share classified information on the move.

This would also help us with another gap: involving smaller jurisdictions in this effort. Although smaller jurisdictions have even fewer resources to devote to homeland security efforts than our major cities, our small cities and towns are just as likely to be the setting for suspicious and criminal activities. Larger police departments and the federal government bear equal responsibility for reaching out to and involving smaller law enforcement agencies. Regional fusion centers can fulfill a critical role by increasing outreach and technical assistance to smaller local law enforcement agencies. Every agency should have a trained Terrorism Liaison Officer able to connect their agency with regional and national efforts to detect and deter terrorist threats.

In closing, federal and local coordination in countering terrorism has advanced significantly over the past ten years. I know that the District, the National Capital Region, and the country are safer because of this work. However, we cannot rest as we still have work to do. I look forward to continuing to work with all of you on this vital effort.

Thank you again for the opportunity to appear before you today.


Interviews at The Entrepreneur Center @NVTC


An Interview with Richard "Hollis" Helms, Founder and CEO, Abraxas Corp.
November 7, 2005

Not to be confused with the other Richard Helms (who headed the CIA under Nixon), “Hollis” Helms was with the CIA for nearly 30 years until October 1999, including 12 years overseas in several postings in the Mideast and South Asia. He was also one of the original assignees to its Counter Terrorism Center in the mid-1980s. He started Abraxas Corp. four years ago. Headquartered in McLean, it now has 225 employees. Helms has a BA and MA (in national security policy) from American University.

Bisnow on Business: This is some retirement – you left the government and became an entrepreneur. How did you get into this business?
After retirement I worked for a small company for a year before it was sold to a very large firm. Six of my coworkers at the time sat around my kitchen table discussing whether we should or could start something on our own. One of them brought a spreadsheet, something new to me at the time, which showed reasons for not going into business, the cost of doing business, and how cash flow needs were excessive. Everyone immediately pushed back from the table but me, and declined to go forward. I went forward with a $5,000 investment. Then after 9/11, my former colleagues were being called in by big defense contractors to help defend the country. Most contractors did not understand the uniqueness of the problems, nor the potential these people represented. So I seized the moment, because I could identify extraordinary people who were available and was able to offer them what the big companies could not: ownership. From that kernel we have developed a number of technology solutions for the security and defense problems of today.

So what does Abraxas do exactly?
We have the largest aggregate of analytical counter-terrorism capabilities, outside of the U.S. Government, and are foremost among competitors in intelligence experience. We offer data collection and analytical skills, fraud investigation and containment, domestic and international due diligence, competitive market intelligence, new market entry, with an emphasis on China, political, economic and security assessment, behavioral analysis and deception detection services. We give clients a competitive advantage by providing them with better information, enabling them to make stronger and more informed decisions. With offices in both the U.S. and China, we can serve clients effectively and efficiently across the globe.

Who would use you for what?
The vast majority of our clients are big or small companies dealing with different cultures where they don’t have skills in-house to understand overseas risks. They may have a lot at stake dealing with a foreign company, for example, that’s investing in them or manufacturing something for them, and they want to have a Plan B in case that company has labor or governmental difficulties. We advise them. At one point, we calculated that our employees have over 3,000 years of experience in foreign intelligence.

What’s the deliverable? A thick black briefing book?
We have done that kind of advice and due diligence for clients, but sometimes it’s as simple as, “Can you participate in this meeting with us, could you bring in one of your experts for the Q & A?”

Choosing to put your own money up first is a risk. How did you determine that was the right course of action versus seeking outside investors?
No one in his or her right mind would give you money without you already having something at risk. You need to determine – fairly accurately – what it takes to get started and reach profitability. I think the more money you have to start a business, the more money you will spend and the less efficient you will be, and having more money may delay profitability. I say start with using your own money and plan on using as little as possible. While there are people who will invest, if you do not have an investment yourself, you are taking on partners, which means time away from managing and developing your business. The more you spend getting it going, the longer it will take to be profitable.

So you don’t believe that early money is like yeast?
Not in my experience. The ability to execute the plan is the most important aspect of a successful startup. If you cannot execute the idea, it is useless. The Wrights could not execute much beyond their first flights – other aeronauts accomplished much more. Curtiss Aircraft, the company started by Glenn Curtiss, eventually purchased the Wrights’ company and the new company became known as the Curtiss-Wright Aircraft Company, not the Wright-Curtiss Aircraft Company. Even though the Wrights bitterly used patent lawsuits against Curtiss, he flew rings around them as an inventor and an entrepreneur. Curtiss was building motorcycles when the Wrights first flew. He, in my view, was one of the real entrepreneurs in American aviation.

You really draw from the early entrepreneurial spirit of aviation.
There was an incredible amount of entrepreneurship involved among the early developers of powered, fixed winged aircraft. The Wright brothers were the first, but they ran out to file their patents to protect their work and reap their rewards. It is remarkable where they were not able to take their invention. While they used every piece of information they could lay their hands on to systematically solve the problem of the first flight, they gave little thought beyond the event and their patents. Meanwhile, an explosion of development work took place in Europe where U.S. patents were not feared and a free exchange of information was taking place. There were numerous inventions that resulted in flight safer than in a Wright airplane.

You have a product with an intriguing name: TrapWire. What is it?
It’s a proprietary technology designed to protect critical national infrastructure from a terrorist attack by detecting the pre-attack activities of the terrorist and enabling law enforcement to investigate and engage the terrorist long before an attack is executed. The beauty of it is that we can protect an infinite number of facilities just as efficiently as we can one and we push information out to local law authorities automatically.

Is TrapWire a service or a product, or what does it look like exactly?
It’s a software application we’ve developed over the last two years. It runs on a server and is used across whole industries. For example, the nuclear industry has 104 civilian owned and operated nuclear power plants, and yet they don’t collect or share pre-attack information. TrapWire can help do that without infringing anyone’s civil liberties. It can collect information about people and vehicles that is more accurate than facial recognition, draw patterns, and do threat assessments of areas that may be under observation from terrorists. The application can do things like “type” individuals so if people say “medium build,” you know exactly what that means from that observer.

You were the only employee at the beginning, and now you’ve grown to over 200. How’s that affected your role?
In the beginning, I did everything because it was just me. Doing proposals, accounting, business development, hiring, and human resource jobs are some of the things I did. I now focus on CEO functions of taking the company forward. I am challenged to learn a new, more focused role for the company and am involved in the planning and execution of all new initiatives. This includes the initiation of a summer intern program for analysts and operations personnel who are currently in, or are finishing, graduate school. I am also directing research into a new line of simulation business. I am one of several people in our company looking at opening new offices in southern Virginia and in Florida.

What do you think of advisory boards?
I think they are an invaluable way in which companies can access the talent and insight of revered professionals across a range of industry perspectives. We created an Advisory Board in 2004, and are delighted with the participation of retired Air Force Gen. John Gordon, former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore, President Robert M. Bryant of the National Insurance Crime Bureau, and others.

Are you currently partnering with any companies?
In general we partner with a wide range of large and small defense contractors. One particularly interesting small company is called Sentia Group, which has developed a software application that combines cutting-edge advances in agent based modeling with the accumulation of subject matter expert knowledge. It draws on algorithms from game theory and spatial modeling to simulate the interactions between different individuals and stakeholders and can be implemented in a number of different political and social situations. We’re excited about its technology because we believe we can make it dramatically improve analytic outcomes.

Your career seems to have been fast paced. Do you seek any extracurricular thrills?
Some might say my flying around the country in an airplane I built myself is gambling. I believe I reduced the risks – and increased the performance – by building a better airplane than any I could afford from a U.S. manufacturer.

Which was?
A Lancair 360, built in my garage.

What does Abraxas mean?
It’s an ancient Greek word believed to be the source of the phrase “Abra-Kadabra.” But I prefer to think of it as one of the four horses that pulls the chariot of Helios, the sun god, around the heavens.

How’d you think of it?
To tell you the truth, I was having to fill out a Virginia state incorporation form, and I went into the living room and said, “Quick, give me a name—I don’t want to be one of these companies named after myself.” And my daughter was reading a book of mythology. Only later did I realize Abraxas was also the name of a hard rock band, and a Santana album.   🙂


Stratforgate: WikiLeaks releases ‘shadow CIA’ mail

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Published: 27 February, 2012, 09:59
Edited: 01 March, 2012, 14:08

Stratforgate: WikiLeaks releases ‘shadow CIA’ mail

Stratforgate: WikiLeaks releases ‘shadow CIA’ mail


TAGS: Scandal, Politics, WikiLeaks

Whistleblower website WikiLeaks has exposed more than 5 million emails apparently obtained by the hacking of Stratfor, the private intelligence company dubbed the “shadow CIA”. The leak may be as high-profile as that of the State Department cables.

The emails, dated between July 2004 and late December 2011, give a glimpse on the inner workings of the company. They show how Stratfor gathers confidential information from paid insiders, including senior state officials, and provides it to large corporations and US governmental agencies.

The private correspondence confirms that Stratfor’s area of interests goes far behind those of a merely civilian firm. In one report, an insider in Russian defense revealed sensitive information on the tactical ballistic missile Iskander, including its development progress and the use during the August 2008 armed conflict with Georgia.

The think-tank is operating as an outsourced spy agency, recruiting sources and pumping them for insider information (and, as skeptics say, disinformation). It lacks capabilities that true special services have, like using spy drones or secretly raiding governmental archives James Bond-style. But otherwise Stratfor operates successfully, turning secrets into cash outside of the usual restrictions and need for accountability that their state counterparts face.

The company’s spy network scoured for info on things ranging from health condition of Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez to the laundering of drug profits by Mexican cartels, to the loss of faith in the Obama administration by US business elites. WikiLeaks itself was also an important topic of research for Stratfor, with more than 4,000 of the emails mentioning the website or its founder Julian Assange.

It also reveals Stratfor’s close ties with US agencies, from Marines Corps to Department of Homeland Security and what WikiLeaks calls a pro-American neoconservative political bias. “Stratfor claims that it operates ‘without ideology, agenda or national bias’, yet the emails reveal private intelligence staff who align themselves closely with US government policies and channel tips to Mossad,” the whistleblower website says in a statement.

WikiLeaks shared the material with more than 25 media outlets and activists throughout the world. The partners have been provided with early access to the database for journalistic investigation of the emails.

“Important revelations discovered using this system will appear in the media in the coming weeks, together with the gradual release of the source documents,”
WikiLeaks says.

WikiLeaks did not specify how exactly it came into possession of the Stratfor emails. However, the company itself admitted in December that its data servers had been breached by the “hacktivist” group Anonymous. The hackers posted online the names, emails and credit card numbers of thousands of Stratfor subscribers.

Stratfor dismissed the leak, calling it “a deplorable, unfortunate – and illegal – breach of privacy.”

“Some of the emails may be forged or altered to include inaccuracies; some may be authentic. We will not validate either. Nor will we explain the thinking that went into them. Having had our property stolen, we will not be victimized twice by submitting to questioning about them,” the company said in a statement.

It went on to confirm that the WikiLeaks disclosure must come from the Anonymous hack.


Anonymous details Stratfor Christmas hack

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Published: 28 December, 2011, 00:08
Edited: 07 March, 2012, 12:32

Reuters / David McNew

Reuters / David McNew

TAGS: Scandal, SciTech, Internet,Information Technology, Corruption, USA,WikiLeaks, Culture, Social networks, Anonymous

Operatives within the hacking collective Anonymous called the Christmas weekend release of data pertaining to customers of security firm Stratfor one of the biggest endeavors the group has ever undertaken.

For the insiders at Strategic Forecasting Inc. that thought their troubles were coming to a close already, however, they might not want to count their blessings just yet. Hackers are still on the prowl and the firm is warning their clients to keep quiet lest they want to risk further attacks.

Happy holidays!

Over the weekend, hacktivists with Anonymous released the names and credit card details of Stratfor clients, a move that Anon operative Barrett Brown says in a statement was made not just to make that information public, but rather an attempt at revealing nearly 3 million online contacts that have corresponded with the firm, known as a top-secret dealer of American intelligence.

“This wealth of data includes correspondence with untold thousands of contacts who have spoken to Stratfor’s employees off the record over more than a decade,” writes Brown. Those contacts, he says, link Stratfor with major corporations and military contractors and government agencies that have been of interest to the group since February 2011 — a fascination, he writes, the spawned due to “among many other things, a widespread conspiracy by the Justice Department, Bank of America and other parties to attack and discredit WikiLeaks and other activist groups.”

“Since that time,” he adds, “many of us in the movement have dedicated our lives to investigating this state-corporate alliance against the free information movement. For this and other reasons, operations have been conducted against Booz Allen Hamilton, Unveillance, NATO and other relevant institutions.”

Following the document dump on Saturday, Stratfor quickly reported the attack to its customers and warned them that their personal data could be in jeopardy; In the days since, the firm has followed through with its clients and letting them know that they aren’t exactly in the clear yet.

Stratfor first posted on their Facebook of the hack on Sunday afternoon, apologizing to customers and insuring them that a formal investigation was beginning to help make sense of the matter. As the news quickly made its way around the web, Stratfor followed up hours later by warning their clients through the social networking site that speaking out against the responsible hackers could do more harm than good.

“It’s come to our attention that our members who are speaking out in support of us on Facebook may be being targeted for doing so and are at risk of having sensitive information repeatedly published on other websites. So, in order to protect yourselves, we recommend taking security precautions when speaking out on Facebook or abstaining from it altogether,” the firm followed up with.

By the time Stratfor had issued that warning, 860,000 usernames, 75,000 credit card accounts and millions of email addresses were hacked. The firm quickly went on the record to downplay the attack and dismiss it as not an infiltration on its private clients as Anonymous operatives insisted. Technology commentator Colin Jackson tells Radio New Zealand, however, that no matter what kind of clientele was victimized by Anonymous in this case, it must be "really, really embarrassing for Stratfor."

Stratfor "has made a press statement saying ‘oh, this kind of thing happens to everybody and it’s pretty hard to keep these guys out.’ Yeah, right, well, you are supposed to be security experts," Jackson adds.

Given Anonymous’ tendency to continue with a kill until their prey is all but pulverized, the onslaught against Stratfor is almost sure to continue in one form or another. In a follow up to the attack, operative Barrett Brown returned to the Web to offer more insight as to why the attack was carried out.

“Although Stratfor is not necessarily among the parties at fault in the larger movement against transparency and individual liberty, it has long been a ‘subject of interest’ in our necessary investigation,” he writes. “The e-mails obtained before Christmas Day will vastly improve our ability to continue that investigation and thereby bring to light other instances of corruption, crime and deception on the part of certain powerful actors based in the US and elsewhere.”

Adds the operative, “Unlike the various agents of the US Government, the hacking team that obtained this information did not break down the doors of the target, point guns at children, and shoot down any dogs that might have been present; Anonymous does not resort to SWAT tactics, and this is simply one of many attributes that separate the movement from the governments that have sought to end our campaign and imprison our participants. Of course, such points as these will not prevent our movement from being subjected to harsher scrutiny than is given to those governments which are largely forgiven their more intrusive tactics by virtue of their status as de facto holders of power in a world that has long been governed in accordance with the dictate that might makes right.”

Brown adds to RT, however, that Stratfor’s course of action to assure their customer’s safety was handled well in the aftermath.

“That warning may be intended to turn the focus onto alleged wrongdoing by those who support Anonymous, in which case it worked well enough to prompt a few major news stories,” he tells RT. “Or, it may actually be a well-intentioned effort to prevent any hardship for their customers. If it’s the latter, it’s a very ethical course to take, and in such case they shouldn’t be criticized for choosing that course over a pretended ability to protect their customers in an unusual and fast-moving situation.”

The attack on Stratfor is only the latest in a string of hacks waged at supporters of what operatives say are colossal attacks on freedom and the flow of information. As the Stop Online Piracy Act and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 made their way through Congress earlier this month, activists against the legislation have launched similar campaigns to take down congressman and corporate sponsors that supported the bills. While those attacks seem far from over, Barrett Brown adds to RT that Strafor’s clients shouldn’t be worried of a follow-up strike. For the Anon operative, he tells RT that the firm’s clients “should not be concerned for their safety at all; nothing further will happen to them.”

“It is any of their past e-mail correspondents who might have revealed information that could come back to haunt them who should be concerned for their reputations in such cases, as they might be shown to be culpable for anything that negatively affects the public,” he says.

On his Twitter account, Brown says that "The Stratfor operation may yield the most revelatory trove of information ever seized by Anonymous," and updated followers on Tuesday that the previously reported tally of 2.5 million email accounts linked to Stratfor by the hackers had increased to over 3.3 million.

Bankster Fraud Has Driven 100 Million Into Poverty, Killing Many

Washington’s Blog
Aug 12, 2012

Fraud caused the Great Depression and the current financial crisis, and the economy will neverrecover until fraud is prosecuted.

Fraud is the business model adopted by the giant banks. See this.

The Obama administration has made it official policy not to prosecute fraud.  Indeed, the “watchdogs” in D.C. are so corrupt that they are as easily bribed as a policeman in a third world banana republic.

The mouthpieces in Wall Street and D.C.  pretend that financial  fraud (like Libor) is a “victimless crime“.

But the World Bank notes that the financial crisis  – you know, the one caused by financial fraud – has driven between 64 and  100 million people into destitution.

Some estimate the figure to be much higher. For example, one 2009 study estimated that 140 million people would be driven into poverty in Asia alone.

AP reported in 2009:

The global financial crisis has pushed the ranks of the hungry to a record 1 billion people … United Nations food officials said Friday in Rome.

This is not just a matter of having less money for entertainment or luxury goods.  Increased poverty leads to an earlier death.

As the Los Angeles times notes:

Poverty appears to trump smoking, obesity and education as a health burden, potentially causing a loss of 8.2 years of perfect health.

This is not an abstract concept. A lot of kids will die due to Wall Street fraud:

The global financial crisis sweeping through Wall Street and the European banking sector will touch the lives of the world’s most vulnerable, pushing millions into deeper poverty and leading to the deaths of thousands of children, according to a new United Nations study.


The report highlighted the prospect of an increase of between 200,000 and 400,000 in infant mortality and that child malnutrition, already rising, will be one of the main drivers of higher child death rates.

While developing countries will be hardest hit, increased poverty and hunger are hitting the U.S., Britainand other first world countries are as well. The inability of the newly-poor to pay to heat their homes also kills.

Paul Moore – former Head of Risk at HBOS – says that the financial crisis has resulted in the greatest humanitarian crisis since WWII.

Moore says that we are witnessing a “financial holocaust” brought on by the banksters … with huge numbers of potential deaths in the works unless we fundamentally change the system.


Top Economists: Trust is Necessary for a Stable Economy … But Trust Won’t Be Restored Until We Prosecute Wall Street Fraud

Posted on March 8, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog

Most policy makers still don’t understand the urgent need to restore trust in our financial system, or the need to prosecute Wall Street executives for fraud and other criminal wrongdoing.

But top economists have been saying for well over a decade that trust is necessary for a stable economy, and that prosecuting the criminals Is necessary to restore trust.

Trust is Necessary for a Stable Economy

In his influential 1993 book Making Democracy Work, Robert Putnam showed how civic attitudes and trust could account for differences in the economic and government performance between northern and southern Italy.

Political economist Francis Fukiyama wrote a book called Trust in 1995, arguing that the most pervasive cultural characteristic influencing a nation’s prosperity and ability to compete is the level of trust or cooperative behavior based upon shared norms. He stated that the United States, like Japan and Germany, has been a high-trust society historically but that this status has eroded in recent years.

In 1998, Paul Zak (Professor of Economics and Department Chair, as well as the founding Director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University, Professor of Neurology at Loma Linda University Medical Center, and a senior researcher at UCLA) and Stephen Knack (a Lead Economist in the World Bank’s Research Department and Public Sector Governance Department) wrotea paper called Trust and Growth, arguing:

Adam Smith … observed notable differences across nations in the ‘probity’ and ‘punctuality’ of their populations. For example, the Dutch ‘are the most faithful to their word.’John Stuart Mill wrote: ‘There are countries in Europe . . . where the most serious impediment to conducting business concerns on a large scale, is the rarity of persons who are supposed fit to be trusted with the receipt and expenditure of large sums of money’ (Mill, 1848, p. 132).

Enormous differences across countries in the propensity to trust others survive


Trust is higher in ‘fair’ societies.


High trust societies produce more output than low trust societies. A fortiori, a sufficient amount of trust may be crucial to successful development. Douglass North (1990, p. 54) writes,

The inability of societies to develop effective, lowcost enforcement of contracts is the most important source of both historical stagnation and contemporary underdevelopment in the Third World.


If trust is too low in a society, savings will be insufficient to sustain
positive output growth. Such a poverty trap is more likely when institutions –
both formal and informal – which punish cheaters are weak.

Heap, Tan and Zizzo and others have come to similar conclusions.

In 2001, Zak and Knack showed that “strengthening the rule of law, reducing inequality, and by facilitating interpersonal understanding” all increase trust. They conclude:

Our analysis shows that trust can be raised directly by increasing communication and education, and indirectly by strengthening formal institutions that enforce contracts and by reducing income inequality. Among the policies that impact these factors, only education, … and freedom satisfy the efficiency criterion which compares the cost of policies with the benefits citizens receive in terms of higher living standards. Further, our analysis suggests that good policy initiates a virtuous circle: policies that raise trust efficiently, improve living standards, raise civil liberties, enhance institutions, and reduce corruption, further raising trust. Trust, democracy, and the rule of law are thus the foundation of abiding prosperity.

A 2005 letter in premier scientific journal Nature reviewed the research on trust and economics:

Trust … plays a key role in economic exchange and politics. In the absence of trust among trading partners, market transactions break down. In the absence of trust in a country’s institutions and leaders, political legitimacy breaks down. Much recent evidence indicates that trust contributes to economic, political and social success.

Forbes wrote an article in 2006 entitled “The Economics of Trust”. The article summarizes the importance of trust in creating a healthy economy:

Imagine going to the corner store to buy a carton of milk, only to find that the refrigerator is locked. When you’ve persuaded the shopkeeper to retrieve the milk, you then end up arguing over whether you’re going to hand the money over first, or whether he is going to hand over the milk. Finally you manage to arrange an elaborate simultaneous exchange. A little taste of life in a world without trust–now imagine trying to arrange a mortgage.

Being able to trust people might seem like a pleasant luxury, but economists are starting to believe that it’s rather more important than that. Trust is about more than whether you can leave your house unlocked; it is responsible for the difference between the richest countries and the poorest.

“If you take a broad enough definition of trust, then it would explain basically all the difference between the per capita income of the United States and Somalia,” ventures Steve Knack, a senior economist at the World Bank who has been studying the economics of trust for over a decade. That suggests that trust is worth $12.4 trillion dollars a year to the U.S., which, in case you are wondering, is 99.5% of this country’s income.


Above all, trust enables people to do business with each other. Doing business is what creates wealth.


Economists distinguish between the personal, informal trust that comes from being friendly with your neighbors and the impersonal, institutionalized trust that lets you give your credit card number out over the Internet.

In 2007, Yann Algan (Professor of Economics at Paris School of Economics and University Paris East) and Pierre Cahuc (Professor of Economics at the Ecole Polytechnique (Paris)) reported:

We find a significant impact of trust on income per capita for 30 countries over the period 1949-2003.

Similarly, market psychologists Richard L. Peterson M.D. and Frank Murtha, PhD noted in 2008

Trust is the oil in the engine of capitalism, without it, the engine seizes up.

Confidence is like the gasoline, without it the machine won’t move.

Trust is gone: there is no longer trust between counterparties in the financial system. Furthermore, confidence is at a low. Investors have lost their confidence in the ability of shares to provide decent returns (since they haven’t).

In 2009, Paola Sapienza (associate professor of finance and the Zell Center Faculty Fellow at Northwestern University) and Luigi Zingales (Robert C. McCormack Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business) pointed out:

The drop in trust, we believe, is a major factor behind the deteriorating economic conditions. To demonstrate its importance, we launched the Chicago Booth/Kellogg School Financial Trust Index. Our first set of data—based on interviews conducted at the end of December 2008—shows that between September and December, 52 percent of Americans lost trust in the banks. Similarly, 65 percent lost trust in the stock market. A BBB/Gallup poll that surveyed a similar sample of Americans last April confirms this dramatic drop. At that time, 42 percent of Americans trusted financial institutions, versus 34 percent in our survey today, while 53 percent said they trusted U.S. companies, versus just 12 percent today.

As trust declines, so does Americans’ willingness to invest their money in the financial system. Our data show that trust in the stock market affects people’s intention to buy stocks, even after accounting for expectations of future stock-market performance. Similarly, a person’s trust in banks predicts the likelihood that he will make a run on his bank in a moment of crisis: 25 percent of those who don’t trust banks withdrew their deposits and stored them as cash last fall, compared with only 3 percent of those who said they still trusted the banks. Thus, trust in financial institutions is a key factor for the smooth functioning of capital markets and, by extension, the economy. Changes in trust matter.

They quote a Nobel laureate economist on the subject:

“Virtually every commercial transaction has within itself an element of trust,” writes economist Kenneth Arrow, a Nobel laureate. When we deposit money in a bank, we trust that it’s safe. When a company orders goods, it trusts its counterpart to deliver them in good faith. Trust facilitates transactions because it saves the costs of monitoring and screening; it is an essential lubricant that greases the wheels of the economic system.

In 2009, Time Magazine pointed out:

Traditionally, gold has been a store of value when citizens do not trust their governmentpolitically or economically.

In other words, the government’s political actions affect investments, such as gold, and thus the broader economy.

In 2010, a distinguished international group of economists (Giancarlo Corsetti, Michael P. Devereux, Luigi Guiso, John Hassler, Gilles Saint-Paul, Hans-Werner Sinn, Jan-Egbert Sturm and Xavier Vives)wrote:

Public distrust of bankers and financial markets has risen dramatically with the financial crisis. This column argues that this loss of trust in the financial system played a critical role in the collapse of economic activity that followed. To undo the damage, financial regulation needs to focus on restoring that trust.

They noted:

Trust is crucial in many transactions and certainly in those involving financial exchanges. The massive drop in trust associated with this crisis will therefore have important implications for the future of financial markets. Data show that in the late 1970s, the percentage of people who reported having full trust in banks, brokers, mutual funds or the stock market was around 40%; it had sunk to around 30% just before the crisis hit, and collapsed to barely 5% afterwards. It is now even lower than the trust people have in other people (randomly selected of course).

Prosecuting the Criminals Is Necessary to Restore Trust

Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz says that we have to prosecute fraud or else the economy won’t recover:

The legal system is supposed to be the codification of our norms and beliefs, things that we need to make our system work. If the legal system is seen as exploitative, then confidence in our whole system starts eroding. And that’s really the problem that’s going on.


I think we ought to go do what we did in the S&L [crisis] and actually put many of these guys in prison. Absolutely. These are not just white-collar crimes or little accidents. There were victims. That’s the point. There were victims all over the world.

Economists focus on the whole notion of incentives. People have an incentive sometimes to behave badly, because they can make more money if they can cheat. If our economic system is going to work then we have to make sure that what they gain when they cheat is offset by a system of penalties.

Robert Shiller said recently that failing to address the legal issues will cause Americans to lose faith in business and the government:

Shiller said the danger of foreclosuregate — the scandal in which it has come to light that the biggest banks have routinely mishandled homeownership documents, putting the legality of foreclosures and related sales in doubt — is a replay of the 1930s, when Americans lost faith that institutions such as business and government were dealing fairly.

Economists such as William Black and James Galbraith agree. Galbraith says:

There will have to be full-scale investigation and cleaning up of the residue of that, before you can have, I think, a return of confidence in the financial sector. And that’s a process which needs to get underway.

Galbraith also says that economists should move into the background, and “criminologists to the forefront”.

Government regulators know this – or at least pay lip service to it – as well. For example, as the Director of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s enforcement division told Congress:

Recovery from the fallout of the financial crisis requires important efforts on various fronts, and vigorous enforcement is an essential component, as aggressive and even-handed enforcement will meet the public’s fair expectation that those whose violations of the law caused severe loss and hardship will be held accountable. And vigorous law enforcement efforts will help vindicate the principles that are fundamental to the fair and proper functioning of our markets: that no one should have an unjust advantage in our markets; that investors have a right to disclosure that complies with the federal securities laws; and that there is a level playing field for all investors.

Nobel prize winning economist George Akerlof has demonstrated that failure to punish white collar criminals – and instead bailing them out- creates incentives for more economic crimes and further destruction of the economy in the future. Indeed, William Black notes that we’ve known of this dynamic for “hundreds of years”. And see this, this, this and this.

And when Zak and Knack – quoted above – discuss “enforcing contracts”, “raising civil liberties”, and “reducing corruption”, they are talking about enforcing the rule of law, which means prosecuting violations of the law. Likewise, when they refer to “enhancing institutions”, they mean regulatory and justice systems which enforce contracts and prosecute cheaters.

And when Zak and Knack promote reduction of inequality, that means prosecuting fraud as well. Specifically, as I recently pointed out, prosecuting fraud is the best way to reduce inequality:

Robert Shiller [one of the top housing economists in the United States] said in 2009:

And it’s not like we want to level income. I’m not saying spread the wealth around, which got Obama in trouble. But I think, I would hope that this would be a time for a national consideration about policies that would focus on restraining any possible further increases in inequality.


If we stop bailing out the fraudsters and financial gamblers, the big banks would focus more on traditional lending and less on speculative plays which only make the rich richer and the poor poorer, and which guarantee future economic crises (which hurt the poor more than the rich).


Moreover, both conservatives and liberals agree that we need to prosecute financial fraud. As I’ve previously noted, fraud disproportionally benefits the big players, makes boom-bust cycles more severe, and otherwise harms the economy – all of which increase inequality and warp the market.

Of course, it’s not just economists saying this.

One of the leading business schools in America – the Wharton School of Business – published an essay by a psychologist on the causes and solutions to the economic crisis. Wharton points out that restoring trust is the key to recovery, and that trust cannot be restored until wrongdoers are held accountable:

According to David M. Sachs, a training and supervision analyst at the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia, the crisis today is not one of confidence, but one of trust. “Abusive financial practices were unchecked by personal moral controls that prohibit individual criminal behavior, as in the case of [Bernard] Madoff, and by complex financial manipulations, as in the case of AIG.” The public, expecting to be protected from such abuse, has suffered a trauma of loss similar to that after 9/11. “Normal expectations of what is safe and dependable were abruptly shattered,” Sachs noted. “As is typical of post-traumatic states, planning for the future could not be based on old assumptions about what is safe and what is dangerous. A radical reversal of how to be gratified occurred.”

People now feel more gratified saving money than spending it, Sachs suggested. They have trouble trusting promises from the government because they feel the government has let them down.

He framed his argument with a fictional patient named Betty Q. Public, a librarian with two teenage children and a husband, John, who had recently lost his job. “She felt betrayed because she and her husband had invested conservatively and were double-crossed by dishonest, greedy businessmen, and now she distrusted the government that had failed to protect them from corporate dishonesty. Not only that, but she had little trust in things turning around soon enough to enable her and her husband to accomplish their previous goals.

“By no means a sophisticated economist, she knew … that some people had become fantastically wealthy by misusing other people’s money — hers included,” Sachs said. “In short, John and Betty had done everything right and were being punished, while the dishonest people were going unpunished.”

Helping an individual recover from a traumatic experience provides a useful analogy for understanding how to help the economy recover from its own traumatic experience, Sachs pointed out. The public will need to “hold the perpetrators of the economic disaster responsible and take what actions they can to prevent them from harming the economy again.” In addition, the public will have to see proof thatgovernment and business leaders can behave responsibly before they will trust them again, he argued.

Note that Sachs urges “hold[ing] the perpetrators of the economic disaster responsible.” In other words, just “looking forward” and promising to do things differently isn’t enough.

As Wall Street insider and New York Times columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin writes:

“They will pick on minor misdemeanors by individual market participants,” said David Einhorn, the hedge fund manager who was among the Cassandras before the financial crisis. To Mr. Einhorn, the government is “not willing to take on significant misbehavior by sizable” firms. “But since there have been almost no big prosecutions, there’s very little evidence that it has stopped bad actors from behaving badly.”


Fraud at big corporations surely dwarfs by orders of magnitude the shareholders’ losses of $8 billion that Mr. Holder highlighted. If the government spent half the time trying to ferret out fraud at major companies that it does tracking pump-and-dump schemes, we might have been able to stop the financial crisis, or at least we’d have a fighting chance at stopping the next one.

And as a former congressional aide recently said in some of the most colorful language to date:

“You put Lloyd Blankfein in pound-me-in-the-ass prison for one six-month term, and all this bullshit would stop, all over Wall Street,” says a former congressional aide. “That’s all it would take. Just once.”


Fraud Caused the 1930s Depression and the Current Financial Crisis

Posted on October 30, 2010 by WashingtonsBlog

Robert Shiller – one of the top housing experts in the United States – says that the mortgage fraud is a lot like the fraud which occurred during the Great Depression. As Fortune notes:

Shiller said the danger of foreclosuregate — the scandal in which it has come to light that the biggest banks have routinely mishandled homeownership documents, putting the legality of foreclosures and related sales in doubt — is a replay of the 1930s, when Americans lost faith that institutions such as business and government were dealing fairly.

The former chief accountant of the S.E.C., Lynn Turner, told the New York Times that fraud helped cause the Great Depression:

The amount of gimmickry and outright fraud dwarfs any period since the early 1970′s, when major accounting scams like Equity Funding surfaced, and the 1920′s, whenrampant fraud helped cause the crash of 1929 and led to the creation of the S.E.C.

Economist Robert Kuttner writes:

In 1932 through 1934 the Senate Banking Committee, led by its Chief Counsel Ferdinand Pecora, ferreted out the deeper fraud and corruption that led to the Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression.

Similarly, Tom Borgers refers to:

The 1930s’ Pecora Commission, which investigated the fraud that led to the Great Depression ….

Professor William K. Black writes:

The original Pecora investigation documented the causes of the economic collapse that led to the Great Depression. It … established that conflicts of interest andfraud were common among elite finance and government officials.

The Pecora investigations provided the factual basis that produced a consensus that the financial system and political allies were corrupt.

Moreover, the Glass Steagall Act was passed because of the fraudulent use of normal bank deposits for speculative invesments. As the Congressional Research Service notes:

In the Great Depression after 1929, Congress examined the mixing of the “commercial” and “investment” banking industries that occurred in the 1920s. Hearings revealed conflicts of interest and fraud in some banking institutions’ securities activities. A formidable barrier to the mixing of these activities was then set up by the Glass Steagall Act.

Economist James K. Galbraith wrote in the introduction to his father, John Kenneth Galbraith’s, definitive study of the Great Depression, The Great Crash, 1929:

The main relevance of The Great Crash, 1929 to the great crisis of 2008 is surely here. In both cases, the government knew what it should do. Both times, it declined to do it. In the summer of 1929 a few stern words from on high, a rise in the discount rate, a tough investigation into the pyramid schemes of the day, and the house of cards on Wall Street would have tumbled before its fall destroyed the whole economy. In 2004, the FBI warned publicly of “an epidemic of mortgage fraud.” But the government did nothing, and less than nothing, delivering instead low interest rates, deregulation and clear signals that laws would not be enforced. The signals were not subtle: on one occasion the director of the Office of Thrift Supervision came to a conference with copies of the Federal Register and a chainsaw. There followed every manner of scheme to fleece the unsuspecting ….

This was fraud, perpetrated in the first instance by the government on the population, and by the rich on the poor.


The government that permits this to happen is complicit in a vast crime.

As the Great Crash, 1929 documents, there were many fraudulent schemes which occurred in the 1920s and which helped cause the Great Depression. Here’s one example of a pyramid scheme in Florida real estate:

An enterprising Bostonian, Mr. Charles Ponzi, developed a subdivision “near Jacksonville.” It was approximately sixty-five miles west of the city. (In other respects Ponzi believed in good, compact neighborhoods ; he sold twenty-three lots to the acre.) In instances where the subdivision was close to town, as in the case of Manhattan Estates, which were “not more than three fourths of a mile from the prosperous and fast-growing city of Nettie,” the city, as was so of Nettie, did not exist. The congestion of traffic into the state became so severe that in the autumn of 1925 the railroads were forced to proclaim an embargo on less essential freight, which included building materials for developing the subdivisions. Values rose wonderfully. Within forty miles of Miami “inside” lots sold at from $8,000 to $20,000; waterfront lots brought from $15,000 to $25,000, and more or less bona fide seashore sites brought $20,000 to $75,000.”

As DoctorHousingBubble notes:

This Mr. Ponzi of course is the man who gave name to the “Ponzi scheme” that many use today. He laid the groundwork for many of the criminals today in the housing industry. Yet during the boom he wasn’t seen as a criminal but a player in the Florida real estate bubble. Here’s a nice picture of the gentleman:

charles ponzi tm Fraud Caused the 1930s Depression and the Current Financial Crisis charles ponzi Fraud Caused the 1930s Depression and the Current Financial Crisis

James Galbraith recently said that “at the root of the crisis we find the largest financial swindle in world history”, where “counterfeit” mortgages were “laundered” by the banks.

As he has repeatedly noted, the economy will not recover until the perpetrators of the frauds which caused our current economic crisis are held accountable, so that trust can be restored. See this, this andthis.

No wonder James Galbraith has said economists should move into the background, and “criminologists to the forefront.”

Note 1: I asked Professor Black to comment on this essay, and he said the following:

The amount of fraud that drove the Wall Street bubble and its collapse and caused the Great Depression is contested [keep reading to see what Black means]. The Pecora investigation found widespread manipulation of earnings, conflicts of interest, and insider abuse by the nation’s most elite financial leaders. John Kenneth Galbraith’s work documented these abuses. Theoclassical economic accounts, however, ignore or excuse these abuses. The Justice Department did not respond effectively to the crimes that helped spark the Great Depression so we have far fewer facts available to us.

The decisive role that “accounting control frauds” played in driving the current crisis is clear. The FBI warned of an “epidemic” of mortgage fraud in 2004 and predicted that it would cause an economic crisis if it were not stopped. The mortgage lending industry’s own experts reported that “liar’s” loans were “an open invitation to fraudsters” and fully warranted their name — “liar’s” loans — because fraud was endemic in such loans. Lenders and their agents led these lies. They led the lies for an excellent reason — the strategy is a “sure thing” (Akerlof & Romer 1993 — Looting: the Economic Underworld of Bankruptcy for Profit). It guarantees record (albeit fictional) profits, which maximize the CEO’s bonuses. The same strategy for maxmizing fictional income maxmizes real losses in the longer term. When many lenders follow the same fraudulent strategy the result is a hyper-inflated bubble followed by a severe crisis.

Control fraud epidemics also produce “echo” epidemics of fraud in other fields. For example, when lenders are control frauds the CEO establishes perverse incentives (“Gresham’s dynamics”) that corrupt other industries and professions.

By rewarding professionals who are willing to inflate asset values, and refusing to hire honest professionals, control frauds cause the unethical to drive the ethical out of the markets. When one combines deregulation, desupervision, and the perverse incentives of modern executive and professional compensation the result is recurrent, intensifying crises.

Note 2: The Austrian economists point out that it is bubbles which cause crashes. I agree. But as Professor Black points out, fraud is one of the main things which causes bubbles.

Note 3: Of course other factors, such as excess leverage and counterproductive actions by the Federal Reserve, also contributed to the 1930s Depression and the current crisis.


Stunning Crimes of the Big Banks: Worse than Your Wildest Imagination

Posted on August 1, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog

Preface:  Not all banks are criminal enterprises.  The wrongdoing of a particular bank cannot be attributed to other banks without proof.  But – as documented below – many of the biggest banks have engaged in unimaginably bad behavior.

You Won’t Believe What They’ve Done …

Here are just some of the improprieties by big banks:

  • Engaging in mafia-style big-rigging fraud against local governments. See this, this and this
  • Shaving money off of virtually every pension transaction they handled over the course of decades, stealing collectively billions of dollars from pensions worldwide. Details here, here, here, here, here,here, here, here, here, here, here and here
  • Pledging the same mortgage multiple times to different buyers. See this, this, this, this and this. This would be like selling your car, and collecting money from 10 different buyers for the same car
  • Committing massive fraud in an $800 trillion dollar market which effects everything from mortgages, student loans, small business loans and city financing
  • Pushing investments which they knew were terrible, and then betting against the same investments to make money for themselves. See this, this, this, this and this
  • Engaging in unlawful “Wash Trades” to manipulate asset prices. See this, this and this
  • Participating in various Ponzi schemes. See this, this and this
  • Bribing and bullying ratings agencies to inflate ratings on their risky investments

The executives of the big banks invariably pretend that the hanky-panky was only committed by a couple of low-level rogue employees. But studies show that most of the fraud is committed by management.

Indeed, one of the world’s top fraud experts – professor of law and economics, and former senior S&L regulator Bill Black – says that most financial fraud is “control fraud”, where the people who own the banks are the ones who implement systemic fraud. See this, this and this.

But at least the big banks do good things for society, like loaning money to Main Street, right?


  • The big banks have slashed lending since they were bailed out by taxpayers … while smaller banks have increased lending. See this, this and this

We can almost understand why Thomas Jefferson warned:

And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies ….

John Adams said:

Banks have done  more injury to religion, morality, tranquillity, prosperity, and even wealth of the nation than they have done or ever will do good.

And Lord Acton argued:

The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.



Janet Tavakoli

Janet Tavakoli

President, Tavakoli Structured Finance




"Fraud As a Business Model"

Posted: 09/06/11 03:57 PM ET

Bank Of America , Goldman Sachs , Foreclosure Fraud , JPMorgan Chase , Third World America , Bailouts , Federal Housing Finance Agency , Fhfa-Sues-Banks , Business News

There were many factors that contributed to our recent financial bubble: deregulation, cheap money from the Fed, failure to enforce remaining regulations, crony capitalism, hubris, speculation, leverage, and fraud among other problems. While fraud wasn’t the only issue, it was and is a significant contributor to the credit bubble. Restraining fraud is a necessary but not sufficient condition for a sound financial system. Congressional investigations in recent years have put ample evidence of fraud in the public domain.
To illustrate just one type of malicious mischief, Senator Carl Levin (D. Mich.), Chairman of a senate investigative panel, issued a memo stating that Goldman "magnified the impact of toxic mortgages." The Wall Street Journal reviewed data showing that a $38 million subprime-mortgage bond created in June 2006 was referenced in more than 30 debt pool causing around$280 million in losses to investors by 2008. In other words, Goldman kept repackaging, reselling or protecting (buying credit default protection on) losers. It took the wrong kind of nerve for Goldman’s CEO to say he was doing "God’s work."

Arianna Huffington pointed out that the financial system is rigged and that offenders get off lightly:

Until the Securities and Exchange Commission sued Goldman Sachs for fraud in April of 2010, it was easy to forget that we have a regulatory agency designed to protect the public from the pillaging of corporate America. Six months earlier, the SEC has arranged a settlement with JPMorgan that showed how rigged the system is. The banking giant agreed to pay a $25 million penalty and cancel $647 million in fees owed by Alabama’s Jefferson County as the result of a complicated derivatives deal that blew up in the county’s face. As part of the settlement, JPMorgan neither admitted nor denied wrongdoing–despite overwhelming evidence that it had engaged in plenty of wrongdoing.

Third World America P. 153

On Friday, September 2, 2011, The U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), the regulator for taxpayer-subsidized mortgage lending guarantors Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, filed lawsuits against 17 of the world’s largest banks over suspect mortgage loans which helped exacerbate the U.S. housing crisis. Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed in conservatorship in September 2008 after they nearly collapsed. The FHFA claims banks misrepresented the value of the mortgage loans and mortgage securities they underwrote, arranged, and sold.

So far the banks being sued include Bank of America Corp along with its Countrywide Financial Corporation and Merrill Lynch & Company divisions, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., JP Morgan & Chase & Co, Citigroup Inc., Deutsche Bank AG, Barclays PLC, Nomura Holdings Inc., Morgan Stanley, Ally Financial Inc., Credit Suisse Group Inc., First Horizon National Corp, General Electric Co, the HSBC North America Holdings unit of HSBC Holdings, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC and Société Générale SA. The FHFA is just getting started.

Critics of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and their previous regulator, OFHEO, say that they were sophisticated investors, and they should have known better. William K. Black is a former bank regulator who played a role in hundreds of successful prosecutions after the Savings and Loan Crisis. He told the Wall Street Journal: "It’s a great myth that you can’t defraud sophisticated financial parties." Particularly when loans are fraudulent and material information was not disclosed.

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission published evidence from the testimony of officials of Clayton Holdings(among others), a due diligence firm, that underwriters and rating agenciesignored evidence of suspect loans and did not disclose this information to investors.

The FHFA’s complaint involves tens of billions of dollars in potential recoveries that will benefit taxpayers. Yet, as Arianna Huffington points out, banks continue to find ways to get Americans to subsidize problems that the banks themselves were chiefly responsible for creating. Consumers struggle to keep up with payments as the unemployment rate rises along with prices for food, energy and healthcare. Meanwhile, job creation hovers near zero.

When consumers fail to keep up, banks, trying to offset losses in other areas, turn around, hike interest rates, and impose all manner of fees and penalties–all of which makes it less likely consumers will be able to pay off mounting debts.
Third World America Pp. 77 & 78.

Money is being put in taxpayers’ pockets in the form of "recoveries" while being extracted again in the form of subsidies and cheap funding to shaky banks that continue to award record pay and record bonuses as they gouge consumers. We can expect more of the same if we continue to let banks off with a slap on the wrist for malfeasance–along with a taxpayer subsidized fine–while banks neither admit nor deny wrongdoing.

Banks won’t change until we follow the law and take "prompt corrective action." Banks that committed widespread fraud should be placed in receivership. Bank of America was cited by William K. Black and L. Randall Wray in their October 2010 post as the place to start, and I agree.

On December 8, 2010, I presented an analysis to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) in Washington D.C. of key causes of our current financial crisis: "Repairing the Damage of Fraud as a Business Model." The phrase "fraud as a business model" comes from a comment referenced in the presentation made by Richard Cordray, then the Attorney General of Ohio and the current Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, when he discussed foreclosure fraud.

Repairing the Damage of “Fraud as a Business Model”

bann01var docstoc_docid=”93692611″;var docstoc_title=”Repairing the Damage of “Fraud as a Business Model””;var docstoc_urltitle=”Repairing the Damage of “Fraud as a Business Model””;

Obama Prosecuting Fewer Financial Crimes Than Under Reagan or Either Bush

Posted on November 16, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog

Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, and Clinton Each Prosecuted Financial Crime More Aggressively than Obama

Top economists and financial experts agree that our economy will never recover unless Wall Street fraud is prosecuted. See this and this.

But the government has more or less made it official policy not to prosecute fraud, and instead to do everything necessary to cover up for Wall Street.

Indeed, Business Insider writes today:

A new study out from Syracuse University shows that the number of federal prosecutions for fraud at financial institutions has been steadily decreasing since 1999. [via ThinkProgress]

economix 15trac custom1 Obama Prosecuting Fewer Financial Crimes Than Under Reagan or Either Bush

This is particularly interesting given that in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, public sentiment towards banks and other financial firms have been generally negative and prone to suspicion.

Alexander Eichler at the Huffington Post points out:

The falling number of fraud prosecutions is striking given what many claim is a strong pattern of financial-sector misconduct in recent years, culminating in a housing crisis characterized by alleged rampant mortgage fraud and improper foreclosure, as well as the weakening of the national and global economy.

Barry Ritholtz notes:

In such a target rich environment,. how on earth is it possible that Bank Fraud prosecutions are dropping? It is an outrage!


I bitched about this when George W. Bush was President, and I will continue until we get someone in the White House who understands what the RULE OF LAW actually means . . .

There were also many times more financial prosecutions under President Reagan than there are currently.

No wonder Occupy Wall Street is demanding:

Enforce the Laws for the 99%

No wonder top financial crime expert Bill Black says that we have to fire Eric “Place” Holder and all other government officials who are blocking prosecution of the criminals who caused the economic crisis.



Corrupt Government Officials Should Be In Jail … Alongside Corrupt Banksters

Posted on July 26, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog

Those who Benefited from Wall Street Fraud Must be Prosecuted … Including Rogue Government Officials who Aided and Abetted the Crimes

Wall Street fraud caused the Great Depression and the current financial crisis. Top economists and financial experts agree that our economy will never recover unless Wall Street fraud is prosecuted.

Yet the government has more or less made it official policy not to prosecute fraud, and instead to do everything necessary to cover up for Wall Street.  For example, the Obama administration is prosecuting fewer financial crimes than under Reagan or either Bush.

For example, we pointed out in 2010:

The government’s entire strategy now – as during the S&L crisis – is to cover up how bad things are.

But it is not only a matter of covering up fraud that has already happened. The government also created an environment which greatly encouraged fraud.

Here are just a few of many potential examples:

  • Tim Geithner was complicit in Lehman’s accounting fraud, (and see this), and pushedto pay AIG’s CDS counterparties at full value, and then to keep the deal secret. And as Robert Reich notes, Geithner was “very much in the center of the action” regarding the secret bail out of Bear Stearns without Congressional approval. William Blackpoints out: “Mr. Geithner, as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York since October 2003, was one of those senior regulators who failed to take any effective regulatory action to prevent the crisis, but instead covered up its depth”
  • The former chief accountant for the SEC says that Bernanke and Paulson broke the law and should be prosecuted
  • The government knew about mortgage fraud a long time ago. For example, the FBI warned of an “epidemic” of mortgage fraud in 2004. However, the FBI, DOJ and other government agencies then stood down and did nothing. See this and this. For example, the Federal Reserve turned its cheek and allowed massive fraud, and the SEC has repeatedly ignored accounting fraud. Indeed, Alan Greenspan took the position that fraud could never happen
  • Paulson and Bernanke falsely stated that the big banks receiving Tarp money were healthy, when they were not

Economist James K. Galbraith wrote in the introduction to his father, John Kenneth Galbraith’s, definitive study of the Great Depression, The Great Crash, 1929:

The main relevance of The Great Crash, 1929 to the great crisis of 2008 is surely here. In both cases, the government knew what it should do. Both times, it declined to do it. In the summer of 1929 a few stern words from on high, a rise in the discount rate, a tough investigation into the pyramid schemes of the day, and the house of cards on Wall Street would have tumbled before its fall destroyed the whole economy. In 2004, the FBI warned publicly of “an epidemic of mortgage fraud.” But the government did nothing, and less than nothing, delivering instead low interest rates, deregulation and clear signals that laws would not be enforced. The signals were not subtle: on one occasion the director of the Office of Thrift Supervision came to a conference with copies of the Federal Register and a chainsaw. There followed every manner of scheme to fleece the unsuspecting ….

This was fraud, perpetrated in the first instance by the government on the population, and by the rich on the poor.


The government that permits this to happen is complicit in a vast crime.

In other words, the fraud started at the very top with Greenspan, Bush, Paulson, Negraponte, Bernanke, Geithner, Rubin, Summers and all of the rest of the boys.

As William Black told me today:

In criminology jargon: they created an intensely criminogenic environment.

The government’s special inspector general in charge of oversight of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (the “TARP” bank bailouts) – Neil M. Barofsky – told me that regulators should be prosecuted if the evidence shows that they lied either to Congress or the Department of Justice to cover up illegal conduct.

Government regulators have become so corrupted and “captured” by those they regulate that Americans know that the cop is on the take.  (Even top justice officials are incredibly cozy with Wall Street fraudsters.)

Institutional corruption is killing people’s trust in our government and our institutions, which is one of the reasons the economy is faltering again.

Indeed, polls show that very few Americans believe that the U.S. government has the “consent of the governed”, a higher percentage of Americans liked King George during the Revolutionary War than like Congress today, and people are publicly discussing whether it’s a good or bad idea to “hang bankers”.

I noted 7 years ago:

I am NOT calling for the overthrow of the government. In fact, I am calling for thereinstatement of our government. I am calling for an end to lawless dictatorship and a return to the rule of law. Rather than trying to subvert the constitution, I am calling for its enforcement.


The best way to avoid all types of revolution would be for the government to start following the rule of law. I passionately hope it will do so.

While conservatives tend to view government as the problem, and liberals tend to view corporations as the problem, the real problem is the malignant, symbiotic relationship between corrupt officials and criminal  corporate leaders.  Without the cancerous relationship, neither side could cause so much damage.  If America returns to the rule of law, we might have a fighting chance.

The justice system may be the only thing which stands between peace and violence.   All of those who benefited from Wall Street fraud must be prosecuted … including corrupt government officials whoaided and abetted their crimes, helped cover them up, or have blocked prosecution.

Iceland should be a role model:

Iceland has prosecuted the fraudster bank heads (and here and here) and their former prime minister, and their economy is recovering nicely… because trust is being restored in the financial system.

Indeed, even evangelical leader Pat Robertson agrees:

Pat Robertson discussed the banking crisis and glowingly spoke about how Iceland jailed many of the bankers who devastated their nation’s economy by taking out fraudulent loans. Robertson hailed the Nordic nation for its actions and said that Americans should deal with the financial crisis in the same way.


“They are putting people in jail.  Prime ministers are being indicted. They are going after banks. The people said the banks are ripping us off. We don’t like what they did, and they brought our country to ruin. Suddenly, Iceland is turning around and they look like a big success story!”


“We could start putting all of those bankers in jail. There was not one banker prosecuted and so many people were lying, and so-called “no-doc loans” and liars’ loans, and none of them have been held accountable.


Iceland is leading the way and their GDP is growing, and all of a sudden, they were in a terrible mess, terrible mess, and look what is happening!”


Studies Show CEOs Not Subject to Same Rule of Law as You

By: masaccio Friday August 10, 2012 8:58 am

Now here’s a serious crime. Photo by Boris SV via Flickr

Recent academic papers begin the formal work of proving that CEOs and giant corporations face a completely different legal system than the rest of us, one in which their vast resources are used to insure that they can safely ignore laws and rules applicable to small fry. One study looked at the influence of corporate lobbying on fraud detection.Corporate Lobbying And Fraud Detection, 46 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 1865 by Frank Yu of Barclays Global Investors and Xiaoyun Yu of Indiana University available here. From the abstract:

We find that firms’ lobbying activities make a significant difference in fraud detection: compared to non-lobbying firms, firms that lobby on average have a significantly lower hazard rate of being detected for fraud, evade fraud detection 117 days longer, and are 38% less likely to be detected by regulators. In addition, fraudulent firms on average spend 77% more on lobbying than non-fraudulent firms, and spend 29% more on lobbying during their fraudulent periods than during non-fraudulent periods. The delay in detection leads to a greater distortion in resource allocation during fraudulent periods. It also allows managers to sell more of their shares.

This quantifies earlier anecdotal data. For example, look at the collapse of Lincoln Savings and Loan. Five senators intervened to stop an investigation, and the business collapsed two years later at a cost of at least $3 billion. The delay sought by the Keating Five increased the losses, particularly to small savers who bought Lincoln Certificates of Deposit.

Yu and Yu show that this hideous perversion never stopped, and not only includes direct campaign contributions but also lobbying. They show that firms increase their lobbying expenses after they commit fraud. During the time they are committing fraud, executives of lobbying firms sell their stock about four times more than firms that aren’t lobbying.

Sarah Fulmer and April Knill of Florida State build on that study in their recent paper Political Contributions and the Severity of Government Enforcement, available here, with abstract. Fulmer and Knill examine data on PAC contributions by corporations and CEOs and SEC data on enforcement to show that

…accused executives whose firms have contributed to political campaigns via a PAC are banned as an officer for three fewer years, serve probation for five fewer years, prison for six fewer years and are 75% less likely to be given both prison time and an officer ban (the most severe form of criminal and civil penalties)…

Fulmer and Knill point to Judge Rakoff’s refusal to rubber-stamp the SEC settlement with Citigroup over cheating its investors in a late-stage RMBS deal. They also mention an earlier repulsive settlementbetween the SEC and Citigroup CFO Gary Crittenden.

On an analysts conference call, Crittenden said Citi had reduced its subprime exposure by 45% to $13 billion, not mentioning the other $40 billion in super-senior tranches. Crittenden settled for a meaningless $100K and there was no discussion of the fraud on investors.

The SEC Inspector General began an investigation to determine whether, as alleged by Senator Charles Grassley, Robert Khuzami, the SEC Chief of Enforcement, had a secret meeting with Crittenden’s lawyer and good friend of Khuzami, and subsequently told his staff to lighten up. The IG eventually cleared Khuzami. The reporter, Allison Frankel, said the IG report shows the cozy club approach to settlements at the SEC. Friends call friends, there are discussions about whether Crittenden would have to resign from his Church positions and the impact of a fraud settlement on Citi.

Marcy Wheeler sees that club in action again in the efforts to cover up the Standard Chartered fraud.

First, you hire Sullivan and Cromwell and act contrite. Then, you pay a consultant to conduct a review and claim the violations involved just $14 million in transactions as opposed to $250 billion shown in your bank records. … Then you bury all the embarrassing details showing willful flouting of the rules, so the proles don’t learn how craven banks really are.

Then there is the latest whitewash of Goldman Sachs. The Department of Justice won’t prosecute for the allegations made in the report of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and the SEC won’t file charges over its subprime mortgage portfolio.

One channel for creating these relationships is the personal connections created as people rise through the ranks of government and move into white collar defense in the private sector. Political contributions and lobbying are another channel. Everyone knows that your rise to wealth is dependent on following the rules of connection, and eventually you get to the point where you can do the contributing and lobbying, and use those connections for your personal benefit and the benefit of your clients, which enables you to get even richer.

That has now culminated in the capture of the Department of Justice by financial interests. Attorney General Eric Holder is a rich guy from Covington and Burling. He bundled contributions for Obama and served as a co-chair of the campaign. Three other top Justice Department officials played major roles in fundraising and came from white-collar defense firms. It’s worth noting that the right wing is all over these connections. No links from me, but google “holder west perrelli mason” and see for yourself.

The prosecutors, the rich, the politicians: all buddies in the rarefied atmosphere of wealth and power. How could such great guys possibly be a lying cheat? And if there is a slip-up, they cover up.


The Ibogaine Dossier

The purpose of this document is to provide information. Treatment providers and patients are solely responsible for their actions.

Manual for Ibogaine Therapy

Screening, Safety, Monitoring & Aftercare

Second Revision


Howard S. Lotsof & Boaz Wachtel

Contributing Authors
Marc Emery, Geerte Frenken, Sara Glatt
Brian Mariano, Karl Naeher
Martin Polanko, Marko Resinovic
Nick Sandberg, Eric Taub
Samuel Waizmann, Hattie Wells

© 2003


Table of Contents

Introduction to the Second Edition
Intake and Safety Issues
Dose and Effect
Opioid Withdrawal

Opioid withdrawal tables
Post Ibogaine Treatment Therapy
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
Treatment Regimen and Dose
Product Identity
Post Ibogaine Therapy
Invitation to Contributing Authors
Selections NIDA Draft Ibogaine Protocol
Related Protocol Bibliography
Additional Document links

Introduction to the Second Revision

The Second Revision of the Ibogaine Manual follows a year and a half after the publication of the First Revision providing new information to the field.

This revision of the manual offers additional information on ibogaine therapy as well as, differing philosophies of ibogaine providers and their approaches to therapy. There is consensus as to the benefits of post ibogaine therapy but, no agreement that any one therapy offers benefits over others to a majority of subjects. Many authors feel the exclusion criteria indicated in the draft protocol of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) are not realistic to allow treatment of today’s chemically dependent drug users who may be depressed or display other psychiatric disorders nor does it allow for the prevalence of HCV and/or HIV to allow those individuals to be treated with ibogaine. The authors review broader ibogaine dose regimens and their advantage than were presented in the First Revision of this manual. The new material is principally found in the Discussion Section that may be referenced from the links of the Table of Contents above though some changes and corrections have been made throughout the text as a whole. Opinions of authors remain diverse.

Links to a medical encyclopedia as well as, both the home edition and Centennial/Professional edition of the Merck Manual are included in the Additional Documents section. "The Merck Manual, the textbook of medicine most widely used by health care professionals provides vital information about diseases, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment." The Ibogaine Manual now also contains a link to a redacted version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) to allow better understanding of mental disorders that may be concurrently seen in persons who are chemically dependent.

Though the Internet allows rapid publication it also has a component of rapid disintegration with web pages linked to the manual being withdrawn from the web by original authors. Therefore the authors of this manual have included where possible multiple links to any particular subject in the appendices so as to maintain information access for the reader.

All links that will take the reader outside of the Ibogaine Manual will highlight on mouseover with most but, not all browsers. These links are found only in the Additional Document section. Links that will take the reader outside of the Ibogaine Dossier web page will appear in separate windows with the Manual remaining visible in the background.


Ibogaine therapy has emerged in the last twenty years as a viable option for motivated chemically dependent individuals who wish to cease their dependence. The extremely costly regulatory approval process and the reluctance by major pharmaceutical firms to pursue regulatory approval in the West has led to the formation of non-medical ibogaine treatment movements in many countries. This document is intended for medical doctors as well as, for lay-healers who have little or no medical experience, but who are nevertheless concerned with patient safety and the outcome of Ibogaine treatments. The NIDA draft clinical protocol, however, may be useful to researchers in formal drug development.

It is the responsibility of those treatment providers to safely conduct the procedure despite possible limitations of clinical knowledge, patient compliance, money, time etc. The safety of Ibogaine treated patients is the primary objective of this document. Reported Ibogaine-related problems or fatalities might very likely be avoided if simple screening, dosing and monitoring guidelines are adhered to. However, this must be taken in some context as, in 1999 there were 116,000 drug related fatalities in United States hospitals associated with FDA approved medications.

This manual includes selected portions of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Draft Ibogaine Clinical Protocol obtained under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Selections are principally directed towards safety issues. Aspects of the therapeutic sessions from the NIDA protocol are included as well as, bibliographical citations relevant to the sections from the protocol. More recent reports providing updated information are included in the Additional Documents section.

Any comments of the author(s) within the selected protocol text are indicated by "[ ]" brackets. The "*" asterisk is used to indicate tests procedures or surveys not included in NIDA’s 1993, draft protocol but, suggested either in discussion with the FDA or by later publication.

In a memorandum dated March 10, 1995, Dr. Curtis Wright, Medical Review Officer, Pilot Drug Evaluation Unit, FDA wrote, "I think that ibogaine research will be propelled forward by its advocates, as it will be very hard to make a case that it is unsafe to take a drug into man when there is such substantial documented human experience. I agree with the speaker [March 1995, NIDA Ibogaine Review Meeting] that it is a risk-benefit analysis, but all such development decisions are finally reduced to this basis. The Development question is if ibogaine can be given safely, and if so, will it provide some benefit."

Ibogaine has been propelled by its advocates since then, and administered in many countries often outside the medical establishment. Unfortunately, safety issues are not frequently addressed or evaluated properly. Our objective is to provide basic guidelines and improve patient safety with information. This information is made available for the benefit of the treatment provider and their patients.

Intake and Safety Issues

Needless to say, it is evident that most persons outside of a research institution would not be able to undertake the testing presented in the NIDA ibogaine protocol. The primary issue the authors are attempting to address is that no medical testing is the norm for many persons receiving ibogaine therapy. This leaves both providers and patients at risk. Risk cannot be eliminated but, as inferred by Dr. Curtis Wright in the introduction to this article, risks must be weighed against benefits. It is apparent from the actions of both ibogaine providers and chemically dependent persons who seek treatment that the benefits are significant. However, with no less than three documented ibogaine-related fatalities, so are the risks. Having safety procedures in effect are not for the benefit of the majority of the patients who will go through ibogaine therapy with no problems but, to assure the survival of a small minority of the patients who may experience some form of adverse medical event that may be life threatening.

One of the recorded fatalities was reported to have taken place in 1989 in France. The patient, a forty year old woman was provided a dose of 8 mg/kg of purified ibogaine for purposes of psychotherapy from which she died approximately four hours after administration of ibogaine. The dose given was the lowest dose associated with an ibogaine related fatality that has been recorded and the autopsy found significant blockage of the main arteries to the heart. It was indicated that the patient had a history of cardiovascular disorders that may not have been investigated. This immediately indicates two areas that should be given priority attention by ibogaine providers: 1) A medical history and 2) an electrocardiogram (EKG).

The most common form of a medical history is usually a questionnaire required of every patient visiting a doctor for the first time and your doctor’s office is an excellent source of such a document. Among the information required on such forms are issues relating to heart disease and these questions if honestly answered will provide an alert to the existence of a cardiac disorder. As, previously stipulated because medical conditions may not be known to the patient an electrocardiogram (EKG) should be included in any basic intake for ibogaine therapy. Information on electrocardiograms can be found in documents #6 and #7. Any history of heart attacks should be a reason not to treat a patient with ibogaine.

Whether in a hospital or outside of a medical environment the patient’s safety can be best provided for by continuously observing the patient. A nursing assistant or other trained person should observe the patient continuously for 48 hours or longer if the patient response to ibogaine requires it. During this period pulse and blood pressure should be monitored at regular intervals and at any time that patients indicate discomfort or the observer has concern. The regular intervals may be as short as 30 minutes for the first four hours or until blood pressure and pulse are stable and then at time points of 1 hour to 4 hours thereafter.

Observers should have training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and be prepared to call a hospital or emergency medical services should the patient’s pulse drop below 50 beats per minute. If you are not prepared to call for emergency medical help you should not be providing ibogaine therapy. A hospital should be called at any time if a patient loses consciousness. The emergency number to be called should be available to all provider personnel at all times. Observing the patient is more work then one person can realistically accomplish. In a hospital setting nursing staff would normally rotate on 8 to 12 hour shifts.

The evaluation of blood chemistry is a standard means of assessing the health of a patient and is often used in medical evaluations of patients during annual physicals or to determine the health of a patient at any time for any purpose. The SMA-20 (a series of tests to evaluate blood chemistry) along with a CBC (complete blood count) with differential now appear to be the tools of choice to provide a wide range of information relating to blood chemistry that includes a liver profile but, does not include a hepatitis or HIV screen. Excellent resources concerning the SMA-20, CBC and definitions to allow an understanding of the associated terminology can be found in #3, #4, and #5 of the document section.

The second recorded fatality was that of a woman in her mid twenties in the Netherlands who received 29 mg/kg in a split dose of 23 mg/kg and an additional 6 mg/kg approximately 3 hours later. The patient died 16 hours after the administration of ibogaine. The autopsy did not determine the cause of death. The unanswered question of the cause of death brings us to another important safety issue. Ibogaine has been shown to increase the effects of opiates as well as opiate toxicity. Ibogaine may also increase the potency and toxicity of stimulants. Therefore patients should be warned that concurrent drug use during ibogaine therapy may be fatal. It does not mean that concurrent drug use will always be fatal as an early report of an ibogaine experience, Reflections on an Ibogaine Experience found in document #8 of this manual indicates concurrent heroin use that did not result in a fatality. It must be recognized that the response to drugs is individual and that each patient may present a dramatic or not so dramatic distinction in how they respond to ibogaine or other drugs. Ibogaine providers should attempt to minimize danger to the patient by eliminating the use of unauthorized drugs by the patient while under the influence of ibogaine. Good luck on that matter in circumstance where you are treating experienced and dependent drug users. This is why it is very important to let the patient know that drug interaction may be fatal.

The third fatality of record occurred in 2000, in the UK. The patient was a 38 year old male who was administered a total of 5 or 6 grams of a 15% total iboga alkaloid extract over a period of six hours. The patient appeared fully recovered, had eaten breakfast, gone to the toilet and suddenly died approximately 38 hours after the administration of the plant extract. The patient had hepatitis C but, exact data on the state of the disease is not available. The subject had been using heroin for 15 years. The most troubling issue relating to this fatality is that it occurred after the apparent recovery of the subject and quite suddenly. The extract has been widely used and there appears to be no greater fatality-related issues associated to it than to purified ibogaine.

NIDA in its draft protocol and the FDA in the protocol it approved in 1993, excluded patients with hepatitis C. One of the authors believes this was not so much a safety issue but, one that would allow a determination of the transformation of ibogaine into its metabolites by the liver and the associated plasma levels to be validated in pharmacokinetic studies within ranges that would be normal and not to have them skewed by a diseased liver. It is reported that the St. Kitts facility excludes HCV and HIV patients. NDA International, Inc. in its work in The Netherlands and Panama accepted HCV and HIV that were not symptomatic for the diseases. As many chemically dependent drug users test positive for HCV and as there has been no known correlation of fatalities with HCV, it does not seem that this is a reasonable exclusion criteria in the real world of chemical dependence. Non-symptomatic HIV patients have also been treated without apparent medical events. NIDA chose to exclude patients with liver enzyme values exceeding 400% above normal from a later study design. A decision to follow NIDA’s footsteps on this matter may be reasonable until more information is available.

Ibogaine appears to be a very safe drug in terms of psychiatric events. One of the authors is aware of a single event from a report where a patient apparently regressed, acted in a childlike manner and urinated in bed for a period of two days, thereafter recovering. An early patient who had been hospitalized on a number of occasions for glue-sniffing related psychosis became paranoid during his first treatment and exhibited behavior distinct from any other ibogaine patient during a second treatment episode. Ibogaine providers should be aware that chemically dependent or not, many persons are going to come to them with underlying and in some cases significant underlying psychiatric disorders. NIDA’s exclusion criteria for "patients with a history of active neurological or psychiatric disorders, such as cerebellar dysfunction, psychosis, bipolar illness, major depression, organic brain disease or dementia, that require treatment", may be well thought out and these patients should be avoided by persons not having professional skills in psychiatry and psychopharmacology. These matters are further reviewed in the Discussion section of this manual.

Anything that can be learned about the patient prior to treatment is valuable. And, anything learned before treatment will most likely allow a greater interpretation of events after treatment. To this end the Beck Depression Inventory, document #9, linked in the Additional Documents Section may be valuable as may the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) document #10. The tests are generally only available to persons who are professionally involved in psychology or testing who then provide them to patients. Once provided with a diagnoses it is necessary to understand those disorders. To that extent the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th. Edition, better known as the DSM-IV, document #11 is published by the American Psychiatric Association is a standard in the field.

Taking this broad ranging discussion to a brief conclusion, every ibogaine patient should receive an SMA-20 and CBC blood test and an EKG. These discussions are made in the hope of initiating greater associations between non-medical ibogaine providers and medical professionals who can assist them in increasing the safety of ibogaine treated patients. Questions coming out of the London Ibogaine Conference held in December of 2001, concerned the required testing, how to obtain it and how to understand it. The International Coalition for Addict Self-Help (ICASH) in their work in the late 1980s and early 1990s faced the same problems. Their solution was to have the patient walk into an emergency room or community health service with a friend and to have the friend inform the staff that the person with them had a pain in the chest and passed out and when unconscious appeared to go into convulsions. This usually resulted in the patient obtaining a blood chemistry, an EKG and EEG to investigate the possibility of epilepsy and cardiovascular disorders. ICASH would then obtain a written authorization to obtain the medical records from the patient and request the tests results and reports of the results from the hospital where the patient was evaluated indicating that the patient was to be included in a research program. The tests and reports were then usually reviewed by a doctor who had some interest in ibogaine therapy. In any case, with the basic medical testing accomplished there is at least a place to begin in offering safe ibogaine therapy. Patients who could afford to pay for testing and did not want to indicate their chemical dependence would inform a doctor that they were going on a trek in some physically taxing geographical location and that medical testing was required to participate.

Dose and effect

After years of review of reports of hundreds of ibogaine patient treatments, the effective dose for the treatment of chemical dependence, including opioid dependence, has been seen to be between 15 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg of ibogaine. It has been reported by some researchers that lower doses are effective but, this has been disputed. Effects of ibogaine generally will make themselves evident within 45 minutes to as long as, three hours after administration. In most cases opioid withdrawal signs will be reduced within 45 minutes of ibogaine administration. Ibogaine is usually administered in place of what would be the next scheduled dose of narcotics. This would provide for an ibogaine administration schedule 8 hours after the last dose of heroin, morphine or demerol and 24 hours after the last dose of methadone. It is expected that the patient would be exhibiting minor withdrawal signs at the time of ibogaine administration. There is no experience with ibogaine in the treatment of LAAM dependence.

Another issue pursuant to dose is that of dose increases, should anticipated effects including the diminishment of opioid withdrawal not be seen. Modification upwards of ibogaine doses have been used occasionally within medical environments and commonly by some lay providers as well as, within the African religious context. The issues remain of ability to respond to medical emergencies and of the experience of the provider to determine the safety at any time of the patient. It may be prudent to allow the primary dose of ibogaine to run its course and then provide a second dose a week later if required. That is, if the patient is still chemically dependent or exhibiting drug craving?

Once ibogaine has been administered, effects follow. The patient will usually want to lay prone and should be encouraged to remain still as nausea and vomiting as well as, being systemic have been seen to be motion related. The skin tends to become numb. Patients will report an initial buzzing or oscillating sound. A period of dream-like visualization lasting for 3 to 4 hours in most but, not all patients is considered to be the first prominent stage of ibogaine effects. This stage ends abruptly should it occur at all. Another aspect of ibogaine effect that is common are random flashes of light that appear everywhere with eyes open. This may last for hours or days. Visualization on the other hand is most common with eyes closed.

The second stage that follows visualization has been described as one in which the subject principally experiences cognitive evaluation or a review of issues that are important to the subject. These may cover every possible scenario from early childhood experiences to current health issues. This period may last for as few as 8 hours or for 20 hours or longer.

The third or final stage of ibogaine effects is that of residual stimulation. This stage, because it tends to leave the subject/patient exhausted is somewhat uncomfortable. Subjects may remain awake for two or more days. Most patients will sleep within 48 hours of ibogaine administration. Some within 24 hours of administration. Usually, there is a long term long term diminishment of the need for sleep over weeks or months. Some patients may require or request sedation. Sedatives that have been used include benzodiazepines, barbiturates and melatonin.

The effects herein described are those of single administration high dose ibogaine regimens. Ibogaine has also been given in regimens of small daily doses of 25 mg to 300 mgs/day and in small daily doses where the dose is increased on a daily basis until the desired interruption of drug dependence is accomplished. These low dose modalities have not been validated for efficacy to the same extent as have the full therapeutic doses of ibogaine. However, these low dose regimens can be traced back some decades to the work of Leo Zeff who in the case of a single patient provided ibogaine on an "as needed" basis via nasal administration to a cocaine dependent patient to substitute for his cocaine use. Lines of ibogaine were somewhat equivalent to lines of cocaine and the patient ceased cocaine use after a week of this daily self-regulated ibogaine regimen. Additionally, reports from Canadian sources indicate multi-week low dose ibogaine therapy 20 mg/day following a therapeutic dose of ibogaine in the treatment of cocaine dependence. Further, reports throughout the ibogaine provider community indicate the use of multiple dosing of varying strength doses over varying time periods in the treatment of opioid dependence. As with all determinations in medicine, decisions must be made on observations of the patient and knowledge of the disorder(s) and the medication(s) used.

Opioid Withdrawal

An issue that all ibogaine providers treating opioid dependent patients will have to address is discomfort due to opioid withdrawal signs, real or imagined by the patient. To this end it may be helpful during a patient intake interview to ask what withdrawal signs the patient has had in previous withdrawal experiences. During ibogaine therapy this information will be more useful if the provider has had experience observing opiate withdrawal signs as well as, observing patients given ibogaine who were not opiate or chemically dependent. The reason being that certain effects of ibogaine may mimic opiate withdrawal. These signs may include inability to sleep, nausea, a feeling of being cold or vomiting. It is the skill of the provider that will enable the provider to determine whether withdrawal signs are real or imagined and to assist the patient in understanding the difference. It must be recognized that elimination of withdrawal signs are not necessarily isolated ends in themselves to heroin or other opioid dependent patients. Being sick is a rational justification for relief and the simple presentation by the patient that they are exhibiting opiate withdrawal to a significant other or peer or other person in their environment has probably been used by the patient to obtain opiates or the money to do so. The conditioned response of obtaining gratification and/or attention by exhibiting opioid withdrawal signs or claiming to exhibit opiate withdrawal signs has been a successful behavioral mechanism for some patients and should be expected. Generally, if the complaint of withdrawal is made it can be expected between the 14th and 24th hour of treatment and may continue through recovery from ibogaine effects.

Two useful surveys that should be included in ibogaine therapy are the Objective Opiate Withdrawal Scale (SOWS) and the Subjective Opiate Withdrawal Scale (SOWS). Examples of these diagnostic tools follow.


Objective Opiate Withdrawal Scale (OOWS)

Instructions: Rate the patient on the basis of what you observe during a timed 10-minute period.

Date:_________________ Time: _________________

Ibogaine chart 1


Subjective Opiate Withdrawal Scale (SOWS)

Instructions: Answer the following statements as accurately as you can.

Circle the answer that best fits the way you feel now

Date:_____________________ Time:________________

Ibogaine chart 2

To assist in an understanding of the comparative effects of ibogaine and opioid withdrawal effects, the reader should review Alper et al., #12 of the Additional Document section as well as, the findings from Ibogaine in the Treatment of Narcotic Withdrawal (document #13) by Lotsof, Della Sera and Kaplan presented during the 37th International Congress on Alcohol and Drug Dependence, University of California, San Diego, (1995). The relevant table from that paper is found below.


Objective Opiate Withdrawal Signs and Ibogaine Signs:
Human Observations

Ibogaine chart 3

Post Ibogaine Treatment Therapy

The principal effects of ibogaine treatment that are reviewed in Lotsof’s Clinical Perspectives (document #14), Frenken’s An Ibogaine Treatment Protocol (document #15) and Sandberg’s Introduction to Ibogaine (document #16) will usually run their course within two days. There are exceptions with some patients recovering in as little as 24 hours while others may require an additional day or even have to be coaxed out of bed four days after treatment. Thereafter, the patients are left with the rest of their lives to accomplish and with the majority of individuals needing some form of assistance to figure out how to go about moving forward. Some patients will have a fear of going into withdrawal. This is not a realistic expectation on their part. More realistic is the fear of relapse to drug use and except in rare instances this should be anticipated particularly after only the first treatment with ibogaine.

Addiction has been viewed as a chronic relapsing condition. Ibogaine’s value is not only the interruption of withdrawal but, by mechanisms not fully understood to assist the patient in changing learned behavior and becoming more aware of their behavior in order to change it. After ibogaine therapy many patients become more agreeable to change. Thus, ibogaine provides a unique opportunity. The question to the ibogaine treatment community is how to best make use of that opportunity?

A fundamental question remains. Is any form of adjunct therapy to the administration of ibogaine more advantageous than any other form of post ibogaine treatment therapy? The question becomes more diverse where in the absence, in many cases of the possibility of additional treatment with ibogaine, opiate dependent patients who have relapsed have made good use of methadone maintenance as an effective intermittent therapy so that methadone must also be included in the mix of therapies that have been effectively used by ibogaine treated patients to eventually free themselves from addiction. Thus, we see patients making use of psychoanalysis, psychotherapy both individual and group of varieties as distinct as the persons who provide such therapies, methadone maintenance, and associations such as Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous. What does appear evident is that contact with non-addicted persons is generally beneficial for patients and that continued contact with users of drugs that cause dependence is detrimental to a goal of abstinence if that is the endpoint desired. This is not distinct from the findings observed in non-ibogaine environments.

Many ibogaine patients themselves indicate that they have a need for and want some form of therapy or support. The issues become more complex in patients whose long term addiction has left them without the skills or education to function outside of a drug user context. Providing ibogaine is a relatively easy short term goal. The time needed to heal patients of trauma they have experienced and to address deficits in the patient’s life is more time consuming and a more long term goal. In many cases the patient’s lack of financial ability to obtain assistance for therapy, education or occupational training will require societal assets or private donations to be made available.

Only recently have agencies such as the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment and the National Institute on Drug Abuse in the United States recognized that the prejudice shown towards drug users is harmful in itself and detrimental to patients seeking treatment. A growing number ofindividuals question whether prohibition is the greatest harm of all while a greater number of persons are calling for a harm reduction philosophy wherein the minimalization of the level of harm to drug users and society is viewed as a priority over any immediate requirement of abstinence.



The Second Revision of the Manual for Ibogaine Therapy continues to focus on safety issues while expanding the discussion of dose regimen and forms of ibogaine that include purified forms of the chemical as well as, total alkaloid extracts of varying strengths. These matter are important as ibogaine treatments are taking place in a growing number of countries and under diverse circumstances. Some ibogaine providers in research facilities provide testing as complex as that indicated in the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) ibogaine protocol. Others in non-medical environments, apartments, hotels or chapels may not include any medical testing at all. This Discussion Section contains viewpoints of all of the authors.

One author in addressing the safety issues of ibogaine states, "The drug is dangerous and shouldn’t be compared to other tryptamines. People definitely have died and there may be more fatalities unrecorded. You need to check liver and heart and be able to assess the results. You need to know resuscitation procedures and be prepared to call emergency medical assistance if necessary." These statements bring us to central issues: key tests and the ability to understand them. While the authors recognize that virtually every drug product may have associated fatal reactions, the issue with ibogaine is, as it is with all drugs, that the responsibility is not only that of the patient/subject but, that of the provider. That alone should be reason for providers to screen for indicated health disorders.

Safety evaluations may be viewed in terms of an optimal screening/testing protocol and a non-optimal screening/testing protocol. The optimal being as complete and far reaching as possible including medical history, laboratory tests, evaluations by physicians as to general, neurological and psychological health including a broad range of questionnaires to allow such determinations. An excellent questionnaire to begin a structured case history on patients can be found in the the Guidelines for Psychiatric Evaluations of Adults, document #17. Instruments to assist in assessments can be found in The Catalogue of Diagnostic Questionnaires, document #18 and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, document #19. Non-optimal testing would include the bare necessities to investigate areas of medical concern that have been raised in ibogaine literature. These include cardiovascular, metabolic and absorption concerns. Additionally, reports from ibogaine treatment observations also indicate respiratory depression may be an issue as one patient was reported to have stopped breathing before then being revived.

It should be noted that female subjects might be more sensitive to ibogaine due to higher blood levels of ibogaine and/or its principal metabolite (noribogaine) than are seen in male subjects. One, of an excellent series of articles published in The Scientist, The Inequality of Drug Metabolism, concerns itself with this matter, document #20. While absorption and metabolism factors are not distinct to ibogaine and are common to many drugs, individual patient responses to dose and particularly sensitivity of females to ibogaine must be recognized. Obviously, further research is required and the authors request the participation of ibogaine providers to supply relevant reports and data for future revisions of this manual. The FDA in their approval of ibogaine clinical studies in 1993, excluded women. This was in conflict with Institute or Medicine (IOM/United States) guidelines that indicate women should be included in the earliest research testing of drugs. The pharmaceutical industry, principally for issues of liability and cost, tests new drugs only on men in the majority of early clinical studies.

While the drug metabolism for ibogaine and for many pharmaceutical products may be better understood for distinctions between men and women, there is still no fundamental agreement on the responses of men and women to ibogaine. Wells in her very well thought out article, Notes for Treatment Providers, document #21, finds that women appear less responsive and more problematic as patients while Lotsof in his work finds women to be more responsive and less problematic as ibogaine patients. Hopefully, as more people are treated we will see a greater statistical understanding of the patient population.

One author suggests that medical testing should not be included when ibogaine is used as a religious sacrament and that under those conditions a religious exemption to medical testing should be considered valid. The author indicates that persons undergoing religious initiation are questioned at length to their health and not only are they questioned but, those who will accompany them during the initiation are also questioned and advised as to the possibility of death. The author indicates that once the possibility of fatalities are mentioned that usually more significant information is provided as to the health of the initiate. The author also indicates that women initiates are informed they may be at greater risk and are asked should they find the door that allows them to leave this life that they must not take that door as it would be destructive for everyone involved. These descriptions appear to be in keeping with the protocol or rites used within the African Bwiti initiations.

The primary question the authors must address is who may be administered ibogaine?

To that end we must present inclusion criteria for ibogaine therapy or initiation. The terms "therapy" and "initiation" are used, as ibogaine is available in paradigms that include religious initiation, treatment for chemical dependence and administration for psychotherapeutic or "exploratory" purposes.



"Testing for sexually transmitted diseases is always important in the chemically dependent population," states an author, "so I would also include VDRL to test for syphilis."

1. Subject participation must be voluntary and not coerced.

2. Subject must sign an Informed Consent that indicates and understanding of the risks and benefits of ibogaine administration.

3. Subject must undergo a general medical evaluation by a doctor who will provide a report.

4. Subject must supply a copy of their medical history questionnaire (generally required upon the intake visit to a physician).

5. Subject must respond to a Beck Depression Inventory questionnaire.

6. Subject must obtain an EKG (electrocardiogram) and report.

7. Blood tests including:

* albumin: 3.9 to 5.0 mg/dl
* alkaline phosphatase: 44 to 147 IU/L
* ALT (SGPT): 6 to 59 IU/L
* AST (SGOT): 10 to 34 IU/L
* BUN: 7 to 20 mg/dl
* calcium – serum: 8.5 to 10.9 mg/dl
* serum chloride: 101 to 111 mmol/L
* CO2: 20 to 29 mmol/L
* creatinine: 0.8 to 1.4 mg/dl
* direct bilirubin: 0.0 to 0.3 mg/dl
* gamma-GT: 0 to 51 IU/L
* glucose test: 64 to 128 mg/dl
* phosphorus – serum: 2.4 to 4.1 mg/dl
* potassium test: 3.7 to 5.2 mEq/L
* serum sodium: 136 to 144 mEq/L
* total bilirubin: 0.2 to 1.9 mg/dl
* total protein: 6.3 to 7.9 g/dl
* uric acid: 4.1 to 8.8 mg/dl

* RBC (varies with altitude): (male: 4.7 to 6.1 million cells/mcl) (female: 4.2 to 5.4 million cells/mcl)
* WBC 4,500 to 10,000 cells/mcl
* hematocrit (varies with altitude): (male: 40.7 to 50.3 %) (female: 36.1 to 44.3 %)
* hemoglobin (varies with altitude): (male: 13.8 to 17.2 gm/dl) (female: 12.1 to 15.1 gm/dl)

8. Upon subject meeting all other inclusion criteria and not being excluded by exclusion criteria, subject will be administered a 100 mg (total) test dose of ibogaine. Should the subject not have an adverse or atypical response, a full therapeutic dose of ibogaine may be considered. See exclusion criteria #4.

9. Ibogaine providers following a medical model may require evaluation of cytochrome P450 enzymes activity. Particularly, P450 2D6 (CYP4502D6) plays a significant role in the metabolism of ibogaine to noribogaine, its active metabolite. Testing allows a determination of whether the patient will be a "poor metabolizer" (PM), "intermediate metabolizer (IM), extensive metabolizer (EM) or "ultra rapid" metabolizer (UM). This testing is now available through commercial laboratories.



In order to begin to address the safety of persons being treated with ibogaine, the following indications should exclude treatment with ibogaine. A discussion of these matters by various authors follow the list below.

1. Patients with a history of active neurological or psychiatric disorders, such as cerebellar dysfunction, psychosis, bipolar illness, major depression, organic brain disease or dementia, that require treatment.

2. Patients who have a Beck Depression Inventory score greater than or equal to twenty-four.

3. Patients requiring concomitant medications that may cause adverse ibogaine/other drug interactions (e.g., anti-epileptic drugs, antidepressants, neuroleptics, etc.)

4. Patients with a history of sensitivity or adverse reactions to the treatment medication.

5. Patients with a history of significant heart disease or a history of myocardial infarction.

6. Patients with blood pressure above 170 mm Hg systolic/105 mm Hg diastolic or below 80 mm Hg systolic/60 mm Hg diastolic or a pulse greater than 120 beats per minute or less than 50 beats per minute.

7. Patients who have a history of hypertension uncontrolled by conventional medical therapy.

8. Patients who have received any drug known to have a well-defined potential for toxicity to a major organ system within the month prior to entering the study.

9. Patients who have clinically significant laboratory values outside the limits thus specified by normal laboratory parameters.

10. Patients who have any disease of the gastrointestinal system, liver or kidneys, or abnormal condition which compromises a function of these systems and could result in a possibility of altered metabolism or excretion of ibogaine will be excluded. As it is not possible to enumerate the many conditions that might impair absorption, metabolism or excretion, the provider should be guided by evidence such as:

A. History of major gastrointestinal tract surgery (e.g., gastrectomy, gastrostomy, bowel resections., etc.) or a history or diagnosis of an active peptic ulcer or chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, (e.g. ulcerative colitis, regional enteritis, Crohn’s disease or gastrointestinal bleeding).

B. Indication of impaired liver function.

C. Indication of impaired renal function.

11. Patients with active tuberculosis.

12. Pregnancy

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Regarding the manual I would disagree with some of the exclusion criteria," says one author. "By excluding patients that are depressed or bipolar you exclude a sizable portion of the addict population. Because ibogaine’s metabolites have been shown to have an antidepressant effect it would probably help these patients. Proper treatment for psychiatric conditions can be administered afterward. You will find below some of the experience we have had with patients taking antidepressants prior to ibogaine and since many patients have psychiatric conditions, we don’t consider it prudent or necessary to suspend psychotropics for longer than 24 hours before treatment. Below are presented three examples of such patients. All of these patients suspended their medications 24 hours prior to treatment and apparently had no different responses to ibogaine or any unexpected side effects."

1)   22 year old male on Prozac (fluoxetine) 20 mg for 14 months.
2)   38 year old male on Zoloft (sertraline) 100 mg for 2 years.
3)   36 year old female on Paxil (paroxetine) 40 mg for 1 year.

"Since most patients are depressed, a fast acting antidepressant can help in the days after ibogaine. We have found S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) to be useful. If necessary we also prescribe SSRI’s. These take about two weeks to start working. Another simple but effective therapy is DHA (omega-3 fatty acids). These reduce depression and stabilize mood."

Commenting on the exclusion criteria, another author states, "I don’t think depression should be taken as a contraindication. I’ve treated a lady with an extreme depression hoping it would help. It didn’t. The condition remained unchanged. Of course, one case – no case. People on Oxycontin often claim depression. No wonder – that’s what the interruption of oxycontin use usually leads to. Ibogaine is needed to eliminate the addiction. I suggest antidepressants be started immediately after ibogaine therapy under the supervision of a physician."

Further, an author indicates "that Crohn’s disease should not be an exclusion criteria as one patient diagnosed with Crohn’s disease had the disease placed in remission after ibogaine therapy." While other authors have not had such experience it should be noted that an early report from Dutch Addict Self-Help concerning Hepatitis C being placed in remission resulted in most providers, including then, NDA International, Inc. agreeing to treat patients with HCV whose liver enzymes were not greater than 400% above normal. It must be remembered that we are discussing an experimental medical procedure should that definition be accepted and that medicine itself is diverse in its effects, expectations or adverse events.

A number of authors indicate nonfatal adverse medical events in patients with stomach ulcers. Ibogaine may cause pain and/or bleeding in these patients. Whether this is a matter of irritation to the stomach lining or a more systemic effect is unknown at this time thus, it is unknown whether rectal administration rather than oral administration would ovecome this problem.


Anticipating that the subject and provider have reached this point in discussion and or treatment, the subject will have met all inclusion criteria and no exclusion criteria. This brings us to actual treatment requirements and dose.

1. The patient should be well rested.

2. All drugs that are not medically required and/or contraindicated should be stopped early enough to be cleared by the subject undergoing ibogaine administration.

3. In the treatment of opioid dependence, short acting opioid drugs should be stopped no less than eight hours before ibogaine administration. Methadone should be stopped no less than 24 hours prior to ibogaine administration.

4. The issue of sedation of the subject particularly in the treatment of opioid dependence is not uncommon. The question of whether sedation, post 30 hours should it be requested or required by the patient, would be beneficial or not to ibogaine therapy has not been answered. Some if not all providers feel that ibogaine effects would be best concluded without sedation. However, patient comfort is an issue and sedation may become a requirement in the treatment of any particular patient.

Ibogaine has been administered safely with various forms of sedation including benzodiazepines, barbiturates, melatonin, valerian and chamomile.

On an adjunct issue, one author comments, "benzodiazepines are useful before, during and/or after the ibogaine dose if there is anxiety. If there is considerable anxiety some days after detoxification buspirone is better because of its low liability for addiction."

5. A number of authors comment on the issue of hydration or in the inverse dehydration. "Post ibogaine the drinking of water is very important. Initiates are requested to drink at least 3 liters of water a day. This is not only for the purpose of avoiding dehydration but, as it is the feeling of this author that ibogaine loosens toxins in the body and, they are excreted during the initiation and afterwards. The only vehicle to accomplish this is pure water."

On an issue of safety , states an author, "I would also include avoiding dehydration. Many subjects don’t feel like drinking for some time after ibogaine and if not reminded they would not drink a drop of water for more than 24 hours. This can lead to dehydration even without vomiting. With vomiting I would view the loss of liquids as threatening."

Continuing, another author states, "I have received patient reports that IV hydration is commonly used at the St. Kitts facility. This is not out of keeping with standardized procedures of hydrating patients undergoing surgery or chemotherapy."

6. Emesis or vomiting is a patient condition known to all ibogaine providers. Whether a provider believes there is benefit to vomiting as part of ibogaine therapy or ritual is moot if enough of the drug cannot be absorbed to allow the therapeutic experience. To that end various providers have indicated the use of subtances as diverse as ginger tea, gravol/dramamine (dimenhydrinate), motillium (domperidone) and reglan (metaclopramide). This author participated in research involving all except ginger tea and upon reflection am uncertain if dimenhydrinate or domperidone had any effect above that of keeping the patient motionless. Metaclopramide 20 mg IV was the only medication that immediately stopped vomiting in ibogaine patients. No determination was made of whether oral metaclopramide administered prior to ibogaine would have as significant an effect as the IV administration of the drug. I anticipate this should be determined.

7. "As to dose," one author comments, "given the modest dose range given in the manual (and I agree a publicly presented manual should lend itself to caution), the 15 – 20 mg/kg of body weight will tend to leave 5 – 10% of the opiate withdrawal symptoms. I suggest a test dose of 2 mg/kg of weight be given with an antinauseant an hour before a dose of 13 – 16 mg/kg. The effect of the 2 mg/kg "test dose" will usually produce slight euphoria which lends to a person being more amiable to receive the next and largest dose. Whereas, years ago, during the first series of sessions, after giving the full amount of 18 – 22 mg/kg that followed the 1 mg/kg "test dose", we found that giving a smaller amount of 13 to 16 mg/kg allows for more comfort for a person who is obviously less traumatized by the intensity of the first stage and more open to receiving a booster of 6 – 8 mg/kg 5 to 8 hours later. On occasion, only when necessary, we administer an additional booster of 3 – 4 mg/kg with 24 hours of the beginning of the session, usually during the early morning hours before sunrise. I have written only a synopsis here as there are reasons, exclusions, etc., every step of the way according to the psycho-physical reactions of the individual as the session progresses."

8. The use of a multi-dose regimen of ibogaine, over time, particularly for methadone, is in keeping with literature in the field (Kosten and Kleber, Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 1984;10(2):249-66) indicating physical withdrawal signs to methadone may be precipitatated as long as 14 days after the administration of methadone by a narcotic antagonist drug such as naltrexone.

Included herewith, is a report of a dose regimen used to treat a patient who had been receiving 300 mg of methadone per day, the highest dose of methadone dependence yet treated with ibogaine says one provider.

We have recently used the following regimen to clear a methadone dependent person who was taking 300 mg of methadone per day.

At 52 hours after the patient’s last 300 mg. methadone dose, we gave him 5,200 mg Indra extract.

Over the next 72 hours, the patient has no physical withdrawl as per usual (in other words, no diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, running nose, pounding headache) but felt miserable.

72 hours after the first dose of Indra extract, we gave him 100 mg Ibogaine Hydrochloride.

96 hours after the first dose of Indra extract, we gave him 100 mg. Ibogaine hydrochloride.

120 hours after the first dose of Indra extract, we gave him 3,800 mg. Indra extract.

168 hours after the first dose of Indra extract, we gave him 100 mg. Ibo HCI.

192 hours after the first dose of Indra extract, we gave him 100 mg. Ibo HCI.

By his 11th day here (12 days from his last 300 mg. methadone dose), he was bright, sharp, lucid, no slurring, no signs of any methadone, no withdrawal or craving or discomfort of any kind. Patient said "I like the way I’m thinking now."

Patient ate little in the 12 days. Lost 25 pounds. Looks robust, healthy skin. "On methadone, I gained 110 pounds" he commented". The ibogaine is returning him to his regular body weight I feel.

"Something should be said about dose and product," states another author. "First, some new guides, new to the use of ibogaine, may be confused in dose distinctions between HCl and extract. It would be a very unpleasant death, I suppose, with 4 or more grams of ibogaine HCl on board. Second, in my opinion 29 mg/kg of HCl is too much. I experimented with dosages in the range of 13 to 22 mg/kg and came to the following conclusion – 15 mg/kg is for the first time the optimal dose. It is effective for withdrawal and craving and for the vast majority of patients is neither too weak or too strong. Then, from the second treatment on (which I prefer to administer not earlier than 3 or 4 weeks afterwards) the subject can easily cope with 20 mg/kg and does not feel it as stronger than the first treatment."


The proposal of discussion of ibogaine product identity particularly for the benefit of new providers and patients is certainly legitimate as three principal forms of ibogaine of diverse purities are in use in ibogaine therapy. These substances may be, a highly purified form of ibogaine, an extract of T. iboga, that may be as low as 90% or as high as 99% in purity. Most examples of these products are 95% pure ibogaine. These products are available from commercial chemical manufacturers or by custom manufacturing by qualified chemists in university laboratories. Purified ibogaine may also be obtained by direct conversion from voacangine. This product when available had been assessed at 99.4% purity. The second principal form of ibogaine currently available is a crude total alkaloid extract and contains a reported 15% to 20% total alkaloids of which half is ibogaine. As the other iboga alkaloids contained in the total alkaloid products are active, this material should be viewed as having a potency of 15% to 20% ibogaine equivalency depending on source and batch. These total alkaloid extracts have been supplied by sources in Denmark and Canada. The third form of ibogaine material is the crude plant root bark. Depending on potency, this product may contain from 1% to 6% ibogaine. Most root bark will be in the 2% – 4% range. Any person taking ibogaine or providing ibogaine to another person should be certain of the identity of the substance as confusion of purified ibogaine and a less potent total alkaloid extract might cause a fatal reaction or not be sufficient as a dose to interrupt chemical dependence.

While the initial discovery and early research with ibogaine principally used single doses in the 15 mg/kg – 25 mg/kg range of ibogaine, the expanding base of data being presented by ibogaine providers throughout the world propose multiple dosing regimens. These dose regimens make use of purified ibogaine HCl, total extracts and root bark though principally, ibogaine HCl and total extracts except in the African religious model. Doses considered by a variety of providers to be full therapeutic doses may vary from 15 mg/kg – 25 mg/kg for ibogaine HCl and from 3 gram to 5 grams for total alkaloid extracts for the treatment of chemical dependence. For the purpose of this discussion a full therapeutic dose of ibogaine is one that will precipitate all three stages of ibogaine activity in most but, not all patients: 1) The waking dreamlike state, 2) the cognitive evaluation period and 3) residual stimulation eventually leading to sleep. Depending on circumstance and patient need, full therapeutic doses may be administered in a multidose paradigm a week to months apart.

Adjunct dose levels of ibogaine may be mediate or low. A mediate dose would be 300 mgs to 400 mgs of ibogaine HCl or possibly 1.5 to 2 grams of total extract while low doses may be in the range of 25mg to 50mg total dose range for ibogaine HCl and 100 mgs to 300 mgs of total alkaloid extracts. Mediate doses are generally used to boost a therapeutic dose should opiate withdrawal signs become evident or in the cases of some providers for a broader set of issues. Low dose regimens have been implemented for periods of ten to twenty days after recovery from a full therapeutic dose for antidepressant, antianxiety or antiwithdrawal applications. These regimens have been used in the treatment of both opiate and stimulant disorders in furtherance of the full therapeutic dose of ibogaine. It must be recognized that providing ibogaine is an art and a science and that ibogaine providers will use a multitude of doses individually determined on a patient by patient basis in accordance with the experience of the provider.

For additional information, comparative dose and strength tables from the chapter by James and Renate Fernandez found in Vol. 56 of The Alkaloids series published by Academic Press (2001) are shown below.

Alper et al.

Ibogaine dose to facilitate personal growth and change:
10 mg/kg

Ibogaine single dose in self-help network for addiction interruption:
20 mg/kg

Animal studies for neurotoxicity:

Alternate daily dose ibogaine over 60 days [no toxicity]:
10 mg/kg

Ibogaine dose associated with no evidence of toxicity [but decrease in drug self administration:
40 mg/kg

Ibogaine dose associated with cerebellar damage:
100 mg/kg

(personal communication in preparation for ibogaine conference)

Ibogaine dose causing modest psychoactivity with euphoria, altered perception of time:
90-120 mg

Amount of ibogaine ingested by adept that would allow remaining centered enough to assist in initiation ritual:
200 to 300 mg

Ratio of fresh root scraping to dry root bark:

Proportion of   iboga alkaloids in dry root bark (50% ibogaine):
2 to 3%

Rounded teaspoon of root bark:
3 to 4 g

Amount   iboga alkaloids in rounded teaspoon per above calculations:
60 to 120 mg


Pick-up dose ,   iboga alkaloid content of 1 rounded teaspoon of dry root bark:
60 to 120 mg

Large dose for initiation into Bwiti, gradual intake of fresh root scrapings, maximal dose observed:
1000 g [one kilo]

Dose recalculated as dry scraping [1000/15]:
67 g

Content of   iboga alkaloids of the above quantity of root scraping, assuming an average 2.5%  iboga alkaloid content:
1.675 g

Total maximal Bwiti iboga alkaloid dose calculated per kilo of body weighty in small initiate weighing 50 kilos [hence a high estimate]:
33.5 mg/kg


There is no clarity that any form of adjunct therapy administered during the post ibogaine period following acute ibogaine effects is more efficacious than any other form of adjunct therapy in prolonging periods of abstinence and freedom from drug craving. This is also in keeping with the findings in chemical dependence treatment of non-ibogaine patients. It is the hope of the authors that findings of significance concerning efficacy or advantages of one form of therapeutic modality over another may be addressed in future revisions of the manual. Provider contributions are encouraged.

One author indicates, as for post-ibogaine therapy we have found that it is essential for addicts to quit smoking tobacco. Nicotine has proven to act on receptors that cocaine and other drugs also effect. Statistics show that 90% of addicts smoke and nicotine can cause craving for other drugs. Many patients find that cigarettes taste different after ibogaine and we encourage them to quit by using nicotine patches and Wellbutrin (bupropion HCl).

A second author adds, "With regard to the question of suitable post-ibogaine therapy, my opinion, from personal experience and reading Bwiti literature, is that bio-energetics or other body-based psychotherapies are most useful. The Bwiti dance constantly on iboga in the regular group sessions at the temple (not during the high dose "initiatory" session, you can’t move as I’m sure you’re aware!) and I’m sure this is for a reason."

"My personal opinion, based on my experience of doing ibogaine, doing quite a bit of therapy afterward, and observing others who’ve done ibogaine with or without therapy afterward, is that there is sometimes a real problem with integrating the ibogaine experience properly and not simply at an ego-level. The tendency towards developing a ‘need’ for alternative belief systems to avoid bodily integration of the experience is, in my opinion, particularly marked in ibogaine users. (ie the individual NEEDS to believe something is true as opposed to being able to simply take or leave an idea)"

"Therefore body-based and emotional release therapies like primal, bio-energetics and encounter are probably highly synergistic with the ibogaine experience, in my opinion. My personal recommendation would be Humaniversity therapy, available at the Humaniversity up on the Dutch coast, and available to addicts as the Residential Addiction Foundation Program (RAF Program) lasting 3-6 months or longer."

Another author adds, "I constantly emphasize that to take full advantage of a session it is imperative to follow through with therapy. If the 12 step programs appeal to a person then, by all means incorporate the meetings into the post session program. A couple of ingredients apply specifically to people compelled to consume drugs. One, is they do not want to experience any level of pain, i.e. physical, emotional pain is to be avoided at any cost. The second insight is that a percentage somewhere in the 90’s have experienced a deep level of physical and/or emotional abandonment from the same sex parent. Individual therapy, which necessitates finding a same sex therapist to establish the therapeutic relationship which includes transference of initial role model issues within the framework of the relationship is most healing so that by the time the metabolite washes out of the receptors from the session, the deep issues which created the addiction to begin with from the role model relationship in question has solidly begun to be actively addressed. This crucial type of therapy is, to say the least a challenge to create because of the threat it imposes to the very core ego structure. And so in the name of therapy most people will find a counselor who they are comfortable with and not at all intimidated by. This type of talk therapy will not be sufficient."

A fifth author comments, "It’s frequent that addicted clients think that if they still feel some withdrawal effects or craving after more than 20 hours after ibogaine intake, then it didn’t work out for them and they tend to search for a dose of their drug of choice. The treatment provider must be aware that ibogaine often needs some days to stabilize its effects and therefore should heighten his immunity toward the addict’s heartbreaking performances."

"It is important to understand the differences between treating addiction as only a physiological medical condition and treating addiction with its related psychological and social issues. In spite of the fact that ibogaine is not far from being a miraculous treatment tool, the way it is generally used is highly ineffective and wastes ibogaine’s potential. I am talking about overnight treatments that do not include an integrated treatment program. Ibogaine simply needs to be incorporated into already existing addiction treatment networks and then it will show its real potential. "

And, a sixth author: "Private therapy is somewhat hit and miss. There are brilliant practitioners out there but not many with any ibogaine experience (if any)." "… bodywork is extremely important." "So for people that are disillusioned by therapists and group counsellors various forms of bodywork can be extremely effective – acupuncture, rolfing, breathwork (rebirthing or Grofs), dance and movement therapy. Anything that reconnects you with the trauma lodged deep in your body. If you have been addicted for years the ibogaine may bring the reasons for the distress to the surface but that won’t necessarily release them – especially if they are lodged deep – which is why the previously mentioned practices help."

"I would also suggest that a support group is extremely beneficial. Unfortunately no matter how much I tried I couldn’t get the people that I had seen to form an ibogaine support group and I think this would really help. I have seen it help on the ibogaine list. People able to talk to each other about their experiences on line. Perhaps this is the only way to do it but it would be good for example to have a group… that met once a month to talk about things."

"To conclude, no three day recovery program in itself can correct years of substance abuse. It is therefore essential to arrange follow up care. The ibogaine experience itself leaves you open and enthusiastic about creating changes in your life. Post treatment bodywork/counselling is essential, as it will help maintain this positive transformation and facilitate a deeper understanding and release of years of abuse."

While still another reflects, "I think it is important we not only reach for the most significant endpoint in offering ibogaine therapy but, view what we are doing from a harm reduction perspective and a pro-patient perspective in that anything that benefits the patients, short or long-term, should be viewed as a valuable outcome. I think it is universally accepted that multiple ibogaine treatments over time provide better results in most cases than a single administration. This is not to say that a single administration is not dramatic in its ability to interrupt an out of control addiction syndrome. I think it would be fortunate if ibogaine were a legally available medication through both social and private medical insurance programs. Availability coupled with normalization of addiction into mainstream medical treatment will offer the best outcome in our society which is medically directed. Under other circumstance, a religion would do just as well, and that is not to exclude the self-help group or association concept. From what I see of the suggestions of many of the authors, a belief system and the ability to take some action, to allow a sense of power and accomplishment are important."

Invitation to Contribute

Many questions for which we seek answers remain: How do ibogaine providers best care for ibogaine patients? The primary authors continue to seek a consensus from ibogaine providers and patients as well as, others working in addiction medicine. Is a consensus possible? That remains to be seen but, with each revision of the manual we may come closer.

Submissions should be made to Howard Lotsof. Accepted work will be incorporated into the next revision of this manual and the authors indicated as contributing authors to this manual or not, at their discretion. Revisions shall be made periodically.



Rising Dose Tolerance Study using Single Administration to Assess Safety and Preliminary Efficacy of Ibogaine for the Treatment of Cocaine and/or Heroin Dependency

Introduction Safety and Exclusion Criteria
Preclinical Studies
Exclusion Criteria
Psychological Assessments
Neurological Assessments
Opioid Withdrawal Assessments
General Physical Condition
Assessments During Treatment

Safety and Exclusion Criteria
[ introductory statements ]

To date, there is no published data from a controlled clinical trial that has assessed the safety of ibogaine in the treatment of drug addictions. Information from the anecdotal reports indicates there is a mild transient increase in blood pressure and a minimal effect on pulse and respiration.

To date, there is no published data from a controlled clinical trial that was conducted to assess the preliminary efficacy of ibogaine in the treatment of drug addictions. The initial observations of effects of ibogaine was a narrative account (L.A.C., 1991) of the results of taking ibogaine in the mid 1960s by seven heroin addicts, five of whom several days later reported no signs of withdrawal, abstinence, and no desire to take heroin.

Of the 7 clients in the mid-sixties, 6 received one treatment of ibogaine and the effects were that 2 resumed heroin use 24 hours later, one resumed heron use 5.5 months later and the remaining 3 were drug-free 6 months after receiving ibogaine. One subject reported receiving ibogaine 5 times and reported abstinence from: heroin use for 3 years, cocaine use for 18 months and amphetamine use for 6 months.

Of the 18 clients in a contemporary group, 17 received one treatment of ibogaine and one received 2 treatments. After ibogaine, two clients continued to take heroin and one resumed heroin use 5 days later. Six subjects were drug-free from 2 weeks to 18 months, but contact was lost with them. Two subjects were heroin-free for six months and were awaiting retreatment with ibogaine. One subject was cocaine-free for 3.5 years. The remaining 5 subjects were drug-free for 2-10 months.

Preclinical Studies on Ibogaine

Safety Issues

The most salient safety issue is contained in the findings of (O’Hearn et al., 1993) that when rats were administered high doses of ibogaine (100 mg/kg i.p.) glial cells in the cerebellum were activated, thereby suggestive of neuronal damage which the authors hypothesized were most likely the purkinje cells. [see additional documents #1 and #2]

Other safety issues about the effects of ibogaine are contained in the reports of: increased blood pressure and heart rate in conscious dogs and decreased blood pressure and pulse rate in anaesthetized dogs (Gershon and Lang, 1962), decreased blood glucose (ibogaine 20 mg/kg or 40 mg/kg) and increased blood glucose with higher doses in rats (Dhahir, 1971).

Safety Measures – Cerebellar Functioning

Prior preclinical studies indicated that the major safety issue with the administration of ibogaine is the remote possibility of lasting damage to the cerebellum, especially the purkinje cells. The repeated neurological assessments of cerebellar functioning in our subjects will consist of an extensive neurological examination that assesses most of the readily measurable dimensions of cerebellar functioning. The neurological examination was adapted from the application of comprehensive preclinical work on the cerebellum that was summarized in a book by (Ito, 1984) to contemporary texts on neurological examinations (Kaufman, 1990; Scheinberg, 1981). The major neurological signs that indicate cerebellar damage are: dysmetria (inaccurate targeting of goal-directed behavior), delayed movement initiation and delayed reaction time, dysdiadochkinesia (inability to perform rapidly alternating repetitive tasks), hypotonia (reduced muscle tone), disturbances in gait and station, and intention tremor. The check-list for the Neurological Assessment Battery will consist of 12 behaviors that will be evaluated by the following discrete categories of impairment: none, mild, moderate and severe. In addition, while on inpatient status, PET scans will be conducted during the inpatient phase 3 days before and 3 days after the Ibogaine session and during the one-year follow-up assessment battery.

Exclusion Criteria

1. Patients with a history of active neurological or psychiatric disorders, such as cerebellar dysfunction, psychosis, bipolar illness, major depression, organic brain disease or dementia, that require treatment or that would make study compliance difficult.

2. Patients who have a Beck Depression Inventory score greater than or equal to twenty-four.

3. Patients requiring concomitant medications that may interfere with a clinical trial or evaluation (e.g., anti-epileptic drugs, sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, neuroleptics, methadone, meperidine, etc.) [A significant number of patients treated in the last decade outside of this proposed research study have been dependent on methadone, meperidine or sedatives].

4. Patients with a history of sensitivity or adverse reactions to the treatment medication.

5. Patients with a history of significant heart disease or a history of myocardial infarction.

6. Patients with blood pressure above 170 mm Hg systolic/105 mm Hg diastolic or below 80 mm Hg systolic/60 mm Hg diastolic or a pulse greater than 120 beats per minute or less than 50 beats per minute.

7. Patients who have a history of hypertension uncontrolled by conventional medical therapy.

8. Patients who have received any investigational drug within 6 months prior to entering the study. [The authors received a report of concurrent use of ibogaine and 5 methoxy di isopropyl tryptamine (5meo dipt) that precipitated a medical event of near fatal proportions requiring over a week of hospitalization. Additionally the patient was diabetic and did not monitor blood glucose levels.]

9. Patients who have received any drug known to have a well-defined potential for toxicity to a major organ system within the month prior to entering the study.

10. Patients who have clinically significant laboratory values outside the limits thus specified by the investigators laboratories.

11. Patients who have any disease of the gastrointestinal system liver or kidneys, or abnormal condition which compromises a function of these systems and could result in a possibility of altered metabolism or excretion of the study medication will be excluded. As it is not possible to enumerate the many conditions that might impair absorption, metabolism or excretion, the investigator should be guided by evidence such as:

A. History of major gastrointestinal tract surgery (e.g., gastrectomy, gastrostomy, bowel resections., etc.) or a history or diagnosis of an active peptic ulcer or chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, (e.g. ulcerative colitis, regional enteritis, Crohn’s disease* or gastrointestinal bleeding).

B. Indication of impaired liver function.

C. Indication of impaired renal function.

12. Patients who test positive for HIV virus.

13. Patients with active tuberculosis.

Psychological Assessments

1. Interviews

A. Addiction Severity Index (ASI)
B. Diagnostic Interview Scale (DIS)

2. Questionnaires

A. Visual Analogue Scale cocaine craving (VAS)
B. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
C. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)*

Neurological Assessments

1. Electroencephalography (EEG)

2. Neurological Assessment Battery

A. Coordination/tremor
      a. Finger-to-nose
      b. Finger-to-finger
      c. Heel-to-shin

B. Coordination/tremor, Repeated rapid alteration tests

      a. Palm/back hand slap knee
      b. Prone/supine forearm

C. Coordination /ataxia

      a. Heel-to-toe walking
      b. Romberg test (feet together, eyes open/eyes closed)

D. Muscle tone/hypertonia

      a. Resistance to stretch

E. Reflexes

      a. Acoustical startle
      b. Pupilary light reflex
      c. Vestibulo-occular reflex

Opioid Withdrawal Assessments*

1. Objective Opiate Withdrawal Scale (OOWS)*

2. Subjective Opiate Withdrawal Scale (SOWS)*

General Physical Condition

1. History and Physical

2. Electrocardiogram (EKG)

3. Laboratory

Blood Work

      a. CBC DIFF
      b. AST ALT
      c. Hepatitis screen
      d. Thyroid panel
      e. SMA-18 profile
      f. CHEM-25


      a. Routine urine analysis
      b. Toxicology screen (positive for target drugs)

1. cocaine
2. morphine (heroin)
3. cocaine
4. ibogaine

Dermal Tuberculin (if positive or previously immunized, then chest x-ray)


Vital signs with weight

HIV test and counseling

Support staff and design of environment

Generally, the session room should be pleasant and the social interactions with staff members supportive. Pastel-colored walls, comfortable hospital bed, soothing murals, paintings or pictures, a comfortable chair for the staff member or therapist to constantly observe the subject during the ibogaine experience. Dim lighting and quite setting. Dialogue should be initiated by the patient. Reduce the need for walking by having a patient lavatory nearby.

Within this context, allow the patient to sleep and rest peacefully ad lib. Otherwise, when the patient is in the talkative phase, the staff member should attentively and unobtrusively attend to but not initiate conversation.

Assessments [during treatment]

Cardiovascular – Apply ambulatory pulse and blood pressure apparatus that is programmed to obtain and record digital quantities q 30 min for a 24 h period. Apply device just before dosing.

Neurological – Observe for the onset (that is time from the administration of ibogaine) for drug-related changes in neurological functioning (e.g., the onset of changes in speech patterns, nausea and vomiting)

Psychological – Observe and record what patients spontaneously say, Record the onset and duration of the somnolent phase.

Related Protocol Bibliography

Dhahir. A comparative study of the toxicology of ibogaine and serotonin. Doctoral Thesis. 1971. return to chapter

Gershon S., Lang W.J., A psycho-pharmacological study of some indole alkaloids. Arc. Int. Phamacodyn. 85, 31-62, 1962. return to chapter

Ito, M. The cerebellum and neural control. New York: Raven Press, 1984, Pp. 353-465. return to chapter

Kaufman, D.M. Clinical neurology for psychiatrists (3rd Ed.). Philadelphia: W.B. Sanders Co., Pp 18-20, 1990. return to chapter

L.A.C. Can a psychedelic drug cure drug addiction? The ibogaine story. Drugs, Toxic Chemicals and Health 6, 1-2, 1991. return to chapter

O’Hearn E., Long D.B., Molliver M.E. Ibogaine induces glial activation in parasagittal zones of the cerebellum. Neruroreport. 4, 299-302, 1993. return to chapter

Scheinberg P. Modern practical neurology; An introduction to diagnosis and management in common neurologic disorders (2nd Ed). New York: Raven Press 1981. return to chapter

***End NIDA Protocol Selections***

Additional Documents

1. An evaluation of ibogaine neurotoxicity, including abstracts of relevant papers. Return to chapter

2. Daniel Luciano MD describes neurological observations of treatment with ibogaine. Return to chapter

3. What’s in a blood test? (SMA-20). You are about to find out. Return to chapter

4. A good place to learn the terms used in blood test reports, their meaning and the significance to health related issues. Return to chapter

5. A CBC or complete blood count along with a differential that indicates the breakdown in the types of white blood cells offers a comprehensive view of blood chemistry in conjunction with the SMA-20. Return to chapter

6. A general review of cardiovascular disorders can be found at The Open Directory Project and at The Medical Center Online. The topic is also well covered in Section 16 of the Merck Manual Return to chapter

7. Everything you want to know about electrocardiograms if you could think of the questions. Return to chapter

8. This early report, Reflections on an Ibogaine Experience, provides an excellent treatment overview that includes concurrent ibogaine/heroin use by the patient. The survival of this patient should not be taken to indicate the survival of other patients under similar circumstance. Return to chapter

9. A copy of the Beck Depression Inventory is available as an FDA document. This page automatically downloads the pdf file of the beck depression inventory to your computer. PDF files require adobe reader programs that are available at no cost from Adobe return to chapter

10. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory MMPI-2 may prove a valuable tool in assessing pre and post-treatment behavior of patients. Return to chapter

11. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th. Edition, better known as the DSM IV, offers detailed descriptions of broad ranging psychiatric disorders. Return to chapter

12. Treatment of Acute Opioid Withdrawal with Ibogaine. Alper et al.’s review article of ibogaine effects on opioid withdrawal signs of subjects from the United States, The Netherlands and Panama over a period of three decades is now available as a downloadable PDF file. In order to read a PDF file you will require an adobe reader program from Adobe. Return to chapter

13. The early paper (1995) Ibogaine in the Treatment of Narcotic Withdrawal by Lotsof, Della Sera and Kaplan provides useful information on the comparative effects of ibogaine and narcotic withdrawal. Return to chapter

14. Ibogaine in the Treatment of Chemical Dependence Disorders: Clinical Perspectives offers an overall view of ibogaine therapy and what may be anticipated during treatment. Return to chapter

15. Frenken, an early ibogaine researcher provides her views on ibogaine therapy in An Ibogaine Treatment Protocol providing a view of the Dutch ibogaine self-help movement. Return to chapter

16. Nick Sandberg presents a thorough review of ibogaine safety, effects and history in his original work Introduction to Ibogaine return to chapter

17. A good place to begin to gain an understanding of a structured report form. Guidelines for psychiatric evaluations of Adults.     return to chapter

18. Catalogue of diagnostic questionnaries.     return to chapter

19. Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale.     return to chapter

20. The Sexual Inequality of Drug Metabolism. The Scientist 16[6]:29.     return to chapter

21. Notes to Treatment Providers by H. Wells gives a view of ibogaine treatment issues in the United Kingdom.     return to chapter

22. Always of value, a medical encyclopedia.     return to chapter

23. "Merck & Co., Inc., is proud to introduce The Merck Manual of Medical Information–Home Edition.. This all-new publication is based on The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, Centennial Edition , commonly referred to as The Merck Manual, the textbook of medicine most widely used by health care professionals in the U.S. and worldwide. The Home Edition transforms the language of the professionals’ version into commonly used English while retaining the vital information about diseases, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment." The reader should review both volumes to determine which best meets your needs. "The Merck Manual of Medical Information–Home Edition, like all the Merck manuals and The Merck Index, is published by Merck & Co., Inc., on a not-for-profit basis. Copyright © 1995-2001 Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. All rights reserved."     return to chapter

24. How to Safely Use Ibogaine, a public document of the Iboga Foundation, a not-for-profit group in Slovenia approaching ibogaine use from a religious perspective.


The Ibogaine Dossier

Review articles describing the NMDA-receptor

1. The psychopharmacology of hallucinogens. Abraham, H.D., Aldridge, A.M. and Gogia, P. Neuropsychopharmacology 14:285-298, 1996.

Abstract: The strychnine-insensitive glycine site on the N-methyl-D- aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex is a target for development of a host of therapeutic agents including anxiolytics, antidepressants, antiepileptics, anti-ischemics and cognitive enhancers. In the present experiments, the discriminative stimulus effects of (+)-HA-966 [R-(+)-3-amino-1-hydroxypyrrolid-2- one), a low-efficacy partial agonist of the glycine site, was explored. Male, Swiss-Webster mice were trained to discriminate (+)-HA-966 (170 mg/kg i.p.) from saline in a T- maze under which behavior was controlled by food. Other glycine partial agonists, 1-amino-1-cyclopropanecarboxilic acid and D-cycloserine, fully substituted for the discriminative stimulus effects of (+)-HA-966 despite known differences in other pharmacological effects of these compounds. The glycine site antagonist, 7-chlorkynurenic acid, did not substitute for (+)- HA-966. Likewise other functional NMDA antagonists acting at nonglycine sites of the NMDA receptor also did not substitute: neither the high (dizocilpine) or low affinity (ibogaine) ion-channel blocker, the competitive antagonist, NPC 17742 [2R,4R,5S-2-amino-4,5-(1,2- cyclohexyl)-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid], nor the polyamine antagonist, ifenprodil, substituted for (+)-HA-966. Although the full agonist, glycine, did not substitute, this compound fully blocked the discriminative stimulus effects of (+)-HA-966. In a separate group of mice trained to discriminate 0.17 mg/kg of dizocilpine from saline, (+)-HA-966 produced a maximum of only 50% dizocilpine-appropriate responses. These data suggest that the discriminative stimulus effects of (+)-HA-966 are based upon its partial agonist actions at the strychnine-insensitive glycine site. Furthermore, the lack of substitution of compounds with phencyclidine- like effects (dizocilpine, ibogaine and NPC 17742) or sedative properties (NPC 17742 and (-)-HA-966) suggests that these side-effects may not be part of the subjective effect profile of glycine partial agonists

2. Ibogaine block of the NMDA receptor – in vitro and in vivo studies. Chen, K., Kokate, T.G., Donevan, S.D., Carroll, F.I. and Rogawski, M.A. Neuropharmacology 35:423-431, 1996.

Abstract: 1. Ibogaine, a proposed anti-addictive agent, has been found to interfere with the acquisition of a weak morphine-induced place preference. The present series of experiments determined if ibogaine would interfere with the expression of a previously established morphine (5 mg/kg) place preference. 2. A single injection of 40 mg/kg of ibogaine 24 h, 12 h or 4 h prior to the preference test (Experiment 1) or 80 mg/kg of ibogaine 24 hr prior to the preference test (Experiment 3) did not interfere with the expression of a morphine conditioned place preference. 3. Furthermore two injections of 40 mg/kg of ibogaine 48 h and 24 h or 24 h and 4 h prior to testing (Experiment 2) did not interfere with the expression of a morphine place preference. 4. Ibogaine appears to be incapable of attenuating the expression of a previously established one-trial morphine place preference. [References: 27]

3. [New therapeutic possibilities with low-affinity NMDA receptor antagonists]. [Review] [German]. Kornhuber, J. and Weller, M. Nervenarzt. 67:77-82, 1996.

4. The Effect of Ibogaine on Sigma Receptor Mediated and NMDA Receptor Mediated Release of (H 3) Dopamine. Sershen, H., Hashim, A. and Lajtha, A. Brain Res Bull 40:63-67, 1996.

Abstract: The indole alkaloid ibogaine has been suggested to have potential for inhibiting dependency on stimulant drugs. Radioligand binding studies have suggested possible multisite actions of ibogaine: affinity at the kappa-opioid, NMDA, and sigma receptors, with effects on dopamine (DA) release. To further investigate the multiplicity of sites of action of ibogaine and the presynaptic regulation of the DA release, the effect of ibogaine on NMDA- and sigma-receptor-mediated efflux of [H-3]DA was measured in striatal tissue from C57BL/6By mice. Striatal tissue was incubated in vitro with [H-3]DA and the effect on DA release was measured. Both NMDA (25 mu M) and the sigma receptor agonist (+/-)-pentazocine (20 mu M) alone increased the efflux of DA. (+/-)-Pentazocine (100 nM) did not inhibit the NMDA-evoked release. MK-801 (5 mu M) completely inhibited the NMDA-evoked release and inhibited the (+/-)- pentazocine-evoked release by 49%. Ibogaine (10 mu M) itself increased the efflux of DA; at 1 mu M it was without effect. Ibogaine (1 mu M) inhibited the NMDA-evoked release of DA by 31% and inhibited the (+/-)-pentazocine-evoked release by 48%. In addition, the level of basal release of DA obtained after the NMDA- or (+/-)-pentazocine-evoked-release remained higher in the tissue exposed to ibogaine throughout. The results suggest that sigma receptors can regulate the release of DA, along with an action at the NMDA receptor. We previously reported action of ibogaine at the kappa-opioid site. The elevated basal release of DA in the presence of ibogaine after NMDA-or (+/-)-pentazocine- evoked release may reflect the ibogaine-induced removal of the tonically active kappa-opioid system that acts presynaptically to reduce dopamine release. The kappa-opioid system also appears to be inhibitory on both the NMDA and sigma receptors

5. The Effect of Ibogaine on Sigma Receptor Mediated and NMDA Receptor Mediated Release of (H 3) Dopamine. Sershen, H., Hashim, A. and Lajtha, A. J Neurochem 66:S59, 1996.

6. Antagonists of the NMDA receptor-channel complex and motor coordination. [Review]. Carter, A.J. Life Sci 57:917-929, 1995.

Abstract: Glutamate receptor antagonists with selective action at the N- methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor are promising agents for the neuroprotective and symptomatic pharmacotherapy of various neuropsychiatric disorders. Although NMDA receptor antagonists of the phencyclidine (PCP) type are precluded from clinical use because of their psychotomimetic properties, amantadine and memantine have been administered to human patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease and spasticity for many years without serious adverse effects. The mechanisms underlying these differences in psychotogenicity of different NMDA receptor antagonist are currently being discussed. Different affinity to the PCP binding site of the NMDA receptor, region-specific pharmacology, as well as different binding profiles to neurotransmitter receptors other than the NMDA type glutamate receptor, most likely play a role in determining whether an NMDA receptor antagonist drug will be tolerated clinically or not. [References: 22]

7. The N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonists phencyclidine, ketamine and dizocilpine as both behavioral and anatomical models of the dementias. [Review]. Ellison, G. Brain Res Brain Res Rev 20:250-267, 1995.

8. Properties of Ibogaine and Its Principal Metabolite (12 Hydroxyibogamine) at the mK 801 Binding Site of the NMDA Receptor Complex. Mash, D.C., Staley, J.K., Pablo, J.P., Holohean, A.M., Hackman, J.C. and Davidoff, R.A. Neurosci Lett 192:53-56, 1995.

Abstract: The putative anti-addiction alkaloid ibogaine and its principal metabolite 12-hydroxyibogamine appear to act at the (+)-5 methyl- 10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cycloheten-5-10 maleate (MK-801) binding site in the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)- receptor cation channel. This conclusion is based on findings that both compounds competitively displaced specific [H-3]MK-801 binding to membranes from postmortem human caudate and cerebellum and from frog spinal cord. Ibogaine was 4-6-fold more potent than its metabolite and both compounds were less potent (50-1000-fold) than MK-801 binding to the NMDA receptor. In addition, ibogaine (100 mu M) and 12-hydroxyibogamine (1 mM) blocked (85-90% of control) the ability of NMDA (100 mu M, 5 s) to depolarize frog motoneurons in the isolated frog spinal cord. The prevention of NMDA- depolarizations in frog motoneurons showed use-dependency and was very similar to the block produced by MK-801. In view of the abilities of MK-801 to affect the responses to addictive substances in pre-clinical investigations, our results are compatible with the idea that the ability of ibogaine and 12- hydroxyibogamine to interrupt drug-seeking behavior may, in part, result from their actions at the MK-801 binding site

9. Noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists with fast open-channel blocking kinetics and strong voltage-dependency as potential therapeutic agents for Alzheimer’s dementia. [Review]. Muller, W.E., Mutschler, E. and Riederer, P. Pharmacopsychiatry 28:113-124, 1995.

Abstract: Our current knowledge of the structure and function of NMDA receptors is expanding at a rapid pace; however, advances regarding regulation of the supply of glutamate and its co- agonist, glycine, have been slower. While the anatomical sources and metabolic compartmentation of glutamate have been studied, limited efforts have been dedicated to defining the dynamics and compartmentation of the co-agonist, glycine. In fact, most investigators have made the assumption that glycine is freely available, via diffusion, for synaptic transmission at NMDA-type synaptic clefts. This assumption ignores the intricate inactivation mechanisms potentially involved in regulating synaptic levels of this amino acid and the recent descriptions of high levels of endogenous D-serine, another potential agonist of the NMDA-associated glycine receptor, in the brain. In this review, the relevance of these data and pharmacological experiments pertinent to the question of whether the NMDA- associated glycine receptor is saturated in vivo or not, is presented. [References: 62]

10. Neuroprotective properties of the uncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist remacemide hydrochloride. [Review]. Palmer, G.C., Cregan, E.F., Borrelli, A.R. and Willett, F. Ann NY Acad Sci 765:236-247, 1995.

Abstract: There is a growing body of evidence that disturbances of glutamatergic neurotransmission may underlie the pathomechanism and cognitive deficits of Alzheimer’s disease. This review describes the potential use of low affinity, noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists in the treatment of this disease using memantine as an example. Evidence is presented indicating that this class of compound is neuroprotective in preclinical models of subchronic glutamate toxicity without producing side effects characteristic for other classes of NMDA receptor antagonist. This is attributed to their fast blocking kinetics and strong voltage dependency. Memantine also produces symptomatological improvement of cognition in animal models. The mechanism of action of this effect is still unclear but might be related to an enhancement of AMPA receptor mediated neurotransmission. In patients with dementia syndrome of various aetiologies, memantine produces a rapid onset, clinical improvement in various symptomatological deficits. [References: 90]

11. NMDA Antagonist Properties of the Putative Antiaddictive Drug, Ibogaine. Popik, P., Layer, R.T., Fossom, L.H., et al. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 275:753-760, 1995.

Abstract: Both anecdotal reports in humans and preclinical studies indicate that ibogaine interrupts addiction to a variety of abused substances including alcohol, opiates, nicotine and stimulants. Based on the similarity of these therapeutic claims to recent preclinical studies demonstrating that N-methyl-D- aspartate (NMDA) antagonists attenuate addiction-related phenomena, we examined the NMDA antagonist properties of ibogaine. Pharmacologically relevant concentrations of ibogaine produce a voltage-dependent block of NMDA receptors in hippocampal cultures (K-i, 2.3 mu M at -60 mV). Consistent with this observation, ibogaine competitively inhibits [H-3]1-[1-(2- thienyl)-cyclohexyl]piperidine binding to rat forebrain homogenates (K-i, 1.5 mu M) and blocks glutamate-induced cell death in neuronal cultures (IC50, 4.5 mu M). Moreover, at doses previously reported to interfere with drug-seeking behaviors, ibogaine substitutes as a discriminative stimulus (ED(50), 64.9 mg/kg) in mice trained to discriminate the prototypic voltage- dependent NMDA antagonist, dizocilpine (0.17 mg/kg), from saline. Consistent with previous reports, ibogaine reduced naloxone- precipitated jumping in morphine-dependent mice (ED(50), 72 mg/kg). Although pretreatment with glycine did not affect naloxone-precipitated jumping in morphine-dependent mice, it abolished the ability of ibogaine to block naloxone- precipitated jumping. Taken together, these findings link the NMDA antagonist actions of ibogaine to a putative ”antiaddictive” property of this alkaloid, its ability to reduce the expression of morphine dependence

12. Excitotoxicity and the NMDA receptor–still lethal after eight years. [Review]. Rothman, S.M. and Olney, J.W. Trends Neurosci 18:57-58, 1995.

13. NMDA and D1 receptors mediate induction of c-fos and junB genes in striatum following morphine administration: implications for studies of memory. [Review]. Sharp, F.R., Liu, J., Nickolenko, J. and Bontempi, B. Behav Brain Res 66:225-230, 1995.

Abstract: Although it has been known for several decades that the administration of amphetamines to experimental animals produces damage to monoaminergic neurons, the mechanism(s) underlying this neuropathology is unknown. In recent years, it has been demonstrated that various N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists can prevent the damage produced by the amphetamines. The purpose of this communication is to review the evidence which demonstrates the role of NMDA receptors in the neuropathology of neostriatal dopaminergic neurons produced by the amphetamines and to discuss how the action of the amphetamines may potentially affect NMDA receptor function. [References: 27]

14. The role of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in dopaminergic neuropathology produced by the amphetamines. [Review]. Sonsalla, P.K. Drug Alcohol Depend 37:101-105, 1995.

Abstract: Phencyclidine (PCP) and ketamine can induce a model psychosis in drug addicts and exacerbate the symptoms of chronic schizophrenics. The model psychoses these drugs induce mimic a variety of schizophrenic symptoms, including flattened affect, dissociative thought disorder, depersonalization and catatonic states. These symptoms can persist for prolonged periods and chronic PCP and ketamine addicts have persisting memory deficits. Dizocilpine (MK-801) is a simpler drug than PCP or ketamine in its actions, but it shares with both the property of blocking in a non-competitive manner the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) ion- channel. Behavioral observations and drug-discrimination studies in animals indicate that PCP and dizocilpine are similar in their effects and they both have a neurotoxic effect on neurons in posterior cingulate cortex. Recent studies have indicated that both of these drugs, when given continuously for several days, further induce neuronal degeneration in other limbic structures. These include brain regions of rats related to olfaction, associated limbic structures such as piriform cortex and posterior regions of entorhinal cortex and in it’s projections, through the perforant pathway, to dentate gyrus and other cells in ventral hippocampus. These degenerative consequences may be excitatory neurotoxic effects, for these compounds also induce an elevation in glucose metabolism maximal in just those structures where degeneration is observed and the degeneration involves entire cells, with all of their processes. It has been suggested these non-competitive NMDA antagonists induce an increase in firing rate in a limbic circuit which includes the perforant pathway. At least some competitive NMDA antagonists induce the same pattern of degeneration and altered glucose utilization. There is anatomical and functional evidence that alterations in these same limbic structures are present in the dementia syndrome manifested by some schizophrenics and most Alzheimer’s patients. This suggests that these non-competitive NMDA antagonists may provide a more complete model of psychoses and memory disturbances than previously recognized, in that they can mimic both persisting symptomatology and neuroanatomical abnormalities. While the neurochemical underpinnings of this effect remain elusive, it appears to be both age and sex dependent. Further studies of the mechanisms by which NMDA antagonists induce increased glucose utilization and neurotoxicity in these limbic structures may clarify these alterations in this simplified Papez- like circuit. [References: 140]

15. Discriminative Stimulus Effects of R (+) 3 Amino 1 Hydroxypyrrolid 2 One, ((+) Ha 966), a Partial Agonist of the Strychnine Insensitive Modulatory Site of the N Methyl D Aspartate Receptor. Witkin, J.M., Brave, S., French, D. and Geterdouglass, B. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 275:1267-1273, 1995.

Abstract: The strychnine-insensitive glycine site on the N-methyl-D- aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex is a target for development of a host of therapeutic agents including anxiolytics, antidepressants, antiepileptics, anti-ischemics and cognitive enhancers. In the present experiments, the discriminative stimulus effects of (+)-HA-966 [R-(+)-5-amino-1-hydroxypyrrolid- 2-one], a low-efficacy partial agonist of the glycine site, was explored. Male, Swiss-Webster mice were trained to discriminate (+)-HA-966 (170 mg/kg i.p.) from saline in a T-maze under which behavior was controlled by food. Other glycine partial agonists, 1-amino-1-cyclopropanecarboxilic acid and D-cycloserine, fully substituted for the discriminative stimulus effects of (+)-HA- 966 despite known differences in other pharmacological effects of these compounds. The glycine site antagonist, 7- chlorkynurenic acid, did not substitute for (+)-HA-966. Likewise other functional NMDA antagonists acting at nonglycine sites of the NMDA receptor also did not substitute: neither the high (dizocilpine) or low affinity (ibogaine) ion-channel blocker, the competitive antagonist, NPC 17742 [2R,4R,5S-2-amino-4,5-(1,2- cyclohexyl)-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid], nor the polyamine antagonist, ifenprodil, substituted for (+)-HA-966. Although the full agonist, glycine, did riot substitute, this compound fully blocked the discriminative stimulus effects of (+)-HA-966. In a separate group of mice trained to discriminate 0.17 mg/kg of dizocilpine from saline, (+)-HA-966 produced a maximum of only 50% dizocilpine-appropriate responses. These data suggest that the discriminative stimulus effects of (+)-HA-966 are based upon its partial agonist actions at the strychnine-insensitive glycine site. Furthermore, the lack of substitution of compounds with phencyclidine-like effects (dizocilpine, ibogaine and NPC 17742) or sedative properties (NPC 17742 and (-)-HA-966) suggests that these side-effects may not be part of the subjective effect profile of glycine partial agonists

16. The co-agonist concept: is the NMDA-associated glycine receptor saturated in vivo?. [Review]. Wood, P.L. Life Sci 57:301-310, 1995.

Abstract: Many structurally different, centrally active antagonists of the NMDA receptor-channel complex induce phencyclidine-like side effects in mammals which include head weaving, body rolling, sniffing and disturbances of motor coordination. The ability of these compounds to cause disturbances of motor coordination correlates directly with their ability to antagonize the NMDA receptor-channel complex in vivo. Although noncompetitive antagonists increase motility in rodents, whereas competitive antagonists do not, both classes of compounds appear to induce schizophrenia-like psychosis in human beings, and cause similar changes in a variety of different biogenic amine neurotransmitter systems in the limbic and motoric areas of the brain. The complex spectrum of behavioural effects observed after the administration of antagonists of the NMDA receptor-channel complex probably reflects the intricate nature of the interaction with positive and negative feedback loops of the motor circuit. Recent research indicates that the site of integration of this interaction could be the striatal medium spiny GABAergic neuron. [References: 160]

17. Regulation by neuroprotective factors of NMDA receptor mediated nitric oxide synthesis in the brain and retina. [Review]. Akaike, A., Tamura, Y., Terada, K. and Nakata, N. Prog.Brain Res 103:391-403, 1994.

Abstract: The glutamate transmitter system provides several benevolent/malevolent paradoxes. Glutamate itself serves vitally important functions in the CNS but has enormous neurodestructive potential. NMDA glutamate receptor antagonists protect many neurons against glutamate neurotoxicity, while injuring or destroying certain other neurons and inducing psychotic symptoms and memory impairment. Therefore, the challenge in developing protective therapies against glutamate’s neurodestructive potential is to find benevolent agents that are not malevolent as well. There are two possible approaches. One is to develop neuroprotective agents that are free from neuropsychopathological side effects; the other is to use NMDA antagonists even though they have neuropsychopathological side effects, but to use them in combination with other agents that block the side effects without producing side effects of their own. [References: 79]

18. Assessing structural changes in the brain to evaluate neurotoxicological effects of NMDA receptor antagonists. [Review]. Auer, R.N. Psychopharmacol.Bull 30:585-591, 1994.

Abstract: This article serves as an introduction to the following two articles which describe the effects of drugs that interact with N- methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors on a number of behavioral baselines. The discussion in the subsequent articles focuses on detailed examination of performance on complex learning tasks, although effects of drugs affecting NMDA receptors on simple learned and unlearned behaviors are also mentioned. This article will provide a framework for interpretation of the results reported. To that end, a short primer on the principles of behavior is provided, followed by a description of a number of behavioral tests and discussion of issues important for the interpretation of results from such tests. The behavioral baselines discussed are, for the most part, the specific tasks from which data are presented in the following reports. A few additional descriptions have been included to illustrate specific points regarding data interpretation. The examples discussed are not necessarily representative of behavioral endpoints used routinely in the assessment of the behavioral effects of drugs. A number of reviews are available to the interested reader (Cabe & Eckerman 1982; Heise 1984; Rice 1990; Thompson & Shuster 1968; World Health Organization 1986). [References: 23]

19. [Neuronal protection in neurologic diseases?]. [Review] [German]. Bahr, M., Eschweiler, G.W. and Dichgans, J. Nervenarzt. 65:355-360, 1994.

20. Effects of NMDA receptor antagonists on the developing brain. [Review]. Constantine-Paton, M. Psychopharmacol.Bull 30:561-565, 1994.

Abstract: Electrophysiologic responses to the glutamate agonist analogue N- methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) are enhanced in the developing nervous system compared to responses in the adult. Neurotoxicity mediated by comparable amounts of NMDA and its endogenous analogue quinolinate is more than 50 times greater in the 7-day-old rat brain than in the adult. NMDA antagonist drugs reduce this neurotoxicity with the same spectrum of activity with which they prevent injury from hypoxic-ischemic damage. The greater vulnerability of the immature brain to NMDA mediated injury is probably related to the enhanced role that NMDA mechanisms play in long-term potentiation and activity-dependent plasticity during development. [References: 54]

21. The impact of NMDA receptor antagonists on learning and memory functions. [Review]. Cory-Slechta, D.A. Psychopharmacol.Bull 30:601-612, 1994.

Abstract: The c-fos and junB immediate early genes (IEGs) were induced in neurons of the medial and ventral striatum following administration of morphine. The striatal induction of c-fos and junB mRNA and Fos protein was blocked by naloxone, the D1 dopamine (DA) receptor antagonists, SCH23390 and SCH39166, and the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor antagonist, MK801. SCH23390 and MK801 did not block morphine induction of c- fos and junB in septum. Since the pattern of the morphine induction of c-fos and junB in striatum and nucleus accumbens was similar to that observed with cocaine and amphetamine [2,18,45, 51], these data support current concepts that limbic striatum and nucleus accumbens are among the brain regions that mediate drug abuse [9,10,23,27,49]. If it is true that D1 receptors activate the CRE (cyclase response element) and NMDA receptors activate the SRE (serum response element) in the c-fos promoter [1], then this data suggests that serial activation of mu opiate, NMDA and D1 receptors on different neurons is required to induce Fos in striatal neurons with D1 Moreover, concurrent activation of NMDA and D1 receptors is required for Fos induction in striatal neurons. The Fos induced by this simultaneous activation of NMDA and D1 receptors should lead to long-term changes of gene expression that might also be involved in changes of brain circuits that could form the basis for ‘memories’ relating to prior exposure to addictive drugs. [References: 51]

22. Neuroprotective NMDA antagonists: the controversy over their potential for adverse effects on cortical neuronal morphology. [Review]. Hargreaves, R.J., Hill, R.G. and Iversen, L.L. Acta Neurochir.Suppl.(Wien). 60:15-19, 1994.

23. [The phencyclidine-N-methyl-D-aspartate theory of schizophrenia: clinical applications]. [Review] [Hebrew]. Heresco-Levy, U., Elman, I. and Javitt, D. Harefuah. 126:598-601, 1994.

Abstract: Several types of lesions of the mature central nervous system (CNS), such as craniocerebral trauma or spinal cord trauma, may initiate secondary cascades, which may cause damage to primarily uninjured neurons. The exact mechanisms which cause neuronal cell death are still unknown. It has been suggested that retrogradely transported target-derived neurotrophic factors which are necessary for neuronal survival might be lacking after certain types of lesions. On the other hand, neurons might be damaged by calcium-overload resulting from excessive release of excitatory amino acids (EAAs) after trauma. The present review summarizes current concepts of post-traumatic neuronal cell damage with a focus on the putative neuroprotective role of calcium channel blockers and their interaction with glutamate mediated cytotoxicity, neurotrophic factors and free radicals. [References: 50]

24. Pharmacological evidence for a role of long-term potentiation in memory. [Review]. Izquierdo, I. FASEB J 8:1139-1145, 1994.

Abstract: The focus of this article will be on toxic symptoms associated with blockade of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of the glutamate receptor. We have been studying two parallel phenomena: NMDA-antagonist neurotoxicity (NAN) in rats and NMDA-antagonist psychotogenicity (NAP) in humans. These phenomena have a common denominator–NMDA receptor hypofunction, which is putatively a mechanism operative in schizophrenia. We have found that the NAN reaction in rats can be prevented by specific drugs that prevent NAP in humans and by certain antipsychotic agents, including clozapine, that ameliorate symptoms in schizophrenia. By studying mechanisms by which clozapine prevents the NAN reaction in rats, we hope to gain insight into mechanisms by which clozapine or other atypical antipsychotics ameliorate symptoms in schizophrenia. [References: 26]

25. Developmental aspects of NMDA receptor agonists and antagonists in the central nervous system. [Review]. Johnston, M.V. Psychopharmacol.Bull 30:567-575, 1994.

Abstract: Like all pharmacologic agents known, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist compounds have side effects. It is expected that neuroactive molecules have effects, including side effects, in the central nervous system (CNS). With NMDA antagonists in rodents, these side effects are remarkably focal in the cingulate and retrosplenial cortex. The salient features of NMDA antagonist neurotoxicity which should be underscored are hypermetabolism, lactate accumulation, neuronal vacuolization in aldehyde fixed material, and neuronal death in older rodents. The scope of this phenomenon must urgently be determined in non-rodent species, specifically primates. This is important from both a regulatory and neurotherapeutic point of view, since effective molecules having potential in human disease states may also have NMDA antagonist properties. [References: 27]

26. Amantadine and memantine are NMDA receptor antagonists with neuroprotective properties. [Review]. Kornhuber, J., Weller, M., Schoppmeyer, K. and Riederer, P. J Neural Transm.Suppl. 43:91-104, 1994.

27. The glycine site on the NMDA receptor: structure-activity relationships and therapeutic potential. [Review]. Leeson, P.D. and Iversen, L.L. J Med Chem 37:4053-4067, 1994.

Abstract: Age-related changes of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors have been found in cortical areas and in the hippocampus of many species. On the basis of a variety of experimental observations it has been suggested that the decrease of NMDA receptor density might be one of the causative factors of the cognitive decline with aging. Based on these findings several strategies have been developed to improve cognition by compensating the NMDA receptor deficits in aging. The most promising approaches are the indirect activation of glutamatergic neurotransmission by agonists of the glycine site or the restoration of the age-related deficit of receptor density by several nootropics. [References: 40]

28. Laboratory basis of novel therapeutic strategies to prevent HIV-related neuronal injury. [Review]. Lipton, S.A. Res Publ.Assoc.Res Nerv.Ment.Dis. 72:183-202, 1994.

29. Current concepts of ethanol dependence. [Review]. Littleton, J. and Little, H. Addiction. 89:1397-1412, 1994.

Abstract: NMDA receptor-antagonists were tested in dose ranges that have previously been found to produce anticonvulsant and anticataleptic (antiparkinsonian) effects in rats. Non- competitive NMDA receptor-antagonists had strong psychomotor stimulating effects, the competitive ones were weaker in this respect when given systemically. However, when locally injected into the striatum or into the nucleus accumbens, also the competitive NMDA-antagonists induced psychomotor stimulation. If at all, NMDA receptor-antagonists have rewarding effects, then they seem to be elicited only by the non-competitive NMDA receptor-antagonists. In maze tests, sensitive for hippocampally mediated learning, NMDA receptor-antagonists impaired learning. While non-competitive NMDA-antagonists produced learning deficits over the whole dose range tested, competitive ones were only effective at higher dose levels. [References: 33]

30. Therapeutic potential of NMDA antagonists in neurodegenerative diseases. [Review]. McBurney, R.N. Neurobiol.Aging 15:271-273, 1994.

Abstract: Alcohol dependence is considered to be divisible into two types (although the divisions between these are indistinct). These are psychological dependence, in which the rewarding effects of alcohol play a primary role, and chemical dependence, in which adaptive changes in the brain initiate punishing effects on withdrawal of alcohol, and suppression of these becomes the primary motive for using the drug. The neurochemical basis for the rewarding effects of alcohol may be the potentiation of GABA at GABAA receptors (causing relaxation) and release of dopamine from mesolimbic neurones (causing euphoria). The adaptive changes which cause the alcohol withdrawal syndrome are not known for certain, but alterations in GABAA receptors, NMDA receptors and voltage-operated calcium channels all have a claim. However, it is distinctly doubtful whether these all contribute to the negatively reinforcing effects of alcohol that are important in chemical dependence, although they may be important in other pathological effects of alcohol abuse. Current research badly needs better communication between basic scientists and clinicians to establish research goals and to improve current models. [References: 75]

31. Molecular pharmacology of NMDA receptors: modulatory role of NR2 subunits. [Review]. Molinoff, P.B., Williams, K., Pritchett, D.B. and Zhong, J. Prog.Brain Res 100:39-45, 1994.

Abstract: Memory processes and long-term potentiation (LTP) are blocked at the time of their initiation by antagonists of glutamate NMDA or metabotropic receptors, by drugs that hinder the activity of carbon monoxide or the platelet-activating factor, and by GABA type A receptor agonists. In the next 2 h, memory and LTP are accompanied by an enhancement of the activity of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and of protein kinase C, and are blocked by inhibitors of these enzymes. At the time of expression, memory and LTP are blocked by antagonists of glutamate AMPA receptors. The effects of drugs on memory are seen upon their infusion into areas of the brain known to be responsible for the storage and retrieval of declarative memories (hippocampus, amygdala, medial septum, entorhinal cortex) and are both task- and structure-specific. When put together with other pharmacologic findings, with lesion and recording studies, and with data on transgenic animals showing deficits of both memory and LTP, the data reviewed here lend strong support to the hypothesis that LTP in these brain areas underlies memory processes. [References: 66]

32. Glutamatergic treatment strategies for age-related memory disorders. [Review]. Muller, W.E., Scheuer, K. and Stoll, S. Life Sci 55:2147-2153, 1994.

33. Biochemical analysis of glial fibrillary acidic protein as a quantitative approach to neurotoxicity assessment: advantages, disadvantages and application to the assessment of NMDA receptor antagonist-induced neurotoxicity. [Review]. O’Callaghan, J.P.Psychopharmacol.Bull 30:549-554, 1994.

Abstract: This overview describes two effects of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists that are not strictly speaking toxic: There are no signs that cells are dying. Nevertheless, these antagonists, if applied for prolonged periods in young children, could permanently cripple normal brain function. Disturbing the function of the NMDA channel during development can severely disrupt the wiring of defined neural circuits. It also can disrupt the developmental upregulation of the receptor protein itself and possibly many other molecular components of the synapse. [References: 49]

34. Efficacy of clozapine compared with other antipsychotics in preventing NMDA-antagonist neurotoxicity. [Review]. Olney, J.W. and Farber, N.B. J Clin.Psychiatry 55 Suppl B:43-46, 1994.

Abstract: It has been reported that several uncompetitive NMDA receptor ion channel blocking agents (phencyclidine, ketamine, dizocilpine, dextrorphan) cause transient reversible vacuolation in neurons in the posterior cingulate cortex of rats. Similar effects have also been observed with competitive glutamate antagonists such as CPP, CGS 19755 and CGP 37849. This transient morphological change has been noted to be coincident anatomically with brain regions showing hypermetabolism after administration of uncompetitive NMDA receptor ion channel blockers and competitive glutamate antagonists. These results therefore indicate that the functional consequences of NMDA receptor blockade with competitive glutamate and uncompetitive channel antagonists are ultimately the same. These changes do not appear to be a prelude to irreversible damage except after relatively high doses of the receptor ion channel antagonists but they have given rise to concern over the safety in use of NMDA antagonists as neuroprotective agents. In contrast, vacuolation has not yet been demonstrated with agents acting at the glycine (L-687,414) or polyamine (eliprodil) modulatory sites of the NMDA receptor complex suggesting that agents acting at these sites may have a greater potential therapeutic window. [References: 20]

35. Neurotoxicity of NMDA receptor antagonists: an overview. [Review]. Olney, J.W. Psychopharmacol.Bull 30:533-540, 1994.

Abstract: Hypertrophy appears to be a universal response of astrocytes, a central nervous system (CNS) cell type, to all forms of brain injury. The hallmark of this response, often termed "reactive gliosis," is the enhanced expression of the major intermediate filament protein of astrocytes, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Reactive gliosis traditionally has been examined qualitatively by immunohistochemistry of GFAP. But, the widespread availability of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) now makes it possible to quantify damage-induced expression of GFAP as a potential biomarker of diverse neurotoxic insults. To evaluate this possibility, we administered prototype neurotoxicants to experimental animals and then assessed the effects of these agents on the tissue content of GFAP, as determined by a recently developed sandwich ELISA. We found that assays of GFAP reveal dose-, time-, and region-dependent patterns of neural damage, often at toxicant dosages below those that cause light microscopic evidence of cell loss or damage. No false positives have been seen following exposure to a variety of pharmacological agents at therapeutic dosages. With respect to NMDA receptor antagonists, we find that MK-801 causes a large dose-dependent increase in GFAP that, within the cortex, appears to be restricted to the retrosplenial zone. Among the advantages of the CFAP-based approach re its simplicity, objectivity, cost and the fact that the assay can be automated. Among the disadvantages are the need to perform brain dissections and the requirement for a time-course analysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) [References: 18]

36. The putative anti-addictive drug ibogaine is a competitive inhibitor of [3H]MK-801 binding to the NMDA receptor complex. Popik, P., Layer, R.T. and Skolnick, P. Psychopharmacology 114:672-674, 1994.

Abstract: Ibogaine is a putative anti-addictive drug with potential efficacy for the treatment of opiate, stimulant, and alcohol abuse. We now report ibogaine is a competitive inhibitor (Ki, 1.01 +/- 0.1 microM) of [3H]MK-801 binding to N-methyl-D- aspartate (NMDA) receptor coupled cation channels. Since MK-801 can attenuate the development of tolerance to morphine and alcohol as well as sensitization to stimulants in preclinical studies, the reported ability of ibogaine to modify drug-seeking behavior in man may be attributable to a blockade of NMDA receptor coupled cation channels

37. Introduction to principles and procedures in behavioral testing. [Review]. Rice, D.C. Psychopharmacol.Bull 30:593-599, 1994.

38. Behavioural effects of NMDA-receptor antagonists. [Review]. Schmidt, W.J. J Neural Transm.Suppl. 43:63-69, 1994.

Abstract: The pharmacological inhibition of excitatory amino acid neurotransmission has evolved to be a major topic in neuropharmacology since enhanced synaptic action of glutamate and possibly other related neurotransmitters has been suggested to play a role both in acute neurological conditions such as ischemia and epilepsy and in chronic degenerative neurological diseases including Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. While antagonists at N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) type glutamate receptors include psychotomimetic and neurotoxic agents such as phencyclidine and MK-801, the aminoadamantanes represent a class of drugs which may be largely free of such actions and which have already been used clinically as antiviral and antiparkinsonian agents. Multiple in vitro studies have recently delineated the neuroprotective properties of amantadine, and of its more potent congener, memantine, which appear to mediate neuroprotection via inhibition of NMDA receptor- dependent glutamate activity. Thus, neuroprotection targeting glutamate receptors does apparently not have to be associated with prominent psychotogenicity, and the development and evaluation of new neuroprotective drugs will have to performed in consideration both of the relative safety and of the good clinical effect of the already known and established aminoadamantanes. [References: 94]

39. Structural requirements for the development of potent N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor antagonists. [Review]. Bigge, C.F. Biochem Pharmacol 45:1547-1561, 1993.

40. Antagonists of excitatory amino acids and endogenous opioid peptides in the treatment of experimental central nervous system injury. [Review]. Gentile, N.T. and McIntosh, T.K. Ann Emerg.Med 22:1028-1034, 1993.

41. Pharmacologic regulation of the NMDA receptor-ionophore complex. [Review]. Johnson, K.M., Snell, L.D., Sacaan, A.I. and Jones, S.M. NIDA Res Monogr 133:13-39, 1993.

Abstract: NMDA and non-NMDA (AMPA/kainate) antagonists have potential in the treatment of a diverse group of neurological disorders associated with excessive activation of excitatory amino acid receptors. Here Michael Rogawski reviews recent progress in the development of therapeutically useful NMDA receptor channel blockers and a new class of selective AMPA/kainate receptor antagonists, the 2,3-benzodiazepines. Research on these novel noncompetitive excitatory amino acid antagonists has opened promising new avenues for the development of drugs to treat epilepsy, ischaemia, neurodegeneration and Parkinson’s disease. [References: 60]

42. Prospects for clinically tolerated NMDA antagonists: open-channel blockers and alternative redox states of nitric oxide. [Review]. Lipton, S.A. Trends Neurosci 16:527-532, 1993.

43. Heterocyclic modulators of the NMDA receptor. [Review]. Pellicciari, R., Natalini, B., Costantino, G., et al. Farmaco. 48:151-157, 1993.

Abstract: Ethanol, acutely, is a potent and selective inhibitor of the function of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of glutamate receptor in primary cultures of cerebellar granule cells. The effect of ethanol can be reversed by high concentrations of glycine, and nonequilibrium ligand binding studies in brain membrane preparations suggest that ethanol may act by decreasing the frequency of ion channel opening. After chronic consumption of ethanol by animals, the number of NMDA receptors (measured by ligand binding) is increased in many brain areas. Similarly, NMDA receptor function is increased in cerebellar granule cells exposed chronically to ethanol. In the intact animal, this receptor up-regulation may be associated with ethanol withdrawal seizures, which are attenuated by uncompetitive antagonists at the NMDA receptor. In contrast to ethanol, barbiturates have a greater inhibitory effect at the kainate subtype of glutamate receptor than at the NMDA receptor. After chronic barbiturate ingestion, kainate binding is decreased in certain brain areas, while ligand binding to the NMDA receptor is increased. Overall, the pattern of brain area-specific effects of barbiturates on NMDA and kainate receptor function is quite distinct from that of ethanol. [References: 50]

44. Therapeutic potential of excitatory amino acid antagonists: channel blockers and 2,3-benzodiazepines. [Review]. Rogawski, M.A. Trends Pharmacol Sci 14:325-331, 1993.

Abstract: Several acute and chronic neurological diseases might be mediated, at least in part, via stimulation of excitatory amino acid receptors, such as the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. Antagonists of excitatory amino acid receptors ameliorate neurotoxic damage in several animal models of these disorders. This review focuses on the potential for clinically tolerated NMDA receptor antagonists, with emphasis on agents that have been in clinical use for other conditions and that recently have been shown to inhibit NMDA receptor activity by a mechanism of open- channel block or redox modification. [References: 69]

45. Subtypes of NMDA receptors. [Review]. Stone, T.W. Gen.Pharmacol 24:825-832, 1993.

Abstract: Trauma to the central nervous system can lead to primary injuries occurring at the time of impact as well as secondary or delayed injury processes that can result from cellular hypoxia, oligemia/ischemia, edema and swelling, and intracranial hypertension that are manifested over a period of hours to weeks after the initial event. Although the mechanisms underlying delayed tissue injury are poorly understood, they appear to be associated with endogenous neurochemical changes resulting from traumatic nervous system injury. These neurochemical changes may include excessive neurotransmitter release, deregulation of ion homeostasis, and the synthesis, release, or activation of various "autodestructive" neurochemical factors. Experimental studies over the past decade indicate that these alterations mediate important components of the neurochemical cascade leading to central nervous system injury. Furthermore, pharmacologic manipulations of these neurochemical changes have been reported to attenuate secondary central nervous system damage, ameliorate neuronal death, and promote functional recovery after central nervous system injury. This article focuses on the role of excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters, endogenous opioid peptides, and magnesium in the pathophysiology of central nervous system injury and on the therapeutic manipulation of these systems to improve functional outcome after central nervous system injury. [References: 85]

46. Ethanol, sedative hypnotics, and glutamate receptor function in brain and cultured cells. [Review]. Tabakoff, B. and Hoffman, P.L. Behav Genet. 23:231-236, 1993.

47. [NMDA agonists and antagonists]. [Review] [Japanese]. Toki, S. Tanpakushitsu.Kakusan.Koso. 38:1863-1872, 1993.

Abstract: 1. Beginning with electrophysiological evidence for two populations of receptors for N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) which did or did not respond to the agonist quinolinic acid, evidence has grown for such subdivision. 2. Data from binding studies is consistent with differences between three NMDA receptors in the striatum, thalamus and cerebellum with respect to their preferences for agonist or antagonist binding and the modulation of binding by dizocilpine, cations and polyamines. 3. The recent isolation and sequencing of several different molecular species of NMDA receptor supports the view that at least two pharmacologically distinct sites exist, with the cerebellar receptor being unique in the brain. [References: 62]

48. Prevention of post-traumatic excitotoxic brain damage with NMDA antagonist drugs: a new strategy for the nineties. [Review]. Bullock, R., Kuroda, Y., Teasdale, G.M. and McCulloch, J. Acta Neurochir.Suppl.(Wien). 55:49-55, 1992.

Abstract: The design of new heterocyclic derivatives as modulatory agents at EAA receptors is described. In particular, the potent and selective activity at the NMDA receptor of trans-4- hydroxypipecolic acid-4-sulfate, as well as the neuroprotective properties of substituted thiokynurenates, a new class of competitive antagonists at the glycine site of the NMDA receptor complex, are reported. [References: 20]

49. Naturally-occurring excitatory amino acids as neurotoxins and leads in drug design. [Review]. Krogsgaard-Larsen, P. and Hansen, J.J. Toxicol Lett 64-65 Spec No:409-416, 1992.

Abstract: The triad of rigidity, fever, and elevation of serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) levels, labeled ‘neuroleptic malignant syndrome’ (NMS), is a dangerous complication of neuroleptic drug treatment. Amantadine was introduced for the pharmacological management of NMS because of its beneficial effects in Parkinson’s disease which were attributed to direct or indirect dopaminomimetic properties of amantadine. While the dopaminomimetic effects of amantadine are weak under experimental conditions, recent studies have confirmed that amantadine is an antagonist at the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) type of glutamate receptor. Two lines of evidence suggest that amantadine or other NMDA receptor antagonists could be effective drugs for the reversal of NMS symptoms. First, glutamate antagonists restore the balance between glutamatergic and dopaminergic systems when dopaminergic transmission has been antagonized by neuroleptic drugs. Second, by virtue of their effects against rigor and spasticity, NMDA antagonists may reduce increased muscle tone and prevent rhabdomyolysis. In conclusion, NMS may be considered an iatrogenic excitatory aminoacid syndrome which is amenable to NMDA receptor antagonist therapy. [References: 53]

50. Does modulation of glutamatergic function represent a viable therapeutic strategy in Alzheimer’s disease?. [Review]. Lawlor, B.A. and Davis, K.L. Biol Psychiatry 31:337-350, 1992.

Abstract: Excitotoxic mechanisms due to overactivity of the amino acid neurotransmitters glutamate and aspartate maybe responsible for brain damage after injury. In this review we examine ischaemia and shear injury, which are relevant to human head injury. The opportunities for treatment using glutamate antagonist drugs are discussed. [References: 36]

51. A rationale for NMDA receptor antagonist therapy of the neuroleptic malignant syndrome. [Review]. Weller, M. and Kornhuber, J. Med Hypotheses. 38:329-333, 1992.

Abstract: Although glutamate dysfunction has been implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), it is unclear which direction a glutamatergic strategy should take in this illness. Increasing glutamate function may enhance excitotoxicity and neuronal death, whereas decreasing activity in this excitatory amino acid pathway may impair memory processes. Pharmacological modulation of the different NMDA and nonNMDA receptor sites, together with the concept of an agonist versus antagonist approach, are discussed in this review. It would appear that a glutamatergic approach may represent a new and exciting option to pursue in the experimental pharmacotherapeutics of AD. [References: 75]

52. Excitatory amino acids in epilepsy and novel anti-epileptic drugs. [Review]. Chapman, A. and Meldrum, B. Epilepsy Res Suppl. 3:39-48, 1991.

53. NMDA receptor agonists: relationships between structure and biological activity. [Review]. Ebert, B., Madsen, U., Johansen, T.N. and Krogsgaard-Larsen, P. Adv Exp Med Biol 287:483-487, 1991.

Abstract: Recent data on the aptitude of adamantamines to inhibit or to stimulate glutamatergic (NMDA) neuromediation, to display anti- GABAergic and antiglycinergic components (by blocking the Cl- channel), on the one hand, and on the opposition of the central glutamatergic and dopaminergic systems, on the other, could suggest that the glutamatergic (NMDA) or the anti-NMDA activity, exhibited by some adamantamines, could play an important role in the expression of their pharmacological profile. Anti-NMDA properties, for the adamantamines which exhibited them, could be, by themselves or by developing their anti-GABAergic or antiglycinergic components, the first cause of the hypermotility and dopaminomimetic activity induced by these molecules. Glutamatergic (NMDA) component, which could be displayed by some lipophilic or important steric obstruction on azote exhibiting adamantamines, could amplifie the excitating effects of their anti-GABAergic and antiglycinergic components on the limbic system’s brain structures (hippocampus, amygdala) and could contribute to the exhibition of hypomotility, fright, agressivity and convulsions. According to these data, which must be amplier confirmed and deeped, it would be possible to envisage the improvement of adamantamines against the Parkinson’s disease (when they exhibit anti-NMDA activity) or their use against the Alzheimer’s disease and the late stages of the Parkinson’s disease (when they exhibit NMDA activity). [References: 75]

54. N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonists in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease [see comments]. [Review]. Greenamyre, J.T. and O’Brien, C.F. Arch.Neurol. 48:977-981, 1991.

55. Competitive antagonism of glycine at the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. [Review]. Huettner, J.E. Biochem Pharmacol 41:9-16, 1991.

56. Autoradiographic assessment of the effects of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists in vivo. [Review]. McCulloch, J. and Iversen, L.L. Neurochem Res 16:951-963, 1991.

57. Phencyclidine, NMDA receptor and schizophrenia. [Review]. Nishikawa, T., Tanii, Y., Umino, A., et al. Yakubutsu.Seishin.Kodo. 11:65-69, 1991.

Abstract: Current long-term treatment of Parkinson’s disease is inadequate, and improved symptomatic and neuroprotective therapies are needed. Recent interest has focused on the use of antagonists of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of glutamate receptor in Parkinson’s disease. Abnormally increased activity of the subthalamic nucleus is postulated to play a central pathophysiological role in the signs of Parkinson’s disease, and NMDA antagonists may provide a means of decreasing this activity selectively. Like dopaminergic agonists, NMDA antagonists can reverse the akinesia and rigidity associated with monoamine depletion or neuroleptic-induced catalepsy. Very low doses of NMDA antagonists markedly potentiate the therapeutic effects of dopaminergic agonists. There is evidence that the beneficial effects of anticholinergic drugs and amantadine may be mediated, in part, by NMDA receptor blockade. Moreover, NMDA antagonists provide profound protection of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra in the MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6- tetrahydropyridine) and methamphetamine models of Parkinson’s disease. The clinical use of NMDA antagonists may prove useful in Parkinson’s disease to treat symptoms and retard disease progression. [References: 72]

58. Effects of quinolinic and kynurenic acids on central neurons. [Review]. Stone, T.W. and Connick, J.H. Adv Exp Med Biol 294:329-336, 1991.

59. [Action mechanism of adamantamines: do their activity on glutamatergic receptors intervene in the expression of their pharmacological profile?]. [Review] [French]. Vamvakides, A. Ann Pharm.Fr. 49:249-257, 1991.

60. Sites for antagonism on the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor channel complex. [Review]. Wong, E.H. and Kemp, J.A. Annu.Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 31:401-425, 1991.

61. Measuring and controlling the extracellular glycine concentration at the NMDA receptor level. [Review]. Ascher, P. Adv Exp Med Biol 268:13-16, 1990.

62. Do NMDA antagonists protect against cerebral ischemia: are clinical trials warranted?. [Review]. Buchan, A.M. Cerebrovasc.Brain Metab.Rev 2:1-26, 1990.

Abstract: There is considerable interest in the development of NMDA antagonists as potential therapeutic agents in the treatment of convulsant, neurodegenerative and anxiety disorders. Because the clinical use of phencyclidine (PCP) has been precluded by its psychotomimetic effects and abuse potential, there has been concern that other NMDA antagonists including those acting competitively might produce similar untoward effects. However, the studies in animals, reviewed here by Joyce Willetts, Robert Balster and David Leander, suggest that while there are certain similarities in the behavioral effects of PCP-like and competitive antagonists, there are also differences. These differences have implications for the development of NMDA antagonists with less likelihood for producing PCP-like side- effects. [References: 42]

63. Quinoxalinediones as excitatory amino acid antagonists in the vertebrate central nervous system. [Review]. Davies, S.N. and Collingridge, G.L. Int.Rev Neurobiol. 32:281-303, 1990.

64. CGP 37849 and CGP 39551: novel competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists with potent oral anticonvulsant activity. [Review]. Fagg, G.E., Olpe, H.R., Schmutz, M., et al. Prog.Clin.Biol Res 361:421-427, 1990.

Abstract: Perinatal cerebral asphyxia, which results in significant neurologic and cognitive disabilities in infants and children, remains a major health problem. Potential neurologic sequelae include cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and epilepsy. Over the next few years, neuroprotective agents that prevent asphyxial neuronal injury and death are likely to be developed. These agents may also be effective in prophylaxis and treatment of chronic neurologic disorders, including epilepsy and neurodegenerative disorders, such as Huntington disease. [References: 50]

65. Results of N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonists in perinatal cerebral asphyxia therapy. [Review]. Ford, L.M. Pediatr.Neurol. 6:363-366, 1990.

66. Therapeutic potential of NMDA receptor antagonists as neuroprotective agents. [Review]. Foster, A.C., Gill, R., Iversen, L.L., Kemp, J.A., Wong, E.H. and Woodruff, G.N. Prog.Clin.Biol Res 361:301-329, 1990.

67. The behavioral pharmacology of NMDA receptor antagonists [see comments]. [Review]. Willetts, J., Balster, R.L. and Leander, J.D. Trends Pharmacol Sci 11:423-428, 1990.



Documentary maker may film his own death

by admin on Tuesday, January 18th, 2011 | Comments Off

AN ACCLAIMED documentary maker has admitted that he is prepared to die while filming himself taking a powerful hallucinogenic drug that has been hailed as a cure for addiction but linked to a number of deaths around the world.

David Graham Scott, who is based in Glasgow, said that he will take the controversial drug, ibogaine, in a film that will form the final part of his trilogy on Scotland’s drugs culture. In the documentary, provisionally titled The Quick Fix, Scott intends to overcome his own methadone addiction, which he says has plagued him since he stopped using street heroin and prescribed drugs 15 years ago.

Under the supervision of colleagues who are working to set up an ibogaine clinic in London, and a recording team, Scott will be filmed next month undergoing an intense 36-hour hallucinogenic “trip”, from which he hopes to emerge free from his addiction. Although the substance is legal in the UK, where it is classed as an unlicensed, experimental drug, there are wider concerns over its safety. The drug has been banned in the US, Belgium and Switzerland and experts also say that in recent years ibogaine is known to have contributed to at least four deaths in Europe.

Last year, a 35-year-old woman died after taking 500mg of the drug during an informal ibogaine session in Germany. In 2001, an inquest in London into the case of JW, a 40-year-old heroin addict, ruled that the man had died principally from a fatal reaction to the drug.

But with advocates of the substance claiming it is a “magic bullet” for addicts, the Bafta-nominated film-maker says he now plans to put the claims to the test and undergo the treatment as an experiment to get himself clean.

He said: “There is always a chance that there could be some permanent damage or that it could kill you. But I think the positive factors outweigh the negative aspects. I have found methadone impossible to come off. I am doing this because I can’t stand being an addict anymore. This will be my personal story about taking ibogaine.”

The Quick Fix comes after two films in which Scott examined the issue of drugs and his own reasons for becoming embroiled in Britain’s drug culture in the 1980s. In Little Criminals, Scott spent 1999 filming a group of heroin addicts in and around Glasgow. The film, distributed internationally at film festivals by Scottish Screen, also won him a Bafta new talent nomination last year. Beyond The Highlands, screened by STV in 2002, attempted to answer the question of why Scott, originally from Caithness, turned his back on his rural upbringing and embraced Edinburgh’s underground heroin culture.

“This will be a film that shows how the daily routines that an addict has to face demeans them. I also want this to open up the debate about how society treats addicts and to ask questions about alternatives to the methadone programme,” explained Scott.

“There is ample evidence that ibogaine treatment works and that should be explored further. If I make this film and find that it does work there are serious questions that the government is required to answer about its current drug policy. If anything goes wrong, it will be my sole responsibility.”

Scott, now 41, said he first began researching the effects of ibogaine in the mid-1990s. However, with the only legitimate detox programmes available in a limited number of countries, including Panama, Costa Rica and Italy, and costing thousands of pounds, it was not a feasible option. His unofficial ibogaine detox will cost him just under (pounds) 500.

Once under the effects of the drug, extracted from the root bark of a west African plant and used in spiritual rituals in parts of Gabon, Scott hopes to re-evaluate his life experiences. Less than one gram of ibogaine is said to produce stimulant and aphrodisiac effects. Up to three grams produces a mellow euphoric trip during which the user may experience various hallucinations. Up to six grams, the maximum safe dosage, produces powerful near-death experiences.

Those taking the highest doses of ibogaine report that they first enter a dream-like phase that lasts several hours and consists of vivid visions of past memories. The second consists of high levels of analytical mental activity to comprehend the reasons why they drifted into drug-using.

However, Deborah Mash, a professor of neurology at the University of Miami, a world authority on ibogaine, warned of the dangers of taking the drug outwith a strictly regulated environment.

“It should only be taken in the presence of trained medical staff who can administer drugs or revive someone if they get into difficulty.”





Ibogaine lab research
Ibogaine clinical research and experience
Seminars, conferences and presentations
Social sciences
Other articles

Ibogaine: The Book
  • Following the New York University School of Medicine’s International Ibogaine Conference held in 1999, Drs. Kenneth R. Alper of NYU and Stanley D. Glick of the Albany Medical College edited submissions and additions of the proceedings now published by Academic Press.The Alkaloids, Volume 56 brings together the world’s experts on ibogaine. This book represents the state of the art. View the Table of Contents from where you can link to individual PDF files of each of the book’s 16 chapters and index.
  • By special permission of Academic Press The Ibogaine Dossier presents A Contemporary History of Ibogaine in the United States and Europe. The chapter by Kenneth R. Alper, Charles D. Kaplan and Dana Beal portrays the amazing and exciting story of ibogaine development. This selection is of Chapter 14, Volume 56, The Alkaloids, Ibogaine: Proceedings of the First International Conference.

Ibogaine lab research
  • The Ibogaine Dossier continues its historical document collection with the seminal literature review of ibogaine, opioid and stimulant interaction, providing a long unavailable copy of the 1984 Literature Report by Doris H. Clouet, Assistant Director, Testing and Research Laboratory, New York State Drug Abuse Control Commission, Brooklyn, New York. The 1984 Report was supported by a grant of the Dora Weiner Foundation to Dr. Clouet and reviews early literature not readily availale elsewhere. We therefore present The Clouet Report – 1984. The Clouet Report was the first document used to garner scientific support for the use of ibogaine in the treatment of substance use and dependence disorders. Clouet’s review includes thirty peer reviewed papers published between the 1950s and 1980s. The report is in PDF format.
  • A Chronology of Selected Abstracts, Ibogaine: Rapid Method for the Interruption of the Narcotic Addiction Syndrome. The Chronology is an excellent collection of abstracts relating to the use of ibogaine in the treatment of narcotic dependence as well as, addressing safety issues. The document was originally presented at the 20th conference of the American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (AATOD) held in Orlando in October 2004. It is also available as a downloadable PDF document file. PDF files require an Adobe Reader. I you don’t have one, a free version may be obtained from Adobe.
  • An important paper by Stanley Glick and Isabelle Maisonneuve in PDF format Mechanisms of antiaddictive actions of ibogaine
  • Pharmacology of Ibogaine and Ibogaine-Related Substances. A review by Piotr Popik and Phil Skolnick. Appeared as Chapter 3 in "THE ALKALOIDS", Vol.52, 1998.
  • Selected abstracts 18-Methoxycoronaridine and some full-text papers. Review data on this synthetic iboga alkaloid congener developed by the Albany Medical College research group.
  • Ibogaine is one of the psychoactive indole alkaloids isolated from the shrub, Tabernanthe iboga. Preclinical studies demonstrate that ibogaine reduces self-administration of both cocaine and morphine, as well as attenuates the symptoms of morphine withdrawal. Several anecdotal observations in humans seem to support the hypothesis that ibogaine may have antiaddictive properties.
    Now available online: a review article by Piotr Popik and Stanley Glick.
  • Ibogaine a brief history. This easy to read review summarizes the qualities of Ibogaine. It includes research conducted in 1995 and 1996.
  • An evaluation of ibogaine neurotoxicity, including abstracts of relevant papers.
  • The Ibogaine bibliography. References to over 130 scientific articles, most with abstract. Now with coverage of NMDA-receptor review articles. The NMDA-receptor complex has been implicated in the ‘psychological dependence’ pathway.
  • A number of articles have been selected to appear in our special abstracts section because of their thought provoking content.
  • In continuation of the Ibogaine Dossier’s Historical Document Project we are pleased to present an English translation of the first paper published on the extraction and identification of ibogaine. The authors, in fact, named the alkaloid in their 1901 publication: Concerning Iboga, its excitement-producing properties, its composition, and the new alkaloid it contains, ibogaine by J. Dybowski and Ed. Landrin. Also available in PDF format. This article is presented for historical value and not scientific accuracy as much has been learned about ibogaine and its use since 1901.

Ibogaine clinical research and experience
  • The Ibogaine Medical Subculture by Kenneth R. Alper, Howard S. Lotsof and Charles D. Kaplan is available in web page format. For your pleasure and information we present The Ibogaine Medical Subculture published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. The paper is also available in its original pdf format
  • The first long-term study of ibogaine effects. Udi Bastiaans’ paper, Life After Ibogaine discusses the medical, psychological, social and legal history of patients treated with ibogaine. This report is in PDF format.
  • A report by Howard Lotsof on dose and dose regimens for both ibogaine HCl and total alkaloid extracts in PowerPoint slide show format: Ibogaine Therapy: Forms and Dose Regimens
  • Ibogaine therapy has emerged in the last twenty years as a viable option for the treatment of chemical dependence. The Manual for Ibogaine Therapy – Second Revision by Lotsof and Wachtel is intended for ibogaine providers who are concerned with patient safety and the outcome of Ibogaine treatments. The manual presents medical safety data and clinical discussions with links to additional resources. Now also available as The Ibogaine Manual in PDF format. Just click to download. Includes active links.
  • Ibogaine, Trauma and Abreaction: The Treatment of Chemical Dependence.H.S. Lotsof, C.A. Smith F., J. Bastiaans; presented at 40th International Conference on the Prevention and Treatment of Dependencies, ICAA, Amsterdam, 1996.
  • Sometimes the ability to understand a subject comes from being able to understand its beginnings. We are now able to provide a copy of Reaching a State of Wellness: Multistage Explorations in Social Neuroscience This paper by Charles D. Kaplan’s Erasmus University Rotterdam working group provides insight into the early Dutch addict self-help ibogaine scene with a comparison to traditional Tibetan medicine.
  • Treatment of Acute Opioid Withdrawal with Ibogaine. Alper et al.’s review article of ibogaine effects on opioid withdrawal signs of subjects from the United States, The Netherlands and Panama over a period of three decades. A downloadable PDF file is also available.
  • We are pleased to present Ibogaine: Fantasy and Reality , Claudio Naranjo’s chapter on ibogaine from his out of print book, The Healing Journey. A new Introduction by Naranjo as well as a Foreword by Lotsof are included.
  • Long unavailable, Claudio Naranjo, M.D.’s paper, Psychotherapeutic Possibilities of New Fantasy-Enhancing Drugs is now available thanks to the Canadian Research Knowledge Network. Naranjo’s paper was the first to report outside of Africa of the psychotherapeutic benefits of ibogaine.
  • A Preliminary Investigation of Ibogaine: Case Reports and Recommendations for Further Study. A peer reviewed Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment article.
  • Daniel Luciano MD describes observations of treatment with ibogaine
  • Ibogaine in the treatment of chemical dependence disorders: clinical perspectives (A Preliminary Review) H.S. Lotsof. The primary purpose of this paper is to provide general information to the clinician who will be using ibogaine in the treatment of addiction.
  • Alexander Shulgin and Ann Shulgin’s description of ibogaine is scientific but engaged. "Here is an example of a most remarkable material that has allowed people to have some rather complex and dramatic experiences." An excerpt from their book Tihkal, the sequel to Pihkal, a Chemical Love Story.
  • A fascinating account by Sarah Emanon, a psychotherapist who speaks about her own experiences with ibogaine – both as a facilitator and as an experiencer- and her plans to direct an ibogaine clinic in Central America. Interviewer is Primal Therapist Donald A. Allan.
  • Deborah Mash answers Frequently Asked Questions about ibogaine research.
  • Ibogaine in Drug Detoxification. From Preclinical Studies to Clinical Trials
    Deborah C. Mash, Ph.D.
  • Phase I trial conducted at the University of Miami. Juan Sanchez-Ramos, Ph.D., M.D. and Deborah Mash, Ph.D.
  • Ibogaine, een oplossing voor het verslavingsprobleem? A literature review in dutch.
  • Stephen Snelders. Het gebruik van psychedelische middelen in de jaren zestig.
    Netherlands Hallucinogen Research (in dutch)
  • Netherlands Hallucinogen Research 1950 – 1970
    (in english)
    Stephen Snelders
  • Ibogaine in the treatment of narcotic withdrawal
    H. S. Lotsof, E. Della Sera, C.D. Kaplan
  • Pharmacodynamics and therapeutic applications of iboga and ibogaine
    For the Frenchlanguage version. Robert Goutarel[Biographical notes]
  • The Necessity of Addict Self-Help Involvement in Ibogaine Treatment Procedures.

Seminars, conferences and presentations
  • A Calendar of ibogaine conferences, forums and meetings is now available. Conference presentations are listed immediately below.
    1. Kenneth R. Alper reviews the Significance of Unofficial Ibogaine Treatment Scenes.. A PowerPoint presentation.
    2. Rick Doblin’s presentation A Non-Profit Approach to Developing Ibogaine into an FDA-Approved Medication. An excellent how-to manual for drug development. A PowerPoint presentation.
    3. Comparative Development of Ibogaine, Methadone and Buprenorphine. H.S. Lotsof’s presentation from the NYC Iboga and Ibogaine Forum. A historical review of why the government backed the development of some medications and not others. A PowerPoint presentation.
    4. What does the future hold? One vision is 18-methoxycoronaridine (18-MC). Jon Friedlander provides his PowerPoint presentation 18-MC: A Review
  • The Conference on Ibogaine will be held on November 5 and 6, 1999 at the New York University School of Medicine. It is the first meeting to be devoted to the subject of ibogaine to be held at a US academic medical center.
  • The Lindesmith Center Drug Policy Seminars, Winter 1998. March 2: Ibogaine Treatment. The feasibility and effectiveness of ibogaine in treating chemical dependence.
  • Innovative approaches for the treatment of substance abuse for the twenty-first century. U.S. Probation Symposium, New York, June 5, 1997.
  • ICAA 1996 AMSTERDAM. Speakers & abstracts.
    The 1996 International Institute on the Prevention and Treatment of Dependencies Conference Ibogaine Sessions. Meet the researchers and listen to their most recent hypotheses.

    Social sciences
    • The Danish Drug Users Union (BrugerForeningen) hosted drug user advocates from around the world to celebrate International Drug Users Day and the Conference on Drug User Activism. Concurrent to these events were the General Assembly of the International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD) and the fifteenth anniversay celebration of the Danish Drug Users Union. Among the presentations given during the conference was a unique ibogaine slide show directed towards those who would benefit most from ibogaine. Please see: The Ibogaine Community Worldwide – User to User.

    • While the majority of the people of Gabon are familiar with the Bwiti religon and its sacrament Iboga, very few are familiar with ibogaine science. Howard Lotsof, the discoverer of ibogaine’s antiaddictive effects now presents that information. The PowerPoint slide show is available both in english and french. Please see: Iboga and Ibogaine: From the Forest to the Laboratory or L’iboga et l’ibogaïne:  De la forêt au laboratoire

    • Sacrament of Transition (SofT) Protocol for Ibogaine Initiations, a report authored by Anže Tavčar presents information on this European ibogaine based religion not previously available. The report is provided in both a web page format and in a PDF format

    • Bwiti: An Ethnography of the Religious Imagination in Africa by James W. Fernandez contains a superb account of the ibogaine experience in the West-African Bwiti society. We are extremely happy to have the complete Chapter 18 available online.Introduction by Howard S. Lotsof

    • The Religion of Iboga or the Bwiti of the Fangs by P. Barabe, Chief physician, Professor of Tropical Medicine.

    • Pharmacodynamics and therapeutic applications of iboga and ibogaine Robert Goutarel [Biographical notes]     For the French language version of this article.

    • Georgio Samorini’s The Bwiti Religion and the psychoactive plant Tabernanthe iboga (Equatorial Africa). Originally published in Integration, 5: 105-114.


    Other articles


NYU Conference on Ibogaine Nov 5-6, 1999

T. iboga roots

T. iboga roots

The Ibogaine Dossier

Ibogaine Treatment

The philosophy of the editors of the Ibogaine Dossier is to offer a very diverse collection of ibogaine experience reports so that patients and providers as well as ibogaine researchers may gain a comprehensive understanding of the variety of ibogaine effects. We also suggest you read the experiences on other web pages in addition to our collection as those very positive reports also represent the ibogaine reality.

Those persons seeking technical medical information should read The Manual for Ibogaine Therapy.

The personal reports on this page have not been verified by The Ibogaine Dossier editors.

  • Ibogaine Patients’ Bill of Rights What every patient should know.
  • Daniel Luciano MD describes observations of treatment with ibogaine
  • Ibogaine Trip Report Prepared For BrugerForeningen (Danish Drug Users Union).  The report presents up to date status on international cooperation between patients, doctors and user advocacy grougs.
  • Ibogaine and an older couple.   A discovered love and an exploration of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Methadone and Ibogaine: A Patient in Transition, Part I.   A description of a self-administered ibogaine therapy.
  • Another Chance, Part II.   The story continues.
  • Ibogaine treatment: Diary of a Pain Patient An important develpment in ibogaine therapy expands the knowledge of the diversity of information exploring the utility of ibogaine in pain management.
  • Methadone Patient Reports This patient report adds to our understanding of ibogaine effects in the treatment of methadone dependence.
  • Some considerations about ibogaine treatment from the ibogaine mailing list.
  • The "Third" Ibogaine Experience examines fundamental issues of patient rights to determine when, under what circumstances and how many ibogaine treatments should be administered.
  • Who wants to be a junkie?" A magnificanet story of ibogaine treatment and adventure.
  • A report of two self-administration experiences presented by one of the participants. An interesting description as to the distinct effects on each person and, as to the similarities.
  • An infinity of graphical representations continue to show me knowledge, much of which I can but begin to grasp, even though my awareness has expanded a million fold.
  • I took 1.67 grams of pure Ibogaine. I was looked after by someone who had administered about 17 treatments to drug addicts and spiritual seekers. The setting had no spiritual content which made me realize how important it is to provide some kind of spiritual/religious/meditative setting as a base of referral.
  • I ingested the Ibogaine in the evening of December 1st, 1997. After 45 minutes the first wave hit. I had no nausea with the ibo coming on or through the entire journey. Then the second wave hit. The best way to describe the waves would be a freight train plowing through my energy field.
  • It is Wednesday now, nearly 72 hours since I last took any Methadone. I feel very weak, but I am not experiencing any withdrawal symptoms
  • I have never been addicted to any kind of opiates but I most certainly have had my trials with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and coffee. The way I heard about ibogaine was in my search for a REAL treatment of opiate addiction for my husband.
  • Reflections on an ibogaine experience. "I heard about ibogaine from a friend in New York and then requested treatment for me and my boyfriend. We were the first people to be treated in Holland. My ibogaine treatment took place on October 25, 1989, in a hotel room in Amsterdam. My boyfriend had been succesfully treated the day before."
  • I had a window of opportunity and I went through it. I was fortunate enough to be on the receiving end of the "Gift of Freedom" … Ibogaine.
  • A fascinating account by Sarah Emanon, a psychotherapist who speaks about her own experiences with ibogaine – both as a facilitator and as an experiencer- and her plans to direct an ibogaine clinic in Central America. Interviewer is Primal Therapist Donald A. Allan.
  • I am an alcoholic. It absolutely did not work. As for addicts, I was treated along with about 10 heroin addicts who also felt that it probably did not work for them.



Synthetic iboga alkaloid congener

The ibogaine research team at Albany Medical College has developed a synthetic iboga alkaloid congener, 18-methoxycoronaridine (18-MC). Animal research shows that 18-MC shares ibogaine’s anti-addictive properties, possibly without ibogaine’s hallucinogenic effects, possibly not. View the molecular structure at bottom of page.

The most recent research indicates that 18-MC may have anti-HIV activity thus providing a very interesting perspective as a medication capable of treating two vector related disorders: Chemical dependence and HIV. We now await the testing of ibogaine and other iboga alkaloids and congeners to determine if they may also have such broad spectrum activity and to what degree.

The following is a list of selected publications.

1. Anti-HIV-1 activity of the Iboga alkaloid congener 18-methoxycoronaridine. Silva EM, Cirne-Santos CC, Frugulhetti IC, Galvao-Castro B, Saraiva EM, Kuehne ME, Bou-Habib DC. Planta Med. 2004 Sep;70(9):808-12. Abstract

2. Anti-addictive actions of an iboga alkaloid congener: a novel mechanism for a novel treatment. Maisonneuve IM, Glick SD. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2003 Jun;75(3):607-18. Abstract

3. Metabolism of 18-Methoxycoronaridine, an Ibogaine Analog, to 18-Hydroxycoronaridine by Genetically Variable CYP2C19. Zhang W, Ramamoorthy Y, Tyndale RF, Glick SD, Maisonneuve IM, Kuehne ME, Sellers EM. Drug Metab Dispos 2002 Jun 1;30(6):663-669Abstract

4. Antagonism of alpha3beta4 nicotinic receptors as a strategy to reduce opioid and stimulant self-administration. Glick SD, Maisonneuve IM, Kitchen BA, Fleck MW. Eur J Pharmacol 2002 Mar 1;438(1-2):99-105 Abstract

5. Drug discrimination studies with ibogaine. Helsley S, Rabin RA, Winter JC. Alkaloids Chem Biol 2001;56:63-77 Abstract

6. 18-MC reduces methamphetamine and nicotine self-administration in rats. Glick SD, Maisonneuve IM, Dickinson HA. Neuroreport 2000 Jun 26;11(9):2013-5 Abstract

7. Pharmacological comparison of the effect of ibogaine and 18-methoxycoronaridine on isolated smooth muscle from the rat and guinea-pig. Mundey MK, Blaylock NA, Mason R, Glick SD, Maisonneuve IM, Wilson VG. Br J Pharmacol 2000 Apr;129(8):1561-8 Abstract

8. Synthesis of enantiomerically pure (+)- and (-)-18-methoxycoronaridine hydrochloride and their preliminary assessment as anti-addictive agents. King CH, Meckler H, Herr RJ, Trova MP, Glick SD, Maisonneuve IM. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2000 Mar 6;10(5):473-6Abstract

9. 18-Methoxycoronaridine (18-MC) and ibogaine: comparison of antiaddictive efficacy, toxicity, and mechanisms of action. Glick SD, Maisonneuve IM, Szumlinski KK. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2000;914:369-86 Abstract

10. Development of novel medications for drug addiction. The legacy of an African shrub. Glick SD, Maisonneuve IM. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2000;909:88-103 Abstract*

11. Acute iboga alkaloid effects on extracellular serotonin (5-HT) levels in nucleus accumbens and striatum in rats. Wei D, Maisonneuve IM, Kuehne ME, Glick SD. Brain Res 1998 Aug 3;800(2):260-8 Abstract

12. Effects of 18-methoxycoronaridine on acute signs of morphine withdrawal in rats. Rho B, Glick SD. Neuroreport 1998 May 11;9(7):1283-5 Abstract

13. Attenuation of alcohol consumption by a novel nontoxic ibogaine analogue (18-methoxycoronaridine) in alcohol-preferring rats. Rezvani AH, Overstreet DH, Yang Y, Maisonneuve IM, Bandarage UK, Kuehne ME, Glick SD. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1997 Oct;58(2):615-619. Abstract

14. Time-dependent interactions between iboga agents and cocaine. Maisonneuve IM, Visker KE, Mann GL, Bandarage UK, Kuehne ME, Glick SD. Eur J Pharmacol 1997 Oct 8;336(2-3):123-126. Abstract

15. 18-Methoxycoronaridine, a non-toxic iboga alkaloid congener: effects on morphine and cocaine self-administration and on mesolimbic dopamine release in rats. Glick SD, Kuehne ME, Maisonneuve IM, Bandarage UK, Molinari HH. Brain Res 1996 May 6;719(1-2):29-35. Abstract

Check Medline here to find out about the most recent publications.


Rome Burned, Will We?

Ruling class accelerates planned economic implosion

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

As America’s engineered economic implosion accelerates, the parallels with how the Roman empire fell are staggering. It is now abundantly clear that the ruling class is preparing for a planned economic implosion after which they will declare themselves the saviors.

A recent Reuters report highlighting how the Federal Reserve has been telling major banks in the U.S. to prepare for a “worst case scenario” financial collapse and that these banks would not be able to rely on government support underscores once again how the elite are positioning themselves to exploit the next leg of the orchestrated financial meltdown.

Just as happened in the aftermath of 2008, the ruling class is getting ready to offer the solution of more centralized control and more financial serfdom as the solution to the problem they created in the first place.

By making the public and industry beg for QE3, the Federal Reserve will once again try to manipulate the crisis to portray itself as the guardian of a fragile system and accumulate yet more power.

America is now ruled by a gaggle of completely corrupt financial terrorists who will stop at nothing to hollow out the country in pursuit of their own maniacal and selfish gain.

This precisely parallels Rome’s rapacious ruling Emperors and Senators of the fifth century who were so obsessed with seizing wealth and control that they ended up destroying their own culture, their own country and its empire in the process.

Just as in Rome, while the ruling elite got filthy rich, the people struggled and starved.

More than 100 million Americans are now on government welfare, a third of the entire country, and that figure doesn’t even include Social Security or Medicare.

22.3 million households and 46.5 million Americans have now entered technical poverty and live off food stamps.

Just as in Rome, where the need to constantly generate revenue to satisfy the cost of defense and a sprawling bureaucracy ultimately led to the country becoming bankrupt as Nero and subsequently emperors hiked up taxes and debased the currency, America is hurtling towards a similar fate.

Entitlement spending, military defense and a bloated federal bureaucracy has left the United States almost $16 trillion dollars in debt, and the prospect of QE3 threatens to sink the dollar as the world reserve currency for good.

Just as Romans found their currency becoming increasingly worthless, the U.S. dollar has lost almost 100 per cent of its value since 1900.

Just like Rome, America was once a Republic that has been hijacked and turned into an empire. Just as the Roman Empire crumbled under its rulers’ inability to afford its maintenance, America’s overseas presence (the U.S. has troops in a staggering 130 countries), is bankrupting the country.

Like America, Rome once had an influential middle class whose wealth allowed them to have a political stake in their country. Merchants and traders were able to prosper because taxes were modest and economic regulation was relaxed. However, beginning in the third century B.C., the Roman economy became more regimented and taxes were raised. This eviscerated and disenfranchised the middle class, just as has unfolded in America, where middle class neighborhoods are disappearing and income is polarized between a struggling downtrodden mass of people and a tiny rich elite.

When the economic collapse arrives, it could be more brutal than anything America has experienced in its history as a nation.

Consider the fact that during the ten years of the 1929 Great Depression, some 8 million Americans starved to death. And this at a time when 90 per cent of the population lived in rural areas and were at least somewhat self-sufficient. That number is now 50 per cent and many people who live outside major cities are not self-sufficient in any way.

Aside from economic factors, cultural and societal parallels can also be drawn between Rome and 21st century America.

Rome’s increasing use of illegal immigrants to do agricultural work its host population refused to undertake mirrors America in 2012. As Peter Heather writes in The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and Barbarians, “The Roman government allowed uncontrolled hostile immigration to dissolve the fabric of their civilization. Illegal and legal Immigrants grew more powerful while exercising their own character of their cultures. They did not adopt Roman ways. Second, vast blocks of once Roman lands became foreign held and even the Roman population, once outnumbered, was no match for hostile immigrants.”

“Factors that destroyed Rome now manifest in accelerating numbers in America. Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, New York City, San Francisco, Raleigh and all large cities suffer millions of illegal immigrants. Uncounted millions of them cannot and do not speak English. Millions work under the table without paying taxes. Millions use our hospitals without paying. They immigrate but do not assimilate. They colonize in ethnic enclaves separated from Americans. They fracture our country,” writes Frosty Wooldridge.

Just as Roman rulers created bread and circuses to distract their population from the fact that the country was collapsing, Americans are also enraptured by entertainment and sports, which in turn encourages them to lead superficial, meaningless lives.

As Roman poet Juvenal (circa 100 A.D.) wrote, “Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions–everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.”

This loss of interest in civic duty and its replacement with an obsession for entertainment and folly is routinely cited by scholars as one of the primary reasons behind the collapse of Rome.

As Kyle Trottier writes, “In many modern books written about Ancient Rome and her people, the ancient Romans are often portrayed as people who enjoyed violence and thought it amusing to see people being injured and killed to the point of obsession. It is now common knowledge that, in Ancient Rome, people often attended (and enjoyed) gladiatorial fights to the death, wild beast hunts, naval battles and chariot racing. Some public thinkers today have suggested that “entertainment” today, as it was in ancient times of Rome, reflects the decline of culture, into a plethora of lust, greed, violence, selfish individualism and bad behavior. Some Scholars suggest that history is repeating itself and we are now in a reoccurring cycle of moral decay and social breakdown. From the excessive amount of glorified violence in Hollywood movies, video games, music and on the internet, one can easily see the downward spiral of decency.”

The moral decay of the Roman culture is also being aped almost precisely in America. While fertility and birth rates of the host population continue to plummet, sexual promiscuity and infidelity is lauded. As Dr. Carle Zimmerman’s 1947 book Family and Civilization documented, America shares the pattern of its moral decline with Rome. Zimmerman identified a number of behavior traits that signaled the decline of a civilization. These included “the breakdown of marriage and rise of divorce,” “acceleration of juvenile delinquency, promiscuity and rebellion,” “refusal of people with traditional marriages to accept their family responsibilities,” “a growing desire for and acceptance of adultery” and “increasing interest in and spread of sexual perversions and sex-related crimes.”

All of these traits have come to shape American society in the 21st century.

It does not take a crystal ball to see where all this is heading, and the planned economic implosion is going to be the trigger. Europe has already been rocked by riots over the past two years and federal authorities are already preparing for similar scenes in America only on a far bigger scale.

As Ron Paul has warned, the coming engineered financial breakdown is leading directly to domestic unrest which will inevitably lead to a state of martial law.

Riots prompted by food shortages, inflation, inequality and political corruption are inevitable should the ruling class continue to deliberately implode the economy – as is the brutal police state response that will come as a result.

Just as Rome burned when it was sacked in 455AD, the historical point which marked the formal end of the Roman Empire, America faces the same fate.

The only way to prevent or try to lessen the kind of collapse that could make the dissolution of Rome look like a cakewalk is to use the tools that ordinary Romans never had – the power of the modern alternative media.

Only by relentlessly emphasizing that the collapse is being deliberately engineered by those who seek to exploit it for their own gain can we hope to deflate the myth that the ruling class are our only saviors in the coming time of peril.


West Celebrates as Dark Age Descends over Egypt

Tony Cartalucci
Aug 14, 2012

US State Department’s Voice of America boldly proclaimed “Egyptian Media: Military Shakeup ‘Revolutionary’,” airing proclamations from the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood that, “Egyptians have been “dreaming of a fair democratic system for more than 60 years.” It is unlikely that Egyptians have been “dreaming” of an end to their secular system of governance, or “dreaming” of a sectarian extremist political party coming to power, notorious for thuggery, violence, and for being a stalwart pillar of Western machinations.



Image: Mohamed Morsi – hardly a “hardline extremists” himself, he is the embodiment of the absolute fraud that is the Muslim Brotherhood – a leadership of Western-educated, Western-servingtechnocrats posing as “pious Muslims” attempting to cultivate a base of fanatical extremists prepared to intimidate through violence the Brotherhood’s opposition. Failing that, they are prepared to use (and have used) extreme violence to achieve their political agenda.


And already, Egypt’s “democratic dreams” are vanishing like the last wisp of morning mist as the ruling Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt begins rounding up critics amongst the media. AFP recently reported in their article, “Egyptian journalists to be tried for insulting Mursi,” that “television boss Tawfiq Okasha and newspaper journalist Islam Afifi will be tried for “incitement” and insulting Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi.”

Strangely, while similar actions around the world beget howling indignation from organizations including Freedom House, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and IFEX – not to mention the US State Department itself which underwrites each of these faux-human rights advocates – there is not only absolute silence regarding this assault on “freedom of expression,” but instead, a collective chorus of support from the Western media, hailing Morsi’s increasingly despotic dismantling of Egypt’s checks and balances through an increasing aggressive consolidation of power, as a “step forward for revolution.”

Morsi’s assault on Egypt’s press has coincided with “mysterious” sectarian extremist attacks on Egyptian security forces on the Sinai Peninsula, most likely the collective work of Israel and Hamas. Of course, Hamas, an affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood, is a direct creation of Israel (and here), and like the Muslim Brotherhood, is a pillar of US-Israeli machinations throughout the region.

Morsi quickly used the convenient attacks as a pretense to sack various security officials, the momentum of which carried forward to the forced “retirement” of Egypt’s military leadership.

Fortune 500-funded think-tanks including the Council on Foreign Relations and the Brookings Institution would gush over Morsi’s move to extra-legally procure more power – with CFR’s Steven Cook declaring Morsi as “extraordinarily powerful.” Cook would concede however that “in theory,” this is a “more healthy place for Egypt to be in a democratic transition, but you have to raise questions about the democratic credentials of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

So What are the Brotherhood’s “Democratic Credentials?”

Raise questions about the Muslim Brotherhood’s “democratic credentials” indeed. The Muslim Brotherhood is a theocratic sectarian extremist movement, and not only that, but a regional movement that transcends national borders. It is guilty of decades of violent discord not only in Egypt, but across the Arab World and it has remained a serious threat to secular systems from Algeria to Syria and back again.

Today, the Western press has decried Egyptian and Syrian efforts to hem in these sectarian extremists, particularly in Syria where the government was accused of having “massacring” armed Brotherhood militants in Hama in 1982. The constitutions of secular Arab nations across Northern Africa and the Middle East, including the newly rewritten Syrian Constitution, have attempted to exclude sectarian political parties, especially those with “regional” affiliations to prevent the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda affiliated political movements from ever coming into power.

And while sectarian extremists taking power in Egypt and attempting to take power in Syria may seem like an imminent threat to Western (including Israeli) interests – it in reality is a tremendous boon.

Morsi himself is by no means an “extremists” or an “Islamist.” He is a US-educated technocrat who merely poses as “hardline” in order to cultivate the fanatical support of the Brotherhood’s rank and file. Several of Morsi’s children are even US citizens. Morsi will gladly play the part of a sneering “anti-American,” “anti-Zionist” “Islamist,” but in the end, no matter how far the act goes, he will fulfill the West’s agenda.

Already, despite a long campaign of feigned anti-American, anti-Israel propaganda during the Egyptian presidential run-up, the Muslim Brotherhood has joined US, European, and Israeli calls for “international” intervention in Syria. Alongside the CIA, Mossad, and the Gulf State despots of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Syrian affiliates have been funneling weapons, cash, and foreign fighters into Syria to fight Wall Street, London, Riyadh, Doha, and Tel Aviv’s proxy war.

In a May 6, 2012 Reuters article it stated:

“Working quietly, the Brotherhood has been financing Free Syrian Army defectors based in Turkey and channeling money and supplies to Syria, reviving their base among small Sunni farmers and middle class Syrians, opposition sources say.”

The Muslim Brotherhood was nearing extinction in Syria before the latest unrest, and while Reuters categorically fails in its report to explain the “how” behind the Brotherhood’s resurrection, it was revealed in a 2007 New Yorker article titled, “The Redirection” by Seymour Hersh.

The Brotherhood was being directly backed by the US and Israel who were funneling support through the Saudis so as to not compromise the “credibility” of the so-called “Islamic” movement. Hersh revealed that members of the Lebanese Saad Hariri clique, then led by Fouad Siniora, had been the go-between for US planners and the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

Hersh reports the Lebanese Hariri faction had met Dick Cheney in Washington and relayed personally the importance of using the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria in any move against the ruling government:

“[Walid] Jumblatt then told me that he had met with Vice-President Cheney in Washington last fall to discuss, among other issues, the possibility of undermining Assad. He and his colleagues advised Cheney that, if the United States does try to move against Syria, members of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood would be “the ones to talk to,” Jumblatt said.” –The Redirection, Seymour Hersh

The article would continue by explaining how already in 2007, US and Saudi backing had begun benefiting the Brotherhood:

“There is evidence that the Administration’s redirection strategy has already benefitted the Brotherhood. The Syrian National Salvation Front is a coalition of opposition groups whose principal members are a faction led by Abdul Halim Khaddam, a former Syrian Vice-President who defected in 2005, and the Brotherhood. A former high-ranking C.I.A. officer told me, “The Americans have provided both political and financial support. The Saudis are taking the lead with financial support, but there is American involvement.” He said that Khaddam, who now lives in Paris, was getting money from Saudi Arabia, with the knowledge of the White House. (In 2005, a delegation of the Front’s members met with officials from the National Security Council, according to press reports.) A former White House official told me that the Saudis had provided members of the Front with travel documents.” –The Redirection, Seymour Hersh

It was warned that such backing would benefit the Brotherhood as a whole, not just in Syria, and could effect public opinion even as far as in Egypt where a long battle against the hardliners was fought in order to keep Egyptian governance secular. Clearly the Brotherhood did not spontaneously rise back to power in Syria, it was resurrected by US, Israeli, and Saudi cash, weapons and directives.

Likewise, its rise into power in Egypt was facilitated by Western-backed and funded destabilization, sometimes referred to as the “Arab Spring.”

US-backed Sedition, Not Revolution Has Seized Egypt

In January of 2011, we were told that “spontaneous,” “indigenous” uprising had begun sweeping North Africa and the Middle East, including Hosni Mubarak’s Egypt, in what was hailed as the “Arab Spring.” It would be almost four months before the corporate-media would admit that the US had been behind the uprisings and that they were anything but “spontaneous,” or “indigenous.” In an April 2011 article published by the New York Times titled, “U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings,” it was stated (emphasis added):

“A number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the revolts and reforms sweeping the region, including the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and grass-roots activists like Entsar Qadhi, a youth leader in Yemen, received training and financing from groups like the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights organization based in Washington.”

The article would also add, regarding the US State Department-funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED):

“The Republican and Democratic institutes are loosely affiliated with the Republican and Democratic Parties. They were created by Congress and are financed through the National Endowment for Democracy, which was set up in 1983 to channel grants for promoting democracy in developing nations. The National Endowment receives about $100 million annually from Congress. Freedom House also gets the bulk of its money from the American government, mainly from the State Department. “

It is hardly a speculative theory then, that the uprisings were part of an immense geopolitical campaign conceived in the West and carried out through its proxies with the assistance of disingenuous organizations including NED, NDI, IRI, and Freedom House and the stable of NGOs they maintain throughout the world. Preparations for the “Arab Spring” began not as unrest had already begun, but years before the first “fist” was raised, and within seminar rooms in D.C. and New York, US-funded training facilities in Serbia, and camps held in neighboring countries, not within the Arab World itself.

In 2008, Egyptian activists from the now infamous April 6 movement were in New York City for the inaugural Alliance of Youth Movements (AYM) summit, also known as There, they received training, networking opportunities, and support from AYM’s various corporate and US governmental sponsors, including the US State Department itself. The AYM 2008 summit report (page 3 of .pdf) states that the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, James Glassman attended, as did Jared Cohen who sits on the policy planning staff of the Office of the Secretary of State. Six other State Department staff members and advisers would also attend the summit along with an immense list of corporate, media, and institutional representatives.


Image: The Serbian Otpor fist… in Egypt? The same US organizations that trained & funded Serbians to overthrow their government in 2000, were behind the April 6 Movement and the Egyptian “Arab Spring.” Sun Tzu in the Art of War said, “all warfare is deception.” In fourth generation warfare, no deceit is greater than convincing people they are “liberating” themselves when in reality they are dividing and destroying their nation so that Wall Street & London’s network of already in-place NGOs can take over. This, while a suitable proxy is put in office as PM or president. In Egypt, these NGOswould already have a new constitution drafted and ready before the fall of Hosni Mubarak.


Shortly afterward, April 6 would travel to Serbia to train under US-funded CANVAS, formally the US-funded NGO “Otpor” who helped overthrow the government of Serbia in 2000. Otpor, the New York Times would report, was a “well-oiled movement backed by several million dollars from the United States.” After its success it would change its name to CANVAS and begin training activists to be used in other US-backed regime change operations.

The April 6 Movement, after training with CANVAS, would return to Egypt in 2010, a full year before the “Arab Spring,” along with UN IAEA Chief Mohammed ElBaradei. April 6 members would even be arrested while waiting for ElBaradei’s arrival at Cairo’s airport in mid-February. Already, ElBaradei, as early as 2010, announced his intentions of running for president in the 2011 elections. Together with April 6, Wael Ghonim of Google, and a coalition of other opposition parties, ElBaradei assembled his “National Front for Change” and began preparing for the coming “Arab Spring.”


Photo: From left to right, ICG members Shlomo Ben-Ami, Stanley Fischer, Shimon Peres, and Mohamed ElBaradei. Despite claims that Mohomed ElBaradei is “anti-Israeli” or “anti-West,” it is a documented fact that he is indeed an agent of the Wall Street-London corporate-fascist global oligarchy, and a member of the International Crisis Group which includes several current and former senior Israeli officials. The same charade is now taking place with Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood.


An April 2011 AFP report would confirm that the US government had trained armies of “activists” to return to their respective countries and enact political “change,” when US State Department’s Michael Posner stated that the “US government has budgeted $50 million in the last two years to develop new technologies to help activists protect themselves from arrest and prosecution by authoritarian governments.” The report went on to explain that the US “organized training sessions for 5,000 activists in different parts of the world. A session held in the Middle East about six weeks ago gathered activists from Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon who returned to their countries with the aim of training their colleagues there.” Posner would add, “They went back and there’s a ripple effect.”

That ripple effect of course, was the “Arab Spring” and the subsequent destabilization, violence, and even US armed and backed warfare that followed. While nations like Libya and Tunisia are now run by a BP, Shell, and Total-funded Petroleum Institute chairman and a US NED-funded “activist” respectively, Egypt had managed to ward off and expose the US’ first proxy of choice, Mohammed ElBaradei, who’s own movement was forced to denounce him as a Western agent.

[Mamdouh Hamza. Image from]

Photo: Mamdouh Hamza collaborated with Mohamed ElBaradei in executing the premeditated, US-engineered destabilization of Egypt in January 2011. Most likely to remove ElBaradei’s terminally infected public image, he has finally outed ElBaradei as a member of George Soros’ International Crisis Group and accused him of having “strong ties to Zionism.” Hamza himself, however, is just as compromised as ElBaradei, perhaps more so.


The Egyptian military would then strike at seditious Western-funded NGOs, seeking to undermine the source of destabilization, the conduit through which US money and support was being funneled through to “activists,” and expose the true foreign-funded nature of the political division that has gripped the nation for now over a year.

A February 2012 AP article reported that Egypt’s generals declared, “we face conspiracies hatched against the homeland, whose goal is to undermine the institutions of the Egyptian state and whose aim is to topple the state itself so that chaos reigns and destruction spreads.” Clearly, this was an accurate observation, not a political ploy to undermine “opposition” activists, with similar US-hatched conspiracies documented and exposed from Tunisia all the way to Thailand.

With the more “blunt” instrument of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood taking the reins in the wake of ElBaradei’s fall, the West will inevitably face a reckoning in the distant future after the Muslim Brotherhood has served its purpose. Until then, it seems to be doing a masterful job disassembling the institutions, checks, and balances of Egypt’s secular government. Egypt’s “revolution” has gone from a quasi-pliable proxy dictatorship, to one both more hardline and brutal domestically, and more pliable and willing in terms of serving Western interests abroad.

A Dark Age Descends Upon Egypt

For the average Egyptian, a dark age has begun to descend – one where freedom of speech is still curbed, the press still muzzled, an autocratic despot still holding the reins of power, but also one where the largest military in the Arab World is commanded by hardline theocratic sectarian extremists with regional ambitions and affiliations along with a proven track record of shedding blood within and beyond its own borders.


McCain (left) and Kerry (right) gesticulate as they explain Wall Street and London’s agenda within the confines of an Egyptian Coca-Cola factory. This was part of a trip surveying the effects of their US-funded opposition overthrowing Hosni Mubarak’s government. While war and destruction seem approaching over the immediate horizon, the final goal is global corporate-financier hegemony being extended over Egypt and its neighbors. Morsi will inevitably, but quietly prepare the grounds for the machinations described by McCain and Kerry in 2011.


With the NATO-created terrorist safe-haven of Libya to Egypt’s west, and the epicenter of Arab World despotism, Saudi Arabia to its east, a corporate-financier underwritten terrorist empire is rising from the barren north of Mali, to the oil rich shores of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates.

There is no revolution. Instead, a violent, extremist multinational front has been assembled, as it was planned since 2007, to array sectarian extremists against the collective influence and interests of Hezbollah in Lebanon, the government of Syria, and the Islamic Republic of Iran. By consequence, this brazen geopolitical conspiracy targets both Russia and China as well, setting the stage for even greater global conflict. It is a conspiracy that will be paid for with secular, moderate Muslim, and non-Muslim blood across the region, the destruction of ancient culture and traditions, and the regression of all social and economic progress made since the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

Tony Cartalucci is the writer and editor at Land Destroyer

Another false flag attack appears imminent; here’s how to protect yourself and your family NOW

Mike Adams
July 25, 2012

In the tragic aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado shooting which has all the earmarks of a staged “false flag” event, a follow-up false flag now appears imminent. To be effective in achieving its political aim, it will have to be orders of magnitude larger and more deadly than what took place in Colorado. This article is largely focused on the safety solutions for you and your family, because above all I want people to be safe. But before we get that part, let’s explore the logical reasoning behind why another false flag attack appears imminent.

For starters, the Batman movie theater shooting was obviously staged (…).

False Flag

The evidence of this includes eyewitness reports of multiple shooters, James Holmes being drugged out of his mind in court (a common tactic used against patsies), his work as a graduate student in a government-funded neuroscience program that specifically researched altered perception of time and reality, and Holmes having somehow obtained the skill set to build a highly complex maze of makeshift grenades, binary liquid explosives, intricate flammable devices, trip wires and booby traps. The attack in Aurora, Colorado was not a run-of-the-mill random violent act by a graduate student; it was a carefully planned, plotted, funded, and well-trained attack carried out for a specific purpose.

This fact is now obvious to well-informed NaturalNews readers, who, compared to the general public, tend to have far more in-depth knowledge of the way the world works. But as our stories have recently received unprecedented readership — recently surged beyond the web traffic of the BBC (source: — it has unfortunately reached the “dumbed-down masses” who aren’t regular alternative news readers and therefore have very little knowledge of reality.

So for those who don’t believe any of this, simply go back to sleep and change the channel. It is not mandatory for you to understand reality in order to experience it. But for those who seek understanding and knowledge of the real forces at work in our world, keep reading.

What was the purpose of the attack?

Once you realize the attack was planned, funded and carried out for a deliberate purpose, the obvious question becomes: For what purpose was it carried out?

The answer to that question is found in many places, including the novel 1984 by George Orwell, in which the nation state is locked in a perpetual state of fabricated war in order for the government to maintain total control over its population. It is now well established that the Oklahoma City bombing was conducted for much the same purpose, as it explained in the outstanding documentary “A Noble Lie” ( Do not make the mistake of thinking you know the true history of Oklahoma City unless you’ve seen this documentary. Had the Oklahoma City bombing been carried out today, during the time of the ubiquitous internet, it would have been almost instantly revealed to be a staged false flag attack. The official explanation of the event is so self-contradictory — and the cover-up so sloppy — that it only succeeded due to a mainstream media monopoly which existed at the time but has since been shattered by the rise of the alternative, independent media like NaturalNews.

The real history of the world — not the fairy tale history you were taught in government-run schools — is a history of government groups and leaders staging events to blame them on their enemies. The “false flag” tactic is so remarkably effective that it has been used since the time of the Romans and continues to this day. Anyone who does not yet realize this truth is simply ignorant of factual history. America’s public school system, of course, is run by the government itself which selectively alters accounts of history to fit its present-day political fairy tale. This altered history is also depicted in great detail in the novel 1984. (…)

A similarly fresh look at actual history is also described in the outstanding book by the progressive author Howard Zinn entitled, “A People’s History of American Empire.” ( This book reveals the imperialist side of American history that’s almost never taught in public school. An even more interesting read, by the way, is A Patriot’s History of the United States: From Columbus’s Great Discovery to the War on Terror (…). And I highly recommend “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins (…) as well as “The Secret History of the American Empire,” also by Perkins (…).


What we learn from the open-minded study of history often shatters whatever youthful illusions we may have been taught in school. As it turns out, individuals in government who insatiably seek power are not just cruel and inhumane; they’re often sociopathic. They have a disease, and that disease makes them think they can create a perfect world if everybody else would simply do as they’re told. This disease quickly festers into tyranny; and tyranny into genocide.

Once this disease takes hold of their minds — as it routinely does with Senators, Presidents, dictators and others who incessantly seek power — there is absolutely nothing they won’t do in order to feed their desire for yet more power. Tactics used by these tyrants throughout the history of the world include stuffing ballot boxes, conducting assassinations, blackmailing enemies and of course staging false flag attacks to justify an expansion of power. See Operation Northwoods for an open admission that the U.S. government carefully plotted, planned and was about to carry out its own false flag terror attack in order to justify war:

The real question to ask yourself in all this is, historically speaking, how did the 9/11 attacks help President Bush, for example? If you recall, he used the tragedy to boost his own ratings in the polls to an astonishing 80% support level, then staged a “heroic bull-horning event” by climbing a heap of rubble and ground zero and delivering a supposedly impromptu — but actually well prepared — speech that helped lay the groundwork for the liberty-crushing Patriot Act that still haunts the ghost of a free America to this day.

President Clinton reportedly credited the Oklahoma City bombings for strengthening his reelection in 1996. One well-placed bomb, it seems, can alter the fortunes of major political players. Never mind the fact that, in retrospect, all the evidence available today clearly and irrefutably points to the event having been staged by rogue elements within the U.S. government itself. Again, see the film “A Noble Lie” for a full review of the stunning evidence.

Similarly, President Reagan has the staged embassy hostage crisis in 1980 to thank for his victory over President Carter. Those hostages were released the very same day Reagan was sworn in as President. “The hostages were formally released into United States custody the following day, just minutes after the new American president Ronald Reagan was sworn into office,” reports Wikipedia. (

The point of all this is that crisis always concentrates power into the hands of the government. Therefore, staging crisis accelerates that concentration of power. Because power is what all ambitious government operatives ultimately seek, this is the primary purpose of staging a false flag attack in the first place.

The lower Obama gets in the polls, the greater the risk of a large-scale staged event

If Obama were high in the polls right now, with no risk of losing his re-election bid in November, the risk of a large-scale false flag attack in the months ahead would be minimal. It is the risk of him losing the election that creates the high risk of a false flag operation. Curiously, Obama himself may have absolutely no knowledge of any of this.

Most likely, the kind of dirty work that results in false flag attacks is carried out by “handlers” and unelected power brokers who control much of what transpires on the world stage. As long as these power brokers see Obama’s second term as a positive thing for shoring up their global control, they will pull out all the stops to make sure he gets reelected, including (but not limited to) staging a false flag event that Obama himself may not even be aware of until the last minute. It’s easier for his reaction to the tragedy to appear sufficiently authentic, after all, if he’s actually not in the loop.


Why the next false flag may be orders of magnitude larger

If the Aurora Colorado shooting was just a warm-up, a truly paradigm-altering false flag event would have to be something orders of magnitude larger and more horrifying. To really tip the scales in favor of total government control and the complete annihilation of all remaining liberties in America, a truly massive event would have to be staged (or allowed to transpire) such as:

• The release of a nuclear “dirty bomb” in a major U.S. city.
• The ICBM nuking of a major U.S. city.
• Nuclear power plant sabotage leading to meltdown.
• The mass poisoning of Americans via a water supply chemical attack.
• The release of a deadly biological weapon.
• A large-scale bombing on the scale of 9/11.

For the purposes of seizing control over the nation, the more visually horrifying the attack, the better. This provides video footage that can be played over and over again on the evening news, searing into the minds of the public the visual horror of an attack which is blamed on a selected political enemy or even an entire political movement.

Because of this, you can expect the next false flag to be:

• Very large, killing not just a dozen people but thousands.

• Very bloody, for the purpose of showing such images on the news.

• Timed to support the election of whichever President the global controllers want in office. Let’s analyze this briefly:

False flag timing: Before the election or after the election?

If an attack happens before the November election, it would support Obama and help him get reelected. If Romney wins, on the other hand, and an attack happens after the election but before the inauguration, it would support Obama declaring Martial Law and seizing control of the country under emergency powers. If Romney wins and an attack happens after the inauguration in January, it would support Romney’s and make him appear heroic much like Bush in 2001. This would soon be followed by a Romney-led push for more restrictions on whatever freedoms or liberties could be conceivably tied to the attack by the mainstream (lying) media.

So the TIMING of these events tells you a wealth of information about the PURPOSE behind them. If no false flag events are witnessed between now and early 2013, it would indicate that the global controllers feel power is trending in their direction anyway and no special intervention is necessary.

False flags are used to stop the rise of liberty

False flags also tend to take place when the global controllers detect a “wave of liberty” starting to gain traction among the populace. When talk of liberty or the Bill of Rights begins to rise above the usual drone of infobabble, a false flag is often staged and then blamed on so-called “extremist” speech, which inevitably boils down to any speech that questions the credibility of Big Government. If you listen carefully to the rhetoric of any White House, you’ll discover that “extremism” means anything that does not agree with that particular administration’s political agenda. In 1943, growing your own food and even selling fresh milk was considered an act of patriotism — victory gardens! But in 2012, selling fresh milk is considered a criminal activity associated with the “sovereign” movement which, itself, is linked to so-called “extremism.”

This, itself, should be a red alert warning that tyranny has arrived. When the simple pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is equated with extremism by the government, it’s a sign that we’ve all fallen deeper down the rabbit hole of tyranny than you might have suspected.


As further evidence of false flags being used to stifle the rise of liberty, consider this: The Oklahoma City bombing was staged just as “right wing” ideas were gaining audience share on talk radio. Regardless of whether you prefer the adrenaline jolt of Alex Jones or the hypnotic drone of NPR, the attempted blaming of Rush Limbaugh following the Oklahoma City bombing was one of the most cowardly and absurd political attempts to censor free speech that our nation has ever witnessed. We may or may not agree with Rush, but if we are true Americans, we must at least agree that the man has the right to speak his mind.

Similarly, in 2001 as the “patriot movement” was gaining steam, the 9/11 attacks turned the tables on the freedom movement and resulted in the suffocating “Patriot Act” being passed that gave the government vast new police powers for surveillance, arrest, detention and more. Never mind the fact that building 7 was never even hit by airplanes and yet was quite obviously brought down by an expert demolition team using a highly engineered maze of intricately-timed explosive charges that had to have been placed in the building weeks in advance (

Whatever next false flag event is being planned could be the final nail in the coffin for American liberty. Obama has already put in place the NDAA that denies Americans due process ( He promised to never use it, but that promise will, of course, be instantly revoked once a sufficiently large attack takes place. One nuclear explosion, placed not only in the right city, but more importantly in the right narrative context via the media and government, could condemn an entire generation of Americans to suffocating under the boot of tyranny, stripped of all rights, enslaved by a dictatorial police state regime that they falsely believe is protecting them from the very terrorism it initiated.

One attack away from total surrender

Today, America is just one large false flag event away from surrendering to total government dictatorship… assuming the horrifying event can be properly blamed on the right parties — in this case, anyone who believes in the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights, or even someone who is a supporter of the ACLU and the concept of “civil rights.”

In the footsteps of a sufficiently large false flag attack — something on the scale of a nuclear attack on a major U.S. city, for example — you can expect all the following to be rolled out:

• TSA on street corners, in shopping malls, movie theaters, a total police state rollout.

• Domestic units of the U.S. military running patrols, going door to door and demanding everyone’s firearms. (Already happened in New Orleans following hurricane Katrina.)

• Frequent roadside checkpoints run either by the TSA or the military, complete with bulletproof checkpoint booths, strip searches and frequent sexual molestation by TSA pedophiles and perverts. (….)

• The activation of FEMA camps and the hustling of “economic refugees” into those camps to be starved to death or exterminated, all in secret. Watch the “lost” episode of Jesse Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theory” show on FEMA camps right here:

• The abolishment of the Second Amendment and the forced confiscation — at gunpoint — of all guns from private citizens, thereby concentrating control of those guns in the hands of the government. This imbalance of power is always necessary right before governments commit mass genocide.


• Total government control over the internet. An outlawing of all online speech that criticizes the government or reports the truth about anything. Only the White House version of events (fairy tales) will be allowed. All else will be censored or shut down.

• The “secret disappearance” of journalists, activists or anyone who dares to ask legitimate questions about what’s going on.

• The inevitable rise of an underground railroad information network which seeks to expose the lies of government and the real story behind the false flag attacks.

• A massive, nationwide rollout of spy drones to surveil all Americans from the sky.

• The recruitment and deployment of at least 500,000 new “citizen spies” who work as informants for the Department of Homeland Security and are given cash rewards for calling in accusatory reports about their neighbors, family members or even their own parents. “My daddy said he didn’t like the government!” “Don’t worry, little boy, agents are on their way to make an arrest…” Watch for the rolling out of thought crimes enforcers like those depicted in the sci-fi movie Minority Report.

• The complete abolition of freedom. No home gardens, no weapons in the hands of citizens, no public protests, no banking privacy, no choice in anything that really matters. This is what’s coming if another sufficiently large false flag attack is rolled out in America.

How to protect yourself from the next false flag attack

Here’s the really important part of this article. First there is the question of how to protect yourself from the attack itself. And then, secondly, there’s the question of how to protect yourself from the rise of the police state which follows the attack.

Protecting yourself from the initial attack is fairly straightforward:

#1) Don’t live in a major U.S. city. All the likely targets are, of course, high population density areas. They include Los Angeles, Seattle, New York, Houston and Chicago. Each day that you live in a large U.S. city is a day of risk that you will be caught in a false flag attack.

#2) Have your preparedness pack ready. Make sure you cover all the basics: Stored food, water, water filters, communications, first aid, self defense and so on. (See resources, below.)

#3) Have a bug-out location ready. Whether it’s a family member’s house in the country or a cabin in the woods, have a bug-out location picked out and ready in advance. Read the book “Patriots” by James Wesley Rawles. (…)

#3) Practice bugging out without using the major roads or highways. Remember, all major roads will either be clogged with traffic or held to a standstill due to TSA checkpoints. You’ll need an alternate route.

#4) Have radiation pills and pandemic defense pills ready. Radiation pills are, of course, KI pills (potassium iodide). “Pandemic defense pills” are, above all, high-dose vitamin D supplements but may also include upper respiratory defensive herbal tinctures such as Lomatium or star anise. Radiation detection stickers — “Rad Stickers” — are available

The false flag depopulation strategy via a staged biological attack

Understand, importantly, that in the case of a biological attack, the higher the fatality of a biological weapon, the faster it burns out through the population. It would be a tactical mistake for an enemy of the People to develop and release a biological weapon with, for example, a fast-acting “98% kill rate” because its overall fatality would be low due to the fact that its carrierswould die before they could spread it to others.


The most “effective” biological weapon to deploy in terms of an enemy attack or a false flag staged attack is one with a fatality rate under five percent. This way, 95% of the population becomes “carriers” while even a five percent death rate is enough to spread mass fear and terror and therefore accomplish the desired political aim.

A biological attack is very, very easy to blame on anyone you wish. All the evidence needed to convict someone of, for example, breaking into a laboratory, stealing biological weapons samples, then releasing them in a major airport can simply be fabricated at will. We’ve all seen, for example, Forrest Gump shaking hands with President Nixon (, even though such an event never took place. Today’s video engineering technology makes it ridiculously easy for a government to fabricate convincing evidence and thereby blame anyone they wish.

Should a biological attack actually unfold, expect to see the CDC spearheading calls for mandatory “gunpoint” vaccinations of the entire population. Anyone who resists will be condemned a “threat to public health,” arrested, quarantined and forcibly vaccines. All the vaccines, of course, will be laced with infertility chemicals or stealth viruses ( This is the ultimate goal of the globalists: to get the population to voluntarily line up to be injected with what are essentially infertility chemicals and thereby remove those individuals from the future of the human gene pool.

For review, here’s how a biological false flag would likely be structured:

Development of biological weapon with under 5% mortality but high spread rate –> False flag biological weapons release –> Blame framed on convenient enemy –> Outbreak of fear multiplied by the media –> CDC calls for mandatory vaccines –> People line up for vaccines –> Vaccines are laced with stealth infertility viruses –> Population reduction goal accomplished.

Bill Gates declares history and the human gene pool collapses by 50 – 90 percent, removing from the gene pool the DNA of people who are foolish enough to follow government medical instructions. In globalist circles, this is probably referred to as “natural selection,” and they may actually be right about that point.

Learn more details about surviving any false flag attack in my course, “How to protect and defend yourself, your family and your property during the coming collapse” at:

How to protect yourself AFTER the attack

This is where things get tricky. Surviving the initial attack is relatively straightforward, but making it through the subsequent police state will be nothing short of a nightmare.

Before every revolution of liberty, it seems, there must be a period of great suffering before awakening achieves a critical mass. People don’t realize what’s going on, in other words, until the situation gets really, really bad. And usually by that time the police state tyranny is deeply entrenched and the secret arrests (or mass murders) have already begun. (Read your history, folks, if this doesn’t already ring a bell for you.)


The ultimate answer to surviving the situation after the attack is to help defend and restore liberty in your country. During that effort, surviving means laying low and avoiding direct confrontation with the oppressive government while working to restore Democracy and defend the Republic.


You cannot individually achieve victory against a tyrannical police state by using force. No one person — or even a small group of people — can out-gun the military, for example. The real victory is achieved through information that ultimately educates the masses to the point where the military refuses to support an oppressive regime; hence the name “info war” to describe the process by which victory is achieved through education and the spread of liberating information.

Becoming part of the info war, even in the form of being an advocate of the “underground information railroad,” is crucial to restoring Democracy and the Republic. The laborious process of achieving an overthrow of any given tyranny may take years of dedication and suffering. During this time, all the basic supplies you need to live will be in short supply because they will be controlled by the government: food, medicine, electricity, gasoline, heating fuel, precious metals and probably even garden seeds. A large underground economy will spring up, and people will begin to engage in new crimes such as “seed smuggling” or “selling home-grown vegetables” — both of which will be felony crimes because they express a level of freedom that the tyrannical government will not tolerate. (See the movie “Hunger Games” for a dystopian futuristic depiction of this.)

Because of this, the more you take action TODAY to store food, medicine, seeds, silver, ammo and other basic necessities (even pencils and toilet paper), the better you’ll be able to cushion yourself against the starvation, disease and destitution put in place by the government itself. Governments gone bad inevitably do this because every tyrant drives his own population into poverty in order to create vast wealth gaps between the enslaved masses and the government rulers. North Korea is perhaps the best example of this today, but other examples abound across the span of history (Stalin, Mao, Hitler, etc).

Thus, once again, your best defense against the aftermath of a false flag attack is to have street smarts about avoiding arrest and staying out of trouble while also having a hidden store of essential goods that can keep you healthy, alive and “wealthy” in the barter sense. Meanwhile, fight to protect and defend the Constitution (if you’re an American) against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Restore liberty, resist tyranny and stay alive.

Survival nutrition

Among all the topics I cover, I have perhaps become best known as a “survival nutritionist,” meaning I specialize in survival nutrition strategies. In the Middle Ages, kings maintained power over their enslaved populations by, in part, starving them to the point of stunted growth. This is why kings, knights and royal families were physically larger and intimidating: the peons were starved into small stature while the royal families consumed an excess of calories that simply were not allowed to the working poor.

The crucial point to understand here is that if the government can separate you from real food, they can eventually control you. So one of the best defenses against tyranny is to have your own stores of highly nutritious foods – superfoods are best. As a side note, Monsanto seeks corporate control over the world’s food supply through intellectual property claims over genetically modified seeds. This, too, is a form of corporate tyranny that parallels the aims of many governments.

Importantly, getting squared away with emergency preparedness nutrition does not, in my opinion, mean rush out and buy the cheap, low-cost “survival” foods commonly sold everywhere. Most of these foods are highly processed, nutritionally depleted, laced with MSG (yeast extract) and manufactured using GMOs. The absolute best source of emergency survival nutrition is none other than sprouting seeds and a sprouting tray kit.

These are all sold at Green PolkaDot Box, a supplier of mostly organic and non-GMO foods and groceries. Their supply of sprouting seeds is perfect for emergency preparedness. Learn more at:

The next best thing to store is superfood powders which include several ideal brands: Boku Superfood, Living Fuel, Enerfood, Healthforce, Vega, Rejuvenate and so on. I strongly recommend only high-end brands and to avoid cheap superfoods with a lot of filler such as soy lecithin. It’s also a good idea to store high nutrient density powders such as Camu Camu powder or Pomegranate powder, both of which deliver a storehouse of disease-preventing nutrition. (Pomegranate powder is available at Green PolkaDot Box. Camu Camu powder is available at health food stores or


The emergency food miracle: chia seeds

In terms of storable nutrition, chia seeds are simply one of the best all-around solutions:

• They can be easily sprouted and consumed as living sprouts.

• They can be soaked in water and mixed with almost any other smoothie, baking recipe, salad dressings, etc.

• They’re high in omega-3 fatty acids which will be difficult to acquire during hard times.

• They have a remarkably long shelf life.

• They’re high in magnesium, a mineral that’s often difficult to acquire.

• They contain amino acids, vitamins, fiber and other valuable plant-based nutrients.

• They’re delicious and easy to use in all sorts of foods.

• They can be planted to grow more chia seeds. They grow best in hot, dry climates such as Southern California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona, but will also do well in places like Texas and Florida if well-drained soils are available.

For this reason, I’m including some chia seed sources for you below. If you’re copying this story and pasting it on your own website, feel free to snip off that section of this story (but please give a link and credit to NaturalNews).

Best storable food staples

Beyond chia seeds, some of the best storable foods for fundamental nutrition include:

• Sardines packed in olive oil. (Very high RNA, calcium, omega-3s, etc.)

• Coconut oil (very high calories, very healthy)

• Sea salt (contains essential trace minerals)

• Raw honey (stores practically forever, useful as food and medicine, antibacterial)

• Garden seeds (for growing your own food) See for an organic open-pollinated survival seed selection.

• Organic raisins (good shelf life, high nutrition, portable calories)

• Quinoa (complete protein, stores for a decade, cooks with just water)

These food staples are crucial for staying alive during a time when the government may be trying to “thin the herd” through a policy of starvation and forced immune suppression. You’ll also, of course, need a source of common carbohydrates such as wheat, kamut, rice, dried fruits, and so on. Contact your local Mormon cannery for free help on getting squared away with stored foods (Mormons are, without question, the best-prepared religious group in North America). For the record, I’m not affiliated with the Mormon church or any particular church for that matter. I just know the Mormons are the best at this particular skill set.



A Brief History of False Flag Attacks: Or Why Government Loves State Sponsored Terror

Kurt Nimmo
August 14, 2012

False flag attacks occur when government engages in covert operations designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations seem as if they are being carried out by other entities.

False flag terrorism is a favorite political tactic used by governments worldwide. They influence elections, guide national and international policy, and are cynically used to formulate propaganda and shape public opinion as nations go to war.

Nero and the Great Fire of Rome

The Roman consul and historianCassius Dio, his contemporary Suetonius and others say the Emperor Nero was responsible for theGreat Fire of Rome in 64 AD.

Legend claims Nero had one-third of the city torched as an excuse to build Domus Aurea, a 300 acre palatial complex that included a towering statue of himself, the Colossus of Nero.

Prior to the fire, the Roman Senate had rejected the emperor’s bid to level a third of the city to make way for a “Neropolis,” an urban renewal project.

The Roman historian Tacitus wrote that when the population of Rome held Nero responsible for the fire, he shifted blame on the Christians for “hating the human race” and starting the fire.

The Spanish American War: Remember the Maine

By the late 1800s, the United States was looking for an excuse to kick Spain out of Cuba. U.S. business was heavily invested in sugar, tobacco and iron on the Caribbean island.

The U.S.S. Maine was sent to Havana in January of 1898 to protect these business interests after a local insurrection broke out. Three weeks later, early on the morning of February 15, anexplosion destroyed the forward third of the ship anchored in Havana’s harbor, killing more than 270 American sailors.

President McKinley blamed Spain after the U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry declared that a naval mine caused the explosion.

American newspapers blamed the Spanish despite a lack of evidence. “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war,” newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst told Frederic Remington after the illustrator reported that the situation in Cuba did not warrant invasion.

A number of historians and researchers later argued that the ship was blown up by the United States to provide a false flag pretext to invade Cuba and expel Spain.

The United States occupied Cuba from 1898 until 1902, although an amendment to a joint resolution of Congress forbid the U.S. to annex the country.

Wilson’s Pretext for War: The Sinking of the Lusitania

Nearly two thousand travelers, including one hundred Americans, were killed on May 7, 1915, when a German U-boat torpedoed the RMS Lusitania, a luxury Cunard Line British ocean liner.

Prior to the sinking, the German embassy in Washington issued a warning. Newspapers in the United States refused to print the warning or acknowledge the German claim that the ship carried munitions.

Wilson’s government issued a flurry of diplomatic protests after the sinking and exploited the tragedy two years later as a pretext for America to enter the First World War.

Nearly a hundred years later, in 2008, divers discovered the Lusitania carried more than four million rounds of rifle ammunition.

“There were literally tons and tons of stuff stored in unrefrigerated cargo holds that were dubiously marked cheese, butter and oysters,” Gregg Bemis, an American businessman who owns the rights to the wreck and is funding its exploration, told The Daily Mail.

Hitler’s Fascist Dictatorship: The Reichstag Fire

In February of 1933, a month after convincing Germany’s president that parliament must be eliminated, Hitler and the Nazis instigated theReichstag fire.

Hitler then urged president Hindenburg to issue an emergency decree restricting personal liberty, including the right to free expression and a free press, limitations on the rights of association and assembly, warrantless searches of homes, property confiscation, and violations of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications “permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.”

The Nazis used the decree and cracked down on their political opponents . They worked behind the scenes to force through the Enabling Act, which legally allowed Hitler to obtain plenary powers and establish a dictatorship.

Gestapo Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring would admit that “the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

Prelude to World War: The Gleiwitz Incident

Six years after the Reichstag Fire, the Nazis staged the Gleiwitz incident. Nazi commandos raided a German radio station in Gleiwitz, Upper Silesia, Germany. The raid was part of Operation Himmler, a series of operations undertaken by the SS as Hitler set the stage for the invasion of Poland and the start of the Second World War.

SS operatives dressed in Polish uniforms attacked the radio station, broadcast an anti-German message in Polish, and left behind the body of a German Silesian known for sympathizing with the Poles. The corpse was then offered to the press as evidence that the Poles had attacked the radio station.

Israeli False Flag Terror: The Lavon Affair

In 1954, the Israelis activated a terrorist cell in response to the United States making friends with the Egyptian government and its pan-Arab leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser. The Israelis were worried Nasser would nationalize the Suez Canal and continue Egypt’s blockade of Israeli shipping through the canal.

Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion decided a false flag terrorist attack on American interests in Egypt would sour the new relationship. He recruited and dispatched a terror cell that pretended to be Egyptian terrorists.

The plan, however, contained a fatal flaw. Israel’s top secret cell, Unit 131, was infiltrated by Egyptian intelligence. After a member of the cell was arrested and interrogated, he revealed the plot and this led to more arrests. Israeli agents were subjected to a public trial revealing details of the plan to firebomb the U.S. Information Agency’s libraries, a British-owned Metro-Goldwyn Mayer theatre, a railway terminal, the central post office, and other targets.

In order to deflect blame, the Israeli government tried to frame its own Defense Minister, Pinhas Lavon, but the true nature of the plot was eventually made public.

Operation Northwoods: Targeting American Citizens

In the covert war against the communist regime in Cuba under the CIA’s Operation Mongoose, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously proposed state-sponsored acts of terrorism in side the United States.

The plan included shooting down hijacked American airplanes, the sinking of U.S. ships, and the shooting of Americans on the streets of Washington, D.C. The outrageous plan even included a staged NASA disaster that would claim the life of astronaut John Glenn.

Reeling under the embarrassing failure of the CIA’s botched Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, president Kennedy rejected the plan in March of 1962. A few months later, Kennedy denied the plan’s author, General Lyman Lemnitzer, a second term as the nation’s highest ranking military officer.

In November of 1963, Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

Gulf of Tonkin: Phantom Attack on the U.S, Military

On August 4, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson went on national television and told the nation that North Vietnam had attacked U.S. ships.

“Repeated acts of violence against the armed forces of the United States must be met not only with alert defense, but with a positive reply. That reply is being given as I speak tonight,” Johnson declared.

Congress soon passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which provided Johnson with pre-approved authority to conduct military operations against North Vietnam. By 1969, over 500,000 troops were fighting in Southeast Asia.

Johnson and his Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, had bamboozled Congress and the American people. In fact, North Vietnam had not attacked the USS Maddox, as the Pentagon claimed, and the “unequivocal proof” of an “unprovoked” second attack against the U.S. warship was a ruse.

Operation Gladio: State Sponsored Terror Blamed on the Left

Following the Second World War, the CIA and Britain’s MI6 collaborated through NATO onOperation Gladio, an effort to create a “stay behind army” to fight communism in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe.

Gladio quickly transcended its original mission and became a covert terror network consisting of rightwing militias, organized crime elements, agents provocateurs and secret military units. The so-called stay behind armies were active in France, Belgium, Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, Germany, and Switzerland.

Gladio’s “Strategy of Tension” was designed to portray leftist political groups in Europe as terrorists and frighten the populace into voting for authoritarian governments. In order to carry out this goal, Gladio operatives conducted a number of deadly terrorists attacks that were blamed on leftists and Marxists.

In August of 1980, Gladio operatives bombed a train station in Bologna, killing 85 people. Initially blamed on the Red Brigades, it was later discovered that fascist elements within the Italian secret police and Licio Gelli, the head of the P2 Masonic Lodge, were responsible for the terror attack. Other fascist groups, including Avanguardia Nazionale and Ordine Nuovo, were mobilized and engaged in terror.

Operation Gladio ultimately claimed the lives of hundreds of people across Europe.

According to Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a Gladio terrorist serving a life-sentence for murdering policemen, the reason for Gladio was simple. It was designed “to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.”

25 Signs The Collapse Of America Is Speeding Up As Society Rots From The Inside Out

Michael Snyder
The Economic Collapse
Monday, July 9, 2012

The problems that America is experiencing right now are not just confined to the field of economics. The truth is that there are signs of deep decay wherever we look, and without question the United States is rotting from the inside out in thousands of different ways.

For a long time our debt-fueled prosperity has masked much of the social decay that has been festering underneath the surface, but now it is becoming increasingly apparent that the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted is beginning to disappear. For many Americans, it is easy to point a finger at a particular group or political party and blame them for all of our problems, but the reality of the matter is that our societal decay cuts across all income levels, all political affiliations and all regions of the country. We are being destroyed from within, and this decay can be seen on the streets of the most dilapidated sections of major U.S. cities and it can also be seen in the halls of power in Washington D.C. and on Wall Street. It is undeniable that something has fundamentally changed. The American people do not seem to possess the same level of character that they once had. So where do we go from here?

The following are 25 signs the collapse of America is speeding up as society rots from the inside out….

1. Homicides in Chicago are 38 percent ahead of where they were last year at this time. In fact, the Daily says that “homicide victims in the Windy City outnumber U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan this year”. Things are taking a turn for the worse in other major U.S. cities as well. Just check out the carnage that happened in New York City this past Friday night….

Across barely eight hours, at least seven New Yorkers were murdered and another 21 shot, stabbed or slashed across the city — with only three suspects arrested before the blood stopped flowing

2. Speaking of New York City, a teacher there recently posted the following on her Facebook page….

“Crupi and I survived a shootout today…Thank God we are ok…To all the wanna be gangstas of Staten Island (who say they are from Brooklyn but really aren’t), be grateful you have what you have and stop trying to live a lifestyle you will never understand.”

About a week later, her husband discovered her dead in a pool of her own blood in their apartment. She had been stabbed numerous times.

3. Reporter James Carlini recently discussed the growing problems that roaming gangs of youths are causing along the Magnificent Mile in Chicago….

There is an increase in problems at night with small gangs roaming around looking for the right prey.

Don’t bother looking for any cops, they are far and few between. Little perfume-size pepper spray canisters may be in vogue, politically correct and fit in a purse, but they are not practical. Forget about pepper spray, you’d need a gallon jug of it to stop five or six assailants.

Do you now need a .357 Magnum to walk down the Mag Mile? Maybe a compact .45 or a high-capacity 9MM “just to be on the safe side” is more what you should have. Even the police are telling each other that they better “carry large caliber” off-duty and not be caught unarmed.

4. Down in Florida, a lifeguard named Tomas Lopez was recently fired for attempting to saving a man that was drowning “outside his patrol zone“….

Lopez, 21, was hired by Jeff Ellis Management to monitor a portion of a public beach in Hallandale Beach, Fla. The company allegedly gave Lopez strict instructions to stay inside his patrol zone, ABC News reports.

But when Lopez spotted a man in distress outside his patrol zone Monday afternoon, he ignored those instructions and leapt into action.

By the time lifeguard Tomas Lopez got to the man, other bystanders had already pulled him to shore, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reports. Lopez stayed with the man until paramedics arrived.

That valiant act was Lopez’s last as a lifeguard, as his employer fired him for straying 1,500 feet outside his patrol zone.

5. Authorities say that thieves are stealing identities and filing fraudulent tax returns on a scale never seen before….

With nothing more than ledgers of stolen identity information — Social Security numbers and their corresponding names and birth dates — criminals have electronically filed thousands of false tax returns with made-up incomes and withholding information and have received hundreds of millions of dollars in wrongful refunds, law enforcement officials say.

The criminals, some of them former drug dealers, outwit the Internal Revenue Service by filing a return before the legitimate taxpayer files. Then the criminals receive the refund, sometimes by check but more often though a convenient but hard-to-trace prepaid debit card.

In all, the IRS says that there were approximately 940,000 fake tax returns filed for 2010.

6. U.S. Secret Service agents are supposed to be “the best of the best” and are charged with guarding our top public officials. But even they have exhibited a consistent pattern of moral decay for many years according to one recent report….

Secret Service agents and officers have been accused of leaking sensitive information, publishing porn, sexual assaults, illegal wiretaps, embezzlement and drunkenness on duty, according to a 229-page log released yesterday.

After a prostitution scandal in April, when agents consorted with hookers while preparing for President Obama’s arrival in Colombia, Service Director Mark Sullivan apologized. But he said it was an isolated case, not a “systemic issue.”

However, the log, which the Service Service released yesterday after news organizations requested it under the Freedom of Information Act, shows a pattern of misdeeds dating back to 2003.

7. These days thieves will steal just about anything that is not bolted down and that they can sell for money. For example, three thieves recently broke into a Chicago beauty supply store and took off with hair extensions that were worth a total of $230,000.

8. Up in Minnesota, thieves are stealing Bronze Stars from hundreds of military graves, and down in Fresno, California thieves have actually been stealing metal crosses from churches.

9. According to one shocking new report, one out of every 10 Wall Street employees is a “clinical psychopath”. That is a rate about 10 times higher than the general population.

10. Even many police are going crazy these days. Over in Seattle, police zapped a pregnant woman with a taser three times just because she refused to sign a ticket.

11. Down in California, one man recently sliced off the ear of another man with a knife over an unpaid debt.

12. These days we are seeing senseless crimes being committed even in small towns in the heartland of America. Just check out what happened in Helena, Montana about a week ago….

Helena Police are working to identify two young men after what they call a random act of violence over the weekend. Helena Police found a 40-year-old homeless man badly beaten in an alley behind the Gold Bar around 2 a.m. Sunday morning.

Helena Police Detective Sergeant Richard Drysdale states,” The video shows two white males surrounding the victim as he was entering the walkway yelling at him and then knocking him down to the ground where they beat and kicked him until he was unconscious.”

You can find a video report about this incident right here.

13. One town in Connecticut was forced to shut down a beautiful new public fountain because too many people were using it as a toilet.

14. According to one very shocking study, the percentage of U.S. households that contain a married couple with children has fallen from 44.3% in 1960 to 20.2% today.

15. A huge brawl between parents erupted during one recent preschool graduation ceremony down in the Los Angeles area.

16. We continue to see “mob robberies” at retail establishments all over the nation. During one recent mob robbery in Detroit, thugs beat the living daylights out of one very unfortunate stock clerk.

17. Speaking of Detroit, nobody is immune to the spreading violence in that city. For example, just check out what happened recently to a 22-year-old pregnant woman….

A 22-year-old pregnant woman survived after being bound, driven to Detroit, set on fire and shot early Saturday morning.

The woman, who was nine-months pregnant, had returned from a movie with her boyfriend and dropped him off at his house in Warren when she was approached from behind, Warren police Sgt. Dave Geffert said.

The woman’s hands, feet and eyes were bound with duct tape. She was then forced into her car and driven to an unknown place in Detroit where she was doused with lighter fluid, set on fire and shot once in the upper back, he said.

18. Many families returned to their homes following the recent wildfires in Colorado only to discover that their houses had been robbed and looted.

19. One 33-year-old art teacher in Arizona was not satisfied with only having sex with one of her students. In fact, police have charged her with having sex with four of her male students.

20. Down in Florida, one man has actually been charged with biting the lips off of a kitten.

21. Over in Waco, Texas a 22-year-old man recently strangled and ate the family dog while he was high on drugs.

22. Of course most of us have heard of the recent outbreak of “zombie attacks” around the nation where criminals have actually been biting their victims and chewing their flesh. The following is another example of this phenomenon from a recent case in central New York….

A synthetic drug known as “bath salts” is blamed for some bizarre behavior in central New York.

The Utica Observer-Dispatch reports that police officers were called to Stanley’s Bar Saturday night to check out a woman described as emotionally disturbed. When an officer approached her, she lunged at him and tried to bite his face. Police say she screamed that she wanted to “kill someone and eat them.”

The woman was taken to St. Luke’s Memorial Hospital for a mental health evaluation.

Another very disturbing “zombie incident” took place down in Georgia recently….

Karl Laventure, 21, was believed to be high on bath salts when he tried to attack the officers in Lilburn, Georgia.

And after they had managed to subdue him he began threatening to eat them.

Laventure appeared out of some woods and was seen running naked around a golf range near Atlanta, swinging a club around his head and screaming.

Police said that it took several officers to subdue the man who had ‘super-human strength’.

23. All over America, people seem to be losing their minds. Just check out what one man in New Jersey did recently when police arrived at his home….

Officers got a call that morning when a witness said Carter was threatening to harm himself with a knife. Two cops responded, kicked in the door and found Carter in the corner, the station reported.

Carter allegedly ignored officers’ orders to put down the knife, and instead began stabbing himself in the abdomen, neck and legs.

An attempt to pepper spray the bleeding man had no effect, the Associated Press reported.

That’s when Carter — disemboweled but responsive — reportedly threw bits of his skin and intestines at the officers.

24. One woman in the St. Louis area was recently caught cooking meth in her purse inside a Wal-Mart store.

25. Anyone that believes that slavery has been abolished in America does not know what they are talking about. Every single night sex slaves are being horribly abused all over the United States. The following is from a recent Daily Mail article….

The FBI has rescued 79 teens held against their will and forced into prostitution from hotels, truck stops and stores during a three-day swoop on sex-trafficking rings across the country.

The sex slaves were aged between 13 and 17, although one said she had been involved in prostitution since she was just 11, authorities said.

During the sting operations across 57 U.S. cities – including Atlanta, Sacramento and Toledo, Ohio – 104 alleged pimps were arrested.

It is estimated that “100,000 children are victims of prostitution and trafficking each year” in the United States.

Are you starting to get the picture?

Sadly, there are dozens and dozens more examples like these. If you want to see more examples of how the collapse of America is speeding up, check out these articles that I recently published….

70 Reasons To Mourn For America

20 Signs That Society Is Breaking Down And That America Has Been Overrun By Psychos

The frightening thing is that this breakdown of our society is happening at the same time that our economy is completely falling to pieces.

This economic decline that we are experiencing is shredding the middle class and it is plunging millions of Americans into very desperate circumstances. The following is a brief excerpt from a recent Rolling Stone article….

Every night around nine, Janis Adkins falls asleep in the back of her Toyota Sienna van in a church parking lot at the edge of Santa Barbara, California. On the van’s roof is a black Yakima SpaceBooster, full of previous-life belongings like a snorkel and fins and camping gear. Adkins, who is 56 years old, parks the van at the lot’s remotest corner, aligning its side with a row of dense, shading avocado trees. The trees provide privacy, but they are also useful because she can pick their fallen fruit, and she doesn’t always­ have enough to eat. Despite a continuous, two-year job search, she remains without dependable work. She says she doesn’t need to eat much – if she gets a decent hot meal in the morning, she can get by for the rest of the day on a piece of fruit or bulk-purchased almonds – but food stamps supply only a fraction of her nutritional needs, so foraging opportunities are welcome.

Prior to the Great Recession, Adkins owned and ran a successful plant nursery in Moab, Utah. At its peak, it was grossing $300,000 a year. She had never before been unemployed – she’d worked for 40 years, through three major recessions.

You can read the rest of the article right here.

What would you do if you were in a similar situation?

Sadly, many more Americans will end up just like her. As I wrote about the other day, the U.S. economy is not going to be able to produce enough jobs for everyone anymore. In fact, the overall employment picture is going to keep getting worse for working Americans.

Things have gotten so bad that even many very highly educated scientists cannot find jobs in America right now. Almost everybody is hurting, and we haven’t even gotten to the next wave of the economic collapse yet.

The next time that there is a major spike in the unemployment rate, millions of Americans will lose all hope and will become very desperate.

And desperate people do desperate things.

The rot and decay that we are witnessing right now is just the beginning.

Things are going to get a lot worse.

So let us hope for the best, but let us also prepare for the worst.