by Ray Novosel

Part III


The following is a summary of the well-documented information on the interlaced triangles, the Double Divinity, Macrocosmos or Jewish Star and the important elements, which bear relationship to our subject.

The FACTS are:

v The two interlaced triangles represent the sexual organs in the act of procreation, or spirit and matter in equilibrium.  Spirit in the phallic cults is the active-male principle, (red +) the Compass in Freemasonry – while matter is the passive-female principle(blue –) the Square in Freemasonry.  It is a symbolic representation of the sex force, or the New Age “sacred serpent” KUNDALINI and is a deliberate perversion of the pure Love of God.

v This very star was mentioned and condemned by the Father of our Lord Jesus in Amos 5:26 and it was called by Him, “the star of your god, Molech” (Baal). Reference to Amos 5:26 and the people having it in the form of an idol in the wilderness was also made in Acts 7:43.  Here it was called the Star of Remphan. All these names refer to the phallic god Saturn or SATAN.

v The foregoing verifies that it was therefore in existence long before the time of Solomon. He took this symbol upon himself when he went into idolatry, and it became known as the “Seal (or mark) of Solomon” in all magic and witchcraft.

v It has proven, self-confessed links to universal Masonry, which is directed and totally controlled by the powerful Independent Order of the B’NAI BRITH (sons of the cut, or covenant).

v The “HEX” or Six-Pointed Star became the symbol of the SABBATARIANS the Jewish mystics of the Cabbala, and was knowingly adopted from these sources as the symbol for ZIONISM – Political Judaism.

v Judaism was a newly formalized belief system of the Pharisees, which arose in Babylon with the commitment of the oral "tradition of the elders" (of which Christ continually denounced) to writing after the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70.  Judaism is a man-made religion of Talmudic tradition and Cabbalistic occult superstition, which represents the institutionalized nullification of ALL Biblical law and doctrine.  Judaism’s God is NOT the God of the Bible, but the strange gods of the Talmud and the religious self-worship they inculcate.

v The first Babylonian power came into existence around 2600 B.C.  This empire was subsequently overthrown by the Medes/Persians about 589 B.C.  In recent excavations of Ur and Sumer, an Acadian seal was found depicting the descendants of Seth, thrusting a seven-headed serpent with a spear – one of three symbols representing the old Babylonian Empire, which included the six-pointed star. (of Rephaim)

The illegal Jewish State of Israel was created by the UN on May 14, 1948, and intentionally adopted the occult symbol of the Six-Pointed Star (of Ashteroth or Astarte) which now adorns the Knesset (their Parliament) and today is proudly displayed on the Israeli flag and elsewhere, requiring overt Jewish Cabbalistic recognition.  Thus a deliberately pagan, occult symbol has become the international recognition mark for today’s JEWS next to none of whom are Hebrews or Israelites descended from Abraham, Isaac or Jacob.  Even less follow the Biblical Law and the prophets, that have long been supplanted by the lewd and blasphemous TALMUD.

A typical example of arrogant Jewish “chutzpah” and outright blasphemy, can be seen in the following unbelievable quotes:  "A Jew, by the fact that he belongs to the chosen people and is circumcised, possesses so great a dignity that no one, not even an angel, can share equality with him. In fact, he is considered almost the equal of God." (Pranaitis, I.B., The Talmud Unmasked, Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1892, p. 60).

The commands of the rabbis are more important than the commands of the Bible. Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot execrement in hell.  Auburn 21b (p. 149-150)

A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.  Baba Mezia 59b. (p. 353.


According to Hindu belief, the Sixth “Chakra” (Third Eye Chakra), is the centre of inner sight – it controls clairvoyance and mental activity. The colour related to this chakra is INDIGO, a combination of red and blue, or the interaction of Spirit and Matter as depicted by the hexagram. Incidentally, the third eye chakra is located in the centre of the forehead.

The number 6 was stamped all over the old mysteries. The great “secret symbol” consisted of the three letters SSS, because the letter S in the Greek alphabet was the symbol of the figure 6.  Alpha=1, Beta=2, Gamma=3, Delta=4, Epsilon=5, but when it came to 6, another letter was introduced! Not the next – the sixth letter Zeta, but a different letter, a peculiar form of S, called "stigma," or the so-called “serpent letter,” where the serpent was always displayed in the pagan arts as an emblem of the Sun god.

What is also interesting here is that the Dollar sign, ($) is in fact a disguised triple S form, sometimes written as SSS, or $.

From the “Theosophical Society’s Glossary of Definitions comes this for the letter S:  S – The nineteenth letter; numerically, sixty. In Hebrew it is the fifteenth letter, Samech, held as holy because "the sacred name of god is Samech" Samech is just one of the many names for the Jewish (Sun) god of the Cabbala.

Now the word stigma, means a mark, according to Strong’s definition: “ A mark pricked in or branded upon the body. To ancient oriental usage, slaves and soldiers bore the name or the stamp of their master or commander branded or pricked (cut) into their bodies to indicate what master or general they belonged to, and there were even some devotee’s who stamped themselves in this way with the token of their gods.” Hence stigma came to be used of scars or wound-prints, and it is thus used by Paul of his scars, which he regarded as the tokens of his sufferings, a reminder of the marks which he bore on his body for the sake of his Lord and Master, and marking him as belonging to the one who had bought him (Gal 6:17).

Also the term or word HEX, designates a witch’s spell, which has a long historical association with the connotation of the number six. The Greek hex, and the Latin sex cognate with the Egyptian seven, "to embrace, to copulate." The number 6 is also associated with Venus, the goddess of love and earthly passion.  Six almost universally represented the number of sex – of the union between the male and female, which is why Christian authorities labelled six "the number of sin." Pythagoreans, on the other hand, called six the perfect number, or The Mother.  One of its Egyptian forms seshemu, – "sexual intercourse" – illustrated in a variety of hieroglyphics of male and female genitals in conjunction, is always represented by the two interlaced triangles or pictographically hidden as the Square and Compass in freemasonry and similarly shown in many other ways for a host of other sects.

The entire body of mysticism of the Cabbala is hidden within the HEX!

In countless passages throughout the Bible, the number six has always been associated with imperfection and represents Godless, carnal man. It is the number of a man that is destitute of God, the man who is knowingly without Christ, or one who is an avowed anti-Christ.  666, symbolises the attempt by the ultimate, sinful man – SATAN, ever wishing to become GOD. So then, the Antichrist would have the triple imperfection, in his religious, political and social dimensions, symbolising the climax of the ultimate representation of man’s total and complete failure, depravity and wickedness. “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”(Isaiah 14:12-14)“Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” (2 Thess.2:4)

Most importantly, the Hexagram is also a clever, graphic form of 666a feature that uniquely belongs to this symbol and none other.  It is used extensively by a variety of Black Magic, Witchcraft and New Age, so-called “channelling” (occult) groups for the invocation and/or the conjuring up of demons.  As a pictographic emblem, (a) the six-pointed star, contains a six, within a six, within a six.  (Count the sides of each triangle facing the clockwise direction, the sides facing the counter-clockwise direction, and the third six – the sides of the inner hexagon).

The Hexagram of Fire (d)
(Two Fire triangles interlocked)

The Hexagram of Earth (a)
(Fire and Water triangles interlocked)

The Hexagram of Air (b)
(Fire triangle over Water triangle)

The Hexagram of Water (c)
(Water triangle over Fire triangle)

Further, in his classic work, “The History of Magick” the avowed Talmudist and revered French Cabbalistic sage Eliphas Levi, much quoted by Albert Pike in “Morals and Dogma,” reveals that the most significant graphic representation of the number 6 is when a common (EARTH) Hexagram (a) is represented with a common base, forming a diamond – AIR (b).

Or alternatively when their tips touch forming an hourglass shape – WATER (c).  Or a partial overlap, with the base of the upper, passing through the upper one-third point of the lower – FIRE (d).  If we look again at a standard six pointer, we have all three sets of external triangles connected by their apexes.  Also, by connecting all the internal opposite points within the internal hexagon thus formed, alas we find one pair of triangles with their tips touching and two pairs with common base-lines.  A multiple representation of 666 only to…“him that hath understanding that can CALCULATE the number . . . .”

From the “Roots of Scientology” by 4-EX SCIENTOLOGISTS comes this emblematic representation of the number 6 as in (d) above. “The "S and double triangle" motif of Scientology’s main symbol probably derives from the black magic use of the snake symbol (the "wise serpent" or Satan) combined with a deconstruction into two triangles of the Star of David (rather like the reverse ritual of hanging the Christian cross upside down to signify devil worship). This symbol – the magical hexagram – was used by Hubbard and Parsons during their attempts at incarnating the Antichrist in human form.”


The truth of the satanic nature of the Harry Potter series can be easily seen by anyone who is reasonably familiar with basic occult principles.  In these books, we see standard Judeo-Masonic beliefs and practices being openly taught to children.  The author, J.K. Rowling, has publicly stated that she intended for her Harry Potter books to be read by children approximately 10 years and up. Yet the books are wildly popular amongst children as young as age 5 – and perhaps even younger.  For five years the author worked on the first book as she plotted out the entire seven-novel series, one for each year of Harry’s education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

We indeed see standard Witchcraft philosophies and world views espoused, together with occult beliefs about death and reincarnation, including the current "morality" teaching that there is no absolute right or wrong, that the "ends justify the means" – teachings straight from the pages of the Babylonian Talmud.

But as wild as children seem to be about Harry, no one is happier about the phenomenon than the old-school Satanists, who were struggling to recruit new members prior to the publication of the first Potter book in 1997.  “Harry in an absolute godsend to our cause,” said High Priest “Egan” of the First Church of Satan in Salem, MA.  “An organization like ours thrives on new blood – no pun intended – and we’ve had more applicants than we can handle lately." In 1995, it was estimated that some 100,000 Americans, mostly adults, were involved in devil-worship of some sort. Today, more than 14 million children alone belong to the Church of Satan, thanks largely to the unassuming boy wizard from 4 Privet Drive.  Yes, the numbers ARE horrific, but the total sales of Harry Potter books, plus the natural hand-me-down factor where many people read a book that has already been purchased, easily equals or exceeds this staggering figure of 14 million.

But, most horribly, we see depictions of Satanism that are truly the end of this age.  We notice the evil Voldemort drinking the blood of the Unicorn.  Not only is drinking of blood forbidden in Scripture, but Satanists do it consistently.  Further, this drinking of the blood of the unicorn, (a symbol of the New Age Movement) delivers a very strong message as to how people will relate to and ultimately accept the machinations of the coming Antichrist.

The “Sorcerer’s Stone" is also called the "Philosopher’s Stone", and is purely Cabbalistic in nature.  Rosicrucianism as an example, teaches that an Initiate will pass through five stages to become the highest Adept possible, to be most proficient in exercising the power of Satanism.  They call this process the "Five Stages In The Transmutation of the Soul.”  The final stage is depicted by the Phoenix Bird; the Adept is then said to have achieved the "Sorcerer’s Stone."  Thus, the fact that the term "Sorcerer’s Stone" is the main title of the fifth book in this series, (and now a highly acclaimed movie) suggests that the ultimate goal of all students at Hogwarts is to achieve the holy Grail of the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Alchemy, as it emerged in the middle ages, had its origins in the Hermetic sciences that stemmed from the esoteric wisdom of ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptian name for their land was Kemet, from which we get the words Chemistry and Alchemy. In Alchemy the sun and the moon expressed archetypal principles, which, when united, symbolized the harmonious relationship between the masculine and feminine elements. This is represented by the HEXAGRAM. Alchemy has long been an Illuminist obsession, however most people think of Alchemy as being the effort to change base metals into precious metals, including gold.  Certainly, this is part of alchemy, but on a non-spiritual and purely physical level. The ultimate goal of the Alchemist however, is to achieve eternal life through self-transformation.  Therefore, we find it highly interesting that Headmaster Dumbledore is considered "the greatest wizard of modern times.” Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of the dragon’s blood and his work on alchemy.

The book “The Sorcerer’s Stone,” is the final stage in the occult drive to achieve eternal life.  In this volume, the ancient study of alchemy is concerned with making the Sorcerer’s Stone, a legendary substance with astonishing powers. The stone will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal.  It’s also very interesting that Rowling has made the creator of the Sorcerer’s Stone 666 years old?  As we have seen many times in this study, 666 is synonymous with antichrist and his Mark.  [Revelation 13:18] And since Rowling ties this number to the Elixir of Life, Harry Potter is clearly teaching children that the way to achieve eternal life is to obey the antichrist and take his Mark.

Here we include an interesting and revealing extract from respected New Age Guru, Kris Sherwood’s non-fiction work called: “The Philosophers Stone.” The Philosopher’s Stone is an ancient symbol that originates in the roots of Hermetic philosophy and the alchemical arts. It is a metaphorical symbol of ultimate accomplishment. It represents the reward to the quest for a ‘higher purpose’; an allegorical concept of refinement of an element to its perfection. And as such, to the medieval alchemist it was the catalyst in the long sought after magical process that could transmute lead into gold, and its resultant reward: The Philosopher’s Stone.  In a spiritual sense, attaining The Philosopher’s Stone is a metaphor for ones’ personal evolution toward perfection of the soul. It is the prize for achieving spiritual enlightenment. It’s the ‘coming forth as gold’; the ’pearl of great price’; being one with Cosmic Consciousness; having undeniable personal experience of God.   A graphic image found in alchemical manuscripts of the Philosopher’s Stone is that of a six-pointed star which In 1997, breathtakingly presented (as a perfectly formed crop-circle) at the foot of Silbury Hill (Fig. 1).  It was the magnificent ‘Fractal Star of David’ A glorious confirmation of our collective move toward higher consciousness. 

The ‘Snowflake’ formations not only looked remarkably like the grid of lines forming the alignment of the GaiaMind astrological chart posted on my wall: they also contained the multiple and ancient symbolic references and meanings of the six-pointed star/hexagram, including: the two opposing overlayed triangles that are the archetypal representation of the ‘sacred union’ of male and female principles, the heiros gamos, the ‘chalice and the blade’; to alchemists fire and water; also the Yin/Yang; the spinning double tetrahedra of the known symbol of the Creator.”

"This Star is the symbol of the perfect life, the perfect balance, of the Christ-man. The six-pointed star is the Star of Bethlehem, which again means the Star of the Son of man." GaiaMind

The official definition from the “Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.”  Stone of the Philosophers: “A symbol of true spiritual attainment and illumination. The search for the Philosopher’s Stone is the search for ultimate truth and purity. The transmutation of humanity’s lower nature into the Higher Self.”

In the “Key to the Gnosis” by Nick Sandberg, we have yet another explanation of the Philosophers Stone as something truly desirable in man’s search for the ultimate “enlightenment”“The ancient science of alchemy purports to relate the process by which an individual may acquire the ultimate "Elixir of Life" – a magical potion believed to confer on the user both access to superconsciousness and, eventually, physical immortality. This Elixir, flows from the Philosopher’s Stone, once the former has been confected by means of an elaborate and highly mystical process. An increasingly open secret amongst those who still interest themselves in this ancient art is that the processes described are largely metaphorical. All of initial elements that need to be gathered together – the various implements and reagents – are in fact esoteric disciplines that the initiate must undertake in order that he prepare his body to produce the fabled Elixir.”


The key to this ultimate deception in the never-ending propaganda war for the souls of men through the taking of the Mark, is in the Christianizing of Judeo-Masonic/occult symbolism.  An example of this perversion is in the depiction of the “Jewish Star” (the interlaced triangles) as a representation of Jesus Christ – the ultimate blasphemy!

Some random examples of typical fuzzy, church-establishment logic, generally believed by their blinded Judaised sheeple within, can be seen from the following random quotes taken recently from the web.  The first is a classic from Rick Chamberlin, where he asks a pre-answered question; “Is the Star of David Kosher?”  “Yeshua said, "I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and morning star." Perhaps, just perhaps, the Star of David represents not only Israel and the Jewish people, but even the Messiah Yeshua.  After Yeshua’s birth in Bethlehem, some wise men [magi] arrived from the east in Jerusalem saying, Where is He who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east, and have come to worship Him." These wise men were aware of the prophecy of Balaam in Numbers 24. Could it be that they saw the Star of David?”  Another classic case of the inability to correctly distinguish between the terms “Israel” and “The Jews.”

From “The Archetypal Mandala of the Star of David” by Margaret Starbird, comes something a little closer to the truth“The mandala of the hexagram, also known as the "Star of David" is an archetypal symbol for the sacred union of the opposite energies, it is the "yin-yang" of Western civilization.  Formed by the intertwining of the "fire" and "water" triangles (the male "blade" and the female "chalice") this symbol represents the masculine and feminine principles in perfect union, the "sacred marriage" or "hieros gamous" of the ancient world. The Jewish Cabbala suggests that the Ark of the Covenant contains, in addition to the tables of the Ten Commandments, "a regular hexagram representing a man and woman in intimate embrace.  Since "Sacred Union" is the source of all life on this planet, the six-pointed star uniting the archetypal male and female triangles has long been acknowledged as the model for balance and wholeness. Medieval Alchemists called the Star the "Philosopher’s stone," adding a tiny dot on the upper right hand point to represent the presence of God and guidance of the Divine Spirit. It is the "missing link" of the sacred marriage between Christianity and Juadism.  It’s rising now to bless and enlighten us, and is truly a gift for all peoples!”

Quote number three – with a slightly different emphasis: “The Star of David is made up of two equilateral triangles. One triangle is pointing down, and the other triangle is pointing up. The triangle that is pointing down is God’s triangle and represents the trinity of Soul, Body, and Spirit, or God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit reaching down to man. The triangle that is pointing up is man’s triangle and also represents the trinity of Soul, Body, and Spirit, but of man reaching up to God.  – The Star of David is also the symbol that fully represents the spiritual intercourse referenced in John chapter 17 where Jesus Christ is in God, man is in Jesus Christ, and thereby man is in God through Jesus Christ.  The symbol for the Messiah, the Greatest King, or King of Kings; who would come from the lineage of David, who would be fully God and also fully man throughout eternity can only be Jesus the Christ – the God/Man.  The Star of David is and can only be the symbol for Jesus Christ.”

Quote number four – the standard “New Age” version“The six-pointed star, the Star of David, has been the symbol of Judaism and the Jewish culture for ages.  The meaning of this symbol can be interpreted in various ways.  In light of the revelations contained within The Aquarian Gospel, I present the following interpretation of the symbolic meaning of the six-pointed star:  God is Truth.  He has three attributes: Strength, Wisdom and Love.  An appropriate symbol for God is a triangle.  What better way to symbolize God than with a simple, equilateral triangle, standing upright?  Structural experts say the equilateral triangle is the strongest shape.  Wisdom and Love stand on the foundation of Strength.  A triangle is simple and uncomplicated, as is God.  He is pure strength, pure wisdom and pure love.  Master teachers tell us that Man has God’s image within his soul, but that Man fell from his position, because he strayed, by disobeying His Father’s command not to bite into the apple (of physical pleasure).  Masters also tell us that Man, in his fallen condition, is Truth reversed.  What better way to symbolize Man than by a triangle identical to that of God, but inverse: upside down?  If we overlay these two triangles, we have a six-pointed star, the Star of David.  This overlay symbolizes that God, forever upright, never abandons His fallen Children, but remains linked to Mankind, in an ever-present pose of upright Truth.  He stands silently upright, waiting for Man to right himself.  What better way to symbolize the religion and the culture chosen by God to deliver to the world His message of Salvation than by the Star of David?  And, what better way to symbolize the imminent reunification of Judaism and Christianity than with the Star of David, combined with the cross of Christ standing firmly uprigh, upon the foundation of strength, enclosed by wisdom and Love?”

When asked in Luke 21:25 for what sign would mark the "Great Tribulation," Christ replies, "there shall be signs in the sun, the moon and the stars."  From “The Alpha and the Omega,” by Jim A. Cornwell – chapter 6, " The Star Of Bethlehem and Coma Berenices "  “The birth, life and death of Jesus Christ had been prophesied centuries earlier.  Around the year 4 B.C., according to the astrological records of the Qumran Priests, of an ancient village of Palestine on the north-western shore of the Dead Sea in the West Bank east of Jerusalem and noted for the caves in which the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.  They recorded that a comet produced a heavenly spectacle, and there was a fiery conjunction of several planets in the zodiacal sign of Pisces.  Naturally this could have been simply assumed as the Star of Bethlehem.  It is significant that the Babylonian Ideograph or a graphic symbol for ‘star’ was the same as for ‘God,’ although for ‘God’ it was repeated three times stressing the close link between the gods and the stars.  In most cuneiform inscriptions and hieroglyphics it is well established that the sign for God was always a star.”

To the adepts, the Star of David is a potent symbol of the interaction of the Divine with the mortal, of god (Satan) with Humankind. Ancient Astrologers have always held that the Macrocosm (Six Pointed Star) reflects the Microcosm (Five Pointed Star). Where the smallest particle of reality mirrors the design of the largest particle of reality. Electrons for example, spinning around the nucleus of the atom bears a striking resemblance to the planets spinning around the Sun.

Yet another New Age website explains that the Star of Bethlehem was a planetary configuration which formed a Star of David upon a Cross. It postulates that this heavenly sign, which involves the esoteric knowledge of sacred geometry, was only observed by the magi who were astrologers or high adepts in the mystery schools of Babylon.  Can you now see where it’s all heading?  For more info ref: The Astroarchaeological Star of Bethlehem


We are continually admonished by our gracious God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to “be wise as serpents, yet innocent as doves,” and it is for this reason that I tend to labour on certain important issues.  We MUST understand basic occult principles so as to be able to adequately defend and reinforce our own “rightly divided” Christian Truth, and know WHY we reject the subtle and clever satanic counterfeit from the father of all lies.

In both the western and eastern esoteric traditions, natural/Achetypal man is viewed as the so-called “Pentagram of the elements,” as a being with five limbs, and five basic forces composing his being. These are the traditional elements of fire, water, air, earth, andspirit. The spirit aspect can either be directed towards the sexual forces symbolized by the inverse pentagram, or Satanism – Black Magic, or it can be directed towards the spiritual realms, those of White Magic.  Man can become developed to the degree that thespirit (defined as the consciousness aspect) can be directed to either the sexual or the spiritual side at will, or to both at the same time. When a man attains this degree of “balanced development,” he becomes the Hexagram (or the Yin/Yang in the eastern tradition). The sexual organs either male or female become the crucial sixth part, which is missing in the Pentagram.

According to an official WICCA Website, the Pentagram – or Five-Pointed Star,  . “is a familiar symbol of Paganism, occultism, and witchcraft.  In America it is always portrayed with a single point upwards, because with two points upward, it is a symbol used by American Satanists. In Britain, two-points-upwards used to be the symbol of the Wiccan Second Degree; British Satanists have always used the inverted crucifix. But many British Wiccans are abandoning the two-points-upward Second Degree symbol as communication with American Pagans increases.”

From the “Gnostic Order and Temple of Satanas “– The official European Website of the International Grand Lodge and the European Grand Lodge, comes this very interesting explanation for Satanism, keeping in mind that the Hexagram, in the from as we know it, is called the “Earth Hexagram.”  “Satanism is a religion based upon the earthly needs of the individual. It realizes mans need to express himself in the form of religion. It therefore makes existence itself that very religion. The practitioner of Satanic Magick understands that without earthly power he is at a serious disadvantage. It is the here and now that concerns him. He is upon this earth, and upon this earth, he must live.  Very few scholars will argue that Satan is the “Lord of the earth”. It is he that holds material wealth in his hands. THE CHRISTIAN IS SWAYED FROM MATERIAL AND EARTHLY GOODS BY THEIR GOD FOR THIS VERY REASON. For, a taste of success would deter them from the bond of slavery that is characteristic of the Christian Gnosis.  When performing Satanic Magick, you are establishing your own godhead by the identity of yourself with the central source of power. You invoke the energy that we call Lord of the Earth, therefore becoming that energy and in the name of that force manifesting the will from the elemental powers that you have raised.” The last paragraph especially is esoteric Mumbo-Jumbo for “demonization,” – pure and simple. Eventually leading to possession of body, soul and spirit and that of the total destruction of the individual by self-induced satanic forces, or evil spirits.

From the official Church Of Satan website, comes this clear explanation of the “Hexagram of Satan.”   “It is a representation of “As Above, So Below,” or the materialization of the Satanist’s Will upon the black earth, as drawn from desire and ether. Macrocosm (The Satan Force) & Microcosm (The Self) combined as one. The All-One. Crowned with the Torch of Reason and Enlightenment, with the base representation of the Pentagram upon the forehead, which may symbolize “The Evil Eye.”

Note carefully the “Torch of Illumination” on the forehead of the “hex goat,” in the “seeing eye” portion of the upper triangle.

Someone else who regularly converses with his “inner guides” is occultist and spiritist Benjamin Rowe.  From his “The Beast and the Star – A Vision of the Abyss” comes this“At the time these visions began, I was meditating on the sexual process in human beings, specifically on the subjective aspects of the act as it is experienced by the two sexes. It suddenly came to me that there is a progressive development in man from being the pentagram to being the hexagram.  Natural man is viewed as the pentagram of the elements, as a being with five limbs, and five basic forces composing his being. These are the traditional elements of fire, air, water; earth, and spirit. The spirit aspect can either be directed towards the sexual forces (symbolized by the inverse pentagram) or it can be directed towards the spiritual realms.  It was shown to me that Man can become developed to the degree that the spirit (defined as the consciousness aspect) can be directed to either the sexual or the spiritual side at will, or to both at the same time.WHEN A MAN ATTAINS THIS DEGREE OF DEVELOPMENT, HE BECOMES THE HEXAGRAM.  The sexual organs. male or female. become the sixth point which is missing in the pentagram.”

This is the counterfeit of the Biblical “Mystery of Redemption” and of the “Great Work,” the Uniting of the Microcosm and the Macrocosm – Man united with the “god of this world.”


Aleister Crowley, is surely the most famous Satanist and black magician of the twentieth-century, where he considered himself to be the avatar of the ”Age of Horus”. So debased and foul was this demonized monster that he was once dubbed the most evil man in the world and was even called a “beast” by his own mother.  Crowley is significant here because his ideology and OTO organization is considered to be the root and mother cult responsible for birthing classical and neo-Satanism into the U.S. and throughout the western world.

From the Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati a supporting member of the Aleister Crowley Foundation, comes this: “The O.·A.·I.·is a Spiritual Order seeking to establish a Universal Religion that is dedicated to the total freedom of every individual and is therefore the antithesis of Christianity as a religious institution . . .  Members of the

O.·A.·I. are religious adherents of the "Gnostic Christ" or the Sun of Light, Life, Love and Liberty.” . . . “The Magical Symbol of the Adept is the Sixfold Star or Unicursal Hexagram, also called the Holy Hexagram of the Beast 666, which is a symbol of the One Path of the Sun, and of the Macrocosm or Greater Universe (God). It also indicates the Union of the Phallos and Kteis, and the Sacred Product of their Holy Union, which we call Our Lapis Philosophorum, the Stone of the Philosophers. The Hexagram is a perfect geometrical symbol of the Stone of the Philosophers, also called Lapis Mercurius, the Stone of Mercury. Ergo, it is a symbol of what we call “the Mystery of Mysteries” and “the Secret of Secrets”, which is also symbolised by Baphomet, and the Hermetic Androgyne or Hermaphrodite who is the Mercury of the Sages.”

The Unicursal Hexagram (shown above) is of fairly recent European origin and is known by Wiccans as the “Psychic Star.”  It is a representation of the New (Aquarian) Age and the so-called “energies of the earth and the universal spirit consciousness.” This is the “Initiates” hexagram or Crowley’s “Hexagram of the Beast 666,” the ultimate union of the Microcosm with the Macrocosm – a representation of the truly “Illuminised Man.”


In the “Search for Truth” by occultist Steve Gamble, we can see how Universal Spiritualism will ultimately unite the whole world under a Luciferian Confederacy by the syncretising of the world’s religions. “In Cabbalistic Teachings, the Ascended Masters have generally been the founders of religions, such as Hermes Trismegistus, Buddha, Zoroaster, Moses and Jesus for example. In Hebrew they are known as the Ishim who form a brotherhood to watch over mankind. In Catholicism they are known as the Communion of Saints, or, as they are called in Judaism, the Community of Israel. They are religiously known as an Assembly of Glorified Souls. It is this Assembly that has introduced into the world the knowledge in different symbols and rites of the world’s religions. Is this the true White Brotherhood in the Cabbalistic Tradition we see in many spiritual teachings today?”

Why would so many Christian martyrs willingly die, mostly in terrible agony, in order to proclaim one of the many alternative ways to God?  It is patently obvious that Christianity does not accept religious syncretism, simply because of the many exclusive statements made by its founder such as, I am the way, the truth and the life.  NO ONE comes to the Father except through me” (John 14,6).  Liar, Lunatic or Lord – YOU CHOOSE, because it doesn’t get much clearer than that!  Spiritual truth is not, nor ever has been a matter of both-and (both Christianity and other religions) but rather one of, either-orWorld religions simply cannot all be equally true.  This is deception at its best!


Christianity in its theological evolution has followed the same tragic road as the early Pharisees in its tendency to elevate tradition to a position of authority equal to or greater than Scripture. As a glaring example, the Roman Catholic Church has its own untouchable and sacred body of tradition that functions in a similar way to that of the Jewish Talmud: it is THE standard by which Scripture is to be interpreted. Thereby, subjective tradition AGAIN supplants the voice of Scripture as secondary, and thus nullifies God’s spoken Word.  No man, no church, no religious authority has any warrant from God to augment the inspired Word of Scripture, or to alter the plain sense of it by its subjection to the rigors of a "traditional" meaning not found in the Word itself. The Bible as the inspired Word is to be interpreted supernaturally through the agency of the Holy Spirit, by one that has entered into a dynamic relationship with their Saviour and Lord.  Satan understands this well and cleverly emulates a complete counterfeit with an almost equal supernatural brilliance through “another spirit” – his obliging horde of doctrinal demons.

The Lord Jesus placed heavy emphasis on the incredibly deceitful nature of the devil. In one of His many confrontations with the Pharisees, our Lord declared that their inability to recognise the truth was due to the fact that they were clearly OF the devil.  “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44).

Dr. William Hendriksen comments: (The Gospel of John, Baker, p.61)  “The devil, then, is the very wellspring of lies, the creator of falsehoods . . . . When he lies, he is the original. When he does not lie (Acts 16:16,17), he quotes or even plagiarizes; but even then he gives the borrowed words a false setting in order to create an illusion. He ever strives to lie and to deceive, and this he does in order to murder.”

By deluding himself into believing that he could claim a position of equality with the Most High, Satan fell from his position of high honour. He became the "Father of Lies," depending on a web of self-deceit and illusion to maintain his ultimate fantasy of equality with God.  By claiming this equality, the devil is forced to lie to himself and about every aspect of reality. His rebellion has locked him into an irrational posture in which he desperately denies the evidence of his own hopelessness and meaninglessness as a mere created being.


The devil’s position is the same as that of an extremely self-centered individual who clings to an unrealistic view of himself.  For example, an egotistical person who thinks they have a great singing voice will not accept any help or constructive criticism that implies the contrary.  Rather than admitting the possibility that they might be wrong in their very subjective estimate of their own ability, they will tend to associate only with people who sympathize and encourage them in their self-delusion.  The psychological term for such irrational willfulness is narcissism, and we are all aware of people who to a greater or lesser degree exhibit this tendency.  However most people eventually accept reality, (however painful that may be) or they defy it by either withdrawing into their own inner world, or they attempt to reconstruct reality so that it fits their false ideas.

This is somewhat similar to people who are caught up in various cults and other forms of group doctrinal deception.  This form of bondage is what I would term “Spellbinding,” that of being spiritually enslaved by demonic forces whose job it is to continually maintain the lie that the rest of the Battalion is always out of step with the one and only true soldier – them! 

The devil is the ultimate narcissist and has the added advantage like none other, in the power to supernaturally bind the minds of men to himself. He is powerful and willful enough to attempt to reconstruct all of God’s perfectly created reality in order to keep his false sense of self-importance.  Satan does not deceive others in a manner of one who knows the truth and merely seeks to mislead.  Satan lies because his own considerable intelligence has been utterly darkened by his perverted will.  He is the "Father of Lies" because he has deluded himself and willfully persists in his own self-delusions.


Satan’s scheme is to constantly divert us from Biblical reality into HIS version.  And since Jesus openly claimed amongst other things that Truth was the embodiment of Him, then it stands to reason that any dilution of truth, no matter how seemingly insignificant, means a lesser and lesser appropriation of Christ and a tendency to gradually slide in the direction of the enemy. The adversary achieves this deliberately and subtly, taking whatever time and means are necessary to snare the unsuspecting to substitute palatable lies, for at times – unpalatable truths.

Imagine now if you will, this highly intelligent and invisible fallen angel of Satan, a malignant creature, the Bible describes as  FULL OF WISDOM AND BEAUTY that has existed since before the dawn of time, together with his myriad of loyal accomplices that have directed the affairs of carnal man since the beginning of recorded history.  Down through the centuries the Evil One has influenced countless Kings, raised and destroyed great empires, placed his corrupting mark on every known culture in the world and is primarily responsible for sending countless billions to a Christless eternity!  This then is our adversary and we are absolutely no match for him, without the protection available to us through a continual and abiding faith IN CHRIST and by the continuous application of the truth of His Word in our lives.


The wrongly so-called “Star of David,” is a many faceted form of six hundred, three score and six and is the MARK OF SATAN.  It has been and is currently the insignia of the Globalists/Cabbalists, including The Rothschilds and a myriad of others which has consistently represented pure occultism (the deliberate negation of all things Biblical) throughout history.  One’s alignment with this evil system, even in blissful ignorance, is deemed a form of worship, and as the Bible so often warns, any reverence of Satan by whatever means, even by default, is of little excuse when trembling and pleading ignorance before an angry God that has clearly shouted his warning to us long in advance.

There will be many that are deceived through a miraculous “signs and wonders” event that will come upon the whole world at the appropriate time.  Great pressure will be applied on all to conform with the new system – with stark alternatives indeed to those who refuse. Almost all will be coerced to give in and cooperate with the coming socio/economic, military/spiritual system, which will emerge as the final world SUPER POWER!  Chapters 7 and 11 of Daniel, Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation describe multitudes that will be slain for refusing the mark, number and/or name of the Beast. In fact, assorted New Agers have estimated that millions will be eradicated to “purify” the human race. However, in Matthew 24:22a, Jesus states that after the Abomination of Desolation stands in the Holy Place, "And except those days be shortened, there should no flesh be saved . . :"

According to reliable sources, a "Grand Hexagram" celestial pattern occurred 30-36 hours before the discovery of the Hale-Bopp comet, a sign of which contributed to the mass suicides of the recent “Heaven’s Gate” cult.  These and the 70’s “Jim Jones” and the many other religious cult suicides, were but microcosms of the outcome of a global Luciferic initiation.  Current testimonies abound of near-death experiences, which invariably describe an encounter with a Being of Light who sends reluctant souls back to earth to assure others that there is no judgment after death.  New views of death are being formed through the corroboration of stories of a benign Judge and blissful afterlife.  Theosophist, Alice Bailey, even called Death; “The Great Adventure” and comforts future victims of this strong delusion with these words: "Our ideas about death have been erroneous; we have looked upon it as the great and ultimate terror, whereas in reality it is the great escape… it marks a definite transition from one state of consciousness into another…This, our present cycle, is the end of the age, and the next two hundred years will see the abolition of death, as we now understand that great transition, and the establishing of the fact of the souls existence…"

Rather than the abolition of death, Revelation 21:8 states that those whose names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will experience two deaths: “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

The TRUTH is that the second death is abolished only for those who have acknowledged their lack of righteousness and complete wretchedness, and have humbly trusted fully the merits of the genuine Saviour of men. To these alone is offered THE HOPE of union with Christ, as Matthew Henry has expressed so beautifully: "Our Lord Jesus is our Redeemer, our everlasting Redeemer; he looked with compassion on the deplorable state of fallen mankind…at a vast expense he redeemed the heavenly inheritance for us, which by sin was forfeited into the hands of Divine justice, and which we could never have been able to redeem. He purchased a peculiar people, whom he would espouse to himself though strangers and foreigners. Though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor; but he was abundantly recompensed by his Father, who, because he thus humbled himself, hath highly exalted him, and given him a name above every name. To this union Christ invites the perishing sinner. This relation to the poor, despised believer, he avows and glories in."

It is the reward of a cruel god (Satan) who continually deceives his worshipers into believing that divine truth can never be acquired in this life. Diabolically, his victims are taught by Masonic instruments and others that their ignorance must remain, until they are first raised from their graves and the knowledge of life is only then revealed.  They never suspect that the reason they will never know truth in this life, is that they have tragically chosen the WRONG WAY AND THE WRONG GOD!


There are now over 600 confirmed prison/internment camps in the United States that are fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. For full documentation, including actual photographs of these facilities, go HERE. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA, when Martial Law will be implemented in the United States.  FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is the executive arm of the present Police State and thus will head-up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register are also part of the legal framework for this operation.

An insider spoke of the coming American Holocaust and of the Government’s plans for dealing with “resisters” to the New World Order. These “resisters” will comprise gun owners who refuse to give up their weapons, Patriots, Constitutionalists and a few awakened Christians.  He spoke of the infrastructure that has already been set up to incarcerate and execute people on a large scale, and the locations of the facilities that will be used for these purposes.  Hundreds of these facilities have sprung up and continue to spring up across the country, seemingly devoid of activity, yet requiring strange details such as barbed wire-topped fencing (with the tops turned inwards) and helicopter wind socks. Most have good logistical supportability, with major highways and railroad transport facilities adjacent to the sites.  For many years now, under the guidance of federal and local managers, every city, town and village in the U.S. has been covertly set up by manipulating and using our SIGN system to target and mark vital sites, facilities and resources for confiscation and seizure by the military."

Many people are expecting a supreme, diabolical power that will soon find its way into the political arena, compelling Christians and others to abandon their faith by setting up a pseudo-religious government of persuasive force. We need to clearly understand however, that there is worship connected with this power.  Verse 8 above states that all of the people on earth will worship it, except for those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

And it is ONLY THOSE FEW whose names are written in that book of life, who will in the end be saved!

Jesus spoke very plainly when He said that we had a clear choice of direction; one way being easy, the other narrower and much harder to FIND!

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW THERE BE THATFIND IT.  BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS, WHICH COME TO YOU IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING, BUT INWARDLY THEY ARE RAVENING WOLVES.” (Matthew 7:13-15).

"And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth THE MARK OF HIS NAME." (Rev 14:11).

"They overcame him [the devil] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death" (Rev. 12:11).

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matt. 10:28).

What are we to do to escape the sudden destruction that will surely come upon the world?  Make sure you have made peace with God the Father through the salvation offered by His Son – The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. – Rom 2:28-9

I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan….Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. – Rev. 2:9, 3:9

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." -John 3:16-17

"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."Romans 10:13

"…and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.  Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else." -Isaiah 54:21-22

How to Go to Heaven


Alert: Imperial Psychiatric Empire is Invading the Mind

Jon Rappoport
May 15, 2014

A federal bill, HR 3717 (Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2013), is being refined in the hope of gaining big support from both sides of the political aisle.


Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) is the key point man for the American Psychiatric Association.

This bill is playing off of Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston, and other recent “mass events.”

The propaganda hook is: catch mental illness early, prevent tragedy.

The strategy is: expand mental health services into every cranny and nook of the society, starting with children.

Translation: diagnose mental disorders and drug patients with toxic compounds.

As I’ve demonstrated in many past articles, none of the 300 officially certified mental disorders has any defining diagnostic test. No blood test, no urine test, no brain scan, no genetic assay.

The names and descriptions of all the disorders are outright frauds, packaged to sell harmful drugs.

But that doesn’t stop the juggernaut.

HR 3717 is designed to do the following, as described in a recent article in Psychiatric News,“Comprehensive Mental Health Bill Introduced in House”:

Among the bill’s provisions is the creation of a new assistant secretary position in the Department of Health and Human Services to coordinate activities within the agency on prevention and treatment of mental health and substance abuse.”

That means far greater clout for the feds in foisting psychiatric treatment on the public.

“…increase funding for crisis-intervention team training for police officers and firefighters…”

This adds a psychiatric component in instances of “crises,” wherein suspects, witnesses and even government workers will receive “mental health” evals and counseling (and drug prescriptions). It’ll be SOP for anyone within shouting distance of a police raid, for example, to experience a brush with the psychiatric system, whenever possible.

“…permit disclosure of information about individuals with mental illness to caregivers or immediate family members under certain circumstances.”

There goes privacy and confidentiality…one leak and cross-reference after another.

“…$40 million a year for the National Institute of Mental Health to fund the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative…or other ‘research on the determinants of self- and other-directed violence in mental illness, including studies directed at reducing the risk of self-harm, suicide, and interpersonal violence.’”

More $$ to study how to control the brain. More fraudulent research aimed at blaming “chemical imbalances” as the cause of crime, which again results in more mental-disorder diagnoses and drugging. Keep in mind that increasing numbers of people are being driven over the edge into committing violence, because psychiatric drugs, such as the SSRI antidepressants, are scrambling their neurotransmitters. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

“…adopt a ‘need-for-treatment’ standard for assisted outpatient treatment (AOT), he [Rep. Murphy] said, adding that the current legal standard requiring ‘dangerousness to self or others’ to permit involuntary evaluation and treatment was a bar set too high.”

This means the government can order more people to receive psychiatric care and forced drugging, erasing the previous restriction.

Jeffrey Lieberman, president of the American Psychiatric Association: “We need a public-health initiative for mental health care that moves out of clinical settings into the community, whether it’s in primary care, education, the workplace, or faith-based organizations.”

Meaning: tons of new propaganda about the need for psychiatric treatment; the building of community psychiatric centers all across the country; pressure to submit to treatment applied in ordinary doctors’ offices, in schools, in private companies, in churches.

This is a diabolical legislative package.

If it’s fully implemented, you’ll witness a sea-change in society, in the coming decade. Diagnoses of mental disorders and consequent drugging, already widely in effect, will become as common and ordinary as people eating at fast food restaurants.

And the population will eventually forget things were ever different.

“Hey, can I borrow your Valproate? My son took my bottle because he ran out.”

Look for schools to set up monitoring systems, so they can be sure students are taking their psychiatric meds at the proper times during the day.

On their wireless devices, all children will have ID packages that allow them to check into any pharmacy and pick up a prescription refill.

And esoteric concepts like “consciousness?” They’ll fade from view, because “states of mind” will be defined by mental-disorder labels.

This is about more than Pharma profits. It’s also about putting a ceiling on how human beings view themselves.

As exemplified by this bill before Congress, the federal government has set itself up as a legal partner and enforcer of a monopoly of the mind.

Understand that. There are a million ways to explore and understand the inner life of a person. Psychiatry is just one of those. It’s a pseudoscience and a con and a hustle.

But it has the unflinching support of all three branches of government.

Which is why the freedom to refuse treatment must be protected, against any and all attacks.

Jon Rappoport – The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Former Abortion Clinic Operator: We Sexualized Kids To Keep Abortion Cash Flowing

Kids encouraged to turn to abortion counselors, rather than parents

Adan Salazar
May 15, 2014

A former abortion clinic operator in Texas says she was compensated handsomely for selling state-funded sex education programs to children, which in turn destroyed their innocence and compelled them to visit the clinics for future abortion services.


Carol Everett, who now heads the non-profit Heidi Group Foundation, a pro-life organization that helps “girls and women in unplanned pregnancies make positive, life-affirming choices,” recalled her time within the industry at a recent Rose Dinner event in Canada.

Describing the sale of abortion services as a “cash cow,” Everett recounted witnessing busy doctors visit patient after patient “often without scrubbing up again,” according to theCatholic Register. Everett also pointed to state-funded sex ed programs as one of the ways the abortion industry grooms potential repeat customers.

“Children are being taught about sex and masturbation in ways that ‘shame the children’ so they will not be comfortable telling their parents what they heard, Everett said,” writes Deborah Gyapong.

The programs would then provide girls “with low dose birth control, which is ineffective if not taken at the same time each and every day, which is close to impossible for any teenager,” reports Life News, adding, “When the girls get pregnant, they then turn to abortion clinics..”

Additionally, Everett characterized so-called abortion counselors, who answer phones at the clinics, as essentially “telemarketers who are trained to ‘overcome objections’ and close the deal by making an appointment for an abortion,” Gyapong says.

Everett left the murderous trade in 1983 and has since turned a new leaf, but the industry’s attempts to create new customers by corrupting the minds of youngsters continues unabated. By far one of the biggest advocates and profiteers of the murder of unborn children is eugenicist Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood, whom President Obama has pledged millions of tax-payer dollars to keep funded.

The American Life League produced an exemplary video report exposing Planned Parenthood’s sex education programs, which start at an extremely young age and actually encourage things like sexual promiscuity, homosexuality and anal sex, to name a few, in efforts to create a generation of sex addicts that will feed an endless cycle of abortions and profit.

Propping up the abortion industry is just one of the reasons kids are taught about hetero- and homosexual proclivities at a young age, as depicted in the following video disapprovingly shown to children at various schools in Wisconsin recently. While seemingly innocent enough, the fact that some children can’t comprehend what emotion they should be experiencing in response to the video clearly illustrates they are too young to tackle the subject matter.

This article was posted: Thursday, May 15, 2014 at 3:44 pm

Illegal NSA Surveillance of Americans: Secret Authorizations Granted by Bush and Obama

Eric Zuesse
May 15, 2014


The May 13th PBS “Frontline” documents that on 4 October 2001, President George W. Bush signed a secret authorization for the NSA to see the “metadata” (the to-whom, and from-whom) records for all phone calls, and also “a lot of content of phone calls. They’re actually recording the voices — not for all of our calls, but for a lot of U.S. telephone calls.”

Titled “United States of Secrets,” this documentary reports that only about a half-dozen people were informed of this operation, which was called “the Program.”NSA chief Michael Hayden was informed of it, and he supported it. Attorney General John Ashcroft was informed of it, but he opposed it as being illegal, a direct violation of the 4th Amendment, and also possibly of the 1st Amendment. The Justice Department was sidelined from it. President Bush’s order was drafted not by the President’s lawyer, Alberto Gonzales (though he supported it), but by David Addington, VP Dick Cheney’s Legal Counsel, who was not so much asked whether it was Constitutional, as he was asked to come up with an argument for its being Constitutional, even if only a fig-leaf argument — which it turned out to be. Cheney actually ran the country, and Bush rubber-stamped whatever came out of Cheney’s office.

Within 30 minutes after the President signing the order, Addington placed it into his office safe, and he showed it to very few people, only on a need-to-know basis.

President Bush is shown as saying to the public, “Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so.” And: “It’s important for our fellow citizens to understand constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland because we value the Constitution.” These statements were simply lies from him, and there was no “court order” for anything in “the Program.” For a long time, the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) Court wasn’t even informed about the existence of “the Program.” So: it didn’t even have FISA Court authorization.


Employees at NSA who balked at breaking the law, and who refused to do what they thought to be wrong, at least unless and until they saw legal authorization for it — which they were not presented to them — were threatened by their superiors. Some were fired. Others tried to contact reporters, and were then prosecuted. The Bush Administration wrecked their lives, broke up some marriages, and prosecuted one of them all the way into the Obama Administration, which threatened him with prison and then gave up when he was finally financially stripped and his marriage destroyed.

Arthur Sulzberger, the controlling owner of The New York Times, and his Editor, Bill Keller, blocked their own reporters, James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, from publishing the fact (communicated by the leakers) that that Bush’s statements that everything was hunky-dory legal were lies. Thus, Bush was able to win re-election against John Kerry in 2004. But, then, Risen got a book contract, and so was able to publish the truth after the 2004 election (which was what principally concerned Bush — his re-election); and, so, The New York Times finally allowed the truth to be published also in their pages, after the “election,” and thus too late for the public to absorb the fact that they’d been deceived by Bush about this.

The news report was headlined on 16 December 2005, “Bush Secretly Lifted Some Limits on Spying in the United States After 9/11, Officials Say.” Online, it was headlined “Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts.” The responses to this news story (such as were shown there at the print version) were largely from conservatives (people who trusted Bush’s honesty), who accused the Times of being a voice of the Democratic Party, though the reality of this situation was more like the exact opposite. The reality was that the Times hid (actively suppressed) this information, for as long as possible.

Furthermore, the story itself misrepresented even some basic facts, in the direction of softening Bush’s lies. For example, the opening two sentences of it were: “Months after the Sept. 11 attacks, President Bush secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside the United States to search for evidence of terrorist activity without the court-approved warrants ordinarily required for domestic spying, according to government officials. Under a presidential order signed in 2002, the intelligence agency has monitored the international telephone calls and international e-mail messages of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people inside the United States without warrants over the past three years in an effort to track possible ‘dirty numbers’ linked to Al Qaeda, the officials said.


The agency, they said, still seeks warrants to monitor entirely domestic communications.” Here is how Frontline reports the actual event, not the NYT’s reporting of it: “On October 4th [2001], in a secret signing with Cheney, the president officially authorized ‘the program’.” The NYT-implied Bush reluctance, of “Months after the Sept. 11 attacks,” was a fiction. Cheney immediately, on 9/11, told his people to come up with proposals for whatever they thought needed to be done, and said that he would get it done; and Bush was 100% supportive of that must-do, can-do, will-do, attitude, and of “the Program.” Furthermore, the description provided by NYT of the Program, understated its scope; and, to refer to “the court-approved warrants ordinarily required” was itself a lie, because those warrants were a legal requirement, which had been legislated shortly after Richard Nixon was booted from the White House for Watergate, and adherence to that law wasn’t just “ordinarily required,” but it was always adhered to, because NSAers didn’t want to go to prison. This documentary makes that fear, of breaking the law, clear. Furthermore, to say that “messages of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people inside the United States” were the scope of this “Program,” which actually encompassed virtually all telecom traffic of the hundreds of millions of American citizens, would be ludicrous if such a lie could be funny at all. So: the NYT’s report was highly sanitized.

This documentary also reports Barack Obama’s lies. It shows candidate, Senator, Obama promising, “No more secrecy. That’s a commitment that I make to you as president!” And, “I will provide our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the tools they need to track and take out the terrorists without undermining our Constitution and our freedom. That means no more illegal wiretapping of American citizens.” And, “No more ignoring the law when it is inconvenient. That is not who we are. That’s not what is necessary to defeat the terrorists.” And, then, finally: “BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States: The laws that are written will be more open to the public. No more secrecy. That’s the commitment I make to you as president!” (And he now was President.) All of those promises, from Obama, were also lies.

Furthermore, this documentary makes clear that both Bush and Obama have consistently tried to imprison whistleblowers, within the NSA and elsewhere, who attempted to get word out about this rampant law-breaking by the Federal Government. Edward Snowden was just the last of a long line of those. At one point, practically the entire top rung of the U.S. Justice Department were preparing to resign over this matter. NSA Senior Executive Thomas Drake was fired over it, prosecuted with the threat of life imprisonment, and then, when Obama ultimately couldn’t find anything serious to charge him with, just stripped financially to pay his legal expenses. And, of course, Obama still wants to kill Edward Snowdenfor exposing this “Program.”

However, this documentary is itself largely a cover-up. It presents “the Program” as being a response to9/11, but actually the desire and intention to do it began almost as soon as George W. Bush entered theWhite House.


On October 11th of 2007, bannered NSA Domestic Surveillance Began 7 Months Before 9/11, Convicted Qwest CEO Claims,” and Ryan Singel reported that Joseph Nacchio, the CEO of the phone company Qwest, claimed in court documents that he had been sentenced to prison because he had decided in February 2001, just a month after George W. Bush entered the White House, that he could not authorize his company to participate in warrantless wiretaps of Americans because such wiretaps would be illegal. Nacchio’s April 2007 statement to the court was just now being released by the court, and said that he “respectfully renews his objection to the Court’s rulings excluding testimony surrounding his February 27, 2001 meeting at Ft. Meade with representatives from the National Security Agency (NSA) as violative of his constitutional right to mount a defense. Although Mr. Nacchio is allowed to tell the jury that he and James Payne [Qwest’s government liason] went into that meeting expecting to talk about the ‘Groundbreaker’ project,” a multi-billion-dollar NSA telecom contract (it didn’t yet have the name “the Project”), and that he “came out of the meeting with optimism about the prospect for 2001 revenue fromNSA, the Court has prohibited Mr. Nacchio from eliciting testimony regarding what also occurred at that meeting. [REDACTED, but presumably referring to demands by NSA for Qwest to permit federal snooping on Americans without court warrants.]

The Court has also refused to allow Mr. Nacchio to demonstrate that the agency retaliated for this refusal by denying the Groundbreaker and perhaps other work to Qwest.” In other words, Mr. Nacchio was alleging that this huge federal contract had been denied to Qwest because Qwest had refused to participate in Bush’s illegal warrantless snooping on phone and e-mail communications of Americans. This is before 9/11. In 2001, Nacchio sold some of his Qwest stock shares, and the Bush Administration charged him with insider trading, because Qwest’s share-price declined after that sale. “Nacchio unsuccessfully attempted to defend himself by arguing that he actually expected Qwest’s 2001 earnings to be higher because of secret NSA contracts, which, he contends, were denied by the NSA after he declined in a February 27, 2001 meeting to give the NSA customer calling records.” The court refused to allow Nacchio to present to the jury any information regarding the NSA’s demands which Nacchio had turned down. Consequently, according to Nacchio’s lawyer, he was convicted and received a 6-year prison sentence.


Two days later, on October 13th, the Washington Post bannered “Former CEO Says U.S. Punished Phone Firm,” and reported: “A former Qwest Communications International executive, appealing a conviction for insider trading, has alleged that the government withdrew opportunities for contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars after Qwest refused to participate” in Bush’s NSA surveillance against Americans. “Former chief executive Joseph P. Nacchio, convicted in April of 19 counts of insider trading, said the NSAapproached Qwest more than six months before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to court documents unsealed in Denver this week.” That would have placed it probably back in February 2001.

If Nacchio’s allegations were true, then Bush was already organizing the illegal wiretapping against Americans months before 9/11 even occurred, and Nacchio’s prosecution was retaliation against his non-cooperation with Bush’s illegal NSA program.

A week later, on October 22nd, the WP headlined “Immunity for Telecoms May Set Bad Precedent, Legal Scholars Say.” The Bush Administration was trying to push through Congress immunity for Verizon and ATT, which, unlike Qwest, had participated in Bush’s illegal spying against Americans.

Bush’s proposal, now in 2007, was to retroactively legalize what those companies had done, even though this would constitute a form of ex post facto law: It would retroactively change the law in order to immunize those two companies. This type of ex post facto law is known as an “amnesty law,” because it amnesties, or retrospectively legalizes, rather than illegalizes, the defined activities. Article I Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution states: “No … ex post facto Law shall be passed.” That includes an amnesty law (certainly of this type, though not necessarily of illegal immigration, since that isn’t a criminal violation). To Republicans, and to the conservative Democrats who also were pushing Bush’s legislation, the U.S. Constitution was merely an inconvenience; only the Bible was the Law, to them.


On 5 November 2007, the Electronic Frontier Foundation headlined “AT&T Whistleblower to Urge Senate to Reject Blanket Immunity for Telecoms,” and reported that a retired AT&T technician, Mark Klein, said, “My job required me to enable the physical connections between AT&T customers’ Internet communications and the NSA’s illegal, wholesale copying machine for domestic emails, Internet phone conversations, web surfing and all other Internet traffic.” The following day, the Austin American-Statesman bannered “AT&T Whistleblower: Say No to Telecom Immunity,” and Rebecca Carr reported that Klein said “I have first-hand knowledge of the clandestine collaboration between one giant telecommunications company, AT&T, and the NSA to facilitate the most comprehensive illegal domestic spying program in [U.S.] history.” Then, the next day, on November 7th, the Washington Post bannered “A Story of Surveillance: Former Technician ‘Turning In’ AT&T Over NSA Program.” Ellen Nakashima reported Klein as saying, “This splitter was sweeping up everything, vacuum-cleaner style. … The NSA is getting everything.” Moreover, this AT&T facility which he installed “carry not just AT&T’s customers but everybody’s.” Klein described specific AT&T “links to 16 entities,” including Global Crossing, Verizon, Level 3, Sprint, and Qwest. It was the central hub for all international U.S. telecommunications traffic. ABC headlined concerning only the internet aspect, Big BrotherSpying on Americans’ Internet Data,” and reported Klein as asserting that, “An exact copy of all Internet traffic that flowed through critical AT&T cables — e-mails, documents, Web browsing, voice-over-Internet phone conversations, everything – was being diverted to equipment inside the secret room.”

Although, according to Nacchio’s testimony, George W. Bush’s laying the groundwork for illegal spying against regular American citizens began well before the 9/11 attacks, the press in the United States continued to parrot unquestioningly, in their stenographic “news” stories, the White House’s line, that the spying program began as a response to 9/11 in order to prevent a recurrence. Long afterward, Bush was still successful in getting the AP, The New York Times, and other “news” organizations, to put this dubious assumption before the American public, as a supposedly established fact, in “news reports.” On 14 March 2008, georgia10 at headlined “Dear Media: Please Stop Repeating This Lie.” She documented there cases in which the media had recently presented this Bush assertion as if it were an established fact. The pleading here was in vain. America’s major “news” media are propaganda agencies.

On 16 December 2007, The New York Times headlined “Wider Spying Fuels Aid Plan for Telecom Industry,” and reported that, “At stake” in the battle over retroactive immunization of the traitorous telecom companies which had served the aspiring dictator “is the federal government’s extensive but uneasy partnership with [these criminal elements in, not with (as here implied) all] industry to conduct a wide range of secret surveillance.” A lawsuit “claims that in February 2001, just days before agency officials met with Qwest officials, the N.S.A. met with AT&T officials to discuss replicating a network center in Bedminster, N.J., to give the agency access to all the global phone and e-mail traffic that ran through it.”


When these meetings with telcos were occurring, requesting these companies to provide the Bush Administration access which was prohibited by existing laws, such as the FISA act, President Bush was simultaneously shoving off anti-terrorism chief Richard Clarke, who was futilely trying to get the Administration to pay attention to the Al Qaeda threat. So, Bush’s Big Brother effort here had nothing whatsoever to do with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups. The Executive Order of the President, that Bush signed in October 2001 “legally” authorizing this spying, was merely using 9/11 as the convenient excuse, a pretext, for something that Bush had planned all along. A lawyer for one of the whistle-blowing telecom employees said, “What he saw … was decisive evidence that within two weeks of taking office, the Bush administration was planning a comprehensive effort of spying on Americans.” George W. Bush, at the time this news story appeared, December 16th six years after the Program’s start, was threatening the U.S. Senate, by saying that he would veto any FISA reauthorization which failed to provide his demanded unconstitutional retroactive immunity for the telephone companies which had participated in Bush’s police-state initiative. He needed them to be immune, because otherwise he himself would not be. After all: they were doing his bidding.

Thus, it was even more shameful that America’s major media continued peddling Bush’s lie that the illegal surveillance program was a response to 9/11 — a deception that is reinforced by this Frontline piece on 13 May 2014.

On the same day, December 16th of 2007, the headline that appeared of this news at wasn’t the Republican newspaper’s tepid and misleading “Wider Spying Fuels Aid Plan for Telecom Industry,” but was instead the very direct and honest: “AT&T Engineer Says Bush Administration Sought to Implement Domestic Spying Within Two Weeks of Taking Office.” An attention-grabber like that isn’t what a U.S. President wants in a headline for such a news report. This news story also didn’t “bury the lede” as the NYT had done. Instead, it opened directly, by saying: “Nearly 1,300 words into Sunday’s New York Times article revealing new details of the National Security Agency’s domestic eavesdropping program, the lawyer for an AT&T engineer alleges that ‘within two weeks of taking office, the Bush administration was planning a comprehensive effort of spying on Americans’ phone usage.’” The New York Times is the supreme master of news-slant, not just “burying the lede,” but burying truth.

On account of the widespread lie that Bush’s surveillance program was a response to 9/11, Siobhan Gorman of the Wall Street Journal bannered on 14 March 2008, “Democrats Dig In for SurveillanceBattle,” and reported a “Partisan Battle” over retroactive telecom immunity, because 74% of Republicans (and a lower 52% of all respondents) polled by Princeton Survey Research Associates had said that, “Government surveillance of suspected terrorists without court permission” is “Generally right,” while 57% of Democrats (and 44% of all respondents) said it’s “Generally wrong.”

Prism-001 (1)

America’s conservative masses were passionately supportive of this surveillance; they were driven by fear, even if they were playing into the hands of the worst forces; and their pettiness was destroying everything that made the United States great. They didn’t at all fear America’s tyrant at that time, George W. Bush.

Surveillance without a warrant isn’t just “Generally wrong”; it’s always wrong. Lawbreaking by Government is always wrong, especially when it threatens basic constitutional freedoms, and most especially when it threatens the introduction of a police state.

In June 2008, a large minority of congressional Democrats joined all but one Republican in a FISA “compromise,” H.R. 6304, which seemed to give the President what he wanted, because otherwise, without it, Democrats would likely lose crucial seats in Congress, representing conservative districts, where fear of alien Muslim terrorists exceeded even their fear of immigrants and of other aliens in general. On 20 June 2008, Massimo Calabresi in TIME bannered “ Behind  the Compromise on  Spying,” and he explained how stupid it would have been for congressional Democrats to support the U.S. Constitution during this key election year. America’s high-school-civics teachers had failed disastrously, and so America’s voters possessed virtually no idea of what a constitutional democracy really is, much less of how to continue to be one.

How, for example, could American voters intelligently evaluate the Republican and Democratic Presidential candidates’ respective positions on warrantless wiretapping? A political game was being played here, and voters were the ultimate chips to be won or lost in this game. They weren’t the ultimate deciders; the ultimate deciders were the players of the game. It was no democracy.

However, this new snooping law didn’t actually provide Bush protection after all. Buried in its Title II, Section 802 of the revised FISA law, was an obscure clause which restricted legal immunity to only things telecoms did that were “authorized by the President during the period beginning on September 11, 2001.” That was its key clause, and it hadn’t been in the previous versions of the bill. In this new version, there was no immunity at all for anything which was illegal and which the President had authorized prior to9/11, such as had been revealed by Joe Nacchio, and also by the AT&T whistleblower, Mark Kline, both of whom referred to illegal snooping demands by Bush occurring in February of 2001


Bush couldn’t very well veto this bill once it passed Congress; he had to sign it into law, because he claimed publicly that 9/11 had caused this snooping, that this snooping was a response to 9/11. And Republicans in Congress couldn’t vote against the bill either, because it gave both them and the President what they were publicly demanding. The Democrats were now essentially calling the Republicans’ bluff on their demands, and doing it during a Presidential election year, in which the Republican Party was now widely loathed, and when Republican Representatives and Senators feared the real prospects of losing their seats. Basically, congressional Democrats had congressional Republicans, and the Republican President, caught in a political trap, from which there was no way out. So, the supposed telecom-immunity was, essentially, a fiction. On 18 September  2008, bannered “Domestic  Spying Lawsuit Targets Bush, Cheney, NSA,” and reported that, “Based on news reports and information obtained from former AT&T employee Mark Kline, EFF [Electronic Frontier Foundation] alleges a massive surveillance apparatus has been trained on Americans to vacuum up information on virtually every telephone call, e-mail and Internet search to feed a massive database maintained by the NSA. … Information on the lawsuit and a link to the 55-page filing is available on EFF’s Web site.”

So: As soon as Obama came into the White House, he not only continued, virtually unchanged, George W. Bush’s bailouts of Wall Street, non-enforcement and non-prosecution against banksters, and rabid prosecutions against whistleblowers in government, but he also refused to prosecute George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for their lawless regime. He thereby established the precedent that the U.S. President is, in effect, above the law, that he’s supposed to enforce. He made this a bipartisan dictatorship.

We do not have a free press. It’s a propaganda operation, by, and for, the people at the top.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010,  and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.



Melting of West Antarctic’s glaciers pass ‘point of no return’

The Amundsen Sea region represents only a small part of the whole West Antarctic Ice Sheet, but contains enough ice to raise global ocean levels by 3-4 meters. (Credit: NASA/GSFC/SVS)

The Amundsen Sea region represents only a small part of the whole West Antarctic Ice Sheet, but contains enough ice to raise global ocean levels by 3-4 meters. (Credit: NASA/GSFC/SVS)

Scott Sutherland
Digital Meteorologist,

Monday, May 12, 2014, 4:44 PM – The glaciers of West Antarctica have been melting away at a rather alarming rate in recent years, to the point where over 100 billion tons of ice is being lost each year, and according to two new studies, these glaciers have reached the point of no return, meaning that their collapse is now inevitable.

As West Antarctic loses ice, either as meltwater straight into the ocean or as icebergs calving off to float free from the continent, the majority of that loss is happening along the Armundsen Sea coast. This region, with no fewer than six major glaciers flowing through it, has been experiencing a dramatic increase in ice mass loss since the late 1990s. Along with the losses from the Greenland ice sheet, this has contributed about one-third of the sea level rise that’s been measured in recent years.

Studies by NASA and the University of California, Irvine, and from NASA and the University of Washington, examined satellite data on how fast the glaciers are flowing, how much of each glacier is floating on top of the sea surface, the slope of the terrain under the glaciers and how deep the terrain has been pushed below sea level by the weight of the ice, as well as computer models projecting future scenarios of ice flow. The conclusion that these studies are pointing to is that the loss of ice now appears to have reached a ‘point of no return’ which will lead to the slow collapse of the entire ice sheet.

"The collapse of this sector of West Antarctica appears to be unstoppable," said Eric Rignot, a glaciologist with UC Irvine and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory who lead one of the studies. "The fact that the retreat is happening simultaneously over a large sector suggests it was triggered by a common cause, such as an increase in the amount of ocean heat beneath the floating sections of the glaciers. At this point, the end of this sector appears to be inevitable."

Rignot discusses the findings of his research in this video:

According to Ian Joughin, a glaciologist at the University of Washington’s Applied Physics Laboratory, their research points to a similar conclusion.

"Previously, when we saw thinning we didn’t necessarily know whether the glacier could slow down later, spontaneously or through some feedback," he said in a UW press release. "In our model simulations it looks like all the feedbacks tend to point toward it actually accelerating over time; there’s no real stabilizing mechanism we can see."

The UW study goes on to say that the Thwaites Glacier – one of the fastest moving ones in the region – acts like a linchpin for the other glaciers. Once it goes, sliding right into the ocean to break up and melt, the others will quickly follow. The West Antarctic ice sheet is estimated to have enough ice in it to raise global sea levels by around 3-4 meters.

The only good news about all this is that, as pointed out above, this is a slow collapse – at least from our perspective. The estimates from these studies give us somewhere between 200-900 years before this collapse is going to happen, which is nearly instantaneous compared to the tens of millions of years it took for this ice to accumulate on Antarctica. Faster and higher temperature rises, coupled with less snowfall put the collapse closer to the 200 year mark. Slower and lower temperature rises and more snowfall delay the complete collapse the longest.

Read more about the instability of the West Antarctic ice sheet in JPL’s primer sheet. The UC Irvine study will appear in an upcoming issue of Geophysical Research Letters, and the UW research will be printed in the May 16 issue of Science.

Sea ice vs land ice

It’s inevitable that when loses of ice from Antarctica come up, the subject of record levels of sea ice surrounding the continent come into play – typically in an effort to counter the facts and show there is nothing to worry about. On the contrary, though, the record gains in sea ice around Antarctica are tiny compared to the losses elsewhere (especially in the Arctic), and the gains are a direct result of the ice losses from the glaciers on the Antarctic continent. As water melts and flows off of these glaciers or icebergs calve off and melt, the fresh water from the ice floats atop the denser salt water. Since changes in ocean currents and mixing due to climate change have shifted wind patterns around the south pole, causing that region to warm much slower than the rest of the world, this has caused the south polar vortex to increase in intensity, increasing wind speeds around Antarctica. If it was all salt water around the continent, this wouldn’t cause much of a difference in sea ice amounts, but since the fresh water is floating on top and it freezes at a higher temperature than the salt water, it quickly freezes into ice. However, this gain in sea ice is no boon to the region and no counter to ice loses in the Arctic. Unlike the Arctic which (at least currently) retains some sea ice extend in the northern summer, the ice almost completely disappears from around Antarctica in the southern summer. So, the combined loss of land ice and the melting away of sea ice there represents an overall net loss of ice from Antarctica.


Eastern Antarctic ice melt could lead to sea level rise of up to four metres


Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Sunday, May 11, 2014, 9:00 AM –

A new study on Antarctica’s ice sheet is out, and there’s good news and bad news for sea level rise.

The bad news is, scientists have identified a part of the eastern Antarctic ice sheet that, if it were to melt, it would spark a chain reaction that could see much of that basin discharge, with global sea levels rising up to four metres.

The good news? The chance of that actually happening is minimal, at least over the next century.

"East Antarctica may become a large contributor to future sea-level rise on timescales beyond a century," the report’s authors write in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Climate Change.

These ‘plugs’ in eastern Antarctica are holding back an enormous amount of potential meltwater, mostly in the Wilkes Basin ice shelf.

Eastern Antarctica has enough ice to raise global sea levels by 53 m if it all melted, although even most worst-case scenarios discount such a drastic melt.

Still, the extent of ice loss in Antarctica is not as studied, with scientists still not sure how much climate change is affecting the region.


There only one thing they neglected to tell people in these two article is that Antarctica is presently experiencing one of its coldest winters on record

April 14 2014

beyond cold ant artic 2014 april 14

April 27 2014

beyond cold ant artic 2014 april 27

April 26 2014

beyond cold ant artic 2014 april 27a

April 29 2014

beyond cold ant artic 2014 april 29

And Today May 13 2014

Beyond Cold Antartica May 13 2014

So my question is How do Glacier Melt in those temperature and those are just the start of there winter temps. How cold and how much ice will be made this years…These climate change cry babies are nothing but Elite Globalist Puppets crying Bad Bad Humans all the time. Pay us a C02Tax and all will be well. Ya…OK…Sure… When people Wake up and realize that the Sun is the Most Important Factor in Climate Change and not us Bad Bad Humans, Mankind will be a lot better off…

I smell bsflag

Pentagon Spending Tax Money Preparing for “Global Warming”

Selwyn Duke
The New American
May 16, 2014

The phrase “fighting climate change” has taken on new meaning, with the Department of Defense factoring consensus-based forecasts of a warmer planet into its military preparedness models.

Despite “global warming” claims, Antarctica is currently experiencing record-level ice. Credit: elisfanclub / Flickr

Despite “global warming” claims, Antarctica is currently experiencing record-level ice. Credit: elisfanclub / Flickr

Writes NBC News’ Bill Briggs:

US military and intelligence agencies are increasingly monitoring and preparing for how, when and where the consequences of a warmer planet will collide with national security, requiring the eventual need to deploy American troops to weather-torn lands.

…“For DoD, this is a mission reality, not a political debate,” said Mark Wright, a Pentagon spokesman. “The scientific forecast is for more Arctic ice melt, more sea-level rise, more intense storms, more flooding from storm surge, and more drought.[”]

“Those changes shape the future operating environment, help us predict missions we’ll have to undertake, and create challenges and constraints on how we operate on our bases,” Wright said. “We’re taking sensible measured steps to mitigate the mission risk posed by climate change.”

The problem, many critics would say, is that the DoD’s “mission reality” is based on the outcome of a “political debate” — not on sound science. Climate models that had predicted rising temperatures for the past couple of decades have proved faulty, as there has been no warming now for almost 18 years. Moreover, writes James Taylor at Human Events, “This year has been the coldest year in history through May 6,” and when summer officially arrives, “it better be a warm one if the United States is to avoid setting a new record for its coldest year ever.”

‘Killer robots’ to be debated at UN


Autonomous killer robots do not currently exist but advances in technology are bringing them closer to reality

Killer robots will be debated during an informal meeting of experts at the United Nations in Geneva.

Two robotics experts, Prof Ronald Arkin and Prof Noel Sharkey, will debate the efficacy and necessity of killer robots.

The meeting will be held during the UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW).

A report on the discussion will be presented to the CCW meeting in November.

This will be the first time that the issue of killer robots, or lethal autonomous weapons systems, will be addressed within the CCW.

"I support a moratorium until that end is achieved, but I do not support a ban at this time" ”

Prof Ronald ArkinGeorgia Institute of Technology

Autonomous kill function

A killer robot is a fully autonomous weapon that can select and engage targets without any human intervention. They do not currently exist but advances in technology are bringing them closer to reality.

Those in favour of killer robots believe the current laws of war may be sufficient to address any problems that might emerge if they are ever deployed, arguing that a moratorium, not an outright ban, should be called if this is not the case.

However, those who oppose their use believe they are a threat to humanity and any autonomous "kill functions" should be banned.

"Autonomous weapons systems cannot be guaranteed to predictably comply with international law," Prof Sharkey told the BBC. "Nations aren’t talking to each other about this, which poses a big risk to humanity."

Prof Sharkey is a member and co-founder of the Campaign Against Killer Robots and chairman of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control.

Side events at the CCW will be hosted by the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots.

darpa cheetah (1)

Automation of warfare

Prof Arkin from the Georgia Institute of Technology told the BBC he hoped killer robots would be able to significantly reduce non-combatant casualties but feared they would be rushed into battle before this was accomplished.

"I support a moratorium until that end is achieved, but I do not support a ban at this time," said Prof Arkin.

He went on to state that killer robots may be better able to determine when not to engage a target than humans, "and could potentially exercise greater care in so doing".

Prof Sharkey is less optimistic. "I’m concerned about the full automation of warfare," he says.


The discussion of drones is not on the agenda as they are yet to operate completely autonomously, although there are signs this may change in the near future.

The UK successfully tested the Taranis, an unmanned intercontinental aircraft in Australia this year and America’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) has made advances with the Crusher, an unmanned ground combat vehicle, since 2006.

The MoD has claimed in the past that it currently has no intention of developing systems that operate without human intervention.

On 21 November 2012 the United States Defense Department issued a directive that, "requires a human being to be ‘in-the-loop’ when decisions are made about using lethal force," according to Human Rights Watch.

The meeting of experts will be chaired by French ambassador Jean-Hugues Simon-Michel from 13 to 16 May 2014.


Robot warriors: Lethal machines coming of age

By Jonathan MarcusBBC Diplomatic Correspondent

Automated aircraft

The X-47B unmanned aircraft – it could in future fire without human intervention


The era of drone wars is already upon us. The era of robot wars could be fast approaching.

Already there are unmanned aircraft demonstrators like the arrow-head shaped X-47B that can pretty-well fly a mission by itself with no involvement of a ground-based "pilot".

There are missile systems like the Patriot that can identify and engage targets automatically.

And from here it is not such a jump to a fully-fledged armed robot warrior, a development with huge implications for the way we conduct and even conceive of war-fighting.

On a carpet in a laboratory at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Professor Henrik Christensen’s robots are hunting for insurgents. They look like cake-stands on wheels as they scuttle about.

Christensen and his team at Georgia Tech are working on a project funded by the defence company BAE systems.

Their aim is to create unmanned vehicles programmed to map an enemy hideout, allowing human soldiers to get vital information about a building from a safe distance.

"These robots will basically spread out," says Christensen, "they’ll go through the environment and map out what it looks like, so that by the time you have humans entering the building you have a lot of intelligence about what’s happening there."

The emphasis in this project is reconnaissance and intelligence gathering. But the scientific literature has raised the possibility of armed robots, programmed to behave like locusts or other insects that will swarm together in clouds as enemy targets appear on the battlefield. Each member of the robotic swarm could carry a small warhead or use its kinetic energy to attack a target.

Henrik Christensen

Christensen is developing robots that can survey enemy hideouts

Peter W Singer, an expert in the future of warfare at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC, says that the arrival on the battlefield of the robot warrior raises profound questions.

The mere thought that human beings would set about creating machines that they can set loose to kill other human being, I find repulsive”

Jody WilliamsNobel Peace Prize Winner for 1997

"Every so often in history, you get a technology that comes along that’s a game changer," he says. "They’re things like gunpowder, they’re things like the machine gun, the atomic bomb, the computer… and robotics is one of those."

"When we say it can be a game changer", he says, "it means that it affects everything from the tactics that people use on the ground, to the doctrine, how we organise our forces, to bigger questions of politics, law, ethics, when and where we go to war."

Jody Williams, the American who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work leading the campaign to ban anti-personnel landmines, insists that the autonomous systems currently under development will, in due course, be able to unleash lethal force.

Williams stresses that value-free terms such as "autonomous weapons systems" should be abandoned.

"We prefer to call them killer robots," she says, defining them as "weapons that are lethal, weapons that on their own can kill, and there would be no human being involved in the decision-making process. When I first learnt about this," she says, "I was honestly horrified — the mere thought that human beings would set about creating machines that they can set loose to kill other human beings, I find repulsive."

It is an emotive topic.

But Professor Ronald Arkin from the Georgia Institute of Technology takes a different view.


The turtlebot could reconnoitre a battlesite

He has put forward the concept of a weapons system controlled by a so-called "ethical governor".

It would have no human being physically pulling the trigger but would be programmed to comply with the international laws of war and rules of engagement.

"Everyone raises their arms and says, ‘Oh, evil robots, oh, killer robots’," but he notes, "we have killer soldiers out there. Atrocities continue and they have continued since the beginning of warfare."

His answer is simple: "We need to put technology to use to address the issues of reducing non-combatant casualties in the battle-space".

He believes that "the judicious application of ethical robotic systems can indeed accomplish that, if we are foolish enough as a nation, as a world, to persist in warfare."

Arkin is no arms lobbyist and he has clearly thought about the issues.

There is also another aspect to this debate that perhaps would be a powerful encouragement to caution. At present, the US is one of the technological leaders in this field, but as Singer says this situation will not last forever.

"The reality is that besides the United States there are 76 countries with military robotics programmes right now," he says.


"This is a rapidly proliferating technology with relatively low barriers to entry.

"You can, for a couple of hundred dollars, purchase a small drone that a couple of years ago was limited to militaries. This can’t be a situation that you interpret through an American lens. It’s of global concern."

Just as drone technology is spreading fast, making the debates about targeted killings of much wider relevance — so too robotics technology will spread, raising questions about how these weapons may be used or should be controlled.

What if we could stay young forever? What if everyone had a car? What If? is a season across BBC News looking at visions of the future.

The prospect of totally autonomous weapons technology – so called "human-out-of-the-loop" systems – is still some way off. But Nobel Prize winner Jody Williams is not waiting for them to arrive.

She plans to launch an international campaign to outlaw further research on robotic weapons, aiming for "a complete prohibition of robots that have the ability to kill".

"If they are allowed to continue to research, develop and ultimately use them, the entire face of warfare will be changed forever in an absolutely terrifying fashion."

Arkin takes a different view of the ethical arguments.

He says that to ban such robots outright, without doing the research to understand whether they can lower non-combatant casualties, is to do "a disservice to those who are, unfortunately, slaughtered in warfare by human soldiers".


Killer robots’: MP Nia Griffith calls for world ban

A mock 'killer robot' distributes promotional literature calling for a ban on fully autonomous weapons in Parliament Square

A debate on ‘lethal autonomous robotics’ is held by MPs on Monday

A Welsh Labour MP has called on the UK government to support a moratorium on the use and development of so-called "killer robots".

Llanelli MP Nia Griffith said the "frightening technology" of Lethal Autonomous Robotics (LARs) had to be stopped.

She said: "That is one step further than a drone which at least has some kind of [human] control over it."

Supporters say the "lethal autonomous robots" could save soldiers’ lives.

Ms Griffith is raising her concerns about the weapons in a House of Commons debate on Monday.

The robots are machines programmed in advance to take out people or targets, which – unlike drones – operate autonomously on the battlefield.

They are being developed in the US, UK and Israel but have not yet been used.

It makes you think of the Terminator movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger and I don’t want that kind of world”

cyborg (2)

Peter Black AMLib Dem

Ms Griffith, who is vice-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on weapons and the protection of civilians, said they raise serious moral questions about how we wage war.

She told the BBC’s Sunday Politics Wales programme she was disappointed that the UK government had not signed up to a recent UN report calling for a moratorium on the use and development of LARs.

She said: "This is extremely frightening technology and we know how quickly this type of technology is being developed.

"There’s a lot of secrecy about it and we need an international agreement about it.

"For example, blinding-lasers were banned before they came into use and that is the type of ban we need to be looking at.

"The US has already introduced a moratorium and quite clearly you have to work at an international level on this and the UK has to work with other countries to get a ban worldwide."

Liberal Democrat AM Peter Black told the programme he was also concerned about LARs.

He said: "It’s quite frightening, it makes you think of the Terminator movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger and I don’t want that kind of world."



UN mulls ethics of ‘killer robots’

A mock "killer robot" in central London - part of a protest calling for a ban on such weapons in London on 23 April 2013

Campaigners against "killer robots" – some of whom lobbied the UK parliament on 23 April – say their use would be morally unacceptable

So-called killer robots are due to be discussed at the UN Human Rights Council, meeting in Geneva.

A report presented to the meeting will call for a moratorium on their use while the ethical questions they raise are debated.

The robots are machines programmed in advance to take out people or targets, which – unlike drones – operate autonomously on the battlefield.

They are being developed by the US, UK and Israel, but have not yet been used.

Supporters say the "lethal autonomous robots", as they are technically known, could save lives, by reducing the number of soldiers on the battlefield.

But human rights groups argue they raise serious moral questions about how we wage war, reports the BBC’s Imogen Foulkes in Geneva.

They include: Who takes the final decision to kill? Can a robot really distinguish between a military target and civilians?


Is a ban needed to prevent robots that can decide when to kill? – first broadcast 23 April 2013

If there are serious civilian casualties, they ask, who is to be held responsible? After all, a robot cannot be prosecuted for a war crime.

"The traditional approach is that there is a warrior, and there is a weapon," says Christof Heyns, the UN expert examining their use, "but what we now see is that the weapon becomes the warrior, the weapon takes the decision itself."

The moratorium called for by the UN report is not the complete ban human rights groups want, but it will give time to answer some of those questions, our correspondent says.


Campaigners call for international ban on ‘killer robots’

By Stuart HughesBBC News


The Taranis is an experimental unmanned combat aircraft designed to attack targets without a pilot in the cockpit


A pre-emptive ban is needed to halt the production of weapons capable of attacking targets without any human intervention, a new campaign has urged.

Jody Williams, from the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, told the BBC such weapons, which do not yet exist, would be regarded as "repulsive".

But some scientists argue existing laws are sufficient to regulate their use, should they become a reality.

The UK government has said it has no plans to develop such technology.

Weapons with a degree of autonomy, including Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – commonly known as drones – are already widely used on the battlefield.

The public conscience is horrified to learn about this possible advance in weapons systems”

Jody WilliamsCampaigner

Such weapons are described as "human-in-the-loop" systems because they can only select targets and deliver lethal force with a human command.

But organisers of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots – a global effort being launched on Tuesday – say advances in robotic technology mean it is only a matter of time before fully autonomous "human-out-of-the-loop" systems – capable of firing on their own – are developed.

They argue that giving machines the power over who lives and dies in war would be an unacceptable application of technology, and would pose a fundamental challenge to international human rights and humanitarian laws.

Estimates vary over how long it could be before such weapons are available, but the group says a new treaty is needed to pre-emptively outlaw their development, production and use.


Is a ban needed to prevent robots that can decide when to kill?


Campaign leader Ms Williams, who won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work in bringing about a ban on anti-personnel landmines, told BBC News: "As people learn about our campaign, they will flock to it.

"The public conscience is horrified to learn about this possible advance in weapons systems. People don’t want killer robots out there.

"Normal human beings find it repulsive."

But some experts have questioned the need for a ban, arguing instead for an open debate about the legal and ethical implications of such weapons.

The MoD currently has no intention of developing systems that operate without human intervention”

Lord AstorParliamentary Under Secretary of State for Defence

Roboticist Professor Ronald Arkin, from the Georgia Institute of Technology in the US, told the BBC: "The most important thing from my point of view is that we do not rush these systems into the battlefield.

"A moratorium as opposed to ban – where we say, ‘we’re not going to do this until we can do it right’ – makes far more sense to me than simply crying out, ‘ban the killer robots’.


"Why should we do that now?"

Recent statements by UK and US governments suggest a reluctance to take human beings fully "out-of-the-loop" in warfare.

In March, Lord Astor of Hever – the UK’s parliamentary under secretary of state for defence – said the Ministry of Defence "currently has no intention of developing systems that operate without human intervention".

And a directive issued by the US Department of Defense in November 2012 stated that all weapons with a degree of autonomy "shall be designed to allow commanders and operators to exercise appropriate levels of human judgment over the use of force".

The Taxpayer Cost To Maintain Obama’s Golf Handicap: Over $3 Million

Zero Hedge
May 11, 2014

As the nation shivered through February and March and saw it’s gross domestic product collapse as humans hibernated, President Obama sought sunnier climes to ensure US supremacy on the world-leader’s golf handicap rankings. As The Washington Times reports, however, Obama’s trips this year to the golfing playgrounds of Palm Springs and Key Largo cost taxpayers nearly $3 million for flight expenses alone on Air Force One.

And much, much, much more

As The Washington Times reports,

The activist group Judicial Watch said the trips in February and March cost$2,952,278 for flight expenses of Air Force One.

Mr. Obama combined his trip to Palm Springs with an event to highlight California’s severe drought. Critics noted he spent the rest of the weekend golfing on exclusive courses in the desert that use about 1 million gallons of water per day to keep them green.

During March 7-9, the First Family spent Spring Break at the exclusive Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, Fla., where members must have a minimum net worth of $35 million to join. Other expenses of that trip have not been made public.

It is clear that the Obamas continually abuse the perks of the president’s office at taxpayer expense,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And it is particularly interesting that Obama has chosen to take not one but two luxury vacations back-to-back while inveighing against ‘income equality.’ President Obama’s waste of the hard-earned tax dollars of working Americans on unnecessary luxury travel is an abuse of office.”

According to records obtained by Judicial Watch, through Freedom of Information Act requests and lawsuits, the Obamas and Vice President Joseph R. Biden and wife Jill have spent more than $40 million taxpayer dollars on trips since 2009.

Well, it’s not like there was anything else going in the world…?!

But there’s always time to relax…

Action man: Vladimir Putin is often pictured partaking in various sporting activities - often topless - such as horse riding in southern Siberia's Tuva region

While The Taxpayers – Tax Slaves of the world suffer under grave conditions in a Global Climate of ever Worsening Poverty, Health Care and Job Markets. Its a climate of total fear,Mind Control and Deception and Lies. Its either Terrorist or Nukes, H1N1 or MERS, Wars or Disasters, Just a state of constant fear and helplessness While they Golf and Vacation on us

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Days of Noah: The Most Epic Article You’ll Read All Year – 10k+ Words


As The Days of Noah Were

As The Days of Noah Were

How much do you really know about Noah’s flood? I’m almost willing to bet that what you know about the end is just the beginning. Fallen angels, the abduction of human women, nephilim hybrids, the origin of demons, and the worldwide destruction of mankind are just the beginning of this modern examination of ancient history.

This is not the Sunday School bedtime story that you heard when you were a kid. Noah’s flood wasn’t just a random Bible event, but it is the blueprint that we can use to look at our time, and understand what is going on in these last days. Join me as I take you on a journey through history and we learn what really happened during the days of Noah.

Urgent Information For Our Time

  • Why did God really destroy the earth in Noah’s day?
  • What was the true identity of the sons of God?
  • How is the modern pursuit of hybridization linked to Bible prophecy?
  • What is the truth behind the modern day UFO sightings?
  • Does the Bible predict our current obsession with making alien contact?

Inspired By The Works Of…

L.A. Marzulli       Chuck Missler    Patrick Heron      Steve Quayle

“Dante Fortson’s, As The Days of Noah Were, may become the definitive work on the Fallen Angels and the Nephilim. Bravo Dante for the great effort.” – L.A. Marzulli, author of The Nephilim Trilogy

Were the sons of God really fallen angels or just disobedient descendants of Seth, and did Jesus prophesy their return in the Olivet Discourse? – Enter Your Email Address Below.

Did Jesus Really Say That?

Jesus spoke of Noah’s time as the blueprint for those that would see the final phase of human history come to its climactic conclusion. During the Olivet Discourse, Jesus made what was possibly one of the biggest statements in the Bible:

“But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” –Matthew 24:37

The Tale of Many Cities

Archaeology has revealed a very strange phenomenon that seems to be worldwide and not just confined to the area of the Middle East as we would expect if Noah’s flood was only a localized event. Ancient cities have been found submerged all over the world in the following places:

It is believed that there are possibly 200 or more cities that were submerged sometime in the distant past. While these sunken cities do not prove that Noah’s flood actually happened, they are an important piece of evidence in our search for the truth. Although this evidence is intriguing, there are more concrete discoveries that there was a worldwide flood sometime in the past.

Sunken City In Cuba

Sunken Underwater City In Cuba

Excerpted From As The Days of Noah Were – Chapter 2, Page 32

The Tale of The Mammoth

There is an undeniable piece of evidence that a worldwide disaster occurred that instantly froze living organisms, and in some cases, they were still in the process of digesting their food. In our past, some event happened that caused mammoths to be instantly frozen and preserved until the modern day. Something happened here on earth that resulted in a very sudden and drastic weather change. The following pictures should give us a better idea of what happened.

Mammoth Frozen During The Flood

Adult Mammoth – Global House – Nagakute, Japan

There are several elements that make this story very interesting. The first point being that this seemed to be an instant worldwide event. Specimens of these frozen mammoths have been found in North America, Northern Eurasia, and Siberia.

“This is a rare occurrence, essentially requiring the animal to have been buried rapidly in liquid or semi-solids such as silt, mud and icy water which then froze. Mammoths may have been trapped in bogs or quicksands and either died of starvation or exposure, or drowning if they sank under the surface. The evidence of undigested food in the stomach and seed pods still in the mouth of many of the specimens suggests that neither starvation nor exposure are likely. The maturity of this ingested vegetation places the time period in autumn rather than in spring when flowers would be expected.”

These are the exact conditions that a worldwide flood would create. The sudden flooding of the earth would cause a major weather change, possibly dropping the normal weather to freezing or below freezing temperatures. Also take note that there was undigested food in their stomachs and seedpods in their mouths, which means that there was a sudden covering of their bodies with liquid. These frozen mammoths present undeniable evidence that a sudden flood did indeed happen, just as the Bible claims it did.

“The animals may have fallen through ice into small ponds or potholes, entombing them. Many are certainly known to have been killed in rivers, perhaps through being swept away by river floods. In one location, by the Berelekh River in Yakutia in Siberia, more than 9,000 bones from at least 156 individual mammoths have been found in a single spot, apparently having been swept there by the current.”

Whatever happened to these mammoths was out of the ordinary and instantaneous. Even though the mammoth evidence is compelling, there may be another event that is even more convincing.

Excerpted From As The Days of Noah Were – Chapter 2, Page 34-35

Logical Problems With The Sethite Theory

For The Sethite Theory to hold up, one needs to add their personal opinion to the text and dismiss actual scripture. The following questions need to be answered if we are to accept the view that Cain’s line was ungodly:

  • Why were Seth’s sons taking wives of their own choosing from the daughters of Cain?
  • Why were Seth’s sons disobeying a direct command of God if they were godly?
  • Why not just say the sons of Seth and daughters of Cain, if that is what the text is referring to?

Seth’s line is the one that seems to be acting against the will of God if we actually read the story. It seems as though the “daughters of Cain” had no say in the matter according to the text, and the sons of Cain did not participate in this event. Everyone in Cain’s line seems to be completely innocent as far as the text of Genesis 6:1-4 is concerned. The facts seem to support the exact opposite of what the Lines of Seth Theory teaches. According to scripture, Cain’s line seems to be neutral in these events and Seth’s sons seem to initiate the defiance of God. The fact that innocent people die in the flood seems contrary to God’s nature and the revelation that He will not destroy the good along with the evil when it comes to judgment (Genesis 18:25). According toGenesis 4:16 Cain went to the land of Nod to the east of Eden. Either Cain’s daughters returned to Cain’s original home or Seth’s sons journeyed to Nod to seek out the daughters of Cain. The Bible seems to specifically point out the fact that Cain separated himself from the rest of his family before getting married and having children, further complicating the possibility that this event was just two groups of people mixing without permission.

Excerpted From As The Days of Noah Were – Chapter 3, Page 72

Can Fallen Angels Be Sons of God?

Those that do not believe that a fallen angel can be considered a son of God, believe so because God is good and the fallen ones are evil. While it is a good point, it also does not make sense from a physical or spiritual point of view. Let’s start by defining the term “father”. There are at least twenty-two definitions for the word “father”, so lets just examine a few that apply to this topic.

  1. To beget. (Jesus)
  2. To be the creator, founder, or author of; originate. (Angels and Adam)
  3. To assume as one’s own; take the responsibility of. (Believers)

Luke refers to Adam as the son of God, and Adam was disobedient just as the fallen angels were. Adam’s disobedience did not make him any less the son of God. Think about it in terms of your children. When they disobey, get suspended from school, or get arrested, are they any less your children? Likewise, the angels were a direct creation by God, making them His sons. If God is not the father of all things created directly by Him, then whose sons are the angels? Fallen angels are still God’s sons, just disobedient sons.

  • Adam was created directly by God, making him a son.
  • Angels were created directly by God, making them sons.
  • The conception of Christ was by God’s hand, making Him the only begotten Son of the Father.
  • Believers become a “new creation” after we accept Christ, making us sons and daughters via adoption.

The scriptures seem to make it clear that the title “son” is reserved for those directly created by God’s hand in the Old Testament. In order for us to apply the title “sons of God” to the sons of Seth, we must ignore every other Biblical example. But if that is not enough, maybe Luke will shed some light on this problem.

“Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.” – Luke 20:36

In one complete thought Luke says, because of the resurrection of Christ, we become equal to the angels, and we become children of God. Luke is clearly making a connection between the angel’s relationship to God and our new relationship to God through Christ. If Luke is not comparing our relationship to God with that of the angels, why bother mentioning them? There are plenty of other references to spiritual immortality that get the point across without mentioning angels, but Luke was making an intentional comparison. Angels are sons of God and through the resurrection of Christ, we too can become sons of God.

Another very subtle testimony to the angels being the sons of God is the way Jesus is referred to in the New Testament. He is always referred to as “the only begotten Son of the Father”. On the surface it seems simple enough, but when we look closely at the terminology we can see that the words are chosen with a purpose. The word begotten means “to be born”. If Jesus is the only “begotten” Son, then that implies that God has other sons that were not begotten. Adam and the angels were created sons. Believers are made sons and daughters through “adoption” (Galatians 4:5).

Excerpted From As The Days of Noah Were – Chapter 4, Page 89-90


The Anunnaki – Angels In Sumer

You may be wondering why Sumerian legend has any significance in a study about Noah’s flood. As we will see later, Sumer was founded by Noah’s great grandson, and that is also the location of Abraham’s original home. Sumer has very strong Biblical ties and is a key component to piecing together a clearer post flood picture.

Annunaki In Sumer

According to legend, the Anunnaki were looking for a new leader and Marduk answered the call. He is promised the position of head god if he can help them take over heaven. Marduk’s symbol was the snake-dragon, both common references used for Lucifer in the Bible. According to the Sumerians, after the Anunnaki rebellion, Marduk created humans to be servants to the gods, and he later becomes a patron of Babylon. If Marduk and Lucifer are one in the same, this should help us gain some insight into what was going on in ancient Sumer.

The Anunnaki were the gods of the Sumerians, one of the oldest known cultures on the planet. Strangely, the name Anunnaki has been interpreted as “those of royal blood” or “princely offspring”. In various parts of the Bible, angels are indeed referred to as royalty. The phrase “sons of God” signifies royalty. Angels are also referred to as “princes” in the books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. The Anunnaki were considered to be the gods of the earth and the underworld, but the “gods” of the heavens were referred to as the Igigi. Most of Sumerian literature revolves around these earth and underworld gods, so this section will be extremely important to the rest of the book.

Dig Deeper: The concept of a war in heaven predates the Bible. It is likely that this story was passed down to Noah, and as his children and grand children passed it on, it became cemented in human history.

The Anunnaki are believed to have been at least 8ft. tall humanoid beings that came to earth from their home world, The Planet of The Crossings. Their planet is also known by other names such as Nibiru and Planet X in modern culture. The Sumerians referred to it as the 12th planet because they also counted the sun and the moon as planets. We know of nine planets, plus the sun and moon equal only eleven heavenly bodies. Here is an interesting excerpt from the December 31, 1983 edition of the Washington Post:

“A heavenly body possibly … so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet … so close in fact that it would be the nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost planet Pluto.”

The very first question that should be asked is how exactly did the Sumerians know about a 12th planet at their level of technology? According to the Sumerians, these Anunnaki gave them this knowledge, and we will again be visited by the Anunnaki in the future. The Sumerians believed that the Planet of the Crossings has an elliptical orbit that passes into our solar system once every 3,600 years. The Sumerian Tablets also speak of the Anunnaki creating humans by combing their own DNA with the indigenous life already on Earth.

Dig Deeper: Although subtle, the Anunnaki lie of adding their DNA to the indigenous life on earth, confirms that animals were created before humans, as it states in Genesis 1:24.

How did the Sumerians know about DNA and creating hybrids that early in human history? Ecclesiastes 1:10 comes to mind when considering this question. Another Sumerian belief that was the basis for the movie Stargate and the television series Stargate SG-1, is that the gods built the pyramids and used humans as slaves. Patrick Heron, a bestselling Christian author, is most known for his book, The Nephilim and The Pyramid of the Apocalypse. In his book he presents a vast amount of evidence that indicates that fallen angels may have been involved in the building of the Great Pyramid. His research proves instrumental in providing us with a glimpse into the strange history of humanity.

These Anunnaki were not the gods they claimed to be, but were merely fallen angels taking refuge here on earth after their war in heaven. Their intention was and is to deceive and manipulate the cultures they present themselves to, in order to turn our attention away from the true and living God. While the Sumerians had detailed records of these beings that they claim lived among them, there were other civilizations across the ocean that were also experiencing similar events.

Excerpted From As The Days of Noah Were – Chapter 4, Page 95-98


The Corruption of All Flesh

God mentions that all flesh had corrupted His way on the earth, but what does that really mean? Something very strange was going on in this general area to say the least. Some believe that all of God’s creation was being tampered with on a genetic level. If that turns out to be true, then we should be very disturbed about what is going on in our current time.

Even those that hold the angel view of Genesis 6 do not touch upon the following ideas too often. Maybe 15 or 20 years ago, these ideas would have seemed completely impossible and maybe even laughable, but we live in a time where almost nothing is beyond imagination, which is directly reminiscent of Genesis 11. Let’s look at three different references that give us the cause for the great flood.

“And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.” – Genesis 6:12-13

“And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them . . . And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.” – Enoch 7:1-6

“And lawlessness increased on the earth and all flesh corrupted its way, alike men and cattle and beasts and birds and everything that walks on the earth – all of them corrupted their ways and their orders, and they began to devour each other, and lawlessness increased on the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of all men (was) thus evil continually…” – Jubilees 5:2-3

This verse is interesting because the problem seems to extend beyond just mankind. Before we start into what may have been going on, let’s use the Bible to define exactly what flesh is.

“All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.” – 1 Corinthians 15:39-40

In this verse, Paul mentions five kinds of flesh: Men, land animals (beasts), fish, birds, and celestial (from heaven). We know from science that trees and plants are indeed alive, but they are not mentioned as having flesh. Why exactly is that important? We need to figure out if all five types of flesh were present on the earth in the days of Noah. We know that God created fish, birds, land animals, and man in Genesis 1. If the sons of God were indeed angels, then there would have also been celestial bodies present on the earth in the days of Noah.

It has been proposed by quite a few people that the activity of the angels may have extended beyond the human race. Some people believe it may have been sexual in nature, some believe it may have been some sort of DNA experimentation, and still others believe it could have been a combination of both. Let’s examine the first two positions before drawing a conclusion.

If the angels have been messing around with hybridization, as history suggests, then they would be thousands of years ahead of us in this technology. Remember, these are fallen angels we are referring to, so there really is no telling what level of technology they have developed or have helped mankind to develop over the last few thousand years. If religion had not repressed science for almost 700 years, we would probably be far more advanced than we are now. If angels were indeed living among us, there is nothing to say that they did not continue developing their technology while we sat around debating theology. They know God exists, so that is one conflict they do not have to worry about. In fact, the only concern they have is figuring out how to stop God from sending them to the Lake of Fire. According to the Bible, we have not even begun to imagine the things we can do in heaven, but does that mean there is technology available in heaven?

“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” – 1 Corinthians 2:9

We are not in possession of any record written by man before the flood, as far as we know. We only have the stories that were passed on and written later, but we do have a series of accounts written by various cultures that claimed to have been eyewitnesses to some very strange things in mankind’s past. People as a whole have a tendency to dismiss the stories from Sumer and Greece as nothing more than fairytales, but lets pick apart some elements to these stories and try to understand why they had knowledge of technology that has just recently become available to us in our time.

“The Sons of God were sent down to teach mankind truth and justice; and for three hundred years did indeed teach Cain’s son Enoch all the secrets of Heaven and Earth. Later, however, they lusted after mortal women and defiled themselves by sexual intercourse. Enoch has recorded not only their divine instructions, but also their subsequent fall from grace; before the end they were indiscriminately enjoying virgins, matrons, men, and beasts.” – Jubilees 4:15, 22, 5:1

This seems to corroborate early Jewish tradition to what Genesis says was going on. It was believed that all flesh had clearly been corrupted on a genetic level as a result of these sexual encounters with the sons of God. The mixing that was going on does not seem to be inter-lineage, but interspecies related. Earth’s history is rich with stories of centaurs, fauns, minotaurs, and various other hybrid creatures. One such creature is the shedu. A shedu has the torso of a man, wings of a bird, but the body of a bull (lion in some cases), and thankfully the Assyrians, who resided in Mesopotamia, made detailed carvings of these creatures.

“The Shedu is a celestial being from Mesopotamian mythology (Sumer/Babylon). He is a human above the waist and a bull below the waist. He also has the horns and the ears of a bull. The bull man helps people fight evil and chaos. He holds the gates of dawn open for the sun god Shamash and supports the sun disc. He is often shown on Cylinder Seals.It appears frequently in Mesopotamian art, sometimes with wings. Statues of the bull-man were often used as gatekeepers.

In art they were depicted as hybrids, as winged bulls or lions with the head of a human male (Centauroid). There are still surviving figures of šêdu in bas-relief and some statues in museums. Notable examples of šêdu/lamassu held by museums include those at the British Museum, Musée du Louvre, National Museum of Iraq, Metropolitan Museum of Art and one extremely large example kept at the Oriental Institute, Chicago. They are generally attributed to the ancient Assyrians.”

Assyrian Shedu

Assyrian Shedu

Perhaps we have become so brainwashed and desensitized to our world that we do not even notice things that are right in front of our face. We have one of the largest testimonies to hybrid creatures, sitting right in Egypt for the world to see. We know this hybrid creature as the sphinx.

Egyptian Sphinx

Egyptian Sphinx

According to legend, the Sphinx was a lion with the head of a human; however, it did not possess wings as the shedu did. Although the largest and most famous sphinx is found in Egypt, the oldest sphinx was found in Gobekli Tepe, Turkey and was dated to 9,500 B.C. Another interesting fact about the sphinx, is that it did not always have the head of a man. Sometimes the sphinx had the head of a woman, ram, or eagle. The sphinx was also not exclusive to Egypt and Turkey, but is also found in the following cultures:

Although the wide spread belief in the sphinx is interesting, there is an even more interesting discovery that dates back 32,000 years. Löwenmensch, German for “lion person”, is an ivory sculpture discovered in 1939. It is the oldest known zoomorphic statue in existance. The sculpture has the body of a man and the head of a lion.

What does the Bible have to say about strange lion like beings with human features? Well surprisingly, the Bible does make reference to such a being, but does not give any us any details except that they were from Moab and killed by one of David’s men.

“And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man, of Kabzeel, who had done many acts, he slew two lionlike men of Moab: he went down also and slew a lion in the midst of a pit in time of snow:” – 2 Samuel 23:20

German Lionman - Löwenmensch


Take note of how the verse also mentions Benaiah killing a lion, almost as if the writer wants us to realize that they were not talking about a lion the first instance. To further confirm that these were not just men, all we have to do is look at the word that was translated as “lionlike”.

  • Ariel – from the root words ari (lion) and El (God). Put together, they translate as “lion of God”.

Whatever they were, their description is consistent with the legends from around the world. Whatever was going on at the time seemed to be very supernatural in nature. Our modern mind tells us not to believe in such fantasies and yet we find ourselves watching the skies for visitors outside of this galaxy that have been accused of snatching both animals and people for the purpose of experimentation. Are we just adding a modern touch to the same stories that have been passed down for thousands of years? As we continue our journey, this is just one more question that we hope to answer. Is it really possible to create a human/animal hybrid?

Excerpted From As The Days of Noah Were – Chapter 6, Page 152-157


Hybrids Among Us: Round Table Discussion

Giants Throughout History

Genesis 6 may be hard for some Christians to wrap their brain around, but almost every culture on the planet holds a belief in giants. If giants never existed, why did so many people believe in them? If they did exist, why do we not believe in them now? Some try to explain away giants as large people, or say that people were much smaller in the past, so they considered tall people giants. However, those theories do not explain several things:

  • The exact height of the giants is given in several cultures.
  • They were capable of performing tasks that normal humans could not
  • They usually had some supernatural ability associated with them.

Even if we choose to accept that people were a lot smaller in the past, we are still left with the problem of their strength. Height does not necessarily equate to being stronger. Their stature also does not explain their supernatural abilities, such as invincibility, speed, strength, and various other attributes. If giants actually existed, we would expect to see quite a few historical references and eyewitness accounts of them. The Bible is the most reliable source when it comes to spiritual matters, so let’s start with the Bible and work our way through a few other cultures.

“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” – Genesis 6:4

Genesis tells us that these giants were on the earth during the time of Noah and also after that. Either you believe it or you choose to ignore it. The same sentence also tells us that these same giants were mighty men and men of renown. The first characteristic we see in the Bible is the word “mighty” which refers to their strength. The next reference we encounter is “men of renown”. In Hebrew that word is Hag Gibborim, meaning, “Hero”, “Chief Man”, “Legendary”, and “Famous”.

The Greeks referred to the demigods (half god/half man) as “Heroes”. Hercules has had plenty of movies and T.V. shows, and Achilles has had at least one blockbuster movie. If we mention Hercules to anyone in North America, they will immediately know who we are referring to. According to the Greeks, Hercules was one of these hybrids. The same can be said of Achilles, Gilgamesh, and the other hybrids from various other cultures. They are legendary and their names still live on. Here are the names of a few cultures and their giants:

Each of these cultures has their own “heroes” within the giant tribes they believe in. Because the focus of this book is centered on the Bible, we will focus mostly on the Nephilim, Anakim, Emim, Rephaim, and Gigantes. Gigantes appears in the group because that is where we get the English word “giant”. It is also important because it is the same word used in the Greek version of the Bible, called the Septuagent (LXX).

“These giants denied the existence of a Great Spirit, so he caused a great rain storm to come, and the water kept rising higher and higher so that it drove these proud, and conceited giants from the low ground to the hills, and thence to the mountains, but at last even the mountain tops were submerged and then those mammoth men were all drowned. After the flood had subsided, the Great Spirit came to the conclusion that he had made man too large and powerful, and that he would therefore, correct the mistake by creating a race of men of smaller size and less strength. This is the reason, say the Indians, that modern men are small and not like the giants of old, and they claim that this story is a matter of Indian history, which has been handed down among them from time immemorial.” – The Autobiography of Buffalo Bill

Interestingly, the above story is confirmed by the Bible in Genesis 7. Genesis 7:20 tells us that the water rose fifteen cubits above the mountain tops. That comes out to 22.5 feet high. The reason for this is not immediately clear in the Bible, but as we continue our journey, we will come to realize that God did not want any of these hybrids to survive. While some consider the Biblical information on giants to be sparse, the Bible does list the names of at least fifteen giants:

  1. Ahiman – Son of Anak
  2. Agag – King of The Amalekites
  3. Anak – Father of the Anakim
  4. Arba – Father of Anak
  5. Goliath – A Philistine Warrior
  6. Ishbibenob – Goliath’s Brother
  7. Lahmi – Goliath’s Brother
  8. Og – King of Bashan
  9. Saph – Goliath’s Brother
  10. Sheshai – Son of Anak
  11. Sihon – King of The Amorites
  12. Talmai – Son of Anak
  13. Mamre – Amorite
  14. Aner – Amorite
  15. Eshcol – Amorite

The Bible is clear that these men were descendants of the Nephilim, which was translated into giants in English. When we fully understand what was going on in the days of Noah and also after that, certain parts of the Bible begin to make a lot more sense.

Excerpted From As The Days of Noah Were – Chapter 7, Page 168-170


Noah As A Type of Christ

God is not simple in any way, shape, or form, and because of that, it is necessary for us to dig deeper into Noah’s life. Throughout the Bible we run into people referred to by some as “types”. Types foreshadow something or someone very important in the future. Not every single action of these types points to a coming event, but many of their actions do. Based on Genesis 5:28-29, we can safely make the assumption that Noah was a firstborn male. This was one of the prophecies that the Messiah had to fulfill.

“And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.” – Luke 2:27

When we learned about Noah’s perfection, we discovered that it was a reference to his genes and not necessarily to his period of time. According to the pattern set by the story, the Messiah would also have to be without spot (tamiym).

“How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? “ – Hebrews 9:14

Something that we rarely consider is the building of the ark. Noah most like built this ark himself, just as the Christ promised to personally build us a place of refuge. In order to build this place of refuge for those that would obtain salvation, Noah had to first bear his own wood, just as the Messiah would eventually have to.

“Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led him away. And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha…” – John 19:16-17

“The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.” –Psalm 9:9

Another aspect of this story that many might see as a stretch is that Noah’s life foreshadowed the first and second coming of Christ. It is through Noah’s obedience to God that he was able to save humanity, just as Christ did when He came. Noah is then lifted above the earth (via water), just as Christ was lifted above the earth in the cloud (Acts 1:19). After the flood is over, Noah touches down on the mountain (Zechariah 14:4) and then reigns over the new earth with his family (Revelation 21:1). As we can see, this story has layer upon layer of significance. God was not just wiping out humanity because He was mad.

Excerpted From As The Days of Noah Were – Chapter 8, Page 210-211


Dinosaurs In The Bible?

There are at least two creatures in the Bible that people believe may have been references to dinosaurs. They are Behemoth and Leviathan. Before we get into the implications of dinosaurs possibly being mentioned in the Bible, we need to first look at a description of each of these creatures based on the verses in the Bible.

Behemoth (Job 40:15-24)

  • Created by God on the 6th day with man.
  • Eats grass like an ox.
  • Moves its tail like a cedar.
  • Its bones are like brass and bars of iron.
  • It lies among shade trees, reeds, and fens.
  • Drinks lots of water.

Let’s start by breaking down the word “Behemoth”. It is believed to come from the root word “behemah” which means, cattle or beast. Based on the name alone, we know that we are dealing with a real creature, and not a mythological beast. Another indication that we are talking about a real animal is that it was created on the 6th day with the rest o the animals and man. The strength of its bones is not an indicator of what kind of animal that it is, but usually the larger the animal, the stronger the bones are. One myth that needs to be addressed is the size of the tail. According to scripture, the Behemoth moves its tail like a cedar, but some rephrase this to say that its tail is the size of a cedar, thus making it much bigger than it may be. One possible interpretation is that its tail sways from side to side similar to a cedar tree in the wind.

Finally, we are going to look at its geographical location. Scripture says that it has faith that it can drink the entire Jordan River. The Bible also says that it lives among reeds, willows, fens, and brooks. Those are references to an aquatic animal of some kind. The problem we run into is that many of us immediately think of the hippopotamus as an explanation, but there is no archaeological evidence that hippos ever lived in the Jordan River. They are currently only found in Africa, not in the Middle East. The creature described in the Bible is said to eat grass, but hippos are omnivores that eat both grass and small animals.

In our hunt for what the Behemoth may have referred to, we have almost ruled out the possibility that it was a hippo. If it was a dinosaur, we can start by looking at the dinosaurs found in Israel, and eliminating all of the carnivores. Once we do that, we are left with seven possibilities. Next, we rule out all non aquatic dinosaurs, leaving us with on possibility that fits the Biblical description: Titanosaurus.

Dig Deeper: While Titanosaurus may be one possibility to the identity of Behemoth, it is only speculation, and it very well could be another animal altogether.

Ultimately, the only thing that matters is that the Bible tells us that Behemoth was created by God and that it existed before the flood. Later in this chapter I will explain why this timing is important.


Now that we have looked at Behemoth, we are going to take a look at Leviathan. As we just did with Behemoth, we are going to look at the description of this creature as found in Job 41:

  • Vicious Teeth
  • Scales
  • Glowing Eyes
  • Breathes Fire
  • Lives In The Sea

Let’s not beat around the bush. This is clearly a description of a dragon. If we read the entire chapter, we find that spears and darts cannot pierce its skin, men do not dare stir it up, and most importantly, it breathes fire. The only scaled, fire breathing, animal that comes to mind is a dragon.

Dig Deeper: Many people speculate on what Leviathan may be, but many of them tend to ignore the portion about it being a fire breathing animal. The next time you hear someone speak about Leviathan, ask them about the fire breathing if they neglect to mention it.

Is it possible that every myth and legend that we have ever heard about dragons is true? Unfortunately, many people attempt to allegorize this description or equate it with Satan, which simply does not work. Is it possible that dinosaurs actually breathed fire, in addition to everything we know about them? We can only speculate on answers like that for now, but speculation may become a thing of the past, a lot sooner than many of us would like to believe.

Excerpted From As The Days of Noah Were – Chapter 9, Page 251-253


Re-Examining The Olivet Discourse

Something about the days of Noah seemed to be important to Jesus when He gave the Olivet Discourse. Some make the argument that life will be going on as usual, but there was nothing usual about the events surrounding the flood. When we put together the words of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, an interesting picture begins to develop. Before we begin, let’s keep in mind that Jesus was talking to His disciples during the Olivet Discourse. These were guys that had a Jewish background and would have understood many or all of the references that He was making.

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” – Matthew 24:36-39

In verse 36 Jesus announces that the end times would be similar to the days of Noah, He states that neither men nor angels know when He will return. Why would He bother grouping men and angels together at all if this was just an event that would only involve mankind? Jesus makes a reference to the days of Noah as sort of a blueprint for the end times. Just like the prophet Daniel, Jesus uses the words “they” and “them” in connection with the end time. They were eating, drinking, and marrying. Was Jesus simply referring to humans or could there be a deeper meaning? There does not seem to be anything special about eating, drinking, and getting married. Adam and Eve were married and every culture has continued doing it since Jesus left the earth. If normal marriage is a sign of the end, then it frankly is not much of a sign at all. Jesus likely had something more specific in mind. According to Genesis 6:2, the unusual events in the days of Noah revolved around the marriage of the sons of God (angels) to the daughters of men. Jesus’ use of the word “they” most likely refers to both the angels and mankind in context to verse 36. Something else we need to remember is that Jude refers to these angels taking off their spiritual bodies (leaving their first estate). As a result these fallen angels may have lost certain abilities, which left them incapable of escaping the flood. The key to really understanding what happened is reading Genesis 6 in its entirety. There are some that do not believe there will be another hybrid outbreak, but there is nothing in scripture that implies that certain elements from the days of Noah will be left out. Another verse that needs to be examined very carefully and possibly reconsidered is the following:

“But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.” – Luke 21:23

There are many scholars that believe this verse could refer to another holocaust, but is there something deeper that Jesus may have been hinting at? This verse may be referring to something more supernatural than we would like to believe. It is possible that this verse is a warning about the sons of God returning to impregnate human women once again. Using the days of Noah as our blueprint lets consider the following:

  • The sons of God took the daughters of men to wife.
  • These women bore hybrid children to them.
  • These hybrids terrorized the earth.

The plot to snatch women against their will and impregnate them with hybrid babies seems just a little evil and wrathful. It is probably not God’s wrath being poured out on people, so the only alternative would be Satan’s wrath.

“Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.” – Revelation 12:12-13

This warning is given to those that inhabit the earth in the last days. This will be Satan’s last stand, so he will have to go all out. Along with the holocaust of the Jewish people by the Antichrist, Satan may employ angels to attempt to wipe out the rest of the human race genetically. At first it may seem like a crazy idea, but it happened in the days of Noah, and Jesus warned us that these last days would be similar to those days. In Chapter 6, there was a notation about Abraham Ibn Ezra concerning the nephilim:

  • Abraham Ibn Ezra proposes that they were called this because men’s hearts would fail at the sight of them.

If we compare his belief with another verse in Luke, the Olivet Discourse starts to take on a very strange tone.

“Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” – Luke 21:26

Matthew 24:29 says, “The stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken”. The wording in Mark 13:25 uses slightly different wording, which supports the theory that this is an event involving supernatural beings and not asteroids or comets.

“And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.” – Mark13:25

Mark refers to the “stars of heaven” and the “powers that are in heaven”. Again, this seems to refer to something other than what we think of as stars. The Bible tends to use the word “star” to refer to angels. Is Jesus trying to get something across that only believers would catch or is He simply saying that these will be scary times? It is not just the reference to men’s hearts failing out of fear that should catch our attention, but the last part of the text specifically. The last part of the verse says, “the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken”. If we turn to Paul’s words in Ephesians, we learn that “powers” are a rank of angels.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” – Ephesians 6:12

Whether the “powers” are demons or fallen angels, they are indeed supernatural in nature, and Paul points them out as our adversaries. What now be asking ourselves the following question: “is our current interpretation of the Olivet Discourse as deep as it should be or have we barely scratched the surface?” Is it possible that Jesus was connecting the end of the age with the return of the sons of God? If He is not connecting our age to the strange events in Noah’s day, why does Daniel offer a similar warning to those that would be living in the last days?

Excerpted From As The Days of Noah Were – Chapter 10, Page 267-270


Strange Vehicles In The Bible

Extraterrestrials are not the only beings in history that have been depicted in flying craft. The Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Persians all depicted some of their gods using flying craft and flying chariots as a mode of transportation. In the Bible, angels are depicted in chariots of fire capable of flight (2 Kings 2:11). Perhaps the strangest incident in the Bible involved Ezekiel and the wheel within a wheel.

Ezekiel’s Wheel Within A Wheel

Ezekiel’s Wheel Within A Wheel

In almost any UFO book and on almost any UFO website, we will find a reference to Ezekiel’s wheels. The Biblical text is used by many ancient astronaut theorists as evidence of extraterrestrial activity in the Bible. Before we dive into the theories on the text, let’s take a look at the text itself.

“Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces. The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.” –Ezekiel 1:15-16

The above picture is what some people believe Ezekiel saw in his vision. Whatever it was that he saw, he tried to relay that information to us to the best of his ability. Even when we study the verse in the Hebrew, there is not much clarification, but one aspect of the story does stand out. These creatures that Ezekiel saw were not inside the wheels, but the wheels moved in unison with them. They did not seem to need these wheels to move through the air. Angelic technology seems to play a very important role all throughout the Bible. From what the Bible tells us, God encourages learning, and the angels are not all knowing. It would make sense that angels would develop a means of travel to and from other planets, galaxies, and dimensions. Unlike Christ, who claimed to be omnipresent, angels seem to have to travel the distance from point A to point B. One such instance is found in Daniel 10:

“Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.” – Daniel 10:12-13

Angels may be able to change from spiritual to physical instantly, but it seems they may actually be required to travel the distance. The angel in the book of Daniel claims that he was sent out the very first day that Daniel began his fast, but he was intercepted by the “prince of the kingdom of Persia”. This Prince of Persia held up the angel’s travel for twenty one days. If angels could simply teleport or manifest into the physical world, he probably would not have been held up.

“And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” 1 Kings 2:11

On the surface, the event that happened to Elijah and Elisha does not seem out of the ordinary in the context of the Bible. It actually seems quite normal, at least until we read it in Hebrew. The Hebrew word translated as “horse” is cuwc, which literally means “skip or leap”. It is also translated as swallow (bird) and crane (bird). The translators in 1611 were doing the best they could with the knowledge available at the time, and they made the logical assumption that these were horses. Both Ezekiel and Elijah witnessed and experienced something that they could not quite describe with their knowledge at the time. Now that we have seen examples of supernatural being with vehicles capable of flight, let’s take a look at what they were believed to look like.

Excerpted From As The Days of Noah Were – Chapter 11, Page 303-305


The Changing Religious Climate

For those of us paying attention to both the political and religious position of the Vatican, we are aware that they once rejected the possibility of alien life. However, starting in 1995, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a member of the Vatican Curia (governing body) went on Italian national television more than five times to declare that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomena. More surprising than the announcement itself was Balducci’s insistence that alien contact is not demonic.

Although Balducci denies that extraterrestrial contact is demonic, in an interview on April 17, 1999, with UFO Digest, Balducci stated that he first became interested in the subject while studying demonology. That is a strange coincidence. Balducci is also quoted, as saying that he believes extraterrestrials may be more spiritually evolved than human beings. During the interview, he states, “I must start by saying that angels do not use spaceships.” Before we continue, let me point out that the person conducting the interview did not ask him anything about angels or demons at any time. It seems strange that he would reference angels and demons without being asked about them. Balducci goes on to say:

“So, when we talk about extraterrestrials, we have to think either of beings like us or, preferably, other types of beings who always combine a spiritual part with a material part, a body, even though they have a different relationship compared with us terrestrial humans.”

Jude mentioned these angels going from a spiritual body to a physical body, and Balducci’s words seem to confirm the same idea, even though he denies their angelic or demonic origin.

“And so it’s likely that the distance between us and angels is reduced by beings who, although they have a body, maybe a more perfect one, have a soul which is less conditioned in its evolution. Probably, not only is this possible and likely but, in my opinion, also desirable. In a not so distant future, these beings could help us, especially on our spiritual path.”

Again Balducci referenced angels, but what about this so called help on our spiritual path?

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritualwickedness in high places.” – Ephesians 6:12

Balducci also claimed that his interests in extraterrestrials is personal and not on the Vatican’s behalf, but the Curia works very closely with the Pope. If these beings are indeed from another planet, then that presents several problems:

  • If they sin how can they be saved?
  • If they are sinless, it puts them on equal ground with Christ.

As it stands, it seems as though the Vatican and Balducci are still working on figuring out a salvation plan for our “visitors”:

“If intelligent beings from other planets really existed, we would find the solution as to how to reconcile their existence with Christ’s redemption.”

We should be suspicious of his claims that these beings are not angelic or demonic, without being asked, and his claims that they may be spiritually higher than us, without considering that they may indeed be fallen angels or demons attempting to deceive mankind. Let’s fast forward to the year 2000 and we find Balducci discussing extraterrestrial life with none other than Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin is the guy that believes that the Anunnaki are our creators. Here is the outcome of what they finally agreed upon:

  • Yes, Extraterrestrials can and do exist on other planets
  • Yes, they can be more advanced than us.
  • Yes, materially, man could have been fashioned from a pre-existing sentient being.

That last one outright denies the claims made in Genesis 2, which states that God created man from the dust, and not an existing sentient being. It seems that at least one person in a high position in the Vatican has stepped away from solid Biblical doctrine.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears…” – 2 Timothy 4:3

As we entered a new decade, the Vatican closed it out with its first ever Conference of Astrobiology. On November 6 – 11, 2009, at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Vatican met with over 30 astronomers, biologists, geologists, and religious leaders to discuss the possibility of extraterrestrials. The conference was meant to focus on the scientific perspective on the subject of the existence of extraterrestrial life, and pulled in perspectives from atheist, scientists, and Catholic leaders alike. It was split into eight different segments, starting with a topic about life here on Earth, such as the origins of life, the Earth’s habitability through time, the environment, and genomes. Then the meeting moved into the detection of life elsewhere, search strategies for extrasolar planets, the formation and properties of extrasolar planets were discussed. Finally, in the last segment, they discussed intelligence elsewhere and shadow life (life with biochemistry completely different than that found on Earth). Father Gabriel Funes, the chief astronomer of the Vatican, said in a 2008 interview with the Vatican paper, Osservatore Romano:

“Just like there is an abundance of creatures on earth, there could also be other beings, even intelligent ones, that were created by God. That doesn’t contradict our faith, because we cannot put boundaries to God’s creative freedom. As saint Francis would say, when we consider the earthly creatures to be our ‘brothers and sisters’, why couldn’t we also talk about a ‘extraterrestrial brother’? He would still be part of creation.”

Paul Davies, who was one of the speakers at the Vatican event, told the Washington Post:

“I think the discovery of a second genesis would be of enormous spiritual significance.”

The theoretical physicist and cosmologist from Arizona State University added:

“The real threat would come from the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence, because if there are beings elsewhere in the universe, then Christians, they’re in this horrible bind. They believe that God became incarnate in the form of Jesus Christ in order to save humankind, not dolphins or chimpanzees or little green men on other planets.”

The Vatican sponsored astrobiology conference was a landmark event. It showed that the Vatican was willing to officially sanction public discussions on the existence of extraterrestrial life. More significantly, it showed that the Vatican was willing to initiate a comprehensive dialogue on the theological implications of the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life. The Vatican’s astrobiology conference is yet one more sign that major global institutions are preparing for some kind of formal disclosure concerning UFOs and/or extraterrestrial life. This is a direct outcome of a series of landmark meetings at the UN beginning in February 2008 that led to the adoption of a new openness policy.

After more than a year of openness, the Vatican is taking the openness policy to a new level, and preparing the public for some kind of formal extraterrestrial disclosure announcement. Numerous independent sources have predicted such disclosure is imminent, and that the Obama administration is expected to play a prominent role. The Vatican is also positioning itself to play a major role in such an announcement and in a post-disclosure world. Its emerging theological position that extraterrestrials “are our brothers” is a welcome departure from more hostile depictions of extraterrestrial life found in some religious denominations and in Hollywood movies. On the other hand, the idea that the Vatican could justify sending missionaries to convert extraterrestrials born without original sin, does raise major concerns. The Vatican, nevertheless, is currently playing a constructive role in preparing the public for the imminent disclosure of extraterrestrial life.”

It definitely seems that we are being set up by the Catholic Church to accept these visitors as benevolent space “brothers”. However it does not seem that they have done their historical homework. It also seems that their faith has been compromised in their attempt to get to the forefront of UFOlogy.

Excerpt From As The Days of Noah Were – Chapter 12, Page 350-354


As The Days of Lot Were

As we look back at the days of Lot, we see that there was much more to his story than the events in Sodom. Lot’s life displayed many of the signs that are mentioned all throughout the Bible, concerning the end of the age.

  1. Wars and Rumors of Wars: It seems that we are living in a time of constant political and social distress. As a planet, we are almost always at war, with no end in sight.
  2. Nation Against Nation: Many scholars agree that this refers to ethnicity more than it does to a country. Racial tensions are high all over the world, and in certain parts of the planet, entire populations are being eradicated based on nothing more than ethnicity.
  3. Rebellion Against Oppressive Government: We have seen this sort of rebellion in Egypt, Syria, Libya, and other Arab countries in the last few years. It has come to be known as The Arab Spring. People in the Middle East started overthrowing their oppressive governments after being fed up. The Western nations are on the verge of the same resistance, but it is unlikely that it will ever happen in the U.S. or Canada.
  4. Human-Nephilim Alliance: In the days of Lot, Abraham had an alliance with three nephilim brothers. The book of Daniel tells us that the people in the last days would be mingled with something other than humans.
  5. Human-Angel Relations: The presence of the nephilim in the days of Lot, and the attempted rape of the angels in Sodom demonstrates that there was both sexual contact and attempted sexual contact between the natural and supernatural during that time. Many scholars believe that the “they” mentioned in Daniel will be the sons of God, just as it was in Genesis 6.
  6. Pride Proverbs tells us that pride comes before a fall. America is one of the most prideful nations in the world, which is baffling considering that we are constantly borrowing money from Russia and China to keep our country running.
  7. Fullness of Bread: Gluttony falls under the list of the Catholic based 7 Deadly Sins. Here in America, obesity has become an epidemic while starvation is an epidemic in other parts of the world.
  8. Idleness Generally taught as being lazy, it more specifically refers to being unemployed. Throughout history, people had to work to eat, but modern technology has changed that. Unemployment all over the world is at an all time high.
  9. Oppression of The Poor and Needy: We see this every day, but it is more prevalent here in America. Both political parties have led to the major financial gap between the poor, middle class, and rich growing wider each day.
  10. Haughty The definitions of this word ultimately boil down to being self absorbed. The Bible tells us that in the last days, the love of many shall wax cold.
  11. Committed Abomination: There are those that are under the assumption that this specific reason for the destruction of Sodom, in Ezekiel 16, refers to homosexuality. If it does, it would explain why we are seeing the rise of the LGBT movement in our lifetime.

The above list summarizes what was going on during Lot’s lifetime. All we need to do in order to see if they are true or not is to take a look around and compare the list to what we see in our current day and age.

Excerpted From As The Days of Noah Were – Chapter 13, Page 373-375

As The Days of Noah Were

So We Be Now

Repent Repent Repent

Egyptians in America

The discovery of the Artifacts for, Egyptians in America  has connected a lot of the World Archaeological research.

   This Artifact that was removed from Burrows Cave in Illinois. The Artifact was identified as a Artifact for King Zaphnath who was Joseph in the Bible.   ( Pharoah named Joseph Zaphenat-Pa’aneah,)

  The direction of the Boat on King Zaphnath’s Crown is coming to Aztlan. Aztlan of Ophir is now the United States.

  King Zaphnath Pa’aneah ruled Egypt from the Temple of Amon at Aravis Egypt for 48 years.

King Zaphnath recorded 12 trips to Aztlan of Ophir and Smithsonian Archaeologist are aware of this information.

The Son of the Right Hand symbol is on the bottom right side of the Copper Artifact.

Then the Box above the symbol is the Hebrew symbol is for the Ark of the Covenents.

This is a strong indication that Zaphnath or (Joseph) Ruled Egypt according to the Ten Comandments in the Bible.

The Son of the Right symbol on the right bottom corner is a Semitic symbol.

The Three Diamonds are Egyptian symbols for the greatest wealth.

This Artifact is for King Zaphnath (Joseph) the Ruler of Egypt who came North America in 1744 BC.

Then on the top is (m) the (m) is for my (^) is the symbol for Egypt. And then the umbrella shape means the Umbrella Empire of Egypt established by King Zaphnath.

    King Zaphnath wrote that he found another place for Egyptians to Farm and Mine when he was 36 years old. This date would be 17,44 BC.

    Each Egyptian Ruler had a seprate Hieroglyph symbol. This is the Hieroglyph that King Zaphnath chose for himself was Shu the Crocodile.

  This same Hieroglph was found at Aravis Egypt for King Zaphnath.

King Zaphnath is holding the Staff of the Lord.

  Then on the bottom right is ( – ) which meant number one.

Next above the (-) is one X this Gold Artifact. X is the Symbol for First or Father.

   Then above the (X) is a Diamond which meant greatest wealth.

Then above the (X) is the ( ^II ) Symbol which is for the 2nd or both Lands of Egypt.

   Then above is the elongated ( W ) symbol. The W symbol meant a large body of Water or the Ocean. Meaning King Zaphnath had crossed the Ocean to get here.

    King Zaphnath was known to be a wise King in Egypt and knew that Shu the Crocodile symbol was a more powerfull symbol than the the Bird symbols.

   And that He would be worshiped as a very powerfull God by the Egyptians that were not of Semitic decent.

Perhaps additional Records are in order;  Joseph was recorded as building the first large Wood Boat that had sails in Egypt.  During 7 year drouth People flocked into Egypt and there was simply not enough Land by the Nile River to plant Grain to feed these People. Joseph wrote that he found a better place for Egyptians to Farm and Mine when he was 36 years old. This date would be 17,44 BC. Joseph knew where Ophir was located. He had the exact distance in his Atlantis Bible to the Hio River in Aztlan or Ophir with him. 

For Security he only let his Decendents that became Kings in Egypt know where Ophir was located at. Joseph recorded 12 Trips to Ophir and grew Grain at Ophir. Joseph Mined for Gold at Ophir to bring back to Egypt also. Aztlan of Ophir is now the United States and the Hio River is now the Mississippi River.

Ancient Egyptians, Grand Canyon

This Egyptian Tunnel City was named Kincaids Cave for G.E. Kincaid who first entered the Cave when he was working for S. A. Jordan.

G. E Kincaid served in the Marine Corp. After retiring he worked for S. A. Jordan as a Acchaelogist.

S. A Jordan was sent to the Grand Canyon by the Smithsonian Institute to investigate the information that was reported by John Westly Powell.

   The Tunnel is presently on Cliff Wall 395 feet above the present flow of Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Archaelogist estamate the Man Made Cavern is around 3,000 years old.

The Man made Cavern is over Five Hundred feet long and has several cross Tunnels to large Chambers.

This was the lowest level and last Egyptian Tunnel City they built in the Grand Canyon.

Since the time that this Egyptian Tunnel City was made, Archaelogist estimate the Colorado River has eroded another 300 feet lower.

   This is a Gold Artifact for the Egyptian King named Khyan, Khian or Khayan was found in the Egyptian Tunnel City in the Grand Canyon

   The Egyptian Shrine is holding Egyptian Lotus Flowers in both Hands. Lotus Flowers originated as Native Flowers in Egypt.

The Egyptian Shrine was in the first cross Tunnel in the Tunnel which was in the exacatly the same location that the Shrines were in the Valley of the Kings Tunnel Cities were Egyptian Kings lived, before the Kings of Ancient Egypt begain to build Pyramids and above gound Cities in Egypt.

The Archaeological meaning of the power Beams raidiating to the Hieroglyphic symbols for the Ancient Kings Hieroglyphic Symbols

means Khyan, Khian or Khayan was a powerfull King in Egypt.

Khyan, Khian or Khayan was recorded as a Decendent of Zaphnath or (Joseph) that was the King of Egypt from 1610 to 1580 at Avaris Egypt where King Zatnnath ruled Egypt from also.

All Kings and Pharaoh’s had different Egyptian Hieroglyphs for symbol identification.

Both the Symbol and name of Khyan is on the base of his Shrine.

The top symbol on the the Base of his Shrine in the left side top of his center Hieroglyph is the Hebrew Semitic Son of the Right Hand that meant first born Son.

Then in the Center of the Base is the Hieroglyphic symbol for Khyan with his power beams and he is holding the Staff of the Lord in one Hand.

There is no doubt about the identification for Khyan or that he was a decendent of King Zaphnath in Egypt who was ( Joseph ) in the Bible.

King Kyan sat on the Throne of his Ancester King Zaphnath at Aravis Egypt also.

   This Gold Tablet that was recovered from the Egyptian Tunnel City in the Grand Canyon was a History Book including names that begain with King Zaphnath coming to Aztlan and the information for his decendent King Khyan coming to the Grand Canyon.

On the left bottom of the Artifact is (^II) symbol for the 2nd Land of Egypt named Memphis by King Zaphnath.

On the top left is ( F ) which meant ( F+amily ) in the Armenian Semitic Language that He Spoke.

More history for Aztlan was on the back side of the Gold Artifact

              This Artifact was from Kincaids Tunnel.

Even though the many large other smaller Images were found in the Tunnel in the Grand Canyon, this Artifact was a important discovery for Smithsonian Archaelogist.

  It is a Artifact is for King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertli. Their Ancester’s and Children’s names are on the Artifact.

The Egyptian name of Zaphnath or (Joseph) is one of their Ancesters.

It is recorded that Akhenaten restored the Semitic Religion of Amon in Egypt at Saqqare Egypt.

Akhenaten was the recorded Ruler in Egypt from 1353 to 1336 BC.

  His son Seteprene was also a Egyptian Ruler in the Grand Canyon and was recorded as a King at Saqqara Egypt also.

   This Egyptian information means that Egyptian Kings came to the Grand Canyon at various times but also made return trips to Egypt.

  These Gold Artifacts from Kincaid Tunnel are the only Artifacts on display in the Smithsonian Institute at Washington DC. from the Grand Canyon.

  The back Two Artifacts are for  Artifact King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertli.

    This Artifact is from Kincaids Tunnel in thr Grand Canyon.

   This Artifact found in the Egyptian Tunnel City in the Grand Canyou was identified as being a Artifact for King Aperanat who sat at Saqqara Egypt also.

   In Egypt, King Aperanat was known as the powerfull King that Ruled Foreigners also.

  This Copper Statue in Kincaids Tunnel  in the Grand Canyon was identified as a Shrine for Anubis. It is impossable that he was ever in the Grand Canyon.

Anubis was a famous Egyptian Embalmer that beleived in a after life.

   The original Seth Tanner Trail is still a popular Tourist Trail in the Grand Canyon.

    The Egyptians Mined Copper, Silver, and Gold from the Grand Canyon. There are many Ruins of Egyptian Metal Smelters and Furnaces in the Grand Canyon.

These Metal Smelters and Furnaces are located on the Second Plataeu of the Grand Canyon and there are several Mining Tunnels and Egyptian Tunnel Cities in the Cliff Walls of Second level Grand Canyon Plataue.

    Even though the Iris Temple in the Grand Canyon is now badly eroded, a few of of the Ancient Egypyian Hieroglophs can still be seen on the Cliff Walls of the Temple.

The Temple also has a obvious Entrance, but only a few feet into the Temple the Entrance is closed.

The National Park Service will not allow any excavations of the Pyramid Temples.

  This small Gold Artifact was found in Kincaids Tunnel. This Artifact for Iris in currently on display in the Smithsonian Institute at Wagington DC.

       [ The Egyptian Legend for Iris the Goddess of Power and Love]

She was the First Daughter of Gad, who was the first God of Earth in Egypt.

  Her Heart was full of love. The Hearts of her Love are on the Base of this Image of her.

  This Gold Artifact from Kincaids Tunnel is for Amaunet the Secret One.

[ The Egyptian Legend for Amaunet the the Secret One and the Goddess of the Heaveans;]

Amaunet laid big Egg that shined like Gold. This was the first Sun light in Egypt.

Then Amaunet saw that she had Wings and flew from the Heavens to Egypt and then everybody in Egypt knew who Amaunet was and Amaunet was no longer Amaunet the Secret One.

The Hopi Indians told Grand Canyon Park Rangers that this was the Tower of Ra.

  Only a few eroded Egyptian Hieroglyphs can still be seen on the Tower of


   The Egyptians Built some large Entertainment Centers in the Grand Canyon.

The Buildings had Wood Roofs that are no longer on the Buildings.

These Entertainment Centers had large Feilds for Foot Races and Games and had Shower Rooms and Homes for the Different Athelete Teams.

The centers also had large Theaters for Musical Concets and Kitchens to prepare Meals for the Egyptian Kings, Atheletes, and Musicians.

   The Tunnel Complex that Mr. G. E. Kinkaid found was a Burial Chamber

The Mummies were placed in the Burial Chamber Walls on large Stone Blocks.

The Egyptians begain coming to the Grand Canyon according to the Carbon Dating of the Mummies Bones.

    The Carbon Date for the oldest Mummie was around 1600 BC.

   This Picture is the entrance to Powells Cave in the Grand Canyon.

This Cave was named Powells Cave because John Westly Powell discovered

the  Cave .

    John Westly Powell wrote in his report to the Government which he also Published in a Book.

     In this Canyon, great numbers of Man made Caves are hollowed out.

I first walked down a gorge to the left of a Cliff and climbed to a Bench of the Cliff.

   There was a Trail on the Cliff Bench that was deeply worn into the Rock Formation.

   Where the Trail crossed some Gulches some Steps had been cut. I could see no evidence that the Trail had been traveled in a long time.

    I returned to our Camp about 3:00 PM and and the men had found more Egyptian Hieroglyphics on Cliff Walls near the Cave.

See  Ancient Egyptians in America, Discoveries for more information about John Westly Powell.

  Smithsonian Archaelogist have studied the Egyptian Hierpglyphs on the Walls to this Man made Cave and they are identical to the Hieroglyphs for some Kings in Egypt.

  The additional Egyptian writings has more additional information than was previously known about these Egyptian Kings also.

  This Shrine is in Powells Cave. He is holding a Egyptian Lotus Flower in one Hand.

   John Westly Powell wrote, we explored the Cave and found this Shrine and other Artifacts. That evening I sent a team member to notifie the Smithsonian Institute of our discovery.

   We contuined to Survey the Canyon and discovered more Egyptian Tunnel Cities.

   I estimate in my Report that I think that upwards of 50,000 Egyptians had inhabited the Grand Canyon at one time.

This Shrine was identified as a Shrine for Seteprene sometimes spelled Smenkhare Seti or Smenkare.

King Seteprene was King Akhenaten’s Son that begain his Rule in Saqqara Egypt in 1336 BC but only lasted 10 Years which was when he died on his last trip to Saqqara Egypt.

   This may be the reason that his Shrine was not ever covered with a hammered Gold Sheet of thin Gold.

    The Egyptian Urnes found in Powells Cave in the Grand Canyon are now on display at the Smithsonian Institute at Washington DC.

    This Diagram was a important discovery for the Smithtonian Archaelogist who were exploring the Powells Tunnel in the Grand Canyon.

This is a Diagram for Egyptian Writing System when the Ancient Egyptians came to the Grand Canyon.

   It was a School Tablet used for teaching Egyptian Children to Read and Write.

The Animal and Bird Symbols were used to describe the Ranks of the Kings on the Egyptian Hieroglyphs carved into the Cliff Walls of the Grand Canyon.

It is interesting to note the Rectangle Box on the top 2nd Row from the left is the Hebrew Ark of the Covenents symbol.

And then lower in the same Row is the Box without a bottom which was the Hebrew Son of the Right Hand symbol.

    When the Egyptians came to the Grand Canyon around 1700 BC they begain building Tunnel Cities in the Vermillion Cliff Walls into the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. 

   The Egyptians first selected overhangs that had Balconies so the Kings could walk to edge of the Plataeu Balconies and look at the Farming and Mining that was located at lower levels of the Grand Canyon.

    The Egyptian Kings had their Egyptian Hieroglyphic Symbols on the Canyon Walls around their Tunnel Cities and on the Grand Canyon Cliff Walls.

   The Kiabab Plataeu is around 8,000 feet above the present flow of the Colorado River in the Grand Grand Canyon.

   These Cliff Walls were the Top Cliff Walls that were above the large Kiabab Plataeu of the Grand Canyon.

   All of the Egyptgian Temples are are on the North side of the Grand Canyon also.

    The Kiabab Plataeu of the Grand Canyon. In Areas of the Plataeu Water slowly seeps into the open Grass Meadow Lands  to keep the Fertile Soil Moist.

    We have estimated that it would be easy to Grow enough Food in the Moist Grass Lands to feed at least 500,000 People.

  The estimate for the Number of Egyptians that were in the Grand Canyon is 50,000 People.

   It is likely that whatever extra Food that was grown in the Kiabab Plataue was exported to Egypt.

   The Walhalla Ruins.   These Ruins in the Kaibab Plataeu of the Grand Canyon are being Excavated.

   Because of the Plundering of Artifacts even by Smithtonian Archaelogist,

FBI Agents attend Excavating Teams in the Grand Canyon  and now at all Sites in the United States.

      Grand Canyon National Park was named an official National Park in 1919.

The National Park Service has a Policy of preserving the History of Native American Indians when establishing Parks.

They lived on the North Kiabab Rim of the Grand Canyon where the Egyptian Pyramids are located.

And they knew the names of the Egyptian Pyramid Temple names that are located under the North Kiabab Rim of the Grand Canyon.

The Hopi Indians have a God named Taawa. He has a Mans Face that smiles all of the time and has a good Heart.

The Hopi Indians still use a large number of original Egyptian words in their Language.

    Seth Tanner a Morman who lived in the Grand Canyon with the Hopi Indians was the transalator for the Hopi Indians. He had two Hopi Indian wives.

   He said the Hopi Indians were Morman Christians that called themselves the People of One Heart. He was their Pastor and a Farmer.

    The Tower of Set, actualy the ( Seteprene ) Pryamid was named by the Hopi Indians. 

  The Tower of Set, was the First Pyramid to be built in the Grand Canyon as a burial Tomb for King Seteprene that came to the Grand Canyon.

   All of the Egyptian Hiegroglyphs have eroded off of the Pyramid.

The Set Pyramid has Rectangle Shape simular to the first Pyramids in Egypt.

   Zoroaster Temple in the Grand Canyon was named by Hopi Indians.

   [ The Egyptian legend for Zoroaster. ]

Zoroaster was in Egypt when times were hard and Egypt was becoming a Poor Nation.

   But Zoroasters first name had been ( Joseph ) because he had a God that was higher in the Heavens than their Sun God named Ra that knew what the Pharaoh’s dream meant.

   He built a big Boat that had Wings (Sails) that would carry many People and found more Grain and Gold for the Egyptians.

  When he came back to Egypt in his Boat loaded with Gold, Grain, the Pharaoh made him the Ruler of Egypt and called him Zaphenat-Pa’aneah.

And Pharoah was like a Father to King Zaphnath Paaneah.

  The Smithsonian Archaelogist think that that this unfinished Egyptian Pyramid in the Grand Canyon is a burial Tomb because there is a  entrance Tunnel that is blocked a few feet inside the Pyramid..

    But the National Park Sevrice will not allow the Archaeologist to excavate any of the Pyramids in the Grand Canyon.

  One of Crips was opened in the Grand Canyon to see if there were Mummies in them before they were sent to the Smithsonian Institute Storage Building.


Ancient Egyptians, Burrows Cave Illinois

Every new discovery has its dangers. In the version of our story. In 1982, Russell Burrows re-discovered a cave along a branch of the Little Wabash River near his home town of Olney, Illinois. However he only looted the Egyptian Tomb Cave in Illinois. Some of the published information for his Artifacts has been proved to be correct. But some identifications for his Artifacts may be incorrect.

This Artifact  was removed from Burrows Cave in Illinois byRussell Burrows. 

  This is the best preserved artifact for the exact face structue of King Zaphnath-Paaneah of Egypt that has ever been discovered.

  King Zaphnath-Paaneah of Egypy wrote he found another place for Egyptians to live because Egypt had become over populated when he was 36 years old. This date would be around 1744 BC.

   Three broke peices of this same face structure and Crown style were found in the Ruins at Aravis Egypt, where he ruled Egypt for 48 years.

The Mormons have records for him including some of his writings. Information for his 12 Trips to a foreign Land was in a Gold Book that was part of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovery were new records for him.

  The Artifact was identified as a Artifact for King Zaphnath of Egypt who was Joseph in the Bible. ( Pharoah name Joseph, Zaphenat-Pa’aneah,)

  The direction of the Boat on King Zaphnath’s Crown is coming to the Hio River of Ophir.

  Ancient Aztlan or Hio of the Empire of Ophir is now the United States.

King Zaphnath ruled Egypt from the Temple of Amon at Aravis Egypt.

King Zaphnath recorded 12 trips to Ophir that became his second Land of Egypt.

     Some Historians and some Archaeologist are aware of this information. But some Historians and Archaeologist are unaware of this information.

  The Son of the Right Hand symbol is on the bottom right side of the  Artifact.

  Then the Box above the symbol is the Semitic symbol is is the Semitic Symbol for the Ark of the Covenents.

  This is a strong indication that King Zaphnath or (Joseph) who Ruled Egypt for 48 years Ruled Egypt according to the Ten Comandments in the Bible.

  The Son of the Right Hand symbol on the right bottom corner of the Artifact is a Semitic symbol. This Semitic symbol has been found on other Artifacts in the Middle East Countries.

   This symbol meant the first son of a Mother instead of the Father. When a Father had two Wives he may had have two sons of the right hand.

   The Three Diamonds are Egyptian symbols for the greatest wealth. There are three Diamonds on his Artifact. This is a strong indication that he was the King at three locations. We think the third location was the Grand Canyon.

  Then on the top is (m) the (m) is for my which was a symbol for his Egypt. And then the umbrella shape means the Umbrella Empire of both Lands of Egypt that was established by King Zaphnath from Egypt.

   King Zaphnath wrote that he found another place for Egyptians to Farm and Mine when he was 36 years old. This researched date would be 17,44 BC.

   This Gold Artifact recovered from Burrows Cave in Illinois has been identified as a Tripod that was used to measure the degrees of the Stars with. These degrees and measurements are on the top of the Artifact.

   There are numerous other simular World Wide Artifacts for Tripods that have been used for this same purpose

    This is not the only Tripod Artifact that has been discovered here in the United States. Some Tripod Artifacts have been found in Canada also.

    These Tripods were first used for Ancient Sun Dial Calendars. Later these Tripods were used to make Ancient Maps.

  These Ancient Maps even included measurements and had the North, South, East, and West locations and the Star Degrees on the Maps.

   Beside each side the center Post of the Tripod are Six ( IIIIII’s ) which are the 12 recorded trips to Ophir or the "second Land of Egypt" that he found using a Star Tripod that was well recorded by King Zaphnath of Egypt.

   Then above the lines is a (Y) that has a large Stone Jar in it. This was the Egyptian Hierogliphic symbol for Grain Seed to be saved for the next year.

Then above Y and jar is a Sheep. Sheep were needed here to make Wool Clothes.

   And on the right side of the Center Post of the Tripod at the bottom is a Cow, then a Mountian Goat and a Bighorn Sheep at the top.

Then above the Animals are ( + + ) which means many Animals.

   It is well known by Archaelogist that these Animals came to North America from where they originated which is the Middle East Countries.

   Because there are no prehistoric bones for these Animals have ever been

found in North America by any Archaeologist that date to be over 4,000 years old.

    This Gold Coin was recovered from the Egyptian Tunnel City in Southern Illinois. The ( ^ ) or Pyramid was the Hieroglyphic Symbol for Egypt.

The ( ^II ) Symbol which means the Second Empire or both locations of Egypt.

   On the other side of the Coin is the Hieroglyphic symbol of King Zaphnath holding the Staff of the Lord.

   The Archaeological meaning of all of this Information is that King Zaphnath was the Ruler of Egypt in the two seperate locations of Egypt..

    The directions of the Boat Symbols are important also. The direction of this Boat Symbol is for going back to Egypt.

   This Artifact that was removed from Burrows Cave in Illinois is for King  ^ VID 4 r ( CIu ) which was easy for the Archaeologist to identifie.

   The  ( CIu ) indicates that King ^ VID 4 only Ruled Aztlan of Ophir which was the second Land of Egypt for some one else in their absence, because the (^II) symbol for the both Lands of Egypt is not on his Artifact. There is not a boat anywhere on his Artifact either.

   At the bottom left bottom of the Artifact is the Semitic Son of the Right Hand symbol. The Semitic son of the Right Hand symbol meant the Birthrights and Wealth of a Mother to her first born Son had passed to him.

  Then the Rectangle Box to the right was the symbol for the Ark of the Covanents which means that he Ruled according to the Ten Comandments.

   This information was wrote in the original first Armenian Semitic Language of Armen that was almost identical to the present English Language.

  King VID 4’s face structure is simular to King Zaphnath’s face structure.

  This Artifact that was found in Burrows Cave by the Smithsonian Archaeologist was identified as a Artifact for Imhotep IV.

   The Semitic Family of Imhotep was first recorded in 2650 BC. in Shemau before Shemau was renamed to Egypt. ( A L ) was their Family symbol for a ( King of the Land.)

    The Pyramid on the front of his Crown is the Symbol of the Imhotep Family that had Pyramids on the front of their Crowns in Egypt also.

  On the right bottom is a small (x) and the small Semitic ( Son of the Right Hand ) symbol is turned sideways on his Artifact.

   On the Top of his Artifact is the (^II) symbol that means that he Ruled both locations of Egypt.

    The the ( 4 + A L ) means that he was Imhotep the fourth Imhotep King of both Lands of Egypt.

     This Stone Artifact for a Imhotep was recovered  from Burrows Cave in Illinois.

Imhotep was a wealthy high ranking Egyptian, but he was not a King.

                            The (^II) is not on his Artifact.

A Pyramid on his Head Wear is Simular to the Pyramid Head Wear of the Imhotep Family that built 18 Pyramids in Egypt.

His face strucure is also simular to Artifacts for the Imhotep Family in Egypt also.

This Gold Artifact that was recovered from Burrows Cave was identified as a Artifact for King Soloman who Ruled Judia from 970 BC to 931BC.

  There is a lot of recorded information about King Solomon. However very little of this recorded information is in the Bible. There is no doubt about the identifcation of this Artifact.

   Burrows Cave is the lost Tomb of King Solomon that was not ever found until the discovery of Burrows Cave.

   He was the highest Ranked King in all locations of the his Empire which at that time, that included Judia, Egypt, and Ophir which is well recorded information.

  All of the symbols on this Gold Artifact are the well recorded symbols for King Solomon.

  The (^II) symbol for a King who Ruled both locations of Egypt is on the left bottom of his Gold Artifact.

        The (M) which meant ( m+y ) is on the bottom of his Artifact also.

   The three lines (III)’s near the bottom of the Artifact mean three trips that King Soloman made to Aztlan of the Empire of Ophir.

  King Solomon kept this location unknown from his Enemies to Mine Gold, Silver and Dimonds.

1 Kings 9:26 And king Solomon made a navy of ships in Eziongeber, which is beside Eloth, on the shore of the Red sea, in the land of Edom.

  There were several Artifacts for King Solomon found in Ohio, Michigan, and New Mexico.

But this Gold Artifact from Burrows Cave is the only known Artifact for the exact Face structure of King Solomon that has been found anywhere.

   Burrows Cave in Illinois is the lost Tomb of King Solomon.

    This Artifact that was removed from Burrows Cave in Illinois was identified as a High Preist named Arkca III.

  All Temple Preist tied their Hair in this Hair style to be be identifed as Preist. Later Christian Preist trimed and tied their in this same way to be identified as Christian Preist.

The writing on his Artifact is in the Berber writing style of Mauretania which was North Africa instead of being wrote in the Hebrew or the early Latin Language.

  The Berber Language was little changed from the first original Armenian Semitic Language in Atlantis and the Alphbetical leters were little changed also.

ArKcA III was wrote with the first letter being a Capital letter and the last letter being a Capitial letter also.

  King Solomon had Temple Preists at all the locations where his Queens Ruled for Him.

    It is well recorded that not any of the Temple Preist for King Solomon were of Hebrew decent.

    This Artifact that was recovered from Burrows Cave  was identified as being a Artifact for handsome King Archilles who was known as Achilles the Viper to the Trojans.

The writing on the Artifact begins on the right as BaS. ( BaS ) was the Greek Word for a King.

Then to the left is the word AhKeLS. ( AhKeLS ) transalates to Achilles in the English Language.

Then to the left the word VPEO transalates to Viper in the English Language.

In 1194 BC King Achilles and his Generals, Menesthius, Eudorus, Peisander, Phoenix and Alcimedon, went to Troy in 50 Boats to expand his Empire.

King Achilles was wounded in the Heel of his Foot with a Poison Arrow.

The wound would not heal and King Achilles was carried to the Isle of Lemnos where he died.

  Alexander Ptolemy III, the Great, recorded finding the Tomb of his Hero and Ancestor King Achilles at the Isle of Lemnos.

  He loaded his Cript onto his Ship to be relocated to Egypt. But he came here first and died. Burrows Cave was the final Tomb of King Achilles.

    This Artifact that was recovered from Burrows Cave  was identified as a Artifact for Ptolemy Solter I.

   On the left Picture which is the front of the Artifact is the ( ^II ) which means he Ruled both locations of Egypt.

   On the back side of the Artifact which is the Picture on the right,was wrote; iure lupiter, iugi, et Pateriu, effigiueti, Polte Gipti.

Transalated to English: Sworn by Jupiter to the Summit of his forefathers, the living image of Ptolemy of Egypt.  Ptolemy Solter I  was Alexander’s 1/2 Brother.

   All ll of Alexander’s Rulers at different locations were not Ptolemies.

Ptolemy Solter I recorded that Alexander Ptolmey III sent him back to Egypt to to Rule Egypt for him.

  Then he left  the second Land of Egypt and went to Alexandra Egypt.

   He expected some rebellion when announced that he was the Satrap of the Egyptian Empire of Alexander.

   But Perdiccas had Spies in Alexandria Egypt and knew that Alexander had been absent from Alexandria Egypt since 321 BC.

  And Perdiccas was trying to invade Egypt from the upper Nile Region from Babylon.

   But when Ptolemy Solter I and his Army came near to Perdiccas and his Army, Perdiccas was murdered in his tent by two of his subordinates.

Ptolemy Solter I immediately crossed the Nile, and gave supplies to his Army.

   Ptolemy Solter I was consistent in his policy of first securing a power base, while never succumbing to the temptation of risking all to succeed his 1/2 brother Alexander Ptolemy III in Egypt.

   In 318 BC Ptolemy Solter I anounced that he was the new Satrap of Egypt.

    Ptolmey Solter II in the 2nd Land of Egypt brought the Mummie of Alexander’s Body  to Alexandria Egypt and built a Shrine for his Gold Cript to be placed in.

  This Artifact from Burroes Cave is for Mark Antony, who was a  politician and general. As a military commander and administrator, he was an important supporter and loyal friend  Julius Ceasar.

    Florus a Roman wrote wrote that both Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII commited sucide in 30 BC at Alexandria Egypt which has been proved to have been totally incorrect and impossable.

   Cleopatra VII in October 41 BC went to Tarsus from Rome. There Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII formed an alliance. They then went to Rome and Mark Antony became the Triumvir for Julius Ceasar and fell in love with Cleopatra VII.

     On 25 December 40 BC, Cleopatra gave birth to Twinsfathered by Mark

Antony, who were named Alexander Helios III and Cleopatra Selene II that were born in Rome.

  After Ceasar’s assassination, in 44 BC,  Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII left Rome and went to a unkown location for their safety. Thereafter the Romans did not ever learn where they were at.

  In September 36 BC Cleopatra had Son that was namedPtolemy Philadelphus fathered by Mark Antony. He was born here in the 2nd Land of Egypt.

    Burrows Cave in Illinois is the lost Tomb of Mark Antony.

   This Gold Coin was in the burial Cript is for Prince Alexander Helios that was in Burrows Cave. The (^II) the symbol for a King of both Lands of Egypt is on the top of the Coin.

The researched Heli or Greek (Helios) sun symbol meant, "Light of the World".

   On right side of the Gold Coin is the Heli or the Greek (Helios) symbol of the Sun. The Sun was the symbol for the entire Heli or Greek (Helios) Family.

   The name was Heli in the Aramiac Language of Judia, but the same family name was Helios in the Ptolmic Greek Language of the Greek Ptolmies.

    This Artifact that was recovered from Burrows Cave was identified as Prince Alexander Helios at age 22 from the writing on the Artifact. Born in Rome in 40 BC and died here in the second Land of Egypt in 39 AD.

  The Sun symbol for Heli or Helios are on all Artifacts for most members of the of the King Alexander Heli II  Family of Judia.

   His Grandfather was Alexander Helios III of Judia who was also recorded as Heli in the Bible.  He only went to School at Alexandria Egypt.

There were numours Artifacts for him in Burrows Cave which was also his Tomb.

   His parents made him the co- ruler of Armenia, Media, Parthia of the Ptolmey Empire.

   On a Tablet was wrote, the handsome white Helios, called the rightous one by the People.

   King Alexander Heli II of Judia ruled Judia from Nazareth.

  Heli in the Bible was the recorded Great Grandfather of Prince Alexander Helios.

Prince Alexander Helios added 60 Ships to the joint Navy of his Mother who also built more Ships for a total 180 Navy Ships including the Ships of King Juba Heli II.

  This Artifact from Burrows Cave was identified as Lux Heli or (Helios). She was the second Wife of Prince Alexander Helios.

     Luxan Ptolmey or Luke in the Bible was her Brother.

  The reading on the Artifact is ( Lux Nupta Helion ). The translation is Light married to Helios. Her recorded maidian name Lux Ptolmey.

The researched meaning of the Helios (Sun) symbol meant,

"Light of the World".

  She was born at Cyrene Mauretania in 38 BC and died here in the 2nd of Egypt in 44 AD.

   She had meet Prince Alexander Heli or (Helios) at the Philocrates Temple in Alexandria Egypt which was a  Boarding School.

  This Artifact from Burrows Cave was identified as a Artifact for Luxan Ptolmey. On the right side of the Artifact are the four ( YYYY )’s. This word was  "yhwh". Luxan Ptolmey became Luke a Apostle for Christ.

  This Artifact from Burrows Cave was identified  as Cleopa Selene Heli or ( Cleopatra Selene I ) of the Alexander Ptolemy  Heli Family. The Sun symbol for the King Alexander Heli II family of Judia is on the left top of her Artifact.

  She was the recorded Mother of, Queen Cleopatra Ptolmey Philopater VII.

Her Brother was also Joseph in the Bible.

   The ( ^II ) symbol is at the bottom right of her Artifact that means that

she was came here and may have even been a co-ruler at some time.

She also was decended from  King Zaphnath Pa’aneah from Aravis Egypt.

  And then long and short lines are the numbers of her repeated Ancesters that had repeated over and over again from Grandparents to Grandchildren to her from her Ancesters here at the second Land of Egypt.

King Solomon was one of her recorded Ancestors that had Ruled his Empire from here.

   On the bottom of her Artifact is a circle with (-) in the circle that meant One.

   On the left side of her Artifact is (S)  and (A) with a line drawn thru the (A) and on the top is the Sun symbol for the Heli or the (Alexander Ptolmey Heli Family)

  Luke 3: 23 And Jesus himself was about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, who was the son of Heli.

   King  Juba Heli II also recorded bringing Cleopa Selene Heli to a Land that was unknown to the Romans and Jews.

  This Artifact that was removed from Burrows Cave by Russell Burrows has been identified as a Artifact for Crice Heli from Nazareth.

   Luke 3: 23 And Jesus himself was about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, who was the son of Heli

     This Artifact that was recovered from Burrows Cave was identified as  King Ptolemaeus I who was born here in the 2nd Land of Egypt in 26 BC.  He becamed  the King of Mauretania from (1 BC to 40 AD). 

   He had Co-Ruled with his Father King Juba Heli II until he wanted to retire.

  He was a son of Cleopatra Selene II and King Juba Heli II and also wrote Books. He recorded that he became a Christian and wrote that his Grandmother Cleopatra VII and her entire Family became Christians.

   On the right side of his Artifact is a Ship. It is unsual that the Helios sun symbol is not on his Artifact. Like his Father King Juba Heli II he loved the Sea and liked to travel.

  King Ptolemaeus I fell foul of Rome, because of the economic power that Mauritania had become, but he prevented a War.

  He got some Egyptian Ptolmey Flags by the Authority of his Uncle Alexander Helios III and placed more of his Navy Ships that had Egyptian Flags at his Sea Ports of North Africa.

  He also traded more with the Viking Mertz Erin the King of Norway who also fell foul of Rome. He and Mertz Erin became Allies.

  He traded Grain Gold and Animal Skin Sails to King Mertz Erin for Iron and Musical Instruments that had the first Metal Strings. King Mertz Erin put the Sails on his Ships and invaded Normany. The Romans did not dare to do anything about this.

   This Pyramid Mound is in Ohio. Several Artifacts for King Solomon and Christ have been found in Ohio. Even though this is Egyptian style Pyramid,

Archaeologist have named the Pyramid a Indian Mound.

Ancient Egyptians, Burrows Cave Illinois

    Historians and Archeaologist have identified this Gold Artifact from Burrows Cave.

   Each Egyptian Ruler had a seprate Hieroglyph symbol. This is the Hieroglyph that King Zaphnath chose for himself.

    Shu was the Egyptian name for a Crocodile in Egypt at that time.

Shu the (Crocodile) was the symbol that King Zphnath chose. This was the first known Crocodile Hieroglyph symbol for any King in Egypt.

   This same Hieroglph was found at the Aravis Egypt Ruins for King Zaphnath.

King Zaphnath is holding the Staff of the Lord.

   Then on the bottom right is ( – ) which meant number one.

Next above the (-) is one X this Gold Artifact. X is the Symbol for First or Father.

   Then above the (X) is the Diamond  which meant greatest of wealth.

Then above the (X) is the ( ^II ) Symbol which is for the 2nd land of Egypt.

  Then above is the elongated ( W ) symbol. The W symbol meant a large body of Water or the Ocean.

   Then above the (W) seems to be a Land mass with a River in the center of it.

  King Zaphnath was known to be a wise King in Egypt and knew that Shu the Crocodile symbol was a more powerfull symbol than the the Bird symbols of the Pharaoh’s of Egypt were.

   And he knew that he would be worshiped as a very powerfull God by the Egyptians that were not of Semitic decent.

  This very same Symbol was found in the Ruins of the Temple of Amon at Aravis Egypt which was the location that King Zaphnath was the King of Egypt for 48 tears.

   King Zaphnath was also a writer. His Grandson Asrael was the next King of Egypt. Asrael was a writer also. Like King Zaphnath, Asrael was known by another Egyptian in their own Language. Asrael was King Maaibre Shushi.

   Maaibre Shushi meant, " Son of Shu" in their Egyptian Language.

His Grandson, Salitis Maaibre was the next Crocodile King of Egypt  was a writer too.

    This Artifact from Burrows Cave is another Stone Tripod. This is one Stone that on the Picture on the right is a Tripod with a (+) on the top of the Tripod which was the exact location mark for the the Cahokia Pyramid City in Cahokia Mounds State Park near Collinsville in Southern Illinois..

Then the left Picture is the back of the Stone that that has some Star degrees and Math for figuring the Star degrees.

   This Gold Artifact from the Egyptian Tunnel City in Illinois. Most of the Artifacts from Burrows Cave are still privately owned. A Musem for some of the Burrows is now being in Florida.

   The only Egyptian Artifacts on display in the Smithsonian Institute are Egyptian Artifacts from Egypt, and a few small Artifacts from the Grand Canyon.

  The Archaeologial meaning of the tall Image with a Crocodile shaped Head on the Left side of the Artifact, is the surpreme King of the Empire Symbol and the rest of the Artifact describes his Empire.

  In the middle of the Artifact is the (^II) Symbol  with a Circle around the Symbol.

  The  ( ^II ) was a symbol that he Ruled both Egypt by the Nile River and the second Land of Egypt here at the Hio River also.

   Shu the Crocodile God was the most feared Animal in Egypt and became the Egyptian Hieroglyph for most powerfull Semitic Kings and Rulers of Egypt.

   All of the Pharaoh’s of Egyptian decent in Egypt had Bird Higroglyphic symbols instead of the Crocodile symbols of the recorded Semitic Canaanite Kings of Egypt.

       This Artifact that was recovered from Burrows Cave  is one of the Stone Maps for the Hio River that is now named the Mississippi River. The Archaelogist consider this a important Artifact.

      The Hio River was the name of this River that was recorded in Ancient

Atlantis Books.

On the right side of the Map is ( FxI ). (FxI) was the first Egyptian Cave in Tennessee.

   (F) also meant Family in the Armenian Semitic Language of Armen that King Zaphnath spoke and wrote.

   He could also speak the Egyptian Language, but he only wrote in the Semitic Armenian Language of Shem.

  Then the (ITIT) is where some Ancient Copper Mines were located in Ohio.

Then on the left side of the Map is  (ITII ) where the Diamond Mines  in Arkansas are located.

  Then on the top left the (X) is the Location of the Egyptian Tunnel City in Illinois.

   The (o’s) are where the Egyptian Dirt Pyramids were located here at the time of this Artifact from Burrows  Cave. There were more later Artifacts that had more of the later Egyptian Pyramids near the River.

   Burrows Cave was a burial Tomb that had 12 Cripts in the Cave. There were also Five Statues in the Cave.  But more burial Cripts were found when the blocked Tunnels were opened.

    There are now many Ancient Egyptian Artifacts from the Skillet Fork Cavern Complex that still are not on Public Display at the Smithtonian Institute in Washington DC even though they were found by Smithsonian Archaeologist.

  These Gold Artifacts were in one of the Cripts for One of the Kings from the Egyptian Tunnel Tomb in Southern Illinois.

   His Name and Family Genaeology is on the Gold Coffin Artifacts. The (^II) Symbol for the 2nd Land if Egypt is the Top Artifact on the Right side.

   The Egyptian Gold Coin for his  Empire is on the Center Right.

Two Diamonds and the Semitic Symbol for a Son of the Right Hand is the Bottom Right Artifact of this Picture.

   This Artifact recovered from Borrows Cave in Illinois was identified as being information for King Soloman.

   At bottom right is 7-K which meant the 7th Empire location for King Solomon which he did record at other places in Ophir.

    The tilted Pyramid on the Artifact is the Legal Ring Seal Stamp that King Solomon used.

Then a Arrow points to the large Star of David. The large Star of David was King Solomon’s symbol for Judia.

   This Star symbol has been found on Artifacts in other places where King Solomon Ruled Ophir from .

And to the left of the Arrow under the Star of David is the (O) with a ( I ) in the center of the O was King Solomon’s symbol for the King of Ophir when he was the King of Ophir.

   Then under the O is the F that is turned backwards with three lines instead of two lines. This was the Word (He) in one Language and (Window) in another Language.

               This was the Semitic symbol name for King Solomon.

   This Gold Artifact that was removed from Burrows Cave was identified as being for Queen Naamah who was King Solomon’s first wife.

Queen Naamah is wearing a Dress and is standing at the Door of the Temple

holding the Staff of the Lord in one Hand.

All of Queen Naamah and King Solomon’s writings were wrote in the first original Armenian Semitic Language named the Armen Language. The Armenian Language can be easy as ( Armen+ian).

   The first writings in the Language that have been preserved in the Atlantis Books are now over 4,120,147 years old which were the Solar Sun Dial Calendar dates.

   These first dates for the Armen Language were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls information in 1946 in Quram Caves in Palestine.

The Armenian Language is the oldest written Language of the World.

King Solomon was educated at the Temple of Amon at Saqqara Egypt.

   Saqqara Egypt was also Ophir at that timeand was where the King gave Solomon his daughter Naamah after Solomon prepared a meal that pleased the Cannanite King of Egypt.

On the left bottom of the Artifact is the ( F ) that meant Family in the Armenian Language,

Then above the (F) is a ( Q ) which was the first letter of the word ( Q-N ) which was pronounced as ( Queen )

Then above the (Q) is the Ring Seal that Queen Naamah used for her Legal Documents.

Then above Her Ring Seal is N which was the last letter for (Q-N) which completed the word that meant Queen.

Then above this is a Box without a top and a line from the bottom of the Box. This was the Semitic symbol for first born daughter.

   This symbol is upside down when compared to the male Symbol for a first born Son that does not have line in the open part of the Box.

Then above that symbol is a Arrow pointing to a ( M ) which was the symbol for me. (M+e)

  The F for family on the Artifact is a strong Archaeological indication that King Solomon, Queen Naamah and their Children all came to the 2nd Land of

Egypt which was Ophir during the time of King Solomon.

  However only their first born son Rehoboam and a daughter was recorded in Judia by the Jewish Scribes.

   Burrows Cave in Illinois is the lost Tomb of Queen Nammah.

    This Artifact that was removed from Burrows Cave in Illinois was identified as as a Hittite General because he was wearing a Hittite style Helmet that Hittite Generals wore.

   On the left side of the Artifact a ( T ) which probally meant Top. Then above the T is the tilted Pyramid Legal Ring Seal symbol that King Solomom used.      

            The at the top left is a Diamond which meant wealth.

   After the Hittite and Assryian Peace Treaty was signed in Egypt in 1259 BC, any King was permited to hire Hittite Generals and their Army East of the Jordan River.

    Both King David and King Soloman had Hittite Generals and Armies.

    This Artifact that was recovered from Burrows Cave in Illinois was easy to identifie.

BaS ALeKhS u PLeO, was wrote the Artifact.

   This is a Artifact for Alexander Ptolmey III. He was the Son of King  Philadelphus Ptolmey II and his 2nd Wife Cleopatra. King Philadelphus Ptolmey was King Philip in the Bible.

  In 331 BC, Alexander Ptolemy III only spent nine months in Egypt, and during that time he conquered the Country, had himself named King Alexander of Egypt and started thePtolemaic dynasty in Egypt. He then left Egypt.

   He knew about Atlantis from his Atlantis Books. He wrote that he wanted to see where his earliest known Ancester Shem had lived which was at the Oasis of Eden in Atlantis.

The Oasis of Eden is in Arizona. And Atlantis is now North America which did not sink into the Ocean as the Romans wrote.

  He had the information for King Zaphnath and knew King Zaphnath of Egypt was one of his Ancesters also.

  One of Alexander’s favorite Books was named ( The Iliad ) which was wrote about King Achilles a Ancestor of his Mother Cleopatra.

   He was known to use this Book often during his Campains for information

about the Battles won by King Achillies.
  When Philodelpus II married Cleopatra in 355 BC, his first wife Olympias was outraged and took her Daughter Thessaloniki to Epirus and she did not return until after King Philip was killed in a War with the Greeks.
  The evidence that was found here in Burrows Cave in Illinois speaks for itself.

    Difficult as it may be for us to accept, Alexander did not die in Babylon as was writen.

This Cave in Illinois is undoubtedly the lost Tomb of Alexander the Great and for many  of his lineal descendants.

  Alexander Ptolemy III, was at the Oasis of Eden in Arizona when he developed a Fever that lasted for 12 days before he died. Some of his last words were recorded.

    "I am dying from the treatment of too many physicians".

"I would rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent than in the extent of my powers and dominion".

   "In faith and hope the world will disagree, But all mankind’s concern is charity".

   "Remember upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all".

"There is nothing impossible to him who will try".

    "A tomb now suffices he for whom the whole world was not sufficient".

These last words that Alexander Ptolemy III spoke here at the (second Land of Egypt) was recorded in writing by  Ptolemy Solter II, who was with Alexander when he died here.

There were several Artifacts for Ships from Burrows Cave in Illinois. Cleopatra VII, Juba Heli II, and Prince Alexander Helios, had around 180 Ships Home Based here at one time.

   These Ships were smaller than the Roman Ships. These Ships were slender built Ships and were faster than the larger Roman Ships also. And the Sails were made out of Animal Skins so that not any wind would pass thru the Sails.

     This Gold Artifact that was recovered from Burrows Cave in Illinois was identified as being a Artifact for ( Queen Cleopatra Ptolmey Philopater VII  )

      Burrows Cave in Illinois is the lost Tomb of Queen Cleopatra Ptolmey Philopater VII. She did not commit sucide at Alexandria Egypt.

  The Romans knew very little about her because she was very secretive for her own safety.

   Almost everything that the Romans recorded about her was incorrect.

She was born 69 BC and died 32 AD as recorded by all members of her Family.

   Cleopatra VII was the Child of Cleopa Selene Heli of Judia and King Ptolmey XII Auletes of Egypt.

Cleopa Selene Heli was the daughter of Heli in the Bible. His Ptolmey Greek name was Alexander Helios II who was the King of Judia until he was killed in Judia by the Romans in 36 BC.

      Cleopa Selene Heli had been sent to Alexandria Egypt to be educated and meet Ptolmey XII Auletes in Egypt.

   This Gold Artifact and her Jewlery was in her burial Cript here in Burrows Cave. Burrows Cave is the location of her lost Tomb.

    Cleopatra Ptolmey VII originally ruled jointly with her father as a teenage girl with the rest of her siblings, Ptolemy XII Auletes, and later with her Sisters, Arsinoe IV and her BrothersPtolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV and first co-ruled with them at Edfu Egypt.

  She was married as per Egyptian Ptolemy custom to her Brothers at birth, who were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV

  But these were were only Legal mariages to consolidate power and wealth and there were no Children.

  The entire time that she was in Egypt she was a young Girl at Edfu Egypt.

     In 58 BC, Ptolemy XII Auletes and Cleopatra VII and Arsinoe IV fled to Rome in search of political and military aid against Cleopatra VI Tryphaena, who had become far too powerful.

After Tryphaena’s death in 57 BC, she at age 20 became the co- ruler of Egypt from Rome due to her father’s absence in Egypt, and with him and Cleopatra VII in Rome, she had no worry about being overthrown or overpowered and executed.

   She did not ever return to Egypt. Then her Brothers Ptolemy XIII and Ptolmey IV ruled Egypt for her in Alrxandria Egypt until 15 BC.

   When Julius Ceasar was killed in 44 BC, both Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony left Rome for their safety. After this date the Romans did not ever learn where they were.

   But only a very few Historians have learned this recorded information because almost everything that the Romans wrote about her was incorrect.

   Burrows Cave was the lost Tomb of Queen Cleopatra Ptolmey Philopater VII.

More Artifacts and information for her were found in her burial Cript.

  There are a number of incorrect stories about Cleopatra that were wrote by the Romans that did not ever know about the 2nd Land of Egypt and knew very little about her. There are only three correctly identified Artifacts for her.

   And there are numerous Bust in Musems that are for her Daughter Cleopatra Selene II that are incorrectly identified Artifacts that are being displayed as Cleopatra VII which is no less than shamefull to her also.

   150 years after Mark Antony’s Army and her Armey defected to Octavain at Alexandria Egypt.  Florus a Roman wrote a book named Epitome de T. Livio Bellorum omnium annorum DCC Libri duo, which was primiarly a Fictional Book and he became wealthy because of his Book.

   The Book was wrote in a bombastic boasting style about the greatness of the first Roman Rulers.

   He wrote that Cleopatra commited sucide on August 12, 30 BC by letting a Asp Snake bite her on her Breasts at Alexandria Egypt. But that was totally incorrect and impossable.

Because Queen Cleopatra VII was not even in Egypt in 30 BC, she was in Rome.

    And her daughter Cleopatra Selene II, her Grandson Ptolemaeus I, and King Juba Heli II, recorded in their Books that Cleopatra died a natural death in 16 AD instead of 32 BC at the age of 85 here in the 2nd Land of Egypt instead of 32 BC as Florus wrote in his Book.

  But modern Encylopedias are still Publishing the incorrect information that Florus wrote for Queen Cleopatra VII as being her correct History.

   It is a Historical disgrace the amount of incorrect History that has been published for Queen Cleopatra Ptolmey Philopater VII.

   This Artifact from Burrows Cave was identified as a Artifact for

Ptolemy Philopator Philometor Caesar XV  ( June 23, 47 BC – July 23, AD )

who was the Son of Julius Ceasar and Cleopatra VII.

The Romans knew very little about him because in 44 BC he left Rome with Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII at age three and the Romans did not even know what he looked like when he grew into a Man..

  And thereafter Romans did not ever learn where he was at. Almost everything that the Roman writers wrote about him has been proved to have been incorect.

    Ptolmey Ceaser was born in 47 BC in Rome, His Father was Julius Ceasar, He was nicknamed Caesarion which means "little Caesar."

   150 years after Mark Antony’s smaller Army defected to Octavain in Alexandria Egypt, Florus wrote a Book.

    Florus who was  primarily a Roman Fictional Writer wrote,  on August 23, 30 BC,  Ptolmey Ceasar was killed on the orders of Octavian Augustus in Egypt.

    This information is totally incorrect. Ptolmey Ceasar was not in Egypt in 30 BC. He was in India in 26 BC. Because his Father Julius Ceasar was assassinated, he used the name ofPhilopator Philometor and stopped using his last name Ceasar.

And his lost Tomb is Burrows Cave in Illinois.

   Cleoptra Selene II was born on Dec. 25, 40 BC. She was born here in the second land of Egypt. Her Father was Mark Antony. Her Twin Brother was Prince Alexander Helios.

   She married Prince Juba Heli II who became the King of Mauretania and recorded that she loved to travel with him.

   Many Copies of her Bust have been made but they are all on display in Musems as Cleoptra Ptolmey VII instead of Cleoptra Selene II which is a disgrace to both of them.

   Several of the Prince Alexander Helios III and Cleopatra Selene II Coins were found in Burrows Cave in both of their burial Cripts.

   On 25 December 40 BC, Cleopatra gave birth to Twinsfathered by Mark

Antony, who were named Alexander Helios III and Cleopatra Selene II that were born here in the 2nd Land of Egypt.

         They had Minted Silver Coins together as Co-Rulers of Egypt and the other Lands of the Ptolmey Empire.

      King  Juba Heli II, has been indentified. The Artifact is from Burrows Cave.

  On the right top of the Artifact is the Heli Sun symbol of the Alexander Ptolemy Heli Family.

    There is a lot of recorded history For King Juba II. 52 BC to 23 AD.

He married Cleopatra Selene II who was the Twin Sister of Prince Alexander Helios.

   He was the Prince of Mauretania when the married Cleopatra Selene II. He meet her at the Boarding School in Alexandria Egypt. He was very educated and wrote 52 Books.

    Cleopatra Selene II was the daughter of Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony.

                      Mauretania was most of North Africa at that time.

   Juba was a name that had passed from Grandfather to Grandson for numerous Generations.

    King  Juba Heli II recorded numerous trips transporting Grain and Metals from here to Egypt, Rome, Greece, India, Judia, and the Land of Erin, now Norway and Great Britian).

  His Boat was being loaded with Olive Oil, Wine, and Wool at Port Jappa in Judia shortly after Christ was crusified.

  He recorded that he hid Philip, Luke, and Cleopa Selene Heli on his Boat and brought them here for safety.

  Philip was his Brother in Law. Luke was the Brother of his Sister in Law Lucy Helios.

   And Cleopa Selene Heli was the Grandmother of his Wife Cleopatra Selene II.

Not either the Jews or Romans knew where the 2nd Land of Egypt was located or that it even exsited.

  This Artifact from Burrows Cave was identified as a Artifact for Ptolmey Philadelphus Heli. The Heli or (Helios) Sun symbol is on the top right of his Artifact.

  In September 36 BC Cleopatra had Son that was named Ptolemy Philadelphus fathered by Mark Antony. He was born here in the 2nd Land of Egypt.   He was sent to a boarding School in Alexandria Egypt.

   He meet Crice Heli or (Christ) at the Philocrates Temple which was the name of the Religious School in Alexandria Egypt.

  They both spoke the same Language and learned that they were 2nd Cousins.

   He became the Egyptian Ptolmey Ambassador in Judia and then Philip a Disciple of Christ instead of becoming a Co- Ruler of the Ptolmey Empire.

   He was also a writer. He wrote a book named "Philocrates" when he was the Egyptian Ambassador in Judia. He aslo wrote a Book named the "Trial of Crice Heli"

If you look at Cahokia, Cairo, IL., Etowah Pyramids in Ga, Just to name a few they are very simular.

   Monks Temple Pyramid is located in the Cahokia Mounds City in Cahokia Mounds State Park near Collinsville in Southern Illinois.

   It is over 108 feet high and has a 16 Acre Base. Not any Pyramids in Egypt have a base this large.

   It was built with hard packed Clay Brick Blocks  but most of the Clay

Brick Blocks have turned back into Dirt.

    Constuction begain on the inner City around 10,000 BC and continued in seprate stages until the City reached a population of around 15.000 in around 400 BC.

   Then constuction begain for the outer Area until the total population reached around 40,000 by 1500 AD and then the construction stopped.

  At the top of Monks Temple Pyramid is evedence of a large Wooden Building 105-feet long, and 48 feet wide that was the Temple and Home of the City’s rulers," The Great Kings."

  There is a undergound Room 23 feet deep under the surfice of the Pyramid located 200 feet South of the North Rim of the Pyrmid.

   The Pyramid City was over 6 square Miles in size and had 120 more Smaller Pyramids.

    On top of part of the other smaller Pyramids were Schools and Temples where School Tablets Religious Artifacts have been found. The Children were well educated.


Ancient Egyptian, Discoveries in America

   In 1982, Russell Burrows found Burrows Cave somewhere along the Skillet Fork Canyon of the Little Wabash River in Southeastern Illinois.

   But this was not a Cave, it was the caved in entrance to a Man made Tunnel in the Cave.

  The Tunnel is over Five Hundred feet long with some caved in seperate Cross Tunnels caused by Earthquakes going to large Man made Rooms.

   It was learned that for several years that Russell Burrows had sold around Fifteen Million Dollars of Gold. that was traced to his Checking Accounts in the United States

When the Smithsonian Institute learned of the discovery from a Gold Dealer that wanted to sell Egyptian Artifacts to the Institue, Skillet Fork was Blocked to the Genaral Public and guarded to perserve the Artifacts.

  At last account the Smithsonian Archaelogist Team has found over 4,100 Stone and Gold Artifacts and 12 Mummies. Some of the findings are already on display at the Smithtonian Instute in Washington DC.

  This is the largest discovery in the United States for American History. There are enough Artfacts found at the Site to for the Smithtonian Archaeologist to estimate the Egyptians arived here somewhere around 16,00BC to 18,00 BC.

  But King Zaphnath who was Joseph in the Bible wrote that he found another good place for Egyptians to Farm and Mine when he was 36 years old. This date would be 1744 BC.

G. E Kincaid served in the Marine Corp. After retiring he worked for S. A. Jordan.

  S. A Jordan was sent to the Grand Canyon by the Smithsonian Institute to investigate the information that Egyptians had been in the Grand Canyon that was reported by John Westly Powell as a Archaelogist.

  The first report of the Egyptian Tunnel Cities in the Grand Canyon to the Smithsonian Instution was by John Westly Powell.

  John Westly Powell and his Survey Employees  Surveyed the Grand Canyon from 1872 to 1896

  John Westly Powell was employed The United States Geological Survey (USGS) which is a Scientific Survey agency of the United States Government.

He was the the first person to record the entire Grand Canyon for the United States Government.

  John Westly Powell entered into a Cave in the Grand Canyon that was named Powell Cave.

In his report  to the Government, he estimated that upwards of 50,000 Egyptians had lived in the Grand Canyon at one time.

   Grand Canyon National Park was named an official National Park in 1919.

The National Park Service has a Policy of preserving the History of Native American Indians when establishing Parks.

The Hopi Indians lived on the North Kiabab Rim of the Grand Canyon where the Egyptian Pyramids are located below the Rim.

   And they knew the names of the Egyptian Pyramid Temple names that are located under the North Kiabab Rim of the Grand Canyon.

  The Hopi Indians have a God named Taawa. He has a Mans Face that smiles all of the time and has a good Heart.

The Hopi Indians still use a large number of  Egyptian words in their Language.


Triple Amputee Veteran’s “Screw You” Letter To Obama Goes Viral!

Written By : Joe Wurzelbacher
May 10, 2014

Senior Airman Brian Kolfage is a United States hero. He is a triple-amputee veteran of the War in Iraq who has surpassed all odds and made the most incredible recovery of any veteran to ever survive his injuries. He is a patriot – the kind of man you want your son to grow up to be. This is his letter to Obama.

My Open Letter to Obama.


I nearly died in a war that you and most of your colleagues supported overwhelmingly, including the two presidents who came before you. Many citizens may not agree with waging war in Iraq to free the oppressed Iraqi citizens, but it’s something that warriors like myself have zero control over. I joined to serve my country and to better my life. I’ve seen things that you could never imagine, and they have made me the person I am today.

Mr. Obama, even though we share extreme opposite views, we have one thing in common, we both attended school in Hawaii. However, that’s where the similarities end. You see, as you attended your exclusive, private school, I would ride my bike to Kaimuki High school in one of the roughest areas in Hawaii every morning and would ride past Punahou, the exclusive private school you attended. I would notice the Bentleys, Maserati’s, and fancy foreign cars that all the kids were dropped off in; wow it must have been extremely rough in Hawaii living that life, right? I could only imagine what it was like to have that kind of money. Fortunately for you, not many people are aware of the school and the upper class citizens who attended it. The tuition to attend your exclusive, private school was more than it cost me to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from the University of Arizona. You talk a big game when it comes to financial inequality, yet I’m quite sure you have no idea what it’s truly like to have sacrifice. You were one of the elitist children in Hawaii.

After High School, we each chose very different paths. You were able to attend Ivy League schools, and I sought out a military career to in hopes of earning a degree. What we have in life as children usually sets the tone for what we will face later in life that will make us successful. I worked to get where I am today, and YOU WERE HANDED IT….Mr. Inequality.

I volunteered to go to Iraq on both of my deployments, and the second time I begged to go even after I wasn’t selected, which ultimately got me placed on the team where I would lose both legs and my dominant arm. I’ve never asked myself was losing 3 limbs in a war worth it, even though many Americans were against it.

I am frequently reminded of the many young Iraqi children who would beg me for water, food, and toys while I was stationed in Iraq. Children, who in all aspects made the poorest of poor American children look rich. You have no idea what it really means to be poor. It’s laughable that you, who would have no idea what it means to be poor would so frequently play the inequality card.

While I was in Iraq, our mission was to liberate the Iraqi citizens from a tyrant and that’s what we did. Never forget, it was your people who sent us there, like the Clintons, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi & Carl Levin. However, since the day you busted onto the scene you’ve been talking about ending the war and pulling the troops out, not understanding the blood sweat and tears that so many Americans and Iraqi’sinvested. And with complete disregard for every life sacrificed, every limb lost, and every broken family, you bailed on our mission to pursue an agenda that was completely centered on your re-election in 2012. If you didn’t bail on Iraq you were worried that you may not get re-elected and that’s a fact. Just before elections on Oct 11, 2012 you said “Al Qaeda is on the run and Osama bin Laden is dead.” Look at Iraq now, they are in shambles and the Al Qaeda flag is flying freely. Clearly, you’re unfit for duty as a Commander in Chief. You put your own agenda ahead of America’s agenda, and now you have single handedly ruined and destroyed nearly everything we gained in Iraq. It clearly means nothing to you, because the only thing that you’ve personally invested in that country was a promise to bail on them. However, people like me gave limbs, friends have died, and we’ve watched families destroyed by war’s aftermath.

I’m not placing blame on you for the war, I’m placing blame on you for destroying what we’ve worked so hard to build. You’re not a leader, you’re a community organizer. A leader would have stood up regardless of the situation and put America’s agenda first and that is ensuring a secure Iraq even after 10 years of war. But, you placed Barack first, just as Robert Gates confirmed in his new book. I can’thelp but think of those poor kids who I gave water and toys to 11 years ago. They’re probably 15 or 16 years old now, and I can only imagine what it’s like for them to have their nation being torn apart yet again; all because of your poor leadership qualities. Regardless of why we went to Iraq, its water under the bridge. We went there, we waged war, and we not only owed it to our KIA’s but we owed it to the citizens of Iraq. We invaded their country and turned it upside down, and you bailed on them. You bailed on our soldiers and you’ve wasted every death and every limb, it’s all for nothing. And to make matters worse you blame others for your failures.

You’re just another elitist rich thug who’s pretended to live the rough life growing up in the inner-city. You’re only worried about your own agenda and furthering your party instead of taking care of Americans. Your inability to be a leader at some of the most critical points has caused both of our wars to fail. You’ve been a joke to most of our veteran community and we have no faith in your ability to lead.

Senior Airman Ret Brian Kolfage USAF

This post was used with the permission of Joe for America.