The Jewish Plan to Force Christians to DENY JESUS CHRIST …OR DIE



The following is a series of excerpts from a website of Orthodox Jewish Lubavitch Chabad regarding their plans to force their religious belief systems on the non-Jewish world (the 7 Noahide Laws for Gentiles in this case) and important commentaries from Christian Bible Scriptures.
Lubavitch Chabad is the militant Orthodox Jewish organization that is working hard for the fulfillment of  the insidious plan to execute Christians and destroy Christianity worldwide, by the grisly method of DECAPITATION, through forcing the Jewish NOAHIDE LAWS upon non-Jews in America.
They are the ones who presented this legislation in Washington, DC. While many other Jews are working for this agenda, Lubavitch has been especially, due to the urging of their now deceased leader Menachim Schneerson. 

“The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in legislation that was passed by both houses. Congress and the President of the U. S., George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress….this Public Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day.”
This legislation makes provision for Christians and all other non-Jews in North America to be executed by beheading if they refuse to renounce their personal beliefs and come under a Jewish belief system. For Christians, this means DENYING JESUS CHRIST…or death under the Noahide Laws.

Here is what Jewish law says about this:


Noahde Laws and Decapitation For Confessing Yeshua Is MASTER: The Jewish Encyclopedia envisages a Noahide regime as possible world order immediately preceding the universal reign of the Talmud….
Under the Talmud… the worship of Jesus Christ is condemned by Judaism as idolatry.
(Enziklopediya Talmud, note 1, pages 351-352) The Talmud also states the penalty for disobedience: ‘One additional element of greater severity is thatviolation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noahide to capital punishment by decapitation’ (Sanh. 57A)
Did you see this “by decapitation,” and this is what many of the71 Kabbalist Sanhedrin today set up believe.
Talmud—Sukkah 52a: “‘With the end of free will, the opportunity to earn reward and enhance one’s portion in the world to come will also cease forever’ ”.
Maimonides Mishnah Torah, in Chapter 10 states: “`’It is a mitzvah(Commandment) however, to eradicate Jewish traitors, minim(Apostates/Traitors), and apikorsim, and to cause them to descend to the pit of destruction, since they cause difficulty to the Jews and sway the people away from God, as did Jesus of Nazareth and his students, and Tzadok, Baithos, and their students. May the name of the wicked rot’”.


No signed and passed legislation in America is ever innocuous: what the Noahide Laws legislation declares,as above, will someday be brutally enforced on the American people.

While it becomes evident by their own words in this report that they especially want to impose their Noahide Laws upon the Christians, the imposition of the Noahide Laws is by no means limited to Christians only.
The Noahide Laws can be used freely by Jews against Muslimsto force them to renounce  Islam, or against Buddhists, Hindus and other world religions that do not conform to their religious belief system under the Noahide Laws.
If Moslems, Buddhists, Hindus and other non-Jewish religious groups refuse to renounce their religious beliefs and conform to Noahide Laws and Jewish law, they will also find themselves subject to EXECUTION BY BEHEADING by the Jews under their Noahide laws. Orthodox Jews plan to impose their Noahide Laws on every nation worldwide by force, and to destroy every other religious belief system but theirs.
That includes Islam. I wonder how many Muslims throughout the world will agree to renounce Islam and embrace  the Noahide laws of the Jews or be beheaded by them…?
Frankly, millions of Christians throughout the world are weary beyond words of Jewish-originated programs of mass genocide against them, FIRST through Jewish Communism resulting in the brutal deaths of tens of millions of Christians, beginning with the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution and continuing to this day in Communist countries to this day.
And now, Jews are instigating yet another plan of persecution and mass genocide of the Christians, this time through their Noahide Laws agenda, designed to force Christians to either renounce their faith in Jesus Christ and become Noahides who are subserviant to the Jews…or suffer horrific beheading under their Noahide Laws.
And it will not stop with Christians.
Enough is enough. This time, it is the Christians’ turn, throughout North America (and the rest of the world) to now declare "NEVER AGAIN,"  and to become informed and activated against the ominous plan for worldwide genocide of the Christians (and every other non-Jewish religious group) through planned imposition and enforcement of the Jewish Noahide laws.





Evidence is repeatedly surfacing of the full intentions of the Jews to enforce their Noahide Laws legislation upon the American people, upon pain of death for non-compliance. In order to behead millions of people including Christians who will never renounce their cherished faith, you must have the tools to do this with.
The ONLY practical tool is THE MODERN GUILLOTINE. And they are HERE. Military and other sources have also confirmed the GUILLOTINES are worldwide as well.
My investigative journalism over the past 15 years has uncovered the shocking reality of modern guillotines being manufactured both overseas and imported into America (initially manufactured in both Japan and China) and now manufactured on US military bases as well, according to one military source, Staff Sergeant Donnie Boysel, training his platoon in Fort Lewis,Washington, in how to operate the modern military guillotines at the time I interviewed him personally.
From both CIA and military sources I have recieved confirmation of these modern guillotines now present throughout military bases in North America. Military sources have admitted personally to me of the secret facilities training select platoons to operate these modern military guillotines.

Military sources informed me that these modern guillotines they have are aproximately six and a half feet high with hand restraints. You can read more by going to these links:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=1db2448d0c59a407
Truckers across America have frequently confirmed transporting these guillotines by truck across the nation. Last summer, one trucker I met  in a church in western Montana admitted to me that his trucker buddies in Billings, Mt, were bringing truckloads of these modern guillotines. "My trucker buddies have been telling me they are bringing in shipments of GUILLOTINES into Billings, and they are not happy about it…" he admitted after church as we discussed NWO agendas for America.

Not happy, because news of this kind travels like wildfire all across America by word of mouth from eye-witnesses, and through the Internet, and through alternative news media. Many people who do research now know about the modern guillotines and their hidden purposes in America, including many of the truckers who frequently ship them across America.
How could truckers be "happy" about delivering modern guillotines when many now know the truth about how they will be used in the coming genocide led by the Jews and their political and military accomplices enforcing their Noahide laws???
Here from a Lubavitch website is their admitted plan for yet another Jewish-instigated revolution, once again guaranteed to bring suffering and death to countless millions (as in the Jewish Bolshevik communist revolution…)THIS time to force their Noahide laws genocide agenda  upon North America…AND SOMEDAY THE ENTIRE WORLD.
-Pamela Rae Schuffert



…G-d is giving the Jewish people a tremendous opportunity to perform mitzvos and carry out a primary goal of Torah: To elevate and bring holiness into the gentiles, preparing them for the Messianic era when "on that day Hashem will be one and His name one"—meaning that all other religions will disappear, and the entire world will learn G-d’s wisdom from the ingathered Jewish exiles in Israel, with Moshiach as the world’s king. …to bring Moshiach [Messiah] immediately….


MY COMMENTS-The "messiah" the Jews are referring to here is not Yahshua Ha’Mashiach, or Jesus the Messiah. They are referring to their anticipated NEW Jewish messiah, whom we as the true believers in the ONLY  Messiah, know to be nothing but a soul-damning deception. God never said in Holy Scriptures He would send TWO messiahs. Jesus the Christ is the FIRST AND THE LAST Messiah that God will ever send. Jesus Himself declared, "I AM the FIRST and the LAST, the ALPHA and OMEGA…."-Revelation 22:13
"all other religions will disappear…" refers also TO CHRISTIANITY . How will these Jews make "Christianity disappear?" Especially when untold MILLIONS of Christiansworldwide KNOW that Jesus is in fact the Messiah and their Savior as well, and have no intentions of renouncing Him to become Noahides instead? Simple.

The modern military guillotines to enforce the Noahide laws are now  found throughout the USA and in fact are now confirmed by CIA and military sources to be worldwide.

As I have reported for many years now, THE GUILLOTINES ARE HERE, and have been for several decades now. Mass genocide of Christians worldwide is planned by the Jews against Christians and all other Gentiles who will not submit to distinctly Jewish Noahide Laws.

These are the same Jews from whence originated bloody COMMUNISM that has destroyed tens of millions of Christians in every nation that has fallen to Communism. Christians continue to suffer and die under Communism in these nations.

The earth groans under the magnitude of innocent blood shed because of Jewish instigators and justifiers of such religious bigotry-based genocides against Christianity and non-Jews as well.

And now, the Jews will use the NOAHIDE LAWS and the modern military guillotines to continue the mass worldwide genocide of Christians and all other Gentiles who will refuse to renounce their faith AND BECOME SUBSERVIANT TO JEWS AND BECOME NOAHIDES.-Pamela Rae Schuffert


Lubavitch report continues:
Judaism has always been a conquering religion, not for the purpose of converting gentiles to become Jews, but rather with the mission of returning the world to the universal covenant between G-d and Noah. For halachic reasons too numerous and detailed to list here, gentiles today who follow Christianity, Islam, or other religions are not, for the most part, "righteous gentiles" who inherit the World to Come.
That status belongs only to those gentiles who carefully observe the Seven Laws of Noah, including following the halachic authority of the oral Torah and the rabbis.


MY COMMENT-This then is the soul-damning heresy that Lubavitch teaches, that Christians are not righteous nor will they inherit the kingdom of God ("world to come.") Yet the words of Jesus and all throughout the Christian Bible declares that Christians have been made righteous by repenting of sin and looking to Jesus the Messiah and His blood atonement to be made righteous in the sight of God. Jesus the Messiah remains the ONLY Savior of mankind, and the ONLY Messiah God will ever send to the Jews.

For a Christian to therefore to turn from Jesus Christ, their only salvation, and to DENY  JESUS CHRIST BEFORE MEN and become a Noahide instead, to avoid BEHEADING under the Noahide laws, IS AN UNPARDONABLE SIN REFERRED TO BY JESUS CHRIST WHICH WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN AND WILL RESULT IN ETERNAL DAMNATION.

Jesus declared that if a person denies Him, He will deny that person before God.

But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father who is in heaven.


Such a person forfeits eternal life and forfeits any place in "the world to come," or Kingdom of God. Such a person will face eternal judgment at the hands of a holy God, because without Jesus Christ as Savior in a person’s life, there simply is NO FORGIVENESS AND NO SALVATION.


I repeat without apology: For a Christian to deny Jesus Christ and become a Noahide instead, is to become ETERNALLY DAMNED WITHOUT HOPE.

-Pamela Rae Schuffert


Lubavitch report continues-
…Although causing the gentiles to observe the Seven Noachide Laws is itself one of the 613 mitzvos of the Torah…..
…… And as the Lubavitcher Rebbe has explained, by transforming the gentiles we can quickly create a vast army of supporters who will help us reveal Moshiach and bring all Jews back to the Torah. Specifically, the Rebbe has emphasized that the "peace process" in Israel will be defeated only through our influence on the gentiles—especially through the campaign to teach the Noachide Laws (see Sichos in English, vol. 16, [19 Kislev 5743])….
…Our most pressing task, to put it simply, is to launch

an international Noachide revolution

without delay. The process has already begun, with dozens of tiny Noachide communities having appeared throughout the United States, generally composed of former Christians who have abandoned that religion.



We as Christians must work hard to ensure that neither happens to fellow Christians.

And once again here we have evidence of yet another Jewish instigated world revolution, that will bring suffering and death to non-Jews worldwide under enforcement of their Noahide Laws.-Pamela Rae Schuffert


Lubavitch report continues-

The task of organizing


can be divided into two broad stages:
I) We must first create a new Noachide society as an international network of communities and organizations functioning inside, but separately from, the surrounding society (based on halachic requirements and directives, Noachide institutions function quite differently from their Christian and secular counterparts).
This starts with an aggressive outreach program, by Jews and Noachides alike, to teach gentiles about their responsibilities according to Torah.
Simultaneously, we must organize functioning programs and institutions that are prepared to absorb these vast numbers of ex-Christians and immediately involve them in efforts to bring Moshiach…….

2) In the second stage, the growing Noachide movement will seize political power in the capitals

of the Western nations.

This, of course, will not take place until the Noachide society has grown to some threshold size. We do not know how large this needs to be nor which nations will join the revolution first,although the United States, as a fairly religious, conservative nation, certainly tops the list of prospects.


MY COMMENT-Lubavitch has already taken full measures to force their Noahide laws agenda upon the Christians of North America. They presented the Noahide Laws to Congress and President Bush to be signed into legislation. And hidden political, military and intelligence community plus financial supporters of this "behead the Christians" agenda have worked behind the scenes to make this a terrifying reality someday in America. The presence of military guillotines and covert military training programs nationwide make this undeniably clear.-Pamela Rae Schuffert


Lubavitch article continues-

Upon seizing the reins of government, the

new Noachide leaders

will move quickly to implement a full agenda of reform……. The pre-existing Noachide judges and courts will replace the existing court system of each country, and the legal code will be drastically rewritten to conform to halacha…-End


Well, there you have it, excerpts taken directly from a Lubavitch website. Evidence by their own admission of another Jewish bloody worldwide revolution, with Jews attempting to seize power in non-Jewish nations. And once again Christians and non-Jews targeted for persecution and destruction.

No, friends and readers, this report is not "anti-Semitic:" it is simply exposing the very tragic truth that all Americans deserve to know in this desperate hour. How I wish I never had to write articles such as this. But in this hour, I cannot be silent, because…



Pamela Rae Schuffert

Israel, Noahide Laws & Christian Genocide Worldwide

The Noahide Laws concept are distinctly Jewish in origin.

The Sanhedrin who preside over the Noahide Laws (B’nei Noah) are based out of Jerusalem in the Jerusalem Court for Issues of B’nei Noahin  Israel.

The Sanhedrin have declared that ALLChristians who believe that Jesus Christ is divine and reverence Him as  the Son of God are "IDOLATERS" AND "BLASPHEMERS OF GOD", according to their 7 Noahide Laws and their interpretation of them.

However, every Bible-believing Christian believes that Jesus the Messiah is DIVINE and reverences Him as

the Son of God.
~I DO~

The Noahide Laws declare that those whobelieve the above about Jesus Christ are worthy of EXECUTION BY BEHEADING, for breaking 2 of their seven Noahide Laws. 
The Sanhedrin in Jerusalem fully agree with this and plan to uphold this.

This means the Sanhedrin based out of Jerusalem believe in and support mass Christian genocide, both in Jerusalem, throughout Israel, and in fact worldwide.
After all, they are a WORLDWIDE court. It is their full intention to impose the Noahide Laws demands upon every nation, as admitted in their literature and website.
To behead untold millions of Christians worldwide, and throughout Israel/Palestine as well, you must have practical means to fulfill this.
Such mass beheadings require the use of  THE MODERN MILITARY GUILLOTINES that I have been steadily documenting for 17 years now.
Such worldwide demands for mass executions would also require enlisting the aid of military forces worldwide as a practical measure.
There are not enough Jews in the world to enforce the Noahide Laws, without soliciting for military assistance in various nations. And that includes IN AMERICA!
The Noahide Laws in America were presented by Lubavitch Chabad in Washington DC to the Senate and House, and through deceitful efforts (as explained by former Congressman Dannemeyer) were secretly passed, and then signed into actual legislation by President G. W. Bush.
NO LEGISLATION IS WITHOUT IMPACT IN AMERICA. Such legislation, when signed, becomes binding legislation on the American people. Such deadly and outrageous legislation will therefore be enforced against the American people someday.
What legitimate place in American legislation does this dangerous, distinctly anti-American, anti-religious freedom and anti-Christian legislation have? According to our Constitution and the first Amendment, NONE!


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


It is distinctly Jewish in origin, with it’s presiding Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, Israel. Which means it is NOT American in origin, nor does it have any right to be forcibly imposed on the American people, to gravely endanger the right of religious freedoms and RIGHT TO LIFE of millions of American Christians!
YET full provision has been made in America for the Noahide Laws to be enforced, using our tax dollars and our US Military, WITHOUT THE FULL PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT of the vast majority of the American people!
And Americans who HAVEknowledge and documentation of this through various sources within the government and military, including myself, are understandably angered, and concerned for the future safety and lives of an estimated 175 MILLION Christians, whose lives remain endangered by this hostile legislation and the covert military guillotine training agenda.

WHEN will the Noahide LawsFINALLY be activated and enforced against the American people? When MARTIAL LAW is in place, and the CONSTITUTION IS ABOLISHED with it’s First Amendment rights THAT PRESENTLY RESTRAIN THE NOAHIDE LAWS FROM BEING ACTIVATED.


Since the Jews  and Sanhedrin court  based out of Jerusalem, Israel, fully intend to behead all Christian offenders under their Noahide Laws, do you think that Israel’s leaders and the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem are somehow ignorant of the modern military guillotines created only for this distinct purpose, including those military guillotines documented to be in AMERICA??

Palestinian and Israeli Christians who live in Israel must also ask:What does Israel plan to do to the Palestinian/Israeli Christians under the Noahide Laws?
What do they plan to do to all theother Christians living in Israel under the Noahide Laws?
My military sources revealed the modern guillotines are now found worldwide. And if these guillotines to fulfill Noahide Laws demands are already present in North America,would they not certainly be present in ISRAEL, from whence these Noahide Laws and their world court emanates?
Furthermore, since the Noahide Laws court is based out of Jerusalem, Israel, what role do you think Israel and her government must play in supporting the Noahide Laws?
Due to Israel’s close ties with America and the American government, including ties through their dual citizenship Congressmen and others in the American government and military (whose first loyalty is to the Jews and Israel,) plus the fact that the Noahide Laws are Jewish in origin….we are compelled to ask:
what is Israel’s hidden role in the enforcement of the coming genocide of America’s Christians under their Noahide Laws?

These are painful, yet realistic and serious questions that must be urgently asked by endangered Christians, both in America, in Israel/Palestine, and throughout the world.










Why Are Modern Guillotines on Military Bases in America?

[Editor’s Note: There is no doubt in my mind that guillotines are being stored on selected military bases in America. Pam Schuffert had first hand conversations with people who have seen them. I’m equally convinced that crematoriums have been installed on many of the larger FEMA concentration camps, both here on the mainland and in Hawaii. Pam Schuffert accurately foretold of coming events when she titled her web site "American Holocaust" from its inception in the 1990s. Ronald Reagan, New World Order Bedtime Bonzo that he was, sold us out by signing away our fate to the dictates of Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis with the Talmudic interpretation of the "Noahide Laws" enshrined in Public Law 102-14, signed in 1983 by Bonzo. This federal statutory "law", which can be invoked at any time, established the legal grounds for EXECUTION by decapitation, anyone who is found guilty of "avoda zara" (idol worship) which according to halachic Judaism authority Maimonides, includes anyone who worships Jesus Christ (source: Michael Hoffman’s impressive 2008 tome, Judaism Discovered).

I do not concur with the Christian fundamentalist belief in The End Times, the Rapture, the physical return of Christ, Armageddon, or the Millennium which I have identified as British Israel, however, I have no quarrel with those who do just as long as they aren’t aiding and abetting the New World Order, as exemplified by the so-called Christian Zionists of the John Hagee variety.

Our shamefully dumbed-down American public refuses to take these warnings seriously because they cannot imagine that the betrayal is as huge as it actually is and they are so utterly dependent on what they witness locally, meaning that since they don’t see the the 12 foot high barb wire fence around FEMA concentration camps in their neighborhoods, they must not exist and this woman is merely making up wild stories! Woe be to you Foolish America when they come for you and your family…Ken Adachi]

by Pamela Schuffert <>
February 15, 2009

Why Are Modern Guillotines on Military Bases in America? by Pam Schuffert (Feb. 15, 2009)

The GUILLOTINES (modern military/metal, both imported and made in USA, present in many of our US military bases, and also installed in certain varieties of PRISONER BOXCARS WITH SHACKLES prepositioned nationwide for martial law according to eye-witness accounts)are here for only one purpose, in today’s modern society.

They are here to fulfill the purpose of THE NOAHIDE LAWS legislation signed by George Bush Sr., as part of the procedure of implementing the coming WORLD GOVERNMENT OF ANTICHRIST (NWO), and that is TO BEHEAD ALL OFFENDERS OF THE NOAHIDE LAWS provisions for EXECUTION of people (Gentiles) guilty of "IDOLATRY" and "BLASPHEMY AGAINST GOD."

Being interpreted, "BEHEAD CHRISTIANS who believe that Jesus Christ is GOD IN THE FLESH and DIVINE."

In this day of modern technology and advanced methods of execution available, there can ONLY be one purpose for the millions of modern guillotines present not only in US military bases, but uncovered through in-depth research to be in various locations worldwide, and that is to fulfill the MANDATES OF THE NOAHIDE LAWS against those who will not conform to it’s Jewish religious dictates.

EXECUTION BY BEHEADING is dictated for those who break THREE of the 7 NOAHIDE LAWS.

CONFORM in this case means for CHRISTIANS TO RENOUNCE THEIR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST as the SON OF GOD and DIVINE…something which is utterly hated by the Jewish community and HAS been, obviously, for 2000 years now.

In fact, Bible prophecy even refers to this aspect of the coming WORLD GOVERNMENT being ANTICHRIST.

The Bible speaks in Revelation 20:4 of the souls of those who are beheaded for their witness of JESUS CHRIST and the word of God, who essentially will not go along with this satanic world government (NWO) under Satan and it’s "cashless society" and apostate antichrist religious system.

The Bible declares, in fact, that all those who are beheaded for their faith in Jesus Christ under this upcoming antichrist world system, will be resurrected to REIGN WITH JESUS CHRIST OVER THE WORLD during the genuine THOUSAND YEAR MILLENNIAL REIGN of God on the earth through His Son, Jesus Christ.(Revelation 20:4)

And speaking of "the spirit of ANTICHRIST," it ORIGINATED with the Jews 2000 years ago when Jesus Christ was rejected by His Jewish people, condemned to die on a cross, and declared to be NOT THE MESSIAH by the religious leaders of His day.

This spirit of antichrist and Jewish persecution of the Christians has continued for 2000 years now, taking various forms, most notably under the twentieth century persecution/martyrdom of millions of Christians, initiated and carried out under JEWISH BOLSHEVIK COMMUNISM.

Christians continue to this day to be persecuted, imprisoned,tortured and martyred worldwide under this ongoing communist attack against Christianity, with historically confirmed Jewish origins, founders, financial funders, and those who carry it out.

The Bible declares that this spirit of antichrist, directly under SATAN’S POWER (Revelation 13) will ultimately RULE THE WORLD completely, authorizing Christians to be PUT TO DEATH worldwide.

Enter the NOAHIDE LAWS and provision for the BEHEADING OF THOSE WHO CONFESS JESUS CHRIST, as Bible Prophecy declares is to come. And this is why UN (NWO)prisoner boxcars often have eyewitness sightings of modern guillotines installed in them, besides shackles and benches.

I personally have interviewed two people who were eye witnesses to the modern guillotines in the prisoner boxcars, Marie McCullough of SC (Christian missionary who witnessed these boxcars with 4 other people traveling with her) and Jericho of FL (former NWO agenda participant who personally confirmed to me at Bradenton Christian Retreat, FL, that the prisoner boxcars and shackles in Asheville, NC, contained NOT only shackles, but a modern guillotine in each one.)

CIA sources have also abundantly confirmed the GUILLOTINE PRESENCE in America and their NWO/Noahide Laws purposes as well.

The spirit of ANTICHRIST originated with the Jews 2000 years ago, has been passed down throughout history for 2000 years now, and IT WILL BE FULLY CULMINATED with the Jews through their antichrist world globalist (communist) government that will indeed put Christians ( and all other NWO resisters) to death…just as Bible Prophecy declares clearly.

NOAHIDE LAWS require numerous tools for MASS BEHEADINGS just for America alone. Hence, THE GUILLOTINES.

At least 80 percent of Americans claim to be "CHRISTIANS."

Well (heh-heh) we shall someday SEE just how "CHRISTIAN" these people who profess to be, REALLY ARE, as martial law is declared, the GUILLOTINES ARE PUBLICLY DISPLAYED, and supposed "Christians" (NWO resisters, etc) are arrested and lined up and the guillotine operators are crying out..


Hmmm…talking about a future separation of THE SHEEP from the GOATS. Persecution somehow always seems to do this.

The good news is, READ REVELATION 20:4. WE CHRISTIAN NWO RESISTERS WIN. SO bring on your guillotines, boyz!


-Pamela Schuffert